HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-10409_Well Construction - GW1_20221116 WELL CONSTRUCTION-RECORD FarIricntnlFJscON41`. This form can be uscd roT.sirig{r or multiyk acctls 1.We1CCantrtctbrTafarntatiott: L1.WATER ZON[S- Brian Ewing FROM TO DFaCRTPTION �uctl{nrArtdnr Narne 4240-B NC.We11 CoufmclorCertifwbtianNunbet AS.OUTER CASING(fni muhl-caged aYAs)OR LiNER iif rt Fcabkl FRO\r TO PLkNIFTER, 7IIIC[u�tESS -T MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc ft. rL i I Cno�:rnp Nor,w 16:INNER CASING OR 111BING eolNerrnrl clused-loo FROM I TO DMMETER- THICKNESS I MATERIL 2,Well Construction IIyi.. it 3 TOCR. 15 fY. 2" SC1 -40 PVC list alJr.,ppil.cahlc Ke1l panruts.(i e.CntrnMt Stti'tr.,-1'nrinrrcr,lf�ecb'p1 rtr;) rt. Ft. J.wel[Ise(checl.ivdi use): z7:SCREEN Water so1 ply.Well; FROM I TO DLtinreTF6t I •51.OTSVT T1nM'NrSs TIATRR(At;. C1Agricuttttrat 0M.Pliicipi7111�1tbW 15 ft, 25 ft, 2" ta, O10 SCH-40 PVC ®Geo(helntal ftatingXooling Supply) Mesidential Water Sttppl},(single) R. IL ❑ladustriallConmtercial DRcsidcnGal Water Supply(shared) 1N.-GROUT FROM TO NIAT6RL%L- I E%IPI.ACnJ`0iT AFMOD NNIOt1NT ❑Irii" Lion ft, rl Non Wiaq Supply Well: it. ft, ®h,tonitoring. C1l;cco�rr)• InJertton Well: tt.• fL 0AquiferRcchargc 13Groundls:itcrRcntcdiation 19.SANDlGR4LYeL PACK fit prlicab&c)' 'i'RIlS1' TO S1xrF;Rr1r, 7F RNIPIACEWAT\Ir:THOU l7AiinikuStoraacarA)`l:mot'ety 13* inily Bardcr 13 R. 1 25 fl. FILTER SAND # 2 CJAquifcrTest �ISivrintirntcrDiatn ;c ft.. rr. ❑bysciimcnial Ttchnologt� bgithsidcrw 6nirvl 20.DRILLING,LOG(l umfi additional sheets if wessan•) EIG:otllclnml.(Closed ,00p) OTracer FROST TO DESCR1Pr10N(ookr.bantuc".wt1'rnek fir li0m.et.) ❑Geodiermal(fIeating;Ctloling Return) ❑Other(explain under 92 1.Retuad s) 0 it. 15 fL FILL SAND/SILT MOIST TO WET 15 4L, 25 fL MOIST TO WET SILT/ CLAY 4.l?ate:NYell(s)C#niltleled: 9-27-22 We11ID#A4TW-S-03 it. fL g1 INY111A1C3 iunf tl fL r 'r°~l Fi Seymour Johnson AFB ft. FaciliipVwncrNaw.e Fact7ite TWO{1'eappi6bJc) ( ft. rt. NUV 1 6 202t-- 1050 Wright Brothers Ave., Goldsboro, NC, 27534 ft. ft, et�l��al'A���S�C�te.,�naz��I ;zt_RF:nL�ltss �, Wayne BENTONITE 11 TO 13 CtM,nt,' Pomxl 1r6lifu,,j1iuu No,(PIN) ih.I ttititdc and.[�inlfltllc in Co ar dccitnal degrees: 22.Certification: (if4ll iEald,t»rl la1.7p ia�fuffiCul) r W Br n Ewi rig. ® 10/4/2022 Signature o recrtifrcd wti.l Contrxtdr Gate 6.Is(arc)the R'ell(y)t t7Parinanent or ETemporary Mr�i nin•lFis arm,..irerebr crrfe rhaf the n•r11.r t•,Ya ire)rawiruefed in aceordm,re s h t Yt• (1 . fr•• . with 151%NCAC 02C.0100 or•1 sA NGtt;'-02C,0200 u�rJ t onsrrrierfafr Srnrt imds and IJurr a 7.h'thisarnpairfo;mcxisti49ivcll•• oyes .or MNo capr'6j0,J1FreC0rd ashrrnptnrid4•draillr'iiedlmcitrr, tJnSis tt_a n J�rrr fall e�rt Cm�irw i,'cft�xarnmlc7rrlrrjiamu rlrui 4raif r ti?labt rJ,c turmre ojrile nprarrtem$erb"I rMaIksa x'frianoriv,the bait:e+,i'thdsfarm, 23.Site diagragi"or additional Nelldetaik.- You may.6se a�ls5cb'of tills phi&to--provide.addid6nil tf,•ell site details of well S.Number of xtells critrstructed: 1 consituction details: You otnv also attach'rWitionaipiages if necessary. Farm:�lrl�fr b0'ey%4N(nr Rts%S4vrer fal!J,J,ti•iricll3 Oiti'LI'reed(rh,•.strma tviirstrirertar,}•tu,tvjn .safta,itmvc,,i:rio: SUBMITTAL INSTUC.TIONS 9.6ial hell depth belazriand surftice: 25 (ft.) 24a. For All.Wells ;Subfdt this fmTn within 3b days of conrptctit d of well F r attailrlale lrelh li,ti rdi4ep as trdoerefil tcxatn 7c-7 n 00'nrul'.' :Jir(tg con5tntcii0o to the foltnMina: 10.Static' water level hclow tap of casin . (ft.) Division, of wate-r kpd,urcty,]information PrE testeing Unit, If weller level b above cviskg.tree^+" 1617 Alail Se i-viee Center,,lttleigh,NC 2760-1617 1l,Borehole diatncici:a•zs" (in) tab.Eor UtW- od Weds ONLY: in addition to sending die forni to lire address in 246 6r&e.Aw 6btuit`a copy of this fotill within;o da_�s•of completion of rvell 12.Well construction method: BORED Lons'itudioti to the following! ti.e.auger rotate.cnbk,'direct Vasil eta.) Division at'Water Rcsoti to es Undct ground[nJecti(}lt Couttrcil Prrlgra61; FOR WATERSU•PPLY WELLS ONLY: i636 hf ril Service Center.RnteighiNC.27094636 13a Yield(gent) 21c.Four Water Supply&Injection Wells: Method of test: Also subdlit otte cope of tills fonit.within 30 days of completion of 13h.Ditinftxtian fret, Amount atctl conslntctibn to the cormty health department ofthe-cotlnhcic,:wh consitimcd. Fenn MIA Nonh Carolina Depaornent of£nvironnxta and Nautral Resources-Divi;Ion ofNA'alcr Ftesotro¢ Revised Atgust-V t3