HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC224082_ESC Approval Submitted_2022121211 IncY]cVV rnpleird -Lit 3 ;m nd 63 I -slat radI a
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Review Completed -Lot 3 and 63
1 message
City Of W1115tQ[lrSalll°Rl e-r1ofeF1ljr@Idw2f15 CORD
Reply -To matthewa@ciryot►nrs arg
To joshlongbuiR@grna0 com
Woodview Estates Grading
Application Type: 04.02) radinglE rosion Control Peel#
Workflow: 04.i ) Grading & Erosion Control
Project: Lot 3 and 63 Woodview Estates Grading
Alp: b087
Acreage to be Disturbed: J.00
h ./Minston- alern rdtplans coy-r se urelproj ct/ proje tides' 01
Joish tong <iot;h1ongbuiIt@gmai1.com
Tue. Dec 6. 2022 at 1 56 PM
-Jr t-7.y_.- �,II
flellia Longbuilt Construction,
Thank you for submi,ttIng your pro;t to City of Winston-Salem,
-Sale! Revsof the pans for that project have been ompleted
T he dery is a d e q
uate to meet the ordinance sza nd ards a m d the plans have been approved
signed �n� n�tar�� I~ �r�a r���aI esponsi brfrt/�r�erh�ip (FR)
If �u �r�a not already ��n� ��, pl��e pr���e an original � ntrol Permit If thi has
form aapplicable This document i required prior to the rs uan of the GradingErosion o
already been provided, them please disregard this eta
tement Reminderthat a completed FRO firm is not required to
instance project
here qualifies to use the HB 489 Sketchy Erosion Control Plan document.
han 1 acre on art of a larger common play~ of development F the Grading/Erosion
i� tl�� project will disturb ��� t p
o nt rol Permit a n n of he i ss ue d u nU I d o u a rotation is p reveled t heat c o rage u r�der the �,1O1 er�trution tor>T�ater
Permit (PD) has been obtained Please obtain coverage under the permit at the following r b Mte
i Once coverage i obtained, please upload a copy to the project
�. issued until roof of
the electronic ran review system The Grading/Erosion Control Perm rt gill not be lssu p
d��ur�e�t erg t P
coverage under NGG01 is provided ". This approval email serves as the "Approval Letter" that must b
when filmo the e-N01 application to obtain the NCG01 Certificate of Coveragel dh*
s outlined in the Unified Deve top er)t Ordinances (U D ) of 1 n story - Sallerrii/Forsylh County, Village of Clemmons, Town
of Lei svi I re, and Town
f WaIke ftwn, F_ro ion Control DevlsIon staff may period ica NY inspect sites of load distu rb i n g
a with the Erosion Control ordinances and the approved Erasion Control Plan o person
a�te�r+ t� determine �rr�plran shall "'11fully resist, f
l or obstruct are authorized representative, employee, or agent of the Erosion Control
Division while the l person� �
i ins a tin or attempting to inspect a land disturbing advity under the ordinance,
Should you have any questions as you move forward pease feel free 1a contact Matthew Osborne at 335-462-7480 or
matlhPwo@cilyolws org
cj1Yhnk city0fW1S crg
hillWNTIdil ( le coo mm11W10rk 77121m2XXhI&vleW=Jx&wafCh-a I I & Ix rn iIhiJ-14ry d I'l.3A 17-51492CLI205 1 w(A 2 1? VU 1n is g - P 1, 3A17514W032 631 29hNi. V2