HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC223981_Site Plan or Location Map_20221206uldiint 1-dlI • ti L p Middle School United States Pic -A -Pal HuffChi ?� s of Granite Falls y' Sandwiches PestaI ervice� °' l & ace Cream x TT ME,4, c 32l Q tGranite Falls C,OCOK EL q1 DTMTHERAPY - Graf�ite Fails a { Deep Tissue Massage_. Brewing Compa:ly Voca Laurel a verkley Ave Gfoup Home r i AshJey st ' Congress $r a a a. e Granite Falls Water Plant �49 Peaceful Cove Ctr Grarlite Falls, NC 23630 reatiofls 9 Fox Ridge Or �li�1e bf Praia or LL PGwer Dr Redemption Dieselft Performance & Repair a $ •Y�r2tl dr 4 Solid Rock Baptist Chu rch 1POxyet Rd Hickory St Fishef's Towing kP & 5,gsc Transmission Rebuilding C�arViw wa 45 Waadrane wnodran e SI Captain's Galley Seafood lwy The Falls Peiatrics� PLUG Urgerrt Care City BEQ Iq 7rm-ftk P1 Goffe) 1102 Ivor Bud's Auto Services Performaflce A-uto Sales 9 9 CI lubrimetal corporation r ,k U;; n data a2fl97 L Initarf RtataA TarmA Priv ww Spnel fawihAA : OnA ft