HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221681 Ver 1_Signed DM_20221128United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Decision Memo November 2022 Beachertown Road ERFO Project National Forests in North Carolina Nantahala Ranger District, Nantahala National Forest Macon County, North Carolina For Additional Information Contact: Nantahala Ranger District 90 Sloan Road Franklin, North Carolina 28734 (828) 524-6441 Decision I have decided to implement a project to reconstruct approximately 140 feet of stream bank along the Nantahala River adjacent to the Beachertown Road where a 2018 storm event resulted in severe bank erosion and damage to the Forest Service road. The existing rip -rap will be removed and reconstructed while also incorporating an in -stream rock structure to turn water flow away from the stream bank and protect the road. One -additional culvert nearby will be replaced. The areas proposed for work have been previously disturbed by road construction and prior maintenance activities. *The flagged section will be designated as `no work' until the Heritage component is satisfied (TOT concurrence is required on segment of NFSR-308 that is within V2 mile of the TOT corridor). Reasons for Categorical Exclusion of Project Decisions may be categorically excluded from documentation in an Environmental Impact Statement or Environmental. Assessment when they are within one of the categories identified in the Code of Federal Regulations 36 CFR 220, and when there are no extraordinary circumstances related to the proposed action. This project is excluded under 36 CFR 220.6(d)(4) Repair and maintenance of roads, trails, and landline boundaries and 36 CFR 220.6(e)(18): Restoring wetlands, streams, riparian areas or other water bodies by removing, replacing, or modifying water control structures such as, but not limited to, dams, levees, dikes, ditches, culverts, pipes, drainage tiles, valves, gates, and fencing, to allow waters to flow into natural channels and floodplains and restore natural flow regimes to the extent practicable where valid existing rights or special use authorizations are not unilaterally altered or canceled. a. Federally listed threatened or endangered species (TES) or designated critical habitat, species proposed for Federal listing or proposed critical habitat, or regionally sensitive (S) species Biological reviews conducted in September 2022 determined that the actions will have no effect to any TES species, or designated critical habitat, species proposed for Federal listing, proposed critical habitat, or sensitive species. b. Floodplains, wetlands, or municipal watersheds A small portion of the floodplain of the Nantahala River would be affected but the design would provide improved hydrologic function at the site. No other floodplains would be affected. c. Congressionally designated areas, such as wilderness, wilderness study areas, or national recreation areas No project activities are proposed in any congressional designated areas. d. Inventoried roadless areas (IRAs) No project activities are proposed in any IRAs. e. Research natural areas (RNAs) The project area does not include any RNAs. f. American Indian and Alaska Native religious or cultural sites, archaeological sites, or historic properties or areas The proposed undertaking would occur within the 0.5-mile consultation corridor for the National Parks Service Trail of Tears route. No construction or ground disturbing activities will occur within this corridor until concurrence is received from consulting Tribes through coordination with the Regional Office. The TOT corridor boundaries on Beachertown Road have been flagged for avoidance until concurrence is obtained. Purpose and Need for the Action The purpose of the project is to repair a Forest Service road which was damaged during a storm event in 2018. The site was temporarily stabilized but does not meet forest safety guidelines for roads open for public use. The reconstruction would provide a safer road prism while also improving the hydrologic function at the site. Scoping and Public Involvement The scoping process - - the means to identify the presence or absence of any extraordinary circumstances that would warrant further documentation in an EA or EIS - - and the public notification process were conducted in September 2022. The Interdisciplinary team for the Nantahala National Forest conducted site visits and completed the determinations of effects analyses summarized in the Reasons for Categorical Exclusion of Project section of this DM. Public outreach was conducted through telephone calls and email correspondence with individuals, other government agencies (North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission), and organizations (Nantahala Outdoor Center) known to be interested in the management of streams and aquatic ecosystems on the Nantahala Ranger District. The project received universal support. Findings Required by Other Laws Forest Plan Consistency — The actions in this decision are consistent with the National Forest Management Act of 1976, with the LRMP, and with all amendments to the LRMP. Endangered Species — Implementing the actions in this decision will not affect threatened or endangered species, or result in loss of any other species' viability, or create significant trends towards Federal listing of the species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Cultural Resources — Consistent with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the actions in this decision will not adversely affect any sites listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places, nor will they cause the loss or destruction of significant scientific, cultural or historic resources. Notice, Comment, and Appeal Opportunities This decision is not subject to appeal pursuant to 36 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) 214.4. Implementation Date Implementation of this decision may occur immediately. TROY Y Date District anger Nantahala Ranger District