HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030179 Ver 6_Public Comments_20061005PAUL V. NOLAN, Esq. 5515 North 17th Street Arlington, Virginia 22205 Admitted D.C. Bar Energy Practice Limited to State and Federal Agencies October 5, 2006 Hon. Magalie R. Salas, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Room 1-A Washington, D.C. 20426 Work: (703) 534-5509 Fax: (703) 538-5257 Cell: (703) 587-5895 E-mail: pvnpvn@AOL.com Truck: 703-946-8153 RE: Duke Power, a Division of Duke Energy Corporation P-2601-007 (Bryson): P-2602-005 (Dillsboro Dam - Relicensing); P-2602-007 (Dillsboro Dam -Surrender); P-2686-032 (West Fork Tuckasegee); P- 2698-033 (East Fork Tuckasegee); Project No. 2603-012 (Franklin); Project No. 2619-012 (Mission); and, Project No. 2692-032 (Nantahala) Submission Regarding Compliance with CWA Hon. Magalie R. Sa/as: In furtherance of the Commission's duty to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act, see City of Tacoma v. FERC, Docket Nos. 05 1054, 051093, 05-1180, 05-1181, F.3rd _, 2006 WL 2411362 (C.A.D.C.)', copies of letters from the Jackson County Government, North Carolina; the Macon County Government, North Carolina; the Swain County Government; The Town of Franklin; and, the Town of Dillsboro are submitted. Each letter requests the convening of hearings by the NC Division of Water Quality with regard to the processing of water quality certificates for the pending above-captioned relicensing proceedings. As of today's date, Jackson, Swain and Macon Counties and Towns of Dillsboro and Franklin have not received a response from the NC agency. The Town of Dillsboro did receive a response from the purported current licensee and as a result sent a letter withdrawing its hearing request.2 The explanation of the circumstances surrounding the Town's action is documented in the attached newspaper article. Please note the article's reporting of the Town being under duress in the execution of the TCST ' A copy of the decision is available on FERC's website - www.ferc.gov/lega/courtcases/opinions. See Attached June 26, 2006 letter regrading legal status of current licensee. agreement, which serves as the basis of the EAs and the issuance of any and all certificates for the above-captioned projects and especially that for the Dillsboro license surrender proceeding. A copy of the Town's letter withdrawing its hearing request is attached. As to the repeated scenario of withdrawing and resubmitting water quality certificates, please be advised that no public notices of applications' resubmission, etc., have been received by the Jackson County, Swain County and Macon County Governments. Respectfully submitted. Digitally signed by Paul V. Nolan y~ P a u I V. N O I a n ema 1=p np n@aol.com-US, Location: Arlington, VA Date: 2006.10.05 15:49:47 -04'00' Paul V. Nolan, Esq. Certificate of Service I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing document on the parties designated on the official service lists compiled by the Secretary in these proceedings. Dated this 5th day of October 2006. Digitally signed by Paul V. Nolan By: DN: cn=Paul V. Nolan, c=US, P a u I V. N O l a n email=pvnpvn@aol.com Location: Arlington, VA Date: 2006.10.05 15:50:03 -04'00' Paul V. Nolan, Esq. Attorney for the Jackson County Government th 5515 17 Street North Arlington VA 22205 Tel: 703-534-5509 Email: pvn vn(c~aol.com Fish and Vt~ildlife Associates, Inc. Main Office at: p, Q, gpx 241 Tel (828) 497-6505 25 Water Tower Lane Whittier, NC 28789 Fax (828) 497-6213 Whittier, NC 28789 Email fwa@dnet.net August 2b, 2006 Honorable Charles H. Taylor NC 1 l~' District Congressman Attn: Martha Peterson 231 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515-3311 RE: Duke Power Relicensing (Project No. 2602-005 Dillsboro Dam Relicensing; Project No. 2686-032 West Fork Tuckasegee; Project No. 2698-033 East Fork Tuckasegee; Project No: 2603-012 Franklin; Project No. 2601-007; Bryson; Project No. 2692-032 Nantahala; Project No. 2619-012 Mission) Dear Congressman Taylor: Enclosed aze copies of letters that Tackson and Macon. Counties, as well as the Town of Dillsboro sent to the NC Division of Water Quality requesting public meetings and a ct~mplete review of each of the above referenced projects before a Section 401 water quality certificate in issued. Thank you for your assistaace in this matter and if you need addition information, please contact me. Sincerely, ~~ ohn L. Booze, ~~~~ Senior Biologist cc-Senator Richard Burr Senator Elizabeth Dole OS/29/06 TNU 11:20 FA ]; S28 349 2400 M,4C!71 c';'i ~JOU1 'w ; r'~c - ,'I ,~ ~r ~ J ~~ ~~'d ~ ~~~~~.~ % August Z4, 2UUL, Mr•. Joh_n Domey NC Di~~, of Water Quality - 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 - RE: Application for 401 Water Qualify Cenification-Duke Power Relice;nsing (Project No. 2fi02-005 Dillsboro Dam Pclicensing; Project 1Vo. 268ti-032 Wcst 1~orl: Tuckasegee; Project No. 2698-033 Easl Fork.Tuckasegce; Project No. 2bU3~012 Franklin; Project No, 2601-{~07; Bryson; Project No. 2692-032 Nantahala; Project No. 2~ 19-012 Mission.) Dear Mr. Domey: We untierstand.that'Drike;Ener~y has withdrawn and re-submitted an application for 401 Water Quality C.'.ertifioaton for the above referenced prpjects. Wc,feel~;that~this is a controversial action that affects alI the citizens' o.f Macon County.: 't'here ore, prior. io your agency taking any action of this request, apublic meeting should be held to allow the people of this County to express their views about these projects: As you know; Duke Energy does not plan to carry out any naeaniii~ful miti ation .. ~ mcasures'in exchange for'the operation of Lake Emory Hydro Project in.I~laeon County. ' We feel that this is not in the best interest of the citizerZS of this County and therefore, request that no action be taken on this 4U1 Certification unto such time as.j~ublic meeting ~: can beheld in Franklin; NC. Sinccreiy, ..~ ~~! ,"-- , ,l Alan Br }son, Chaim~an 1\~lacon County Board of Commissioner.. CC- l~c'1)1'eStiliCtti\ c Rrl~'el~ \.j~~SI Scnata! _Iiillll tillOi\' ~_~/25'~i~t~6 1'x:35 58E,75'~u !='~~~E E~1 OFFICE oz~ COMMISSIONERS OF JACKS~rt COCrNTY $OARD OF C+UMMISSIONERS BRIAN THOMAS McMAi-1AN, C~eirman R06ERTA C:RAWFORD, Vke Chaitmsn JaE COWAN, t:ommissioner EDDIE MADDEN, Corattnissiona CONRAD $URRELL, Commitsionet KENNETH L. WESTMORELAIv'D, Counry Manat~r 601 GRTNDSTAFF COVE ROAD SYLVA, NOR'I`N CAROLINA 28779 (828) 631-2295 FAX (82R) 631.2208 F.-M.eil: Ja~kaonCoMgr@jacktonnc.org August 25, 2006 Mr. Yohn Doruey NC Dvisiop, pf Water Quality 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 lt.e: Application for 401 Water Quality C ertification•Duke Power Reliceosing (Project No, 2602-005 Dillsboxo l7atn Relicensing; Project No. 2686-032 West Fork Tu~skasegee; l'rojeet No. 2698-033 East Fork Tuckasegee; Project No. 2603-012 Franklin; Project Na. 2601-007; ~3ryson; Project Na. 2692-032 Nantnhala; Pxbject No. 2619012 Mission) Dear .Mr. Dorney: We understand that Duke Energy has withdrawn and re-submitted an application for 401 Watet' Quality Certification for the above referenced projects. ~Je feel that tla.is is a controversial action. that affects all the citizens of Jackson Caunty. Thereforf:, prior to your agency taking any action on this request, we suggest that a public meeting be held to allow the people of this county to express their views about these projects. As you know, Duke Energy dyes not plan to carry out aty meanizxgful mitigation rneasu>,~es in exehaczge for the decommissioning of the Dillsborc Dam in Jackson Couxxty. We Feel that this is not ix>, the best interest of the citizens of this cow>ty and therefore, request that no actiota be taken an this 401 Certification until such time as pubk.a meeting can be beld in Sylva. S' cerely, / %~'YK.t~' ~e~~ Brian Thomas McMahan, Chaixn~an. cc: lZepr~sentative Phil Hdre Senator John Szlow AN irquA.[. orPO.RTUNITY / AFFIR.I2A'rlVl; ACT[JN F.M3'l.OYER 10~E74/2806 16:46 828497621 FISH & WILDLIFE „___, _„ __PAGE 01 ©8-3l~-'~16 ]2:46 FRUM-Sa~ain C•o Arl~nin BCiard at Ctbmt»issioeters Glenn .~bnas, Gt1Air Gene~iave `~dsey, Vice-Chs~~ David teith, Mert~ber David An~Qny, Member sewn Watd~up, Msrnber 3fl, 2006 82~~882759 Swain County J,ip2 MitcFialf S~trtd ,P.O. Sox 2321 Biysvn City, NC ZS 713 Mr, ehn Dorrcy NC ivisivn of Water Quality •• 2321 Crab~ee HottJlevard Bale gh, NC 27644 r~~~7~ ~ao~~0r~z >;-~P~ Couetty Mana~r Kev~ S. Kiny 7elepilane_ (878 488.9273 (428)488.2600 Fax: (824) 488-2754 mansQerC+~swai+tiaounry.org Re: SA.pplicatioin for 401 SlVatez Quality Certification-Uttlce 'Power Relieensing {Project No. 21602.4US Dillsbo>ro Dam Rei£ce~oising; Pxaject Na. 2686-032 West Fvrk Tuelcase~tee; Prajdct No. 2b98~033 Ease Fork 'htcka4eaee; Project Nn. 2503-012 Fcazrdclin; Project No. 2602-007; Bryson; Project No. 2i5~2-832 Nantal~ala; Proje+~ No. 26f 9.012 3vlissiou) ~ . Dear KVir, Uorney; We ~tder~stand that Duke E.ncrgy hau withdrawn and ttrsu'~mittcd as application for 401 Watelrr Quality Ccrtificatiott ~'or tlxe above referenced pmi~:ts. WE feol that this is a contxbversiai action that affects all tl~e citizens of Swain C~>unty. Therefore, prior to your agen~Y ~~$ ~Y action of this roquoat, a puhGc meetiag ;should be held to allow the people of this County to express t1-eir views about these projects. As y~u know, Duke Energy does .not plan to cariry oat any meaningful mitigation ttteasiKres in exchange for the operation of The Bryson l~d-v Pt+oject in Swain County. WE $i*el that this is not in the bast intexest of the citizetss o' ~ this County and therelfvr~c; tequel~t that no action be taken an t}iis 401 Certification until such time as a public meeting can be held in Brysan Ciry, North Carolina, Si 7arfe~Chairman County Commissioners 0 Gc: )~epresent$tive Phil Haire Bator John Snow 3.: F';~GE E~1 BOARD MEMBERS: ~° o~ aaz~,zs,~o ~o JEAN HART6ARGER MAYOR JOHN FAUIK JfM 17tJt<ES JIM CAGE BUD SMrni "Heart of Great Smokies Vacatlonfand" August 25, 2006 Mr. John Do,rney NC Div. 4f Water Quality 2321.. Crabtree Blvd Raleigh NC 27604 RE: Application for 401 Water Quality Certification-Duke Power Relicensing (Project No. 2602-005 Dilisboro Dam Retioeneing; Project No. 26$6-032 GVest Bork Tuckasegee; Frvject Nv. 2698-0331vast ]~ork ?~ckasegee; Project No 2603-01:? Franklin; Project No. 2b01 »007; Hryson; Project No. 2692-032 Nantehala; Project No.:!619-012 Mission} Dear Mr. Doroey: MIKE FITZGERALD VICE MAYOR HERBERT NOl.AN TOWN CLERK We understand that Duke Energy has withdrawn and re-submittec: an application fox 401 Water Quality Certification fox tlZe above referenced projects. We feel that this is a controversial. action that affects all tole citizens of Dillsboro and. Jackson County. The, ~efore, prior to your agency taking any action of this request, a public meeting should be held to allow the people of this Town to express their views about these projects. As recently ns . iune 2006 nearly all of the business owners in the Towm of Dillsboro signed a petition opposing the removal of the Dillsboxo Dam. As you know, Duke Energy plans to carry out questionable uutigt,tion measures in exchange .far the operation of the East and West Fork .l~ydx^oelectric Proj~t ane the removal of the l)illsbora Dam in Jackson County. We feel that this is not in the best intere ;;t of the citizens of the Town of Dillsboro and therefore, request that no action be taken on this 40l Certificatian until such time as public meeting can be held in Sylva, NC. Sincerely, Mayor Town of Dillsbam cc: John Snow, Senator Phi] Haire, Representative P.Q. Box 1488 Qillsboro, North Carolina 28725 Phone: (828) 586-3439 Fax: (828) 631-453° Oct,'S, 2006 1:56PM CG ,a~ .~r~~.~.X~x~ iaa westMain Street North Carolina 28734 (828) 524-251.6 August 29, 2046 1vlr. John Dorney NC Division of Water Quality 7.,32.1 ('.rabrree Blvd. lZalei.t;11, NG 27604 No•64I's P• 2 Rl~.; Application for 401 Water Quality Certific:atir>n-nuke Power n.elacensing (Project No. Z6U2-(H)S llillsboro llam Kelicensin6; Project No. 2686-032 West Fork Tuckasegee; Arnjeet Na. 2b98-U33 E;asi Fork 7'uekasegee; Project No. 2603-012 rranl~lin; project No. 2~ct1-OA7~ Rry4cm; Prajpc;t Nn, 2.692•()3? Nantahala; I'roiecr Ne. 2.61 ~)-011 tvlissian) llear Nlr. llorney: ~~ We understand il~al T3ukz F,nergy has withdrawn and re-submitted an application fqr 4U1 Water Quality Certification for itr.e ahnrre referenced projects. Wc~ feel thal this is a controversial action that affects ail the citirens ul' F'rankiin, There#'ore, prior to your agency taping any action on this request, a public meetinl; should. be held to aitow the people of Franklin anal .Macron County to express their views about these prgjccts, As yvu know, llukc lnergy dots not ptaaa to carry out any aneaning:f'u] mitigation measures in exchange for ih~c operation of the Labe .Rmory I~Iyciro Project in the Town of Franllin and Macon County, We feel that this is not in the best interest of the citizens of the town and county and, therefore, request that no action be taken on this 401 Cortificati~n until such time as a public meeting can be held in Franklin. Sincerely, lJ~~" ,i G~llinti M or CC: lranklin Board of Aldormctt The Honorable John Snow } Th.e Honorable Roger West ,; ~P-11-20E1E~ ll~:c'Sa F'FtQM:0I~~580Rd ~oQ`~ Mr. John Domey NC Division of Water Quality 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27504 Dear Mr. Domey: r-~~~E Fil ?`~' h31 #535 T0: 6312Ci~E-~ F. ~'~ 1 must ask for a retrecGon of the request letter dated August :t5, 2006 regarding Duke Power's re-submitted application for Water Quality Certificg.tion for the Duke relicensing of their projects. Further consideration of the opportunities given For citizen input on these various projects appears to have been ample during previous public hearings, one as late as June of this year in Jackson Coupty wnducted by FERC, Sincerely, Jean i~Tartbarger, Mayor The Smoky Mountain News Page 1 of 4 week of 9/13/06 kpmg Duke convinces Dillsboro to 'retract' letter By Sarah Kucharski • Staff Writer arts + Events - ----------- --- OUtfIoOrS Dillsboro Mayor Jean Hartbarger has retracted a letter that could have led to Qpiiniun a legal squabble with Duke Power. ' Qn ~a mpUS Hartbarger had signed a letter requesting that the N.C. Division of Water Quality hold a public hearing prior to re-issuing Duke Power water quality w~~ Celend~f certifications for its dams on the Tuckasegee River. After Duke officials claimed that authoring the letter violated the rules of the original stakeholder IVIQCli1taifl Y$ICeS agreement the town signed as part of the re-licensing process, Hartbarger asked for the letter back from the state. Reading Roorn "Because of that unique status, their efforts were not in keeping with that Public Afla~irs agreement," said Duke Power representative Fred Alexander. "When that was pointed out to them, they retracted the letter." area atir~ctions Duke Power must obtain water quality certification in order to continue ~18$~lf~Bd~ ~~4~, ~~ operating the company's hydroelectric projects on regional waterways. • ` - r n However, water certifications normally would not be approved until the VV~b ~Ir$~tOf1,F ;, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued a license for the hydro _ ` "`" - _~ £ projects' operation, Alexander said. R~ginhal ~MBif ~ = 9$gr~h Q~'CfI@~ An application for a water quality certification has aone-year shelf life. f ~ Consequently, Duke Power has had to re-apply for certification each year ;~ ', ~ ~± ' _~• Subscri6p• while the region has rehashed and attempted to renegotiate the terms of the ~ , original settlement agreement reached three years ago. Each prior + .' ~>4lI~ Apout i :` • application has not had any outside opposition, Alexander said. , ~ k~z~' ~w.~~.~ ~p'J1taC $MN Now, it appears as though the calls for a public hearing may be a last-ditch rr• i, : effort by opponents to go on record before the FERC commissioners make j 1:98db$C~C . their final ruling on the region's mitigation package and the terms of Duke's .~ ~ deg _ '~ relicensing. ~~YU n lead ad ~~~~~' - '' Duke Power has seven dams on the Tuckasegee River in Jackson County as well as dams on the Nantahala, Oconaluftee and Little Tennessee rivers. The settlement agreement determines what the public gets in exchange for Duke damming and diverting local rivers. Such agreements are negotiated at most every 30 to 40 years, meaning their terms have long-term recreational, economical and environmental impacts. Jackson and Macon county officials, amongst others, have criticized the original stakeholders' agreement for offering inadequate compensation to the region. One of the issues at the core of the dispute over the original stakeholders' agreement has been the removal of the Dillsboro Dam, which many town residents say is a cultural landmark. The dam has not operated effectively since the floods of 2004 when, literally, a ton of silt collected behind it. If the dam were removed according to Duke's plan, the silt would be released downstream potentially damaging river ecology. An alternative to the original stakeholders' agreement, authored largely by http://www.smokymountainnews.com/issues/09 06/09 13 06/fr duke convinces.html 9/19/2006 The Smoky Mountain News Page 2 of 4 Jackson County Manager Westmoreland in cooperation with the county's contracted hydropower attorney Paul Nolan, would turn the dam over to the county to run. The dam most likely would be paired with the county's methane gas recovery project located at the old landfill just outside Dillsboro to help turn the town into a model for green power. However, the final environmental assessment produced by FERC staff - a document summarizing potential impacts on the region and advising mitigation action -heavily favored Duke Power and the original settlement agreement, recommending removal of the Dillsboro Dam. Mayor Hartbarger told Dillsboro town board members Monday night (Sept. 11) that her decision to author the letter requesting a public hearing prior to re-issuance of Duke Power's water quality certifications came as a result of a meeting she attended with Rep. Charles Taylor, R-Brevard, and Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., just prior to the final environmental assessment's release. Hartbarger said that she was asked to send the letter along with other local representatives. The letter is a form letter slightly modified for each of the signing parties, which also included Glenn Jones, chairman of the Swain County commissioners, Alan Bryson, chairman of the Macon County commissioners, and Brian McMahan, chairman of the Jackson County commissioners. "We understand that Duke Energy has withdrawn and re-submitted an application for 401 Water Quality Certification for the above referenced projects," the letter reads. "We feel that this is a controversial action that affects all the citizens of (Swain County/Macon County/Jackson County/Dillsboro and Jackson County). Therefore, prior to your agency taking any action of this request, a public meeting should be held to allow the people of this (County/Town) to express their views about these projects." However, the letter Hartbarger signed included slightly different wording from other letters. Where Swain, Macon and Jackson's letters read "Duke Energy does not plan to carry out any meaningful mitigation measures," Dillsboro's says "Duke Energy plans to carry out questionable mitigation measures." Also, the Dillsboro letter included an extra line when requesting the public hearing. "As recently as June 2006 nearly all of the business owners in the Town of Dillsboro signed a petition opposing the removal of the Dillsboro Dam," the letter's first paragraph reads. Dillsboro business owners as a collective entity did not sign the original stakeholders agreement and thereby are free of encumbrances and may criticize the mitigation proposal at will without running the risk of legal action. Though as with many small towns - Dillsboro's population is slightly more than 200 residents -roles often overlap. Hartbarger signed the petition opposing dam removal not as mayor, but as owner of the Jarrett House restaurant. Hartbarger has said that the town's decision to sign the agreement was under duress, as the town saw no way to push for more mitigation. The board met and voted to sign the agreement on the condition that they rank their approval of the agreement at a four on the scale of one to five -one represented total approval and five noted grave concerns with the agreement. It wasn't until after the board vote that Hartbarger arrived to sign the document and found out that several other parties at the negotiating table including Jackson County weren't going to sign. However, Hartbarger's request to the N.C. Division of Water Quality for a public hearing was sent without town board approval. Just prior to Monday http://www.smokymountainnews.com/issues/09 06/09 13 06/fr duke convinces.html 9/19/2006 The Smoky Mountain News Page 3 of 4 night's meeting, board members questioned about the letters -the request and the subsequent retraction -had no knowledge of either. "I have no idea what you're talking about," said town board member Bud Smith. The meeting local officials had with Taylor and Burr was held in July, and the letter requesting the public hearing was dated Aug. 25. Dillsboro town officials did not have a meeting in August due to several board members being gone. Hartbarger waited until the very end of the town board meeting Monday night to bring up the issue, explaining that she had sent the letter, found out it was a violation of the terms of the original settlement agreement, and asked for the letter's retraction. "So it's all taken care of now," Hartbarger said. Board members did not seem upset by the mayor's decision to take action without board approval. Rather, they seemed in support of Hartbarger's fight for the town's interests. "We all appreciate a mayor who is willing to take a risk from time to time," said board member Mike Fitzgerald. Board member Jimmy Cabe said that a little opposition wasn't a bad thing, as the town wasn't in Duke's pocket. "I don't see that they wrote us a check or nothing," Cabe said. "Well, they did," Hartbarger replied. Duke gave Dillsboro $50,000 to be used for the town's Monteith property development, which will is planned to include a park, parking area, community theater and historical museum. "I don't want the money, I want to keep the dam," Hartbarger said. WNC Regional News ~ Arts ±_ Events ~ Outdoors ~ Opinipn ~ On Campus WNC Calendar ~ Mountain Voices ~ Reading.Rpom_ ~ P_hoto Gallery Area_Attractions ~ Classifieds ~ Web Directory ~ Regional Map ~ Search Subscribe ~ About SMN. ~ Contact SMN. ~ Feedback ~ Advertising with SMN http://www.smokymountainnews.com/issues/09_06/09_13_06/fr_duke_convinces.html 9/ 19/2006 Unofficial FERC-Generated PDF of 20060703-0164 Issued by FERC OSEC 06/26/2006 in Docket: P-2601-000 FEDERAL ENERGY REGUIJ-TORY SON WASHINGTON, D.C. 20426 OFFICE OF ENERGY PROJECTS Project Nos.: P-2601, 2602, 2603, 2619, 268b, 2692, 2694, 2698, 2232, 2331, 2332, 2503 and 274U-North Carolina Duke Energy Ccnporatian Mr. John A. Whitaker, rv, Esq. J V NL b Winston & Strewn LLP 1700 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006-3817 Re: Name change for Duke Energy Corporation Dear Mr. Whitaker. .' . ;, '' This refers to your letter filed Apri15, 2006, notifying the Commission of a change in ;', ~' the name of the licensee for the subject projxts firnn Duke Energy Corporation (Deice ' Corporation) to Duke Power Company LLC {Duke LLC). Your letter states that the name change became effective Apri13, 2006, the date that the merger of Duke Energy Corporation and Cinergy Corporation closed. Your letter states that, as part of the merger approval by the Commission at 113 FERC ¶ 61,297 (2005}, Duke Corporation converted to Duke LLC under North Carolina law. Transactions that result in a new, separate legal entity holding a license require prior Commission approval under section 8 of the Federal Power Act {FPA} for the resulting transfer of the license to the new, separate entity, and not simply notification to the Commission of a name change. See, eg., Great Northern Paper Company, 50 FERC ~ 61,163 at p. 61,474 (1990}, where the Commission denied a request for a purported name change resrrltirrg from a corporate merger and required more evidence to determine whether the resulting corporation was the same corporate entity as the original licensee. You contend that the conversion of Duke Corporation to Duke LLC did not result in a new, separate Iegal entity bolding the subject licenses. To support your contention, your letter states that under N.C. Gen. Stet. § SS-11A-13 {"Effects of Conversion" of a corporation} and § 57C-9A-04 ("Effects of Conversion" to a limited liability company), the conversion did not result in Duke Corporation dissolving or terminating, but rather continuing to exist as the resulting limited liability company, Duke LLC, and with title to all veal estate and other Unofficial FERC-Generated PDF of 20060703-0164 Issued by FERC OSEC 06/26/2006 in Docket: P-2601-000 Project Nos. 2601, et al 2 property held by Duke Corporation continuing to be vested in Duke LLC, without reversion or impairment. However, the North Carolina statutes you cite do not obviate the applicability of the license transfer provisions of FPA section 8 to the change in legal entities that resulted from the conversion of Duke Corporation to Duke LLC. N. C. Gen. Stat. § 57C-9A-04, cited in your letter, applies to a conversion to a limited liability company of a "business entity," which is defined in N.C. Gen. Stet. § 57C-1-03 (3a) to include a corporation, a limited partnership, or a general partnership. Corporations, limited partnerships, and partnerships are manifestly different legal entities than linrited liability companies. They are not aaly different in organizational and management structure but also in the type and substance of the state-issued documents that create them and authorize the scope of their operating authority. Also, N.C. Gen. Staff. § SS-11A-13, cited in your letter, applies to conversions of a corlxxaation to a "business entity," and the above-cited definition of that term in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 57C-1-03 (3a), supra, includes a "foreign limited partnership," which is defined in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 57C-1-03 {9), by reference to N.C. Gen. Stet. § 59-102{5)) as: a partnership formed under the laws of arty state, province, country, or other jurisdiction other than this State and having as partners one or more general partners and one or more limited partners.... [Emphasis added] Under the foregoing definition, abusiness-entity conversion under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 55-11 A- 13 could t~esult in a North Carolina corporate licensee continuing in existence as a limited partriership from a foreign nation. However, since FPA section 4(e) requires licensees to be United States business entities, the resulting limited partnership would rat qualify as a licensee. The foregoing analysis does act directly apply to the conversion of Duke Corporation to Duke LLC, but it does point up the fact that the North Carolina stahrtes you cite and the license transfer previsions of section 8 of the FPA have different purposes and apply differently to business-entity conversions. The requirement of FPA section 8 for approval of transactions that result in a new entity holding a license is designed to ensure that the Commission has jurisdiction over the entity that holds the license and that the entity holding the license is qualified under the requirements of the FPA to be a licensee. Notwithstandingthe North Carolina statutes cited in your letter, Duke LLC is a different legal entity than Duke Corporation for the purposes of Commission approval of Duke LLC as the licensee for the subject projects. Your letter cites the staff order in ilSGen New England, Inc., et al., 86 FERC ¶ 62,088 (1999), which accepted as a mere name change a conversion of a corporation to a limited liability company. However, the order did not analyze the conversion transaction under the requirements of section 8 of the FPA, and in any event, a staff order is not binding precedent. Unofficial FERC-Generated PDF of 20060703-0164 Issued by FERC OSEC 06/26/2006 in Docket: P-2601-000 Project Nos. 2601, et al 3 Also, the Commission's order approving the merger of Duke Energy Corponition and Cinergy Corporation (113 FERC ¶ 61,297 (2005)) simply noted that Duke Corporation would be renamed Duke LLC, and the order did not analyze or approve the conversion transaction under section 8 of the FPA.. Accordingly, within 30 days following the issuance date of this letter, Duke Corporation and Duke LLC are required to file an appropriate transfer application under section 8 of the FPA and 18 C.F.R. Part 9 (2005) for the license transfers resulting fmm the conversion of Duke Corporation to Duke LLC. If you have any questions, please contact Etta Foster at (202) 502-8769. Sincer+eiy, William Guey--Lee Division of Hydropower Administration and Compliance