HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-10838_Well Construction - GW1_20221209 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For lntenal U.ONLY I he fain can be used for single,r nwhiple weae 1.Well Contractor Information: — — - - M WATER ZONES D.T. CHALMERS,JR. MONI To DESCRIPnON Well Contractor Name n. n. 4146A ft.1 a NC Well Contractor Cemfieation Number IS.INNERC'ASINGORTURING eoLermile1oee6I MAI TO D1:1A@TER n1 1—s) I VL{hRIAL CATLIN Engineers and Scientists 0.5 n. 15 ftl 2 Sch.40 1 PVC Company Name KOUTER CASING fa edtiened"lidOR LINER ifa motile FROM To DIAMMYR n-0CI:pFSS I >IAMRLU 2.Well Construction Permit H: N/A List all app6cuhle well permits f.e.Courey,Stine, Yardme,/tyecnon,ere) n. n. 3.Well Use(check well me): IT SCREEN Water Supply Wen: fnosl ro Dfas�TR sLOrslzE mlcr.�TSS NIATLmu OAgricultmal ❑MlmicipaLPublic 15 n. 30 n. 2 SIot.010 Sch.40 PVC OGeothemul(Hearing/Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply(single) n. n. ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) IL GR Irr in FROM TD AIAIEmAL EsmLAIP\u\r\n°nloDa ��4e .,. ❑lni tron r Supply VWell: 0.5 n. 0.6 a Concrete Surface Pour Noo-Wate ®Monitoring ❑Reomery 0.6 n 13 n Bent. Surface Pour Injection Well: n. n. OAgwfer Recharge O Gramdwater Remediabon 19.SAND/GRA\BLPACI( io isade El Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Banner FWAi TO SrrD�,u F.ml nct+nv>�EmoD ❑Aquifer Test O Stormwater Drainage 13 n. 32 u. Torpedo Sand Surface Pour ❑Experimental Technology OSubsidence Control n. f, 20.DRILLING LOG tattwb ad&ttand Sheets ifiimessarr ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) 0Tracer FROM To I DEX81rno> n—d—,..d—k!,p, e,.,.. . ❑Geothermal(Healing/Cooling Retain) ❑Other(explain under#21 Remarks) n rt. 4.Date Wen(s)Completed: 11115122 Wen IDN: MW-03 n a G Sa.Well Location: 011600 n r NCDEO-Former Texaco Food Mart No.2 0- �C n ` Facility/Osmler Name Facdirp DO(if applicable) 1700 COTTON GROVE RD.,LEXINGTON,27292 n n Phcsical Address Cit,'.and lip .I.REMARKS DAVIDSON N/A County Parcel Identification No.(PIN) t-r•_ r • 5b.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22 1certification: f (ifeell field,one lathing is sufficient) 35.77802 N -80.25931 W yG��L�% 11/23/2022 SignanueofCmifiel Well Contracts ' Gate 6.Is(are)the we0(s): ®Permanent or OTemporary 8r signing ibis/nit,/hereby renhvini t/ce we/1/sJ win/were/[wttlrmtttlm mrankxe wi/h 15A MAC 02C 0100 or 15A At A( Well Caurra n.Smrtdurds and thin a ,Fy of 7.Is this a repair to an existingwen: OVes or ®No tMr rccardhw hernprovidedrothe writ aa•rer. /fl/as a a repair,Ill out kwien well comtrucrtim irfvnturirm and i r#mn the earure of the repmr under=21 remorlr section or on the buck ofthis form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 construction details. You may also attach additional pages ifnecessary. Fro maltiple iryrcnan or rcm-wrter styrity wells ONLY with the•some consmucdon.You SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS submit one form. 9.Total well depth below land surface: 30.0 (R-) 24a.For An A cUs: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well Far multiple wells list all depths in wfjerem fecample-3@200'and 2@100% construction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing: 23.62 (g•) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, lfwsaer level is above coring,use •• 1617 Man Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: 8.25 1*0 24b.For Infection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above,also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of 11.Well construction method: HSA completion ofwell construction to the following: (i.e.auger,mmry,cable,direct push,eta.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Man Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24c.For Water SvnDly&Infection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of wen 13K Disinfection type: Amount: construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Adapted from Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL LOG EN RONMENTAL CIVIL CATLIN cEOTECHNICAL vvl� n,nseo w.�.N w GiYtlai Engineersand Scientists 2211M SHEET 1 OF 1 PROJECT NO.: 221185 1 STATE: NC I COUNTY: DAVIDSON LOCATION: LEXINGTON PROJECT: FORMER TEXACO FOODMART NO.2 LOGGED BY: C. BLACK WELL ID: DRILLER: D.T. CHALMERS JR. MW-03 NORTHING: 7404651 EASTING: 1626482 1 CREw: C. STRATTON SYSTEM: NCSP NAD 83 USft BORING LOCATION: -8 FT FROM LIGHT POLE IN FRONT IN GRASSY T.O.C.ELEV.: 99.50 DRILL MACHINE: Diedrich D-50 METHOD: HSA 1 0 HOUR DTw: 23.6 TOTAL DEPTH: 32.0 START DATE: 11/15/22 END DATE: 11/15/22 24 HOUR DTw: NM WELL DEPTH: 30.0 DEPTH BLOW COUNT OVA o a SOIL AND ROCK WELL o.sn o.5n 0.sa 0.5ft (PPM) s G DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELEVATION DETAIL 0.0 LAND SURFACE 100.0 00 0.0 s ' TOPSOIL -06 0.6 10 s 5 0.1 M (CL)-Brown to fed and Mack,Silly CLAY 5.0 2 3 s 0.0 M B S 5 N 10.0 2 2 3 0.3 D s 13.0 15.0 15.0 85.0 +s.o 1 2 (ML)-Bran and red grading to ft.hoen r with black and 3 + 0.0 M gray.Clayey SILT 20.0 2 2 3 s 0.0 M oy ` oa sS i V1� �y 25.0 2 2 3 0.3 M s 30.0 w.o 2 2 s 0.1 M 32.0 68.0 32.0 32.0 BORING TERMINATED AT ELEVATION 68.0 it in Clayey SILT ElPortland CementIM Bentonite Pellets 0#2 Medium Sand . • �I• N o Z MW-5 m 0 _FORMER `--�, KEROSENE I� / A..2 UST 4. T-z AS , VE- 0 FORMER' ve"3 E-0 KEROSENE ; FORMER , „ w>• A5-t(:11 rOAs-4 DISPENSER i GASOLINE 1 Y11 DISPENSER T-1 .VEF1 T l _ 1 1I�// MW-0 MW2 yE-5 f i FORMER ' FORMER 01 GASOLINE MW- SUPREME DISPENSER IVE KSTS FORMER LEGEND vE6 MW 7*46 -0 �.5 y ® Abandoned Monitoring FORMER FORMER Well(Type ll) REGULAR DIESEL Destroyed Monitoring mw-3 / (D j 1002 USTS DISPENSER ® Well (Type II) j 1 - Temporary Monitoring R r Well (Type II) M` t Destroyed Monitoring Well (Deep) Air Sparge wo Vapor Extraction MW6 { ® Approximate Location t of Former UST Systems 1 r � , Parcel Boundary rf OneMap, NC Center ra is or 'lysis.;NC 911 g. NOTE: Well and tank locations were obtained from previous 40 20 0 40 80 reports prepared by other consultants and are approximate. jjjj Feel Mt Cr TITLE FIGURE FORMER TEXACO CATLIN FOTTON GROVE SITE MAP 171X1 COTTON GROVE RD LEXINGTON,NC Engineers and Scientists �'.uoExr xo xle xo. ATE a auwx ercxEcxEoer 22332 221185 DEC 2022 AS SHONM KMCBJA