HomeMy WebLinkAboutCherokee UIC Deemed Permitted 2012 eCr'✓eel V"'( b-A-` H Fr i�oca-c. �. ell NORTH`CARQL�I±IA DEPARTiViENT+UF ENVi$ON SIJRCES NOTIFICATION OF INTEI�TT TO CONSTRi1CT*,' OPERATE INJECTION WELLS T/reseYWplls,a�e 'pen�ritfed 'rule"anddo rtot;l:6lfrrn�A>?:ndtvrdualperlrrt w{TQl C077S11TIClCd 1I7`QCCO1'�[lI7CG'lUTJh; the rules:of 13i11VCAC Q�C Q�00. ?7�is=riotrce mt si be siibnritted prior to`corrstructionI 'GEOTHERMAL AQUEOUS CLOSED=LOOP WELLS As,described�in,15A NCAG=02C.0222 tliese.wells:ciiculate;potable waver only or,a;mixture ofpotablevater and perfarmauee ei�liancing additives as part=of a geoihetuiai;::heating and cooliiig:system. DR, GEOTHERMAL DIRECT EXPAND ION CLOSED=LOOP,''WELLS ,As described in.I5A•NCAC:02C 0223'thes Hs cucplate a iefngerant-gas as part of a geijthennal heatingaud_ ;cooUngsysteui; Print Clegrly or Tjpe lnforalron:;Illegrbieubmillalsll Be Refueled As lncompll DATE. 144 All' . 20 ti... PERMIT N,O.. T O 10 0 Z TO to lie m leted b DWR): A. TXPE OF;GEOTHERMAL;CLOSED-LOOP WELL TO BE CONSTRUCTED (1).. Aqueous(as per 15A NCAC 02C_0222) : Number of wells : {2) Ul Direct Expansion(as per I5A NCAC 02C 0223).,_ Number of,wells B . STATUS OF WELL OWNER(c�oase orie) (1) Single Family Residence Snbmit this form two(2)i vs�ness.days Pryor to;constrnef o 1. (Z}= Business/Qrgaruzation Suhmft this form 30 laysptii®r to construction. (3} Govenunefit State lVlunic al Cann p ty Federal Suhinit this form 30 days prior to co$strciction: C . WELL OWNER=For`sna$le fatruly:residences';hst the>-property ownei(s) For dR others,Itst name:of the business,.organization,or govem ment agency and person=delegates sig6ature;autI onty; --nwnn Mailing Address ,S Nl'D R tx10� y — Cifiy: LalR501f\ State; , ode.,— Aidss,: Fax No PHYSICAL>LOCATIONOF WELL'SITE (1) Parcel IdentificatonNutnber(PIN)ofwellsitet�5a0-��5'� yo1�0�0 " Cfltiiity cry t�oKa 2 Ph ical A :. ( ) ys ,ddress;(if different than tnailuigaddress) '. . . City: State NC: Zip Code;„ UICIClosed Logp Grothemwl Notificahon'(Re�nsed&5/2UI3) pn ;1 t h E MAPS,PLANSAND SPECIFICATIONS. 0.) Maps must;be scaled or otherwise,accurately Indicate distances and orientations of'features located, within 250 feet of the mje--coon well(s)..Z»bel all`features=clearly°:and include a north arrow, Attach_6. site=specific map slowuigthe,locations of`the following: • Proposed=injectioawell locations. Septic systems aad.:'assocated 'spray irrigation: �- Buildings sites,drain:�fields,or repair areas • Property boundaries •, Surfawvater,bodies Bxlsftn p g _.g �or : ottnrial sources of roundwater Water�supply wells` contamination (2) Plans iiii ciflcations of the sufface and subsurfAca constiuction_detaib.of the well system. T. TYPES AND CONCENTRATIONS OF ADI3ITI S Ltst any additives that twill be used and,their concentrations Only:additives that the:Department of Health and.Hulnan;Services'Dlviston ofPubfic:Health determines do not;adversely affect human health shall be' used,: A list of approved',additives can be found`, online athttn://nortaltncdenr.ornlweb%dva/atis%awdro All,other,4Wciuve5require•approvalpnar10use G.: WELL.-DRILLER:INFORMATION(if known) We11 Drilling,Contractor'.s:Name M'FS r - NC'Well Drilling Witractoi cokfificatloii Company'Name 1�� Oh f ,l� nQ 'r+r±c. CoutactPerson .,� !gD'A&yI �?+ S =- CityRtc1S5'�OWY1 State �s,: ZIp;Codeo1County Day Tele No 102 �Qta3 Cell No SSa 8 �5l 533p EMAIL Address f.l.�soln i,�ell d dGete a.r gal, FAXNO H; HEAT IPUMP CONTItAC i'OR INTORMATION Coriipany Name `1 t� 5 l ,�n�'��nAT. Contact personal j .:NE�.i,JM�4h\. EMAIL Address..:. Addres il .Ske �. . . Clty�,��t�� IZ. ( N ZIp Code State; Gountyngw:n r OfEce Tele No 54l� Ce11No. Fax No Qb$`b Aoo $ tAClClused:l i op GebthdrdW'.Norification(Revised 8 512013)' Page 2 I PRO'I"ECTI®N Provide'a bnef:descnption of how;(!),water-supply weUs,(2):sudke water.`badies Mad(3) septic systems and'associated spr y uiigation sites,drain fields',or repair areas-within 25.0 feet_of;die proposed injection wells wilt be protected during construction o f the weds:: In A A DO gn bQT u (�fZ�Pi doff! . 51�-o's L�J���nVa a"5b 3 . T i�1 , at�; , . J VARIANCE, Pursuant to;,15A--NCAC 02C 0241 the-Director of the Division:of Wafer Resources may grant. a"variance from applicable<well construction or�gper 'ion standards,provided that: (, use cif.-the w-qU(s)will'pot endanger human health-and.wel'fare or_the,groundwater,and c tncodne wndsis not technicaly feasibleor theope s2 thata onor proposed constructton`provides,equal<orbetter protectton.of the groundkvater. Any variancerequest should aeoo npany subrulf l`ofthis notification to�exped►te evaluation of:tfie.request. 1'he:variance request>form can be:accessec. onluieat.httli//partat ncdeni_org/web/wq/al) pro/germit- :applications K. `SIGNATURES=The following section is to be::complefed as required below or_by that person's autfiorized. agent 1.5A NCAC 02C 02 t l fc).requiies signatures as`fol[oQvs: (aj for a corporation.*`by a responsil3e corporate officer, (bj for a partnership or sole proprietorship by a generafparhier or#the proprietor,respectively.;. (c) far a muiiicipalitya or state,federal, or°other public agency by either_a principal eXecutive officer or'ranldii_ "blicly elected official, (d). for all others by�the well owner,. (e) for any other person authorized lto act on behalf of,the applicant documen#ution shall"be submitted:with=the notification}that clearlyidentifies the person, ,grants ;them signature=' authority,and i5 signed:and dated"by the applicant "I`hereby,certify,under penalty of la►+J, drat I have personally ezamaned:and am familiar��tfr the information submitted in this dacumettt and all attachments thereto'and that based on mY=rnqurry of those utdeduals trttmediafely respaiistble for obtazntng said tit *dti�n; I belreiJe that the rnfQrmation s true;; accurate and' complete: la ofaware that:there are:significant penalties,,including`the possrbrTtty of fines and imprisonment,_ for sztbmifting false a formuhon I agree,'to conslnwct`operate=ritaintdin, repair, and if. appl1 ble,. 'ban 9 the in well and all related appurtenances rri accordance x�ith the.13A NCC 02G`0200 Iltles " Signature"of Pr arty Owner/AppI[cant Prinf }peFuliName- Sigaafare of Aa`t oiizea'Agent,if*y -Print ar T pe Fu11-Narue UIC%Closed Loop`Geothe�ial2�Totification(Revised>3/5i2013) Page 3' - On-sitelNastewater Cherokee +County Health V.epalrtmen P ,t#2013 228:Hilton Straet Murphy„Not#ft Carolina 289�{828);835-3853 Ass fisted PDWW Permit NA,, EXISTING SYSTEM PERMIT/REAPPROVAL Appficantlt merm Jas 9 Sharo Chapman: PIN# 44590055742800,. Zone.WF°•Acreage 7 65: Rroperty Descnption:Cedar Ualley Lots 6=9(5 norwood Valley R4 Type of Faclhty:'Resldew7tlal,3 bedrooms Design Flow 369 gpd; Ty Ls.•dfst nce..to water supply acceptable? YES. Is where a visible system malfuri'dU6 r9 'NO as the septic sysiem,5ized as needed? YES Is;the bwlding location satisfactory with setback requirementsT WA Was original-septic permit`I' ' ted? NO., Does th0eptic system appear to be on the property'? YES. AP.PR®VED FOR;.RECONNECTION YES: Permtt ConclM nss If system fails:affer reconnecfion,,a repair permit":must be_obtarned_and th--system ceparred or:reptaced.. Diagram'(Notto Scale): Out Bank. y� r . wey proposed r1 . 3BR'House: ' WELL Pa, " a IOQ' Magnolia timated Tank. fiNj Fill'= 1'. r Estimated Dramfieid:; - ve L v { EXISTING SYSTEM DISCLAIMER This permit,Fepresertts our best attempt at interpreting site and septic system cortd'itwns:>Oihce-a;saptic system is baekfiiled i#can be very drfficuit to detenntne,�ts exact location There is"also the chance the`ssptic system was modhfied or damaged efte_r it was: installed.,This permit,is not guararhteed`to:be accurate Also there is no guarantee;that the saptic system wilt fundion;propertya This perrrhitiauthorizafion ts:sutrject to"evocatiog if the rnformatton submitted in the applicatio'h is found to have been 5t>cocrect fat§ified or changed;:the siteas altered orintended:usechanges;-andj0-subject to;the provisions of thea:aws and.,R.ules for Sewage System"Cottecbon;Treatment and Disposal " of the Pirigb Carols a Adminlstmtive Code: issue Dafe;.10I23/2013 TrevorPeterson;;REHS 2143 Authorized:.State Agent