HomeMy WebLinkAboutAvery UIC Deemed Permitted 2015 CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURkIL RESOURCF- NOTMCATION OF MTENT TO COMTRUCT oiR.OpERATlE INJECTION WELLS 2'hese wdlls are'pormYtted by rule"and do not require an individual permit when constructed in accordance tvlth the rules oMAIVCAC 02C.02004' X his notico inwt be submitted�rtor to construction OEOTH LRNY Q AQ-U—BORS-C L,OSED LOOP WEUS .As described iu 15A NCAC 02C.0222 fb ese wens circulate potable water only or a mixture ofpotable water and performance-enhancing additives as part of a geothermal heating and cooling system, OR 1 GEOTJHERZVlAIG D C�'EA'ANSLOT+F CLOSED LOOP WELLS As desorlbed to 15A NCAC 02C.0223 f1we wells circulate a refrigeraut gas as part of a geothermal Beating and cooling system, NORTH CAROLWA DBPARTMBNT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATU[tAL RBSOURCI3S PfInt Clearly or 23peDiformadom Vlegible,Sttbintttals 3�i11Be TleturnedAsXrscorr:pXete. DATE: 20 PFRItdITNO.k'j'Zo1 3 S� ®0 (to be completed by DWQ) A. TYPE, Op'GEOTHEMWAL CLOSED-LOOP WELL TO BE COkSxRUCT+D �o a' (1) Aqueous(as per 15ANCAC 02C.0222): �t Number of wells: (2) Direct Bxpausion.(as per 15ANCAC 02C.0223) Number of wells: B. STATUS OF VMLL ONMR.(choose one) (1) Single Family RwidenceIx Submit this form two(2)business days prior to construction. (2) Business/organization Submit this form 30 days prior to constraction, (3) Goveinment: State Municipal Counter. Federal Submit this form 3 0 days prior to constt•uciion. �. C'. WELL ONMR--•Vor single farnily residences list the proparty ownex(s). For all others,list name of the 1'busmlesg,organization,or gaveznmeat agency and person delegated signature authority: Mating Address: City: State: Zip code."��County: DayTeloNq.• Ca Cl k llNo..• RMA17,Address: � � � � Q . �1�__ Fax No' " '" • D. PHYSICAL LOCATION OF WELL SITU (1) Parcel Idehtiftc�attion.Number(PIN)of well site: Cotihty: (2) Physical Address if[�di€i'erantthanmailingaddress): '� ) ,� , City: � ,, __- _ Stater NC Zip r,O1n Code: . �`y RECEIVED DWQ/UIC/G7osetlLoop Geot)lermalNotifiratlon(Revised4/30/20I2) D&Ion of Water Resources Page I MAR, 2 7 2015 Water Quality Regional Operations Asheville Regional Office E, MAPS,IPLAM,AND SPEcVjCA.TYONS (1) Maps must be scaled or otherwise accurately indicate distances and orientations of features located- within 250 feet of the injection well(s), Label ail features clearly and include a north arrow, Attach a site-specific map showiag the locations of the following: At! veS-ide►� (( ( Lo A lh G Proposed injection well locations ' o Buildings -red S•/ Pxoper-tyboundazies G Surface,water bodies �-- Water supply wells Septic systems and associated spray irrigation sites,drain fields,or repair arose b B)d3 ft of potential.sources of groundwater contamination (2) Pkus and specifications of the surface and subsurface construction details of the well system. F. TV +S AND COINICENTRA.MNS'OF+ ADDZTIS -- List any additives that win be used and their concentrations. Only additives that the Department of Health and Mman Services'Division.of Public Health determines do not adversely affect human health shall be used, A list of approved additives can be found online at httv!6ortal.ncdenr oxsJwa (wq/fps/awuro, All other Additives require approval prior to use. E'hu f V't�n('1'efi � la �•N.o G. WE,LL DRMLER INFORMATION(if known) Well DxMin Contractor's Name: (7ody Mullis) (Matthaw Bx6wn) (Milton Cave) NC Well Drilling Contractor CartificationNo.: 2572-A 3036-A 3548- CompanyNaine: Yadkin Well Company,Inc,_ Contact Person: David Brown(2195-A)_ City: HMfonville _ State: NC Zip Coda:27020 County: Yadkin Day ToleNo•: 336A68-444.0 Coll NO.: 336-374-8736 EMAMAddress: clrief.drillez@msn.com Fax No.: 336- 68-40 8 ' IT. �EAT1'TJiY➢JP CQNI'RACTORINFORMATION CompanyNamo: vqv ContactPeison +c,41 a 8yeI'ke 4 BMAILAddress Address: t$7 o Lrjx,_,y woysQ. _-- City: �'�2e_f WQ o Zip Code: State:,County: �-E�A. Office Tole NO,; 14(j g r o n Cell No, FaX No,• �._�•..._ DWQ/OIC/Ctosed-Loop Qeoff,1 w6tifiaatiori(i 61sed 4A n012) page 2 } 3 4 i 7y ' J x. PROTECTION -Provide abriofdescription of how(1)water supply wells;(2)surfacewaterbodies;and(3). septio systems and associated spray irrigation sites,drain fields,or repair areas within 250 feet ofthsproposed We-otion wells will be protected during construction of the wells:: L 4 n D L 4 j rrt2 A �l 7-r a,- /2 e eel/ S. VARIANCE--•Pursuant to 1SA NCAC 02C.0241 the Director of the Division of Water Quality may grant a variance fxotza applicable well construction or operation standards provided that: (1) use of the well(B)will not en.daugerbumanhealth and welfare or the groundwater;and (2) that contraction or operation in accordance with the standards is not technically feasible or the proposed construction provides equal orb otter protection of the groundwater. Any vat'ianoe request should accompany submittal of this notification to expedite evaluation of the request. The varlane®zroquest form canbe accessed online at http•//portal.ncdenr ore/web/w /cis/Qwnro/peo �nlications X SIGNATURES—The following section h to be completed as required below or by that person's authorized agent. 15ANCAC 02C.0211(e)xequirea signatures ae follows; (a) for a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer, (b) for a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the propAstor,respectively; (o) for a municipality or a state,federal,or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking publicly elected official; (d) for all others: by the well ownsr; (a) for any other person authorized to act on behalf of the applicant: doeiunentation shall be submitted with the notification That clearly identifies the person, grants them signatare authority,and is signed and dated by the applicant. "I hereby certify,under penalty of law, that have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information,I believe that the ieorrmation is trtie, accurate and coinplete. Iam aware that there are significantpenalties,including the possibility offines and imprlsonment; for submitting false inforIla tion. I agree to copn ct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the h1 ection weld and all ted ap ena t cordance with the I5A NC4C 02C 0200.Rules." Signature i'P wtter/Appltcattt . Print or Type FullNamo Signature ofA.uthor[zed Agent,if any ?rlttt or Type M Name DWQjMC/Closed Loop Goo-theimol Notification(Rovised 4130/2012) Pages . IS'fi ICLT � l -� .rah , AL ppr pkohr, -To sl7- ZGGS"' Lao p D ia•C yti Prcrswre. fiu� . rbc, nsr - �nhgnGGb C�O��� 42 Qd�M Jf_ dDI- V Tr och -µ.Y,q yl pr ' I"u.pnr 01/11/2016 15:11 COVER PAGE --- TO : FROM : DEWEY WRIGHT FAX : 82826461251 TEL : 8282646125 COMMENT : RECEIVED Omsion of Water Resoureft JAN t I MS Water OualRy Regional Operations Asheville Regional Office _ h 01/11/2016 15:11 82826461251 DEWEY WRIGHT PAGE 01 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT OR OPERATE INJECTION WELLS These wells are "permitted by rule"and do not require an individual permit when constructed in accordance with the rules of L—AL N ,-I C 02C•t 200. T his notice must be submitted prior to construction GEOT ERM L A U EOUS CLQSEEI,-LOOP WELLS As described in ),-),A NCAC QIC.0222 these wells circulate potable water only or a mixture of potable water and performance-enhancing additives as part of a geothermal heating and cooling system. OR GEOTHERMAL DIRECT EXPANSION CLOSED-LOOP WELLS As described in 15A NCA . 02C.0223 these wells circulate a refrigerant gas as part of a geothermal heating and cooling system. Prini Clearly or Type Information, ,illegible Submittals Will Be Returned As Incomplete: DATE: Pt-t- 41 , 20 15 PERMIT NO. 01©.0_9jr_(to be completed by D W R) A. TYPE OF GEOTHERMAL CLOSED-LOOP WELL TO BE CONSTRUCTED �[ (1) Aqueous(as per 1 SA CAC 02C ,0222): Number of wells: (2) Direct Expansion(as per I SA NCAC p2_ . 223) Number of wells: B. STATUS OF WELL OWNER(choose one) (1) Single Family ResidencelK Submit this form two(2)business days prior to construction. (2) Business/Organization Submit this form 30 days prior to construe ' (3) Government: State Municipal_a County]a Federal Submit this form 30 days prior to construction. C. WELL OWNER— For single family residences list the property owner(s). For all others, list name of the business,organization,or government agency and person delegated signature authority: Mailing Address: slK k100Q RZ City: Cw= State:041 Zip Code: op �+T�unty: C �"FL-k Day Tele No.: 4 �` Cell No.: l 3�3 EMAIL Address: t5 W It M� F+aX No.: 70 "' 7T5�' D. PHYSICAL LOCATION OF WELL SITE (1) Parcel Identification Number(PIN)of well site: County; 69_T_j_1_t1 WkepQP (2) Physical Address(if different than mailing address): �� ! City: 1171Q, LIC State: NC Zip Code: �► UIC/Closed-Loop Geothermal Notification(Revised 8/5/2013) page I 01/11/2016 15:11 82826461251 DEWEY WRIGHT PAGE 02 E. MAPS,PLANS,AND SPECIFICATIONS (1) Maps must be scaled or otherwise accurately within 250 feet of the injection well(s). La indicate distances and orientations of features el 1 res e1 rl an i clu e a no arrow. Attach a site-speciFc map showing the locations of the following: located • Proposed injection well locations • Buildings Septic systems and associated spray irrigation • Property boundaries sites,drain fields,or repair areas • Surface water bodies • Water supply wells • coma $contamination Potential sources of groundwater contamination (2) Plans.and specifications of the surface and subsurface construction details of the wells stem. Y F. TYPES AND CONCENTRATIONS y RATIONS OF ADDITIVES _ List any additives that will be used and their Only additives that the Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public determines do not adversely affect human health shall be used, A list of approved additives can is online at tt :# orta1. Health !Ld nr or web/wo/aa./ �r to- All other additives require approval prior to use:be found G. 'WELD,DRILLER INFORMATION(!f known Well Drilling Contractor's Name: W ) ID N7Rt ��t~ �� olett P to NC Well Drilling Contractor Certification No.. Company Name:- 11 City: Js®pfJ t, i� t Contac erson: 1Rr) State: Ah Ct, zip Code; 20 i Day Tele No.; .. � ounty: L1J •� Cell No.:lrltrlAll, Address: 4,1 I ax No.:Mid- H HEAT P'JMP CONTRACTOR INFORMATION RMATION c7 Company Name: CkW4L Contact,person: At Address: w.o, E ILA dres City: -• Offic zip Code: Q " State: J �� • �ou G►9 e Tele , a — nty: Cell No.:&*-'� ," ax N UK7/Ca0sed,Loop Geothermal Notification(Revised 815/2013) Page 2 01/11/2016 15:11 82826461251 DEWEY WRIGHT PAGE 03 . h P1t0T W'f'&0N, 'd,•s•bnief septic systems and associated ' On of t+ow 1 injection ells will be Protected duringm ation sites,drtdnfie a Supply wells;(2)sarface water bodies;and(3) � construction of the wells: repair areas within 250 feet of the proposed P RE C.4MM401 C. 506 J v A`UANCE-.ptt,Setat,t to l} a variance from applicable. d` �C�241 the Director pP cable wail construction or o of the Division of Water Resources (l) use of the welf(s)will not endangerPernttQh standards Provided may grant human health p ed that: (2) that construction or operation in accordance with the a welfare or the Proposed CO�truction provides Bronndwater;and Any variance requestshould acco equal or better t standards is trot technically feasible or the The"-wiarrce►•equest form can be ml y ° pro ection Of the groundw�, f the notification tv li i n accessed online at .DPW ite evaluation Of the request. I. cde a o/ a it- K. SIGNATURES -The f agent, 5 N AC 02C following section is to be co,npleted as re 1 e requiressignatutes,as.fa Quired below or by that l)a►vs; person•s autho,ized (e) for a corpQrBtion_ by a res (b) for a partnership or sole pansible corporate otftcer; (c) for a munici 1• ProPrietnrship: by ageneral offjcer Or Or a sue' or Partner or the prOPriator,respectively; (d) for all tanking publicly elected OfAci$lother public c3': by either a princi al ex�a) f o0i by the w$ll.,>ivnar, P ecutiv@ submitted witu. h �o�1 to act 00 behalf of the authority, the notificationddtethat clearly identifies tahPepitCant: docurnentation shalt be ty,and is signed and dated by the applicant oR, grants them signature "I hereby cert6, under submitted in this doc Par►alry of law, that I h umegt aid eve Perron examined and am � teotiateli�resp ,F;l,/c o. a!!attic fa►niliar with the i f ubtc7iru'tt said tl,er t v�ormat/Pn COMP101''e. I Q!!i Qly bvJ wawriopt. O and tlfAl, luxaBd'.oN t far stab die that there are si of believe thtrt the l �o equpr3' of throe i+�'idtn2ls mittl g false ir{for tlon I $ cant Penalties, including the rntaTrah is true, Qccurate and the in we!!told a!1 related a agree to construct p passibillty oflj�s Ppurtena"Ces in accordance with th tgln, re wrd intpriga►tmeht, 4 rdaitre with the! N h- ��i Plicable, abandon • Zk•� Rules. eoaf?�ycrt9 0wftaA�V, -- Printer I FOR Name guature 6fA Print or Iypc Fud Name d'C;, 4'rsrtt�ettnafiliotification(Revised 8/3/20;3) Page 3 A/11/2016 15:11 82826461251 DEWEY WRIGHT PAGE 04 � sr� .sa• 7�s �' �1r G• �7 � �l8 0 MC) a� D, '4 RECEIVED 11 ffton of Water Resource! Water Quality Regional Operations NORTH CAROLMIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NA.'URA %'!e Re renal Office NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT OR OPERATE INJECTION WELLS These'-wells are '�permlifed by rrrle"and do not require an indlyidual peritif!lvhen constructed in accordance with the rules of Thb notice must k4 sail milled in-for to con truciton GEOTHERMAL AQUEOUS CLOSED-LOOP WFLL8 As described in (LNG.AG Q .0212 these wells circulate potable water only or a mixture ofpotablo water and perfo manc&etihancing additives as part of a geothermal heating r?nd cooling system, OR GEOTHERMAL DMECT EXPANV 10N CLOSED-LOOP WnLLS As described h1 15A NC !02G.022.-these wells circulate a refrigefeirt gas as part of a geothermal heating and cooling system. Print Clearly or 2')rpe Arfa•�nation. Illegtble Sttbmltfals Wfll BeYYti'elurne�l As lircomplete. DATE: 2 ' , 20� I'E1ti1VIIT 1VO.w.I'� �0�2 (to be eornpleted by DVIrR) A. TYPE OF GEOTIM,RMAL CLOSED-LOOP WELL TO BE CONSTRUCTED 3-320' !' POO. (1) Aqueous(as per 15A NCAC 02C•0222): E4 Number ofwells: i (2) Direct Expansion(as per.15A NCAC WC.0223) _ Number of wells: B. STATUS OF WELL OWNER(choose one) (1) ' Single Family Residence. Submit this form two(2)business days Irrior to construction, (2) Business/Organization Submit this form 3D days prior to construction, i (3) Government: State IvlunicipaI_a County ja Federal D_Submit this'form,30 days prior to constructiou. C. wuLL 0WNEkt—For single family residahz es list the property owner(s). For all others, list name of the business,organization,or government agency and person delegated signature authority; r Mailing Address: City: ejJ41467TE state", Zip Code�awlo County:_ V, Day Tole No,: Cell Nb,; EMAIL Address: Fax No.: D. PHYSICAL LOCATION OF WELL SITE (1) Parcel Identification Number(PIN)of well site; 19 PC o o G 17 d"Z)e 0 00 00 - County. AV"y (2) Physical Address(if ciiff'erent than mailing Address);; �f NV��1 � �- Z cs^,ltl�•pL1S� �b4�2't' ���cty/l.UL�, N�' ?�8_ C�-�,� City; L/►MILL State.-NC Zip Code: 2,$44(o tilC/Closed Loop Geolhemral Notificadou(Revised 815/2013) C'agc t L MAPS,PLAINS;AND' SPECIFICATIONS (1) Maps must be scaled or otherwise accurately indicate distances and orientations of features located within 250 feet of the injection,well(s). Label all features clearlynd a -n ude a north arrow. Attach a site-specific tnap showing the locations of the following: a Proposed injection well locations o Septic systems- and associated spray irrigation C Duildings SCG S�_(�r sites,drain fields,or repair areas G Property boundaries �'� G $urfacewatorbodies ( o Existing or pote>7tial sources of groundwater Water supply Nvells contau►iitation (2) flans and specifications of the surface and subsurface eonstru.ction details of the well system. Ste �vacv�r.S k-2 F. TYPES AND CONCENTRATIONS OF ADMIVES - List any additives that will be used and their concentrations. Only additives,that the Department of health and Human Services'Division of PublicHealth deteriniues do not adversely'affect human health shall be used. A list of approved additives can be found online atlit42:/Iportal.nedenr.org/web/wq/ems/pwi)ro. All other additives require approval prior to use. � -{-e r 2a a l • G. W&ELL DRILLER INFORKATION(if Imown) Well Drilling Conti-actor's Name: M a g t.+ a 131,40r Soc(v MU t f't S lgj'j�s n NC Well Drilling Contractor Certification No.: 3036.4 2 S 7 2 A w 3 1-0$.A Company Nam e; --`a J:K t n ( t .�h C Contact Person: b ao l d Q vat h 2 i q S�J� City:: M'd on V-,(_is_ State: ej& Zip Code;_IL0?a Cotmty:_ Day Tele No.; ��n Cell No...33C— ,3 ?se- Y 7 6 EMAIL Address: _tau;A Q ro w w A t/12d tc i r w 0.1 t., Fax No.; voW% 1I. HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR WORNIATION Coiripany Name:_ r� „ ���,y� ( loot Contact Person.- SA..,:.. F-MAEL Address Address; jeo r3oh 7/so ^ City; Qgio&g- Zip Code: State:Pt;_.County: .(�.�d Office Tele No.; g2 2 CV- m L za Cell No.: Fax No.: UIOCloscd-Loop oeotltenrral Notification(Revised 8/5/2013) Page'2 X. PROTECTION—provide a brief description of how(1)water supply wells;(2)surface water bodies;and(3) septic systems and associated spray Irrigation sites,drain fields,or repair areas.witbin 250 feet of Me proposed injection wells will be protected during construction of the wells: kloodea areaa scir•�,uo �a,r,.lrar W 1 TnIN S$o r-R's latt %lP' Aeecte k .�. 'VAIRIANC,—Pursuant to 15A NQAQ 02C.0241 the Director of the Division of Water Resources may grant a variance from applicable well construction or operation standards provided mat: (1) use of the wells)will not endanger human bealth and welfare or the groundwater;and (2) that construction or operation in accordance with the standards is not technically feasible or the proposed construction provides equal orbetterprotection of the grmindwafer: Any variance request should accompany submittal of this'notification to expedite evaluation of the request. The vhriance request form can be accessed online at http://poital.ncdenr oLg�web%wglaps/gw^prc/pernvt= a�plipations K.. SIGNATURES—'The following,section is to be eorripleted as required below or by that person'.authorized agent. 15ANCAC 02C.U211(e)requiros signatures m follows: (a) for a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer; (b) for a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partber or the proprietor,respectively; (e) for a municipality or a slate,federal,or other public agency; by either a principal elceculive officer or ranking publicly elected official; (d) for all others: by the well owner; (e) far any other person authorized to act on behalf of the applicant: documentation shall be submitted with the notification that clearly identifies the person, .grants thein signature authority,-and is smiled and dated by the applicant. `1 hereby certify, under penalty of law,that 1 have personally examined and ant fan iillar with the information sa mitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals Immediately responsible for-obtaining said irformadon, 1 bellave that the information is true, accurate and colnplele. 1 am aware that there are e significant penalties, including the possibility of frnes.and iniprisorzment, for submitting false iq ormoi on. ,l agree to construct, operate, maka,u.1, repair, ana,if applicable, .abandon the injection.well and all related apparrtenances in accordance with the.1 SA 1VCAC,02C 0200 Rules." �',�•1 � �.-;;ram_ J SignAture of Property OwnerlApplicmit t7oNa�r CRoSL4i�� � Print er Type Full Norte Signature of Authorized Agent,if arty Print or Type Tull Name UIUC.lond-Loop Geothermal Notil5eation(Revised 015/2013) Page 3 l �ohn CfroSJ'�aeet 1 727 Rork ��urE c+. p� mil. goukbe' 0� ' 0 o ose Of P Oi^l4c Guy — lV � .•, � � �•� 30�� CYGsJ'L4tid l727 (Zach (wP- ILA NAPE /A r piu hin � ,Do PS l .,�eYmully l✓nkawce- ����� , Pu„ pea •Fiflo,lv, 60-o,. off- bore •+o 3� 3y?- Suv dace, via �'MhN')' t f^'. . PCA.'Y e 014 pt s' +/'l yv(A. V P rt4 p s�o 3oZ (Zook RE t�slon AUG279200 Water Ouafi Asheville Regional Office 08/29/2016 10:28 COVER FADE TO : FROM : DEWEY WRIGHT FAX : 82826461251 TEL : 8282646125 COMMENT i 08/29/2016 10;28 82826461251 DEWEY WRIGHT PAGE 01 . DEWEY WRIGHT WELL Sr PUMP CO.,INC. "" (828)264-2651/Toll free 1-877-250-3727 105-421 BYPASS-P.O.Box 308 BOONE,N.C.28607 FAX(828)264-6125 a N.C.Water&Air Resources Reg.#266 :91g� N-C.Water Well Contractors License DRILLED W . . C(INTRA(T 15- Date: _ 'For good and valuable mutual corgsiderations as hereinafter set forth,the undersigned Contractor,and each of the undersigned Owner(whether one or more)agree as follows: This contract is made and will be performed subject to all well laws and regulations and specilically to"N.C.Well Construction Regulations and Stan ards:'hereinafre cal d�the Regulations. Co tractor will atte pt to drill ell(s) - on r��{y kscFFtbed below: h I ,I(rV 1 1 on or near Road ft O - will start each hole inches in iameter and finish not less than inches in diame r:to discontinue drilling at Owner's discretion:will furnish and drive 6 1/4 inch.pipe permitted by the Regulations. Contractor guarantees workmanship and materials but DOES NOT GUARANTEE QUANTITY OR QUALITY OF WATER AT ANY SPECIFIED DEPTH. The Drilling Contractor does not assume responsibility for clean-up of residue from the ground drilling or for damage to property.including but not limited to the private road or driveway serving said property,during ingress or egress. Owner will pay Contractor for each hole:(a)in accordance with the schedule below:(b)for labor and materials furnished by Contractor to cap or valve artesian wells.to plug pr seal abandoned holes or non-potable,mineralized or polluted wells;and(c) for any other special requirements pursuant to..the �Regulations. Each of the undersigned warrants that are the legal owners and are seized in fee of the herein described property where the well is to be drilled and have the right to encumber same. This contract is the entire agreement. No agent of Contractor is authorized to vary this contract. No additions, deletions or alterations shall become a part.of this contract unless endorsed and signed by an OFFICER of Contractor by any Owner. I. Cost per foot for drilling: $ I.S e oo per foot *NQTE*Pumping system NOT included in GALV casing: $ per foot price per foot. PVC casing $ per foot &U� (� Q p Grout fee $ I A� � PAYMENT SCHEDULE:Payment for all sums due Contractor will be made: ( ) Cash on completion. (`.+® Within thirty(30)days from date of completion. ( ) Other provisions: IN THE EVENT THiS ACCOUNT IS PLACED IN THE HANDS OF AN ATTORNEY FOR COLLECTION OR SUiT INSTITUTED TO COLLECT. THE SAME OF ANY PORTION THEREOF.I AND/OR WE AGREE AND PROMISE(S)TO PAY ATTORNEY'S FEES OF 15%OF THE BALANCE THEN DUE AND OWING. Regular billing date is the first of each month with the balance due and payable net the 10th. If your account is paid by the loth of the month following billing,only the net amount of the statement will be payable,otherwise.A LATE CHARGE OR FiNANCE CHARGE IN THE AMOUNT OF 1 1/2%PER MONTH CALCULATED ON THE i ST DAY OF EACH MONTH ON THE BALANCE AS OF THE I ST OF THE PREVIOUS MONTH(LESS PAYMENTS AND CREDITS TO SAiD BALANCE)WILL BE CHARGED UNTIL PAYMENT 1N FULL 1S MADE. 1 1/2%PER MONTH IS AN ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF I81/o. DEWEY WRIGHT WELL&PUMP CO..INC. OWNER: Mad� 1F�4 nA10 CONTR OR: OWNER: mto_ktk)Q+ F A-A) By (44 fficer) ADDRESS:�� `•a'4;A�`� CQ / Yt�� �^ PHONE: BY y PHONE: (Agent) r ` 18/29/2016 10:28 82826461251 'DEWEY WRIGHT PAGE 02 0 %13f 7015 . 1 Z:;.3 70437552;-44 MARK 'F AR%IA N LAW PACC 01/03 >) A WORTH CAWLUMA D£. ARTMEMT Ofr PNYWNNME"AND NATURAL R8S0tTK(!C5 N( CA*nON Off'LVMNr TC)C.4lYST UCT OR O+P P�HATt uRJE(mox wmF S TAWW IMBir d- Pwm tld by r&"Md do rW rcgvW aN indtgld g*prretr whom cmwate04 to VCa? oun w#h thet,rl�stll�°C n2C.OP�r1. '' . A+bdscrtheeIf) _nbtlttaotivcllacaritKeyocAbk� ,gstc�`pctNrtxemtr 'pac �•hortcl�A idditi�,ss Ra P+�rt ai t�nothemul heetin��d sari O[t CT EVANMN V�sE a.i a► `�Ei iS As described Is 46 NCM 0C-0273 Lkse walla cicc a1-0twcutt&a 0?M atagwthemul badnSaW I�bdQClkn.ty o� Ikon. 17feptble (s Df�Bo�rti l� . DATE: W C r 210� PRRMIrtFR to (�abaexao�l,�dbyU4VR, (t) Apataua fay s�.�d.M�6�.4��_ _��_�}__ Nleeoba of�elit: 1 t2) D44 Equr"ke(ac Pw 1J A NQtf�0023) %oiber at'wefW, K STATUS+r1F�►I�LL aI��AtRB tchoore gal (t) is Panily Rexia*ce 'snbmit tbia taro(2)L,4SISM d�Yr t►tiec fro w•fbwc3 . �y ilutixr►a�,gernE �a9adt fhb fora�6�,yt r w (3) GDV=Mtnt Sudo onic ipai _ftOdWOt Oils JbM 30 aa)n Prior to woffftmAw C. WELL OWN=--For hulily maid wft list stfe M"v ownar(4 For an Odr1 o..Eid Rom*f tie ' '�r>�t�ttoaROrgssVa�r�;,ab�ncrOudPaiaondelc�dsi�rrta�tlotiq�: - VV fir:<atStj M, sras�y..t�tL Pap cahr?gf� gx1:Iht' 41w �y 7sb Alba�" � Crtl Tiaa WAM (l) Pstonl Edeaa Numba(Pw)arii�ei1 (2) PhpSEW Add=(ifdi>btM than malting`t &um)- C!'L$ti� rm Cl 1 a;L.s�t3 tnG�Csa.ct�q.oa�rrwl?4ucllbr�(�wiW9 itsnn i x� �s . 08/29/2016 10:28 82826461251 DEWEY WRIGHT PAGE 03 � 08/19f2101.6 12'13 7043755294 MARK rARA" LAW PAGE 02103 (Ij Mmm m=bo scaled or edwwiso awu r indicate dhtsnaes rand ot*wstlam al'' r kmo6 *thin 250 Ike'o f rha tgj*oO a wetKs} JAW VA&11 l r, mi itx I pe d wrow. AM"s sibs speclfle+t�a0> rhea Ad 14."tioaa of tte Mrwin$; injection wrrlt tnr�clnns • $dip aya2yenR pad WMAU ad gm ragas « t3ollQlu� sites.tketa Midf,,,or t no" « property bca tAl ria M Surhm wow bedtaD or pdt"m rtn=es of FmAdwams • 1ltPxw%up*grella lAatlta�! C t'lsaa and s o 1014 , s ofshf surface znd FOwf co t�:ctsbuafm f I F. 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Any Wdrf+.etae retiWd eitwld MWMpmy wubMitW of this Wdf=tbe In dXP04& na varinm tsqueu iRtrm Cmj be MOMW online at dludlOA,oFt ltie x SICNA"r`UUM-The Fvllrrtng w%Wa ks to be ogtppl Od as wquimd balow dt bx 1haEpr%Ws iWlhorued• arno, j.SA -.AC-=221 ifel Amptim sires iks fdk& rs 0) Rtr a anWra km by a w ponatble catpoomm o%w, (h) tier m prtmaaipp or sac prowWor 64x by a pomM part>idr or the p Vwktor,base AvW. (s) mr:<mudicl*ky or it stale,federal,or adw put►ilo AWtY' by a4bw a prh-tdp—d euaxitive o9rieworwdci*pablidy cteewl0016ak (4) fix all athaw by the well swam; (a} far W other ptttawi it AOrind to sat a h1half of she mpg am: AXXMMMWOO 9 II t* ieihsiitted. with fbA nottficaim Ow tmdy ldar w*w p mur6 Fm tit aigaaho ,asihmit};�is and dared tyths+�tk�at. "1 bwn6.v ems.Mwer patia7op q/tasa,th=I hang PVTON lJr rw MW4md awe ,tflrur tvbdb Lhe tr#rhw ipm nr&ph&d to"dmme-+1 atnr ON piwcha M G4006 MW A21. 4xms OR br 40piry of fhMW trxllrtdunlx imp+edl4f*►jVmtjWf.)br vA tad W"afiok 1 ew thaj eke tgana4rloat is trw,mtitrntc&Od eaaiiplefa_ f met dwev tlru Arew are A qp tanr pm1brik NbLzbq A*pc1s*Apr nffan and nnpr4paaw;4 far asrbaitt76ig5e u)(btrgQetnn I a tofib:and q,pllcabJ�oJlaadvu chr leyeerts►r►acil mwail w#ft tfst 1 fliEkS',�Rrr(ss a# O~Am t w /bR , des rbo Apmt►nmy lr�i ar PO ttlC�Cwwdloap aaa�A amtfiaaaoa tae+;.oa tlrt►7Ai3) aa•3 --0830�20`1`5 09:38 COVED FADE TO : FROM : DEWEY WRIGHT FAX : 82826461251 TEL : 8282646/ 25 COMMENT : 08/30/2016 09:38 82826461251 DEWEY WRIGHT PAGE 01 DEWV WNeNT WELL & PUMP CO., INC. (828)264-2651 Toil free (877) 250-3727 105 By Pass (P.O. Box 308) Boona, North Carolinas 28607 FAX COVER SHEET Fax: (828) 264-6125 TO: e, l oQ�de FROM: DATE.- PAGES: including fix cover sheet �a r 08/30/2016 09:38 82826461251 DEWEY WRIGHT PAGE 02 �t3 3c b4p, 5 g(p s3, 3's Sly 53, st�4 ,• o(cl• S5 h A)Q a 3 I,� 30.f� ►� I c