HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC224110_Site Plan or Location Map_20221220Disclaim er iMaps ma kes e very effort to prod uce and publish th e most cu rrent and a ccu rate in forma tion possible. However, the maps are p rodu ced for information pu rpose s, and are NOT surveys. N o warra ntie s, e xpre sse d or implied, are p rovid ed for the d ata th erein, its use,or its interpre ta tion. 0 220 440110 ft 1 inch = 200 f eet ± PI N: 1734746123 PI N E xt : 000 Real Estate I D: 0119120 Map Name: 1734 04 Owne r: PARKWAY PRO PER TIE S GRO UP LLC Mail A ddress 1: 1000 DARRINGT ON DR STE 105 Mail A ddress 2: CARY NC 27513-8134 Mail A ddress 3: De ed Book: 011743 De ed Pa ge: 00360 De ed Ac re s: 21.37 De ed Dat e: 12/22/2005 Buildin g V alu e: $0 La nd V a lue : $2,240,618 Total Valu e: $2,240,618 Biling Class : Bu siness De scr iption: HINTON LAND He ated Area : Stre e t Na m e : NEW BE RN AV E Site Addre ss : 0 NEW BE RN AV E City: KN IGH TD AL E Pl ann ing Jursidiction: KN Tow nshi p: S t. M atth ew 's Year Bu ilt: Sal e Price: $80,000 Sal e Dat e: 10/16/1985 Use T ype: Rivers E dge