HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150035 Ver 1_Modifications_20150128�'at N9ccrcrry Governc�r ��� -�'"'",.'�........, ����� Nc�rth Car�lina ��p���r��nt �� �nvi�a�r�r�en� and Natur�al ��sourc�s L7�nald v�n tl�r Vaa�� Secr�tary Jar��ra�•y 2$, �Q15 Rovv�n Cauolty 1�ICT7''�''1� F'rc�a�cc Nd. f� s-�0�s SR 1221 Itelpca�i�n 'T'[F' W-5S 16 1Vir. �'at �vey, p.�. I��v�sio�a 9, �ICI7d�' 375 Si��s C�r�ek Par�w�y Wir�stora Saler7a, N�rtl� CarakaM�a, �'712? APP'Rt�'VAL of 4{ll WATER QUALITY CEItTI�'��CATICIN r�vitl� A�.DI��TICINA:L C�d'�iinITI+QN�- MUDIFIC'ATIUN Dear MY•. lvey; You I�a�ve �ur appraval, �r� accardarlc� witl� tla� cc�r�d►tir�rts listed b�l�w, far t��e f�allc�v�+ing i�7�pacts Fc�r t�le �•el�c�tic��� c��"�ld E�eattie Ford �aad frca��t L,en�z �iaad to �3QStia�� R�ad ��ear Cl�ia�a G�•c�velI4�r�napc�lis ii� R�r�va�� Co����ty. Tiiis �cerlificfrti�arz re�11'�r,rces Flxe certiftc�li�n i,ssr�ed ta ycau ��a Jrr��arrrry i5, 2�1 S fvr t/eas praject. St��ea� �rn act� ,��t� �erma«ent 7'em�ora��Y s�tre�r►n I���tct stream �m�ac�t �r�tern�attent I�aterataitkent (�irnear fa) (linear ft� Secti�ot 1 Sectioiti 2 Sc�c�ian 3 S�ctir�n 4 5ectdon G Secti�ai� ?a S�ciian 7b �6� �il. 118 23 Tat:�i �$� �� Transport�tinn and Permitt�ng I�nit 1617 Marl S�ruice Cea�ter, Raleigh, Nar�h Caro�wna 27699-1617 l.a�kian: 51� N, Salisbv�y Sa. R�I�i�h, Narth Carc��ina 2760d Phone: 919-807-63Q0 t FAX: 9�9-733-129A I�iernet; www.�cwaleraualiiv.arq An Equ al Opp�arlunGky Y�ffirm�live r�ctipn EmpYoyer irn the Y:�clkim l�iv�er Bxsin Perm�nent Teniporary Tatal Strea�m Str��m 5trean7 lrnpact I��a��act i�npact (linear ft) (line�r ft) (li�z��r fr) 228 196 18 235 123 so�a �as 230 259 2l5 18 25� 155 141 Streawm Irr��acts Requirin� �iii��tian (li��car �'t) 169 228 ]9C �l 2�5 � Q i z�r� s�s� �carth�C��lina ,��i�ll�.'l "r�i��l�' Wetland Im act� Site Fill Fill (ac) (temporary} (ac) Site 2 <0.04 Site 5 0 Total <4.04 en the Yadkin River Basin Excavation Total Tatal (ac) Wetland Mitigation Impact (ac) Required (ac) 0 0 0 4.02 0 0.02 <0.04 0 a.o2 0 <0.06 0 The project sl�all be constructed in accordance with your application dated received January l3, 2015. After reviewing your application, we have decided that These impacts are covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3886. This certification corresponds to the Nationwide Percnit 14 issued by the Corps oF Engineers. [n addition, you should acquire any other federal, state or local permits before you proceed with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non- Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire with the accompanying 404 permit. This approval is vaiid solely for the purpose and design described in your application {unless modified helow). Sliould your project change, you must notify the NCDWR and subinit a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approva] letter, and is thereby responsible for complying with all the conditions. If total wetla��d fiils for this project (now or in tl�e future) exceed one acre, or of total impacts to streams (now or i�i the future} exceed I50 linear feet, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 {h) {fi) and (7). For this approva] to remain �alid, yau must adhere to the conditions listed in the attached certification(s) and any additianal conditions listed below: l. No dril! slurry or water that has been in contact with uncured concrete shall be al�owed to enter surface waters. Th�s water sha[I be captured, treated, and disposed of properly. Water that inadvertent�y contacts uncured concrete shall not be discharged ko surface waters due to the potantial for elevated pH and passibla aquatic life and fish ki11s.15A NCAC 02H .0506(b){3} 2. During the construction of the project, t�o staging of equipment of any kind is permitted in waters of the U.S., or protected riparian buffers. 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(3) 3. If inultiple }�ipes or barrels are required, they sha11 be cfesigned to mi�ttic natural stream cross sectioit {unless otherwise approved by this certification) as closely as possible including pipes or barrels at floo� plain elevation andlor sills where appropriate. Widening the stream channel should be a�oided. Stream cl�anne] widening at the inlet or outlet end of structures typically decreases water veiocity caeising sediment deposition that requires increased mainte«ance and disrupts aquatic life passage. 15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2) 4. The use of rip-rap above the Narmal Higft Water Mark shall be minimized. Any rip-rap placed for strear� stabilization shall be placed in strea�n channels in such a manner that it does not impede aquatic life passage. 15A NCAC 02H.0506(6)(2} 5. Bridge deck drains shall not discharge into streams. 1 SA NCAC 02H .OSOb(b}{5), 15A NCAC 02H .0507(d)(2). 6. Bridge piles and bents shall be constructed using driven pi�es (hammer or vibratory) or drilled si�aft construction methocEs. More specifically, jetting ar other �nethods of pi[e driving are prohibited without prior written approval from tEte NCDWR first. ] SA NCAC 02H.0506(b}(2) 7. All bridge construction shall be performed from the existing b1•idge, temporary work bridges, temporary causeways, or floating or sunken barges. If work conditions require barges, they shall be floated into �osition and then sunk. The barges sltall not be sunk and then dragged inta positian. Under no circumstances should barges be dragged along the bottom of the surface water. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(3) 8. The Permittee shall ensure that tlze fi»af design drawings adhere to the permit and to the permit drawings submitted for approval. 15A NCAC 02H .0507 (c} and 15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(2) and (c)(2) 9. Heavy equipment shall be operated from the banks rather than in the stream c�iannel in order to minimize sedimentation and red�ce the introduction of otlzer pollutants into the stream. 15A NCAC 02H.0506{b)(3) 10. All mechanized equipment operated near surface waters must be regularly inspected and maintained to pre�eEit contamination of stream waters from fuels, lubricants, ]�ydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. 15A NCAC 02H.OSOb(h){3) 11. No rock, sand or other materials shall be dredged from the stream c�iannel except where authorized by this certification. ] SA NCAC 02H.0506(b}(3) 12. Discharging EZydroseed mixtures and washing out hydroseeders and other equipment in or adjacent to surface waters is prohibited. 15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3) 13. All fill slopes located in jurisdictional wetEands sha�l be placed at slopes no flatter than 3:1, un[ess otherwise authorized by this cerki�cation. 15A NCAC 02H.0506(b}(2) 14. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02H..0506(h}, compensatary mitigation for streams is required. We understand that you have chosen to perfarm compensatory mitigation for impacts to streams through the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP), and that the EEP has agreed to implement the mitigation for the project. EEP has indicated in a letter dated November 4, 2014, that they wil] assume responsibility for satisfying the federal Clean Water Act compensatory mitigation rec�uirements for the above- referenced project, in accordance with the EEP Mitigation Banking Instrument signed July 28, 2010. Compensatory River aRd Sub-basin Mitig�tiat� Required Number 5tream 828 linear ft. Yadkin (03040105) Wetlands (riparian) 0 acres Wetland (non-riparianj 0 acres 15. The outside buffer, wekland or water boundary located within tl�e construction corridor approved by tl�is authorization shal] be clearly marked by highly visible fencing or flagging priar to any land disturbi�ig activities. l�npacts to areas within the fencing are prohibited u�3less otherwise authorized by this certification. 15A NCAC 02H.OSd1 a��d .0502 lb. Native riparian vegetation is recommended to be reesta6{ished in the riparian areas witl�in the construction limits of the project by the end of the growing season following completion of construction. 15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(2) fl7. Tlle Permiite� shall re�ar�t �ny vialatior�s of t�17is c�rti��ca��ia��i te, th� �ir���sic�t� of'�,J�ter� 12esQ��rces witllia� 24 haurs tafdiscovety. 1$. r'1 capy af tlais W�teM• Q�iality Ce�•tofication sl�all be ��zai��k�irt�d or� tlie canstr°uutiaei site at all times, Iii a�ditian, t��e �ate�• %��i�lity C�rtific��iti�� at�d a�l s��bs�eqr.r�tat n7ad�ficatiot��, ifa��y�, sl�all be �na�a�ta���ed wii➢� the T)�vision �n,�i��eer• ar�c� �l�e �'�-sit� �r�ject rnanagei°. 15A NCA� 02H .05�7(c) �na a s,� r�cac ozu .aso� �t����} �„� {�j�z� 19. �Tp�r� con�pl�tion of tlie pi•oj�et tF►e I�GDt)T ��visio�� F;t�gir�eer (1'at Ivey ar a�itl�oriz�d' age��t� s�i�ll �omplete ar�d �•ettir•�� t1�7e e���clp�sed `"�e��tificatiar� of �an7ple�4ian �"�arm"�" �c� �noY�if'y th� �f�I7W1� �rr�hen all work included yn #l�e 4a1 Ge�°ti�catian EZas been caanpl�fie�l. 1SA �?CAC 02H,Q5a2�(fj ��20. T'he �ss��ar�c� of tht� c�rti�c�tic�n ti�es t�a�t� exe���pC ihe P'�er��7ititie� 1From cayt�p�lyir�g vvit�l� any �i��3 all s�tat�stes, a�ules, regul�ati�ns, br r��•dirl��zces that ���y b�� urn�p��s�d k�y �t:l�e�c� gr�ver��ment a�er�cies (i.e. laca�l, st�te�, and fed�ral) 1a�vin� jurisdic�iQe�, i��iDudim,�� b�at �l�a� l�i��niked' �t� �pplica�le �u�ff��• rdiles, s��a�•u��wafe��• n�aM�a�ement� ru�es,, soil �rosio��� and see�in�7�r��a��ion co��tro1 rec�ti��irements, �t�c. Zf yaw w�s17 tc� c�r�test �ny state�nent ill �t�e attaclaed Ce��t��catinla you ����rst �le a petitia�� fo�� ar� adr��i�nistra�ir�e 6��arir�g. �a'oi� may obt�ain the petitir�t� %���n frnrn ghe c�ffice �f r�c1�n��ira�istr�giv� he�rip�i�;s. You i�1us� file thc peaition wot�i the ofiice off Admi��istrat�ve Heariri�s witl�cn sixty (60) d�ys afrece'rp� of ttiis tlotic�, a p�titio�i is ca��s�dered filed wk�eM� it is receiv��l i�� t�'�e af�ce oiAd���i��istrakive He��•i���� d«ring rroraa�al �f'fice }�c��ir�. The Cr�'fice c�f Ae3inonistratuv� Heari�f�;s acce�ts flit7�s Manday thrt�u�la Friday betweetl til�e ho�i►°s of $:{�Giaa�� at�d S:O�prt�, except far �fircial state holiel�ys. "fhe originaV and o�l� (1) crapy c�ftl�� p�ti�i�ax� Kn�st b� fil�d �vitly tl�e Offic� �fAdmiriist�•ative �-{eario�gs. Tl�e pet�it�an m��y b�e iaxe�l-provide�c� the o��°igir�al and ��T7e� cr��y Qf 4he d�r�curl7elrt is �•eceived by tl�e �CJffice piA.�rrnin�stra�tive �-��a�°�iKxgs withi�� ���ve (S} b�rsi�����ss days fa�low�i��� tl�e faxecl tr�i�s►�tissiai�. 'I'lte �r►ailiYZ� ac��iress for tlfe C)ffice of Aclini��istrative ��Iear'tn�s is: t�ffice cafAdtrninistra�ive �1ear°i»�s 6714 Mail Service Ce��ter Ralai�l�, N� 2769'4-�i714 'I,elephone: {�19j-431-3Q00, Facsi���ile: �919)-431-310{? A capy QEthe �etitic�n must also �ie served c��7 DEII�II� as fc,llows: Mx•. Jc�hi� I.jvar�s, Genet°�1 Cc�tA��sel De�a�rtn7erit� �ai �^,��virary��ient and �Ia�ttara) l��sou►•ces 16q1 i'+�ail Service Cent�r T"his letter cc�rn�l��es t��� �•�w�ie�w aitl�e I�iwisiai� a�f �Jl%�ter Resaurces �id�d�r Sect�orr 40l o�f t�la� Clea��� V�'ate�r �A,ct. iiy�cau� ha�e ar�y q��est�ai�s, ple�s� c�nt�ac�i ,�l�s� :�o�l�ns�aa� �t (70�)1�G3-d69'� crr .�Ia��.Joh��so�a�Ja ��ccle��r.�r�v. �i�acerely, � rr,j�'�Q � S. J�ay �ir��r�ermaa�, Aot�iry� Tair°ec,tor llivisior� af Water I�esraua•ces Attachments Electronic copy only distribution: lohn Thomas, US Army Corps of Engineers, Raleigh Field Office Amy Euliss, Division 9, Environmental Officer Dr. Cynthia Van Der Wiele, US Environmental Protection Agency Marella Buncick, US Fish and Wildlife Ser�ice Marla Chambers, NC WildGfe Resources Commission Alan .iohnson, NC Division of Water Resources, MRO Table from cover letter for stream Impacts: fmpacts Requiring Stream USACE USACE OWR Permit Slte Name/JD Aarm�nent mltigatinn Mitfgation Impacis reqViring mltigation 7emporery Ne. PacketlD I/i' Im att pe �m acts ft ft Raiio D1NRmftl ation ratla Im actq l!I'to Tawn f Branch/SC I I e iSS 158 1:1 158 1:1 61 Ul" to 7own 6ank 1 9ranCh SC I sta6illzatfon 11 0 11 2:1 Towrt Brartch/ 2 SA P I e 1A0 1q0 2:7. Y40 1:! 31 Town Branch/ bank 2 SA P stahlllzation 88 0 88 1:1 LIT 10 Tpwn 3 Branch SB P Pi e 182 182 2,1 182 7:1 19 Uf to Tawn bank 3 9ranch SS P s[abil{zatlon i4 0 7.4 1:1 Coldwater 4 Creek SG P ditch 18 18 2:1 4 UT'to Cold Watar Creek/ plpa arrd S 5J I unim orlar�t' ditch 223 0 223 1:1 23 Uf to Coid Water Creek/ 6ank 6 Sl !(unlm ortartt• stablllzation 12 D 12 1:1 UT m Cold Water Creek/ 7a SE A I e 79 79 2:1 0 32 Lrf to Cold Water Creek/ bank 7a SE P stablli:ation A4 0 0 liT tP Cold WaEer Cree k/ 7� 5F I f e SO 86 1:1 0 23 Uf to Co1d Water Creek/ bank 7h Sf t stabllixation 38 0 p ro�ais xas� 6s� s2s �' iable 1.L Impact and mitigatlon totals (or W-5516 in Rowen County 'Vnlmporlant streams dan't requlre m�t[gation from the tISACE '�'I'emparary Impacts requEre mitlgation from elther VSACE or DWR Total Ifnear Feet of s[ream m![igattan required by USpCE with ratia 107G Tota] Ilnearfeet of strpam mitigatian required by DWR 928 �� '�' i " � • . �-�r„, ' • ♦ �� M � w '� r �' r �. �.. M � � r P�t MeCr�ry G�vernnr NC'D'WR I'rc�ject Nca.: Applicaznt: Proje+ct Narne: Date af Issuaance ai 40� W�k�r Q�u�lity C"�rtificatian: C��nty: D�arald var� der Vaart S�ere�ary Certificate of C�ompletian Upan �at7�pletaon ofall wQrk ��pr°oved within tl�e 4(71 Wat�r Quality �ertifieation r�i• �pplic�bl� E�uif`er ftules, and a��y subse�{�zent ot�odificatiaois, tlle appl'rca»t is req�ired to r•et�rri� this ce�t�tificaCe tQ �tl�e 4C➢ � TY•��7sp�t�tation Fer���ittu��g Unit, Noiih Cara9ina �ivisian o� Wat�d° Resak�rees, 1650 It�ail '�et•vice �e��tei°, Raaeigh, �C, 2'7699-165Q. Tk�NS faa°m �la�ay'be returned to'1�CT)W� by^ tl�e applicant, the a�pplACant's ��itl�nri�ed ag�n�, �r�� �l�e p�°c�ject e��g�ir�eer. �t is r�ot� necessary ta sen� ceiMRificates fra�tn all caf th�se. ,�pplrcrrrrt's �C"ertlficati�rp t= ___.e_ _�� ....._ , herebp sfat� that, to tlae best oir�y abi�ities, due care and dili�encc vv�s e�sed in the abser�rata��7 of t}�e ��nstruct�i�n suc�h th�t tl�� cc���struckiai� vua�s c�bs�e�ev�c� to be built witl�i�� suiss�antial co7nplia�ice �nd in�e►�t of the 4dl Waier Quali�y Ce�-�iff��atio�� a��d T�uffer Rules, the apprmved �alans a�7d spe�ificati�ns,, and at.k�ca- strp}�or�ing n�at��riaEs. Si�nature; Date, A�errt's C�rtifrcrrtiorr �> .....___�s hereby state th��t, ta ti�e best� afi`�nap �t�ilii�ies, d�Gl� �care aaq� d�lig��c��e was used i�� the observ�tian�afthe�canstr�►ction such tk�at t�e cor�structin�� was obserwed to be bu�li within sul�stan�ial calnpldance �nd inte�tit oithe 401 Water Q!ualrty Cei�tfficakiun and B�affei° �:ules, tl�e approvec� paans �nd s��cificatio�as,, a��d other� s���pc���ti��� �t�ateri�ls. Si�natur°e: T7ate: ]�'�t,�i�reer's Cerlrfrcrrtla�r Pa�ti�l Fi��al �, , �as a d��ly i°e�istered P�•ofessi���a] �:a��ir�ezr ir� the State of �Porth Ca�•oGi��a, having been at�t�orized t4 ok�serve (periadically, weekly, fi�ll tin�e) the cc�r�straaction oitl�e prayect fc�r tl�� �Per�Yittee hereb�y ska�e tllat, t� �G�e best of nly �l�i]ities, d�ie care ���d d"ali�ence w�as used ���� t17e �bservatio�� of t��e �anstx•aat�i�n suc}7 tl�at tl�e cn��sti�uctiao� rn�as abserved tcr t�e bu�lt wi�tren su6star�Ci�l co�npl�iax�c;e aw�d �i��te���t Qf th� 401 'VVater Q!ualiYy Certi�catiom ar��3 B�rFfer Rules, tl�e ap�ror�e� p�lans �r�cC speciiic�tions� and �t��er s�Gp�a�-ki��g �nate��ia'Is. S��rrat�are _.__.....__..... �egiste•�tiuni� Nc�.. Date Transpoe�ation and P�rm�9ting Unit �6i7 MaiN Service Cenler, R�leigh> Narlh �arplina 27699-1�"Y� Lo�ca�n: 512 �l. 5alisbu�r St. Raleigh, Murlh Caralina 2i�SO4 ����,�: s,s-�Q�.s�QO w �ax: s�s.r�.�.,zs� Enfernet; w�r.n�rater�uali�v.s�ra An Equal dpparluaiky 4 ACfirrnatrue Actipn �r�plc�yer ��7e 1"�a t��;arc�li�a �) ���,C�'��t�l�"