HomeMy WebLinkAbout19970506 Ver 1_Year 5 Monitoring Report_20141222r, r - Lenuel Chamberlain, Chairman OF L L 2014 Bobby J. Matthews, Vice- Chairman Jo R. Linville, Secretary- Treasurer V�'msto, Saf p '91 1- 0,50-0 Van Hemric, Member Grady Shore, Member Yadkin Soil and Water Conservation District December 16, 2014 - Ms. Sue Homewood 450 Hanes Mill Road Suite 300 Winston - Salem, NC 27105 Dear Ms. Homewood: We have enclosed copies of the 2014 inspection reports for the Effie West and Carl Shore sites for the Deep Creek 5D project. These are the final reports for these sites. We feel that these reports completely fulfill the requirements of the permit for this project. Please contact our office with any questions or comments. We appreciate all of your help throughout this entire project! Thank yo Lenuel Chamberlain Chairman; Yadkin Soil and Water Conservation District 209 East Elm Street a PO Box 8 ♦ Yadkinville, NC 27055 ® 336- 679 -8052 ext.3 jj 44 .� a -- f t �i � {•) i i i•F a sq �, {,E i•a I Deep Creek Watershed Structure 5D Mitigation Project Carl ,Shore Stream Restoration And Effie G. West Stream Enhancement Yadlu -n Countj; North Carolina November 2014 Prepared for: US Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Prepared by: Yadkin Soil and Water Conservation District P. O. Box 8 Yadlinville, NC 27055 In cooperation with: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service 1 0 YEAR 5 (2014) Monitoring Report 1 Deep Creek Watershed Structure 5D Mitigation Project ERe Carl Shore Stream Restoration And Effie G. West Stream Enhancement KICAUn CountJ; North Carohna November 2014 Prepared p ed for: US Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Prepared by: Yadkin Soil and Water Conservation District P. O. Box 8 Yadkinville, NC 27055 In cooperation with: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS • 1.0 Protect Overview 1.1 Protect Goals and Oblectsves ... .. ....... ... 1 1.2 Protect Location .. ... ... .... ... ... . .. ...................... 2 2.0 Monitoring Success Requn-ements . ... ... .. .............................. ......................... 2 2.1 Morphological Parameter~ and Channel Stability ... .... ..... ......... ............... .......... ..2 2.1 1 Dimension .. .... ... 2 2.1 2 Pattcrn and Prolilc .. .. ... .... . .. .... ... ... .. .... ... ..... 3 2.1 3 Substrate .. 3 2.3 Rcicrcncc Photograph Pomts ... .... ..... ..... .... .. ............................. 3 2.4 Ma1rltCnan(.0 and Coutmgeiu.y Plan,,. .. .. ..... ..... ...... .............. ........... ......4 3.0 Year 5 Monitoring Results ................. ...... ....................................... ............................... 4 3 2 Sti caun Asticssnicnt ... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... ............................... ............................... 4 List of Appendices Appendix 1 - Figures • Appendix 2 - Monitoring Data Appendix 3 - Reference Photographs List of Figures Figure 1 - Protect Vicinity Map Deep Creek W itersliecl StI uc ture 5D Mitigation Protec l Year 5 of 5 Momtormg Report Carl Sborc ml(l EIlic G West Strcam Mitigation Sites November 2014 2 • • 1.0 Project Overview The Deep Creek Mitigation PI-Olect (Site) is locatcd in Yadkin County, North Carolina within the Northern Innci Piedmont Eco- Region of the Yadkin River Basin (USGS HUC 03040105). The Site consist,, of three separate mitigation projects that are a component of-the mitigation plan to address wetland and stream mnpacts resulting 11.011, the construction of the multiple - purposc Sti ucture 5D I'lic Structure 5D is part of the Dccp Crccic Watershed Work Plan that was approved for operations 011 January 3, 1958. "I,he project was authorized through the Watershed Protection and Flood Pi evention Act - Public Law 83 -566, as amended (US U S. C. 1001 - 1008) The project sponsors are the Yadkin Soil and Watei Conservation District and Yadkin County Board of Coinmissionci s Structure 5D is a multiple- purpose slruUure that was designed for flood pievcntion and III unicipal /industrieS water supply in the Dccp Crcck Watershed The Structure 5D is located on South Dccp Crcck uiuncdiatcly upstream from old US 421 and has a drainage are of 25.1 square mules (sq nni.). The surrounding land use consists of Iorestland, cropland grassland, and miscellaneous or built -up land. Approximately 15,000 linear feet (11) of stream were inundated Clue to the peinnanent pool of Structure 5D 'I,1is Included 10,000 11 of Soutli Deep Creek and 5,000 11 of unnamed tIIbutalICS 130th strc,uu uul wetland ntigation Issues wcic Lddres"cd within this project. 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives '1'hc following mitigation goals were establisllcd within the Dccp Creek Watershed to compensate for the unavoidable loss of streams 1 Restore appi oximatcly 1,437 It of sti cam along Carl Shore, 2. Enhance approximately 351 11 of stream along Carl Shore, 3. PI -CSCI C(l approximately 883 It of stream along Carl Shore by fencing out livestock from accessing the stream project area, 4. Enhance approximately 585 11 of stream along Ellie G. West, and 5 Improve fIOOdpl,urn 111(1 Strca111ban1, vegetation along Carl Sliore and Effie G West. "I'lic Carl Shore and Ellic G West stream channels were designed and constructed as B -type C11a1111CIS. 111 -41 -Cam Stl uctul -CS, SuC11 dS 100MI t(IS, log VdnCS, in(] cross vanes were used to control sticannbed giadc, reduce stress on strcambanks, and promote bed form sequences and habitat diversity Strcambanks were stabilized using a combination of erosion control matting, seeding, and livcstakcs A total of 1,437 11 of stream was restored, 351 11' enhanced, and 883 if preserved within the Carl Slxoc silt and app► oximatcly 585 11 was enhanced along the Elfic G. West site Tlus report serves as the Yca1 live 2014 annual monitoring report of the live year monitoring plan 101 [Ile CM Sho1c Stream Restoration Site am(I the Effie G Wcst Strcaml Enhancement site of the Dccp Crccic Mitigation Project Dccp Crcck \VatciS1ICd Stil CLulc 5D nutig.itioi Project Year 5 of 5 Monitoring Report 611-1 Shorc and Ellie G \Vcst Sticam Mitigation Sites November 2014 1.2 Protect Location The Carl Shore Stl CAM Rc ,,toration Protect and the Ellie G. West Strewn Enhancement Protect are located west of the Town of Yadkinvillc. The protects arc located in lie Yadkin -Pce Dee River Basin Catalog Unit 03010105 with a watershed land use dominated by rural pasture land and forest Carl shore is a second order stream with an approximate drainage area of 3.69 square uulc,, l HIC G NVc ,,t',, urnrncuuccl tributary n,, a fir ,,t older sticam with an approximate drainage area of 0.53 scjuare miles TO ace ess the site from Chai lolls, Noi th Cai olma, talcs hltci,,talc 77 North for approximately 62 mules and talcs exit 73A (US -421 South) 'false exit 263 (US -21) toward Jonesville /Statesville quid turn left onto US -21 at the end of the exit ramp. Take US -21 approximately 1.5 miles and turn right onto Longtown Road Approximately V2 mile down Longiown Road turn right onto Ireland Road The Gill Shoe c ,,trc.un Restoration Protect will be on your right approximately 0.7 miles down Ireland Road The Ellie G West Stream Enhancement Protect will be on your right approximately 1 2 mules down Ireland Road Please refer to Figure 1 for a location map of the protect sites 2.0 Monitoring Success Requirements Annual 1110111[01 mfg will consist of collecting the morphological and vegetative data to assess the protect success based oil the restoration goals and objectives. Specifically, the success of the site will be assessed using measurements of the stream channel's drmensron, pattern, profile, substrate composition, permanent photographs and vcgctatnon sampling 'File sites will be monitored for live years (beginning un 2010) with an annual mnornrtorrng report subrnrttcd to the corps within 30 days of the monitoring activities 2.1 Morphological Parameters and Channel Stability Streams often demonstrate some level of initial adjustment in the several months that follow construction and some change /variation sub ,,equcnt to that is also to be expected. Over time tills variation should demonstrate rnarntenance around some acceptable baseline with marntenulee of or even a reduction inn the amplitude of variation Thcre should be mo trend toward aggradation or dcgiadation over the coun,,c of the live yc'u nnon1tormng period 2 1.1 Dimension Cros ,,- ,,ectnon rnca,,urcinents should indicate little change from the as -built cross- sections; however, some change is natural and expected. Any changes that occur will be evaluated to determine whether the LdtustrnentS MC l uhcatnve of nmovement toward am uu ,,table condition or whether it is natural and something to be expected. The following tlue ,,hold,, will be con,,n<lene(l indicators of instability il 1) W/D nation uicr ca,,cs by nun c than 10 to 15 perccnt,2) BHR increases by more than 25 to 30 percent, or 3) change nn stream classification (for example a change from a C/E to a F /G). Decp Creck Watel'shed ,,ti ut tun c 51) Mrtigatiorr Protect Ycar 5 of 5 Monitoring Report Carl Shore and Ellie G West Sticam mtttg,ntiou Sacs November 2014 4 1 • 2 1.2 Pattern and Pt, olilc T11C Channel's pi oink Should not demonstrate any trends in thalweg aggradation or degradation over Amy sngnlfiCaunt continuous portion of Its length. Annual measurements should indicate stable bed features with little change flour the as -built ranges. lbflle /Pool facets and pattern features should Illustrate mininnal adjustments over the live yell monitoring period Although a pool cross- section nnay experience peuodlc unlilbng (file to walC1 shed activity uul the tlming ol' events relative to monitoring, the majorit }- of llic pool c 1 Oss -sec 110115 need to be malrn(allnC(f over time and tine rates of lateial nnigration need to be nunun<tl '1'hc following till-csholds will be considered indicators of Instability nl 1) Facet slopes increase by 50 percent, 2) Rllfle /Pool bed feature spacing shifts Luc greater than one banklull width, and 3) tine longitudinal profile water surface slope HICrCasC4 by more than 20 percent 2.1.3 Substrate Substrate nlcasurcnncnts should indicate the pi ogl cssion towal ds, of the maintenance of the known dlstrlbu [loll s h oil] tine design phase 'the D50 and D84 should coarsen over the live year monitoring period Generally rilIles will contain coarser niaterial and the lines will deposit in the pools Fluctuations in the substl ate composition may occur over the live year inomtormg period. Any change should be cvaluatcd as to wlicatlicl is a localized change or something larger out ol'the project area. The following threshold will be considered a ceicern 1) the D50 increases by 30 percent and 2) the substrate composition has an 1nCrcasc of silky and /Or sand by more than 50 percent. 2.3 Reference Photograph Points Permanent photographic rcicrcnCC points established along the channels will be used to support tlic qualitative visual assessments for the annual monitoring and sub9cctively evaluate chainnel aggra(fation 01 degradation, bank erosion, stio -cc" Of Ilpal'lan vegetation and cllectvCness of erosion control measures Reference photogiaphs looking upstream and downstream were taken at each photo point. Subsequently, asscssnnents lollowung the year one survey should capture the nine reference photograph Decp Cicck Watcislicd Structure 5D Mltigalio❑ Pioject Year 5 of 5 Monitoring Report Ctrl Shore and Effie G West, Sticam mitigation Sites November 2014 2.4 Maintenance and Contungency Plans 0 Potential pioblcln areas, such as streambank instability, tggradatioii/degradation, or unsuccessful vcgct,ltion establishment will be evaluated during the annual monitoring. II, dui ing die annual review of the strcann rcacli, a f,ilure is noted, the ,u-c,is will be ev,iluataf and (I1sU1SSCd with apps opriatc personnel to dctc► nuns it rcuncdial m,unlcnancc nneasures arc rcqui cd to resolve the pioblcnn I1 icnncdiation of ,iu arc" is rNull-c(l, a proposal will be submitted for the needed work. 3.0 Year 5 Morutori ng Results Results from (Ile 2014 stream monitoring ello, t indicate that the Cal 1 Shore and Ellie G. West Sites are maintaining vertical and latcr,ll stability with Inlnlinnal bank crosiou visual assessments along the channel indicated that thcic ale lno Ina)ol adva11cC1ne11t5 toward ilStablhly wltlllll the sites 3.2 Stream Assessment Call 'shot e 's'llc ll] Reslol-llloll Overall, the present stream dincuslons along Carl Shore appear to be stable. The average banklull area is 36.3 sq.It of the surveyed cross- sections, the proposed was 47.011. The average suivcycd mean banklull depth is slightly ]()we, (1.39 It) than tine proposed 2 1 ft The surveyed banklull widths and depths lead to an avcragc Width /Depth (W /D) ratio of 19.45 with a sinuosity of 1 25. "hhc thalweg profile appears to be stable, and was characterized by well - defined iillle and pool features The average water sulfate slope and the avcragc banklull slope were very sinnilai loi the surveyed icacti, 0 0058 It /It and 0.00331t/ft. "hhc substrate analysis illustrates a dnvcrsc and stable substi atc material and available habitat with little line deposition occurring Based on the above dclining strcan dimension characteristics from the 2014 monitoring yea-, the stream was classified as a B4c. Tlic log structuics are stable and luncuoning as constructed. Dccp Ci eck Watci shed sti u(tti-c 5D Mitig,itiou 1 i olco Ycai 5 or 5 Monitoi ing Report Carl Slioic and 1"Ific G NVcst SUc,un nutigatiou Sitcs November 2014 1 L77ic G. V/'cs! 8%,1»1 Lilh;lrlccnrcrl! Based on the current stream diiucnsions along Elfic G. West, the enhancement area appears to be stable. Tlic average bankfull area (12.03 s(l. It.) and the average mean banklull depth (.825 It) of the surveyed doss - sections aic both within the proposed ranges of 11 /1 -17 3 It and 0 79 -1.24 It, respectfully. "1'hc surveyed banl. lull widths and depths lead to an avcragc Width /Depth (W /D) ratio of 21.33 with a sniuosity of 1.25. The thalwcg profile appears to be stable, and was characterved by well - defined riffle and pool features. The average water surface slope and the avcragc banl.full slope were very similar Ioi the surveyed reach, 0.0141'1 /h and 0 015 It /ft, respectively 'hhc substrate analysis illustrates a diverse substrate inatcrial and available habitat with some lint deposition occurring Based on the above defining stieain dimension characteristics from the 201/1 monitor uig year, the stream was classified as a 114 In summary, the Cai I Shore and Effic G. West sites have mct the stream mitigation goals for nxnntoring year 5. The pattern, profile, and dimension of the restored channel and the two slreauns appear to be ulaintaniing vertical and lateral stability with stable structures and nunimal bank eiosion. The background information provided in this report is referenced from the mitigation plan Plcasc refer to Appendix 2 loi more dctallCd dream data tables and plots for momitoi uig ycai I1VC and Appendix 3 Ioi repi esentative pholograplis. Deep Creek Watershed Sli uc tui c 5D Mitigation h ocet Carl Shore and Ellie G West stream Mitigation sites APPENDIX I — FIGURES Year 5 of 5 Monitoring Report November 2014 0 Figure I. Project Vicinity Map • Dccp Cicck Watuslml SUucturc 5D Mitigation 1'rotcct Coil Shore and Ellic G Wcst Sti cam MlUgaUon Sitcs is Yc<u 5 015 Monitoring Rcport Novcmbcr 2014 r- or T F 1 `� 14 P sw� tr liw INN Ali J j -p r r 4 '1 � >.±�- i,.- ice,,.- _q- ••,�.T -i-"h, ';�'— .'- s,.- � -..P., •- r. w- -- -- wt�....1,�,_.. -�_ -, d.�y.. ", , � "' _ _ _ ` ~�' r+� \ i NN ql / f y�� _ (• L h 1 "U Y 1 D 0 0 c �c 6MMEIPW v 0 cf) LAI ;-_l T ri CD El N Ir'_ I• APPENDIX. 2 MONITORING DATA Longitudinal Plots' . Cross- Section Plots Pebble Count Plots Deep Creek Watershed Structure 5D Mitigation Project Carl Shore and Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Sites Year 1 of 5 Monitoring Report November 2010 Carl Shore Site Stream Mitigation ' r i •1 rC ♦ i 't. . � eep Creek W/S adkin County, NCx.z' (( b� - t- 'r .yi1 � f{� �' "�',i -,. r� . � 1 . 4• - Mfr Y�' � it � rLegend Survey Hubs X- Section Points r7t ® Photo Locations 4. . _ w , - r. r . - �'•i�1�",` ..L��y:, a ii1_ -, ,u �: �. •_ i . t9A 61 i�.. �t 4. ;. , +��,: r�y�• ''r'f, �F, ?�a pt' �� 7 i3 �'�' ;fl.� a� (i >(� r �•a �'1; ,Y + '1 �1.�� -��.t J . �� � 1j N+i` ,��Jt p- � f•., �• +yam y w�_ i.;�1�'\{, • �. �'� �.'3i..il -.�1 =C t hi,i`,� �i I.iJn. .►ir, J ' t` ++. i' i100 0 100 200 300 400 4� • _ Feet. 10, 1 vc. kl hk i R."-Ov- IN ".4 4 At i. A. lKi Mrl I fvv q Ax .Q', .Woe Nj,� IL �j v Effie G. I Stream Enha Yadkin Cou 10, 1 vc. kl hk i R."-Ov- IN ".4 4 At i. A. lKi Mrl I fvv q Ax .Q', .Woe Nj,� IL �j v • • Yadkin County, NC Carl Shore Stream Restoration August 2014 X- Section #1, STA 2 +19, Riffle Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Sep-10 Nov -11 Aug-12 Aug-13 Aug-14 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ft) 48.35 45.74 27.2 19.9 21.4 Bankfull Width ft 28.15 27.5 23 20.9 21 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 1.72 1.66 1.18 0.95 1.02 Bankfull Max Depth ft 2.86 2.67 1.88 1.32 1.67 Width/Depth Ratio 16.37 16.57 19.5 22 20.6 Entrenchment Ratio 1.69 1.64 1.35 1.2 1.37 Stream Type B 134a B3 B3 Sinuosity 1.24 1.25 1.25 1.25 Channel Materials D50 size in mm 15 22 90 115 • • C� Yadkin County, NC Carl Shore Stream Restoration August 2014 X- Section #2, STA 2 +52, Pool Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Sep-10 Nov -11 Aug-12 Aug-13 Aug-14 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ft) 57.92 58.1 52.6 54.8 53 Bankfull Width ft 26.85 26.5 26 25 27.6 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 2.16 2.19 2.02 2.19 1.92 Bankfull Max Depth ft 3.68 3.63 3.55 3.42 3.47 Width/Depth Ratio 12.43 12.1 12.87 11.4 14.4 u • Yadkin County, NC Carl Shore Stream Restoration August 2014 X- Section #3, STA 5 +77, Riffle Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Sep-10 Nov -11 Aug-12 Aug-13 Aug-14 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ft) 48.66 48.48 34.2 35.2 35.6 Bankfull Width ft 27.65 28.5 22 23 22 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 1.76 1.7 1.55 1.51 1.62 Bankfull Max Depth ft 2.74 2.92 3.1 2.51 2.64 Width/Depth Ratio 15.71 16.76 14.2 15.2 13.6 Entrenchment Ratio 1.77 1.93 1.7 1.2 2.16 Stream Type B B4 B4 B4 Sinuosity 1.24 1.25 1.25 1.25 Channel Materials D50 size in mm 13 45 44 44 C7 l�II J 0 Yadkin County, NC Carl Shore Stream Restoration August 2014 877 Year 1 Year 2 � Year 4 I ; - - -- ----- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - — -- r Nov -11 Oct -12 Oct -13 Aug-14 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (W) 47.1 I� 46.8 47.9 fl Bankfull Width ft 29.98 27 28 27 29 Bankfull Mean Depth ft ( 1.55 1.67 1.77 1.39 Carl Shore Site - Station 6 +01 3.41 3.42 3.64 1 3.64 3.66 Width/Depth Ratio 19.1 I 876 1 15.3 20.8 - Cross Section #4, Pool 1 875 874 If l 873 r r} if I -II, II f ! it I " - }' I I I I -•Ii II - ---- a~i 872 LL ' t _- j _ f` -- i 0 871 •� ` L IF + li tll' I 1 i k i} }i i , m 870 - - I 869 Bankf II - If 868 - - -- - - -------- I h -- 867 I i ate l+r -11.evo N I - T -- { 866 -, - f -- ' it , 1 - - - -- 865 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Station in Feet X- Section 94, STA 6 +01, Pool Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Se -10 Nov -11 Oct -12 Oct -13 Aug-14 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (W) 47.1 41.85 46.8 47.9 40.3 Bankfull Width ft 29.98 27 28 27 29 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 1.57 1.55 1.67 1.77 1.39 Bankfull Max Depth ft 3.41 3.42 3.64 1 3.64 3.66 Width/Depth Ratio 19.1 17.4 16.8 1 15.3 20.8 • C� • Yadkin County, NC Carl Shore Stream Restoration August 2014 X- Section #5, STA 10 +52, Riffle Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Sep-1 0 Nov -11 Aug-12 Dec -13 Aug-14 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ft) 37.94 30.44 41.6 23.2 38.2 Bankfull Width ft 25.76 25.3 30 17.5 29.5 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 1.47 1.2 1.39 i1111��1 !u'u Bankfull Max Depth ft n! 2.31 2.83 2.58 2.89 Width/Depth Ratio 17.52 21.08 21.6 13.2 22.5 Entrenchment Ratio - - • _ 2.98 2.6 4.4 2.75 Stream Type C C4 C4 C4 Sinuosity !!! 1.21 1.22 1.25 Channel Materials D50 size in mm 11 10 13 23 Illlillll11111111111111111 irlllrilll Ilia 111 III 1 111111,1111 111111MMHas 1 ==I • � 11 1�"'1 W � 1 \ 1!1 1 ! u 1 1 11 1! U �iiili IIIIIl1111 � l� 1'� 1'I�lll °Ilu'il1O�'riil all r. � ..m....... rid✓, •• IIU1 1 11 1 Ilia slim II • • 1� u Yadkin County, NC Carl Shore Stream Restoration August 2014 X- Section #6, STA 10 +90, Pool Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Se -10 Nov -11 Oct -12 Dec -13 Aug-14 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ft2) 47.42 34 28.8 34.2 man Bankfull Width ft 43.97 43.3 I 31 27 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 1.08 0.78 0.65 1.1 1.09 Bankfull Max Depth ft 3.3 Ism 3.21 2.76 2.73 Width/Depth Ratio 40.71 55.64 67.7 31 24.8 Carl Shore Site - Station 10 ineqn1milillellon Cross Section #6, Pool in YAN an NMI low 111 son U111111 I Hill Blum loll Is mill M11111 � UNIM11 11111PH111111H I Pil Hill mill, milniilngimlilim X- Section #6, STA 10 +90, Pool Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Se -10 Nov -11 Oct -12 Dec -13 Aug-14 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ft2) 47.42 34 28.8 34.2 29.3 Bankfull Width ft 43.97 43.3 44 31 27 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 1.08 0.78 0.65 1.1 1.09 Bankfull Max Depth ft 3.3 3.07 3.21 2.76 2.73 Width/Depth Ratio 40.71 55.64 67.7 31 24.8 • • Yadkin County, NC Carl Shore Stream Restoration August 2014 Pebble Count - Carl Shore Site, Riffle - X- Section # 1, STA 2 +19 Sands Gravels Cobbles Boulders Bedrock 100 90 80 t L 70 a� c 60 m 50 E v 40 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) % Sand = 6 D16 = 66 mm % Gravel = 8 D35 = 100 mm % Cobble = 84 D50 = 115 mm % Boulder = 2 D84 = 185 mm % Bedrock = D95 = 250 mm • is • Yadkin County, NC Carl Shore Stream Restoration August 2014 11 � ®C ■11 :111 ®�m : :�ll�ii ® ®1mm�ll ®� 1! :I�iti`�iiiiitttt�0iflm : : :II ®�mg : :il��■1 : :v!!����m1: III ®l�1�III6.� :S:111:EIM1ll11 :i!i • � � - -. .111-- - ■tltt _I_- ■tl.ttl _... t11'�tl ■ - ■tlt■ 11_. ..... 1 �_- ■tttl_I_- ■tillttltlt_tt■ ■ ■tt• tit_■ ■- ■111tt11tt_II ■- ■t1 t.1.. .11111_. - ■■ tit 1. =�� -.i ■ ■■ 11111_00111 111 E: ttt__- tlt1�_- ■tlltll_I - ■Iltlttlr�l� Htlltt_II ■ -■ ■.1111_11 ■ - ■ ■OW :11�11 1 :III :iCZC 1011 ®�a11e ill ®g® ' . :goo lip:C :9 �E !91�r�599�9!l�;�J5911E!!I��"� 991!�E ?amEE9!9�E :5�E99!! 11 CEC : :III�C = : :1 :ItQii�i : : :lll ::!0 1■ :ii: :1.1111' 0.ONi :l :li •1 1 == :9.ct1 � 1;_;_.. : :1�1..._.. _ ;...:9:;1.;..9. ! ®�Cml1 ® 111 �� ®ml pI�� :1 II�.mCm :loll .:01m111 11 0ea1111���� ��1: 11���C11�ii1� ®��li�ll� :1C1110:1I�1iC�11 :i! ..••• � ■.111_i_ - ■■ 111__- ..Iltt_.......t11t_... ... I ■�111Ma0 E;;'j —E - 1110:II;; 1_i1.i1�1.111 Hill 11_mom 1■1 : : : :1C mom :i1. 1 1 � t ■ ■■ 1111 - ■. 111111_ �_.... It11tt_ tt■- ..t.Itltt_.......tlt_.......tl 1 / Cm91���® �»e ll� !Qm�lllll ® ®CCC9911 ®C���eegl� ®C 1110111 1 �1111100111111111111 11'11.1 .e ■� :1O�91!m11E= 81111999= ei : :ii9!! MIMI11 I�il �I �1 II��L�c11!IIIJ :1a1 : : :11�: :® 11111 % Sand = 76 D16 = % Gravel = 11 D35 = 0.128 mm % Cobble = 12 D50 = 0.2 mm /o Boulder = 1 D84 = 85 mm o Bedrock = 0 D95 = 128 mm f 1�J u Yadkin County, NC 100 90 80 ca i 70 m a� 60 50 E j 40 30 20 10 0 Carl Shore Stream Restoration August 2014 Pebble Count - Carl Shore Site, Riffle - X- Section # 3, STA 5 +77 Sands Gravels Cobbles Boulders Bedrock 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) % Sand = D16 = 18 mm % Gravel = 70 D35 = 33 mm % Cobble = 30 D50 = 44 mm % Boulder = 0 D84 = 80 mm % Bedrock = 0 D95 = 95 mm Yadkin County, NC Carl Shore Stream Restoration August 2014 ® GNil 1111G®® 111e1® m�11111 ®C�71;�a'�C»CIC111M=C�11111 ' G III�I�G��C�gg�gG G :III ®GC:: 111=::C111Q'I0:1111 11111 MIME of of'_...■...■l :1 .C.LNil :�QQ {I G� ? ° =e. IQ{ GG■'r::II'IGC:� ::QI {I I . ..� ■�IIGG..������ . 1■ I�G_ =:!.■■..: ■■.I_:. ® ■:IQQI : GGC::Q. {�:GG��::QQ{ ® :QQ {iGQ =:L: iQ{iG:: =:LQQ {iG:'C:Q{{{ ®= l!::iil ®��C:::;1� :iiilmil.ml iiiI . , M111111111111111FAIN9lISBN �Ge IIII:�� : @Ei;�G = :����i�I ■■■u— _...■■ _i__■ ■u _ . uu_■■_■■■■n_■■_■ ■ ■n � ®�e:l { sj �:9i {i ®IG�ILII {I G ® ::Inl ®::■::lim ®e:��:iQ {i GZ_ :11 I C: Gm:: i I GG:::IIIIG::C:: Mil IG::�::IIII E:? :Eii6i � � GGC :.. { {�S�GC: ■QQ {i ® ® ■CLQ { {�GGC:L IQ{i ®:�C�:QQ {iG:Lm ::QQ {{ � � �G�:OIIII ► ® ®�:�IIIIG ® ���IIIIGG : ::IIII ®:::::IiIIG:l�::�ill % Sand = 69 D16= 0.12 mm % Gravel = 19 D35 = 0.19 mm % Cobble = 11 D50 = 0.25 mm /o Boulder = 1 D84 = 45 mm o Bedrock = 0 D95 = 127 mm • • Yadkin County, NC 1il, - 90 ca 80 c w 70 Y 60 E I U 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.01 Carl Shore Stream Restoration August 2014 Pebble Count - Carl Shore Site, Riffle - X- Section # 5, STA 10 +52 Sands Gravels Cobbles Boulders Bedrock 0.1 1 10 100 Particle Size (mm) 1000 10000 % Sand = D16= 13 mm % Gravel = 95 D35 = 18 mm % Cobble = 5 D50 = 23 mm % Boulder = 0 D84 = 40 mm % Bedrock = 0 D95 = 64 mm • • • Yadkin County, NC Carl Shore Stream Restoration August 2014 Pebble Count - Carl Shore Site, Pool - X- Section # 6, STA 10 +90 Sands Gravels Cobbles Boulders Bedrock 100.0 90.0 CO 80.0 m C 70.0 60.0 E U 50.0 40.0 tcZili] 20.0 10.0 0.0 I 1 I 1 111111 1 11 111111 i I I I II11l 1 11 1 111111 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Particle Size (mm) % Sand = 55 D16 = 0.13 mm % Gravel = 45 D35 = 0.23 mm % Cobble = D50 = 0.72 mm % Boulder = 0 D84 = 7.9 mm % Bedrock = 0 D95 = 14 mm 1000 10000 • C • Yadkin County, NC Carl Shore Stream Restoration Stream Channel Classification August 2014 Stream Name: ................. . Carl Shore Site - Cross Section # 1, Riffle Basin Name: Deep Creek W/S I Drainage Area 3361 Ac. 1 3.651 S .Mi. Location: Yadkin County, North Carolina GPS 36 8' 19.733" N 80 45'23.663" W Observers: Dennis Wiles, Leigh Calloway, K. Kroeger 8/28/2014 Bankfull WIDTH (Wbko 21 Ft. ........................................................................................:.. ................::..:........ Mean DEPTH (Ddkf) 1.02 Ft. ........................................................................:..:::.:.::::...:: :::::::::::: ::......::::::::::: Bnkfl. X- Section AREA (bkf) 21.4 S4. Ft. IWidth / Depth Ratio (Wbkf/ Dbkf) 20,6 1 Ma)amum DEPTH (dmbkf) 1.67 Ft. J WIDTH of Flood -Prone Area (WfPa) 29.4 Ft. I Entrenchment Ratio (ER) 1.4 J Channel Materials D50 115 mm. I Water Surface SLOPE (S) 0.023 Ft. /Ft. [ :<v ... r, :.— ..::::.:::::::.: >.:. Channel SINUOSITY K 1.7 Stream Tvve B3 _ N 6 % Sand D16 66 mm C 8 % Gravel D35 100 mm }? 84 % Cobble D50 115 mm cc U � 2 % Boulder D84 185 mm Bedrock D95 250 mm Dennis G. Wiles From: Walker, Jason - NRCS -CD, Yadkinville, NC Dason.walker @nc.nacdnet.net] t Monday, November 10, 2014 8:18 AM Kroeger, Kim - NRCS, Raleigh; NC; Dennis G. Wiles 41ject: FW: Deep Creek (UNCLASSIFIED) FYI - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Gibby, Jean B SAW [ mailto :Jean.B.Gibby(@usace.army.mil] Sent.: Thursday, November 06, 2014 10:24 AM To: Walker, Jason - NRCS -CD, Yadkinville, NC Subject: RE: Deep Creek (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Jason, Great news, I spoke with Todd yesterday and there is no need to do the longitudinal profile. Hope this helps and if you have any additional questions, feel free to let me know. Thanks so much and hope you have a great week!; -) Jean -- Original Message - - - -- : Walker, Jason - NRCS -CD, Yadkinville, NC [ mailto :iason.walker(@nc.nacdnet.net] ent: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 1:16 PM To: Gibby, Jean B SAW Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Deep Creek (UNCLASSIFIED) Hey Jean, I tried to call /text. Give me a call or text me when you have time to talk. Thanks, Jason - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Gibby, Jean B SAW [ mailto :Jean.B.Gibby0usace.army.mil] Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 2:51 PM To: Walker, Jason - NRCS -CD, Yadkinville, NC Subject: RE: Deep Creek (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Jason, 11 in AL and will be here until 24 Oct and then have to return on 2 Nov. I am in the shop this week and feel free to call me at 205 - 945 -7478 (direct line) -if I don't answer, just me at 919 - 916 -9976 and I will call you back as soon as possible. My apologies for being slack and not having gotten back with you sooner. • is C�.A Yadkin County, NC Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Site August 26, 2014 X- Section #1 - Riffle Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Se -10 Oct -11 Aug-12 Aug-13 Aug-14 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ftz) 17.15 16.06 12.8 14.8 12.3 Bankfull Width ft 17.65 22 16 17 22 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 0.97 0.73 0.8 0.87 0.56 Bankfull Max Depth ft 1.96 1.75 1.57 2.2 1.91 Width/Depth Ratio 18.2 30.1 20 19.5 39 Entrenchment Ratio 1.93 1.95 2.5 2.35 2.27 Stream Type B4 B4 B5 B5 Sinuosity 1.3 1.4 1.25 1 1.3 Channel Materials D50 size in mm 25 mm 19 mm 0.7 mm 10.35 mm • r� Yadkin County, NC Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Site August 26, 2014 X- Section #2 - Pool Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Sep-10 11 -Oct Aug-12 Au -13 Aug-14 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ftz) 16.77 11.6 18.8 16.8 16.2 Bankfull Width ft 13.89 11.5 15 12 13 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 1.21 1.01 1.25 1.4 1.25 Bankfull Max Depth ft 2.26 2.07 1.85 2.43 2.28 Width/Depth Ratio 11.45 11.4 12 1 8.6 10.4 Entrenchment Ratio 3.15 3.35 2.87 1 3.85 • is • Yadkin County, NC Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Site August 26, 2014 X- Section #3 - Pool Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Sep -10 Oct -11 Aug -12 Aug -13 Aug -14 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ft') 16.77 10.8 15.6 19.5 9.6 Bankfull Width (ft) 13.89 15 15.2 15.4 14 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.21 0.72 1.03 1.27 0.69 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 2.26 1.56 2.19 3.5 1.89 Width /Depth Ratio 11.45 20.8 14.76 12.13 20.3 Entrenchment Ratio 3.15 1.91 2.3 2.2 2.29 • • r� Yadkin County, NC Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Site August 26, 2014 X- Section #4 - Riffle Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date Sep -10 Oct -11 Aug -12 Aug -13 Aug -14 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ftz) 14.58 10.03 11.4 13.9 10 Bankfull Width (ft) 16.85 12.5 13.8 11.9 12.5 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.87 0.8 0.83 1.17 0.8 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.33 1.17 1.38 1.69 1.43 Width /Depth Ratio 19.4 15.6 16.6 10.2 15.6 Entrenchment Ratio 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.2 2.8 Stream Type B4 134c B4 C4b Sinuousity 1.3 1.4 1.21 1.2 Channel Materials D50 size in mm 32 mm 19 mm 11 mm 10.3 mm C� J • • Yadkin County, NC Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Site 100 c 90 80 70 c 60 > 50 12 40 E 30 L) 20 0 10 I August 26, 2014 Effie West - Cross Section #1 - Riffle Pebble Count (8 -2014) Canrle rravalc Cobbles Rnulrtars Rarirnck 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) Effie West -Riffle Particle ii7eimml Total # % Cum_ Cumulative (finer than) X- Section #1 Silt/Clay <0.062 0.0 0.062 S Very Fine 0.062 -0.125 13 13.0 0.125 A Fine 0.125 -0.25 24 37.0 0.25 N Medium 0.25 -0.50 22 59.0 0.5 D Course 0.50 -1.0 13 1 72.0 1 Very Course 1.0 -2.0 7 79.0 2 Very Fine 2 -4 6 85.0 4 G Fine 4 -5.7 3 88.0 5.7 R Fine 5.7 -8 2 90.0 1 8 A Medium 8 -11.3 90.0 11.3 v Medium 11.3 -16 90.0 16 E Course 16 -22.6 90.0 22.6 L Course 22.6 -32 90.0 32 Very Course 32 -45 1 91.0 1 45 Very Course 45 -64 3 94.0 64 c Small 64 -90 94.0 90 a Small 90 -128 3 97.0 128 Large 128 -180 2 99.0 180 Lame 180 -256 99.0 256 o Small 256 -362 1 1 100.0 362 Small 362 -512 100.0 512 Medium 512 -1024 100.0 1024 Large- Lrg 1024 -2048 100.0 2048 Bedrock 1 >2048 100.0 3000 Total 100 ' • • Yadkin County, NC 100 90 C 80 L 70 a� 60 50 a 40 E 30 L) 20 10 0 Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Site August 26, 2014 Effie West - Cross Section #2 - Pool Pebble Count (8 -2014) Sands Gravels Cobbles Boulders . Bedrock 0.01 0.1 1 Effie West -Riffle Particle 10 100 Particle Size (mm) 1000 10000 Size(mm) Tntal # % Cum Cumulative (finer than) X- Section #2 [Silt/Clay <0.062 0.0 0.062 S - ,. _ - Very Fine 0.062 -0.125 26 26.0 0.125 A Fine 0.125 -0.25 35 61.0 0.25 N Medium 0.25 -0.50 22 83.0 0.5 D Course 0.50 -1.0 8 91.0 1 Very Course 1.0 -2.0 3 94.0 2 Very Fine 2 -4 2 96.0 4 G Fine 4 -5.7 1 97.0 5.7 R Fine 5.7 -8 97.0 8 A Medium 8 -11.3 97.0 11.3 V Medium 11.3 -16 97.0 16 E Course 16 -22.6 1 97.0 22.6 L Course 22.6 -32 97.0 32 Very Course 32 -45 97.0 45 Very Course 45 -64 97.0 64 Small 64 -90 1 98.0 90 ° a Small 90 -128 98.0 128 Large 128 -180 2 100.0 180 Large 180 -256 100.0 256 o Small 256 -362 100.0 362 Small 362 -512 100.0 512 ° Medium 512 -1024 100.0 1024 Lar e -Vry Lr 1024 -2048 1 100.0 2048 Bedrock >2048 1 1 100.0 3000 • • �J Yadkin County, NC 100.0 90.0 :i101 c 70.0 60.0 a� 50.0 40.0 > 30.0 20.0 E 10.0 v 0.0 Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Site August 26, 2014 Effie West - Cross Section #3 - Pool Pebble Count (8 -2013) 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) Effie West -Pod Padicle '•- '•=- Total '•- Cumulative (finerthan X- Section *3 - --- c0.062 -..... .....- 1010 - - -.... -.... Very Fine 1010_-_- 1010 14 - - _..-: ►'.... ___:_ .1010-- ..c._:: .I.... 10'10= - - - - - - -- •- ....1010 ' -'• -'- -- 1010.... 1010.... 75.0 _- ��- _- _- 5.....�NRC- .....�� __1010 1 1010. ... ►�� �M- 1.0 -2.0 -- E!11...�� ...�� 2! - -.11■ 2-1 =5511591111998115= 93.0 41 G R A 55111199 4-5.7 ��- -_- 99.0 5.7 - ....1010 5.7 -5 1 -- /11..1 10....10 Mednnn 8 -113 -_ -_- .....1010 -_- ..��.�. 211. ■ ■22�- 1012 - .._...1010 Course -- 1010.... 100.0 22.6; _1010 22.6 -32 100.0 321 VeryCoarse 32-45 100.0 45! Very Coarse 45-64 _ 100 -0 mom InoI Small 64-90 100.0 90 Small 90 -129 = = -::EE Large .c= M55' All 9 = == ::11119:-= 2561 =:5;:e Small 256 -362 511 119�C::= U i 0 :5e9E': Small 362 -512 - ......��-- 512; Medium 512 -1024 •.....� 1024' -..... LergeNryLrg .��-- .Igong 2048; �-.1010..■nMOM Bedrock >2049 100.0 /- - /1... ��- ..- ...��- .._....�- l■■■■�01- -1011■. ......�� --- - -.1 11.■■� H. ■�- -- 0110......x..- 122 --■1.� 01.10 - /1.■. -.1... ��-- .....�� MEMEW -• . -- /.111 ....1010 --- -- .....��- .....1010-- -0111.. .1 -.. ■01010101 -- - .1010.....x..- -..... C�� -- -..... 1010.... 1010- � �..- ..01 1■■ .....10 ■0101 - 2 -12- 10- - 2....010101 -.... -2 1010--/ -12- 211.■ 11. ■■ ■2221012- 1010 -- - .....1010-- -.... 1010--- -..... 101. ■. ----- --- - ....�- - -... 1010 �-- - -- -....� ....1010--- � -- .....1010- ....- 2 -12 -.11.. -/I I.■ ■010101 - ■21012210.... 21012210.... - - - - -- -- 1010.... 1010-... ----- .... -- --- ....----- ....--- - -I1.■ ■2221012210....----- -....; �3-- 30012000.110110M.- 10iiii22Mr--/ 10 ■ ■ ■ ■�_. J-- iiii��10 011■ ■■�_�__-- -10��--/�210--.iiii .1. ■.�_�_ -_- /11.112/ 10_10101 ■ M. ■.�/ 1010- .111.' �_-- 2 - - 1001111 ■�I�- 1001.■ -� � -- 101. ■ ■�� -- 1011..1- 0110- /1...�.. 1010 /11111 ��■ ■■ 11111■■■ 1111��■ ■��IIl�� ■ ■ ■IIIII�� ■ ■ ■81111�g��■ ■1111 - 2 -12 - -.. .- •1010 -- ....1010 12 -.... - - 1010 /11.1 ■0101010121012 - .....1010-- -..... - - -- 10. ... NOW - - - -- ....1010--- .... - -12 -211.■ ■2221012- 10....---- - -...� �� -- 101.1.0, ��-- 01.. ■ ■0101��-- .....�� 10101011 ■..�..-- .....�..- -..... •212212 -- ....1010 - -- ....1010 12 - /11.. ■222 -12- .....1010- 12 - -...� C.-- EMM-- .....��-- 101...22 =--101.■■ . -...� �-- -- .....��-- .....��10-1011 ..1....2..-- ■ ■ ■�.--- .....�./ 101.■■MMIC 1010.... .... �� ��-- - -.- ....��-- ...��-- .....� .....� �-- �-- .....�� .....��-- 1010/ .I....�- 11../222 /10- 0110- .....�.-- .....�..- -..... -..... ��- ��--... ..- ....�� ..��_- - .....�� .....�-- 1010 101. .....��-- ■■ 0101010101 -10- 1011. .I1... ■ ■ =- - .1010 0110- .- ...�.-- .....�..- -..... ---... ��-- .....� - -- 10....10 - 1010 .....010101 -2-12 -1011. ■ ■--- - -.... 1010-- .1010-- -101. -..... ■. - ----- - -- .....1010 ....----- -- 1010...- ....-- ---- - - ....2 -... -2 .1010--- -12 -1011 ■..2221012 I.... - - - -10 - -- -... ....1010 - .1212 -- -1011■ 1010.. 1.. 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) Effie West -Pod Padicle Size(mm) Total %Cum. Cumulative (finerthan X- Section *3 Salt Clay c0.062 20 20.0 0.062; S Very Fine 0.062 -0.125 14 34.0 0.M-,. A N D Fine 0.125 -OM 21 55.0 0.25; Medium 0-25 -0.50 20 75.0 0.51 Course 0.50 -1.0 16 91.0 1 Very Coarse 1.0 -2.0 4 95.0 2! Vety Fine 2-1 3 93.0 41 G R A Fine 4-5.7 1 99.0 5.7 Fine 5.7 -5 1 100.0 8 Mednnn 8 -113 100.0 11.3: V E L \tedium 11.3 -16 100.0 16; Course 16 -22.6 100.0 22.6; Course 22.6 -32 100.0 321 VeryCoarse 32-45 100.0 45! Very Coarse 45-64 100 -0 641 c e a Small 64-90 100.0 90 Small 90 -129 100.0 1281. Large 125 -180 100.0 1801 Large 180 -256 100.0 2561 o Small 256 -362 100.0 3621 U i 0 Small 362 -512 100.0 512; Medium 512 -1024 100.0 1024' LergeNryLrg 1024 -2048 100.0 2048; Bedrock >2049 100.0 3000; • Yadkin County, NC Effie G. West Stream Mitigation Site 100.0 meoilillJ 80.0 a, 70.0 c ;NV STI 50.0 r 40.0 30.0 v 20.0 10.0 0.0 August 26, 2014 Effie West - Cross Section #4 - Riffle Pebble Count (8 -2014) Sands Gravels Cobbles Boulders Bedrock 0.01 0.1 1 Particle gize (mm)' 00 1000 10000 Effie West-Riffle Particle Size mm Total # % Cum. Cumulative (finer than) X- Section # 4 Silt/Clay <0.062 0.0 0.062 s Very Fine 0.062 -0.125 21 21.0 0.125 A Fine 0.125 -0.25 20 41.0 0.25 N Medium 0.25 -0.50 2 43.0 0.5 D Course 0.50 -1.0 43.0 1 Very Course 1.0 -2.0 43.0 2 Very Fine 2 -4 43.0 4 G Fine 4 -5.7 43.0 1 5.7 R Fine 5.7 -8 2 45.0 8 A Medium 8 -11.3 1 46.0 11.3 V Medium 11.3 -16 4 50.0 16 E Course 16 -2216 50.0 22.6 L Course 22.6 -32 1 51.0 32 Very Course 32 -45 1 1 52.0 45 Very Course 45 -64 8 60.0 64 Small 64 -90 15 75.0 90 0 a Small 90 -128 16 91.0 128 Large 128 -180 6 97.0 180 Large 180 -256 3 100.0 256 o Small 256 -362 100.0 362 Small 362 -512 100.0 512 Medium 512 -1024 100.0 1024 Large- Lrg 1024 -2048 100.0 2048 Bedrock >2048 100.0 3000 • • Elevation in feet w w co w w m w w w w w m m w w w w w 00 w w w w LD ID ID N N W A Vt m V w l0 O N N W O N O O (1 w � (1 O) S o ,^. c w o` iv ° 0 0 � m o 0 v, X -Sec ion 1 ;v 0 m 0 � X- Sectio 2 0 r O 7 � Q C 7C' C °o o � X- Sectio 3 n r* r O N 90 0 X -Sect on 4 0 0 CD CD v Q 7 n 0 C 7 z n ZYm CD ' G7 m cn o� m co 3 CD c N v N 0 A o � X- Sectio 3 O N X -Sect on 4 v Q 7 n 0 C 7 z n ZYm CD ' G7 m cn o� m co 3 CD c N v N 0 A • • l� u Yadkin County, NC Effie G. West Stream Enhancement Site September 3, 2014 }J N 43i % Sand D16 0.1 mm cc 17 % Gravel D35 10.3 mm C 40 % Cobble D50 16 mm 0 % Boulder D84 120 mm V 01% Bedrock D95 170 mm ! �a M11 i3 € 5 I < !,k.) e-s 4- 5 `.tc_ �la .�= S' `h •'; _ ate::?+. �' c �, ',�ti' �. AM FK *!p t�r. ( ✓wy*'`rlh4`iU �) �•t�z, �'��j'�,o � � •?- � v •-a '4is ' •� .mil ,� I� r� �,l``r1��'� �� �`., fit �,.Y„ v�• � -°I} u' �r :_t� y.,`'�", ''i . �• IV •.., 4`'r - �_ ; ..'.ate'.•- j� T''�'�' '' -�'';. gr N4 4^ �•�%�1, r �::''t" " -0 '''ti���r'"�,�^ �`�S� }�xi,L"� a� �t.�:Lrw) ., rL Y�.� a7� f f�f +► f. C�Jr '�Y� a ,'.ctrl\ : a f "ter sit. ' all' � °: <•iP.. � : ti' �:,;.,�. <..� db;•r c:�.: _.!fix.•: �' ., �'; i, •; •"`► .'Y� sc�; yy~� r iY, ,y� •.'r r .� • \! ;/ �.�{. 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