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HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Credit Release_ NCDMS Wyant Lands II Mitigation Site_ SAW-2021-02449_ Lincoln CountyFrom: Davis. Erin B
To: Baker, Caroline D
Subject: FW: [External] Initial Credit Release/ NCDMS Wyant Lands II Mitigation Site/ SAW-2021-02449/ Lincoln County
Date: Monday, December 12, 2022 3:03:45 PM
Attachments: Wyant Lands Phase II 100595 Cr 02 CT 03 ESA STR RW Initial Release KI.udf
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DWR#: 20180177 v.I
Doc Date: 11/15/22
Doc Type: Mitigation — Mitigation Evaluation
Doc Name: General topic of email title
-----Original Message -----
From: Isenhour, Kimberly T CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Kimberly.D.Browning(>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 3:45 PM
To: Wiesner, Paul <paul.wiesner&>
Cc: Eric Neuhaus <>; Crumbley, Tyler A CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Q'yler.A.Crumbley2(a),>; Allen, Melonie
<melonie.allen&>; Haywood, Casey M CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Casey.M.Haywood(a),>; Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (US)
<Todd.J.Tugwell(a),>; Davis, Erin B <erin.davis(>; Wilson, Travis W. <travis.wilson&>; Munzer, Olivia
<>; Youngman, Holland J <hollandyoungman(>; Bowers, Todd <bowers.todd(>; Stanfill, Jim <jim.stanfill(>;
Harmon, Beth <>
Subject: [External] Initial Credit Release/ NCDMS Wyant Lands II Mitigation Site/ SAW-2021-02449/ Lincoln County
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.
<mailto:report. seam &nc. eov>
Good afternoon Paul,
The 15-Day Record Drawing review for the Wyant Lands Phase II Mitigation Site (SAW-2021-02449) ended October 20, 2022. Per Section 332.8(o)(9) of the 2008
Mitigation Rule, this review followed the streamlined review process. There were no objections to issuing the initial credit release. Please find attached the current signed
ledger releasing 118.800 SMUs and 1.354 WMUs. IRT comments are listed below. The IRT is not requesting a site visit at this time.
I would like to verify that the rock that was installed to stabilize the ditch and dam overflow was accounted for in the impacts table. It appears that sections of rock
installation were red -lined on the as -built and may have permanently impacted Wetlands L and M. I realize that these areas are very small (<0.01 ac), but we need to make
sure we appropriately report impacts.
Casey Haywood, USAGE:
1. The BMP was redesigned as a step pool stormwater conveyance using log sills. Is there any concern that these structures will rot? Please continue to monitor this section
for instability.
2. I am okay with the inclusion of the unapproved species (boxelder, black gum and sourwood) to be counted toward success during monitoring. Additionally, I concur with
DMS' second comment; please try to include the approved species that were unavailable in any future supplemental planting efforts to help increase site diversity.
Erin Davis, DWR:
1. DWR is ok with the added plant species.
2. The IRT has previously mentioned in comments and on the site walk the request to try to transplant existing mockemut hickory onsite. How successful was this
transplant effort? If it wasn't attempted, please explain why not.
3. DWR requests an additional photo point stationed outside of the easement towards the boundary line at the step pool stormwater conveyance BMP. We would like to
photo document the stability of this area through monitoring.
Todd Bowers, EPA:
* Minor changes were implemented at several locations along UT2 Reach 1 during construction including the addition of bank stabilization structures (brush toes), and
the installation of a BMP designed to convey overflow from the pond upstream of UT2. These changes were not reflected in the CCPV of Figures 1 and la and I recommend
amending this error.
* The vegetation planting plan changes involved several species changes in the Riparian Vegetation Zone and Wetland Zones; much of the change serves to increase site
diversity and maintain hydrologic suitability. No concerns with the changes implemented. I am a little concerned with the timing of planting which as performed outside of
the timeframe set in the mitigation plan (Late November to Mid -March). I hope that we do not get an adaptive planting plan in the near future due to planting outside of the
dormant season but I realize that Wildlands likely had some constraints between completing site grading and getting the plant stock in the ground on -time.
* Shift in location of Veg Plot #13 and Photo Point 15 noted; no comment.
* Looking forward to the combination report for Wyant Lands I and II and including the approved and soon -to -be approved vegetation species together to determine stem
density on site.
* Overall, I am satisfied with the report and the work that has been completed at the site. Having not been on -site, I really appreciated the detailed ground -level stream
and veg plot photos. I recommend the appropriate credit release (Milestone 2) for warm stream and riparian wetland mitigation units for this monitoring milestone. I have no
other substantial comments at this time.
Please reach out with any questions.
Kim Isenhour
Mitigation Project Manager, Regulatory Division I U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1 919.946.5107
-----Original Message -----
From: Isenhour, Kimberly T CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Kimberly.D.Browning(>
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2022 11:31 AM
To: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Q'odd.J.Tugwell(>; Davis, Erin B <>; Wilson, Travis W.
<>; Munzer, Olivia <olivia.munzer(>; Youngman, Holland J <hollandyoungman@a>; Bowers, Todd
<bowers.todd@a>; Haywood, Casey M CIV USARMY CEMVP (USA)<>
Cc: Wiesner, Paul <>; Eric Neuhaus <>; Crumbley, Tyler A CIV USARMY CESAW (USA)
<Tyler.A.Crumbley2(a),>; Melonie Allen <>
Subject: Notice of As -Built Review/ NCDMS Wyant Lands II Mitigation Site/ SAW-2021-02449/ Lincoln County
Good afternoon,
The below referenced FINAL As-Built/Record Drawing review has been requested by NCDMS. Per Section 332.8(o)(9) of the 2008 Mitigation Rule, this review follows the
streamlined review process, which requires an IRT review period of 15 calendar days from this email notification. Please provide any comments by 5 PM on the 15-day
comment deadline shown below. When providing comments please indicate if your concerns are great enough that you recommend not issuing the credit release. Comments
provided after the 15-day comment deadline (shown below) may not be considered. Please note, if a site visit is requested by the IRT, comments will be due 15-days
following the visit. At the conclusion of this comment period, a copy of all comments will be provided to NCDMS and the NCIRT along with District Engineer's intent to
approve or disapprove this Final Record Drawing and initial credit release.
15-Day Comment Start Date: October 5, 2022
15-Day Comment Deadline: October 20, 2022
45-Day Credit Release Approval Deadline: November 19, 2022
Wyant Lands Phase II (DMS# 100595) is an expansion of the existing Wyant Lands Mitigation Site (DMS# 100067).
2022 is Monitoring Year 1 for this project expansion. The credit ledger for the 30% release is attached. The attached credit ledger is only for the assets associated with the
expansion areas: UT2 Reach 1 (396 SMUs 7 warm) & Wetland Groups 3, 4, and 5 (4.513 WMUs - riparian). This separate ledger will be used to track the expansion assets
until project closeout.
As noted in Section 3 of the MYO report and the IRT approved mitigation plan addendum; "To facilitate project organization, after the as -built and baseline monitoring
report is submitted and approved for the addendum area (Phase II), monitoring reports for Phase II will be included with Phase I monitoring reports and completed in the fall
of 2022 at least 6 months after the Phase II's MYO assessment. It is proposed that if the addendum area has met monitoring performance standards three of the prior four
monitoring years at closeout of the Phase I portion of the project (monitoring year 6 of Phase II), the addendum area will be closed as well. If monitoring performance
criteria within the Phase II addendum area has not met monitoring standards three out of the prior four years, an additional seventh year of monitoring will be performed for
the addendum area and the closeout monitoring period will be seven years beyond completion of construction and/or until performance standards have been met."
Project information and location of the FINAL As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report (MYO):
Wyant Lands Phase II 7 Project Expansion
DMS Project# 100595
RFQ 16-007133-CT03 7Issued :4/24/2017
Institution Date: 7/14/2021 ?Full Delivery
DWR# 2018-0177 v2
Catawba River Basin
Cataloging Unit 03050102 / 03050103 Expanded Service Area
Lincoln County, North Carolina
Mitigation Plan Addendum Credits
396 SMUs (warm)
4.513 WMUs (riparian)
As-Built-MYO Credits:
396 SMUs (warm)
4.513 WMUs (riparian)
Mitigation Plan Addendum Lengths and Acreage:
396 linear feet
5.741 acres
As-Built-MYO Lengths and Acreages:
396 linear feet
5.741 acres
FD Provider: Wildlands Engineering, Inc. ?Contact Eric Neuhaus, P.E. (<>) , O: 828.774.5547 x105
M: 865.207.8835
NCDEQ - DMS PM: Paul Wiesner,<madto:paul.wiesner&acdenr.g_ov> , (828) 273-1673
IRT-DMS SharePoint Page:
httosJ/ httos://
DMS/SitePayes/Home.aspx :!!HYmSToo!Y0_D3zgSY41 yOLoFNTFBbycOzwaxi_wWbPC986R8Nu4iOZ7xYxq 4NgIWP1Noq R_b0eY6Cr2-p9Z3VE-
7SEmPRYu4e6kvUPalt$ <Blocked>
Wyant Lands Phase II -Project Expansion_MYO 2022
Wyant Lands Phase II -Project Expansion _MYO_2022 <Blocked
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%2OProjecto/o20Expansion_MYO 2022.pdVcsf=l&web=1&ewKFuHJ>
Wyant Lands Phase II -Project Expansion AB 2022
Wyant Lands Phase II -Project Expansion_ AB_2022.pdf <Blocked
DMS/AsBuilt%20Report%20%20Drawing/ Wyant%20Lands%20Phase%20II%20-%20Proj ect%20Expansion%2O(100595)/ Wyant%20Lands%20Phase%20II%20-
%2OProjecto/o20Expansion_AB 2022.pdf?csf l&web=1&e=aFrXSN>
RIBITS Cyber Repository:
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129Z3 VE-7SEmPRYu4e6vfWq 1 CR$
Thank you for your participation,
Kim Isenhour
Mitigation Project Manager, Regulatory Division I U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1 919.946.5107