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20071674 Ver 1_Initial Interest_20071003
Oct 01 07 04:23p p.2 ~XQ O"1- ~~,~~ IlYITIAL INTEREST IN PAI.tTICII'ATION IN THE EXPRESS REVIEW PROGRAII+I WITHIN THE 401 OVERSITE/EI~LPRESS PERNIITTING UNIT October 1, 2006 Version 4 Applicant Name: ~~J .~~t) I- Y~1"'~ ~^C - Applicant Address• ~ ~ 1~OX 3~3 2 C~, a~h~ ~~-~~, , ~ ~ ass-i s" Applicant's phone number: L! ~ ~~ 3-'13 ~ Lt Fax number: ~'f}lQ 3~3 `~~~ Applicant's email address: ~/C.r~ ~,~~olhe) ~ NC . r r. C oM Consuhant Name (if applicable): Consultant address (if applicable): Consultant's phone number: Consultant's email address: Fax number Type of action requested under the Express Review Fragram (check all that apply): ^ 401 Water Quality Certification ~ Stream Origin Determination ^ Isolated Wetland Permit 1 # of Determinations Requested ^ Riparian Buffer Approval ^ lntenmittent/Perennial Determination ^ Riparian Buffer Minor Variance # of Determinations Requested ^ Coastal General "Major" Variance ^ Isolated Wetland Determination linear feet or acres ^ Stormwater Management Plan {this fee is not additive when approval is combined with 401 Cert.} # of /Drainage Areas/Project Site Narne of Project: ~• ~~ ~ ~ R Svn1C ~` ~: ~,ec. County: ~~.~~ Total project acreage: {acres) Total built out impervious area: (acres} amed stream + River Basin (from USGS topo map): Please provide a brief descriptioon of this pr1oject (attach site11plan if available): e.U ~ 0~1E-~ b~1 ~ h G. e~,~-: ~~ t'hel- ~ nett ~ o yc~ G. ~~ `~ T G J~' ~ e cr, ~-' !J air' 1 OCT-1-20D7 MC1N 16:45 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P• 2 Oct 01 07 04:23p Please attach a map of site location using USGS 1:24,000 map and county soil survey. Location of project site -please include reference to the county, nearest name town and highway number: L(~c~f ~~e.~aw ~~~~.c~_ C~- p.3 ~~~ ~R~nC~ 1V Cr Jae)-7J !fd Proposed impacts: N~R Acres of 404/401 wetlands Acres of isolated wetlands Linear feet of streams Linear feet of isolated streams Square feet of protected stream buffers Has consultant or applicant attended any DWQ-sponsored training sessions in the past two years? If so, please list which ones. Has any DWQ stafFvisited the site? , ifyes, please provide DWQ staffnaroe, and date of visit: Which other environmental permits from other agencies will be needed for this project? Please list the permits and issuing agencies below: Does this project require approval under the State Environmental Policy Act or National Environmental Policy Act? Is this project an After-the-fact application or has this project received a previous Notice of Violation from DWQ? Does this project require approval of a Variance from the NC Environmental Management Commission" _,_ Are you aware of any local controversy concerning this pmject? If so, please describe the controversy and any measures that have been taken with respect to public involvement. This form must be submitted via email (clo 441express(a~,ncmail.net;~ faxed (914-733-6893) orhand-delivered to the Parkview Building, 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Suite 250, Raleigh, I`C 27604. Applicants who are selected to participate in the Express Review Program will be notified via fax within 2 days. Successful applicants will then be instnicted regarding detailed procedures for full application (Note: Submittals of the review packages on Friday after 12: 00 prn will be stamped as received on the next business day). Please contact Cynthia Van Der Wiele at 919-715-3473 if you have any questions regarding this form. 2 OCT-1-2aD7 MON 16:45 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 3 Oct 01 07 04:22p p.1 VARDIS HOMES, INC. PO BOX 3032 CHAPEL HILL, NC 27515 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET FROM: 1'O: Chris Va~edis DATE: COMPANY: 919-733-G893 CAX NUA[l3P_R_ YOUR PHONE NUI~tBER: (919) 303-4318 PHONE. NUMBER: SENDER'S FAX biUAfBER (919) 303-4319 TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: RE: 4701 Shadow Ridge Ct Holly Springs ^ URGENT 0 FOR REVIEW ^ PLEASE COMMEhIT ~ PLEASE REPLY ^ PLE:\SE R :CYCLE. N aTES /COMMENTS: J~id Here are the documents you requested. I have the wake county soil survey but it's too large to fax. I will bring it to our meeting on Wednesday morning. Thank you, Chris Sardis OCT-1-20D7 MDN 16:45 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P ~~ off- tc~ ~~ SCALE: LOT 35R SECTION ----- BLOCK --- PHASE ONE /„ _ ~, DATE: SUBDIVISION SUNSET RIDGE AS 09 AUGUST 2007 RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 2003 PAGE 1390 F/LENA~E: WAKE COUNTY REGISTRY. sunset ridge-!ol 35r plotplan.dwg NOTES: 1 ALL AREAS ARE BY COOiRDINATE GBOMbHIHY TOWNSHIP: . . 2 ALL DISTANCES ARE HO'i(IDDNTAL GROUND UNLESS OTITERWLSE NOTED. HOLLY SPRINGS s. NORTH ARROW IS PER REC(HtDBD MAP OR DEED IaSTED ABOVE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. IEGFXD: O = ERIST/NG IRON PIPE ~ =NEW IRON PIPE $ = CDNPUIFD POINT D = coxcRETS a~oNV~rENr D = DECx P =PORCH ~= ELEG7RR: TRANSFORAfER )R = MASONRY NAIL IP : LIGHT POLE PP =POWER PO1,E -0E- =OVERHEAD ELEGTRK LINE +-~-+-= FENCE SN =SHED S :STOOP CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD LENGTH TANGENT CHORD BEARING DELFA ANGLE Ci 50.00 20.5 20.43 10.4E S 8745 32 E 23'34 37 FLOOD HAZARD AREA ZONE 'X' SCALID FROM 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN SCALED FROM `~'~- F.I.R.M. 37Z0065900J, EFFECTIVE F.I.R.Y. 3720065900J, EFFECTIVE .k, DATE MAY 2, 2008 DATE MAY 2, 2008 ,y~ (AREAS OF 0.2X ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD) ~ ~ ~..~ 2 56 / E 142. LLC N 87~•24~ CLUBCORP GOIF ~ ~RTH CAROLINA , D.B. 8285 PG. 102 \ . \ 100 YEAR FLOOD PWN M.B. 1998, PG. 1362 ELEVATKN 315.00 / \ / NOTE: APPROX. ELEVATION OF FLOOD HAZARD AREA ZONE 'X' IS 318 65' THE FOUNQATK)N ~ y -- '~ ~~°p / . . - ELEYATION.A YINIYUY OF 3~ ABOVE THIS 6^ .~0, ~- ~ ` / ~ / ~ .r ~ • f 'G ~: ,lam ,` ~ ~0 ^Ory. ~' // II JJ X 1 ~ . 't V- .. ` M ,` PROPOSER ~ ?i ,r~ I ` ~ / I ~n LOT 35R DRIVE / .. -_ _ . d, y; y . . ~ / .. '~ -. a ~ g \ 2A27 ACRES / / : . ~ , / ~ / ~ 88 286 2 SQ FT ~ BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST ~ : \ , . . . / ~' :~ ~ m D.B. 6457, PG. 339 ~ ti \ M.B. 1991, PG. 12 X \ ~ ~ ~~?~y ~ .' y } N N LOT 35 ; •~ ~a 1, SUNSET RIDGE - PFpSE ONE Y.B. 1991, PG. 549 ~ ~ O s _ h h ~ LOT 34 ~O) - ~m SUNSET RIDGE -PHASE ONE \ Y.B. 1991. PG. 549 ~ c~ 1 / 12 I 1 SHADOW RIDGE 1 COURT / a w LOT 33 a SUNSET RIDGE -PHASE ONE a Y.B. 1991, PG. 549 O ~k~ y //FF SUNSET LAKE HOMEOWNER`S ASSOCVITION PROPOSED PLOT PLAN FOR o.B. 84~. PG. 1683 Y.B. ,991, PG. ,2 CHRIS & JOYCE VARDIS BAR SCAJE: I • = BO' WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA , o. ,o. ~. $F~t• 6900 FIELD HILL ROAD S~ RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA - 27603 CHANCE SURVEYING COMPANY, INC. y~~Ro `~,~ ~ o PHONE: (919) 329-5795 ~. EMAIL: kchonce@>zc.n.com ~' VICRiITY NAP (N.T.S. ) RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL a c'> (V d ti O O U WAKE GQUNTY AND TH! CITY OF RALEIGH R~1~X .I I COUNTY ,r; ....~..,,. ,. Page 1 of 1 gel Number Ofi5993t328 ~{ Creeks ai ip: 0188715 ~ / ~ Raleigh E IUDWIG, CARROLL 1 Contours/ JNER1: ALLEN LUDWIG, MARGARET ANN ,,1 * Cary E1iv DR1: 4009 EASTLEIGH DR r Contours/ DR2• PLANO TX 75024-3729 ~DR3: -/ ,r Wake Coi Ep BOOK: ' 12561 Elevation . :ED PAGE: 0290 Cnntoursl EED DATE: 5123/2007 .ED ACRES: 2.03 Streets DG VAL: 0 ^ Lakes JJD VAL: 43680 ~ partele LLING CLASS: INDIVIDUAL L035R SUNSET RIDGE ~ Flood pfQ SCRIPTION: PH1 DM2003-1390 r-r yoils AP NAME: Os5904 ~,-J 5acurity ; N NUM: 0659031328 N EXT: OOU ITY: HOL JWNSHIP: HOLLY SPRINGS EAR BUILT: 0 ALEPRICE: 0 ALEDATE: YPE USE: Vacant iESIGN STYLE: (NITS: 0 AND CLASS: VACANT ONINO: R-10 )LD PARCEL NUMBER: 782-00000-0086 1DDRESS iT NUM; 4701 iT MISC: ~lR PREFIX: 3T NAMC: SHADOW RIDGE 3T TYPE: GT DIR SUFFIX' ~- C~ U7 Z J H W 3 i 3 0 W Q Z n') Q1 lD M M N 01 0~ J W H Z a f- l~J i H U Gppyright CIA}r. City of Ralelgn, wake Cuwdy. - TerraServer Image Courtesy of the USGS ~x P O ~ I b ~ ~ Page 1 of 1 Send To Printer Back To TerraServer Change to 11x17 Print Size Show Grid Lines Change to Landscape Image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. Terms of Use Privacy Statement http://terraserver.microsoft.com/PrintImage.aspx?T=4&S=9&Z=17&X=6990&Y=39477& W=3 &... 10/3/2007 d' 'S4 m 0' SOyd Oct 01 07 04:23p p 5 ~X P O'1 - ~ ~ Page 1 of 1 TerraSex-ver Image Courtesy of the USGS 1 Send To Printer Back To Terra Server Change to 11x17 Print Size Show Grid lines Chance t0 Landscape a~IfSGS 70 km SW off jRjjaleigh North Carolina, United States fli Jul 1987_ j r I r x l~ ~ ~ ._ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ l~~r 1' I ~y ~. I I ~ ,'" I ~ r '~ ~ , `1 5 .~rf- efr ti ~ ~ ~~ -~ - ~~ ~ !~ I ,, _~ ~ ~~.- f i ~~• ~ ~~ ~ . r ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~5 ~ ~ ~~ti a J ~ 151 I ~~ f R ~ ~ ~,.,~. flu ~ -! 1 f .~ - . ~ .~ ~ ~ . ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 20Gyd 0 200M ~ image courtesy of the V.S. Geological Survey ~c~ 2004 Microsoft Corporation. Terms of Use Privacy Statement hctp:/1www~.terraserver.microsoft.corrL'Printlrnage.aspx?T=2&5=11 &Z=17&X=1747&Y=9... 10/1,'2Q07 prT-1-LOp7 MOFJ 16:46 TEL: 9197336893 NAME:DWI~-WETLANDS P• 1w s e. V � ,� _ � 3 S �� � � � ' >, f "� < 3