HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220938 Ver 1_Rock Ck Mussel Survey-Reloc Compliance EM_20221213Jennifer Burdette From: Rebecca Stubbs <rstubbs@mcadamsco.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 8:15 AM To: Munzer, Olivia Cc: Jennifer Burdette Subject: Rock Creek Streambank Restoration - Mussel Survey Attachments: Freshwater Mussel Surveys -Relocations Rock Creek Guilford County, 10-19-2022_1.pdf, IMG_3553.JPG; IMG_3557.JPG Good Morning Olivia, I wanted to follow back up with you to provide the results of our mussel survey and relocation performed by Three Oaks Engineering on October 12, 2022. Attached is their report documenting their findings. We had our pre -construction meeting yesterday and are planning for construction to commence the week of November 14th Please let me know if there is any other information you need to demonstrate our compliance. Thank you! ! I 1" MCAADAMS Rebecca Stubbs PE stream restoration practice lead, water resources direct 919.287.0740 mobile 336.339.1648 rstubbs@mcadamsco.com 621 Hillsborough Street, Suite 500, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.mcadamsco.com Join Our Team O G G *Our Raleigh office has moved! We can't wait to see you there soon. Three Oaks Engineering, Inc. 324 Blackwell Street, Suite 1200 Durham, NC 27701 (919) 732-1300 October 19, 2022 Memorandum To: Rebecca Stubbs, PE Stream Restoration Practice Lead 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham NC 27713 Subject: Freshwater Mussel Surveys/Relocations in Rock Creek, Guilford County From: Tim Savidge, Three Oaks Engineering Proiect Overview The Guilford County Soil and Water Conservation District and Piedmont Conservation Council is proposing a stream bank stabilization project along Rock Creek of the Cape Fear River Basin near the city of Whitsett, in Guilford County, North Carolina. As part of the permitting review process, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) indicates that the state Threatened Notched Rainbow (Venustaconcha constricts) could occur within the project impact area of Rock Creek. As such, the WRC requested freshwater mussel surveys and relocations be conducted. These surveys/relocations were performed on October 12, 2022, by Three Oaks Personnel Tim Savidge and Trevor Hall. Completed Survey/Relocation Efforts The survey limits for freshwater mussel surveys/relocations included the limits of disturbance (LOD), plus an additional buffer of 100 meters downstream and 50 meters upstream. Visual surveys were conducted using bathyscope (glass bottom bucket), with a total of two passes through the salvage area. Timed searches provided Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) data for the species found. Mussel surveys were conducted for 2.37 person hours of survey time, during which one native freshwater mussel species, the Eastern Elliptio (Elliptio complanata) was found. Only one individual mussel was found within the LOD, with all others occurring in the downstream buffer. The introduced Asian Clam (Corbicula fluminea) and a native Fingernail Clam (Sphaeriidae) were also observed (Table 1). Three Oaks Engineering threeoaksengineering.com Table 1. Rock Creek Mussel Survey Results Scientific Name Common Name Number CPUE #/hr Freshwater Mussels Elli lio com lanala Eastern Elli do 39 16.45/hr Freshwater Snails and Clams Relative Abundance Corbicula uminea Asian Clam — Abundant S haeriidae Fingernail Clam Uncommon The mussels were relocated to an approximately 280 feet stretch of an unnamed tributary (UT) to Rock Creek that flows into the stream just downstream of the project site (Figure 1). The reason for selecting the UT over the Rock Creek above the project impact area, is that abundances of mussels were observed to be higher in the UT than that section of Rock Creek, plus it is apparent that runoff coming from the adjacent golf course greens is adversely affecting water clarity in Rock Creek. The relocated mussels are expected to survive. Three Oaks Engineering threeoaksengineering.com Figure 1: Project Vicinity, Survey Reach, and Mussel Relocation Area Freshwater Mussel Survey Rock Creek Streambank Restoration Project Vicinity. Survey Reach. and Mussel Relocation Area Guilford County, North Carolina °" October 2022 Jmb No_ 22-337 TDH ctidu:c. YW Figure i r i ✓ ( r � r It l . 1 4- C 11 411 r �' ' ^ �^- ,► � ,� a+ , r � F .ram � ��,, ,� { �' ;4 rl� , �•it P +-1: . I �,- �a 4���+' • -- Itir�'F"v�� 4 ' �.. T 3r t9 f�fj 1 '' i�itpl((�•``�j� 1 , / � 11 ' .�.'_ P•��j.cj �V.x � 1fI� � ` �I T•✓�t� 4�k P � A � �L1,ir'�� i�.k: .7ifiQ k. ��A � � i1 ' ., ,•,' V hi: � .i i; `9 \'. I � 3 5f yir it 41 3f i ♦ ''�lii tY �.� .ia } 7� A•. 7 �* P` { \t, •fir. � k r ' h l � �P _:YJ � � i/ y�a ^'` ,."� ' rr I ` �. 4- Y"A f 9, AV, , . jv"'�jdv' Ai IA6 Al. 'W 34 WO 4R.I. AR RR Z' W- 7 A3 v'b 417, Altv 'e4 40 :0 A.M. ?; 7 1�1 el Jennifer Burdette From: Munzer, Olivia <olivia.munzer@ncwildlife.org> Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 8:24 AM To: Rebecca Stubbs Cc: Jennifer Burdette Subject: RE: [External] Rock Creek Streambank Restoration - Mussel Survey Great, thank you. I will pass the information on to our aquatic biologist. Olivia Munzer NC Wildlife Resources Commission 336-269-0074 From: Rebecca Stubbs <rstubbs@mcadamsco.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 8:15 AM To: Munzer, Olivia <olivia.munzer@ncwildlife.org> Cc: Jennifer Burdette <burdette@nrconsultnc.com> Subject: [External] Rock Creek Streambank Restoration - Mussel Survey CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good Morning Olivia, I wanted to follow back up with you to provide the results of our mussel survey and relocation performed by Three Oaks Engineering on October 12, 2022. Attached is their report documenting their findings. We had our pre -construction meeting yesterday and are planning for construction to commence the week of November 14th Please let me know if there is any other information you need to demonstrate our compliance. Thank you! ! I Ul MCAADAMS Rebecca Stubbs PE stream restoration practice lead, water resources direct 919.287.0740 mobile 336.339.1648 rstubbs(cDmcadamsco.com 621 Hillsborough Street, Suite 500, Raleigh, NC 27603 www.mcadamsco.com Join Our Team 011100 *Our Raleigh office has moved! We can't wait to see you there soon. Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1