HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030179 Ver 6_Public Hearing Info_20070925q~~o~ ~~~~ ~~~~ September 25, 2007 State of North Carolina North Carolina Division of Water Quality Jackson County and any other participating Parties Re: Project 2698-033 East Fork Project 2686-032 West Fork My name is Mary Jo Cobb and I am representing T.J. Krueger and the Upper Region of the Tuckasegee River from the East and West Forks down to Cullowhee. I oppose the Dillsboro Dam removal. Duke Power has not shown proper maintenance of the plant or the river. They have been BAD stewards environmentally of the area rivers and lakes. Another example is the Upper Tuckasegee. This is a public river with no water for daytime activities. Why should we be deprived of water? Some will say it is the drought, but I know it is Duke Power and that they cater to the down river businesses. It is important for the welfare of down river business, but why not share the water so the Upper area can be prosperous too? We need water for the fishermen, canoeing and kayaking for such parties as WCU, Camp Merrywood and for the tourist business and the local citizens. Duke has agreed to build put-in's below Cedar Cliff Dam, upgrade the lovely East LaPorte Park and Cullowhee Dam, but with great irony-we have water access, but NO water to use them! I have been an "intervener" and "stakeholder" with this and other issues and have given FERC copies of petitions with almost 300 signatures showing that I am not alone. I will be happy to discuss my issues and solutions with any party that cares about the "other part of the river." Sincerely, ~ ,/ `I n T.J. Krueger, Owner and Operator TJ's Water Adventures 10223 Highway 107 Tuckasegee, NC 28783 Telephone: (828) 293-5110 (813) 677-2010 Chansin~ the Current for the Upper Tuckase~ee .River Area The Upper Tuc;kasegee River Area is a community lion that many have enjoyed in past years- Recaxrtty, community members and local businesses have expressed concern regarding the water flow, public access for recreational use and lake concerns. As involved members of our community we must take action to preserve our local background. This petition is to help promote change in the flow schedule developed by Duke Power. Altering the leading edge arrival and recession tunes could improve the quality of all aspects of the Upper Tuckasegee River Area.. Help your community to maintain the surroundings in which you live in. NamelAres of Involvement Phone Nember Address ~~ '`° ~5 ice-, 1 ~ q 3 --~ 7 ~ ',~~'~ ~ ~~ . ' 2a =~ ~ ~~ ~ Tv ~t'-~ ~z ~~ ~ c ter- c -5 l~"`C.' ;? 3. ~~(1 S ~e'-0.t- c~ 1~~ c~c~[ 1 ~-(o f. 5 ~~ `.C..~ r _ /// J. ~ n ~j c~~~ i - ~ l~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~'~ z s!~ G'L ~. ' ~k ~y 5 - ~ 33~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S ~ ~ ~"=~ ~ , ~ ~v'~x 1`a~i3 ~I b t~ /~-~-C i _ . ,~.. b.~Z ~-~~~~- a2 1o ~ `~~M€~Q~~~~-~ c.~v . ~~ ~tz.._ ~ ~E_3~i3G ~~-~ ~r~z~? ~ ~'~~'S ChanQin~ the Current for the Up~r_Tuckasegee .River Area The Upper Tuckasegee River Area. is a community attraction that marry have enjoyed in past years- Recelrtly, commumity members and local businesses have expressed concern regarding the water flow, public access for recxeational use and lake concerns. As involved members of our community we mwst #ake action to preserve our local background. This petition is to help promote change in the $ow schedule developed by Duke Power. Altering the leading edge amval and recession times could improve the quality of all aspects of the Upper Tuckasegee River Area. Help your community to maintain the surroundings in which you live in. NamelAreu of involvement Pianc Nnmber Address 1. ~,~ r / ,~}}~ S~ i. se4 S~~G e~ 4 ~ ~~~- ~- 2 - 7S ~ ~~ 'o j(,~p(L~ ~~- 3 5_ ~s 6/~ ~' J~ ~~ 3 0 ~d ~~ ~ ~. r 10_ ~s~ 2 ~ S ~ ' - 3~-¢ ~ ~~--~ 1 Z~ ~~ ~/ N~elAr~ea ~Ln~lwe~eat 1"i~a~eN®u~r Addre~c ~. ~ __ 2 ~ JJ~ L~ ~ ~~ ~ r -~ ~, ~~~ S_ 3~r' $- ~ 3 ~~o ~, ~ ~~ ~~~ io - C Changing the Current for the Unuer Tuckase,~ee River Area The upper Ti~dr~egoe River Area. ~ a. co.y that many have enjoyed in p~ y~$ g}y, oanmmau~- mends and ioc~i b have ~ coffin the water flow, public access fiur r~eareatioanai use and }site concetnis. As inwived naanbars c£ax o~mmmrifiy we mwst take ac~ian to preserve our local bacit~und. This petition is to help promote c~moge is the flow schedule developed by Dube Power. Altering the lead'mg edge amval and ran times could improve the q~iity of all aspects of tier Upper Ttie River Area. l3elp you community to maurtain the anramdings~ia which you live in. N~~IA~ ~ PIr~eN®bcsr Adds ~. ~ / r - tt__ .-. 7 •7 .~ . ~.~ _. ,,l ~ J _S ~~1'rl' ~ ~(, '~o it~fC ~~ t < r~ ~ 7 Z. ~w 3 ~~,~ ~,,~. ~, a~3 ~ ~~1 ~ J c~,~cm~r~.~-~ ~- ~m5~ / `~ ~ rt I q ~( ~~ 7~ #= ~- ~ 105 ~ 19 7 ~ C G n e ~ ~v {' i~, G -~';..,e,,;:,~ yf ~ i ..~ SSG - 26.~~i /Yz ©~//s ~ ~ ~,~,~, ~9 3 7.12 ~--~ ~ k~ s~G~~ -,~ ~ , s. ~ ~~~~ ~. X13 -- C~i'1~'i. ~ I'~ ~ ~ cv~ h e~ ~._~ . ~, M ~~ ; ~F 2 y ~a ~; ~ a~~ - ~~~q ~~ a~~ ,~ ~ ~~ ~o ~~. ~ha,_,_,,.n~~the Current for the U~-~rer Tuckasegee River Area ~~~r ~ •u~r.~ i N~nlAr~ wfT Nor Addy ~ fly - r;o~ q '~'~3% / , '~ ~ ~ t.e ~ 2 4. ~'r ~~- 2 '~ c... 1'~' ~ S''774 ~3 c~~ J~ ~I2~ 5_ -{~' ~4h~~ S~~- ISY _C~aJlo,~ ~ G 702. ~ ri _,i~ I ~..~ I lA c ~. ~_ -~ ~,i ~~~ ~ ~a' i~ l~-~ r...L.~ It.°~`..3 f''1 C~ .J ~~l ~[ , ~. r~~ ~ ~ ~ y'? ~ , ~~_~r ' ~ i li~~ j_ (r~Yl ~~ ~~~ 1 ~~~ ~j ~ ~ ~C~ ~~/ ~~ C~'h~e~tt the +Cnrre~t for the Uo~o-er Tuclcs~~ Royer Ares The Upper T~rclca~ee ~iMer Area is s oo~ity ~ mar 6avo enjo~rod in ~ Ya:s. lt~eaantty, coawaane~r sad bcet bueineres h~ exprereed cono~ ~~epirdnog she wstier how, public aooea ~ n~ wa sad lska oonoana~. Aa irn-+dved mearbas at`our coamrunity rNe saint ache cation ~ pneetve our Iocs1 ~,~, 'itsis petiition isi io Leip pr~onio~e ciMa~e u the ~nrv nchedob developed by Duke Payer. Aloeris~ Mr ia~ edge arrival aed s~everion tla~ could improve the gwiity ofall aipas~tsi offfie Upper Ttsclaire~ea River Mee. Hdp ~rour ooslnununity to maurnia tta3 aunuussdb~ is ~rhic~h you live ia. v..,.r....._ ~ t~ ls~...~ 11Tn..~ Ad~rersi i~a~w~~s w // .~ -~ //// ..~-~.~ ~ / `~// ~ ..~..~ _. ~ ~~~f/ /J ~~ - ~ / -- /^ ,,~. /,,il-~ ~sv ~ j ! 2. ~ ~ ~ ~FJC 3. ~r Y/ ~ ~ LeAf in ~~iv .S / /~ •. i/ r~: '.,~,;' ~- , ~d"`~lC'.,~ ~ ~/ ~ ~ ,~~ ~ l f 4 ~ ~; t °r of W ~~ t~ ~-- ,-, ~, 1 fi ' 7. ~ ~ r, ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ y i T 111 pp 7 O. q iJ ~ C/ / /7/ ,/(//Jj ~ ~ s ` _n,~,in~, the Current for tie ITpner Tuckasegee River Area The Upper Tudcase8ee River Area ie a coam~ty attraction that many have enpyed in past years. R~eoeRrdy, eooa~nity menn~bas and local businesses have acpressed concern re~srd'ug the water Bow, public access fior r~eca~tiaial use and lame ooncerns_ As involvred a~emb-eR of aurc eonmaunity we must taiGe action to preserve vur locatl badcgnoeuaid. This petition is to hey pnosnote dw~ga in the flaw schedule cievetoped by I)ulce Paver. Alteriag the iwding ed®e arrival acct e+ecxssion times could improve the ~ quality ofall aspa~s oftbe ZJppa~ Tuc.icasegee: River Aroa. Help y~ co~nunity to nu~aia the ~~ iu which you live is NamdArea atifirris~a~t Phi Nn~ber Addnaa ;-' ~; ,~'~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ _ Ai ~ ., ~ ~ ~' s. if ~`~ ,~ l ~ ~~ 1, ,~ ~~- ~~n,, - . / u c~ t~.~_..~---. 7. _ /%:. ~'~-' s. 93~~6 9. ~' ~- 2 ~ c.~ ~, 10. ,,.r u ~ ,~ l %~ i ~ 1 ~ 1 Changing the Curr ; nt for the Upper Tuckase_gee .River Area The Upper Tuclcasegee River Area. is a community attraction that many have enjoyed in past years- Rece~rtly, eomm~mity members and local businesses have expressed concern regarding the water flow, public access for recreational use and lake concerns. As involved meanbers of our community we must take action to preserve our local background. This petition is to help promote change in the flow schedule developed by Duke Power. Altering the leading edge arrival and recession tunes could improve the quality of all aspects of the Upper Tuckasegee River Area. Help your community to maintain the surroundings in which you live in. NamelArat of ~iavolvee~ent Phone Nember Address ~Yi ~'~. ~.... . ~ ;;~ v 4. j ~~ ~ ~, c' ~ v,..~cL ~.`~ ~ ~1c~ ~:.-- ~ j _ 1.~' ;' 'ti~ ~~'~ 6. r, -~-~,1tf,.,,, 1 " 1. ~ 'v. l i i:) 1~.; *-(C L' ~' C._. 7. -> ,~ ~C ~~ ~~ ~~~~ 9. ` C. ~ ~`' ~~ 10. r r~ t~ f%~*~ ~.v-~\ C_, hanging the Current for the U`r_Tuckasesee River Area The Upper Tuckasegee River Ares is $ community attraction that many have enjoyed in past years. Rec~atly, c~mnnumty members and local businesses have expressed concern regarding the water flow, public access for recreational use and lake concerns. As involved members of our aY we must take action to preserve our local background. This petition is to help promote change in the flow schedule developed by Duke Power. Altering the leading edge arrival and recession times could improve the quality of all aspects of the Upper Tuckasegee River Area. Help your community to maintain the surroundings in which you live in. Naa~dAr~at of Lvtd~-e~t Phone Ne®ba~ Address C~2~~ c 5. ~iG ~l` ~~- Kk.t~- ~~(Ll C~ c~ f~'~ l0. V / ~''~- /U IU l Changing the Current for the Uuuer Tuckase~,ee River Area The upper Tuckasegee Rive: Area is a community attta~ion that many have enjoyed in Past years. Recesrtiy, c~umity members and locat businesses have ~ concernn regarding the water flow, public access for recreational use and lake concerns. As involved members of our ts~nnmunity we must take action to preserve our local background. This petition is to help promote change in the flaw schedule developed by Duke Power. Attering the leading edge arrival and recession times could improve the quality of all aspects of the Upper Tuckasegee River Area. Help your community to maintain the surroundings in which you live in. rr.,m~s.,.~ .d'L.o..iv.m~t Phan Ne~ber Address ~, f a. ~ ~8 3- 2$~ 7 L~I,~ ~~xa~Y, ~C .. 3 D~~``iCtr1Y)2..Ce~~cxO t7S~j~N ~J~ . ~~ ~~~° /C.~'CL ~j~ IUC~ ~~ U ~~~ ,~ ~S~ 2~7 (~ ~~a~ G ~,~ 6. ~~~ -~z3 _z~~ 770 ~ 445 ~8'3 ~~c~l as Ga.= 10 • ~~ ~ u~- ~ ~ , v `~g3-~~iS~-U ~ ~ ~ ~ +~han~l~ tl~e ~urrem-t fir ~b~ ~~~ ~~~t~e~~ i~r~~ .~.~~~ ~ u- ~uc,~ase~+e Arta. ~ a c~ tl~ dyed in P~ Yom- Rye 9 and Coca! have ~ concern regardi~ the v~-ter &~vv, public a~oo~s for rec~tional use and lake oonce~ns. As involved membeas of our comity vie must take action to preserve cau' local backgi~wmd. This petition is to help promote change in the ~w schedule developed by Duke Power. ~!ltering the leading edge arrival and ron times could imprflve the q~uatity of ail aspects of the Uppea- ~'ccckasegee River Area- Hells your community t4 maintain the s~~ngs in which you live in. iaT.,..~,~ts..s...~,~i'~..~..a~a.~t P~rsar~ Wunra~nx .~dE$ d7a1t8~i~IAYR 9rIi Ms yra~va~vwrw..~.. _ __ 1. , r ~ r 3 --/S'/~ %C~ % ~ ~~ ~q p G f l f 4~ ~"~ ~ ~ ~ Q_ '~ - 5_ ~ U 1 ~1~ Z 2~ t~-~ -. C ~ ~ ~ .. ~ • - 6 ~ ~C r ., ~,, ~~.~ ~~~ 3 d`L~ v~2 C~a~-~i ~~ ~- 8. ~~~,~ h~ S~r' ~k1e+( 3 arc ~ ~ 1 ~„~ ~ (~ ~ ci,~ Ci1 `~~~ C ~jC3~ Changing the ~urreut for the U~,-r Tuckase~ee~ Rsver Area 1YY~~ilLii iif VZ aeaTV~TV~~.s~ k. ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ g~zC~ ~ ~ ' ~~t~~~~ ~~ ` r 5_ ~ e ~. ~ ~ \ v~/~. ~' r J~~'" ~~~~ <`+~ {lam ~ 1'+~~ 1 t~'f- 4- ~.~~ ,~ ~ ~~ 7 ~~ ~~'jC' / t f'~ 9. ~ ~J" tv / _ f% - b'y,~ - r'3 ~~ ~"i I ~ ~~ ~` 1 ~~ Changing the Current for the Upper Tackas,~ee River Area 1T~~ _ 1 ~ ~~ ~t T ~ - - ~ ~7~~f~P!' K~Y~i~S ~~L'SS iii [ V~ i~[~V~~~r~aM~s~ l .. / 1. ~ T // 6V ~ L~ / V , v\ l r ~. 3. ~.~ ~{~ t `3 (`~'~ ~l;irJhn NG- c.~v~ ~~ ~ ~ rv ~ 287 8'f ~i3~2~~S~ly ~q+i ~,~ ,ve ~ ivi ~~~~ ~'~i~~,~ Z`~y~i 6. ~~~~~ ~G~ ~~ ~~ ~.r~~~a~~ / `ice ~"~~- lu~ c~~ ~ ~ ~ ~C' ~ ' ~~ _ ~ e ~~ e / 8. ~L.~-t ~L~ ~~~ ... ~ 1~~/ ~~~ t ~~~ ~~KZ ~~ "r ~ ~sv~s) 1~ ~7r f ~~ ~ ~ ~: • N~. .. ~ Apt t ~ A'T~ ~. . Upper Tuckasegee River Area _~ Concerned citizens and area businesses for the water flow, public access for recreational use and lake concerns: Name Address Phone # 3. v~~ rte. ~.c~x ~p~ 4. ~ LA~~~,-~ s. t~,~~. ~-~ :~~. S~_ ~ ~~ 8. ~ ~Q~ ~c, C~ ~ t ic,, k__.___t ~ A'S-f~ 3 ~~ ~o~ ~~~ ~~.K~Se~G C ~b7R3 -~~~~e x.`12 i ~ck~.~c-e~~ ~ c ~~ u,l~ ~ ~ y ~ ~._- N~C_ ~S~,~P ~~ ~~~~~~ i 5'~ y1~~.~i~,.~~~- ~' ~ " -.J ~~ , '~- ~~ TG~ ~~77 11._k~y l~~"+e r ~ ~-. 12.~- ..~ 13. y /7~/ 14. r 1 s. ~ l~, ~~ '~~K~ ~~ S y(v~... r~Uc. ~~ 11SG_SeycCq_ fly/ f 11 ~(1 .~ _ ~~~~ -~~ ~~~ L~\~~ ~~C~ ~ ~/ ~ -Q-,r- ~1~ C. N~ 22. (~ C'O r Y-e l1; L~ ~ f~c-,, "~t.~.~.ICc~ses ~, n1C 23. ~c ~ L 24.y~r~n~~on ~~~~~ ~c.Kc~S~y~~ 25. ~c«'1 ter ~-~~iz~ : c-r -r~~k4s~ ~~ t ~~~X_ ~,l/~,,.,1.e_ 29. • ~-~. ~ .. s M .r ~ '~~i~~~ 32. C~a _ ,.. ~ ._L ~'' L .r 33. 34. , i ~ ~~°~=- 35. `~ %~` 1 ~~~ s~. ` ~; ~Q jt~lCasec~2 tJC --~-- 38.1'am ~~,a °.c/ u G a 39.'~G 40. ~.R-+'z 41. ~~~.~~-5( ~"~t Z 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. f ro vl ~"l~.d..VC G~jP~~ iVL Z r3~ I ~ ~~A~ ~a~~Ct.. 49. Upper Tuckasegee Rivcr Area Cancemed citizens and area businesses for the water flow, public access for recrc;ationat use ~d fake concerns: Name 1. _~~~-~, ._ 2. Address Phone # ~ z~ -2`i3--a ~-t3 1.( ~~ ,i ~ r +~V .~~ ~'~ ,~ 3~1 ~~ t~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 4. S 6. 7 8 << << 1~~ rt ~~ .~~.~ 7 ~~ -~-~ ~~~ (f c.~^~' ~-~ ~pI cJ tf: /~S o-d f~ ~ ~i ~~,~ 1 ~~~ ~ ~~~ ..~~ 9..~,{' ~uvuo 1~h1 ~~ ~~3 ~pv~s~~~-~u.s~~~ ~~~1 z~~i`L 11. t ~,._ Cv 1,Lv :~~ r~ ~'" ,,_,p(_ Z~ a3 ~~~.~~' F~ ~~ r J,4. GC h~ ~ .~~ ~~. ~~~ .~~~~~// ~ ~ s~~ ~~~ -T T/--!~- ~" ~- - ~~~~~~ ~~ ~n~~~~~~~ 21. ~ `h~te.~- ~al1L. '11 I.-~ ~e:~ 1..n1 cal ~'-G t ~ ?t„ • ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~f i 23, (C ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ' ~ -~~ rr 7 ~~~ fl~ ~~„~287F~3 1ir~i.~r' ~~~ C ~k7,~'3 I~etC ~'jc=Y~ 25 . L~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U'~cn ~ t S is ~ i -F-~-s r~.. ,~~.r~. 1iF'~J-.!~' i~~ ~(_?~ti,15,~ 1 ~ ~. "..Z-- _ ~ ~ . ~ ~L ~ ~~ `y r 27. r) ~ ~ ~---~-- 29. ~f j~ ~r c ~ 4~ r vc ~ C 1 O~C~i~ v G~.. ~i_S %~ ~- ~ ~ ~1,c? ~ ~,, ~ ~ c' ~- ~~~ ti's ~~. 6 O , ~ o~C nL~i C 7 ~ / ~~ 1 ~ ~ ~'I C~,~t~dA ~~ d.. ~'~ ~ ~~~, 2~_ ~v:~ ~. .~ . ~~ .~ X36. ~~~-~°~~,-~~---~ ~ J~~S ~~ `l ~~ 7 r ~ ~ ~ 4l 42 ~~ ~ ' ~~~ ~~~n ~ ~ ~~?I~R' "T/~M,pP , ~- 3 i 1 ~~ ~S~~.rrr4 n~~7!~ T d I ~Ta~ ~~ ~' ~y~~ ` ~. 47.1 C`~'''~~1 ~ L~1.t'~..iL~`.~~"~~-- C~°~`=-~ t ~i~,.~o^'C~ ~ E"%'1~ ~ ~ ~~` ~-"~"~ `! `1 ~f ~`r r~ ~ ~ :~. Ch~.,=the Carrent for the Upper Tuckas~ee River Area iv~.~s.,d. ~ P/~a~N~~- Add~ss i ~- o ;~--, t ~ - aa~ ~aa~-~, a~ it,rU~ t-to~~ ~nc~b©c.~rr~.e. ~G~ ~-~-.~~~~. ~ ~G ~~~~ ,¢ aa_~~ c~ 1 ~ ~1.~ ~ (J~L~ U d ~~ l 22~- Co i Z~ 6. ~~~~ ,2~~ memo-~a~ fir: ~1 ~:. ~~ ~~ ~, ~x ~3~ s. 9. 10_ :~~r ~~ `~~ J ~ ' t~ ~ U~~ t ~h~:.,~ t~e~nt fo~, r the y~ U~~er Tuckase~ee Rryer Area }.: ~, ' ~ 1fie Upper Tudcase~ee limner At+ea ~ a ~ t~ ~Y ls~e in past yam. Reoe~rtty, ooma~.y men~exs a,~l local have concern ,'~ ~ r+e~[ditng the water fir, p~lic aooess fior recrea#ional usoe and lie conoe'cns. As imrolv+ed of our ~ qne take aeon ~o pr+eserve our local laa~. This pei~tian is to help pry cue in the flaw ~ehedule developed by Dt~e Peer. A the. edge arrivafl mmd times co~ild~i~ove the quality ofall aspects ofthe UpperTucksee~ee River Ares. Imo' Y to math surnoundings in which ~nou live in. x....ts,s .~ N~bdr ,. / _ ~ ~ - .i , ~ ~ f '^', ~~ $_ r / f ~ ~(J`~ ~ ` ~ ~ ' ~y / ~ s ~ d 1~ ° fie' 3 .f 5 a ~~lG'~~~~fj ~`~- a ~ ~~~( /` . ~ l 6 ~ ~~ ~~ /~ ~, ~'-' 1,1, -~ ~ 9: _ ~ 7. 3 8_ ~' ~ ~ (~