HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0031879_Report_19810803DIVISION OF .E IVI RME TAL. VACIAGEENT Aug s t 30 1981 Mr. Howard .Zeller: . tiro Director Enforcement Division U. S.. Environmental P rotiect9 on Agency Jgion IV 345 Courtlattd Street, K.E. Atlanta, Geoneie 30355 Subject: *equine -for Modification NHS Discharge Permit Corpening Creek Wastreatar Treatment Plant City of Marion Nevi 1 County, Norge Car of i r , Dear -Mr. _Wien The City -of Marion has 'requested thst the4Mvision oi' Environeental etenagement review the effiteet lialts •contained es a part of tiPIES Dis- charge Pert ire. NCQU3187Ss, to determine if the limitations platted upon $shosptspr t s :and exygen..constaingooaste,,are valid in -light of present day standards :and allocation amtho4iogy. Limitations for ogyeen consuming waste were the result of a modified Level E, evaluation tanning limited field work specific to Corpening Cry was utilized for purposes of developing constants for use in the modified Streat r.Pheips Equation. phone limits .ware okiyeloped primarily as a product of l 1 mi ted worst by the C. S. Env1 ron etetal Protection Agency to the headeater lakes of the. Catawba River. The. City of Marion has ex- pressed intermit in gaining sera relief..fwa .present -flail effluent limits for they reason .that the City might thereby experience saving in oiler tional merits at its Corpening'Creek .Wasteeater Treatment 'Plant, The Division of Environmental ibutagesmnt is willing to invest tip seeking the deterizination as to whether conditions as they exist tad th Lake [deodiss or as they mayexist in the near future might allow difica- tionon of the phosphorus limits for the Careening Creek -Wastewater Treatment Plant. Additionally, the Division of Environmental 1enagament is willing t3 invest its resources 1n the .conduct of a Level C study of Corpening •=s _z Creek which would inc.l an intensive .survey with .slug stapling to dam'/ 89, , mine if the present graft limits for oxygen -aoesema1ng waste _are in of modification. Obviously* the tneesis nt of time and elonay in effort by the € i vi si or, of Environmental Management would not be_ i if the U. S . Erivimegental Protection Agency.would not allow vela certain l i rl is should the above described steer demenstrat+e that as r",=, fleet.9 ` Steldeeets would be protacted in Corpen1ng k by the distiitrge taztemater° cf E lesser-q. .11ty -then prasen.tly *scribed .in the City*WPEES" i .. Boward-.Zo11or August Ponta - . intviouslys .effluent limits could,be-ne less stringent that required. • br applicable. effluent guidelines. The4tate-of.Nortit tsrolina would be ":ie- t®a .tad in giving this rt11af to the= CI ,t -of Ration if justified so 'that the •City ie " tun night be In a positioe-toes ri - cost savings as.. a- . sul t of less stringent effluent requitetalmtep would appreciate yottirgiving this r . -careful contideratits. Should it be helpful to you in arriving at..-e -decision to *lease this pru- ,posal further9.. lone contact °. L. P. - liontone..Chief of tho tioter.QoU ty Rio at ► Sincerrl ►ems. Original Sips. By ROBERT" F. HELMS Robert F. Helm Director eica 4ir. L. P. BentOa o Jr..s tlief bIater Qoaa1-1y Section 14r. tie Earl Dastielsa Amster - City of -art: Pti..:.-Neath-P.:Akibsoni, Regional Engines Vattir Quality. Section o Asheville t-. INTENSIVE SURVEY LAKE RHODHISS CITY OF MARION - CORPENING CREEK WWTP STUDY JULY 28 AND 29, 1982 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION TECHNICAL SERVICES UNIT PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL MONITORING Introduction The North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Division of Environmental Management, at the request of the City of Marion has agreed to review the effluent limits for their Corpening Creek WWTP. Of special concern are the limits on phorphorus EPA imposed based on a study the agency did in 1973 and 1974. Since that study, several larger municipal WWTP's have begun discharging into the Catawba River drainage basin which feeds Lake Rhodhiss. Because of the possible changes in phosphorus loading rates and the cost of phosphorus removal, the City of Marion feels the Division of Environmental Management should re-evaluate the need for the levels of phosphorus reduction they are required to meet. On July 27, 28, and 29, 1982, the Technical Services Branch of DEM made a detailed study of the Marion Corpening Creek WWTP, and the Lake Rhodhiss drainage area, including other permitted dischargers in question. All sampling was done according to accepted methods of water data acquisation of the N. C. Department of NRCD, EPA, USGS, and Standard Methods. Description of Lake Rhodhiss Study Area Lake Rhodhiss is located on the southeastern border of Caldwell County and in the central portion to eastern border of Burke County. The lake is generally of riverine type with an approximate length of 13 miles. The width of the lake is about 1/8 mile at its headwaters and graduates to about 1/4 mile at its eastern end where it is blocked by the Lake Rhodhiss Dam. The average depth of the lake was determined to be 20.6 feet with a surface area of 11.1 sq.. Km. The estimated retention time of the lake is 17 to 21 days. Lake Rhodhiss is fed primarily by the Catawba river which drains sub - basin 03-08-30 upstream and the sub -basin 03-08-31 which drains directly into the lake and its immediate headwaters. Both drainage areas are considered in this report although Lake James is located in sub -basin 03-08-30 and due to its large size serves as a natural water quality treatment area. With this fact in consideration greater emphasis was placed on sub -basin 03-08-31. The general topography of the area is considered to be that of the Appalachian foothills with the Hydro Environmental Area (HEA) being classified as upper Piedmont. The area surrounding the lake is basicly forested with small industrial towns as well as small recreational facilities. There are 13 major tributaries entering Lake Rhodhiss. Of these 13, 12 are classified as C streams, and 1 is classified as an A -II stream. Lake Rhodhiss, and the Catawba river from the Rhodhiss Dam upstream to Lake James is classified as A -II. Point Source Inputs into the Lake Rhodhiss Drainage Area There are 72 permitted dischargers in the two sub -basins within the Lake Rhodhiss drainage area. Forty of the dischargers are located in sub -basin (03-08-31) which immediately surrounds the lake area, with 32 dischargers being located in the upstream sub -basin (03-08-31). All dischargers are located on the sub -basin maps with permit numbers, receiving stream and geographic location on the following pages. of the 40 discharges in sub -basin (03-08-31), there are 3 water treatment plants, 8 wastewater treatment plants, 14 industrial sites, 11 schools, rest homes or correctional centers and 4 domestic permitted point sources. 0f the 32 dischargers in sub -basin (03-08-30), there are, 4 wastewater treatment plants, 9 industrial sites, 6 schools, rest homes or correctional centers and 13 domestic permitted dischargers. In sub - basin (03-08-30) where the Marion-Corpening Creek WWTP is located, there is a combined design flow of 11.41 MGD entering the area. Marion-Corpening Creek WWTP has a design flow of 3.0 MGD which accounts for 26.0% of the combined design flow of that sub -basin. In sub -basin (03-08-31) there is a combined design flow of 29.97 MGD, which when added to sub -basin (03-08-30) yeild a total design flow for the two sub -basins of 41.38. Marion-Corpening Creek WWTP accounts for 7.25% of the combined design flow of the 2 sub -basins which drain the Lake Rhodhiss area. • Station Locations and Parametric Coverage The Marion-Corpening Creek / Lake Rhodhiss Study was divided into 3 strategic sampling areas which consisted of lake stations, stream (tributary) stations and point source discharger stations. By determining background nutrients entering the lake via stream, permitted discharger in- put, and existing lake nutrient status, a total nutrient budget could be concluded. Stream sampling was performed at 7 key locations to determine nutrient loadings into Lake Rhodhiss by way of tributary introduction. Sampling was performed from bridges at all stations using lab -line samplers for obtaining grab samples and a Hydrolab 4041 for all physical parameters. Each station was sampled 7 times between 0845 on 82/07/28 and 0710 on 7/29/82. Grab sample parameters consisted of N and P, chlorophyll a, pheophytin and phytoplankton. Physical parameters included dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature and conductivity. Seven lake stations were sampled to evaluate nutrient concentration levels and determine potential lake status. Secchi disk depth and dissolved oxygen were taken to determine the euphotic zone and the hypolimnion. Integrated samples were taken from the euphotic zone for analysis of N and P series and Chlorophyll a. A separate sample for N and P was also taken from the hypolimnion. Conductivity, temperature and pH were also taken throughout the water column. Point source dischargers into the Lake Rhodhiss drainage area are a primary concern in nutrient loadings. All dischargers with a design flow of equal to or greater than 0.5 MGD were sampled during the study to evaluate their nutrient input. Isco samplers were used for all time con- troled composite samples. Marion-Corpening creek WWTP was composite sampled at four locations: influent (before P removal), effluent (after P removal), upstream outfall (Corpening Creek), downstream outfall (Corpening-Creek). Morganton - Catawba River WWTP, Lenoir - Lower Creek WWTP, Great Lakes Carbon WWTP and Valdese - McGalliard Creek WWTP were composite sampled at their effluent outfall. Valdese - Hoyle Creek WWTP and the Drexel - Howard Creek WWTP were grab sampled three times in a 24 hr. period. FY:�t-o. *' {"-•!�' ° 7 :aft` . r •• .�7:.✓'- t's., j. "fi • .r• ;•a .,sa-``._ ... Yx• SL•.- .--^Vx.':-V .a•.: Kam: ..i, e vti' - 'sc.- S+.:L3d`�'�s�:i ciR.Iys,"�v �s�i�W..-.r..=c��.�i: t....s.r_..s��j�.:?� ��i..x-:�S.r...'�t�a�. ,.:v^'�..�-i�.'d'i..'i�V�V1 �.c5�c`i�:.�1r.`.•.��4A`i�u�.f...f-•ICs'+r:� .� ' �F" . i•..y��i • :^U-� � • ma's. � .awh `s•a}`�;;'��'•.."'�T!s�:R�'-"�..:.�sfaxa ii3�.:'�iM7��`a`w •. r .1� .�y �.a: dr : •{..^-L cam'} r R.r�:. ,i:• s;� .�yr. u�. '+ �: �'i"•'Yx.;::•rur: C[' 'rc -a5 .�°S •• 1.•i.*• i...:�.• .c.2S. � :.t a w.i+��..rw+. � .xtt�•S �'�.1i': _ � - .. ... Map of Dischargers in the Lake Rhodhiss Drainage Area (Sub -basin 03 08 30) Permitted Dischargers in Sub -basin 03-08-30 Map Design # Flow Discharger 1 4.200 2 .200 3 .016 4 .005 5 .050 6 .005 Chalet Mtr Lodge NC0030996 American Thread NC0004243 Travenol Labs 'NC0006554 Glenwood Elem. School NC0033499 22 .070 Crossmore WWTP NC00266654 23 .018 Div. cf Forest Resources NC0040339 24 .050 Linville Land Harbor NC00227 36 25 .001 Mill :'l.mber Nursery NC0046221 Old Fort Finishing NC0005002 Old Fort WWTP NC0021229 C.E. Air Preheater Co. NC0039934 Pleasant Garden Elem. Sch NC003464 McDowell Co. Sr. High Sch NC003481 Marion Plaza Shoppping Ctr. NC0030911 7 .001 Burger Boy Drive -In NC0044415 8 .001 Broyhill Ind. NC0006726 9 .008 West Marion Elem Sch NC003456 10 .005 (Artrip Petroleum Inc) Collins Truck Stop NC0029831 11 :008 Westwood Chateau Apts. NC0039322 12 .016 NC DOT I-40 Rest Area NC0024864 13 .005 Pinnacle Rest Home NC0035157 14 .300 Marion WWTP #2 NC0027413 15 3.00 Marion WWTP (Corpening) NC0031879 16 .020 Lemon Tree Inn NC0040291 17 .008 Nebo School NC0033472 18 .010 19 2.000 20 1.200 21 .009 Receiving Str-am Latitude Catawba River (McDowell) 35°37'53" Curtis Creek Dowel l ) UT to Catawba fiver (McDowell) Ut to Buck Cr. McDowell) Catawba River 9c Dowe l l ) Garden Cr. (Mc.; well) Garden Cr (McD ell) Town Creek (Mc UT to N. Muddy ree, (McDowell) UT to N. Muddy r (McDowell) Garden Creek (M! Dowell ) North Muddy Cre(< (McDowell) S. Muddy Cr (Mc.I )well ) UT to Catawba Ri ter (McDowell) Youngs Fork (McL)well) Hicks Branch (Mc.)owell) UT to Shadrick C- (McDowell) UT to Buchanan C. . (McDowell) N. Fork Catawba ?dyer (McDowell) N. Fork Catawba '?fiver (McDowell) Goose Creek (McDwell) :,a 11 Timer Co. (,very) Linville River (: very ) Linville River (Avery) Mill T� tuber Cr (Avery 35°38'43" 35°40'59" 35°41'27" 35°41'52" 35°41'44.5" 35°41'29" 35°40'48" 35°38'14.5" Longitude 82°10'18" 82°09'32.5 82°03'55.5 82°04'02" 82°02'50.5 82°01'31.5 82'01'19.5' 82'01'06" 82°01'43" 35°38'52.5" 82°02'07" 35°41'41" 35°38'19.5" 35°39'00.5" 35°42'16.5" 35°39'O1" 35°38'25" 35°42'56" 35°50'52" 35°47'34" 35'47'33" 35'36'38" 36°01'03" 35°00'41.5" 82°01'29.5' 82°01'15" 81°52'35.5' 81 °59' 55" 81°57'27.5' 81°59'25.5" 81 °55' 30" 82°05'17.5" 82`01'09" 82°0;'08" 81 °58' 38" 81`55'21" 81'55'54" 36°02'13.5" 81 °53' 33" 36'01'30" gl°53'41" Map Design # Flow Discharger Receiving Stream Latitude Longitude 26 .008 Norris Ind. Stacey Creek (Avery) 36°00'31.5" 81°53'41" NC0045543 27 .070 G.F. Co. Develop Linville River (Avery) 36°05'15.5" 81°51'55.! NC0023124 28 .050 Linville Resorts Linville River (Avery) 36°04'17.5" 81°52'22" NC0039446 29 .001 Eckenrod Apts. NC004771 UT to Garden Cr (McDowell) 35°42'15" 82°O1'32" 30 .024 Columbia Carolina Corp. Catawba River (McDowell) 35°39'38" 82'05'17" NC0048542 31 .002 Quick As A Wink Car Wash Garden Cr (McDowell) 35°42'00.5" 82°01'33" NC0047660 32 .050 Duke Power -Bridgewater Catawba River (Burke) 35°44'31.5" 81°50'11" NC0004936 4 "w` ir,•_c.....-,.:...^* i :f �� `'-S}:�xY��'ti'-srr:.:::..: Wit,.• -• - ..-.- .....w..wr.-� ...xs+ ��. ...� _. '�;: Nam': °c/�iR�`�':I�iL!. -� k•.4-a.. 1+5:: �.vv,?.,gym':';tc: '«•v,T:'+.r:•�e-F-,cM�...: � :+�:.ra:'�:�- • .-n,.M-�..:.w:��:��w.rx •r-r� r+..Jrr ^.a..,.,.... e:.�x_,,:+>+r•a ,.. ....�..-P:s �.•aR..�••r...�-.... -.. _. _�.. Map Discharger 1 Valdese WTP NCOo44369 2 Valdese - Hoyle Cr. WWTP NC0021199 Receiving Stream Latitude Longitude Lake Rhodhiss 35°46'36" 81°33'34" (Burke) Hoyle Creek (Burke) 3 Valdese - Lake Rhodhiss WWTP Lake Rhodhiss NC0041696 (Burke) 4 Valdese - McGalliard Creek WWTP McGalliard Creek NC0020753 (Burke) 5 Drexel WTP NC0043613 Howard Creek (Burke) 6 Drexel WWTP Howard Creek NC0021296 (Burke) 35°45'37" 81°32'58" 35°43'36.5" 81°32'35. 35045' 26.5" 81°34' 34" 35046105.5" 81°36'37" 35046'25" 81034158. 7 Baton Elementary UT to Stafford Creek 35°48'29" 81°32'17" NC0030783 (Caldwell) 8 Gamewell Middle & Elementary NC0041173 (Caldwell) 9 Warrior Fork WTP NC00144148 10 Monte Carlo MHP NC0037346 Warrior Fork (Burke) Lower Creek (Burke) 11 Morganton WWTP Hunting Creek NC0021431 (Burke) 12 Synthron Inc. Hunting Creek NC0033120. (Burke) 13 Essex Group Inc. NC0006645 14 Burke Co. Youth Center Little Silver Creek (Burke) UT to Lower Creek 35°52'10.5" 81°35'55" 35°46'50" 81°42'07" 35049141.5" 81°38'06. 35045 '50" 35°45'36" 35°43'39" 81°39'�43. 81°39'19" 81°44'34. UT to Fiddlers Run 35°42'19.5" 81°39'43.! NC0027618 (Burke) 15 Catawba (Morganton) WTP NC0044156 (Burke) Catawba River 35°414'20.5" 81°43'48. 16 Mull School UT to Fiddlers Run 35°42'13" 81°39'38" NC0040193 (Burke) 17 Western Correctional Center Hunting Creek 35°40'42.5" 81°41' 15.` NC00=7669 (Burke) Map Discharger 18 Knob Creek Of Morganton WWTP NC0034517 , 19 Broyhill (Lenoir Furniture) NC0046566 - 005 - 006 20 Broyhill (National Venere) NC0046558 - 007 - 008 - 009 - 010 21 Broyhill (Occasional #1) NC0046574 - 011 012 - 013 22 Broyhill (Harper Plant) NC0006505 - 001 - 002 -004 23 Broyhill - Lenoir Chair # 4 NC0006602 24 Southeastern Adhesives N00047431 25 District 9 School NC0044687 26 Lenoir - Lower Cr. - WWTP N00023981 27 Rospatch Tape NC0026930 28 Shades Pavilion Rest Home NC0047147 29 Green Mountain Park: NC0040274 30 Crossroads Oil Co. NCOO40835 31 Southern Devices NC0004278 32 Great Lakes Carbon NC0005258 Receiving Stream McGalliard Creek (Burke) Town Creek (Caldwell) Town Creek (Caldwell) Town Creek (Caldwell) Town Creek (Caldwell) Lower Creek (Caldwell) Lower Creek (Caldwell) UT to Lower Creek (Caldwell) Lower Creek (Caldwell) UT to Spainhour Creek (Caldwell) UT to Spainhour Creek (Caldwell) UT to Zacks Fork (Caldwell) Blair Fork (Caldwell) Little Silver Cr (Burke) Silver Creek (Burke) Latitude 35°43'47" 35°54'19" 35°54'16" 35°54'12" 35° 54' 12" 35°54'09.5" 35°54'05" 35°54'03.5 35°53'58.5" 35°53'54" 35°53'55.5" 35054'54" 35°54'50" 35°54'46.5" 35°53'50" 35°53'50" 35°52'32.5" 35°52'36" 35°55'09.5" 35°55'56.5" Longitude 81°37'27" 81°33'O1" 81°33'02" 81°33'07" 81°33'07„ 81°33'07" 81°33'07„ 81°33'07„ 81°33'10" 81°33'10„ 81°33'10" 81°32'41" 81°32'42" 81°32'41" 81°53'17. 81°33'17. 81°34'15. 81°34'47. 81°33'31. 81°33'24" 35°57'25.5" 81°31'O1" 35°56'06" 81°32'42" 35043'33.5" 81044'57" 35°43'41.5" 81°43'37" Map fi Discharger 33 Oak Hill School NC0033243 (Burke) Receiving Stream UT to Canoe Creek Latitude Longitude 35°46►30" 81°45'26, 34 Morganton - Catawba River WWTP Catawba River 35°46'42.5" 80°39'48' NC0026573 (Burke) 35 Burke Long Term Care Facility UT to Canoe Cr 35°45'11" 81°44'09' NC0046027 (Burke) 36 Rutherford College Elem. UT to Island Cr. 35°45'12" 81°31'21' NC0040207 (Burke) 37 Medusa Aggregates Lower Creek 35°55'59.5" 81°39'06' NC0047139 (Caldwell) 38 Cedar Rock Country Club UT to Lower Creek 35°56'32.5" 81°27'40' NC0043231 (Caldwell) 39 Lenoir WTP Rhodhiss Lake 35°47'04.5" 81°28'51' NC0044164. (Caldwell) 40 Hibriten High School UT to Lower Creek 35°55'28.5" 81°29'53' NC0041149 (Caldwell) 41 Sawmill Elem. School Hayes Mill Run 35°49'09" 81°28'36 NC0041165 (Caldwell) 42 Hammary Furniture Plant #4 (Dellwood Furniture) Hayes Mill Run 35°49'11" 81°28'36 NC0034851 (Caldwel10 43 Duke Power - Rhodhiss Catawba River 35°46'26" 81°26'16 NC0004529 (Caldwell) 44 Glen Alpine School UT to Little Silver 35°43'22.5" 81°46'48' NC0040541 (Burke) 45 Inmont UT to Little Silver CR 35°43'42" 81°45'21' NC0041203 (Burke) 46 Collettsville Elem. School UT to Johns River 35°55'37.5" 81°40'26' NC0041203 (Burke) 47 Richard D. Swanson UT to Lower Creek 35°56'48.5" 81°28'33' NC0049638 (Caldwell) 48 Monte Carlo MHP NC0048755 49 Outward Bound School NC0040754 Lower Creek (Burke) • Roses Creek (Burke) 35°49'50" 81°37'49' 35053115.5" 81°52'30' Map Discharger 50 Cellu Products -- Lenoir NC0047627 51 Thomasville Furniture I C0005592 52 Hosiery Mfg. Co NC0024341 Receiving Stream Blair Fork (Caldwell) • Blair Fork (Caldwell) Latitude Longitude 35°56'39" 81°34'09, 35'55'56.5" 81°32'35' UT to Hunting Cr_ 35°45'12" 81°40'47. (Burke) Stream Stations - Lake Rhodhiss Study Station # Stream Location S-1 Muddy Creek Hwy. 70 S-2 Silver Creek (CTB029) Hwy 70W S-3 Warrior Fork SR 1440 S-4 Johns River (CTB031-D1) * SR 1438 S-5 Lower Creek (CTB034-1A) * SR 1501 S-6 Catawba River (CTB028A) * SR 1147 S-7 Catawba River NC 18 * Historical Ambient monitoring data available Parametric Coverage at Stream Stations Sampling was preformed from bridges at all stations. Each station was sampled 7 times between 0845 on 82/07/28 and 0710 on 7/29/82. Grab samples were taken for N an P, chlorophyll a, pheophytin, and phyto- plankton. Also taken at stream stations were dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature and conductivity. r , Lake Stations - Lake Rhodhiss Study Station # Location L1 at SR 1501 L2 near mouth of Smoky Creek L3 by island just below mouth of Howard Cr. L4 at SR 1001 L5 by boat ramp just beyond mouth of Freeman Cr. L6 where lake turns left 5000 ft. upstream from Dam L7 just above Rhodhiss Dam Parametric Coverage at Lake Stations Sampling was preformed at the center of the channel. Secchi disk depth and dissolved oxygen were taken at each station in order to determine the euphotic zone and the hypolimnion. An integrated sample was taken from the euphotic zone for analysis of N and P series and chlorophyll a. A sample for N and P series was also taken from the hypolimnion. Conductivity temperature and pH were also taken throughout the water column. Major * Dischargers in Lake Rhodhiss Drainage Area Map 11 Discharger Design Flow 1 Morganton - Catawba River WWTP NC0026573 8.0 MGD 2 Valdese - Lake Rhodhiss WWTP NC00111696 7.5 MGD 3 Lenoir - Lower Creek WWTP NC0023981 6.0 MGD 4 Valdese -McGalliard Creek WWTP NC0020753 3.2 MGD 5 Marion - Corpening Creek WWTP NC0031879 3.0 MGD 6 Great Lakes Carbon - Dilver Creek NC0005258 2.6 MGD 7 Valdese - Hoyle Creek WWTP NC0021199 1.0 MGD •8 Drexel - Howard Creek WWTP NC0021296 0.5 MGD * This list includes all dischargers with a design flow equal to or greater than 0.5 MGD. NOTE: Valdese - Lake Rhodhiss WWTP is not in operation and is presently under construction. Parametric Coverage at Major Dischargers Composit and grab samples for N and P were taken from the effluents of these WWTPs. Marion - Corpening Creek WWTP was composit sampled at four sites: Influent (before P removal), Effluent (after P removal), Upstream outfall (Corpening Creek), Downstream outfall (Corpening Creek). Morganton - Catawba River WWTP, Lenoir - Lower Creek WWTP, Great Lakes Carbon WWTP and Valdese - McGalliard Creek WWTP were composit sampled. Valdese - Hoyle Creek WWTP and the Drexel - Howard Creek WWTP were grab sampled three times in a 24 hrs period. N Area Schematic Algal Growth Potential Test (AGPT) The Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV, Surveillance Analysis Division, Athens, Georgia, is and g� � presently in the process of running an Algal Growth Potential Test (AGPT) on the waters of Lake R nutrients and sunlight are abundant, algae are capableRhodhiss. When multiplication often resulting in serious water of rapid growth and quality problems. By introduction of a controlled laboratory stock algae (Selenastrum actual lake water in question, the capricornatum) q potential of waters, sewage and in- dustrial effluents to accelerate or inhibit algal growth can As indicated in a letter from Mr. Roanld Raschke be determined. Branch, Athens, Ga.)early (EPA, Ecological support in July an AGPT could be easily integrated into the Lake Rhodhiss study. Mr. Raschke stated that an AGPT on waters could provide the Division of EnvironmentalLake Rhodhiss minimum, limiting nutrient status of the Management with, at lake. Additionally, he stated that the AGPT results could assist in refining the predictive capabilities model by providing information on available phosphorusof the meaningful than total phosphorus estimates p p orus, which could be more of sampled waters with P-media and only. By incorporating dilutions conducting a limiting nutrient assessment, EPA will provide information useful to DEM in these ways: 1) predicting in -lake concentration reductions of whether it is the limiting nutrient or not phosphorus 2) determining available phosphorus loading, ' 3) determining phtoplankton nuisance p potential for Lake Rhodhiss, 4) determing WWTP influence upon stream and lake nutrient 5) determining available phosphorus loads with regimes, and without phosphorus removal at the Marion - Corpening Creek WWTP. Composite samples were taken as requested by Mr. Don Schultz Support Branch, Athens, Ga.) (EPA, Ecological who worked on -site in conjuration with the 'technical Services field personnel on July 28 and 29 from the Rhodhiss Lake stations, stream stations, �� Samples were taken WWTP influent and effluent, as well as upstreamMarlo.. - Corpening Creek and downstream locations. Because AGPT tests take several weeks to run and the EPA Athens lab has a heavy work load, no date for the completion of the report has been will n set. However, the AGPT report from EPA 1 be attached to this report as 2r addendum upon completion. tit N co rn r-i 4.3 ro L-1. Comp 7-28 bot. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Solids, and Chlorophyll Concentrations at Lake Rhodhiss Stations r--1tto r-1 E 1300 .15 .4 .05 r-f E E • Z O .a m4-4 Q.., O as N �t z .36 .08 .22 .08 L-2 comp 7-28 1237 .12 .6 bot NS NS L-3 Comp 7-28 1230 .09 .6 bot .06 .4 Comp 7-28 1032 .06 .6 bot .07 1.1 1,-5 Comp 7-28 1007 .08 hot .08 L_6 romp 7-28 0920 .13 bot .20 L-7 Comp bot 7-28 0900 .13 .6 .17 .06 NS NS .13 .06 .22 .08 .10 .05 .23 .68 .10 .04 .20 .04 1.3 1.6 .18 .04 .19 .09 .18 .04 .01 .08 a) r-I 4-) 'Ly o •,-I CL r--I E E bO a 0) U 3 11 3 24 tto Pheophytin a 21 40 35 9 35 29 .27 25 25 21 5 <1 24 21 4 Avg = 22 ug/1 0 cd 0 O N CO rn ,-i Hwy70 S-1 7-28 1110 Table Temperature 22 Stream Station Data Lake Rhodhiss Study E U r--1 �� n O CV E z M e • 0 O U 7.8 6.7 110 7-28 1320 7-28 1545 7-28 1800 7-28 2312 7-29 0100 23 23 23 7-29 0710 ativer C Hwy 70 S-2 M r-1 E E • 0 r n cL 0 z ON E0• .01 .2 .31 .06 0 .02 8.1 7.3 118 .01 .3 .27 .04 .01 7.8 7.1 115 7.6 6.8 110 .02 .3 .28 .08 .03 .03 .3 .32 .07 K.01 7-28 0830 21 7.8 6.6 55 .04 .4 .30 .09 .02 .35 .13 .02 .27 .08 .01 .49 .05 .01 7-28 1140 22 7.8 7.0 50 .01 . 28 .01 7-28 1400 23.5 7.7 7.1 55 .01 .2 .30 .04 .4 . of 7-28 1615 23.5 7.5 6.9 53 .01 2 .26 .01 .04 7-28 2111 7-29 0230 7-29 0600 2 .06 1.0 .30 .06 .01 .01 .2 .33 .04 „...01 .01 .2 .33 . .05 _ .01 r--t bO Pheophytin a 1 .^-.. R....:.:.� 'J -,ti1n: ^s;C +� �• .:y.: �'. S .e:a.ne: .. ` "�• .� rv. �:-a.w.r, 'y}g.,;' •s'q' ¢-,n; :._, r�-� :i+r� �' .:I -•.a c .�. r : rs rr • �4 art?%.?''•"t�:^ ` 'a` R 'K.,°y":+S Table Cont. Stream Station Data Lake Rhodhiss Study E L 4.3 � Location1 Station No. CVe--1 CO .0 nM E E. O 1 d) i, Z M E H r-1 -Co E 0 ca a. umhos/cm Spec. Cond. at 25°C b0 E M z ,-I DO E Z H r--1 E `� 1 M CV.� 2 f-1 E 0 QQ.r H r-1 d) .0 a L. rl ` L F c� r-1 r-1 ` S.. L 0 C..)1) n1 r-i r-i m C •1-1 a N wThrrior For. k MO 1 S-3 7-28 1015 ►22.5 7.6 6.7 30 .01 .1 .18 ,03 <.01. 2 1 < 1 7-28 1245 23 7.9 6.8 30 <,01 .2 .16 <.01 <.03 7-28 1515 23 7.8 7.0 30 .01 <.1 .16 .02 <.01 1 <.1 < 1 7-28 1730 ,24 7.6 6.8 30 .01 .1 .16 .02 <.01 _ 7-28 2229 .02 .2 .15 .03 <.01 _ 7-29 0140 .03 .2 .19 .03 <.01 7-29 0645 i 1 .01 .2 .17 .03 <.01 iohn R _ ; 1438 S-4 7-28 1000 23.5 7.6 6.7 30 .01 .2 .07 .03 <.01 2 2 .41 7-28 1230 24 8.0 6.9 30 <.01 .2 .07 .03 <.01 7-28 1500 24.5 8.2 7.1 30 .01 .2 .08 .02 <.01 7-28 1720 24.5 8.5 6.9 30 .01 .2 .07 .02 (.01 7-28 2215 .02 .1 .08 .03 <.01 • 7-29 0150 , .01 .1 .07 .02 Z.01 7-29 0630 .01 .2 .08 ..03 .01 1 _ _ MILOW 451)111WriallaStin Table Cont. Stream Station Data Lake Rhodhiss Study Mo o S. rn L .,� N 0 .1 .Station No. N Co Cr, n) 4-) C) a) E E-. Temperature °C .--1 E 0 Q O. Spec. Cond, umoh/om at 25 C r-i I'D z 1 M z .--I z 1 Z E-1 r-i -. E z orn 7 + ON z Total Phos. mg/1 r-I E 00 - a. 0 .s~ O r-1 E •. E-+ M .--1 U r-I E it 0 U M r-I U r r4 - W cis 1 .1.) a o W a • natacaba R . SR 1147 S-6 7-28 1045 16 8.4 6.3 50 < .01 .1 .27 .02 < .01 1 1 .. 1 7-28 1300 20 8.6 7.5 70 .01 .2 .28 .02 • 7-28 1530 17 7.0 6.8 50 4.01 .2 .29 .02 .(.01 3 3 < 1 7-28 1745 16 6.5 6.8 48 .01 .2 .28 .01 s 7-28 2252 .02 .2 ..30 .02 • 7-29 0120 .02 .2 .31 .01 .01 7-29 f0700 .01 .1 .26 .02 . .01 . atawba R NC18 S-7 7-28 0915 19 7.7 6.7 50 .01 .2 .29 .02 <.01 2 1 1 7-28 1150 20 7.8 7.0 50 ..c.01 .3 .27 .02 .01 7-28 1415 22 8.0 7.2 48 .01 .2 .20 .03 <.01 1 .< 1 <-1 7-28 1635 19 8.6 7.0 50 .01 .2 .27 .03 <.01 7-28 2131 .28 .6 .52 .03 <.01 L .01 7-29 0215 .01 .2 .08 .03 7-29 0610 .01 .2 .24 .02 4 .01 i � -r tiggfirewlag ru •ems-•. r.wu;• . ,i,_ "+= erg:.(• „jy.ai ^i -. �,y..,, s5 -;►. . �:. �,r i. �.�ra.�Crae. r;.s•. ,, �:' �. i .1v?r'..,La� +t}; wr,n► '+ Sod: - • ,vg Stream Station Data Lake Rhodhiss Study E (0w i. 10 Location1 Station No. (NI co ON w .0 11 w E 'r'1 F. Temperature oC r--i E O • Q ."L'. 0. Spec. Cond, umoh/cm at 25 C r-^I hO E z on .�I". Z r-i @ z ae E--r r-1 dO E = M O + N O Z r-1 h0 E . 0 c m o H r-1 - bO E 0 ai .c 4 �.. 0 r--1 Gp •� L. .. N r--1 .z 0 r--I 4O L. 0 N r-1 .S� U .-I ha N • .0 0 W .>r a Lower Cr. 1501 S-5 7-28 0930 22 7.0 6.8 80 .05 .5 .90 .13 .05 2 < 1 2 7-28 1215 24 6.8 6.9 80 .04 .5 .87 .13 .05 7-28 1430 26 6.6 6.9 80 .05 .5 .90 .13 .04 2 2 <1 7-28 1650 26 6.3 6.9 80 .06 .6 .51 .14 .06 7-28 2145 .11 .8 1.1 .18 .08 7-29 0200 .05 .7 1.1 .06 .06 7-29 0620 .07 .8 1.1 .16 .07 - f- _ z -ti.• . ..i`ra-. •i. M'_'„ j; • s..-cS:: ";:-7 _v. r, r •i. 4 i i'7rr i�i-.`:�•a�rt�� i'^h=v 'Lr F.r tiG �a r.:. y•(.1; • x '�' szF�i"i'.. rf4S •-'may `'i:= �+_.•�^'�.i � •,, . � �'.. ieii r!'ir=ty✓i"':S.'=�T.;..i.. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Values in Influent and Effluent of the City of Marion Corpening Creek WWTP C C •r-f .,-1 GO bO 'C3 W O C m aq w a) a) a) 4.3 E 4-) aS •i-i N 0 (-' Q 7-27 1635 7-27 2000 7-27 2100 7-27 2400 7-28 0100 7-28 0400 7-28 0800 7-28 1800 7-28 1900 7-28 2300 7-28 2400 7-29 0400 7-29 0500 7-29 0900 7-28 0900 7-28 1800 7-28 1900 7-28 2300 7-28 2400 7-29 0400 7-29 <.05 .05 .06 9.2 -c.05 9.6 6.6 14. <.05 28. 17. 1.3 4.9 1.3 4.2 1.3 4.3 1.2 3.6 .75 .65 .73 .63 Upstream ,. ...,..�r......�..._.�o.,. ...�,.....�.��...-�., a.�aw -�.v. u.e ...,.sue .,,,rm �rs�.r�er�e.+-.r+�tixmwirrwea��� +f-ei. nna'a rEP- rariaa cem- Anff *yry r...GR[,,MITOMMAIK. .RFetiIIV Nitrogen and Phosphorus Concentrations Upstream and Downstream of the City of Marion Corpening Creek WWTP 0utfall 1500 7-27 2100 7-28 0300 7-28 0900 7-28 7-28 1900 7-28 24400 Downstream 7-27 1605 7-27 L2010 7-28 7-29 7-29 0010 0510 7-28 0900 7-28 1030 1035 E .06 4.05 4.05 1 E O L O .8 1.6 .40 .21 1.3 .22 .17 .05 3.5 1.1 .22 .15 .9 .6 .30 .25 • r:. '.^'_'c`_ .:.. .may. �a ... r-sti rC�Ys b.;�.`;. wF•.[:.. _::: • Nitrogen and Phosphorus Concentrations in Effluents from Wastewater Treatment Plants of Morganton, Lenoir, and Valdese L. o •4 (0 ,a Date Begin c ,1 b a) m w E •,-i Date End Time End E Z 1 rl = e Z 1 Z ae E Z 1 M O 2 N O Total Phosphorus mg/1 Ortho Phosphorus mg/1 Morganton 7-28 1230 7-28 1730 3.2 13. G•05 5.9 3.5 cn Lriwhn R . 7-28 1830 7-28 2330 7.8 14. .05 8.3 4.9 ... dTP 7-29 0030 7-29 0530 6.8 22. {.05 8.8 5.2 -�- Fffluent 7-29 0630 7-29 1130 6.7 20. <.05 8.2 4.9 Lenoir 7-28 1345 7-28 1845 7.4 14. 6.3 3.2 2.7 i.ewer Cr. 7-28 1945 7-29 0045 7.7 12. 6.8 3.2 2.5 WWTP 7-29 0145 7-29 0645 7.5 14. 6.7 3.4 2.6 Effluent ; 7-29 0745 7-29 1145 6.5 12. 6.5 3.4 2.7 Valdese 7-28 1100 7-29 1300 4.1 12. C.05 15. 12. r•icGa 1 ]. iard 7-28 2200 3.6 12. .07 17. 14. :r . WWTP 7-29 1400 3.3 7.6 ..05 11. 8.5 . !affluent 7-28 1515 4.0 11. < .05 32. 15. Valdese 7-28 1530 1.6 4.8 .06 7.8 5.9 Hoyle Cr. 7-28 2230 1.2 4.2 .07 6.2 4.8- ____________ .1WTP ____ 7-29 1330 2.9 18. .07 9.8 4.7_�- --- - Nitrogen and Phosphorus Concentrations in Effluents from Drexel WWTP and Great Lakes Carbon c: o • ,+ y_) (13 1-) (f) c •I 60 01) cr_t 2 M a) C -+ W a) in f E •r{ H Date End Time End Z 'M `...T.' Z r1 Z z M F. r1 z 1 cn 0 Z N 0 Z ,-1 to 0 .0 a. r-I •0 0 H .-1 fA 0 .0 a. O L. 0 Drexel 7-28 1430 17. 20. 1.4 5.7 4.4 Howard rd c r . 7-28 2215 15. 28. 1.2 6.0 4.4 WWII 7 7-29 1320 21. 35. 1.8 5.5 4.1 Effluent treat Lake 7-28 1130 7-28 1630 <.05 .1 .31 4.05 c.05 Carbon 7-28 1730 7-28 2330 <.05 .1 .29 .05 .05 1•:ffluent 7-29 0030 7-29 0530 4.05 <.1 .30 <.05 <.05 ;. 7-29 0630 7-29 1030 4.05 .c.1 .31 <.05 c.05 y l i I , T . LAKE STATIONS SHEET FIELD DATA Station Number Date Time DM Depth 300 D. 0. 10 Temp 400 pH 94 Conduct. 77 Secchi CTB-040A 7128182 1032 ' 5 11.6 27.4 8.4 77 44" L-4 7128,82 1 11.3 27.3 8.5 77 7128182 1 25 2t; 9 _ 7128182 1.5 26.E 7128i 82 2 8.6 25.5 7.2 69 7128182 3 5.0 24.2 6.5 69 7128182 4 4.1 23.4 _ 6.2 69 7128182 5 4.4 22.7 _ 1 614 7 121; 182 _ 6 5.5 22.2 6.0 61 7 128 182 7 6.1 21.9 ' • 6.0 ' 61 7 128 182 8 5.2 21.6 6.0 61 7 128 ,82 9 4.8 21.1 5.9 61 7 128182 9.5 : 4_.5. 20.4 _ 5.9 , 62 , , _ CTB-0361A 7 128182 1230 5 ' 11.5 28.5 8.5 73 36" L-3 1 A 1 27.5 , 8.5 70 1 1 4 1.25 ,10.9 26.3 1 1 1.50 25.5 1 i r i I 2 7.7 24.9 , 7.0 69 t 1 3 6.9 24.4 6.9 65 t 1 4 5.5 6.3 67 1 t 5 _23.0 5.7 22.5 6.0 65 1 1 6 5.5 22.4 6 0 65 I 6.5 4.9 22.0 5.5 65 t 1 - CTB-034A 7 ,28 182 1300 5 - 7.3 24.1 6.3 73 20" c-1 1 1 1 6.9 23.0 6.1 74 1 1 1.25 6.5 22.5 6.1 74 t CTB-040B 7128'82 0900 5 11.7 28.7 8.4 71 41" L-7 t 1 1 11.3 28.9 8.4 72 • 1 1 2 10.2 28.5 8.4 69 t 1 2.25 27.1 1 I 2 5 25.2 I•' 1 • 3 3.0 23.5 6.5 60 1 1 t1 3 4. 22 6 6 2. 60 1 1 5 3.5 21.7 5.9 66 1 I 6 3.2 21.3 6.0 67 1 A 7 3.4 21.0 6.0 69 t i , R q 9 20.9 y 6.0 65 _ 0 3 3 20.. 6.0 67 1 t 10 3.";20.5 6.0 64 115 0 17.3 D.2 95 7• ' • Lake Stations (Continued) Station Number Date Time DM Depth 300 D. 0. 10 Temp 400 pH 94 Conduct. 77 Secchi L-2 7 t28t82 1237 5 11.0 28.5 8.4 73 32" 0.25 27_5 t t .5 _ 27.2 1 t 1. 9.1 2.6 . 0 7 7 fi 9 1.25 24.3 t 1.5 24.4 •t 2 6.5 23.0 6.4 69 t t , 3 6.3 _ 23.0 6.1 69 3.5 6.1 22.7 , 6,0 69 t t 1250 Bottom _ L-6 7 28 t82 0920 5 11.5 28.7 8.5 , 72 43" I ! 1 11.1 28.7 8.5 72 ! t 1.5 28.5 t t 1.75 28.3 i 1 2 10.9 27.3 . 8.2 68 t 3 4.3 24.3 6.6 _ 64 t t 4 3.3 22.2 5.8 64 1 t 5 3.7 21.6 5.8 66 6 3.8 21.4 5.8 66 t 7 4.0 21.2 5.8 64 t t 8 4.6 21.0 5.8 62 9 3.8 20.9 5.8 , 66 ! 10 3.9 , 20.7 5.8 63 t t 11.25 , 3.8 20.2 5.8 , 64 0955 Bottom t, L-7 7 28[ 82 1007 5 11.6 28.0 8,5 74 , 41" 1 11.3 27.9 8.6 75 ` 2 9.9 27.4 8.4 71 ` I ! 2.5 26.4 ! 1 _ 3 5.9 24.7 6.8 64 t 4 3.6 23.0 , 6.8 66 5 3.8 22.3 6.0 65 1 t 6 4.3 21.9 6.0 64 7 5.2 21.7 6.0 60 j 8 5.1 21.5 6.0 60 t_ 9 , 4.9, 21.1 5.9 . , 60 t t '10 4.6 20.7 5.8 62 t t _ 10.5 4.8 20.4 5.9 61 1 I 1020 Bottom • 1 I .ti Month Marion - Corpening Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent Total P mg/1 1981 Self Monitoring Data NH3-N mg/1 Upstream Downstream Total P mg/1 Total P mg/1 January 3.65 1.0 - - February 2.5 .94 .087 .261 March 1.0 .35 .033 .369 April 1.6 2.8 .041 .256 May 2.3 2.9 .095 .571 June 1.3 .46 .100 .200 July 1.22 .20 .143 .291 August 6.9 .47 .099 .523 September 3.09 .70 .060 .920 * October 7.60 .20 .040 2.0 * November 6.87 .39 .041 1.7 * December 9.50 .46 .091 1.1 Average 3.96 Maximum 9.50 Minimum 1.00 .91 2.90 .20 .075 .74 .143 2.0 .033 .20 * Note: During October, November, and December Marion's Lime feed equipment was out of order resulting in higher than normal phosphorus readings. .+.- — ....y.' _. 's. a`.•.7 is , . :f,s _, a.�;'.. .�'a _ . •[:. ..:r; ° ....'� :Y ;,�._ r ,'r: �'_ �:r:l .nr • .y.} a 1: .,a Fes':' ��r.�aiti :ti,`: .. • Nutrient data from 24 hour composite sample at selected dischargers into Lake Rhodhiss drainage area. Samples taken by regional field office. Discharger Valdese - McGalliard Creek WWTP NC0020753 Drexel - Howard Creek WWTP NC0021296 Date Time NH3 TKN NO2-NO3 PO4 Total P 81/12/10 1100 .43 9.3 1.2 15 15 81/12/11 1100 81/1/10 1000 17 26 1.3 4.8 5.0 81/1/11 1000 Valdese - Hoyle Creek WWTP 81/12/10 1200 2.5 8.3 .19 5.1 5.1 NC0021199 81/12/10 1200 Western Correctional Center 82/02/09 1200 1.5 5.1 6.1 2.4 2.6 N00027669103 WWTP 82/02/10 1100 Great Lakes Carbon - Silver Creek 82/02/08 1100 < .05 .1 .42 .07 .78 NC0005258 WWTP 82/02/09 1100 Morganton - Catawba River WWTP NC0026573 Marion - corpening Creek WWTP NC0031879 82/02/08 1030 13 82/02/09 1030 19 .47 2.3 3.4 82/02/01 0800 82/02/02 0800 .49 2.7 7.7 .36 .54 Morganton Catawba Valdese McGalliard Lenoir Lower Cr. Valdese r _ _ — — Moyle Drexel Howard Marion Corpening ;rent Lake._, Carbon p stream Corpening Downstream Corpening 'Marion .:/o lime ±.reatment .5 3.44 6 7.9 .06 .03 Phosphorus and Nitrogen Loadings in Lake Rhodhiss Drainage g Basin 4.48 .30 � .22 8.2 1.6 15 15 200 200 v• 17. Limekiln Creek at SR-1556 McDowell CTB-0I1 Secondary 18. Limekiln Creek at SR-1559 McDowell CTB-012 Secondary 19. North Fork Catawba River near SR-1559 McDowell CTB-013 North Fork Catawba River at SR-1552 3 Secondary McDowell CTB-013A Secondar 21. Lake James 1 mile below N.F. CatawbaY McDowell CTB-013B Secondar 22. Forsyth Creek at US-70 Y McDowell CTB-0I4 Secondary 23. Forsyth Creek at End of SR-1525 McDowell CTB-015 Secondary 24. Lake James near Nebo McDowell CTB-015A Secondary 11. Catawba River at SR-150I McDowell CTB-008A Secondary 12. Catawba River at Clinchfield RR McDowell CTB-008B Secondary 13. North Fork Catawba River at SR-1560 McDowell CTB-009 Secondary 14• Armstrong Creek at NC226A McDowell CTB-009A Secondary 7. Jake Creek at SR-1214 McDowell CTB-006 Secondary 8. Jake Creek near SR-1214 McDowell CTB-007 Secondary 3. Catawba River near SR-1234 McDowell CTB-002A Secondary 4. Curtis Creek at US-70 McDowell CTB-003 Secondary Historical Water Quality Station Locations in the Lake Rhodhiss Drainage Ares Station Location County Station # Station Type 1. Catawba River at SR-1103 McDowell 02136500 Primary CTB-001 Secondary 2. Ut to Catawba River at SR-1235 McDowell CTB-002 Secondary 5. Curtis Creek at I-40 McDowell CTB-004 Secondary 6. Catawba River at I-40 McDowell CTB-005 Secondary 9. Catawba River at SR-1221 McDowell CTB-008 Secondary 10. Catawba River at NC-226 McDowell 02138000 USGS & Primary 15. Armstrong Creek at NC-226 McDowell CTB-009B Secondary 16. Armstrong Creek at SR-1556 McDowell CTB-010 Secondary 25. Lake James at NC-126 Burke CTB-015B Secondary 26. Lake James 1.8 miles below NC-126 Burke CTB-015C Secondary 27. Linville River at NC-105 Avery 02138288 Primary CTB-016 Secondary 28. Linville River at SR-1349 Avery CTB-017 Secondary 29. Linville River at US-221 Avery CTB-018 Secondary 3.0. Stacey Creek at NC-181 Avery CTB-019 Secondary 31. Stacey Creek below Hanes Knitting Avery CTB-020 Secondary 34. Linville River at SR-15^r 3 every ' 'C - B-023 Secondary 32. Mil' Timber Creek at SR-1524 Avery CTB-021 Secondary 33. Mill Timber Creek at Mouth •. Secondary Avery CTB-022 Secondary Station Location County Station # Station Type 3,5. sake James .5 miles up Linville ARm Burke CTB-023B Secondary 36. North Muddy Creek at SR-1796 McDowell CTB-024 Secondary 37. Corpening Creek at SR-1819 McDowell CTB-025 Secondary 38. Corpening Creek at SR-1794 McDowell CTB-026 Secondary 39. North Muddy Creek at NC-226 McDowell CTB-027 Secondary 40. North Muddy Creek at SR-1747 McDowell CTB-028 Secondary 41. Catawba River at SR-1147 Burke 021390036 Primary 42. Silver Creek at US-70 Burke CTB-029 Secondary 43. Catawba River .5 miles above Warrior Cr. Burke CTB-029A Secondary 44. Catawba River at NC-18 Burke CTB-029B Secondary 45. Catawba River at NC-181 Burke 02139282 Primary 46. Hunting Creek at SR-1512 Burke CTB-030 Secondary 47. Hunting Creek off SR -1512 Burke CTB-031 Secondary 48. Wilson Creek at SR-1514 Avery 02140304 Primary 49. Johns River near SR-1356 Caldwell CTB-031A Secondary 50. Johns River at SR-1356 Caldwell CTB-031B Secondary 51. Mulberry Creek at SR-1310 Caldwell CTB-031C Secondary 52. Mulberry Creek at SR-1338 Caldwell CTB-031D Secondry 53. Zacks Fork Creek at US-321A Caldwell CTB-031E Secondary 54. Lower Creek at US-321A Caldwell 02141148 Primary CTB-032 Secondary 55. Blair Fork at US-321A Caldwell CTB-032A Secondary 56. Blair Fork at Mouth Caldwell CTB-032B Secondary 57. Spainhour Creek at NC-18 Byp. Caldwell CTB-032C Secondary 58. Lower Creek at SR-1188 Caldwell CTB-033 Secondary 59. Lower Creek at SR-1143 Caldwell CTB-034 Secondary 60. Rhodhiss Lake at SR-1501 Burke CTB-034A Secondary 61. ?ropst Creek at SR-1536 Burke CTB-035 Secondary 62. Prcpst Creek at SR-1512 Burke CTB-036 Secondary 63. ::::edh:ss Lake off SR-154/2 Burke CTB-036A Secondary 64. m.c aI'1 _are .'reek at US-64 i 70 Burke CTB-037 Secondary 65. X:....- _ : arc' '2reer: at S RR-15 38 Burke CTB-038 Secondary 66. ''c• ••::: a rd Cove cif Rhodhiss Lake Burke CTB-038A Secondary b7. ii; .:, 'reek ,.1; rtrea:7: S ;-, 546 Burke CTB-039 Secondary Burke CTB-040 Secondary 69. : :r_., .-'; `'i Burke CTB-040A Secondary Burke C,B-040B Secondary Depth and Channel Mapping Lake Rhodhiss A reliable estimate of average lake depth is essential for use in the loading models assessing the effects of the Marion - Corpening Creek WWTP on the water quality of Lake Rhodhiss. On July 28, 1982, the Technical Services branch of the Division of Environmental Management conducted a series of depth measurements at predetermined stations on Lake Rhodhiss. A president Model 410 recording depth meter was used to obtain the readings with accuracy being confirmed by manual sounding to + or - 6 inches. A complete depth profile was taken along the center channel of the lake from the headwaters at Morganton WWTP to the Rhodhiss Dam. By using preset anchored buoys as well as existing lake stations marked by land refrence points, accurate distances between stations were assured. Time, depth scale, and station # were recorded directly onto the strip chart. Con tin ous depth measurements were also taken at twelve transects located at various points along the length of the lake. While taking all measurements a constant boat speed was maintained by keeping a steady tachometer reading. By assuming the boat was traveling at a constant speed and by knowing the distance between stations, the average depths along the profiel and `ransects could be determined. The average depth of the lake was calculated by distance weighting the average depths between stations. The average depth of the lake (from station B to the Rhodhiss Dam)was determined to be 20.6 feet. Avg. Depth of Depth Center Distance Center Channel Avg. Depth Channel of Average Depth Station Between Stations Between Stations of Transect Transect Between Stations (Ft) (Ft) (Ft) (Ft) (Ft) A - - 9605 4.2 A-1 • 6.4 7.3 2802 5.2 4.6 R 7.9 9.0 4002 8.2 7.1 B 5.2 6.1 2802 7.4 C - - 7.1 3002 8.1 L-1 6.6 6.9 3002 7.3 6.5 Marker 5 7.6 9.2 2601 7.3 E 7.1 2001 14.1 L-2 5.8 10.6 5803 13.1 • F - - 8.6 1901 17.2 Marker 3 1 4 . 8 21.9 5003 15.6 - - 12.9 2802 14.1 Marker 2 21.1 20.3 4202. 26.8 22.7 Marker 1 27.4 32.4 4002 31.9 L-4 - - 28.2 6003 33.9 Marker 6 31.7 36.9 5003 37.5 31 Marker 7 29.3 36.9 7204 35.1 30.7 Marker 8 32. 46 5203 44.1 No depth transects (est..) r a: ter marker Avg. Depth of Depth Center Distance Center Channel Avg. Depth Channel of Average Depth Station Between Stations Between Stations of Transect Transect Between Statios (Ft) (Ft) (Ft) (Ft) (Ft) Marker 9 3002 32 (est.) Marker 10 4+6.8 2401 From Marker 8 32 (est.) to the dam .. - .. .S.4* 77 -.. "L-�'...,:a • r.J,.�?E: ''.h`. 9:+I'i'C+rosL.r.:+°I=t*..'i..L•.1,e,5r.:"a:r•:Y1+c.*.•r;.:_r•,1' Al 1(.' • R Ic •i/ , I 1- • 1• ••••••••),„••••••, • • , . \ •� 1, -1 (h IV ) rAI1_11c F • 31 L'71ij11 ` \ I. DEPTH AND CHANNEL MAPPING STATIONS LAKE r'! !n^'.r- MAPPING STATION ® MAPPING STATION WITH TRANSECT �$ U ( i j T'� 1 vAa •/ • 1., .934 • V r: ::= r. r •< 1 a•.) 1 �a 1 •../ir{ I', hVv r t r) y r LS r r t, r rl7�) 76 ' l ♦ • 1911 / j 71 1911 UN T Y f• •�. L4 LAKE •' RUTIIERVORO \, COUrcr trig ,/ • • ' • •S ifcroon :` �Jt 9 111N Miff \ FIEY. 1000\�4 / A' I r� ` AI•er'1 Chapel Ch 4,40 Above r9ElK UM I791-1':`,$.` 1i 1 4,1 I ) • •r1A 1t'• Ine� "" ram, • •z, 1.. / • , I••4r 1• r.h•11,n1 rro•• 1, 011OI1HIr,S POI 77! alf,wlll +27 IU9U ln: 10/1 'y .\a 74 f 114111(.rf r,1r 1,1140 11/4111(4C) •9 Y t :o, 40) 1 7. '14 1$ •' • Ifirl"•: 1111 POP), A1•n:•.ipu1 r.11' 71• 'S • ION.: VIEW ►U1 : 14 • (CAtAwDA l 111 1 6VRKf 11^ N ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION IV SURVEILLANCE AND ANALYSIS DIVISION ATHENS, GEORGIA 3011oIIx 30613 OCT 2 2 1982 REF: 4ES-EC Mr. Steve Tedder North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Dear Steve: I discussed the Rhodhiss Lake problem with Russ Todd, and because of the urgency of the situation, he agreed that I should forward the AGPT data with our preliminary assessment to you immediately. We do have a draft report prepared, and it will soon follow after undergoing peer review. Our assessment is as follows: o The waters of Muddy Creek, Catawba River and Lake Rhodhiss are sensitive to additions of bioavailable phosphorus (Table 3). o Potential mean maximum standing crop (MSC) ranged from 0.57 mg dry weight per liter at the Johns River Station S-4 to 41.61 mg dry weight per liter at the Lower Creek Station S-5 (Table 4). In my opinion, potential dry weights of 5 mg/L or less are not unreasonable. This concentration of 5 mg/L translates into 11.6 ug of bio- available phosphorus per liter (Table 4). o The Marion-Corpening WWTP effluent seems to have only a moderate enriching effect upon its receiving stream, Muddy Creek, and the Catawba River as evidenced by the low algal growth potentials of 3.41 mg dry weight per liter at Station S-1 and 0.68 mg dry weight per liter at Station S-6 further downstream. o Except for the lack of phosphate removal capability, the Great Lakes Corbon-Silver-Creek (GLCSC) WWTP has a sewage treatment load similar to the Marion-Corpening Creek WWTP. The GLCSC effluent enters the Catawba River downstream from the Marion Corpening Creek WWTP, yet the GLCSC ef- fluent had little effect upon potential growth as evi- denced.by the very low MSC of 0.58 mg dry weight per liter at Station S-7. -2- o The enrichment impact of the Marion Corpening WWTP and the Great Lakes Corbon-Silver-Creek WWTP appears to be minimal in the Catawba River as bioavailable phosphorus concentration decreases from 7.9 ug/L to 1.3 ug/L, a range of concentration within acceptable limits for potential algal production. o Higher MSC's ranging from 7.50 mg dry weight per liter to 13.57 mg dry weight per liter at the headwaters of Lake Rhodhiss seem to reflect nearby greater WWTP loadings to the lake (Figure 1, Tables 4 and 5). o Further down -lake, algal growth potentials decrease to acceptable levels ranging in MSC concentration from 0.68 mg dry weight per liter to 3.91 mg dry weight per liter (Table 4); lake station L-7, near the dam, had a greater MSC than two successive up -lake stations, probably because increased discharge velocity at the dam distributed nutrient rich hypoliminetic waters up into the epilimnion at the time of sampling. Sincerely yours, Ronald L. Raschke Ecological Support Branch TABLE 1. STATION LOCATIONS. S-1 South Muddy Creek downstream fro the Marion-Corpening STP. S-2 Silver Creek downstream Great Lakas STP. S-3 Warrior Creek (not downstream from any STP). S-4 Johns River (not downstream from any STP). S-5 Lower Creek downstream from Lenoir STP. S-6 Catawba River downstream of South Muddy Creek confluence. S-7 Catawba River downstream of Silver Creek confluence. L-1 Lake Rhodhiss at county road AR1301. L-2 Lake Rhodhiss near. mouth of Smoky Creek. L-3 Lake Rhodhiss by island just below mouth of Howard Creek. L-4 Lake Rhodh i s s at county road SR1001. L-5 Lake Rhodhi©© by boat ramp just beyond mouth of Freemason Creek. L-6 Lake Rhodhiss where lake turns sharply to right below mouth of Hayes Mill Creek. L-7 Lake Rhodhiss just above dam. t ` TABLE 2. TREATMENT SCHEME FOR LAKE RHODHISS. Treatments 1. Untreated water sample (control). 2. Control plus 1.0 mg nitrogen per liter. 3. Control plus 0.05 mg phosphorus per liter. • TABLE 3. MEAN MAXIMUM STANDING CROP OF SELENASTRUM CAPRICORNUTUM (mg/L), LAKE RHODHISS, NORTH CAROLINA, JULY 1982. Treatment Control 4N +P Control +N +P Control +N +P Control +N +P Control +N +P Control +N +P Control +N +P Control +N +P Control +N +P Control +N +P Control +N +P Control +N +P Control +N +P Control +N +P Source Muddy Creek Silver Creek Warrior Creek Johns River Lower Creek Catawba River Catawba River Lake Rhodhiss Headwaters Lake Rhodhiss Lake Rhodhiss Lake Rhodhiss Lake Rhodhiss Lake Rhodhiss Lake Rhodhiss near dam Station S.D. - Standard Deviation Replicates 1 • 2 3 S-1 .2.67 3.88 11.57 10.39 19.26 17.73 S-2 2.41 2.27 /.22 2.01 20.23 17.26 8-3 0.81 0.84 0.55 0.54 9.30 9.85 S-4 0.55 0.59 0.43 0.61 4.09 4.81 S-5 39.99 41.27 55.33 56.79 45.02 48.86 S-6 0.67 0.67 0.48 0.53 19.63 21.51 S-7 0.55 0.65 0.40 0.42 22.72 15.08 L-1 13.83 12.28 21.68 21.92 18.70 21.40 L-2 7.47 7.81 12.55 11.90 25.94 25.72 L-3 6.98 9.74 13.06 9.06 20.97 21.50 L-4 5.36 3.54 9.74 9.50 18.95 15.97 L-5 0.68 0.67 0.67 0.60 18.06 21.93 L-6 0.73 0.74 0.52 0.56 10.88 14.69 L-7 3.84 2.57 2.43 3.22 3.76 3.91 3.67 10.63 20.07 1.74 1.44 20.42 0.81 0.56 9.13 0.59 0.41 4.27 43.58 47.01 50.49 0.69 0.50 19.49 0.54 0.40 23.14 14.61 14.80 21.27 7.23 7.99 26.06 8.68 12.42 22.55 2.84 8.38 17.41 0.71 0.65 16.23 0.58 0.44 13.58 2.83 1.98 4.50 X 3.41 10.86 18.85 2.14 1.89 19.30 O .82 0.55 9.43 O .57 0.48 4.39 41.61 53.04 48.12 0.68 0.50 2041 0.58 0.41 20.31 13.57 19.47 20.46 7.50 10.81 25.91 8.47 11.51 21.67 3.91 9.21 17.44 0.69 0.64 18.74 0.68 0.51 13.05 3.10 2.54 4.06 O .D. 0.65 0.62 1.46 0.35 O .40 1.77 0.02 O .01 O .38 O .02 O .11 O .37 1.82 5.28 2.81 0.01 0.03 1.13 O .06 0.01 4.54 1.19 4.04 1.52 0.29 2.47 0.17 1.39 2.15 O .80 1.30 0.73 1.49 O .02 O .04 2.91 O .09 0.06 1.96 0.70 0.63 0.39 hi : . K' 1�3r +�-sse�'.:�e'.a *_* ,..e_di �4F!S s� ',:� ` u of .:Sv'r'Ni� i'• ., •;: 3 .. <: r3 `i x •c. rti M1, .. "::'77'. .tk=�•r ::�' u�::ti ' •,?.7�= �. �•r•`' .;rit c'S:��'P..; •,'j,=: -•.; ;•c.>. •- .. .. .. a ..'>�'•. ... w'�c'-'�, tip. � .� ..._ ..T:, _ $,� �•�-.. -.... -- x4]� • - .. . w1•-. TABLE 4. CONTROL ALGAL GROWTH POTENTIAL WITH ASSOCIATED BIOAVAILABLE PHOSPHORUS, LAKE RHODHISS, NORTH CAROLINA, JULY 1982. Source AGP Mean Maximum Standing Crop Station (mg/L) AGPa Bioavailable Phosphorus (ug/L) Muddy Creek • S-1 3.41 7.9 Silver Creek S-2 2.14 5.0. Warrior Creek S-3 0.82 1.9 Johns River S-4 0.57 1.3 Lower Creek S-5 41.61 96.8 Catawba River S-6 0.68 1.6 Catawba River S-7 0.58 1.3 Lake Rhodhiss headwaters L-1 13.57 31.6 Lake Rhodhiss L-2 7.50 17.4 Lake Rhodhiss L-3 8.47 19.7 Lake Rhodhiss L-4 3.91 9.1 Lake Rhodhiss L-5 0.69 1.6 Lake Rhodhiss L-6 0.68 1.6 Lake Rhodhiss near dam L-7 3.10 7.2 aBioavailable PhosphorusMSC - in ug,/L• 430 TABLE 5. MAJOR* SEWAGE TREATMEN..PLANT (STP) DISCHARGES IN LAKE RHODHISS DRAINE AREA.(MGD) - , .. . STP Design Flow (MGD) 1 t-r Morganton -Catawba River 8.0 2. Valdese -Lake Rhoades 7.5 3. Lenoir -Lower Creek 6.0• 4. Valdese-McGalliard Creek 3.2 5. Marion-Corpening Creek 3.0 6. Great Lakes Carbon -Silver Creek 2.6 7. Valdese -Hoyle Creek 1.0 8. Drexel -Howard Creek 0.5 Total Discharge 31.8 *Only those STP with a design flow equal to or greater than 0.5 MGD. .ti M � A METHOD FOR THE REDUCTION OF LAKE MODEL PREDICTION ERROR by Kenneth H. Reckhow School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Duke University Durham, North Carolina 27706 USA Short Title: Lake Model Error Reduction May, 1982 A METHOD FOR THE REDUCTION OF LAKE MODEL PREDICTION ERROR ABSTRACT Recent work on methods of error analysis to accompany the application of lake models has not enjoyed great acceptance in part because of the magnitude of the error term. For the models that have undergone a rigorous error analysis (generally the single equation cross -sectional regression models), prediction errors for various water quality variables are often + 30% or more. A procedure is proposed herein for the reduction of the error associated with the prediction of lake phosphorus concentration from land use and hydrologic data. Existing lake quality data are used in the prediction, and the model is employed only to project changes from the present state. This obviates the need to project all land use impacts with the model; only those proposed to change are projected. The result is a substantial reduction in prediction error for many planning scenarios. INTRODUCTION As resources become scarce, we must become increasingly demanding of the justification for policy and planning changes. This justification often takes the form of analytical planning methods, as for example, issues of a quantita- tive nature are appropriately analyzed using mathematical methods. These methods, however, must be scrutinized both in terms of their applicability and their ability to describe system response reliably. Without accurate and precise mathematical methods, there is no assurance that projected impacts from policy and planning changes are likely to occur. In the water quality arena, investigators (e.g., Beck and van Straten, 1982), have recognized the importance of uncertainty and risk. This informa- tion, in turn, is gradually being incorporated into water quality management planning (e.g., Burges and Lettenmaier, 1975; Reckhow, et al., 1980). These approaches have been slower to infiltrate the lake eutrophication modeling field in part because of the scarcity of data and in part because of the perceived complexity of the problem. Nonetheless, error analysis methodologies have recently been proposed (Reckhow, 1979a; Chapra and Reckhow, 1979; Scavia, 1980) for several lake models. A discouraging feature of these efforts to estimate prediction uncertainty associated with water quality modeling has been the magnitude of the error term. For example, when a.complete error analysis has been undertaken, the prediction error for most lake trophic state variables (as a function of watershed charac- teristics and hydrologic variables) is at least + 30% and sometimes spans an order of magnitude on a logarithmic scale. With errors this large, it is perhaps understandable that error analysis is not widely used in water quality management planning. -1- This unfortunate state of affairs does not lessen the need for measures of reliability in our planning procedures. Rather, it makes this need more acute, if only to alert model users to the sizeable error terms associated with the methods being employed. Further, it represents .a challenge to researchers to develop and propose ways to reduce this prediction error. Contributions of that nature are likely to be among the best measures to increase the effective use of mathematical models in water, and specifically lake, quality management. Uncertainty Reliability, or its converse, uncertainty, serves three vital functions in planning studies: 1. Reliability represents an estimate of the value of information. If the reliability associated with a prediction is low, the prediction is uncertain and imprecise, and the predictive information is not particularly valuable. Alternatively, if the reliability of a prediction is high, the prediction is precise, and the predictive information can be valuable. 2. Important factors that are poorly characterized (i.e., have high uncertainty) may be identified when reliability is assessed. The analysis of uncertainty, or error, helps model developers and model users in a sensitivity analysis exercise. Specifically, estimation of errors allows the analyst to identify those characteristics that have significant error and have a significant effect on the prediction. The analyst then realizes that in order to obtain a precise prediction, these uncertain, prediction -sensitive terms must be better defined. 3. Discrimination among control strategies may be explicitly evaluated with an assessment of reliability. Without uncertainty analysis, -2- one is given the impression that prediction differences of one micro- gram per liter or less are significant and indicate a well-defined ordering of quality states. With uncertainty analysis, the prediction error identifies a region in which land use strategies may be predictively indistinguishable. The error analysis allows the planner to determine when land use strategy impacts can be predictively distinguished, given the error associated with model applications. Uncertainty Analysis: Shortcomings in Lake Modeling Applications Several phosphorus lake models have been proposed recently that incorporate a procedure for estimating prediction uncertainty (Chapra and Reckhow, 1979; Reckhow, 1979a,b; Reckhow and Simpson, 1980; Reckhow and Chapra, 1982; Reckhow, et al., 1980). These approaches represent an improvement over the purely deterministic analyses presented in previous papers, since the error estimate is a measure of prediction information value. However, there are two problems or shortcomings with the existing error analysis methods. Errors arise in model applications because of error in the model, the model parameters, and the model variables. In a more fundamental sense, one may also say that the errors are caused by natural variability, inadequate sampling design, measurement error and bias, and model specification error. When the data set variables used to construct a model contain error, then this error is transmitted to the model error term for the fitted model. Since virtually all limnological statistics contain error as a result of the aforementioned causes, then lake models developed from these data contain error associated with the data error. This means that the model standard error term includes an error component associated with errors in the model variables. This -3- is an unwanted component, yet it is unavoidably there given present knowledge and data. Models can be employed in a descriptive or a predictive mode. When used descriptively, models may be used to relate observed inputs (the independent variables) to observed outputs (the dependent variable). In a descriptive application, when all variables are directly measured in the same manner as the variables in the model development data set were measured, then there is no need to add additional application lake variable error. This is because the appro- priate variable error is already contained in the model error term. However, when the model is used in a predictive mode, the dependent variables generally cannot be measured (because the predictive nature implies conditions not yet physically realized). Predictive applications of a model require that the analyst extrapolate variable values from other points in time and/or space. This extrapolation process introduces error beyond model error term. Thus, predictive use of a error analysis that includes variable error. must be undertaken thoughtfully, however, to model This avoid that already contained in the should be accompanied by an errors -in -variables analysis "double counting" errors (due to the errors -in -variables term already contained in the model standard error term). The first problem of existing error analysis methods, therefore, is that their application may lead to error double counting. The second shortcoming associated with existing methods is of greater importance, given the fact that with care, double counting can probably be kept at an acceptably low level. The second problem relates to the magnitude of the error term. The input-output empirical phosphorus lake models of concern here are developed from cross -sectional analyses. The models are simple, our knowledge of limnology is limited, and all phosphorus -settling processes are aggregated into one empirically -determined model parameter. As a result, the -4- model error term is large, since it represents cross -sectional variability, measurement and sampling error, and model specification error. With a decrease in cross -sectional heterogeneity (culminating in the single lake over time), the model error term may correspondingly be reduced. However, errors in the model variables, particularly in phosphorus loading, can be substantial for certain applications. The combined effect of these error terms is a large prediction error using existing error analysis methods. The magnitude of this error term, and the associated prediction intervals, is such that the analyst is often unable to find "statistically significant differences" among competing lake management options. A PROPOSED ERROR ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY An alternative error analysis methodology proposed herein will substantial- ly reduce prediction error over existing error analysis techniques for most applications. This procedure exploits two features that are common to many lake quality management planning situations: 1. For most projected planning scenarios, the land use area expected to change is small in comparison to the land use area that is expected to remain constant during the planning period. the impact of the change is generally small in impact of the existing, unchanging land uses. 2. Existing phosphorus lake data reflect the impact of present Stated another way, comparison to the land use conditions. Furthermore, the variability in these data represent the variability in impact response. These data could already be in existence or they could be acquired upon initiation of this modeling program. I Here, and below, land use is intended to refer to any activity that results in materials (in this case, phosphorus) discharge to the water body of concern. This includes point sources of discharge such as wastewater treatment plants. To see how these features can lead to prediction error reduction, consider a planning scenario in which no change is projected so that existing land use and future land use are equivalent. In that case, two methods may be used to predict future lake phosphorus concentration (ignoring temporal variability for the moment): 1. A phosphorus lake model may be applied to relate land use to phosphorus concentration through literature export coefficients. This standard procedure is accompanied by a high prediction error. 2. Existing phosphorus lake data may be used to describe future lake quality under unchanging watershed conditions. Here the error term is a function of the standard error of the estimate for the data and of the representativeness of the data. In virtually all cases, with even a modest amount of phosphorus lake data, the error for the second method will be considerably smaller than the error for the first method, given the size of the phosphorus loading and model error terms. If this scenario is modified slightly to a situation common in lake quality management planning, the new error analysis methodology may be outlined. Consider a planning scenario in which a relatively small land use change is projected. The new modeling and error analysis methodology stipulates that the analyst use: -6- 1. Existing lake data to evaluate the impact of unchanging land uses; and, 2. The model to evaluate the impact of the land use change and the impact of hydrologic variability. Existing error analysis methods do not permit the analyst to distinguish between land uses that are projected to change and land uses that are to remain constant. This means that the impacts of all watershed land uses on lake phosphorus concentration are evaluated through the model. Since the impact of unchanging land uses is manifested in recent lake phosphorus concentration data, information (the lake phosphorus concentration data) is wasted and high prediction errors result. To indicate the magnitude of the error reduction associated with the procedure outlined herein, consider the following model (Reckhow, I979b): where: L P 11.6 + 1.2gs (1) P = lake phosphorus concentration (mg/1) L = annual areal phosphorus loading (g/m2-yr) qs = annual areal water loading (m/yr) The model standard error is 0.128 in logarithmically -transformed concentration units. This translates to about a + 30% prediction error when the antilog is determined for a particular concentration. The difference between the existing and proposed error analysis methodologies may best be stated through a hypothetical comparison. With the existing error analysis procedures, the model is used to predict the impact (on lake phosphorus concentration) from all land uses. The model error alone (to which errors in variables must eventually be added) is approximately + 30%. For oligotrophic lakes, this model error is relatively -7- small. However, planning frequently occurs on lakes with phosphorus concentrations in the range of 0.020 mg/1 to 0.060 mg/I. For example, to demonstrate this procedure, assume that a lake with the following characteristics is to be modeled using Equation 1: where: P = 0.040 mg/1 qs = 10.0 m/yr L = 1.00 g/m2-yr (observed concentration) This yields a predicted phosphorus concentration of: L 1.00 11.6 + 1.2 qs 11.6 + 1.2 (10) P = 0.042 mg/1 Assume that a land use change is projected leading to the conversion of a forested portion of the watershed to agriculture. Using phosphorus export coefficients, the phosphorus loading to the lake from the forested land (to be eliminated) is estimated as 0.02 g/m2-yr, and the phosphorus loading to the lake expected from the new agricultural activity is estimated as 0.10 g/m2-yr. Note that these values have been converted to square meters of lake surface area so that they may be directly combined with the phosphorus loading term in the model above. This results in a projected phosphorus loading of: P = 1.00 - 0.02 + 0.10 = 1.08 g/m2-yr The projected lake phosphorus concentration associated with this land use change is: -8- r L 1.08 11.6 + 1.2 qs 11.6 + 1.2 (10) P = 0.0458 mg/1 Using the model standard error of 0.128 (in logarithmically -transformed concentration units), the prediction error may be estimated as: or: Prediction interval bounds = 101og (0.0458) + 0.128 = 0.0341 mg/1, 0.0615 mg/1 0.0341 mg/1 < P < 0.0615 mg/1 As stated above, this is, on average, a prediction interval of about + 30%, which for convenience may be approximately expressed: P = 0.0458 mg/1 + .0135 mg/1 This is a substantial error term, and it may both discourage the planner from using error analysis and obscure the differences among management strategy impacts. With the error analysis procedure proposed herein, the model is used to predict the impact (on lake phosphorus concentration) for the changing land uses only. As described below, the analyst must use the model to evaluate the impact for both the old and the new land use. Most projected changes in land use have a relatively minor impact on lake phosphorus concentration in comparison to the impact from all watershed land uses. For the example presented above, the impact of the forested land (to be eliminated) is: -9- P L 0.02 11.6 + 1.2 qs 11.6 + 1.2 (10) P = -0.000847 mg/1 and the impact of the projected new agricultural activity is: L 0.10 P = + 11.6 + 1.2 qs + 11.6 + 1.2 (10) P = +0.004237 mg/1 This results in a net projected phosphorus concentration change of: P = -0.000847 + .004237 = 0.00339 mg/1 Since the errors may be additive, the total prediction error reflects the sum of the projected changes (0.000847 + 0.004237 = 0.00508 mg/1), yielding an approximate projected change prediction interval of: Prediction interval bounds = 101og (0.00508) + 0.128 = 0.00378 mg/I, 0.00682 mg/1 As in the above example, this is, on average, a prediction interval of about + 30%, which for convenience may be approximately expressed: Projected P change = 0.00339 mg/1 + 0.00152 mg/1 -10- Note that the prediction interval is based on the sum of the phosphorus concentration changes, and thus will be greater than + 30% of the net concentration change. If a reasonable amount of lake sampling for phosphorus concentration has occurred (under a good sampling design), then the impact of unchanging land uses may be evaluated objectively. Even with a modest amount of data, the standard error of the mean phosphorus concentration will usually be small. For example, Reckhow (1979c) evaluated phosphorus data variability in a cross -sectional study of lakes and estimated a mean coefficient of variation of 0.6 for total phosphorus concentration measurements in these lakes. This translates to a standard deviation that is 0.6 times the observed mean, which, for the example lake is: standard deviation = (0.6) (0.040 mg/1) = 0.024 mg/1 With a relatively small data set of perhaps 25 phosphorus concentration measurements, the standard error of the mean (1/'i times the standard deviation) is: standard error = (1/ 25) (0.024 mg/1) = 0.0048 mg/1) Combining this phosphorus concentration measurement error term with the previously calculated model'prediction error term for changing land uses (square the error terms, add, and calculate the square root), the total prediction error is: prediction error = + [(0.0048 mg/1)2 = + 0.0050 mg/1 + (0.00152 mg/1)2]1/2 -11- The result is a prediction for phosphorus concentration in the lake after the projec.* c land use change: where: P = (observed phosphorus concentration + predicted net phosphorus concentration change) + prediction error P = (0.040 mg/1 + 0.00339 mg/1) + 0.0050 mg/1 P = 0.0434 mg/1 + 0.0050 mg/1 This compares to the prediction and prediction error generated from the first method: P = 0.0458 mg/1 + 0.0135 mg/1 The comparison presented above does not include all error terms for either methodology, but the major error terms are calculated. Note that the proposed methodology leads to a reduction in prediction error of about 60% for the hypothetical example. The analyst must realize, however, that this error reduction associated with the methodology is contingent on the magnitude of the land use change that must be evaluated using the model. Obviously, as the magnitude of the projected impact increases, the comparative advantage of the proposed error analysis procedure diminishes. Alternatively, additional measurements of the lake phosphorus concentration prior to land use change will increase the sample size and reduce the error for the proposed methodology. This should be considered when allocating funds for lake water quality management planning. The hypothetical example comparing error analysis procedures includes three of the four basic terms for the proposed methodology. The four error terms, and their interpretations in modeling applications, are: 1. Uncertainty in the assessment of current lake phosphorus concentration. If adequate data exist, this error term may be represented by the standard error in the central tendency statistic (e.g., the mean). Data "adequacy" should be determined by the representativeness of the existing data on a spatial and temporal (within and across years) basis. In situations with inadequate data, this error term may be estimated through regression analysis with more comprehensive data sets on correlated variables (e.g., Secchi disk transparency) or through subjective determination. 2. Uncertainty in the hydrology variable, qs. Cross -sectional error in qs already exists in the model standard error for the reason identified earlier. This qs-component of model error has unknown magnitude and may be sufficient for lakes with low inflow -outflow variability. Further, when several years of in -lake phosphorus con- centration data exist (described in error component number 1 above), these data already exhibit the effect of qs-variability, making qs- error analysis unnecessary. Therefore, this additional error term may be considered optional. In cases with substantial variability in year- to-year values of the hydrology variable (qs), and limited in -lake phosphorus data, a qs-error term should be included, propagated through the model (using first order analysis; see Reckhow, et al., 1980) . This error term should represent the year-to-year variability and the estimation or measurement error associated with the determina- tion of qs. 3. Uncertainty in the prediction of the impact of the projected new land use on lake water quality. This term is estimated using the phosphorus lake model and a procedure like that presented in Reckhow, et al., (1980). This error component includes model error and error in the estimate of phosphorus loading for the projected land use change. Note that for minor land use changes (relative to the entire watershed) the impact of this error term is small (despite the inclusion of model error) because the fractional phosphorus loading addition is small. 4. Uncertainty in the prediction of the impact of the existing land use in the area projected to undergo change. To properly assess the anticipated change, the analyst must determine the impact of both the old and the new land uses using the modeling/error analysis procedure. These calculations are undertaken in the same manner as are the calculations for the error term described in number 3 above. Note that here, too, the error is small when the fractional phosphorus loading "subtraction" is small. In summary, the two error analysis methodologies may be compared with the aid of Figure 1. At the top of the figure, the traditional method is undertaken by estimating the phosphorus loading, and the loading estimation error, for all land uses in the lake watershed. The phosphorus loading and the ,loading error are propagated through the model for the calculation of the predicted lake phosphorus concentration. Prediction error for this procedure is determined primarily by the loading error and the model error. Since the model error term is proportional to the phosphorus loading magnitude propagated through the model, and since all phosphorus loading is propagated through the model under the traditional procedure, the model error term is large. As a result, the -14- total prediction error for the traditional procedure is often + 30 (or more) of the predicted concentration. The new procedure often leads to a prediction error reduction because it is not required that the model (and model error) be used to predict all land use impacts. The watershed may be divided into land uses that are expected to remain constant over a planning period and land uses that are expected to change. Similarly, the average phosphorus concentration in a lake may be divided into a fraction contributed by unchanging land use and a fraction contributed by land use that is expected to undergo change. For the new error analysis procedure, existing phosphorus lake data represent the impact of all existing land uses. The variability in these data reflect estimation uncertainty. Since no predictive model was required to assess this impact, the uncertainty term is often small. Added to this uncertainty is the prediction error associated with the determination of the impact of all changing land uses calculated using the model. However, since a fraction (often a sizeable fraction) of the land use impacts is assessed without the model, total prediction error for the new procedure is generally much lower than it is for the old procedure. ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION An effort has been made in this paper to stress a conceptual discussion of error analysis, and to demonstrate the attributes of a.proposed procedure through a,simple example. For more detailed applications, there are some issues that, at best, were alluded to above, yet warrant further consideration. These issues are identified below in the hope that additional analysis of this topic will be stimulated. -15- 1. What is, or should be, the meaning of the lake phosphorus measurements error term? It is intended to represent the impact of unchanging land use on lake water quality. a. Can we determine whether the lake is in steady state relative to watershed land uses? b. It has been indicated above that the lake phosphorus measurements should represent spatial and temporal variability. How does the need for temporal variability representation conflict with the need for "steady state" and the likelihood that most lakes undergo continuous small land use changes? c. Can an "adequate" sampling design be defined in a general and objective sense? 2. To what extent is time series variability represented in the lake phosphorus measurements and to what extent must it be included in the qs-error term? 3. Time series data for qs may not exist for an application lake. It seems reasonable that qs-variability could be extrapolated from other similar watersheds or perhaps from precipitation data. In those situa- tions, an additional error term should be included, representing possibled bias associated with the use of extrapolated data. 4. The analyst should be aware of the difference between the standard deviation and the standard error of the estimate. The standard devia- tion is a measure of the inherent variability in a set of data or in a population. The standard error of the estimate, which may often be calculated from the standard deviation (by dividing by 1in), reflects the error in a statistic. The error analysis procedures yield a standard error of the estimate that represents the error in the prediction; this error does not directly reflect the variability to be expected for (in this case) lake phosphorus concentration. 5. The error propagation equation (Benjamin and Cornell, 1970) is to be used to calculate the impact of errors in the variables and errors in the parameters on the total prediction uncertainty. One term in the error propagation equation represents the error contribution associated with variable (or parameter) correlation. Should this term be computed for the correlation between the old, changing land use phosphorus loading and: a) the new land use phosphorus loading, and/or b) qs? This question is largely of a conceptual nature, since the impact on total prediction uncertainty in either case is undoubtedly quite small. Nevertheless, it illustrates the type of conceptual problem that must be considered as error analysis methodologies are proposed and refined. 4 ti REFERENCES Beck, M.B. and G. van Straten (1982) Uncertainty and Forecasting of Water Quality. Pergamon Press, New York (in press). Benjamin, J.R., and C.A for Civil Engineers. Burges, S.J., and D.P. quality management. . Cornell (1970) Probability, Statistics, and Decision McGraw-Hill, New York, 684 pp. Lettenmaier (1975) Probabilistic methods in stream Water Res. Bull. 11(1):115-130. Chapra, S.C., and K.H. Reckhow (1979) Expressing the phosphorus loading concept in probabilistic terms. J. Fisheries Res. Board. Can., 36(2):225-229. Reckhow, K.H. (1979a) Empirical lake models for phosphorus: development, applications, limitations, and uncertainty, IN: Perspectives on Lake Ecosystem Modeling. p. 193-221, D. Scavia and A. Robertson (eds.). Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Ann Arbor, Mich. Reckhow, K.H. (1979b) Quantitative techniques for the assessment of lake quality. EPA-440/5-79-015. U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Washington, D.C. 146 pp. Reckhow, K.H. (1979c) Lake data analysis and phosphorus variability. Paper presented at the North American Lake Management Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich. Reckhow, K.H., and J.T. Simpson (1980) A procedure using modeling and error analysis for the prediction of lake phosphorus concentration from land use information. Can. J. Fish. Aq. Sci., 37(9):1439-1448. Reckhow, K.H., M.N. Beaulac, and J.T. Simpson (1980) Modeling phosphorus loading and lake response under uncertainty: A manual and compilation of export coefficients. EPA 440/5-80-011. U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Washington, D.C. 214 pp. Reckhow, K.H., and S.C. Chapra (1982) Engineering Approaches for Lake Manage- ment: Volume I - Data Analysis and Empirical Modeling, Volume II - Mechanistic Modeling. Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI (in press). Scavia, D. (1980) Uncertainty analysis of a lake eutrophication model, Ph.D. dissertation, 159 pp., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. FIGURE CAPTION 1. A Comparison of Error Propagation Methodologies. •!-'"r'c'�°•_ �.,a :gip s •r ; ; o.., x s -.-.. - �� ti :x... .. ... . 15Ea1"-=.�3.: .... �t:ft •.itli � ... -... ��•� �'s�"Y.iis�,.f�r.'=a��iYr•••�i�:,F-.,—'•'.'•`•:•y •.. '=T:.rm+}'�. ��'E•i 7i.��: -: L' .���'.::�=?'x!,+�5r • Old Procedure New Procedure Phosphorus Loading for Entire Watershed Phosphorus Loading for Land Use Changes Measured Phosphorus Concentration in Lake Phosphorus Lake Model a Prediction Error Prediction Error