HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150068 Ver 1_Public Notice_20150128i i i���i US Army Corps Of Engineers Wilmington District PUBLIC NOTICE Issue Date: January 28, 2015 Comment Deadline: March 2, 2015 Corps Action ID Number: SAW-2006-33096 NC DOT TIP: P-4900 (A and B) The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) received an application from the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NC DOT), Rail Division seeking Department of the Army authorization to discharge dredged or fill material into waters of the U.S., associated with constructing a single-track connector from the existing north- west CSX Railroad (CSX) "A" Line to the existing east-west CSX "SE" Line north and east of the Town of Pembroke, in Robeson County, North Carolina. Specific plans and location information are described below and shown on the attached plans. This Public Notice and all attached plans are also available on the Wilmington District Web Site at: http://www.saw.usace.army.miUMissions/Re ug latoryPermitPro_rg am.aspx Applicant: AGENT (if applicable): Authority North Carolina Department of Transportation Rail Division Attn: Marc L. Hamel 1553 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 Axiom Environmental, Inc. Attn: Scott G. Davis 218 Snow Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 The Corps evaluates this application and decides whether to issue, conditionally issue, or deny the proposed work pursuant to applicable procedures of the following Statutory Authorities: � Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344) ❑ Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) ❑ Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1413) Version 7.8.2014 Page 1 Location Directions to Site: From points north, south, and east of the Town of Pembroke, travel on Interstate 95 to Exit 17 and exit onto NC72/NC711 (South Caton Road). Turn right onto NC72/NC7ll and travel northwest for approximately 10.1 miles to Union Chapel Road (SR 1563) in the Town of Pembroke. Turn right and travel approximately 0.9 mile to the proposed crossing of the Rail over Union Chapel Road. From points west of the Town of Pembroke, travel east on Interstate 74 to Exit 200 and exit onto NC/10. Turn left and travel north for approximately 4.9 miles to Union Chapel Road in the Town of Pembroke. Turn left and travel approXimately 0.9 mile to the proposed crossing of the Rail over Union Chapel Road. Project Area (acres): 4L5 acres Nearest Town:Pembroke Nearest Waterway: Bear Swamp River Basin: Lumber 03040203 Latitude and Longitude: 34.680952 N, -79.175585 W Existing Site Conditions This project lies within the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain eco-region in the Lumber River Basin (Hydrologic Unit Code 03040203). Terrestrial upland communities in the project study area are represented by three major community types: maintained/disturbed, bottomland hardwood forest, and mixed pine/hardwood forest. Stream channels within the project study area are classified by the NC DWR as Water Supply IV [water supply watershed (WS-IV)] waters. Jurisdictional features within the P- 4900 project study area that will be impacted include three unnamed tributaries (UT's) to Bear Swamp, and six riparian wetlands. There are no designated High Quality Waters (HQW), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), Water Supply I(undeveloped watershed) or II (predominately undeveloped watershed) waters, or waters listed on the 2012 303(d) Final List of Impaired Waters within the project study area or within one mile of the project area. The project study area is rural in nature, with a number of businesses and two medical facilities located near the intersection of SR 1563 (Union Chapel Road) and Wardell Road. Current land use within the project area is zoned as low density residential and agriculture. The majority of the area is actively farmed or provides pasture for livestock such as cattle. The forested portion of the study area consists of riparian buffers along Bear Swamp and Watering Hole Swamp. Vegetation within the forested area is dominated by loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), red maple (Acer rubrum), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea), greenbriar (Smilax laurifolia), and Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica). Version 7.8.2014 Page 2 Applicant's Stated Purpose The applicant's stated purpose is to provide efficient movement of equipment, supplies, and personnel between the CSX Milan Yard, military facilities at Fort Bragg (Honeycutt Marshalling Yard, Fort Junction), and port facilities at the North Carolina State Port at Wilmington and the Military Ocean Terminal at Sunny Point (MOTSU). Project Description The proposed project will involve the preparation for and installation of approximately 2.4 miles of connector track, including a grade- separated crossing at Union Chapel Road (P-4900 A); and the relocation of the eXisting Jones Road at-grade crossing to eliminate the existing sharp turn adjacent to the rail crossing (P-4900 B). The proposed project will permanently impact approximately 432 linear feet of streams and approximately 2.19 acres of jurisdictional wetlands. In addition, the project will temporarily impact approximately 109 linear feet of streams and 0.03 acre of jurisdictional wetlands. All stream impacts, temporary wetland impacts, and 2.13 acres of permanent wetland impacts are anticipated in conjunction with the P-4900A portion of the project. Permanent wetland impacts anticipated in conjunction with the P-4900B portion of the proj ect total 0.05 acre. Avoidance and Minimization The applicant provided the following information in support of efforts to avoid and/or minimize impacts to the aquatic environment: In general, the location of the proposed Rail Connector alignment has been situated just above the outer edge of the Bear Swamp floodplain in order to avoid as many jurisdictional areas as possible while also minimizing the impact on adjacent farmland. Fill slopes have been steepened in areas where stability is not a concern, and Bear Swamp is being crossed by a bridge structure rather than an extension of the double box culverts currently in service under the existing rail. Compensatory Mitigation The applicant offered the following compensatory mitigation plan to offset unavoidable functional loss to the aquatic environment: Based upon agreements stipulated in the "Memorandum of Agreement Among the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District" (MOA), it is understood that the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) will assume responsibility for satisfying Clean Water Act compensatory mitigation requirements for this project. A tota] of 600 warm-water stream mitigation credits and 4.38 riparian wetland mitigation credits will be purchased through the NCEEP in-lieu fee program. Permanent impacts to Version 7.8.2014 Page 3 perennial streams and wetlands will be mitigated at a 2:1 ratio, while permanent impacts to intermittent streams will be mitigated at a 1:1 ratio. Essential Fish Habitat Pursuant to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, this Public Notice initiates the Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultation requirements. The Corps' initial determination is that the proposed project would not effect EFH or associated fisheries managed by the South Atlantic or Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Councils or the National Marine Fisheries Service. Cultural Resources Pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, Appendix C of 33 CFR Part 325, and the 2005 Revised Interim Guidance for Implementing AppendiX C, the District Engineer consulted district files and records and the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places and initially determines that: ❑ Should historic properties, or properties eligible far inclusion in the National Register, be present within the Corps' permit area; the proposed activity requiring the DA permit (the undertaking) is a type of activity that will have no potential to cause an effect to an historic properties. � No historic properties, nor properties eligible for inclusion in the National Register, are present within the Corps' permit area; therefore, there will be no historic properties affected. The Corps subsequently requests concurrence from the SHPO (or THPO). ❑ Properties ineligible for inclusion in the National Register are present within the Corps' permit area; there will be no historic �ro�erties affected by the proposed work. The Corps subsequently requests concurrence from the SHPO (or THPO). ❑ Historic properties, or properties eligible far inclusion in the National Register, are present within the Corps' permit area; however, the undertaking will have no adverse effect on these historic properties. The Corps subsequently requests concurrence from the SHPO (or THPO). ❑ Historic properties, or properties eligible for inclusion in the National Register, are present within the Corps' permit area; moreover, the undertaking may have an adverse effect on these historic properties. The Corps subsequently initiates consultation with the SHPO (or THPO). ❑ The proposed work takes place in an area known to have the potential for the presence of prehistoric and historic cultural resources; however, the area has not Version 7.8.2014 Page 4 been formally surveyed for the presence of cultural resources. No sites eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places are known to be present in the vicinity of the proposed work. Additional work may be necessary to identify and assess any historic or prehistoric resources that may be present. The District Engineer's final eligibility and effect determination will be based upon coordination with the SHPO and/or THPO, as appropriate and required, and with full consideration given to the proposed undertaking's potential direct and indirect effects on historic properties within the Corps-indentified permit area. Endangered Species Pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, the Corps reviewed the project area, examined all information provided by the applicant and consulted the latest North Carolina Natural Heritage Database. Based on available information: � The Corps determines that the proposed project would not affect federally listed endangered or threatened species or their formally designated critical habitat. ❑ The Corps determines that the proposed project may affect federally listed endangered or threatened species or their formally designated critical habitat. The Corps initiates consultation under Section 7 of the ESA and will not make a permit decision until the consultation process is complete. ❑ The Corps is not aware of the presence of species listed as threatened or endangered or their critical habitat formally designated pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) within the project area. The Corps will make a final determination on the effects of the proposed project upon additional review of the project and completion of any necessary biological assessment and/or consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or National Marine Fisheries Service. Other Required Authorizations The Corps forwards this notice and all applicable application materials to the appropriate State agencies for review. North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR): The Corps will generally not make a final permit decision until the NCDWR issues, denies, or waives the state Certification as required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (PL 92-500). The receipt of the application and this public notice, combined with the appropriate application fee, at the NCDWR Central Office in Raleigh constitutes initial receipt of an application for a 401 Certification. A waiver will be deemed to occur if the NCDWR fails to act on this request for certification within sixty days of receipt of a complete application. Additional Version 7.8.2014 Page 5 information regarding the 401 Certification may be reviewed at the NCDWR Central Office, Transportation Permitting Unit, 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for a 401 Certification should do so, in writing, by March 2, 2015 to: NCDWR Central Office Attention: Ms. Amy Chapman, Transportation Permitting Unit (USPS mailing address): 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Or, (physical address): 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM): � The application did not include a certification that the proposed work complies with and would be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the approved North Carolina Coastal Zone Management Program. Pursuant to 33 CFR 325.2 (b)(2) the Corps cannot issue a Department of Army (DA) permit for the proposed work until the applicant submits such a certification to the Corps and the NCDCM, and the NCDCM notifies the Corps that it concurs with the applicant's consistency certification. As the application did not include the consistency certification, the Corps will request, upon receipt„ concurrence or objection from the NCDCM. ❑ Based upon all available information, the Corps determines that this application for a Department of Army (DA) permit does not involve an activity which would affect the coastal zone, which is defined by the Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Act (16 U.S.C. § 1453). Evaluation The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts including cumulative impacts of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered including the cumulative effects thereof; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving Version 7.8.2014 Page 6 the discharge of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, the evaluation of the impact of the activity on the public interest will include application of the Environmental Protection Agency's 404(b)(1) guidelines. Commenting Information The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials, including any consolidated State Viewpoint or written position of the Governor; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (N�EPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Any person may request, in writing, within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider the application. Requests for public hearings shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. Requests for a public hearing shall be granted, unless the District Engineer determines that the issues raised are insubstantial or there is otherwise no valid interest to be served by a hearing. The Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District will receive written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, until Spm, March 2, 2015. Comments should be submitted to Ms. Liz Hair, Wilmington Regulatory Field Office, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403, at (910) 251-4049. Version 7.8.2014 Page 7 y�,. ,.� "1 ,�°' ,.. 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Watson, PE Address: NC Rail Division Address: 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 862 Capital Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27609 Ralei h, NC 27603 Phone: (919) 707-4716 Phone: (919) 424-0444 Email: fbrid es@ncdot. ov Email: 'fwatson@hntb.com City/Town: Pembroke County(ies): Robeson River Basin(s : Lumber CAMA Count ? No Wetlands within Project Limits? Yes Pro'ect Descri tion Project Length (lin. miles or feet): 2.40 Surrounding Land Use: Rural Agriculture Pro osed Pro'ect Existin Site Project Built-Upon Area (ac.) 41.5 ac. N/A ac. Typical Cross Section Description: Single track Rail Line with Boulevard Ditches N/A Annual Avg Daily Traffic (veh/hr/day): Design/Future: N/A Year: Existing: N/A Year: General Project Narrative: The project P-4900A involves the construction of the Pembroke Connector between the CSX A-Line and SE-Line and P-4900B involves realignment of SR 1571 (Jones Rd.) (Description of Minimization of Water outside of Pembroke, NC. P-4900A involves two major structures, one bridge over Union Chapel Rd. and one over Bear Swamp. The Bear Swamp Bridge consists of 2@ 55'- �uality Impacts) 0" 4'-6" pre-stressed box girder units 20' wide with a trestle bent in the center. The bridge is designed with 6" scuppers in the rail that are placed at 6' intervals these scuppers discharge into the surface water or onto the spill through abutments. Also on this project is a 2@ 7' x 6' RCBC and concrete pipes of varying sizes. The railroad bed will consists of mainly 3:1 fill slopes with 3' boulevard ditches left and right for the majority of the project. The P-49006 project realigns existing SR 1571 (Jones Rd) and consists of a 2- 12' lanes, 8' shoulders, and 'V' ditches with 4:1 front slopes and 3:1 backslopes. All outlets into jurisdictional features were designed to minimize velocities into those features. Waterbod Information Surface Water Bod (1): Bear Swam NCDWR Stream Index No.: 14-9- 1.5 NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Primar Classification: Water Su ly IV (WS-IV) Su lemental Classification: Swam Waters Sw Other Stream Ciassification: None Im airments: None Threatened/Endangered Species? No Comments: NRTR Stream ID: N/A Buffer Rules in Effect: N/A Project Includes Bridge S anning Water Bod ? Yes Deck Drains Dischar e Over Buffer? No Dissi ator Pads Provided in Buffer? No Deck Drains Dischar e Over Water Bod ? Yes (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) General Project Narrative) ..�,,.,, �> > 1 li};1 nvay North Carolina Department of Transportation ' L`� Storm�vater ,� ,,,.,..,..� Highway Stormwater Program STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (Version 2.01; Released December 2014) FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBS Element: 41099.1.S3 / 41099. TIP No.: P-4900A/B County(ies): Robeson Page 2 of 2 Additional Waterbod Information Surface Water Body (2): Watering Hole Swamp NCDWR Stream Index No.: 14-9-2 NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Primar Classification: Water Su I IV WS-IV Supplemental Classification: Swam Waters (Sw) Other Stream Ciassification: None Impairments: None Threatened/Endan ered S ecies? No Comments: NRTR Stream ID: N/A Buffer Rules in Effect: N/A Pro'ect Includes Brid e S anning Water Bod ? No Deck Drains Dischar e Over Buffer? N/A Dissi ator Pads Provided in Buffer? N/A Deck Drains Discharge Over Water Bod ? N/A (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) General Project Narrative) O O � � � . . � V W 0 � � � � N M �O � V • � � V `� � O V SEE SHEET 1A FOR INDEX OF SHEETS � ,� 0 T { --1 -i m < m�2AO—_ CSXT'A' LINE -Y4- � SITE 2 BEGIN BRIDGE -L- STA. 38+26.84 -L- ; �, ��, ,� ;� .�� �: -L- STA. 9+00.00 BEGIN BRIDGE -L- STA. 21+51.24 END BRIDGE -L- STA. 22+62.90 SITE 1 BEAR SWAMP ! 'Y�- (UNION CHAPELRD) SITE 3 \ _ : �; � � � J1,1L'e �/O � b "� r�d 1L� 1L' 11 I1 � d 711L, � _i_e � �� � ����G 1L �4��� �� �Y ����A\ ROBES01� COUI�TY LOCATI0111: RAILROAD BYPASS OF PEMBROKE TYPE OF WORK: RAILROAD �ZOADBED, GRADI11tG, DRAI11tAGE, STRUCTURES WETLAII tD A1�D S TREAM IMPA CTS ti �� j•qQ �`r��cy \��� RCBC CULVERT PROPOSED CONNECTION TRACK -L- -L- STA. 55+31.95 SITE 4 SITE 5 , ; : , � i ,��. . j � � �� �'� � END BRIDGE - ,.i ��` ,'� � � -L- STA. 39+58.55 i� „ � \ ; , � �. �., �.-.-�-.-.-.-.-�-.-�-�-�-.-.-�-.-�-.-.-.,. � i PEMBROKE TOWN LIMITS \�`• i ��` , BEGIN CONSTRUCTION -Y2- STA. 22+00.00 SITE 6 � END CONSTRUCT�ON � NES R� lP � op61 �� END CONSTRUCTION -Y3- STA. 11+50.00 .�p�uMg���oN ��3� CSXT'SE' LINE -Y5- SITE 7 ��]E�,�1�1[����� 1�1��i�T� ID�6 N�T USE F�R C�NSTRUCTI�N SUBMITTAL: PRE—I00% DATE: DECEMBER 15, 2014 GRAPHIC SCALES PROJECT LENGTH Preparedintheofficeof: RAILENGINEER HYDRAULICS �� x���� �INTB HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. ENGINEER y� �"� ID 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 �a�° `��� LENGTHOFRAILTIPPROJECT 2.358MILES Raleigh, Nortn caro�ina z�sos � 50 0 50 100 Nc ��cense No: c-issa �I LENGTH OF STRUCTURES TIP PROJECT 0.047 MILES ° . 20125TANDAROSPEGFICATIONS COREY VERNIER, P.E. � �� PLAN TOTAL LENGTH OF RAIL TIP PROJECT 2.405 MILES nn�z rxo�scr ExcixeER ��°�� ���� LENGTH OF ROADWAY PROJECT P-49006 = 0.473 ENRICO ROQUE, P.E. �� pW���� �JO O �JO �OO RIGHT OF WAY DATE. ROADWAY PROjECT DESIGN ENGINEER TOTAL LENGTH OF ROADWAY PROJECT P-4900B=0.473 MAY 30, 2014 �c ���'��°�°a�N°� �� DAVID HAWKINS, P.E. 'i°][8.�N51P�I8°ll°.s��°I�N PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) sTa��TUaE Pao�ECT ENC�uEER � RAIL, DIVISI�N LETTING DATE: JAMES BYRD, P.E. 10 0 10 20 NCDOT CONTACT: BRAD SMYTHE, P.E. APRIL 21, 2015 mnnn�cres rnoJECZ sxcrxEEn — IIDIE�IGN .�NpD C�N�°fl IBgT� T'd�N NCDOT PROJF,CT MANAGF.R BRAD SMYTHE, P.E. p,E. P.E. `�, P RO F I L E(V E RT I CAL ) NCDOT PROJECT MANAGER SlGNAT[IRE: SlGNAT[iRE: DETAIL A SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH ( Not fo Scale) / Natural .� — Fill �ro��d 3y �p 3�� siope � Min. D=2.0 Ft. B=3.0 Ff. FROM -L- STA. 9+25 TO STA. 18+00 LT. FROM -L- STA. 28+00 TO STA. 34+00 LT. FROM -L- STA. 40+00 TO STA. 54+90 RT. FROM -L- STA. 46+50 TO STA. 51+00 LT. FROM -L- STA. 53+00 TO STA. 55+56 LT. FROM -L- STA. 55+56 TO STA. 58+00 LT. FROM -L- STA. 58+00 TO STA. 62+64 LT. FROM -L- STA. 58+00 TO STA. 62+72 RT. FROM -L- STA. 62+72 TO STA. 70+00 RT. FROM -L- STA. 63+50 TO STA. 66+44 LT. FROM -L- STA. 66+44 TO STA. 73+00 LT. FROM -L- STA. 70+00 TO STA. 74+38 RT. FROM -L- STA. 73+00 TO STA. 74+38 LT. FROM -L- STA. 74+38 TO STA. 76+00 RT. FROM -L- STA. 74+38 TO STA. 76+00 LT. FROM -L- STA. 76+00 TO STA. 81+02 RT. FROM -L- STA. 76+00 TO STA. 81+02 LT. FROM -L- STA. 81+02 TO STA. 88+00 RT. FROM -L- STA. 82+50 TO STA. 88+00 LT. FROM -L- STA. 88+00 TO STA. 90+31 RT. FROM -L- STA. 88+00 TO STA. 90+58 LT. FROM -L- STA. 90+31 TO STA. 93+00 RT. FROM -L- STA. 90+58 TO STA. 96+00 LT. FROM -L- STA. 93+00 TO STA. 102+70 RT. FROM -L- STA. 96+00 TO STA. 102+00 LT. FROM -L- STA. 102 + 70 TO STA. 109 + 18 RT. FROM -L- STA. 105+50 TO STA. 112+00 LT. FROM -L- STA. 109+18 TO STA. 116+29 RT. FROM -L- STA. 112+00 TO STA. 116+29 LT. FROM -L- STA. 116+29 TO STA. 120+15 RT. FROM -L- STA. 116+29 TO STA. 120+00 LT. FROM -L- STA. 720+15 TO STA. 122+07 RT. FROM -L- STA. 122+07 TO STA. 125+00 RT. FROM -L- STA. 125+50 TO STA. 132+00 LT. FROM -L- STA. 124+00 TO STA. 128+00 RT. DETAIL F STANDARD BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Noturol Naturpl Ground 3.� .3�:� Ground d � Geotextile— B Min.D= 2.0 Ft. Max. d = 1.0 Ft. 6= 3.0 Ft. "ype of Liner= CL I Rip—Rap FROM -L- STA. 732+00 TO STA. 132+50 LT. DETAIL I PIPE OUTLET W/ DITCH ( No� ro s�oie� NORM. WSEL Natural Nafural Ground ?y p �,'� Ground d ° Geoterztile B Min. D= VARIE$ •whe� B �s > 6.0' (To Top Of Bank) Sfd. No. 876.01 Mox. d= 4.0 F}. Type of Liner= CL I Rip—Rap B= VARIES FROM STA. 62 + 60 TO STA. 62 + 76 FROM STA.90+14 TO STA.90+61 � DETAIL B SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH ( No} }o Scale) Natural Fiil Ground 3�� 3�'� Slope d � �eofe.��ie I g Min. D=2.OFt. Max. d =1.OPt. B = 2.OFt. Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap FROM -L- STA. 24+50 TO STA. 25+50 RT. DETAIL D TOE PROTECTION � Not to Scale) NATURAL �, GROUND � � � d d=1A Ft. (MIN) FILL b=2.0 Pt �MIN) SLOPE Type of Liner= PSRM FROM -L- STA. 55+25 TO STA. 57+00 RT. FROM -L- STA. 20+50 TO STA. 21+00 RT. FROM -L- STA. 23+12 TO STA. 24+50 RT. DETAIL G SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH (Notto Scale) Natural .� � Fill Ground �',qR � / Slope � i u" � Min. D=2.0 Ft. 8=3.0 Ft. FROM -L- STA. 15+50 TO STA. 20+73 RT. DETAIL J �No+to s�o�e� ____ _._._. CULVERT CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS (UPSTREAM) Coir Fiber Matting—. Step Channel Nofive Materiol��l r(To be Excavated OuT 7:1 I of Native Soils) Natural NORM. WSEL Natural Ground - 3y � 3'� "" Ground Class I Riprap —' � Class I 7.5' Min. �� I � � �� Riprap I_'—� ChannelBed (Variable) D= Varies (To Top of Bank) FROM STA.54+88 TO STA.55+31 DETAIL C STANDARD BASE DITCH ( Notfo Scale) Natural Natural Ground 3.� ,j1� Ground D Min. D= 1.0 Ft. I g� 6= 3.0 Ft. FROM STA. -L- 18+00 - 19+23 LT. FROM STA. -L- 27+72 - 28+00 LT. FROM STA. -L- 51 +00 - 51 +56 LT. AT STA. -L- 66 + 44 LT. AT STA. -L- 74 + 38 LT. AT STA. -L- 81 + 02 LT. FROM STA. -L- 82+30 - 82+50 LT. FROM STA.-L- 102+00 - 102+46 LT. AT STA. -L- 102 + 70 RT. FROM STA. -L- 105+03 - 105+50 LT. AT STA. -L- 116+29 LT. AT STA.-L- 122+06 LT. FROM STA.-L- 132+00 - 132+50 LT. DETAIL E SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH � Nof ro s�oie� Natuml Fill Ground �',qR �D /3'� Slope � � Min. D=2.0 Ft. 6=2.0 FT. FROM -L- STA. 25+50 TO STA. 34+50 RT. DETAIL H SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH ( Nm ro Smle) Nofuml � Fill Ground ?.� �y�� Slope D 1 Min. D= 1.0 Ft. FROM STA.39+11.6 TO STA.40+69.19 LT DETAIL K �No�,o s�a�e� CULVERT CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS (DOWNSTREAM) Goir Fiber Motting NaTive Material � � Step Channel 1:1 Nat�ral NORM. WSEL Natural Ground ' "'.�) � 3�� ` Ground Class I Riprap � Class I 1.5' Min.{ I I� 7' Riprap h --•1 Channel Bed (Variable) D= Varies (To Top of Bank) FROM STA.55+30 TO STA.55+66 �I NTB NNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P C. 343 E. Six Forks Raad, Suire 200 Raleigh, Norrh Carolina 27609 NC License No: C-1554 DATE: DECEMBER 15, 2014 PROIECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. P-4900A 2B RNJ SHEET NO. R,4ILROAD DESIGN HYDRAUUCS ENGINEER ENGINEER II��81EIl.�R�ii dN �8� lE�]L.�1�� DO NOT [rSE F CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET 2 OF 25 z 0 � �� � �� y � E TO FAYETTEVILLE 3' BASE DITCH - SLOPE = 0.4% SEE DErAIL C O ,-`� � O �t ' � � ti0 � -z Q F-1— VlW i � * SCALE 1"=5Q' � ��/— �I NTB NNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P C. 343 E. Six Forks Raad, Suire 200 Raleigh, Norrh Carolina 27609 NC License No: C-1554 DATE: DECEMBER 15, 2014 LEGEND F F DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND �DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND �DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING �DENOTES HAND CLEARING �DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER (POND) TO LUMBERTON � - -- — - --- -�,�_ -- - — -- - -- - --- ; -�- s+a.=z�+�z -L- Sta.=19+23 —w��'� � � Q,o= 3.3 cfs — � - Q�o = 5.2 cfs - � � � > ` r d= 0.7 ft 5 V,o= 7.2 ft/s - --- -- � � s= 0.4% ;„ _,', -- .. s- 0.4/ofr � � � � � � ` n= 0.055 - ° - - — - n = 0.055 - - � - " , � � _ � __ .3' BASE D/ H � � � �, � � . - - � � - SLOPE = �' 4% PROIECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. P-4900A 5 RNJ SHEET NO. R,4ILROAD DESIGN HYDRAUUCS ENGINEER ENGINEER II��81EIl.�R�ii dN��B� lE�]L.�1�� DO NOT [rSE F CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET 3 OF25 � � � � � " � / — — —�um— -- . � SEE DETAIL - R ���� � � � � R _ � �� R � \ \ ' r -� '" ' SPECIA� �O � � „ , � � S�ITE 1 � � � � . � � � Q . � - - **** k*** ��� � w �` * �`� .d/�, w= z �n � TECTION J i �IL� - - �, � - U W --- EST 30 SY � -- 1 � �� - L- Sta.=20+73 � Q„ = 2.6 cfs - 3' SPECIAL LAT. V„= 1.4 Ws BASE DIrCH s- 1.25/ - �- -- d- OJ ft -- - _ SEE DETAIL�-- _ — , _ — — n= 0.055 1 - _ _ -- �EXISTING CSXT RfW' -- - -- - --- -- EXISTI � DRAlNAGE - NG 2@ 4'X6' BE INSTAI - METHODS 1 APPROACH 1 * 1 � _, � �k `` T - * * ** * BASE DITCN ,. ,. ,. , '����� ------ J'��� ------1\ SITE 2 SEE DETAIL A �� 3�+00 Wz z� � 5 +00 =W -L- U l!1 Q � � ��,—', � _-- --- �� _� �� 4 4 �� �� ,_ ---� TECTION � __��� SEE DETAIL D ------- — ST 80 SY -- ---- ---- � - -- 2' SPECIAL LAT. ., . . - _ _ _ BASE DITCN - 2' SPECIAL LAT. _ SEE DET_2.IL-B - - „- -- -- �ASE DITCN - — -- �----_ � _--- ----- - - -- F- _-- --SEE-�FAfL-E _ _ ; __ - E— --- - L- Sia.=24+72 ---- --- TRUCTURE R050/ S ALL Q'° �0.7 cfs �D BY TRENCHLESS V= 2.0 fVs d�= 1.0 fF EFORE THE BRIDGE � 5_ 7.g/ - �,r_._�r „_ UCT D. n = 0.073 "=5 z 0 • , —�, � ��il� .0 ' ��I� � 0 r _Jw _ . . �� TO FAYETTEVILLE 3' BASE DITCH - SLOPE = 0.4% SEE DETAIL C O ,-`� � O�t ' �< ti0 � -z Q �nw � �. SCALE 1"=5Q,' *****�__ ���� �I NTB NNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P C. 343 E. Six Forks Raad, Suire 200 Raleigh, Norrh Carolina 27609 NC License No: C-1554 DATE: DECEMBER 15, 2014 LEGEND F F DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND �DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND �DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING �DENOTES HAND CLEARING �DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER (POND) TO LUMBERTON � � - ----�,� — — - - — -- - - --- — ; -�- sfa.=z�+�z -L- Sta.=19+23 ---����� - � '� Q,= 3.3 cfs Q�o = 5.2 cfs - - -� - � � � " r d = 0. � ft 5 V = 1.2 ft/s - - - � ' - s= 0.4% d = 0.8 ft t„''--'aa - < , _ s= 0.4% _ - y - � � � � � � n- 0.055 - -- - ' ' n = 0.055 - � � - _ ' __ .3' BASE D/ H � ; � � � � SLOPE =' 4% PROIECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. P-4900A 5 RNJ SHEET NO. R,4ILROAD DESIGN HYDRAUUCS ENGINEER ENGINEER II��81EIl.�R�ii dN��B� lE�]L.�1�� DO NOT [rSE F CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET 4 OF 25 � ' � � � � j -- - e �M - - - . � SEE DETAIL - R � � � � ���- � � � � R � , '� � � O� T R � , � r � �� � �O �. � 7i � / S�ITE � � � � � �� ���` �' SPECIAL LAT. Q ��� � . \ - . w - `* w= z �n J � TECTION 2W --- AIL� EST 30 SY C� W � Vl � � L- Sta.=20+73 1 Q,o- 2.6 cfs 3' SPECIAL LAT. V 1.4 Ws BASE DIrCH d�= OJ ft ---- - SEE DETAIL�- -- s= 1.25% � n = 0.055 � - -- - - yEXISTING CSXT RfkN' __ _ - ; -- - EXISTING 2 @ 4'X6'� - r !i, - _ -1 - * * ** * - - BASE DITCN � * * * * * * ** * ______����/ � SITE 2 SEE DErAIL A �� � 3p+00 zl/� 25 t00 zW -L- U l!1 Q � � __— --_ � �'— 4� 4� ��� �� 4 s f-=- �_ � - TECTION � � � � � � � �� EST 80 SAIL D ----- � --- -- --- ---- -- - _-- - _ - �a� --- - ., - -- � - - �. _`.� �. � ,- _ . � -- - -- --- ---- - - - -- --- -- __ °` 2' SPECIAL LAT. BASE DITCH 2' SPECIAL LAT. � - SEE _D�T2LL-8-- --- —_- �ASE DITC'F�_ _ — - - E_ - — -- — � - -- -- -- . _— - — -- _\ - - - F- __ S€E- DEF�IL E -- E- L- Sta.=24+72 - - - � Q,= 10.1 cfs - - - - DRAlNAGE STRUCTURE R05Q1 SHALL Vo= 2.0 fVs BE INSTALLED BY TRENCHLtSS d= 1.0 ft METHODS BEFORE TH BRIDG°� s- 1.8% APPROACH F UCV�ED. n= 0.073 W� ._ .I * � _ "=5 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 "=100' HORIZONTA 1 "=20' VERTICAL _ : . . . . . . ' . . . : ' . . . . . . . . _ �_ _ _ ..... ......... ......... ....._... ..__..... ......... ......... ....._... .. ...... .. :........ ........�. .......... ......... :........ ......... ......... ......... ......... .. _..._.._ ... ............ .................... ................... ......... ......... ......... ......... .. .. .. .. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .. _...._._ ... ............. .................... ..................... ......... ......... ......... ......... .. ...... ... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .. .... .... .... . ... ... . .... . .: �. . :. . .: . � . :. . .: . �. . :. . .: . � � . . . . . . . . .: . . .. . .: . . .. � ...:... . .:.... �..... �..�...... . ..: � �..... � ..... � ..... . ... ... : ....: � . . . . . . : . ��. �. . : . ��. ._._. . ... . . . . _.. ...�,. ...... ...... ....... .. ... . . . .. . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . J . ._. ... , .. — il .. . .. .. . .... .. ........ ......... ........ ....... . .. ... ... .. ._ . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , ._ ... . . . ... �_.r. . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . � . . . .. . . 180 170 160 150 140 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 26+00 27+00 28+00 29+00 30+00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I��-N-I-N��-I-��-I-�I-I-i i���-�F-N�I�-N-��N��-F+a-I-N��+�+-�I-N�-I-r I I-��-N-I-�I�-I�-�i+-��i P-4900A PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 5 OF 25 1�181L1LIIR1[1f1�'.s�lEB�' 1[�]L.41�� DO NOT [rSE FOR CONSTRUCTION I! BRIOGE HYDRAULIC DATA - ', '� � �'� ', '� � � � �', '� � � � � '� ', '� ', '� � � � � ,'� � � �'� � � '� ', � � ', � � _ _ - -� DESIGN O�SCHARGE _ /020 CFS -�---- -� . . . . _.. .... . ._ ..__.-.-�- ' ����. i ��i i i �i i � i i �i i �ii' .., . i�. .� ___. .., 'i �� . � �,. ��., I�i i. i i. i i � i � - � DESIGN FREOf/fNCY - l00 YRS - ! . .. _ . _ �i :. � i � i �• �, i i . ��� � i • ��� i i ��, i - i � i . i � i � _.. . �____ _ . . . . . . . . ...... _r . � DE$lGN HW fLEVATION = l6/75 FT __. ' . . . �. �. . . �. . , . �... _ _. ._ _ i i. � ��i i�i ���� i i�i ���ii i�i �i� ....i ���ii i�i ��lii i�i �i i �-����i i �i������ii � . . . .. . i. � �_ � i -�-- -�_.�_ �. �..._ _ � . ..-� - -�- -- --- � . . . BASE 0/SCHARGE _ 1020 CFS . . . - - : . . . . . . �. . � �. il .- -- ----- -- ___._. ..�_ . _. .{-- __._ . _ --� ---- _. � � � � � BASf FREIX/£NCY = l00 YRS - � � � � � i _. . c ��� i i i ��� i � i i � i i i . . . . I � BASE l�M' ELEVaTiON = i6i75 FT _.� : SITL l - �� i -� OVERTOPP/NG DISCHARGE = N/A CF$ .... . li I� � � � I� � �III� ��_ ��� I� �. . �. OVfRTOPP/N6 FR£WENCY - )500+ YRS -- --- : . . . . .. .. .. .. _ _ . �. .- �. . �. .- �� �i �i � �i � - .. _. . OV£RTOPPlN6 EL£VATION = O174 FT . �..�� � �� ��� �� ��� �� � ��� �� ���� _ . i ,�., i i�i ., ��, i i�i i �i �, , i i _ - - PROP. -L- T/R PROFILE �� i �� DATE OF SURVEY = 02'27'l4 ; . �. �. �. �. �. �. �. �. �. . �. �. �. �. �. � ��i _ �i � i i _ ��i i i � i i i _i � �i � �i i �i : ��. i i �-_! i i i i '._��i . ___ _. _ _ _ �. i i i i i i � � � __- _ �_ . .�_ � - � . _. .. .. , ,. . � .-�.� ! � -.: �_ � .-_-_ � _ ._ _� _ . . .., ---- � : -� .-- ' , ---- � . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . - . . . . . __ . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . � . . _---- -.----- ws.E�varroN : � p��p l6/.75' � . . . . ._:� AT DAT£ OF $UI7VfY = 158J4 FT . : : : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-.- .-.- . ,-.- .-.-.- . . . . i _ _ . . . ._ ___.__ _ . - T- :- _ ' WS EL=' 158J4' (+J0.8400% � 5(,'RVEY 02-27-14 (+�.9100% _ r+�o.��ooz , , - ��� �� � � � ��� �� �, , � . , , , , � , , --�___ -, _ . —,- I J_ _ , J_ _ _ --- - _ _ . - -- -- - -- �� � _ _ �-� . . _-- .. _ _ -- ____ . ___- — ,� � __ _ - � -- � _ �,, \ � �' � � � f� XISTING 6ROUN0 _----- ---- — — ---- — — �. ---- �J_�----- ..... . .... .. ;a . . . �. . . �. �. . �. . � � _- -- -------- --_----- -------- -- - ---- -- - ---- -_� � '` -- ---T-- -- -- -- -- - _._.._._._ -� --'�-.._ ------' . �a; '� . . . .. ------ --- ------------- _.._..- - - - - --.._.._.._... . -.._.. 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Six Forks Raad, Suire 200 Raleigh, Norrh Carolina 27609 NC License No: C-1554 DATE: DECEMBER 15, 2014 LEGEND �� F DENOTES FILL IN � WETLAND '!/ DENOTES EXCAVATION i` IN WETLAND �DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING � ��� DENOTES HAND CLEARING � DENOTES IMPACTS IN �� SURFACE WATER ���i!!<�� DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER (POND) PROIECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. P-4900A � RNJ SHEET NO. R,4ILROAD DESIGN HYDRAUUCS ENGINEER ENGINEER II��81EIl.�R�ii dN��B� lE�]L.�1�� DO NOT [rSE F CONSTRUCTION TO LUMBERTON —� � _ _ -L- Sta.=51+56 -- - --- ___ CLASS 'l'RlP RAP — Qo= 2.9 cfs ; - — - E�T-16� SY�F - � '^ � ' � V= 1.0 ft/s - -F— i + SLOPE 0.4% � SEE �TO BE 3' SPECIAL LAT. � 3' SPECI,AL LA � ! NO RlP RAP IS -- __ d = 0.6 ft � , SEE DETAIL C BASE DITCH � BED , 3' BASE DITCH 5- � PLACED lN STRE _ - � BASE DITCN � n = 0.055 �lL_K ' SEE DETAIL A � _ � , -- � _ _ �/ � SEE DETAIL A - � � � ' - z �� F / \ — '� -- �---------- ' ' — — � — � ---- � ---- -- — �� � `"�- --- --- o �_ ---- � => �� — �— --- �---- � _---- -- __ �� � � -- � —� � �� w �� ----F -i' i` SITE 3 , �� 5�`�� � PROP. T RACK c°v 2@ 7' x 6' RCBC S i <v W/ 2' S/LLS � �� 50+00 SEE DETAIL L 55 r00 � �� , , -L- , , � V� �� ' � � � 3 BASEADITCH _ _� � -; SEE DETAIL A � `- ---_ �—C C C � C E ,..' _--------- �� -------- � roe � TDE�— TDE TDE TDE TDE TDE TDE � �� � y � E =C C C --C --- C --- R ----- � ------- TDE TDE TDE TDE — J.�. TOTAL TAKE CLA55 / P EST NO RlP APT IS �,y PLACED lN STREA SEE DET J �i � --m PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET 8 OF25 3' SPEGAL LAT. BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL A TDE, TDE — TDE � �_ � � L 7� — -- --- � � O �- EXISTING POND TO BE � � � DRAINED AND FILLED �_ �� TOE PROTECTION ��1 SEE DETA�L D 'o W EST ll5 SY � _� ---� � \\_� � �lU � � R r--_--___ Q� TDE � DO NOi ISTURQ C ETERY 1"=50' J ' � ,i �I NTB NNTB NORTH CAROLtNA, P C PROIECT REFERENCE NO SHEET NO. 343 E. Six Forks Raad, Suire 200 p-q900A J Raleigh, Norrh Carolina 27609 NC License No: C-I554 RMI SHEET NO. . , - -, �i �� : �; R,4ILROAD DESIGN HYDRAUUCS ___ _.� D A T E: D E C E M B E R 1 5, 2 0 1 4 ENGINEER ENGINEER - � ���� LEGEND � '�� SCALE �� p DENOTES FILL IN � WETLAND � �„=50' � �za��.u�ad�v �� ��,.��� ,!� DENOTES EXCAVATION no Nor use F coNSrxucrcoN s=i�� � IN WETLAND -'� � � DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING % �� �� �� A ��, �� � �L�/�,��l� DENOTES HAND PERMIT DRAWWGS _;' � °� . � << �\ .. �,, � ���� CLEARING � SHEET 90F25 � DENOTES IMPACTS IN � n� � SURFACE WATER � , � / , �i �'�,� ��i � � � :; T/� � fy� DENOTES TEMPORARY '�'- �� � __ � ����!!<�� IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER � � ��1� �' j�� ---� - DENOTES IMPACTS IN i� .. � - - - _ � � SURFACE WATER (POND) i ' s � � '--- , V , „ � � � . . . � . , . . � . . . . . -_ � � � ` ` ` '---- ` � �� � _. . � . . . -_ . . . ` . , .. _ --- . � zg` \ � �� �� � -- �--- _ . . TO FAYETTEVILLE � �---` °�� ` -- '�s� -- ___ -------- — �i �---4�<� � c— — — _ ___ - �55-- . . . -. 1 �! � ----- < -, . �_ � , , _ ���, , , ��. �� '� '� � 1 �--�s�— . \ � � __ ���. ,, � , �� �. `. ' . � � - °� - _ _ � __ � I � ;a����-' "> ', A . '. �,, � �� � �� , L-Sta.=51+56 � -- - -- - _ _ I T0 LUMBERTON . Q�= 2.9 cfs - -, - _ , . - ,�-, ,' , �, '. \ ,y V = 1.0 ft/s - _ NOW RlP � EST 5D TONS I I _ _ _ cc � 8�M $ �' _-�� 3' BASE DITCH n= 0.055 l � � PLACED INR�RE 5 SY�F--- _ �� � � � � ,- ' ��� � ` ' P lA AT x � � �� -r�m, TO BE �� - �� - - _ . \ 8s� � SLOPE 0.4/ 3 S EC . L L . . SEE p� BED '� � =� �` �r- , 3' SPECIAL LAT. � _ _`"�---�_ BASE DITCH • �lL K � , , / � � '.: SEE DETAIL A � �-- S�E DE7AlL C _ ,- � �/ ; , - ASE DITCH ,. � �.� , O R _.._ � E DETAIL A - _" 3 B SEADITCH , � � SE , � � � , - � R SEE DETAIL A y` -- ��-------- _; ,- ' _ _ z �� -'-__ /r � ' -- ---- , � - ---------- .. , ... . . j . fl, ^ � ' - ---_---- . ., . 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SEE DETAIL D b W � BASE DITCH � � �. �� EST ll5 SY � �V Z � � --- � SEE DETAIL A � - = Z (� � � � - - -- C �' -- � `� C C � ��C C �► C L t �P c �� ---- ----------'----- =II Z ---- -------- _ _ _ � � � G ---------- R E -------------- •' � � - � . �� ' �� R �-- �r�e < < , - � � /�- - � -----, Q� �� TDE�— TDE <: TDE ..� , � , � : TDE TDE TDE TDE', TDE TDE TDE TDE - -� TDE � TOTAL TAKE CLA55 / P � ��` _ � � ' � , --- EST z9�_- �DO NOT _ - .. � - _ - _ EST I ; �� � �4_, - � ISTUR� -- _, ---�-- �'<9�____, , _ ----_ �ry` N0 RlP RAP IS ,� C ETERY -__ - �, , PLACED lN STREA � � � � %�� SEE DET J , �� ��59�"� ____���� , . SCALE � � �/ � . 1"=50' ,,� l `� , � � � � � ', ��, _ __,�= � �^ � ' �� � � ��? ���7'�' . - �5' �' � � a�� � - C �6� ' I - i� _____� '����P �-�' / fYi __-'- ,�- i i �l �. i i ry _ y i / r e l � II! . 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ELEV. = 159.5T � I I � __ _ 160 . � � � - � _ _ � ! � � ETOP OF BANK 'I F)O -- — ' ,� __ : � _. - -! — � � __ ___� � � � :- EXISTING R�GHT : 'I rJs ' __- ----__ -_ —___ _ � ___ _ : EXISTING STREAM BED i BACKFILL RIGHT (SOUTH) ��- TOP OF BANK _ _, ,_ 'I5H ��'I j BARREL WITH NATIVE MATERIAL ,�-,., ��*� ! - ��`�. 2' SILL IN RIGHT q -��-• -. - 2' SILL IN RIGHT � '� (SOUTH) BARREL EL�EVM= 1 5.2' _, . ._. - --._.._.._.._. ; - _.. -_ . - �56 �. � - �- (SOUTH) BARREL � . ._..-�� �'� -------------- _ -=----- -----`------- --- --- ------------------- 156 �_.. , � - - , -. , , , . ._�.._.._.._.._.._.._..-- ' ----- - -�- _ =�_ .._.._ _ _ --�.._.__�-- ---- -= �-- ._.. -�-----_ ._...,.,_.._. _.._.. �, .._.._.._.._. .._.._.. ..__ . - � --- � - - ---.._..�__.._ - _.._.._.._.._ _ - . . __ -_.._.._.._ --- - -- .._.._.._.._.. _ _.._.._.._.._._ . � --- � -------- � -- • .. �� _.._.._.._.._.._., _ - --------------_______-- \ ' ---------------- -------------� ---- .._.._ 154' '-�'�—____---- �--------------------- -----------------; ------------------------ 154 � _ _ __ _ __' :_ S =0.4205% 152 I I, I, I I I I I , i I INVERT OUT = 153.23) gACKFILL LEFT (NO )RTH �' ELEV. 153.41' I � i i BURY INV. 1' MW. i , � 52 ' � i BURY INV. 1' MIN. � I INVERT IN - 153.60' , � ) ,,,, , „ „ , ,,,, , ,,, , ,,,,, , ,,,, , „ „ , „ BARRELWITHNATIVEMATERIAL : 1 PROFILE ALONG STRUCTURE PRO ECfTSITEIDURI�GCULV RTCONSTRUCTONSONCYMATERIA�HAT SEXCA ABED�ROM��DSTREAMBED MAY BE USED TO LINE THE LOW FLOW CULVERT BARREL. RIP-RAP MAY BE USED TO SUPPLEMENT THE NATIVE MATERIAL IN THE HIGH FLOW CULVERT BARREL. IF RIP-RAP IS USED TO LINE THE HIGH FLOW CULVERT BARREL, NATIVE MATERIAL SHOULD BE PLACED ON TOP TO FILL VOIDS AND PROVIDE A FLAT SURFACE FOR ANIMAL PASSAGE. SI T E 3 NATIVE MATERIAL IS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO PERMIT CONDITIONS. 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 '�� 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 150 � � ■ ■ � �� '•��• 0 � � � �/ •1 :1 1 •1 1 �1 1 1 1 � � � � �� � •� � S� •� 1� / � � �� � ��' • � •' � ' � � � �iiiip p ��ii ii� �ii ii iiii ���ii�i i�ii i i iii�i� i�iiii i�ii�i i : :.C�C �. 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I-" '_.'__' '_'_L� �. . .. __`_ __-. �i , . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . - . - WETLAND CROSS SECTION — _ __ __ ____ --____ ____ __;__ = SITE 3 _ _ _ _ ----- --- ---- _ , I;� _ -- ---- ; , _ �� � ��� � _ - _ . _ , � , ��, _ -- TOTAL TAKE LIMITS -- -- ----•- - ... . . . . .... ....... 1 � � 80 � -- -- � � � I ; _ -._ _, _ -- 170 � � � ' '� � ' � ��� � � � � � �� � i i i i i i i i . . . . � ��— -��--- :=� : � - � ' : --'- . . . . . . . . � �-- - � - ----.- __ .� . ao a R 160 156 04 �, - ='� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , o� R 150 i5.12 \�� . � . \ � ._ i .-__ �._.._ - I ' .. � � . . . -. �.�T' i �. ,�� i� __. __.. . - Y / / / / / / / A i i �r i _ � : II � i '` F F DEN ; � I _� � � i ;���� 130 120 110 100 .� 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 z 0 w �� � y � � � � �� �O �� �� �, w Wz z� UW Q � � � � TO FAYETTEVILLE . NO VEHICULAR OR PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO PARCEL REMNANTS NORTH OF PROPOSED RAILROAD RIGNT-OF-WAY. SEE DETAIL l EST 25 TONS EST 70 SYGF NO RlP RAP l5 TO BE PLACED lN STREAM BED 3' SPECIAL LAT. BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL A TDE TDE TDE TDE E � � � � HW Eo+oo BURY 42" RCP —� INVERTS 0.6' � L � � ----------- -- ------- �. --- � R TDE TDE TD , 3' SPECIAL LAT. J BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL A SEE DETAIL I EST 20 TONS EST 39 SYGF NO RlP RAP lS TO BE PLACED lN STREAM BED � 1"=50' /p )E TDE � � � HW � � a� TDE � � � _--- �/ / 3' BASE DITCH - SLOPE = 0.3% SEE DETAIL C I _ L �� -. ��, 3' SPECIAL LAT.� � � BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL A TDE TDE TDE TDE — —� � —� -----� SITE 4 6�+00 -�- i , �� PROP.TRACK HW � � � — � -- -------------- TDf- �; — �r � N � 3' SPECIAL LAT. BASE DITCN SEE DETAIL A / HW \ / t� IN � T�D E -+-'�� N' —� SCALE 1" =50' �I NTB NNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P C. 343 E. Six Forks Raad, Suire 200 Raleigh, Norrh Carolina 27609 NC License No: C-1554 DATE: DECEMBER 15, 2014 LEGEND �� F DENOTES FILL IN � WETLAND '!/ DENOTES EXCAVATION i` IN WETLAND �DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING � ��� DENOTES HAND CLEARING � DENOTES IMPACTS IN �� SURFACE WATER ���i!!<�� DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER (POND) � `' TO LUMBERTON I' � CLASS 'l' RlP RAP � / E5T l7 TONS � — — , � — ` _ � � — E5T 45 SYGF _ ��� � � � � � � � � �B�M� ` 3' SPECIAL LAT. REMOVE STRUCTURE__ __ � / BASE DITCH -- - SEE DETAIL A ---TD � TDE TDE TDE TDE TDE� TDE PROIECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. P-4900A 8 RNJ SHEET NO. R,4ILROAD DESIGN HYDRAUUCS ENGINEER ENGINEER II��81EIl.�R�ii dN��B� lE�]L.�1�� DO NOT [rSE F CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET120F25 TDE �— TDE -- �" ,� (, : r-. . --------=--------------- L ---��� ---- _ �� 3 � � � � __ —=----__ � � �— �� �� �o+oo ti � �W - , � z c�n _ � ----- � --- � � �------ � � ��u -----`. ---- — ---- ------ 1 1 3 C ---- --- ---- C��I �� R t� R � 3' SPECIAL LAT. BASE DITCH AOVE SEE DETAIL A �UCTURE I �� I �' z 0 w � � �, � � E � �� �O �� �� �� Z� C� �I Q � � \ ------�, . .. . ---' -' 'H. , ------ --- ys�; ",-�s�__�, �6S1 —' ---- —09� � _ _ . _� _ —, .`1 �` — ` `'__ TO FAYETTEVILLE �-- � ' ���--'�� �'�;� �,'�' . , _- �� NO VL -�;i (. aR OR PEDES7RlAN ACCESS TO PAFCEL R�lv1NANTS NORTH OF - ,��� PROPOSED RAILROAD RIGNT-OF-WAY. -- _ SEE DETAIL l EST 25 TONS EST 70 SYGF NO RlP RAP l5 TO BE PLACED JN STREAM BED 3' SPECIAL LAT. BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL A TDE TDE TDE TDE�� �� � E � � C HW 60+00 ', 1"=50' :� � �E � , <::J TDE ` HW � � � s � '-� = ',SA _ ��� _ _ �_j— — `` s� � ; , -' rt �--� 3' BASE DITCH -- --- � � SLOPE = 0.3% ' � SEE DETAIL C �, � �; 1 CLASS 'l' RlP RAP �ST l7 TONS � - '.� ��-- --- ��— � _ �� � E�T 45SYGF A��� - r ���`� i1 �— TDE BURY 42" RCP —� `r � INVERTS 0.6' HW C � � ---- � -- ----- ------ — ------- �. --- �. R TDE TDE TD -TDf_ �N � / 3' SPECIAL LAT. J BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL A SEE DETAIL I EST 20 TONS EST 39 SYGF NO RlP RAP l5 TO BE PLACED lN STREAM BED , �9�— , � � � �` � ���� 3' SPECIAL LAT.� � � BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL A TDE TDE ����,TDE - TDE —� � —� -----� _ �I NTB NNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P C. 343 E. Six Forks Raad, Suire 200 Raleigh, Norrh Carolina 27609 NC License No: C-1554 DATE: DECEMBER 15, 2014 LEGEND �� F DENOTES FILL IN � WETLAND �DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND �DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING � ��� DENOTES HAND CLEARING � DENOTES IMPACTS IN �� SURFACE WATER ���i!!<�� DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER (POND) PROIECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. P-4900A 8 RNJ SHEET NO. R,4ILROAD DESIGN HYDRAUUCS ENGINEER ENGINEER II��81EIl.�R�ii dN��B� lE�]L.�1�� DO NOT [rSE F CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET13 OF 25 ,� � " - � / TO LUMBERTON �: � ��— — - — — __ _ - � �\. � ��_ � -_ �� \ �r " _ '� J,`''� ' � � .��v F�,� ,� O� ' .:B�M ---- –'" �. - _– / 5`,-' ,,^ -_ - _ __---- - �REMOVE STRUCTURE _____ � � BASE D TCHAT. -' � ,,— --- — - � � __-- � --_ - SEE DETAIL A — TDE TDE TDE TDE � TDE�� -���TDE �TDE TDE ' � ----- �� � -"� � -- �=--------- ----�---------_ �� � � � --- —=---- � � � --- �� SITE 4 6�+00 � � �� � ;_�� � � -���� . _ __ � � ,�_ - � � �o+oo , -L- — - � � -- — - - , � �,��---,, ,, � _ a,� � F'ROP.TRAC/C � �' __.--, ' -- 1 � � � —�- � 1 � ---- ---- ----------------- -- -------------- --------- 1 ---- _ R R � \ � � �� Q �W W Z� � � J� ---- -------- ti� R Q . � 3' SPECIAL LAT. 3' SPECIAL LAT. '; BASE DITCH BASE DITCN ��- SEE DETAIL A SEE DETAIL A I � �' REMOVE ��________________ STRUCTURE __L91�� . . . � ',; � HW T�D E "-r 'r— N'�� , SCALE _ 1"=50' __ �� -- � �' ` ------- ----- j y ' ,_� i � ,�� ��, „� _'_ �___59L-______� —59t.� � I � ... , ____� ________ �_____ �_— --�� ��_'__. ��S9t.____ �� ____� `$ �____S91. ,s '�s� ------- � .� ■ � � � � I P-4900A - 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 14 OF 25 1"=20' HORIZONTAL , . : . 1"=4' VERTICAL - i_', _ I J 180 _ - � _j � _I- l. , ,; _ _ _ �_� 178 , ; _.----- -- --- ---._. __ ..---..-, - -------- ----.._.___._---- , � ,�� - - - ;�_� - I, ; '. '. -- - -- --- -- - ----- ; i i.. 176 i r �_. , �, � - - ', _ . :.......: ......:.. ....:.... ......... :. � -- - - -- - - - , _. _....... � i � - - - - -r- I ; ; ,: ,: ; ,; ,: _ - - - -- - -- - i . - - - --- - - � � . � .. i � �: � � � � � � �� � �� �' i , � ,: 174 '� , � _ - _ _ � �I - . _ -. _ _ _ .. � - -- -�-- , '� - I- - --' - i. -- -- - - - -- ,' ; ' - - -- -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - '. .... �-L-STA.62+6826 i _ . -- - -- -- - - - - . i : - - - - - - - ----- - -- ---- . _. _, i. � . „ _ _-- - � . !_; : : : __ ; : � �r_ _. . PROP. 42" RCP - ,_, � 72 I� � GP ELEV = 170.73' � - - i-� � I � � - SKEW = 90° � _ L= 82' ,'� �'��� ,,'� �� ��� ','�� ��� � '� ','�� ��� ','�� ,,'�, � ',� � I�,�� _ � T/R ELEV 170.73 -.. . . . . j . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . .... . .. . . .. ... 170 -_ � - I,, � �, ��. I� � ��� �; ���, ���� ��, ���, � I�, � � � � � � � � , , , _, , � ; . I -- -- --- - - - - ' � � _.�_ , _� , , �, � -� - '- -�;- � i, . _ � �, , I __ ; _ � � --- - _ � ; , __ ' I� _ i _ � 68 � 3:1 (NORMAL) � � I, I, I I�I 'I � I I � � � � � �I� I� � II'� '� � �'� '� i _ �� '��'� '� �'� '�'� '� '�� ��'� '�� ��'�� '� � '� � '��'� �'� '� _ � �'� � �, _'_ -,. ,._ � �� � �� ��� ,, , _� 166 � - .-� . -, '� �'I ' �� ''�'� ' � �I � � � � � � � � � � �I � '� , � '� , � � �', '� --- -- -- -- -- _ 3:1 (NORMAL) I � �_ � --- --- ----- ---- - -- --- ---- --- _ - - - �- �'� '� ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I�' ' I'' ' ' '� - — � - �� ,�I �I I '�� �� ���� '��� ��� ��'� � �'�� ��� ��� ���� �� �� '�� �� ��,��� ��� ,I�I 164 _ _ - _ -- �--'----- _ _ i . -- -- --- , --- I I� _ -- - _ _ _ EXISTING LEFT � � _ __--- I--- --- i ;'� I-� �' _I,� � � � � �� �� I , , -__ �� �� � �_ , _ :: TOP OF BANK � � � � �- --i I -','- 162 : _.._. .._.._.._.._.._.._.__. _._. _. _.._.._.._,_.._.._.._._.._..__.._. EXISTING RIGHT •-""�•� '�� ' � 100 YEAR W.S. ELEV. - 159.9 ._, _. _. ' ,._..�.._ ._.._. _..-----._.., -�-.._..-�--• ' TOP OF BANK �''-. . �' ,.,-• _ -- - - --- --- ------------- --------------- ----------- , 180 ,, ,,., _------ �- ------------- - _ _ _��_.._.., ��� NORMAL W.S. — ', , ,,• ----------------------'' -----'"" ELEV. = 158.1' — ,..•• _ _ ____.---- r -'�'� -�' EXISTING STREAM BED ----------------- ------------------ 158 ---------------------------- � '� , . __------------ � _------------------ _ __- 156 ---- ------� - � _---------------- _ I � �� INVERT IN = 156.27' L-_— I I I � ��— g=1.1000% i:� i��� _� _ (BURYINV.0.6'MIN.) �� ��'� �� ��'�� '� � � �'� '� �'�� � �.' _ �_--� � � � � �� �� �----- � _ _, _ _ ELEV. 155.78' — � � � ) _ I �� �� � �� ��, � 54 BURY INV. 0.6' MIN. _ ` � i � .. = 55.2 � �n����� �� _.__. .. _ -.__. _... . _:_. � � � -- � � � � � � � '� i � i '� i: I� , 'i � � i � � i �'� i � � � i '� � � i � � � i, � � � i i i i i i i i i i, i _ _ , - i � ' , . � - - - � I 152 ;� - ��� , i� � � � '� � � � ', � ��' � '� ' ' , , , „ �, PROFILE ALONG STRUCTURE � � � � � � , , , , I ,' " � �� �� � �� I I �I il I I I � � �I I i I I I I I i i I i I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I � I� I I I I i I I I I i I I i I I I i I I i I I � N������n������n������n����n��0��nn���l � �����om mo����� �o������� �o����o� m w��riiio�mmo��irii iona�m°�°ri°awimm w ��u°uuui�u�au°uui �u��°°°uiw�au°ui �� Coi Co�um �mu�o� Cuiiiim imn�,��'n �o� �����om mo����� �000�������oo� m ���������m�������mm�����������om��������o�ni ii iiiiiii��au�omm�o�uai �odHai��ao� i� . .......o......�......�......�.....�.a...._..� . .......o ..........................................� iiCiiiiiieiCo�um�mu����u���i�ow�onw�,n �� �������w� �����om�iio����� �o�������u����o� m �� �������� �����om mo����� �o������� �n����o� m ::C::::::�:�.:C:��::�::::��:C� :'p::� :C:::C:::�....'a°::aC...•e::°.aC..."'°.aa:C�.:°°::: iiCiiiiiieii��iiiim�i��ii�i���iiuii�oi�n ii iiiiiii�ai ����iii�m m���iiii i�����iiiii i�°iiii�i m iiiiiiiiiwiinaiiwi ��iwwniiiiiian�niiwnauim :C:::::::a...��. �.°��:�..°9°�:a�°� :� �������� ������ ��N����O��NnYY�� � ■ �� � � � �� 90 80 70 60 50 ■ ■■■■■■ � ■■■■■■■■ �■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■� � .. .......... .... ..... ........ �.� I::� :::::::::: ::::' ::::: ::::::::'.:I �..' .......... .... ..... ........ �.� � .. .......... ..... ...... ......... .� I::�::°_:°_:::::�:°_::� .__:°_:::::�:°_:::::°_��:I 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 180 178 176 174 172 170 168 166 164 162 180 : 158 156 154 152 I���������� � i���������� ii�ii�iiii� i���������� �■■■■■■■■■■ �■■■■■■■■■■ �......'... �...... .... i�����������������■ I::::::�::::::::::: � .................. � ................'. �■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i�����������������■ I::::::�::::::::::: I ::::::::::::::::::. i�����������������■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i�����������������■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii � .................. 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TDE �.�—C — � �� \\ % TDE �7 W 15 - , �I :� i � �'^ ��\ , � �� "_'_ s % o i � , i^ �s� ---- - _ i '-----05° � � ---' -�'�5� � �� - i � � � � � �'„ -____- �- --_- � � __ � � . � ______ - -__ i (__-___� i i�� � LSL _-__-_____- �� �� �� � - i i ����♦ I � ____ � � - � -- . - � `. , , , � � . . ` ,-- _' , . � ----. � ,' _ _ --' - r i ! ��� F . -_os��--- ,- -------- -zs�------------ � 5 `� _______ __ _ ; ' `� ---'---'�� - , � , . , i � � , �ss_ � � i � � ,'_. �''--- --- ....' . , ,i� � � . . , . i � i , /. a - -- - - � ,- - - , , , , , � , -------- � -LSL__-- '�.9>S[_ --- .- � ,' _-%;��,` _--�ss�---. ____ - _, �" �� xs�,�'� _, '.,y�ss � , _ ; -L5�,.59�� _' (�`nF �.es�-' -, , __\ ,- � ro ' _ � � � ,.55�; ,�S` , � ` � , .. . , ' - — — �sse - ' �----�----'' ,' ,�e � '-_� �� . ---asi-__--- -" `� ,I , ,-- VEHICULAR OR PEDESTRIAN ACCESS �� __--' TO PARCEL REMNANTS NORTH OF i `� -� g5� 'ROPOSED RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY. ! _-___ ,--'� , --_ _-- � - � --- � -- � , . _ _ , , _-- , �asi ' - - - - . I - — — � , u,� . ____' �_'- __'____-� ___--___" - r�`. as�— ,, '___-_ SEE DETAIL l � � - EST 40 TONS _ 3' SPECIAL LAT. NO RlP RAP FlS TO BE I �-- '-' �-�_. BASE DITCH PLACED lN STREAM BED �'',_ �� SEE DETAIL A t ��� -- � � � _� --- -- 1 � ----- -----------=-- HW � � � _ � T— 90+00 � � I BURY 60" RCP � INVERTS l.0' �� —� — ---� --- 3' SPECIAL LAT. BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL /%' � i� : %/ HW -L- Hw SITE 5 F— --� --- � r z = --� ----- -------- --- DETAIL l 40 TONS 75 SYGF IP RAP l5 TO BE rD IN STREAM BED ; --��_� __ �os�"___� __'__' -_ 95+00 i", � r ACK -- r-----�----- � ,. — ,,ss, — — � _ysi..--, --- _ ` r9t �I NTB NNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P C. 343 E. Six Forks Raad, Suire 200 Raleigh, Norrh Carolina 27609 NC License No: C-1554 DATE: DECEMBER 15, 2014 LEGEND �� F DENOTES FILL IN � WETLAND '!/ DENOTES EXCAVATION i` IN WETLAND �DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING � ��� DENOTES HAND CLEARING � DENOTES IMPACTS IN �� SURFACE WATER ���i!!<�� DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER (POND) TO LUMBERTON PROIECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. P-4900A 70 RNJ SHEET NO. R,4ILROAD DESIGN HYDRAUUCS ENGINEER ENGINEER II��81EIl.�R�ii dN �8� lE�]L.�1�� DO NOT [rSE F CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET16 OF25 � isc _ i,, � ',S3 i I °, � � s� � " O r � � � �� �� � O --------- � ---------- ---------- ----_ y�� � � t C C � __ �Z - 100+00 � � �W W Z Z� ----� — � � � � � = Z�u .. -------------- - �v R R -------- � 3' SPECIAL LAT. BASE �ITCH SEE DETAIL A I - i � �__' '_"_______'_� -_ _Z9l______ ________ 4� i � \�s s _--"-" i � � y9 i i`� - , i i ___� � ,59L.__'� -"S9l --, 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 1"=20' HORIZONTAL , . : . 1"=4' VERTICAL - i_', _ I J _ - � _.-, 180 , . . , . . . . . . . . � �' =1 ��= l. _ _.--- -- --- ----.. __ ..---. , : .- ------ � _ -� ��,-� �� 178 , ; _.----- -- --- ---._. __ ..---..-, - ------ , - _ I-- l - �_.� 176 , ; ': i - - -- - - - � - r � -- - - -- - , _ . :........ ......... _...:.... ......... :.. _ ...... ....:.. _..... :_....... - - - -I , -�-- ! ': '': ': - - -- - -- - _ - - � � i .�. i �� � � - -- 174 I � ;- ... - _ - -_ - �I- - - _ - ��' � ' - — — -- --- -- - -- - � -- - - - - - - - - - : ... - - -- - -- --- - -- -- -- - - �, ; , ,, � :-;::: �__ _ _, �. 172 I � ��-I -�:r = _ , , - i-�I , , - � -L- STA. 90+44.21 '-',_ - - PROP. 60" RCP - _ __ '� '� '� _ GP ELEV. = 169:14' i � ' � � 7O = SKEW = 105° � - � � � — _ ---- — - � = 80' i - � - �--� '� — T/R ELEV 169.14 - - ' � � - _ -� .�L j '� �i - i 168 - ----' - - - - --- - - -- - - -___ ____ _-- i i� j i _ 3:1 (NORMAL) 3:1 (NORMAL) 1 _ 66 � ; ,, --- -------- ------- - ------ ------ ------ ._ � P-4900A - � 3O PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 17 OF 25 180 1�181L1LIIR1[1f1�'.s�lEB�' V�1L.�IV� DO NOT [rSE FOR CONSTRUITION 178 �,: , _ :; i _ -- -� � � � � � '' � I�� � I�� � ',� �'�I�� I, �' 164 - - _ _ � � � �� � � � � � , ., . � , , „ — -- _ ___ _ i I'r- 100 YEAR W.S. ELEV. = 162.2' � � �'� � �� � , � � �� � � � � • . _ : - _ _ i _ �- rl —'-- =- — - '--- -, _ . „ 162 : � � :, - II � � ------ _ ._, , -� -�- � -�.., ; - -------. _ - ; ------------- _ - �' _ : EXISTING RIGHT . _---- -----_'- ._.._..,.._.. .. � TOP OF BANK � NORMAL W.S. �- �-��-...-_: :.-._--,._.._.._.._.._.._.._ ._.._.._.._ ._.._. ._.._.._� _. � ELEV. - 158.8'„_.,�-_.,___..z�_=�-- __ 160 . .__„_.. EXISTING LEFT � �'� EXISTING STREAM BED TOP OF BANK '._ - . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . ."" .�.L ._. . . _ .__ "_��". . . ' �� . . . . . . . . . . . ._"--"----- _ _ _ _ .._._ _..� ' I — ---__-- '��� .. --------' � ._. __ _ 1 _ . .. . � — _ _ � 158 _ - - �---- -- -_-- _ . _ _ ------ --_ - - -------- ---- ---- - .� ----------- -- � - - - - ,- � , , ,- ----------------------------- .._ .._.:_..-. . ..,.._�- /'/--__ ___--- -- ---��----- � �'� �' �'� � II _ _ _ ---------<.,_.:_. _:._"_�__----- .._.._.._._.._. _.._ .—.._.._.._ _.._. _.._.._.._. _. _ ''/ T � INVERT IN = 156.47' , � � � ' � � � ._.._.._� .._, � � 156 -.._..___---� `_ � � --- ------------------------ (BURY tNV. 1' MIN.) � , � _ .._ ... . S c2.1375% �. �. �. . . ELEV. 155.69' ��� .. . I I I' ii i i i i i i i ��. i i iil ., i i i ii , I� 154 - �--- _- _. �_...�.._. .. _..._.,__��__�__..._...._ � � � � I _,. . .._.e. - .... . .. .. . . .i . .. ,. . . .g. i I . i i ��i -- i INVERT OUT = 154.76� � i i i i i i i i�i i i i i i �i i�i i�i i i i i i i i i i i �i i i i i i i i i � i i i i i i i ii i i i i i i i i i i i (BURY INV. 1' MIN.) i i i_ i i i �i i � � ; � '� �, �; � � � � � � ,�'_ �=�H� �H� �H�� �H���H� �H - � �' � � �' � � ,� __ ��� � � � 152 , � � � ��'� � ��� ��' � � , ;I , , , , I I I I I I ' � � �� '� � � � � � � � � � -----�''�, PROFILE ALONG STRUCTURE I � �'� �' � ; � �� � 150 � ', ,,,, , „ „ , ,,,, , ,,,,, , ,,,, , ,,, , „ , , ,,, , ,,,,,, ,,, „ , , „ , „ '� � � '� � � :� :::::::::� .........� . .......� . .......s ::C::::::� :::::::::�� ::C::::::� :C:::C:::� ::C.:::::� ::::::::: : :::::::::� :C:::::::s ���������w� ���������� i I:� :::::::::: :::: ::::: ::::::::�C:I !:�::°_:°_::::: e°.:: ::e:: e°.e:e:e°.�_:I �---- �-----�-------- � 176 174 172 170 168 166 164 162 160 158 156 154 152 150 �.......... I.::::.�:::. � .................. I::::::�::::::::::: � .................. � ................'. � ................ . I::::::�::::::::::: � .................. I::::::�::::::::::: I ::::::::::::::::::. � .................. I::::::�::::::::::: � .................. I::::::�::::::::::: � .................. I ::::::::::::::::�: uu�um :�I 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 z 0 � � � -o + � E � �n=rJQ� .. TO FAYETTEVILLE � \ �I NTB NNTB NORTH CAROLtNA, P C PROIECT REFERENCE NO SHEET NO. 343 E. Six Forks Raad, Suire 200 p—q900A 71 Raleigh, Norrh Carolina 27609 NC License No: C—I554 RMI SHEET NO. R,4ILROAD DESIGN HYDRAUUCS D A T E: D E C E M B E R 1 5, 2 0 1 4 ENGINEER ENGINEER LEGEND �� F DENOTES FILL IN � WETLAND %/ DENOTES EXCAVATION ���Il'��p� �� ��"��� IN WETLAND DO NOT [rSE F CONSTRUCTION �DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING ����!!///I DENOTES HAND PERMIT DRAWWGS CLEARING SHEET18 OF25 � DENOTES IMPACTS IN �� SURFACE WATER ���i!!<�� DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER (POND) - -- TO LUMBERTON — -- _ _ �- sta.=ios+oz� — — — — — Q,o= 2.� �f5 I _ ��= 0.9 Ws __ d= 0.5 ft --- s= 0.4% -L- Sta. =102 + 46 ' BASE DITCH n= 0.055 n� _ Q,= 2.1 cfs LOPE _' 0.40% - v= 0.9 fVs SEE DETAIL C " A l H - SLOPE = 0.40% d` 0.5 ft —" SEE DETAIL C 3' SPECIAL LAT. s 0.4% "' BASE DITCH 3'SPECIAL LAT. - Sta. =102 + 72.4 BASE DITCH n= 0.055 = 51 �{5 ' -" SEE DETAIL A %?EMOVE�, SEE DETAIL A 3' SPECIAL LAT. Vo= 1.8 Ws ,. '" � � R R �JCTURf � ,- R TDE �EE DETAIL A � � R � � - � y � � � � �� � ----- O � CLAS� l RlP RAP � � � � � -� =� �� � �--- � ----- -------- — � ------------- oN � EST l7 TONS � — ------- -------- _-------------�—t � --_� �O O O � + — — — OO — � z Q F-- l�l1 W W w= z v� =w _L _�� �w /'_� �-� � Q R � TOTAL TAKE 3' SPEC/AL LAT. BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL A NOTE: 48" RCP l5 NOT BURIED 5/NCE DRAINAGE FEATURE lS NOT JS � � 1 � 3 3 � � �— 38 SY � � � �x** J � Q� � I10+00 � 1I5+00 �� 05+00 -L- �W � CLASS 'l' RlP RAP � �1 Z EST 66 TONS Z(n � 'l' RIP RAP EST l60 SYGF � � � � "`��� 26 TONS 1 1 � _� C J 50 SYGF 1 � � � _ � � � � �1 � -- 1 ---- r�� ------------ i". -- --- — � — � �- � — ------- --------- �� � _— , � ---------- � --- �• (n _--- R R _ R ----- ---------_ Q � \ TDE TDE TDE TDE TDE TDE TDE TDE TDE TDE TDE SITE 6 � 3'SPECIAL LAT. BASE DITCH 3' SPECIAL LAT. � p SEE DETAIL A BASE DITCN � SEE DETAIL A 3' BASE DITCH SLOPE = 4.5% SEE DETAIL C � o- 3' SPECIAL LAT. yo \\ BASE DITCH d SEE DETAIL A \ y \ o\ TO FAYETTEVILLE ,�=�- , d /' �" � — L- Sta.=102+46 Q,- 2.1 cfs V 0.9 ft/s d� 0.5 ft Z s 0.4 % o ` n 0.055 w 3' SPECIAL LAT. � � ��EEEDETAIL A O � O +� 00 � z Q F-- l�/1 W W W= z v� J =W � �� Q � � �L ��� ���I � TOTAL TAKE � �n=rJQ� .. i \ �I NTB NNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P C. 343 E. Six Forks Raad, Suire 200 Raleigh, Norrh Carolina 27609 NC License No: C-1554 DATE: DECEMBER 15, 2014 LEGEND F F DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND �DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND �DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING �DENOTES HAND CLEARING �DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER (POND) PROIECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. P-4900A 71 RNJ SHEET NO. R,4ILROAD DESIGN HYDRAUUCS ENGINEER ENGINEER II��81EIl.�R�ii dN��B� lE�]L.�1�� DO NOT [rSE F CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET190F25 --� � ' ,60� ---- _ . �. , .- �. ,_ _-___6D1--� . , . i--. bq�. ` ` 1 �-, i r6tl�_ � -_____ .69� ` � � � � i i ---_-_ � __--___Sl , � __•� . ;/ '' ` - _ . . 0 .� ,` , � ZS � . - � 05� �/i i �`�°'�,NO VEHICULAR OR PEDESTRIAN ACCE'��-�' '� . �'�- � "� '- __,_ , ; , , �----- __ W�,� ---___ ro P,�e�t��€a��a�+fFS-n�oRrti q�s` � �. ---- �� .S� - _ ;' d;�,-------- __ TO LUMBERTON , ,, _ � .. _ , , , �, , -- - - - - g0��� RAlLR4Afl-RtGHT=OF-INEll':, '_-; ' _ ��'�.••� sS�,;S�". ____ , �_, .:. ,- _-- s , --- -- ��- ��- ,, - - ' ;, . - , - � ' -_ __ - — — — — — — — -L- Sta.=105+02 , � ,.-' ,,-,-- '-3, , `'- _ ; ` _' - - .,, _ --_- _ � �,a7� �ss� �: �5 ' _ _ . ,o= 2.� Cf5 � ,.' , fSl, ____ _' / {�, _�' , -_ - ... � i h a= �.�% �5 •.__ - _-� _- - '_, i („"'S _, -� - d'° -, -_ ____- __ �'651- ' �� , -��;�'� � � _ , �,e'y, ,' , ,,, ; , , = 0.5 ft ,- _ �- ,_-" , ss�__ ---- ' E==' �, " `,�o - . '— �- �, , . --� - --- �- <<a , . _.---- .. cs�-- ----" -' . � - s= 0.4% ,- - _- - - 95� _-- ,,- �w - es `�9 � � _ , , _ � , BASE CITCH � n= 0.055 ,_vs�----_-' --' -- ,---- ts�-� �i _ �., ���� mm . � �M� ..,=Y � � i SLOPE _' 0.40% 3' BASE DITCH "� — SEE DETAIL C ��,___ �� ,--- . __� . � , ` �- -- -- - _ - SLOPE = 0.40% ' ' ' 3' SPECIAL LAT. � �� _ ` SEE DETAIL C �'� �� ;" 3' SPECIAL LAT. _ L- Sta. =102 +72.4 BASE DITCH es� �� S D� DITCH -- -, SEE DETAIL A — REMOVE �'. _ � �, 2"= 1 58 ��s � , STRUCTURE S A/ L A �, R R R �- R �� r�� 3' SPECIAL LAT BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL A NOTE: 48" RCP l5 NOT BURIED 5/NCE DRAINAGE FEATURE lS NOT JS 'l' RlP RAP TONS , � 'l' RIP RAP 26 TONS 50 SYGF � 1— SITE 3' BASE DITCH SLOPE = 4.5% SEE DETAIL C y � % �� ___, -" � ���.-_ � - � � ----- C' — — 0 � � ' � --- � ��. ,. -� �� � �� __ � __ — � �I-N � r' ---------_--- ---_— i: ------ -------- � -- =� �� --------------- � " --------- � �t � J 1 1 1 � 3 3 1 �,", Z 05+00��� 110+00 , `�� � 1I5+00 �I� , -L- � � W CLASS 'f' RlP RAP �' R\ �1= EST l60 S�GF " � ? � � —� � �1 � � � � 1 � � _ � C C Z�ll 1 -------- _ -- , ---------------- UW ----------- � �� ' ------ _. ------- �, ---- � �(n � � L � -------- R R _ R � — -------- Q -- � TDE TDE TDE TDE TDE TDE TDE TDE TDE TDE -TDE 1"=50' 3' SPECIAL LAT BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL A o � b y 0 d \ 3' SPECIAL LAT. BASE DITCH ,v SEE DETAIL A 0 � yo \ \ � � � � y. 3' SPECIAL LAT. BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL A ■ � � � � I P-4900A - 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 20 OF 25 1"=20' HORIZONTAL , . : . 1"=4' VERTICAL �; _ �. _ i . _-I � -I 174 ; ; : . . . . . _ - � '� _j 1 _ I, l '�-: 174 _ _.--- -- --- ----.. __ ..---. , : .- -------- ---- -------- _ - -_I -� - - . 172 , ; _.----- -- --- ---._. __ ..---..- - -------- ----.._.---_----. 172 - -1 _ ; ; ,: ,: i ; i 170 � ; � � - - - -- - - - _- - --- - - 170 � r� � I�; -- - - -- - ; _. _...... ii - - - -I -r- - - ; ; ,: ,: ; ' ,: _ - � i : � - - -- - -- - _ , .� - - - --- - - � , , . � � � � �.. i � _ _ � _ _ . � _ - -_ -- - _ 'I 6S �-�- STA. 102+72.40 i - - � 6$ � � i I' — — — --- --- -- - _ I �,I — - � r - - - --- - -- PROP. 48" RCP , I I 'I � � - -- - -- --- - -- I-- - - - - -- -- -- i 166 I� � LK 68E 90�165.51 _ _ i-� ' I ' i � T/R ELEV 165.51 _ , I' � I ' i 166 _ � � - _ ] � i i r ___ - '� '� � '� '� � '� � '� � � '� , � I ' ' ', � ' 164 = -- '� �, � � � � �, � � � �, 164 I� � �-- �-'- --' � _' I__ -- -- --- - - - � - � - - - - -- , , - '- - , , J, I,� � ��'�� �� _ 3:1 (NORMAL) - � � i � 2:1 (NORMAL) � � � � � � 162 � 162 � � ��, � � ��� � � � � , � � �� ��� �'� �� ��'� � � �'� - - - � - ---- --_ � , ,, �, _ � � � � �� �' � � � ��� � � � � � _ _- � � � � � , , �� � �� � _� � ; ; ; ; , ; , , , ; -- 180 i � �- �� �� �� �� � �� ��� �� �� �� 180 - i �� r '� � �''� '� � '� I' �' '� � � '� '� I' �''� '� � � I'� � '� I' � I'� '� � �''� '� I' � . - J- � I � � � � � --- -------- ------- -- ------ ------ ------ -- - - --- - ' t _ _ -J -,-� -' �- , ' � i ' � � � � � � � � �_ : � i�� ��I � �-,- �� � � ,� � 158 ' i • '� � . 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TOTAL TAKE LIMITS J- —I I- � � � ___ � __ " m , 180 J> > � _ _ 170 __.__,._d_�__._.� � __�.,.__,._e_�.s___„�_ _.�,__.., .__._�._ . � � a . . -_ i..��r -. . O �r-i �. ., � . ¢ a i �ii i i i ���.i i i� i i _ i ; _ . _ _ _ : 160 38.9' R 49.9' R I . 154.37 15470 j �. i � '— — — — — — — — — — — — —l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ — — _ — _ — — _ _ _ — — — — — — _ _ _ — — ' 31 45.4' R 1 5 0 15321 .. . . . ..... .... ..... .. . . .. . ._ ._ ;_:_— .�. ---� _._—� �---- � '-- — -- --- -- � i �ii� ii: _:�. i ' 140 , �� � �� ��� �� ,, , ,, ; , , , , , ��� ��� '�� �� ��'� �� � ��� ��� �� _._._._ .._. _.---_ _ � � � � � � � � � , ----_ ; � � � � � � - - �r �; , E , � - ; , �� � °� � �w tF ; Q z � t� �w «,� .� 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 �I NTB NNTB NORTH CAROLtNA, P C PROIECT REFERENCE NO SHEET NO. 343 E. S�x Forks Raad, Su�re 200 p_qgp08 RD-b Raleigh, Norrh Carol�na 27609 � NC License No c 54 RMI SHEET NO. . �� , � � � � „�, ' RAILROAD DESIGN HYDRAULICS � � �� � � �� ��.� � }: .;' ,� /��r D A T E: D E C E M B E R 1 5 2 0 1 4 ENGINEER ENGINEER ' e`'� � . . . ti' /ir� � __ � �� � i�' �5�� LEGEND ' -���' � ^' ,'�'� �� � F F DENOTES FILL IN �? � - � � WETLAND � \L� � . . B'���]�.��1 B�T �� �']�..'��� ' - , /�� ? % � �� DENOTES EXCAVATION ' �.' W �JJf ' ,� � IN WETLAND DO NOT [rSE F CONSTRUCTION ii / l I �� � i � � � DENOTES MECHANIZED � J��� �' � CLEARING '^��'�r�����%" ' � � � DENOTES HAND � � �„S!•'+'%r%.;i ;�"; � � C�eaRwG PERMIT DRAWWGS � � ����� ���, SHEET230F25 �;��,��°�,�, - —��� � DENOTES IMPAGTS IN TO FAYETTEVILLE ��;%; .;;; , � � sueFace w,oreR SCALE ; �/�, ;,�,�,,,,,,, ' „ , � � �ii�����,�' ',�„� ; ---' � � DENOTES TEMPORARY � =4O � '� A'��� TO LUMBERTON IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �l���u.'' `� . ,- ; n�'�, �-,'r t.� �,,,';; � tig' , - � DENOTES IMPACTS IN ' �� / � ��'--- _ '� / - � SURFACE WATER �'� � (POND) � / , ;, � i� �, , � i, '�� r; ��' ��% � � SPECIAL CUT DITCH � � SEE DETAIL F % ��t� Y2- Sta. = 46 + 64.55 i / Q,- 5 cfs CLA55 'B' � ' r ; � / �� � � RlP-RAP Va 7.0 Ws � EST.3 TONS d= 1.19 ft �,�'� � � ' � EST.lO SYFG � n- 0. 65 ��� � ° � � R �� C�ASS �B� / �f � � __ - , SPECIAL LAT. � ` ;`+'-% '" % REMOVE -RA ----_ r. _______ ES . TONS --- � > � l8" �8„ EST.I SYFG , SEE DE Dl LCE � �� > l8' � � � � - =, � , w � �� �� / _--� , , , � � . , �� ,- �� �� � , � � � __ i , � , ., ,' = � � �� � � � _ � � � , � � `/ ; , " � � - ,�o o - > > ' � y3s � y �' , ` ,_.� �1 � ' * * * * * ' s, • � � ; ,� � � l8" RCP-lV � �` � _ o �j /. - l8" RCP-N �' w R R� _E, REMOVE � �� � ! 4" RCP-lN � SP�C L CUT� DITCR " � �, � � % % � �� � SPECIAL CUT DIiCN � ' ' SEE TAIL F � ��<�� � '; ;, � ' SEE DETAIL F �' � �� � � � , � � , � , ' - , - , � \� � SPECIAL LAT. � ' , ; ' I � � r �? , � I ( � ���� SEE DETAIL E � '� ` a� '�'� ,-�' SPEClAL CUT DITCH � � � SITE 7 � ��`° � ��� SEE DETAIL F � �' I ;'i' � �� � FILL EXISTING DITCH -Y2- Sta.=45+45.38 �� �" : � � '� ' ,-' /'� , TO NATURAL GROUND Q�= 20 cfs / � �� ,� REMOV V„= 1.8 Ws � �� � 3�� ; �� _-. � � d= 1.8 H _ � S � y � � � N,' �_ � �'��', � �`<' n= 0.055 s= 0.5656% ,e ' Ee�, / � , SPECIAL CUT DITCH O y' - _ ; =- �SEE DETAIL F� � �0 �� ���� � � - ��� � � � � O y f `� v ,� �.�� i � � ,:� , �� J � � � , � • .- � m / � ------ , , n � '/ 5,'. » -�,�. � _ � � � � - '- — - _ , . S* r � / � . �. �f - _ 1 r' — . —__ � S � � bSt J � / I/ l�t`� 5 / �.� % �� 95L. II � �o*°� -��,�� ,� ; , � i \ ;'� ; '� `�' � `�;�' �' �'', ;, �""-� ;" ' �';�� � _ ****** .C9�� \ i j `\J's��,`'� i�i-, � __ �_ i�i i I i/I �` I ___ /% .� � �r II �° I� /,ry i I `� l�I / tt RETAIN \ I � �' E � i� � ��� ��y5t�' ,se � �q i A i� � � , =! �.�ss': . �. il I � � _ i � , � i � `I � , _" ` ; .� . . _7'� � 154' � ' ��� '�� � � � 156� � ' _ � '� � l �..� i 1 \ � � � ���g�4�� � � � �s� �� ���i �� � I m .� / � . i % I `�I 1 __ 0� �`��'4" / .. 2 , f o � ... - N � 24 , / � � . " � i � �o = I I +� � l CC � i � I 1 - � �� \ � I I L \ \ _ ` I ` 1 \ � 1 /- \ \ I � � � � � UJ / �(�� ` � . _ � � � 'I E r '_'�' �,>�' � ' DETA6L E �� `� �. '. � bETAIL F � �- ��� ��� ��, `, SPECIAL LATERAL�'V' DITCN . ` '' . � �ms �� CUT DITCH _ -... r I Noi to Sc01a1 1 N\� Scalel \ �' . - ,c � ,' —p�,�� - ,;� , SCALE � , `, �,�� s�o� ,� 1"=50' wol \ \t� � ? `^�/ �"� e�o��d a. �� —rlu` e.��na ' a,�- � F��e` i� �- - .� p 6'. SIOP� '� _ , . N Min��D= 7 Ft. M n.1f,= 2 Ft. j ,. � �� `� `� \ �\� .� � 0 � � � � � ' `,FROM`�-Y2iS1A��19+50�T0 STA.¢5+45RT. _ E '�,FROM �-Y2-` STn. 39�+50`r0 STA. dk+64 LT. �, 1�i � .. -YZ- STA 22+00 TO ST.4.38+00 RT�� fROM � Y3 ��STA. 12+50 LO STA 13�67 RT. - � � � - � �'� T' �. . '9 �� 00 LT. � �ROM ' Y3 STA. 13+�00 TO STA 13+`74 lT. . � ___ -�� � . . � � .. � \ �... - . � � ' . � O S lO PROJ. REFERENCE NO. $HEET NO. . .. . . � P-4900B - 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 24 OF 25 1"=20' HORIZONTAL , . : . 1"=20' VERTICAL - i_ I J _ - � '� =I -� -�I-1 _ _ _ ' ,, - - ..- - - . i - - - --- - 1[>131[:1LIIR1[1f1�.�1[8�' 1[�]L.41�� , - _ - -- - - I DO NOT [rSE FOR CONSTRUCTION ...: i.....i .. ......... ......... ....... . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . i.. � .. ... ... I .�.. . ...... � �..... �. :.'.. .. ... ...'. : :.'..: � ..... ..... ..... . ......... . Ji . ��' _ _ . . ._ _ _ ....._ � ... . _ _ _ '_'__ _ . . - 1"=5' HORIZONTAL - I _ -- - --- - - - _ : : __ - ,_ . . _ . . , , , . . _ : : : - �� � ��_5' VERTICAL ,-1 �_. . _. _. _. _.. -- -- -- - — --- __ - ----_ -_ -- '. , , � _ , ;-!. ; ;:; ;:;: ;:; �\ _ - - , ; ,:; ,. ;: I � \ � � _ _ - - - ----_ --_ -- , , _ �. ; �. � � �� � �: ---_ . . . . . ._ . . . . . ._ . . . . . __ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . : . . � -_: . . _ ;- . . . : ' -�-- - - - _ � - - - — -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - / _` - - - --- - - _. - -- _ -- -- - - - ---- - -- �� � ' � � �, � � � _ - ' , ' �l � / \ ! , ;- ��_ -I � � � ,, \ _ _ ,I _.�_�. ,,_' � - - - � ,_ -; � ,; -- - -- _ - �_ � � '�'�' �' '�' � �� � �� � � �, � � � �� + � - I ��� � � , , ,�'' �' 180 180 � ' � � . �� � — -- ---- - - - - - � m ' ', ', -Y2- 46+50.00 \ ;�-, , , -,�_,_ �, . _ J , �� , �� � � --- - : _ _ 170 ��— - 170 m � � ' � � � � � � , � � � � � '� � � i . . . . . . . . . . : _ J . . . . . � i i i i i i i i i i i _ . . _ . - _- _ . . _., ., . . . ,.., .� � i ��. �� �, . . . . . � J r � � :, _ ; : - 10' CLEARING �TS — � � � 160 : , / � ��� � � � '' � �� �� � �� � � �, '� ' �' � �, �: �� WETLANDS 160 _- ------ ---_ ---__ . __ --_-_ __. __ . __ _-_ -- . ___- --� - __ - __ � �- , �� ---� �-� � � � � � � � � �� ,' CONTINUE s� _ _ _ _ _ ! OFFSHEET ----- - _ � � ------------------------------- � --------------"-� 154J6 �AR. �, � � ------------ 150 --%- -------------------------------------- 150 �. .� uiui �����i iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii �����i iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii �m iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii �ui iiiiii �����i :C�::I .. ..� :C:::I .....� .....� .....� .....� .....� .....� eeeee� � � � � E� , E ; � - ; � �� f °� i�w ts ; Q z � -�� �w «,� .� -� _ _ _ J- _ _ _ __ _ . —' 140 � � _- - - --- 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Hand Existing Existing Permanent Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fillln Fillln in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. (From/To) Size/Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design ac ac ac ac ac ac ac ft ft ft 1 -L- 17+82 - 24+75 Road Bed / Brid e 1.06 0.20 0.15 0.03 2 -L- 26+95 - 27+75 Road Bed < 0.01 0.02 3 -L- 53+80 - 55+64 Road Bed / 2@ 7' X 6' RCBC 0.07 0.18 0.02 91 -L- 53+80 - 55+64 Bank Stabilization < 0.01 0.02 77 65 4 -L- 62+60 - 62+76 Road Bed / 42" RCP-V < 0.01 93 -L- 62+60 - 62+76 Bank Stabilization < 0.01 46 22 5 -L- 90+14 - 90+61 Road Bed / 60" RCP-V 0.01 82 -L- 90+14 - 90+61 Bank Stabilization < 0.01 43 22 6 -L- 102+03 - 104+98 Road Bed / 48" RCP-V 0.21 0.18 0.06 7 -Y2- 45+43 - 47+00 Road Bed 0.01 0.04 TOTALS': 1.36 0.56 0.26 0.03 0.06 432.00 109.00 'Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: Isolated pond at -L- 56+25 LT is to be drained and filled. �