HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221789 Ver 1_M73_CardinalToNC_USFWS_Response_20220801_20221220Mularski, Eric From: Ellis, John <john_ellis@fws.gov> Sent: Monday, August 1, 2022 2:21 PM To: Mularski, Eric; Mann, Leigh Cc: Jacobs, Chad; Katy D Mays (Services - 6) Subject: Re: ERIC NEEDS AN UPDATE ON THE REVIEW OF THIS PROJECT Fw: [EXTERNAL] RE: Online Project Review Request Letter - DENC M-73 Cardinal to NC State Pipeline Project, Wake County, North Carolina CAUTION: [EXTERNAL] This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Eric, Thanks for the updated conclusion table. The Service concurs with the determinations. John From: Mularski, Eric <Eric.Mularski@hdrinc.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 2:08 PM To: Ellis, John <john_ellis@fws.gov>; Mann, Leigh <leigh_mann@fws.gov> Cc: Jacobs, Chad <chad.jacobs@hdrinc.com>; Katy D Mays (Services - 6) <katy.d.mays@dominionenergy.com> Subject: RE: ERIC NEEDS AN UPDATE ON THE REVIEW OF THIS PROJECT Fw: [EXTERNAL] RE: Online Project Review Request Letter - DENC M-73 Cardinal to NC State Pipeline Project, Wake County, North Carolina Hi John, Please find the revised species conclusions table. Let me know if you need anything else. Thank you, i.i.Aiarski, Pws D 704-973-6878 M 704-806-1521 hdrinc.com/follow-us From: Ellis, John <john_ellis@fws.gov> Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 10:26 AM To: Mularski, Eric <Eric.Mularski@hdrinc.com>; Mann, Leigh <leigh_mann@fws.gov> Cc: Jacobs, Chad <chad.jacobs@hdrinc.com>; Katy D Mays (Services - 6) <katy.d.mays@dominionenergy.com> Subject: Re: ERIC NEEDS AN UPDATE ON THE REVIEW OF THIS PROJECT Fw: [EXTERNAL] RE: Online Project Review Request Letter - DENC M-73 Cardinal to NC State Pipeline Project, Wake County, North Carolina CAUTION: [EXTERNAL] This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Eric, The Service could concur with "no effect" for Michaux's sumac and "may affect, not likely to adversely affect" determinations for the aquatic species. If you want to edit and resubmit the species conclusion table, I will confirm it quickly. John From: Mularski, Eric <Eric.Mularski@hdrinc.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 9:53 AM To: Ellis, John <john_ellis@fws.gov>; Mann, Leigh <leigh_mann@fws.gov> Cc: Jacobs, Chad <chad.jacobs@hdrinc.com>; Katy D Mays (Services - 6) <katy.d.mays@dominionenergy.com> Subject: RE: ERIC NEEDS AN UPDATE ON THE REVIEW OF THIS PROJECT Fw: [EXTERNAL] RE: Online Project Review Request Letter - DENC M-73 Cardinal to NC State Pipeline Project, Wake County, North Carolina Good morning John, HDR's biologist conducted an onsite survey for Michaux's sumac on July 215t within potential suitable habitat located in the project area. A reference population was visited prior to conducting the survey. After performing a thorough onsite investigation, no Michaux's sumac species were identified. Attach are photographs documenting several of the survey locations. Based on our findings, we are requesting a "no effect" determination for Michaux's sumac. I also confirmed that Walnut Creek will be horizontal direction drill (HDD) crossing along with Swift Creek and Yates Mill Pond. Attached is kmz that illustrates the proposed HDD locations (red polyline). Please do not hesitate to reach out if you require additional information to process our project review for this important project. Thank you, Eric Mularski, Pws D 704-973-6878 M 704-806-1521 hdrinc.com/follow-us From: Ellis, John <john_ellis@fws.gov> Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2022 4:07 PM To: Mularski, Eric <Eric.Mularski@hdrinc.com>; Mann, Leigh <leigh_mann@fws.gov> Subject: Re: ERIC NEEDS AN UPDATE ON THE REVIEW OF THIS PROJECT Fw: [EXTERNAL] RE: Online Project Review Request Letter - DENC M-73 Cardinal to NC State Pipeline Project, Wake County, North Carolina F UTION: [EXTERNAL] This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments ess you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Eric, Sorry for the delay. Is Walnut Creek also going to be a HDD crossing too? In regards to Michaux's sumac, the transmission line as well as the road shoulders and other right of ways should be assessed as potential suitable habitat for Michaux's sumac as it is often found in these sorts of areas. The road side areas that are maintained in a lawn -like state can be ruled out as potential suitable habitat. I need to discuss the aquatic species with our aquatics expert but with the HDD crossings I believe we could concur with changing the "may affect" determinations to "may affect, not likely to adversely affect" determinations. John From: Mann, Leigh <leigh_mann@fws.gov> on behalf of Raleigh, FW4 <raleigh@fws.gov> Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2022 1:00 PM To: Ellis, John <john_ellis@fws.gov> Subject: ERIC NEEDS AN UPDATE ON THE REVIEW OF THIS PROJECT Fw: [EXTERNAL] RE: Online Project Review Request Letter - DENC M-73 Cardinal to NC State Pipeline Project, Wake County, North Carolina From: Mularski, Eric <Eric.Mularski@hdrinc.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2022 1:14 PM To: Raleigh, FW4 <raleigh@fws.gov> Cc: Katy D Mays (Services - 6) <katy.d.mays@dominionenergy.com>; AARON SCHWARTZ (Services - 6) <robert.schwa rtz@dominionenergy.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Online Project Review Request Letter - DENC M-73 Cardinal to NC State Pipeline Project, Wake County, North Carolina This email has been received from outside of DOI - Use caution before clicking on links, opening attachments, or responding. Good morning, We would like follow up the project review submitted on 4/20/2022 (70 days ago). Please let me know if you require any additional information to process our request. Thank you, =ric Mula6ziki, Pws D 704-973-6878 M 704-806-1521 hdrinc.com/follow-us From: Mularski, Eric Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2022 5:00 PM To: 'Raleigh@fws.gov' <Raleigh@fws.gov> Cc: 'katy.d.mays@dominionenergy.com' <katy.d.mays@dominionenergy.com>; 'AARON SCHWARTZ' <robert.schwa rtz@dom inionenergy.com> Subject: Online Project Review Request Letter - DENC M-73 Cardinal to NC State Pipeline Project, Wake County, North Carolina Dear Project Reviewer, HDR Engineering, Inc., on behalf of Dominion Energy North Carolina, has reviewed the DENC M-73 Cardinal to NC State Pipeline Project (Project) using the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service North Carolina Field Office's online project review process and has followed all guidance and instructions in completing the review. HDR completed this review on March 21, 2022 and is submitting the project review package in accordance with the instructions for further review. Enclosed are the following documents for your review. • Signed Project Request Review Letter • Species Conclusions Table • Figure 1. Project Vicinity • Figure 2. USGS 7.5-Minute Quadrangles • Figure 3. HDD Locations • Site Photographs • GIS Shapefiles Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or require additional information after your review of the enclosed information. Sincerely, Eric Mularski, Pws Environmental Sciences & Planning Manager HDR 440 S. Church Street Charlotte, NC 28202 D 704-973-6878 M 704-806-1521 Eric. mularski(cDhdrinc.com hdrinc.com/follow-us