HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6221001_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20221214HAL OWEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS P.O. Box 400, Lillington NC 27546-0400 Phone (910) 893-8743 / Fax (910) 893-3594 www.halowensoil.com 7 January 2022 Mr. Gordon Rose Gradient PLLC 230 Donaldson Street, Suite 500A Fayetteville, NC 28301 Reference: Addendum to Report Soil Scientist Investigation for Stormwater Chicken Road and MacRidge Road, Fort Bragg Dear Mr. Rose, This addendum addresses additional data collected at SCM 2 after the final report was submitted. A site investigation has been conducted for the above referenced property, located on the southeast of the intersection of Chicken Road and MacRidge Road in Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina. The purpose of this investigation was to provide a general characterization of the soils in the area proposed for a stormwater infiltration device, including a determination of the depth to evidence of a seasonal high water table and estimation of the permeability of the various soil layers. In -situ hydraulic conductivity testing was not conducted. All soil characteristics were described in accordance with the USDA Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils. This report represents my professional opinion as a Licensed Soil Scientist. A hand -powered auger boring was used to make a soil observation at SCM 2. The soils at this site were observed to be disturbed by past human activities. The materials were observed to be basically loamy textured but with chunks of parent material and also clayey material. These observations lead to the conclusion that these materials are not local to the site but were hauled there to form the existing roadway. A detailed soil profile description for this boring is attached to this report. A red ribbon flag was hung at the auger borings to facilitate survey location for the elevation. Soil morphological characteristics indicating a seasonal high water table (SHWT) were observed at 86 inches below surface at Boring 2A. The infiltration rate (permeability) of the soil materials is expected to be relatively slow because the structure has been destroyed in the fill material. It appears that you may replace this material with more permeable sands or we can return to the site to actually run hydraulic conductivity analysis. The results of those tests would not likely be very reliable as one test may be significantly different from a second test a few feet away, depending on the materials placed at the site. I appreciate the opportunity to provide this service and trust that you will feel free to call on me again in the future. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at your convenience. Solt Sincerely Hal Owen Licensed Soil Scientist gations Wetland Delineations, Permitting, and Consulting HAL OWEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Addendum to Report Soil Scientist Investigation For Stormwater Management Chicken Road and MacRidge Road, Fort Bragg 7 January 2022 Figure 1. Location ofSCM2 and soil auger boring CHItl(EN IgPD GRAPHIC SCALE A Q 1i 50 100 Located in SCM#2 Soil Science Investigations * Wetland Delineations, Permitting, and Consulting HAL OWEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Bottom of SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DEVICES PROJECT NAME: Chicken Road and MacRidge Road, Fort Bragg PROPOSED FACILITY: SCM LOCATION OF SITE: MacRidge Road, Fayetteville COUNTY: Cumberland EVALUATED BY: Hal Owen, NC Licensed Soil Scientist DATE EVALUATED: 29 December 2021 EVALUATION METHOD: Auger Boring ®, Pit ❑ PROFILE: 2A Estimated Existing Ground Elevation = 274.4 HORIZON It (IIV) MATRIX MOTTLES TEXTURE STRUCTURE CONSIS- TENCE PERMEABIL ITY (IN/HR) NOTES Loamy with Basin chunks of (46) 0-90 Disturbed/Fill — 0.2 parent material and clay AWT SHWT 86 in EL = 267.2 SLOPE VEGETATION COMMENTS: Soil Science Investigations * Wetland Delineations, Permitting, and Consulting HAL OWEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. LEGEND OF ABBREVIATIONS FOR SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS TEXTURE S - Sand LS - Loamy Sand SL - Sandy Loam L - Loam SCL - Sandy Clay Loam CL - Clay Loam SiL - Silt Loam Si - Silt SiCL- Silt Clay Loam SC - Sandy Clay C - Clay SiC - Silty Clay O - Organic MOIST CONSISTENCE L - Loose VFR - Very Friable FR - Friable FI - Firm VFI - Very Firm EFI - Extremely Firm AWT — Apparent Water Table SHWT — Seasonal High Water Table SLWT — Seasonal Low Water Table MOTTLES f — few 1 - fine F - Faint c — common 2 - medium D - Distinct in — many 3 - coarse P - Prominent STRUCTURE 0 - structureless VF -very fine G - Single Grain 1 - weak F - fine M - Massive 2 - moderate M - medium CR - Crumb 3 - strong C - coarse GR - Granular VC - very coarse SBK - Subangular Blocky ABK -Angular Blocky PL - Platy PR - Prismatic Soil Science Investigations * Wetland Delineations, Permitting, and Consulting