HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0005763_2011 Annual Report_20120328740s,14 l o �- Annual Report Review Class A Distribution I. Class A Annual Distribution and Marketing/Surface Disposal Certification Form • Was a certification form submitted? 11 �S �► �l • Was distribution conducted during the reported year? A dl • How many dry tons were distributed? IA A • Were the distributions within the permitted amount? �! • Were recipients information listed? • Did it indicate compliance? -S • Was form complete? • Was it signed by the appropriate people? Y �S 2. Monitoring • Were the analyses conducted at the required frequency? • Were the metals analyses reported on the Residual. Sampling Summary Form? • Were the results reported in mg/kg? • Were the metals within ceiling concentration permit limits? • Were the metals within monthly average concentration permit limits? • If no, were the lab analyses attached? • Were all the required parameters tested? • Was TCLP analysis conducted? • Were the TCLP contaminants within regulatory limits? 3. Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction • Was a signed copy of the Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction Form submitted? • Did the form indicate the period of coverage, the residual class, and the pathogen reduction alternative and the vector attraction reduction option used? • Was the appropriate documentation to show pathogen and vector attraction reduction included in the report? • Was pathogen and vector attraction reduction demonstrated according to 40 CFR Part 503 or 2T? 4. General • Was the report in the proper format? i es • Were any parts of the annual report missing? 0 o J • Was the report submitted on time? No — Pcv'c� ����',3k 3�219/ 2- Tuckaseigee Water & Sewer Au th6rity Serving Jackson County 1246 West Main Street Sylva, NC 28779 Ph. (828) 586-5189 Fax (828) 631-9089 March 9, 2011 DENR/DWQ/Water Quality Section Non -Discharge Compliance Unit 1617 Mail Service Unit Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Attn: Non -Discharge Compliance Unit, 1 1 -A I All . 110, 4 ECEWED Asheville Regional Office A uifer Protection Enclosed is the Annual Residuals Report for theTuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority Residuals Stabilization facility (permit #WQ0005763) for the period of January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011. No residuals were made 4vailable to the public during 2011. All sludge generated at the facility during 2011 was hauled to a designated landfill in GA. Should you have any questions or if 1 can provide you any additional information, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sinceerre-ly, Stan Bryson Wastewater Plant Operations Superintendent Tuckaseigee Water & Sewer Authority Enc. RFjZjj." MW 2 8 in 2012. �0 nnatti n { roc®.3gyng Unit xc: Mr Randall Turpin, Chairman, Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Auth. Board of Directors (cover letter only) �P i ECEWED APR 02 2012 Asheville, H09110ntll Oiiice Aquifer F'ro�n Ai AL SEWAGE SLUDGE REPORT OF TUCKASEIGEE WATERAND SEWER AUTHORI Y R for the period ®f January 1, 2011-December 31, 2011 as required by 40PART 's STANDARDS;e DISPOSAL OF ti SLUDGE Rl,� MAR2g2 012 "nrOrmafion Processing DWQ? 30G knit i TABLE OF CONTENTS (I REPORTING- ,TR,.�ELriWr1i1 TT� vS/PEIRT NET,41T ITNFveuWYNT (2) CERTIFICATION APPENDIX (a) 2011 distrubution and marketing summary Parts A and B. (b) 2011 annual sludge production data (c) 2011 monthly sludge production data 0 Facilities responsible for reporting annually are described in the regulations as: 1. Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) with an average design influent flow rate equal to or greater than 1.0 MGD. 2. POTW's serving a population of 10,000 or more. 3. Class I (facilities with an approved pretreatment program) sludge management facilities. The Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority Wastewater Treatment Plant recently completed - construction on an upgrade is now rated as a 3.5 mgd facility. ` The facility also treats the sludge from two additional plants owned by the authority. Pertinent information includes: facility name: Tuckaseigee Water & Sewer Authority Plant # 1 NPDES # NC0039578 correspondence address: 1246 West Main St Sylva NC 28779 physical address: 1871 North River Rd Sylva NC. 28779 facility operator: Stan Bryson Wastewater Plant Operations Superintendent ph.828-586-9318 - PART IV - CERTIFICATION " I certify under penalty of law, that the Class A pathogen requirements in 40 CFR, Part 503.32 have not been net and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR, Part [503. 33(b)(6)] has not been met due to no residuals being made available to the public during 2011. All sludge generated at the facility during 2011 was hauled to a private landfill in GA. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Signed this 9th day of ' March , 2012. tan Bryson, astewater Superintendent .ANNUAL, -DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING/ SURFACE DISPOSAL, CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PERMIT #; WQ0005763 FACILITY NA)QIE: Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority/TWSA Plant # 1 PHONE:. (828)586-9318 COUNTY:. Jackson , OPERATOR: Stan Bryson, LA# 13180 FACILITY 'TYPE (please check one): Surface Disposal (complete Part A (Source(s) and "Residual In" Volume only),and Part C) . Distribution and Marke in (complete Parts A, B, and C) Was the facility in operatioa during the: past Galen ar year? [ Yes No If No skip parts A, By C and certify form below Part Ax: Part B*: Vol ume (dry tons) Rec ien n Solirces(s) (include NPDES # if . ` applicable) : Arnerdment/ amResidual In Product Out Ne(s) Volume (dry Intended uses) Bulking Agent Mons) January February. March No residuals were made ; April . ' available to the public - MAY during 2011 June July August September October' November December Totals Annual d tons 0 0-71 0 F ,. 0 Amendmei I Bulking A ent s used: If more "space than given is required, please attach additional information sheet(s). ' E3Check box if additional, sheet(s) are attached Part C facility yeas compliant during calendar year with all conditions of the permit (including but'not limited to items 1-3 below) issried by the Division.®f Water �ualdty� Ycs' [ No .'If No.,please provide a written description why the facility was, not compliant. I. All monitoring was done iri -accordance with the permit and reported for the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached 2: ,All operation and maintenance requirements -were compiled with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality: 3. No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards` occurred at a monitoring well. "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am -aware - that thgre are si nficant penaltie' for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing viola " tions - ,Signature of PeRnIttee 16at6 Signature of Prepares**, Date (if different from Permittee) **Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) DENR FORM DMSDF (11/2005) 'ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR AI'TRA:CTIONREDUCTION FORM I+'a eility Nantne:. Tuckaseigee Water, and Sewer Auth. Perauflt` hTuffiiaer. - WQ0005763 ''TP 1'�a�ne: TWSA Plant #1, NPI)ES Dumber NC0039578. - Monitoring Period:, From '-1/1/2011 Toy. 12/31/2011 : Pathogen " . n Reduction (40 CFR-'503.32),'-Please indicate level achieved and alternative perf®ed: Class A: Alternative 1 Alternative 2 . Alternative 3 p ` -, Alternative 4� - .:Alternative 5 - Alternative 6 applicablealternative performed (Cuss A only) indicate G6PTM®cPss te`I+pHr!-her Reduce Pathoget Compost [3 Heat Drying- Heat Treatment Thermophilic, 0 Beta I�ayGamina Rays Pasteurization 0- Class B: `Alternative 10 Alternative 2: 0 Alternative 3 " If -applicable to alternative performed (Class',B'only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pad Lime Stabilization 0 -Air Drying 0 Composting 0,, 1 Aerobic Digestion Anaerobic Digestions If applicable to,alternative performed (Class A or Class B) complete thtfollowiug niannitoring data: Parameter. Allowable Level in -Sludge Pathogen Density Number o£ Excee- Frequency q Y of Sample Type Analytical Yt Tech - Minim Geo'.lVlean `axim Units 2 x.10 to. the 6th :. power WN,per No residuals were ~made available to. the, public during 2011 gram of total, solids or 2 x 1.0 to Fecal Coliform , the 6th power 1000 mpn per. gram of total solid weight Salmonella bacteria 3 MPN per 4 (in lieu of fecal grams total solid coliform wei t Vector Attraction'Reduction (40 CFR 5031.33) - Please indicate option performed: Option 1 11 ' Option-2 ❑ Option 3 0. Option 4 0 Option 5 0 Option 6 Option 7. 0ption"8 0 10ption 9 Option 10 ® No vector attraction reduction options were performed CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please cheep the appropriatee-statemeBnt) "I certify; under peanalty ®f taw; that the pathogen requirenneuts in 40 CAR 503.32 and the *eet®r... attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFX503.33 have been met." "I ,certif ,, under ppni�lty of Iaw, that the :pathogeny requirements in, 40 CFR 503.32 and th vector.+ attraction reduction regirement in 40 CFR 503.33'nave.'not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanatiati why you havc not met one or both'of the requirements.) ' "This deters ina been made under my direction and ;superv4sion,in- accordance, with, the systeffi designed to, ensure that qualified persongnel'p�'®lgerly_gather and evaluate the information eased to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reductions -requirements have been met. F. am aware that there are -significant peffnaltaes for false ce'rtnficatnon innclud.i a and nffiprisonment" 'Stan Bryson; WWTP"Superintendent Pre Name and Title (type' or print) Land Applier Name, and Title- (if applicable )(type or print) Signature of Prepares ate., ,"Signature of -Land Applier. (1pJK9) RF. (5/2003)Date Appendix (b). 2011 Sludge ro ctio Data APPENDIX B 2011 SLUDGE PRODUCTION DATA TWSA PLANT # 1 (15 mgd) NPDES # NCO039578 Sludge devk7atered-on belt press.................................................................2,416,440 gallons total tons...............................................222.61 tons total metric tons............................................201.g1 dn-y metric tows The following residuals were included in the above totals. TWSA PLAN�TT # 2. (.5 Yngd). NPDES # NCO020214 Sludge Hauled to Plant # 1 digestor............................................................. 325,243 gallons totaltons............................................................. ........... 37.28 tons total metric tons...............................................................33.81 dry metric tons TWSA PLANT # 3 (.2 mgd) NPDES # NCO063321 Sludge Hauled to Plant # 1 digestor............................................................. 64,521 gallons.......................................... . total tons .................................... . 6.50 dry tons total metric tons.................................................................5.90 dry metric towns All of the sludge that was generated at the Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority during 2011 was hauled by a private contractor to a designated landfill. Landfill: R and B Landfill - 6.10 Prank Bennett Rd. Homer, GA 30080 A total of 1376.14 wet tons were hauled to the landfill during 201 L Copies of haul tickets can be provided ii needed. TWSA Annual Residual Operation Totals 2011 SLUDGE FEED Polymer Usage Press Run Time Sludge Hauled to Landfill DATE % Solids Gallons Dry Ton lbs days hrs Wet Ton Jan. 2.2 313,979 29.18 456.6 8 89.7 118.41 Feb. 2.1 516,938 44.96 703.6 15 188.3 188.28 Mar. 1.9 312,128 24.68 532.8 9 95.7 114.94 Apr. 2.2 350,307 32.33 608.7 10 107.7 103.66 May 1.5 261,746 17.64 • 399.3 9 84.2 83.24 Jun. 1.9 39,460 3.12 38 1 10.3 120.33 Jul. 3.3 183,337 30.50 57 3 51.0 64.72 Aug. 0 0,00 0 0 0.0 0.00 Sep. 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 220.00 Oct. 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 243.99 Nov. 2.2 292,740 26.83 6 62.2 118.57 Dec. 2.2 1215, 805 13.37 6 54.0 0.00 M®nthl av 2. 201 370 18.55 279.E 6 61.9 ytd total 2 416,440 222.61 2 796.0 1 67 743.1 1,376.14 of days press was run 67 Total # of hours press was ran 743.1 # of days lime was added 0 _ Avg. # of hours press was run/day. 11.1 Estimated Annual wet ton of dewatered sludge produced 1172 Estimated Annual wet ton of Class A Residual produced 0 Estimated Annual wet ton of Class A Residual distributed to the public - 0 TOTAL 3 .28 X .907 metric.ton/English don 33.8 Dry metric 'Eons MONTH Date ` . Gals .Hauled To TWSA # 1 %SOLIDS TOTAL DRY TON Hauler Janua Februa 1110 00' , March 3/2 2.& 3/4 2.6 3/5. spilled sample, 3/6 2.7 3/7 2.3 3/10 2.5 April ��y�nj dppi�pp ', , 1 r 1 td t t� 'i Pv F tfl IVi.4 may ay IUfntt#h Ta1�al {i. - -_ !::� t r ,. , June Jul 7/5 2.5 7/6 2.1 7/8 2. 7/12 2.6 IVl6htfif:.w. k T fail, Au ust O'j�y��. yy��''.Ipp�""/� ni6� i VLa' i x..� f' .: 4 >!Ft September 9/25 2.2 . 9/26 2.3 9/27 2.3 9/28 2.2 9/29 2.3 9/30 2. .2 r F *Athl Jl,l tad d't b,s l ,� October 10/1 2,400 2.4 0.24 obthl „Tofal , ., ;.,; _ `' . *. ,„ : ',' ,..,. November M®' N .TmtaO �..... , : ..''.': . ' `P . , {......' ..!..,`.':,0. r ,;, `. „ . 0' , ,:.,....., Q.Q. December . £0 HTOTAL 64,5211 6.50