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SW1220701_Stormwater Report_20221128
Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 Comprehensive Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (C- SWPPP) For Construction Activities: Project/Site Name: All About Plumbing Building Addition Project Address/Location: 5521 Old Haywood Road Suite 1 Mills River, NC 28759 SWPPP Preparer: McCutchen Engineering Associates, PC J. David McCutchen 898 West Saint John Street Spartanburg, SC 29301 Phone: 864-582-0585 Fax: 864-582-0581 Primary Permittee: All About Plumbing Permittee/Owner Contact: Contact: Caleb Wilson 5521 Old Haywood Road Mills River, NC 28759 828-778-2425 office@allaboutplumbingnc.com Day -to -Day Operator: f /- LS Zo2Z C-SWPPP Preparation Date: 05-25-22 Revised 07-20-22 Revised 11-28-22 1 All About Plumbing - Building Addition Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCG010000 Table of Contents Section I PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Narrative.............................................................................................................. 3-4 1.2 Storm water Management and Sediment Control ................................................ 5-8 1.3 Sequence of Construction........................................................................................8 1.4 Non -Numeric Effluent Limits............................................................................ 8-11 1.5 Buffer Zone Management......................................................................................11 Section 2 SITE FEATURES AND SENSITIVE AREAS 2.1 Sources of Pollution...............................................................................................12 2.2 Ground Stabilization..............................................................................................13 2.3 Materials Handling........................................................................................... 14-15 2.4 Operations & Maintenance.............................................................................. 15-17 Section 3 COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.1 SWPPP Availability.............................................................................................18 3.2 Pre -Construction Conferences...............................................................................18 3.3 Inspection Requirements........................................................................................18 3.4 Maintenance Policies............................................................................................19 3.5 Record Keeping....................................................................................................19 3.6 Final Stabilization..................................................................................................20 Appendices REFERENCE MATERIAL Appendix A - Site Maps Appendix B - Drainage Maps Appendix C - Additional Approvals/Certifications Appendix D - Engineering Report (C-SWPPP* Only) Appendix E - Inspection Log and Reports (OS-SWPPP** Only) Appendix F - Rainfall Records (OS-SWPPP** Only) Appendix G - Additional Site Logs and Records (OS-SWPPP** Only) Appendix H - Misc. Design Informatiol-dCut Sheets Appendix I - Pond Maintenance Agreement *C-SWPPP is acronym for Comprehensive Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan **OS-SWPPP is acronym for On -Site Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan AR About Plumbing - Building Addition Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 section - t PROJECT OVER VIEW 1.1 Narrative (CGP Section 3.2.1) Construction Activities and BMP Summary Proiect The proposed consist of developing the following: Proposed 6,400 SF Building • Proposed gravel parking area • Proposed vegetated conveyance — grass Swale Parcel #: 9632-57-0722 Total Site Acreage: 3.15 Acres Disturbed acreage for the improvements = 1.30 Acres Soil Type = Bradson (Type B) The NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual was used in the development and analysis of this project. This project was determined to fall under the low -density stormwater requirements per the calculation below. Project Density Calculation: Per 15A NCAC 2H .1003(1)(b) of the NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual, the project density is 15.35%. The proposed development is located within the French Broad River Watershed. The proposed BUA increase is 0.33 acres. Per the NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual, low density projects are not required to be equipped with Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs) in exchange for limiting their built - upon area, maximizing dispersed flow and ensuring that stormwater conveyances are vegetated. These strategies protect the hydrology of the receiving stream, prevent erosion, and remove pollutants through infiltration. Onsite proposed storm water drainage conveyance has been designed using the 10-year storm event (rational method). Vegetated conveyance calculations are included in this report. Perimeter control BMP's (Best Management Practices) shall be installed prior to the initiation of clearing/grubbing, grading and demolition. These structures will be the 3 All About Plumbing - Building Addition Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 primary sediment control BMP used during the lifespan of the construction activities until final stabilization is achieved. Construction of this site should occur in THREE (3) distinct Erosion and Prevention and Sediment Control Phases. Phase I consists of the installation of the perimeter controls (i.e. silt fence, tree protection, etc.). Remove trees and vegetation as required to construct the vegetated conveyance. During Phase I diversion ditches/berms, etc. are required to direct sediment laden runoff into appropriate designed measures. Phase II consists of the new construction (building, storm drainage, etc.), grading and storm drainage. During phase II, diversion ditches/berms, etc. are required to direct sediment laden runoff into appropriate designed measures Phase III consists of final stabilization (for all disturbed areas), installation of curb /gutter and landscaping. During Phase III, finalize building construction, remove all BMP's, and finalize landscaping. Onsite Storm Drainage. Onsite storm drainage features (i.e. grass swales) have been designed for the 10-year storm event (rational method) Rainfall intensity = 7.09 in/hr (5 min duration) Rainfall Events (inches) — SCS/TR-55 Method Mills River 2 year: 3.58 inches 10 year: 5.06 inches 25 year: 5.96 inches 50 year: 6.69 inches 100 year: 7.45 inches Flooding Issues To the best of our knowledge and belief, no downstream flooding problems are present at the time this design was done. AU About Plumbing - Building Addition Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO10000 1.2 Storm water Management and Sediment Control (CGP Section 3.2.2) Erosion Prevention BMPs As the existing site is cleared, grubbed and graded to the proposed contours shown on the construction site plans, erosion prevention BMPs shall be placed throughout the construction site to aid in the prevention of sediment -laden storm water runoff. These BMPs shall be focused in areas with high potential of erosion, areas preceding infiltration practices, and shall be applied to all steep slopes. That is slopes equal to or greater than 3H:1V. Each erosion prevention measure shall be selected on a site -specific basis and details have been provided on the construction site plans. The plans identify all proposed Erosion Prevention BMPs and the recommended installation, maintenance, and inspection procedures. Examples of Erosion Prevention BMPs are, but are not limited to, surface roughening, temporary seeding, erosion control blankets, turf reinforcement mats, sodding, riprap, outlet protection, dust control, and polyacrylamide (PAM). Sediment Control BMPs Sediment Control BMPs are designed to remove some of the sediment accumulated within storm water runoff, to the best extent practicable. These BMPs help prevent sediment impacts to adjacent properties and water bodies from storm water discharges originating from construction sites. Typically these BMPs are placed near each of the site's outfalls and are installed prior to clearing and grubbing of the site (before large areas of soil are exposed). However, these BMPs can also be located throughout the construction site and, in these circumstances, are installed after mass grading has occurred. Placement, sizing and modifications of Sediment Control BMPs should be left to the SWPPP preparer and/or the Site Engineer. Contractors must consult the SWPPP Preparer as listed at the front of this SWPPP before making any significant changes to these BMPs. Each sediment control BMP shall be selected on a site -specific basis. Examples of Sediment Control BMPs are, but are not limited to sediment traps, sediment basins, silt fence, rock check dams, rock sediment dikes, sediment tubes, and inlet protection. Structural Control BMPs and Floodplain Placement This site -specific SWPPP utilizes the following structural control BMPs: storm water management pond, storm sewer systems, inlet protection and silt fence. These practices have been designed to either divert flows from exposed soils, to retain/detain flows, and to otherwise limit the runoff and the discharge of pollutants from disturbed areas of the construction site. 5 All About Plumbing - Building Addition Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCG010000 Throughout the lifespan of the construction project these BMPs will be installed and maintained, as required by the SWPPP and the construction site plans, until final stabilization has been achieved for the areas draining to each BMP. Upon final stabilization, each structural control BMP must be modified to the post -construction conditions shown within the approved construction site plans or removed, if the structural BMP was a temporary structure Construction Entrances and Dust Control All access areas into and out of the limits of disturbance, as shown on the construction site plans are required to be equipped with a construction entrance. The use of this BMP will limit the amount of sediment being transported by construction vehicles onto existing roadways or other impervious areas. Any tracked sediment, along with any attached pollutants, deposited on impervious areas could be washed downstream during the next rain event. Each construction entrance must be installed as shown in the details section of the construction site plans. If a new entrance or exit is required, that is not shown on the plans, install the construction entrance as noted by the construction entrance detail, marls the location on the plans and make a record of this minor modification in the SWPPP's modification log, which is located within one of the appendices of the On -site SWPPP. Each stabilized construction entrance should be used in conjunction with Street Sweeping measures if it becomes apparent that sediment is still being tracked onto adjacent impervious areas, even with the use of the construction entrance. During extremely dry conditions, drought, and/or excessive winds, the construction site should be treated for dust control to prevent the suspension of fine sediment particles into the air, being carried offsite, and deposited on adjacent properties or surface waters. This practice may not be directly called out for on the construction site plans. A water tanker used to spray the soil down may be an effective way to prevent excessive dust at a construction site. Water Quality BMPs During Construction Site -specific water quality BMPs (e.g., storm water management pond, inlet protection, silt fence, and outlet protection) must be installed prior to the mass clearing, grubbing and grading of the site, and must be kept in functioning order throughout the lifespan of all construction activities. Each of these BMPs must be maintained and inspected until all areas draining to these BMPs have reached final stabilization, approved by the construction site inspector or the SWPPP Preparer, and recorded within the stabilization log located as an appendix of the On -site SWPPP. The location, installation procedures, and maintenance procedures for each water quality BMP can be found within the approved construction site plans. r ,. Stone water P011Ution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCG010000 Sediment and • , •n Control Trapping Efficiency Sediment Trapping will be achieved via silt fence. The sediment trapping calculations for the proposed site via silt fence are shown below. Sediment Trapping Efficiency During Construction (Perimeter Silt Fence) Storm Event Trapping Efficiency (SEDCAD Calcs) 2 year 96.1 % 10 year 95.1% Drainage area = 0.57 acres SCS CN = 86.0 Length: Double row of 125' Height: 2.5' of silt fence (250' Total) Upon final stabilization, each construction site will have to make the transition from temporary BMPs to permanent BMPs. This transition includes the conversion of the temporary diversion swales to permanent grass swales. Swales remove pollutants from stormwater by biofiltration, settling and infiltration. Grassed swales filter pollutants as stormwater runoff moves through the leaves and roots of the grass. Other Storm Water Management Procedures Based on the nature, conditions, and/or procedures associated with this construction site, the following items must be followed and adopted by all those conducting land disturbing activities at this site: • All construction debris must be stockpiled in designated areas, which have been provided with the proper BMPs to prevent the discharge of pollutants through storm water runoff from building or other similar materials off -site or into surface waters. • Any additional waste material or stockpile material (i.e., soil and mulch) must also be stored in the designated areas as shown on the Construction Site Plans or as the contractor, responsible for day -day activities at this site, deems appropriate. Silt fence or an approved equal shall surround all stockpiled materials. • All parties conducting work at this construction site must be informed of and make note of pollutant sources, both industrial and construction, at this site, and be informed of all controls and measures the will be implemented to prevent the discharge of these pollutants in storm water runoff. • Any additional non -storm water discharges, as referenced in the CGP, should be AU About Plumbing - Building Add • Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 eliminated or reduced to the maximum extent feasible. All unpreventable non -storm water discharges shall be treated through the approved storm water management system before release off -site. Following is a list of allowable non -storm water discharges: ■ Fire hydrant flushing ■ Wash water without detergents ■ Water used for dust control ■ Potable water ■ Building wash down water without detergents ■ Uncontaminated pavement wash water ■ Uncontaminated condensation from mechanical equipment ■ Uncontaminated ground or spring water ■ Water from foundation of footing drains ■ Uncontaminated excavation dewatering ■ Landscape irrigation. 1.3 Seauence of Construction The construction sequence for this project has been provided on Drawings EP series plans of the construction site plans. Each item/step of that construction sequence has been listed is the sequence that they should be implemented. The estimated construction start date is January 2023. The estimated construction completion date is May 2023. For additional information or questions on the sequencing please contact the SWPPP Preparer or the Permittee referenced on the cover of this SWPPP. 1.4 Non Numeric Effluent Limits Storm water Volume and Velocity Control During the implementation of construction activities, all parties performing work at this construction site whose work may affect the implementation of the SWPPP must be informed of and directed on how to comply with this Non -Numeric Effluent Limit, which requires the management of storm water runoff within the construction site and at each outfall. The purpose of this requirement is to control the storm water volume and velocity at these locations to minimize erosion. Specifically, each responsible party should be made aware of the practices that have been or should be implemented at the construction site to accomplish these particular stormwater management practices. Below is a list of practices that may be utilized within the disturbed area and at each outfall at construction sites to control storm water volume and velocity: 8 All About Plumbing - Building Addition Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 _Volume Control • Limiting the amount of disturbed area and exposed soils • Staging and/or Phasing of the Construction Sequence; • Sediment Basins and Sediment Traps • Diverting off -site flow around the construction site; • Controlling the Drainage Patterns within the Construction Site; • Temporary Stabilization of Disturbed Areas. Velocity Control • Surface Roughening and/or other Slope Stabilization Practices; • Level Spreaders, Riprap Plunge Pools and/or other Velocity Dissipation BMPS located at the Construction Site's and Sediment Basin Outfalls. • Use of Rock Checks, Sediment Tubes, Etc. in Temporary Diversions Swales and Ditches. • Use of Erosion Control Blankets, Turf Reinforcement Mats, and other Non - Vegetative BMPs that can be used to Quickly Stabilize Disturbed Areas. The SWPPP Preparer/Engineer should approve any modifications (Additional BMPs or Changes to Existing BMPs) to address the management of storm water volume and velocity prior to implementation. All approved SWPPPs that were issued coverage under the CGP should include ample BMPs and other control measures to address this specific Non -Numeric Effluent Limit. Soil Exposure, Compaction and Preservation Throughout construction activities, the amount of soil exposed during construction should be kept to a minimum. This may be accomplished by minimizing the amount the disturbed area within the permitted Limits of Disturbance (shown on the approved construction site plans) to only that which is necessary to complete the proposed work. For areas that have already been disturbed and where construction activities will not begin for a period of 14 days or more, temporary stabilization techniques must be implemented. Prior to implementation of any major grading activities, topsoil is to be preserved by placing it in areas designated for stockpiling until final grades are reached. Each stockpile must be equipped with proper sediment and erosion controls to preserve the topsoil and protect adjacent areas from impacts. Once final grades have been reached, the preserved topsoil should be utilized to apply to areas identified for stabilization. Topsoil contains nutrients and organisms that aid in the growth of vegetation. The compaction of soil should also be minimized to the degree practicable during grading activities. This is especially important during the replacement of topsoil to aid in a quick establishment of vegetative cover. Compaction of soil may also reduce rainfall's ability to infiltrate into the soil, increasing the amount of storm water runoff. Soil Stabilization Throughout construction activities, soil stabilization techniques are to be initiated as soon as practicable whenever any clearing, grading, excavating, or other land- ��-�� . :: . � ���� �• v � �:_ ��-mkt :���� -- • Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 disturbing activities have permanently or temporarily ceased on any portion of the construction site and will not resume for a period exceeding 14 calendar days. For areas where initiating stabilization measures is infeasible, (e.g., where snow cover, frozen ground, or drought conditions preclude stabilization), initiate vegetative or non - vegetative stabilization measures as soon as practicable. Steep Slopes (Slopes of 30% grade or greater) All disturbed steep slopes (30% grade, —3H:1 V, or greater), and steep slopes to be created through grading activities must be managed in a fashion that limits the potential of erosion along the slopes. All parties whose work is/was responsible for the creation/disturbance of steep slopes must comply with the following items: • Minimize the Disturbance of all steep slopes, when possible. • Divert Concentrated or Channelized Flows of storm water away from and around steep slope disturbances. • Use Specialized BMP Controls including temporary and permanent seeding with soil binders, erosion control blankets, surface roughening, reducing continuous slope length with terracing or diversions, gradient terraces, interceptor dikes and swales, grass -lined channels, pipe slope drains, subsurface drains, level spreaders, check dams, seep berms, and triangular silt dikes to minimize erosion. • Initiate Stabilization Measures as soon as practicable on any disturbed steep slope areas where construction activities have permanently or temporarily ceased, and will not resume for a period exceeding 7 calendar days. • A Vegetative and/or Non -Vegetative Cover must be established within 3 working days from the time that stabilization measures were initiated. Stabilization of steep slopes should be a priority for those performing work at the construction site. At the very least, runoff control BMPs should be implemented to transport storm water runoff from the top of the slope to the toe of the slope. An example of this is to install diversion swales along the top of slope and direct the runoff towards pipe slopes drains to transports the runoff to the toe of the slope. All pipe slope drain outlets are to be equipped proper outlet protection. Sediment Discharge Minimization Permittees, Contractors, and all other parties responsible for conducting land - disturbing activities are required to install and maintain all erosion and sediment BMPs that are identified on the approved construction site plans. These BMPs have been designed and approved to address such factors as the amount, frequency, intensity and duration of precipitation, the nature of resulting storm water runoff, and soil characteristics, including the range of soils particle sizes expected to be present on the construction site. Proper installation, inspection and maintenance will allow these BMPs to operate at maximum efficiencies in order to minimize sediment discharges to the maximum extent practical. 1 AR ,b•ut Plumbing - Building A•• • Storin water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 Pollutant Discharge Minimization Permittees, Contractors, and all other parties responsible for conducting land - disturbing activities are required to install, implement, and maintain effective pollution prevention measures to minimize the discharge of pollutants. At a minimum, the following items must be implemented: • Minimize the discharge of pollutants from dewatering trenches and excavations by managing runoff with the appropriate controls. Otherwise these discharges are prohibited; • Minimize the discharge of pollutants from equipment and vehicle washing, wheel wash water, and other wash waters. Wash waters must be treated in a sediment basin or alternative control that provides equivalent or better treatment prior to discharge; • Minimize the exposure of building materials, building products, construction wastes trash, landscape materials, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, detergents, sanitary waste and other materials present on the site to precipitation and to storm water; and • Minimize the discharge of pollutants from spills and leaks and implement chemical spill and leak prevention and response procedures. Prohibited Discharges Permittees, Contractors, and all other responsible parties for conducting land - disturbing activities are prohibited to discharges, from the construction site, the following items: ® Wastewater from washout of concrete, unless managed by an appropriate control; ® Wastewater from washout and cleanout of stucco, paint, form release oils, curing compounds and other construction materials; ® Fuels, oils, or other pollutants used in vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance; and ® Soaps or solvents used in vehicle and equipment washing. 1.5 Buffer Zone Management Not applicable AR About Plumbing - Building Addition Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 "%." iion SITE FEATURES AND SENSITIVE AREAS 2.1 Sources ofPollutlon Throughout construction activities, each permittee, contractor, and person responsible for conducting work will need to ensure that sources of pollution are managed to prevent their discharge from the construction site. Expected pollution sources during construction have been identified in Table 2.1-A, but due to the nature of construction activities, it is often tough to predict all pollution sources that may appear throughout the life of a construction project. For that reason, the following table has also been provided to help all those performing work at this construction site identify possible sources of pollution Storm water runoff subjected to the identified pollution sources must be treated by the appropriate 13MPs as directed by this SWPPP. In the event that any additional sources of pollution are identified during construction, the person(s) with day-to-day operational control at the site is to add the new source(s) to Table 2.1-A and consult with the SWPPP Preparer to properly address this source and to prevent the discharge of its pollutant through storm water runoff. Table 2.1-A: Potential Sources of Pollution NIELMaterial or Location* Appropriate Control Measures Chemical Loose soil exposed/disturbed All areas within As directed by the construction Plans. This during clearing, Sediment the Limits of includes Silt Fence, sediment tubes, grubbing and grading Disturbance sediment basins, and sediment traps. activities Areas where Located adjacent construction Heavy Metals to each Concrete Washout Basin as shown on equipment are & pH construction sheet C-8 of the plans. cleaned, a.k.a. entrance concrete washout In and around Direct water into impoundments such as Water encountered Nutrients & any trenching basins or traps to allow for the during trenching Sediment activities, sedimentation of the listed pollutants. Sediment & All areas to be Paving Operations Trash paved. Inlet protection. Nutrients, pH, Material Delivery and Sediment, All areas used as Silt fence and/or sediment dikes Storage Areas Heavy Metals, storage areas oils & cirease Metals, Areas Provide secondary containments, locate in Equipment fueling and hydrocarbons, surrounding fuel upland areas. Repair leaking and broken maintenance areas oils and tanks hoses. greases Metal oxides, stoddard Throughout site, solvent, talc, primarily in areas Washwater should be contained and is Paints calcium- of building prohibited from being discharged carbonate, construction arsenic *Area where material/chemical is used on site. 12 All About Plumbing - Building Addition Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCG010000 2.2 Ground Stabilization 1. Ground Stabilzation Timelines Ground stabilization shall be achieved on any area of a site where land disturbing activities have ceased within the timeframes listed in Table 3 below. It is recommended to stabilize the ground more quickly if practicable. Extensions of time may be approved by the E&SC plan authority based on weather or other site -specific conditions that make compliance impracticable. Portions of a site that are lower in elevation and not expected to discharge during construction may be exempt from the temporary ground cover requirements if identified on the E&SC plan and approved by the E&SC plan authority. Table 3: Required Ground Stabilization Timeframes Stabilize within this many Site Area Description calendar days after ceasing Timeframe Variations land disturbance (a) Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, and 7 None perimeter slopes (b) High Quailty Water 7 None HQ Zones If slopes are 10' or less in length (c) Slopes Steeper than 7 and are not steeper than 2:1, 14 3:1 days are allowed 7 days for slopes greater than 50' in length and with slopes steeper than 4:1 (d) Slopes 3:1 to 4:1 14 • 7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones • 10 days for the Falls Lake Watershed • 7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, perimeter (e) Areas with slopes 14 slopes, and HQW Zones flatter than 4:1 10 days for the Falls Lake Watershed unless there is zero slope. 2. Permanent Ground Stabilzation Timeline After the permanent cessation of construction activities, any areas with temporary ground stabilization shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon as practicable but in no case longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbing activity. Temporary ground stabilization shall be maintained in a manner to render the surface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved. 13 All About Plumbing - Building Addition Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 2.3 Ma terlals Han Any structural controls installed to manage construction materials stored or used on site shall be included in the field copy of the E&SC plan. Requirements for handling materials on construction sites shall be as follows: 1. Polyacrylamides (PAMS) and Flocculants Polyacrylamides (PAMS) and flocculants shall be: a.) Stored in leak -proof containers that are kept under storm -resistant cover or surrounded by secondary containment structures designed to protect adjacent surface waters; b.) Selected from the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants list, available at: https•//files nc gov/ncdeq/Water%2OQuailiy/Environmental%2OSciences/ATU/ ApprovedPAMS4 1 2017.pdf, c.) Used at the concentrations specified in the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 2. Equipment Fluids a.) Fuels, lubricants, coolants, and hydraulic fluids, and other petroleum products shall be handled and disposed of in a manner so as not to enter surface or ground waters and in accordance with applicable state and federal regulations. Equipment used on the site must be operated and maintained properly to prevent discharge of fluids. b.) Equipment, vehicle, and other wash waters shall not be treated in a sediment basin or sediment trap. Alternative controls should be provided such that there is no discharge of soaps, solvents, or detergents. 3. Waste Materials a.) Building material and land clearing waste shall be disposed of in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 130A, Article 9 — Solid Waste Management, and rules governing the disposal of solid waste (15A NCAC 1313). Areas dedicated for managing building material and land clearing waste shall be at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless it can be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available. b.) Paint and other liquid building material waste shall not be dumped into storm drains. It is recommended to locate paint washouts at least 50 away fiom storm drain inlets unless there is no alternative. Other options are to install lined washouts to use portable, removable bags or bins. c.) Hazardous or toxic waste shall be managed in accordance with the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and NC Hazardous Waste Rules at 15A NCAC, Subchapter 13A. 14 All About Plumbing - Building Addition Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 d.) Litter and sanitary waste shall be managed in a manner to prevent it from entering waters and shall be disposed of offsite. 4. Herbicide, Pesticide, and Rodenticides Herbicide, pesticide, and rodenticides shall be stored and applied in accordance with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act and label restrictions. 5. Concrete Materials Concrete materials onsite, including excess concrete, shall be controlled and managed toa void contact with surface waters, wetlands or buffers. No concrete or cement slurry shall be discharged from the site. (Note that discharges from onsite concrete plants require coverage under a separate NPDES permit — NCG140000.) Any hardened concrete residue will be disposed of, or recycled on site, in accordance with local and state solid waste regulations. 6. Earthen Material Stock Piles Earthen materials stock piles shall be located at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. 2.4 Operation and Maintenance 1. Modifications to the E&SC Plan Modifications to the approved E&SC plan that require changes to the E&SC measure designs, the drainage areas, or the disturbed areas draining to the E&SC measures shall be approved by the E&SC plan authority. Deviations from the approved E&SC plan, or approved revised E&SC plan shall consititute a violation of this permit unless the deviation is to correct an emergency situation where sediment is being discharged off the site. The E&SC plan authority may allow deviations from the E&SC plan on a case -by -case basis if the deviations are minor adjustments to address minor deficiencies. A minor adjustment shall be the addition of E&SC measures (e.g., silt fence, inlet protection, check dams, rolled erosion control practices, etc.), or the relocation of E&SC measures that would improve the overall stormwater management and sediment control onsite. Minor adjustments shall be noted on the approved E&SC plan and maintained at the job site. 2. Operation and Maintenance The permittee shall install and maintain all temporary and permanent E&SC measures as required by this permit and the approved E&SC plan. 3. Corrective Actions If self -inspections required by this permit identify a need for maintenance of control measures, modifications or additions to control measures, or corrective actions to control sediment or other pollutants, these actions shall be performed as soon as uossible considerinp- adverse weather and site conditions. 15 All About Plumbing - Building Addition Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 4. Draw Down of Sediment Basins for Maintenance or Close out Sediment basins and traps that receive runoff from drainage areas of one acre or more shall use outlet structures that withdraw water from the surface when these devices need to be drawn down for maintenance or close out unless this is infeasible. The circumstances in which it is not feasible to withdraw water from the surface shall be rare (for example, times with extended cold weather). Non -surface withdrawals from sediment basins shall be allowed only when all of the following criteria have been met: a.) The E&SC Plan authority has been provided with documentation for the non - surface withdrawal and the specific time periods or conditions in which it will occur. The non -surface withdrawal shall not commence until the E&SC plan authority has approved these items, b.) The non -surface withdrawal has been reported as an anticipated bypass in accordance with Part III, Section C, Item (2)(c) and (d) of this permit, c.) Dewatering discharges are treated with controls to minimize discharges of pollutants from stormwater that is removed from the sediment basin. Examples of appropriate controls include properly sited, designed and maintained dewatering tanks, weir tanks and filtration systems, d.) Vegetated, upland areas of the sites or a property designed stone pad is used to the extent feasible at the outlet of the dewatering treatment devices described in Item (c) above, e.) Velocity dissipation devices such as check dams, sediment traps, and riprap are provided at the discharge points of all dewatering devices, and £) Sediment removed from dewatering treatment devices described in Item (c) above is disposed of in a mariner that does not cause deposition of sediment into waters of the United States. 5. Bypass of E&SC Measures Diversions of stormwater from E&SC measures when the design storm has not been exceeded are not allowed. Bypass of E&SC measures shall be reported in accordance with Part III, Section C, Item (2)(c) and (d) of this permit. 6. Unavoidable Bypass for Public Safety A bypass may be allowed by the Director if the Director determines that all of the following conditions were met: a.) The bypass is unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury or severe property damage, b.) There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary control facilities, retention of stormwater or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime or dry weather. This condition is not satisfied if adequate back up controls should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgement to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventative maintenance, and AR About Plumbing Building A•• • Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 c.) The permittee submitted a notice of the bypass per the record keeping requirements in Part II1, Section C, Item (2) (c) and (d) of this permit. 7. Upset of E&SC Measures Diversions of stormwater from E&SC measures may be considered as an upset if the permittee can demonstrate that all of the following conditions have been met. In any enforcement proceeding, the permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset has the burden of proof. a.) The permittee submitted notice of the upset as required in this general permit and identifies the cause(s) of the upset. b.) The permittee demonstrates that the upset was not caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment or control facilities, lack of preventative maintenance, or careless or improper operation. c.) The permittee agrees to take remedial measures if necessary. About Plumbing - Building A•• • Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 Seeilon 3 Compliance Requirements 3.1 SWPPP A vaila bility A copy of the On -Site SWPPP (OS-SWPPP) shall be provided by kept onsite until the project is closed out 3.2 Pre -Construction Conferences Prior to begirming construction, City of High Point shall be notified (minimum of 48 hours) and a pre -construction meeting must take place onsite. The following must be in attendance: • Permittee or representative (having signature authority) O SWPPP preparer (Civil Engineer) ® 3rd Party inspector ® Contractor and necessary sub -contractors. Attendance must be recorded per the form provided in appendix G and maintained within the on -site SWPPP. 3.3 Inspection Requirements Construction site inspections are to be conducted on a routine basis and must include all areas disturbed by construction activity, including perimeter BMP's and areas used for storage of materials that are exposed to precipitation. Due to the size of this project, site inspections are required to be conducted at a minimum of a least once every calendar week and must be conducted until final stabilization is reached on all areas for the construction site. An inspection is recommended within 24 hours of end of a storm event of 0.5 inches or greater. Inspections must be performed by qualified personnel per City of High Point requirements. Copies of the inspection must be distributed to the permittee, engineering, construction administrator, contractor(s) and a copy must be provided in the on -site SWPPP. Rainfall log (indicated in appendix F) shall be completed on a daily basis by the onsite contractor. This log shall be maintained in the on -site SWPPP. A record of each inspection and of any action items taken must be retained as part of the On -Site SWPPP for at least three years from the date that permit coverage expires or is terminated. AU About Plumbing - Building Addition Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 3.4 Maintenance Requirement, A. Construction Maintenance: All BMP's and other protective measures identified in the OS-SWPPP must be maintained in effective operating condition. If site inspections identify BMP's are not operating effectively, maintenance must be performed within seven (7) calendar days, before the next inspection, or as reasonably possible, and before the next storm event. If periodic inspections indicate that a BMP has been used inappropriately, or incorrectly, the permittee must address the necessary replacement or modification required to correct the BMP within a time frame of 48 hours of identification. If existing BMP's need to be modified or if additional BMP's are necessary to comply with the requirements of this permit, implementation must be completed prior to the next storm event. If the contractor is unable to implement the BMP prior to the next storm event, the contractor shall provide documentation in the On -Site SWPPP. Sediment from sediment traps/basins shall be removed once sediment accumulates 1/2 of the height of the clean -out stake. Sediment shall be disposed of onsite (within the limits of disturbance) or off site on an existing approved site (currently under permit coverage). Sediment collected by Silt Fence, or another sediment control measure, must be removed when the deposited sediment reaches 1/3 of the height of the above ground portion of these BMP's or before it reaches a lower height based on the manufacturer's specifications. B. Permanent Maintenance: Permanent Storm Water management structures must be routinely maintained to operate per design agreement is included in this SWPPP. 3.5 Record Keeping A copy of the permanent maintenance The On -Site SWPPP (OS-SWPPP) is a derivative of the Comprehensive SWPPP (C- SWPPP). The OS-SWPPP shall be provided to the contractor at the pre -construction meeting to remain onsite. The pertinent information regarding Self -Inspection, Recordkeeping and Reporting can be found on Sheet C500 of the construction documents. Contents of the OS-SWPPP: Coverage Approval letter/ local Approvals/Contractor Certifications/Recording Keeping/Logs AU About Numbing - Bui[ding A•• • Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 3.6 Final Stabilization Project is not deemed complete until stabilization is achieved. Refer to plans for further information. Pond as-builts shall be furnished by the owner to the engineer for evaluation. The as- builts shall be prepared by a North Carolina Licensed Land Surveyor. It must include the following information: • Grades/Contours/depths of pond(s) ® Elevations and dimension of all outlet structures, including o Pipe and orifice inverts and diameters o Weir elevations and dimensions o Riser dimensions and elevations o Emergency spillway dimensions and elevations (top of rock if applicable) o Locations and inverts for all pipes discharging into pond • Upon receipt and approval of as-builts, the engineer shall prepare necessary documentation and submit close-out documentation to City of High Point for review and approval. 1 All About Plumbing - Building Addition Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 Appendix A Site Maps Locations Map Site Maps Topographic Map Soils Maps Floodway Map All About Plumbing - Building Addition snderson County, NC Tax Parcel Report Wednesday, April 27, 202: WARNING: THIS IS NOT A SURVEY Parcel Information REID: 10001068 Pin: 9632570722 Listed to: ALL ABOUT PLUMBING INC. Neighborhood: TOWN OF MILLS RIVER (D) Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 1041 Township: Mills River Mailing City, State, Zip: HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28793 Municipality: MILLS RIVER Physical Address: 5521 OLD HAYWOOD RD Tax District: MILLS RIVER TOWN Deed: 003058/00553 Plat: SLD 10634 Date Recorded: 2017-05-26 16:19:00.0 Elementary School District: MARLOW Revenue Stamps: 300 Middle School District: RUGBY MIDDLE County Zoning: Cities High School District: WEST HIGH Property Description: MINOR SUBDIVISION 3.0 AC L01 Soil: Hayesville loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes Map Sheet: 9632.00 Voting Precinct: Mills River North Assessed Acreage: 3.00000000 Commissioner District 3 Building Value: $227,900.00 Agricultural District None Found Land Value: $147,600.00 North Carolina House District 117 Value To Be Billed: $375.500.00 U.S. House District 11 North Carolina Senate District 48 Flood Zone: Zone X, Not Shaded (Areas outside of the floodplain) THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. Henderson County Geographic Information Systems (GIs) All information or data provided, whetter subscribed, purchased or otherwise distributed, whether In hard copy or digital 200 North Grove Street media, shall be at the userAET"s own risk. Henderson County makes no warranties or guarantees, including Ilia warranties of Hendersonville, NC 20792 merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. Map data Is not appropriate for, and Is not to be used as, a geodetic, P: (020) 690.5124 legal, or engineering base system. The dale Is not Intended as a substitute for surveyed locations such as can be determined F: (020) 690.5122 by a registered Public Land Surveyor, and does not meet ilia minimum accuracy standards of a Land Information System/Geographic Information System Survey in North Carolina (21 NCAC 56.1606). ,nderson Countv, NC I ax Parcel Keport vveanesaay, April zt, zuz; REID: Listed to: Mailing Address: Mailing City, State, Zip: Physical Address: Deed: Date Recorded: Revenue Stamps: County Zoning: Property Description: Map Sheet: Assessed Acreage: Building Value: Land Value: Value To Be Billed: North Carolina Senate District Parcel Information 10001068 ALL ABOUT PLUMBING INC. P.O. BOX 1041 HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28793 5521 OLD HAYWOOD RD 003058/00553 2017-05-26 16:19:00.0 300 Cities MINOR SUBDIVISION 3.0 AC L01 9632.00 3.00000000 $227,900.00 $147,600.00 $375,500.00 48 Pin: Neighborhood: Township: Municipality: Tax District: Plat: Elementary School District Middle School District: High School District: Soil: Voting Precinct: Commissioner District Agricultural District North Carolina House District U.S. House District Flood Zone: 9632570722 TOWN OF MILLS RIVER (D) Mills River MILLS RIVER MILLS RIVER TOWN SLID 10634 MARLOW RUGBY MIDDLE WEST HIGH Hayesville loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes Mills River North 3 None Found 117 11 Zone X, Not Shaded (Areas outside of the floodpiain) THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. Henderson County Geographic Information Systems (GIs) All Information or data provided, whether subscribed, purchased or othenvlso distributed, whelher In hard copy or digital 200 North Grove Street media, shall be at the userhVI's own risk. Henderson County makes no warranties or guarantees, including the warranties of Hendersonville, NC 26792 merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. Map data is not appropriate for, and is not to be used as, a geodetic, P: (626) 696-5124 legal, or engineering base system. The data Is not Intended as a substitute for surveyed locations such as can be determined F: (826) 696-5122 by a registered Public Land Surveyor, and does not meal the minimum accuracy standards of a Land Information SyslemlGoogrephlc Information System Survey in North Carolina (21 NCAC 56.1608). r • III _ _ t '�' . , �,,, l ''' � �J o. i'i,J t },��• I r '1 r Y/Q�t}r��rr�1T-.•t,., r.;rn.,.,ymlorrv�tl I 1 ��1• ;,. • 1, ��■j (1„` �I`` �'I®i■, '. .1':'. y,,..t'+\rt�r ,Sl�l .L l� ` '\ .l:f r + � x.Y'+,SQ�, I,�tr}} �tfil"c]F{r�b. Jtr it fr. •• r ', .. O � Ji/ •1 r •(, f'�'.t/r•.,(.ttF.'yl�� }�++'`�•: �r ;: I�• h `tl 'Q'y � ,S1't�, '.li '��I.11 ,r �,,'r.• :`.IW1W�.,�� r .1, 11- -1 4 •�{{��•y�•rr �41•.'• 1.. �,._e-w. ...w._..i'.alt'1%�Il,,.t` �L.•ai.!�r •_'1,'�:.'1;�"'.5!fr:'n���•11�1 �i �rlL''•l':i�il':!-5....r�:r.D�:''•�1: 6/1rc H or, "WIt Lit .!6j ti 11 fi I11,4{.) �� '', !i1 ` Q!0 r!•h1AlIMp ORfcL•-rtn Stream Information - Stream Index- 6.58 Stream Name: McDowell Creek Description: From source to French Broad River Classification: C Date of Class.: March 3-1, 1996 What does this Class. I-ellore info mean? River Basin: French Broad 7nnin to 0.0 t z ry Q� OElime M I£z X ZO (0 C O M U 0 0 z C 0 O U c 0 Lam.. a c m h O cD 0 U O O L T MAX oZ0 z n P� zi O[OIM 090M OIOlm Olmffi6 OO:m z f�f^ Pr! 0000Zff a F N MXZ.K oZ0 N �t N v 0 0 N— co N ZZ m LO co a. T a� Z U) 0O U g Z C 'u a U 3 7 FI m 0 O tp t9 G U1 'pOI 00 " C (vq( 'CI O 8 _E Q C N :J O o Hu1 O Q �p W U ,N =O C N O c z z0 M.6E.K aZg k z P� FS cl Z W W J (. _ a w 'o :a) � o ° o a E � � N c ai 'a ro = ro (p o o ro io E N c ur CDa)0 0 cr-.c _ ro•a3 a coo .oc aci NEv,� 0 c > 0Nc C 0 O >+ Ja ro U ro N E E rn�c w 0 c 'O N N E E m m c� c N O N m n m ai rn a) c 'S W E Ou 'n o v a�a=a, a v 3�`0 N Z .O N E N N p 0 C c °'E E (� °ova) Rj a N `Ya) — U o roa w'� m E > Nm o aa) c N U U Ua N v p, N c 10 ON N a N a) Z Q o N z 0 .p V E N a ro E n U wN a ur ro a L � ` N o M a� �, m N c ro `o > >r- N 8 `[" N a °�a> aroi E rooro a) w3 o U-' a rn o rovN N oL E AD aa) aNi K y ob N °� t: a 0 a O m n N NroE ro .n N N .O w �2•o0'a aro -o .n°aa tpuroio�N ro'� _> n %moo c N aa) n a�i E m m 0a �p N °' ro E °'° a oa o `E �tA �U°: 3 Eroo� o �� Q ro m� c: ro m aN o. ro oc�E a� � aa) .° c k '� w ro o> Z Q m o N LC �_ Z o� ro m N N ��a`0 o a> 0 L.q) c}a a) ro 0 U) .O U Lhj .0 � Z '0 = �� '0 l° °�� �a 0 o aO' - Ep N n. E O U 2 o.'a Q N , h o to w (A .- O N t F- U ,t:: 0 ro ro c 0 U T t � T L 12 a O N p O L m E o aC a. 12 N d O U U o z° 13 13 13 © LL `/ �F• `/ .. m a/ m cu N o ro p m m ro Q y al o C 0 C O YC N O O O 0 m avi N w Y3 g o L o C d 'j w a. O O a o J O e ❑ m Q m¢ a m m U o z mQ a m m U o z to a co o❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ s � o©e ■ e coI N Q !n 0 0 N �y co 0 � a m Z O N z �II Hydrologic Soil Group —Henderson County, North Carolina Hydrologic Soil Group Map unit symbol - Map unit name Rating L::: Acres In AOI I Percent of AOI BaB Bradson gravelly loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes B 7.2 40,5% BaC Bradson gravelly loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes B 2.2 12.4% DeB Delanco (dillard) loarn, 2 to 7 percent slopes C 2.7 15.4% HyC Hayesville loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes C 5.6 31.7% Totals for Area of Interest 17.8 ( 100.0% Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long -duration storms, The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, B/D, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet, These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture, These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink -swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (AID, B/D, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. lJ_ SDI Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 5/18/2022 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey page 3 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group —Henderson County, North Carolina Rating Options Aggregation Method. Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff., None Specified Tie -break Rule: Higher USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 5/18/2022 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4 v u O a CL Li � O v O a L 7� __ �� N a E d� O !b �msE v n� U ao E 10 �604 Gi c E x v LL Or 0 lu d) c_ k ya o °¢ vv310 :3 (y0 o m f chi ^ cmL E 'Svo ocaciE� f ° O° M. G C a w u' O E— Q GI Ul Gl O° o o (0 E c N 'O •- N rc °°om 0>< o x E o c c c �a. E ° �' 10 �° m� O ° ii o m N o v a .. 02 0 ;] N�n a a sp d y .k o$ L 'O Oa T U U Ul O �bR -I a` LL N Y O G N O O N (0 �' a f0 N U° r% N >• LL r T r°OFJO LL o° ccc a `o o .S w a m m i E omo w u L Fm o �� m 2 E i' LL 3 GI t; Y> v ;� Q � ti�Q tivm�cE md)E'a a Um a PiZ 0 E m° u-wa m '� u Q m cva m aaa gia" °mu>ys oLL x m� c o v Y 4! B 12 o w °i a c a c o° a Co 0 E E IL z > c > > F- F- m o o `o m 0 odm dcm ° t>°ern �t > °' o w o L O S4 n is> nm$ aacJ �€ mmv '° o w u 3 y 3 0 o c v 0 w° pn m ma:� av'3 19 c w m o" ❑ oC�rs c mw m m' m c v i� �° w �n � p a p o�, ��io ccm oEo a O ~ N N .�f. N L a0. > `I v ` L > O f0 O m E C O ° aj•. UA o C y j` "��" > Ul C V N El C/ •O GI 10/1 ' 0 �l z �$ (Y• ooam u.UQ°..i 4 Q Q U °.1 U3 Um:7 U n. x o Z m 'O—y° boo, a v N E>o a0}yE a� E m aN c w° = u 0 aEi woc Sommm0 a 3 a > a �` m •No M Ss =as a c°mm 0. Ss amwa 0 0 a oLL Earyc Zamxa� mcs°c� 0 O 0IsX Qa Wa W uoEyi �jdc�a E°owaa C Cia d � o� d Q mtP 0 a0Fd)i m�°ma0 w gq� �dxp w �� ad a d)u �J yCN4 E"aE� �En'n (U ✓� w LU m �m3v a �a�01ii�v J O O w yx xii m O ;w1 D' D D ol N 0 0 Iq c= 0 0 0 0 0 LO 0 LO N 0 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 Appendix B Drainage Maps Grass Swale Basin Map Sediment 'Trapping Basin Map All About Plumbing - Building Addition n I CARRIE LOU WILSON PIN 9632-48-8321 DB 349 PG 4 REMNANT ACREAGE: ±23.6 ACRES CtINO /� PERM/CAP o, PFRM/CAP 7 ElEV: IOI0.61 L GRASS SWALE #1 ° U) DRAINAGE BASIN o° Q 0.82 ACRES , 0 m WEIGHTED C: 0.77 w i IsEPnC J ! I / 3EItVR aN�T AREA 0 I I / ftmM/CM 1 I I./ / ❑ / azv. tol 4s2 ICI I.��,I����� 30.15' Po 'Ar—' 1.. e GRASS SWALE #2 =� DRAINAGE BASIN I 0.27 ACRES \ I \�11 PIN INVESTMENTS NVE TM NTS L C Yi WEIGHTED C: 0.77 \\ I ` I I I , 1 / / / I ` D8 1290 PG 52 W r Calmer AARON & MEGAN BLACKMOR CORNER n DPIN IN 1455 PG47-35356 I- I I • 30.48' co RITEWAY EXPRESS INC MARK R LAFEVER PIN 9632-47-9133 PIN 9632-57-4257 J I DB 912 PG 467 DB 862 PG 482 I J Q � I 0' 60' 120' 180' GRAPHIC SCALE: 1" = 60'-0" CARRIE LOU WILSON PIN 9632-48-8321 DB 349 PG 4 REMNANT ACREAGE: ±23.6 ACRES RFBM/CPP E V. 1009.24 --T I 1 125 LF OF SILT FENCE / I/ DOUBLE ROW `HE / IFnC AM MUNµ /I �`m / I 1 I I o� I \ I 1 \ \ \ \ \ I I spp-C=mvamm ca+ma AARON & MEGAN BLACKMOR coaR� PIN 9632-47-4356 08 1455 PG 353 I I I I RITEWAY EXPRESS INC PIN 9632-47-9133 D8 912 PG 467 30.48' to I RBI INVESTMENTS LLC PIN 9632-57-5740 DD 1290 PG 52 MARK R LAFEVER PIN 9632-57-4257 OB 862 PG 482 0' 60' 120' 180' GRAPHIC SCALE: V = 60'-0" StormWatel' Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO10000 Appendix C Additional Approvals/Certifications USACE's Jurisdictional Determinations (Mot applicable) Jurisdictional Floodplain Management Certifications (Not applicable) Other Local Ordinance Certifications and Approvals (to be provided upon receipt) All About Plumbing - Building Addition Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 Appendix D Engineering Reports Sediment Trapping Calculations Grass Swale Calculations Time of Concentration Calculations All About Plumbing Building Addition NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 Location name: Mills River, North Carolina, USA*"��""° 9)4 Latitude: 35.42220, Longitude:-82.57516 I ` Elevation: 2185.19 ft**r. source: ESRI Mat ' source: USGS POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M. Bonnin, D. Marlin, B. Lin, T. Parzybok, M.Yekta, and D. Riley NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF tabular I PF graphical I Maps & aerials PF tabular PQS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)1 Average recurrence interval (years) luration �������� 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 5•min 0.331-0.408) 37 (0.39,367 5 0.486 10-min 0.529.0 652) (0.633.07 77) 15-min 0.734 0.879 (0.662-0.815) (0.795-0.976) 30-min 1.01 1.22 -11 (0.907-1.12) (1.10-1.35) 60-min 1.25 1.52 1.13-1.39 1.38-1.69 2-hr 1.47 1.79 (1.32-1.63) (1.61-1.98) 3-hr (1.431876) (1.72 2012) 6-itr 1.98 2.37 (1.81-2.19) (2.16-2.60) 12-hr 2 50 2,98 (2.30-2.73) 1 (2.74-3.26) 24-hr 2•99 2.77-3.23) 3.58 1 (3.32-3.88) 2-day 3.32 3682) 3,95 4.57 [3-dayF--580---JF-4.52 (3.55-4.07) ( 4-day 4.04 (3.78-4.31) 4.fl1 (4.50-5.13) [7-dayF-4-32---]F-556-1--] (4.43-5.05) (5.26-6.00) 10-day 20-day 2 52 5.75) 7.37 (6.98-7.77) 1 (6.05 6.81) 8,66 1 (8.21-9.15) 30-day (8 59 9351) 10.0 6 2) 45-day 11.i0-12.1) (12.i8-14.1) 60-day 13.8 (13.2-14.5) 16.1 15.3-16.9) 0,524 0.591 0.676 0.742 11 0.807 11 0.873 1 0.959 11 1.03 0.473-0.582) 0.531-0.653 0.603-0.748 (0.658-0.820) 1(0.713-0.894 0.766-0.970 (0.831-1.07)1(0.881-1.16) 0,839 0.944 1.08 1.18 1.28 1.38 1 1.52 1.62 (1.31-1.70) j(1.39-1.82 0.757-0.932 (0.848-1.05) 1(0.961-1.19) 1 (1.05-1.31 1.13-1.42) (1.21-1.54) 1.06 1.20 1,37 1,50 1 -.62--li 1.75 1 1 1 1.91 F 2.03 (1.65-2.13) (1.74-2.28) (0.957-1.18) (1.07-1.32) 1 (1,22-1.51) 1 (1.33-1.65) (1.43-1.80) (1.53-1.94) 1.51 1,73 2.02 2.25 2.48 2,72 3.04 3.29 (1.36-1.68) (1.56-1.92) 1 (1.81-2.24) 1 (2.00-2.49) 1 (2,19-2.75) (2.38-3.02) 1(2.63-3.40) (2.82-3.70) 1.93 2.25 2.69 3.05 2,71-3.37) 3.42 3.02-3.79 3.81 3.34-4.24) 4.36 (3.78-4.87) 4.80 4.12-5.40) (1.74-2.15) (2.03-2.49 (2.40-2.98) 2.25 2.63 1 3,15 3.57 4.02 1 (2.80-3.49) 1 (3.16-3.96) 1 (3.53-4.46) 11 4.50 (3.91-4.99) 5.16 5.70 ( ( (2.02-2.49) (2.35-2.90) 2.38 2.78 3.36 3.fl4 4.35 4.90 5.70 6,36 (2.15-2.65) 1 (2.49-3.09) 11 (2.98-3.73) 1 (3.394.26) 1 (3.80-4.84) 1 (4.24-5.46) (4.85-6.40) (5.35-7.17) 2.92 3,39 4.07 4.65 5.28 5.96 6,96 7.79 (2.66-3.20) 1 (3.07-3.72) 1 (3.66-4.47) 1 (4.15-5.11) 1 (4.67-5.81) 1 (5.21-6.58) (5.98-7.72) (6.61-8.70) 3.66 4.20 4,95 5.57 6.20 6,87 7.79 fl,52 (3.36-3.99) ( 1 (4.52-5.41) 1 (5.06-6.09) ( 1 (6.15-7.54) (6.90-8.62) (7.47-9.49) 4.40 5.06 5.96 11 6.69 1 (6.14-7.23) 7.45 (6,80.8.04) fl.24 11 (7.48-8.89) 9,34 (8.40-10.1) 10.2 (9.12-11A) (4.07-4.77) (4.67-5.47) (5.49-6.44) 5,17 5.90 5.48-6.34 6.91 6,40-7.42) 7.73 7.14-8.30 8.57 9,44 8.64-10.2) 10.6 9.66-11.6) 11.6 10.5-12,6) 4.81-5.55) 5.46 6.21 7.22 8.02 8.85 9.69 10.II 11.8 (5.10-5.85) 1 (5.78-6.64) 1 (6.70-7.72) 1 ( 1 (8.16-9.49) 1 (8.89-104) (968-11.7) (10.7-12.7), 5.76 6.51 7.52 8.32 I F 9,13 9.94 11.0 F 11.9 (5.38-6.15) 1 ( 1 (7.00-8.03) 1 (7.72-8.88) 1 (8.43-9.76) (9.15-10.6) (10.1-11.9) (10.9-12.9) 6.72 7.61 I F 8,81 1 9.77 9.08-10.4 10.7 (9.95-11.5) 11.7 (10.8-12.6) 13.1 (12.0-14.1) 14.2 1(12.9-15.3 6.30-7.19 7.60 (7.12-0.13) 8.54 (8.21-9.41 9.82 11 10.8 11.9 12.9 14.3 15,4 7.18-8.07 (8.06-9.07) 1 (9.24-10.4) 10.2-11.5 11.1-12,6 (12.0-13.7) 1(13.2-15.3) 14.1-16.5 10.1 11.1 12.5 13.6 %6 15.7 17.0 17.9 ( 953-10.6) (10.5-11.8) 1 (11.9-13.2) 1 (12.8-14.4) 1 (13.8-15.5) 1 (14.7-16.6) (15.9-18.0) (16.7-19.1) 12.1 13.3 14.7 1 15.8 1 (15.a-16.6) 16.8 1 (15.9-17.7) 77.8 1 (16.7-18.7) 19.0 1(17.8-20.1) 19.8 (18.6-21.0) (11.5-12.8) 15.1 (12.6-14.0) 16.4 (13.9-15.5) 17.9 18.9 19.9 20.8 21.8 22,6 (14.4-15.9) (15.6-17.2) (17.0-18.8) (18.0-19.9) 1 (18.9-20.9) 1 (19.7-21.9) (20.7-23.0) (21.3-23.8) 18.0 19.3 20.9 22.1 23.1 24.0 25.0 25.8 (17.1-18.9 18.4-20.3) (1 9.9-22.0) (21.0-23.2) 21.9-24.3) (22.7-25.2) (23.7-26.4) (24.4-27.2) Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates In this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers In parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence Interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence Interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) Is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more Information. Back to Top PF graphical NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 W„ Location name: Mills River, North Carolina, USA* �14 I Latitude: 35.42220, Longitude: •82.5751, ¢ Icy Elevation: 2185.19 ft** 1 ~1 !A `�✓ ' sour a: ESRI Maps " source: USGS POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M. Bonnin, D. Martin, B. Lln, T. Parzybok, M.Yekta, and D. Riley NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF tabularI PF graphical I Maps & aerials PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches/hour)1 Average recurrence interval (years) Duration ��I- 5•rnin 4.40 (3.97-4.90) 10-min 3 52 (3.17-3.91) 10 25 ���� 5.24 6.29 7.09 8.11 (4.74-5.83) 5.68-6.98) 1 (6.37-7.84) (724-8.98) 4.26 5.03 5.66 6.47 ( 4.54-5.59 (5.09-6.27) (5.77-7.15 �f ����� 50 100 L_200 8.90 9.6II 10.5 7.90-9.84) 8.56-10.7 9.19-11.6) 11 7.09 7.70 8.30 6.29-7.83) 1 (6.80-8.53) 1 (7.28-9.22) 500 1000 11.5 12.3 (9.97-12.9) (10.6-13.9 9.10 9.71 1 (7.88-10.2) (8.33-10.9) 15•min 2.94 3.52 (2.65-3.26) (3.18-3.90) 30-min 2 01 2,43 (1.81-2.24) (2.20-2.70) Lad 3.02 (2.72-3.35) 4.78 5.46 (4.29-5.29) 1 (4.87-6.04) 3.46 4.05 (3.11-3.83) (3.61-4.48) 5.98 1 (5.30-6.61) 4.50 (4.00-4.98) 6.49 1 (5.73-7.18) 1 4.97 (4.39-5.50) 6.99 (6.12-7.76) 5.44 (4.77-6.04) 7.64 1 (6.62-8.53) 1 6.OII ( 8.13 (6.97-9.14) 6.5II (5.64-7.40) 60-min ( 1.38 1.69) 2-Itr 6.736 0.893 (0.662-0.815) (0.804.0.988) 3•hr 0 526 0. 334 (0.475-0.587) (0.671.0.705) 6-hr 0 331 0.395 (0.303.0.365) (0.360.0.434) 0 208 0.248 12-hr (0.191-0.227) ( 24-hr 0125 0.149 ( ( 2 day (0069.0 080 (0082-0 095 1.74 2315 1.13 (1.01-1.25) 0.794 (0.715.0.882) 0.4II7 (0.444-0.535) 0.304 ( 0783 ( ( 2.03 2549) (2. 0 2998) 1.31 1.57 (1.18-1.45) (1.40-1.74) 0.927 1.12 (0.830-1.03) (0.994A.24) 0.566 0.680 (0.513-0.621) (0.612-0.747) 0.349 0.411 (0.320-0.380) (0.375-0.449) 0.211 6.248 ( (0.229-0.268) (0.114-0132 . 0.133-055) (2.71 3537 1,79 (1.58-1.98) 1.28 1 (1.13-1.42) 0.777 (0.694-0.853) 0.463 (0.420-0.505) 6.279 (0.256-0.301) 0.149-0173 3. 2 3?79) 2.01 (1.76-2.23) 1.45 1 (1.27-1.61) 0.882 (0.779-0.971) 0.515 (0.465.0.564) 0.310 0.164-0192) (3.344 24) 2.25 (1.96-2.50) 1.63 (1.41-1.82) 0.996 (0.870-1.10) 0.570 (0,511-0.626) 0.343 (0.312-0.371) 0.180-0 212 (3.70 4687) 2.58 (2.21-2.88) 1.90 (1.62-2.13) 1 1.16 (0.998-1.29) 1 0,646 (0.573.0.715) 0.389 (0.350.0.421) (0.201-0 239) 0.151 (0.137-0.162) 0.115 ( 1(0.07 -0 084) (0055.0 064)11(0.059.0 0.035 (0.033-0.038) 0.026 (0.025-0.028) 4,86 (4.12-5.40 2.85 (2.42 3.20) 2.12 (1.78-2.39) 1.30 (1.10-1.45) 0.707 (0.620-0.788) 0.426 (0.380-0.461) 242 0.2018-0 262 0.163 ( 0.124 (0.113-0.134) 1(0077--0 091) 069) 0.037 (0.035-0.040) 0.028 (0.026-0.029) 3-day 4-day 7-day 10-day 20-day [30-day 0.053 ( 0.042 (0.039-0.045) (0.026.0 030 (0.02 -0 024) 0.015 (0.015-0.016) 0.013 0.063 0.050 (0.047-0.053) (003 -0 036 (0025.0 028 0.018 (0.017-0.019) 0.015 0.076 (0.071-0.081) 0.060 ( 003 -0 043) 0030.0 034 0.021 (0.020-0.022) 0.017 (0.016-0.018) 0.086 (0.080-0.092) 0.068 11 (0.063-0.072) 45 0042-0 040 (0. 3 40 038) 0.023 (0.022-0.025) 0.018 (0.017-0.019) 0,100 (0.093-0.107) 0.078 (0.073-0.084) 0049 0 056 (0.038-0 043)1(0.042-0 0.026 (0.025-0.028) 0.020 ( 0.111 (0.103-0.119) 0.087 (0.080-0.093) 0.054-0 062) 048 0.028 (0.027-0.030) 0.022 (0.021-0.023) 0.123 ( 0.095 (0.088-0.102) 0059-0068) 0046.0 053) 0.030 (0.029-0.032) 0.023 (0.022-0.025) 0.135 (0.124-0.144) F 0. 004 (0.095-0.111) (0064-0 075) 0050.0 057 0.033 (0.031-0.035) 0.025 (0.023-0.026) 45•day 60 da (0.012-0.013) 0.011 (0.010-0.011) 0.010 (0.009-0.010) ( 0.012 (0.012-0.013) 0.011 0.011-0.012) 0.014 ( 0.012 (0.012-0.013) 0.015 (0.014-0.016) 0.013 (0.013-0.014) 0.017 (0.016-0.017) 0.015 0.014-0.015) 0.018 ( 0.015 (0.015-0.016 6.018 (0.018-0.019) 0.016 (0.015-0.017) 0.019 (0.018-0.020) 0.017 (0.016-0.018) 0.620 ( 16-0. 0.021 07-0. ) (0.017-0.019 t Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates In this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence Interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a y be higher than currently valid PMP valor less than the lower ules 5% Estimates at upper bounds are not given ckedration and against probable maximum precipitatie recurrence on (PMPwill be ) estimates reater manhd upper Please refer to NOAA Alias 14 document for more information. Back to Top PF graphical SEDCAD 4 for Windows r,—,,inh4 1oaR _Onn7 PamoIo I crhv.i�h I I I L TWIRM Silt Fence 2 Year Storm McCutchen Engineering Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r,—,,inht 1oOR _,)nn7 P—Io I C,hIA-h Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 2 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 3.580 inches particle SizeDistribution: Size (mm) Bradson 1.4000 100.000% 1.0000 89.700% 0.0630 66.000% 0.0440 38.100% 0.0380 36.600% 0.0040 4.200% 0.0030 2.600% 0.0010 0.000% Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r'- ... inh4 1 OQA _9M7 0-1. 1 C,h—h Type Stru (flows Stru # into) # Musk. K Musk. X (hrs) Description Silt Fence #2 ==> End 0.000 0.000 Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows (`nnvrinhf 1QQR _,)nn7 P-1. 1 S,h\A/oh 4 Structure Summary; Immediate Total Peak Total Peak Peak Contributing Contributing Discharge Runoff Sediment Sediment Settleable 24VW Area Area Volume (tons) Conc. Conc. (MI/1) (ac) (ac) (cfs) (ac-ft) (mg/0 (MI/1) In 1.24 0.10 3.4 44,320 28.99 15.91 #2 0.570 0.570 Out 1.21 0.10 1 0.1 2,437 0.00 0.00 Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows ('—,rinh+ iooR _9nn7 P-1a I S,h—h article Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure Structure #a Size (mm) In Out 1.4000 100.000% 100.000% 1.0000 89.700% 100.000% 0.0630 66.000% 100.000% 0.0440 38.100% 100,000% 0.0380 36.600% 100.000% 0.0040 4.200% 100.000% 0.0030 2.600% 66,013% 0.0010 0.000% 0.000% Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows (`nnurinh4 1QQR _')r)07 Po .[l I Arh,,-h Structure Detail., Structure #Z (Silt Fence) Silt Fence Inputs: Fence Flow Width along Land Slope Tie -back Rate (gpm/sq contour (ft) Height (ft) (070) distance (ft) ft) 10.0 250.0 2.5 4.00 62.5 Silt Fence Results: *Sediment Storage: 0. 00 ac-ft *No sediment capacity defined Peak Fence Stage: 0.21 ft Peak Water Stage: 0.21 ft Dewater Time: 0.50 days Trap Efficiency: 96.06 % Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Stage -Capacity -Discharge Table Fence Stage (ft) Water Stage (ft) Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 Top of Sediment 0.10 0.10 0.014 0.001 0.563 11.95 0.20 0.20 0.029 0.003 1.136 0.21 0.21 0,030 0.003 1.206 0.00 Peak Stage 0.30 0.30 0.043 0.006 1.721 0.40 0.40 0.057 0.011 2.317 0.50 0.50 0.072 0.018 2.924 0.60 0.60 0.086 0.026 3.543 0.70 0.70 0.100 0.035 4.172 0.80 0.80 0.115 0.046 4.813 0.90 0.90 0.129 0.058 5.465 1.00 1.00 0.143 0.071 6.127 1.10 1.10 0.158 0.086 6.801 1.20 1.20 0.172 0.103 7,487 1.30 1.30 0.187 0.121 8.183 1.40 1.40 0.201 0.140 8.890 1.50 1.50 0.215 0.161 9.609 1.60 1.60 0.230 0.183 10.339 1.70 1.70 0.244 0.207 11.080 0 Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows ('—,rinhf 9aaA _9nn7 P-1. I Gh,.mh Fence Stage (ft) Water Stage (ft) Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge Dewater Time (cfs) (hrs) 1.80 1.80 0.258 0.232 11.832 1.90 1.90 0.273 0.259 12.595 2.00 2.00 0.287 0.287 13.369 2.10 2.10 0.301 0.316 14.154 2.20 2.20 0.316 0.347 14.951 2.30 2.30 0.330 0.379 15.759 2.40 2.40 0.344 0.413 16.578 2.50 2.50 0.359 0.448 17.408 Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows f—...inht 100A _9nn7 P-1. I S]rhw.h Time of Peak Runoff Stru SWS SWS Area Conc Musk K Musk X Curve UHS Discharge Volume # # (ac) (hrs) Number (hrs) (cfs) (ac-ft) #2 1 0.570 0.060 0.000 0.000 86.000 TR55 1.24 0.102 0.570 1.24 0.102 subwatershed Sedimentoloqvy Detail: Peak Peak Stru SWS Sediment Sediment Settleable 24VW Soil K L (ft) S (%) C P PS # Conc. Conc # # (tons) (MI/1) (mg/1) (MI/1) #2 1 0.170 225.00 4.00 1.0000 1.0000 1 3.4 44,320 28.99 15.91 3.4 44,320 28.99 15.91 Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Cnnvrinh4 iaap _9nn7 P-1. I Srh—h All About Plumb ediment Trappinq Calculatioli Silt Fence 10 Year Storm McCutchen Engineering Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows cn—r{nht 1QQR Ann? ID-1, I Snh%A-h Storm Information: Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 10 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 5.060 inches Particle Size Distribution; Size (mm) Bradson 1.4000 100.000% 1.0000 89.700% 0.0630 66.000% 0.0440 38.100% 0.0380 36.600% 0.0040 4.200% 0.0030 2.600% 0.0010 0.000% Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows f—...inh4 1 OOR _9M7 P—Io I Gh�ni�h Type Stru (flows Stru # into) # Musk. K Musk. X (hrs) Description Silt Fence #2 ==> End 0.000 0.000 Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Cnrnirinhf 9 QQR Ann7 P-10 I Crh,—h 0 Structure Summary; Immediate Total Peak Total Peak Peak Contributing Contributing Discharge Runoff Sediment Sediment Settleable 24VW Area Area Volume (tons) Conc. Conc. (MI/1) (ac) (ac) (cfs) (ac-ft) (mg/1) (MI/1) In 1.93 0.17 5.7 45,086 29.50 16.38 #2 0.570 0.570 Out 1.87 0.17 0.3 3,411 0.21 0.01 Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows f—...inh4 1 QQR _9nn7 D—.1. I Crh—h antic% Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure Structure #Z: Size (mm) In Out 1.4000 100.000% 100.000% 1.0000 89.700% 100,000% 0.0630 66.000% 100.000% 0.0440 38.100% 100.000% 0.0380 36.600% 100.000% 0.0040 4.200% 85.269% 0.0030 2.600% 52.786% 0.0010 0.000% 0.000% Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows (' . , i ht 9 aaA _9nn7 P-1. I Crh,-h Structure Detail., Structure #Z (Sllt Fence) Silt Fence Inputs: Fence Flow Width along Land Slope Tie -back Rate (gpm/sq contour (ft) Height (ft) (%) distance (ft) ft) 10.0 250.0 2.5 4.00 62.5 Silt Fence Results: *Sediment Storage: 0.00 ac-ft *No sediment capacity defined Peak Fence Stage: 0.32 ft Peak Water Stage: 0.32 ft Dewater Time: 0.50 days Trap Efficiency: 95.07 % Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Stage -Capacity -Discharge Table Fence Stage (ft) Water Stage (ft) Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 Top of Sediment 0.10 0.10 0.014 0.001 0.563 11.90 0.20 0.20 0.029 0.003 1.136 0.05 0.30 0.30 0,043 0.006 1.721 0.32 0.32 0.047 0.007 1.865 0.01 Peak Stage 0.40 0.40 0.057 0.011 2.317 0.50 0.50 0.072 0.018 2.924 0.60 0.60 0.086 0.026 3.543 0.70 0.70 0.100 0.035 4.172 0.80 0.80 0.115 0.046 4.813 0.90 0.90 0.129 0.058 5.465 1.00 1.00 0.143 0.071 6.127 1.10 1.10 0.158 0.086 6.801 1.20 1.20 0.172 0.103 7.487 1.30 1.30 0.187 0.121 8.183 1.40 1.40 0.201 0.140 8.890 1.50 1.50 0.215 0.161 9.609 1.60 1.60 0.230 0.183 10.339 1.70 1.70 0.244 0.207 11.080 0 Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows ('—,rinhf 9QQR _OM7 P-1. I Crh-.h Fence Stage (ft) Water Stage (ft) Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge Dewater Time (cfs) (hrs) 1.80 1.80 0.258 0.232 11.832 1.90 1.90 0.273 0.259 12.595 2.00 2.00 0.287 0,287 13.369 2.10 2.10 0.301 0.316 14.154 2.20 2.20 0.316 0.347 14.951 2.30 2.30 0.330 0.379 15.759 2.40 2.40 0.344 0.413 16.578 2.50 2.50 0.359 0.448 17.408 Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Cnrn..inhf 900R _,)nn7 ID-Il I Srhumh Time of Peak Runoff Stru SWS SWS Area Musk K Curve Conc Musk X UHS Discharge Volume # # (ac) (hrs) Number (hrs) (cfs) (ac-ft) #2 1 0.570 0.060 0.000 0.000 86.000 TR55 1.93 0.166 0.570 1.93 0.166 Subwatershed SedimentologyDetail: Peak Peak Stru SWS Soil K L (ft) S (%) C P PS # Sediment Sediment Settleable 24VW # # (tons) Conc. Conc (MI/1) (mg/0 (MI/1) #2 1 0.170 225.00 4.00 1.0000 1.0000 1 5.7 45,086 29.50 16.38 5.7 45,086 29.50 16.38 6 Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows f nnvrin h4 9 QQR _9M7 P—Io I Crh-.h All About Plumb ediment TravDing Calculatiojn Silt Fence 100 Year Storm McCutchen Engineering Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Cnnvrinhf 9OOR _9nn7 P—io I Gh,—h Storm Information; Storm Type: NRCS Type II Design Storm: 100 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth: 7.450 inches Particle Size Distribution; Size (mm) Bradson 1.4000 100, 000% 1.0000 89.700% 0.0630 66.000% 0.0440 38.100% 0.0380 36.600% 0.0040 4.200% 0.0030 2.600% 0.0010 0.000% Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r`- ... inh4 1QQA _Or)n7 P—Io I Crh,—h Type Stru (flows Stru # into) # Musk. K Musk. X (hrs) Description Silt Fence #2 ==> End 0.000 0.000 Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Cnnvrinh4 loop _,)nn7 0-10 I Crh—h 0 Structure Summary: Immediate Total Peak Total Peak Peak Contributing Contributing Discharge Runoff Sediment Sediment Settleable 24VW Area Area Volume (tons) Conc. Conc. (MI/1) (ac) (ac) (cfs) (ac-ft) (mg/1) (MI/1) In 3.02 0.27 9.8 46,275 30.27 16.85 #2 0.570 0.570 Out 2.91 0.27 0.5 4,337 0.45 0.19 Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows r nvrinht I QQA _9nn7 P-10 I Crh,—h Structure #2. Size (mm) In Out 1.4000 100.000% 100.000% 1.0000 89.700% 100.000% 0.0630 66.000% 100.000% 0.0440 38.100% 100,000% 0.0380 36.600% 100.000% 0.0040 4.200% 76,103% 0.0030 2.600% 47.112% 0.0010 0.000% 0.000% Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows (' n,rinhf 9QQR _,)nn7 P-1. I Srh,-h on StructureDetail: Structure #2 (Silt Fence) Silt Fence Inputs: Fence Flow Width along Land Slope Tie -back Rate (gpm/sq contour (ft) Height (ft) (%) distance (ft) ft) 10.0 250.0 2.5 4.00 62.5 Silt Fence Results: *Sediment Storage: 0.00 ac-ft *No sediment capacity defined Peak Fence Stage: 0.50 ft Peak Water Stage: 0.50 ft Dewater Time: 0.50 days Trap Efficiency: 94.48 % Dewatenng time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Stage -Capacity -Discharge Table Fence Stage (ft) Water Stage (ft) Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 Top of Sediment 0.10 0.10 0.014 0.001 0.563 11.50 0.20 0.20 0.029 0.003 1.136 0.35 0.30 0.30 0.043 0.006 1.721 0.05 0.40 0.40 0.057 0.011 2.317 0.05 0.50 0.50 0.071 0.018 2.914 0.03 Peak Stage 0.50 0.50 0.072 0.018 2.924 0.60 0.60 0.086 0.026 3.543 0.70 0.70 0.100 0.035 4.172 0.80 0.80 0.115 0.046 4.813 0.90 0.90 0.129 0.058 5.465 1.00 1.00 0.143 0.071 6.127 1.10 1.10 0.158 0.086 6.801 1.20 1.20 0.172 0.103 7.487 1.30 1.30 0.187 0.121 8.183 1.40 1.40 0.201 0.140 8.890 1.50 1.50 0.215 0.161 9.609 1.60 1.60 0.230 0.183 10.339 1.70 1.70 0.244 0.207 11.080 Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows f—...inhi 1QQA _gnn7 P-1. I Srh—h Fence Stage (ft) Water Stage (ft) Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge Dewater Time (cfs) (hrs) 1.80 1.80 0.258 0.232 11.832 1.90 1.90 0.273 0.259 12.595 2.00 2.00 0.287 0.287 13.369 2.10 2.10 0.301 0.316 14.154 2.20 2.20 0.316 0.347 14.951 2.30 2.30 0.330 0.379 15.759 2.40 2.40 0.344 0.413 16.578 2.50 2.50 0.359 0.448 17.408 Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Cnnvrinh+ iaap _9nn7 [D—Io I C,h-.h Time of Peak Runoff Stru SWS SWS Area Musk K Curve Conc Musk X UHS Discharge Volume # # (ac) (hrs) (hrs) Number (cfs) (ac-ft) #2 1 0.570 0.060 0.000 0.000 86.000 TR55 3.02 0.275 0.570 3.02 0.275 Subwatershed Sedimentolmy Detail. Peak Peak Stru SWS Sediment Sediment Settleable 24VW Soil K L (ft) S (%) C P PS # Conc. Conc # # (tons) (MI/1) (mg/1) (ml/1) #2 1 0.170 225.00 4.00 1.0000 1.0000 1 9.8 46,275 30.27 16.85 9.8 46,275 30.27 16.85 O Filename: Silt Fence Calculations.sc4 Printed 11-28-2022 All About Plumbing — Grass Drainage Swale Calculations Vegetated Conveyance — Grass Swale #1 Available Capacity (per detail on drawing C400): 2 , Q _ 1.49 * A * R 5 * S2 n Q = Flow Rate, (cfs) n = Manning's Roughness Coefficient (unitless) A = Flow Area, (sf) R = Hydraulic Radius, (ft) S = Slope of Energy Gradient, (ft/ft) Q = to be determined n = 0.15 A = 9.75 s.f. P = 11.50 R = 0.85 (A/P) S=5.0% 1.49 z 1 Q =— xAx R3 xS2 n Q _ 1.49 x9.75x0.852 1 x0.05 0.15 Q = 19.4 cfs (Available Capacity) 10 Year Design Flow (From Grassed Area Drainage Basin: 0.82 acres Intensity: 7.09 in/hr Weighted C = (0.57 Ac)*(0.95)+ (0.25 Ac)*(0.35) 0.57 Ac+0.25 Ac Weighted C = 0.77 Q = CIA Q = 0.77 x 7.09 x 0.82 Q = 4.48 cfs All About Plumbing — Grass Drainage Swale Calculations Velocity Check Velocity = Q (cfs) /A (ft2) Q = 4.48 cfs A=9.75ftz V = 4.48 / 9.75 = 0.46 ft/s Conclusion: Capacity is available in the proposed design channel to handle 10-year design storm & velocity is equal to 0.46 ft/s which is lower than the maximum design velocity for grass swales of 4 ft/s. All About Plumbing — Grass Drainage Swale Calculations Vegetated Conveyance — Grass Swale #2 Available Capacity (per detail on drawing C400): 2 , Q_ 1.49 * A* R 3 * S z n Q = Flow Rate, (cfs) n = Manning's Roughness Coefficient (unitless) A = Flow Area, (sf) R = Hydraulic Radius, (ft) S = Slope of Energy Gradient, (ft/ft) Q = to be determined MON A = 9.75 s.f. P = 11.50 R = 0.85 (A/P) S=2.0% 1.49 2 1 Q =— xAx R3 xS2 n Q = 1.49 x9.75x0.853 x0.022 0.15 Q = 12.3 cfs (Available Capacity) 10 Year Design Flow (From Grassed Area Drainage Basin: 0.27 acres Intensity: 7.09 in/hr Weighted C = (0.15 Ac)*(0.95)+ (0.12 Ac)*(0.35) 0.15 Ac+0.12 Ac Weighted C = 0.68 Q = CIA Q = 0.68 x 7.09 x 0.27 Q = 1.30 cfs All About Plumbing — Grass Drainage Swale Calculations Velocity Check Velocity = Q (cfs) /A (ftz) Q = 1.30 cfs A = 9.75 ft2 V= 1.30 / 9.75 = 0.13 ft/s Conclusion: Capacity is available in the proposed design channel to handle 10-year design storm & velocity is equal to 0.13 ft/s which is lower than the maximum design velocity for grass swales of 4 ft/s. W • 1 • • � =� Location: Mills River, NC Sheet Flow Surface Description Bare Soil Manning's Roughness (n) Table 3-1 0.011 Flow Length (L) 100 Two Year 24 hour rainfall (P) 3.6" Average Land slope (s) 4.00% or 0.04 ft/ft 0.007(nL)0-' T = (P) 0.5 x (s) 0.4 T _ 0.007(0.011 x 100)0.8 (3.6)0.s x (0.04)0.4 T = 0.01 hours Shallow Concentrated Flow Surface Description unpaved Flow Length (L) 100 Watercourse Slope (ft/ft) 4.0% or 0.04 ft/ft Average Velocity (figure 3-1) 3.2 L T 3600V 200 T 3600 x 3.2 T = 0.02 hours Total Combined Time of Concentration Time = 0.01 hours + 0.02 hours Time = 0.03 hours or 1.8 minutes Stor nwater Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO10000 Appendix E Inspection Log and Reports All About Plumbing - Building Addition Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 ... Inspection LoTL Name of Construction Site Location of Construction Site Date of Inspection Inspector Name Does Inspection Report require maintenance of installed BMPs. ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No All About Plumbing - Building Addition Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO10000 SWPPP Inspection Log (Continued).,. --AL Date of Inspection Inspector Name Does Inspection Report require maintenance of installed BMPs . ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No All About Plumbing - Building Addition Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Perm itNo, NCG010000 Appendix F Rainfall Logand Reports All •b•ut Plumbing - Building A•• • C M d' If1 �O I� 00 oN O r- � r- N r- M � In �O �- t� r- oO r- O, O N � N N N m N M- N Ln N .o N N N w N ON N 0 M 05 C N M d' to �D t� 00 O� O �— r- r- N M �— d �— Ln r- D r- N 00 as �— O N �- N N N M N d' N Ln N -,o N N N 00 N ON N O M r- M 4- c L. a. NMd'Ln�oN000s Or-NM'�7'n �- ,DNwcis0r-NM'T'tn%OI�wc7N0 �-�-r-NNNNNNNNNNM Q r� 4- C L M d' 11'f �O 1� 00 O� O N e- M r- I.n �- %O e- 1-, r- 00 � O N N N N M N "' N Ln N "O N I- N 00 N O, N O M M i� C � cis L l� • L r- N M d' Ln �D I� 00 O� O N M T to %o I� r 00 D` O N N N N M N N Ln N ,O N I,- N W N C, N ,II 41 LL • r0 =v- C Nm n%o ooONr.r O W N �r cM d' Ln �o r-, w Cs 0 NNNNNNNNNNM M d Ln "D W C, O �— M c� '7 i� C a� e- N M q. Ln �D w O, O N M d Ln ,D 00 as O N M 'T 1n "0 00 ON O r U rt5 C L t>J .a ��Dt�oOO�O�NM�ln%ol�wa,o r- r- �- �- r- N N NMd N N N u'f�DI�oOO+O N N N N N M O Z l.L L .Q O�NM'ITLn1D1"00����r O r- N M d' to %D I� 00 � r-NNNNNNNNNNMM O r- N M "T Ln 'D I� 00 O1 O U O i0 v- C L N 4J Mr1 ►n%D1�00a, C) Mv- n ,o1-,%O�NM o0O T n-z wa,o 41 W N • _ (CS 4- C • M LA �- N M �} Ln --D1� 00 O� O e- r- N T- M T- wf T- Ln T- %o T- 1,, V- 00 r- O% � O N N N N M N 11" N Ln N 110 N N N 00 N � N O M r- M Q •, �r-NMd Ln�D1�o0O��������ONNNNN NNNNNMM O Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO10000 Appendix G Additional Site Logs and Records All About Plumbing - Building Addition Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCG010000 Date Ft Time Description/Outline and Name of the Presenter of SWPPP and Site Requirements Name I Company I Signature All About Plumbing - Building Addition StOrmwater P011Uti0n Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 ••• Pre -Construction ConferenceI/ I• 1 Name Company Signature All About Plumbing - Building Addition Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCG010000 SWPPP Contractor I• Name of Construction Site Location of Construction Site Company/individual.. - - 1.) Start Date: Completion Date: 2.) Start Date: Completion Date: 3.) Start Date: Completion Date: 4.) Start Date: Completion Date: 5.) Start Date: Completion Date: 6.) Start Date: Completion Date: 7.) Start Date: Completion Date: 8.) Start Date: Completion Date: 9.) Start Date: Completion Date: 10.) Start Date: Completion Date: All About Plumbing - Building Addition Storniwater Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 SWPPP Contractor Et Sub -Contractor Log (Continued) 11.) Start Date: Completion Date: 12.) Start Date: Completion Date: 13.) Start Date: Completion Date: 14.) Start Date: Completion Date: 15.) Start Date: Completion Date: 16.) Start Date: Completion Date: 17.) Start Date: Completion Date: 18.) Start Date: Completion Date: 19.) Start Date: Completion Date: 20.) Start Date: Completion Date: 21.) Start Date: Completion Date: All About Plumbing - Building Addition Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO10000 SWPPP Modification•• Name of Construction Site Location of Construction Site Type of Modification.. ❑ Major ❑ Minor .. ification Start Date: Completion Date: Reason for Approved/Implemented Modifications: By: ModificationType of ..Modification ❑ Major ❑ Minor Start Date: Completion Date: Reason for Modifications: Approved/implemented By: Type of Modification.. ❑ Major ❑ Minor .. ification Start Date: Completion Date: Reason for Modifications: Approved/Implemented By: ModificationType of ❑ Major ❑ Minor ..Modification Start Date: Completion Date: Reason for Modifications: Approved/Implemented By: ModificationType of ❑ Major ❑ Minor ..Modification Start Date: Completion Date: Reason for Modifications: Approved/Implemented By: All About Plumbing - Building Addition Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCG010000 Name of Construction Site Location of Construction Site Type of Modification ❑ Major ❑ Minor Description of Modification Location of Modification Start Date: Completion Date: Reason for Modifications: Approved/Implemented By: Type of Mod ification ❑ Major ❑ Minor Description of ModificationModification Start Date: Completion Date: Reason for Modifications: Approved/Implemented By: ModificationType of ❑ Major ❑ Minor ..Modification Start Date: Completion Date: Reason for Modifications: Approved/Implemented By: Type of Modification.. ❑ Major ❑ Minor .. ification Start Date: Completion Date: Reason for Modifications: Approved/Implemented By: ModificationType of ❑ Major ❑ Minor ..Modification Start Date: Completion Date: Reason for Approved/Implemented Modifications: By: All About Plumbing - Building Addition Storniwater Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 SWPPP Soil Stabilization Log Name of Construction Site Location of Construction Site Type of Stabilization Description of Stabilization Location of Stabilization ❑ Final ❑ Temporary Initiate Date: Completion Date: Additional Inspection Frequency for work proposed for Stabilized Area: this area: Type of Stabilization Description of Stabilization Location of Stabilization ❑ Final ❑ Temporary Initiate Date: Completion Date: Additional Inspection Frequency for work proposed for Stabilized Area: this area: Type of Stabilization Description of Stabilization Location of Stabilization ❑ Final ❑ Temporary Initiate Date: Completion Date: Additional Inspection Frequency for work proposed for Stabilized Area: this area:Type of Stabilization Description of Stabilization Location of Stabilization ❑ Final ❑ Temporary Initiate Date: Completion Date: Additional Inspection Frequency for work proposed for Stabilized Area: this area: Type of Stabilization Description of Stabilization Location of Stabilization ❑ Final ❑ Temporary Initiate Date: Completion Date: Additional Inspection Frequency for work proposed for Stabilized Area: this area: All About Plumbing - Building Addition Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 SWPPP Modification / • I • Name of Construction Site Location of Construction Site Type of Stabilization Description of Stabilization Location of Stabilization ❑ Final ❑ Temporary Initiate Date: Completion Date: Additional Inspection Frequency for work proposed for Stabilized Area: this area: Type of St�abilizatic' Description of Stabilization Location of Stabilization ❑ Final ❑ Temporary Initiate Date: Completion Date: Additional Inspection Frequency for work proposed for Stabilized Area: this area: Type of Stabilization Description of Stabilization Location of Stabillization"� ❑ Final ❑ Temporary Initiate Date: Completion Date: Additional Inspection Frequency for work proposed for Stabilized Area: this area: Type of Stabilization Description of Stabilization Location of Stabilization ❑ Final ❑ Temporary Initiate Date: Completion Date: Additional Inspection Frequency for work proposed for Stabilized Area: this area: Type of Stabilization Description of Stabilization Location of Stabilization ❑ Final ❑ Temporary Initiate Date: Completion Date: Additional work proposed for Inspection Frequency for this area: Stabilized Area: All About Plumbing - Building Addition Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO 10000 Appendix H Misc. Design Information/Cut Sheets All About Plumbing - Building Addition 1INFAB112098 is manufactured using '+ igh tenacity polypropylene yarns that are coven to form e dimensionally stable network, ihich allows the yarns to maintain their relative position. VINFAB111 2098 resists ultraviolet deterioration, rotting, Ind biological degradation and is inert to commonly !ncountered soil chemicals. It meets or exceeds the egt.lirements of AASHTO M288 for Unsupported silt fence and kSTM D6461 table 2; Average Roll Val - PRODUCT DATA SHEET WINFAB'' 2098 I "q I1 1j I'I II t�,�l tJl�,i I t. Dlschhnen WI1VA0 assumes no liability fol the comploleness or accuracy of 1111s hlfoll"auon or Tile u111n1a1e use of tills Infornlollon. WIhIFAB dlsclnlms any and all In1pIIet1, expressed, or slalutoly slandatds, guarnnlees, or wannntles. Tills Includes without Ilntltallon any Inlplled Wanartly as to metcianlabillly or fitness for n parllculal pulpase or arising front a course of dealing or usage of trade as to equlpnlenl, Iluilellals, or Infonnallon fwnished hereWlth. Tills document should not be construed as engineering n(lvlce, Always constrll the project engineer for project specific tequliements. The end user assumes sole lesponsiblllty for the use of tills Information and product. The properly Values listed above are subject to change Without 11011 , WIIJFAY",q Ir are tradert0rl(s of Wlllacoocllee Industrial Fabrics, Inc. 02021 W1110coocltee Industlal Fabrles Inc. WIMI'AII I VANV) VIII(uhrU„t.l Ilrr 1 Nashvlllo Mills Rd. Nashvllln GA 3.1639 Pitt (912) 534-5767 ' Fax; (J 12) 6311-6533 ��� h1111a1s; cl: tl ; a7 r,.�= Wlor 2010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 29 30 31 32 33 See.tion 1605 DIVISION M Ejz ()SJON CONTROL OL AND ST,C'T'TON 1605 'T'EMPORARY STLT T{Ee NCE 1605--1 DESCRIPTION Furnish material, construe(, maintain and remove temporary silt fence in locations shown in the plans or in locations that require surface drainage to he filtered. 1605-2 MATERIALS Refer to Division 10. Item Section Geotextile, Type 3 t056 (A) Posts Provide steel posts with at least 5 feet long, l 3/8 inch wide measured parallel to the fence and 1,25 Ibs, per foot in weight per length, Equip with an anchor plate with an area of at least 14.0 square inches. Ensure a means of retaining fencing material in the desired position without displacement. (I3) \�Ioven Wire Felice Provide woven wire fence at least 32 inches high with 5 horizontal wires, vertical wires spaced 12 inches apart, 10 gauge top and bottom wires and 12 1/2 gauge Cor all other wires. (C) Attachment Device Provide plastic ties, wire fasteners or other approved attachment device, 1605-3 CONSTRUCTION METHODS Install in locations as shown in the plans or as directed, Install wire and geotextile as shown in Roadmia), St(tn&w(l Dr whigs, Geotextile may be used without the woven wire fence backing with a post spacing of 1101 more than 6 feet, Install post inclined toward runoff source, at an angle of not more than 20, from vertical, Mach geotextile to (he post with acceptable methods - Overlap geotextile al least 18 inches at splice joints, 1605-4 MAINTENANCE AND REMOVAL Maintain the silt fencc until the project is accepted or until (he fence is removed. Remove and replace deteriorated or ineffective geotextile, Remove and dispose of silt accumulations in accordance Gvith Section 1630 when necessary or as directed. Leave silt Fence in place until site stabilization and remove at project completion, Removed silt fence becomes the property of the, Contractor, Dress and seed and nmlch all areas where silt fence is removed in accordance with Section 1660• NCQO'1.2018 Standard Specifications 16-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 Section 1606 IW-5 M.yASUREN NTAND PAVIAHNT Tempormy Sill h'(Mce will be measured and paid in linear feet, accepted in place, along the ground line of the fence. Temporary Silt i'enee; that requires removal and replacement clue to general deterioration or ineffective geotextile will be paid at contract trait prices. Repairs to the fence clue to carelessness or neglect on the part of the Con(ractor twill he ,it no cost to the Department. Sill Excavation will be measured and paid in accordance with Article 1630-3, Seeding and Mulching will be measured and paid in accordance with Article 1660-8, Article 104-5, pertaining to revised contract prices, will not apply to this item. No revision in the con(Nact unit price will be allowed because of any overrun or underrun. Payment will be made under; Pay Item Temporary Silt hence Pay Unit Linear Foot SIB MON 1606 SPECIAL SEDIMENT CONTROL FENCE 14 1606-1 DESCRIPTION 15 Furnish materials, construct, maintain and remove special sediment cont-ol fence. Place 16 special sediment conb'oI fence as shown in the plans or as directed. 17 1606-2 MATERIALS 18 Refer to Division 10, Item Section Sediment Control Stone, Standard Size No. 5 or 57 IOM 19 (A) Posts 20 Provicle steel posts in accordance with Subarticle 1605-2(A), 21 (B) t/4" Havd)vare Cloth 22 Provide hardware cloth with I/4 inch openings constructed from 24 gauge wire. 23 (C) Attachment Device 24 Provide plastic ties, wire fasteners or other approved attachment device. 25 1606--3 CONSTRUCTION METHODS 26 Install hardware cloth and sediment control stone in accordance with Roadway Skmdard 27 Drawings, Attach hardware cloth to post with acceptable methods, 28 Ntlaintain the special sediment control fence until the project is accepted or until the fence is 29 removed. Remove and dispose of silt accumulations at the fence when so directed in 30 accordance with Section 1630, 31 1606-4 Mj-�,ASUI2EMENT AND PAYINI P,NI' 32 Silt Excavation will be measured and paid in accordance with Article 1630-1 33 1141, I-1crrchware Cloth will be measured and paid in accordance with At'ticle 1632-5, 34 Sediment Control Slone will be measured and paid in accordance with Article 1610.4, 16-2 NCDOT 2018 Standard Specifications f } I •rim r, • For sustatnaare vegetatloq Profile's 5 Fundamentals are the Foundation to Sustainable Vegetation Establishing sustainable vegetation and receiving the earliest possible Notice of Termination (NOT) are the goals of every project. Profile's 5 Fundamentals are the surest way to get you there. Picking the right erosion control material like Flexterra® HP-FGM is just one of the 5 steps. 1. Assess and Create Optimal 4I Soil Conditions Soil testing provides essential information to determine what soil amendments, if any, are required to assure a more favorable growing environment for faster, more complete vegetative growth and sustainable establishment. N/ib2. Pick the Right Plant Species It is essential to select plant species that are adapted to the site conditions. 0 3. Select the Correct Erosion e'— Control Material The right cover protects both seed and soil, and facilitates growth. Flexterra HP-FGM is unsurpassed in delivering outstanding performance. 11 4. Ensure Proper Installation w Products must be installed in accordance with manufacturer recommendations to maximize their performance. 5. Follow -tip Inspections and Maintenance Practices Continual monitoring ensures all site compliance issues are being addressed. Maintenance may be required to mitigate unexpected challenges, Profile provides valuable assistance for each of these Fundamentals 2417— beginning with FREE soil testing. Visit profileps3.com. FLEXTERRA° HP-FGMTM Absolutely the Most Effective Erosion Control Medium Available Flexterra® HP-FGM"' stands alone as the ultimate erosion control and revegetation product. Fine grading and extensive soil preparation are unnecessary, allowing you to apply the product for immediate protection and superior performance at reduced overall costs. Flexterra HP-FGM Delivers: o The highest germination and HARD ARMOR I growth establishment of any PIR rolled or other hydraulically s,f is REINFORCED VEGETATION sM Is applied erosion control �fl product available sm�ss a NATURAL VEGETATION Flexible Grow„�,,,,,, o Greater than 99% erosion Medluij control effectiveness immediately upon application AlPromatli 0 100% biodegradable Non -toxic and safe for even the most sensitive environments �ill�1�,�IL'4�r;ir•ull� i��idih Superior erosion control across Profile's spectrum of products ensures reliable, sustainable solutions for slopes, channels, shorelines, water management projects, pipeline restorations, waste and fly ash containment sites, fine turf areas and other environmentally sensitive sites. Patented Technologies and Greener Components Deliver Unmatched Performance Flexterra HP-FGM combines both chemical and mechanical bonding techniques to lock the engineered rnediurn in place and promote accelerated germination with minimal soil loss. Greener from the inside out, here's what makes it work so well: r? Revolutionary patented Micro -Pore particles optimize water and nutrient retention 100% recycled, virgin Thermally Refined® wood fibers produce the highest yield and coverage per unit weight, and are phyto-sanitized, eliminating weed seeds and pathogens W L-A 100% non -toxic biopolymers and water absorbents enhance erosion control resistance and growth establishment 100% biodegradable interlocking fibers increase mechanical bonding of the matrix to provide Immediate performance upon installation A Closer Look at Micro -Pore Particles and Thermally Refined' Wood Fibers Fibers magnified 45 tines by independent lab specializing In fiber analysis, • Micro -Pore particles capture and hold moisture and nutrients, reduce soil surface evaporation and improve oxygen exchange, which all contribute to faster, more uniform vegetation establishment. • Micro -Pore particles also increase bond strength of the flexible growth medium, resulting in greater resistance to raindrop impact and sheet flow. Inferior wood fibers magnified 45 times, Nothing Keeps More Soil On Site Flexterra® HP-FGM"' has demonstrated nearly perfect erosion control performance — even on slopes as severe as 0.251-1:1 V. In addition to minimizing soil loss, the turbidity of runoff is greatly reduced. In large scale testing, Flexterra HP-FGM reduced effluent turbidity of sandy loam soils to less than 250 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs). Establishes Vegetation More Reliably Quicker and complete establishment is the key to long-term erosion control. Flexterra HP-FGM has recorded the highest growth establishment rating of any erosion control product in independent laboratory testing using standard test method ASTM D7322. The First Erosion Control Product to Offer Documented Functional Longevity ASTM D5338 testing protocol confirms Flexterra HP-FGM's observed functional longevity of up to 18 months. Flexterra HP-FGM is proven to last longer than other hydraulically applied erosion control products, Long-lasting Flexterra HP-FGM is designed to: • Provide protection on bare soil over periods of dormancy; assures that when more optimal growing conditions arrive, the seed and nutrients are still in place and in an environment conducive to rapid germination and emergence. • Increase survivability of plants; exceptional water retention nurtures vegetation to better withstand environmental stress. • Accommodate a broad range of vegetative species; safeguards and helps to cultivate even the slowest establishing species. • 100% recycled, Thermally Refined® virgin wood chips create fine, long and highly absorbent fibers that deliver superior yield, coverage and water -holding capacity. • Competitive refining technologies develop inferior fibers that require more bales to achieve the coverage of Profile's Thermally Refined wood fiber matrices. Additionally, claims that competitive mulches save or use less water during application just don't hold water. EROSION CONTROL PERFORMANCE -V - SBavilo 1on(� Doubled) t Profile' Bonded ppoo��,,bledle Ileatena' Il,draulic lAulth Sbavr Blantet IiberlAaelc Evselsla Blan4el IIP•rul Average Percent Effectiveness Days TYPICAL FUNCTIONAL LONGEVITY 500 400 300 — zoo 100 0 i SuavrlCot on Ihdrau cAlulih Profik'lVood lau Profde'rondedc I P{IS"3ma' Llukhh I@er ,GLt' Based on ASIM D5338 and field Observations Flexterra® HP-FGM"' Technical Data: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES* Masstltnll Alca ASTM D6566' g1m, (ozlyd') z 390 (11.6) lhlckness ASTM D6525' mm (in) z 5.6 (0.22) Ground Cover ASTM D6567' % z 99 Water -holding Capacity ASTM D7367 % z 1,700 Material Color Observed nla Green ENVIRONMENTAL PROPERTIES* Biodegradability ASTM D5338 nla Yes Ecotoxlcity EPA 2021.0 % 48-hr LCw> 100% Effluent Twbldity Large Scale' NTU < 250 PERFORMANCE PROPERTIES* Cover Factor' Large Scale' nla s 0.01 Percent Effectiveness' Large Scale' % z 99 Functional Longevity' ASTM D5338 months s 18 CrneTime Observed hours 0.2 Vegetation Establishment ASTM D7322' % z 800 PRODUCT COMPOSITION TYPICAL VALUE thermally Processed' (within a pressurized vessel) 100% Recycled Virgin Wood Fibers 80% Wetting agents (including high -viscosity colloidal polysaccharides, cross -linked biopolymers, and water absorbents) 10% Crimped Biodegradable Interlocking Fibers 5% Micro -Pore Granules 5% * When uniformly applied at a rate of 3,500 Ib/ac (3,940 kglha) under laboratory conditions. 1. ASTM test methods developed for Rolled Erosion Control Products that have been modified to accommodate Hydraulic Erosion Control Products. 2. Cover Factor Is calculated as soil loss ratio of treated surface versus an untreated control surface. 3. Percent Effectiveness = One minus Cover Factor multiplied by 100%. 4. Functional Longevity Is the estimated time period, based upon field observations, that a material can be anticipated to provide erosion control and agronomic benefits as influenced by composition, as well as site -specific conditions, including; but not limited to —temperature, moisture and light conditions, soils, biological activity, vegetative establishment and other environmental factors. 5. Large Scale testing conducted at Utah Water Research Laboratory. For specific testing Information, please contact a Profile technical service representative at 800-508.8681 (US and Canada) or International - +1-847-215-1144. 6. Heated to a temperature greater than 380 degrees Fahrenheit (193 degrees Celsius) for 5 minutes at a pressure greater than 50 psi (345 kPa). Profile• Solutions for your Environment' GREEN DESIGN ENGINEERING'" EARTH -FRIENDLY SOLUTIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE RESULTS" Green Design Engineering"' is a holistic approach, combining environmentally beneficial design and ecologically sound products with agronomic and erosion control expertise, to provide the most effective, customized and cost-efficient solutions for erosion control and vegetative establishment. 3 PSI, Profile's unique online PROFILE SOIL SOLUTIONS 8 0 F T W A R E project design and management software, is the best place to start applying The 5 Fundamentals"' to your next project. The process begins with a FREE soil test, and walks you through every Fundamental. It's the only program of its kind that integrates and compares a variety of technologies to your specific project parameters, and provides complete documentation including product specifications, installation guidelines, CAD details and other pertinent technical information. Get started by visiting Prof i1ePS3.con1. PROFILE Products LLC 750 W. Lake Cook Rd • Sulte 440 Find us on Buffalo Grove,IL60089.800.508.8601 profileproducts,com facebook.com/proflleEVS 02018 PROFILE Products LLC, all rights reserved, t® Profile, Flexlerra and Thermally Refined are registered trademarks of PROFILE Products I.I.C. IECA Solutions (oryour Environment, HP-FGM, The 5 Fundamentals, GreenArmor System, ET-FGM, Flexible Growth Medium, ProMaldx, Engineered Fiber Matrix, Green Design Engineering and Earth-Frlendly Solutions for Sustainable Results are trademarks of PROFILE Products I.I.C. HP-02 02118 INSTALLED COST PER ACRE4 INCLUDING SEED, FERTILIZER, AND LABOR Flexterra'° dramatically reduces overall costs. The savings are even more dramatic when you consider the extensive soil preparation blankets require to minimize voids and bridging over the soil surface, 'Based an Installed rate at 3,500lb per acro. Flexterra° bas consistently outperformed any and all competitive vegetated slope protection technologies, including Bonded Fiber Matrices and Erosion Control Blankets. Flexible Slope Protection at the Lowest Overall Cost. New Flexterra"' is a revolutionary component of Profile Erosion Control Solutions (PECS"'), the industry's most comprehensive " assortment of hydraulic mulch and erosion control blanket technology combined with on -site expertise and unfailing , support, Like all products within the PECS arsenal, Flexterra"' is specifically engineered to deliver optimum performance under demanding conditions, Nothing controls soil erosion and accelerates seed germination like Flexterra," the ultimate hydraulically applied blanket, Patented technology creates a Flexible Growth Medium"' (FGM"') that offers better protection on slopes than rolled erosion control blankets (ECB) and bonded fiber matrix (BFM) products — with the speed and cost savings of hydraulic seeding. Plus, it can be combined with other erosion control technologies to accommodate a broad range of conditions, At lower application rates, it can significantly and economically Improve the performance of complementary technologies from straw blankets to turf reinforcement mats (TRM). Flexterra" is effective upon application. It requires no cure time to develop Intimate soil contact. This engineered medium performs on slopes steeper than 2.5H;1V and remains effective even during sustained rainfall events, It can be applied using all types of mechanically agitated hydraulic seeding equipment over uneven terrain and rough seedbeds. It Doesn't Just Perform, It Outperforms. Nothing compares to the performance of Flexterra"' when evaluated by the most prestigious slope erosion testing laboratories in North America, Flexterra" performance has been proven. Superior erosion control-0.0001 Cover (C) Factor from the Universal Soil Loss Equation translates to 99,9% effectiveness —or near perfection. Effective immediately —no cure time required, Fastest turf establishment-1500% water holding capacity delivers more moisture to the seedbed for better germination, 1/3 less expensive than blankets —less soil preparation is required, 44 . 1-Tj 10.' 0 -- , - -- --- ECTC Test Method #20 -------------------------- Test Method Lab Protocol4 ------------------- ASTM D64595 ---------------------- --------------------------- Application Rate --------------------------- 3000 Ib/ac - ---- - - 3500 Ib/ac ------ ----3500 lb/ac ------- Test Conditions: Slope Gradlent 2.5H:IV 2HAV 3H:IV Soil Type sandy loam clay sand silty sand Test Duratlon I hr 3 successive —I hr ---------------------- 1/2 hr -------------------------- --------------------------- Rainfall Event ------------------- 5 in/hr ------------------- 2 in/hr ---------------------- G in/hr -------------------------- --------------------------- Cover or'C"Factor? 0.0003 0.0001 ---------•------------ 0.0000 -------------------------- --o----------------------- /o Effectiveness ------------------ 99.97% 99.99% 99.34% Blanket and BFM Comparisons Fall Flat, Flexterra"' is an effective alternative to erosion control blankets and BFMs. No straw or excelsior blanket alone can match Flexterra's" slope protection, even on critical sites, The loft of the FGM"' matrix captures moisture and creates more air space to enhance seedling emergence. Flexterra'.' absorbs and holds 5 times Its weight in water, while standard excelsior blankets retain only twice their weight, The beauty of Flexterra"', however, is that it can be used a number of ways, For example, blankets and turf reinforcement mats (TRMs) will perform better when a protective layer of Flexterra'"' is first applied at a reduced rate before installation. Independent testing proves that Flexterra"' significantly out -performs excelsior and straw blankets as well as BFMs in preventing erosion. The results speak for themselves; NEARLY 100 TIMES LESS SOIL LOSS PER ACRE THAN BLANKETS AND BFMS. FGM'° BFM** STRAW BLANKET EXCELSIOR BLANKET .Faking Erosion Control to a Whole New Level. Although BFM technology has its place, Flexterte FGM"' is engineered for much tougher site and environmental conditions. Select FGM"" if: Select BFM if' 1 The site requires stronger mechanical A chemical bond is strong enough and chemical bonds to withstand to meet slope severity and length greater surface flow and/or severe slopes , The required functional longevity of Soil needs erosion protection for up soil protection is G months or less to one year i The site demands Immediate erosion protection and you need to eliminate risk from impending weather 1 You need the fastest vegetation establishment possible 1 You require a high factor of design safety The soil is dry and rain is not expected within 48 hours after application There is a high degree of certainty heavy rains will not follow application r You require a moderate factor of design safety Flexterra'° Excelslor Shaw FGMI" Blanket Blanket PROMOTES MORE COMPLETE SEED GERMINATION THAN BLANKETS Flexterra° not only provides better immediate erosion control, independent testing also proves Flexterra'° provides better long-term control through more reliable and denser vegetation establishment. FGM" application rats 3,000lb par acro. 5' per hr. rain ovens on 2.511:IV slopo for I hr. on sandy loam soil. 'Extrapolated from Utah rosoarch. "Compotitivo BFM product —+...somms— Wood Fillers 0 Interlocldng Fibers Q Co -Polymer Gel Crosslinlcind Hydro -colloid Tacicifier NO CURE TIME REQUIRED Testing proves that Flexterram is 98% effective two hours after application. FGIVITM application rate 3,000lb par ac(o. 10•yoor storm event (2.1 Inches) Son Diego Slate University Soil Erosion Research Laboratory ISGSU/SERL) The Right Chemistry Works Every Time. Flexterra" uses patented technology combining both chemical and mechanical bonding techniques to lock the engineered medium in place, Crimped synthetic fibers, organic fibers and performance -enhancing additives form a lofty, interlocking matrix that creates air space and water -absorbing cavities which improve germination; reduce the impact of raindrop energy and minimize soil loss. Superior chemistry means no cure time, which enables the matrix to handle higher rates of surface flow energy from heavy rains —upon application, Water-resistant tackifiers and flocculants chemically bond the matrix to the soil surface, LOSS Soil Loss Two Hours After Application 100Ib ee m — 4 v BARE SOIL FLEX1 ERRA" FGN' 601b 401b 20 IU OIU -- — Elapsed Time inutes 0 20 40 60 80 100 Al 100% a °oho rn 2% FGM'H Bare Soil Solves Problems on a Variety of Sites. FGM"' has been used on projects ranging from rough ground and steep, rocky slopes to moderate- or steep -graded fill slopes. It is also used in environmentally sensitive wetlands and other wildlife areas not compatible with nettings. It has proven itself in a broad array of applications: DOT & Highway Projects FGM"' can be applied quickly to small or large areas with no cutting, trimming or stapling involved. It has received DOT approval on a growing list of states. Mine Reclamation FGM" exceeds the rigid environmental standards that coine with abandoned mined land (AML) reclamation projects. Commercial and Residential Construction FGM" doesn't require stakes that pose hazards and doesn't leave netting behind that can interfere with mowing. Golf Course Construction FGM"' locks the soil and seed in place, allowing grass to mature into a healthy, dense cover at a fraction of the cost of sod. Flexible Growth Medium"' Specification. The Flexible Growth Medium" (FGM"') shall be a hydraullcally-applied, flexible erosion control blanket composed of long strand, thermally processed wood fibers, crimped, Interlocking fibers and performance enhancing additives. The FGM'" requires no curing period and upon application forms an Intimate bond with the soil surface to create a continuous, porous, absorbent and erosion resistant blanket that allows for rapid germination and accelerated plant growth, The FGM"' shall be Flexterra", as manufactured by Profile Products, LLC and shall conform to the property values listed below when applied at a rate of 3500 pounds per acre (3900 kilograms/hectare). PROPERTY11 P11 sical Mass Per Unit Area ASTM D-6566 11.5 oz/yd' 390 g/m' Tlricklless ASTM D-6525 0.19 in 4.8 nail % Grotitld Cover ASTM D-6567 99% 99% Water Holding Capacity Proposed ASTM 1500% 1500% Flexural Rigidity (we() ASTM D-6575 12 oz-yd 10,000 Ing-ern Color (fugilive dye) Observed Green Green Endurance Functionni Longevity Observed Up to I yr Up to I yr Performance Cover Factor (6 in/hr event) ECTC Test Method ill 0.0066 0.0066 % Effectiveness ECTC Test Method 112 99.34% 99,34% Shear Stress ECTC Test Method 113 1 Ib/R' 48 Pa One minus Cover or'C" Factor equals the %effectiveness. INSTALLATION Strictly comply with manufacturer's Installation Instructions and recommendations. Use approved hydro -spraying machines with fan -type nozzle (50-degree tip). To achieve optimum soil surface coverage apply FGM" from opposing directions to soil surface. Erosion Control and Revegetation: Step One: Apply seed, fertilizer and other soil amendments with small amount of Flexterra for visual metering. Step Two: Mix 50 lb of FGM" per 125 gallons (23 kg/475 liters) of water; confirm loading rates with equipment manufacturer. SLOPEA1 0H to IV 3000 Ib/ac 3400 kg/ha >3H to IV and 52H to IV 3500 lb/ac 3900 kg/lin >2H to IV and 51 H to IV 4000 Ib/ac 4500 kg/IIa > 1 H to IV 4500 lb/ac 5100 kg/hn Below ECB or TRM 1500 Ib/ac 1700 kg/ha As infill for TRM 3500 Ib/ae 3900 kg1ha Consult comprehensive CSI formatted specifications for additional details. PACKAGING Bags: Net Weight - 50 lb, UV resistant plastic film. Pallets: Weather-proof, stretch -wrapped with UV resistant pallet cover, 40 bags/pallet, I ton/pallet. Your Trusted Partner in Soil Solutions - Profile Products Is the world's largest producer of hydraulic mulch and hydraulic mulch additives, and a leader In erosion control and revegetation science. Many of today's Industry standards were Innovations Introduced by Profile. Ow• leadership continues through aggressive research and development, active support of trade associations, and education designed to advance the Industry's effectiveness and professionalism. Prof ire-, )bin' Trusted Pw'lner In SoH SOhillonS * F-03 � A For technical Information call 1-868.325.6202. For distributor location and customer service call 1-800.366.1180, 02004 PROFILE Products LLC, all rights reserved. Flexterra and Flexible Growth Medium are trademarks of PROFILE Products LLC. U.S. Patent IPs: 5,942,029; 5,779,782: 5,74 1,832 750 Lake Cook Road - Suite 4,10 - Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 www,prolllcproclucts,conl Profrle� Solutions for your Environment' Application / Loading Procedures A. Strictly comply with equipment Manufacturer's installation instructions and recommendations, Use approved hydro -spraying machines with fan -type nozzle (50-degree tip) whenever possible to achieve best soil coverage. Apply from opposing directions to assure 100% soil surface coverage. Slope interruption devices or water diversion techniques are recommended according to the slope interruption limits table on the back. B . To ensure proper application rates, measure and stake area. For maximum performance, apply in a two-step process*: 1. Apply specified prescriptive agronomic formulations along with 50% of seed with a small amount of HP-FGM"' or ET-FGM" for visual metering. 2. Mix balance of seed and apply HP-FGM or ET FGM at a rate of 50 pounds per 125 gallons (see mixing section on the back for details) of water over freshly seeded surfaces. See loading chart on the back and confirm loading rates with equipment manufacturer. Do not leave seeded surfaces unprotected, especially if precipitation is imminent. C. Fill 1/3 of mechanically agitated hydroseeder with water. `Airn pump on for 15 seconds and purge and pre -wet lines. Turn pump off. D, Turn agitator on and load low density materials first (i,e. seed).** E. Continue slowly filling tank with water while loading fiber matrix into tank. F. Consult loading chart on the back to determine the number of bags to be added for desired area and application rate. G. HP-FGM or ET FGM should be completely loaded before water level reaches 75% of the top of tank. H. Top off with water and mix until all fiber is fully broken apart and hydrated (minimum of 10 minutes — increase mixing time when applying in cold conditions). This is very important to fully activate the bonding additives and to obtain proper viscosity, I, Add fertilizer. J. Shut off recirculation valve to minimize potential for air entrainment within the slurry. K. Slow down agitator and start applying with a 50-degree fan tip nozzle. L, Spray in opposing directions for maximum soil coverage. *Depending oil site conditions, HP-FG11l or ET-FGM ntay be applied in a one-step process where all components may be inixed together in single tank loads, Consult ►t,ith Maritifactitier for filrtlier details. **Do not add tackifters or polyniet•s. 'L.oadirag Chart for Profll'o's HP-PGM anal,GT�FGM Tank Size II of 50-I1) Displacomonl 2,500 Ib/acro 3,000 lb/acre 3,600 Ib/acro 4,000 Ib/acro 4,600 Ib/acro Sq it Acres Sq It Acres Sq It Acres Sq it Acres Sq it Acres (gal) bales (Ib) (gal) 260 2 100 280 1,742 0,040 1,452 0.033 1,246 0.029 1,089 0,025 960 0.022 500 4 200 560 3,485 0.080 2,904 0.067 2,489 0.057 2,178 0.050 1,936 0.044 760 6 300 040 6,227 0.120 4,366 0,100 3,734 0.086 3,267 0.076 2,904 0.007 1,000 0 400 1,120 6,970 0.160 5,808 0,133 4,978 0.114 4,356 0.100 3,872 0.089 1,600 12 600 1,eB0 10,454 0,240 0,712 0,200 7,467 0.171 6,634 01160 5,000 0.133 2,000 16 800 2,240 13,939 0.320 11,616 0,267 9,957 0.229 8,712 0.200 7,744 0.178 2,500 20 1,000 2,800 17,424 0.400 14,520 0,333 12,446 0,206 10,090 0,250 9,600 0.222 3,000 24 1,200 3,360 20,909 0.480 17,424 0,400 14,935 0.343 13,068 0.300 11,616 0.267 3,600 20 1,400 3,920 24,394 0.660 20,328 0,467 17,424 0.400 15,246 0.360 13,662 01311 41000 32 1,600 4,480 27,878 0.640 23,232 0,533 19,913 0.457 17,424 0.400 15,488 0,356 Additional Notes: - For hose applications, 35 Ib/100 gal Is recommended, o Rough surfaces (rocky terrain, cat tracks, ripped soils, etc.) may require additional product to achieve 100% coverage, Be sure to allow for residual material in tank on subsequent applications, Application Rates SI Product Category fl) Length (m) slope+bit7125 Slope Condition English s 4H to 1V 2500lblacre 2800 kglhectare HP-FGM 30 > 4H to 1V and <3H to 1V 3000lb/acre 3400 kg/hectare ET-FGM 3g > 3H to 1V and e, 2H to 1V 3500 Ib/acro 3900 kgmoclare 'Listed slope interruption limits are for product applications on a 31-1:1V slope. For > 2H to 1V and -� 1 H to 1V 4000 lb/acre 4500 kglhectaro application on steeper slopes, slope Interruption lengths may need to be decreased. > 1H to IV' 4500 lb/acre 5100 kgmoclare Below ECB orTRM 1500lb/acre 1700 kgmeclare As Infill forTRM' 3500lb/acre 3900 kg/heclare 'IiP-FGM or ET-FGM recommended for slopes greater than 1HJV, 'Use only approved and tested TRMs to create the GreenArmor System Visual Key for Proper Application (Flexterra HP-FGM shown below) Proper Application Improper Application I�+ 3,000 Ib/acre 4.1 nun tillcknoss Profrle� Soluttons/oryour Environment' 3,5001b/acre 4,000 Ib/acre 4,0 mm thickness PROFILE Products LLC 760 Lake Cook Road, Suite 440 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Flexterra' IIP-FGM (800) 608-8681 CocoReX'ET-FGM www.proffleproducts.com U.S. Patont IN: 6,942.029; 6,779,702; 6,741,632; 6,360,470; 7,762,004 6.5 min thickness ESP -el 3/13 LAN D LO K® Product Data LANDLOK® 450 LANDLOK® 450 turf reinforcement mat (TRM) features X38 technology that consists of a dense web of interlocking, multi -lobed polypropylene fibers positioned between two biaxially oriented nets and mechanically bound together by parallel stitching with polypropylene thread. The TRM is designed to accelerate seedling emergence, exhibit high resiliency, and possess strength and elongation properties to limit stretching in a saturated condition. Every component of LANDLOK® 450 is stabilized against chemical and ultraviolet degradation which are normally found in a natural soil environment. Furthermore, the TRM contains no biodegradable components. LANDLOK® 450 conforms to the property values listed below and is manufactured at a Propex facility having achieved ISO 9001:2008 certification. Propex performs internal Manufacturing Quality Control (MQC) tests that have hPPn artrpdited by the Geosvnthetic Accreditation Institute - Laboratory Accreditation Program (GAI-LAP). PROPERTY TEST METHOD ENGLISH METRIC ORIGIN OF MATERIALS % U.S. Manufactured 100% 100% PHYSICAL Mass Unit Area 2 ASTM D-6566 10.0 oz/yd2 339 g/m2 Thickness 2 ASTM D-6525 0.50 in 12.7 mm Light Penetration % Passing)2 ASTM D-6567 20% 20% Color Visual Green or Tan MECHANICAL Tensile Strength 2 ASTM D-6818 425 x 350 Ibs/ft 6.2 x 5.1 kN/m Elongation 2 ASTM D-6818 50% 50% Resilient 2 ASTM D-6524 90% 90% Flexibilit 2 ASTM D-6575 0.026 in -lb 30,000 mg-crn ENDURANCE UV Resistance % Retained at 1000 hrs 2 ASTM D-4355 80% 80% PERFORMANCE Velocity (Vegetated 2,3 Large Scale 18 ft/sec 5.5 nl/sec Shear Stress (Vegetated 2,3 Large Scale 10 Ib/ft2 479 Pa Mannin 's n Unve etated 2,4 Calculated 0.025 0.025 Seedling Emergence 2 ASTM D-7322 409% 409% 8ftx140ft 2.45mx42.7m ROLL SIZES 16 ft x 140 ft 4.88 m x 42.7 m 16 ft x 348.75 ft 4.88mx106.3m NOTES: 1. The property values listed above are effective 01/22/2020 and are subject to change without notice. 2. Values represent testing at time of manufacture and are shown as typical values. 3. Maximum permissible velocity and shear stress has been obtained through vegetated testing programs featuring specific soil types, vegetation classes, flow conditions, and failure criteria. These conditions may not be relevant to every project nor are they replicated by other manufacturers. Please contact Propex for further information. 4. Calculated as typical values from large-scale flexible channel lining test programs with a flow depth of 6 to 12 inches. Pro pex' ENGINEERED EARTH SOLUTIONS TV DGEOSOLUTIONS www.propexglobal.com Propex Operating Company, LLC • 4019 Industry Drive - Chattanooga, TN 37416 • ph 800 6211273 • ph 423 855 1466 ARMORMAX', PYRAMAT', LANDLOK', X3'9, PYRAWALC, SCOURLOK'', GEOTEX', PETROMAT', PETROTAC', REFLECTEX` and GRIDPRO" are registered trademarks of Propex Operating Company, LLC. This publication should not be construed as engineering advice. While information contained In this publication Is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Propex does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. The ultimate customer and user of the products should assume sole responsibility for the final determination of the suitability of the information and the products for the contemplated and actual use. The onlywarranty made by Propex for its products is set forth in our product data sheets for the product, or such other written waranty as may be agreed by Propex and individual customers. Propex specifically disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including without limitation, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or arising from provision of samples, a course of dealing or usage of trade. © 2020 Propex Operating Company, LLC LANDLOKO 450 turf reinforcement mat (TRM) features X30 technology that consists of a dense web of crimped, interlocking, multi -lobed polypropylene fibers positioned between two biaxially oriented nets and mechanically bound together by parallel stitching with polypropylene thread. The TRM is designed to accelerate seedling emergence, exhibit high resiliency, and possess strength and elongation properties to limit stretching in a saturated condition. Every component of LANDLOK 450 is stabilized against chemical and ultraviolet degradation which are normally found in a natural soil environment. Furthermore, the TRM contains no biodegradable components. LANDLOK 450 conforms to the property values listed below' and is manufactured at a Propex facility having achieved ISO 9001:2000 certification. Propex performs internal Manufacturing Quality Control (MQC) tests that have been accredited by the Geosynthetic Accreditation Institute — Laboratory Accreditation Program (GAI-LAP). This product NTPEP approved for AASHTO standards. MARV2 PROPERTY TEST METHOD ENGLISH METRIC ORIGIN OF MATERIALS % U.S. Manufactured Inputs 100% 100% % U.S. Manufactured 100% 100% PHYSICAL Mass/Unit Area ASTM D-6566 10.0 oz/yd2 340 g/m2 Thickness ASTM D-6525 0.40 in 10.1 mm Light Penetration % Passing) ASTM D-6567 20% 20% Color Visual Green or Tan MECHANICAL Tensile Strength (Grab) ASTM D-6818 400 x 300 lb/ft 5.8 x 4.3 kN/m Elongation ASTM D-6818 50% (max) 50% (max) Resiliency ASTM D-6524 90% 90% Flexibility ASTM D-6575 0.026 in -lb avg 30,000 mg -cm avg ENDURANCE UV Resistance ASTM D-4355 80 /° % Retained 1000 hrs ° 80% PERFORMANCE Velocity' (Vegetated) Large Scale 18 ft/s 5.5 m/s Shear Stress Vegetated Large Scale 10 lb/ft' 479 Pa Manning's "n" Unvegetated) Calculated 0.025 0.025 Seedling Emergence ECTC Draft Method #4 409% 409% ROLL SIZES 1 6.5 ft x 138.5 ft 1 2.0 m x 42.2 m NOTES: 1. The property values listed are effective 04/2011 and are subject to change without notice. 2. MARV indicates minimum average roll value calculated as the typical minus two standard deviations. Statistically, it yields a 97.7%d degree of confidence that any sample taken during quality assurance testing will exceed the value rdported. 3. Maximum permissible velocity and shear stress has been obtained through vegetated testing programs featuring specific soil types, vegetation classes, flow conditions, and failure criteria. These conditions may not be relevant to every project nor are they replicated by other manufacturers. Please contact Propex for further information. 4. Calculated as typical values from large-scale flexible channel lining test programs with a flow depth of 6 to 12 inches. olpropex-Geotextile TESTED.PROVEN.TRUSTED. Systems www.geotextile.com Propex Operating Company, LLC • 6025 Lee Highway, Suite 425 - PO Box 22788 • Chattanooga, TN 37422 ph 423 899 0444 • ph 800 621 1273 • fax 423 899 7619 Geotex�, Landlok°, Pyramat°, X3", SuperGro�, Petromate and Petrotac are registered trademarks of Propex Operating Company, LLC. This Nitficadon should not be construed as engineering ad ice. WhIe informafon contaned in this publication is accurate to the best of our umvtedge, Propex does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. The ultimate customer and user of the products shoitd assume sole responsibility for the final detenNnatim of the sutabllty, of the Information and the products I& the contemplated and actual use. The only mtranty made by Propex far Its products Is set forth In our product data sheets forthe product, or such other uten wananty as may be agreed by Propex and incividual customers. Propex specifically disclaims etl other warranties, express or implied, Inctudmg wflhout Inutation, wamenties of merchantability a ftness fa a particular purpose, or arising from provision of samples, a course of dealing or usage of trade. 0 2011 Propex Operating Company, LLC TURF AT CEMNET LANDLOK0 PER ENDIOCULAR C ANNEOLRINS ALLATION AND MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES Thank you for purchasing the LANDLOK® Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM) by Propex Operating Company, LLC (Propex). This document provides installation and maintenance guidelines for LANDLOK used as channel armoring to increase channel resiliency towards forces created by high velocities and shear stresses. LANDLOK provides permanent erosion protection on the side slopes and/or bed of a channel. Temporary securing pins (pins) are used during installation to hold LANDLOK in place. Pins also promote vegetation establishment keeping LANDLOK in intimate contact with the soil. LANDLOK is an engineered solution with a unique design for each specific project. While Propex has made every effort to ensure general validity, this information should not be used for a specific application without independent professional examination and verification of its suitability, applicability, and accuracy. The documentation provided herein is for general information only, and is intended to present installation guidance only. Project specific contract documents take precedence when pin placements are different than what is represented in this document. Depending upon the critical nature of the structure to be armored, work restrictions may be in place such as limiting installation based on growing seasons, weather patterns, etc. Work should be performed under the provisions set forth for the specific project. Propex Engineering Services is available for support during installation to consult for solving constructability issues encountered in specific applications. Please feel free to call our techincal support hotline at (423) 553-2450. BEFORE INSTALLATION BEGINS • Coordinate with a Propex Representative: A pre -construction meeting with the construction team and a representative from Propex is recommended prior to installation. This meeting should be scheduled by the contractor with at least a two week notice prior to construction. • Gather the Tools Needed: Tools that you will need to install LANDLOK include a pair of industrial shears to cut LANDLOK, tape measure, and mallet or hammer. • Determine Vegetation Establishment Strategy: The method of vegetation establishment should be determined prior to the start of installation. Different vegetation establishment methods require different orders of installation. Refer to Establish Vegetation for further guidance. INSTALLATION OF LANDLOK FOR CHANNELS PREPARE THE SITE It is recommended during all stages of site preparation that disturbed soils remain unprotected for not more than a single day. Depending on project size this may require progressive site preparation during installation. 1. Grade and compact the area in the channel where LANDLOK will be installed. The channel surface should be uniform and smooth, having all rocks, clods, vegetation or other objects removed so that during LANDLOK Laydown, LANDLOK comes in direct, intimate contact with the channel surface. 2. Prepare the area to be armored with LANDLOK by loosening the topsoil to promote better vegetation establishment. This may be accomplished with a rotary tiller on slopes 3:1 or flatter. For slopes greater than 3:1, prepare topsoil in a safe manner. 3. Excavate an Initial Channel (IC) trench a minimum of 12 in x 12 in (300 mm x 300 mm) across the channel at the downstream end of the project (Figure 1). Deeper IC trench and/or hard armoring may be required for channels that have the potential for scour. Propex Operating Company, LLC - 4019 Industry Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37416 - p 800 6211273 - www.propexglobal.com ' LANDLOK' TRM Figure 1: Initial Channel (IC) Trench Page 2 of 13 4. Excavate a Crest of Slope (COS) trench a minimum of 12 in x 12 in (300 mm x 300 mm) along both sides of the installation. Each COS trench must be a minimum of 3 ft (900mm) over the crest of the bank, preferably on a relatively flat surface (Figure 2). COMPACTED BACKFILL 3' MIN (900 mm) (300mm) LANDLOKTRM -J �1 _��11 1�11 1 Fd EA — — (300mm)= 1=1 I I I= —� _PIN ON 12" (300 mm) CENTERS_=�) —1 j_i NOTE: SEED OR SOD ALL DISTURBED AREAS Figure 2: Crest of Slope (COS) Trench 5. Excavate a Terminal Channel (TC) trench a minimum of 12 in x 12 in (300 mm x 300 mm) across the channel at the upstream end of the project (Figure 3). Deeper TC trench and/or hard armoring may be required for channels that have the potential for scour. LAN OLOK- TRM Figure 3: Terminal Channel (TC) Trench 6. If seeding, refer to Vegetation Establishment for additional considerations during site preparation. LANDLOK LAYDOWN Page 3 of 13 1. Starting with the downstream end of the site select one of the COS trenches to begin the LANDLOK Laydown process. To ensure proper anchoring of the overlapped areas the proceeding roll width must be laid out before the current roll width can be anchored with exception to the final roll width at the TC trench. For straight sections of a channel, LANDLOK panel lengths should be long enough to construct both COS trenches while also covering the surface of the channel being armored. (Figure 17) Panel edges should rest perpendicular to the channel center line. For best results, panels of LANDLOK should be continuous and free from seams or roll end overlaps that are parallel to the centerline of the channel. Panel edge overlapping should follow a pattern of placing each proceeding panel's edge overtop the previous panel edge, shingling the panels in the direction of the water flow. FLOW OF WATER OR DIRECTION OF PREVAILING WIND IC TRENCH LANDLOKTRM I=1 I I -I I -III -I I I I I-III-III-111-I 11- III,-_�III_III=III=III ;Illii�llli17 Figure 4: Initial Channel (IC) Trench Alignment FLOW OF WATER OR DIRECTION OF PREVAILING NAND IC TRENCH 1�1 L1AiNDL�OKITTRTM I I -III -III I I 1-I -!r-- -1 I I -I I 1=111=111=111- I-III=1 I I-- I II I I '-III-PIN' l�-1 I-111-111 I IV " -III-III-III=1 I I- 'i�=1!I 111- Figure 5: Initial Channel (IC) Trench Placement 2. Lay the LANDLOK panel on the downstream side of the IC trench (Figure 4). Place the panel edge in the IC trench, ensuring full coverage along the bottom of the entire IC trench with the LANDLOK (Figure 5). Secure LANDLOK with pins in the IC trench (Figure 5). Pins should be made of steel with a 0.20 in (5 mm) minimum diameter, having a 1.5 in (38mm) diameter washer at the head, and a length between 12 and 24 in (300-600 mm) with sufficient ground penetration to resist pullout (Figure 6). Longer pins may be required for looser soils. Heaver metal stakes may be required in rocky soils. Suggested placement of pins for the IC trench is along the bottom of the trench with pins on 12 in (300 mm). •••' LAND LOK" 1.5" (38 mm) DIAMETER STEEL WASHER 0.20" (5 mm) DIAMETER STEEL 12-24" Figure 6: Securing Pin 4. Backfill and compact the IC trench (Figure 5). Page 4 of 13 Fold the LANDLOK panel over the top of the compacted IC trench (Figure 7) and place each panel end into the respective COS trenches. 6. Place the next LANDLOK panel by laying the LANDLOK roll so that the roll end points towards the COS trench (Figure 9), with a 3 inch (75 mm) overlap created at adjacent panel edge locations. Ensure that adjacent panel edges maintain a minimum 3 inch (75 mm) overlap during LANDLOK Laydown. (Figure 13) FLOW OF WATER OR DIRECTION OF PREVAILING WIND LANDLDK TRM IC TRENCH I-I11 111 I 11-III III - III-III=I � I III=PIN, 1 I f=1 I I -I 11- I I I "-III��I�-II!I�illl= Figure 7: Initial Channel (IC) Trench Complete FLOW OF WATER OR DIRECTION OF PREVAILING WIND LANDLOK TRM ROLL EDGE IC TRENCH OVERLAP WiIII-III :III -I 1I- Figure 8: Initial Channel (IC) Trench Complete and Overlapped 4. Secure LANDLOK with pins in the COS trench (Figure 10). Suggested placement of pins for the COS trench is along the bottom of the trench on 12 in (300 mm) centers. Pins should also be installed on panel edge overlaps in the COS trench. Figure 9: Crest of Slope (COS) Trench Alignment OFPropex Operating Company, LLC - 4019 Industry Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37416 - p 800 6211273 - www.propexglobal.com 0-111.0"' L A N D L 0 K - Figure 10: Crest of Slope (COS) Trench Placement Figure 11: Perpendicular Placement of LANDLOK across Channel 5. Backfill and compact the COS trench in the location of the first LANDLOK panel only (Figure 10). Page 5 of 13 6. Unroll the LANDLOK roll on the channel surface in the area to be armored. (Figure 11) Ensure that LANDLOK has intimate contact with the ground and all irregular surfaces beneath LANDLOK are removed. 7. Secure LANDLOK panels in place using pins across the channel surface according to the project's engineered design. Pin placement should reflect a staggered checkerboard pattern across the channel surface for best results (Figure 12 and Figure 13). • Roll edges shall be overlapped a minimum of 3 in (75 mm) with pins placed on 12 in (300 mm) centers (Figure 1.3). i i 1.25' i (375 mm) ---+-----+-----4--- i LANDLOK TRM OFFSET PINS i tl-}{-F TO CREATE A ------+---------- CHECKERBOARD PATTERN 2' (600 mm) 4' Figure 12: Example Pin Pattern Propex Operating Company, LLC - 4019 Industry Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37416 - p 800 6211273 - www.propexglobal.com LAN D LO K° FLOW OF WATER OR 4' TYPICAL -� DIRECTION OF PREVAILING WIND (1.2 m) PINS ON 12" CENTERS ON y 3" OVERLAP MIN ROLL EDGE OVERLAPS (75 mm) 5' TYPICAL (1.5 m ) OFFSET PINS AS SHOWN TO CREATE A CHECKERBOARD PATTERN PIN Page 6 of 13 Figure 13: Example Edge Overlap Pattern • Roll ends shall be overlapped a minimum of 6 in (150 mm) with upstream panel on top. Secure roll end overlaps with two rows of pins staggered 6 in (150 mm) apart on 12 in (300 mm) (Figure 14) NOTE: LANDLOK 450 SHOULD BE SHINGLED IN THE DIRECTION OF THE DOWN SLOPE AND FLOW TOP OF SLOPE / UP STREAM LANDLOK TRM COVERED END FLOW OF WATER OR PIN DIRECTION OF 1' MAX PREVAILING WIND '1 Y (300 mm) 6" MIN (150 mm) ROLL EDGE OVERLAPPING END BOTTOM OF SLOPE / DOWN STREAM • PIN Figure 14: Roll End Overlap Propex Operating Company, LLC - 4019 Industry Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37416 - p 800 6211273 - www.propexglobal.com LANDLOK-Page 7 of 13 TRM • For channel bank heights or channel bottom widths greater than 45 ft (13.7 m), install simulated check slots. This method includes placing two rows of pins 12 in (300 mm) apart on 12 in (300 mm) centers at 45 ft (13.7 m) maximum intervals or across the midpoint of the slope for slope lengths less than 60 ft (18.2 m) (Figure 15). LANDLOKTRM 45' MAX OR NEAR MIDPOINT OF • V MAX • (300 mm) r PIN V MAX (300 mm) Figure 15: Simulated Check Slot • At the break in slope interface towards the channel bed, it is suggested that Pins be installed on 12 in (300 mm) centers (Figure 16). Figure 16: Break in Slope Interface 8. Secure LANDLOK with pins in the opposite COS trench. Suggested placement of pins for the opposite COS trench is along the bottom of the trench on 12 in (300 mm) centers (Figure 17). 9. Backfill and compact the opposite COS trench in the location of the first LANDLOK panel only (Figure 17). Propex Operating Company, LLC - 4019 Industry Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37416 - p 800 6211273 - www.propexglobal.com (oF'LAN DLO K' M Figure 17: Crest of Slope (COS) Trenches Complete Page 8 of 13 10. Continue to work down the length of the channel by repeating steps 6 through 9 overlapping each adjacent LANDLOK panel by 3 inches (75 mm) (Figure 13).The last LANDLOK panel should terminate on the Terminal Channel (TC) trench with pins on 12 in (300 mm) centers 11. Lay the last LANDLOK panel on the upstream side of the TC trench (Figure 18). Place the panel edge in the TC trench, ensuring full coverage along the bottom of the entire TC trench with the LANDLOK (Figure 19). 12. Secure LANDLOK with pins in the TC trench. Suggested placement of pins for the TC trench is along the bottom of the trench with pins on 12 in (300 mm) centers (Figure 19). FLOW OF WATER OR DIRECTION OF PREVAILING WIND TC TRENCH LANDLOKTRM -I I I -I I III I I -I 11- I I I I I-III-III=1 I I-1 ' -�Ti -i I I-111=III-III-I I_I-1 I_I-I 11- ' -1 I I-III-III=III-� I I 111,�1111111111-'� Figure 18: Terminal Channel (TC) Trench Alignment 13. Backfill and compact the TC trench (Figure 19). FLOW OF WATER OR DIRECTION OF PREVAILING NAND TC TRENCH IANDLOKTRM f1=T = �Il�T1=1Tl-TIT._=' "�-III-1 I I-III=I I II , I 1 -I I I=I --I I I -PIN 1-I I li ;'Illllllllii�ll�_ �„ Figure 19: Terminal Channel (TC) Trench Placement 14. Fold the LANDLOK panel over the top of the compacted TC trench (Figure 20) ensuring a minimum 3 inch (75 mm) overlap and place each panel end into the respective COS trenches. FLOW OF WATER OR DIRECTION OF PREVAILING WIND LANDLOKTRM TC TRENCH ROLL EDGE OVERLAP f1=--.T-11=ITi=M = >_TFmm=ri r -I 11=1-1 1111=1 I-I� i-1 1=Ti-1 -I I-1 I I- I I PIN, I I= � - III - Figure 20: Terminal Channel (TC) Trench Complete L A N D L 0 K° ;;41► Page 9 of 13 e4' AM 15, At a minimum, LANDLOK panels should be pinned entirely across the channel surface, pins should be installed in the trenches, and the trenches should be backfilled and compacted at the end of each day to minimize rework in the case of a major rain event. Specific project conditions may warrant further evaluation of installation order for ease. An example isometric view (Figure 21) of a channel armored with LANDLOK can be seen below for overall reference. Consult Propex G11g'I I ICC I I I Ig OUIVIGCS dL 0VV.VLI..1L I J WILTl c ly quCJUVl1z1 U Idl PIN TERMINAL CHANNEL TRENCH yUU may IICIVG. LANDLOK 450 COMPACTED BACKFILL TOP OF BANK - ANCHOR TRENCH FLOW OF WATER OR TOP OF BANK DIRECTION OF PREVAILING WIND ANCHOR TRENCH COMPACTED _,..__.._._. BACKFILL - ...._.................. • _ PIN LANDLOK 450 ANDIOK TRM BREAKINBLOPE INTERFACE DETAIL W OVERLAP MIN OVERLAP AT = _.__�_. ._. _... ..:�..• ITS—) ROLL EDGE _ •, 1 '� Figure 21: Completed Channel Isometric View Propex Operating Company, LLC - 4019 Industry Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37416 - p 800 6211273 - www.propexglobal.com LANOLOK' Page 10 of 13 TRM ESTABLISH VEGETATION Vegetation can be established with LANDLOK by broadcast seeding, hydraulic seed application (hydroseeding), or sodding. Seed application rate, seed type, sod type, and irrigation rate should be selected based on local or site specific knowledge and time of year. For best results, consider having a site specific soil test performed to help determine what soil amendments, such as lime and fertilizer, need to be incorporated into the soil to promote healthy vegetation. Irrigate as necessary to establish and maintain vegetation until 75% of vegetation has established and has reached a height of 2 inches. Frequent, light irrigation will need to be applied to seeded areas if natural rain events have not occurred within two weeks of seeding. When watering seeded areas, use a fine spray to prevent erosion of seeds or soil. Do not over irrigate. Proper irrigation guidance is provided under the Maintenance portion of this document. CONSIDER PROJECT SPECIFIC NEEDS 1. A deeper trench and/or hard armoring may be required when channels have severe scour potential at IC and TC trenches. 2. For installing LANDLOK panels around curved sections of a channel, trim panels at an angle so that no more than two layers of LANDLOK overlap at any point in time. Additional pins may be needed to secure panel edges towards the break in slope interface depending upon the radius of the curved channel. Install pins as necessary to securely fasten LANDLOK to the ground. 3. Vehicular traffic should not be allowed on LANDLOK at anytime. 4. Disturbed areas should be reseeded. If ruts or depressions develop for any reason, rework soil until smooth and reseed or sod such areas. SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM MAINTENANCE OF LANDLOK The purpose of this section is to provide some general guidelines for performing short-term and long-term maintenance of LANDLOK with respect to maintaining vegetation reinforced with LANDLOK, and patching of LANDLOK (in the event it needs to be removed or replaced). These procedures are to be considered minimum guidelines for proper maintenance, and further maintenance techniques may be appropriate considering local practices and procedures. LANDLOK PROTECTED CHANNEL For LANDLOK to be most effective, it is important to ensure that it is properly maintained both during construction and after construction. Identifying trouble areas is easy with LANDLOK, and it can make identifying potential threats much simpler and manageable. Look for areas with sparse, dying, or no vegetation as these are obvious signs that LANDLOK is losing intimate contact with the channel surface. If loss of ground surface occurs, LANDLOK will need to be removed and reinstalled as described in Patching and Repairs Section after the eroded area is backfilled with compacted soil that is similar to material of the channel. After LANDLOK is reinstalled, re-establish vegetation on the newly installed LANDLOK and disturbed areas. Monitor the sites to determine if frequent watering may be required to establish vegetation. To minimize exposure to unwanted maintenance and repair, LANDLOK armored channels should be free of vehicular traffic. Routine maintenance and channel inspections should be performed by foot traffic only. Tracked equipment such as skid steers, excavators, or dozers should only be allowed to traffic over LANDLOK in times of emergency after vegetation establishment is complete. Failure to control unauthorized traffic can result in LANDLOK being damaged resulting in erosion below LANDLOK during storm events. LANDLOK" Page 11 of 13 AM MAINTAINING VEGETATION Good vegetative cover will ensure maximum performance of LANDLOK. Vegetative cover care starts before a project is complete and is ongoing until all LANDLOK is installed. Vegetative cover should be given every opportunity to grow and establish well. This will require that a contractor periodically fertilize and water the grasses as needed until a project is complete in the short- term, with the owner of the slope fulfilling the maintenance of the slope in a similar fashion for the long-term. For the entire lifecycle of LANDLOK, every effort must be made to prevent unauthorized encroachments, grazing, vehicle traffic, the misuse of chemicals, or burning during inappropriate seasons. 1. After the installation of vegetation is complete, immediately water and soak the entire area using a fine spray to prevent erosion and loss of seeds. A suggested amount of water is identified below. Prior to installation if using sod, the sod pads in storage should be kept moist at all times and not stored for more than 24 hours from site arrival to installation. Warmer weather will necessitate more frequent applications than listed below. A. For each reach/segment of installed vegetation, watering shall be conducted immediately after each installation or the day's work. B. For initial vegetation establishment, water vegetation in a manner consistent with best practices for vegetation type and location. C. Establish a watering schedule and follow until vegetation is well established and will thrive in the absence of manual watering. D. Avoid excessive application of water, so that surface runoff does not occur. Runoff should be prohibited. However, additional watering may be required for repaired or damaged areas. 2. Fertilizer should be applied as needed to address any nutrient deficiencies revealed in soil testing. 3. Mowing over LANDLOK is not permitted at anytime. PATCHING AND REPAIRS LANDLOK may require localized repair at times. For emergency repairs, an adequate supply of LANDLOK should be maintained in inventory with the necessary tools to install. This will allow for a timely, initial repair of the system. 1. In order to identify areas in need of repair, the site should be patrolled immediately after rain events of 2 inches or more. When patrolling look for areas of sparse vegetation, exposed edges of LANDLOK, and areas where direct contact between LANDLOK and the channel surface is compromised. LANDLOK should be rated as Acceptable, Minimally Acceptable, or Unacceptable during inspection. A. Acceptable (A) - The rated area is in satisfactory, acceptable condition, and will function as designed and intended during the rain event. LANDLOK has no exposed edges, is installed tightly by maintaining direct contact to the channel surface with no rilling beneath, and has over 90% vegetation cover. There is no noticeable damage present. B. Minimally Acceptable (M) - The rated area has a minor deficiency that needs to be corrected. The minor deficiency will not seriously impair the functioning of the area during the next rain event; however, the overall reliability of the project will be lowered because of the minor deficiency. LANDLOK has 75% vegetation cover with.un-vegetated patches as large as one square yard. Edges of LANDLOK are exposed with noticeable damage. Minimal erosion has occurred underneath LANDLOK. C. Unacceptable (U) - The rated area is unsatisfactory. The deficiency is so serious that the area will not adequately function in the next rain event. LANDLOK has been physically torn, ripped, or lifted from the channel surface. Less than Propex Operating Company, LLC - 4019 Industry Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37416 - p 800 6211273 - www.propexglobal.com LANOLOKO Page 12 of 13 TRM 75% vegetation cover is present with un-vegetated patches being greater than 1 square yard, and there is evidence that erosion is occurring beneath LANDLOK. 2. Repair any raised or exposed edges of LANDLOK by driving existing and additional pins along the edges as necessary to securely fasten to the ground. Inspect areas where the vegetation is not growing on top of LANDLOK. Many times this is an indicator that LANDLOK has lost contact with the ground beneath. Check for voids beneath LANDLOK and fill any holes, gullies, etc. with compacted fill material if possible. Replace LANDLOK as described below. 3. To repair LANDLOK, cut out and remove damaged areas in a square configuration a minimum size of 2 ft by 2 ft. Remove all vegetation and debris atop of LANDLOK. Loosen the top 1 to 2 in of soil in the patch area then seed. The subgrade of area to be patched shall be prepared to be smooth and uniform and transition smoothly into the in -situ area. Cut a square LANDLOK patch a minimum of 12 in greater than the damaged area for all four sides of the patch. Overlap the patch area in all directions a minimum of 12 in. The patch overlaps shall be tucked under the existing damaged LANDLOK material (Figure 22 and Figure 23). Figure 22: LANDLOK Patch Cross Section / B IN MAXIMUM CENTER ON CENTER/ • • YMINIMUM i 81N MAXIMUM CENTER ON CENTER / • • 12' MINIMUM AREA OF, DAMAGED /LANDK450 YMINIMUM 1YMINIMUM • PIN Figure 23: LANDLOK Patch Plan View 4. Install pins on 6 in (150 mm) (max) centers. For larger areas of damage, anchors should be installed to match existing anchor pattern. Once LANDLOK is in place, vegetate per project specifications. $'• L A N D L O K° Page 13 of 13 TRM SUMMARY Maintenance should consist of watering and weeding, repair of all erosion, and any re -seeding as necessary to establish a uniform stand of vegetation during construction and beyond. A minimum of 70% of the armored area should be covered with no bare or dead spots greater than 10 ft2 (1 m2). Throughout the duration of the project, the Contractor should water all grassed areas as often as necessary to establish satisfactory growth and to maintain its growth throughout the duration of the project. After the project is complete, it is the responsibility of the Owner to maintain and upkeep all LANDLOK installed areas for long term performance and best results as described herein for superior slope armoring. Propex Operating Company, LLC - 4019 Industry Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37416 - p 800 6211273 - www.propexglobal.com Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Permit No. NCGO10000 Appendix I Vegetated Conveyance Agreement All About Plumbing - Building Addition Operation 8, Maintenance Agreement Project Name: All About Plumbing Project Location: 5521 Old Haywood Road, Suite 1, Mills River, NC 28759 C0Veu•+Page Maintenance records shall be kept on the following SCM(s). This maintenance record shall be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient SCM elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired, or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the pollutant removal efficiency of the SCM(s). The SCM(s) on this project include (check all that apply & cc Infiltration Basin Quantity: Infiltration Trench Quantity: Bioretention Cell Quantity: Wet Pond Quantity: Stormwater Wetland Quantity: Permeable Pavement Quantity: Sand Filter Quantity: Rainwater Harvesting Quantity: Green Roof Quantity: Level Spreader - Filter Strip Quantity: Proprietary System Quantity: Treatment Swale Quantity: Dry Pond Quantity: Disconnected Impervious Surface Present: User Defined SCM Present: Low Density Present: ding O&M sheets will Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Location(s): Type: be aciciea automaticaiin I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed for each SCM above, and attached O&M tables. I agree to notify NCDEQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Responsible Party: Title & Organization: Street address: City, state, zip: Phone number(s): Email: All About Plumbing Caleb Wilson 5521 Old Haywood Rd Mills River, NC 28759 828-778-2425 office@allaboutplumbingnc.com II / Signature: / �---� Date: I 7 �. I, lsaa( 'DA,l- yry-, a Notary Public for the State of x6m., o4-rDi 1� County of Rellat-ts &'. do hereby certify that Cje,6 W J 1 su-)--..- personally appeared before me this —T�'"day of NOVGYr��r- �2() 2 Z and acknowledge the due execution of the Operations and Maintena ce Agreement. Witness my Land and official seal, _t444& ?a/ My commission expires dow." a3i STORM-EZ 11/16/2022 Version 1.5 O&M Agreement Page 1 of 1 Low Density 1111aintena.nce Requirements . Important maintenance procedures: The drainage area to the vegetated conveyance or vegetated receiving area will be carefully managed to reduce the sediment load to the vegetated conveyance or vegetated receiving area. After the initial fertilization to establish the grass in the vegetated conveyance or the vegetated receiving area, fertilizer will not be applied to the vegetated receiving areas, The vegetated conveyance or vegetated receiving area will be inspected quarterly. Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows, Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. SCM element: Potential problem: How to remediate the problem: Vegetation is too short or Maintain grassed vegetation such that the swale or vegetated Vegetation too long. area does not erode during the peak flow from the 10-year storm Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/debris. Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to remove the gully, and then re - Vegetated receiving erosive gullies have sod (or plant with other appropriate species) and water until formed. established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application, areas Trees and/or other woody Remove the trees and woody vegetation from the swale, vegetation are present in regrade the swale if necessary and re-establish grass as shown the swale. on the approved plans. Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/debris. Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to remove the gully, and then re - erosive gullies have sod (or plant with other appropriate species) and water until formed, established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. Sediment covers the grass Remove sediment and dispose in an area that will not impact Vegetated conveyances / at the bottom of the swale. streams or SCMs. Re -sod if necessary. swales / roadside ditches (other than curb The side slope is steeper Regrade the slopes to the permitted configuration per the outlet swales) than the approved approved plan and reestablish vegetation. If as built or existing configuration. conditions do not allow the slopes to be regraded, contact the applicable permitting agency. Determine the source of the problem: soils, hydrology, disease, Grass is dead, diseased etc, Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide a one - or dying, time fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if necessary. Trees and/or other woody vegetation are present in Remove the trees and woody vegetation from the vegetated the vegetated conveyance, regrade the vegetated conveyance if necessary and re-establish grass as shown on the approved plans, conveyance. Clogging has occurred. Clean out the outlet device. Dispose of the sediment off• -site. The outlet device (if The outlet device is applicable) damaged Repair or replace the outlet device. Erosion or other signs of damage have occurred at Repair the damage and improve the flow dissipation structure. the outlet. Discharges from the site The receiving water are causing erosion or sedimentation in the Contact the local NCDEQ Regional Office, receiving water.