HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000175_Regional Office Physical File Scan Up To 12/13/2022NAME OF FACILITY: COUNTY: RALEIGH Parameters Arsenic Unimin Corporation Mitchell ---------------------- Metals Barium Chromium Lead ---------------------- Fluoride ASHEVILLE Parameters TDS pH Bottles Disposable (Filtered) add preservative HNO BEFORE taking sample ("P") on lid of Aottle FILTER LAST Disposable (Filtered) add preservative HNO BEFORE taking sample ("P") on lid of Bottle FILTER LAST 1 liter (Filtered) Bottles 2 1/2 liters TOTAL NO. OF WELLS: 2 TOTAL NO. OF BOTTLES: 4 disposables + extra 2 liters _ 4 1/2 liters ADDITIONAL SANPLING REQUESTED (other than Permit requirements): State of North Cc,,, ,na � Department of, Environment, Health and Natural Resources `+ • Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor c Jonathan B. Howes, Secretory O C � Nann B. Guthrie, Regional Manager Asheville Regional Office GROUNDWATER SECTION July 13, 1994 Mr. Roy Riddle Unimin Corporation Quartz Operations Post Office Box 588 Spruce Pine, North Carolina 28777 Dear Mr. Riddle: Subject: Groundwater Monitor Well Analytical Results Unimin Corporation NPDES Permit No. NC0000175 Mitchell County, North Carolina Attached for your information are copies of the analytical results for samples collected by this office from the groundwater monitor wells on June 13, 1994. If you have any questions, please contact me at (704) 251-6208. Sincerely, C' • o�'`-c �Yc �r-�-c c Ann C. Rumbough Environmental Technician /acr Attachments Interchange Building, 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville, N.C. 28801 Telephone 704-251-6208 FAX 704-251-6452 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Facility County Contact: MONITOR WELL SAMPLING FIELD LOG Date: June 13, 1994 Unimin Corporation Mitchell Roy Riddle Vell # ucNUii (ft) I OYVLJ I (ft) I rsu"11. .,uiicui I Pumped I I Time , Remarks I81t1 115.0 112.5 I Bailed 1 1/2 gal. i 10:45 AM I Water contained (MW-1) I I I !I fine silt. 181t2 25.0 15.0 + Bailed 5 gal. I 111:10 AM I I Water clear. (MW-2) I I I I S S I I I I I I I I I I State of North C(- Iina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.F., Director - d �EHNF1 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION August 18, 1993 Mr. Roy Riddle Unimin Corporation Quartz Operations Post Office Box 588 Spruce Pine, North Carolina 28777 Dear Mr. Riddle: Subject: Groundwater Monitor Well Analytical Results Unimin Corporation NPDES Permit No. NC0000175 Mitchell County, North Carolina Attached for your information are copies of the analytical results for samples collected by this office from the groundwater monitor wells on June 22, 1993. If you have any questions, please contact me at (704) 25176208. Sincerely, Ann C. Rumbough ,Environmental Technician ACR/gc Attachments Itttr•rchanttc 1lnilding, S') W"-diill r'larc, I'. ). Ilnx ;70, Adirvillc, N.C. 288020370 • Tdcphnnr 704-251-620R An Prltml Opr wmpity A(Hrnntivr Action fntplr,Ncr MONITOR WELL SAMPLING FIELD LOG Date: June 22. 1993 Facility: Unimin Corporation County: Mitchell Contact: Roy Riddle Depth SWL Well 0 (ft) (ft) I81t1 15.0 5.3 (MW-1) I81t2 25.0 I 13.2 (MW-2) Amt. Bailed/ Pumped lBailed 5 gal. Bailed 6 gal Time 10:25 AM 10:45 AM Remarks Water contained fine silt. Water clear. MONITOR WELL SAMPLING FIELD LOG Date: May 12, 1992 Facility: Unimin Corporation County: Mitchell Contact: Tony Crowder Depth STkL Well (ft) (ft) I81t1 15.0 12.1 MW-1 I81t2 25.0 113.5 MW-2 Amt. Bailed/ Pumped Bailed 2 gal. Bailed 6 gal Time 10:40 AM 11:05 AM Remarks Water contained fine silt Water clear State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION July 15, 1992 Mr. Roy Riddle Unimin Corporation.Quartz Operations Post Office Box 588 Spruce Pine, North Carolina 26777 Dear Mr. Riddle: Subject: Groundwater.Monitor Well Analytical Results Unimin Corporation NPDES Permit No. NC0000175 Mitchell County, North Carolina Ann B. Orr Regional Manager Attached for your information are copies of the analytical results for samples collected by this office from the groundwater monitor wells on May 12, 1992. If you have any questions, please contact me at (704) 251-6208. ACR/gC Attachments Sincerely, Ann C. Rumbough Environmental Technician Interchange Building, 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville, N.C. 28801 • Telephone 704-251-6208 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor Ann B. Orr William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Regional Manager DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION ,Tune 9, 1992 Mr. Roy Riddle Unimin Corporation Quartz Operations Post Office Box 588 Spruce Pine, North Carolina 28777 Dear Mr. Riddle: Subject: Compliance Monitoring Data Review Unimin Corporation NPDES Permit No. NC0000175 Mitchell County, North Carolina This office is in receipt of the compliance monitoring data for the March 16, 1992, sample date. In reviewing this data, we find that the Compliance Monitoring Report Forms are incomplete. Enclosed for future reference are copies of Compliance Monitoring Report Forms containing information that is to be provided in compliance monitoring reports submitted to the Groundwater Section. Also, information requested in the highlighted areas is to be provided. Note that well identification numbers have been assigned to each well. It is necessary to use the numbers provided as they relate to our data entry records. The previous well identification number, in parenthesis, is given for reference. If there is any discrepancy between this information and your records, please notify me so that any future confusion may be eliminated. I have also enclosed blank copies of the compliance monitoring report form (GW-59 revised 4/91) to be used in reporting the compliance monitoring data. Interchange Building, 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville, N.C. 28801 • Telephone 704-251-6208 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Roy Riddle June 9, 1992 Page 2 If you have any questions or comments regarding compliance monitoring, please contact me at (704) 251-6208. Sincerely, Ann C. Rumbough Environmental Technician ACR/gc Enclosures cc: Pace, Incorporated Betty Wilcox _:.... ; YfBQf�MED[.l?A NAGEM � � ROUt1I?,WA,TEI�SE GROUNDWATER QUALrrY MONITORING [moo ox��g For addi nd ism cfVR&gGRW& W COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM or . .Iva IN ..7i -_ il' ' Name UIV/MIIV CORPORATION QUARTZ OPERA-rI o.y.5 Box S8B -5"UCE "O/ACE-, /VC- Z 5777C0U: M17'cl�EcO 1Neli gam• t0,p pUWNaRAoi--MT of LAGoonj eI tMw- /�fiuroFt. I Dim r : ° ;) lifetval -S Ft To IS' Ft. 1dla�r s ffl°w measun,�ngt(be ne)saris aasut a � palm 27ty.Wve lar�M surface REM��3 EQUIR Non -Discharge PjL1D- NG vvooi7 T�YPE.�DISP_t{�A� Y - , � _ BE(N�' ItAC�117Ui�ED �R�QUIREU ✓ Lagoon Septic TanWDrain Field Spray Field Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (u'P) Land Application of Sludge -iel nalysis: RR� Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. °C Odor Appearance +ate o Collected cL ra o ; IVartt - lLCecfifira6on ;N000- COD mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Coliform: MF Total /100ml (Note: Use WN fnethod for highly turbid samples) iss •• ve a s' oli:ds: o mg/I 6p en an[yzed units TOC mgA Chloride mgA 4 Ar-eMIe mg/I ,'Grease and Oils mgA Hardness: Total mgA Phenol mgA Sulfate mgA Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia mg/l TKN as N mgA Nitrite (NO 2) as N mgA Nitrate (NO as N mg/I g) Phosphorus: Total as P mgA Al - Aluminum mgA (BU-- anTM m9A Ca - Calcium mgA Cd - Cadmium mg/I bro r =' • _ Tr tall mgA Cu - Copper mgA Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mgA K - Potassium mgA Mg - Magnesium mgA Mn - Manganese mgA Na - Sodium mgA I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. Wvate. Other Distributor Ni - Nickel mgA jp,Lead .mgA Zn - Zlnc mgA,- Pesticides/Herbicides (Speafy Compounds) ugA ugA ugA Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration units) Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (see #2 on back) ` See back for instructions. " Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. REV. 4/91 ' I -0v 60 WT Lj D OWEW -G WAMERE M 0 29 GROUNDWATER. :QUALITY MONITORING:'. COMPLIANCE :FORM:: fm For additional �fomas R� UA11A11.#V —oR P, O. 16ox ,rARucC- Pl.,va, NC 29777 Coon zo 0owV6,RA40tCoV-r of 44Goo,,�J -- b � 31 V, V, V�e I 10 lca' bnk Mum' -2 -5' Ft. :,—^ r -.2 Ft W%L2 q r �-- � b� T o -2 -6' Ft. _e MI-N-V whp--u 05" x'ifiUr-aff= - COD — Coliform: Coliform: MF Fecal MF Total Non D' h ogy ��r � E LM I tl­EQ I USED Septic TanWDrain Field Conductance — uMhos Temp. G odor ma a �,'LabwSam,6L6�iAnafvz _� (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) — mgA /1 00ml /1 00ml mg/l -- units TOC mgA Chloride mgA LAI �rj: s �en i p mgA Grease and Oils mgA Hardness: Total mgA Phenol mg/l Sulfate mgA Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia mgA TKN as N mgA Nitrite (NO 2) as N mgA Nitrate (NO 3) as N mgA Phosphorus: Total as P mg/l A] - Aluminum mgA mgA Ca - Calcium mgA Cd - Cadmium mgA C 5 M-0 t- Tum, - I E I �1711 0— mgA Cu - Copper mg/l Fe - Iron mg/l Hg _ Mercury mgA K - Potassium mg/l Mg - Magnesium mgA Mn - Manganese mgA Na - Sodium mgA I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. ,: V �7— � 1 �(d --0r-iZ-e--d�A-g"—n" Spray Field Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) Land Application of Sludge Other kppearance Ni Nickel mg/l mg/l Zn - Zinc mgA Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Comp . ounds) ugA ugA ugA Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration units) Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (see #2 on back) • See back for instructions. submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. V-59 REV. 4/91 a� a a„M Na•• State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Asheville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor I S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION June 8, 1987 Mr. Roy Riddle Unimin Corporation Quartz Operations P. 0. Box 588 Spruce Pine, North Carolina 28777 Subject: Monitor Well Analysis Unimin Corporation NPDES Permit No. NC0000175 Mitchell County, North Carolina Dear Mr, Riddle: Attached are copies of analytical results of monitor well samples that I collected on March 4, 1987. I look forward to receiving the analytical results of the resample of your March 12, 1987, compliance monitoring collection. Sincerely, �� 40&4-'� Kay Dechant Hydrogeological Technician KD/ar cc: Bob Cheek Attachment Interchange Building, 59 Woodfin Place, P.O. Box 370, Asheville, N.C. 28802-0370 • Telephone 704-253-3341 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer n SW o v State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Asheville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION June 8, 1987 Mr. Roy Riddle Unimin Corporation Quartz Operations P. 0. Box 588 Spruce Pine, North Carolina 28777 Dear Mr. Riddle: S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary l gv f RE JU N 1 1 1987 GROUNU VvHlrn oL'I,TI()N RALEIGH, N. G, Subject: Monitor Well Analysis Unimin Corporation NPDES Permit No. NC0000175 Mitchell County, North Carolina Attached are copies of analytical results of monitor well samples that I collected on March 4, 1987. I look forward to receiving the analytical results of the resample of your March 12, 1987, compliance monitoring collection. KD/ar cc: ob Cheek Sincerely, Kay Dechant Hydrogeological Technician >5 J''U� �I - 1987 Groundwater Section a Asheville Regional Office i Interchange Building, 59 Woodfin Place, P.O. Box 370, Asheville, N.C. 28802-0370 Telephone 704-253-3341 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer COUNTY QUAD NO. 7- SERI AL -NO--,4. LAT. Report t6:�� FRO W S R 0;. %Kinston FO ',,O'thae"-'. Shipped by: ,Bus, ourier Other ' COLLECTOR(S): k E­ 7 FIELD ANALYSES 0 C fi PH409 pep. C 94, d at -25 �Zdda T 10 0 9 rn P.C.: . q Ap peiiravlqar' T, S airip.0 Field AnalystBy"-'.* ORY,'AL 'N Y­ S ti 0 IqOD �gh-`3� 114 COD Low 335 -Fecal" -poliform:MF . 316116—: , fni "Coliform- I MF Total 31504 0 2. 403 fy� to PH 4.� 410 5 11�01iy to PH 8 its. 44 mg/ Mg 16 onpi3O`44'0`­�' 1002. -tig/v on, dioxide 405 71�' 'Iqhl6rldo 940,. Me 0 rqMlbM. 31 -co Jri� 'Pt ar,72 �­rng/ 1`---`;R'E1S0U R C E S LAB NUMBER 8 WENT�.­ DATE RECEIVED-.�,,.�\21 Time �7 n—C, From: Bus Rec'd by: -Courier A L A )QJ R Other 4'. 1,00TINIE_,�,, DATA ENTRY, BY: CK: DATE REPORTED: MPLIANC LUST, OTHER �O (circle o 0 0 ;A Mew 4 Flljor . 06,�N 77T 7 R N R N.� ALI -W, K A pt e., u Revised , 7 8 5 SampleAlnterval — 2d- 2-S 4 Ay ug/l 1,077 _MtiMlnurn 1105 Ug/l Be, ariurn.;1007 UQ/l Ca c 1-6 M 916 mg/l 1� M 1027 ug/l ;c ;tI-,-,1034 Ug/l 10412 ug/l 45 Ug/l 9­r�', 9100,11, Ug/l PUrn :93 e,siurn* 927 mg./I Mari 99nese 10.55 ug/l w a mg/l 34 _.,;�Sqdllurn 929r ug/l r Pb U .0 5 1 g/l I-qf.Mi ' P 1. 147 'Ug . /I ug/j. z y 3jgq �1. - - e d write ite "OIS* in block a n. i Yellow I A Ow copy Lab ng time, air temp, etc.) Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides Acid Herdicides Base / Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) 1,2 - Dibrornoethan a (EDB) It a < COUNTY aAV t4 Al; QUAD NO. SERIAL NO h W. LAT W•L'ONG,".2 ReportEO,',MRO RRO;'WaRO YV�Rp R WSRO, .Kinston FO Other; r7 `` x Shipped by: Bus, Jr.ier f �ihY 160 COLLECTOR(S): ,���OATE .FIELD 'ANALYSES � w`"i �? ,pN400� Spec Cond gq.^,_;at250C�����.roc>: Temp..:I °C Odor �,s10 yr Appearance ` Taste `( ✓ < Sami FLeId Arlal:y§is By:.'f#eri3 1 LASORAIbRY ANAL' YSESr plss`'Sol COW f ' Fluliddo`9 Hardpess 7 51 ° Hertlnti5s "I Phenol's; 3' ti Spoc(Qc C ^' ri f}. aSl1{ti♦te.-:9;� ` Seittdw f1 t •,r 1-4 .�.rpIV r tJ02 t'3,bc Pe " 7 iliiie sX.10n..0 itw h , 720. � r s ✓ iiJ L'ab Comments BOb5i.3.i0` ��/t'. oli(ofm:MF �Fecat 31816 fir') c' '/1100mi v Cotlform;MF 7o1a1.31504 tx ` '1'u{bldity 76 .r• pF1�'403�}Yx'' x^ units �,Alkalln(tYto PH 4.5 .410 . 'AIkallnilY to PH B.3 115 ;�ih9/L r fb Onale"445. mg/I p1 � 48l�ettoloet® 440 /►rr3en(c.Total 100Z Corbon dtaaide. aos.,. °,mglt' Chrbmiprfl,:He32 ? Color:Tn� 80 1RAL RSOU LAB NUMBER 8 :G MENT, DATE RECEIVED Time �11 � l r_ Rec'd by: 0 From: Bus hurler LAB �QRM 1-14 Other tTY j DATA ENTRY BY: CK: 1 gERGENY -2 '7' —If DATE REPORTED: >I r A' E7 �ASELINE COMPLAINT,('�COMPLIANC LUST, OTHER �. t x (circle Cne4-•-- r;' etc Al Rumirurm 1105 Bq Bpf1Uln'`1007 Gtt Cn(a(Um..91s' Od .=; Cadmium 1027 .bhromlumtTotal 1034 Cu CoDPer 1042 ,F• tlydn1o45 ' ... :Potasslum.93,7. Mg Megnesfum 927. Manganese 1055 "I" Sodl�um.929. T Pb �$a S9Jen(ur6 1-147 Ztnav 09F2 i 4 GW 54 Revised :7l86, �` / For. pissotVed li IySl S; subMitrti Flared sgmp)e ian `s 11Vhite copy t(dadtbaret p►nk 'copy - Regain Sample Interval 4_ f (pumping time, air temp, etc ug/I ug/i ug/I mg/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ugh ug/l mg/i mg/I ug/i mg/I ug/i ug/l ug/l ug/1- write 'DIS' in block Yellow copy -Lab Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides Acid Herdicides Base / Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) 1.2 - Dibromoethane .(EDB) A Y � _✓ Groundwater Section Asheville Regional Office i Unimin May 18, 1987 V Kay Dechant North Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources and Community Development Ground Water Section P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28802-0370 Dear Ms. Dechant: Attached are the results from our Monitoring Wells. As discussed by phone it is believed that well- #1-was contaminated wf.th-the 'New Bailer-. This well has been re -sampled and as soon as the results are back from the lab, I will send a copy to your office. cc: Andy Regis Steve Booth John Thompson Robert McKenzie RR/pe Sinc ely, oy Riddle RE s s E H V E_ 1 it jCp7 GFOIIndwntl r Svtion i;,hevi(le 12e inna1 f f r t x 0 / "k 70 MEMO. � E d; r }, 7CJ ° IIAT 'E.: SU BAIE C Tj-. IT Ou L) 7) n of n Noturall, North Carolinic Depailme, t of . ! m m,,, unty, Deg Resources, &CO elopmend NORTH CAROLINA IRTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES & COMM 'Y DEVELOPMENT WELL RECORD VISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT P.• . Box 27687 — RALEIGH, N.C. 27611 919-733-2020 DRILLING CONTRACTOR �e A)��/7 WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NO.� 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the ation below)'�� Nearest Town: :5- A/I f, y "o County: d ^ U . Crl�'V'ii bVa o Quadrangle No. di ��'e�i`•=�EiO Office (Roadmmunity or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER: kr10,4'�JONog� 1717me117. CC)rp DRILLING LOG 3. ADDRESS : , P14)e ' �� 2: 7 DEPTH 4. TOPOGRAPHY: draw v�papl�ley,slope,hilltop,flat(circle one) FROM TO FORMATION DESCRIPTION S. USE OF WELL: DATE: ® - 6. DOES THIS WELL REPLACE AN EXISTING WELL? Ay 7. TOTAL DEPTH RIG TYPE OR METHOD: J� 8. FORMATION SAMPLES COLLECTED: YES NO 9. CASING: Depth Inside .Wall thick. type Dia. or weight/ft. From to ft VC zo 10. GROUT: Depth Material Method From to ft I i Pei o j?ePIN If additional -space is needed, use bacx or form 11. SCREEN: Depth Dia. Type & Opening From to ft 5,40 12. GRAVEL: Depth Size Material From to ft 5 Z5 &WW4 57o P e 13. WATER ZONES(depth): 14. STATIC WATER LEVEL: ft. above top of'casing below Casing is ft. above land surface ELEV: 15. YIELD(gpm): METHOD OF TESTING: 16. PUMPING WATER LEVEL: ft. after hours at gpm. 17. CHLORINATION: Type Amount 18. WATER QUALITY: TEMPERATURE(OF) 19. PERMANENT PUMP: Date Installed Type Capacity (gpm)HP Make Intake Depth Airline Depth LOCATION SKETCH (Show distance to numbered roads, or other map reference points) p� 21 6�)t, 4 41A � N C, Ca r ', ,�v'Av 20. HAS THE OWNER BEEN PROVIDED A COPY OF THIS RECORD AND INFORMED OF THE DEPARTMENTS REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS? 21. REMARKS I do hereby certify that .t s well was onstructed in accordance with N.C. Well Construction Regulations and Standards d ha�t�w ecordis true and exact. J 0 �� SIGNATURE OF tQQaZtLCTOR W AGENT D GW-1 Revised 10/1/80 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner To Date Time/V�� WHILE WERE M Pho AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL Messa L �IMM N. C. Dept. of Natural Resources and Community Development To: From: i NORTH CAROLINA, DEPA ENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMU1 tTY DEVELOPMENT Date 19 ACTION ❑ Note and file ❑ Note, initial and forward ❑ Note and return to me ❑ Your comments, please 1-11Note end see me about this ❑ For your information ❑ For your approval ❑ Prepare reply for my signature ❑ Per our conversation ❑ Prepare information for me to reply ❑ Per your request ❑ Please answer, with copy to me DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Groundwater Section State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Asheville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor January 12, 1987 Mr. Roy Riddle Unimin Corporation Quartz Operation P. 0. Box 588 Spruce Pine, North Carolina 28777 S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Subject: Compliance Monitoring Reports Unimin Corporation, formerly International Minerals & Chemical Corporation NPDES Permit No. NC0000175 Mitchell County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Riddle: Enclosed are copies of the Compliance Monitoring Report Forms dated January 5, 1987. When submitting the Reports, keep the white copies and submit the blue and green copies to the Groundwater Section in Raleigh or the Asheville Regional Office. Note that the value for chromium for monitor well #2 was reported as 6.0 mg/l. I assume that the correct value is 6.0 ug/l, since chromium was reported in ug's/1 from monitor well #1. Please contact me if my assumption is incorrect. In the future, care should be taken in transcribing analysis data onto the report forms, so that the correct values will be reflected. Sincerely, Kay Dechant Hydrogeological Technician KD/ar Enclosures cc: Bob Cheek Interchange Building, 59 Woodfin Place, P.O. Box 370, Asheville, N.C. 28802-0370 • Telephone 704-253-3341 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer WELL DATA TABULATION POLLUTION SOURCE MONITORING SITE Facility Name: 64Dor 'r.o/1 County: / I-11CIe/l Pollution Source (lagoon, landfill, etc.) Latitude: ZA S6 14, Permit No: Longitude: $a 116,515-9 Non -Discharge: NPDES: Well Const.: DHS: Quad No: _T25/t Sampled By: A; I Well No. Date Installed Total Depth (ft) Diam. (in) Screen(S)/ Open hole (OH) (ft-ft) Grout Interval (ft-ft) Gravel/Sand Pack Interval (ft-ft) Remarks s- A , .. , �o .. D- J. G 12,0 -As , Draw a diagram on the reverse side of this form showing map location of the site and the location (direction and distance) of each well with respect to the pollution source and to each other. Indicate sampling schedule, parameters and any changes to schedule. GW-51 Revised 8/20/84 TWIG /17.T�1re0� noun t- J AD 4 4ers N �56� acre c NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT QUALITY OF WATER DATA (Office) Location: Town /[& /:he_ County, _ �'f��o Map . S!1/'eGe rn� TDD Quad No. ex6l ; Serial No. A, /3le % y Owner = D/®D/Q/i0/1 Depth /,S ft. Diam. in. Yield gpm An,,; fPr Ad r,,O# Screen Date Hour Discharg6 Temp. °F pH Specific Conductance (micromhos) Chloride mg/1 Iron g/1 Hardness mg/l Remarks (taste, odor, appearance, etc.) period g_m GW-6 Revised 10/1/80 u°a 'cl'i K•",�::7!'+;.4r'..:. .-. ;'(.•:.i;-�wz��cv:; •,�rrta,.L;r+•�3a �:o- +i' Fax: (704) 765-0912 November 6, 1995 Kay Dechant, Hydrogeologist NC Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Ground Water Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Subject: Well abandonment, UNIMIN Corporation Quartz/Feldspar Mitchell County, NC Dear Ms. Dechant: As discussed, enclosed please find the Well Abandonment Records for our three (3) wells located in Mitchell County, NC off -`Highway 226 3 miles Notth of Spruce Pine,NC.. 1); Mo_n�to.r�ie_LL(:2�'_'x1.5! )�--.-01-2—yds�cement_g.r_out 2) Monitor well (21lx251) .020 yds. cement grout 3) Drinking water (6110861) 2.8 yds. cement grout Each well was completely filled with cement after being disinfected. Should you have any questions please feel free to call me at (704) 765-4283. Since r .0' R Riddle Envi onmental Supervisor cc: J. Taylor c. Klimper T. Haskell B. Shalter Q.� 4X4 l North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, & Naturat Resources p Division of Environmental Management Olt j Groundwater Section P.O. Box 295-35"- Raleigh, N.C. 27626-'08'35-, WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD CONTRACTOR 1. WELL LOCATION: (S w a mil Nearest Town• (Road, 2. OWNER: dW IYYC% omm�u , 3. ADDRESS: _U REG. NO. [-of the I ation back of form.) , III) f e' (L Crnm1v �� /1 ivision, Lot No 4. TO POG�Z/1I'Fi :draw, slope, hilltop, valley, flat ��v-Taw j t w 5. SE OF W .LL: e'( I DATE: TOTAL 417H: DIAMFrER: 7. CASING REMOVED: feet diameter !J Old ee oZ v 8. SEALING MATERIAL: Neat cement bags of cement gals. of water Sand cement bags of cement yds. of sand Igals. of water th 1 m eA+ Type ateria Amount • �� / S . EXP HOD ZKCEMENT Og MATE Jq_k � lf�e. Kr W I - eMeVQ)t GI-oLLt N t a WELL DIAGRAM: Draw a detailed sketch of the well showing total depth, depth and dia- p)eter of screens remaining in the well, gravel interval, intervals of casing perforations, and depths and types of fill matt�rtls se Qa+n��ll_ y �erytiek !� tom- q4 ;L)/C,aVJ5 tr7 I do hereby c t. y that this waban o e rec i, rue and exact. !D a Signature of Contractor or*Agent Date WELL LOCATION: Draw a location sketch on the reverse of this sheet, showing the direc- tion and dlstance of the well to at least two (2) nearby reference points such as roads, intersections and streams. Identify roads with State High way road identification members. Submit original to the Division of Environmental Management, one copy to and one copy to the owner. GW-30 Revised 3/8/90 NOY 8 1995 Groundwater Section A eville Re ' al Ifice WELL NO. O fi COUNTY / % C /-I C L L DATE SAMPLED /J - 9 ALKALINITY, TO pH 4.5 ALKALINITY, TO pH 8.3 ALUMINUM ARSENIC G O.OD y• U ( 4 O. ODy L !i_ COS D• ac BARIUM G O • 0. v y&, Q: / l t D • / O O BERYLLIUM BICARBONATE CADMIUM CALCIUM CARBONATE CHLORIDE CFIROMIUM, TOTAL L O v 5 J• ODD 1 d d.?D z d. COBALT COD COLIFORM, FECAL COLIFORM, TOTAL COPPER c. 0• D/ 0, 0 /s- G D• O l ` Q• O i CYANIDE DISSOLVED SOLIDS 397 G / FLUORIDE O • i ARo t7 , i P/iL HARDNESS CaCo, HARDNESS, NON -CARBONATE IRON LEAD G• ©. OS D •y / G D• O S d. 0. O LITHIUM Red Ink = Sample taken by facility WELL NO. —T 9 I -t COUNTY /'% i % e /-f L- L L DATE SAMPLED 3 ——.9'� G -/-� y %— /9- 9� �i-i5 -9 3-,70-9-5 MBAS MAGNESIUM MANGANESE MERCURY NICKEL NITROGEN, AMMONIA NITROGEN, KJELDAHL NITRATE & NITRITE ORGANIC SCAN PH PHENOLS PHOSPHORUS, TOTAL POTASSIUM SELENIUM SILVER SODIUM SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE SULFATE TOC (UNFILTERED) TOY TSS VOC ZINC STATIC WATER LEVEL. Ic3o 2 4 WELL NO. I gltl Ali COUNTY i 7G HE L DATE SAMPLED %" % - 9.7_ //- / `/ - %.,L 3 - 93 //- r yj ALKALINITY, TO pH 4.5 ALKALINITY, TO pH 8.3 ALUMINUM ARSENIC C,• 00/ C O. OO( G 0, O0 I Z / G z o • oo I ,1 C7 oc7 BARIUM O. 30 O.IO Q, io D• /0 /, p, /o oe AI BERYLLIUM BICARBONATE CADMIUM CALCIUM CARBONATE CHLORIDE CHROMIUM, TOTAL O. 0,2 O. C? ,,-k L OK 0 ,� L o, 0 3� O. 0.2 i 0. 0;4 COBALT COD COLIFORM, FECAL COLIFORM, TOTAL COPPER o . 0,2 'r c (i , of c. o. o / � 0 . o / G CYANIDE DISSOLVED SOLIDS go 3 36 .Sr FLUORIDE t o, AR0 HARDNESS CaCo, HARDNESS, NON -CARBONATE IRON LEAD z. O. D 5� O , f7 0 . 0- 0 / 0. LITHIUM Red Ink = Sample taken by facility ELL NO. COUNTY "/ -TC H L- L L. DATE SAMPLED MBAS MAGNESIUM MANGANESE MERCURY NICKEL NITROGEN, AMMONIA NITROGEN, KJELDAHL NITRATE & NITRITE ORGANIC SCAN pH� i PHENOLS PHOSPHORUS, TOTAL POTASSIUM SELENIUM SILVER SODIUM SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE / SULFATE TOC (UNFILTERED) TOX TSS VOC ZINC STATIC [CATER LEVEL / �• � / ,�, () /� . �� �• � / �; � f �, �� ELL NO. d l ./4/ COUNTY N/ i C H, L DATE SAMPLED //- S = % �'S- i l 7- - `% / //- %- i ! ALKALINITY, TO pH, 4.5 ALKALINITY, TO pH 8.3 ALUMINUM ARSENIC h(D At p 4 0, OO 1 ,0 , o 10 .G 4. v.l BARIUM N D D• 3G C)• 31 Q o./y BERYLLIUM BICARBONATE CADMIUM CALCIUM CARBONATE CHLORIDE CHROMIUM, TOTAL No eV 0 < ©° d2 O. 0,2 G 4• Da S c�• pa COBALT COD COLIFORM, FECAL COLIFORM, TOTAL COPPER 0• O• ® 0• 0A 3 G� CYANIDE DISSOLVED SOLIDS®(� .5 a��o 3o 36 FLUORIDE /° o' / HARDNESS CaCo3 .. HARDNESS, NON -CARBONATE IRON LEAD AID NO b• 0,5 •G O</ 4010/0 . d, d LITHIUM Aeo INK = SA/-lpLE %4/GEnr /9y J::7AaiL/-Ty ALL NO , -T S /"� / COUNTY M 17C /-(Z L L DATE SAMPLED MBAS MAGNESIUM MANGANESE MERCURY NICKEL NITROGEN, AMMONIA NITROGEN, KJELDAHL NITRATE & NITRITE ORGANIC SCAN PHENOLS PHOSPHORUS, TOTAL POTASSIUM SELENIUM SILVER SODIUM SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 2; p SULFATE TOC (UNFILTERED) .i ZINC STATIC WATER LEVEL I a. 3 3 61 56 / -3. 0 D /_,7 , / T , /SAMPLE►) - / 3GZ 11 -- 97 II 3A% =fv i _59a 9- 9-90 % LINIT4.5f � Y TO H I ,KALINITY, TO pH 8.3 UMI NUM - I d U ,RSENIC `D,D/Z� �D.oG�S' ,m ! �D,DD s L ®• adS"I.G®• ODS' 1 . v /® 4 O. v d.s ARIUM 140 - 05-6 -e 0. oyo 1.4 - ofa ICARBONATE / ADMI UM G . O o g ALCIUM TiRBONATE " �1 MORIDE iROMIUM, TOTAL CO.O/!� �D.DIo D.I>7� G D.Q� L0 - [��1?' y C7. G�oLD L . 0�25 L O• D A )D I )LIFORM, FECAL 4 I I L DLIFORM, TOTAL UPPER IrJ"q ��.14 716 . 146,010, ,c (,. D/O t .U®� 0• D�d (ANIDE ! I I- ISSOLVED SOLIDS 70, (� ,,. S I U I la • �� •2 0 .JUORIDE s Y d ®' 1 kRDNESS, CaCO kRDNESS NON -CARBONATE .L 0/0 < D, 0,.5- 3AS iGNESI M — �N E ;RCURY , � bf© (Continued) SAMPLET) dmo zf L / 17 - 1.0 -1 f To I Y'ROGEN. AMMONIA /ITROGEN,KJELDAHL jNITRATE & NITRITE- ORGANIC SCAN pH 2-6 PHENOLS 1 PHOSPHORUS, TOTAL 0 ir POTASSIUM SELENIUM v o 6- 3ILVER. 30DIUM i. SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 3 ULFAT E 10C (UNFILTERED) 'INC I V�3 ta G Lt 14127 T-2, /3, 9 3 1 /it. SAIPLEn KALINITY CaCO3 To pH--8.3 To pH4.5 b - �luminum _ o �rseni c 4D, 01 Q ®037 .4D. aL 4,01 �.d.oro �A l> 11Bi carbonate '7 Cadmi um O� �G�DD Calcium ICarbonate -- Chloride Chlorinated Hydrocarbon ' Chromium, rlexavalent Chromium, Total D 4l Ol;�" Q D 2S COD Col iform, Fecal Col i form, Total Cyanide Dissolved Solids .30 Fluoride Hardness as CaCO Hardness, Non -carbonate f �, Iron Lead 40.05 Ue ,l Li thi um WAS Magnesium Manganese 4trcury �De6dD� t_ffi rkP1 __ ,�TF SA'lPLEn 3 - '� 7 49 7 tvogen,. Artmonia ✓� ' S /itrogen, Kjel dahl " ,Nitrate & Nitrite_ - Organi c Scan Phenols Phosphorus.'Tota1 Potassi um _ _ " 0:3D Silica Si fiver J Sodium ,. Specific Conducta�oe Su'fate}y Zi nc D Barium:D.D%,�3 l�.D6 GD ©07/ Copper: ~. ±''i?TY (CaCC,3) j To nN; 8.3 To pN .a., # j E I t s eni c # � . D/ �Q, D.S� .F I t �D D ! ; , Q,5' 7 D-d 140,01 �.0�� 44 D 00 icarbonate t D ad -iii i um I E 4 �alcium- r , Carbonate- h! on as ? { I i nlorinaLed mydrocaon E I1 :hr omium,Nexavalent ► �. f i, hromium, Total <D. USi Ale. OD oliform, Fecal I - oliform, Total i s I anide l.ssol Ved So i i us / ✓ I/�. v - . l.uoride t ardness as CaCO3 + ` rdness, Non Carbonate - t. 10. a., Fd / ,Ds, GD.I fie. ,4 D.OS `4,0050 D.D D,3, th i um s f . S i - nesium 6nese I �. Z--,O. ),Odl 1 d. �S I4a i 1 � - cur cel �45 -V.IVI& cdlettW � 0..'- 'gcjdA�f- t' A-1 L C' i•:(l� (ConiinUedj iTE. SA"IPLE� Itrogen, Ammonia f { 0103 ` Itrogen, Ki,eldahi _ orate Yt Nitrite i c , i I panic Scan .4 I lhenols phosphorus. Total aotassium + t D .D I v Selenium } i Silica ! } f �il•ver odium a peciric Conductance 3 Iu,l f at e < J Iulfite •nc C,i } d Z D � ! 4 D..�~ 4 D S ZD i G 1 ! I Type or Use a ball-point pen and press firmly. PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Facility Name Unimin Corporation Non-Dischar e ,-Address P. 0. Box 588, 226 Bakersville Hwy. NPDES ,'— QlJd f7�� Spruce Pine, NC 28777 County TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERATION BEING MONITORED Well Location Iota (REQUIRED) , j Ll goon Septic Tank/Drain Field Well Identification Number MW#1 Well Depth 'Ft. Well Diameter Sample (Screened) Interval _/_D Ft. To ��—Ft. Spray Field Subsurface Low -Pressure Depth to Water Level 11.8.4 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Land Application of sludge Piping (LPP) Cj Measuring point isabove land surface Other _ft. �Ilons of water pump/bailed before sampling l Rotary Distributor p/ Field Analysis: pH • 1 Specific Conductance 15 uMhos Temp. 12 °C Odor Appearance"=� Date Sample Collected 3/20/95 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 3/20/95 c--< Laboratory Name PACE, TncnrnnrnfAd Certification No. 40 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED YES NO -� m� COD mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal A 00ml Coliform: MF Total /100ml (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total 21 mg/I pH (when analyzed) units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic L 0.005 mg/I irease and Oils mg/I hardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia mg/I TKN as N mg/I CERTIFY T T THIS REPORT IS TRUE AN[ t Signature Permittee (or Authorized A ) GW-59 REV. 6/93 ��w /'/v Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/I Nitrate (NO3) as N rri�g/I Phosphorus: Total as P I"ng/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium L p _ 1 0 mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total L 0.020 mg/I Cu - Copper L 0.01 ,mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I cn Ni - Nickel o mg/I Pb - Lead L 0.05 mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) ug/I ug/I ug/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration units) JRATE. Values should reflect dissolved and Note:JUN 1 9 1995 colloidal concentrations. (see #3 on back) / 'IT L het A See back for instructions. Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES ..1 1 . Samples s , hould.be analyzed as soon as possible after collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE NOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDING TIME SPECI- FIED FOR THEII-ETHOD USED (SEE #4. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW -SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2 3. 4, Metals Analyses. Use Standard Method-303OC- for sample preparation (mercury excluded). DO NOT FILTER METALS SAMPLES IN THE FIELD Unfiltered samples must bk,'dlofleilted for'me'A'als, then field acidified with 5 ml concentrated nitric acid per liter of sample, and should be submitted to the tab within 24 hours. Sample preparation in the laboratory (extraction and filtration) must be completed within 72 hours of collection. ANALYSES ARE TO BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED -AS WELL AS dbLLOIDAL) IN THE GROU.NDWATER, NOT THOSE THAT ARE A PART OF SEDIMENT ASSOCIATED WITH WELL CONSTRUCTION OR SAMPLING PROCEDURES. CHICXWITH YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FORS AMPLE COLLECTION- AND, PRESERVATION. As per TiE�'l 5, North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, analytical 6rocedures shall be in accordance with the methods Cescribed in one of ffe folloMing publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental Man_agere,ent: (a) Standard Methods for thb'Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Edition, 1985 and I 7th Edition, 1989, published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water, Pollution Control Federation, (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods for 'Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition!, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846: (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; 5. Measure and record the depth of water in the well prior to pumping or bailing anywaterfrom the well. 6. At least 3 volumes of water in the well should be pumped or bailed prior to cc - llecting a sample for analysis, If the well is pumped/bailed dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collected as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water is available to collect your sample. 7. Determination for pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample is collected. 8. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recommendations by the manufacturer. 9. Samples must be filtered through a 0.45 micron filter immediately after collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See #4. above) 10. The sample container should be labeled at the time of collection with the facility' name", well identification number and date and time collected. 11 "Authorized agent" is any corporate officer or public official authorized by theco npany, corporation, or 'governmental body to sign official docurents. JUN .80• Q I ER unmim'10 Quarlx Operation P. O. Sax 588 ukerwille Hwy. Spruce Pine, N. C. 28777 (704) 765-42.83 Fax: (704)765-0912 DELIVER TO: FROX: DATE : AAT'ERIAL BEING TRANSMITTED: P. I 4 NUMBER OF PAGES: THIS COVER PAG8 PLUS ! � -PAGE(S) FOR VOICE CONTACT, CALL (704) 765-4283 Ext. SUN - 8 i995 : Groundvtater Section A,hevi(ie P.er;Q,ai Office A PERMIT NUMBE W(REQUIRED) NorrDisgh'age NPDES- ;(-,- TYPE OF D1SP= OPE4M�BEIN MOG NITQRED Wen Location 10ta - (REQUIRED) �- Cf Laacon SepticTanWrait Field Well Identification Number Its#1 = Well Depth -�,—_Ft Weil Diameter LSa g le (Smeened) Inteni�. /1: Ft To Z�_FL t� �y �d SuMu � low -Pressure y Depth to water Level fL below measuring point (before sampling) t WdApoiiNdm of siuck Measuring point is —7--fL above land surktoe." a outer gallons of water pum fled before sampli Field Analysis: pH • 1 Specrfic Conducwce 15 uMhos Temp. • 12 `oC Odor Apoearance Date Sample Cotlecled 3/20I95 pite Lab Sample Analyzed 2/20 95 Laboratory Name PACK8 Certification No. 60 SAMPLES FOR METALS WM COLLECTED UNRLTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED YES � Facility Name Type or use a ball-point pen and press COD :cngA Coliform: MF Feel 000ml Coliform: MF Total 1100m1 (Not.. Use MPtt method h r highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total 21 MgA T� en analyzed) units mgA Chloride mgA Arsenic L 0.005 rrtgA Grease and Oils Hardness: Total m'gA 3henol mgA Sulfate ."A Speodic Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia • MgA TIN as N m9A County Nitrite (NO2) as N - * mgA Nitrate (NO3) as N Phosphorus: Totai Zr� ,, as P Ift9A .;, Al -Aluminum mgA ` Ba-Barium L 0-to mgA Ca - Calcium mgA Cd - Cadmium mgA Chromium: Total L 0.020 Cu -Copper L 0.fii mg .:. Fe - Iron MgA Hg - Mercury mgA ;. K - Potassium mgA Mg - Magnesitim rnw.. Mn- mgn.. Na-Sodium mgA-•.. CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUEAND ACCURATE. Signature Permittee (or Authorized A ate Ni - Nickel mgA Pb - Lead L 0.05 m Zn - Zinc _ M9A Pes9ddes/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) " ugA ugA ug11 Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration traits) ._ Note: Values should and .colloidal concentrations. (see •111`3 on back) See beds for instructions: •` submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. GW-59 RE . 9193 f..... f ..C.1..,7 Type or Use a ball-point pen and press firmly. PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Facility Name Unimin Corp. Non -Discharge Address P. 0. Box 588, Spruce Pine, NC 28777 NPDES County Spruce Pine TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERATION BEING MONITORED Well Location Iota (REQUIRED) Well Identification Number MW#1n SepticTanWDrain Field Well Depth Ft.Vary� Well Diameter Sam (Screened) Interval Ft. To FL o - , Field Subsurface Low -Pressure 13. 5 Piping (�P) Depth to Water Level fL below measuring point (before sampling) , Land Application of sludge Measuring point is fL above land surface r ^( -j odw lions of water pumped/bailed before sampling " Rotary Distributor . _Id Analysis: pH 5.4 Specific Conductance 19 uMhos Temp. 17 °C Odor Appearance 11/15/94 PPe Date Sample Collected Date Lab Sample Analyzed 11�/15/94 Laboratory Name PACE- Tnn - Certification No. 40 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED YES NO COD Coliform: MF Fecal Coliform: MF Total (Note: Use MPH raeeQhod for highly turbid aamples) _ mgA /100ml /100ml Dissolved Solids: Total t R mgA pH (when analyzed) 5.4 units TOC mgA Chloride mgA Arsenic L 0.005 mgn "-ease and Oils mgA irdness: Total mgA Phenol mgA Sulfate mgA Specific Conductance 19 uMhos Total Ammonia mgA TKN as N mgA I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND Signature of Permittee (or Authorized Agent') Nitrite (NO2) as N mgA Nitrate (NO3) as N rftgA ZgA Phosphorus: Total as P Al - Aluminum mgA Ba - Barium L 0.10 mgA Ca - Calcium mgA Cd - Cadmium mgA Chromium: Total L 0.020 mgA Cu - Copper L 0.01 mgn Fe - Iron mgA Hg - Mercury mgA K - Potassium mgA Mg - Magnesium mgA Mn - Manganese mgA Na - Sodium mgA Ni - Nickel mgA Pb - Lead L 0.05 mgA Zn - Zinc mgA Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) ug/I ug/I ug/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration units) Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (see #3 on back) • See back for instructions. •• Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. GW-59 REV. 6/93 Quartz Operation P. O. Box 588 Bakersville Hwy. Spruce Pine, NC 28777 (704) 765-4283 Fax: (704) 765-0912 .DELIVER TO: FROM: DATE: MATERIAL BE RrCEIVED/E,i=NR OEM. Cj-)'0U"Nl) Vv',,TER SE G. 95FEB It$ RIAI1*44 .NUMBER OF PAGES: THIS COVER PAGE PLUS a PAGE(S) U FOR VOICE CO TACT, CALL (704) 765- 233 EXT. S a x't EFFEB:211995 GP,OiJ DNJATEI SECTfON 1 AHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE or Use a ball-point pen and press Facility Name Unimin Corp. Address P: 0. Box 588, Spruce Pine, NC 28777 County Spruce Pine Well Location Iota Well Identification Number MWff1 Well DepthFt Well Diameter 2"r Sample (Screened) Interval_ Ft. To _L�Ft Depth to Water Level 13.55 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Measuring point is • D ft. above land surface 1 allons of water pumpedthailed before sampling � C/,, Q sS PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Non -Discharge NPDES N •6 -D TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERATION REfIN-6 MONITORED (REQUIRED) � � Lagoon Septic Tank/Drain Field Spray Field Land Application of Sludge Rotary Distributor ,.eld Analysis: pH 5.4 Specific Conductance 19 uMhos Temp. 17 °C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 11 / 15/ 94 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 11 / 15 / 94 Laboratory Name PACE, Inc. Certification No. 40 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED YES NO COD Coliform: MF Fecal Coliform: MF Total (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) mg/l A 00ml /100ml Dissolved Solids: Total 18 mg/l pH (when analyzed) 5.4 units TOC mg/l Chloride mg/I Arsenic L 0.005 mg/I rease and Oils mg/l ..ardness: Total mg/l Phenol mg/l Sulfate mg/l Specific Conductance 19 uMhos Total Ammonia mg/l TKN as N mg/l Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/l Nitrate (NO3) as N gA Phosphorus: Total as P g/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/l Chromium: Total L 0.020 mg/I Cu - Copper L 0.01 mg/l Fe - Iron mg/l Hg - Mercury mg/l K - Potassium mg/l Mg - Magnesium mg/l Mn - Manganese mg/l Na - Sodium mg/l I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. Signatur4 of Permittee (or Authorized Agent*) Date Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) Other -t1 � n c Z71 = r±7 Y25 P Ni - Nickel �0 55 mg/l Pb - Lead L 0.05 mg/1 Zn - Zincmg/1 Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration units) 1 1 CD r Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (see #3 on back) * See back for instructions. ** Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. GW-59 REV. 6/93 1 . Samples should be analvzod,as soon as possible after collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE NOT ANALYSED WITHIN THOL DING LDING TIME Sp I FIED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE #4. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAtUIPLES COLLECTED, 2. Metals Analyses: Use Standard ' Method 303.0C for sample preparation (mercury excluded). DO NOT FILTER METALS SAMPLES IN THE: FIELD HI! Unfiltered samples, must be, collected� or"rri6tais, then field acidified with 5 ml concentrated nitric acid per liter of sample, and should be submitted to the lab within 24 hours. I - Sample preparation in the laboratory (extraction and filtration) must be completed within 72 hours of collection. 3. ANALYSES ARE TO BE [,4ADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS ol-L.01DAL) jq THE GROUNDWATER, N P )CE� ES. _QT —.10SE IL AIARE A PART OF SEDIMENT ASSOCIATED WITH WELL!�N 0 R 5 2A. b E ki _NG LL_ j_ CIE Wj J4 YOUR LA60RATORY ON PPOPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTmN AND PRESERVATION. 4. As itle;1-5, North Caroiina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods described in one of thE'ri5ilbwIM, publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental (a) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Edition, 1985 and 17th Edition, 39, published Jointly by - ' American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Wate., Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental ProtOction Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; 5. Measure and record the depth of water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any water from the well. 6. At least 3'volumes of water in the well should be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a sample for analysis. If the well is pumped/bailed dry before 3 wel' volumes are removed, sarriples can be collected as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water is available to collect your sample_ 7. Determination for pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample is collected. .,-.1 1 -1 � 63 S. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recorrimenclations by the manufacturer. 9. Samples must be filtered through a 0.45 micron filter immediately after collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See #4. above) 1 O.The sample container should be labeled at the time of collection with the facility name, well identification number and date and time collected. 11. "Authorized agent" is any corporate officer orpublicofficial authorized by ilib.,00tn-piny, corporation, or governmental body to North Carolina GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM DIVISION of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT- GROUNDWATER SECTION County /" 11 T C H E LL- Quad No I. 9-f' t Serial No. ALT 3 6-4 Lat. 3-5' -5-6 / J�- Long. f-9 U 5 S i Report To: RO FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, SAMPLE PRIORITY �OU{TINE EMERGENCY CHAIN OF CUSTODY WSRO, Kinston FO, Fed. Trust, Central Off., Other: Shipped by: Bus, Courier, and Del Other- ' M1, ^/N f C K i Purpose: Collector(s): R u n-i ✓3 v<< G t1Date r ' `j Time /D= ` .6- 11 M Baseline, Complaint, om lian LUST, Pesticide Study, Federal Trust, Other: IEI Q ANALYSES ,Owner L.Cn/1 /N! 1 rV C OR,00R.4 Tict7 ! Q"A2T Z pH400 Spec. Cond.94 at 250 C Location or site 0o w ^) G 2A o / cN i D F L A G a nal Temp.10 oC Odor Description of sampling point Appearance Sampling Method A i L 15R Sample Interval Field Analysis By: Remarks �Pu"�' bailer, a" LABORATORY ANALYSES 5`rAT/c W14TG-� L� �%�IDL.ping ume;iyp.et BOD 31( COD High COD Low Coliform: P Coliform: t TOC 6so Turbidity 7 Residue.,: pH 403 Alkalinity tc Alkalinity tc Carbonate Bicarbonat Carbon dic Chloride 91 Chromium: Color: TruE Cyanide 72 Lab Comments: Lab Number i'-� & 3 Date Received G -13-`7 Y Time 42 •' o 0 EDRec'd by: From: Bus, Courier, and Del , M W - / Other: Data Entry By: S Ck: I&AP Date Reported: -qv -G N GW-54 REV. 6/93 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write "DIS" in block. GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAD FORM County /"� �" C, /I C `. L. Quad No f Serial No. M� 3G �f Lat. 3S- S i Long. Y.2 0 SI Report To: 40 FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, WSRO, Kinston FO, Fed. Trust, Central Off., Other: Shipped by: Bus, Hand Del., Other: North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT- GROUNDWATER SECTION Lab Number �V o -r" SAMPLE PRIORITY Date Received11 Time --Vb - �ROUTINE EMERGENCY Rec'd by:` 5 From: Bus our , Hand Del., CHAIN OF CUSTODY MW_ I Other: Data Entry By: Ck: Date Reported: Pur se: Collector(s): RuMee K �� Date 6- —13- `j`I-Time l V --6-AMBaseline, Complaint, om lianc LUST, Pesticide Study, Federal Trust, Other: ^IELD ANALYSES NH400 Spec. Cond.94 Temp.to oC Odor Appearance Field Analysis By: LABORATORY ANALYSES Lab Comments: at 250 C circle one, Owner aly /Mini G a/Z PaR 4 -r1 v.y q `t. ,4 R T Z 0A R.q Ti oys- Location or site o P L A G c>o Q Description of samplingpoint v / E L L /a E14 D Sampling Method A i L ER _ Sample Interval (Pump, baler etc i Remarks S 1Ai"/ c W,4-7"J5.E' L t �c _ METAL S�jMP�Es �E Pumputgume,aeto/,0/.) 14AO // `7'"'LW nV 14RO Urganochlonne Hestiaoes Organophosphorus Pesticides Nitroqen Pesticides I Acid Herbicides I I Semivolatile Organics I I I Volatile Organics (VOA bottle) I TPH - Gasoline Range r TPH - BTEX Gasoline Range GW-54 REV. 6/93 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write "DIS" in block. Ground per y4 r, Type or Use a ball-point pen and press firmly. PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Facility Name Unimin Corporation Non-Dischar e Address P. 0. Box 588 NPDES Spruce Pine, NC 28777 County Mitchel-1 TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERATION BEING MONITORED Monitor Well (REQUIRED) Well Location Lagoon Septic Tank/Drain Field Well Identification Numbe#1 1 ytZ Well Depth AS_Ft. Well Diameter 19 ' / Sample (Screened) Interval A2 Ft. To _4Ft. Depth to Water Level 13.25 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Measuring point is 4_ft. above land surface "allons of water pumped/balled before sampling eld Analysis: pH 4.7 Specific Conductance 20 uMhos Temp. 16 °C Odor Date Sample Collected 7/19/94 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/19/94 Laboratory Name PACE, Tncor=p=tPA Certification No. Spray Field Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) Land Application of Sludge Other Rotary Distributor Appearance 40 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED __AYES NO COD Coliform Coliform MF Fecal M F Total (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) _ mg/I /100ml A 00ml Dissolved Solids: Total L 1 mg/I pH (when analyzed) 4.7 units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic L 0.005 mg/I grease and Oils mg/1 ardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance 20 uMhos Total Ammonia mg/I TKN as N mg/I CERTIFY TTHIS Q ' gnp6re of Permittee (or Autho Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/I Nitrate (NO3) as N rri�g/I Phosphorus: Total as PIg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium 0.171 mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total T. 0.090 mg/I Cu - Copper 0,015 mg/l Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/1 Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I 4 Q0t ter se ,:;,-;� at Ni - Nickel mg/I Pb - Lead L 0.05 mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) * My" ug/I ug/I -r_ ug/I Other (Specify Compounds -and Concentration units)s Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (see #3 on back) * See back for instructions. ** Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. GW-59 REV. 6/93 1. Samples should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE NOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDING TIME SPECI- FiED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE #4. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. Metals Analyses: Use Standard. Method 3,030C for sample preparation (mercury excluded). DO NOT FILTER METALS SAMPLES IN THE FIELD!!! Unfiltered samples must bd cd1lected forrnetals, then field acidified with 5 mi concentrated nitric acid per liter of sample, and should be submitted to the lab within 24 hours. Sample preparation in the laboratory (extrectian and filtration) must be completedwithin 72 hours of collection. 3. ANALYSES ARE TO BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVlEbAS WELL AS"COLLOIDAL) IN THE ' GROUNDWATER, NOT THOSE THAT ARE A PART OF SEDIMENT ASSOCIATED WITH WELL CONSTRUCTION OR SAMPLING PROCEDURES. CHECK WITH YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 4. As per Title 15, North Carolina Administrative Code; Sabohapter 2i_, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods described in one of the following publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental Management: (a) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Edition, 1985 and 17th Edition, 1989, published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and dater Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal. Register Vol. 49. No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; 5. iVIG tst r i d record the depth of water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any water from the well. -. 6. At-ldst,�fumes of water in the well should be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a sample for analysis. If the well is pumped/bailed dry before 3 well volumes iare removed, samples can be collected as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water is available to collect your sample. 7. Detdeihindtibn for pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample is collected. - Y , 8. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recommendations by the manufacturer. 9. Samples must be filtered through a 0.45 micron filter immediately after collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See #4. above) 10.The sample container should be labeled at the time of collection with the facilityn(ame, well identification number and date and -time (30611`ecied. 11."Authorized agent" is any corporate officer or public official authorized Q tth�,'-ccimipan'y. corporation, or governmental body t4�-Qn�fficial dod0rhi ts. Unimin Quartz Operation P. O. Box 588 Bakersville Hwy. Spruce Pine, NC 28777 (704) 765-4283 Fax: (704) 765-0912 September 22, 1994 Ground Water Section Division of Environmental Management P. 0. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Dear Sirs: Enclosed are the test results of our monitoring wells. #1-18lt2 and #2-18-lt'l located in Mitchell County, North Carolina (Spruce Pine). If you have any questions, please call me at 7o4-765-4283. cc: D. Voelker C. Klimper G. Hughes File 0 Sinc ely Roy E. Riddle Environmental Supervisor 9Z=ilF1V LZOS�6 '03S UNA 011flOJJ 1430 W13iO3A13338 Facility Name Address Well Location /' Please use ink pen and press firmly. UA1j1y1V 0 eORPOPWI-tOA/ P.Alze NL <2 8777 / W sJ/IvBz tAj,; County Well Identification Number %7%'# / I SOt/ Well Depth Is Ft. Well Diameter Vv Sample (Screened) Interval ✓0 Ft To 1.5_7 Ft. Depth to Water Level A" ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Measuring point is / O ft. above land surface PERMrr NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Non -Discharge NPDES Ali 000017r TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERA110N BEING MONrrORED (REQUIRED) Lagoon Septic TanWDrain Field lions of water pumped/bailed before sampling / 0 I . 'Id Analysis: pH 'y 8 Specific Conductance AF uMhos Temp. /V °C Odor Date Sample Collected 02- 08-A Date Lab Sample Analyzed a.;r- Off- 9V Laboratory Name P17ei', ZAICORP0,011'2ri) Certification No. COD Coliform: Coliform: ma/I MF Fecal A 00ml MF Total A 00ml (Note: Use WN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Totals mg/I pH (when analyzed) ! units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic L O• 001 mg/I crease and Oils mg/I hardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance A? uMhos Total Ammonia mg/I TKN as N mg/I Spray Field Land Application Rotary Distribut Appearance Nitrite (NO 2) as N mg/I Nitrate (NO 3) as N mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I AI - Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium L o• /® mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total L O. 02 mg/I Cu - Copper L 0. Ql mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) Ni - Nickel mg/I Pb - Lead L 0. or to mg/I Zn - Zinc 4 " mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides ' (Specify Compounds)a. r _-°mug/I �.� d ;Ug/I v,—TTF jug/I Other (Specify Compound and -; ," Concentration units) c ri V�°'` I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (see #2 on back) �a 3-RY 1 * See back for instructions. Signaturef of Permittee (or Authorized Agent*) Date " suborn blue, gam, and yell copies only to address above. GW-59 REV. 9/92 1. Samples should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE NOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDIfft TIME SPECIFIED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE #3. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED'AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. ANALYSES ARE TO BE MADE'OF THE_ -MOBILE CONS11TUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) IN THE GROUNDWATER, NOT THOSE THAT ARE, A PART OF SEDIMENT. CHECK WITH"YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 3. As per Title 15, North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, analytical" procedures shall be in accordance with --the, methods described in one of the following publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental Management: (a) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 1 6th Edition, 1985 and, 17th Edition, - 1989, publishe jointl� by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water' Pollution Control Federatio (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979,Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection 'gency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; 4. Measute and record the depth of water in the well prior to pumping or bang any water from the well. 5. At least 3 volumes of water in the well should be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a sample for analysis. If the well is pumped/bailed dr before.3 -well'volumes are removed, samples can be collected as soon: -as the well recovers to the point where enough water is -available tj collect, your sample. 6. Determination for pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample is collected. 7. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recommendations by the manufacturer. 8. Samples must be filtered through a 0.45 micron filter immediately after collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See #3. above) 9. The sample container should be labeled at the time of collection with the facility name, well identification number and date and time col- lected. 10."Authorized agenf' is any corporate officer or public official authorized by the company, corporation, or governmental body to sign official documents. Please use ink pen and press firmly. Facility Name 11nimin Corporation Address Spruce Pine, NC 28777 County ° Well Location Nov. MW Sampling Well Identification Number MW#1 18ti Well Depth 1,57 Ft. Well Diameter,-? / I • Sample (Screened) Interval 10 Ft To —/ �;_ Ft. Depth to Water Level /y .r ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Measuring point is / 0 ft. above land surface illons of water pumped/bailed before sampling I ,ld Analysis: pH 4.5 Specific Conductance 19 uMhos Temp °C PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Non -Discharge NPDES W, C, ^::�l TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERATION (REQUIRED) Lagoon Spray Field Septic TanWDrain Field Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) Land Application of Sludge Other Rotary Distributor Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 11 / 0 9 / 9 3 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 11 / 0 9 / 9 3 Laboratory Name PACE, Inc. Certification No. 40 COD mgA Nitrite (NO 2) as N mg/I Ni - Nickel y ` ifig/I Cofrform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO 3) as N mg/I Pb - Lead L 0.1 mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mgA Zn - Zinc .mgA (Note: Use WiPN method for highly turbid samples) AI - Aluminum mgA Pesticides/Herbicides Dissolved Solids: Total 54 mg/I Ba - Barium 0.11 mg/I (Specify Compounds) A pH (when analyzed) 4.5 units Ca - Calcium mgA ug/I TOC mgA Cd - Cadmium mgA ug/I Chloride mgA Chromium: Total L 0.02 mgA ug/I Arsenic 0.004 mgA Grease and Oils mgA lardness: Total mgA Phenol mgA Sulfate mgA, Specific Conductance 19. uMhos Total Ammonia mgA TKN as N mg/I Cu - Copper L 0.01 mgA Fe - Iron mgA Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mgA Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese mgA Na - Sodium mgA Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration units) I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. Note: Values should reflect dissolved and a colloidal concentrations. (see 42 on back) .AO /Az" /� ' 93 see back for irtslrucdons. Signature of Per ittee (or Authorized Agent*) Date submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. GW 59 REV. 9/92 1 . Samples_sl�pulq. HIN THE HO analyzed as soon as possible after collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE NOT ANALYSED M LDIN& TIME SPECIFIED ;FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE a BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES -COLLECTED. 2. ANALYSES ARE TO BE 'MADE OP TH8_ MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED -_ AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) IN THE GROUNDWATER, NOT THOSE THAT ARE A PART OF SEDIMENT.- CHECK WITH YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPE,1�1 PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 3. As per Title 15, North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, analytical procedures skull be in accordance with the methods described in one of the following publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental Management: (a) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Edition, 1985 and 17th Edition, 1989, published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020i-,as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods,.3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; 4. Measure and record the depth of water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any water from the well. 5. At least 3 volumes of water in the well should be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a sample for analysis. If the well is, pumped/bailed dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collected as soon as the well recovers to the point Mere enough water is available t,o collect your sample. 6. Determination for pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample is collected. 7. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recommendations by the manufacturer. 8. Samples must be filtered through a 0.45 micron filter immediately after collecton when a dissolved analysis is required. (See #3. aboVO7 6. The sample container should be labeled at the time of collection with the facility name, well identification number and date and time col- lected. 10."Authorized agent" is any corporate officer or public official authorized by the company, corporation, or governmental body to sign officia documents. e_r Facility Name Unimin Corporation PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Non -Discharge Address P. 0. Box 588 F. 0NPDES Spruce Pine, -NC 28777 County ON BE TYPE OF DISP=Lagoon Well Location MW, Triannual (REQUIRED) Well Identification Number MW��1 181tl Well. Depth %— Ft. Well Diameter Z Sample (Screened) Interval � Ft. To S"� Ft. spray Field Depth to Water Level 13.0 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Measuring point is • D ft. above land surface allons of water pumped/bailed before sampling rleld Analysis: pH 5~ 4 Specific Conductance 20 uMhos Temp. � C Odor Date Sample Collected7 / 13/ 93 Date Lab Sample Analyzed- 7 / 13 / 93 - Laboratory Name PACE, Incorpot:ated Certification Septic Tank/Drain Feld Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping PP) Land Application of Sludge Other Rotary Distributor CAppearance - Lt , Ll' No. 40 COD mg/I Nitrite (NO 2) as N mg/I Ni - Nickel FAIN II;, NG- mg/f Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO 3) as N mg/I Pb -"Lead L 0.05 mg/I Coliform: MF Total A 00ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) All - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides Dissolved Solids: Total 36 mg/I Ba -,Barium L 0.10 mg/I (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) 5.4 units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic T. 0- 001 mg/I rease and Oils mg/I . .ardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/l Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia mg/I TKN as N mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/l Chromium: Total - L n _ n9 mg/I Cu - Copper L 0.01 mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg .- Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I u g/I ug/I Ug/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration units) I CERTIFY THAT HIS REP T IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. Note: Values should reflect dissolved and j colloidal concentrations. (see #2 on back) See back for instructions. Signature of Vrermittee (or Authorized Agent*) Date Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. G\-59 REV. 4/91 COLLECTION. -ANALYSIS TSAMPLES 1 Sarnples should be anal ed�: soon'as possible after collection., SAMPLES IC ARE T ANALYSEDI E'• H L I , .. TIME SPECIFIED FOR E l3 (SEA ELF - E _ SAMPLES LLE^ ED. 2. ANALYSESARE T _._ - 3F THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS(DISSOLVED WELL AS COLLOIDAL) Ili! E �. U _ - ATE, NOT T I E THAT P E I @.. C_ _� ' H YOUR DRAT PROPER 4. ,_0 -' EI l� ES- ...8A PLE--COLLECTION P ES ATI . As per Title 1 , - north Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, an*ical procedures shall be, in'accordance with ,the -methods - described in one of,, the following publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by. the Director, Division of Environmental Management: -(a) Standard Methods for -the, _ Examination of Water and Wastewater, 1 th Edition, 19 5. "and 17th Edition; '-'1,989, -publishes jointly by American- Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of iafier and Waste, ` 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection- Agency publication number - EPA-60014-79-020, as revised - �rrch 1983; (c) Test Methods-- for. Evaluating -.,Solid -.Wastes: Physicavchemical Methods, 3rd- Edition, 1986, U.S..Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test- Procedures for the Analysis- of Polluants Under 'the Clean Water Acts Federal Register- Vol.--49-, -No. 209, 40 CFR , Part 136, October 26, 1984; 4. Measure and record the depth .cif water in the well prior _to pumping or bailing any water from the well. 5: At least _volumes of water in . the well should be pumped or bailed . prior- to- collecting a sample .for analysis. If the _d ell ispumped/bailed dry,_ before- well volumes are removed, samples can be collected as- soon as� the well;,,recovers to the, point ere_ enough water is avaiiable to . collect your sample. 6. Determination for pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, -odor and appear mu t be; ,made. iny'the field on unfiltered samples when the, sample is collected: 7. Field equipment must be calibrated in accorc ance With recommendations by the manufacturer. - 8. Samples., must be filtered -through a A5---micron- filter immediately after- collection when a dissolved analysis - is required. (See #3. above) 9. The sample ntaiher should be labeled at the time of collection with the facility nar,6eg well identification number and date .and time col- lected. 1 W,ALAhorized, agent" is, any -corporate officer or.,,public official authorized by the company; corporation, or--,gover m ntai � tc sign b iciai } documents. . GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - GROUNDWATER SECTION County T a MCI L Quad No Z 8 t I Serial No. MI 3 G 9-SAMPLE PRIORITY Lat..3 S S6 Long. 8,2 o b' S 9 ROUTINE EMERGENCY Report To RO FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, WSRO, Kinston FO, Other Shipped by: Bus, ou Other as 93 T•)/D: a.5r' 14M Purpose• Baseline Complaini Lab Number 8 Date Received �� Rec'd by: Other Date Entry By: Ck. Date Reported- �3 Collector(s): iQuMi.30e- U / Date me f LUST, Other (biiLR6a �"� vn� s LD ANALYSES owner H Spec. Cond. 94 at 250 C Location or site o �✓M G R.� !J / E 7 0 F is G vc �J P 400 oC Odor Description of samplin point �/E 4 HEAD Temp.10 NA I c ER Sample Interval Appearance Taste Sampling Method pump baI r a� Remarks S 7 /4 0 C W A -rC r� G 'J l_ L S. 3 Field Analysis By: umpingtime, irtemp.etc.) LABORATORY ANALYSES MC-T/-I/_ 5/lM/'4C- Sr HAvE /10EmI .�C1a�F�K� /a"�D F��TE�� o d y ,�1�o (lrnannrhlnnne Pesticides COD High 340 mgn COD Low 335 Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 mg/I /100ml Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100ml TOC 680 MO Turbidity 76 NTU pH 403 units Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I Carbonate 445 mg/I Bicarbonate 440 mg/I Arsenic' Total 1002 G/Cl uq/I Carbon dioxide 405 Chloride 940 m94 mg/I Chromium: Hex 1032 ug/I Color: True 80 Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/1 Lab Comments: Diss. Solids 70300 m /I A /I - Silver 1077 u p,5 Flouride 951 z v - m /I Al -Aluminum 1105 u /I Hardness: Total 900 m /I DiS Ba - Barium 1007 u /l Hardness non-carb 902 m n Ca - Calcium 916 m /I Phenols 32730 u /1 Cd - Cadmium 1027 u /I Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 cis Chromium: Total 1034 -1-25 u n Sulfate 945 m /I Cu - Copper 1042 u /I Sulfide 745 m /I Fe - Iron 1045 u /I H - Mercu 71900 u /I K - Potassium 937 mg/l Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I Mn - Manganese 1055 u /1 Na - Sodium 929 m /1 NH3 as N 610 m /I Ni - Nickel 1067 u /1 TKN as N 625 m /I D 1-5 Pb - Lead 1051 u n NO + NOq as N 630 m /I Se - Selenium 1147 u /l P: Total as P 665 m /I Zn - Zinc 1092 2 u /I Organophosphorus Pesticides Nitrogen Pesticides Acid Herbicides Base/Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) 1,2 - Dibromoethane (EDB) GW-54 REV.3/92 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write "DIS" in block White Copy - Groundwater Central Office Yellow Copy, - Regi-11 Office Pink Copy - Central Files Goldenrod Copy - Lab North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - GROUNDWATER SECTION County Quad No Serial No. SAMPLE PRIORITY Lat. ­2 Long. J []ROUTINE I [—]EMERGENCY Report To:%,R(?) FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, WSRO, Kinston FO, Other Lab Number 8 Date Received -2 Time Rec'd by: From: Bus -Courier eVt V'v' Other ,Date Entry By: Ck. Date Reported: Shipped by: Bus, Courier, Other— Collector(s): 61 k Date '-r Time Purpose: Baseline, Complaint, �LUST, Other FIELD ANALYSES (circle one) Owner Ll"LJ'i - - " � - �'­� - t -) i e, '�; t' *6;H 400 Spec. Cond. 94 at 250 C Temp.10 oc Odor Appearance Taste Field Analysis By: LABORATORY ANALYSES 0 Location or site Description of sampling point _VVI L' Sampling Method -4 j Sample Interval Remarks (Pump, bailer, etc.) BOD'5 310 mgA i -,: 5 Diss. Solids 70300 COD High 340 mgA !D4 s Flouride 951 COD Low 335 mg/I Hardness: Total 90C Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 A 00ml Hardness (nonmcarb Coliform: MF Total 31504 /1 00m I Phenols 32730 TOC 680 mgA Specific Cond. 95 Turbidity 76 NTU Sulfate 945 Sulfide 745 pH 403 units to pH 4.5 410 mg/l --Alkalinity Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I Carbonate 445 mgA Bicarbonate 440 NH3 as N 610 Arsenic: Total 1002 TKN'as N 625 Carbon dioxide 405 mgA NO + NO as N 6 Chloride 940 mg/I P, Total as P 665 Chromium: Hex 1032 ugA Color: True 80 __Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/I L Lab Comments: GW-54 REV. 3/92 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write "DIS" in block White Copy - Groundwater Central Office Yellow Copy - Regional Office Pink Copy - Central Files Goldenrod Copy - Lab PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Facility Name Unimin Corporation Non -Discharge Address P. 0. -Box 588 NPDES 4ye- ODVUI7s Spruce Pine, NC 28777 County= G aL% TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERATION BEING MONITORED Well Location 31� Ma*titoring We" 1S �%?,i/?o U ��Lagoon (REQUIRED) Septic TanWDrain Feld Well Identification Number MW it, T- Y/- f WeISDepth /S Ft. Well Diameter P Sample (Screened) Interval !S Ft. To Ft. spray Field Subsurface Low Pressure Depth to Water Level 12.5 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Land Applicator of sludge Piping (LPP) Measuring point is /• O ft. above land surface r, { t r allons of water pumped/bailed before sampling Z•S Rotary Distributor w — r-,eld Analysis: pH 5.2 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. 11 °C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 1/9.193 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 3.1 -41 A R 2 2 �� Laboratory Name PACE, Incor-porrued Certification No. 40 COD mg/I Nitrite (NO 2) as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO 3) as N mg/I Pb - Lead L 0.1 mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total 46 (1) mg/I Al - Aluminum Ba - Barium L 0.10 mg/I mg/l Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) 5.2 units Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I TOC mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I ug/I Chloride mg/I Chromium: Total L 0-09 mg/I ug/I Arsenic L 0.001 mg/I Cu - Copper L 0.01 mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and ,ease and Oils ardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I --uMhos Fe - Iron Hg - Mercury K - Potassium Mg - Magnesium Mn - Manganese mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I Concentration units) rwR Total Ammonia TKN as N mg/I mg/Ia�14�J'`7::`L-� Na - Sodium mg/I (1) -Sample analyzed one day out of hold time due toee " w . ­S nA l F_:ta I, 17 I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. Note: Values should reflect dissolved and �j colloidal concentrations. (see #2 on back) d See back for instructions. Signature of Permittee (or Authorized Agent*) Date ** submit blue, green,' and yellow copies only to address above. GW-59 REV. 4/91 COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES 1. Samples should be analyzed, as soon as possible after collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE NOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDING 11ME SPECIFIED FOR THE METHOD USED _ (SEE 43. BELOW) MUST BE. ®ISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLER COLLE ED. . 2. ANALYSES ARE TO, BE MADE -OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) IN THE GROUNDWATER,- NOT. THOSE -THAT ARE -A PART. OF SEDIMENT. CHECK WITH YOUR LABORATORY -PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 3. As per Title 1.5, North Carolina -Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, analytical procedures shall be, in accordance with the' methods described in one of -the following publications, or by other methods approved beforehand byAhe Director, Division of Environmental Management: F: (a) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th` Edition, 1985 and 17th Edition, - 1989, publishes o'ntly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association- and Water Pollution Control Federation; C%l c 3 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; - (c) Test Methods for Evaluating. Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental - - Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, 'Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 -CFR - Part 136, October 26, 1984; 4. Measure and record the depth of water in the -Well prior to pumping or bailing any water -from the well 5. At least 3 volumes of water in the well should,,be .pumped or bailed prior to collecting a sample for analysis. If the well is pumped/bailed ,dry before 3. well volumes are removed, samplesi can be collected as soon as the well recovers to the, point where enough water is available tc3 collect your sample, - ' = 6. DeterrnihLion for PSI, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made1n ,the field on unfiltered samples when the sample- is collected. 7. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recommendations by the manufacturer. 8. -Samples must :,be fiftered through a 0.45 micron filter immediately after collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See 3. above). 9. The sample container_ should be' labeled at the time of collection with the facility name, well identification' number and date and time col- lected. 10 "Authorized agent' is_, any corporate ,offic:er ..or "public official authorized`by 6D "company, 'corporation, or_govemmental body -- to to, official documents. Facility Name Unimin Corporation Address P • 0 • Box 588 Spruce Pine, NC 28777 County Mitchell Well Location Monitoring Well Well Identification Number MW AEI X / Well th Ft. Well Diameter '' r Sample (Screened) Interval'Ft. To Ft. Depth to Water Level 13.0 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) ^^easuring point is D ft. above land surface --- allons of water. pumped/bailed before sampling z'S PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Non-Discha-rgg NPDES TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERATION BEING MONITORED (REQUIRED) _k_��Lagoon Septic TanWDrain Feld Spray Field Land Application of Sludge Rotary Distributor Field Analysis: pH 5.3 Specific Conductance 17 uMhos Temp. 14 °C Odor - Appearance Date Sample Collected 11 / 19 / 92 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 11 / 19 / 9 2 - Laboratory Name . PACE, Incorporated Certification No. 40 COD mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Coliform: MF Total /100ml (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total 80 mg/I pH (when analyzed) 5.3 units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic T. n _ n(11 mg/I rease and Oils mg/I nardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance 17 uMhos Total Ammonia mg/I TKN as N mg/I Nitrite (NO 2) as N mg/I Nitrate (NO 3) as N mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Al -.Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium L 0.10 mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total L 0.02 mg/I Cu - Copper L 0.01 mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I I CERTIFY THAT THIS R T IS TRUE AN ACCURATE. ° (2 zYlz Signature of PerAttee (or Authorized Agent*) Date GW-59 REV. 4/91 I Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) 3 ! 1992 Ni, - Nickel mg/I Pb - Lead L 0. 05 mg/I Zn - Zinc f mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) ug/I ug/I tis ug/I Other (Specifyi"ds Concentration r�, b,. ., Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (see #2 on back). See back for instructions. ** Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. COLLECTION -AND ANALYSIS OF'GROUNDWATER SAMPLES 1. Samples., should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE NOT ANALYSED WITHINJHE HOLDING TIME, R CIl E[? -FOR THE METHOD -USED (SEE #Ki. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES LLECTECi, 2. ANALYSES ARE. T . -BE MADE OF. THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) IN THE GROUNDWATER, NOT, , THOSE -THAT 'ARE A PART OF SEDIMENT. CHECK H YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 3: As per Title 15, North Carolina .Administrative Code, Subch .ter 2L anal . a3_ 'roceduies;sAle in accordance with the methods . - P _ P described in one of the following publications, or by other methods approved' beforehand' by the Director, Division of Environmental.. Management: (a) Standard Methods- for the Examination of Water anid Wastewat6r; ­16th Edition, 1985 and 17th Edition, 1989, publishes jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Associaiiori and Water Pollution Control -Federation;-' (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods for Evaluating- Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental _ Protection Agency, publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. - 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October ' 26, 1984; 4. Measure and record the depth of water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any water, from the well. 5. At least'3' volumes of water in the well should be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a sample for analysis. If the well is pumped/bailed dry before .3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collected as soon as, the well recovers to the point where enough water is available to collect. your sample: 6. Determination :far pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in` the field on unfiltered samples when the sample is,,;calCected. 7. Field equipmeh 'must:."be calibrated in accordance with recommendations by 'the.,,manufacturer. - 8. Samples must be filtered through - A 0.45 micron filter immediately after collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See #3._ above) 9. The sample 'container should be ' labeled at the ti' ie of collection with the facility name, well: identification number - and date and time col- 1 O."AtAhorized agent" is any corporate officer ,or'public official 'authorized. -';by- the company, corporation, sr govemmenta I dy. to, ,sign official documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM For additional forms please write or call: Facility Name Unimin Corporation fB o Address P. 0. Box 588 In 226 Bakersville Hwy. Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Well Location Monitbri 1. .s 111V 0{4'+IVO Lt 14V Well Identification Number MW #I E�i- Wdl llJ11GY�p ht t. Well Diameter Sample (Screened) Interval S Ft. To %S Ft. Depth to Water Level 10.5 ft below measurin oint (before s I' ) Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section, S� P.O. Box ISM Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 (919)733-3221 County PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Non -Discharge NPDES Ay C. ODOO7 /e )F bISPOSAL OPERATION BEING MONITORED (RE IRE ��. Lagoon Spray Field — Septic Tank/Drain Field Measuring g point is 1.01 g p amp mg feet above land surface — Land Application of sludge — ODUJUIIdL;U LUW-rJutibure Piping (LPP) _ Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling 2.5 Rotary Distributor Other -Field Analysis: pH 5.6 Specific Conductance 12 uMhos Temp. 13 ° C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 7/7/92 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/7/92 Laboratory Name - PACE, Incorporated Certification No. 40 COD as mg/I NO N 2 mg/I Ni -Nickel mg/'I Coliform: MF'Fecal /100ml NO3 as N. mg/I Pb -Lead L 0.05 mg/'I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 36 mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides. (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) 5.6 units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic T. 0.001 mg/I Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I 12 uMhos Ba - Barium 0.30 mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium.: Total L 0.02 mg/I Cu- Copper 0.027 mg/I Fe - Iron Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Total Ammonia(NH3 + NH 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese TKN as N m I Na - Sodium I CERTIFY THel, S REPORT RUE D ACCURATE. ug/1" ug/I I r Other (Specify) ____ra 1I -�n ug/I Nu i 1•" ug/I .mg/I NOT • "• mg/I Values should reflect dissolved concentrations (See #2. on reverse) ug/1 * See back for Instructions. ** Submit blue, green, and yellow copies DDly to address above. SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE'(OR AUTHORIZED AGENT') DATE r_1ni_r,o Rcv Oion i A1,1V VSJ�D, wl T; �L ";f e V H a AI aiiv 4 SP�--OHEf,", -11H -PHE MFFTW�t,,-) #3. rv",1.;ST SE SpAN"UPLES COLtX-CTE"'�), a T 4 01E, E T A R' P XTF � % h- U' U A 0 E r- H C CO N -1, 171, 1 , (4 i YOUR L Wi" PSOVEH PROCEDUR'C"'; FOR �)JXITC-�, Sol j, 1SZ!j)4,1 A E Aillry ;13ESIE�WAIPOK A:; mordance vv-t-',�,e endhod's ),r otne�- b,�, 0'�e DXIT,+?ctv, Divlsi:or! Of Erm:uvnental S&�.-rdlard for he Exam-n:-i?fin 0' %Iiiter EdRion, 1985, pubJshed 'iointi,v by American, c , (snoki (;ontrol Fed -rat' !th Assoc ��l 1,,- Amer;Arrier;C,ai I e r C, r A S;1; 0 C; K� o 'a n a ion, for rht-i-n;[,a, Arlalys, V-ja-"ef -Yiv,r,)trr-nmt P"otection Agency publication number EF7 --,!-'83as revisedM�,; , Mpthods, 3rd '198', ZY En,;ronmenta; ,,c? Mel`nods 11-p - Federpj Rj:,.-g-ler Vcj�. 40-, "09, 41? "P:.R f t, e 1 9 Ei 4 4� It�y VI.P-1 1. om t! depth of 6,-N Z�, ,,:, Vvc;i P,-,Il"j "0 A; '3 o,' in the weii be ".)r plit""r �o car-llys if thp 1, , 1 0- P, NJ mi p -1; "d d r Y ` ,*1l -bta,:o 1�1)OW 0 �aip ca, C ,IS recovts0 'he oin'L et,�4mno�vj,31�r is a,vai,;a blt3 7C, Fornpi,--, e 1, 0 C. I C k., 0 Ct "c', a, e C� 24 Z —3 -3 u ma��C- :A,� �ield cr d samiples Otic I r� L.: ,ii atd- by h. m-3 il iad, zrcw. li', -3:j Cto n fd'a e (.0, GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM County /`I I -fC 14C- LL_ Quad No 1S 1 t 1 Serial No. 144-7 / 3 & S Lat.. 3.5" 941 / `f Long. 9-2 OS SI? Report To: FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, WSRO, Kinston FO, Other Shipped by: Bus, C u e ,Other Collector(s): P"M1301-L C I't Date E R YA FIELD ANALYSES PH 400 Temp.10 Appearance Field Analysis By: Spec. Cond. 94 _ oC Odor Taste SAMPLE PRIORITY �OUTINE EMERGENCY North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - GROUNDWATER SECTION Lab Number 8 Date Received _��f t Time Rec'd From: Bu ourier e Other Date Entry By: Ck. Date Reported: t! - 02 �, r7-- Time 10- 410 111"'1 Purpose: Baseline, Complai Owner UIVJMiAJ CORI`'0RA 7'1 at 250 C LUST, Other "ARrz OPC-keI PIVA)s Location or site L� ®t'`//+J G,�, f Q �,�17' Oft �q G oonl Description of samplin point r1 EA a Sampling Method �/I i Leg Sample Interval S^ ^ / 5 I (Pump, bailer, etc.) Remarks 1, _jpumping,Gme, air temp. etc.) LABORATORY ANALYSES 57'-4Tj d W"-f_, 4:4 K i.wI BOD5 310 m /I Diss. Solids 70300 mg/I A - Silver 1077 u /I Or anochlorine Pesticides COD High 340 mg/I pis Flouride 951 44J m /I Al - Aluminum 1105 u /I Organophosphorus Pesticides COD Low 335 m /I Hardness: Total 900 m /I D►s Ba - Barium 1007 </D u /I Nitrogen Pesticides Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 A 00ml Hardness non-carb 902 m /I Ca - Calcium 916 m /I Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100m1 Phenols 32730 u /1 Cd - Cadmium 1027 u /I Acid Herbicides TOC 680 m /I Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 DISI Chromium: Total 1034 L /I Turbidity 76 NTU Sulfate 945 m /I Cu - Copper 1042 u /I Base/Neutral Extractable Organics Sulfide 745 m /I Fe - Iron 1045 u /I Acid Extractable Organics H - Mercury 71900 u /I pH 403 units K - Potassium 937 mg/I Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I Mn :_Man anese 1055 u /I 11,2 - Dibromoethane (EDB) Carbonate 445 mg/I Na - Sodium 929 m /I Bicarbonate 440 mg/I NH3 as N 610 m /I Ni - Nickel 1067 u /I DiS Arsenic: Total 1002 V u /I TKN as N 625 m /I DiS Pb - Lead 1051 u /I 71 Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I NO + NO3 as N 630 m /I Se - Selenium 1147 u /I Chloride 940 mg/I P: Total as P 665 m /I Zn - Zinc 1092 u /I ,... ,. Chromium: Hex 1032 u /I Color: True 80 Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/I Lab Comments: GW-54 P' ' 3/92 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write "DIS" in bl White Copy - Groundwater Central Office Yellow Copy - Reg- A Office Pink Copy - Central Files Goldenrod Copy - Lab North Carolina GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Department of•Environment, Health, and Natural Resources DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT -GROUNDWATER SECTION County Lab Number 8 Quad No. Serial No. SAMPLE PRIORITY Date Received _ Time - Lat. - Long. F Reed by: From: Bus -Courier ROUTINE EMERGENCY . - r Other - - Report To:.ARO, FRO,, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO; Date Entry, By: _ _ - Ck. WSRO, Kinston FO, Other, __- -_ Date Reported: Shipped by: Bus, Courier, Other Collector(s) Date Time 4° Purpose:, Baseline, Complain Compliance;, LUST, Other FIELD ANALYSES Owner PH 400 Spec. Cond. 94 at, 250 C Location or site Temp-1 0 oC Odor Description of sampling point r` ° Appearance _ _ -_ _ _ Taste Sampling Method - Sample Interval. Field Analysis By: Remarks (aurnp, bailer, eco.): - -. , mninnaimc sir tumn c}c 1 LABORATORY ANALYSES- BO'D 310 m /I .. Diss. Solids 70300 m ll' A='Silver '1077 u /I Or anochlorine Pesticides COD High 340 mg/I Flouride 951 m /I Al - Aluminum 1105 u /I Organophosphorus Pesticides COD Low 335 m /I Hardness: Total 900 m /I Ba Barium 1007 u /I Nitrogen Pesticides Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Hardness non-carb 002 m /1 _= Ca - Calcium 916 m 1l Coliform: NIF Total 31504 A 00m1 Phenols 32730 u /I Cd - Cadmium 1027 u /f Acid Herbicides TOC 680 m /I . S ecific Cond. 95' 2 uMhos/cm Chromium: Total 1034 u /I Turbidity 76 NTU Sulfate 945 m /I Cu - Copper 1042 u /I Base/Neutral Extractable Organics_ Sulfide 745 m /I Fe - Iron 1045 u A Acid Extractable Organics - - H - Mercury 71900 u /I' pH 403 units K -Potassium 937 mg/1' Purgeabie Organics (VOA bottle) ' Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 m /I g _ Alkalinity8.3 415 m /I to P H _ 9 . - _ _ _ Mn - Manganese 1055 u /I _ 1,2 - Dibromoethane. (EDB) Carbonate 445 mg/I - Na - Sodium 929 m /I Bicarbonate 440 mg/I NH3 as N 610 m /I' Ni - Nickel 1067 u /f Arsenic, Total 1002, u =/I TKN as N_625 m /I Pb - Lead 1051 u /I Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I - NO + NO3 as N 630 m /I'- Se - Selenium 1147 u /I Chloride 940 mg/I- PTotal as P 665 m /I Zn -Zinc 1092 u /I Chromium: Hex 1032 u /I Color: True 80 Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/I Lab Comments: GW-54 REV. 3/92 For Dissolved Analysis -submit filtered sample and write "DIS" in block 'White Copy - Groundwater Central Office Yellow Copy - Regional Office Pink Copy - Central Files Goldenrod Copy - Lab GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Facility Name Address Unimin Corpora For additional forms please write or call: Spruce Pine, NC 28777 ! Well Location Monitoring Well Well Identification Number MW #1 Well Depth Ft. Well Diameter Sample (Screened), Interval Ft. To Ft. Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 (919)733-3221 County PERMIT NUMBER: (REQU Non -Discharge — TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERIIATl0 (REQUIRED) — Lagoon �a l3 MAY 2 7 1992 — Septic Tank/Drain Field Depth to Water Level it."below measuring point. (before sampling) — Spray Field — Subsurface Low -Pressure Measuring point is feet above land surface — Land Application of Sludge Piping (LPP) Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling — Rotary Distributor Other Field Analysis: pH` 5.3 Specific Conductance 20 uMhos Temp. oC Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 3/16//02 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 3/16/92 Laboratory Name PACE, Incorporated Certification No. 4n COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF•Fecal /100ml NO3 as N. mg/I Pb -Lead L 0.05 mg/1 Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 36 mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides. (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) 5.3 units Ba - Barium L 0.10 mg/I 'ug/I TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I Chloride rng/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Arsenic L 0.001 mg/I Chromium: Total I n_n2 mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper L 0.01 mg/I Hardness: Total mg/l Fe - Iron mg/I Phenol mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I Sulfate mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Specific Conductance 20 uMhos Mg - Magnesium mg/I Total Ammonia (NH H 4) TKN as N I CER Y THAPTI- SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I 0"PORT IS TRUE AND ACCURAT AUTHORIZED AGENT") DATE ug/1 Other (Specify) ug/I ug/I ug/I go 0ug/I. ug/I ,. TER SE"'I'll' ug/I I�LEIGO, NOTE: Values should reflect diss6lved concentrations (See #2. on reverse) * See back for Instructions. "Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. rrw_r%a Pr -xi Sion 2. ANALYSEP,�RE TO BE MADE OF THE CONSITITUENTS DISSOLVED IN THE GROUNDWATER, NOT THOSE THAT ARE A PART OF, OR ADSbRBED ONTO, SOIL/SEDIMENT PARTICLES. CHECK WITH YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 3. As per Title 15, North Carolina Administrative'Code, Subchapter 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods described in one of the following publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental Management: (a) Standard methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16tH Edition, 1985, published jointly by American Pu' blic Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b.) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S.. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods for Evaltiating Solid Wastes: Physi6al/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; 4. Measure and record the depth of water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any water from the well. 5. At least 3 volumes of water in the well should be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a sample for analysis. If the well is pumped/bailed dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can" be collected as soon as the Well recovers to the point where enough water is available to collect your sample. 6. Determi.nation-for pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample is-- cdl'-1— -.16 7. Fie ld-equ ipmeritmust be lbrated in-accordance� with, recommendations by the manufacturer.' S. Samoll&�m- U�tte Jiltered,torough a 0.45 micron filter immediately after collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See #3. above) 6r should be labeled at the time of collection with the facility, name, well identification 9. -The sample-contaim number and date and time col- lected. 1 O."Authorized agent" is any corporate officer or public official authorized by fhe,company, corporation, or governmental-b.ody-to sign official documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Ako For additional forms please write or call: (919)733-3221 Facility Name Unimin Corporatiori County PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED+) a I��-----~^� Non -Discharge �l NPDES i U ii Il!=f I F Address P.O. Box 588, 226 Bakersville Hwy. Y• - Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Well Location Monitoring Well Well Identification Number. (`1W #1 Well Depth Well Diameter Sample (Screened) Interval Ft. To Ft. 'Ft. TYPE OF bISPOSAL OPERATION RE1L1P, �MQ 11 (REQUIRED) �( Asheddle ��;fcd al Rr`;ieA _ Lagoon Septic Tank/Drain Field Depth to Water Level 13.00 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) — Spray Field — Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) 'Measuring point is feet above land surface — Land Application of Sludge Other Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling — Rotary Distributor Field Analysis: pH 5.5 Specific' Conductance 19 uMhos Temp. ' 13 o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 11/7/91 Date Lab Sample Analyzed- 12/2/91 Laboratory Name PACE, Incorporated Certification No'._ C_OD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni -:Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF'Fegal /100ml NO3 as N. mg/I Pb - Lead L 0.1 mg/'I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 46 mg%I A['- Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides. (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic L 0.001 mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I Ba - Barium L 0.10 mgll Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total LO.02 mg/I. Cu - Copper 0.015 mg/I Fe - Iron mg/1 Hg Mercury mg/I Sulfate mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magn.esium mg/I Total Ammonia 3 * NH 4�)7 mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I TKN as / / mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I FY THIS BEPORT IS RUE AND ACCURATE. c �C_ SIGPfATIJWOF PEPMITTEE (OR AUTHORi E AG NT*) DATE f-21nr_IZZo DGv lion Other. (SpecI NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved concentrations (See #2. on reverse) ug/I ug/I ug/i ug/I ugjl ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I * See back for instructions. ** Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. 1. Samples S�ould be 'analyzed as soo-n as po . ssibie after collection. SAMPLES WHICH, ARE'NOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDING TIME SPECIFIED FOR THE METHOD USW (SEE 4:3. BELOW) MUSt BE DISCARDED ANONEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. ANALYSES ARE TO BE -MADE OF THE CONSITITUENTS DISSOLVED IN THE GROUNDWATER, NOT THOSE THAT AR E. A PART F8AYS0RBED ONTO,U-SEDIMENT PARTICLES. CHECK WITH YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR --SAMPLE COLLECTION AND -PRESERVATION. 3. As per Title 15, North Carolina Administrative'Cbde, 8ubehapter 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods described in one of.the following publications, or by other m-elhods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental Management: - (a) Standard methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Editibn,' 1 985,'published jointly lb�, American y Public Health Association; American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water, and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods foi' Evaluating Solid Wastes: Phydical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection -Agency publication number SW-846; (0� Test-.Proceduresfor the Analysis of Polluants Under the -Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; 4. Measure and record.the depth of water in the Well prior to'pumping or bailing any water from the well. 5. At least 3 volumes of water in,1he well --should be.p . Umped or bailed Oriorlo collecting a sample f6'r analysis. If the well is pumped/bailed dry before-3 we'li'volumes are removed, samples can,be.- collected as soon -as th' e w6l.1 recovers to the point where enough water is available to 6., DetermifiaflopJbi pk_,-`§p-,�,,pific' 6.6niductance, temperature,. odor and 'appie�rande must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the, sarnpleis to ildetq 7.'Field equ ipT6nt`rn ust be call bfated,in, accordan cb.with,reco rmn e0dationg -by: themanufacturer.'. medhit'ly afier.coller *hen'a*di' BY .8amAles must. be filtered thrbugh a,,0:45--fricrbn.;filter iM ptiop 14, ssofvectanaly§is is required. (See,#3.above} e b 0 t m0.-,W0J d iner should b6 led-. at. ifip firh �qf.'c 11[��d h`_ I - .Q .4ql j. T ri 11� if ic tion-nu' and tima-601- - 9. The sample. contai I q.. mber and date' lected. lac tizod"15 �Ah* on-y? a. t�ap . . P., - , " f ..1 6.-,Aufh6ft"* ed'�genf -is any coM-or RG ,is 'fhb f, gVernment I:body to �jdn:of icia[' docurnonts.. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 For additional forms please write or call: (919)733-3221 , Facility Name 11nimin Corpnrntion County Address P. 0. Box 588 PERMIT (REQUIRED) Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Non -Discharge Well Location MW #1 NPDES Well Identification Number. Well #1 Well Depth Ft. TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERATION BEING MONITORED (REQUIRED) Well Diameter Sample (Screened), Interval Ft. To Ft. Lagoon Septic Tank/Drain Field -)epth to Water Level 9.50 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) — Spray Field — Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) Measuring point is feet above land surface Land Application of Sludge Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling 3 Rotary Distributor Other Field Analysis: pH 5.10 Specific Conductance 21 uMhos Temp. 17.5 ° C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 7/9/91 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/17/91 Laboratory Name PACE, Inc. Certification No. COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml NO 3 as N. mg/I Pb -Lead L 0.05 mg/'I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/1 Dissolved Solids: Total 62 mg/I Al - Aluminum - mg/1 Pesticides/Herbicides. (Specify Compounds) PH (when analyzed) units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic L 0.001 mg/l Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conducta_nL.Q uMhos Ba - Barium 0.3.1 mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total L 0.02 mg/I Cu Copper 0.023 mg/I Fe Iron Hg - Mercury _ K - Potassium_ Mg - Magn.esiu Total Ammo ;a(NH + NH mg/I Mn - ManganeE TKN as mg/1 Na - Sodium_ IS REPORT IS TRUE AND Z SICAATURIrOF MITTEE_ (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT") CCU �G DATE s. . t mg GROUNDWATER SECTION i E REGIQw14 OFFICE mg "ug/I ug/I ug/1 Other (Specify) ---o e �v P ug/I ug/I ug/I ti g t ug/I Plus ug/L" NOTE: RALEIGH. N ug/I Values should reflect dissolved concentrations (See #2. on reverse) * See back for instructions. ** Submit blue, green,, and yellow copies only to address above. t-21ALCO ow Dion zedo , I I f , T --- 2. ANALYSES ARE TO BE MADE OFTHE CONSITITUENTS DISSOLVED IN THE GROUNDWATER, NOT THOSE THAT A RE A PART OF, OR ADSORBED ONTO, SOIL/SEDIMENT PARTICLES. CHECK WITH YOUR LA130RATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR 'SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 3. As per Title 15, North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methoc me described in one of the following publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environ _nt] Management: (a) Standard methods for the Examinhtion of Water and Wastewater, 16th'Edition, 1985, published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods ' for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protect -ion Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods for EvalUating Solid Wastes: Physical/Che mical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures. for the. Analysis of Polluants Under the, Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; 4. measure and record the depth of water in the Well prior to pumping or bailing any water from the well. 5. At least 3 volumes of water in the Well should bepumped or . bailed prior to col,lecti hg a sample -for analysis. If the well is pumped/bailed dry before 3 well volumes'are removed, samples can be collected -as soon as the well• recovers, to the'point where enough water is available to collect your sample.. 6. Determinatio . h , Specifip.Co'j) d*uctance,. temperatur4,'odor 'and ap pearance must be_madein.thefield on unfiltered samples when the sample is, doll6cted. "I f,. ig 7. Field equipmen� must be calibrat d. in &corda e A ffic the manufactbrer. ktion alys a sWi"us't'bi��filte�e-�,,throuoh"a"O.-4,15:mibi6�. Wl 8. S mpler y .%�iheh a -dissolved an is.Js re ti quired. {See #3. above 9... The sample contain6(-should be;.Iabeled-at-the ll;tme-6f:c.o.Ile-ctiort with. the faq­ility�-n4me, Well identification, nij m-berand*date and time- -col- 10;"Authorized agerit".is.any d0rp0:ratq*.qff1q`er- or p0lic.,'official a -co par t, d a anti r al Ion,. or� qqyprnmental bo. y t-,o sign official I. documents. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Facility Name Address Unman Corporation P.O. Box 588 For additional forms please write or call: Spruce Pine, NC. 28777 Well Location Monitoring Well #1 Well Identification Number M-W. #1 Well Depth 15 Ft. Well Diameter Sample (Screened) Interval Ft. To Ft. Depth to Water Level 12.33 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 County Ili -4 11 PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED�)" I,V'y -8 1991 Non -Discharge u Ground- ates vectiol NPDES (I pomn-..,: gars CREQUIRED) — Lagoon Septic Tank/Drain 'Field Spray Field Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) Measuring point is f, r feet above land surface Land Application of Sludge Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling 29 — Rotary Distributor Other Field Analysis: pH 5 - 7 Specific Conductance 29 uMhos Temp. 12 ° C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 03/05/91 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 03/05/91 Laboratory Name .Pace , Inc. Certification No•. 40 COD mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Coliform: MF Total 100ml Dissolved Solids: Total 52 mg/I PH (when analyzed) units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic N 0 mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conduct nce u M h o s Total Ammonia NH . N mg/I TKN as N mg/I SIGNATURI.1OI✓PF-PVITTI-E (OR NO2 as N mg/I NO 3 as N. mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium 0.36 mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total N0 mg/I Cu - Copper 0.045 mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I 71 E AND ACC D AGENT"). T Ni - Nickel mg/I Pb - Lead N0 mg/'I Zn - Zinc mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides. (Specify Compounds) .ug/I ug/I ug/I Othe(: pea fj/l}` I `N//�� ug/I Ei Qj � ug/I A ug/I ug/I —GROUNnWATER s crRQl ug RAI FIGH, NG ug/I NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved concentrations (See #2. on reverse) * See back for Instructions. ** Submit blue, grwwn- n1ni_IZZo QGv 1310n W IL J'*JJ:ff*JjK0;U 0, 1 11M. I g *16 , T _Aj jM M a _J[JIQ4, 1. Samples should be analyzed as soon -as possible after collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE NOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDING - TIME SPECIFIED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE #3. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 99S ARE TO BE MADE OF THE CONSITITUENTS DISSOLVED IN THE GROUNDWA . TER, NOT THOSE THAT ARE A PART 2. AN�Ly OF, OR ADSORBED ONTO, SOIL/SEDIMENT PARTICLES. CHECK WITH YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 3. As per Title 15, North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods described in one of the following publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental Management: (a) Standard methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Edition, 1985, published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection- Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, -No. 209, 40 &R Part 136, October 26,1984; 4. Measure and record the depth of water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any water from the Well. 5. At least 3 volumes of water in the well should be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a sample for analysis. If the well is Oumped/baile"d dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collected as soon as -the Well recovers to the point where enough water is available to collect your sample. 6. ,Determination for pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample is collected. 7. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recommendations by the manufacturer. 8. Samples must be -filtered gh.a 0.45 micron filter immediately after collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See #3. above) 9, The sample container should be labeled at the time of collection with the facility name, well identification number and date and time col- lected. t - 1 O."Authorized agent" is any corporate officer or public official authorized, by the company, corporation, or governmental body to sign official mpnts. MAY 02 '91 O-c_':FJIPM Ul'UMIM t UAP.T.' Quartz Operation P. 0. Box 588 Bakersville Hwy, Spnice Pinar N, C. 28777 (704) 765-4283 Pax No: (704) 765-0912 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION DELIVER TO: 0 FROM. �` s .,t � DATE: MATERIAL BEING TRANSMITTED: t-- NUMBER OF PAGES: THIS COVER PAGE PLUS — r� PAGE O S ) FOR VOICE CONTACT, CALL (704) 765-4283 Ext. �4� P.1 �njvlq!ori of r=nvkonmental mamgarnent GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE -REPO RT FORM Graundwater S&cfiort P-0- Sox 27687 i-alalqh, NC 27611-7697 ,-or additional forms IA@ase write m call: (91 -9,)733-3n1 CF.l Facility Name County IL Address PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) 4on-Discharge 114z- Weff Location NPDES Well Idenlification Number Well Depth TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPM -RATiON BEING L40NE ITORD -Fi. (REQUIRED) W P, 1. 1 Diameter Sample (Screened) Interval - Ft. To - Ft. Lagoon w Septic. I ar�UDrajn Field Depth to Water Level It. below measiffing point. (before sampling) Spray Feb Subsurface Low-Pre-ssare Piping CLPFI) IZIN Measuring point is fcet above land surface Land Apoicafion of S"e ot" r 3,a;lons of water purnped1bailed before sampling ROLary-Dis iributor Field Arjafysis: PH -2 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. 0 C Odor Appearance 'VI Date Sample Colleciad Date Lab Sample Analyzed Laboratory Name Certification Na. COD mg/1 NO2 as N mg Ni Nickel CoJiform: h4F Fecal I 00ml NO3 as N f-jl,- Pb Lead mg/7 Coliform: MF Total I 1100ml Phosphorus: Total as P _11R; Zri Zinc, mg/l Dissolved Sofids: Total Mg1I Al - Aluminum m p" Pesficideslrlebicides (Specify Compounds) j- pH (when analyzed) units Sa - Barium rng/I Jr �T; D' TOC mg/I C'n. - Calcium ring/I Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium rng/I Ug/I Arsenic mg/I Chromium: Total MgA Other C'Specify; ugil 7- Grease and Oils mg /I Cu - Copper r`SMg1l -uq,!l n Hardness: Tolai mg/I Fe - Iron Mg/I ugh ILI Phenol MC III[ Hg -Mercury Mg/I Jg1l r,71 rng/l K - Potassium-- f;g/i ug / i I17., Specific Conductance --timhos Mg -Magnesium -,ugjl Total Ammonia(N7`-I3 + Nil 4 mg/i Mn - Manganese TKN as N Mg/I Na - Sodium Mg/i -affect dissolve(( i-.oncentraticins I CERTIFY THAT THIS IRSPORT IS TRUE AND ACCUBAh. SIGNATURE Or PEPMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGEZNT„) DATE Pr-%r 9fw Sep bark for instwffon:3. Stibmil blue, green, and yedow copies 2akto address above_1 �4o0/ 7� ..yet ra) COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Facility Name Address L- "Oyh��• �Gv C �� Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 761 For additional forms please write or call: R (9ale19)19). N.C. 2T33-3221 1 County Permit Number: AAID _ I (E- 1 Nil 0I- b r Non-Discharrg% Well Location L���t't-1C1�, ` NPDES 1 1 .�I. ' 1 Well De Well Identification Number Depth Ft. Water Use Well Diameter tt Sample (Screened) Interval Ft. To Ft. Injection Well Depth to Water Level ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction Measuring point is feet above land surface Other Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling 5 ��% / C Field Analysis: pH 5. i-"Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. 110 J ° C Odor A ANPa9A69- AID' Date Sample Collected Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7-9' 9n Laboratory Name CxC.2 .j1C.. Certification No. COD Coliform: MF Fecal Coliform: MF Total - mg/I /100ml /100ml Dissolved Solids: Total mg/I pH (when analyzed) -� units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic I_C 5.M'5 mg/1 Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4) TKN as N I CERTI SIGNAyI'1RE OF PERMITTEE GW-59 Revised 6/88 mg/I mg/I mg/I NO2 as N NO 3 as N Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I mg/I mg/I AI - Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium - 0.'D_n - mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total LJ• O�- mg/I Cu - Copper l_1�J l umg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Pb - Lead L0. ^^ /5 mg/1 Zn - Zinc mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) Other (Specify) ug/I ug/I ug/1 ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I mg/I Ahos K - Potassium Mg - Magnesium mg/I mg/I 1101 I I II o N ug/I JUUJ aEC I 9�110 ug/I mg/I � g / l Mn - Manganese Na - Sodium mg/I m g / I Note: ., Groundwater Section x' Asheville Re 'onal Office IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. Values show d re ect o a tions k for instructions. _AUTHORIZED AGENT*) ff77 DAT* 'lue and green copies only to address above. COUNTY M 1 TC-H LL QUAD NO.-T/ SERIAL NO. MI 1 3l< S LAT.3SSGa IY�_ LONG. a Of 5- Report to:(ARO FRO; MRO, RRO, WaRO, WIrC, WSRO, Kinston FO : Other Shipped by: Bus, Courier, Other N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEM GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM SAMPLE PRIORITY 21"ROUTINE ❑ EMERGENCY O LAB NUMBER 8 0 C, y DATE RECEIVED �� Time q 0 Rec'd by:. CA--) From: Bus- C wrier Other DATA ENTRY BY: CK: DATE REPORTED: COLLECTOR (S):G9yA/057AfF DATE 5-5'0 TIME S.GO 10 PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAINT, COMPLIANCE LUS-: OTHER I I FIELD ANALYSES i pf1400 Spec. Cond.94 at 250C Temp.10 OC i Odor Appearance Taste Field Analysis By: LABORATORY ANALYSES BOD5 310 I mg/I COD High 340 mg/I COD Low 335 mg/I Colllorm:MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Colllorm:MF Total 315iO4 /100ml TOC 680 mg/I Turbidity 76 NTU I pH 403 units Alkalinity to pH 4.5 41io mg/I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I Carbonate 445 mg/I BicerLonate 440 mg/I r Arsenic:Total 1002 10 ug/I Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I Chloride 940 mg/I Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/I Color.True 80 i Pt -Co Cyanide 720 ' mg/I Lab Comments: (circle Owner /1J//-!//V CO �0D,eAT/OA/ &L,4_A/2T7_ OpCRAT/ONS Location or site Q0WAI GeA01 T Description of sampling point t/0AD Sampling Method A/L_Qo Sample Interval S /S (pump, bailer, etc.) Remarks ,5 TA 7-/G 1'U,,4 j 6_A; L C V,IFL /„3, 9(?p rpping time, air temp, etc.) Viss. Solids 70300 mg/1 Qr5 f Iuoride 951 mg/I Ifardness:Total 900 mg/l Haroness (non-carb) 902 mg/I Prienols 32730 ug/I S::ecilic Cond. 95 Sulfate 945 uMhos/cm2 mg/I DIs :sulfide 745 mg/I Dr • NH3 as N 610 .01 mg/I Dry TKN as N 625 mg/I t71S NO2 + NO3 as N 630 3 mg/I p,S P:Total as P 665 I mg/I Ag - Silver 1077 3t ug/I p I Al - Aluminum 1105 4 Sn ug/I QIS Be - Barium 1007 4 ( ug/I Ca - Calcium 916 .81 mg/I 0#51 Cd - Cadmium 1027 Ze,6 ug/I i5 Chromium:Total 1034 [ Z5 ug/I 15 Cu - Copper 1042 Z 7,A ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 [ ug/I DI • Hg - Mercury 71900 L a tZ ug/I p, K - Potassium 937 z mp/I ply M9 - Magnesium 927 t 4 mg/I D/ Mn - Manganese 1055 IU ug/I p/ Na - Sodium 929 1 mg/I NI - Nickel 1067 - Z'O ug/I Q/5 Pb - Lead 1051 -- 10 ug/I Offs Se - Selenium 1147 e ug/I D1 Zn - Zinc 1092 ug/I. Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides Acid Hardicides Base / Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics • Purg�e-aab,lle Organics (VOA bottle) _ pi:b an6,( AI3) t,:/ U \llltr-., SEeTI LEIG , NG On NOV 19 GW-54 F 'tied 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - submit tilt i sample and write 'DIS' in block While copy - Headquarters Pink",,-,py - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY LA �' = ' N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER 8 QUAD NO.-<� 1 T i SERIAL NO.I f t ° &COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE RECEIVED%� �.y, Time LAT.- ' ' LONG. " DEM Rec'd by:6 w From: Bus -Courier Report to:1/AR0 FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, WSRO, Kinston FO 0the?) Shipped by: Bus, Courier, Other COLLECTOR(S): ' ,7A !a' !'�"ir DATE FIELD ANALYSES P"400 Spec, C6nd.94 Temp.10 oC Odor _ Appearance Taste Field Analysis By: LABORATORY ANALYSES BOD5 3-10 mg/I COD High 340 mg/I ' COD Low 335 97 mg/I' ��- Coliform:MF Fecal 31616.<;00/tooml tf!' Colitcrm:MF Total 31504-4J00 /loom[ TOC 680 mg/I Turbidity 76 NTU ,r•' pH 403 50 units ./ • Alkalinity to pH 4.5 4I0 ' l mg/I Alkalinity to pH B.3 415 mg/I Carbonate 44.5 mg/I V Bicaruonate 440 mg/I Arsenic:Total 1002 ug/f Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I Chloride 940 A mg/I Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/I Color:True 80 Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/I Lab Comments: GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Other SAMPLE PRIORITY DATA ENTRY BY: t)Ir CK: 0 ROUTINE ❑ EMERGENCY DATE REPORTED: - 2 fq Q TIME -t 'F �` / f'� PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAINT, (C0MPLIANCE_'L.US7. OTHER (circle one)— Owner / r,'.1l/`i iAS ^��;/-�/.,tY-f; 1f--',�I /•:(/:§e- i s''--1 � I r' `..,'�. at 250C Location or site Description of sampling point Sampling Method j` t ''� Sample Interval =t! (pump, bailer, etc.) Remarks 0.,5 Diss. Solids 70300 mg/1 Fluoride 951 mg/I �n<, Hardness:Total 900 mg/I [td5 Hardness (non-carb) 902 G. mg/I Phenols 32730 ug/I Specific Cord. 95 uMhos/cm2 Sulfate 946 mg/I Sulfide 745 mg/1 NH3 as N 610 mg/I TKN as N 625 mg/I NO2 t NO3 as N 630 mg/I P:Total as P 665 mg/I z (pumping time, air temp, etc Ag - Silver 1077 ug/1 Al - Aluminum 1105 ug/I Be - Barium'1007 ug/I Ca - Calcium 916 mg/I Cd - Cadmium 1027 ug/I Chromivm:Total 1034 ug/I Cu - Copper 1042 ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 ug/I Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/I K - Potassium 937 mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I Mn - Manganese 1055 ug/I Na - Sodium 929 mg/I Ni - Nickel 1067 ug/I Pb - Lead 1051 ug/I Se - Selenium 1147 ug/I Zn - Zinc 1092 ug/I• II Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides I I Acid Herdicides I Base / Neutral Extractable Orpenics Acid Extractable Organics Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) I 1 1 1.2 - Dibromoethane (EDB) I GW-54 Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write 'DIS" in block White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Facility Name Address Well Location V Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, M.C. 27611 For additional forms please write or call: (919)733-3221 County Permit Number: Non -Discharge NPDES IBC- occo Well Identification Number # Well Depth 16 Ft. Water Use ��-- 4(eiT Well Diameter �" Sample (Screened) Interval Ft. To IF) Ft. Injection WellJ') Depth to Water Level ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction ++` +y s 461 Measuring point is feet above land surface Other nnrn 1�-1 Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling t� 8r n -� Field Analysis: pH �, G Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. °C Odor '}Aplpe�a ance Date Sample Collected 3 2, 190 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 3 ZG -/ - Laboratory Name PaCe 1—;nc, Certification No. �c7 -Boy P,54S� S�rIJCP��n� Vc- 283-1-4 i COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml NO3 as N mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 1N1.() mg/I pH (when analyzed) 5 f oq units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic < a non mg/I Grease and Oils Hardness: Total. Phenol Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4) TKN as N I CERTIFY SIGNATURE GW-59 Revised 6/88 mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium <mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total <�,(��('�. mg/I Cu- Copper <C) ,Old mg/I mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I - mg/I K - Potassium mg/I uMhos Mg - Magnesium mg/I Ni Nickel mg/I Pb - Lead d'�� - mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/1 Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) I _ Ug/I ug/1 Other (Specify) Ah ug/I U7rollridwatet Section ug/I rte�;uie ucpin-tal Sffir-O 'ug/I 'Jug/1 ug/I ug/I mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Note: mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I Values should reflect total concentrate PORT I E AND ACCURATE. See back for instructions. MITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT*) DATE 1** Submit blue and green copies only to address above. COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Facility Name 1) ticm in Lrpoy-21_ �,, Address 12(2 tau' I`ve Well Location Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleig,h, N.C. 27611 For additional forms please write or call: (919)733-3221 Well Identification Number -N� I Well Depth 115 _Ft. Well Diameter ?" Sample (Screened) Interval J Ft. To 15 ft. Depth to Water Level 12.41S ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Measuring point is © feet above land surface Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling 10 County iY11Tc?�ha� Permit Number: Non -Discharge - - -� NPDES NIQ_ Water Use Vic? Injection Well �1:: ' :N LO 19990 Well Construction Other GR011n-y o IR SECT— RALEM, NC. Field Analysis: pH Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 11 1 I q I1d9 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 1 (15 (aq Laboratory Name En` irC'>v r},car�TcaI 1'�� ci-,Q L� �.- Certification No. -40 COD mg/I NO2 as N Coliform: MF Fecal Coliform: MF Total / 100ml NO 3 as N 1100ml Phosphorus: Total as P Dissolved Solids: Total A;L0 mg/I pH (when analyzed) E = 25 units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I mg/I Pb - Lead <a ,CQSc-) mg/I mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/1 mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) Ba - Barium � () , oG mg/I Ca - Calcium. Cd - Cadmium mg/I I Arsenic <O,00S mg/I Chromium: Total <0102-0 mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper a.otC) mg/I Hardness: Total mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Phenol mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I Sulfate mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magnesium mg/I Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese- TKN as N Na - Sodium I CERTIFY T PO TRUE AND ACCURATE. SIGNATUR OF PERMITTEE (OR AU HORIZED AGENT*) mg/I mg/I ug /I ug/I ug/1 Other (Specify) Rug/I c iug/I iic• it `+/ ug/I vow ,I,liv 1 ;. ;.I ug/I ug/I Groundwater Section ug/I Asheville Regional Office Note: ± k � `v Q / Values should reflect total concentrations � (� 7eeback for instructions. DATE** Submit blue and green copies only to address above. GW-59 Revised 6/88 • COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Environmental Management Division Groundwater Section P.O. Box 2768? Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-3221 Facility Name Unimin Corp. County Kitchell - - Groundwater Section Address PO Box 545 Permit Number: 4shevilie Rp ,.gional Offir,., Snrur.a Pi nP , NF: 9R777 Non -Discharge k" Well Location NPDES NC 000 �1A15=-_�� Y.- Well Identification Number #1 Well Depth 15 Ft. Water Use Well Diameter 211 Sample CScreened) Interval _F_ Ft. To 1.9 Ft. Injection Well Depth to Water Level 1 ri 77 ► ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction - y(y1114#I'� v'�Vlevu. Measuring point is 0 feet above Land surface. Other 4JVU6-�^��n rpn Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling To Dryness BLS t?luuo Field Analysis: pH 5.69 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. °C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 7/10/89 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/2❑/.R9'> Laboratory Name Environmental Testing Inc. Certification No. 40 COD mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Coliform: MF Total /100ml Dissolved Solids: Total 84 mg/I pH (when analyzed) 5.69 units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic <0.005 mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos NO2 as N NO3 as N Phosphorus: Total as P Al - Aluminum Ba - Barium <0.050 Ca - Calcium Cd - Cadmium mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I Chromium: Total <❑.❑2❑ mg/I Cu - Copper 0.019 mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury A K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I. Ni - Nickel mg/I Pb - Lead <❑.005 —mg/1 Zn - Zinc mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) vg /1 ug/I ug/t Other (Specify) ug/I ug/I ug/I ug /I ug/I ..ug/I Total Arnmonia.(NH3.t NH 4) mg/t Mn - Manganese mg/I Note: TKN as N mg/I Na - Sodium- mg/I - Values should reflect total concentrations I CERTZT�pfTHIZREP T IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. *See back. for .instructions. SIGNA , E 4 PERMITTEE (OR _AUTHORIZED AGENT*) 9AJE'** Submit blue and green copies only to address above. GW-59 Revised 3/88 - COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Environmental Management Division Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-3221 Facility Name IINIMIN nnrpnrati nn Address PO Box 588 Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Well Location Well Identification Number #1 Well Depth 151 Ft. Well Diameter 211 Sample (Screened) -Interval 5' Ft. To 15' Ft.. Depth to Water Level -14.871 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Measuring point is 0 feet .above land surface.. Gallons of* water pumped/bailed before samp+ing To dryness County Mitchell Permit Number: Non-Dischargeif t NPDES NC 000017 Water Use Injection Well RAA i IgRq Well Construction Wlindwat t u,'_�� Other R, Asheville Regional Office 0 Field Analysis: pH 6.20 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. ° C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 3/6/89 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 3/12/89 Laboratory Name Environmental TPG+:i ng Inc.._ Certification No. 40 COD mg/1 NO2 as N mg/I Ni.- Nickel mg/1 Coliform: MF Fecal /100mi NO3 as N. Coliform: MF Total /100ml Dissolved Solids: Total <0.5 PH (when analyzed) 6.20 units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic <0.005 mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total mg/I Phenol m g /I Sulfate mg/1 Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia.(NH3.t NH 4) mg/f TKN as N ma/I Phosphorus: Total as P Al - Aluminum mg/I Pb - Lead <n_nr;n mg/f mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) Ba - Barium <0.010 mg/l Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/l Chromium: Total <0.020 mg/I Cu - Copperi<0.010 t_� mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/l K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I ���� Na - Sodium' mg/I I CERTIFY f] AT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. 7J &GNAT4E OF RMITTEE (OR .AUTHORIZED AGE �'_) D TE GW-59 Revised 3/88 Other (Specify) •ug/1 ug/I ug/1 ug/I �IU /I Mag ug/I s.. ug/I Note: Tconce 0AValues should refle t ibns V *..Sge back for:instructions. ** Submit blue and green copies only to address above. COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Environmental Management Division Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-3221 lE� ��Q`� Facility Name l INT�ITN Cnrnnrai-.i nn Address PO Box `588 Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Well Location Well Identification Number #1 Well Depth 1.5 Ft. Well Diameter 2" Sample (Screened) � Interval _ Ft. To _ 1.5— Ft. Depth to Water Level 12_R it. below measuring point. (before sampling) County _ S" Permit Number: Poll, Non -Discharge R��-t NPDES NC00001 Water Use 15 c E Q V iE Injection Well Well Construction Measuring point is n feet above land surface: Other Groundwater Section Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampl+ng to drying t, Asheville eglona mice . Field Analysis: pH .0 6.0Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. ° C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 11/10/88 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 11118_JRR Laboratory Name Environmental TRsfJ ng Tnn.. Certification No'. 40 COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal. /100m1 NO3 as N. mg/I Pb -Lead fl.nS1 mg/1 Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/1 Dissolved Solids: Total 70'.7 _ mg/.l Al - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) ri_n0 units Ba - Barium 0.479 mg/I ug/l TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic <0.005 mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total mgA Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg /I Specific Conductance uMhos Total Amrnc6a.(NH3.t NH 4)- mg/1 TKN as N - ma/I Cd - Cadmium mg/l unIl Chromium: -Total <0.010 mg/1 Cu - Copper 0.167 mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I I CERTIFY�T THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. SIGNATUAOF GW-59 Revised A188 PERMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT*) 19/19/AR DATE Other (Specify) ug /I ug /I ug /I ug/I ug/I ug/I Note: values should reflect total` concentrations *See back -fovinstructions. ** Submit blue and green copies only to address above. COUNTY N.0 '� EPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUF�S LAB NUMBER B xc_.'2� (761 A QUAD NO. _r_/SERIAL NO. A 13 & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE RECEIVED Time 1�LL.J LAT. 3S S 9 /i/ LONG. 52 DI` / DEM Rec'd by:b� From: Bus- ourier GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Other Report to: ARO FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, SAMPLE PRIORITY DATA ENTRY BY: CK' WSRO, Kinston FO Other ROUTINE ❑ EMERGENCY ATE REPORTED: Shipped by: Bus, Courier Other , n COLLECTOR(S): DATE Z -'i TIME PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAINT, COMPLIANCE, UST, OTHER (circle FIELD ANALYSES owner Ka/-,0. Ifn/1 C p11400 --Spec. Cond.94 Temp.10 oC Odor — Appearance Taste Field Analysis By: LABORATORY ANALYSES B005 310 mg/I COD High 340 mg/I COD Low 335 mg/I Colitorm:MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Collform:MF Total 31504 /100ml TOC 680 mg/I Turbidity 76 NTU PH 403 units Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I Carbonate 445 mg/I Bicarbonate 440 mg/I Arsenic:Total 1002--de-- ug/I Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I Chloride 940 rng/I Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/I Color.True 80 Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/I a t 250C Location or site Description of sampling point Sampling Method 41/ /110 (pump, bailer, etc I Sample Interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Diss. Solids 70300 mg/1 Fluoride 951 LQr mg/I. Hardness:Total 900 mg/I Hardness (non-carb) 902 mg/I Phenols 32730 ug/I Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 IL Sulfate 945 mg/I Sulfide 745 mg/I NH3 as N 610 mg/I TKN as N 625 mg/I NO2 + NO3 as N 630 mg/I P:Total as P 665 mg/1'. Ag - Silver 1077 ug/I At - Aluminum 1105 ug/I r Be - Barium 1007 L ug/I Ca - Calcium 916 mg/I Cd - Cadmium 1027 U ug/I PW Chromium:Total 1034G ug/I Cu Copper 1042 ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 ug/1 Hg - Mercury 7190 . ug/I K - Potassium 937 mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I iS Mn - Manganese 1055 G ug/I Na - Sodium 929 mg/I Ni - Nickel 1067 --<50 ug/I Pb - Lead 1051 _,_" ug/I / Se - Selenium 1147 ug/I Zn - Zinc 1092 Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides Acid Herdicides Base / Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) 1,2 - Dibromoethane (EDB) +' trJ �Al lk qq log( Lab Comments: GROU NriWATLR SECTION RALEIGH, ` 0 -- GW-54 Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write 'DIS' in block -� White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow �� COUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER a ` '1 QUAD NO. j SERIAL NO. ��;' f 's- `,y & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE RECEIVED �P f Time LAT. 1-° LONG. / _ % DEM i; '1/t' Rec'd by: From: Bus -Courier — GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Other Repprt to: �ARO,�FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, SAMPLE PRIORITY DATA ENTRY BY: CK: WSRO, Kinston FO Other }� )" ROUTINE ❑ EMERGENCY DATE REPORTED: Shipped by: Bus, Courier, Of 6ir COLLECTOR(S): I'r1!'.!;-r,'� DATE"J: %C-' TIME PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAINT, COM'PLIANCE;.LUST, OTHER /Y (circle -one) FIELDANALYSES Owner 3 pH400 Spec. Cond_94 at 250C Location or site Temp.10 OC' Odor - Description of sampling point Appearance Taste Sampling Method `1 r. f_ Sample Interval (pump', bailer, 'etc.) Field Analysis By: Remarks t " �/ e (pumping time, air temp, etc.) LABORATORY ANALYSES. BOD5 310 mg/I COD High 340 mg/I. COD .Low 335 mg/I Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 /100m1 Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100ml TOC 680, mg/I Turbidity 76 NTU pH. 403 1-^ units t , • Alkalinity- to pH 4.5 410 k f mg/I = Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I ,,",Carbonate 445 „� } mg/I ,�. Bicarbonate 440 + mg/I Arsenic:Total 1002 ug/1 Carbon dioxide: 405 mg/I: Chloride 940 mg/I Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/I Color.True 80 Pt -co Cyanide 720 mg/I Lab Comments: L.;''Diss. Solids 70300- mg/( Fluoride 951 mg/I' �.%Hardness:Total 900 11 mg/I I to ardness (non-carb) 902 I mg/I Phenols 32.730 ug/I Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Sulfate 945 mg/I Sulfide 7.45 mg/I NH3 as N 610 mg/I TKN as N 625 mg/I N0.2 + NO3 as N 630 mg/I P:Total as P 66.5. mg/I Ag - Silver 1.077 ug/I At - Aluminum 1105 ug/I Ba - Barium'100.7 ug/I Ca - Calcium 916 'mg/I Cd - Cadmium 1027 ug/I Chromlum:Total 1034 ug/I Cu - Copper 1042 ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 ug/l Hg -Mercury 71900 ug/I K - Potassium 937 mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I Mn - Manganese. 1055 ug/I Na - Sodium 929 mg/I Ni - Nickel 1067 ug/I Pb - Lead 1051 ug/I Se - Selenium 1147 ug/I Zn - Zinc 1092 ug/I GW-54 Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write 'DIS' in block White Copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab Organochlorl,ne Pesticides Organophosphoru s Pesticides Acid Herdicides. Base / Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) 1,2 - D,ibromoetha,ne (EDB) COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Facility Name Address Environmental Management Division Groundwater Section t P.O. Box 27687 E ,I' V Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-5083 O CT _ 1988 County Groundwater Section Permit Number: 4Shcov -Regional.... .. o. w •mac Non -Discharge � Well Location NPDES Well Identification Number Well Depth Ft. Water Use Well Diameter ' Sample (Screened) Interval Ft. To Ft. Injection Well Depth to Water Level ' ` f.t. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction Measuring point is feet above land surface Other . Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 5�7.;� Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. _C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 7/,r lI Date Lab Sample Analyzed �I"04-9 Laboratory Name �'=�m�.� c�.t .1 T 1 t,7c� Certification No. +I? COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal / 100ml NO 3 as N ^n mg/I Pb - Lead `� " J' mg/1 Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) , ' units Ba - Barium 167 mg/I ug/1 TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I Chloride mg/I _ Cd - Cadmium_ mg/I ug/1 Arsenic ;l �F'i' mg/I Chromium: Total=,`j`'1 mg/I Other [Specify) ug/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper '' "� mg/I �e ' sue, , c. jai �''` ' = f' ug/I Hardness: Total mg/I Fe - Iron mg/1 ug/I Phenol mg/1 Hg - Mercury mg/I ug/I Sulfate mg/I K - Potassium mg/I ug/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magn.esium mg/I .ug/I Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I 4) Note: TKN as N mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I r _ Values should reflect total concentrations I CERTIFY, -THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. See back for instructions Submit blue and green copies to address above. SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT#) DATE GW-59 Revised 7/85 Environmental Management Division ewCOMPLIANCE MONITORING Groundwater Section0 REPORT FORM P.O. Box 27687 G E N E Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-5083 i 9 8 8 Facility Name l lni mi n rnrporati nn County Ml ^ho11 Address PO Box 588 Permit Number: (31roundwalar RPOinn Asheville Regional Office Spruce Pine, AC 28777 Non -Discharge Well Location NPDES nir nnnn1!7g ' - Well Identification Number 1 Well Depth 15 Ft. Water Use Well Diameter 211 Sample CScreened) Interval 5 Ft. To 15 Ft. Injection Well Depth to Water Level 7.70 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction Measuring point is 0 feet above land surface Other. To dryness Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 5.70 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 7-/g/.Rg Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/16/88 Laboratory Name Environmental Testing Inc Certification No. 40 COD mg/l NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/1 Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml NO3 as N mg/I Pb -Lead <0.100 mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/1 Dissolved Solids: Total mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/1 Pesticides/Herbicides. CSpecify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) 5.70 units Ba - Barium 0.187 mg/I ug/I TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium _ mg/I ug/I Arsenic <0.010 mg/I Chromium: Total <0.010 mg/I Other (Specify) ug/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper 0.016 mg/I Residue, Total Filterable-2.00 ug/I Hardness: Total mg/I Fe - Iron mg/1 ug/I Phenol mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I ug/I Sulfate mg/I K - Potassium mg/I � ' ugA 1� Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magnesium mg/I wr°= .ug/I Total AmmoniaCNH3 4 t NH ) mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I 'EPA TKN as N mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I Values shouFd `ncentrations I CERTIF HAT THIS REP T IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. itte'so p��r~ too t� S IWPoQ�ri(I ntJG Submit bl&V`and,gireen copies to address above. SIGNAT RE OF PERMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT*) DATE GW-59 Revise 7/85 Environmental Management Division �'• COMPLIANCE MONITORING Groundwater Section C E I V E: REPORT FORM P.O. Box 27687 PS Raleigh,N.C. 27611 P�,;2 1988 (919)733-5083 Facility Name UNTKAN Corporation County Kitchell Oro„pdiAvamr ggrfion Address P..0. Box,,588 Permit Number: Asheville Regional Office Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Non -Discharge Well Location NPDES Nr nnnnl7. Well Identification Number #1 Well Depth 15 Ft. Water Use Well Diameter 211 Sample (Screened) Interval 5 Ft. To 15 Ft. Injection Well Depth to Water Level 7•70 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction Measuring point is 0 feet above land surface Other . Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling Tn Hr)/n ess Field Analysis: pH 8-55 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. 0C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 3/10/88 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 3/18/88 Laboratory Name Enviromental Testing Inc. Certification No. 40 COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml NO3 as N mg/I Pb -Lead - <n n50 mg/1 Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 35.3 mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) PH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium 0.076 mg/I ug/I TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium— mg/I ug/1 Arsenic <0.010 mg/I Chromium: Total<0.010 mg/I Other (Specify) ug/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper <0.010 mg/I ug/I Hardness: Total mg/I Fe - Iron mg/Ig/I Phenol mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I.j l:d '�• '-= 1`fla4,," ss gA Sulfate mg/I K -Potassium mg/I � u9 /I Specific Conductance _ uMhos Mg - Magnesium mg/I� APR �%� ug/I Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Note: n� t trs/NA 1100 TKN as N mg/I Na -Sodium mg/I GRfff tro Values should rb twa���N ncentrations I CERTIFY T S RE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. # See back for instructions **Submit blue and green copies to address above. SIG ATURE OF PERMITTEE (OR. AUTHORIZED AGENT*) DATE GW-59 Revised 7/85 Environmental Management Division COMPLIANCE MONITORING Groundwater Section E C F_ I M E' REPORT FORM P.O. Box- 27687 P� Raleigh,N.C. 27611 dwz�wz�, (919)733-5083 Facility Name County z la 3 -� uunu v � I Address BQ V, G % Permit Number: Asheville Regional Office O / �� , � � � Non-Discha�r�e �. Well Location L� NPDES ,l;�s- Well IdentificationnnNurfpber44� Well Depth IS _Ft. Water Use Well Diameter r�C ! Sample (Screened) Interval_ Ft. To/S Ft. Injection Well Depth to Water Level ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction 66— Measuring point is feet above land surface Other .T .b21 1� it Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling /0— 1 yJwe s r Field Analysis: pH - Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected Z - 2S-4 Date Sample Analyzed Z— Laboratory Name C_ I- �- Certification No. COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /loom] NO3 as N mg/1 Pb - Lead mg/1 Coliform: MF Total /looml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/1 Dissolved Solids: Total '' mg/1 Al - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) �� pH (when analyzed) 40 units Ba - Barium mg/I ug/1 TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/1 ug/1 Arsenic mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Other (Specify) ug/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu- Copper mg/I ug/I Hardness: Total mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I ug/I Phenol mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I ug/I Sulfate mg/I K - Potassium mg/I ug/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magnesium mg/I ug/I Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Notes TKN as N . mg/I Na - Sodium mg/1 Values should reflect total concentrations 1 CERTIF AT TH.S RE T IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. >« See back for instructions OAE Submit blue and green copies to address above. SIGN RE OF PERMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT*) GW-59 Rev!ed 7/85 �j .- - ." I - .. %, I - -'. I , I w2... . -, - .. ---, — -7;-- 14,— .-- ---l. - --1 ♦, .Y.. — IVIk.A, .. ,J J OMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Facility Name UNMIN Corporation Address P. 0. Box 58B Spruce Pine, N. C. 28777 Environmental Manageme Groundwater Sec P.O. Box 276E Raleigh,N.C. 27e (919)733-508 County mitcheii Permit Number: Non -Discharge Well Location Mlf6hlc%l NPDES NC0000175 Well Identification Number #1 Well Depth 15' Ft. Water Use Well Diameter 211 Sample (Screened) Interval 5' Ft. To 15' Ft. Injection Well Depth to Water Level 11.5 ft. below measuring point. Cbefore sampling) Well Construction 60-01018-WIC-0004 Measuring point is feet above land surface Other Z t l Gallons of" water pumped bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 4.35 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 11-05-87 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 11-06-87 to 11-19-87 Laboratory Name Environmental Testing, Inc. Certification No. 40 COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml NO3 as N mg/l Pb -Lead <.050 mg/1 Coliform: MF Total /loom[ Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 95.8 mg/I AI - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides. CSpecify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) 4.35 units Ba - Barium <.050 mg/I ug/1 TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I ug/1 Arsenic <.010 mg/I Chromium: Total <.010 mg/I Other (Specify) ug/l Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I -`�� - '�;a��� �,z-=� ug/I Hardness: Total mg/I Fe - Iron (���' �'�� ���� � mg/I n. i,-=�tr;�' i:�+ Ir', ';,i `J ug/I Phenol mg/I H g -Mercury mg/I Jll:t "�''�� ug/I Sulfate mg/I K - Potassium mg/I egR7 ug/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magnesium mg/I rtUul'�^�V"A, .ug/I L ► �tl;jjWj' Total AmmoniaCNH3 t NH 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Note: RALEIGH, %G TKN as N mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I Values should reflect total concentrations I CERTIF AT THIS ORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. # See back for instructions Submit blue and green copies to address above. SIG URE OF PERMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT#) A E GW-59 Revised 7/85 Z W 0 w 7 Cn D V) :;a a rm 0 D CI) N c- n O --I O= a -o S 0 N O 0 O : 0 O : 0 O U rM p _� (D a G� C M m (D 4 M - L M _ M - T ACD nl 0 U(IIMlnb���g Roy Riddle, Environ. Manager UNIMIN Quartz Corporation P. 0. Box 588 Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Kay Dechant Hydrogeological Technician N. C. Dept. of Natural Resources & Community Development P. 0. Box 370 Asheville, NC 28802-0370 Subject: Monitor Well Analysis NPDES Permit #NC0000175 Dear Ms. Dechant: As discussed by phone, attached are the results of the resample of Well #1 of March, 1987, Compliance Monitoring Collection. cc: J. S. Booth C. F. Stover A. Regis B. Shalters Sincer Roy Environmental Manager ECEIVE' JUN 2 _ 1987 Groundwater Section Asheville Regional Office n COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Facility Name Address Environmental Management Division Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-5083 Well Location Well Identification. Number Well Depth Ft. Well Diameter Sample (Screened) Interval Ft. To Ft. Depth to Water Level ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Measuring point is feet above land surface Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling County Permit Number: Non -Discharge NPDES . '����/S� Water Use Injection Well Well Constructions--���° Other Field Analysis: pH Specific Conductance - uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected ' D_ate Lab Sample Analyzed Laboratory Name Certification No. � r _ COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I,' Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml NO3 as N mg/I. Pb - Lead mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/1" Zn - Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I - Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) PH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium > !�' mg/I ug/1 TOC mg/l Ca - Calcium mg/I,- ug/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total Phenol mg/I mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Cd - Cadmium_ mg/I Chromium: Total �`'� mg/I, Cu- Copper mg/I,- Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium_ Mg - Magnesium Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese_ TKN as N mg/I Na - Sodium I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. .mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I Other (Specify) Note: ug/1 ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I Values should reflect total concentrations # See back for instructions >�* Submit blue and green copies to address above. SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT*) DATE GW-59 Revised 7/85 COUNTY F ! N.C. PARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR QUAD NO. _TM ,' ': SERIAL NO. `" & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ,F yd F LAT. LONG. DEM Report to: 'ARO,%FRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, WiRO, WSRO Kinston FO Other Shipped by: Bus,, Courier, .Other COLLECTOR,(S): ` - DATE FIELD ANALYSES pH400 - Spec. Cond.94 - at 250C T'emp.10 - oC Odor ` Appearance Taste Field Analysis By: A LABORATORY ANALYSES BOD5 310 mg/I COD High 340 mg/1. COD Low 335 mg/I Col;iform:MF Fecal, '31616 /loom[ Coliform;MF Total 31504 /100ml, TOC 680 mg/I Turbidity 76 NTU pH 403 units Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/l Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I Carbonate 445 mg/I Bicarbonate 4.40 mg/I Arsenic:Total 1002 ff"2 ug/I Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I Chloride 940 mg/I Chromium:Hex 1,032 ug/I Color:True 80 Pt -co Cyanide 720: mg/I Lab Comments: ` X ; r GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM SAMPLE PRIORITY ❑' ROUTINE ❑ EMERGENCY LAB NUMBER 8 <'---r0 DATE RECEIVED t IV , i Rec'd by rJrt- From: Bus CoGrler Other DATA ENTRY BY: CK; t-'• - DATE REPORTED: �'- % __ ✓ TIME PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAINT, EOMPLI`ANC'E; LUST, OTHER (circle one)" -" Owner r" Location or site Description of sampling point Sampling Method ^-� Sample Interval Cpump,"barlet, etc'.) Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Diss. Solids 7.0300_ mg/I. Fluoride 951 (� mg/I -" Hardness:Total 900. mg/l. Hardness (non-carb). 902 mg/I Phenols 32730 ug/I Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Sulfate 945. mg/i Sulfide 745 mg/l NH3 as N 610 mg/I TK:N as N 625 mg/I NO2 +-NO3 as N 630 mg/I - P:Totai as P 665 mg/l FT Ag - Silver 1077 ug/I Al - Aluminum 1105 ug/I ? , � Be - Barium '1007 + �±^/ �� ug/I Ca - Calcium 916 mg/I Cd - cadmium 1027'lf� ug/l Chromium:Total 1034 ..0 ug/I Cu - Copper 1042 --�,/ ug/l Fe - Iron 1045 ug/.I, Hg - Mercury 7190.0 ug/ K Potassium 937 mg/I ,Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I ,Mn - Manganese 1055 ug/l Na -,Sodium 929 mg/.l Ni - Nickel 1067 u1C) ug/l Pb *- Lead 1.051 ug/I'. Se - Selenium 1147 ug/I Zn - Zinc 1092 ug/Is GW-54 'Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis submit filtered sample and write 'D,IS' in block White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pestic..ide.s. Acid Herdicldes Base / Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) 1.2.. - :Dibrom'oe:thane (EDB). COUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER 8 QUAD NO. __! .' SERIAL NO. & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT- DATE RECEIVED Time — LAT. LONG. DEM Rec'd by: . _ _ From: Bus -Courier GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM 0 Other Report to: AR9, FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, SAMPLE PRIORITY DATA ENTRY BY: CK: WSRO, Kinston FO Other 0 ROUTINE ❑ EMERGENCY DATE REPORTED: Shipped by: Bus, CouTler; Other COLLECTOR(S): DATE TIME PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAINT,COMPLIANCE,,•LUST, OTHER (circle' -one)- -- FIELD ANALYSES Owner pH400 Spec. Cond.94 at 250C Location or site r7•.• _ Temp.10 - oC Odor Description of sampling, point Appearance Taste Sampling Method - r 'j4- Sample Interval (pump, bailer, -etc.) Field Analysis By: - Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) LABORATORY ANALYSES BOD5-310 mg/I COD High 340 mg/l COD 'Low 335 mg/I Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100ml TOC 680 mg/I Turbidity 76 NTU pH 403 - , n units Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 "• mg/I ,. Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 — mg/I Carbonate 445 t. ` mg/t Bicarbonate 440j , mg/I Arsenic:Total 1002 ug/I Carbon dioxide 405 mg/i Chloride 940 . mg/l Chromium:Hex 1,032 ug/i Color:True 80 Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/I Lab Comments: Diss. Solids 70300 "�. /-� mg/l, Fluoride 951 w mg/I Hardness:Total 900 mg/I. Hardness (non-carb) 902 t mg/I -Phenols 32730 ug/l Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Sulfate 945 mg/I Sulfide 745 mg/I NH3 as N 610 mg/I TKN as N 625 mg/l NO2+NO3 as N 630 mg/I PTotal as P 665 mg/I Ag - Silver 1077 ug/I Al - Aluminum 1105 ug/I Be - Barium'1007 ug/I Ca - Calcium 916 mg/I Cd - Cadmium 1027 ug/I Chromium:Total 1034 ug/I Cu - Copper 1042 ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 ug/I Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/I K - Potassium 937 mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I Mn - Manganese 1055 ug/I Na - Sodium 92.9 mg/i Ni - Nickel 1067 ug/I Pb Lead 1051 ug/I Se - Selenium 1147 ug/I Zn - Zinc 1092 ug/I- GW-54 Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write 'DIS' in block White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides I I Acid Herdicides I Base / Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics I I 'Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) I I I 1,2 - Dibromoethane (EDB) I COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Facility Name Address Environmental Management Division Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-5083 Unimin Corp. Quartz Operation P. 0. Box 588 Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Well Location Off NC 226 Mitchell Well Identification Number Well #1 Well Depth 15 Ft. Well Diameter 211 Sample (Screened) Interval c Ft. To 15 Ft. Depth to Water Level'' 13 ft. ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) County Mi tchel 1 Permit Number: Non -Discharge NPDES NC 0000175 Water Use Injection Well Well Construction 60-00018-WM-0004 Measuring point is feet above land surface Other Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling 6 Field Analysis: pH 5.7 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected Nov. 25, 1986 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 12/15, 12/05, and. 12/18/86 Laboratory Name Compuchem, Research Triangle Park Certification No. NC # 37723, EPA # NCO28 COD Coliform: MF Fecal Coliform: MF Total _ mg/I /100ml / 100m1 Dissolved Solids: Total • mg/I PH (when analyzed) 47 units TOC mg/I Chloride CD) mg/I Arsenic CD) < U ug/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total (D) mg/I Phenol ug/I Sulfate CD) mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos NO2 as N CD) mg/ NO 3as N (D) mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Al - Aluminum (D) ug/I �1d"- Barium (D) 40C IQ. ug/I Ca - Calcium (D) mg/I Cd - Cadmium (D) ug/I T2f"iromium: Total CD) 6,3ug/I Cu - Copper CD) ug/I Fe - Iron (D) ug/I Hg - Mercury (D) ug/I K - Potassium CD) ug/I Mg - Magnesium (D) Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH4 )(D)mg/I Mn - Manganese (D) TKN as N CD) mg/I Na - Sodium CD) I CERTI THAT THI EPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. GW-59 SIGNATU � OF PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENT ID A mg/I ug/I mg/I Ni - Nickel CD) ug/I Pb - Lead CD) S ug/I Zn - Zino (D) ug/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) Other (Specify) ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I µ ug/I C E I fit' E: ug/I u r, 1987 ug/I ug/I D = Dissolved''Anafj §i's —"Submit- Filtered Sample 4 See back for instructions �IE�IE Submit blue and green copies to address above. i' COUNTY '` N.C. PARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUF LAB NUMBER 8 QUAD NO. SERIAL NO. 'A a `}' & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE RECEIVED Time LAT. - LONG. '` DEM Rec'd by: From: Bus -Courier• -11�_ ` 1 GROUNDWATER FIELD/'LAB FORM 0 Other Report to''ARO,,�FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, -- � SAMPLE PRIORITY DATA ENTRY BY: CK: WSRO, Kinston FO' Other [` 'ROUTINE ❑, EMERGENCY DATE REPORTED: - Shipped by: 'Bus Co.urler—bther COLLECTOR(S)�`u 2 E-SfSY DATE �r �' �('a TIME PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAINT:L-CO:MRL1-AN.CE-,-LUST, OTHER (circle one) FIELD ANALYSES # owner - pH400 rk- S-pec. Conde"94 at 25oC Location or site f'Temp.-1 C Odor - Description of sampling point Appearance Taste Sampling Method` !"(� Sample Interval (pump, bailer, etc.) Field Analysis By: Remarks _ pumping, time ai¢r temp, etc.) LABORATORY ANALYSES BOD5 310 mg/I COD High 340 mg/I COD Low 335 mg/I Coliform,.MF Fecal 31616 /loom[ Coliform:MF Total 31504 /loom[ TOO 680 mg/I Turbidity 76 NTU pH 403 unl is Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I Carbonate 445 mg/I Bicarbonate 440 mg/i a ?' Arsenic:Total 1002 � �.� ug/I Carbon dioxide 405 m9/I Chloride 940 mg/1 Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/I Color.Tue 80 Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/I Lab Comments: Diss. Solids 70300 mg/( y,ee Raves Fluoride 951 �g mg/I Hardness:Total 900 r mg/I Hardness (non-carb) 902 mg/I Phenols 32730 ug/I Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Sulfate 945 mg/I Sulfide 745 mg/I NH3 as N 610 - mg/I TKN as N 625 mg/I NO2 + NO3 as N 630 mg/I P:Total as P 665 mg/I Ag - Silver 1077 ug/I Al - Aluminum 1105 ug/I DD. Ba - Barium'1007 g/I Ca - Calcium 916 mg/I Cd - Cadmium, 1027 ug/I .fB Chromium:Total 1034.aJ ug/I Cu - Copper 1042 ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 ug/I Hg - Mercury 71.900 ug/I K - Potassium 937 mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I Mn - Manganese. 1055 ug/I Na - Sodium 929 mg/I Ni - Nickel 1067 ;% ug/I �r�g^ Pb - Lead 1051 �Fc-f �ug/I Se - Selenium 1'147 ug/I Zn - Zinc 1092 ug/I• GW-54 Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write 'DIS' in block White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus'Pesticides. Acid Herdicides Base / Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) 1,2.-_Dibromoethane (EDB) LJ LiNn Q,uunawater Section f7o iii_ n ;mom 'lcgluildf Lillie '< a A •',Ji IJfV� C/�,o�� v`F'1v 1T COUNTY �� < + t�,If y N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES QUAD NO. E SERIAL NO. 4-� ` SI & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LAT. � � � 1 LONG. 7- DEM GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM 0 Report toe `ARp! FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, SAMPLE PRIORITY WSRO, Kinston FO Other M".,ROUTINE ❑ EMERGENCY Shipped by: Bus' our�,rOther COLLECTOR(S): MArow r>' I�i/ASUfATE OI'�IG�%' TIME PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAINT / Cc1rcl FIELD ANALYSES pH400 ZSpec.. Cond?J4 at 250C o'Tem "1�0 °C Odor -- Appearance Taste Field Analysis By: LABORATORY ANALYSES BODS 310 mg/I COD High 340 mg/I COD Low 335 mg/I Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Coliform:MF Total 31504 /loom[ TOC. 680 mg/I Turbidity 76 NTU pH 403 L�_ Lf units Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I Carbonate 445 mg/I Bicarbonate 440 mg/I Arsenic:Total 1002 ug/1 Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I Chloride 940 mg/I Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/I Color.True 80 Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/I Lab Comments: GW-54 Revised 7/85 Owner y e— Af' Location or site LAB NUMBER 8 `� l DATE RECEIVED r �� `o Time Rec'd by: From: Bus -Courier Other DATA ENTRY BY: u"r CK: DATE REPORTED: ;e ry "r !b T, OTHER Description of sampling point M)Ec (_ P ;4'J—) Sampling Method A /L,; /) - Sample interval (pump, bailer, etc.) Remarks r9 1 (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Diss. Solids 70300 36 mg/1 Fluoride 951 mg/I Hardness:Total 900 mg/1 Hardness (non -barb). 902 mg/I Phenols 32730 ug/I Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Sulfate 945 mg/I Sulfide. 745 mg/I NH3 as N 610 mg/I TKN as N 625 mg/I NO2 1 NO3 as N 630 mg/l P:Total as P 665 mg/I Ag - Silver 1077 ugh Al - Aluminum 1105 ug/I Be - Barium'1007 ug/I Ca - Calcium 916. mg/I C'd -.Cadmium 1027 ug/I Chromium:Total 1034 ug/I Ou- Copper 1042 ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 ug/1 Hg - Mercury, 71900 ug/I K - Potassium 937 mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 MGM Mn - Manganese 1055 ug/I Na - Sodium 929 mg/I. Ni - Nickel 10.67 ug/I Pb - Lead 1061 ug/1 Se - Selenium 1147 ug/I Zn - Zinc 1092 ug/I For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write 'DIS' in block White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides I I. Acid Herdicides I Base / Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics I I Purgeable Organics. (VOA bottle) I 1 1 1.2 - Dibromoethane (EDB) 'i Environmental Management Division f' COMPLIANCE MONITORING Groundwater Section V Z P.O. Box 27687 Ri_ REPORT FORM Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-5083 Facility Name INTERNATIONAL MINERALS & CHEM. CORP. County MITCHELL Gr un+w2terSect;?n Address P. 0. Box 545 Permit Number: N.C. 0000/�1'7k o �«� c';"' C't,;ce SPRUCE PINE, N.C. 28777 Non -Discharge E Well Location Off NC #226, Mitchell County NPDES N.C. 0000175 Well Identification Number Well #1 Well Depth 15 Ft. Water Use � + - 1�R Well Diameter2" Casing Sample (Screened) Interval 5 Ft. To 15 Ft. Injection Well Depth to Water Level 1.1 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction 60-00018-AMey¢QO,hgional Office Measuring point is feet above land surface Other Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling '"6 Field Analysis: pH 5.6 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Odor None Appearance Date Sample Collected July 22, 1986 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 8-1-86, 8-6-86 Laboratory Name CompuChem, Research Triangle Park Certification No. NC #37723/EPA No. NC 028 COD mg/I NO2 as N (D) mg/I Ni - Nickel (D) ug/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml NO 3 as N (D) mg/I Pb - Lead CD) L 0.0050 mg/1 ug/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc (D) ug/I Dissolved Solids: Total 14 mg/I Al - Aluminum CD) ug/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) 5.4 units Ba - Barium (D) ` 0.20 mg/1 ug/I ug/I TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium (D) mg/I ug/I Chloride CD) mg/I Cd - Cadmium (D) ug/I ug/1 Arsenic CD) 4 0.0050 mg/l ug/I Chromium: Total CD) < 0.030 mg/1 ug/I Other (Specify) ug/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper (D) ug/I "``' ' ug/I Hardness: Total CD) mg/I Fe - Iron (D) ug/I �� �' {" ' G-��' ug/I Phenol ug/I Hg - Mercury (D) ug/I '° g/I ; " dON SEP(� Sulfate CD) mg/I K - Potassium (D) ug/I F , ug/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mg -Magnesium (D) mg/I C,F� ' .. r„�, 1':. ug/I Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4)(D) mg/I Mn - Manganese (D) ug/l D -Dissolved Analysis— Submit Filtered TKN as N (D) mg/I Na -Sodium (D) mg/I Sample I CERTIFY AT TIS R RT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. COMPLIANCE MONITORING Environmental Management Division Groundwater Section REPORT FORM P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-5083 Facility Name County Address Y Permit Number: -` - Non -Discharge Well Location NPDES Well Identification Number_- l Well Depth / Ft. Water Use Well Diameter ` Sample (Screened) Interval - Ft. To Ft. Injection Well Depth to Water Level -r"%% Jf. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction Measuring point is feet above land surface Other Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected Date Lab Sample Analyzed Laboratory Name , 7„i�/� Wit. s' Ce tiff ,• r cation No. r. .., COD mg/I NO2 as N CD) mg/I Ni Nickell CD) ug/1 } Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml NO3 as N CD) mg/I Pb - Lead (D) eye c.' , <' 1+ '` Ug/I Coliform: MF Total /100m1 Phosphorus: Total .as P mg/I Zn - Zinc CD) ug/I Dissolved Solids: Total mg/I AI - Aluminum (D) ug/l Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium CD) `- i. r- ug/I ug/I TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium CD)' mg/I ug/I Chloride (D) mg/I Cd - Cadmium (D) ug/I Arsenic (D) „t�, `' r; 'r- «u,g/1 Chromium: Total (D) =f', , ;: ug/l Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper, CD) ug/I Hardness: Total (D) mg/i Fe - Iron (D) ug/l Phenol ug/I Hg - Mercury (D) ug/I Sulfate CD) mg/I K - Potassium (D) ug/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magnesium (D) mg/I Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4)(D) mg/I Mn - Manganese (D) ug/I TKN as N CD) Ir mg/I Na - Sodium (D) rng/I I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. GW-59 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DATE ug/l Other (Specify) ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ua/I D = Dissolved Analysis- Submit Filtered Sample CIF See back for instructions CIE* Submit blue and green copies to address above. Environmental Division COMPLIANCE MONITORING Groundwater Section REPORT FORM P.O. Box 27687 RmJeigh,N-0'Q7611 (0}10)730-508� Facility Name ~ - � - County Address Penni'tNumbec Non -Discharge Well Location NPOE8 Well Identification, Number ' ` - Well Depth Ft. 'Water Use ' Well Diameter Sample [Soroened]Interval _-r;---_Ft. To T -_Ft. Injection Well Depth, to Water Level � ' ft. below measuring point.(befpro sampling) Well Construction . Measuring point intoot above land surface Other Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling ' . Field Analysis: pH Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. 0 O Odor Appearance ~~`, ,,,.~., ~~.~,^~^, Date L"" "a...v'e "''"'xz"" Laboratory Name S, C T Certification No. --- `''g^' '`02 as '` ^~' '"w/' '``' Nickel' `-' -"'' ' Oo|jforrn: K4F Fecal /180m[ NO3au N[D] mg/I J»b - Lead [D] ' ' ^ ' ug/| CV|ifonn: MFTota /100nd Phosphorus: Total as mg/| Zn -Zinc [U] ug/|, . .'� ~'�inao|v*d Solids: Total � mg/| Al -Aluminum (D) ug/| Poohoides/Herb ioides [SpooifyC>ompoundol - (when analyzed) / units B'a -Barium CD) ug/| ug/| TDC mg/| Da - Ca|olbnn [D] mg/| ug/| Chloride [D] mg/I Cd - Cudmium(C) /| ug/| � ./�{ �onioD] � - ~ ' ' ug/| ~Qhron�ium: Tofa|(0) z� ''� ` | Othor[Specify} ug/| Grease and Oils nng/| Cu -Coppor (D] ug/| ug/| Hardness: Total [D} mg/| Fe - Iron [O] ug/| � ��+ � ugH Phenol ug/i Hg - Mercury CD) ug/| ug/| Sulfate {D] mg K -potaouium(D) ug/| ug/| Specific Conductance uyWhou Mg^Magnesium [D) nng/| ug// Tubd AmrnoniuLNH3t mH4]{O)_---_-�� mg/| Mn - Manganese(D) ug/| O ~ Di000|vedAna|ysio— Submit Filtered TKN as N [DJ mg/| Na ' Sodium CD) rnO/| Sump|e \ CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUEAND ACCURATE. See b^ox for instructions Submit mueanu green copies to uummsnuupvo. -__-----' GVV-58 SIGNATURE DFPERM|TTEEORAUTHORIZED AGENT DATE COUNTY QUAD NO. ' ' f 'SERIAL NO.: LAT. J %W ' LONG. Report to:�AROi FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, WSRO, Kinston FO Other Shipped by: Bus, Courier, Other N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL. RESOURCES LAB NUMBER $ & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEM GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM SAMPLE PRIORITY ❑' ROUTINE ❑ EMERGENCY 0 DATE RECEIVED 1—' 7' K*�fy' Time Reed by: 1p.1 I From: Bus -Courier Other DATA ENTRY BY: r ,Y CK: DATE REPORTED: �� 1 COLLECTOR(S): A<r!=�%' "r,%y~ DATE l ,' TIME ALL() PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAINT, `OMPLIANCE� LUST, OTHER FIELD ANALYSES Owner =f %', �. -�%� ; y.� i{' ." ,• r . ''; :r. pH400 Spec. Cond.94 at 250C Location or site Temp. 10 °C Odor Description of sampling point %� f� oZ, Appearance Taste Sampling Method °' Sample Interval (pump, bailer, etc.) Field Analysis By: Remarks _ (pumping time, air temp, etc.) � } LABORATORY ANALYSES BOD5 310 mg/I COD High 34.0 mg/I COD Low 335 mg/I Col].form:MF Fecal 31616 /loom] Coliform:MF Total 31504 /loom] TOC 660 mg/I Turbidity 76 NTU if pH 403 1; _ units { Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/I ?� Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I Carbonate 445 G, 7 mg/i Bicarbonate 440 mg/I Arseni c:Total 1002 ug/1 Carbon dioxide 405 mg/1 Chloride 940 w mg/1 Chromium:Hex 1032 u8/I Color:True 80 Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/I Lab Comments: t Diss. Solids 70300 .f7 n mg/L Fluoride 951 mg/I Hardness:Total 900 mg/1 Hardness (non-carb) 902 4/ mg/I Phenols 32730 u ug/I' Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Sulfate 945 mg/I Sulfide 745 mg/I NH3 as N 610 mg/I TKN as N 625 mg/I NO2 + NO3 as N 630 mg/I P:Total as P 665 mg/I Ag - silver 1077 ug/I Al - Aluminum 1105 ug/I Be - Barium'1007 ug/1 Ca - Calcium 916 mg/1 Cd - Cadmium 1027 ug/I Chromium:Total 1034 ug/I Cu - Copper 1042 ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 ug/I Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/I K - Potassium 937 mg/1 Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I Mn - Manganese 1055 ug/i Na - Sodium 929 mg/I Ni - Nickel 1067 ug/I Pb - Lead 1051 ug/I Se - Selenium 1147 ug/I Zn - Zinc 1092 ug/I• GW-54 Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write 'DIS' in block White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab L-Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides I I Acid Herdicides I Base / Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics I I Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) I 1 1 1,2 - Dibromoethane (EDB) 1 COUNTY '--:", '' '% /' `' N.CJ APARTMENT OF NATURAL. RESOUO 1` LAB NUMBER 8 QUAD NO. �1„r� � SERIAL NO. ���' `'�� 1- ^& COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE RECEIVED J ��sTime r /' LAT. "' '� LONG. ' �- / DEM Rec'd fiy — From: Bus�Ccurier---- '- �_ GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Other Report to:' ARO� FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, )!- SAMPLE PRIORITY DATA ENTRY BY f/._ CK:- WSRO, Kinston FO Other �' 0 ❑ ROUTINE EMERGENCY DATE REPORTED: Shipped by: Bus,+C�er, Other COLLECTOR(S): 'J :i =1� 7�1,/DATE J�T�� ' : • TIME fir'- PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAINT, _ OMPLIANC LUST, OTHER r t (circle one)"-- --" FIELD ANALYSES OwnerrlrrJrr.'/)Y2 � 'it,"'r�.rr i�4 ¢ !�.'rf"r.•sri,�.'�, pH400 Spec. Cond.94 at250C Location or site " Temp. 10 °C Odor Description of sampling point �• `� �Pj��' Appearance Taste Sampling Method —Sample Interval - 'ISM (pump, bailer, etc'.) Field Analysis By: Remarks �- / ; (pumping time, air temp, etc.) "i;� � r Af' kAe",, lJr� LABORATORY ANALYSES BOD5 310 mg/I COD High 340 m9/I COD Low 335 mg/I Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 ✓100mi Coliform:MF Total. 31504 /100ml TOC 660 mg/I Turbidity 76 NTU pH 403 units Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/I Alkalinity to pH B.3 415 mg/I Carbonate 445 mg/i Bicarbonate 440 mg/I G�. Arsenic:Total 1002 ug/1 Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I Chloride 940 mg/l Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/I Color:True 80 Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/I Diss. Solids 70300 mg/1 Fluoride 951 mg/I Hardness:Total 900 mg/I Hardness (non-carb) 902 mg/I Phenols 32730 ug/I Specific Cord. 95 uMhos/em2 Sulfate 945 mg/1 Sulfide 745 mg/1 NH3 as N 610 mg/I TK14 as N 625 mg/I NO2+NO3 as N 630 mg/I P:Total as P 665 mg/I Ag - Silver 1077 ug/I Al - Aluminum 1105 ug/l Be - Barium '1007 w Li ug/I Ca - Calcium 916 mg/I Cd - Cadmium 1027 ug/I a12i5 Chromium:Total 1034� ug/I Cu - Copper 1042 ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 ug/I Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/I K - Potassium 937 mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I Mn - Manganese 1055 ug/I Na - Sodium 929 mg/I Ni - Nickel 1067 ug/I Pb - Lead 1061 r;) ug/I Se - Selenium 1147 ug/I Zn - Zinc 1092 ug/I• Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides Acid Herdicides Base / Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) 1,2 - Dibromoethane (EDB) y u x), li Lab Comments: FED, 2 1986 Groundwater Section n_� tc: ue itegional Office GW-54 Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write 'DIS' in block White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab 9 Environmental Management Division COMPLIANCE MONITORING Groundwater Section REPORT FORM P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,fd.C. 276,1 1 (919)733-5083 Facility Name .._nip,,-,.f1 1 County Address ' `! 7 Permit Number: Well Location -F f Well Identification Number ; / 4 f Well Depth i �,� Ft. Well Diameter `�' ` Sample (Screened) Interval � Ft. To / �" Ft. Depth to Water Level /2 ZLw ,ft. below measuring point. Cb,efore sampling) Measuring point is feet above land surface Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling Field Analysis: , pH Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Non -Discharge Water. Use Injection Well Well Construction Other Date Sample Collected % ! ` Date Lab Sampie Analyzed Laboratory Name'-`!�/,'rt}� /"fh_s% /7: w„, f 3� Certification N ! 1 COD mg/I NO2, as N (D) ' mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml NO3 as N CD) mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Dissolved Solids: Total ,:— mg/I PH (when analyzed) �� 1 units TOC mg/I Chloride CD) mg/I ,1 t Arsenic (D) — ,% Ls•J ii%+s/�9/I t Grease and Oils Hardness: Total (D) Phenol mg/I mg/I ug/I Sulfate CD) mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Total AmmoniaCNH3 t NH4 )CD)mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Al - Aluminum (D) ug/I Ba - Barium (D) G f- U ri ry ; r-' ug/I Ca - Calcium (D) mg/I Cd - Cadmium (D) ug/I Chromium: Total (D) 2 (0. /22`�'yti ug/I Cu - Copper CD) ug/I Fe - Iron CD) ug/I Hg - Mercury (D) ug/I K - Potassium CD) ug/I Mg - Magnesium (D) Mn - Manganese (D TKN as N (D) mg/I Na - Sodium (D) _ I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. GW-59 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DATE mg/I ug/I mg/I Odor. 1G 1, Appearance AC? 151 Ni -'Nickel CD) - ug/I + Pb -Lead [D) �= Y`; c & ug/I Zn - Zinc (D) ug/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) Other CSpecify) ug/I ug/I ug/1 ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I .uq/I D = Dissolved Analysis — Submit Filtered Sample -1 See back for instructions CIE* Submit blue and green copies to address above. COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES 1. Samples should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection. 2. The Laboratory making the analysis should be consulted concerning proper procedures for sample collection and preservation. 3. Measure and record the depth of water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any water from the well. 4. At least six volumes of water in the well should be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a sample for analysis. 5. Determination for pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and apperance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample is collected. 6. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recommendations by the manufacturer. 7. Samples must be filtered through a 45 micron filter immediately after collection when a dissolved analysis is required. 8. The sample container should be labeled with the facility name, well identification number and date and time collected. COUNTY N. C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ' " '" LAB NUMBER QUAD No. a SERIAL NO. & COMMUNITY DEMEVELOPMENT 8 DATE RECID REPORT TO: (circle one) GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM JUL 15 1985 REcID BY ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, ) Groundwater Section DATA ENTRY BY CK WiRO, RRO, Ahoske F0, - -� OTHER Asheville Regional Office DATA REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, pollution monitor, other _ DATE COLLECTED 4<- `7' Time i_i -?i ' By. :i , ,., . 7 Location or site fk a`. Description of sampling point i .; ii i i�r;.^.dPY Sampled interval _ rW_ - Remarks '(pumping time, air temp, etc.) e �a Field Analysis By: Lat. Lon g. f s If PH Spec. Cond. Temp, oC )dor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 P00410 m9/1 Alkalinity, hydroxide P71830 mg/l Carbonate P00445 trig/1 Bitarbot[a*te P00440 mg/1- pH value (woen analyzed) P00400 units �:Arsenie (D) Carbon dioxide PO1000 P00405 ug/l mg/l Chloride (D) P00940 mg/l Color (True) P00080 units Cyanide P00720 mg/l Dissolved solids (D) P70301 mg/l ,Fluoride (D) P00951 mg/1 Hardness (as CaCO3)(D) P00900 m9/1 Hardness (non-carbonate)(D) P00902 mg/l MBAs (D) P38260 mg/l Phenol (D) P34466 ug/l ti Silica (D) P00955 `_% mg/l ._Sulfate (D) P00946 G ;; mg/1 `*Specific Cond. P00094 � Z,� UMHOS/cm p GW-54 Revised 1/12/82 4Ag-Silver (D) P61075 -<' 15b ug/1 e,Al-Aluminum (D) P01106 I/;i';.ug/1 �-Ba-Barium (D) P01005 ! .y/)0 ug/1 �Ca'-Calcium (D) P00915 P, /^ mg/l ,,Cd-Cadmium (D) P01025 f ug/l j,Cr-Chromium (D) P01030 g/l �, Cu-Copper (D) P01040 ug/l `Fe -Iron (D) P01046 u9/1 ,; Hg-Mercury P71900 '/�, �, ug/l -Li=Lithium (D) P01130 _ - �"f�ug/1 `.W Magnesium (D) P00925 -. mg/l. s Mn-Manganese (D) P01056, ✓ -",)u 1 - 7, g/ -N&Sodium (D) P00929 2, / mg/1 ,Pb-Lead (D) P01049 _ :.;?' 'ug/l. ,,aZn-Zinc (D) P01090;; ug/1 K,7Potagsium (D) P00935 BOD P00310 MR/1 COD P00341 12S/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) P31616 /looms Coliform (total MF) P31505 /10oml ,TOQ P00680 mg/l Turbidity P82079 NTU .Ammonia (as Nitoogen) (D) ,�A P00612 rr, �`_ mg/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen)'(D) P00623 vti + mg/l '__Nitrate i- Nitrite (as Nitrogen)(D) P00631 mg/1 Phosphorus, total as P (D) P00666 mg/l Dissolved Solids - cond. meter P70304 mQ/l Other Analyses: MA {vi, JUL 11 1985 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab 7� PiU�I� t7ATER $ECTIC11 ��ll �UIU RALEiGH. (let. Jr l� l COUNTY QUAD NO. _ SERIAL NO. REPORT TO: (circle one) ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline; pollution monitor, other N. C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEM GROUNDWATER FIELDAAB FORM LAB NUMBER J DATE RECID REC'D BY DATA ENTRY BY fi' `' t CK =� DATA REPORTED �--- - DATE COLLECTED Time r; 'r' I By J! r`r '`✓f, e Location or site Description of sampling point 'r f Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Field Analysis By: Lat, p ;= Long. Z. _LIN, pH Spec. Cond.- Temp, °C )dor Appearance Taste_; i Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 P00410 m9/1 Alkalinity, Wdroxide P71830 mg/l Carbonate P00445 mg/l Bitarborra'te P00440 m9/1 -pH value Cwoen analyzed) / P00400 ( units Arsenic (D) P01000 / 0 ug/1 _ Carbon dioxide P00405 mg/l Chloride (D) P00940 mg/1 Color (True) P00080 units Cyanide P00720 mg/l Dissolved solids (D) P70301 mg/l ---Fluoride (D) P00951 = (7> ; mg/1 Hardness (as CaCO-A)(D) P00900 mg/l Hardness (,non-carbonate)(D) P00902 mg/l MBAS (D) P38260 mg/1 Phenol (D) P34466 ug/l ..Silica (D) P00955 m9/1 - Sulfate (D) P00946 � mg/1 -Specific Cond. P00094 - 4 UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 1/12/82 Ag-Silver (D) F01075 '-6 0_ug/l "41-Aluminum (D) P01106 `"A)0 .ug/1 Ba-Barium (D) P01005 000 u 1 _Ca Calcium (D) .,'P00915 1e Y mg/1 ­1�Cd-Cadmium (D) P01025 ?0 ug/l O_=Chromium (D) P01030 ug/l Cu-Copper (D) PO1040 0 ug/l -"Fe-Iron (D) P01046 ��%(� (.� ug/l --11g-Mercury P71900 -<10f 2 ug/1 —... Tt«1.1 /T\ Dni1In -Cf,< X —/'1 Mg -Magnesium (D) P00925 ut,71i mg/1 M-Mangane a (D) P01056 G+�r ug/l Na,Sodium (D) P00929 �c mg/l -Pb-Lead (D) P01049 C ` uQ/1 —Zn-Zinc ium BOD A P00310 Gil mg/1 E; COD P00341 /l Coliform (Fecal NY) P31616 /100ml Coliform (total MF) P31505 /100ml TOC P00680 mg/l Turbidity P82079 • NTU Ammonia (as Nitorgen) (D) P00612 1mg/l Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen)'(D) P00623 mg/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen)(D) P00631 mg/l Phosphorus, total as P (D) P00666 mg/l Dissolved Solids - cond. meter P70304 mg/l Other Analyses: fit D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy Lab GROUND !LATER SECTICTI "ALEIrH, 11. r COUNTY ,° :". ;"; N , . y'.;` N. C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER , SERIAL NO. QUAD No. .; °) - t`` $ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT c` ,� °; DEM DATE REM'_ REPORT TO: (circle one) GROUNDWATER FIELDAAB FORM RECID BY ARO;`WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO,, DATA ENTRY BY CR OTHER DATA REPORTED - J PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline, tlluto ,,m-ionitor, other DATE COLLECTED _ / 1 fc Time i ` ,, By. fF. =e er � Location or site , ° r i t,..o• / J - Description of sampling point ,� F>�r ' ,. Sampled interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc,) t - Field Analysis By: Lat. L e e'r Long. PH_ Spec. Cond. Temp, oC )dor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 P00410 14 mg/1 NAlkalinity, Hydrexi,ds P71830 mg/1 �sCarbonate P00445 r e mg/1 0 Bi ' rboxrate P00440 I-1 mg/1 pH value (tvl9en analyzed) P00400 C, C' units Arsenic CD) P01000 ug/l Carbon dioxide P00405 m9/1 Chloride jD) P00940 mg/l Color (True) P00080 units Cyanide P00720 mg/l ,,DiAsolved solids (D) P70301 h mg/l Fluoride (D) P00951 mg/l ,Hardness (as CaCO3)(D) P00900 `41) mg/1 .-Hardness (non-,carbonate)(D) P00902 , \ mg/1 MBAS (D) P3826o mg/1 Phenol (D) P34466 ug/l Silica (D) P00955 mg/l, Sulfate (D) P00946 mg/l Specific Cond, P00094 UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 1/12/82 Ag=-Silver (D) P01075 ug/l Al -Aluminum (D) P01106 ug/1 Ba-Barium (D) P01005 ug/l Ca -Calcium (D) P00915 mg/1 Cd-Cadmium_(D) P01025 ug/1 Cr-Chromium (D) P01030 ug/l Cu-Copper (D) P01040 ug/1 Fe -Iron (D) P01046 ug/l Hg-Mercury F71900 ug/l Li -Lithium (D) P01130 ug/1 Mg -Magnesium (D) P00925 mg/l Mn-Manganese (D) P01056 ug/l Na,Sodium (D) P00929 mg/1 Pb-Lead (D) P01049 ug/l Zn-Zinc (D) P01090 ug/l K-Potassium (D) P00935 mg/l BOD P00310 mg/1 COD P00341 /1 Coliform (Fecal MF) P31616 /100ml Coli form (total MF) P31505 /100m1 TOC P00680 mg/l Turbidity P82079 NTU Ammonia (as Nitorgen) (D) P00612 mg/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen)`(D) P00623 mg/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen)(D) P00631 mg/l Phosphorus, total as P (D) P00666 mg/l Dissolved Solids - cond. meter P70304 mQ/l Other Analyses: D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample White copy —Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab NORTH CAROLINA kRTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES & COMNI _ FY DEVELOPMENT 131&1 WELL RECORD [VISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT P 0. Box 27687 - RALEIGH, N.C. 27611 919-733-2020 t rW DRILLING CONTRACTOR ,c � ��( REG. NO. WELL CONSTRUCTION PgAIT NO. (1 9 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the loc n/b�elow) � Nearest Town: L\ �c� //i County: �i4JA �/ i' CUildw?tel' Section Office (Road,Community or Subdivision and Lot No.) Quadrangle No. 2. OWNER: "% V - l do, /-a 1 / ///Y�i , C 0 rf_j DRILLING LOG 3. ADDRESS ��J ♦ P V -415 AIs 6 i X,7 ,r DEPTH FROM TO FORMATION DESCRIPTION 4. TOPOGRAPHY: draw,valley,,slope,hilltop,flat(circle one) 5. USE OF WELL: CJl�%! V �� DATE: �_ % `a� 6. DOES THIS WELL REPLACE AN EXISTING WELL? /J;T/ 7. TOTAL DEPTH RIG TYPE OR METHOD: 8. FORMATION SAMPLES COLLECTED: YES NO 9. CASING: Depth Inside Wall thick. type Dia. or weight/ft. From /►� to ft j em 10. GROUT: Depth Material Method From to ft 2 rl�� If add—it-1-0-n-a-E space is needed, use back o orm 11. SCREEN: Depth Dia. Type & Opening From to ft LOCATION SKETCH a j r♦ i G I (Show distance to numbered roads, or other map reference points) 12. GRAVEL: Depth Size Material From to ft 13. WATER ZONES(depth): 14. STATIC WATER LEVEL: ft. above top of casing below Casing is ft. above land surface ELEV: i 15. YIELD(gpm): METHOD OF TESTING: 16. PUMPING WATER LEVEL: ft. after hours at gpm. i 17. CHLORINATION: Type Amount 18. WATER QUALITY: TEMPERATURE(oF) 19. PERMANENT PUMP: Date Installed_ Type Capacity (gpm)HP I Make Intake Depth Airline Depth 20. HAS THE OWNER BEEN PROVIDED A COPY OF THIS RECORD AND INFORMED OF THE DEPARTMENTS REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS? 21. REMARKSAl I I do hereby certify that this ell was nstructed in accordance with N.C. Well Construction Regulations and Standards an h th' wel rorpd is true and exact. / �i � �✓ SIGNA RE O _ AGENT DATE GW-1 Revised 10/1/80 mit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT QUALITY OF WATER DATA (Office) Location: Town S,01,&ee 1;Ip _ ounty /%%!�t�&/z Quad No. Map e /) / A-m Serial No. Ai Owner .1 Depth ft. Diam. in. Yield gpm Aquifer .ZP Screen Date Hour Discharge Temp. °F pH Specific Conductance (micromhos) Chloride mg/1 Iron g/1 Hardness mg/1 Remarks (taste, odor, appearance, etc.) period g m GW-6 Revised 10/1/80 NOV 07 '95 01:38PM JIB Ilyr�;'-R•HIS-+giii,�Y>,aS�e�,.>*:.M::a:.u+X,.:+�m...:'M.et':�e^+.Yf�„+� P. _� :g+ea3�ws h+... .s�ti.;.... u.�, f£ qi.,,a: � •, w��Sa n7•�ryy�_ UnImIri Quartz Operation P. O. Box 580 Bakenville Hwy, Spruce Pine, NC 28777 (704) 765-4283 Fax (704) 765-0912 November 6, 1995 Kay Dechant, Hydrogeologist, NC Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Ground Water Section 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Subject: Well abandonment, UNIMIN Corporation quartz/Feldspar Mitchell County, NC Dear Ms. Dechant: As discussed, enclosed please find the Well Abandonment Records for our three (3) wells located in Mitchell County, NC off -Highway 226 3 miles North of Spruce Pine,NC. 1) Monitor we.l_h�(.2!'x1.5! )_.Q1r2_yd_s_. cement grout 2) Monitor wet-1--t2!'x25J) .020-ydsr._cement�gr_o.u.t 3) Drinking water (6"0861) 2.8 yds. cement grout Each well was completely filled with cement after being disinfected. Should you have any questions please feel free to call me at (704) 765-4263. Since r R Riddle Envi onmental Supervisor cc: J. Taylor c. Klimper T. Haskell B. Shelter NOV 71995 GROUNDWATER SECTION ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section �- P.O. Box 29535-- Raleigh, N.C. 27626-06-35- WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD CONTRACTOR 1. WELL LOCATION: (; Nearest Town:, 'Bake H _% t/: I 1 a sketA pf the 2. OWNER: UN I M ;►k) Qp tra.2. (0 A,' 3 , Subdivision, Lot REG. NO. on back of form.) r1_11 f- 3. ADDRESS: r"® Iid-D �- J 1'S �hI ►' ce,c e I !N/p 4. TOPOG HY draw, slope, hilltop, valley, fiat 5. US . OF WE L: '4S� G(/2.I ( DATE: 6. TOTAL D 11: DIAMETER: 7. CASING REMOVED: feet 8. SEALING MATERIAL: Neat cement bags of cement gals. of water diameter Sand cement bags of cement yds. of sand gals. of water Other aephic).J4 Typematerial AmonZ Jt t o t �J • UA o ,9. CXPLAIN M71i % I7` EM,�' CEMENT OF MATERIAL. (� !,u I Z,)01+ti TV-rtpQ _ A w 6.4IFVCi A A�ruaeca i1Wf.� Quadrangle No. WELL DIAGRAM: Draw a detailed sketch of he well showing total depth, depth and dia- meter of screens remaining in the well, gravel interval, intervals of casing perforations, and :iepths and types of fill materials used. V w r -i w M I do hereby cer fy that this well abando ent rec rd is true and exact. Signature of Contractor ot4Agent Date IdZ24T WELL LOCATION: Draw a location sketch on the reverse of this sheet, showing the direc- tion and distance of the well to at least two (2) nearby reference points such as roads, intersections and streams. Identify roads with State High way road identification numbers. Submit original to the Division of Environmental Management, one copy to and one copy to the owner. GW-30 Revised 3/8/90 WELL NO. 7 91 t -2- COUNTY / - / / 7G HE L L DATE SAMPLED ALKALINITY, TO pH 4.5 ALKALINITY, TO pH 8.3 ALUMINUM ARSENIC L Q o 00 / i. O • ci f - /J . 9.0 9. ©ps 4 O. 00- BARIUM L d • /y t O• 0"2 < O. /O 4 O. i o BERYLLIUM BICARBONATE CADMIUM CALCIUM CARBONATE CHLORIDE CHROMIUM, TOTAL L ©� 0 0,6" 4 O' d < 0• Oa 0 O • 0 COBALT COD COLIFORM, FECAL COLIFORM, TOTAL COPPER D v / C7 • O / G O. O CYANIDE DISSOLVED SOLIDS 916 S v SJ FLUORIDE p, R,4 c- HARDNESS CaCo, HARDNESS, NON -CARBONATE IRON LEAD L 0. O. 0 -3 LITHIUM Red Ink = Sample taken by facility WELL NO.. T b 1 fi COUNTY /N% l% C j-/ E L L DATE SAMPLED 6_1-3-17f %-/y_qf //-/5 MBAS MAGNESIUM MANGANESE MERCURY NICKEL NITROGEN, -AMMONIA NITROGEN, KJELDAHL NITRATE & NITRITE ORGANIC SCAN pH . '��• 4,9 IK s- to . PHENOLS PHOSPHORUS, TOTAL POTASSIUM SELENIUM SILVER SODItn1 SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE SULFATE TOC (UNFILTERED) TOX TSS VOC ZINC STATIC WATER LEVEL % , /�� /7 •D/ �h�• ��Z . /-Y. O' WELL NO. �:Z: S ' COUNTY M i T C H C L L DATE SAMPLED I - %' % �2 //-• / q - 7 �2 -9 - 9 - 9'3 6 2,213 `j- /3 - fg 11. 7- 5 3 ALKALINITY, TO pH 4.5 ALKALINITY, TO pH 8.3 ALUMINUM ARSENIC b• (GO I ` O . CUO j O • G0 / / O. O 0 1 O, BARIUM o o • sy ©. C� /S O• /O . 4 0 . io BERYLLIUM BICARBONATE CADMIUM CALCIUM CARBONATE CHLORIDE CHROMIUM, TOTAL �- J G D • 0 )L z Q . G A L Q. 0. O.X 02 COBALT COD COLIFORM, FECAL COLIFORM, TOTAL COPPER �. U / (� C�. C7 ( d • U / . O / O. �1 CYANIDE DISSOLVED. SOLIDS 3 T 126 3 FLUORIDE 4 0 . / 14RO HARDNESS CaCo3 HARDNESS, NON -CARBONATE IRON LEAD .GC?.DS L �,©3 •t ®� ® LU.G1 L �.p�� O• j LITHIUM Red Ink = Sample taken by facility WELL NO. T � f COUNTY H/ T G /-/ r L L- DATE SAMPLED 7 - %" 9 //- / y= y ], 3 - R - 9 ,3 6-,2a - 7 3 MBAS MAGNESIUM MANGANESE MERCURY NICKEL NITROGEN, AMMONIA NITROGEN, KJELDAHL NITRATE & NITRITE. ORGANIC SCAN PH 7 - PHENOLS PHOSPHORUS, TOTAL POTASSIUM SELENIUM SILVER SODIUM SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE CJ SULFATE TOC (UNFILTERED) TOX TSS VOC ZINC STATIC WATER LEVEL / ` %'� • / �.3, O� /' �� - , WELL NO. = S /, -`i 2 COUNTY N1 %C 1/ELL DATE SAMPLED ALI:ALINITY, TO pH 4.5 ALIULINITY, TO pH 8.3 ALUMINUM ARSENIC No AID 0. 0D1 L O- 00 0, 0/0 4 O, BARIUM No ND BERYLLIUM BICARBONATE CADMIUM CALCIUM CARBONATE CHLORIDE CHROMIUM, TOTAL /!i /v U D• U a 4 D• 0� O• v g s G d. t)z, COBALT COD COLIFORM, FECAL COLIFORM, TOTAL COPPER Al G (sue. D / % • D /SP c =� • Ci f CYANIDE DISSOLVED SOLIDS FLUORIDE HARDNESS CaCo, HARDNESS, NON -CARBONATE IRON LEAD /yD . T�5 o- i .4 p. 0/D 0. D.S LITHIUM WELL NO. �� ✓ COUNTY /'9 / ' % G /4 C � L DATE SAMPLED //- = g� 3 - S- % l - e / //- - 9 / s = 1,2 - V-Z 3--16 -gx MBAS MAGNESIUM MANGANESE MERCURY NICKEL NITROGEN, AMMONIA NITROGEN, KJELDAHL NITRATE & NITRITE ORGANIC SCAN pH Af �f f PHENOLS PHOSPHORUS, TOTAL POTASSIUM SELENIUM SILVER " SODIUM SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE •3 SULFATE TOC (UNFILTERED) ZINC STATIC WATER LEVEL 00 13• 7. '% /,3. 5 /j. COS D i i I DATE SAIPLED ALKALINITY TO pH 4.5 Ao ALKALINITY, TO pH 8.3 - ALUMINUM ARSENIC '�O•� �D.A?$ ! �aDOs , vcs"f c o• ���� z . 0f0 < o. o0!' 3ARIUM �3 �DD� Ira uSp �o•oSo��,vio 3ICARBONATE ` :ADMIUM L UDoZ ,ALCIUM ARBONATE t I HLORI DE HROMIUM, TOTAL O L� �O.O! ��.D 2 '� �• ooZd �' " vaS D • D a OD 3 DLIFORM, FECAL i OLIFORM, TOTAL OPPER �,D�Y Q.!)�9 I �, Q�Z G G. f�/D z 0,27 G ®. O10 YANIDE Z ISSOLVED SOLIDS 32., 3 (� , s`� •� D. S % LUORIDE ARDNESS, CaCO ARDNESS NON-CARBONATE RON I i I C) EAD f0�/ D.03s �v•b5v �6. (�E� c . v �0 < o. as 3AS kGNES I UM LNG S ;RCURY _ cxL - 01 0 T (Continued) 7-f(/�-Z DATE. SPIPLE0 NITkOGENj AMMQMTA 11,4 ivo 511a� 70 116fic o f 7 - 9-90 NITROGEN ,KJELDAHL NITRATE & NITRITR • of ORGANIC SCAN pH J,- fo PHENOLS PHOSPHORUS, TOTAL POTASSIUMSELENIUM 0 0s SILVER 0 d,5r SODIUM )PECIFIC CONDUCTANCE ;ULFATE' 70C (UNFILTERED) + , ',INC O A 2 Or eve 4aL S,3 /�.L[7 coil -IT) i DATE SPIPLEn ALKALINITY CaCO3 To pR.8.3 To pH 4.5 - - Aluminum _ Arsenic G4 611C 4,0, d i Bicarbonate Cadmi um GD d 1 QZ Calcium Q, $3 Carbonate c �- G Chloride e_ - Chlorinated Hydrocarbon ' Chromium, Hexavalent Chromium, Total ZAA25 , AD . Off COD j 1 Coliform, Fecal Col i foIrm, Total Cyanide j Dissolved Solids ,��� �' �,6, �, �d "jj 1gN1 F1 uori de Hardness as CaCO Hardness, Non -carbonate T-41 y Iron Lead moods LAB Lithium WAS Magnesium © 6 Manganese Itrcury �D.ODD Nirkpl DATE SA'1PL£Q - a 017.21xs $ $�- Ni Mogen.,-.k=ni - Nitrogen, Meldahl Nitrate & Ni trite- ' a: Organic' Scan - + S d ,D s s S 7o 5•�5 Phenols ` , - Phosphorus,'-TotaT - Potassium k • . i -s {v.; Si'�Mer � Sodi un i 1 Sul Sulf�it*`" Zinc °8ari um Copper-„;dldla 1j�D i. k A . D Spj 11.�//7/1r�-t'-'-.L1 -4IT Y Cacc,,) To - p 1H. g.3. 7 p 5 U m 41 n um. Arsenic Z1009-6 Bicarbonate C ad,-, i i u mi Cal ci um C a r b. o na t e t Chl! on de car, Chlorinated Hydrocarbon hromium, H-axavalent- _' -9 ium, ToLa, Fc h. —ro - n 4,q OL5- i -1d, tas- 1 I /-A mr 1 1, Ze. d0l..,44. n'5-T/0, 1 030 ? b ob 4 COD Col is f orm, Fecal Coli-formi, Total j 1 Cyanide Dissolved Solids zkS 41 -Fluoride Hardness as CaCO3 Hardness, Non Carbonate Lead G� aMS--� Q.� S �D D �D.D.� ,OOso do03 . .Li-t-hiurr! Ld. ps- 11B AS Magnesium "Manganese too' �_i F Oats I I Mercury Nickel -'�- !��. �'� � t Canti Hued; � r-xuc L CID li 411, "el p � DATE SA: ri�, L_O J Nitrogen, Ammonia f Nitrogen, Kiel dah i Nitrate & Nitrite j d ---- i Organic Scan I f p Phenols I Phosphorus. Total �Potassium0.� G - LSel enium I I i ca s Si l•verL Sodium a,�LZ 7 f Specific Conductance Su1-fate —�-s Sulfite f zinc iG I Type or Use a ball-point pen and press firmly. Facility Name Unimin Corporation Address P. 0. Box 588, 226 Bakersville Hwy. Spruce Pine, NC 28777 County PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Non -Discharge _ NPDES /ilk D00/) f 7:S TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERATION BEING MONITORED Well Location Iota (REQUIRED) Lagoon Septic Tank/Drain Field Well Identification Number MW#2 Well Depth _z._S ;—Ft. Well Diarneter/+-'" Sample (Screened) Interval 20 Ft. To 2_Ft. Depth,,to Water Level 13. 04 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Measuting;point is-_ft. above land surface Lllonsr.ofAwater pumped/bailed before sampling fld y#nalysis: pH 6. 0 Specific Conductance 29 uMhos Temp. 12 °C Odor Date Sargple Collected 3/20/95 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 3/20/95 Laboratory: -Name PACE, Incorporated Certification No. SAMPLES`=F-OR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED YES Spray Field Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) Land Application of Sludge Other Rotary Distributor Appearance 40 NO COD mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/I Ni - Nickel cartFit mg/I Coliform:.MF Fecal A 00ml Nitrate (NO3) as N rri�g/I Pb - Lead_ L 0.05 mg/I Colifonn': MF Total A 00ml Phosphorus: Total as P L hg/I Zn - Zinc - mg/I (Note: UseMP:N:method for highly turbid samples) AI - AIUmInUm mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides Dissolved Solids: Total 27 mg/I Ba - Barium L 0.10 mg/I (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) units Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I TOC mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I = -' ug/1 Chloride mg/I Chromium: Total T. 0.020 mg/I �;a ug/I Arsenic L 0.005 mg/I Cu - Copper L 0.01 mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and (-''ease and Oils mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Concentration units) _ irdness: Total mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I Phenol mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Sulfate mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mn - Manganese mg/I Total Ammonia mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I TKN as N mg/I CERTIFY AT THIS SPORT IS TRUE A `©ABC. °= Note: Values should reflect dissolved and �� I N 9 colloidal concentrations. (see #3 on back) - 1 1 6 1 See back for instructions. SI nat a of Permittee (or-Authoriz'ed iAgent Grounbiaker i:ecti R t ** Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. GW-59 REV. 6/9 S;:;' k� COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES 1. Samples should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE NOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDING TIME SPECI- FIED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE #4. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. Metals Analyses:-Use`Startdard Method 30OC'for sample preparation (mercury excluded). DO NOT FILTER METALS SAMPLES IN THE FIELD !?+. Unfiltered samples must be coll6'cte&f6r metals, then field acidified with 5 ml concentrated nitric acid per liter of sample, and should be submitted to the lab within 24 hours. Sample preparation in the laboratory (extraction and filtration) must be completed within.72 hours of collection. 3. ANALYSES ARE TO BE MADE OF THE MOSELE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVEb AS WELL AS "COLLOIDAL) N THE GROUNDWATER, NOT THOSE THAT ARE A -PART OF SEDIMENT ASSOCIA T ED WITH WELL CONSTRUCTION OR SAMPLING PROCEDURES. CHECK WITH YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION ANiDJPRESERVATION. i• 4. As per Title 15, North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods described in one of the following publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental Management: (a) Standard Methods for the' Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Edition, 1985 and 17th Edition, 1989, published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water'Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste. 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number t EPA-60014-79-020, as revised March 1983: (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Poll uants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49. No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; 5. Mea f nd record the depth of water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any water from the well. c; c , 6. At least 3 volumes of water in the well should be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a sample for analysis. If the well is pumped/bailed dry before 3 well volumes are.removed, samples can be collected as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water is available to collect your sample. 7. Determination for pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample is collected. 8. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recommendations by the manufacturer. 9. Samples must be filtered through a 0.45 micron filter immediately after collection ",when a dissolved analysis is required. (See #r:4. above) 10. The sample container should be labeled at the time of collection with the facility n Ii iutification number and date and time collected. 1.1-"Authorized agent" is any corporate officer or public official authorized by.ttfe'c4mp,Gny, corporation,.or governrhental body to •sign off icial`documents. 4 :�:-_'�strd'ss����';�?::a�-;,u;•:_:i��*.Y3� :.�:iyi.;'�.�'��'2:Jg�:�_ -_ . :.. .'. ' • - - _ ..:�. :. - #.tit#''' :<_.x.Ft An .%i:�4: <-,f��ih:�'83:: `:'i:. �'.fi.FAY.``�•-{:,xz"ss ��;3icx..i>._. SY3� �- �r) � : �g�.��'r3:?•?.,�:�2:�.:.:-�,.c„�. - E'.�-.�3�.�cs co Type or use a ball-point pen and press firmly - Facility C0-:K" ation e: Faciti'ty Nartns _ Address P..0. Boz 588, 226 Sakexsrflle Hwy. m County. PERMIT NUMBER: MIrQUIRED) Non -Di , rYPE OF DISPOSAL OPE TION BEING MONITORED IREQUMEM • �- Well Location iota , Lagoon SeplcTankMmi►Field Well Identiflet n Number 1102 c ell Depth — Ft - t - ter Well Diameter Sample (Screened) Ins , Ft. TD _FL ; ' �; �rFEW Subsu LevfPmssure _ Piping JLM Depth to Water Level 1344 it below measuring point (before sampling) Measuring is -fk land surf LwdPfo' afaal of Sludge �'� pant above Gallons of water pungx4Ybal1ed before sampling Field Analysis: pK �►-0 rfic Carductagos 29 ulrAhos Temp: 12 DC odor Appearance Data Sample Colected 3/ 20 95 Date Lab sample Analyzed 31.20!'95 - ;r Laboratory Name PACE Inca rat4d Certification No. _ 40 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED U FILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED YES H4 COD gA Nt'tM' a (NO2) as N - mgA :_ Ni - Nickel mgA Coliform: MF Fecal 11 ()o Nitrate (NO3) as N r�tgll;� Pf, -Lead m Coliiforin: MF Total 11 obml Phosphorus: Total as P gA : Zn - Trlc mgA INoW:urgWNnrftodierfighlrWrUdswoeo ,, AI -Aluminum mgA-; Pesticides/Herbicides Dissolved Solids: Total • 2s irr gA Ba - Barium L C• 10 nrgA , (Specify compounds) pH (when analyzed). units Ca - Calcium nvfi ; ugA TOC mgA Cd - Cadmium mgA,. ugA 'Chloride mgA Chromium: Total L 0.020 mgA.'- ugA Arsenic L 0.005 OiA Cu - Copper L QeQ1 mg&. Other (Specify Compounds and. Grease and Oils M_QA Fe - Iron mgA . Concentration units) Hardness: Total -1hgA Hg - Mercury mgA-. Phenol digA K - Potassium mgA Suffate mgA Mg - Magnesium mg/t Specific Conductance UM(ios Mn - Manganese mgA Total Ammonia mgA Na - Sodium mgA. TKN as N mgA 1 CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE Note:,. Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (4ee # 3 on back) t See back[ for instructions. Si rta of Pe ittee (or Authori Agent') r e •• Submir blue. green% and yelow copies only to address above. GW-59 REV j 7 f- GROUNDW Type or Use a ball-point pen and press finnly. PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Facility Name Unimin Corp. Non -Discharge Address P. 0. Box 588, Spruce Pine, NC 28777 NPDES County Spruce Pine TYPE OF DISPT-L949 ION BEING MONITORED Well Location T o Y_a (REQUIRED) �� -oon Septic Tank/Drain Field Well Identification Number MW#2 Well Depth Ft. 410 Well Diameter Sample (Screened) Interval. Ft. To FL - _ Depth to Water Level 14.82 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) - Measuring point is ft. above land surface Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling y _ Field Analysis: pH 5.5 Specific Conductance 0_ uMhos Temp. 16 °C Odor Date Sample Collected 11/15/94 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 11/15/94 Laboratory Name PACE, Inc. Certification No. SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED YES COD mgA Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Coliform: MF Total /100ml (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total 35 mgA pH (when analyzed) 5.5 units TOC mgA Chloride mgA Arsenic T. 0, nn5 mgA Grease and Oils mgA Hardness: Total mgA Phenol mgA Sulfate mgA Specific Conductance 30 uMhos Total Ammonia mgA TKN as N mgA Spray Field Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) Land Application of Sludge Other Rotary Distributor Appearance 40 NO Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/l Nitrate (NO3) as N g/I Phosphorus: Total as P AA Al - Aluminum mgA Ba - Barium T. 0,10 mgA Ca - Calcium mg/l Cd - Cadmium mgA Chromium: Total L 0.020 mg/l Cu - Copper L 0.01 mgA Fe - Iron mg/l Hg - Mercury mgA K - Potassium mgA Mg - Magnesium mg/l Mn - Manganese mgA Na - Sodium mgA I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACC Signature of Permittee (or Authorized Agent") GW-59 REV. 6/93 Ni - Nickel mgA Pb - Lead L 0.05 mg/l Zn - Zinc mg/l Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) ugA ugA ug/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration units) Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (see #3 on back) • See back for Instructions. '• Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. Type or Use a ball-point pen and press firmly. PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Facility Name Unimin Corp. Non -Discharge Address P. 0. Box 588, Spruce Pine, NC 28777 NPDES County Spruce Pine TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERATION BEING MONITORED (REQUIRED) Well Location Iota _ _ 4 Lagoon Septic Tank/Drain Field Well Identification Number MW#2 i 1r —Well Depth Z , Ft. Spray Field Subsurface Low-&r ssure Well Diameter Sample (Screened) Interval 2.0 Ft. To �Ft. Piping (LP r,l Depth to Water Level 14.82 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Land Application of Sludge Uq :K Measuring point is ft. above land surface other .-n C):;0 Rotary Distributor I"1 �;u allons of water pumped/bailed before sampling eld Analysis: pH 5.5 Specific Conductance 30 uMhos Temp. 16 °C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 11/15/94 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 11/15/94 Laboratory Name PACE, Inc. Certification No. 40 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED YES NO_ n1 COD m9 /I Nitrite (NO) as N m A Ni - Nickel m /I Coliform: MF Fecal A 00ml Coliform: MF Total A 00m1 (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total 35 mg/I pH (when analyzed) 5.5' units TOC mg/l Chloride mg/I Arsenic T. 0-005 mg/I grease and Oils mg/I ardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate - mg/I Specific Conductance 30 uMhos Total Ammonia mg/I TKN as N mg/I 2 Nitrate (NO3) as N g /IPhosphorus: Total as P 4/1 Al - Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total L 0,020 mg/I Cu - Copper L 0.01 mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. Signature of Pe mittee (or Authorized Agent*) Date GW-59 REV. 6/93 9 Pb -Lead L 0.05 mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) u g/1 u g/I u g/1 Other (Specify Compounds and Concentrati t':9nl --- Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (see #3 on back) * See back for instructions. ** Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES 1 . Samples should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE NOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDING TIME SPECI- FIED FOR THE -METHOD USED (SEE #4. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW -SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. Metals Analyses, Use Standard Method 3030C for sample preparation (mercury excluded), PQ __RQjfILTER METALS 5,AjA_EL.ES IN THE Unfiltered samples mu§tbe Collected for.metals, then field acidified with 5 ml concentrated nitric acid per liter cisarnple, and should be submitted to the lab within 24 hours. Sample preparation in the laboratory (extraction and filtration) must be completed within 72 hours of collection, 3. ANALYSES ARE TO BE �JIADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVEVAS WELL A-S tOLLOIDAL) IN THE Gft(�JNDWATER, NOT THOSE THAT ARE A PART? SEDIMENT ASSQCIATEQ WITH WELL, gQN _BTRfQ'_Q-GQN QR SAMPLING PRQQE2T!jR-_ES. C -19-CK qTH YOUR LA130RATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR Sj%,MPLE C'OLLECTiON AND PRESERVATION. 4. r Tiiti- 15, North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapler 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods described in one of tij.Eljallo4ipg publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental Qn,ageRlent: (a) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Edition, 1985 and 17th Edition, 1989, published iointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for k.., 4 Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA -600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; nvironmental Protection Agency E (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, .01rd Edition, 1086, U.S. C publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFFR Part 136, October 26,1984; 5. Measure and record the depth of water in the well prior to purrnping or bailing any water from the well. 6. At least 3 volumes of water.in th-ewell should be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a sample for analysis. If the well is pumped/bailed dry before 3 wel' , volumes are re ' ' Aar�l,o Jbldrn,-.�in be collected as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water is available to collect your sarnple. 7. DeterminationjprpYm, ifiC,01ohiNuctance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the Sample is collected. S. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recommendations by the manufacturer. 9. Samples must be filtered through a 0.45 micron filter immediately after collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See #4. above) 10. The sample container should be labeled at the time of collection with the facility name, well identification number and date and time collected. 1 !."Authorized agent" is any corporate officer or oublic official authorized ley the company, pany, corporation, or governmental body 16 -sign 6fflcial documents It Type or Use a ball-point pen and press firmly. PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Facility Name Unimin Corporation Non -Discharge Address P. 0. Box 588 NPDES 7S Spruce Pine, NC 28777 County Mitchell TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERATION BEING MONITORED Monitor' Well (REQUIRED) Well LocationL--'Lagoon SepticTank/Drain Field Well Identification Number #2 / I d� Well Depth ZS Ft'. Spray Field Subsurface Low -Pressure Well Diameter oA ' Sample (Screened) Interval Za Ft. To ��Ft. Depth to Water Level 14.50 Piping (LPP) p ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Land Application of Sludge Measuring point is /. jft. above land surface Other ^.Ilons of water pumped/bailed before sampling X,_ C1 a-yNess Rotary Distributor old Analysis: pH 4.8 Specific Conductance,_ 38 uMhos Temp. 14 oC OdorA/Vive Appearance Date Sample Collected 7/19/94 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/19/94 Laboratory Name PACE, Incorporated Certification No. 40 SAMPLES FOR METALS WERE COLLECTED UNFILTERED AND FIELD ACIDIFIED X YES NO COD mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N rpg/I Pb - Lead L 0.05 in mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P Ong/I Zn - Zinc U0 rp mg/I (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Al - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides 40 `,ra �� Dissolved Solids: Total 50 mg/I Ba - Barium L 0.10 mg/I (Specify Compounds) 0ri pH (when analyzed) 4.8 units Ca - Calcium mg/I TOC mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chloride mg/I Chromium: Total L 0.020 mg/I Arsenic L 0.005 mg/I Cu - Copper T. 0.01 mg/l Other (Specify Compounds and s r,rease and Oils mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Concentration units) •• �' frdness: Total mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I; vnenol mg/I K - Potassium mg/1 Sulfate mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Specific Conductance 38 uMhos Mn - Manganese mg/I Total Ammonia mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I TKN as N mg/I I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT TRUEJI4G.CUF< <=E-= -� I, Note: Values should reflect dissolved and J, Yf.'a { colloidal concentrations. (see #3 on back Signature o ermittee (or Authorized 4 199�_ Ag . i) Date See back for instructions. ** Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. GW-59 REV. 6/93 Grourdr,ater S00t:n COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES I. Samples should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE INOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDING TIME SPECI- FIED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE #4. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. Metals Analyses:--U-se,-Standard,,MethoZi..3,030C for sample preparation (mercury excluded), DO NOTFILTERMETALS SAMPLES IN THE FIELD , " �'­ collected .C. Unfiltered samples must e co'lldcted f6rlietals, then field acidified with 5 ml concentrated nitric acid per liter of sample, and should be submitted to the lab within 24 hours. Sample preparation in the laboratory (extraction and filtration) must be completed within 72 hours of collectiorl. 3. ANALYSES ARE TO BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED -'AS WELL A9 COLLOIDAL) LN THE GROUNDWATER, NOT THOSE THAT ARE A PART OF SEDIMENT ASSOCIATED WITH WELL CONSTRUCTION OR SAMPLING PROCEDURES. CHECK WITH YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE I COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 4. As per Title 15, North Carolina Administrative Code; 8,ub . thapter 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods described in one of the following publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental Management: (a) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Edition, 1985 and 17th Edition, 1989, published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983-, (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49. No. 209. 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; 5. -Measure and record the depth of water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any water from the well. 6, <.At,603 volumes of water in the well should be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a sample for analysis. If the well is pumped/bailed dry before 3 well vorurn6,6� are removed, samples can be collected as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water is available to collect your sample. 7. Determination for pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample is collected. 8. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recommendations by the manufacturer. 9. Samples must be filtered through a 0.45 micron filter immediately after collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See #4. above) 10. The sample container should be labeled at the time of collection with the facility name, well identification number and date and -time collected. :X Ahb cb Mkapy, corpora 6 -581%,rgovernmonta-r 6df-ta'signoffilial "d r�nts' 11e""Authorized agent" is any corporate officer or public official authorized. i�,ti North Carolina GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - GROUNDWATER SECTION County ✓M I L- Quad No T 61 L2 Serial No. /i!lX Lat. j-6- S( / 14 Long. U 05 58 Report To: AR FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, WSRO, Kinston FO, Fed. Trust, Central Off., Other: Shipped by: Bus Courier and De Other SAMPLE PRIORITY KOUTINE EMERGENCY Mom_ CHAIN OF CUSTODY i MI/ NA/ i C/- Purpose: Collector(s): R c , i Date Time / I -'i U A M Baseline, MELD ANALYSES 400 Spec. Cond.94 at 250 C Temp.10 oC Odor Appearance Field Analysis By: LABORATORY ANALYSES Owner Lab Number fG `/ Date Received 6-1.7- 9 `/ Time 42 -3y Rec'd by: Sv From: Bus, Courier and el;, Other: Data Entry By: St-- Ck: A LIE Date Reported: (a.0 - 9 w nt, ompliance�L LUST, Pesticide Study, Federal Trust, Other: Location or site 1_7 DwiyG RA- b f ��v r 0 r- /- 4 G vo..s Description of sampling oint� Sampling Method Sample Interval -2 a S Remarks (Pump, bailer, etc.) A ying ae, air tem�, etc. / . r7 GW-54 REV. 6/93 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write "DIS" in block. F � ( i North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT- GROUNDWATER SECTION County M y G H C L L. Lab Number v Quad No �� "f Serial No. M1 / 36 is SAMPLE PRIORITY Date Received Time - Lat. -3 SY -66 /`/- Long. 5� U-S S-S7 - QROUTINE EMERGENCY Rec'd by:A 2'2 From: Bus, ourie , Hand Del., CHAIN OF CUSTODY M VV Other: / Report To: AR FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, Data Entry By- � Ck: WSRO, Kinston FO, Fed. Trust, Central Off., Other: Date Reported: % �� Shipped by: Bus, Courie Hand Del., Other- Purpose: M��v icK CollecDate " i 3 ` y `. _ Time /.' JO1 %Q M Baseline, Complaint, om liance LUST, Pesticide Study, Federal Trust, Other: r rJELD ANALYSES Owner "/V / /-/Jill C: o�oy,E',rl ?o.`� C�r-cA2 i OBE �.11400 Spec. Cond.94 at 250 C Location or site Temp.10 oC Odor _ Description of sampling point W5 L L- A/ 5A D Appearance Sampling Method 13A/ /_ c='Q Sample Interval .2 D - -2.5 Pump, ba ler etc.) i Field Analysis By: _ Remarks S" %A ? I C. ► V14 T use L � ✓ZE L = / S . U I ARnRATnRY ANALYSES X MCTA L S /-/4✓G- �/�E� r/�G!O/FicO 41,/z) F/L % ENCO Z 1-Y 1YR6 BOD 310 m I Diss. Solids 70300 m /I A Silver 46566 u I COD High 340 mg/I Flouride 951 <'D . / mcyl Al - Aluminum 46557 u I COD Low 335 mg/I Hardness: Total 900 mcVl. *DiS As - Arsenic 46551 L /U u I Coliiorm: MF Fecal 31616 A 00m] Hardness non-carb 902 mcyl '*D� 5 Ba - Barium 46558 O u 1 Coliiorm: MF Total 31504 A 00m1 Phenols 32730 u I Ca - Calcium 46552 m /I TOC 680 mg/1 S ecific Cond. 95 uMhos/cmz Cd - Cadmium 46559 u I Turbidity 76 NTU Sulfate 945 m I "1015 Cr - Chromium 46560 `5' u I Residue., Suspended 530 mg/I Sulfide 745 m I Cu - Copper 46562 u I Fe - Iron 46563 u I Hg - Mercury 71900 u I pH 403 unit K - Potassium 46555 m I Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/1 M - Magnesium 46554 m I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/1 Mn - Manganese 46565 u /I Carbonate 445 mg/1 NH as N 610 m I Na - Sodium 46556 m I Bicarbonate 440 m /l TKN as N 625 mg1l Ni - Nickel u /I Carbon dioxide 405 m /I NO + NO as N 630 m I S Pb - Lead 46564 J u /I Chloride 940 mg/1 P: Total as P 665 m I Se - Selenium u I Chromium: Hex 1032 u I Zn - Zinc 46567 u I Color: True 80 Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/I Lab Comments: Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides Nitrogen Pesticides Acid Herbicides Semivolatile Organics Volatile Organics (VOA bottle) TPH - Gasoline Range TPH - BTEX Gasoline e GW-54 REV. 6/93 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write "DIS" in block. Please use ink pen and press firmly. Facility Name Z)N-,M rAl C' 0!; P0), 4r-r6Af Address PO. BOX -588 cl'P/?Vc,r PrAld ADC -23177' County 91relf U Well Location /?171?ell P?W 4/',gIIPU419 Well Identification Number RI✓# 2 -rBAt 2. Well Depth .2- Ft. Well Diameter �� Sample (Screened) Interval D Ft To Ft. Depth to Water Level 7 ft. below measuring point (before Measuring point is / ® ft. above land surface illons of water pumped/bailed before sampling S7 .2�r ...;Id Analysis: pH r 9 Specific Conductance 2� uMhos Temp. Ir ° C Date Sample Collected 0-7- 08- (/V Date Lab Sample Analyzed 03- 08- IN Laboratory Name AOc'f, 1NCOf Pek'/arc® sampling) PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Non-Dischar�gI.e NPDES Ne 00001- r TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERATION BEING MONITORED (REQUIRED) Lagoon Septic Tank/Drain Field Spray Field Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) Land Application of Sludge Rotary Distributor Odor Appearance Certification No. Other r.,� COD mg/I Nitrite (NO 2) as N mg/I Ni -Nickel s�ns =_q>Ig/I Coliform: MF Fecal A 00ml Nitrate (NO 3) as N mg/I Pb - Lead L g/I Coliform: MF Total A00ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) AI - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides: c.a Dissolved Solids: Total �� m /I g Ba -Barium 4 ®• /o mg/I (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) - 3 units Ca - Calcium mg/I = 5>ag/I TOC mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chloride m /I g Chromium: Total C O ©2 mg/I Arsenic mg/I Cu - Copper 4 0• 0/ mg/I Other (Specify Compound and crease and Oils mg/I iardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia mg/I TKN as N mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I Concentration units) I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (see #2 on back) See back for instructions. Signature of ; ermit ee (or Authorized Agent*) Date " submit blue, green, and yellow copies orgy to address above. GW-59 REV. 9/92 - - __ �, I- - �7_� COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES 1. Samples should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE NOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDIIff' TIME SPECIFIED FOR THE METHOD USED (SEE #3. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. ANALYSES ARE TO BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) IN THE GROUNDWATER, NOT THOSE THAT ARE, A PART OF SEDIMENT. CHECK WITH YOUR LABORATORY ONPROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 3. As per Title 15, North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods described in one of the following publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental Management: (a) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Edition, 1985 and .17th Edition,-1989, published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water -Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Ag6ncy 'publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection_' Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Pro 6edures for the Analysis of Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; 4. Measure and record the depth of water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any water from the well. 5. At least 3. volumes of water in the well should be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a sample for analysis. If the well is pumped/bailed dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collected as'sa6n as the well recovers to the point where enough water is- available to collect your sample. 6. Determination for pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample is collected. 7. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recommendations by the manufacturer. 8. Samples must be filtered through a 0.45 micron filter immediately after collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See #3. above) 9. The sample container should be labeled at the time of collection with the facility name, well identification number and date and time col- lected. 10."Authorized agent" is any corporate officer or public official authorized by the company, corporation, or governmental body to sign official documents. Please use ink pen and press firmly. Facility Name Unimin Corporation Address P. 0. Box 588 Spruce Pine, NC 28777 County Well Location Nov. MW Sampling _ Well Identification Number rMW # 2 18t2 Well Depth Ft. Well Diameter �' Sample (Screened) Interval -2O Ft To --52' Ft. PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) NPDES /, C, TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERAMON (REQUIRED) Lagoon Depth to Water Level 45 .s ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Measuring point is ✓ 0 ft. above land surface dons of water pumpedlbailed before sampling 65 d Analysis: pH 4.8 Specific Conductance 29 uMhos Temp. 13 °C Odor Date Sample Collected 11109193 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 11 / 09/ 93 Laboratory Name PACE, Incorporated Certification No. 7 1994 Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) Land Application of Sludge Other Rotary Distributor Appearance 40 Spray FWd r-3 COD mg/I Nitrite (NO 2) as N mg/I Ni - Nickel'riig°/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100m1 Nitrate (NO 3) as N mg/I Pb - Lead L 0.1 Coliform: MF Total A 00ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) AI - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides -- '-' Dissolved Solids: Total 76 mg/I Ba - Barium L 0.10 mg/I (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) 4.8 units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic o 002 mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I irdness: Total mg/I rrfenol mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance 29 uMhos Total Ammonia mg/I TKN as N mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total L 0.02 mg/I Cu - Copper L 0.01 mg/l Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration units) -Ug%I 'u,g/I sUg/I I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (see #2 on back) A/V/©© � -See back for instructions. Signatu of Permittee (or Authorized Agent*) Date '" Submit blue, green, and yell copies only to address above. GW-59 REV. 9/92 COLLECLTION AND ANALYSIS OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES 1. Samples should'beana6to,as soon as possible after collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE NOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDING TIME SPECIFIED F,9P THE.METHOD USED (SEE a BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED,AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. ANALYSES -ARE TO BE MADE OFTHt MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED - AS WELL AS COLLOIDAL) IN THE GROUNDWATER, NOT THOSE THAT ARE A PART OF SEDIMENT.CHICK WITH YOUR'LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. P 3. As per Title 15, North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, analytical procedures shall be in accordance with the methods described in one of the following publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental Management: - (a) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Edition, 1985 and 17th Edition, 1989, published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution ontro e er ion; (b) Methods for Chemi&al Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. .209, 40 CFR Part 136, October 26, 1984; 4. Measure and record the depth of water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any water from the well. 5. At least 3 volumes of water in the well should be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a sample for analysis. If the well is pumped/bailed dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collected as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water is available to collect your sample. 6. Determination for pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample is collected. 7. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recommendations by the manufacturer. 8. Samples must be filtered through a 0.45 micron filter immediately after collection when a dissolved analysis is required. (See #3. above) 9. The sample container should be labeled at the time of collection with the facility name, well identification number and date and time col- lected. 1 O."Authorized . agent" is any corporate officer or public official authorized by the company, corporation, or governmental body to sign official documents. A-C P, Facility Name Unimin Corporation Address P. 0. Box 588 ` Spruce Pine, NC 28777 County key Well Location MW, Triannual Well Identification Number MW#2 181t2 Well Depth 2S+ Ft. Well Diameter '2'" Sample (Screened) Interval-212_ Ft. To —'S— Ft. Depth to Water Level 14.0 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Measuring point is / • Q_ ft. above land surface allons of water, pumped/bailed before sampling. � y�v PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Non -Discharge . NPDES TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERATION (REQUIRED) agoon AUG 2 7 1993 Spray Field Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) Land Application of Sludge Other Held Analysis: pH 5.6 Date Sample Collected 7 Laboratory Name Specific / 13/ 93 PACE, Conductance 35 uMhos Temp. 13.4 ° C Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7 / 13 / 93 Incorporated Odor lddWcs,ppearance Certification No. 40 COD mg/I Nitrite (NO 2) as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO 3) as N mg/I Pb - Lead L 0.05 mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) All - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides Dissolved Solids: Total 28 mg/I Ba - Barium L-0 -10 mg/I (Specify Compounds) . pH (when analyzed) 5.6 units Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I TOC mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I ug/I Chloride mg/I Chromium: Total L 0.02 mg/I ug/I Arsenic L 0.001 mg/I Cu - Copper T. 0-01 mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and rease and Oils mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Concentration units) r,ardness: Total mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I Phenol mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Sulfate mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mn - Manganese mg/I -- NIZ � ! Total Ammonia mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I �►:� gas TKN as N mg/I L4\a,l4FYy111Lrx Jdj11101% I CERTIFY THAT S �� REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. Note: Values should reflect di9�fv `la* _ colloidal � concentrations. (see #2 on back) JSee back for instructions. Signature of P rmittee (or Authonzed -Agent*) Date ** Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. GW-59 REV. 4/91 ..COLLECTION AN® ANALYSIS OF Ot Dlnl TER SAMPLES -- i 1. Sam'pjes should lie nalyzed as soon' as possible after collection. S PLES WHICH ARE NOT ANALYSED HIN._THE HOLDING TIME SPECIFIED F "ffii-iE i D - USED (SEE, ... BELOW) MUST YE DISCARDED.AND _ NEW SAMPLES . DLLE _ ECG 41 "inITS 00A 2. ANALYSES ARE ,T'O" ESE MADE OF THE MOB LE N UENTS--.(DIS s LVED-- AS . WELL AS- COLLOIDAL)IN E i UNC} ATER- -,NOT-`fH(7SE THA°i ''ARE A PART, ,OF SEDIMENt. CHECK H YOU_R LABORATORY- -PROPER PROCEDURES _ F®R_IAMPLE GOLLEGTION ,AND, -PRES VATION. 3. -As.- per Title 15, North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, analytical. Mc e,dures shall be ,in :accordance with- the methods described'in in one of . the . following publications, or by other :methods approved,_ befmrehand -'by the Director, Division of Environmental Management: - r (a) Standard Methods for -the Examination of Water and Wastewater, • 16th - Edition, 1985 and 17th - Edition, 1.989; ; publishec, jointly by American" Public Hedth `Association, American Water Works Association•' and -Water- Pollution Control � -Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1919, U.'S: ' Environmental Protection Agency publication number' ` EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) _ Test:_ Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edifiion,.-1.986, U.S.. Environmental -_- Protection Agency . publication number SW-846, (d) Test Praceelures for_'the Analysis of Polluants Under"the ,Clean WatEif Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40-CFR-`;` Part 136, October ' 26, .1984; 4. Measure and record the,deptli ' water in the ;well prior to pumping or bailing any.�rirater,from the well. ; 5:_ At least 3 volumes of water in the well should be pumped or bailed prior to. -collecting a- sample, for analysis. If the well is pumped/bailed dry-- before 3 well volumes are removed,_ samples can be collected as soon as :the well recovers to the point_ where enough water is available;to collect your sample. A6. Determination for -pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearan&'rftust-be °made..in the field on unfiltered samples When the sample - -is 'Collected., 7. Field equipment- must -be calibrated- in accordance with rth4, manufacturer.'.. 8: samples -must be filtered through a 0.45 micron filter immediately after collection. when .a _dissolved analysis is required. (See -#3. above)_- .., , :- , - -. ,,,. ,,,. - . '- •- ---, •_ _ :, .- :: ,,.-_ - _ �;' 9. The sample-'Icontainet 'should- e- abeled, gat, thbLtiri e of collection with the facility name, well-identification"number' and -date and time .col- ` lected 10.'Authorized a ent",-.is an cor orate, officer."or ubl'ic official authorized_ b the com `arty ,\° cbr , oration or 6Vditnentai-lbo tci _sin official- g Y P p _ Y p �` p _ - _ - _ - - North Carolina GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION County Lab Number 8 Quad No Serial No. SAMPLE PRIORITY Date Received Time Lat. Rec'd by: From Bus -Courier Long. ROUTINE [—]EMERGENCY Other D A, Report To:,Akd, FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, 0 Date Entry By: ' Ck. ,WSRO, Kinston FO, Other Date Reported: 6Z Shipped by Bus, Courier, Other _! J L Purpose: Baseline, Complaint,Compliance;. Collector(s): rY Date E-ZL Time LUST, Other (cir) FIELD' ANALYSES Aj,; pH 400 —,9pec. Cond. 94 — at 250 C Temp.10 oc Odor Appearance Taste Field Analysis By: Lab Comments: Location or site Description of sampling point Sampling Method = (Pump, bailer, eta) Sample Interval Remarks (pumping time, air temp. etc.) GW-54 REV. 3/92 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write "D IS" in block White Copy - Groundwater Central Office Yellow Copy - Regional Office Pink Copy - Central Files Goldenrod Copy - Lab North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - GROUNDWATER SECTION County M/ ?C He4z- Lab Number 8 Quad No 8 f tom. Serial No. /" ► Z / 3640 SAMPLE PRIORITY Date Received Time - Lat. 3 S SG / Y- Long. 82 O 5 58 �OUTINE EMERGENCY M,N- Rec'd by: From: Bu -our er LLJJ�� �� Other Report To:0 FRO; MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, Date Entry By: WSRO, Kinston FO, Other Date Reported: Shipped by: Bus, (�Zp Other /vjiNNiCK Collector(s): RuMaau GN Date Time /0: y5-14M Purpose: Baseline, Complaint,�plia LUST, Other —1ELD ANALYSES Owner !.(N/Mid CyRPOR/IT/onJ tc��&"AAT:x 010E0qA'7"101Vs �H 400 Spec. Cond. 94 at 25' C Temp.10 oC Odor Appearance Taste Field Analysis By: I ARnRATnRV ANIAI VCFC Location or site Description of sampling, point v/,6 t/E ff 4 Sampling Method /6A J I-« Sample Interval o °z 5 bailer V etc �- Remarks S'TA ?/ C WA ER(Pump L e L. *M E TA L f'FI ~Z- C 5 IM V4- /3E(�M g � l c�/ �E'O A evo F/LTC / e,0 %��' GW-54 REV. 3/92 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write "DIS" in block White Copy - Groundwater Central Office Yellow Copy - Regional Office Pink Copy - Central Files Goldenrod Copy - Lab rl , Facility Name Lkdnin Corporation Address P. 0. Box 588 Spruce Pine, NC 28777 County Well Location Wep is PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Non -Discharge NPDES • b [7 b b r• TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERATION BEING MONITORED (REQUIRED) Well Identification Number ITT #2 L Z$ I — ,dam Well Depth oS J Ft. Well Diameter e9 "` Sample (Screened) Interval .20 Ft. To :;Z,'5- Ft. Depth to Water Level 14.0 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Measuring point is /• b ft. above land surface// f allons of water pumped/bailed before sampling k2 •-s meld Analysis: pH 5.5 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. 12 °C Odor Date Sample Collected 3/9/93 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 319/93 Laboratory Name PACE, Incorporat.ad Certification No: COD mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Coliform: MF Total A 00ml (Note: Use MOPN method for highly turbid sam s) Dissolved Solids: Total 26 (2r mg/I pH (when analyzed) 5.5 units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic L 0.001 mg/I cease and Oils mg/I ,ardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia mg/I TKN as N mg/I Lagoon Septic TanWDrain Feld Spray Field Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) Land Application of Sludge Appearance Nitrite (NO 2) as N mg/I Nitrate (NO 3) as N mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium L 0.10 mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total L 0-102 mg/I Cu - Copper L 0.01 mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I (2) Sample analyzed one day out of hold time due to I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. Signature of Permittee (or Authorized Agent*) Date GW-59 REV. 4/91 APR 2 21993 Ni - Nickel �gyl Pb - Lead T. 0-1 mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) ug/I ug/I ug/I Other (Specify Compounds and. Concentration units) �. 1 Note: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. (see #2 on back) * See back for instructions. ** Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. COLLECTION AND, ANA I LYSIS OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES 1, Samples should be analyzed as -anon as possible after collection. SAMPLESWHICH ARE NOT ANALYSED �HIRI, E. HOLDING 11ME SPECIFIED FOR THE- M E HOD USED (SEE 43. BELOW) -MUST 13E DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. ANALYSES ARE TO. BE MADE OF THE MOBILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED- AS WELL- AS COLLOIDAL) IN THE GROUNDWATER, NOT` THOSE- `irHAT ARE_ A, �PA OF "SEDIMENT: CHECK : . H YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION- -AND PRESERVATION. 3.-As per Title -15, North - Carolina - Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, analytical procedures shall ,in accordance with.the 'methods t described in one of the following publications, or by other methods approved: beforehand ,.by . the Director, Division of Environmental Management: - (a) Standard Methods for the °Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Edition, :198& and17th - Edition;-1,989, publishes jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association `and Water Pollution Control F4deration;' o +) Methods for Chemical Anfysis of Water and Waste, 1979; U.S. Environmental- Protection Agency publication number'` 9 - .J "' A-60014-79-020, as revised March 1983; _ (c) Test Methods for -Evaluating Solid Wastes: ,Physicai/Chemicai Methods, 3rd Edition, 1.986,-_U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Ahalysis of Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, 'Federal Register- Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR - r Part 136, October 26, 1984; _ 4. Measure and record the .depth of water: in the -Well prior to pumping or bailing .any mater,,from the, well. -' - - 5- . At least 3 volumes of water in the well should, be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a, sample , for analysis. If the well is pumped/bailed dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples ,can be collected as soon as,the well recoVers to',the, point where enough water- is _availablea'to�) collect your sampler 6. Determination- for pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance' 'must bk madein the field on unfiltered samples when --the_, sample is collected. -- 7. Field equipment must W" calibrated in accordance with recommendations -by: , h'6..'.manufacturec, -,.. 8. Samples mnust be- fiitered through a' 0.45 -micron filter immediately_ after colledon when . a dissolved: analysis is_: required. (See 43. above) 9. The s6 rEpia, 66"_htainer should -'be- labeled' at' the- time of collection with the facility name, *inreil idehtification `number -and date and- time'`c6k 10_"Authorized , agent" is any.r cc -,porat6 . ofJc'e_r,'or.;:public official authorized fly the;, company, corporation, -,:or gavemmerital'bo y -to sign official r. documents. _ ::. Facility Name Unirnin Corporation PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED)Non-Discharge Address P. 0. Box 588 NPDES 10 420 Z Spruce Pine, NC County M; tr•ha1 TYPE OF DISPOSAL OP RATION BEING MONITORED Well Location Monitoring Well (REQUIRED)' Lagoon Septic TanWDrain Feld Well Identification Number MW /p2 r V /— Well Depth ZS Ft. Well Diameter &2 " Sample (Screened) Interval a Ft. To 7-3-Ft. Depth to Water Level 14.0 ft. below measuring point (before sampling) Measuring point is / .y ft. above land surface allons of water pumped/bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 5.6 Specific Conductance 28 uMhos Temp. 13 °C Odor Date Sample Collected 11 19 / 92 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 11 / 19 / 92 Laboratory Name_ PACE, Incorporated Certification COD mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal A 00ml Coliform: MF Total A 00ml (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total 62 mg/I pH (when analyzed) 5.6 units TOC mg/1 Chloride mg/I Arsenic L o o01 mg/I rease and Oils mg/1 "ardness: Total mg/1 Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg/1 Specific Conductance 28 uMhos Total Ammonia mg/1 TKN as N mg/I Spray Field Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) Land Application of Sludge Appearance QrC 31 1992 No. 4.0 f L I! Nitrite (NO 2) as N mg/I Nitrate (NO 3) as N mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium L o .1 o mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total L 0.02 mg/I Cu - Copper L 0 - 01 mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg, - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I I CERTIFY THAT T IS REPO IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. Signature of Wrmittee (or Authorized Agent*) Date GW-59 REV. 4/91 Ni - Nickel mg/I Pb - Lead L o 05 mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) Other (Specify Com' 4 r'OIS4, ffxw%jj�09-C �k�992 Concentration ul�i'� ` GRO'lNDVATl"R SUCTION Note: Values should reflect dissolved and ug/I ug/I ug/I colloidal concentrations. (see #2 on back) * See back for instructions. ** Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. COLLECTION AND , OF GROUNDWATER 1. Samples should be analyzOd"4 as soon as possible after collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE NOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDING TIME SPECIFIED FOR THE I METHOD USED E # :; COLLECTED. ;- a 2. ANALYSES ARETO BE MADE. -.OF THE1*40BILE CONSTITUENTS (DISSOLVED AS WELL AS.COLLOWAL) IN THE GROUNDWATER, N H NT. CHEC H YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLE"ON-AND t •. z i 3. As per Title 15, North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, anato-Qal procedures 'shall be, in accordance with the methods described in one of the following publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by,the Director, Division of Environmental- rf^ (a) Standard Meth6ds for the Examination'of Water and Wastewater, "16th- Edition, '1985 and 17th'Edftion, 1989, publishk jointly by American- Public Heafth Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation', (b) Methods for Chemical Anal is of Water and -Waste, 1979; Environm6ntal Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised 'March '1983; Methods --.for f •Wastes: Physical/Chemical • • • • •••U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication ' ins (d) Test -Procedures for the Analysis of Polluants Under the Cleari.Water Act, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209i - 40 CFR 4. Measure and recordthedepthof prior topumping or bailing any waterfrom 5. `At least 3 volumes of water in the well should be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a,sample for analysis. -if the - well_is pumped/bailed.dry. before 3 well volumes are._ removed, samples can be. collected as soon as, the well recovers to the point where enough water -is available to-, collect.. your sample., 6. Determination for . pH, Specific •Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample is 'collected. 7. Field equipmpp,I most be calibrated in accordance with recommendations by, the,.manufacturer.r 6. Samples must be _filtered through -a _ 0.45 micron filter i-Mmediately after collection when a. -dissolved- _analysis is required. .(See #3. above) 9. The sample 'container `should 'be labeled at the time of collection with the facility nami=,' w6ll identification number and date and time' col lected. .may-'` .:, .. 10."Authorized- agant" is any. corporate ,officer,, or public official .authorized by the company, corporation, or, yoverrimental body Cosign official_ documents.- GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 �' �Fto� additional forms please write or call: (919)733-3221 . n Facility Name Unimin Corporation ���! County �C t��n�l� I i+ Address P. Q. Box 588 (i PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) d Spruce Pine NC 287771 Non -Discharge Well Location Monitoring; ..."U'Vatra OtAwUll Wells AsheEille Re tonal tSffice I _ NPDES� ODG�I %S Well Identification Number MW #2 1 21 k -"—Well Depth a-S-- Ft. TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERATION BEING MONITORED �y z--2-Ft. (REQ411RED) Well Diameter Sample (Screened) -Interval Ft. To _1�Lagoon _ Septic Tank/Drain Field Depth to Water Level 12.0 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) — Spray Field — subsurface Low -Pressure MeasuringPiping point is 1.01 feet above land surface (LPP) Land Application of sludge Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling 6.5 Rotary Distributor Other Field Analysis: pH 5.7 Specific Conductance 25 uMhos Temp. 13° C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 7/7/92 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/7/92 Laboratory Name PACE, Incorporated Certification No. 40 COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml NO3 as N. mg/I Pb -Lead L 0.05 mg/1 Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 39 mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compourrds) pH (when analyzed) 5.7 units TOC mg/I Chloride Arsenic L 0.001 Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance 25—_uMhos Ba - Barium L 0.10 mg/I 'U'g/I Ca - Calcium mg/I a ! ;''t�If;i ','1 t r u"/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I ug/i Chromium: Total L 0.02 mg/I Other (Specf+kY ug/l Cu- Copper 0 016 mg/I -,� �Ci`T11 ug/I Fe - Iron mg/I ug/I a °- Hg - Mercury- mg/I K - Potassium mg/I ug/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I .ug/I Total Ammonia(NH3 1- NH 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I TKN as N mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I ERTIFY AT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. SIGNATURE dF PERMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT*) DATE NOTE, -- Values Values should reflect dissolved concentrations (See #2. on reverse) * See back for instructions. ** Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. (,1A1_r,O DPW 010n I alzed as aiaVma s pi Ma shan rim: SPECIREDVOR THE V3, SELJOV,�-�� N�7-117 Ur- 0 MCARDI!r) MM'C, N!EVV SA'r0!7�LE:,S t�(RLEWTEED� 1- I I Sm ARE, TO UE MADE CIF VIS TION&MUE-US DIFSOOIN . 01 N'THE GROUNDVIATS! NCQTHQSE,T3IAT ARE A PART JkLn;SC-;RBED ONTO, S(3H-ISHCjMFN-V PAMOLL3L 1)4�,VFPI YOUR ON P'NOPER Pt-nC-X-;!7-i,:)URE25 !FOtH As per Tie 1 -6, C.75T`)�,na k1m;iii,�,!tmWev Cade, SubMapar 21, �3,-,a.'VVga; qroczdures Wl be m accordance Tvith the methads dose„ bed in one of N-following pubMalons, or 1q, ot'he- Ppproved i�eforennnd by thd [Direi-tor, D�vjsjor� of EriviccnmPritai Management: 'a S.'�.-.ndard methodfor the Exarr!inotion `.,,f IN-ater and Wastevvater, VVY Ediborri, 1985, published jointly by American FILM Hea3h Assodabon, Arns-ican Slater %sows Asmo,ociat�on ar.d VVa' ter Pofluiion Contro! Federation; M e for Clent cai An aiys!,�� of Water aod, Vjas;,,e-, 1, 979, 1 U. S, En vj r.unmental PrMection Qg e my pu U i cation n umber 600/4-79-020, as revis:.c, ;�rch 1983i (c) 11 ce s, P-.,-o-:ecctton Agericy p,"bkat'�cin rui-,!�iar S*1-845: (d) US Flocedures tar the Walks of Pekamis Undcr the Uzari `,Wxer Act, Raderad Register vol. 49, No. 2091, 40 Cfl� 4. Mepsurs Vnc de,,pth cf, vvaSOS- !�n 'ell to rnnpi,gPr 'oi!�nyemfl,lu.ag aaio* we�i. 5, PO i.3 -yolwres of wamr in the ;vNI s+,,ou!d 00 punped ew baded prior to --ollecing a sampie for analysis. it thewell is pumped/Icailed dry re-r3vec,, be ;mhemea as is 1;�P, view 1000WS To the p�);nt whiere enuug is avai�able lo �i wa i, oi Corductancc,�, odor and appeamm- musI., be rn=id8 in the ,ield on urtfi!tered Samples vvimn mo, c,,a'�bralos,.J �n acr�ordzarjcc: by Vw; S�1`11"-I'ii�,S- rti!IMI be himmi through,� r,,415 Nuar, OT-Mmotlateo We" is �Sao 93, abovs-,) ej t cIN PI 'deMn, -nNkm.� VWQW%. vNunnan,datp GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM County M I r C. P L "- Quad No..Z- 8/ t a Serial No. M 1 / 3 6 6 Lat. 3 5 J'6 "I Long.9-1 PS 5 8 Report To: o FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, WSRO, Kinston FO, Other Shipped by: Bus, ourie ,Other North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - GROUNDWATER SECTION Lab Number 8 -' SAMPLE PRIORITY Date Re ce' ed _ Time �' OUTINE EMERGENCY Rec'd b From: B -Courier M 1N' i- Other Date Entry By: Date Reported: — 02 �— Collector(s): Ru�Jf�►c7t1G/l Date A Time //: O!r A M Purpose: Baseline, Complaint LUST, LUST, Other FIFI n ANAI YSFS Owner u./V/"lAd Cd� ®Rr�!'i �d LC.�1 -fZ OAC!rA TIONS PH 400 Temp.10 Appearance Field Analysis By: LABORATORY Spec. Cond. 94 at 250 C oC Odor Taste ANALYSES Location or site Do W N GRA 0/ 6AJ 7- O r L f1 G 4,0^4 Description of samplin pointyV e L l- Sampling Method �AI G 4-R Sample Interval Remarks (Pump, bailor, etc.) " .S rA -l' / C WA A L ,, V E L, r (p � pi..7 %im ir1emp. etc.) BODs 310 m n Diss. Solids 70300 m /I A - Silver 1077 u /I COD High 340 mg/I OIS Flouride 951 m /I Al - Aluminum 1105 u /I COD Low 335 m /I Hardness: Total 900 m /I OiS Ba - Barium 1007 4 10 u /I Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Hardness non-carb 902 m /I Ca - Calcium 916 m /I Coliform: MF Total 31504 A 00m1 Phenols 32730 u /I Cd - Cadmium 1027 u /I TOC 680 m /I Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 I)IS1 Chromium: Total 1034 .2; /I Turbidity 76 NTU Sulfate 945 m /I Cu - Copper 1042 u /I Sulfide 745 m /I Fe - Iron 1045 u /I H - Mercury 71900 u /I pH 403 units K - Potassium 937 mg/I Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/I Mg - Ma nesium 927 mg/I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I Mn - Manganese 1055 u /I Carbonate 445 mg/I Na - Sodium 929 m /I Bicarbonate 440 mg/I NH3 as N 610 m /I Ni - Nickel 1067 u /I _ D#S Arsenic: Total 1002 u /I TKN as N 625 m /I D)S Pb - Lead 1051 d u /I Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I NO + NO3 as N 630 m /I Se - Selenium 1147 u /I Chloride 940 mg/I P: Total as P 665 m /I Zri - Zinc 1092 u /I Chromium: Hex 1032 u /I Color: True 80 Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/I Lab Comments: Or anochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides Nitrogen Pesticides Acid Herbicides Base/Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) 1,2 - Dibromoethane (EDB) AI . — Imo' a Ashetnlle GW-54 R'-' 3/92 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write "DIS" in b' White Copy - Groundwater Central Office Yellow Copy - Reg,- I Office Pink Copy - Central Files Goldenrod Copy - Lab North Carolina GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - GROUNDWATER SECTION County Quad No - Serial No. Lat. = Long. Report To ARO, FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, WSRO, Kinston FO, Other - Shipped by: Bus, Courier, Other, F Collector(s): '- Date -I'ELD ANALYSES r'H 400 Spec. Cond. 94 at 25° Temp.10 oC Odor Appearance Taste Field Analysis By: Lab Comments: SAMPLE PRIORITY EROUTINEEMERGENCY Lab Number 8 Date Received Time 0 Rec'd by --From. Bus -Courier Other Date Entry By: Ck Date Reported': Time Purpose: Baseline, Complaint .-Compliahce, LUST, Other Owner - Location or site Description of sampling point L " Sampling Method _ Sample Interval Remarks (Pump, bailer, etc.) ' GW-54 REV. 3/92 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write "DIS" in block White Copy - Groundwater Central Office Yellow Copy - Regional Office Pink Copy - Central Files Goldenrod Copy - Lab GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section_ P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 For additional forms please write or call: (919)733-3221 Facility Name Unimin Corporation Address P. D. Bose 588 Spruce Pine. NC 28777 Well Location Monitoring Well Well Identification Number MW #2 Well Depth Ft. Well Diameter Sample (Screened) Interval Ft. To Ft. County PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED)-, Non -Discharge ,Ju (REQUIRED — Lagoon MAY 2 7 1992 !'ING3'NI0.'NITO,RED — Septic Tank/Drain Field Depth to Water Level ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) — Spray Field — subsurface Low -Pressure (LPP) MeasuringPiping point is ,feet above land surface Land Application of sludge Other Gallons of water pumped/bailed -before sampling — Rotary Distributor Field Analysis: - pH'- " 5.6' . Specific Conductance 30 uMhos Temp. oC Odor Appearance' Date Sample Collected 3/16/92 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 3/16/92 Laboratory Name PACE, Incorporated Certification No. 40 COD mg/l NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF'Fecal /100ml NO3 as N. mg/I Pb -Lead L 0.05 mg/l Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 28 mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides. (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) 5.6 units Ba - Barium, L 0.10 mg/I ug/I TOC mg/I -Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic L 0.001 mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance 30 uMhos Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total L 0.02 mg/I Cu - Copper L 0.01 mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury A K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Total Ammonia(NH3 + N 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I TKN as N . mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I I CERTI HAT S E RT IS TRUE AND ACCURAT . SIGNATURE O PERmi EE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT`) ATE llw_rlq Rr-\/ :>/on ug/I Other (Specify) ug/I _ ug/I ug/I a q ug/I - - Sam ug/I GROUNDWATER SECTION ug/i RALEIGH, NC NOTE:. Values should reflect dissolved concentrations (See #2 on reverse) * See back for Instructions. ** Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. Ij kyll'alm agIAT, to gau Esiffim 2. ANALYSES ARE TO BE MADE OF THE CONSITITUENTS DISSOLVED IN THE GROUNDWATER, NOT THOSE THAT ARE A PART OF, OR ADSORBED ONTO, SOIL/SEDIMENT PARTICLES. CHECK WITH -YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 3. As per Title 15, North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, analytical proc.edures.shall be in accordance with the methods, described in one of the following. publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental Management: (a) Standard- methods fortho Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Edition; 1985, -published-jointly by AmOrican' Public Health Association, American Water Works Association -and Water Pollution Control- Fed6ration (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water -and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c) T6st'Methods for s:hys"ical/6 P emical Method . s, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S.En'vi'ron mental Evaluating Solid Waste'' Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the Analysis of Polluants Under the-Cleari WatdrAct, Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40. C­FR1' Part 136, October- 26,1984; 4. Measu-re and record the depth of water in the well.prior to pumping or bailingany water from the well. , 5.'Aleast 3 volumes of water in th-6 well'should be pumped or bailed prior to colleoting'a saMple'for analysis.- If the well is pumped/ballei'&dry before 3 well volumes are removed, samples can be collected as soon as the Wdll recovers to the point where enough water is available to ,,collect your sample- 6. Determination fQr PH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance -must be.made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample 7. s'Fjeld 4`6fpment m wst be callib'�ated -in-accordance, with recommendations by the manufactdrer:' S. Samplp4���',#Itor!.Od-thr�'obgh a 0.45 micron filter immediately after collection when a dissolved analysis .is required, (See #3. above} - 9. The sample container should -be labeled at the time of collection with the facility name, well identification number and date and time col- lected. 1 0."Autho'rized'age'nt" is any corporate officer or public official authorized by -the company, corporation; or. governmental body to sign official documents, GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 For additional forms please write or call: (919)733-3221 Facility Name Unimin Corporation County PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIRED) Non -Discharge p DFC 1 6 1991 IIU ' �� i —m Address P. 0. Box 58B, 226 Bakersville Hwy. Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Well Location Monitoring Well NPDES Well Identification Number f�W #2 Well Depth Ft. TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERAITION &E'IN;G (REQUIRED) Well Diameter Sample (Screened)'Interval Ft. To Ft. _ Lagoon — Septic Tank/Drain Field Depth to Water Level 17.75 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) — Spray Field — Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) Measuringpoint is_ feet above land surface Land Application of Sludge Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling Other — Rotary Distributor Field Analysis: pH 5.6 Specific Conductance 19 uMhos Temp. 13 °C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected __ 11/7/91 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 12/2/91 Laboratory Name PACE, Incorporated ' Certification No. COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF'Fecal /100ml NO3 as N. mg/I Pb -Lead L 0.1 mg/l Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 57 mg/ -I Al - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides. (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium L 0.1:0 mg/I -ug/I TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I 11n1l Arsenic L 0.001 mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Chromium: Total L 0.02 mg/I Cu - Copper 0.015 mg/I Fe - Iron g/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Total Ammonia(NH3 * NH 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese_ Zas mg/I Na - Sodium REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. SIONAPURE OF PER-MITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGft-NT*) DATE mg/I mg/I Other (SpegjV) _. ug/.I •-- ug/I c , 9/1 . i t1 'g/I :. DEC 1 P ug/I Airinl#;1. 4At;1k��� C�f`.Ti4�t'�g/I NOTE: PLALEIG14. I d Values should riefleot dissolved concentrations (See #2. on reverse) See back for instructions. "Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. rw-r.q Rw gion I I I I * , " :q:ffYXN;J:qJ! WTI 2. ANALYq�,�S ARE TO BE MADE OF THE CON SITITUENTS DISSOLVED IN THE GROUNDWATER, NOTTHOSETHAT ARE A PART - OF, OAIDSORBED ONTO, SOIL/SEDIMENT PARTICLES. CHECK WITH YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 3. As per Title 15, North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter'2L, analytical procedures shall.be int accordance with the methods described in one of the following publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the, Director, Division of Environmental Managemont.--.' (a) Standard methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Edifibn, 1985, published join ' tly by Ame'rican Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Polkition Control Federation; (b) -Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; '(c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods,- 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection -Agency publication number'SW-846; (d) Test Procedures for the' Analysis of Polluants Under the Clean Wate'rAct, Federal Re'gister-Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR, Part 136, October 26, 1984; 4.'Measure and record the depth of water in the. well prior to pumping or bailing any water from the well. 5. At least 3 volumes of water in the well should be pumped or bailed prior. to collecting a sample f6 I r analysis. If the well'is . pumped/bailod dry -before 3 well -volumes.-are-removed,,sa'mples can be collected -as soon as the well recovers to the point where enough water is available le to collect yoursample,_.- .6. Determination for pH,.SpecFr1c,6.onductance, temperature, oclor. and appearance must be.made in the field on unfiltered samples when the 7. IF t e calibrat,�d in.a'c6rdahce with recbmme'ndations b- the, manufacturer. Field e meqtmus c y 8. Sarpp)es,,m�,be,filterocl fhroUgh.a 0.45 micron-filter.immediately. after collecti6n When a dissolved analysis..is required (See 48. 'above), .=Wdo the - fadility-h me 9'. The sample container should :be"labefedat. the time. pt' I 4i 'n with'Wbil-identifid6t -ber and date'and time.col- iorl. nurn lected..,, I O."Aoihorized agent." is -any cor0orate officer -tar p'blicoffitial.aut�6.i2pd.0y.h&c&npany,,corp otati6n,.& jovernmenta bogy to sign:pffiC"ia 1. documehts. ,*. Division of Environmental Management GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING : COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Groundwater section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 For additional forms please write or call: (919)733-3221 Facility Name Unimin Corporation County Address P. 0. Box 588 PERMIT MBER: (REQUIRED) Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Non -Discharge Well Location MW #2 NPDES Well Identification Number Well #2 Well Depth Ft. TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERATION BEING MONITORED (REQUIRED) Well Diimeter Sample (Screened) -interval Ft. To - Ft. Lagoon Septic Tank/Drain Field Depth to Water Level 13.50 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) — Spray Field — subsurface Low -Pressure MeasuringPiping point is feet above land surface (L'PP) .Land Application of sludge Gallons of waterpumped/bailed before sampling 6 A Rotary Distributor Other Field Analysis: pH: 5.20 . Specific Conductance 35 uMhos Temp. - 15.5 ° C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 7/9/91 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/17/91 Laboratory Name PACE, Inc. Certification No. COD mg/1 NO2.as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/1 Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml NO3 as N. mg/I Pb - Lead " T. 0:05 mg/l Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 55 mg/1 AI - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides. (Specify Compounds) PH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium L 0.10 mg/I ug/I TOC mg/i Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I ug/I Arsenic L 0.001 mg/I Chromium: Total L 0.02 L,, • ug/I mg/I OtherI.-ItIsIf"t-IF56cC Grease and Oils m /I 9 Cu-Co L 0.01 Copper g � .� m /I ; " ug/I Hardness: Total mg/I Fe - Iron � I iK I, la u 9 /I Phenol mg/I Hg -Mercury _ g l� �., ug /I Sulfate mg/i. K - Potassium _ m I u /I g Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magnesium NN I All(, mg e� ��1 marf R!A fi;G . ug/I nrs�lc��a�'1. K'+a�i': Total Ammonia( 3 * H 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese mg 11 T K N as N rpg/I Na - Sodium GROUNDWATER SECTION ' c ri It G/I NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved concentrations SIGNAYURE OV C.lW-r%Q RF\/ 9/on ' I� HIS REPORT IS TRUEAND ElIMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT') URATE. DATE (See, #2. on reverse) * See back for Instructions. "Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. 1. Samples should be analyzed as-sobn as possible after collection. SAMPLES WHICH ARE NOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDING TIME SPECIFIED FOR THE MET`H6Q USED (SEE #3. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. ANALYSES ARE TO BE MADE OF -THE CONSITITUENTS DISSOLVED IN THE GROUNDWATER, NOT THOSE THAT ARE A PART - OF,.OR ADSORBED ONTO, SOIL/SEDIMENT PARTICLES. CHECK WITH YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE. COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 3. As per Title 15, North Carolina Administrative Code; Subchapter 2L, analytical procedures shall be inaccordance with the methods. described in''one of the following publ.ications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environme.nta.1 Management: (a) Standard methods for the -Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Edition, 1985-, published jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation; (b) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water. and Waste, 1979, U.S. Environmental Protection -Agency publication number EPA-600/4_79-00, as revised Mar6h'1983; (c) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid"Wast0s'': Physic'aVChemical Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; -(d) Test Procedures, for'the, Analysis -of Polluants Under the Clean Water Act, Pederal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Pars 36, October 26, 1984; 4. Measure and record the depth of water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any water from the well. 5. At least 3-volumes of water in the We. fl -should be pumped or --bailed prior to collectin.g'a sample for analysis.- If the well is pu'mped/baile'd dry .'before 3 well volumes'are removed, samples can be collected as soon as the Well- recovers to th6'point where enough water is -available to collect your sample. 6. betermihiiilpl I n"for "l ,,Ppecific.Co'ndijctarice,.temperature, oclor'andappearance"imust be-made,ih the field on unfiltered samples whpq,the sample ip c*ollbctOd. 7.,.'Field. equipment must be calibrated in .&c6rda.n 0 -with recbrilmehdations* by 1h'e:(nanufActurbr.'-.'- -7 .8. Samples must bdfiltbr6d throbq'"h.a,-0A5 r­nidrqh.filtgJRmedrat6Jy .4fte'r'collOdtiob'.Wheh..a.dissoly d anal' -rewired-. (See 0. -above). aMP - pie contailne'r-sh6uld b-01'' Ith" 4; io-ri �&lith the fa; ' ,'w 1'.* � , , "' * '6 '."umb'' r and:d' t 9. The sample abeled.at. 6 dim cility:h e a e and time col.: I dentif ic, tion. n lebted. f r 'b d -c �n co _d 1Q!.Auth&ized a'gent"Js.any coirpo.�atO o fiGa - or-pu,�.lic-off official auth&ize b t . 0 -o y he. r t*' tq -�iqp :official pan.yi; ton . , r g.9vernrrye y docuroents.. GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 For additional forms please write or call: " Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 ()19)733-3221 Facility Name Unimin Corporation County % uu d �'d Br�=U= `�--IN Address P.O. Box 588 C,1Hill PERMIT NUMBER: (REQUIREpDVI .. ,�9` Spruce Pine, NC. 28777 Non -Discharge II P Well Location Monitoring Well #2 NPDES �I II r��nee�,�ttiaz�erS�ctlorf Well Identification Number M.W. #2 Well Depth 25 Ft TYPE OF DISPOSAL OPERATti ON-83�EIN'G'-'M'O'N1T0•FtED-= (REQUIRED) Well Diameter `r Sample (Screened)"Interval Ft. To Ft. Lagoon Septic Tank/Drain Field Depth to Water Level 1 4. 00 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) — SprayField— Subsurface Low -Pressure Piping (LPP) Measuringpoint is �� feet above lane! surface Land Application of sludge Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling 6 Rotary Distributor Other Field Analysis: pH 5.8 Specific Conductance 29 uMhos Temp. 13 ° C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 03/05/91 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 03/05/91 Laboratory Name Pace, Inc. Certification Na. 40 COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I _ Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fepal /100m1 NO3 as N. mg/I Pb - Lead ND mg/'I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I -Dissolved Solids: Total 42 mg/I PH (when analyzed) units TOC mgJI Chloride mg/I Arsenic ND mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I. Sulfate mg/I Specific Condu�,tance uMhos Total Ammo fa H3 * NH TKN as I C IFY T SIGNATU Al - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides. (Specify Compounds) Ba - Barium ND mg/I vg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I ug/l Chromium: Total ND mg/I Cu- Copper ND mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese — mg/I Na - Sodium FIT IS TRUE AND ACC TE ITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT*) DATE mg/I mg/I Other (S ecif ug/I �Y 4� ug/I 211, ug/I ug/I ug/I g NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved concentrations (See #2. on reverse) * See back for instructions. ** Submit blue, green, and yellow copies only to address above. rW_j;a Rf=v Dion 1. Samples should be analyzed as soorl ps possible -after collection. SAMPLESWHICH ARE NOT ANALYSED WITHIN THE HOLDING TIME SPECIFIED FOR THE METHOD 'USED (SFE #3. BELOW) MUST BE DISCARDED AND NEW SAMPLES COLLECTED. 2. ANALNS)ES ARE TO BE MADE OF TH . E CONSITITUENTS DISSOLVED IN THE GROUNDWATER, NOT THOSE THAT ARE A PART OF, OR ADSORBED ONTO, SOIL/SEDIMENT PARTICLES. CHECK WITH YOUR LABORATORY ON PROPER PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION. 3. As per Title 15, North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, analytical procedures shall be in.accordance with the methods desdribed in one of the following publications, or by other methods approved beforehand by the Director, Division of Environmental Management.'' (a) Standard methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Edition, 1985, published -jointly by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water -Pollution Control Federation;- Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water. and Waste, 1979, U.S. Eny,ironmental Pr6tection Agency, publication number EPA-600/4-79-020, as revised March 1983; (c)-Test Mdthodb for -Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/theimi6l, Methods, 3rd Edition, 1986, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publication number SW-846; (d) -Test Procedures for the Analysis of Polluants Under the Clean Water -Act, Fbderal Register Vol. 49, No. 209, 40 CFR Part 136, October. 26,1984; 4. Measure and, record the depth of water,in the well prior to pumping or bailing ,any water from the well. pumped -or bailed ecti , 11 " , pumped/baited 'I " 5. At' least 3-volumes of water in the well should be -prior collecting a sample for'analysi8. If the we is dry before -3 well volumes are removed, samples can 'be collected as soon as the well'tecovers to the point -where enough water --is available to collect your -,sample. 6., Determination for pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and appearance, must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample. is collected. 17. Field"qu '-d-i" ipment must be calibrated in-accordahce with recommendations -by the rfianufa6tbrer. - 8. Samo'6s rfilust be filtered through a 0.45 micron filter immediately after collection when a dissolved analysis is required.. {See #3. above) _ 9. The sample container should be labeled at the time of -collection with the facility name, well identification number and date and time col- lected. 1 0."Au6orized agent" is any corporate officer or public official authoriz'ed by the company, corporation, or governmental body to sign official documents. V7� m.of Environmental iwcanagemerit GROUNDWATER QUALITY MM ONITORING: COS, REPORT FORM DIVWon Groundwater Section P-0- Box 2 M7 Raleigh, NIC - 27611-7687 For additional forms r)leaae write or call: Facility Name n courly Address PERMIT NUMBER: Non -Discharge Well Location NPIDES. Well Identification Number 6'2 •Depth Well _Ft. TYPE OF CLISPOSAL OPERATION BEING MONITORED (R—E-5VIRED) Well Diameter Sample CScreened) lnlem�al _Ft. -ro _Ft. — Lagr-m — Septic Tank/Drain Field Depth to Water Lever — ft. be'$ow measuring point. iLbaflore sampling) — Smy F)Wd Subsudace Lotei--�ressure Meastifing pant is feet above land awface — Lard Appgcafrcort of 84Age 1 Piping 01p] Galions of water pumped/bailed before sampling !)jsfnbutor Other Field Analysis: pH S,4 SP601fic Conductanca uMhos Temp. Y C Odor Appearance Date SarriPle Collected Date Lab Sample Analyzed Laboratory Name Certification Na. GOD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni Nickel -Mgli Collform: MF Fevaf /100MI NO3 as N —mgfl Pb Lead mg/1 Coliform: CIF To'lal 1 oarnt Phosphorus. Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc Mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total njb/j Al - Alluminum Mg/I Pesficides/hlerbic>des (Specify CompoLrids) P11 (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium M-g/I ugyl LL TOC mg/4 Ga - Calcium mg/I Lpg/l 0 Chloride mg/1 Cd -Cadmium Mgj1 ugiff Arsenic mg/l Chromium: Total --mg/l Other (Specify) ag"I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Capper —rng/j ug/l n i Hardness: Total mg/I Fe -Iran Mg/I Ug/I 1E i Phenol mg/1 ;fig - Mercury mgA ug/l Sulfate mg/I K - Polassium— mg/1 ugyj T Specific Conduclance--uMhos Mg - Magn 9siurn rn,311 Ug/1 0 Total A-rnrnon(NH wt ia4.1-- mg/I Mn - Manganese rngf I > TKN as r�j -- mg/1 Na - Sodium — •L421E rng /I V� Auss should reflec! dissolheed concentratbw I CERTi FFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. -A2- on ravers-G) * Ss-- ?aa, for instrixtions. S.) GNATU RE OF PE RM ITTE—E (OR AUTHORIZED AGERT�)— DXTE Submit blue, green, and yelgow mpies 2a-[X to address above- GW-59 REV. 2W COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Facility Name Address Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 276%7 Raleiggh, N.C. 2761 1 For additional forms please write or call: (919)733-3221 County Permit Number: ---) OF _ r- I nC� , ) VI'.— • of _6 / 1 / Non -Discharge_ Well Location V�{ oT C� ``-i,�I� I NPDES ZZC -Qd(!2" S� Well Identification Number ��• �'V. a' Well Depth a!t) Ft. Water Use Well Diameter Cq Sample (Screened) Interval Ft. To Ft. Injection Well ✓{rl s Depth to Water Level I I , 10 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction ;`C' Measuring point is �_ feet above land surface Other q 190 Gallons of water pumped/bailedbefore sampling J' r7 0 aal 1 r- o GR0U1''i�'''V"A Lei Field Analysis: pH�� Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. 1 C Odor Apr'paae n.n Date Sample Collected 0 -7- 9 -90 c tl8h Date Lab Sample Analyzed ^_ Laboratory Name PC�EP. ;�C Certification No. 40 COD mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Coliform: MF Total /100ml Dissolved Solids: Total ! mg/I pH (when analyzed) 5.(0 units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic L 0.005 mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total mg/1 Phenol m g /l Sulfate Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(NH3 tt TKN as N I CER-TtFY T 4) - mg/I uMhos NO2 as N mg/I NO 3 as N mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I 1 Ba - Barium L C).05 mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium— mg/I Total LO•U�- Chromium: mg/l Cu - Copper 1_O. O 10 mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg -Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I LS TRUE AND ACCURATE. OF PERMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT't) -DATE Ni - Nickel mg/I 1 Pb - Lead 0.05 mg/f Zn - Zinc mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) ug/I ug/I ug/l Other (Specify) ug/I Note iU b Groundwater Section Y=�-�'' heville R 'onal Office _ ug/I _ug/I _ ug/I _ ug/I _.ug/l Values should reflect total concentrations # See back for instructions. * 'Submit blue and green copies only to address above. GW-59 Revised 6/88 t �- � �� ` % �-- Z 14= 0 162 couNTv —1--1— N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL. RESOURCES LAB NUMBER s QUAD NO.' 1 �' '- SERIAL NOr� / ��G &COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE RECEIVED"'- _ ' ''J Time �6' LAT. ✓' A, LONG. .� ', > DEM ! l Rec'd by:`: " From: Bus -Courier GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Other Report to:. RO;P FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, SAMPLE PRIORITY DATA ENTRY BY: j C 6110F CK: WSRO, Kinston FO ( Other 1 O" ROUTINE ❑ EMERGENCY DATE REPORTED: Shipped by: Bus, Courier, Other COLLECTORDATE TIME Oe" -f PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAINT ,`CO PLM IANCE 1-UG-., OTHER (cIroI orre)-- FIELD ANALYSES Owner U 'A..'/ue, i ! '3!� r�l �jr"' I :r C tr ! /;:%.; �, ,ns ph1400 - F Temp` 10 Spec. Cond.94 —oC Odor _ Appearance Taste Field Analysis By: LABORATORY ANALYSES BOD5 3,10 mg/I COD High 340 mg/I o COD Low 335 �a mg/I tr% Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 Z_ qJ /loom[ Coliform:MF Total 31504 4 i /loom] TOO 680 mg/I Turbidity 76 NTU pH 403 units 1.1' Alkalinity to pH 4.5. 410 mg/] t,�' Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/1 Carbonate 445 1 mg/l f-� Bicamonate 440 �a mg/1 Arsenic:Total 1002 ug/1 Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I u Chloride 940 G� It mg/1 Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/I Color:True 80 Pt -co Cyanide 720 mg/1 Lab Comments: at 250C Location or site Description of sampling point Sampling Method'` F Sample Interval afi / ' /.�? ✓ _ (pump, bailer, etc*.) Remarks / '� 1 1/- _ 1 C- 1 ,1 �4. / , /-_ F; r 015 Diss. Solids 70300 mg/1 Fluoride 951 mg/1 ois Hardness:Total 900 r mg/1 �(e, Hardness (non-carb) 902 mg/I Phenols 32730 ug/I Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Sulfate 945 mg/I Sulfide 745 mg/I NH3 as N 610 mg/I TKN as N 625 mg/1 NO2 -t NO3 as N 630 mg/I P:Total as P 665 mg/I Ag - Silver 1077 ug/I A'[ - Aluminum 1105 ug/I Be - Barium'1007 ug/1 Ca - Calcium 916 mg/I Cd - Cadmium 1027 ug/I Chromium:Total 1034 ug/I Cu - Copper 1042 ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 ug/I Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/I K - Potassium 937 mg/1 Mg - Magnesium 927 mg./I Mn - Manganese 1055ug/I Na - Sodium 929 mg/I Ni - Nickel 1067 ug/I Pb - Lead 1051 ug/1 Se - Selenium 1147 ug/I Zn - Zinc 1092 ug/I ng time, air temp, etc. Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides I I Acid Herdicides I Base / Neutral Extractable organics Acid Extractable Organics I I Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) I I I 1,2 - Dibromoethane (EDB) GW-54 Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write 'DIS' in block White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab couNrY "TG!-f[. GL N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES t Ci&9C( QUAD NO I �/ LAB NUMBER 8 .SERIAL NO. o & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -Z— LAT�SSG. �`fG 8� O� 5r7 DATE RECEIVED Time 9-00 LONG. DEM Rec'd by: C1­0") From: Bus Cowrie Report to: ARO FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WIRO, GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM 0 Other WSRO, Kinston FO Other SAMPLE PRIORITY DATA ENTRY BY: j CK: Shipped by: Bus, Courier Other ROUTINE ❑ EMERGENCY DATE REPORTED: COLLECTOR(S): G�rAi DATE2 � — O I r TIME S D� PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAINT, COMPLIANCE I.US", OTHER (circle o FIELD ANALYSES is Owner L.�N/ M /nl C•O R/�p,ef} TON Q (,(s}I� 7 Z CiPEIr?�iT/ on)S p11400 Spec. Cond.94 at 250C Location or site DO►V'Q&RAO/ EN'T Temp.t0 oC Odor Description of sa I' wCLL 1 Appearance Taste Field Analysis By: LABORATORY ANALYSES BOD5 310 mg/I COD High 340 mg/I COD Low 335 - mg/I Colilorm:MF Fecal 3416 /10oml Colilcrm:MF Total 3144 /loom) TOC 680 mg/I Turbidity 76 NTU i PH 403 units Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I Carbonate 445 mg/1 pl Bicaruonate 440 mg/I Arsenic:Total 1002 L I ug/i Carbon dioxide 405 i mg/I Chloride 940 mg/1 Chromium:Hex i032 ug/l Color:True 80 ! Pl-Co Cyanide 720 mg/I Lab Comments: mp I ng point EAD Samplinq Method — A4 / L_ Sample Interval a (pump, bailer, etc.) Remarks 57_,4TIG vVAT4M LgVC_Z__ ��,S7 (pumping time, air Liss. Solids 70300 mg/I Qr$ fluoride 951 • II mq/I Ilardness:Total 900 mg/I 1,araness (non-carb) 902 mg/I Pnenols 32730 ug/I S :,ecilic Cond. 95 yullate 945 L uMhos/cm2 mg/l OIS Sulfide 745 mg/I 015 N113 as N 610 / mg/I 015 1KN as N 625 , mg/I / NO2 + NO3 as N 630 , mg/l 0/ P:Total as P 665 Q� mg/I p15 Ag - silver 1077 4 !,C) ug/l O!S At - aluminum 1105 4 JQ ug/I 015 Ba - Barium 1007 41 ug/1 P 1A Ca - Calcium 916 , mg/1 Q15 Cd - Cadmium 1027 Z,Q ug/I O1S Chromium:Total 1034 LzJ ug/I D15 Cu - Copper 1042 z, 7 ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 uq/I / HQ - Mercury 71900 C uq/I 1$ K -Potassium 937 mg/I [)IS Mg - Magnesium 927 r mg/l 1 Mn - Manganese 1055 ug/l Q/ Na - Sodium 929 I, mg/I / r Ni - Nickel 1067 Pb - Lead 105.1 l-. �O I ug/I ug/I pl Se - Selenium 1147 — uq/I Vj< Zn - Zinc,1092 uq/I GW-54 i-ed 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - sui,mit fil' d sample and write 'DIS' in block �.% White copy - Headquarters Pink�py - Region Yellow *copy - Lab Orga ob l•oilne Pesticides , I! Organ ph6i phorus Pesticides ' g 1 Acid icides ` Base / Noutr&R x r I O nits Acid Extractable Organics Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) 1.2 - Dibromoelhane (EDB) G^ V COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM a Facility Name Address Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Ralei , M.C. 27611 For additional forms please write or call: (91 )733-3221 Well Location Well Identification Number 4 2 Well Depth 15 Ft. Well Diameter 2 !) Sample (Screened) Interval Ft. To Ft. 711-1 County ►` e Permit Number: Non -Discharge NPDES Water Use Injection Well Depth to Water Level i2 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction Measuring point ism_ feet above land surface Other II Gallons of* water pumped/bailed before sampling APR 31 ]Pot Field Analysis: pH Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. ° C Odor �_A �arance U,18 . I"d;�AI ER .- Date Sample Collected 3 f? %�� Date Lab Sample Analyzed q(-) SFnT ' i Laboratory Name -� �n � ��_: �nc� Certification No. F G � I �i U COD mg/1 NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml NO3 as N mg/I Pb - Lead C I cs=-o mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/1 Dissolved Solids: Total (-D4� C_) mg/1 pH (when analyzed)units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic CO oc75 mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total mg/1 Phenol m g /I Sulfate mg /1 Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4) mg/I � TKN as N ! 2 , mg/I I CERTIFY TH REST IS;0 Al - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/H,etbici;des (Speci.fy.Corppounds) Ba - Barium mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total <1 020 mg/I Cu- Copper <o,Oto mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/1 Mn - Manganese 17a - Sodium AND ACCURATE. SIGNATURE OFMITTEI''(OR AUTHORIZED AGENT GW-59 Revised 6/88 �i"P ug/I • •' 414�/Vl l,l J•.4 a1 V1� Other (Specify)?°1slile Regional Ji7iC ug/I ug/I mg/I Note: mg/1 Values should reflect total conce ug/I ug/I ug/I * See back for instructions. * 'Submit blue and green copies only to address above. COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Facility Name Jr) 1LI' ('�r V-41c�v� Address PCB _E>�X 8p c��C'Uce tit-, e arc Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section P,O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 For additional forms please write or call: (919)733-3221 Well Location Well Identification Number -)42 Well Depth )16—Ft. Well Diameter 2" Sample (Screened) Interval -65 Ft. To_I Ft. Depth to Water Level I'163 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Measuring point is 0 feet above land surface t Gallons of water pumped/bailed before samplings County NA Permit Number: Non -Discharge '- NPDESe--��:��' ,R Water Use Injection Well Well Construction Other Field Analysis: pH Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected `9 tqlq Date Lab Sample Analyzed Laboratory Name ���� r�nrr��r�T�t� 1� �;, �n c . Certification No. COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal 1100ml NO 3 as N mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Dissolved Solids: Total M.EL mg/I pH (when analyzed) J5 < LB units TOC Chloride Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Al Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium <Q ,QEQ mg/I mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I mg/I Arsenic ©,OCY mg/1 Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total. Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total . <0. 0ZO mg/I Cu - Copper { 0 0 (% mg/I mg/I Fe - Iron Phenol mg/I Hg - Mercury Sulfate mg/I K - Potassium 7U _mg/I .mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magnesium mg/I Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I TKN as N I Na - Sodium mn/I I CERTIFY T O ZTFRUE AND ACCURATE. SIGNATU OF PERMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT*) GW-59 Revised 6/88 Pb - Lead mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/1 Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) Other (Specify) ug/I ug/I ug/1 ug/I ug /I 4 ' -- ug/I ug/I ug/I Groundwater section Asheville Regional Offic;7/n- Note: F Values shoLld reflect total concenos/ V- 5 - ' ee back for instructions. DATE ** Submit blue and green copies only to address above. Environmental Management Division COMPLIANCE MONITORING Groundwater Section , REPORT FORM P.O. Box 27687 A44�Ic E ,d V a Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-3221 „�,r� Q. Facility Name linimin CorpT , County plt;ahgil Address PO Box 545 Permit Number: Groundwater Section Achavilie Regional Office , Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Non -Discharge f Well Location __ #2 NPDES NC OOjo,0475 Well Identification Number # 2" Well Depth 15 Ft. Water Use 'I►77-+ `<< Well Diameter 211 Sample, (Screened) Interval ri Ft. To 1_ Ft _ Injection Well ! aj Depth to Water Level 1 3 13e' .ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Constructi{i Measuring point is n feet above land surface. Other ` Gallons of* water pumped/bailed before sampling To dryness GROUNDWATER SECTION Field Analysis: . pH 5.92 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. oC OdoradiGniFlLi Date Sample -Collected 7/1 n.4gg Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7.4 1S./a0 Laboratory Name Environmental Testing Tnc: Certification No. 4n. COD mg/I NO2 as N . mg/f Ni - Nickel g/I m Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml NO3 as N. mg/I Pb - Lead <0.005 mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 58.6 mg/1 Al - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds)' pH (when analyzed) 5.92 units Ba - Barium- <0. 050 mg/I vg/I TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic <0 , 005 mg/I Grease and Oils Hardness: Total Phenol mg/I mg/I mg/I Ca - Calcium _ Cd - Cadmium mg/I mg/I Chromium: Total, <0.020 mg/I Cu - Copper 0.012 mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I Sulfate mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magnesium mg/I Total A"wnonia.(NH3.t NH4)—mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I TKN as N mg/I Na - Sodium- mg/I I CERTI T AT THI POU IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. Other (Specify) ug /I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ..ug/I Note: Values should reflect total'concenttatlons * j,back #ovinstructions. "ATAE OF PE TEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT*) AT ** Submit blue and green copies only to address above. GW-59 Revised 3/88 Environmental Management Division COMPLIANCE MONITORING Groundwater Section REPORT FORM P.O. Box 27687 � C E I V Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-3221 MAY Facility Name UNIMIN Corporation County Kitchell Address PO Box 588 Permit Number: Asjrou Regional Office Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Non -Discharge H' Well Location NPDES NC 0000175 Well Identification Number #2 Well Depth 151 Ft. Water Use Well Diameter 2" Sample (Screened) -Interval 5 Ft. To 15 Ft. Injection Well Depth to Water Level 14,22' ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction Measuring point is 0 feet above land surface. Other Gallons of water pumped/bailed before samp-ing To Dr)rnPss Field Analysis: PH 6.20 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. ° C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 3/6/89 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 3/12/89 Laboratory Name _ _ +Environmental Testing Inc. Certification No. 40 COD Coliform: MF Fecal Coliform: MF Total - mg/I 1100ml / 100ml Dissolved Solids: Total 6.0 mg/I PH (when analyzed) 6.20 units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic <0.005 mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total mg/I Phenol m g /I NO2 as N N0 3 as N Phosphorus: Total as P Al - Aluminum mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I mg/I Pb - Lead <0.050 mg/1 mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) Ba - Barium <0.010 mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total <0.020 mg/I Cu - Copper ' 0.010 mg/I Fe - Iron Hg - Mercury mg/I Sulfate mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magnesium mg/I Total Ammonia.(NHS.t NH 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I~ TKN as N mg/I Na - Sodium, mg/I I CERT HA7THI PORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. zo GN E OF PERMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT*) ATE GW-59 Revised 3/88 c ug /I ug /I ug/1 c i-f y) ug/I ' -` ug/I Note: Values should reflect total concentrations *-See back for.instructions. ** Submit blue and green copies only to address above. Environmental Management Division - COMPLIANCE MONITORING Groundwater Section REPORT FORM P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C. 27611DEC ,' FacilityName UNIMIN Corporation i919)733-3221 Mitchell County Address PO Box 588 Permit Number: �aR � RG _- Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Non -Discharge f' 4 Well Location NPDES NC 000045:.k, Well Identification Number #2 Well Depth 15 Ft. Water Use Well Diameter 211 Injection Well Sample (Screened) �� Interval _ Ft. To Ft, � Depth to Water Level 1F.6' ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction Measuring point is 0 feet above land surface Other Asheyilie Regional Offic-e t Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampting to dryness Field Analysis: -pH 6.10 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. - oC Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 11_11n/RR Date Lab Sample Analyzed 11/IBAB Laboratory Name Environmental Testing Inc. Certification No. 40: COD mg/I Coliform: MF FeOal /100ml Coliform: MF Total /100ml Dissolved Solids: Total 32.3 mg/I PH (when analyzed) 6.10 units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic <0.005 mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg /I Specific Conductance uMhos Total Alaxnonia.(NH3.t NH 4) mg/I NO2 as N NO3 as N. Phosphorus: Total as P Al - Aluminum Ba - Barium Ca - Calcium Cd - Cadmium _ Chromium: Total Cu - Copper 0.437 <0.010 0.019 mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/l. mg/I Pb - Lead n_n.�F mg/I mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/4 mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds)' .mg/I ug/I mg/l , ug/I m g /I ug/l .mg/I Other (Specify) ug/I m g /I ug /I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/l K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I TKN as N mg/I Na - Sodium` mg/I I CERTIFY 'THIS REP IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. 12 12 88 SIGNATO OF PERMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT*) DATE GW-59 Revised 3/88 ug/I ug/I ug/I ..ug/I Note: Values should reflect total'concentrations *,See back for instructions. ** Submit blue and green copies only to address above. �__) ,�11 � W/ ^`APARTMENT COUNTY /�C�ilr° /� N.C.: OF NATURAL RESOUR LAB NUMBER 8 _V��/i/ OUAD NO. LAT. �.5^.��%y. SERIAL NO. LONG. �� bJ�g & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEM DATE RECEI D Tim , Rec'd by:1 /_/ From: Bu Cour er V� Report to ARO FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Other l 7 SAMPLE PRIORITY ' TA ENTRY BY. CK: WSRO, Kinston FO Other ROUTINE ❑ EMERGENCY W ATE REPORTED: Shipped by: Bus, ou r,//Other COLLECTOR(S): 1 , DATE TIME FIELD ANALYSES PH400 Spec. Cond.94 Temp. 70 oC Odor — Appearance Taste Field Analysis By: LABORATORY ANALYSES BOD5 310 mg/I COD High 340 mg/I COD Low 335 mg/I Coliform;MF Fecal 31616 /loom[ Colilorm:MF Total 31504 /t00ml TOC 680 mg/I Turbidity 76 NTU pH 403 units Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/I Alkalinity to PH 8.3 415 mg/I Carbonate 445 mg/I Bicarbonate 440 mg/I i Arsenic;Total 1002ug/[ Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I Chloride 940 mg/I Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/I Color:True 80 Pt -co Cyanide 720 mg/i Owner /r a t 250C Location or site0 u//� f��•�,'%'' Description of sampling point LGl Sampling Method `���,Z Sample Interval (pump, bailer, -etc.) PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAINT, MPLIANCE UST, OTHER (circle one Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Diss. Solids 70300 mg/I Fluoride 951 �d1 mg/I Hardness:Total 900 mg/I Hardness (non-carb) 902 mg/I Phenols 32730 ug/I Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 ' Sulfate 945 .--mg/I Sulfide 745 mg/1 NH3 as N 610 mg/I TKN as N 625 mg/I NO2 + NO3 as N 630 mg/I P:Total as P 665 mg/l. Ag - Silver 1077 -e_" ug/I /' Al - Aluminum 1105 L ug/I Ba - Barium 1007 , d ug/I Lc Ca - Calcium 916 n , mg/I /' Cd - Cadmium 1027 "-C;�.0 ug/I ,_S I Chromium:Total 1034 L ug/I r Cu - Copper 1042 ­4 ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 ug/1 Hg - Mercury 71900 , ug/I K - Potassium 937 3 mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/l / Mn - Manganese 1055 100 ug/I Na - Sodium 929 mg/I NI - Nickel 1067 .e: ug/I Pb - Lead 1051 L / ug/I Se - Selenium 1147 ug/I Zn - Zinc 1092 ug/1 Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides Acid Herdicides Base / Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) 1.2 - Dibromoethane (EDB) . .., rNr'al'il Sfy''' �tiir'. i % y 1 � J,J Lab Comments: u:if�lUU�i�tl`.Iliil� ' •.Di: ��u1 GW-54 Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write "DIS' in block White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab COUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER 8- QUAD NO. f '" �_" SERIAL NO. & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE RECEIVED - /' Time LAT. t ` LONG. DEM 0 Rec'd by: I From: Bus-Couri',er GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Other' Report to: AR&, --FRO, MRO., RRO, W'aRO, WiRQ, SAMPLE PRIORITY DATA ENTRY BY: CK: WSRO, Kinston FO Other ❑ _ ROUTINE EMERGENCY DATE REPORTED: Shipped by: Bus, Courier; 0fher_- r DATE P.!/ •' TIME PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAINT, COMPLIANCE, LUST, OTHER (circle FIELD ANALYSES Owner pH400 Spec. Cond.94 at 250C Location or site Temp.10 - oC Odor Description of sampling point Appearance .'Taste y4 Sampling Method e°�-''�� � � �'� Sample Interval (pump,-bailsri etc.) " Field Analysis By: LABORATORY ANALYSES 8005 310 mg/I COD Nigh 340 mg/I COD Low 335 mg/I Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 /loom] Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100ml TOC 680 mg/I Turbidity 76 NTII pH 403 (,.� - units Alkalinity to pH. 4.5 410 -r mg/I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415. -s mg(1 Carbonate 445 i mg/I Bicarbonate 440 Q mg,/I Arsenic:Total 1002 ug/r Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I Chloride 940 m9/I Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/I Color:True 80 Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/I Lab Comments: GW-54 Revised 7/85 R-emarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) -,; '�Diss. Solids 70300 mg/l. Fluoride 951 mg/I /.Hardness:Total 900 a� mg/I j4ardhess (non-carb) 902 1 mg/I Phenols 32730 , ug/I Specific Cond. 95 uM.hos/cm2 Sulfate 94.5 mg/I Sulfide 745 mg/I NH3 as N 610 mg/I TKN as N 625 mg/I NO2+NO3 as N 630 mg/I P:Total as P 665 mg/I Ag = Silver 1077 ug/I Al - Aluminum 1105 ug/I Be - Bar! urn '1007 ug/I Ca - Calcium 916 mg/I Cd - Cadmium 1027 ug/I Chromium:Total 1034 ug/I Cu - Copper 1042 ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 ug/I Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/I K - Potassium 937 mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I Mn -Manganese 1055 ug/I Na - Sodium 929 mg/I NI - Nickel 1067 ug/I Pb - Lead 1051 ug/I Se -'Selenium 1147 ug/I Zn - Zinc 1092 ug/6 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write 'DIS' in block White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab Organochlorine Pesticides 'I Organophosphorus Pesticides I I Acid. Herdicides I �+ Base / Neutral Extractable Organic s Acid Extractable Organics I I Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) I I I 1.2, - Di,bromoethans (EDB) I Environmental Management Division ,`•, 'f{/ `' COMPLIANCE MONITORING Groundwater Section REPORT FORM P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C.. 27611 ' O (919)733=5083 Facility Name County nac Address '-' "`=r �,' Permit Number: - E u nawer�er ection N" 'fit' 7`?'r Non -Discharge Asheville Ref?ional Office Well Location NPDES ISi` ODOPl' Well Identification Number ?t'-, Well Depth 15 Ft. Water Use Well Diameter 211 Sample CScreened) Interval 5 Ft. To 15 Ft. Injection Well _ Depth to Water Level 14_,5:� ft. below measuring point. Cbefore sampling') Well Construction Measuring point is i feet above land surface Other Gallons of'water pumped bailed before sampling To cr;�ness Field Analysis: pH !'°`jti Specific Conductance -uMhos Temp. C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 7/8/8 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/16/3E Laboratory Name r.u4rctTen4-:L 7-1i14-1 I 4G C O-D m g /1 Coliform: MF Fecal /100MI Coliform. MF Total /100ml Dissolved Solids: Total mg/I pH (when analyzed') 5°90 units TOG mg /I Chloride mg/I Arsenic -mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total m;g/I - Phenol rng /I o r�° Certification No. NO2 as. N mg/I N0 3 as N mg/I Phosphorus: Total as P- mg/I' Al - Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium u°(Ji3U mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium __ _ mg/I Chromium: Total, --' 0°010 m4/I Cu - Copper i„ li4_ - mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I ug/I Ni Nickel mg/I Pb 7 Lead <0°101) mg/1 Zn - Zinc mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) ug/I Hg - Mercury - Sulfate mg/I K - Potassium Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4)- mg/I TKN as N mg/I g/I Mg - Magnesium rng/l Mn - ,Manganese mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I I CERTIFY THAT -THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. SIGNATURE~OF PERMITTEE COR. AUTHORIZED AGENT*) . DATE GW-59 Revised 7/85 ug/I ug/l Other CSpecify) ug/I Re idtle Total Fil-era.ble--?_Jog ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I Note: Values should reflecttota'I concentrations * See back for instructions **.Submit blue and green copies to address above. Environmental Management Division COMPLIANCE MONITORING Groundwater 'Section sl, REPORT FORM P.O. Box 27687 C I ` Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-5083 Cl. Facility Name Unimin Corporation County Mitchell Address PO Box 586 Permit Number: Grrnn .dwafar Section 4sheville Regional Office Spri r,g Ping, NIf' ?R777 Non -Discharge Well Location NPDES NC 000017 Well Identification Number #2 Well Depth 15 Ft. Water Use Well Diameter 2" Sample (Screened) Interval 5 Ft. To 15 Ft. Injection Well Depth to Water Level 14.53 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction Measuring point is 0 feet above land surface Other. Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling To dryness Field Analysis: pH 5.90 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. oC Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 7/8/88 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 7/16/88 Laboratory Name Environmental Testing Inc. Certification No. 40 COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100m[ NO 3 as N mg/I Pb - Lead <0.100 mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) 5'90 units Ba - Barium 0.080 mg/I ug/I TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I Chloride mg/l Cd - Cadmium _ mg/I ug/1 Arsenic <0.010 mg/I Chromium: Total <0.4u. mg/I Other (Specify):, ug/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper 0-1i mg/I Residue, -.Total Filterable-29.9 ug/I Hardness: Total mg/I Fe - Irorlr '��'� ,"r:? mg/I ug/I Phenol mg/I �±; ` Hg -ja'.els mg/I ug/I Sulfate mg/I K - P"� um r �.d m /I u /I g g Specific Conductance uMhos Mg -lum mg/I .ug/I " `� Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4) mg/I Mn - Mango`. . mg/I Note: TKN N Na - Sodium ` W as mg/I mg/I Values should reflect total concentrations I CERTIF IS FIT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. #See back for instructions i ## Submit blue and green copies to address above. SIGN RE OF PERMITTEE (OR. AUTHORIZED AGENT#) DATE GW-59 Revised 7/85 r COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Facility Name UNMAN Corporation Well Location Environmental Management Division Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-5083 Well Identification Number #2 Well Depth A5 Ft. Well Diameter 2" Sample (Screened) Interval _ 0,20 Ft. To 25 Ft. Depth to Water Level 14.53 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Measuring point is 0 feet above land surface Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling To dryness County Mitchell Permit Number: Non -Discharge __ - - 1 NPDES NC 0000175 Water Use Injection Well Well Construction Other. Field Analysis: pH F, gFi Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 3/10/88 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 3/18/88 Laboratory Name Enviromental Testing Inc. Certification No. 40 COD Cofiform: MF Fecal - mg/I /l00ml Coliform: MF Total /loom] Dissolved Solids: Total 19.1 mg/I pH (when analyzed) T units TOC mg/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic <0.010 mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total Phenol mg/I mg/I NO2 as N NO 3 as N. Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium <0.mo mg/I Ca - Calcium. Cd - Cadmium mg/I mg/I Chromium: Total <0.010 mg/I Cu - Copper <0.010 mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury /I Sulfate mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magnesium mg/I Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I TKN as N mg/l Na - Sodium mg/I CERTIFY TH7REPORT TRUE AND ACCURATE. SIGNATUR OF PERMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT#) DATE GW-59 Revised 7/85 mg/I Pb - Lead <0 050 mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) Other (Specify) ug/1 ug/I ug/1 ug/I ,ug/I !`1 ug/I 14 GR®U4�D"',1T n _�i��v Note: �� �n n.Ld �Llly Y�� Values should reflect total concentrations # See back for instructions ## Submit blue and green copies to address above. Environmental Management Division COMPLIANCE MONITORING Groundwater Section — -� REPORT FORM P.O. Box 27687 "` I RA PHI N (. 77R i i lU3g s Facility Name Address Well Location Well Identification Number "111t Well Depth _Ft. Well Diameter Z !` Sample (Screened) Interval 20 Ft. To 2-S' Ft. Depth to 'Water Level ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) �j County � I I_P� ► ► Isq,tinn Permit Number: Asheville Regional Office Non -Discharge NPDES A).6_DD0Z) I h_ Water Use Injection Well D Well Construction L Measuring point is feet above land surface 7Z_ �`� Other - J11 Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH S 42 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. ° C Appearance Date Sample Collected 2 - 2 - rf�/ Date Lab Sample Analyzed rOdor Laboratory Name aA)Z M In) � p . Certification No'. IS-2— COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100m1 NO 3 as N mg/I Pb - Lead mg/l Coliform: MF Total /100MI Phosphorus: Total as P mg/1 Zn - Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) PH (when analyzed) < units TOC mg/I Chloride Arsenic mg/I mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate Specific Conductance Ba - Barium mg/.I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium_ mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Other (Specify) Cu - Copper mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I - mg/I K - Potassium mg/I uMhos Mg - Magnesium mg/I Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I TKN as N mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I CERTIFY T IS REPO TRUE AND ACCURATE. SIGNATUR F PERMITTEE COR AUTHORIZED AGENT*) DATE GW-59 Revised 7/K ug/1 ug/I ug/1 ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I Note: Values should reflect total concentrations See back for instructions ** Submit blue and green copies to address above. rOMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Facility Name Address Well Location _ Well Identificati Well Diameter _ UNIMIN Corporation P. 0. Box 588 Spruce Pine, N. C. Environmental Management Division Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-5083 ` . A : ;r ) County Mitchell - Permit Number: P Groundwater Section G rtegbarlal Office Non -Discharge g NPDES NC0000175 Number #2 Well Depth 25' Ft. 211 Sample (Screened) Interval 20' Ft. To 25 Ft. Depth to Water Level 15.12 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Measuring point is feet above land surface Gallons of" water pumped bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 4.75 Specific Conductance Date Sample Collected 11-05-87 Laboratory Name Environmental Testing, Inc. i p E Water Use Injection Well Well Construction 60-0018-WM-0004 Other = I S I -V uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Lab Sample Analyzed 11-06-87 - 11-19-87 Certification No. 40 COD mg/1 NO2 as N mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml NO3 as N mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg%l Dissolved Solids: Total 50.0 mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I pH (when analyzed) 4.75 units Ba - Barium <•050 mg/I TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium _ mg/I Arsenic <•010 mg/I Chromium: Total <•010 mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu- Copper mg/I Hardness: Total mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Phenol mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I Sulfate mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magnesium mg/I Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I TKN as N rng/I Na - Sodium mg/I I CERTI AT THIS ORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. SIGNAfURE OF PERMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT#) A GW-59 Revised 7/85 Ni - Nickel mg/I Pb - Lead <.050 mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) Other (Specify) ug/I ug/I ug/1 ug/I ug/I 1 fi - ug/I ;1, r ug/I _ ug/I .ug/I Note: RALEIG-H, NC Values should reflect total concentrations # See back for instructions ## Submit blue and green copies to address above. Environmental Management Division OMPLIANCE MONITORING Groundwater Section REPORT FORM _ P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-5083 Facility Name UNIMIN Corporation Address P • 0. Box 588 Spruce Pine. N. C. 28777 Well Location County Kitchell Permit Number: Non -Discharge NPDES NC0000175 Well Identificati&n Number #2 Well Depth 25' Ft. Water Use Well Diameter 211 Sample (Screened) Interval 20' Ft. To 25' Ft. Injection Well Depth to Water Level 15.12 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction 60-0018-WIC-0004 Measuring point is feet above land surface. Other . Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH 4.75 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 11-05-87 Date Lab Sample Analyzed 11-06-87 - 11-19-87 Laboratory Name __ Environmental Testing, Inc. Certification No. 40 COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni- - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100m1 NO3 as N mg/I Pb - Lead <.050 mg/f Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/l Dissolved Solids: Total 50.0 mg/I AI - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) 4.75 units Ba - Barium <.050 mg/I ug/I TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/1 ug/I Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I ug/1 Arsenic <.010 mg/I Chromium: Total <.010 mg/I Other (Specify) ug/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I ug/I Hardness: Total Phenol mg/I mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos. Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/l K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I TKN as N mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I I CERTI AT THIS ORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. SIGNA E OF PERMITTEE (OR. AUTHORIZED AGENT*) A I�i GW-59 Revised 7/85 ug/I ug/I ug/I .ug/I Note: Values should reflect total concentrations * See back for instructions **Submit blue and green copies to address above. J,i o' COUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL. RESOURCES QUAD NO y-` r''- SERIAL NO." & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LAT. -> } r i LONG. DEM Report to l An0,� FRO, M'RO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, WSRO, Kinston FO Other. Shipped by: Bus, Courier, Other�FX%7 COLL;ECTOR(S): X , i_'� r. DATE - FIELD ANALYSES pH400 - Spec. Cond,94 at 250C Temp.1.0, - oC Odor Appearance - - Taste _ Field Analysis By: LABORATORY- ANALYSES BOD.5 310 mg/I... COD Nigh 340: mg/1 COD Low 335 mg/1 Coli'form:MF Fecal. 316�1.6 /looml Coliform:MF Total 31504 /loom.[ TOG. 680 mg/I Turbidity '76 NTU pH 4.03 units ✓` Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 �'*� mg/I �1",Alkalinity'to pH 8.3 415 "`" mg/I �i Carbonate 445 mg/I Bicarbonate 440 .� mg/.I Arsenic:Total, 1002 ug/1 Carbon dioxide. 405 mg/1 Chloride. 940 Z_ � mg/I Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/1 Color:True 80 Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/I Lab Comments: GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM SAMPLE PRIORITY 0" ROUTINE ❑ EMERGENCY LAB NUMBER 8 DATE RECEIVED Time i, Rec'd by: From: Bus -Courier Other DATA ENTRY BY: ^' CK: DATE REPORTED: _ TIME - PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAINTcc-OMPLIA�N,CE�, LUST, OTHER (circle one_j Owner %%✓rs t";; t o t '��i `j `. Locati on or site l!tr : ;e /! s' 'F ✓� /6 Description of sampling point' Sampling Method ✓I/t,7f r` c ;r (pump, bailer, Remark's uf' Diss. Solids 70300 ' mg/1 Fluoride 951 _ mg/1 v 'Hardness:Total 900 mg/1 Hardness (non-carb) 902 ,l.� 'i mg/l Phenols 32730 ug/I Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Sulfate 945 mg/I - Sulfide 745 mg/I NH3 as N 610 mg/I TK.N as N 625 mg/1 'NO2 +NO3 as N 630 mg/I P:Total as P 665 mg/I, I A " Sample Interval C, "U Ag - Silver 1077 ug/l AI - Aluminum 1105 ug/1' Be - Barium'1007 ug/l Ca - Calcium 916 mg/I Cd - Cadmium 1027 ug/I Chromium:Total 1034 ug/I Cu - Copper 1042 ug/I Fe - Iron '1045 ug/I H.g - Mercury 719.00 ug/I K - Potassium 93T mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I Mn - Manganese 10.55 ug/I Na - Sodium 929 mg/I Ni--'Nickel 1.067 ug/i Pb - Lead 1051 _ - ug/I Se - Selenium 1147 ug/I''. Zen - Zinc 1092 ug/I GW-54 Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write 'DIS' in block White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab r temp, etc. Organoch'I'orine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides I Acid Herdicides I J _ I Base / Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics I I Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) I I I 1,2 - Di'bromoethane (EDB) I COUNTY " . ' `" N.C. QUAD NO. �~ �' / SERIAL NO. LAT. LONG. Report to "ARO "FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, WSRO, Kinston FO Other Shipped by: Bus�Courie.r, Other COLLECTOR(S): 1 .f s:£/ti •. DATE FIELD ANALYSES pH400 Spec-. Cond.94at250C Temp.1'0 oC Odor Appearance Taste :PARTMENT OF NATURAL. RESOUI i LAB NUMBER 8 & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE RECEIVED i Time DE'NI 01)Reed by:l" From: Bus-Courie'e GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORMOther ('SAMPLE PRIORITY ,1 1' ;�n DATA ENTRY BY: �. t ! CK: - l/ ROUTINE EMERGENCY ', �i I J' DATE REPORTED: TIME PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAINT„ COMPLIANCE; LUST, OTHER (circle ones''-- rlwnar ./"., I�`- r Location or site f „ >✓ Description of sampling poi nt, Sampling Method %�t� �''I Sample Interval (pump, bailer, etc.) Field ,Analysis By: Remarks LABORATORY ANALYSES BOD5 310 mg/I COD High'340 mg/l. COD tow 335 mg/l Collform:MF Fecal 31616 /looml Col[form:MF Total 31504 /loom[ TOC 680 mg/I Turbidity 76 NTU pH 403 units Alkalinity to pH 4.5' 410 mg/1 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I Carbonate 445 mg/I Bicarbonate 440 mg/I 7;­7 9 Arsenic:Total 1002 g/I Carbon dioxide 405 mg/l Chloride 940 mg/I Chromlum:Hex 1032 ug/I Color:True 80 Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/I Diss. Solids 70300 _ mg/( tt Fluoride 951 �-� v t 1 mg/l H a rdness:Tota 1900 mg/1 Hardness (non-carb) 902 mg/I Phenols 32730 ug/l Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Sulfate 945 4mg/1- Sulfide 745 mg/1 NH3 as'N 610 mg/l TKN as N 625 mg/1 NO2 i NO3 as N 630 mg/1 P:Total as P 665 mg/1 Ag - Silver 1077 ugh AI - Aluminum 1105 ug/1 611-1 Be - Barium'1007 4�J9 ug/I Ca - Calcium 916 'mg/1 Cd Cadmium 1027 ug/l 5 Chromium:Total 1034.t."� ug/I Cu - Copper 1042 ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 ug/I Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/1 K - Potassium. 937 mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I. Mn - Manganese 1055 ug/1 Na - Sodium 929 mg/1 Ni - Nickel 1067 ug/I' Pb - Lead 1051 < (,) ug/I Se - Selenium 1147 ug/1 Zn - Zinc 1092 ug/l. mp, Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides Acid Herdicides Base / Neutral .Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics Purgeabie Organics (voA bottle) 1.2 - Dibromoethane (EDB) r E C E IV E iJaV - CI7 / Groundwater Section Lab Comments:'- -t' -C{ - e - A4hPuilla Roninnal (]ffirP GW-54 Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis submit filtered sample and write 'DIS' in block White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab PPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Facility Name Address UNIKIN Corporation P. 0. Box 588 Environmental Management Division Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (819)733-5083 Spruce Pine, N. C. 28777 Well Location Hwy. 226 North, Spruce Pine, N. C. Well Identification Number Well # 2 Well D th 25 Ft. Well Diameter 2 in. Sample (Screened) IntervFt. TQORUWFt. Depth to Water Level 12 ft. 6 in. ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Measuring point is U feet above land surface Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling County Kitchell Permit Number: NC0000175 f Non -Discharge _ S NPDES Water Use Injection Well Well Construction �er� Other . Field Analysis: pH 5.05 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected July 28, 1987 Date Lab Sample Analyzed August 3, 1987 Laboratory Name Environmental Testing, Inc. Certification No'. 40 COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml NO3 as N mg/I Pb - Lead < 0.050 mg/l Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 56.2 mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/1 Pesticides/Herbicides. (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium 0.095 mg/l ug/1 TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I Chloride mg/I Arsenic < 0.010 mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Hardness: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg /I Specific Conductance uMhos Cd - Cadmium mg/I Chromium: Total 0.018 mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I TKN as N mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I I CER F THAT THIS FIT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. SIGN E OF PERMITTEE (OR. AUTHORIZED AGENT*) DATE GW-59 Revised 7/85 ug/1 Other (Specify) ug/I f r; - TMOT55Aug/ {{ J n E ug/I ug/I ug/I s it11L>_lv;i, Note: Values should reflect total concentrations # See back for instructions >�* Submit blue and green copies to address above. COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Facility Name Address Environmental Management Division Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C. 27611 County ' Permit Numb r: Well Location ee�1/,'�?!>.©// l_i17�s�%lc. i Well Identification Number LlJcDZZ2- Well Depth Ft. Well Diameter A Sample (Screened) Interval 2& Ft. To_o�3' Ft. Depth to Water Level L3, ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Non -Discharge NPDES Z& 400121.7,r Water Use Injection Well Well Construction--���re�-rv� Measuring point is feet above land surface Other . Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling e__`� Field Analysis: pH . 9 3 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected 3— -- 497 Date Lab Sam le Analyzed -Z 3- Z 4r, 3 -3U vt 3— 3/nf Laboratory Name Lim' �fdd P r �e' 4k Certification No. e 77� f >1` •��,2g COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100m1 NO3 as N mg/I Pb - Lead _mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) PH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium - mg/I ug/I TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I ug/l Arsenic GD 1,4 mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Other (Specify) ug/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I ug/I Hardness: Total mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I ug/I Phenol mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I ug/I Sulfate mg/I K - Potassium mg/I ug/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magnesium mg/I .ug/I Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Note: TKN as N mg/I Na - Sodium mg/I Values should reflect total concentrations I CERTIFY AT THIS R FIT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. # See back for instructions rj/�� *# Submit blue and green copies to address above. SIGN A E OF PERMITTEE (OR UTHORIZED AGENT*) DATE GW-59 Revised 7/85 COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Facility Name Address 1 L- Environmental Management Division Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C. 27611 , (919),733-5083 oun y Permit Number: Non -Discharge Well Location N P D E S" /: "f2 Well Identification Number Well Depth Ft. Water Use Well Diameter Sample (Screened) Interval Ft. To Ft. Injection Well Depth to Water Level - ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction Measuring point is feet above landsurface Other . Gallons of" water pumped bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected - �Date Lab Sample Analyzed Laboratory Name -'.`, -<< �`,- r, l i<-- = Certification No. - COD mg/I NO2 as N mg/l,, Ni - Nickel mg/1 Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml NO3 as N mg/I Pb - Lead mg/1 Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total mg/1 Al - Aluminum mg/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) pH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium mg/I: ug/I TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I ug/I Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I ug/1 Arsenic mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I: Other (Specify) ug/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu- Copper m g A = ug/I Hardness: Total mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I ug/l Phenol mg/I Hg - Mercury rng/I ug/I Sulfate mg/I K - Potassium mg/I - ug/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magnesium mg/I ,ug/I Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4) mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Note: TKN as N , rng/I Na - Sodium mg/I Values should reflect total concentrations I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. - - # See back for instructions Submit blue and green copies to address above. SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE COR. AUTHORIZED AGENT*) DATE GW-59 Revised 7/85 COUNTY f N.C. PARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOW QUAD NO. ` ` SERI:AL NO. & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LAT. _; LONG. DEM GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Report to: ARO, FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, W'iRO, SAMPLE PRIORITY WSRO, Kinston FO Other � ❑, "ROUTINE ❑ EMERGENCY Shipped by: Bus,. Co-urier;,,Other COLLECTOR(S): < <j_,-f , DATE TIME FIELD ANALYSES PH400 Spec. Cond.94 at 250C j Temp.10 oC Odor Appearance Taste Field Analysis By: LABORATORY ANALYSES BOD5 310 mg/1 COD High, 340 mg/1 COD Low 335 mg/I Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 /loom[ Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100ml TOC 68o mg/I Turbidity 76 NTIJ pH 403 units Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/1 Carbonate 445 mg/I Bicarbonate 440 mg/I /is Arseni.c:Total 1002 / t ug/f Carbon dioxide 405mg/I Chloride 940 mg/I Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/I Color:True 60 Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/I Lab Comments: Owner Location or site LAB NUMBER 8 - 1 DATE RECEIV'E0-�`?ti/2 -sf) Time ` 7 0 Rec'd by: f 11)r^)r7 {/ ) From: Bus -Courier Other DATA ENTRY BY:.: CK: DATE REPORTED:v PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMP'LA,INT,4COMPLIANCE;,�LUST, OTHER Description of sampling point ✓ - { Sampling Method - ' - r"., !! Sample Interval (pump, bailer, etc'.) Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc.) Diss. Solids 70300 mg/L " Fluoride 951 ( j(_i mg/I Hardness:Total 900 -� mg/I Hardness (non-carb) 902 mg/I Phenols 32730 ug/I Specific Cond. 95 uMh'os/cm2 Sulfate 945 mg/I Sulfide 745 mg/1 NHg. as N 610 mg/I TKN as N 625 mg/I NO2+NO3 as N 630 mg/I P:Total as P 665 mg/I Ag -Silver 1077 ug/I Al - Aluminum 1105 ug/I _ Be - Barium *1007 %'t! } ug/1 Ca - Calcium 916 mg/I Cd - Cadmium 1027 ,r ug/I i•l Chroml'um:Total1034 .� =i ate' ug/1 Cu - Copper 1042 S ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 ug/I Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/I K - Potassium 937 mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I Mn - Manganese 1055 ug/I Na - Sodium 929 mg/I Ni - Nickel 1067 �. j ug/I Pb - Lead 1051 4 �// ug/I Se - Selenium 1.147 ,... ug/I Zn Zinc 1092 ug/I - - r GW-54 Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write 'DIS' in block White copy Headquarters Pink copy Region Yellow copy - Lab Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides Acid Herd'icides Base / Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics Purgeable Organics .(VOA bottle) 1.2 - Dibrom.oethane (EDB:) p Y %e E C E I _ i 87 n _ v Groundwater Section Asheville Regional Office t COUNTY N.C. DEPARTMENT 'OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAB NUMBER $ 1 `° QUAD NO. - SERIAL NO.,,",' & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE RECEIVED �"� Time LAT. LONG. r DEM Rec'd by: 0 From: Bus -Courier GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Other Report to:,ARO; FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, SAMPLE PRIORITY DATA ENTRY BY: CK: WSRO, Kinston FO Other El ROUTINE Shipped by: Bus, Courie Other EMERGENCY DATE REPORTED: ° COLLECTOR(S): •_',,:.7 DATE - TIME PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPPLAINT, C�OMPLIA CN LUST, OTHER (circle one) --..-,- FIELD ANALYSES PH400 Spec. Cond.94 at 250C Temp.10 oC Odor Appearance Taste Field Analysis By: LABORATORY ANALYSES BOD5 310 mg/I COD High 340 mg/I COD Low 335 mg/1 Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 /100m1 Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100ml TOC 680 mg/I. Turbidity 76 NTU pH 403 - u n I is Alkalinity to pH. 4.5 410 .Jl mg/I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I Carbonate 44.5 - mg/I Bicarbonate 44.0 mg/I Arsenic:Total 1002 ug/I Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I ' Chloride 940 mg/I Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/I Color:True 80 Pt -co Cyanide 720 mg/I Lab Comments,: Owner Location or site i Description of sampling point Sampling Method Sample Interval _71 11/ (pump; bailer, etc.) Remarks 'IDiss. Solids 70300 mg/l. Fluoride 951 mg/I Hardness:Total 900 mg/I !Hardness (non-carb) 902. + mg/I Phenols 32730 ug/I Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Sulfate 945 mg/I Sulfide 745 mg/1 NH3 as N 610 mg/I TKN as N 625 mg/I NO2 + NO3 as N 630 mg/I P:Total as P 665 mg/I ,­ r Limping time; air temp, etc Ag - Silver 1077 ug/I AI - Aluminum 1105 ug/l Ba - Bari um'1007 ug/I Ca -.Calcium 916 mg/l Cd - Cadmium 1027 ug/l Chromium:Total 1034 ug/I Cu - Copper 1042 ug/I Fe - Iron 1045. ug/I Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/l K - Potassium 937 mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I Mn - Manganese 1055. ug/I Na - Sodium 929 mg/I Ni - Nickel 1067 - ug/I Pb - Lead 1051 ug/I Se - Selenium. 114.7 ug/.I Zn _ Zinc 1092 ug/l. GW-54 Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write 'DIS' in block White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab Organochlorine Pesticides Crganophosphorus. Pesticides Acid Herdicides Base / Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable. Organics Purgeable. Organics (VOA bottle) 1..,2 - D.ibromoethane (E.DE), COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT FORM Environmental Management Division Groundwater Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-5083 Facility Name Unimin Corp. Quartz Operations Address P. 0. Box 588 Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Well Location Off NC226 Mitchell Counts Well Identification Number Well #2 Well Depth 25 Ft. Well Diameter 211 Sample (Screened) Interval 20 Ft. To 25 Ft. Depth to Water Level '115 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) County Mi tchel 1 Permit Number: Non -Discharge NPDE I NC 0000175 Water Use Injection Well Well Construction 60-0018-WM-0004 Measuring point is feet above land surface Other . Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling 8 Field Analysis: pH 5 A Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected Nov. 25, 1986 .Date Lab Sample Analyzed 12/05, 12/15, and 12/18/86 Laboratory Name CompuChem, Research Triangle Park Certification No. NC # 37723, EPA # NCO28 COD Coliform: MF Fecal Coliform: MF Total - mg/I / 100ml 1100ml Dissolved Solids: Total o • mg/I pH (wher, analyzed) S• ? units TOC mg/I NO2 as N mg/I NO 3 as N mg/1 Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I AI - Aluminum mg/I $ Barium • Ca - Calcium ma/I Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium_ mg/I Arsenic 3 an mg/I 0-00 _: Tote I �, lJ mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I Hardness: Total Phenol mg/I mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH 4) mg/I TKN as N . mg/I Fe - Iron Hg - Mercury K - Potassium_ Mg - Magnesium Mn - Manganese Na - Sodium I CERTIF AT THI EPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. SIGNAT RE OF PERMITTEE (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT*) 4De GW-59 Revised 7/85 g/I g/I .mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I Pb -Lead �� ..- n- Zn - Zinc mg/l Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) ug/I ug/I ug/1 Other (Specify) ug/I V.� i ug/I _ ug/I E G 1 ug/I _ 0Q ug/I mg/I ug/I Groundwatcr aeL;uviI mg/I Asheville Redior,.,l ,itl, e f Note: •• � mg/I Values Auld reflect total concentrations * See back for instructions ** Submit blue and green copies to address above. COUNTY QUAD NO. SERIAL ND.�f-} LAT. LONG Report to-r" ARO,-FRO, MRO, R_RO, W'aRO, WiRO; N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL_ RESOURCES' LAB NUMBER $ & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE RECEIVED "' Time WSRO', Kinston. FO Other Shipped by: Bus-"Covrier-_)Other COLLECTOR(S):l/ysNtt'Crr`cY_14/55°DATE r � r FIELD ANALYSES PH400 fSpec. Cond.94 at 250C Temp ,) oC Odor Appearance Taste Field' Analysis By: LABORATORY ANALYSES BOD5 310 mg/I COD High 340 - mg/l COD Low 335 mg/I Coliform:MF Fecal 3161.6' %100ml Coliiorm:MF Total 31.504 /100ml TOC 680 mg/l Turbidity 76 NTU pH 403 [' units Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I Carbonate 445 mg/1 Bicarbonate 440 mg/l Arsenic:Total 1002 'ug/1 Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I Chloride 940 mg/l Chromium:Hex. 1032 ug/1 Colbr:True 80. Pt -Co Cyanide 720 mg/1 Lab Comments: Owner r'' � � DEM Rec''d by: From: Bus -Courier U GROUNDWATER 'FIELD/LAB FORM Other SAMPLE PRIORITY DATA ENTRY BY: '' CK: l ROUTINE ❑ EMERGENCY DATE REPORTED: � TIME PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAIN( COMPLIANCE, LUST, OTHER (circle untO-"`"—�y Location or site Description of sampling point Sampling Method r /V (pump, bailer, etc'.) Sample Interval, /F Remarks (pumping time, air temp, etc'.)' _ 'Diss. Solids i0300' fys''r mg/I. Fluoride 951 mg/1 Hardness:Total 900 mg/1 Hardness (non-carb) 902 mg/l Phenols 32730 ug/I Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 " 'Sulfate 945 mg/li Sulfide 745 mg/1 NH3 as N 6'10 mg/1 TKN as N 625 m8/l 'NO2 s N.03 as N 630 mg/1 P:Totai as P 665 mg/I Ag -:Silver 1077 - - ug/1 Al - Aluminum 1105 ug/1 Be - Barium'100.7 ug/I Ca = Calcium 91.6 mg/I Cd - Cadmium 1.027 ug/1 Chromium;Total 1'034 ug/1 Cu - Copper 1042 ug/I Fe - Iron. 1045 ug/I Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/I K - Potassium 937 mg/l Mg - Magnesium 927 m9/I Mn -',Manganese 1.055 ug/I Na - Sodium 929 mg/I' Ni - Nickel 1.667 ug/1 Pb = Lead 1.051 ug/I Se - Selenium 1147 uug/I Zn - Zinc 1092, ug/l GW-54 Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write *DIS' in block White copy - Headquarters Pink copy Region Yellow copy Lab - Organochlorine Pesticides: Organophosphorus Pesticides I IAcid H.e,rd'icides I Base / Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable. Organics I' Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) I I I 1.2 - Dibromoethane (EDB) I �4 COUNTY J1:j,. �f-- / qq QUAD NO;­:`� SERIAL NO. )',/ ` / LAT. �`+� ? LONG..2 Of5 Report tol:.-_AR451' FRO, MRO, RRO, W,RO, WiRO, WSRO, Kinston FO Other N.0 :PARTMENT OF NATURAL- RESOU & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEM Shipped by: Bus; Gouri'er Other yb- _l- _ J COLLECTORS) /Ifate�l'�-__>e A1DATE " 1 FIELD ANALYSES pH400 eond 94zo at 250C 4 Ter-ttpt 0 1 r7- oC Odor Appearance Taste Field Analysis By: LABORATORY ANALYSES B005 310 mg/I COD High 340 mg/l COD .Low 335 mg/I Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100ml TOC 680 mg/I Turbidity 76 NTU pH 403 units Alkalinity to pH 4..5 410 mg/I Alkalinity to pH B.3 4.15 mg/I Carbonate 445 mg/I Bicarbonate 440 mg/I did Arsenic:Total 1002 FV ug/I Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I Chloride 940 mg/I Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/I Color:True 80 Pt -Co Cyanide 720 m9/I Owner GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM S LAB NUMBER 8 0 DATE RECEIVED % "'���u% Time Rec'd by: D + From: Bus -Courier,; Other SAMPLE PRIORITY S�ROUTINE ❑ EMERGENCY r TIME PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAI of Location or site l A% DATA ENTRY BY: = CK: DATE REPORTED: COMPLIANCE' LUST, OTHER one)--_. - Description of sampling point Sampling Method c/ ( Sample Interval (pump, bai-ler, etc.) Remarks Diss. Solids 70300 mg/t f� Fluoride 951 t�6 mg/I Hardness:Totai 900 mg/I Hardness (non-carb)'902 mg/I Phenols 32730 ug/I Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Sulfate 945 mg/I Sulfide 745 mg/l NH3 as N 610 mg/I TKIJ as N 625 mg/I NO2 i NO3 as N 630 mg/I P:Total as P 665 mg/I 11 a _:� Ag - Silver 1077 ug/I Al - Aluminum 1105 ug/I Be - Barium'1007 �j-U t„f ug/I Ca - Calcium 916. mg/I Cd - Cadmium 1027 ug/I 8c Chromium:Total 1.034 ug/I Cu - Copper 1042 ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 ug/I Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/I K - Potassium 937 mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I Mn - Manganese 1055 ug/I Na - Sodium 929 mg/I Ni - Nickel 1067 ug/l Pb - Lead 1051v. ug/I Se - Selenium 1147 ug/I Zn - Zinc 1092 ug/I• , etc. Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides Acid Herd.i'cides Base / Neutral Extractable Organics. Acid Extractable Organics Purgeabie Organics (VOA bottle) i� 1,20-- P4, romoethane (EDB) T f\ fsa VE(af. I e` 1986 nt Iluwaler Suction ••51G lUlldl VIIILC -bt r��� .��CE►t� OA/ -OF Lab Comments: n fvOJ NI GW-54 Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write 'DIS' in block White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab I d v(y A 3� a Environmental Management Divis'orF C E I V - `� C 6 E COMPLIANCE MONITORING Groundwater Section REPORT FORM P.O. Box 27687I"41� Raleigh,N.C. 27611 _ (919)733-5083 Groundwater S r Asheville RFMipTCI 11 Groundwater Section Facility Name INTERNATIONAL MINERALS CHEMICAL CORP. _ County As" villa gie al8ffip- Address P. 0. Box 545' Permit N tuber: SPRUCE PINE, NC 28777 Non -Discharge Well Location Off NC #226, Mitchell County. Well Identification Number Well #2 Well Depth �5 Ft. Well Diameter 211 Sample (Screened) Interval 20 Ft. To �5 Ft. Depth to Water Level �3 ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) NPDES — Water Use NC 0000175 Injection Well Well Construction 60-0018-WM-0004 Measuring point is feet above Land surface Other Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling •.+ 8 Field Analysis: pH 6.5 Specific Conductance uMhos Temp, oC Odor None Appearance Date Sample Collected Date Lab Sample Analyzed 8-1-86 and 8-6-86 Laboratory Name CompuChem Research Triangle Park Certification No. COD mg/I NO2 as N (D) mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100m1 NO3 as N CD) mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 12 mg/I Al - Aluminum, CD) ug/I pH (when analyzed) 5';6 units Ba - Barium (D) 0.20 mg/1 ug/I TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium CD) mg/I Chloride (D) mg/I Cd - Cadmium (D) ug/I Arsenic (D) <0+0050 mg/ulg/I Chromium: Total CD) : 0.030 mg/1 ug/I Grease and Oils Hardness: Total (D) Phenol Sulfate CD) Specific Conductance mg/I Cu - Copper CD) ug/I mg/l Fe - Iron CD) ug/I ug/I Hg Mercury (D) ug/I _ mg/I uMhos K - Potassium CD) Mg - Magnesium (D) Total AmmoniaCNH3 t NH 4)(D) mg/I Mn - Manganese (D k,.- TKN as N (D) mg/I Na - Sodium (D)_ I CERTIFY T THIS REPOR S TRUE AND ACCURATE.. e � G W-59 - SIGNA E U OF PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENT 8-13-86 DATE ug/I mg/I ug/I mg/I Ni - Nickel (D) ug/I Pb - Lead CD) 4, 0.0050 mg/1 ug/I Zn -Zinc CD) ug/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) ug/I ug/I ug/1 Other (Specify) ug/I �_ZiAN ug/I ., 4 } _ ug/I 0_ 1 ��i•A SEP1A ug/I D = Dissolved Analysis - Submit Filtered Sample See back for instructions Submit blue and green copies to address above. I f `7 � COUNTY �." ::' . N.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL. RESOURCES LAB NUMBER a QUAD NO. ~'d' SERIAL NO. & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT f ^ Time DATE RECEIVED,- LAT. ~ " f LONG. ' DEM Rec'd by: �' ^� From: Bus -Courier GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Other Report to:�,ARO,,FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, SAMPLE PRIORITY - DATA ENTRY BY: CK: WSRO, Kinston FO Other , I<' ROUTINE ❑ EMERGENCY DATE REPORTED: r ^ Shipped. by: Bus, Courier, Other COLLECTOR(S):��'' -% ,' DATE TIME >jr' - PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAI'NT,-OMPLIA E�LUST, OTHER - (cf role One) FIELD ANALYSES Owner yf. �'/ r•j>'�` `-'. r - �:�` - '�`{' pH400 - Spec. Cond.94 at 250C Location or site Tem,p.10 oC Odor Description of sampling ,point Appearance Taste Sampling, Method s -` Sample Interval (pump, bailer, etc.) Field Analysis By: Remarks .(pumping time; air temp, etc.) LABQRATORY ANALYSES BOD5 310 mg/I COD High 340 mg/I COD Low 335 mg/I Col[form:MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Col[form:MF Total 31504 /loom[ TOC 680 mg/I Turbidity 76 NTU / pH 403 p.Y� units Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 i mg/I ✓ Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/l Carbonate 445 fl mg/l Bicarbonate 440 CC. mg/I Arsenic:Total 1002 ug/1 _ Carbon dioxide 405 _ mg/I Chloride 940 ln1 Y mg/I Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/I Color:True 80 Pt -co Cyanide. 720 mg/I Lab Comments: Diss. Solids 70300 mg/1 Fluoride 951 t mg/l Hardness:Total 900 mg/1 Hardness .(non-carb) 902 mg/I Phenols32730 ug/I Specific Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Sulfate 945 mg/I Sulfide 745 mg/I NH3 as N 610 mg/f TKN as N. 625 mg/l NO2 + NO3 as N 630 mg/I P:Total as P 665 mg/I A9 -.silver 1077 ugh At - Aluminum 1106 ug/I Be - Barium'1007 ug/I Ca - Calcium 916 mg/I Cd - Cadmium 1027 ug/I Chromium:Total 1034 ug/I Cu - Copper 1,042 ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 ug/I Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/I K - Potassium 937 mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I Mn - Manganese 1055 ug/I Na - Sodium 929 mg/I Ni ='Nickel 1067 ug/l Pb - Lead 1051 ug/1 Se = Selenium 1147 ug/I Zn - Zinc 1092 ug/I• GW-54 Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample 'and write 'DIS' in block White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab r�rganochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides I I Acid Herdici'des I Base / Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics I I Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle) I 1 1 1,2 - Dibromoethane (EDB) I COUNTY A� IPARTMENT OF NATURAL, RESOUO 4 LAB NUMBER 8 --r _ -47 fL_Jt3SER'IAL ) i %8� _ .. & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE RECEIVED,f: 1�tT f Time �'f' QUAD NO NO. ? F�'/ 212 ' From: Bus,Gouurier-� LAT. LONG_ -7 DEM Rec'd by:� v �_� Report to:(ARO,�FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, WiRO, GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM Other SAMPLE PRIORITY DATA ENTRY BY: c CK: JL­ WSRO, Kinston FO Other !' lr4 ROUTINE ❑ EMERGENCY DATE REPORTED: Y: Shipped b Bus Cou-_ ri�eer>�Oth:er/f` / COLLECTOR(S): i1. A kiz-sf J DATE l f.. tc !/ ' ` TIME F PURPOSE: BASELINE, COMPLAINT, COMPLIANCE, LUST, OTHER ` •/ ✓ (circle one),_'""' , FIELD ANALYSES Owner p'H400 Spec. Cond.94 at 250C Location or site r i d T'emp.10 oC Odor Appearance - Taste Field Analysis By: LABORATORY ANALYSES BO,D5 310 COD High 340 r, mg/I COD Low 335 mg/I Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 /looml Coliform:MF Total 31.504. /loom] TOC 660 mg/I Turbidity 76 NTLI OH 403 units Alkalinity to pH 4.5, 410 mg/I Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mg/I Carbonate, 445 mg/I Bicarbonate 440 mg/1 ins Arsenic:Total 1002 �(� ug/l Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I Chloride 940. mg/f Chromium:Hex 1032 ug/I. Color: rue 80 Pt -co Cyanide 720 mg/I' Description of sampling point d,`> Sampling Method - A9,'� (pump, bailer, etc Sample Interval %f Y- Remarks, (pumping time, air temp, etc..) Diss. Solids 70300 mg/L Fluoride 961t mg11 Hardness:Total 900 mg/I' Hardness (non-carb) 902 'mg/I Phenols 32730 ug/I Specific. Cond. 95 uMhos/cm2 Sulfate 945 mg/I Sulfide 745 mg/I NH3 as N 610 mg/I TKN as-N 625 mg/l '.NO2 + NO3 as N 630 mg/I P:Total as. P665 mg/I' Ag - Silver 1077 ug/I AI - Aluminum 1105 ug/I Be -. Barium '1007 G.5'06 ug'/I Ca - Calcium.9'16 mg/I Cd - Cadmium '1027 ug/I /22. Chromium:Total 1034 ug/I Cu - Copper 1,042 ug/I Fe - Iron 1045 OO V ug/I Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/I k - Potassium 937 mg/I Mg - Magnesium 927 mg/I Mn - Manganese 1.056 ug/I Na - Sodium 929 mg/I Ni - Nickel 1067 ug/I.. Pb - Lead 1051 .c, A, ug/I Se Selenium 1147 ug/I Zn - Zinc 1092 ug/I• L. Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides I I. Acid Herdicides I Base J Neutral: Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics I I Purgeable Organics. (VOA bottle) I I I 1.2 - Dibromoeth_ane (EDB) I 0 Lab Comments: FEB Ew v t ., u 2 08 " nr. d...^`V"ri Asheville Regional Office -54 Revised 7/85 For Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample and write 'DIS' in block White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region Yellow copy - Lab }, 9 Environmental Management Division COMPLIANCE MONITORING Groundwater Section REPORT FORM P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-5083 Facility Name j.in-nn nr- <.. . �. ucb:.1J County_ - Address 11 ox 5L5 Permit Number: oprruc.e P nr• >(0 2877 Non -Discharge S�, ?j oG Well Location `�-� � 22u .At�c'liel . �our3t; T- N'PDES ;;, VJQ;;;';,7S Well Identification Number ?.:-s . Well Depth 25 Ft. Water Use Well Diameter Sample (Screened) Interval 20 Ft. To 25 Ft. Injection Well Depth to Water Level ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction'50-OC'18a"I-C',.C" Measuring point is feet above land surface Other Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling - ` -" Field Analysis: pH -" Z-:, " Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected Noy.25Ai98S Date Lab Sample Analyzed tr - Laboratory Name Gimp' (.hen, Research o'r'iF_a le Fart,- Certification. No. ` COD mg/l NO2 as N (D) mg/l Ni - Nickel'(D) ug/I Coliform; MF Fecal /100ml N'O3 as N (D) mg/I �_P'6 - Lead (D)-I'.ug/I Coliform; MF Total /100rn1 Phosphorus: Total as. P mg/I Zn - Zinc {D) ug/I y,Dissolved Solids: Total mg/I Al - Aluminum, (D) ug/l Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) ` pH (when analyzed) -S units TOC mg/I Chloride (D) mg/I Arsenic ('D) z pug/I Grease and Oils Hardness: Total (D) Phenol Sulfate (D) Specific Conductance Total Ammonia(,N'1­13 t NH 4)(D) mg/I mg/I ug /I _ mg/I uM'hos _ mg/I �8a - Barium (D) ug/I Ca - Calcium (D) mg/I Cd - Cadmium (D) ug/1 ,QKromium: Total (D) ! ug/I Cu - Copper CD) ug/I Fe - Iron (D) ug/I Hg - Mercury (D) ug/I K - Potassium (D) ug/I Mg - Magnesium (D) mg/I Mn - Manganese (D) - ug/I TKN as N (D) mg/I Na Sodium (D) mg/I GW-59 I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DATE Other (Specify) ug/I ug/I ug/t ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I ug/I .ug/I D = Dissolved Analysis - Submit Filtered Sample See back for instructions ;lE Submit 'blue and ,green copies to address above. COMPLIANCE MONITORING Environmental Management Division Groundwater Section REPORT FORM P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C. 27611 (919)733-5083 Name /+ County ja f , rFacility e Address ,_.;g" t' Permit Number: o Non -Discharge Well Location NPDES Well Identification Number *, i :,:xL_ Well Depth 2?S_ Ft. Water Use Well Diameter r <<r.: Sample CScreened) Interval :a.f Ft. To .z: Ft. Injection Well f Depth to Water Level 7 ft. be.low measuring point. (before sampling) Well Construction Measuring point is feet above land surface Other Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling ('� Field Analysis: pH Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected Date Lab Sample Analyzed Laboratory Name `� �. ',�� `,.; ®c , / ,,, . _ % Ef .c Certification No. %� ` f COD mg/I NO2 as N (D) mg/I Ni Nickel CO) ug/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100MI NO 3 as N CD) mg/I Pb - Lead (D) ug/I Coliform: MF Total /100m1 Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc CD) ug/I Dissolved Solids: Total mg/I AI - Aluminum (D) ug/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) PH Cwhen analyzed) units Ba - Barium CD) ! / : , : , li.% ug/I ug/I TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium CD) mg/I ug/I Chloride CD) mg/I Cd = Cadmium CD) ug,/I ug/l Arsenic (D) t`--a< <% - ug/I Chromium: Total (D) /J, is :.�� %n ug/I Other (Specify) ug/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper CD) ug/I _ ug/I Hardness: Total CD) mg/1 Fe - Iron CD) ug/I ug/I Phenol ug/I Hg - Mercury CD) ug/I ug/I Sulfate (D) mg/I K - Potassium (D) ug/I -ug/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magnesium (D) mg/I .ug/I Total Ammonia(NH3t NH'4)(D) mg/I Mn - Manganese(D) ug/I D =Dissolved Analysis— Submit Filtered TKN as N CD) mg/I Na - Sodium (D) mg/I Sampfe I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. CIF See back for instructions CIE-* Submit blue and green copies to address above. GW-59 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DATE Environmental Management Division COMPLIANCE MONITORING Groundwater Section REPORT FORM P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C. 2.7611 (919)733-5083 -y ,` Facility Name s %. .,i A;;County Address Permit Number: A,' Well Location <:.': ' fr%.7` ,: fl Well Identification Number %. - Well Depth 'V5' Ft. Well Diameter A Sample (Screened) Interval .> Ft. To ZS— Ft. Depth to Water Level - ft. below measuring point. (before sampling) Non -Discharge NPDES c Ell 242 / Water Use Injection Well Well. Construction Measuring point is feet above land surface Other Gallons of water pumped bailed before sampling Field Analysis: pH Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. o C Odor Appearance Date Sample Collected s.// r`S` Date Lab, Sample Analyzed Laboratory Name Certification No. COD m'g/I NO2 as N CD) mg/I Ni Nickel,( ug/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100m1 NO3 as N (D) mg/l Pb - Lead (D) ug/I Coliform: MF Total /100m1 Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Zn - Zinc (D) ug/l Dissolved Solids: Total mg/I Al - Aluminum CD) ug/I Pesticides/Herbicides (Specify Compounds) PH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium CD) �- f ,� Ze: ug/I ug/I TOC mg/I Ca - Calcium (D) mg/I ug/I - Chloride CD) mg/I Cd - Cadmium (D) ug/I ug/l Arsenic (D) ��< <%`�t� �Io ug/I Chromium: Total CD) �� .l� �L��,�,/� ug/I Other (Specify) ug/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper CD) ug/I ug/I Hardness: Total (D) mg/I Fe - Iron (D) ug/I ug/I Phenol ug/I Hg - Mercury CD) ug/I ug/I Sulfate CD) mg/I K - Potassium (D) ug/1 ug/I Specific Conductance uMhos Mg - Magnesium (D) mg/I ug/I Total Ammonia(NH3 t NH4 )CD) mg/I Mn - Manganese (D) ug/I = D Dissolved Analysis— Submit Filtered TKN as N (D) mg/I Na -Sodium (D) mg/I Sample ICERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. X See back for instructions �IEAE Submit blue and green copies to address above. SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DATE GW-59 COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES 1. Samples should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection. 2. The Laboratory making the analysis should be consulted concerning proper procedures for sample collection and preservation. 3. Measure and record the depth of water in the well prior to pumping or bailing any water from the well. 4. At least six volumes of water in the well should be pumped or bailed prior to collecting a sample for analysis. 5. Determination for pH, Specific Conductance, temperature, odor and apperance must be made in the field on unfiltered samples when the sample is collected. 6,. Field equipment must be calibrated in accordance with recommendations by the manufacturer. 7. Samples must be filtered through a 45 micron filter immediately after collection when a dissolved analysis is required. 8. The sample container should be labeled with the facility name, well identification number and date and time collected. COUNTY , `�' .� N. C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES QUAD xo.:3 ''`;r=\ SERIAL NO. }'./j$ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEM REPORT To: (circle one) GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM _ARO;'WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,'pollution~monitor other LAB NUMBER ° DATE REC'D e • 't REC'D BY - r.2 DATA ENTRY BY _ CK r DATA REPORTED 6 DATE COLLECTED -dam I f ~s- YTime % sy }I " l '`r' Location or site Description of sampling point Sampled interval;a t r- .Remarks Z r Field Analysis By:. pH _ Lab Analysis • / - Long ,+ "I LrV F JUrN 2 1985 o Groundwater Section Spec. Cond. Temp. C )dor, Appearance Tast0l.0ps, rr. .- p P� rr Y;onai Office Alkalinity to pH 4.5 P00410 mg/l Alkalinity, hydroxide__ P71830 mg/l Carbonate P00445 mg/l Binarborla'te. P00440 mg/l W pH value (tmen analyzed) P00400 :5 Y units _ -,Arsenic (D) _ Pol000 4' � � ug/l Carbon dioxide 200405 mg/l Chloride (D) P00940 mg/l Color (True) P00080 units Cyanide P00720 mg/1 Dissolved solids (D) P70301 mg/1 t Fluoride (D) P00951 c � mg/l Hardness (as CaCO,)(D)- PG0900 mg/1 Hardness (non--carbonate)(D) P00902 mg/1 MBAS (D) P38260 mg/1 Phenol (D) P34466 Silica (D) P00955 e'�< mg/1. —Sulfate (D) P00946�p`� � mg/1 --jSpecific Cond, P00094* K UMHOS/cm. GW-54 Revised 1/12/82 BOD o P00310 mg/l COD P00341 m /l Coliform (Fecal MF) 1131616 /100ml Coliform (total MF) B31505 /100m1 TOC P00680'` mg/1 Turbidity P82079 NTU Ammonia (as Nitoogen) (D) P00612 'mg/l Kjeldahi (as Nitrogen)"(D) P00623 mg/l Nitrate + Nitrite (as Nitrogen)'(D) p00631 mg/1 Phosphorus, total as P (D) P00666 mg/l Dissolved Solids - cond. meter P70304 MR/1— -`'Pb-Lead (D) P01049 " / Q 0 ug/1 '' n-Zinc (D) P01090 �� 6T 4T O ug/1 -..--K-Potassium' (D) P00935 i�mg/1 D = Dissolved'Analysis —submit filtered sample White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region ther Analyses: 191 hj f e . Yellow copy Lab '2ROUND iTATER SECT101,1 7.40&1, 11. G COUNTY fi.i't', f�j✓ 1°r QUAD N0. rySERIAL NO. .� • - =`' REPORT TO: '(circle one) 1 ARO, WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, '-WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER =LAB NUMBER If '' 3/t`!J DATE REC ' D REC° D BY DATA. ENTRY BY/ �;�- ,, - CR ` DATA REPORTED PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,(%llution monitor, other DATE COLLECTED A°. ._ j '�+ Time , (1 ,' By / Location or site V Description of sampling N. C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES '" >..:;...;, ::;.•i & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT r IT E C E 4 V -I DEM u GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM J L L I -S i985 Groundwater Section Asheville Regional Office. a i'. I/ Sampled interval (pumping time, air temp, etc,) a " Field Analysis By: Lat. ? 6 r ! �/ Long, t.,v pH Spec. Cond. Temp, oC )dor Appearance Taste Lab Analysis Alkalinity to pH 4.5 P00410 mg/l Alkalinity,, HydrexAde P71830 m9/1 Carbonate P00445 mg/1 Bicarbonate P00440 mg/l pH value Cynen analyzed) P00400 units ,Ars nic (D) PO1000 G // ug/1 Carbon dioxide P00405_ mg/l Chloride (D) P00940 mg/l Color (True) P00080 units Cyanide P00720 mg/l Dissolved solids (D) P70301 mg/l iF-li:oride (D) P00951 /�. 9mg/1 Hardness (as CaCO-1)(D) P00900 mg/1 Hardness (non-,carbonate)(D) P00902 mg/l MBAS (D) P38260 mg/1 IP enol (D) P34466 .e ug/l \-Silica (D) P00955 _ d(- mg/l �,Syl.fate (D) P00946 mg/1 ,Specific Cond, P00094 LC OS/cm GW-54 Revised 1/12/82 \AgrSilver (D) P01075 .C..� (_';ug/1 Al' -"Aluminum (D) P01106 —'/00ug/1 Ba.-'Barium (D) P01005 1tj1'i,rhg/1 _Ca12�6alcium (D) P06915 �^- Ar mg/1 Cd'-Cadmium (D) P01025 on ug/l `Gr:eChromium CD) P01030 /) ug/l Cu- Copper (D) P01040 f _ /`' ug/l `Ee-Ziron (D) P01046 /Jill ug/l. -Hg=Mercury P71900 �^,(" ug/l Li -Lithium (D) P01130 -°'T)ug/1 ,MgeMagnesium (D) P00925 d. Q mg/1 Mn-P3anganese (D) P01056 "='/ ;ug/l Na,Aod).um (D) P00929 mg/l -Eb`fLiad (D) P01049 {! in. ug/1 ,Zn Zinc (D) P01090 ug/1 K-Potassium (D) P00935 tl) • /::�' : mg/1 D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample White copy - Headquarters Pink copy - Region BOD P00310 mg/1 COD P00341 /1 Coli form (Fecal MF) P31616 /100ml Coliform (total MF) P31505 /100011 TOG" Turbidity P00680 t! ,c; ° mg/l P82079 NTU Ammonia (as Nitorgen) (D) P00612 mg/1 `KjelAahl (as Nitrogen)' (D) P00623 /)� =4 mg/l t Nitrite (as Nitrogen) (D) Nitros,phorus, FPhotal P00631 _ , .;1(,) mg/l tate, as P (D) P00666 mg/l Dissolved Solids - cond. meter P70304 MR/1 Other Analyses: Yellow copy - LabGROU D 67ATER SECTiCIN ULEIG+u, M r. COUNTY QUAD N0SERIAL NO. REPORT TO: (circle one). ..AR'O; WSRO, MRO, FRO, WaRO, `WiRO, RRO, Ahoskie FO, OTHER PURPOSE: (circle one) baseline,ep611�utio`n monitor, other DATE COLLECTED Time ° :flt j 1 Description of sampling point Remarks N. C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEM GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM R BY f ?. ' Location or site , etc. Field Analysis By: Lat. --- _ f - r to Long. ' r Lab Analysis LAB NUMBER DATE REC'D� 'r REC' D BY DATA ENTRY BY CK DATA REPORTED 6 / -2 ?� s interval Spec. Cond. Temp, oC )dor Appearance Taste Alkalinity to, pH 4.5 P00410 mg/l ,Alkalinity., KydraxAde P71830 mg/l Carbonate P00445 2 mg/l B narbotra`te P00440 J &,/ mg/l pH, -%blue (fatten analyzed) P00400 C"_( units Arsenic (D) P01000 V ug/l _ Carbon dioxide P00405 mg/l Chloride (D) P00940 v i mg/l Color (True)_ P00080 units Cyanide P00720 mg/l jAssolvedsolids (D) P70301 JJ -7 mg/l Fluoride (D) P00951 mg/l Hardsleas (as CaCO3) (D) P00900 mg/l Hardness (non-carbonate)(D) P00902 1 mg/l ~MBAS (D) P38260 mg/1 Phenol (D) P34466 u9/1 Silica (D) P00955 mg/1 Sulfate (D) P00946 m Specific Cond, P00094 UMHOS/cm GW-54 Revised 1/12/82 Ag-Silver (D) P01075 ug/l Al -Aluminum (D) P01106 ug/1 Ba-Barium (D) F01005 ug/1 Ca -Calcium (D) P00915 mg/l Cd-Cadmium (D) P01025 ug/1 Cr-Chromium (D) P01030 ug/1 Cu-Copper (D) P01040 ug/1 Fe -Iron (D) P01046 ug/l Hg-Mercury F71900 ug/l Li -Lithium (D) P01130 ug/l Mg -Magnesium (D)' P00925 mg/l Mn-Ranganese (D) _P01056 ug/1 Na,Sodium (D) P00929 mg/l Pb-Lead (D) P01049 ug/1 Zn-Zinc -(D) P01090 ug/l K-Potassium (D) P00935 mg/1 BOD COD P00310 P00341 mg/l mg/1 Coliform (Fecal MF) P31616 /100m1 Coliform (total NO P31505 /100m1_ TOC Turbidity P00680 P82079 mg/l NTU Ammonia (as Nitorgen) (D) P00612 mg/1 Kjeldahl (as Nitrogen)'(D) PO0623 mg/1 Nitrate t Nitrite (as Nitrogen)(D) P00631 mg/l Phosphorus,_ total as P (D) P00666 mg/l Dissolved Solids - cond. meter P70304 mg/1 Other Analyses: D = Dissolved Analysis - submit filtered sample White copy - Headquarters Pink copy- Region Yellow copy Lab . .,.:ram-.R-�-y...... ,...._ r......, .._�_,....•.-nti..�ra. t' State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr„ Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Nann B. Guthrie, Regional Manager GROUNDWATER SECTION June 16, 1995 Mr. Roy Riddle Unimin Corporation Quartz Operations P. O. Box 588 Spruce Pine, North Carolina 28777 Dear Mr. Riddle: Subject: Cessation of Groundwater Monitoring Permit No. NC0000175 Authorization to Construct Unimin Corp. (formerly IMC Corp.) Mitchell County The Authorization to Construct dated April 19, 1985 issued under Permit No. NC0000175 required that groundwater monitoring be conducted at the. facility presently known as Unimin Corporation. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that groundwater monitoring is no longer required at this site. Our records indicate that groundwater monitoring has been conducted at the subject site since May 1985. A review of the historical data shows that no apparent groundwater standard violations have been confirmed since groundwater monitoring was initiated. This NPDES permitted facility has been in compliance with the groundwater standards for the past 10 years, therefore groundwater monitoring is no longer required. The two groundwater monitor wells shall be properly abandoned in accordance with NCAC Title 15A subchapter 2C, the well construction standards. I have enclosed a copy of the applicable section on well abandonment and a record of well abandonment to be submitted to this office upon completion. Interchange Building, 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville, N.C. 28801 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Telephone 704-251-6208 FAX 704-251-6452 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Mr. Roy Riddle June 16, 1995 Page 2 If you have any questions or comments regarding groundwater issues, please contact me at (704) 251-6208. Your cooperation and responsiveness has always been appreciated. Sincerely, Laura Kay Dechant Hydrogeologist \lkd cc: Bob Cheek Betty Wilcox d sa $GT£ o •� paw �' State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Asheville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION October 8, 1987 Mr. Roy Riddle Unimin Corporation Quartz Operations P. 0. Box 588 Spruce Pine, North Carolina 28777 Dear Mr. Riddle: S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Subject: Compliance Monitoring Reports Unimin Corporation NPDES Permit No. NC0000175 Mitchell County, North Carolina The Groundwater Section has assigned well identification numbers to the two monitor wells constructed under Well Construction Permit No. 60-0018-WM-0004 at the subject site. Please refer to these numbers, as they relate to our data entry records, on the Compliance Monitoring Report Forms submitted in the future. The well identification numbers are as follows: I81tl Well #1 Depth 15' Screened 5' - 15' I81t2 Well #2 Depth 25' Screened 20' - 25' As stated in my letter dated August 12, 1987, continue to submit the blue and green copies of the Compliance Monitoring Report Forms to the Groundwater Section in Raleigh. If you have any questions or comments regarding compliance monitoring, please contact me at (704) 253-3341. Sincerely, Kay "Dechant Hydrogeological Technician KD:ar cc: Nargis Toma Paul R. Smith Interchange Building, 59 Woodfin Place, P.O. Box 370, Asheville, N.C. 28802-0370 • Telephone 704-253-3341 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Asheville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION August 12, 1987 Mr. Roy Riddle Unimin Corporation Quartz Operations P. 0. Box 545 Spruce Pine, North Carolina 28777 Dear Mr. Riddle: S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Subject: Compliance Monitoring Reports Unimin Corporation Permit No. NC0000175 Mitchell County, North Carolina In order for the Groundwater Section to review and process compliance monitoring reports in a consistent manner, please send the report forms directly to the Groundwater Section in Raleigh at the address at the top of the form. Submit the blue and green copies to Raleigh and keep the white copy for your files. If an agent is authorized to submit the forms in your behalf, notify them of this procedure. If you have any questions or comments regarding compliance monitoring, please contact me or Don Link at (704) 253-3341. Sincerely,,, Kay Dechant Hydrogeological Technician KD:ar cc: Nargis Toma Interchange Building, 59 Woodfin Place, P.O. Box 370, Asheville, N.C. 28802-0370 • Telephone 704-253-3341 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer /5EATEE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ?� MANAGEMENT A niin Groundwater Section State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Asheville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary June 17, 1985 Mr. Roy Riddle International Minerals & Chemical Corporation P. 0. Box 545 Spruce Pine, North Carolina 28777 Subject: Groundwater Monitoring Permit No. NC0000175 International Minerals & Chemical Corporation Mitchell County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Riddle: In reference to our previous conversations, it will not be necessary -to construct a background monitor well at the site of the stabilization ponds as stipulated in Permit No. NC0000175, since a suitable area for such a well was not available on site. However, if the quality of ground- water is degradated at the site of the two downgradient monitor wells, it may be necessary to construct a background monitor well at another area on the property. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 704-253-3341. Sincerely, ago. Donald R. Link Regional Hydrologist DRL/ar cc: Perry Nelson Forrest Westall Dennis Ramsey Interchange Building, 59 Woodfin Place, P.O. Box 370, Asheville, N.C. 28802-0370 • Telephone 704-253-3341 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Emplover .4 -,IAL MINERALS DIVISION Sox 545 o Spruce Pine, North Carolina 26777 Y�D Telephone: (704) 765-4263 F. C CIL—) INTERNATIONAL MINERALS & CHEMICAL CORPORATION MIMarchL 2�001985 r Mr. A. R. Hagstrom State Engineering Group N. C. Dept. of Natural Resources and Community, Development P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Hagstrom: RECEIVED ED Water Quality Division APR 22 1985 Western Reeional Office, Asheville, North Carolina In response to your January 17, 1985 request for additional information, we respectfully provide the following: Re nest•#1 - Provide detailed drawings of the proposed modifi- cations. Attached are two (2) copies of the requested drawings. Request #2(a)Provide analysis of lime neutralized MRL waste. Attached are two (2) copies of a wastewater analysis "as is". Sample was analyzed for principal constituents. Additionally, a semi- "`' quantitative analysis was performed on the.solids that were contained in the sample. A second portion of the -composite sample was filtered and the- ' filtrate and solids were analyzed for toxic heavy metals. This sample was collected -February 12, 1985 (24 hr. composite)°and -the sample had a pH of 9.50. (b) What is MRL waste. The raw material for IMC's operation is pegmatite ore. A quartz fraction is separated from a feldspar and mica fraction during mineral processing; the MRL process "purifies" the quartz fraction. This purification process involves the acid dissolution and removal of undesirable constituents. The diluted spent acids are neutralized with chemical lime prior -to being mixed with the main plant's waste waters which undergo an additional chemical lime treatment. �4 • We request that the above described material regarding IMC's MRL process be kept confidential. 11 Page 2 3/21/85 Request #3 - Provide detailed explanation of how the new components will be used. The proposed impoundment areas will provide equalization and stabilization for MRL waste waters. This will provide more constant flow and composition of waste' waters reaching the main waste water treatment'facil-ity. Current MRL waste water -handling operates in a batch mode. This has caused a marked fluctuation in plant flow, pH, and other parameters at the main waste water tr'batment plant, and has caused pH violations of our NPDES permit. Request #4 - Provide site location map. 'Attached is a copy of a portion of a U.S. Geological Survey map. The site is located near the old.Gudger'Mine, next to IMC's solid waste disposal site, which is under our mining permit #61-4. The area around these impoundments are proposed to be enclosed with a chainlink fence. -We trust that the foregoing information adequately furnishes the requested information. Should you have any questions, or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at (704) 765-4283. DH/vb cc: G.J. Widger D. K. Larsen Jack Harris R. McKenzie Peter Goodwin J. C. Higgins R.,C. Wilson Sincerely y�prs, �In-a Dewey Hall Southeast Area Mgr. Water Quality Division APR 22 1985 Western Regional Office. Asheville, North Carolina INTERNATIONAL MINERALS & CHEMICAL CORPORATION RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT MR-1618 Library.- R&D (2) Patent Department - TEH Mr. S.S. Iyer ' Mr. L.W. Ferrara Mr. J.A. Sickmann Dr. T.B. MacRury Mr. R. Riddle Mr. D. Hall Mr. C . ' Kangas INTERNATIONAL MINERALS & CHEMICAL CORPORATION RESEARC. i ,AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION Report No. MR-1618 Date March 14 1985 Legal Signature TITLE' MRL Waste Water, IMC, Spruce Pine, North Carolina AUTHOR(S): M. Iyer INTRODUCTION: A sample identified "Minerals Research Lab Waste Water, IMC, Spruce Pine" was received from Mr. Roy Riddle for the following: 1) On a well -mixed sample analyze for Total solids,, Fluoride, Ca,.Si 2) Filter the sample and analyze the filterate and non -filterable solids for toxic inorganic heavy metals (Ag, Ba, Cr, Cd, Pb, As, Hg, Se) SUMMARY: The sample was assigned lab T.D. 8518009 and analyzed as requested. A copy of the lab report is attached. 05381 KEY TERMS: PROJ. 779S; LAB I.D. 8518009 APPROVALS: MG VP kTIONAL MINERALS & _.._MICAL CORPORATION JICAL SERVICES LAB REPORT FORM 0.2094 PRINTED IN U,SA SAMPLEDESCRIPTION ,DESCRIPTION Waste Water — DATE RECEIVED 21/ 8 5 SAMPLEORIGIN Mineral Research. Lab, SMC Spruce Pine, NC REQUESTED BY Roy E . Riddle cc • Dewey Hall, Cliff Kangas SERVICE PERFORMED Total Solids, Fluoride, Ca, Si and Semiquantitatiye analysis for major and minor elements in total solids.. COMMENTS: Sample of waste water from quartz purification process. (Analysis reported on a well mixed sample.) RESULTS: QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Fluoride 0.45 % Ca 0.62 Si. 0.22 Total Solids 1,86% SEMIQUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS For Major,& Minor Elements The following are reported as oxides--o± the elements as found in the above reported total solids. Ca Principal Constituent Si r 25. % Al 3.5 Mg 2. Na 0.4 Fe ,6 Ba .02 Mn .015 Ti .05 Sr .03 Cr .002 Cu <,001 Ni <.005 Zr <.005 K <Q5 DATE COMPLETED 3/04/85 �'- CERTIFIES BY DATE SUPERVISOR — TECHNICAL SERVICES DATA COORDINATION AND TRANSMITTAL SAMPLE No. 8518009 CUSTOMER, Pltrdb`O�GE No. IMCORE 779S DATE 3/13/85 S 1 A 19 occlnro f'SC APPROVED DATE 3 Z— Y OUTS W. FERRARA, MANAGER TECHNICAL SERVICES VINTERVATIONAL MINERALS &-___MICAL CORPORATION TECHNICAL SERVICES LAB.REPORT'. = SAMPLE DESCRIPTION MRL Waste Water DATE RECEIVED 2/21/85 SAMPLE ORIGIN Mineral Research Lab, IMC Spruce Pine, NC REQUESTED BY Roy E . Riddle cc: Dewey Hall , Cliff Kangas SERVICE PERFORMED Toxic inorganic heavy metals as repolrted in non -filterable solid portion of the sample. COMMENTS: Sample of waste water from quartz purification ,process . RESULTS: NON -FILTERABLE SOLIDS Ag <,1 mg/1 Ba 15 Cr 12 ` Cd <.l Pb 1.7 As 1.5 Se <.02 Hg <.01 LJ DATECOMPLETED 3/14./85 CERTIFIED BY DATE SUPERVISU — TECHNICAL S VICES FORM 0.20ia0 PRINTED IN UZ DATA COORDINATION AND TRANSMITTAL SAMPLE NO. 8518009 CUSTOMER IMCORE )ro]ect 779S � NO. DATE 3/13/85 ` 4 i APPROVED BY DATE�Y/ 6 Z� S 1 A 8 LOUIS W. FERRARA, MANAGER TECHNICAL SERVICES FiFCI II TC.`Pl uA„C /MA,l 3/14/85 NTE HONAL MINERALS & !_ 1ICAL CORPORATION ICAL SERVICES LAB REPORT "� �• SAMPLE DESCRIPTION MRL Waste Water DATE RECEIVED 2/21/85 SAMPLE ORIGIN ' Mineral Research 'Lab, ' IMC Spruce Pine, NC REQUESTEDBY Roy E. Riddle cc: Dewey Hall, Cliff Kangas SERVICE PERFORMED Toxic inorganic heavy metals as reported below in the filterable portion of'the sample. COMMENTS: Sample of waste waters from quartz purification process. RESULTS: FILTrR7A:TF Ag <.1 mg/l Ba <1 Cr <.01 Cd <.l Pb <.1 As <.01 Hg <.O1 Se <.02 DATECOMPLETED 3/12/85 CERTIFIEDBY DATE SUPERVISOR - TECHNICAL SERVICES FORM 0.2090 PRINTED IN US.A. DATA COORDINATION AND TRANSMITTAL SAMPLE NO. 8518009 CUSTOMER IMCORE Project 779S _ tNVaCE NO. DATE 3/13/85 APPROVED B DATE S 1 A 8 LOUIS W. FERRARA, MANAGER TECHNICAL SERVICES DrcInTc 3/14/25 r- --- y\ 4 IN %\ (1 •, •.�i :f /� , �/ � �y,l �(J \�I `/ 7N-•/ _ � /j-�\ � \ • JJ)�.o f:-t_- • i ``�'��•`rs2 (�l 11y-ti r� 40 Iv- 22 �� ��/� \ �r'. �.�. :111. �1� v ATM' O ` W�,`� ii� �r •a � ' ° • a�. _-�' ��\\ I I � _ _ __-__ __,.. '/ill° `� �:� \\ � 11 .� � � `° '\ \` yi •° �\►' s •`�%o°��e °~ re _�__ / _, `_!._____ ___�•;7/11�J V /\I/ '�-.\ 1 .\ ��.`]• 1� -�. • spy. I1.--_�_�. - i !1 ' rrr!'' / °° °.\ \ 9 ,y6, el �! V�11� ./� ♦ e l `1 Vt-�%' l•-��-` � .. � Ir�rrrr r1p f ��r�✓ ��U' � �.'6\ '',. \\\���' e 9 m,. ° / _....� rnri�nl`irir�gir frr l/j �!• 4\; .� \ • e�/f 1�,. r•� 1 �` —` / / rrr l // � \ r •\ , �-~ ~ `i-1 �• \ /� ` Y i '� �1 `\```,'\`_— L"•,��"�" -__.rf ems+ e�C't,1 .. _ _ • � • L_ . � - 1 ��j � t7� �_• �• / ' ,' � , In /�/ � � \�' /ems'— j // • rl%% '� ` ' \ 1 nj ft �/ t I J It It 4•:•-r- �r—y s_'1 iil /' \tea t�� RECEIVED `eater ?._,w`iiy Diyision Dear forth Carolina Department a sN Resources & Commuity- e e at raj� 7. 1985• rs Regsonal 0 Tice lie, North Carolin'z DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROJECT ti"a f r , a � We acknowledge receipt of. the following documents: , 19�, permit application - APN'S engineering plans specifications other _ Your project has been assigned to for a detailed engineering review. All project documents will be reviewed with respect to'the J proposed wastewater facilities. This review will not commit this Division to approving any expansion of these treatment facilities or increase of flowrate in rthe future. Prior to the issuance of the permit, you will be -advised of the recommendations and comments of this -Division. You will also be informed of any matter which needs to be resolved. Our reviews are scheduled based on receipt date.of complete informations. The items checked below are needed before your project can be reviewed. permit application (copies enclosed) engineering plans (signed and sealed .by N.C.P.E.) specifications (signed and sealed by N.C.P.E.) other additional information detailed on attachment The above checked information is needed by If not received, your application package will be returned as incomplete. Please be aware that the Division's Regional Office must provide RECOMMENDATIONS from 1S r- - 15 - rA If you have any questions, please call the review engineer at this telephone number 919/733-5083. Sincerely, cc: Box 27607 Paleicihi. N C.=7611.7687 3..)L,4.-Hube-r Corporation Route _ Luber �Jacon, Georgia 31298 �.8-5 taus. Wilms, Acting Director C. Div -is -;on of -Environmental Management ., Box 27687 al.eigh; v. C. 27611-7687 TM-EPHONE (912) 745.4751 t GP _ ..'.tjYC�' Re: Renewal of Permit # 6281-R3 J. M. Huber Wet Ground Mica Plant Mitchell Co., N. C. Dear Mr. Wilms: There is no change proposed for the wastewater facility at our Mitchell County Plant; therefore, please accept -this letter as our official request for renewal of permit # 6281-R3. I am enclosing a check for $25.00 to cover the renewal processing fee for this non -discharging type wastewater treatment facility. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, J. M. HUBER CORPORATION Jay utto Div sion Environmental Coordinator cc -Michael R. Parker - Env. Eng. Technician �.. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE GROUNDWATER SECTION March 8, 1985 .MoxA�aDUM - TO: Lee Laymon, Assistant Chief Groundwater Section THROUGH: Roy M. Davis, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management FROM: Don Link, Regional Hydrologist Groundwater Section )an SUBJECT: Permit No. 6281-R3 J. M. Huber Corporation Wet -Ground Mica Plant Mitchell County, North Carolina It is my recommendation that the following condition be placed in the above permit: 1. Groundwater Monitoring: The permit holder shall, upon written notification from the Division of Environmental Management, construct groundwater monitoring wells and sample and analyze the intercepted groundwater in the manner determined necessary by the Division of Environmental Management to monitor the quality of the groundwater as that groundwater may be impacted by this facility. DL/ar cc: Mike Parker _`VtD Water 11 -y D! I I daffy vision ep a me.,_ n, N9 Car�i.�na o IthD sourcesA. -r%mmuhitv Dbvel��r��`' he.& N sc, ., V)Iest&WRegion'al'Office As6,AJ'J6'N6rth Caroffna DIVISION_,OF ENV ; IRO MtNTA' MANAGEMENT' 4 "t 14 0 1 ffu, A"', Y PROJECT PRO _ Dear I, If -TI K WeALcknowledgereceipt of 'f­EM, followifig documents, rf.� Aplf� 1 4) _141 s --epc1ineering pla�h _sp6ci ications, other ssg 1 f detailed Your project has ..been assigned to. Y or, respect to the -engineer-r ' eview,. All project documents, will,. be ..reyiew6d -.with. d proposed' wastewater, facilities:' This'-reView, w1l I TibtF Comm -it t i.ofv: to approving •any ies, o expansion of these,"treatient: facile t* r_,increase ,of flowr a:te.lin.- o' r to, the issuance of, the you lj� will --be advised of the recommendations. P-ki n permit., of this D"'iv.isi:o or ­an&,�coiments n;� �y6u _U111, a1go be informed any 4 " tter- which needs to,be--resolved. oTr,receipt .'date of - ormat-Ons., The Our'reviews are scheduled based items i- checked below are needed -,`before, your project can be reviewed A A i" _p erinit ap lication (copies enclosed) MK , .-:.engineering plans (:signed and eale'd,-by, C PE specifications (signed .ana seale by C.P.E.)."Y4 I L A0 g. 4 otheradditionalinformation,-At�I d received., F. � �The,�abovd%&hecked information,is needed -by, 41 10L�.t" If not, pase,'be- A "Your app re:Tthat -the ',' Iication� package wiil, 1�e -ie'tutned provide RECOMMENDATIONS from Divisions -Regional,Office' must_,pT'6v" VJ .:,the-Regional'.,Supervisor or aPro�cedure Four.- ,Evaluations 'Pr qj tf,prior .final, action by, the :.Division.. 6 ' If'the any�questions, 'please call h review` , engi4e'er,-a, t this telephone. •number `1 919/7313"5083. 2 -Sincerely'v,' cc: P, 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611:76£17 4 (fir—otive Action Emoloyer 'hone: 17041 785 <2E i JA I IN T ERNATIGNAL MINERALS � C,HEMICAL CORPORA+ 1C December 17, 1984 CERTIF±ED MAIL - Return Receipt. Requested Mr. Arthur Mouberry , Supervisor PCE VE Permi is and Engineering Section 141 2 Div. of Environmental Management ! __ P. 0. Box 2l68!`�#t,4 QUALM( 5ECT Ral ei.g�, -, 'North Carolina 27611 �x �I� Dear.'Mr. Mouberr,/: Enclosed.are copies of our application and other supporting data for anon -discharge water permit. The present m�atf�od' of handling process waste requires occasional suspension of plant operations- in, order to meet N.P.D.E.S. permit requirements (?enilit No: N.C.0000175'). To remedy this situation we propose stabilizing the lime neutralized MRL waste before it reaches the waste .water treatment plant. We are proposing to construct impoundment areas (see'attachmen6s) where we can stabilize the neutralized was:te.stream and'.have, a'constant.fl-.ow. to our waste water, treatment plant. This proposed system is a vital component in our efforts to maintain NPDES permit requirements, productio., and to improve water quality.. Should there by any questions, or if you need additional.infor-mation, please contact me at (7'04)765-4283. Your cooperation -in this matter is apprec.i•ated.. A check far the $50...00• processing'. fee; is enclosed. ,Si ncerel.b' yours .. r RER; vb Poly Riddle . Enc i osures Area;,!! Environmental Mgr. cc:- Robert McKenzie Dewey hall J. C.. Higgins P. Goodwiri R. A. Falconer D. K. Larsen R_ C. WiIson OIL A E STASILIZATION SYSTE'.. The presepz method of handling proccss.wasre requircs occasional suspension of plant operations in. order to' inlet N.P.D.E.3. discharge requiremznts YPermit No. 0000175). To remedy this situation we prop sr stAN the lime neutralized MRL waste before it reaches the wask- treatmen: plant. Adjacent to toe piddilopera tmined. ka _avea is a min.out arca (a I, mica recovery opyril"l-ion). Most of this area has, and isv bei, used for solid.waste df5pol,sal. arVis'coveNdAy our Min iqg Permit #61.4� This sectjon of this m0eQut greaAlkest to the plznt�site has not been fillet. 11 w1ptsolly,aste ay Igo, at akakd. We- ar2.prQsjng ze' th ' Saxistif - terrab tp caylyrutt P&Iea�.ZrW Ahe'"Achi led -areel kSep, a0achad SAM)! he neditralkedwaite Areapyglye MRL will enter • the.-uppar en '05 'thr,t aea-andfhe WrITMO w8ter dmanted Aclhe-presunqqoj; ficy,from thl Ponf,01 b,combined;Vkh feldspar PlAt Naste K07-bekre I pQrIng the:wagte treat.le nt.plan! rill" jindl T11, t in,` c n stabilized -AN to' Cali;" -,osayte, teeatment plent. 11 ME& SylteM will be the addition of TO sNy m p pr tha areas )a ykabilize the MRUwaste"stream. This—propusad Ustem is a vitatdcmpanenkh Ar effarts'to maintain producti4n and improve watar. quality. jl DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION April 15, 1985 R E c v" D APR 1085 Grounciwater Section Asheville Regional Office MEMORANDUM TO: Arthur Mouberry FROM: Bob Cheek �n RE: Modification of Existing Wastewater Disposal System, International Minerals and Chemical Corp., Mitchell County (AC-0000175) The Groundwater Section has reviewed the expansion proposal and Don Link's evaluation. We would have no objection to the proposal with the following stipulations: (1) Construction of a minimum of 3 monitor wells (1 upgrade, 2 down- grade to monitor any changes in groundwater quality. The exact location and construction details should be by approval of the Asheville Regional Office. (2) The wells should be sampled, upon completion and every March, July and November thereafter for the following constituents: Barium, Chromium, Arsenic, Lead, TDS, pH and Water Levels. BC/ls cc: Roy Davis imuglay Central Files a DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION April 15, 1985 RL7C� Ems V 'a Groundwater Section Asheville Regional Office MEMORANDUM TO: Arthur Mouberry FROM: Bob Cheek 93 RE: Modification of Existing Wastewater Disposal System, International Minerals and Chemical Corp., Mitchell County (AC=0000175) The Groundwater Section has reviewed the expansion proposal and Don Link°s evaluation.' We would have no objection to the proposal with the following stipulations: (1) Construction of a minimum of 3 monitor wells (1 upgrade,.2 down- grade to monitor any changes in groundwater quality. The exact location and 'construction details should be by approval of the Asheville Regional.Office. (2) The wells should be sampled, upon completion and every March, July and November thereafter for'the following constituents: Barium, Chromium, Arsenic, Lead, TDS, pH and Water Levels. BC/ls cc: Don Link Central Files HNORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT *ATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (� Date 19 1951�+ To: Dool L / /N 14 From: 3of v C44tk Remarks: AAMI Ak a, A44 WwuaIF 4F R�9�csf r K gV acnoN glintiWate ` t! ❑ Note and file ❑ Not'gQ ❑ Note and return to me ❑ Your wJJ�lmllments, please ❑ Note and see me about this ❑ For your Information ❑ For your approval ❑ Prepare reply for my signature ❑ Per our conversation ❑ Prepare Information for me to reply ❑ Per your request ❑ Please answer, with copy to me a iIMPORTANT Foil . To Date ` Ti e WHILE YOU WERE OUT 'r M i,i Y1 ♦ y a 7+ C y of Phone AREAOD CE _ N AIER ' ' 4, kXTENSIdN s Message Signed TELEPHONED��#� EA$�f eAl:t: ';• � '� CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL N. C. Dept. of Natural Resources and Community Development Mrr INTERNATIONAL MINERALS & CHEMICAL CORPORATION IIIIU RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 1 Report No. MR-1618 Date March 14 - 1985 Legal Signature 2 TITLE: MRL Waste Water, IMC, Spruce Pine, North Carolina M. AUTHOR(S): M. 1yer INTRODUCTION: A sample identified "Minerals Research Lab Waste Water, IMC, Spruce Pine" was received from Mr? Roy Riddle for the following: 1) On a well -mixed sampler analyze for Total solids,. Fluoride, Ca, Si 2) Filter the sample.and analyze the filterate and non -filterable solids for toxic inorganic heavy metals (Ag, Ba, Cr, Cd, Pb, As, Hg, Se) SUMMARY: The sample was assigned lab I.D. 8518009 and.analyzed as requested. A copy of the lab report is attached. MAR 25 as PERMITS &ENGINEERING 05381 KEY TERMS: PROD. 779S; LAB I.D. 8518009 APPROVALS: MG VP AMC INTERNATIONAL MINERALS & LPLIAICAL CORPORATION TECHNICAL SERVICES LAB REPORT MRL Waste Water 2 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION DATE RECEIVED /21/85 SAMPLE ORIGIN Mineral Research Lab, IMC Spruce Pine, NC REQUESTED BY Roy E . Riddle cc: Dewey Hall, Cliff Kangas FORM 0-2090 PRINTED IN US.A. SERVICE PERFORMED Total Solids, Fluoride, Ca, Si and Semiquantitatiye analysis for major and minor elements in total solids COMMENTS: Sample of waste water from quartz purification process. (Analysis reported on a well mixad sample.) RESULTS: QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Fluoride 0.45 % Ca • 0.62 Si 0.22 Total Solids 1.86% SEMIQUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS For Major & Minor Elements The following are reported as oxides of the elements as found in the above reported total solids. Ca Principal Constituent Si 25. % Al 3.5 Mg 2. Na 0.4 h G Fe .6 Ba .02 Mn .015 Ti .05 Sr .03 N�5� Cr .002 Cu <, 001 Ni <.005 Zr <.005 K <t5 3/04/85 Q^^^ �' lit y ?I' DATECOMPLETED CERTIFIED BY DATE / SUPERVISOR - TECHNICAL SERVICES DATA COORDINATION AND TRANSMITTAL SAMPLE NO. i :11• CUSTOMER IMCORE PI4l6E No. 7 7 9 S DATE 3/13/85 APPROVED BY DATE OUIS W. FERRARA, MANAGER S 1 - A-' 9 TECHNICAL SERVICES RESULTS If HAVE (DATE 3/14/85 ) 0 HAVE NOT BEEN TRANSMITTED VERBALLY INTERNATIONAL MINERALS & ui,L'MICAL CORPORATION TECHNICAL SERVICES LAB REPORT MRL Waste Water2/21/85 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION DATE RECEIVED SAMPLE ORIGIN Mineral Research Lab, IMC Spruce Pine, NC REQUESTED BY Roy E . Riddle cc: Dewey Hall , Cliff Kangas SERVICE PERFORMED Toxic inorganic heavy metals as reported in non -filterable solid portion of the sample. COMMENTS: Sample of waste water from quartz purification process. M RESULTS: NON -FILTERABLE SOLIDS Ag < , l mg/11j Ba 15 V Cr 12 6 Cd <.l M Pb 1.7 u As 1.5 k Se <. 0 2 M MAR 255 Hg < . 01 of TS &ENGINEERING PERM} , FORM 0-2W PRINTED IN U.S. DATECOMPLETED' 3/14./85 CERTIFIED BY DATE SUPERVISU — TECHNICAL S VICES DATA COORDINATION AND TRANSMITTAL SAMPLE NO. 8518009 CUSTOMER IMCORE Project 7795 :IWM ^ NO. DATE 3 / 13/ 8 5 APPROVED BY DATE Z__ LOUIS W. FERRARA, MANAGER S 1 A 8 TECHNICAL SERVICES 3/14/85 RESULTS ZI HAVE (DATE 1C3HAVE NOT BEEN TRANSMITTED VERBALLY MC INTERNATIONAL MINERALS &—,MICAL CORPORATION TECHNICAL SERVICES LAB REPORT MRL Waste Water 2/21/85 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION DATE RECEIVED SAMPLE ORIGIN Mineral Research Lab, IMC Spruce Pine, NC REQUESTED BY Roy E . Riddle cc: Dewey Hall, Cliff Kangas SERVICE PERFORMED Toxic inorganic heavy metals as reported below in the filterable portion of the sample. COMMENTS: Sample of waste waters from quartz purification process. M RESULTS FILTEp,7�TE Ag <.1 mg/1 Ba <1 Cr <.O1 Cd <.1 Pb <.1 As < . 01 < 01 Hg <.01 ` Se <.02 25 lga5 Y DATE COMPLETED 3/12/85 CERTIFIEDBY DATE SUPERVISOR — TECHNICAL SERVICES DATA COORDINATION AND TRANSMITTAL SAMPLE NO. 8518009 CUSTOMER Project Its rOlCE NO. DATE 3/13/85 S 1 A 8 RESULTS q. HAVE (DAi✓c 3/14/85 IMCORE 779S APPROVED B DATE LOUIS W. FERRARA, MANAGER TECHNICAL SERVICES _) ❑ HAVE NOT BEEN TRANSMITTED VERBALLY FORM n-wo- PRINTED IN UL . a 1MC INTERNATIONAL MINERALS & 61ILIAICAL CORPORATION TECHNICAL SERVICES LAB REPORT MRL Waste Water 2/21/85 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION DATE RECEIVED SAMPLEORIGIN Mineral. Research Lab, IMC Spruce Pine, NC REQUESTED BY Roy E. Riddle cc: Dewey Hall, Cliff Kangas SERVICE PERFORMED Toxic inorganic heavy metals as reported below in the filterable portion of the sample. COMMENTS: Sample of waste waters from quartz purification process. w RESULTS: FILTIE T,E Ag <.1 mg/l Ba <1 Cr <.O1 Cd <.1 Pb <.l As <.01 Hg <.Ol Se <.02 - { �5 v5 eE DATECOMPLETED 3/12/85 CERTIFIEDBY DATE SUPERVISOR - TECHNICAL SERVICES DATA COORDINATION AND TRANSMITTAL SAMPLE NO. 8518009 CUSTOMER IMCORE Project 779S MVaCE NO. DATE T 3/13/85 S 1 A 8 RESULTS M HAVE (DATE 3/14/85 FORM 0+ 9001 PRINTED IN U.:. APPROVED B DATE l/t'/ems' LOUIS W. FERRARA, MANAGER TECHNICAL SERVICES 1 ❑ HAVE NOT BEEN TRANSMITTED VERBALLY