HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071668 Ver 1_Individual_2007100207-166$ Enoch Engineers, P.A. 1403 Hwy 50 South Benson, NC 27504 p A~ I ~1 Phone (919) 894-7765 Fax (919) 894-8190 ***************************************************************** LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL *********************************************************************** DATE: October Ol, 2007 TO: Ian McMillian 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Ste. 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 RE: Lexington Plantation FROM: Jason Godwin Q~c~~oe~~ C'!; r 2 2007 DENR-WATER QUALITY 1N~TlANDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH NOTES: Dear Ian: Enclosed please find one master copy and 5 additional copies of the individual permit package for Lexington Plantation. Also please find the application fee of $570.00. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, C~f~ Leanna J. Depew Executive Secretary Enoch Engineers, P.A. Enclosure Jce E. Godwin Sr., PE, PLS Joe E. Godwin Jr., PE, PLS Kevin R. Allen, P.E. October 1, 2007 US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Regulatory Field Office P.O. Box 1890 Wihnixigton, North Carolina 28402-1890 Attn: Ronnie Smith noch ng~nTeers,P.A. Consulting Engineers & Surveyors 1403 NC Highway 50 South Benson, North Carolina 27504 pA,ID .._.._.- O 7 ~ .~ S 6$ Phone: (919) 894-7765 Fax: (919) 894-8190 Email: encehengineer;@earthlink.net NC Division of Water Quality 2321 Crabtree Boulevard U ~ ~, ~ l l~ i ~ ~ Suite 250 ~.~j Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 ~ C ~ ~ ~, ~(1Q Attn: Ian McMillan n~y~ _ yy~i ~:::. Y~TUi AptO °7xt~4+!~ t:?ti or~v~u~ , Reference: INDIVIDUAL PERMIT PACKAGE (Harnett County PIN #'s 9595-42-8914, 9594-09-9184, and 9594-18-1145) Lexington Plantation (Reedys Swamp and Rice Patch Branch) Spring Lake, North Carolina Enoch Engineers Project No. 3059 Enoch Engineers has completed the individual permit (IP) form (Engineer Form 4345) for the project listed above (F' es). On behalf of part-owner, Mr. Jimmy Pierce, please find the IP form, Site Plans (Site Plans - Wetland Impacts), and supplemental figures (F' es) for the proposed development, Lexington Plantation. PROTECT SUMMARY Pro~ect Name/Descri lion Lexin on Plantation/Subdivisions Project T e Residential develo ment Owners/Applicant fierce Development, LLC/Jimmy Pierce Villa e of Lexin on, LLC/ imm Pierce Coun Harnett Nearest Town S out Springs near Cameron Name of nearest Waterbody (Index No.) Reedys Swamp (18-23-29-2) Rice Patch Branch (18-23-29-3) Basin Ca e Feat Sub-basin U er Ca e Fear River Class C IMPArT SI JMMARY Stream Impact (feet) 606 Wetland Im act acres 1.396 Open Water Impact (acres) 0 Total Im act to Waters of the United States acres 1.396 Total Stream Impact (feet) 606 Total Tem or Wetland Im act acres 0.561 Total Permanent Wetland Irn act acres 0.835 Total Tem or Stream Im act feet 160 Total Permanent Stream Im act feet 446 Total Non-Ri arian Wetland Im act acres 0.507 Total Ri arian Wetland Im act acres 0.889 S:\GIS\Projects\Lexington Plantation\DWQ-Project Summary.doc ~ Enoch Engineers appreciates your time and consideration with this project. Should you have any questions about this project please contact Jason Godwin at (919) 894-7765, extension 241. Respectfully, Enoch Engineers, PA ~-trs~. ~~ CL~~ Jason Godwin Attachments: Engineer Form 4345 Site Plans -Wetland Impacts Fides cc: Jimmy A. Pierce R. Daniel Rizzo Anthony J. Mouser Gerard R Brewer Chad Turlington, DWQ-Fayetteville S:\GIS\Projects\Lexinpton Plantation\DWQ-Project Summary.doc Engineer Form 4345 S:\GIS\Projects\Lexington Plantation\DWQ-Project Summary.doc APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERiitIIT V ~ r I ~ f:1 ':.; ~ OMB APPIROVAL NO. 0770-0003 /33 CFR 3251 Expins December 31, 2004 The Public barrden for this collection of information is sestimated to average 10 hours per response, ahhough the majority of applications should require 5 hours or less. This includes the time for reviewing 6rstructiorrs, searching existing data soueces, gathering anal maintaaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing fire collectiam of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection vt irtfonTration, inclua3rrg suggestions for reducing this burden, to Departmerrt of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003), Washington, DC 20603. Respondents should be aware that nartwithsfanding any other provision of few, no person shall be subject to any penahy for fa0ing to comply with a a~llection of information ff it does nart display a currerrtty vaCrd OMB twntrol number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of tfrose addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the loa~tion of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Gean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection ,Research and Sanctuaries Act, 33 USC 1413, Section 103. Principal Purpose: IMomtation provided on the form w~ be used in evalusting the application for a permit Routine Uses: This information may be slrarad with the Departmerrt of Justice and other federal, staffs, and focal govemmert agencies. Submission of requested information is voluntary, ltowaver, if information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show ties location and character of the proposed activity must he attached to the application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District F~agirreer fravmg jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in fuB will be returned. 1. APPLICATION NO. ~ 2. FlELD OFFICE CODE ~ 3. DATE RECEIVED 14. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED ..ass c.,...a.oc .-.arrs.g. ..ro. 5. APPLICANT'S NAME 8. AUTHOR2ED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE leneaat+nrisnat~rauiredl Jimmy Pierce Enoch Engineers, PA 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS P.O. Box 2191 1403 NC Highway 50 South Surf City, North Carolina 28445 Benson, North Carolina 27504 7.. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOS. W/AREA CODE 10. AGENT'S PHONE NOS. WIAREA CODE a. Residence fax (910) 3 2 8- 5 4 5 2 a. Residence fax (919) 8 9 4- 819 0 b. Business phone (910) 3 2 8- 5 2 5 7 b. Business phone (919) 8 94 - 7 7 6 5 11 • STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATf ON I hereby authorize, Enoch Engineers , PA to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemetrtaf information in support of this permit apti~ r~ ~ ~1-2~-o~j TUBE DATE __ •--~ 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE IseeirnrsuctinR¢, ~ - - Lexington Plantation i ~ ~, ~ ~ err.g, '. ~~ { 13. NAME OF WATERHODY. IF KNOWRI si~na,~arer Reedys Swamp & Rice Patch Branch ?5. LOCATION OF PROJECT Harnett North Carolina 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (dapp~ble/ "''- 2dC Highway 24/87 near Spout Springs First Entrance at the end of Sawyer Road Second Entrance adjacent to Crutchfield Drive COUNTY STATE ?6. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN, rscrr2snucfionsl Latitude = 35.1535 degrees North, Latitude = 79.0108 degrees West, Anderson Creek Township 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE Beginning in Fayetteville, North Carolina go north on NC Highway 24 and 87 approximately 16 miles. The first site entrance, take a right on Sav~-yer ra«d entering Sta=woods at Overhills residential subdivision and entrance is at the end of road. Second optional entrance, take a right on P1QntGtZO11 Drive erztErir~g £~arthridge residential subdivision. Travel approximately 3/4 miles, turn right on to Crutchfield Drive. Entrance is on the right. 1 S. Nature of Activity (Description of p-ojecr, indude a/1 feeruresl The applicant plans to discharge fill material into a total of 1.396 acres of non-riparian and riparian wetlands and 606 linear feet of natural stream. The project area is approximately 285 acres with the proposed activity to include the development of single lot residential homes and multi-unit condominium homes within the project area. See attached labeled "Block 18" 19. Project PurpOSe (Describe the reesan or purpose or the project, see insrrucYions/ The purpose of the project is to provide paved road access to single lot residential homes and multi-unit condominium homes that are influenced by Fort Bragg's growing economy and other local communities populations and economical growth. USE BLOCKS ZO-22 IF DREDGED ANDIOR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reasonlsl for Discharge The reason for discharge will be for the installation of culverts for 10 permanent road crossings including 7 culvert installations and 3 permanent earthen fills, and 11 temporary sewer line utility crossings, making a total of 21 wetland impacts. 21. Typels) of Material Beinp Discharged and the Amount of Each Tvoe in Cubic Yards The materials to be discharged will be construction grade stone/gravel, concrete culverts, earthen fill, asphalt material, and concrete curb & gutter. See attached labeled "Block 21". 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled rseeinsrructionsJ Please see attached labeled "Block 22" 23. Is Any Portion of the !,h'ork Already Complete? Yes ~ Rlo IF YES. DESCP,IBE TkE COPSPLETFfS l,NC:Rk The road network is completed for a portion of the single lot residential homes. Earthen fill has been discharged at 1 road crossing (#9)in the initial phase of one of the single lot residential home areas. Initial transects missed the area from survey by delineating staff at time of delineation. 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental lists. Valencia-Caballero Michael L. & Washington H W Heirs Aniceto & Deborah John H. West Nicole C. Hood Marsha Gilmore 334 Crutchfield Drive 16 Linden Road 24 Cone Road 27 Vernon Avenue Cameron, NC 28326 Cameron, NC 28326 Cameron, NC 28326 Mount Vernon, NY 10553 25. List of Other Certifications or Approvals(Denials Received from other Federal, State or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL' IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATF nFNIFf1 .__ ._ J .,LI_..I, --- ~. L.. vrvulV III~.luua uuL IJ IIVL IO.lL1IL:LCV LV LVlllfl~, VUllVlrl9 ana noon pram permits 26. Application is hereby made far a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the auth ndertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity lapplicant) ar it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been fitted out and signed. ----~._ ~, ~~ 1 18 U.S.C, Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a meterial fact or makes any false, fictitious ar fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shalt be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. Block 18 -Nature of Activity Impact #'s Wetland Stream (linear Non- Riparian Temporary Permanent Impact Type Discharge of fill acres feet Ri arias material Sewer line utility 1 0.044 0 no es es no installation es Sewer line utility 2 0.091 20 no es es no installation es Sewer line utility 3 0.036 20 es no es no installation es Sewer line utility 4 0.026 20 es no es no installation es Sewer line utility 5 0.016 0 es no es no installation es Sewer line utility 6 0.014 20 es no es no installation es Sewer line utility 7 0.015 20 no es es no installation es Culvert & road 8 0.067 60 no es no es installation es Earthen Fill for 9 0.053 0 es no no es road crossin es Earthen Fill for 10 0.041 0 es no es road crossin es Earthen Fill for 11 0.012 0 es no no es road cross es Sewer line utility 12 0.206 20 no es es no installation es Culvert & road 13 0.163 88 no es no es installation es Culvert & road 14 0.187 0 es no no es installation es Sewer line utility 15 0.027 20 es no es installation es Culvert & road 16 0.059 83 es no no es installation es Culvert & road 17 0.091 76 no es no es installation es Culvert & road 18 0.050 76 no es no es installation es Culvert & road 19 0.112 63 no es no es installation es Sewer line utility 20 0.036 0 es yes no installation es Sewer Iine utility 21 0.050 20 no yes yes no installation yes TOTAL 1.396 606 E~f F r--` ~ ~ ~: Block 21 -Nature of Material Beim Discharged Wetland Stream Non- Discharge Impact #'s f ~ Ri i Riparian Temporary Permanent Material acres ear eet ar as 1 0.044 0 no es es no Earthen fill 2 0.091 20 no es es no Earthen fill 3 0.036 20 es no es no Earthen fill 4 0.026 20 es no es no Earthen fill 5 0.016 0 es no es no Earthen fill 6 0.014 20 es no es no Earthen fill 7 0.015 20 no es es no Earthen fill Culvert, earthen fill, rock, and 8 0.067 60 no es no es as halt Earthen fill, rock, 9 0.053 0 es no no es and a halt Earthen fill, rock, 10 0.041 0 es no no es and as halt Earthen fill, rock, 11 0.012 0 es no no es and as halt 12 0.206 20 no es es no Earthen fill Culvert, earthen fill, rock, and 13 0.163 88 no es no es as halt Culvert, earthen fill, rock, and 14 0.187 0 es no no es as halt 15 0.027 20 es no es no Earthen fill Culvert, earthen fill, rock, and 16 0.059 83 es no no es as halt Culvert, earthen fill, rock, and 17 0.091 76 no es no es as halt Culvert, earthen fill, rock, and 18 0.050 76 no es no es as halt Culvert, earthen fill, rock, and 19 0.112 63 no es no es as halt 20 0.036 0 es no es no Earthen fill 21 0.050 20 no yes yes no Earthen fill TOTAL 1.396 606 ~...~~ ,. _ _z__,,:_. _ F_ -~___ ~ e Rl~ck 22 -Surface Areas of Wetlands Impact #'s Wetland Stream (linear Non- Riparian Wefland Type (acres feet Ri arian Freshwater 1 0.044 0 no es forested/shrub Freshwater 2 0.091 20 no es forested/shrub Freshwater 3 0.036 20 es no forested/shrub Freshwater 4 0.026 20 es no forested/shrub Freshwater 5 0.016 0 es no forested/shrub Freshwater 6 0.014 20 es no forested/shrub Freshwater 7 0.015 20 no es forested/shrub Freshwater 8 0.067 60 no es forested/shrub Freshwater 9 0.053 0 es no forested/shrub Freshwater 10 0.041 0 es no forested/shrub Freshwater 11 0.012 0 es no forested/shrub Freshwater 12 0.206 20 no es forested/shrub Freshwater 13 0.163 88 no es forested/shrub Freshwater 14 0.187 0 es es forested/shrub Freshwater 15 0.027 20 es no forested/shrub Freshwater 16 0.059 83 es no forested/shrub Freshwater 17 0.091 76 no es forested/shrub Freshwater 18 0.050 76 no es forested/shrub Freshwater 19 0.112 63 no es forested/shrub Freshwater 20 0.036 0 es no forested/shrub Freshwater 21 0.050 20 no yes forested/shrub TOTAL 1.396 606 l ~= ~~ E ~~~ ~ c __~ Site Plans -Wetland Impacts S:\GIS\Projects\Lexin~ton Plantation\DWQ-Project Summary.doc •07-1668 Figures S:\GIS\Projects\Lexinpton Plantation\DWQ-Project Summary.doc .. - - ---- ,r , ~ N ~ ' 1 ' ~ s ; ' -.--. i s 1 /, ~ 1 - ~ a ]3JS i ~ ~ ~ t ~ i ® ~~~ 1 ~ ]~3 ~ ` a 1 ~ j I1 1 121E ?~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !Ei +~s ,~ ~ t I - . ` / ' ~ `~ 121 1 6 ~ \ ~ ~! ~ 1 7 ~ A ~ .~ ~ / ~ ~ ~~ ~ O ~113_~- _ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ 1132 ` . ~ ~4Z 1 ~ ® ' 1 '~ 1 ~~, 1 1 ~ 5 ~ 1 1 ~ ~ !}1Z . 1 ~ ~ ~ ~~® ' 2 ~ X11 ~- `~ ,` , ~ j . ~1 i a .~ ~ I ~ ~ ' ~ as \ I 11 `\ r ~ V 7 1 • ~ ~ /2W0 tc I ` ~ t 1 E ' I Say ~ I 1 L O~ -` / / 11 120 - - J~ ~ ~ ~~ •• •~- 1 1 ~ r ~. 2as1 ~ " ~ \ 'l '4 ~ ' e ' ~~~ k ` 1 .-._-~ ~ ~ , Z ~ ~ ` 4 '.f ` ;ti ~. °'°~ r ~ ~' ~ - ' i ~ ~ .i ~ 4 ~ , $ l / '' ~ -~~ ~ >, OCT 0 4 . 100% NOTE :MAP INCLUDES ONLY STATE MAINTAINED ROADS •y~~/~~l (,}d~NR . OR IMPORTANT NON-SYSTEM ROADS. ~ "~~fLva ~~~ ~ ~ ROADS 8NOWN AS OF MAY 71, 2007 - PROJECTAREA cwaty eoun0ary aNOnmana an asaa on information proviAad by Stata and Fadanl a0andaa, and aro aborrn in tllNr approdmats looatbna. Legend - ~i~ ~ ~ot„lt~t ofty ~c~ 1 inch uals 2 miles I ~ Prom Ama Scale: 1" = 2 miles VICINITY MAP FIGURE Drawn By: JEG no ch P~>r~>ri~n Reviewed By: JEG ngmeers,P.A. Harnett County, N~ Carolina 1 Date: September - '07 Consulting Engineers & Surveyors Enos En~~ P~l~ Na 3059 ..- ` `lf 1 ., f `,, PROJECT AREA ~•_,-'} / 0 1,000 2,000 :~,~ noch ngineers,~.~. ~ulting Engineers & Surve~ i'; ;~ - . "- - ~_ 7l _ .5 _.,~ ~.-~ t ~ - -'.max rr ~ C~'-, ,,. >~: --- - - ~•:- - Legend . _ 4 000 '- _ _~ Project Area USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP FIGURE Lexington Plantation li C aro na Harnett County, North Enoch Engineers Project No. 3059 t~i/ B ~ I \ 1Qr,.r 4a°~ ' / r ti ft0y`r !r~ a ~ - `• - t ~ 1~ rr \x ~ `~ ~i ~, ) Ir ., of j r c l r / a ' } ~ ~, ,,, ~ r l~ kc~ ~ l ~- ~~i ~ '`•~ ~'`~~J, ~?iM - ` rf r, 1 ~,r ~1 J+ ~ '. ,R`f - ~'f ~ (. ` t: 1 X11 I. = , ..-.i , i , I n. - "~ ~ . .~ ( , r .-- ~. ~ A+ y, "1.x a ; ,. c as _ ''~ ~ ~ , J ~ _ - aL-=:1 ~~rt ~~ y{~r' ~~~I~/~',',~~~.~_ ,. ~ : -... a~ ' .. `~~ ~~~ 5 . .1 rG 7 .~ . ev. ~ ' ~-nt 1 0' tm~. ~i^...:]- r ~ y.~ - ~\~' °~~` '~.~% hl ~` 1 ~ r ~ !F i ~ -~. d r / ~,~- er Vac. ~ ~.. `'e~ f ~ gi I ~ ~ ~ i a , •, q `- ..alp, r.~. .t~. . t -r ~~ ~~p~~ ~` 03/' ~ ~ ~ ~f ~~~ ~~ ~p~~r ~ / ~` - r~ fy , f r fAn`~~.: ~ ~~~~A r~l! u, - _. { ~~ / ~l~ I. , r / . f>~ /i 1; 1, , p,,; r c J"tis ~ ~ . /~,.~ \~ ~' ~ ~ ,'~ '~~. t ` r~)r~l~ ,! 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