SW8 � 6 10 Q4
2p22 07 07
McPeake, Dylan
From: Craig Myatt <craig@seasidelinen.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2022 10:41 AM
To: McPeake, Dylan
Subject: Re: [External] Re: Additional Information Requested - Technology Court Subdivision -
SW8 961004
Attachments: Technology Court Update 2022.pdf
External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to
On Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 10:38 AM McPeake, Dylan <dylan.mcpeake@ncdenr.Rov> wrote:
Here's page 1 of the filled -out application; if you want the other 2 let me know. I'm also including the blank form as
well. Everything outside of B.3 is good, it just needs to be changed to president.
Dylan McPeake
Stormwater Intern
Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: 910 796 7215
Direct: 910 796 7318
Email: dylan.mcpeake@ncdenr.eov
Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext
Wilmington, NC 28405
From: Craig Myatt <craig@seasidelinen.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2022 10:27 AM
To: McPeake, Dylan <dylan.mcpeake@ncdenr.eov>
Subject: [External] Re: Additional Information Requested - Technology Court Subdivision - SW8 961004
jCAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to
Dylan if you don't mind can you email me a copy of the filled out application. You have the only signed original one.
On Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 10:22 AM Craig Myatt <craiR@seasidelinen.com> wrote:
On Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 10:16 AM McPeake, Dylan <dylan.mcpeake@ncdenr.gov> wrote:
Hello Mr. Myatt,
Attached is a pelf of the request for additional information for the subject project. There is just one administrative
item that need to be addressed. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks!
Dylan McPeake
Stormwater Intern
Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: 910 796 7215
Direct: 910 796 7318
Email: dylan.mcpeake@ncdenr.aov
Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext
Wilmington, NC 28405
Craig Myatt
Seaside Linen & Rental Company
Office: (910) 793-4208
Website: www.seasidelinen.com
Email: Craig@seasidelinen.com
Craig Myatt
Seaside Linen & Rental Company
Office: (910) 793-4208
Website: www.seasidelinen.com
Email: Craig(@seasidelinen.com
Craig Myatt
Seaside Linen & Rental Company
Office: (910) 793-4208
Website: www.seasidelinen.com
Email: Craig(c@seasidelinen.com
July 7'h, 2022
Via email only: Craie(a),seasidelinen.com
Technology Court Owner's Association, Inc.
Attn: Craig Myatt
PO Box 1631
Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480
EnAronn entat Quai ty
Subject: Request for Additional Information
Stormwater Project No. SW8 961004
Technology Court Subdivision
New Hanover County
Dear Mr. Myatt:
The Wilmington Regional Office received and accepted a State Stormwater Management Permit Renewal
Application for the subject project on July 6`s, 2022. A preliminary in-depth review of that information has
determined that the application is not complete and that additional information is needed. To continue the review,
please provide the following additional information in a single, hard copy submittal package:
Permit Renewal Process:
I . 15A NCAC 02H.1040(1)(a) and .1045(3xa)(iii): The application was signed by Craig Myatt; however,
the provided documentation from the NC Secretary of State does not identify Craig Myatt as a principal
executive officer (President, Vice -President) of this Corporation. In the case of a corporation, the
application must be signed by a principal executive officer of at least the level of vice-president. Please
a. Provide official documentation showing that Mr. Myatt is a principal executive officer and
authorized to sign for the corporation.
b. The signature by other agents shall be accepted on the application only if accompanied by a letter
of authorization signed by the appropriate authority. Provide a letter of authorization from one of
the identified officers of this corporation authorizing Mr. Myatt to sign on their behalf.
Please remember to confirm that any revised information is presented consistently throughout the application
documents. Please also remember to provide a hard copy of any updated documents per 15A NCAC
The requested information should be received in this Office by July 22od, 2022 or the application will be returned
as incomplete. If additional time is needed to submit the requested information, please email your extension
request prior to this due date to the email address provided below with a justification and a date of when the
requested information will be submitted, which shall be no later than 15 days past the original due date. Please
note than only two letters requesting additional information is allowed in the State Stormwater Program for a
total of 30 days to submit the requested additional information. If the information is not satisfactorily provided
after either the second request or 30 days, the project will be returned. If the project is returned and you wish to
re -submit later, you will need to resubmit all required items at that time, including the application fee.
'D_E 0 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Wilmington Regional Oface 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 211,405
-�� 910.796.7215
State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 961004
Page 2 of 2
Please reference the State assigned application number on all correspondence. If you have any questions
concerning this matter, please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at dylan.mcpeake@ncdenr.gov.
Deyi&" Wvea/ae
Dylan McPeake
Stormwater Intern
DL'S/DM: \\\Stormwater\Pemiits & Projects\ 1 996\961004 1-1101\2022 07 addinfo 961004
cc: Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File
D_Mw Q�� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mneral and Land Resources
Wilmington Regional Office 1127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405
Burd, Tina J
From: Burd, Tina J
Sent: Wednesday, July 6, 2022 3:02 PM
To: craig@seasidelinen.com
Subject: SW8 961004 - Technology Court Subdivision
The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (Stormwater Section) accepted
the Stormwater Permit Renewal Application and $505.00 fee for the subject project on July 6, 2022. The project has
been assigned to Dylan McPeake and you will be notified if additional information is needed.
Best Regards,
Tina Burd
Administrative Associate II
Wilmington Regional Office
Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service
Phone 910-796-7215
Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Wilmington, NC 28405
D Q�,k
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
Website: http://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/stormwater
Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-t9, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted
operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered
shifts. To accommodate these staffing changes, all DEQoffice locations are limiting public access to appointments only. Please
check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We
appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time.
Non -Transfer Application Completeness Review Checklist
Project Name: I t' i}i A) D C 0r, y (9,)lei SdKb . T
Project County/Location: -Jkl C Z 3? D / C ,eob egrc P&Lcr
Permit Action: New New Permit # 2 :
Not located in the ETJ of the following delegated
Date Delivered to WIRO:
BIMS Received/Accepted Date:
Date Given to Admin:
� t".t+
9 o0-
BIMS Acknowledged Date i:
and functionin¢ programs:
NHC: Carolina Beach / Kure Beach / Wilmington / Wrightsville Beach
Bruns: Leland / Navassa (?) / Oak Island
Cart: Emerald Isle Onsk Jacksonville Pend: Surf City
Major Mod / Minor Mod / Renewal
Existing Permit #:
15 t-`)8 { 4. / 06
❑Applicant & Permittee are the
Expiration Date°:
% Zfl zoZ'
Permit Type: 6�?LD / LD Overall / HD &LD Combo
General Permit / Offsite / Exempt + Redevelopment
FlOffsite to SW8:
Development Type KCommercial sidential / Other
�is Offsite Lot approved in Master Permit?s
Subdivided?: Subdivislo or Single Lot
Rule(s): FT017 Coastal 1:12008 Coastal
El199S Coastal
Phase II Universal
1:11988 Coastal
Permittee Type & Documents Needed:
®Property Owner(s) Elurchaser
F-1Viable7 QViable?
Deed =Purchase Agmt
=Election Minutes
1157"1 tApplication
e: 05 (within 6mo) Check#(s): So Z 7,
Supplement (1 new form or for older forms: 1 original per SCM)
nO&M 2
Soils Report (Infil or PP)
Calculations (signed/seoled)
Deed Restrictions, if subdivided
Project Narrative
�USGS Map (or on file?) Subject to SA?: Y / N Subject to ORW?:
Plans (2 Sets)
MNo Fee
Y / N
tEnter RIMS Acknowledged Date on this Sheet
2For New Projects -Enter New Permit # on Supplements & Deed Restriction Templates.
3If permittee is different, STOP. Needs to be transferred first.
°If w/in 6 months and they are requesting a mod, STOP. Needs a renewal first.
slf Lot not approved in master permit, STOP. Master permit needs mod.
721 La,�)
G: WQ\\\Reference Libra ry\Procedures\Checklists\Completeness Review Checklist_2021 09 09
McPeake, Dylan
From: Craig Myatt <craig@seasidelinen.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 6, 2022 1:51 PM
To: Smith, Ashley M
Cc: McPeake, Dylan
Subject: Re: [External] Questions regarding renewal of SW8 9610104
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to
Report Spam.
Sounds good Ashley, I think I am the contact. I believe everything should already be on file... and I am told this is all that
is needed for the renewal. But please let me know if anything else is required, just go put in this position to manage this
so I am a rookie when it comes to all this. Thank you in advance for any of your help.
On Wed, Jul 6, 2022 at 1:25 PM Smith, Ashley M <ashleym.smith(d@ncdenr.gov> wrote:
Hi Craig,
Thank you so much for dropping off that package. The email address listed on the application will be notified when the
package is accepted by our office and whether additional information is needed.
Ashley Smith
Renewal Specialist
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources, Wilmington Regional Office
NC Department of Environmental Quality
Phone 910 796 7215
Email ashlevm.smith@ncdenr.Rov
127 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Wilmington, NC 28405
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Craig Myatt <craiR@seasidelinen.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 6, 2022 12:51 PM
To: McPeake, Dylan <dylan.mcpeake@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Smith, Ashley M <ashleym.smith@ncdenr.Rov>
Subject: Re: [External] Questions regarding renewal of SW8 9610104
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to
iReport Spam.
Good Afternoon,
Just wanted to make sure you were aware that the check and notarized original copies of the stormwater renewals I
just dropped off to the front desk.
Please let me know if you need anything else to get things handled.
On Wed, Jun 22, 2022 at 10:38 AM McPeake, Dylan <dylan.mcpeake@ncdenr.gov> wrote:
Hello Mr. Myatt,
One digital copy needs to be sent to either mine or Ashley's (cc'd) email, while a physical hardcopy + check needs to
be dropped off or mailed to our Wilmington Regional Office at 127 Cardinal Drive Extension.
Dylan McPeake
Stormwater Intern
Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources —State Stormwater Program
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: 910 796 7215
Direct: 910 796 7318
Email: dvlan.mcpeake@ncdenr.gov
Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext
Wilmington, NC 28405
From: Craig Myatt <craig@seasidelinen.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 10:25 AM
To: McPeake, Dylan <dvlan.mcpeake@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Smith, Ashley M <ashleym.smith@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: Re: [External] Questions regarding renewal of SW8 9610104
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to
_Report Spam.
Thanks Dylan,
I have filled out the form and printed a copy and will go get it notarized today or tomorrow.... Can i email it to you or
where should I drop off the wet signed copy?
Craig Myatt
On Wed, Jun 22, 2022 at 10:09 AM McPeake, Dylan <dvlan.mcpeake@ncdenr.gov> wrote:
Hello Mr. Myatt,
Based on our records, all you should need to provide is one digital copy of the Renewal Application Form, one
hardcopy of the Renewal Application From, and the check for the processing fee. I've gone ahead and included the
Renewal Application Update Form in the email. Section C on page two should go more into detail about the submittal
requirements; don't hesitate to call or email back if you have any more questions. (SW8 961004)
Dylan McPeake
Stormwater Intern
Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources —State Stormwater Program
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: 910 796 7215
Direct: 910 796 7318
Email: dvlan.mcpeake@ncdenr.gov
Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext
Wilmington, NC 28405
From: Craig Myatt <craig@seasidelinen.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 9:57 AM
To: McPeake, Dylan <dylan.mcpeake@ncdenr.gov>; Smith, Ashley M <ashlevm.smith@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: [External] Questions regarding renewal of SW8 9610104
(CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to
Report Spam.
Just received notice of or stormwater Permit expiring and need to know what information other then this form I need
to provide. In past i recall much of the information being on file at your office and the fee was all that was needed....
please let me know or feel free to call my cell at 910-262-7474
Thank you
Craig Myatt
Seaside Linen & Rental Company
Cell (910) 262-7474
Website: www.seasidelinen.com
Email: Craig@seasidelinen.com
Craig Myatt
Seaside Linen & Rental Company
Office: (910) 793-4208
Website: www.seasidelinen.com
Email: Craig@seasidelinen.com
Craig Myatt
Seaside Linen & Rental Company
Office: (910) 793-4208
Website: www.seasidelinen.com
Email: Craig@seasidelinen.com
Craig Myatt
Seaside Linen & Rental Company
Office: (910) 793-4208
Website: www.seasidelinen.com
Email: Craig@seasidelinen.com
June 14's, 2022
Technology Court Owners Association, Inc.
Attn: Craig Myatt, Registered Agent
PO Box 1631
Wrightsville Beach, NC 28405
EnWrmwwnta/ Quality
Subject: Stormwater Permit Renewal Request
State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 %1004
Technology Court Subdivision
New Hanover County
Dear Mr. Myatt:
State Stormwater Management Permit #SW8 9610104 for the subject project expired on July 20`s, 2021. This is a
reminder that permit renewal applications are due 180 days prior to their expiration per 15A NCAC 2H.1045(3).
North Carolina General Statutes and the Coastal Stormwater rules require that this property be covered under a
stormwater permit. Failure to maintain a permit subjects the owner to assessment of civil penalties. More
information about the Post -Construction state stormwater program can he found on the following website:
deq.nc. ovg /SW
Please submit a complete permit renewal form along with a $505.00 fee and other submittal reqquirements within
30 days. The permit renewal form can be found under the Post -Construction section of this website or at:
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Dylan McPeake (dvlan.mcpeake(ancdenr. ov) or
Ashley Smith (ashlevm.smithnu,ncdenr.gov) either via email or phone at (910) 796-7215.
y,— Q�
Cl 1, IW
50 ; Brian Wrenn, Director
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
DES/DM: \\\Storinwater\Permits & Projects\ 1 996\961004 RD\2022 06 ret_ren 961004
cc: Craig Myatt, Registered Agent; Technology Court Owners Association, Inc.; 4505 Technology Dr; Wilmington,
NC 29405
Wilmington Regional Office File
D_E North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy. Mlneratand land Resources
Wilmington Regional Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405
�+\ /' 910.7%.7215
• Upload a PDF Filing • Order a Document Online - Add Entity to My Email Notification List • View Filings
Non -Profit Corporation
Legal Name
Sosid: 0419662
Status: Current -Active O
Date Formed: 2/26/1997
Citizenship: Domestic
Annual Report Due Date:
Registered Agent: Myatt, Craig
Reg Office
4505 Technology Dr
Wilmington, NC 28405
Reg Mailing
P O Box 1631
Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480
Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480