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GW1-2022-10369_Well Construction - GW1_20221115
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For ttacnml Use ONLY: This form can be used far single or mWtipk wells 1.Will Contractor Information: 14AVA HRZONtS Zach Thompson FROM TO uFSCBIPr1ON %viekorilmoorName 4478A fL 1L NC Wcll Cor=IarCcrtifWionNumbei tS.OUfER CAsS1NG(r6ri-niiht casrd'Rillsti OR-LINER(if.-d flcable FRONT TO pE�34F,TGR TrITCKNESS NTAT1 RTAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 fL 34 IL 1 6" tn. Schedule OStainless Ste e Caa}p:utl Nanr t6. N%TR'CASING.OR TUBING' poil►ermal-laced-loa FRONT T4 OL"IETLR TuierNESS hrATERUL 2.Well Construction Permit#: R. ft, tl+ 141 rr11 apPlirnblr aril penQ$(1-r.Cnunra,S140e,YlrialWe.11yaC6 re,Clr.) 3.Well Use(ehceicwdl ase); t7:s(:RiEN Water supply Well: FRONT I TO DtAM TFIt 5WTSI7,E TNICK14M I NIATRRIAL ❑ilgriculttual Mfuaicipalftblic 341 R. 2001 R, 6" in, 020 Schedule 40Stainless Steel ®Geothermal(IleatinglCooling Supply DResidentialVater Supply(single) fL I It in' ®bidustrial/Conunercial ©Residential Water Supply(shared) 'to GROUT FRONT To NL\TERGL EMPLACENTENT IFMOD&AMOUNT ohligation 0 fr. 261 fL. Portland C fection Non-Water Supply Well: tt. rL ®Monitoring QReCON-cry Injection Well: R- re, ❑AquiferRcchargc 0 roundwaterRemcdiation 19:SANDIGRAVELPACK fifalqflicAbILY, sRONr T(r M1TATF,Rt4r. HNlr1A('F:Ni\TH►THpn ❑Aipaifcr Storage arid Recovery QSalinityEarricr 311 fr. 2001 it, Filtered Sand #3 ❑Agxu(crTcst QStoramatcrDra1mgC ❑Experimental Technology 13'subsidcr►cc Control 20:DRiGLI1\C'LOG(attach addltion�al nliceldif tnccssan• ❑GeodIctuad(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer FROM 'M DESCRnTUD\mbr,ant dnev soli-rock 1 , 'n wk N dal ❑Geotlaemral(FIeatin VCooRng Retum) []Other(esplaitt under 921 Rewatts) o- fL 1001 iL Brown silty sand 100- (L 2001 fL Rock — 4.DateWells)Coulpleted: 10-27-2022r cl1W#RTRM 22-413 - �'-" ft. ft. 'f En Se,.Well Location: fL fL N ov Albemarle ft. ft. �' Fac ityotMvocrNamc Facr7ity1W(ifapplimble) R. ft. �t3ie - r-.-- C�l 348 Holiday Inn Dr. Rings Mountain, NC 28086 Cleve, R. fL Plnskal Addccss.City-and Zip 121-Rl:WUWS Bentonite Seal from 261-311 Coanly Auto Idi.nliftcallan No,(PIN) Sb.Latitude and Lquigitude in degrecs/minutes/seconds or decimal degr'ecs: 22.Certification: (lfuoll Wd,wx IaD7orig bs,afucicrd) 35.2257 N -81.3575 10/30/2022 Signatum of Ceitificd Well Contactor Date 6.Is(are)the well(s); glPennanent Or ❑Temporary By signing Ikfx form,1 hereby Terrify Thar Me srd)(s)vox(wrne)canvinrered ur accordance with 15A,YCAC 02C.01(k7 or 15A NCAC 02C,0:(47 11elf Comirardo4 SlarRlards and r1yua 7.Is'tltis a repairto an edstingwell: oVev or ENn CtVyofrhir remni has beal pmvith-d ro lhr sny1l miner, ifWs it a repair,fill out kaoirlt wall eonymwdoa brforat fire dyad explain the tutrare of die repair underd31 ronarls srclion or an ME bark-of Mir form- 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use(he back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Nuutber of wells constructed: 1 constmction dewily. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For;4drl pie lq*rlon or'aan-starer supply wells ONLY mirh rile same C017WIrclitnt,}Kau ema subma one fowl. SUDNIITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth behove land surface:. 200 (D,) 2.1a. For all Wells: Submit This form within 30 days of comptetion of well For rnnirlple wells list all deprbs lfd{Qerew(exwxple-3@200'a1u12@ 100'y construction to the fotlolsing; 10.Static water level below top of casing; (t1,) Divisiuu of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, lfitwer level is ahave cusiag.use"+" 1617 Mail Senice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-I617 11,Borehole diameter.lo" (in.) tab.Fnr Fnfectlon 1,4e.11c ONLY: In addition to sending the foml to the address in 246 above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of%%ell 12.Well construction method:HSA/Air Rotary conshuctiosh to the following: (Lc.auger.mian•,cable,direa push ctc.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY- 1i636 Moil Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Vidd(gpm) Method of test: 24c-For Water Supply&Injectlon Wells: Also submit one copy of this fonn within 30 days of completion of 13h.Disinfection typm Amount: well construction to the county hcahth department of the county where constructed. FarmGW-1. NoahCamtnaDtlkwinemofEnvironurtoant,"Lana!Resources-Division ofWmcrResaurcm Revised August-V13