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�I ' I� - __ -_ r � _ \ � . � \ �` �� 1 �� �` `` � � \ l �1, 1•. I 0 , � � r r i � r NOW C FORMERLY ARORA PAM; * ROY MELLINC,ER f PIN N0: 9�3-00r08-5874 or i 1 1 1 1 _• �� � / � rl _, __ ` �, ��� \� �.� 11 !11 � 1 ,§ i � 1 !1 1! t I ` 1 � •\ .` , �'- .1 � ,1 11 � I � � � 1, i f/ /f � N1' /\ \ 1 NOW OR FORMEIR1 1 �� ■ ®` \ , HOD 5AIN FATIMA t 5AYEED D AZI ABD1J I -, ti • !4 I PIN NO: 9773.-00tJ8- I54 36 F IN, � per, - _ _ - \ \\ti\\K `/, \ IN TEMP ORAR a I \ t CO 15TRUCTI \ 1 ENTRANCE ! � STRAW WATTLE`.A \\ \`�ti � � IN, NMITS (TYP) SILT FENCE '� ►4 ' \ ' � UYPICAL} /� r / m a ` 151, RCP a,. l DRI'VEWAYPIPE \ SEE NOTE 1'0) \ 1 I ! 1 e DR1V W Y F�(15 1�JG TOP"',1 r x°"�.� OUTLETSILT N{fYPj 1 \ DF cRIKBAN I \ - . CONCRETE �'' I , j 1 ' l NOW OR FORMERLY \ WASH -OUT 1 ! / ,\ l �\ MARK $- GINA RYNTIE5 e, MfA ` f / \ \ 11 \ PIN NO: 9773-00-05-83G5 ` �2p P 6LI FX. WP�TER fufAlN — UTILITY A5(. ! �\ V A4 ' \ � ,� ` � � \ `� � � , C'--�� � Ill � � - 3 \ � • � � ! \ i 1 ` WATER cA� f'ORI ti 1 I` 32 W R F ice LIN TALINE I IN, LINE 13 �',� � 1 1 � � �I ;f� .1 I 1 � I ` l � I � I � r I I I I 1 � L� �� •�� \\ S �� �� .•- ,r , �� � �, \: '� 1 1 1 a., i ii 43 lilt 1 f J C ` � � � 1 t 1 1 1� rl � � � , �` �-��� .e i � I J� � � � I I � � 1 � � I I l � °� ,,� � ,� �' .: �- ;� - � ., � � \ � •�, �' � '� � 1 � � I � 1 I t 1 al ��I �/� F4�, � I ; ; �I I � $1 v 1� � I I © [ j I � i 1 �� �"� � 1 1 � e `}S,, �� � �•.. �� �1 � :,� �11 I I t I 1 � Il ll �IIJI � �� � I ! � r I �Id � � � f I I ► I II Ir I �� �� �ti it 11 1 1 `4 \� •� '•� ', •,, �'r,� '- I I I t l� � Ir f ��Iti Il � I l l� t r 1 r ,, \ 1� � .• � CP �1 I I ' � � � �'� , •� I �� f � � 1 1 1 � 1 � '► � ►t � , ` ��• �' ` 1 1 � � � �` I T � •.. � ',. 1 1 ` , Q S L FENCE / • `. p�� _ 1 , t ; 3 J \ 'a {TYPICAL} 1 • �,�` ! � � �� � � � i6 � � �, 1.. � SILT FENCE �•V�� 0 •� I \ ` `, OUTLET (TYP) �, i% N, DISTURBED P I �r t �� 1 �y 1 �` `� ! 11 `. •• • [ C Imo, ` \ ti. \ \ "� LIMITS M(P) �,s� r. Now OR >=gRMI<RiY�• 1 � \ PROPosEo '"- -. ,• `' r 4 Ir % �� I 1 j , } ■ ' - WADJAM 2 LLC . \ �` \,� SEPTIC AREA- GJ ► � . PIN. NO: 9773—oo�a8-31 2, ! 1 e �, wCV ► rr I i I fit I i I I i i+ I I -- •� �° ! 1 �, 1 \ 1 r gi d d 1 � C i � I i I i I � � � �9> � a ---° a... `� _ � � � ',, �` �p • , ►" � � 1 ! i l 11 i i 1 f 1 9 ~ 1 1 15<Y WETLAND � fr jlrjl �� I I j I J I i i I I 1 i `■■ 1 1 f f I I 1 1� ' 2 '� 1 L I (TYPICAL] ` \ r ,fj f . � If / I i I J 111 � �. � I i l 1 1 � � I - , I f I 1 f ! • � F i - � ,. � f t � a ► ,* � \ . . r� �� � r � !i1 I � { � �, f I � � r � 1 � f f I f � 1 ,i �� II � I � � •-• • 1 r� ! r .�� /� ! f I � I I I I 1 ■ 1 r, `, 1 I f� � � -NOON D,L�,fORfv11 RLY . w I i 1 ■ ! r r r i SAGE 13UILT;L•LC f� / f�� �� if fr /� �� �� i ■� It ! 1 �' I I I ! I I �� k P�O\ ,..: PIN NO- 773-OQ 07-94i ... J�� � .11 r _ N61N oR POR}i+MER,LY- 1� r r f f�� r f� r I/ r/ }I r I t 1 1�,■ 11 I I 1 I ` i 1 1 I I 1� _= WINDJAM 23G T 71N NO —3-ate-a7-7955 ' � rir�--� � r� -"�,. � f � r�r r r � r r t i 1 I l �► f I I l I 1 I 1 1� I I � � � • �• � ,� ,�'` _ - � MGUNTAINTOF CIRCLE 0SITE r 0 uu Wff5ThAMFT0N DR DYN U M RI HUDSON WOODS RDTS VICINITY MAP 51TE DATA PROJECT NAME THE HAMPTON5 SUMMIT - LOT GGA PREFAREK'5 CONTACT INFORMATION JONES * CN055EN ENGINEERING, PLLC P.O. BOX I OG2 APEX, NORTH CAROLINA 27502 PHONE - (91 9) 387-1 174 FAX - (01 9) 387-3375 CONTACT PERSON - PETER D. CN055EN OWNER 1 DEVELOPER CONTACT INFORMATION 5AGE BUILT, LLC 204E ENERGY DRIVE APEX, NORTH CAROLINA 27502 PHONE - (91 9) G 14-9780 CONTACT PERSON - HARRY KROHN STREET ADDRE55 170 MOUNTAINTOP CIRCLE CHATHAM COUNTY PIN 9773-00-08-258G TOTAL AREA G.3 1 ACRES DISTURBED AREA 2.53 ACRE (123,323 5F) PROPOSED USE SINGLE-FAMILY LOT RIVER BA51N CAPE FIfAR WATERSHED JORDAN LAKE - PROTECTED FEMA FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION MAP #371 0977300J (DATED 02-02-2007) PROJECT 15 NOT WITHIN 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN. NOTES: I . ALL MATE RIAL5 AND METH0D5 OF CONSTRUCTION 5HALL 13E IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHATHAM COUNTY 5TANDARDS AND 5PECIFICATION5. 2. BOUNDARY AND LOT INFORMATION WAS TAKEN FROM A DIGITAL nLE5 PROVIDED BY GRIFFIN LAND SURVEYING, INC. 3. TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION WA5 TAKEN FROM CHATHAM COUNTY GI5 DIGITAL INFORMATION. 4. N❑ FEMA MAPPED FLOOD PLAIN5 EXI5T ON TH15 SITE PER FEMA MAP NUMBER5 371 0977300J DATED FEBRUAKY 2, 2007, 5. THE TOTAL DISTURBED AREA IS 123,323 5F (2.83 ACRE). G. ER0510N CONTROL MEA5URE5 CONS15TING OF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN BEST LOCATIONS BASED ON FIELD CONDITIONS. 7. THE BUILDER SHALL BE RE51`01151BLE FOR INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURE5. 8. ALL NEW GRADING SHALL PROVIDE 5LOFE5 CONSTRUCTION AT 3,1 OR FLATTER, 5LOFE5 CONSTRUCTED AT 2: 1 ARE ALLOWED BUT 5HALL BE ADEQUATELY 5TABILI2E❑ WITH VEGETATIVE COVER OR BY USING MECHANICAL DEVICES, STRUCTURAL DEVICES OR LINERS If NECE55ARY. 9.. ANY DITCHES OR AREAS NEEDING STABILIZATION SHALL BE PROTECTED USING C-1 25 LINING OR EQUIVALENT. 10. THE AREA DISTURBED BY INSTALLATION OF THE DRIVEWAY PIPE SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH TEMPORARY 5EED AND ER0510N CONTROL MATTING IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION. EROSION CONTROL MATTING SHALL CON515T OF EXCEL5IOR OR EQUIVALENT INSTALLED TO MANUFACTURERS 5PECIFICATION5. 1 1. FROJECT SHALL SUBMIT DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED UNDER THE 51TE NPDE5 5TORMWATER PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (NCGO 10000) AND FOLLOW ALL MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS. LEGEND SILT FENCE x x x LIMITS OF: DISTURBANCE � I � 1 CON5TRUCTIQN ENTfzANCE SILT PENCE OUTLET NARRATIVE: THE PURF05E OF THIS PLAN 15 TO APPROVE THE EROSION CONTROL FOR HOUSE CONSTRUCTION ON THE HAMPTON5 SUMMIT - LOT EGA. 0 25 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE u J J •c 0 06 aC LU E Lu Z 0 Z v Lu u 1 O r c W 19 U 221 N. SAL.EM ST. Sum 001 PO Box 1062 APM NC 27502 Office: 919 387-1174 Registration: P-0151 www.jonesc iosm aom 1 "=50' 1 PDC 51�PTEMBER 26, 2022 I 1 1/ 1 5/22 11 st EC REVIEW 111= 5 01 223G ,R n+! Plic^nc�t lulan� S. '•••- SECTIbtJA�A Y Nnr T!: `r V.F. ,R *Nf •:: IIL�I.F.IIi rl �� •.. DP*tM Po.AIXIHJG OH 3 GIPFS --. 1 i„ aTIVN i H niF IN :�k= 91.nx:� :r.:•i Rr Ay PLnRr.V Av- MAW A'IIlfl^Yn tsH, it, r -No r.INF. M ADF; ! 1 . lr 7' RI,YM1 ur_n rLHl1 n7rr . SA1+0ae.Li PLAN MTTOFC:ALE elm+ :nn: `�i -rmnw wso owudrr+�u.•, r. - 'a`„w-.•":n iR c.c rrrr,r�uswm w� �e Z T ,.,. .....R.............._....y ,_.I crnw:rmrlu wnr•�rrr L .........-..... } slWIMN!5'n,L 1 at � urvALura) u Rt�Rr .ao lW rN: T Pff 'ARO. GR F- WITH STRAW HALES N J 1 TYPE 'BELOW GRADE -- WXOF:'v,XtlG rF,vn+mm�xe e- NOTEs I. A(t T(.Al_I..AY(1UTT,1131i1]l;l`1'R141NF-0LNF7nJEL'11:11J. Qr�•aF,H.- wxn ... rS (,C)'wl.:R17.11••.1CAS1I[7I.:.i SIGN S1lALL l3fill�JSi,•1r,i F•.!1 ^�+ .. r..._.r„ur.� j 1XTDIJN 30' r 11:71 TI:'I I:NWORARY (,'O If.'RIS"rl!. WA-iflOL" V `i'I. s " J 3. air.1'LRI A SS E s1J ) r (.(. 51511(iiCC T'£Rli'C. RARS r ""';� CQFCC:IiE I'4-1t AS41 i _T SF E:ii.l., flf:"s RFA1C 1VVD VR(7N1 THE" V as N 11T. AI i[) 17Ia POSED OF OR 11 V'G' '(:JY J), € 4.}1CA,1_S,Dbl.R1.SSWJNSOlt CTI d.;RC;RC]I+N1.7 S t C l' L)I rLR P 1 r C JRL'Il rSl"1 { lt' Rl IF L I f 11 rf' 1 + 1 ,r Ei:l[:Kl•11.0 Lii) [iE'P:711i..1NFl ii-A13J i..1'L.P_l? TO 3 1'1(fiV ENT C7tAnIAM COU-01 CR±)5T()1N. _ S`I'AN ..)A_D ONCRETE/PAINT'WASHOUT 114E A FAB{IL4WA LY 2 STAKES 1-USE k M{[.MEDLI OF a StAlr,¢S �ON UP'3LCPE �Eri + t;ai LO-wIdSLC?E SIDE _ FLOW C Al TTrNCr Ch?WNSLt�E��r xE �. MIN. 2 STAKES ON Ur'^.,LOPF-ONIF/UM 4 STAKES ON DOWNSLCIPE t;{L(wrrn L --II- - rif II Tr MATDHG lIT1W;..1'17- WTI-1 'vVCJCrC, i'L5rlK' ?W18•U22 �n}_11- 1 of N"T_ lj USE A M'NPMIJM 12 INCH DIANEf[E.R EXfXll.SOIi WATTLE, 2) USE 24 INCH LONG WOODEN STAKES WITH A 2->•2' NOMINAL CROSS SECTION, 4) INSTALL WATTLE(5) TO A HEIGHT ON ,LOPE W FLOW WILL NOT 1YASH AROUND WATTLE AND WWR SLOPES, OR AS DIRECTED, 3) INSTALS. A MINIMUM OF TWO UPSLOPE STAKES AND VWR DOANSLOPE STAKES AT AN ANGLE TO WEDGE. WAr1LE TO GROUND AT 60TTOML '.. 6) PROVIDE STAPLES MADE OF 6.125 INCH DIAMETER STEEL WIRE C FORMED INTO A U-SHAPE NOT LESS THAN 12 INCHES IN IFJJGYN. ?) FNSTALL STAPLES APPROXIMATELY EVERY {LINEAR FOOT ON BOTH EACH Y SF A AN AT H ❑ DOTE I TO THE SG I]ES OF W TTI-E D EA. EN TO SEC L T N , N F "" CHINK Y GAF'T' �TWP 8 AFTER 15 ALLA-i0 D akAPLE.a CH AN .' DE _EN F WATTLE 010 GROUNO SMTH MATTING. ' V-DITCH 5E014N VIEW STARES WAVE SFAPLES THFO14H ANGLE STA,(E.S ST AKES Y 0. A10E5 ' MESH CASING OFWATTLE 3Yy WEDGE MIN, ° P M . 2 STA]CF_5 aK .v"A.JPE _ n OE ONTON DL1YMS1.DpE WATTLE e:i.. WAT Z -MATTING t r !s T xwLEs iaATT1NG STAPLE WSTJ�LLMENT g I T A�IC�A4 QIGH 5ECTInnIS M. SECImON w - TION A ,IMFIAAI .ONTYI('Ji.81N70WANCE.NO'lF{:,i[:1;;,Yf,51LArT•1RJ[.If1Elf" T::�:1"itl•.RFP.V4tvgD Rig" llch!'[,5Pld•Ai[.l•rom', 4w)v[?.i1#Lni.ti ri:i l' STANDARD WATTLE m3� gift �mFwi.rrw,nr.r"xi:,r,.r„",=i 511L.F: 1' I „f i 5(I' MIN AND :Up1" VICtVT TO XMP al"UT�(wR17 CJ�i a>�F --hiAINT'L•PE (:F� h TES: _ A ra .... %er cr � pp . 'F • 1 v r(] Ictrrr(nNc•Rs ur• �•. r[ n ! I #IS !?ril:llr. RPPI.11.35 [. Nl. i�YJ�7p L� C7 � ENLiiV1Df1AL 51NtiCL£ FAgfl1_t' NFSrT]C,N+•TTAL. LINM., L, SILT F-T•:N SH41 JLr] 13E INS i ALL :Wr(T ENS ORE r'T• L I. �' � f: F 'STR rN L. T$' I. r �'{ iF'+ f (.`TIC• • fl � 2' - ,T" 5T�11'_ 7C1 raC [I�Cr} ,.ncr s .. � 1. ' 1 :N' 11. SHALL FSI3 6 "+ .r, f f]NS'1R It"17(1N 1= litA1YC ftt�nl��[n'kv r. Iz r< r . ,: Cif_ , rO v k � AI f7 '1i AST ',•C.AINTA[tQrJ] R . I. T7. LLY TO A flit SEDIMENT Ti L L'AL FJ.. r c .r -T c. e�a � AV INGRPJ£ n r� ' i Sl 3]tMEWr ENTERING PAVED ROADWAYS FROM e��r PJ ra {'a fAV a7 G i7 o r� t7 lJ CS L'+try o ra PRi]IECT'S]{ALL 6G RL•Mi VC131MMELTIA7RLY. ca 1]• c 7 � Px Cq ff �I L, P A ne SI TTr-NW_ fS it W01V 55r MIN. NEW t;[YniTr 171011 €3[tSTR7G RrilSCfyIAY•-�. 6 'AIFRG11alL�3F S'i7)r�' ' . Y 0IAT'1IAA1 IJ R OFIN`TY �VHRESIDENTI.AL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE �f�•Llh�:l I�AS ALL DIS'1'UR.iF3Ei) AREAS _ T March 1- Jlllffm. 31 SpLeznber 10 - February 28 a -1211 Fesrve 509 -•all Fescue f6= ceiltipe& Ina ctil£tpf-de 'aY+ :;; .13eruiuda�ass (unh+}lled) 59t i t eaialix(I 50E)Y Feztilim: irJal)'� ,Lint+_Stolle Ala# ,Limestone WAST'EE AND BORROW ARE -AS l larch 1 - _AualuustJ31 September tQ - February 28 Tall Fescue ':,- Tsll Fescue TS# Bemzudagal'ass (flVdled) 25- Bermudagras2t (unlyulled) 50tio Fertilizer SPOT-- PertihZe.1 l $? 5 '1 z to fKl J l li 1P. FTC 1 �• 4)Ra apP9� l.lri C . F i t tc: SOP or Balliagt`«5, ma} be sklhsdulted f )r e:itkler Clcaltipecle (Ir only Upon request. On cut Dull Lill slopcs 2.1 or stecper CE-kitillcdc shall be apl ]Died at the rate of 5 lblacre anti add 211# oC I selycea Le"'pede,'r-a k.roIll j:l.maari' 1 .. De:r..einlicr 3 f., Fe shall be I0-20-21) a,iAy,,is. A different ,I LiApis of fen ilLit.-r may 1]e asEd pvovidcrl the I-2-2 ratio is Tnairirvtned and the rate o.1 applic-ation adiustl:d to providc the sw7z: ,iniovm of plarit food as I 10-20•20 ttm4sis and as, di,ectl:d. I-- !ti F .CI .R. L{\ .in-.=kAElEJZ6 I >, H[sF.1i 1.1 :1tiA d3 rFR SfC.FfFI ..l I AA3T."F.LF N'19 fL r •FF'!'r =i- C-1 ''r 'II -r71r =5 �.� ]r 1 T •r l'•r,lr7 :F rt. r IN 11 r: r'1. . 2 Rk. I r I.r/r. I (,Rr ry'I rlf ♦,I T. ..V .jlll. .11{:.Hl..lidS AfS•Y•'k'f lF rlk.1't173iC I1 t1r.1iJl.ill.. F .F Sr1fTr R r$I .1+ r$I17 [ R 1 M1iP ,I. RF'. N.11, �i { Rt rl A, I..1n..P1 vii I1 rR 1!l it. S I klsll [[.t l'1(NN. NJ( M'I'r,RUNITIT. k1Ym R'fk}:Il.l'.!A-I'Ieli,T Af :}I n:VT+17 C)1A'I1(Alsi ['C7ii fY 3,SlL'II[..I':I.I I "P1:1+Si.L� I•:KT "J'I)INk.' „I Kr Jli:.i1I71:Mil I:iL 61e,,1•i s1:tNu ll,slAy IIl. RI.11.tiLku."aj,I]f•r'R R,%IANI_VO(l.'Nu!]L'I ATIF,Ng k7 R(C-IM.l1L'N11,M1DO.\; 1PuSH r r•.. 1'' .... ElL'T dfL N•_: iifs3.:.W', PERMANENT SEEDING/M.ULICHING SPECIFICATIONS 8'-0" MAXIMUM VARIABLE: AS UIRECTED BY THE ENONEER STEEL POST s, S!LT FENCE. FABRIC MINIMUM lU GAUGE - iN5TALLEq T'J SiC{3,N LINF_ WIRES M1141MUM F2f2 GF.u3E [ WRE FROM TOP iNT'ERMEDIA 1 rE WIRES i --" :[fnrr+r.F;alncr.ncar..Fg. 1 t. REt'fOVI; sf:CFIP,f}'•T+1- WI•IC:Ev If.1Lt IiE.i[3HT l GRADE _ or 811I:1 FFNC'ri. •." ,' '.' � , �r��''1... �". J. r - f -' 1 .� "" - ' [ ,.a. ... '� C 1 RURAIR OR RIA)LAE FENCT: l WMEDIATt:LY 1VlitiNTEARS. t OEX-.'S SA(3CFINO) CCII-LAJ'SL', OR 011WR uLPFCWNCLs F)LIND. 1 FRQNI I W - a,IHErWSIO'C111713I,rA3Y'S1-rEIWSIL'I' FENCE IS AVPROX IMAIELY 6 MONTHS, [)FIT-RIOR-1,n 3IUFE9:NC•T,MI1 91'RT? -- - RTsf'E..?kC'M1., '- - STEES L PT [.,'111N.FMALN0'11kg: __.._ WOVEN WIRE FABRIC I. USE, SILT FENC1E.fYNLY'W'11EN 12RAINAGH AEi[;A IMIT'r, N[lI'1i7:CJi(i1.7 I/a FENCE c •rSlLT FEN �c RI r L tl• A - N A I;L PER f .>n I.11• ., Ii. k'!. (JP i'i:JrLL. Ah1i NF.V F:li t. ril(Y.AS Ol• f S.VN.T3Nl i,ATI..F IL,t) , U(.H AS' ,.TRF.iAh'}5 E Il(.II C,... R WATIRW'Ak.. 2, NEV ER INS PAK,I, SILT FLsNC:FE IN N'C: rtANDS LLYI.F$S APPKOV.AI.., FI AS 6Er-7'1 RF.(:ETV F:I) TP DO STJ FROM APPROPRIATE AORNO S. q OVTSRLAP !R INO1L'S WTiEN SPL.10 NO FA MU C. ;� € .L .P3IIr, N +_.£ CP(tRr.rAfq tNn OF IC�r.TL>+I.r [) ro 1.1{]LY �i' .5 - ` 5.A, tfiOlLlNCUfT-}iiF]i=R. 4 L1L 3� •1P']i 'E7V.' - [ t , [ k.. f 1.J U7 ! E. l;r .Flt[. E 1 I'i'ki ! n I _ INCHES fIP N('Wy1-t5 OR t15? WAS Ii ST CP., tL i{: HRN NEIJi t1'11._L RLf'r - .,. � . _ . GR � PARALLEL TO WE t?F I+F:,NCF 4- FQA REFA [it OP Sri A f F,N('F'. VAFUTRPS. VSI:: 31I'r P!d (1: ( U 1:1,EJ M``1'A[1- COMPACTED FILL 200r,(11t. r s' MINIMUM C4VEP OVER SKIRT 7AIA)' HALI:__� ARIL I'll Yr A $t ll{fi'T111 1T H E'CIR Srr,T r,IstiC'1') -ANCHOR SKIRT AS DIREL"TEE) NY ENd,'NEER CH Pif M AM COUN I-Y 1,!'. rV I. ^1 fiat nu ' STANDARD SILT FENCE ........ ._..... -..................................... Reg,Pn of - F �•`�s or K!ielme ....nor: ir.,�..... .Tdlar?afnnrr i Yalris{1as adRptwwrl I �,�� r,�,,,F r.�� I j I„!,f9 iie. t '�Lf UN•,Lh` 1:ee' ✓•mS,,,K �n F� %_ c-I G,wf : Ilk, N-'='ADDITIONAL SODDING III -ie g ,bw-av N.M` FdG[M.MS \nn". r•!.are=, ON -n V,-v ri 1 Rat•C ;4w 7 �� i rt. INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE FOUND r m ITaA L�lXh-q W P1: vo RMa P,-M FN Pn. PI• e r n, yx pi'd a [ IN SECTION 6. t2 $0QD1NW OF I cr s- 1 pe tl x�] f-: F THE NCDEQ DEMLR EROSION wt I x� •.vlrX��,rwl R V 6Rrpn,n rn'• qrI Pq•t r.,.w s.9 ", AND SEDIMENT CONTROL I as [n,ernma^:Ixi.y R,awm6r,n :�n,yrug,e[. Iw tFrr. e,,x ti*x� raw ns , ,. - I PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL. S. d, ruTn V"aPvr wI r�• r Warm+arnl)iraresneF: reF' gene -wi r•r:.,r. FPad 1 + ]eVh V'nlenM TtF � . ,'A•<vr °a.[r*ar* u1d n r � A +,s. p2FiG 91keh ,e .RO-eF. wY aa'en uq era�.a i+n 1t.!i.' >Y •.' I! I. ST '•. Y' Ilk 1r 1..E[C ,7:1:k.-S.S'ITs1L.lF rj l _ i _ �141 rc . r+Ff H: -FL'iF k Il [P rl�TInI V,t •.FIL "x�,'�• rhm:6u,i l"! 1m^Jfu� P I'n TMT K,EIFE Rt E,n,n.usi..n � .ln: arTd i171•:['l'.'7 .f 7! TY'R F: {10.'C7 FC kf:�l'C k ttony.a,3 S*% [^' € fEx'Ifix, �;Fi. MrSMf.l:r rlM.\�ME''xLr,.F�S'�^'�P K+iF?rSc[c:z [.1S:-e lYLY:`ECrG - r a9el nay; "I ', ... .. :'.�r"i OF AA). R-M1'I F'R Nl,fettiAE rfixA ll.i'[' L' ...t,4vl nn he: K:R 014 Ile 1•' i,, F . u a ride m�ran F ammA and a • C •.; n cx mr 'r'n •L r�¢o4Enu � r•I .nnn�n314 .• n; un:4aunar I� [ ec C'alra, u,mr. , .. ... .. , . � ,�j: i! sF y€ir7erF €t; '_p,S,pr P4*n AjRICIIIr'I PI F!'es Il j'.2.R'rte- TE['Ye cr.gln'pmW, I. Piail':rll ta'r*1wm .rjI i Eij rkan uLivI E.ti tr,It v "riI rnin,Lilc ik not Ix ,v s,�,n•• Hf { L7r'lvpt I f F I r As I "s 9SF �^Pf it EFS)_ fr<edFnl,e AM s x� C.pgslpl Ppin Ppl1,sifttt or*, rl tNni y11WrN,lun. nl ,r rsrtl "f r rJns'M.I {: ;I,lr• Fv I.VW •':: :. . .. ...,.�.: -, iaT JSEl F-17 !:1 .: •:f IPl i JR h[ c r e Inr rw. li N , �H P H rt111a ♦x rF-�rrrrt nu tl f ere! .['In Etd ' I • • ';: iC It N& 'dvr,d Er.€eneF.n aiFia [r re-:mme•Wnbum. • FrxtlMirr L e Proe JI' I {'9. nl F,1'1• Ili ;n 1b{i'v .I � � .,, . ........._.______.. F• If, H, III •v I"ff -.-- - - ..Y+: `•, -.. NdiZ +1W Mkri.EM I+W7' 9c+{ephc{ wilb Iffie IA-031•a kxVFda[i:r,s ti z: I-__ ---• _ . . xv�r[1 - ItI , �il •I[n III, +Irrl I kMnr. Ito ilnl[Ir�{1XY.P+. � C-0rl L'rl n f:LCOt y, Tb sa r !_ s i✓t u<XI• >Q . «rr« '---�:--...T-� _ op J nrxhT a[sWS . +NWa7, le uc nr ntlly eR'h Y. 10.4sra 1 ,I11iY•11t {A nTli•q' illwr,luGHn,r,; i7ni[Kt ff.F4 7:J5Priry�.•- (} �' -^•--^-^+�^ - SmiiW. yn•,>r1 ,n .Sm. , eaN,•:a Ge ,.Ye^Mirµ 1f•r+naa•h, T?i,r I" •m; F A. C WI III! ' wi ,tirf�cC PF II8,I1. Il�ltis. I`: u .. .-.'.f ••i .. i'1'An[j1C• - _ - - 1j`"' MEhnv In aln,ul+,, slWvi. .I¢d eF)N, uRxY ll,+u z PdI w EXr r11Px' h,- rn _�. r r• _. - r� . err. :>edr, [o nuW Vxuiur , v,m Y tx �r t»nrvw' Lye .im m u{µ rc a emoe!h e Ih•,rryr w.. >; nN SOc .-' �y ., ... _ _ jm!I hnvt Sul pirrfa. w:pry-�eiwe.reT --m an.n:.•a,-� +. �! wcnwm.a!,:rya:.-"rnuK r wi. ... .. .. ._ :I t+M Ijdel, aal,e eyti•,r!I••R Rr I'nllltrg Vr:w4r=t.l;>tl,y n, loft AN 'AiL .N.nid fuel{, lreaa" o-yclq�srf •k, fie ore. �Ivclliart- x•t,-n xur vra „ m+ es,tis .nN e t _ T Ie n,sr c r xrn:F>:. m �i' l•7R, FPR ntJ6' ,! di9ic!d� ic! rho >av ledct .lr. v n _ f .S, rl1 ! 1 -7 •Rr �{f,y. "' !iJen>-e�1"•1t. !Wrn„eJesrede Xr,nt lnn4rTp Il� n 16 -.1m., ,., w,r anxeh nen,�.aG••Su•.se I n..r:l•fl �Y9.m�lysi^w ,de,maE,.lFd.�.] 1 ' DlWMLNg1N?nrR - SODDING INSTRUCTIONS M11,01 t.�u�..,..e•^T_ rY!�t.,.,.Y iFIGL7 €'.d I },dL�l_1i::d.LN C:i? NCYI-[aS: 2kLI,J71N,, :E.iJ:LY .'•V.1 •I 'TR Ij(;N Er;! N ;`.N: R:1 I. Ih. R _E A1R EEcT3ir. )i.i! FJ . t 21(;i,Ui7 C.f ,�-3:?S "f' V.Tf-! i Cj,,, ...'.-13 ii C'�7'rii ?i.4[hi 11Nr_Lr• T '• .t7 1:p(141i1;i 1: U!ti Nimyl'f)(I I R iiF�+rtRTH PCs7-Sl\C.. i:1�P.giH Sl:f.l'Rlt A ,PDQV.JKrK) I'. IAMAGFE3 OR ' tit `i�r[:' N :1'tiD Hi',.3 ..F .li ,15':1-r.;I:. :1[tY G',�'YYf. • PI -1• S r'A 11I 1::'S r:Akli AT' 12" CA IYIJ; V,A1 - `:'�: r.lr, n; E:! x • , qa:r €:; r C'-. ; p l E[i l 111). � . " �.. , ,! \ . rST'rt6, iJt; l'A'i'lT3iLe': +: f r ���•�-F-F� Si'F'lilC:.CITVr95. ^. • r r r r � ?rF1L:ti I. sLu IAI .r I>`jl �, ! r rtN r� y - ="•F',- r' it FrF, r,H1s[:r` r]n{is i •1: r ,, K';�•r• x 1.�1. tf••-' - L[1f F, FE:RTII.I.7:I; ,M1NE]Si; I: I . .!.. .11.-T y.... N SHtiUTA E.I_ {ISL:S] I �11 J. .ry � � -11' � -` Lila L RL 1T; �'f :A3,l.rr r'If7N. rIT'T7NI; ` - T7ITC.111:c -A Air7lXl Nr,RI? - r.. _ _ . .. (.'r Itif:l•.NTH A I'lil) RLINr A-1- IS CON .'I�;S'1:13, IN f:N.a PJ 1:.EN• 1CI IF 1. 011 FSI)[IPs r0- LM:I'FIN{. IbA Ftr�0 HI•-rl1-Hi F. 1.7ERt:r:: I-;(Th] L IP PI 1W .14Lr 0 L'L:it 1 HI_ rTlCi A-I:r: rY'Ii ]IUIt'I E. :f ANF:I;!.1R NETTING IN { �• y� i�l :k 12.1 \[_lI Tin"Nr.ii ._ '• it C}Vf3rlr'J 1 ION SIkiPi R311 IINCtioKING Al+PLY A7 A'!•r!,\N.i 7Y3 M''fTr ltlf AN1]!ilF]F:SI.0 lr+r501: Dl11Cli ANT; I!F'E;R(.•1Fm1 �:(, ACA FE'l1Ci kl+lrr RI: Ee. rAl.i_Eli IIP5N1) f,L'E�T f:R1S7 r7F 51r]i�51_lri•I:S• 14CI Mir H(ikr-A) EN A ItCdN,;FI AS SIIQW,IN 00V1'. I I clI"'a u&NI LC,0UNIr �- „MAIL N 1!NI M:R STANDARD MATTING INSTALLATION zarR-UEU CHATHAMC<sl Iry Species Rate (Ili/acre) Dates Rare (grain) 2 umLml les edeza ,'obe 120 50 j(In.uaxy 1 May 1 Geri- aii Tilillet '4'0 May 1 -' August 15 Rye (T:.li1T) 120 A!_z ilst 15 - Dec-eii)ber 31 Soil AmmdlTlenIts Follow recrlFY7nTcnflarinns clkoil rt;sra oi- apple 2,000 IN acre groullri al;ricllllurx] lvnesFane and 750 Ib'acre 10-Ill-10 fertilir..er. Mil lcb 1 I I rig, A 11' � i 3f Irro a r • srr•+1v. A •i i) s£ • -1•' •• itI ' ' E• r c r. iTt 1 [ ,, iTl1V bl' Fa( ,ill. 7V 1 ,1.i hall: Yri.ttl r a n mulch anchoring upol, A d1St with bladce Set ncofl}' straight call 1.xc used wr a mil1rh 2achoring t±,{71. Zii ltf :11T 'e i►' T elk 4 L' Refcrtili:e if wth f. nn full ' :LL c u t . '. s .. i , 1 r 1[r atcl fir( t � l q a e ] e. (•e t , rr1-rFti.Ua,(; a❑cl xTi I .Il lrrin dl y fulinwing elxssinn ov {)thcr claala,ri�. TEMPORARY SEEDING/ MULC1:':1ING SPECIFICATIONS aR1sRaD ..... �!IEFT 1 r•F 1 FILTER OF i INCH DIAMETER o nS ri M• ''�°r^j`jr=rl38'•";r�x,, ,�,,-X.. -. P 57 WASHED STONENam '`�. FAMC e y �P��•a�.1;�N:., SILT FENCE TO OVERLAP HARDWARE CLOTH BY 12 INCHES � •`EC,''•r' o°..) t;�.,c�n�a ;,tR'` y r, �� i+4 ` �-,_. ,� :•.fit'', �I� `�" t•4- �'c+. aY:e •-K -s,, Y: E1' :.?Yy . >q, 4 ' POST, ^ STEEL FENCE - PARE FENCE-^. HARDWARE f ! 004 STEEL FENCE POST E 5E T PENCE FABR C L ON WIRE r F EN E HARDWARE CLOTH-•'�._ � K1itE FENCE ., FILTER OF ! INCH DIAMETERPLAN VIEWUam 57 WASHED STONE -• ULT FLFJCE 01METS ONLi WHE1I 3 x. DRAINAGE AREA GOES NUT EXCEED f r4 ACRE AND THERE IS A LOW AREA. USE ROW D1Rf.C'14N r 18 AS A REPAIR OF SILT FENCE FAILURES. .-.....fir,.. �4 .If, <i � GRADE STEEL. FtrJCF POST SEr IIARUWARE CLOTH-y MAXIMUM 2 FEET APAR W.'1R.RE FT..}3CE 1 I I I it r V 'I _._.._._.."..._....-....... _-...._......"....._._........ U SILT :ENCE t"-P d+tazk I:Irkn €vs>_S.SY.r..tls: FAI31?Ec - 1. REMOVF; 313E]I uS utit'li Fix H,AI.,R 1•LFIC;MT OF STQNEa ,F;. RPd'F(F?1H ';VO>` . i'3 FAT' III EXIONIEsC'LaOGAI)WIII II MADE .11- 1 REV AIR OR REPLACE. PENCE __. E 11' - - A I N)1AFRG ARI.[,I.l)'tFi r • 1 ... I: - l'•.{__...- IlkihlLgl,A7.LE.l VV•tiE,Nk.! , .. f 'iT r=. ... .. �::_.-:•._:} r..;.:. I7FiIACIRNCES POUND �� Gi.. ' � LI Ll 'j?•::: �'r `L: T CAz,r ... BURY VEIN£ FENCE. HARDWARE CLOTH, FRONT VIEW TRENC�rvCE FABRIC 5 INCHES IIdTq THE CHAR TIAI'A CI;UNrrY STANDARD SILT FENCE OUT IXT SF.CFf't: SURI-AC.Y SI [A1.1, BE Sikl(:)( ST li (SLP( •RE Tr"rHERFs 1S A f3i'.Rkf AT' TIT 11]n OF SLPPf', Pf.,AC.t:NJ. FNT.- F'C)R PR( IPI:R Si! AL r_(1i-T,1C-n ANI.-JIOR llPSL0131', 0IF TTAE I1"- NJ. Z- : " ,w_ _ ?W1V0101t 1N G" X f" 1liN. TRF_.NE .1 1 ST•F PIJNG PAT-r11'RN AS (.)VLRLAIz 11ti.fZ5'l'ill'1,i. AT f 2" IIN'n.'.ff1's11.ti, PER NIA NUl'11C1'i?Rl?ITS ` R1iI'01vI1•FEND'rAJ0N% -_ _ ��t� �.,•," f` a: S'1-.APi.i: F 11'I'F.ItI.AP5 NTAX. 5" Sf A0INC. lili.IN(; Al,VrTil(L's1.DOWN TC) .A FXXEI. Dt J Nl7'T ST Iif.•1'(.I1 B LANK1_T5; NL•1T7171€ -6 A R F. A,'F'F'R L 'I rF1F 1,Nr) [!N 1) T` R 4"rl?317 11(;1IT. ALIX)WTI iRR01.1 STIJ-) .(li\VOPU%f TOAN)_ 5T'•°SPIY- N1 i7" IN' TRVAIS. l ' , N c , : , ..;.. , 311. L.t.1L, l Ll,itllfJ.L,i..,,.]1VCl S1s1.1. 1 ..I L. 1..1.. 51 .1 ATION lEC7R ..F.f.]I f..S 1.L.S. I.I LAN 14, R.[31,F LLAY LiC ) 1 I S Y_ ) Cf 3 1...1Pi 1 fYrU []F- 51{1tL f3S 1 Rl..,l„ 1..1 _ SI I{. U .1] .]..C.LR l'1,gf.k:±l� I':= lif?RIIC)�s"l'�lF.5rIL1P5. i AI'IT_R LNISTAI JA.TJON. MA1NT_'13NAN(,E NOTES; I, INSPEX.I1',kiAT NC; tC'EEXL Y AND A f rff-, K S I (; IN IFICLAN TRAIN L1 }.+,p.1S. RI0'AIR i.1VVLOiArF.1.Y. r 1 , - 1 E•r' i ... N � ] )S ! . 1LS'iiJ .. T . (.(:i.ilf 1eL. 1_.! rl i 7] (;UCJIJ C. - fr 1 iCT l7'1'I-H G1t[. L F 1] , IL _"] 1 !. J�i.1LN'I'ilr 1_,L , r1iVS? 1tR ..11. • -I: r { 1' i1A'I"1'f .r. f{i.l AIR �Lhfl? tiC_[_..ZiL• A, RF_ 1i;.1RF�17 IF' I]IL irlC;F.sIJ .7R L N17f..,lt.. T h _ � r) '�i[l,il'1 ORriN-C) RF..P:1LR 15 IN PC []SriRY Lry I'[I. C;ROLIRL]f_I7Y'E,R r5 UST Al.il J.SF-111:.7- CHAI HA'1'i CCNJNZV ................. _...... . STAANDARD MATTING INSTALLATION (SLOPES) F}i(rF,Fl-\I:\fRRN ��•. - 2JIlSf:a� 7777777 Chatham County Sample Residential Construction Sequence 1. SILK bmit a Land Disturbing Permit Application at feast 30 days prior to any land disturbing activity occurring. 2. Organize pre construction meeting with Chatham County Watershed Protection Department to review site plan prior to land disturbing activities. Land -Disturbing Permit and Approved Plans will be provided at this meeting. 3. Insta11 ail temporary erosion control measures according to the information discussed during the pre -construction meeting, Minimal clearing may occur in -the immediate area of all measures to provide for installation. 4. Permitted land disturbing activities may begin once measures are installed. 5. Complete self -inspections weekly and within 24 hours or a 0.5" or greater rainfall event. 6. Maintain all erosion and sediment control measures in [nod working order. Silt fence, inlet ti n a Td ther similar measures must Lae cleaned out when the are half full. Cln ed silt protec o r o y gg fence outlets must be refreshed/replaced. Silt fence cannot have holes or tears, 7. Ground cover shall be provided as follows: a, Stabilize basins with ground cover immediately after installation. (if applicable) b. Stabilize diversion ditches intended to be in service for (14) days or more with temporary seeding and erosion control matting. (If applicable) C. For all areas of moderate and/or steep slopes, stabilize area with seed and matting if the slope has not been disturbed for a period of (7) days. d. Provide ground coves- sufficient to restrain erasion cn any portion of the site upon which further land -disturbing activity is not being undertaken within (14) calendar days of temporarily or permanently suspending land disturbing activity. e. Establish permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion immediately following completion of construction or development and/or prior to final inspection. 9. Re -install adequate erosion and sediment control measures and/or increase maintenance frequency where approved measures fail to prevent accelerated erosion, off -site sedimentation, or repetitive non-compliance issues. 10, Measures must be installed at the hack of curb to restrict all vehicle access to the construction entrance. All measures must be installed according to the approved plan unless approved in the 1 r field b Chatham Count Watershed Protection Department staff (approved Field Revision). y Y P (pP 1 11. od•fications to the a roved and er itted Ians shall be a raved b Chatham Count � I � , pP p pp y y P Watershed Protection Department staff only, prior to removal or installation. Contact Chatham County Watershed Protection Department staff to request an inspection and obtain a sign -off on the pP or an cans approved Field Revision. P 12. Once grading and construction activities are complete, temporary measures are remove d, and the site is stabilized call Chatham County Watershed Protection Division staff to schedule the final inspection. 11 Once the final inspection is complete the permit will be closed and no additional ground disturbing activities can occur. U m J 'c J � CIL 0 J U 7 w E LU L ❑3 � C - rn M 0 Z O W L C U MU 221 N. SALEM ST. SUITE D01 PO Box 1062 APEx, NC 27502 Office: 919-367-1174 Registration: P-0151 www.lonescnosson.com sr' . C� Q~ prt =p,4Z?7Tr5- Z ( , r rrr`�ERrilDj F,CNA im z 0 Q W L NT5 z Q J W U z Q m 0 0 J J Q z W W z 0 0 w FDC 5EPTEMDER 2G, 2022 I 1 � 15/22 1 UPDATED DETAIL5 2 223G NCG01 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE NCG01 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT Implementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result in the construction activity being considered compliant with the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handling sections of the NCG01 Construction General Permit (Sections E and F, respectively). The permittee shall comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control plan approved by the delegated authority having jurisdiction. All details and specifications shown on this sheet may not apply depending on site conditions and the delegated authority having jurisdiction. GROUND STABILIZATION SPECIFICATION Stabilize the ground sufficiently so that rain will not dislodge the soil. Use one of the techniques in the table below: POLYACRYLAMIDES (PAMS) AND FLOCCULANTS 1. Select flocculants that are appropriate for the soils being exposed during construction, selecting from the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants. 2. Apply flocculants at or before the inlets to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures. 3. Apply flocculants at the concentrations specified in the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 4. Provide ponding area for containment of treated Stormwater before discharging offsite. 5. Store flocculants in leak-proof containers that are kept under storm-resistant cover or surrounded by secondary containment structures. HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE 1. Create designated hazardous waste collection areas on-site. 2. Place hazardous waste containers under cover or in secondary containment. 3. Do not store hazardous chemicals, drums or bagged materials directly on the ground. EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 1. Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge of fluids. 2. Provide drip pans under any stored equipment. 3. Identify leaks and repair as soon as feasible, or remove leaking equipment from the project. 4. Collect all spent fluids, store in separate containers and properly dispose as hazardous waste (recycle when possible). 5. Remove leaking vehicles and construction equipment from service until the problem has been corrected. 6. Bring used fuels, lubricants, coolants, hydraulic fluids and other petroleum products to a recycling or disposal center that handles these materials. LITTER, BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE 1. Never bury or burn waste. Place litter and debris in approved waste containers. 2. Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containers (e.g dumpster, trash receptacle) on site to contain construction and domestic wastes. 3. Locate waste containers at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. 4. Locate waste containers on areas that do not receive substantial amounts of runoff from upland areas and does not drain directly to a storm drain, stream or wetland. 5. Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events or provide secondary containment. Repair or replace damaged waste containers. 6. Anchor all lightweight items in waste containers during times of high winds. 7. Empty waste containers as needed to prevent overflow. Clean up immediately if containers overflow. 8. Dispose waste off-site at an approved disposal facility. 9. On business days, clean up and dispose of waste in designated waste containers. PAINT AND OTHER LIQUID WASTE 1. Do not dump paint and other liquid waste into storm drains, streams or wetlands. 2. Locate paint washouts at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. 3. Contain liquid wastes in a controlled area. 4. Containment must be labeled, sized and placed appropriately for the needs of site. 5. Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents and other liquid wastes from construction sites. PORTABLE TOILETS 1. Install portable toilets on level ground, at least 50 feet away from storm drains, streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonably available. If 50 foot offset is not attainable, provide relocation of portable toilet behind silt fence or place on a gravel pad and surround with sand bags. 2. Provide staking or anchoring of portable toilets during periods of high winds or in high foot traffic areas. 3. Monitor portable toilets for leaking and properly dispose of any leaked material. Utilize a licensed sanitary waste hauler to remove leaking portable toilets and replace with properly operating unit. HERBICIDES, PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES 1. Store and apply herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in accordance with label restrictions. 2. Store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in their original containers with the label, which lists directions for use, ingredients and first aid steps in case of accidental poisoning. 3. Do not store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in areas where flooding is possible or where they may spill or leak into wells, stormwater drains, ground water or surface water. If a spill occurs, clean area immediately. 4. Do not stockpile these materials onsite. CONCRETE WASHOUTS 1. Do not discharge concrete or cement slurry from the site. 2. Dispose of, or recycle settled, hardened concrete residue in accordance with local and state solid waste regulations and at an approved facility. 3. Manage washout from mortar mixers in accordance with the above item and in addition place the mixer and associated materials on impervious barrier and within lot perimeter silt fence. 4. Install temporary concrete washouts per local requirements, where applicable. If an alternate method or product is to be used, contact your approval authority for review and approval. If local standard details are not available, use one of the two types of temporary concrete washouts provided on this detail. 5. Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalk sections. Stormwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into or discharged to the storm drain system or receiving surface waters. Liquid waste must be pumped out and removed from project. 6. Locate washouts at least 50 feet from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless it can be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available. At a minimum, install protection of storm drain inlet(s) closest to the washout which could receive spills or overflow. 7. Locate washouts in an easily accessible area, on level ground and install a stone entrance pad in front of the washout. Additional controls may be required by the approving authority. 8. Install at least one sign directing concrete trucks to the washout within the project limits. Post signage on the washout itself to identify this location. 9. Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 75% capacity to limit overflow events. Replace the tarp, sand bags or other temporary structural components when no longer functional. When utilizing alternative or proprietary products, follow manufacturer's instructions. 10. At the completion of the concrete work, remove remaining leavings and dispose of in an approved disposal facility. Fill pit, if applicable, and stabilize any disturbance caused by removal of washout. EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT 1. Show stockpile locations on plans. Locate earthen-material stockpile areas at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets, sediment basins, perimeter sediment controls and surface waters unless it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonably available. 2. Protect stockpile with silt fence installed along toe of slope with a minimum offset of five feet from the toe of stockpile. 3. Provide stable stone access point when feasible. 4. Stabilize stockpile within the timeframes provided on this sheet and in accordance with the approved plan and any additional requirements. Soil stabilization is defined as vegetative, physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain accelerated erosion on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs. SECTION E: GROUND STABILIZATION Required Ground Stabilization Timeframes Note: After the permanent cessation of construction activities, any areas with temporary ground stabilization shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon as practicable but in no case longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbing activity. Temporary ground stabilization shall be maintained in a manner to render the surface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved. Site Area Description Timeframe variations -7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed unless there is zero slope Stabilize within this many calendar days after ceasing land disturbance 7 7 7 14 None None (a) Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, and perimeter slopes (b) High Quality Water (HQW) Zones (c) Slopes steeper than 3:1 If slopes are 10' or less in length and are not steeper than 2:1, 14 days are allowed (d) Slopes 3:1 to 4:1 (e) Areas with slopes flatter than 4:1 14 -7 days for slopes greater than 50' in length and with slopes steeper than 4:1 -7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed NCG01 SELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 PART III SELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION A: SELF-INSPECTION Self-inspections are required during normal business hours in accordance with the table below. When adverse weather or site conditions would cause the safety of the inspection personnel to be in jeopardy, the inspection may be delayed until the next business day on which it is safe to perform the inspection. In addition, when a storm event of equal to or greater than 1.0 inch occurs outside of normal business hours, the self-inspection shall be performed upon the commencement of the next business day. Any time when inspections were delayed shall be noted in the Inspection Record. NOTE: The rain inspection resets the required 7 calendar day inspection requirement. PART III SELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION B: RECORDKEEPING 1. E&SC Plan Documentation The approved E&SC plan as well as any approved deviation shall be kept on the site. The approved E&SC plan must be kept up-to-date throughout the coverage under this permit. The following items pertaining to the E&SC plan shall be documented in the manner described: 2. Additional Documentation In addition to the E&SC Plan documents above, the following items shall be kept on the site and available for agency inspectors at all times during normal business hours, unless the Division provides a site-specific exemption based on unique site conditions that make this requirement not practical: (a) This general permit as well as the certificate of coverage, after it is received. (b) Records of inspections made during the previous 30 days. The permittee shall record the required observations on the Inspection Record Form provided by the Division or a similar inspection form that includes all the required elements. Use of electronically-available records in lieu of the required paper copies will be allowed if shown to provide equal access and utility as the hard-copy records. (c) All data used to complete the Notice of Intent and older inspection records shall be maintained for a period of three years after project completion and made available upon request. [40 CFR 122.41] PART III SELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION C: REPORTING 1. Occurrences that must be reported Permittees shall report the following occurrences: (a) Visible sediment deposition in a stream or wetland. (b) Oil spills if: ·They are 25 gallons or more, ·They are less than 25 gallons but cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours, ·They cause sheen on surface waters (regardless of volume), or ·They are within 100 feet of surface waters (regardless of volume). (a) Releases of hazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under Section 311 of the Clean Water Act (Ref: 40 CFR 110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3) or Section 102 of CERCLA (Ref: 40 CFR 302.4) or G.S. 143-215.85. (b) Anticipated bypasses and unanticipated bypasses. (c) Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit that may endanger health or the environment. 2. Reporting Timeframes and Other Requirements After a permittee becomes aware of an occurrence that must be reported, he shall contact the appropriate Division regional office within the timeframes and in accordance with the other requirements listed below. Occurrences outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Division's Emergency Response personnel at (800) 662-7956, (800) 858-0368 or (919) 733-3300.