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SW6221202_Design Calculations_20221214
Sediment, Erosion Control, & Stormwater Calculations For HIES EASTOVER VP FRESH FOODS CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NC MAY 2022 ti�trr��� A, C JOB NO.21047 CLAYTON �Ez'z° 041GINEBtING 8 DESIGN CLAYTON ENGINEERING & DESIGN HIES EASTOVE R EROSION, SEDIMENTATION & STORMWATER Project Narrative Our client wishes to construct a new hotel in Eastover. Project will include one building with required parking and drives. Please see the attached plans. The total site is 6.55 acres and approximately 2.00 acres will be disturbed during construction. This is the second phase to a project that started in 2018. The c-store and DQ were completed in 2020. The majority of the site work, grading, and erosion control were completed for the entire site. Phase 2 is for the construction of the hotel building. This will include minor site work, installation of BMPs, and final paving etc. Post construction stormwater will be handled through a series of infiltration basins fed by storm piping and pervious paving. This is a connected system that allows water to be stored and released over time to the outlets. Soil erosion will be controlled with the use of perimeter silt fence, a skimmer basin, and a series of diversion swales. Approximately 2.00 acres of area will be disturbed during construction. Several temporary diversions will be utilized to direct flow into the skimmer basin. Silt fence inlet protection will be installed concurrently with the installation of the new storm drain piping. Calculations for temporary skimmer basin sizing are found in the following report. As stated before... the majority of the site work is complete and the site is currently stable. Erosion control measures were designed in accordance with NCDENR Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, 2006 edition. 112 13 r PROTECT LOOMON .* WA CLAYTON ENGINEERING & DESIGN ❑w ,c.- ALLTYPE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, INC Drawing Title USGS MAP -78.! .; NOT TO SCALE Projr_t rtfo Data 06/29/22 HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS Job No. & SUITES 18053 C-001 Project Locotion EASTOVER, NC Snt. 1 of 1 Z l o:ceaee 81.95.bb zz 9 M,EZ,Sb oBL .w.aow. �+im7c fFsffi'c C6C�C Ct�iObi Z = 2 N M N w 0 0 N � 01 N N O1 0 m a N 7 p� 2(, c h U m o 0 q Q bS `` U) n a O U � 5 3 � m C o I a N Z N x N .rye Jf ER� 6 < 6� q c n t $ U US m CL Lo y« S� Z� 3 N C 2U M.E2 Sb ,BL .q� N M N w O O N N a1 p lO r @ U m N 01 N m U N m mV1 O Iw Om O coa U° c m d _U Z L Y U O m @ M o N p C a V y U y E @ E U a•m c m� w E = c - w N c E = Y° n o alum C o c n � @ a._ N U o a @ ni omE Z O @ E v @ �0.� p •� m a m 7 i m@ 7 Cn U m U E O N U N O O N N m E E� N M a)' C n W LN O ^ L...� C Q 3 H m o C N m G d v-D m a)C N U z Q Z N 3 O o f L O N m U N 7 mTE a v6 ra) O m v . N 0 Q LL T> oo m °oY OO cao n m C> C c °m cRE O mLL oO E3 Ty m Z D_ CO ° a) a 7 N U O y O a a) O v E N d m m a OE C T s > y a 7 m 0 U En -c m mN 0 0 a IS U a (D N .0-- y E 41 Q7 @ . E m C O-� E > U.. m E n m a�� ZjE EL cv m `-° al 0) o N0a i`n >m m. N f m 0 D NT m a'c OO T 4 y a CC 07 O ID U) 0 ' .o Oa s c m EE aa0T o _m E -i @ oCCg - aa L m p a) 5mC N m@ O a p m 2m @ m 7 - U) E o NE O NO .'0 Q ) O u (D O co Q =O Nn 0@ a7- E@ CA >. a) U) 7 > o U) a p t 3U a � LL Q U L n O c � O- O J " ^ O D 0 I L D- Z .o o O. U) V) L, y 1 t.. n O U-)7 C O " al m C o U) O J V m Q LZ C rn LU J a C " Q O 0) " .4 m` a Q >` D U7 C C OaiC 0 ,(p Tj en U a .. m` 'c � 'E 'c m 7 7 a W ,-, CL 3 10 " 0 D O O _n p Q° N 01 'o LL G M a al w > = L w 7 > L o — O Y v chi m E — — — _ T al O m ` al U N y al > a yO m Q (n (n U) '0 m m U U iD Q J J Lr D_ m N M w m M fn IL m c � ■ � U m o Q N ° O m y m N mm a O 2Q CJ O� Soil Map —Cumberland County, North Carolina Map Unit Legend f Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name AyB Aycock loam, 1 to 4 percent slopes BrB Bragg sandy loam, 1 to 4 percent slopes Gr Grantham loam JT Johnston loam Na Nahunta loam NoA Norfolk loamy sand, 0 to 2 percent slopes Ra Rains sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes WaB Wagram loamy sand, 0 to 6 percent slopes Totals for Area of Interest r[SDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Acres In AOI Percent of AO1 Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 1.9 3.9% 19.5 40.7% 0.9 1.9% 0.0 0.0% 4.7 9.8% 8.3 17.4% 10.8 22.5% 1.9 3.9% 48.0 100.0% 6/29/2022 Page 3 of 3 Sequence Of Construction Activities 1. Determine and mark limits of disturbance. 2. Construct stabilized construction entrance. 3. Place perimeter sediment fence and stone outlets. 4. Construct temporary skimmer basins and temporary diversions. Place seeding immediately after constructing these structures. These structures shall be constructed prior to the disturbance of each contributing area. 5. Begin demolition of existing structures in accordance with the Demolition Plan. 6. Remove topsoil and stockpile for use on slopes and in berms. Stockpile area is designated on plans or as directed by engineer. 7. Construct storm drainage. Excavated drop inlet protection and outlet protection to be constructed concurrently with storm drains. Silt sacks are to be installed at each inlet upon placement of base course. 8. Place temporary seeding on all disturbed areas. 9. Complete final grading. 10. Place permanent seeding and do final landscaping. 11. Remove temporary erosion control measures after site is stabilized. 12. Estimated time before final stabilization is 3 months after completion of construction. Maintenance Plan 1. All erosion and sediment control practices will be checked For stability and proper operation following every runoff -producing rainfall, but at a minimum of once every week. Any needed repairs will be made immediately to maintain all erosion and sedimentation controls as designed. 2. Stabilization measures shall be initiated as soon as practicable in portions of the site where construction activities have temporarily or permanently ceased, but in no case more than 14 days after the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased, unless activity in that portion of the site will resume within 21 days. 3. Silt/sediment fences will be repaired as necessary to maintain a barrier. Sediment will be removed from behind the fence when it becomes about 0.5 feet deep. Removed sediment shall be disposed of in a suitable area and stabilized to prevent erosion and sedimentation. 4. All seeded areas will be fertilized, reseeded as necessary, and mulched to maintain a vigorous, dense vegetative cover. 5. Additional control devices may be required during construction in order to control erosion and/or off site sedimentation. All temporary control devices shall be removed once construction is completed and the site is stabilized. 6. Where practicable, trenches should be filled, covered, and temporary seeding applied at the end of each day. 7. Contractor must take necessary action to minimize the tracking of mud onto the paved roadway from construction areas. The contractor shall daily remove mud/soil from pavement, as maybe required. Calculated By: Date: Checked By: Date. - SG? 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