HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3221203_Wetland Determination/Report_20221216CAROLINA WETLAND SERVICES, INC. 550 E. Westinghouse Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28273 704-527-1177 (office) 704-527-1133 (fax) February 24, 2022 Bridget McClellan Fiorenza Properties 301 Fieldbrook PI Charlotte, NC 28209 Subject: Preliminary Wetlands Investigation McCanless Road Site Salisbury, North Carolina CWS Project No. 2022-0031 Dear Ms. McClellan, On February 15, 2022, Carolina Wetland Services, Inc. (CWS) scientist, Aliisa Harjuniemi, PWS ', field -reviewed the McCanless Road Site for the presence of potential jurisdictional waters of the U.S., including wetlands. The McCanless Road Site is approximately 21 acres in extent and is located southeast of the McCanless Road and Choate Road intersection in Salisbury, North Carolina (Figure 1). This investigation was conducted to preliminarily identify and approximately map those features that could be jurisdictional as defined by methodologies described in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Delineation Manua12 and the 2012 Eastern Mountains & Piedmont Regional Supplement,3 as well as, recent guidance from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Prior to conducting the site investigation, CWS reviewed the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Topographic Map (Figure 2) and the United States Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) Published Soil Survey (Figure 3). The USGS Topographic Map, the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) Mapper4, and the USDA-NRCS Published Soil Survey Map do not depict potential wetland features within the project limits. Stream and Wetland Investigation Results Based on the results of this field investigation, there is one potential water of the U.S. located within the project boundary (Figure 4; Wetland AA). On -site features are summarized in Table 1. Photographs 1-4 are representative of on -site features and current site conditions (Attachment A). 1 Professional Wetland Scientist, The Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program 2 Environmental Laboratory. 1987. "Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual", Technical Report Y-87-1, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. a US Army Corps of Engineers, April 2012. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region. US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 4 National Wetlands Inventory Mapper: https://www.fws.gov/wetlands/data/mapper.htmi NORTH CAROLINA - SOUTH CAROLINA WWW.CWS-INC.NET Page 1 of 2 McCanless Road Site Preliminary Wetland Investigation February 24, 2022 CWS Project No. 2022-0031 Table 1. Summary of Potential On -Site Wetlands5 Wetland Name Cowardins Classification Approximate Acreage (ac.) Wetland AA Palustrine Forested 0.27 Wetland Total: 0.27 ac. Please note that this report does not represent a detailed waters of the U.S. delineation. This report is for planning purposes only. The potential features depicted on Figure 4 (attached) are based on a limited, preliminary field investigation, and the limits of jurisdiction are an estimate only. GPS points are incomplete and were taken only at beginning points of jurisdiction, jurisdictional breakpoints, and/or representatively along wetlands and are subject to change following a detailed investigation. A full delineation (flagging in the field) of jurisdictional waters of the U.S. with GPS mapping and USACE verification will be conducted once the project progresses into the design phase. Thank you for the opportunity to provide these services on this important project. Please do not hesitate to contact Aliisa Harjuniemi at 980-259-1222 or aliisa@cws-inc.net should you have any questions or comments regarding this report. Sincerely, P I ' Megan Bollero, WPIT Aliisa Harjuniemi, PWS Project Manager Senior Project Manager Attachments: Figure 1: Vicinity Map Figure 2: USGS Topographic Map Figure 3: USDA-NRCS Published Soil Survey of Rowan County Figure 4: Approximate Wetland/Other Waters Boundaries Attachment A: Photopage (Photographs 1-4) 5 Subject to further delineation and USACE concurrence. 5 Cowardin at al. Classification System, 1979. Page 2 of 2 Kentucky Tennessee South Carolina Georgia Virginia u XJ pia - .p° e4'0 Salisbury ��h�v1q doh R d 5� ya 5� g� alvds L nrt9 k� ry �� 5� Spencer 9 East Spencer P Q q yR a a r 6 7 a y a is `s�k �F x ",ry it,, REFERENCE: BACKGROUND VICINITY MAP PROVIDED BY ESRI, 2022. SCALE: DATE: 1 inch = 5,000 feet 2/15/2022 CWS PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: 2022-0031 AVH COORDINATES: CHECKED BY: 35.667378,-80.427976 GCA Granite Legend = Quarry Project Limits (21 ac.) 5,000 2,500 0 5, 000 Feet FIGURE NO. Vicinity Map McCanless Road LJA R❑ L I NA Rowan County WETLAND SERVICES Salisbury, North Carolina G:\Shared drives\Consulting Team Drive\2022\2022 Consulting Projects\2022-0031 McCanless Road Site\Preliminary Wetland Investigation\ArcGIS\Figure1_Vicinity.mxd r ' Y �—�Qpd pie � �, • h.�-", � .,i `� �i,;�j..-, . East NORTH Spencer CAROLINA 7 [ J. v- '?� y .� f - ij s .t .. u .•� z 1ij" Lei �:E S�` 1 .. 1 A F 1 Sy hLy7" .. t rant t f4:`}• r -- t T T REFERENCE: USGS 7.5 MINUTE TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLE(S): SALISBURY, NC (2018). Y SCALE: DATE: 1 inch = 2,000 feet 2/15/2022 CWS PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: 2022-0031 MLB COORDINATES: CHECKED BY: C A R 1 1N A 35.667378,-80.427976 AVH WETLAND SERVICES Legend Project Limits (21 ac.) 2,000 1,000 0 2,000 Feet FIGURE NO. USGS Topographic Map McCanless Road Rowan County 2 Salisbury, North Carolina G:\Shared drives\Consulting Team Drive\2022\2022 Consulting Projects\2022-0031 McCanless Road Site\Preliminary Wetland Investigation\ArcGIS\Figure2_USGS.mxd . .rl 1 lcr�a 52 McCanless Road rr TP Legend Soil Unit Name and Description EnB lEnon fine sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes No fr McB2 Mecklenburg clay loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded No _ Project Limits (21 ac.) McC2 Mecklenburg clay loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded No { f .•y r.. PxD Poindexter -Rowan complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes No v1 2,000 1,000 0 2,000 Feet REFERENCE: USDA-NRCS PUBLISHED SOIL SURVEY OF ROWAN COUNTY, NC, SHEET 7, DATED 2004. i - �t SCALE: DATE: USDA-NRCS Published Soil Survey FIGURE NO. 1 inch = 2,000 feet 2/24/2022 CWS PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: of Rowan County 2022-0031 MLB McCanless Road COORDINATES: CHECKED BY: CAR ❑ L I N A Rowan County 3 35.667378,-80.427976 AVH WETLANl7 SERVICES Salisbury, North Carolina G:\Shared drives\Consulting Team Drive\2022\2022 Consulting Projects\2022-0031 McCanless Road Site\Preliminary Wetland Investigation\ArcGIS\Figure3_HistoricSoils.mxd S ,1vW CROWN 2 JWetland AA 0.27 ac. kin 110 Legend Project Limits (21 ac.) ® Wetland ( Roads —1 Tax Parcels REFERENCE: BACKGROUND GIS LAYER(S) PROVIDED BY ROWAN COUNTY GIS DEPARTMENT, DATED2021. N Photo Location and Direction NOTE: JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OF THE U.S. WERE FIELD -REVIEWED AND CLASSIFIED BYCWS, INC., ON FEBRUARY 15, 2022. JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES 300 150 0 300 Feet ARE APPROXIMATE AND SHOULD BE USED FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY. JURISDICTIONAL FEATURES HAVE NOT BEEN VERIFIED BYTHE USACE. SCALE: 1 inch = 300 feet DATE: 2/24/2022 Approximate FIGURE NO. Wetland/Other Waters Boundaries CWS PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: 2022-0031 AVH McCanless Road 4 COORDINATES: CHECKED BY: LJA R❑ L I M A Rowan County 35.667378,-80.427976 GCA ,WETLANC) SERVICES Salisbury, North Carolina G:\Shared drives\Consulting Team Drive\2022\2022 Consulting Projects\2022-0031 McCan less Road Site\Prelimin ary Wetland Investigation\ArcGIS\Figure4_JD.mxd McCanless Road Site Attachments February 24, 2022 CWS Project No. 2022-0031 ATTACHMENT A: Photopage (Photographs 1-4) McCanless Road Site Attachment A - Photopage February 24, 2022 CWS Project No. 2022-0031 Photograph 1. View of Wetland AA, facing east. k."' .,`� Photograph 2. View of the site, facing northwest. Photopage 1 of 2 li--v4.