HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020672 Ver 3_Dunn Comment_20150205 Chapman, Amy From:Lee Proctor <hevenleeinnc@yahoo.com> Sent:Thursday, February 05, 2015 11:42 AM To:Chapman, Amy Subject:Public comments regarding Monroe Bypass Ms. Chapman, I am writing this letter to address the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s application for a Water Quality Certification. I am glad there was time set aside for residents and interested parties to comment on this project. Here are my concerns: The project selection process was based on a flawed and incomplete alternatives analysis and the applicant has  failed to demonstrate that there is no practical alternative to the proposed project that would result in less adverse impact. Flaws in the alternatives analysis: NCDOT has failed to demonstrate a need for the project, instead improperly relying on significantly o flawed and outdated traffic and socio-economic data to justify its selected alternative. NCDOT used these flawed traffic forecasts to improperly eliminate many practical project alternatives, o such as a suite of improvements including upgrades to the existing U.S. 74 corridor. NCDOT has not shown that constructing the Bypass is a financially feasible alternative . The financial o analysis underpinning the permit application is deeply flawed, based on a series of outdated assumptions that no longer make any sense. Flawed Indirect and Cumulative Effects (“ICE”) Analysis  ICE analysis is based on the fundamental assumption that the road will result in negligible overall growth o and development in the study area, an assumption that is fundamentally inconsistent with many other analyses, most notably including those which underpin the rationale to construct the road. NCDOT has also failed to account for the indirect and cumulative effects that will result from the o expected shift in growth to more rural areas of Union County. NCDOT has not accounted for the cumulative effects of major projects in the corridor like the Legacy o Park or other area transportation projects like the HOT lanes on I-485. NCDOT has failed to demonstrate that there is sufficient mitigation available to offset the impacts to wetlands  and streams impacted by the project. The failure to provide details about both impacts and mitigation leaves open important questions about both the availability and adequacy of the proposed mitigation. In light of these concerns, as well as the overwhelming and unaddressed public misunderstanding of the project,  widespread public opposition, and dubious financial support, approving the application is not in the public’s best interest. Ms. Chapman, my husband and I chose to live here on Lake Twitty because we appreciate the peace and serenity and the beautiful views the lake has to offer. However, this lake is on your impaired list and has been for a few years. A large project such as the Monroe Bypass will only do further damage. Who will feel the effects most acutely? You might say it is all the people who depend on Lake Twitty for their drinking water, which is true. However, the landowners around the lake will also directly suffer any changes to lake access required due to increased impairment of the water. Please do not approve NCDOT’s application for Water Quality Certification. We do not need such an expensive road, and we certainly do not need its associated problems. Many of us are counting on you! 1 Sincerely Leanna Dunn hevenleeinnc@yahoo.com 2