HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020672 Ver 3_Attachment 27 -TREDIS Model_20141124How NCDOT us e s th e TREDIS t o Calculate Economic C o mpetitiveness in the Strategic Prioritization Process March 15, 2013 The economic competiveness "score" is calculated from a nationally recognized economic impact model known as Transportation Economic Development Impact System (TREDIS) that compares the increased , long term productivity an individual highway project brings within a NCDOT highway division. The model compares the potential jobs created , wages increased, and overall productivity or "gross domestic product" gained in an area resulting from the project being constructed (for a 30 year period) compared to the current economic cond itions in that area . The output of the percent change is translated into points used in the project score . TREDIS results are highly dependent on the travel time savings created by a project and the base conditions of the regional economy . NCDOT defines "regional economies" in their ca lculations as the boundaries of the 14 highway divisions . TREDIS translates travel time savings to the expected change in gross domestic product in the region . If the base conditions of the region are weak (i.e ., high unemployment , low wages, unskilled labor force , etc .) and the trave l time savings are great, the project score is high . The same project with similar travel time savings constructed where the base conditions are strong will result in a lower economic competitiveness score (compared to weak base conditions). TRED IS makes no distinction between new location bypass projects and widening projects. In other words, the end result is that TREDIS scores reflect that major, more costly , highway projects in rural areas will have a greater impact in the rural economy compared to similar size highway projects in an urban, vib rant economy. This is one of the reasons that projects are scored within Divisions in an effort to better compare effects of projects on the local economy. The economic competit ive factor is 10% of a project 's overall score . The table below lists a sample of projects and their associated output from TREDIS . The table shows how TREDIS output is sensitive to both travel time savings and the region in wh ich the project is located . I Trav e l TR EDIS I Fin a l Tota l Tim e O utput NC DOT "sco re " in Project STIP# Div. Project Savings (%change adjustment P2 .0-(1 00 Cost (hrs for 30 in GDPw/ point ca p) years) Divis io n) Daniel Boone U-2703 11 $209M 53,680,000 0.2784 % 278.4 100 Parkway Shelby R-2707 12 $321M 102 ,288 ,000 0.2422% 242 .2 100 Bypass 1-40 Widening between NC 4 $65M 6 ,241 ,000 0.0159 % 15 .9 15 .9 42 and NC 210 1-40 W iden ing be tween US 70 Business l-5111BA 5 $66M 23 ,948 ,000 0 .0142% 14 .2 14.2 and US 70 Bypass TREDIS also has the ability to score highway and non-highway projects such as new passenger rail , freight rail , or new transit service . Attachment 27