HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-10371_Well Construction - GW1_20221115 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far Internal Use ONLY: This form can be Used for single or multiple Neils 1.Well Contractor Information: 1-1.WATER ZONES Zach Thompson FROM TO DFSL'Rtt'fR)� 1�cJIGorAractortrame R. ft. e. n. 4478A NC Well CantinerarCcriiiizationNimber .OUTER CASING abr'Qulll isiselrnellsl OR f:ItYER'l a'"fltabk FROh1 TO DL4�rETHR TnIC�C,'vE55 MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft. 1 140' fL 6" in Schedule 0PVC Coa%piq-Nana WANNEWCAStNG OR:TUBING 1krrnal closed-loo :. FROM TO DMIETER THICKNESS hfAIERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit#: R. ft. hL Lf5r91117pplicable wallprrmils(Le.Caanht St¢te,drariartre.f1a:t9at err...) 3.Well Use(checicwell usc): I7_SCRClN Water Supply Well: FROM TO DTAINIFTFR SLOTS17% THICKNMS I MATERIAL ❑Agmultural ONfunicipallPubjic ft. rL iR, ®Geothermal(Heating,'Cooiing Supply) ❑Residential Watcr Supply(single) rL ft. is ❑ludustrial/Conunctcial ®ResidentialWiter Supply(shared) 1&GROUT FROM To ,rrTEItIAL earPLACEM TMEfI1QDRAh1oDNC ❑liri ation 0 ft. 140, ft. Portland CeiTtatection Nan-Water Supply Well: tL ENtonitodng l]Rcco-cry IL Injection well: n. IL DArtuft Recharge []Groundwater Rcmcdimion 19.SANDIG%LVEL PACK Gf olicabtel FROM TO I MATERIAL. I ftMP1JkCn7EVTM►TNO11 ❑ATiifer Storage and Recovery OSalinity Barrier ft ft. ❑AquiferTcst ❑Slorrmvatcr Drtiiiaac fL ft. ❑Expctimcotal Toclmologp ❑Srtbsidcncc Ca1ltloi rltl;DRILLIII G'I.OG(ausch addhiovial skdg if i►eeessan•1 ❑Grwiliemtal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer .FROM I TO DESCRIrrllOv evbr.harduen,w4nkktr tea eie.I ❑Gevthennal(HeatirglCoollug Retum) ❑Outer(m-plain under 921 Remark) 0 ft. 651 ft, Brown silty sand 65' ft. 501' fL Rock 4.Date NVeli(s)Completed, 10-6-2022 WtIE[)#RTKM 22-392 ft. ft. ip;Well Gtcatinn: ft. tL ( - Albemarle ft. IL FacilitpOwncrName Facility ID#(ifapplicable) R z . ft. �% LUL 348 Holiday Inn Dr. Kings Mountain, NC 28086 Cleve, , , (t. fL m;�faltriti;,ie;l ear,^^ •�-- PhtiTical.address.City.and zip 2 L RE61ARtCS Open Borehole from 1401-5011 Canna• Parcel l&jilif(Calign No.(FIN) Sb.I atitude and I.Qngitude in dcgrccslminutes/seconds Dr decimal dcgnecs: 22 Certification: (lfett ll fiord,One I4long is gldiicletd) 35.1331 N 81.2058 W 10/7/2022 Sigiuture ofCchified Well Contractor Dale 6.Is(are)the.well(s): EPermanent or DTemporary Hy signing tiers farm.1 hercL}•eertife chat rhr u•d!(s')x-rtt{krry.).euarrnreted is aecorrl.mcr with PM NCAC 02C.o1(k)or 13A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Coj istrij criar Srarrlards and door a 7.G this a retiair to an existing well: ❑Yes or ®No copy ofthit rrconl has(nien pmeidvd ra rile en:ll metier, 11 this Is o repalr,fill calf knuarl Ivell caiutnfeefon hrfonwfion and a plabi rho rutrare of flit repair andcr a131 remarks arclina or as the brisk of this•fornc 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page:to provide additional well site details or[sell S.Number of wells cottstrncted: 1 construction details. You ulay also attach additional pages if ttn:essary. For rnulrlple lydeerla)i or nevi-roarer Wplr Ivells ONLY mlrh die same eoirsrrurtion,}eau can sui<rnitane form. SURNICPTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface. 501 (p,) 24a. For all Welly: Subtuit this fame within 30 days of completion of well For nwhiple lve'lls fin off dep bs if different(trample-30200Y arul 2@ IM) constmetion to tha foltowing: 10.Static water level below top of casing' (!Y,) Division Uf Water Resaurces,Information Processing Unit, if 1valer level Lr above casing:am"+" 1617 Mall Service Center,ltalei*NC 27699-I617 11.Borehole diameter. OLO 24b.Fnriirleceinn Welly ONLY: in addition to sending the foul to the address in 24a above.also submit a copy of this forru within 30 days of completion of well 12,Well construction method:HSA/Air Rotary construction to tlw following: (i.e.au.•r.rumq,cable direct paste etc.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Ltjecdon Control Prngtz»tt, FOR NVATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a,Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24c.For Water Supply&Injection Wclls: Also submit one copy of this forth'within 30 days of completion of 13h.Disinfection typt. Amount well construction to the county health department of the counh-where constructed, Fenn GW-t t+onh Calnllnt Depumtrnt of Emirorun_ni and Warns!Rmurces—Divii Ion of WalrrRL--atrCeS Revised,trgust V 1.1