HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190865 Ver 1_Request for More Information As-Built_20221108From: Davis, Erin B To: Baker, Caroline D Subject: FW: [External] Request for Additional Information/ NCDMS Laurel Springs Mitigation Site As -Built/ SAW-2019- 00835/ Avery County Date: Monday, December 12, 2022 2:57:18 PM Laserfiche Upload: Email DW R#: 20190865 v.1 Doc Date: 11/8/22 Doc Type: Mitigation —Mitigation Information Doc Name: General topic of email title From: Isenhour, Kimberly T CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Kimberly.D.Browning@usace.army.mil> Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 7:37 AM To: Ray Holz <rholz@restorationsystems.com>; Wiesner, Paul <paul.wiesner@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil>; Haywood, Casey M CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Casey.M.Haywood@usace.army.mil>; Davis, Erin B <erin.davis@ncdenr.gov>; Bowers, Todd <bowers.todd@epa.gov>; Youngman, Holland J <holland—Youngman@fws.gov>; Wilson, Travis W. <travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org>; Leslie, Andrea J <andrea.leslie@ncwildlife.org>; Allen, Melonie <melonie.allen@ncdenr.gov>; Crumbley, Tyler A CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Tyler.A.Crumbley2@usace.army.mil>; John Hamby <jhamby@restorationsystems.com> Subject: [External] Request for Additional Information/ NCDMS Laurel Springs Mitigation Site As - Built/ SAW-2019-00835/ Avery County CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good morning Paul and Ray, The 15-Day As-Built/MYO review for the Laurel Springs Mitigation Site (SAW-2019-00835) ended November 3, 2022. This review was done in accordance with Section 332.8(o)(9) of the 2008 Mitigation Rule. All comments received from the NCIRT are incorporated in the email below. The IRT has significant concerns with portions of the MYO Report and requests a response to comments prior to issuing the initial credit release. Due to the discrepancy in construction phase planting and the concern that the planted species are not typical of mountain wetlands in Avery County, the IRT would like to review the supplemental planting plan prior to its implementation. Casey Haywood, USACE: 1. QAQC of the Vegetation tables need to be addressed in the report. Looking back at the Mitigation Plan, Table 18 Planting Plan does not match the listed species on the L5 Plan Sheet. It appears that some of the discrepancies listed below are likely a result of this. Please ensure these tables reflect the same information in future submittals. a. Table A lists yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis) as a species that was not planted; however, Table B shows it was planted but had it listed as swamp birch (Betula alleghaniensis). Plan Sheet L5 also indicates it was planted. Please clarify. b. Table A should reflect all species that were not planted to include elderberry and buttonbush as shown on Table 18 of the Final Mitigation Plan. c. Sheet L5 lists Scarlet Oak as an added species, however this is shown in Table B (and Table 18 in the Mitigation Plan) as an approved species. Table B lists Red Spruce as an added species, whereas Sheet L5 has it listed as an approved species. Please update. d. Based on the information provided, it appears the modification request includes the addition of three species: arrowwood viburnum (Viburnum dentatum), bitternut hickory (Carya cordiformis) and American hazelnut (Corylus americana). Is this accurate? If so, I am okay with the inclusion of the replacement species, however, please provide an updated red -line planting table to reflect Plan Sheet L5 and Table 18 of the Final Mitigation Plan to include consistency between common species names and planting numbers. Updating this table will be beneficial to use as a reference for potential replanting efforts in the future. 2. With the possibility of a replant in 2023, 1 concur with EPA's comment to include random vegetation plots and would support the replacement of 3 permeant plots to random plots (recommend plots 3, 5, and 13). 3. When comparing the MYO CCPV (Figure 1) to the updated Monitoring Map (Figure 9) provided on August 26, 2021, some of the veg plots and groundwater gauge locations appear to be flipped and are no longer located in creditable wetland reestablishment areas (GWG 1, 6, & 9). While it's beneficial to have some groundwater gauges located in non - credited wetlands, please ensure creditable wetland reestablishment areas have adequate monitoring wells to document hydrologic uplift. 4. Appreciate the efforts made to work with the landowner to remove the shed located in the easement near UT3. To help prevent future encroachments (such as mowing), were additional boundary markers or horse tape added to this area when the surveyor visited the site on 9/2022? When the new shed is constructed, please be sure to have the structure located far enough off the easement boundary to prevent any future encroachments. Andrea Leslie, WRC: The as -built and final mitigation plan do not match when it comes to planting. The numbers/percentages of what was planned (in black) to plant are not what is in the final plan. The planned percentages are also different from the as -built (e.g., hemlock at 2-3% in final plan, but in the as -built as planned at 8% and actually planted at 6%). The MYO report does note that a number of species were not planted (but it is inaccurate, as it fails to include a number of those that were in the final plan and includes Betula alleganiensis, which was planted). Please include me in a discussion with IRS; I'd like to have input on the supplemental planting. Todd Bowers, EPA: plots. Table 8: Post Mitigation Plan dominant species composition needs to be recalculated for all Were there no random vegetation plots installed? If not, I recommend adding 3 random plots in place of fixed plots for future vegetation monitoring. 3. Modifications and red line changes in As -Built plans such as floodplain culvert features, added rock sills and log vanes, j-hooks, replacement of a box culvert with a bridge span, and the modified planting plan are all noted with no comment. 4. Sheet L5.00: Recommend breaking down each species component (stem counts) into each vegetation community. 5. 1 think the Corps (and I RT) should have been notified much earlier than concurrently with the MYO Report of a modification request with changes or modifications to the planting plan. 6. Table 5: 16.5% of the site's planted acreage has low stem density based on visual assessment. Recommend placing some of the recommended random plots in areas of concern. If an adaptive management plan for supplemental planted is anticipated, please submit to the IRT as soon as possible so that the site can be replanted no later than March 2023. 7. Overall, I am very satisfied with the report and the work that IRS has completed at the site. Having not been able to visit this location, I really appreciated the detailed ground -level and drone level wetland, vegetation and stream feature photos to illustrate the grading, planting and features implemented. Erin Davis. DWR: DWR appreciated DMS' report review and site visit comments. The inclusion of additional photos, particularly the drone images, were very helpful for this review. Thank you. 3. 1 was confused about the addition of 29 rock sills that weren't engineered and installed to act as grade control. In hindsight, is there a better term to depict adding cobble to support a constructed riffle as described in Section 2.1? 4. Once all straw wattles with plastic netting have been removed from the site, please add a note in the corresponding monitoring report narrative. 5. The mowing and shed encroachment should be identified in Table 5. 6. An additional five stormwater culverts were installed within project easement breaks. Throughout the monitoring period, please pay particular attention to associated easement areas that receive discharge from these structures for any evidence of wetland/flood plain instability or erosion. 7. DWR is very disappointed with the planted species list. First, looking back at the final mitigation plan, DWR reviewed and supported the Table 18 and Figure 8 plant list, which took into account the several IRT draft mitigation plan comments. It appears that Table 18/Figure 8 was not correctly updated in the associated construction plan sheets and that the draft mitigation plan plant list was used for construction planting. Additionally, it does not appear that the IRT comments were reviewed when making plant quantity adjustments as both WRC and DWR requested a cap for Eastern hemlock at 5 percent. 8. DWR understands that species availability is a common constraint during the construction phase. However, had DWR been notified and engaged on this issue we could have discussed and agreed upon an adaptive planning approach such as phased planting to ultimately ensure that appropriate species and appropriate species quantities were planted across the project. 9. Please provide a supplemental list of species and quantities for the proposed supplemental planting effort. In addition to the proposed 18 percent supplemental planting area (total 16.2 acres), DWR recommends sitewide supplemental planting of understory/shrub species as specified in the approved Final Mitigation Plan Figure 8. 10. DWR recommends conducting random plots/transects in proposed supplemental planting areas, with at least one survey area within the UT3 decommissioned farm road footprint. 11. Please provide wetland indicator status for proposed species additions to the approved plant list. 12. DWR respectfully disagrees with RS' response to DMS that there were no significant changes in monitoring device locations from the approved mitigation plan. As noted in the August 2021 correspondence, DWR was ok with relocating one groundwater gauge (#4) to a non -crediting area. However, the MYO monitoring figure shows several gauges have been shifted outside of wetland credit generating areas. In order to demonstrate performance standard success there needs to be sufficient number and representative cover of monitoring devices across proposed credit areas. If gauge locations remain as -is, DWR may request additional gauge installation during the monitoring period. Please reach out with questions. Regards, Kim Kim Isenhour Mitigation Project Manager, Regulatory Division I U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1 919.946.5107 -----Original Message ----- From: Haywood, Casey M CIV USARMY CEMVP (USA)<Casey.M.HaywoodCa�usace.army.mil> Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2022 2:26 PM To: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (USA)<Todd.J.TugwellCo�usace.army.mil>; Isenhour, Kimberly T CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Kimberly.D.BrowningCo�usace.army.mil>; erin.davisna ncdenr.g_ov; bowers.toddna epa.g_ov; Youngman, Holland J <hollandyouungmanna fws.g_ov>; travis.wilsonna ncwildlife.org; andrea.lesliena ncwildlife.org Cc: Wiesner, Paul <paul.wiesnerna ncdenr.g_ov>; Ray Holz <rholzna restoration systems.com>; John Hamby <ihambyna restorationsystems.com>; Allen, Melonie <melonie.allenna ncdenr.g_ov>; Crumbley, Tyler A CIV USARMY CESAW (USA)<Tvler.A.Crumbley2CO�usace.army.mil> Subject: Notice of As -Built Review/ NCDMS Laurel Springs Mitigation Site/ SAW-2019-00835/ Avery County Good afternoon IRT, The below referenced FINAL As-Built/Record Drawing review has been requested by NCDMS. Per Section 332.8(o)(9) of the 2008 Mitigation Rule, this review follows the streamlined review process, which requires an IRT review period of 15 calendar days from this email notification. Please provide any comments by 5 PM on the 15-day comment deadline shown below. When providing comments please indicate if your concerns are great enough that you recommend not issuing the credit release. Comments provided after the 15-day comment deadline (shown below) may not be considered. Please note, if a site visit is requested by the IRT, comments will be due 15-days following the visit. At the conclusion of this comment period, a copy of all comments will be provided to NCDMS and the NCIRT along with District Engineer's intent to approve or disapprove this Final Record Drawing and initial credit release. 15-Day Comment Start Date: October 19, 2022 15-Day Comment Deadline: November 3, 2022 45-Day Credit Release Approval Deadline: December 3, 2022 *2022 is Monitoring Year 1 for this project. Project information: Laurel Springs DMS Project# 100122 RFP# 16-007725 — Issued 11/13/2018 Institution Date: 5/17/2019 — Full Delivery SAW-2019-00835 DW R# 2019-0865 v1 French Broad River Basin Cataloging Unit 06010108 Avery County, North Carolina Mitigation Plan Credits: 4,231.827 SMUs (cold) 3.688 WMUs (riparian) As-Built-MYO Credits: 4,231.827 SMUs (cold) 3.688 WMUs (riparian) Mitigation Plan Lengths and Acreage: 5,261 linear feet 3.688 acres for mitigation credit (9.847 acres total) As-Built-MYO Lengths and Acreages: 5,240 linear feet 3.688 acres for mitigation credit (9.847 acres total) PLEASE NOTE: Restoration Systems is requesting a modification of the Site's Mitigation Plan to include planted tree/shrub species that were not included in the Site's IRT approved Mitigation Plan. A lack of availability from nurseries of approved Mitigation Plan tree/shrub species required IRS to adjust the number of stems planted for some approved species and include four additional species not included in the approved Mitigation Plan. Additional information is available after the report cover and in the MYO report and record drawings. FD Provider: Restoration Systems, LLC. —Contact: Raymond Holz (rholzC@restorationsystems.com <maiIto: rholzC@restoration systems.com> ), tel: 919.334.9122 1 cell: 919.604.9314 NCDEQ- DMS PM: Paul Wiesner, Paul.wiesnerC@ncdenr.g_ov<mailto:paul.wiesnerCo�ncdenr. og_v>, (828) 273-1673 FINAL As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report and Record Drawings can be accessed directly on the DMS SharePoint site here: IRT-DMS SharePoint Page: https://ncconnect.sharepoint.com/sites/I RT-DMS/SitePages/Home.asp <https://ncconnect.sharepoint.com/sites/I RT-DMS/SitePages/Home.aspx> RIBITS: https://ri bits.ops. usace.a rmy. m i I/ords/f?p=107:278:9043125515214::: RP; 278: P278_BANK_I D:5903 Thank you in advance for your time. Casey Haywood Mitigation Specialist, Regulatory Division I U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Work cell: (919) 750-7397