SW8 q a 07 07
201+ 08 of
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Pat McCrory
August 4, 2014
Sandpiper Bay Golf & Country Club
Tim Tilma, General Manager
800 N. Sandpiper Club Drive
Sunset Beach, NC 28468
Subject: Stormwater Permit No. SW8 980707
Permit Renewal
Sandpiper Bay Plantation Golf & Country Club
High Density Subdivision Project
Brunswick County
Dear Mr. Tilma:
John E. Skvada, III
Effective August 1, 2013 the State Stormwater program has been transferred from the Division of Water
Quality (DWQ) to the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR). All previous
references to DWQ will remain in older stormwater permits issued prior to August 1, 2013 until they are
modified. Please note that any updated pages or addendums to the permit will now reference DEMLR
as the Division responsible for issuance of the permit.
On June 27, 2014, the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) received a Permit
Renewal Application for the subject project. The Division is hereby notifying you that permit SW8
980707 has been renewed on August 4, 2014. The renewed permit will become effective after the
current permit expires on November 21, 2014 and shall be effective until November 21 2022. For your
records, please find enclosed a copy of the addendum to the previously issue permit an a copy of the
renewal application form. Please attach this cover letter and permit addendum to the high density
permit transferred to you by the Division on January 15, 2014.
This permit is subject to the conditions and limitations as specified in the addendum and previously
issued permit. Please pay special attention to the conditions listed in this permit regarding the
Operation and Maintenance of the BMP(s), recordation of deed restrictions, procedures for changing
ownership, transferring the permit, and renewing the permit. Failure to establish an adequate system
for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system, to record deed restrictions, to
transfer the permit, or to renew the permit, will result in future compliance problems.
If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to
request an adjudicatory hearing by filing a written petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings
(OAH). The written petition must conform to Chapter 150E of the North Carolina General Statutes, and
must be filed with the OAH within thirty (30) days of receipt of this permit. You should contact the OAH
with all questions regarding the filing fee (if a filing fee is required) and/or the details of the filing
process at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714, or via telephone at 919-431-3000, or
visit their website at www.NCOAH.com. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and
Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources
Land Quality Section — Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28406 • (910) 796-7215 / Fax: (910) 350-2004
State Stormwater Management
Permit # SW8 980707
If you have any questions, need additional copies of the permit or approved plans, please
contact Linda Lewis with DEMLR in the Wilmington Regional Office at (910) 796-7215.
Sincere y,
a s-C,6-V
;7racy Davis, P.E., Director
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
GDSlarl: \\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\1998\980707 HD\2014 08 permit 980707
cc: Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File
Page 2 of 7
State Stormwater Management
Permit # SW8 980707
In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of
North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations
Sandpiper Bay Golf and Country Club
Sandpiper Bay Golf Plantation
800 N. Sandpiper Club Drive, Sunset Beach, Brunswick County
construction, operation and maintenance of one alternative design (non -discharging)
series of interconnected wet detention ponds in compliance with the provisions of 15A
NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules') and the approved
stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as
attached and on file with and approved by the Division and considered a part of this
This permit shall be effective from November 21, 2014 until November 21, 2022, and is
hereby renewed subject to the following specified conditions and limitations:
1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater
described in the application and other supporting data.
2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as
described in Section 1.5 of this permit. The stormwater system has been permitted to
treat its 214.6 acre drainage area at 100% impervious.
3. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are
enforceable parts of the permit.
4. The alternative system consists of an existing 24.15 acre series of lakes that were dug to
provide irrigation water for the golf course on the site. The system is designed to provide
sufficient storage for 100% impervious (214.6 acres) and a 3.5" design storm without
discharging, thus meeting the requirement to provide 85% TSS removal, and the post
development discharge rate is no larger than the pre -development discharge rate for the
1 year 24 hour storm.
Page 3 of 7
Dale c .eived
Fee Paid
Permit Nu b r
State of North Carolina E>ept;VY
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Energy Mineral and Land Reso C E IV
This form may be photocopied for use as an original
This form is to be completed by the current permit holder pursuant to Title 15A NCR
states that stormwater management permits, issued for projects that require the construction of engineered
stormwater control measures (High Density Permits), shall be required to submit an application to renew the
permit 180 days prior to expiration of the permit. Renewed permits the valid for a period of 8 years per Session
Law 2011-398 (SB 781) Section 60. (c).
Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the North Carolina Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Energy Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR). A
complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package should be
submitted to the appropriate DEMLR Regional Office. (The appropriate office maybe found by clicking on the
interactive online map at . Copies of the original permit can be
obtained from the Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources.)
This Renewal is for STORMWATER PERMIT #: SW 8 11 907 07
Please check which of the following permit renewal scenarios apply. Initial in the spaces provided that you have
provided the required information.
2' A.
-$505 fee
6ot\- (;%,IS
-Renewal dorm - Sign and complete all sections (send original & 1 copy)
-Recorded Documents Required By Permit: Deed restrictions, covenants, condominium/planned �u�
community declaration & easements (if not already submitted to NCDENR DEMLR). Copies are /ecs
-Designer's Certification (if required by permit and not already received by NCDENR DEMLR) (See the
last page of your permit for a copy of the certification form.)
-I Have a Copy of the Current Operation and Maintenance Agreement (O&M): Please Keep this on File
with your permit.
-1 Do Not Have a Copy of the Current O&M: Initial This Line to Request a copy. (If NCDENR DEMLR
does not have a copy on file, then you will be notified to submit a new O & M form.)
❑ B. Renewal and Modification:
-$505 Fee and Pages 1 & 2 of this Renewal Form
-SWU-101 Application Form ( )
-Recorded Documents Required By Permit: Deed restrictions, covenants, condominium/planned
community declaration & easements (if not already submitted to NCDENR DEMLR). Copies are
- Under #11. 1. on SWU-101 Application Form — Check Box for Modification w/Renewal
-Designer's Certification (if required by permit and not already received by NCDENR DEMLR) (See the
last page of your pennit for a copy of the certification form.)
- O&M Agreement ( )
Form SWU-IO2 (Renewal Form) Rev. Oct. 31, 2013 Page 1 of 4
❑ C Renewal and Either: 1.) Permit Transfer to a New Permittee, or 2.) Project Name Change:
Please submit all items in I.A, and:
Request a NCDENR DEMLR site inspection if transferring permit to new property owner.
Submit One of the Two Following Forms below (forms available at
1. HOA Name/Ownership Change Form: For planned communities (per Chapter 47C or
Chapter 47F of the General Statutes)
2. Name/Ownership Change Form: For all other transfers
Please make sure all required information is submitted with the Name/Ownership Change form (as
stated in each of the available forms) and that all required signatures and initiaTJUN
Otherwise the name change or transfer can not be processed and the original oill remain as A
permit holder. 2 % sing
❑ D. Renewal, Modification, and Transfer (or Name Changel: Please subpag�^F
this Renewal form along with all items listed in I. B. and C. above (check this box and initial items
in B. & C. that you are submitting to NCDENR DEMLR).
Note: The legally responsible party is the current permittee and/or the legally responsible representative until such time that the permit is officially
transferred through a request to DEM1,R by the permittee. p /
I, (print or type narne of permittee or person legally responsible for the pennit) /'m �t% `` / )`J111R'
certify that I have a copy of the DEMLR Approved Permit and O&M Agreement on -site (OR 1 have obtained a
copy from DEMLR and it will be kept on site), that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance
procedures and the site has been, and will be, maintained according to the O & M Agreement. I agree to notify
DEMLR of any problems with the system and prior to any changes to the system or changes in ownership I will
(or have through this renewal application) notify NCDENR DEMLR and submit the proper forms to modify or
transfer the permit. All information provided on this permit renewal application is, to the best of my knowledge,
correct and complete.
Permitlee Title: GGH e-rid IOAYIGl4ly /
Address: r1d tY 6 f G 0 N. SaY� t G!Or
Phone: S 9 D Sk/1/G 2?44,e
Signature: Date: Aire,,. /L LD/¢
1, ,nA*% E. 5 h 0Q- . a Notary Public for the State of Cold ll,✓\
Countyof '&(1VA5W i06- , do hereby certify that --r rrie LK,I .. I ' i WL(,
personally appeared before me this day of ' 1,UAa \G A'- r o7 1)14, and acknowledge the due execution of
the forgoing stormwater BMP maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal,
My commission expires:
Notary Signatu��
Fonn SWI-1-102 (Renewal Form) Rev. Oct. 31, 2013 Page 2 or4
1. Stormwater Management Permit Number: SW S 7 d 0 707
2. Permit Holder's name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc.):
3. Print Owner/S�ging Official's name and title (person
4. Maihng Address for person listed in item 2 above:
OL/ /V JG3i'VI�i✓li✓ Glut
for permit):
/ / ,
City: Skn �offea6'l Stale: /V6 �zip:
yZgQ �t�
Phone: ( /D ) !l4.[ 71
1/?0 / Fax: (-[/� ^1D) J % / 1123
Email: Aa( jnr!�bi(4{/ll%fJ[/pB/� f�Gi�GfUl G1r7�a't
5. Project Name: SAkid 01;p—e Zak boll _
6. Location of Project (street address):
.Q*V C-
City: County: Zip:
7. Directions to project (from nearest major intersection):
JUN 2 7 2014
B f.
Form SWU-102 (Renewal Form) Rev. Oct. 31, 2013 Page 3 of4
1: Specify the type of storm water treatment: ❑Constructed Wetland ❑Bioretention [Net Detention Pond
❑Dry Detention Basin ❑Infiltration Basin ❑Infiltration Trench ❑Sand Filler ❑Other:
2. If any changes were made to the original DEMLR approved project list them in the space below (attach additional
pages if needed and provide "As -Built" drawings with this application). If major changes have been made to
your project please request a plan revision or modification of the permit and submit "As Built" drawings along
with a final or updated stormwater system engineer certification (if not already provided to NCDENR). DEMLR
Engineer and Designer Certification Forms are available from each NCDENR DEMLR Regional Office.
JUN 2 7
Form SWU-102 (Renewal Form) Rev. Oct. 31, 2013 Page 4 of 4
Casmer, Jo
From: Casmer, Jo
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2014 8:56 AM
To: lim@sandpiperbaygolf.com'
Subject: Sandpiper Bay Golf Plantation, SW8 980707
The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral, and land Resources (Stormwater Section) received the
Stonnwater Permit Renewal Application and $505.00 fee on June 27, 2014. Your project will be assigned to a staff member
and you will be notified if additional information is needed
fo Casmer
Administrative Assistant for DEMLR/Stormwater Section
NC Department of Environment & Natural Resources
Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
Phone: (910) 796-7336
Fax: (910) 350-2004
Email cormsponderKe to and from this address may to subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disdosed to third