HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150074 Ver 1_Shoreline Stabilization_20150120FRED BAIRD BLACKLEY, ASLA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 504 SOUTH DEKALB STREET SHELBY, NORTH CAROLINA 28150 (704) 484 1731 Transmittal \t & Attn:,� Project: Date: ELIf r For: APPROVAL INFORMATION RECORD REQUEST REVIEW COMMENT USE Remarks: Via: US MAIL AIRBORNE_— PICK UP UPS FAX HAND DELIVER OTHER Copies Item Description ee4 vv U'w V For: APPROVAL INFORMATION RECORD REQUEST REVIEW COMMENT USE Remarks: Via: US MAIL AIRBORNE_— PICK UP UPS FAX HAND DELIVER OTHER PA �Q JA Provide three (3) copies of the application and supporting information (maps, drawings, etc.), as well as the appropriate application fee (see below), to the Division of Water Resources, 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 -1617. Applicant Information a Owner Information Please provide complete and accurate contact Information [Agent Information Per 15A NCAC 02H 0502 , an agent maybe given signatory authority for the owner /applicant If a signed and dated copy of an Agent Authorization letter is Included with the application (A sample form may be found at http / /www saw usace army mil/ Portals /59 /docs /regulatory /regdocs /Permits /SAMPLE AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM pd f) — Project Information [/Vicinity/ Site Map: Some type of site map so that someone unfamiliar with the area can locate your project A county map or USGS topographic map indicating the project location is usually sufficient ❑ /Site Plan: A site plan showing the location of the shoreline, location of the impacts to the shoreline and /or lake bottom and the location and any vegetated areas that will be impacted In most cases the site plans do not have to be professionally prepared However, if you intend to conduct hydraulic dredging, professionally prepared drawings [Pill likely be required for the spoil structures See example below hotograph of shoreline to be impacted/ disturbed Description of property (including location information and lat /long coordinates) and existing features on and near the site Description of project and impacts/ disturbance proposed III Signature Per 15A NCAC 02H 0502 , the application shall be considered a "valid application" only if it bears the signature of a responsible officer of the company, municipal official, partner or owner This signature certifies that the applicant has title to the property, has been authorized by the owner to apply for certification or is a public entity and has the power of eminent domain IV -A�hplication Fee The application must be accompanied by the appropriate application fee (checks made out to the NC Division of Water Resources) The application fee is as follows (pursuant to G S_ 143 -215 3D) ➢ $240 00 for Impacts to lake (below normal water level) of less than 1 acre ➢ $570 00 for Impacts to lake (below normal water level) of greater or equal to 1 acre D 12 @14 Od12 -D JAN 2 0 2015 DENR -WATER RESOURCES INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICATION SSGP307980 08-13 &SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATIO 401 & BU FER ZE ITTING 2 0 1 5 0 0 7 4 State of North Carolina DWR Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of NWaer Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02H.0500 — Water Quality Certification, Shoreline Stabilization 'FORM SSGP -10 -2013 Shoreline Stabilization Application Form Three copies of the application (including attachments) and the application fee should be sent to: Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1617 I. Applicant Information [15A NCAC 02H 0502 a ] 1 Owner Information Name Mailing Address ' `' I ��- �� �c�u��a►+n IrJC���B� Telephone Number %1 -I%IZ- `90 %4 Fax Number E -mail Add "rI `�+e��,� k �4 V-- 2 Agent/ Contact Person Information A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter (a form can be downloaded here http I /www saw usace army mil /Portals /� /_c ocs rg�ulatofy /regdocs /Permits SAMPLE AGEN I AU i H ORIZATION FORAA pdf) must be attached if the Agent has signed this application form Name Company Affiliation Mailing Address Telephone Number Fax Number E -mail Address Person to receive the Certification Approval II. Project Information [15A NCAC 02H 05U2_Lq � b ] 1 Attach a vicinity map (i a street map) clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads 2 Provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and proposed locations of vegetation clearing, structures (buildings, retaining walls, docks, impervious surfaces, FORM SSGP 10 -2013 Page 1 of 3 9,4�4 etc ), rip rap, excavation or dredging below Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevations, and construction access corridors You may use the diagram provided at the end of this application form 3 Attach a photograph of the shoreline/ buffer proposed to be stabilized (Include a scale of some sort- a yard stick, shovel handle, etc ) 4 Location of he pro erty (where work is to be conducted) County Nearest Town WU Subdivision /name or site address (_include ph(a�se /lot number) VV tt! �6��l ,�P�C' br 1 ,iA0t-M,It),,(A Directions to site - please include read names and numbers, landmarks, etc Latitude in deamal de rees ' ( g ) � �`�� Longitude (decimal degrees) o 5 Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application (residential, undeveloped, etc)I 6 Property size (acres) 7 Lake/ river/ ocean adjacent to property 8 Describe proposed work (include dis ussion asJto how hardening of shoreline has been avoided, or why it is necessary) low o S'G 9. Will work be conducted from land? Fro ter? 10 Total amount of disturbance (including all excavation, backfill, ip ra , etaining walls, etc ) below the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level in square feet or acres T A�r 11 Total amount of disturbance (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining wails, etc ) above the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level and 50 feet land -ward in square feet or acres- 12 Please describe the vegetation above the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level and 50 feet landward to be impacted (number of trees, for instance). 11 JA Owner /Agent's Signatu Printed Name Date (15A NCAC_ 021-1 _U502JQ1 Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the owner is provided FORM SSGP 10 -2013 Page 2 of 3 )E dG'S ,� ; I t s — xwsk z ?"' P40 S r La ke (At Full Pond/ Normal Water Level) Full Pond/ Normal Water Level Shoreline a pqjcej� Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan (prov1de dimensions for each Item, such as 10 ft x 100 ft)* All proposed vegetation clearing5�" Location of rM'-r- 3P or fill to be placed above the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation V 3/ Location of r or fill to be placed below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation \-4 Location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc a%S Location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation J6 Location of construction access corridors FORM SSGP 10 -2013 Page 3 of 3 BU FALO 2069 194, 070 2070 GLEN V.E. ROS OLD TUBBS 00 RDR M R V L NDA Elq CV jf R 2071 H 9169 N�e rFH W 2068 HAVEN l5iP R I i G 17N)IN� d 09 RD 2600 20 DR liffip g I- R a�l NOR TIMHI ��J�fojlf, pm rp Z 41 "I'M VIM B 067 AiMtll VlE FAIR FARMS I �f L 'E, w cagic� CA LOWMAI+ 911,11c; "ll �l RD ,A,G N D I'MA.-Pk Q 205itANSOOWNE M 2047 ylsHgE ,o\ AV P, R ?052 W, MR, SA*RR '. J(iA' m �xYll_ jj PARK DR !off W, 50 q cr s*N 2033 GANDLEWOoD 7�R j LEI FFALO 'R 4 rvi- "k 0 2063 k' 6io C 'T ELW, FAIR -2 9 m GROUND$ OUNTY % E Q, D qW 2033 L'u 2047 2044 1, 5191 RD OR 7 CA NT _TcLINRD QQE1� 2613 ERBUR Y )UN fs DR LLAK DR O cd RUBY CT Ry_ CT zo /001 0- ?n ER 0 55url R P R U, I gg 4$fA. I 2033 p I 4 F al 01 NOTE - DRAINAGE AREA FLOWING TO ANY POINT ON SV FENCE 511ALL NOT EXCEED ONE ACRE TO INCREASE STORAGE, CONSTRUCT SEDIMENT r7 OR TRAP ABOVE SILT FENCE. SILT FENCE NTS M 0 5 5 L A K E 0 20' 40' GO' SCALE: 1e=20'-0" ii e3 .AGK ULTRAVIOLET RE515TANT RIFI IOOX FABRIC OR EQUAL 1/2'x 1 1/2' OAK POST (54' 8'-0' O.C. MAX. 1X. 5EDIMENT STORAGE LEVEL /3) OF HEIGHT r rRFF IS S �M,* 3 � �• o iFb. T I OFFS ZI ': 3 q�p�1 �CrFb ,611"oo 00 s . � 4w4 w �\Ok 2 �F'PTk U 4- '7S- UJ�� IC44 I• �F�TfCq oe Q I - � q< 47 Q U U �4, F�rIC441.4 M INSTALL AND MAINTAIN SILT FENCE AND OTHER MEA5URE5 FOR DURATION OF PROJECT LAY ERODED SLOPE (VERTICAL AND UNDERCUT AREAS) BACK CREATE 2:1 CUT SLOPE. EXTEND RIPRAP ABOVE EL 7341 AS REQUIRED. MULCH ANY DISTURBED AREA WITH 4' MINIMUM HARDWOOD BARK s HAND -PLACED CLASS 'B' RIPRAP ON MIRAFI 100X FABRIC OR EQUAL 70P ELEVATION - 739.0 (MINIMUM) FULL POND CEL.73G.0) — —� TOE ELEVATION - 733.0 'NOTCH IN' AT TOE TO HOLD STONE IN PLACE --<.)`)tn' \ THOMAS R. a-IOLLF'IELD DI3 1425 PG 1 248 LOT #68 rIcq< G tooJ 5 \ gar E qN Qom, G. ° 0000. ` O4 o�y V b se•e e.e ° "�-,.. •` , 79 pqC T/GIS}.. . sees N" to 00 e. A10 .0 1 ° \ , C44 .. :• : OLD ROADBED 43. n; • CLEAR AND IMPROVE FOR ACCE55 JAIL V 1 e s r • (�jpr`,j ) + t } I 1 i J(j1 3 • LAY BACK SLOPE TO 211 LEGEND • ° ° o0 ° .' 1 •� EXTEND RIPRAP TOE 44 • y MULCH ANY DISTU 4° HARDWOOD BARK �... to • , s e a a e s iYYI! { e e • e °:° 5 U E3 J E G T L O T .e .. .. . to e • ee 0 : :: 00 �`•'�. •°e'e .°em Aubrey hollif ield, II + Jennif er R. , r'EBAR e o ee ee �, to ee LAY BACK SLOPE TO 2:1 :el) R%FiftNCEk DEF0 1425 PAGE 1Go45 -040-y EXTEND RIPRAP' TO EL 739.0 CMINIMUM) BEING LOT #G9 PHA5E 2 SECTION 3 OF THE PONT \w�' MULCH ANY DI'S)TURBANCE USING 4' HARDWOOD BARK PUT BOOK Iq PAGE 51 CLEVELAND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TAX MAP REF: A15g-1-58� PARCEL NUMBER: 48871 LOT #G9 40 ov. 0.91 Acres Q) 0 1 C� 304.6 1 v U N5712 ll1wam.. _, N .......... 7D RE:BAR a EXISTING IRON UNMARKED POINT JAMES H. HOLLINGSWORTH �J FIRE HYDRANT DB 143; PG 1848 — -' SUBJECT PROPERTY LINE LOT #70 ROAD RIGHT OF WAY LINE LINE PLOTTED PER DEED / (UNLESS SHOWN WITH BEARING AND DISTANCE) 704.434.1731 504 5OLITH DEKALB STREET 5HEL13Y. NORTH CAROLINA 28150 BANKHEAD SURVEYING , PA 704--481-1040 1203 EAST MARION ST, SUITE 1 SHELBY, N.C. 28150 BEAVER DAM CH RD 0 N OLD STUBBS ROAD w U w C7 LC BEAVER DAM CH RD LAUREL RIDGE w w U N i SITE c lY VICINITY SKETCH LON E $1' 25' 05' A. hu""'LLIFIELD LOT 120 RIDGEGREST DRIVE GIIERRYVILLE, N G 1-2-51 0Mre—,D THI5 DRAWING 15 THE PROPERTY OF FRED B. BOMS%u A l AND 15 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION. IT 15 NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT AND 15 TO BE RETURNED UPON REQUEST. G,"\DWGt5`' hOLLIA\HOLLIA20.DWG- 01/09/15 HOLLIA20.0WGI 5HEET 1 Of 1