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GW1-2022-10219_Well Construction - GW1_20221111
I WELL CONSTRUCTION RECQRD Fbr ttttnxtmt vse taNlr: ' This farm can tie!lscd for ainglo OT mtdtfpk wc1Lt 1.Well Contractor Ieifermadow It WATER ZOM i �C" \wlfz~S� i,�1� MOM ITO 1 ONSCRUIrmix we"Co"butwWmte p tt 1 #0 SHF.LI.NAS r e.t.�Y Ale jAic a.5 Ste- A Ave n l fo & ateb SUES -AS NC Well Contractor Cettideation Number FR URdTER CAttii4Q ! etd ion Hs e FRO TOI-DIAMIUM TMCKNM MAT6RiAi Comparw Name FROM TO I DIAMMU I nftCKN= I MAT 2.Well Construedou Permit iy: Z ft. to is List aft trpp/laable WdI pe:tnita(lal.CMly.Stare,fa►wee,howflo,elc.) a a, r6 3.Well Use(checl<well W): SMIM �leher wft. TO I a T SME i]AgEeWMI OMtulicipelftbnfc 70 /dQ GOcod1cmW(Hcstin&coolinb 6"y) gdtosidaitio!Water S"POY(sine) iR L C1IndusuWComrnareia} OResidential Water Supply(shared) MM A c srrr M&&U%WffAMVVffV Obtinstion © ft, 24 rt 1r4 Nowwater supply Welt- fL A Omonitoring C7Recov Injec"Ou Wen., ❑Aquifer liege t70roundwater Pimediation 1 VBL PliZ PROM I ro WM AL NAlPLACE7tdBNTal1"17rOD Mquif'w Storage and Recovery OSalinity nalrie! OAquift Test OSttxmwtltar Dr"ge 0EXPaimeaw 7lxhnologq 08ubsidetnce Control 2U. t MG LAWMataeb ttomds ly 11300htalnal(Clow imp) ©TtaM FROM To I ouasua 11ON rotor l+ eia 00tathannai 11 0o!A Befoul 00dwr aln under 4121 Remarks p $. Q R. 4.Date Weli(s)Completed:/OA220 Well 1D# /4 iw C4 T tt L rs 4N. Sa.Well lmcadoIC nD er. ft. n es p: 014j,.. F4Mll y/OwaerNttme FacUlty ll'Mi(U'appikabte) R ft. tmyAke!AddrosD,C&Y,�a� al 9If'1f' zL CoutltiY Pareo!IdeMtfieatton No.(I 9': P -v Sk Latitude and L qg tude in degreWndautealseconds or ded mai degrees: 27 Cel7lfiesdom: GVVQi IIOG (ifwell ECK one tatllong D suffrelent) 31s. 08 438 N -74.`4S (a ;L w 1_t.rJa9-;- i /o/fit sio0we ofcort#iad wen Conuaowr wto &Is(are)the wall(s): Miernmeent or OTemporarg By arguing Ab form,1 hereby cer4&rho tke xell(a)war 6wpv)oonrft teed M awadaace with 15ANCAC 02C.0100 or 1SA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Cmt*udfmi StMAV&mid prima %L this a repair to an exk tq well: Oyes or copy olp4tt record Ims beenprmlded w rha well owner Ifrkta to aarpalr.jrJlant 4rtmva well eanstrpettontrt/arnrotion�d explalnthe mrttnlr r�tka Z3.She dla$ram or addltMDel Well dttalla: n FIV&ovral"02t,eMonb a wdon oron eke Aaekq/p6t+form You may use the back of this page to provide additiaatal well site details or well L Namber of wells congtriicVA, construction details. You may also attach additional pegs if necessary. FormW4pk lVeaton or non-wmera ffly welkt)IVLY with the same cwv&uctrorp You can SU11M1TTAL INSTUCTIONS snbMit ow fo m. 9.Total well depth below land surface& //G ({L) 24a.For All Weps Submit this fnnn within 30 days of completion of wen! Formulo*wags oar opdepka jfdWg ram(exaerple-SWO'mrd t@1o0) construction to the foilowhw. I t0.stack water I"below top of easier (tit.) Dlvlelon of Water ResoDrCM Infornmdon ProM tug U014 9'winw k wi tr above 1617 Map gavlae'Center,Ralelgb.NC 27MI617 ti.Borehole diameter. ��R (in.) 24b.EM inleadnn V�Q ONLY: In addition to sanding the folml to the address in A ��'�— 24a ebmre,also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well !s wen eanseroctloa melbod: .`L 1' &,,r444 conmIction to the foUowing. (w.sugar,MWY,401C,direst push,cw.) DWM*n of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER StWLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Matt Service Center,Raleigh,NC 2709-1636 �j p T 24L For Water Sooty&Iaketx n Wdb- 13e.Yldd(gp01) Q�L` IYIEWodOltCafJ Also submit one copy of this florin within 30 days of completion of 13b Dlsiafection type: Amount QL � co cdon to*a county health depmuncru of ft county when: conshucted. i a Parm Gw•i North Carolina Departr>leat of Envlroament and NOW Resources—Division of Water Resamnea Revised August 2013