HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030179 Ver 6_Public Hearing Info_20070825 (2) Background Information for the Proposed Dlllsboro Dam and Powefiouse Removal Protect -Duke Energy Public Hearing on the Application for 401 Certification for 404 Permitting Held at Western Carolina University September 25, 2007 ~, ~~. r''l~ ''.cE ,: Agenda > Opening DWQ remarks • Scope and Purpose ofHearfng • ExplanatiodofNeadng Ground Rules • {Oh CertHicatiodand404 Relicensing Processes •, Description of tla Projeot .~ Public Comments Closing DWQ Comments 1 Scope and Purpose of Public Hearing - Solicit public comment relevant to Duke Power Application for 401 Certlflcatlon - Provldeexplanatlon of 401 Certiflcatlon process - Provide baekgroundinformaflon and description of proposed Dllisboro Dam and Powerhouse RamotiaL Protect > Provltle brfaf summary of 401 Certiticaflon application Procedure for Public Hearing i Statements limited to ~ minutes par speaker : - Commenters will be called in order In which they signed up - Commenters are encouraged to submit written comments - Comments received no later than October 26, 2007 will be included In the record Y No rebuttals and no questioning of commenters (except by the hearing officer for clarifying questions) will be pernrltted D The DIvlslon of Water Ouallty wIII consider s111nforMationin the record and take final action on or before November 26, 2007 Mr. Steve Tedder Care of Mr. John Domey - NC Division of Water Ouallty 401/Wedands Unlt Parkvlew Building 2321 Crabtree Blvd Raleigh, NC 27604 Tel: (810 733-9648 Fax: (818 733.6883 2 The 401 Certificatioln Plrocess - Discharges to water require Section 404 Pertnita Issued by US Army Corps of Englheer8 - PuretiaMto Section 40t of tha Clean Water A~ cert[flcation by the stateln which the discharge occurs is requ red for the Issuance of federal permks and licenses which may result In a dlschargato Jurisdictional watere 'r The Environmental Management Commission 1EMG) Is the agency to which the General Assembly has de egated the authority toadminlater the 401 CertMcadon program - Rules governingg 401 CertMcaflonare codified at Section A600 of subchapter 2H in ttNe 16A of the NC Adminlatrative Code The FERC Relicensiing Process - ttn e f '' ee fFly r Ire A 30, 08 - Tg1rt n (i3 takeh en ne ted ape ant din a, // Ob ghe si e S e eM A re enFtCSA- oa~ 2009, vfl t o a an do Itlo .df a nSTwv FE B n e 'r NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Is a signatory oT the CSA 'r The CSA specifically provides that it does not supplant the 401 Certlflcatlon process, but the CSA Is relevant and does Inform the process and Is part of the record - Issues pertinent to the 401 Cartiflcation process are only a subset of the Issues. pertinent to the 404 Perrnitting process: The'401 Ceriiflcation process focuses on water quality Issues ,. Background- • Component of the Nantahala and Tut:kasegee Cooperative Stakeholder Team St~ttleme nbAg reeme nts • 2004''Duke submitted license surrender ; application • 2005: DWQ'Issued 401for license surrender • July, 2007: FERC apps oved license surrentler • August, 2007: Duke requested FERC clarification v 3 Reasons for Removal • Mitigates for impacts of other Duke Nantahala .hydroelectric projects Enhances aquatic habitat for f sh and mussels (opens 10 additional miles of aver) • Allows. aquatic species & boaters to move freely up and down the ever • Preserves more green hydroelectric generation elsewhere e ~--- Dillsboro Project Facilities • Dam - Height: 12 ft - Length: 230'ft - Material Concrete masonry • Powerfiouse - Steel 8 wood' F•, a superstructure - Concrete substructure Dam & Powerhouse Removal _ Process [-:_- _ - -- ~.~ n on n -~ ten,,. --- --i Lrli +~~e,,,.-.:,.Rro c~>n.rt~a~a~xnws, uxn n+~a~rei :~Nemow pawernouse sipersnucWr>, nwelo remrtalD~e .. 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Cvu 8trumn ~~ fl`Cpev~rmure xyueNiJ removal avE!low remel L 1 {i 61 Cortinue removal •oakuy [o leRbank n ]~ Dem removal <cmpkted ~o kR bark i 81 Remove Powerbouu eubrvurrme pear-removal mov toriv¢ NCDWQ Activities Associated with Dam & Powerhouse Removal • Installation of temporary work pad 404/401 required • Construction of an access road 404/401 required • Detailed Demolition & Monitoring Plarr - Condition of 401 Cert~cation issued in 2005 - Monitor biology and water quality downstream NCDWQ Activities Associated with Dam & Powerhouse Removal • Management of Reservoir Sediments - Options Use flushing flows • Proposed in license surrender application • Supported by sediment transport study • Monitoring and Action Plan would be required - Option: Sand Mining:.: • Requires 40A/40t, sand mining permit, & discharge permii • Contingent upon volume andmeAcet for sand • ,Upland disposal sites c.~ 5 Other Associated Activities • .Relocation of mussels - FERC approval of plan required • Relocation of bats - FERC approval of plan required • Revegetation ofshoreline - Requires FERC-approval of plan • Cultural Resources /agreement - Plan alreadyapproved byfERC • Miscellaneous other plays - Require FERC approval I Commenting: Process II Please send comments to by October 26, j 2007: Mr. Steve Tedder . Care of Mr. John Domey NC Dlvls)on of Water Quallly 401IWatlands Unlt Parkvlew eullding 2321 Crabtree Blvd Raleigh, NC 27804 Tel:'j910) 733.9648 Fax: (919) 733.8883 6