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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWyantLands_Expansion_MY0_WEIResponseToComments_2022December 2, 2022
Ms. Kim Browning
US Army Corps of Engineers — Wilmington District
69 Darlington Avenue
Wilmington, NC 28403-1343
RE: Monitoring Year 0 Annual Report Comments
Wyant Lands: Phase II Project Expansion
Lincoln County, NC
USACE Action ID No: SAW-2021-02449
DMS Project ID No. 100595
NCDEQ Contract No. 7244
DWR Project No. 2018-0177 & v.2
Dear Ms. Browning:
Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (Wildlands) has reviewed Interagency Review Team (IRT) comments
from the Monitoring Year 0 (MYO) Report for the Wyant Lands: Phase II Project Expansion.
Wildlands responses to IRT's comments are noted below.
Kim Browning, USACE
1. 1 would like to verify that the rock that was installed to stabilize the ditch and dam overflow
was accounted for in the impacts table. It appears that sections of rock installation were
red -lined on the as -built and may have permanently impacted Wetlands L and M. I realize
that these areas are very small (<0.01 cc), but we need to make sure we appropriately
report impacts.
Wildlands Response: The impacts to Wetlands L and M were included in the impacts
table as 0.001 acres of temporary impact from stabilization for Wetland L and 0.002
acres of temporary impact from floodplain grading for Wetland M. At the time of the
permit these impact designations were deemed as sufficient for stabilizing the hillslope;
however, during construction it was evident that additional measures were needed to
stabilize the overflow ditch from the pond's emergency spillway. Therefore, the
installation of the riprap permanently impacted 0.000297 acres of Wetland L and
impacted 0.002219 acres of Wetland M for stabilization. Any remaining impacts for
Wetland M, 0.01 acres, were designated as permanent for stream restoration on the
Pre -Construction Notification Form.
Casey Haywood, USACE:
1. The BMP was redesigned as a step pool stormwater conveyance using log sills. Is there any
concern that these structures will rot? Please continue to monitor this section for instability.
Wildlands Response: Given the slope of the BMP, log steps and riprap material were
added to increase grade control in addition to installed rock sills. Ultimately, woody
floodplain vegetation will maintain long term stability of the BMP, but the logs provide
initial grade control after construction. At the depth and extent to which the logs were
buried, they are not anticipated to rot until after mature vegetation has been
established. Annual site visits as well as photo monitoring will continue throughout the
monitoring period for signs of instability.
2. 1 am okay with the inclusion of the unapproved species (boxelder, black gum, and sourwood)
to be counted toward success during monitoring. Additionally, I concur with DMS'second
comment, please try to include the approved species that were unavailable in any future
supplemental planting efforts to help increase site diversity.
Wildlands Response: Inclusion of the unapproved species towards success criteria is
noted. If future supplemental planting is necessary, Wildlands will make every effort to
include approved species that were not available during MYO planting.
Eric Davis, DWR:
1. DWR is ok with the added plant species.
Wildlands Response: Noted and thank you.
2. The IRT has previously mentioned in comments and on the site walk the request to try to
transplant existing mockernut hickory onsite. How successful was this transplant effort? If it
wasn't attempted, please explain why not.
Wildlands Response: Existing mockernut hickory were identified in the field; however,
given the extent of invasive species around the trees and the lack of small diameter
trees suitable for transplanting, it was determined to be impractical. Portions of the
floodplain were left intact and will hopefully provide a seed source for future
recruitment and establishment through dispersal and/or soil seed bank. Other woody
species were transplanted over the installed brush toes where suitable trees were
3. Appendix DWR requests an additional photo point stationed outside of the easement
towards the boundary line at the step pool stormwater conveyance BMP. We would like to
photo document the stability of this area through monitoring.
Wildlands Response: Wildlands will include photos of the step pool stormwater
conveyance BMP in a photolog. The photos will include views from the bottom of the
BMP looking upslope from the UT2 R1 confluence as well as a view from outside the
easement looking downslope. These photos will be updated and included in future
monitoring reports.
Todd Bowers, EPA:
1. Minor changes were implemented at several locations along UT2 Reach 1 during
construction including the addition of bank stabilization structures (brush toes), and the
installation of a BMP designed to convey overflow from the pond upstream of UT2. These
changes were not reflected in the CCPV of Figures 1 and 1a and I recommend amending this
Wildlands Response: Brush toes that were added during construction were featured on
the CCPV maps. The riprap stabilization area that was constructed below the pond's
spillway was inadvertently omitted; however, as requested, it will be included in future
CCPV figures. The measure will be depicted as a structure and not as a BMP as it is a
stabilization effort for the pond's emergency overflow and dam outlet. Callouts were
added to the CCPV maps for clarity.
2. The vegetation planting plan changes involved several species changes in the Riparian
Vegetation Zone and Wetland Zones, much of the change serves to increase site diversity
and maintain hydrologic suitability. No concerns with the changes implemented. I am a little
concerned with the timing of planting which as performed outside of the timeframe set in
the mitigation plan (Late November to Mid -March). I hope that we do not get an adaptive
planting plan in the near future due to planting outside of the dormant season, but I realize
that Wildlands likely had some constraints between completing site grading and getting the
plant stock in the ground on -time.
Wildlands Response: Wildlands will continue to monitor stem density throughout the
Site and will supplementally plant if needed. Vegetation densities are currently meeting
expectations and an adaptive planting plan is not expected.
3. Shift in location of Veg Plot #13 and Photo Point 15 noted, no comment.
Wildlands Response: Noted.
4. Looking forward to the combination report for Wyant Lands I and II and including the
approved and soon -to -be approved vegetation species together to determine stem density
on site.
Wildlands Response: The combination MY2 report for Wyant Lands Phases I and II will
include both mitigation plan approved species as well as post -mitigation plan approved
species. Results are located in Appendix B of the Monitoring Year 2 Annual Report.
5. Overall, I am satisfied with the report and the work that has been completed at the site.
Having not been on -site, I really appreciated the detailed ground -level stream and veg plot
photos. I recommend the appropriate credit release (Milestone 2) for warm stream and
riparian wetland mitigation units for this monitoring milestone. I have no other substantial
comments at this time.
Wildlands Response: Thank you. We appreciate the compliment.
Eric Neuhaus, PE
Project Manager