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Compliance Inspection Report
Permit: SW8950701 Effective: 11/28/95 Expiration:
County: New Hanover
Region: Wilmington
Contact Person: Ken Geben Title: President
Directions to Project:
Off Oddyssey Drive in Landfall, behind the Hampton Inn,
Type of Project: State Stormwater - HD - Detention Pond
Drain Areas: 1 - (Wrightsville Recreational Area (including Lees Cut, Motts
Channel and portions of Banks (Channel))) (03-06-24)
On -Site Representative(s):
Related Permits:
Inspection Date: 12/08/2008 Entry Time: 11:00 AM
Primary Inspector: David W Cox
Secondary Inspector(s):
Reason for Inspection: Follow-up
Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater
Facility Status: ■ Compliant O Not Compliant
Question Areas:
■ State Stormwater
(See attachment summary)
Owner: Colony Coast Contractors Inc General Par
Project: Parkslone At Landfall aka Woodbridge
Exit Time: 11:30 AM
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Page: 1
Permit: SW8950701 Owner - Project: Colony Coast Contractors Inc General Par
Inspection Date: 12/08/2008 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Follow-up
Inspection Summary:
All non-compliance issues listed on the Inspection Letter dated September 22, 2008 have been resolved.
Operation and Maintenance Yes No NA NE
Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements? ■ Cl ❑ ❑
Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or provided to DWQ ❑ ❑ ❑ in
upon request?
-I.- ^- -- Yes No NA NE
Is the permit active?
Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file?
Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file?
Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file?
SW Measures
Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans?
Are the inlets located per the approved plans?
Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans?
Page: 2
W A rc9
Michael F. Easley, Governor
William G. Ross Jr., Secretary
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Coleen If. Sullins Director
Division of Water Quality
September 22, 2008
Mr. Steve Hughes
Landfall Property Owners Association
1749 Drysdale Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
Parkstone @ Landfall
Stormwater Project No. SW8 950701
New Hanover County
Dear Mr. Hughes:
Please find attached a copy of the completed form entitled "Stormwater Compliance Inspection
Report". The report summarizes the findings of a recent inspection of the project's stormwater
controls conducted on September 11, 2008 to determine compliance with Stormwater Permit
Number SW8 950701 issued on September 22, 2008.
A summary of the findings and comments are noted under Section 4 of the report. Please
inform this Office in writing before October 22, 2008, of the specific actions that will be .-
undertaken and the time frame required to correct the deficiencies. Failure to provide the
requested information, when required, may initiate enforcement action. If you have any
questions please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910) 796-
David Cox
Senior Environmental Specialist
ENB/dwc: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\INSPECT\950701.sep08
cc: Cape Fear Engineering
Wilmington Regional Office
David Cox
North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone (910) 796-7215
Wilmington Regional Ot7ice Internet: www.newateraualitvore Fax (910)350-2004
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper
Customer Service
Parkstone @ Landfall
September 22, 2008
Stormwater Permit No. SW8 950701
Project Name
Parkstone @ Landfall
Project Number: SW8 950701 Control Measure:
Water Body: LIT to Wrightsville Beach Classification: "SB"
Directions to site, address: Drysdale Drive
Inspection Date:
Weather Conditions
Compliance Issues:
September 22, 2008
Wet Pond
®❑ The drainage area (including offsite) and built -upon area to the permitted
system are per the approved plan. No unpermitted offsite drainage enters
the system.
®❑ All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that the
runoff drains to the system.
❑ ® For ponds/infiltration, the outlet/bypass structure relative elevations are
per the approved plan. (Must be verified via as -built survey if in question).
❑ ® The inlets and outlet structure are located per the approved plans and do
not cause short-circuiting.
❑ ® A trash rack is provided over the outlet weir and orifice.
❑ ® All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation and are not eroding.
❑ ® Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3:1.
®❑ The approximate amount of permitted surface area has been provided.
(Must be verified via as -built survey or designer's certification.)
❑ ® Required drawdown devices are correctly sized per the approved plans.
All required design depths are provided.
❑ ® All required parts of the system are provided, such as a vegetated shelf,
and a forebay.
®❑ The designer's certification has been submitted.
®❑ The required deed restrictions are correctly recorded and submitted.
®❑ The number of lots or outparcels is per the permitted amount.
®❑ The built -upon area on the lots or outparcels does not appear to exceed
the maximum amount (must be verified via as -built survey if in question)
®❑ The road, cul-de-sac, parking lot and sidewalk widths are per the
approved plan.
❑ ® Required maintenance is being performed.
Required Actions: (Explain each deficiency and what needs to be done to bring
the system back into compliance)
Page 2 of 5
Parkstone @ Landfall
September 22, 2008
Stormwater Permit No. SW8 950701
1. Please verify that ponds 1 & 2 have all control measures installed per the
approved plan. Items such as the orifice, trash rack, spillway, forebay and
vegetated shelf were not visible on the day of inspection due to the high water
levels in the ponds.
2. Please verify that both ponds are drawing down properly, that the orifices are
not clogged and that all stormwater is discharging through the approved outlet
3. Please perform the required maintenance for ponds 1 & 2. On the day of the
inspection woody vegetation was observed on both ponds. Both ponds 1 & 2
shca!d have 3 to 1 slopes th?' rr^ -t��;e nd vegetated with an approved
Inspector: f?avid•Cox'
Water Quality/Wilmington Regional Office/(910) 796-7215
ENB/dwc: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\INSPECT\950701.sep08
Page 3 of 5
Re: Woodbridge at Landfall DWQ compliance
Subject: Re: Woodbridge at Landfall DWQ compliance
From: Linda Lewis <linda.lewis@ncmail.net>
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2007 12:38:24 -0500
To: ARB <arb@landfall.org>
Ms. Kearney:
I have visited the site and can confirm that the required improvements have been
ARB wrote:
Hello Linda Lewis,
I hope you enjoyed the holidays. I have been informed that Woodbridge will be
requesting turnover of common area maintenance to the Landfall Council of
Associations at the January 28 Board meeting. Mr. Hughes has stated that the
Council will be unable to accept Woodbridge turnover without acknowledgement
that the actions required by the Division of Water Quality to bring the site
into compliance have been performed. Mark Johnson of the Fred Smith Company has
assured us that the items have been addressed. Would it be possible to receive
acknowledgement of compliance or continuing items of noncompliance prior to the
January meeting? Please let me know at 256-7651 or by e-mail arb@landfall.olg
<mailto:arb@landfall.org>. Thank you, Shelly Kearney
I of I IRI12007 12:38 PM
" l 1 2 2005
October 10, 2005
North Carolina Division of Water Quality
Attn: Linda Lewis
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405-3845
RE: Woodbridge Stormwater Project
Dear Linda:
I appoligize for not including a completion date in my Carbon Copy letter to you
dated August 8, 2005.
After speaking with Mark Johnson with the Fred Smith Co. their completion date
of all items listed in the August 8, 2005 letter will be October 31, 2005.
Again I appoligize for the inconvenience this may have caused.
Stephen D. Hughes
Director of Maintenance Operations
CC: Jake Austin, Fred Smith Company
Mark Johnson, Fred Smith Company
Don Stallings, Landfall Council of Association
SDI I/mdw
1749 Drysdale Drive • Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 • Phone: (910) 256-7651 • Fax: (910) 256-7662
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Wilmington Regional Office
Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary
Date: 10- 10-05
To: P �h Wel-heriII
CO: N HC r--Aq%Aeetint
FAX #: 796-g05I
No. Of Pages: (excluding cover) 1
From: 1..._inci2 I-9-W t 5
FAX#: 910-350-2004
127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3945 Telephone (910) 796-7215 Fax (910) 350-2004
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
P. 1
97987051 OK P. 2/2
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Wilmington Regional Office
Michael F. Easley, ovemor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary
Date: 10— 10105 No. Of Pages: (excluding cover) 1
To: W heal From: L ija I-2t v1 S
CO: 'j tC �n ire¢—f n� CO: NC DENR
FAX #: FAX#: 910-350-2004
RKS: L er 4 wm /e. t) g zfQ
127 Cardinal D ft Extension, Wilmington, K,C. 20405,1843 Telephone (010) 79&7219 Fax (010) 39&2004
An Equal opportunity Af IrmatWe Aedon Employer
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1749 Drysdale Drive • Wilmington. North Carolina 28405 • Phone: (910) 256-7651 6 Fax: (910) 256-7562
Michael F. Easley, Governor
William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director
Division of Water Quality
October 4, 2005
Mr. Karl Miller
243 Beech Street
Wilmington, NC 28405
Subject: Executive Park Pond, Woodbridge & Parkstone @Landfall
Stormwater Project No. SW8 950843 and SW8 950701
New Hanover County
Dear Mr. Miller:
The Division is in receipt of your letter in which you report: 1) that your property on Beech
Street is being flooded, and that this flooding is allegedly caused by runoff from the
Woodbridge development in Landfall, adjacent the Summer Rest Nature Trail; and 2) that
Woodbridge is utilizing an illegal culvert located under Summer Rest Nature Trail to direct
drainage onto your property. You request that the Division provide you with immediate relief
from the flooding and remove the "illegal" culvert.
On Friday, August 5, 2005, the Division inspected the Woodbridge development and the
Summer Rest Nature Trail. Some of the runoff from the rear of 4-5 homes and a paved access
drive on the backside of the Woodbridge development was not being directed into the pond. It
appeared that this runoff was collecting in a low spot on the Woodbridge property, spilling over
the property line onto the Summer Rest Nature Trail, and then traversing along the natural
contour into existing drainage features. The Landfall Property Owner's Association (LPOA) is
currently in the process of constructing a berm, catch basin and piping to capture this runoff
and direct it into the pond, as permitted.
The State Stomwater Rules under NCAC 2H.1000, require that the runoff from a 1" storm
event be captured in the pond and drawn down over a period of 2-5 days. The orifice in the
pond is designed to release the accumulated runoff at a controlled rate to promote deposition
of the sediment in the runoff. As a non -regulated side benefit, this controlled release rate from
the pond does not contribute to flooding. It is not possible for the Division to require that a wet
detention pond never release any of the accumulated runoff.
There is no "illegal" culvert under Summer Rest Trail that the Division is aware of, in regard to
the permitted discharge from the Woodbridge detention ponds. The southern -most pond at
Woodbridge discharges via a permitted outlet structure, which drains to a pipe under the
Summer Rest Nature Trail that was constructed when the Trail was built to provide drainage
relief for Landfall. The northern -most pond discharges via a permitted outlet structure into a
long pipe that discharges near the bridge along the Trail that crosses over Mott's Creek. The
pond must be able to drain in order to meet the 2-5 day draw down time.
North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Phone (910) 796-7215 Customer Service s-877-623-6748
Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 FAX (910) 350-2004 Internet: h2o.encstate.nc.us
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50%Recycled110%Post Consumer Paper
Mr. Miller
October 4, 2005
Stormwater Permit No. SW8 950701
On that same day I also observed the water level in the detention pond that serves the
Landfall Executive Park, located between Woodbridge and the Hampton Inn, to be at
the top of the outlet structure, with no runoff leaving the pond. I reported this to
Environmental Protectors, the maintenance company for the permittee, and they came
out on Friday, August 12, to remove the accumulated debris from the outlet structure.
A plastic bag had somehow covered up the orifice, preventing the pond from drawing
down. The high water level in the pond prior to the storm also may have caused an
overflow onto the Summer Rest Nature Trail in the area of the washout. Unless the
downstream contours have been altered, this drainage should have gone directly into
the wetlands adjoining Mott's Creek.
While the Division sympathizes with your situation, we have not been granted the
regulatory authority by the General Assembly to require flood control measures. Civil
law allows a property owner the use of an historic drainage outlet, and makes it illegal
for a downstream property owner to place items into the drainage outlet that block the
flow. All of the contour maps provided to the Division for that area indicate that the pre -
development natural drainage was from the Landfall property down to Mott's Creek. The
State has determined that if drainage and flooding issues are to be dealt with, then they
must be addressed at the local government level. Your property is located at or very
near the low end of this drainage basin, and is surrounded by wetlands and Motts
The violations at Woodbridge and Landfall Executive Park are being addressed, which
should alleviate a small part of your flooding problem. You may want to consider
lobbying the New Hanover County Commissioners to develop a more comprehensive
stormwater ordinance that addresses flooding and drainage issues. If you have any
other questions, please do not hesitate to contact either Ed Beck or me at (910) 796-
Linda Lewis
Environmental Engineer II
ENB/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\LETTERS\950701.oct05
cc: Beth E. Wetherill, New Hanover County Engineering
Steven Hughes, Landfall Property Owner's Association
Jon Vincent, Landfall Park Owner's Association
Wilmington Regional Office
Linda Lewis
Page 2 of 2
Re: Landfall
Subject: Re: Landfall
From: bwetherill@nhcgov.com
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 11:32:56 -0400
To: Linda Lewis <linda.lewis@ncmail.net>
CC: nlewis@co.new-hanover.nc.us
In response to your questions about Summerest Trail. Sorry this took so
New Hanover County owns the trail and is responsible for maintance of the
small pipes under the trail. The trail was built by Landfall and given to
New Hanover County before the Executive Park and Parkstone/Woodbridge were
built. We don't have any information to indicate the small pipes were ever
sized to handle the predevelopment flow. In a rain event the trail is
designed to allow water to flow over the trail. It appears the Executive
Park cut across the trail to install the pond outlet pipes without
knowledge of the County. My construction plans for the Executive Park show
cutting an existing walking trail and repairing it after the pipes were
The damage to the walking trail is right on top of the pipes under the
trail adjacent to the Executive ponds outlet structure. The Executive Parks
pond must not be draining thru the outlet structure and has overflowed and
eroded the trail. We were hoping you could make the Executive Park repair
the damaged trail.
Linda Lewis
<linda.lewis®ncm To: Beth Wetherill
ail.net> cc:
08/08/2005 12:40
Subject: Landfall
I was at Landfall on Friday afternoon. While there are some minor
problems with the Woodbridge and Parkstone ponds, I feel quite certain
they are not the cause of any flooding. The level in one of the ponds
was about 1' below the outlet structure, with no indication of any
recent overflows. The level in the other one was at the top, but it was
running, albeit a little slow. It was all junked up with debris that
needs to be removed. Again, no evidence of a recent overflow.
I also looked at the Executive Park pond, located beside the hotel. I
could not get in to see the outlet structure up close because the key to
the padlocked gate was not at the Commonwealth Commercial Properties
office, where it's supposed to be. But, I was able to easily see through
the chainlink fence that the water level in the pond was at the top of
I of 2 8/29/2005 2:38 PM
Re: Landfall
the outlet structure, I walked the Summer Rest Trail and saw the
backside of the pond and was able to see the damage to the Trail. I also
saw where water was leaking through the timber retaining wall running on
the backside of the Executive Park pond, onto the Trail.
I think the Executive Park pond is the source of Mr. Karl Miller's
flooding complaints. However, even if the pond is brought into
compliance, the flooding problem may not be alleviated. That outfall has
been in place since 1995. As you know, the Division does not have rules
to regulate flood control. This is left to the local government to
administer. In the absence of other flooding complaints, I find it most
probable that Mr. Miller's construction may somehow have cut off the
historic drainage outlet for Landfall, and that the overflows from the
Executive Park pond are causing the flooding because the water cannot
get to the existing drainage way as it once did. Mr. Miller's site
appears to have been filled in.
My question is, who is responsible for maintaining the drainage pipes
that go under the Trail? Is the Trail located on County property, or is
it just an easement to the County? What is the County's agreement with
the adjacent propety owners in regards to the drainage pipes that
completely pass under the Trail? One situation in particular is where
the outlet pipe for the southern -most pond in Parkstone ends at the
property line. Runoff then enters a 12" pipe under the Trail, that
appears to be partially clogged. Since the pipe is on the Trail
property, Landfall is probably not maintaining it. Parkstone and the
Executive Park were both permitted in 1995. Did the Trail come before or
after that? If it came after, was the County responsible for making sure
the runoff from Landfall was accounted for in sizing and locating the
pipes under the Trail?
Any information you can provide will be most helpful
2 of 2 8/29/2005 2:38 PM
q 50�� V
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August 8, 2005
Fred Smith Company
Attn: Mark Johnson
400 Riverwood Drive
Clayton, NC 27520
Dear Mark:
F..7*2.� D
Please find below a list of items that need to be completed to put the two Woodbridge
Ponds in compliance with the Division of Water Quality and the approved Storm
Water Plan.
l . Both pond spillway orifices need to be flashed out.
2. Pond located behind Lots 10& 11, North pond bank needs to be graded to a 3:1
Slope and sodded. Sprinklers need to be installed or the ones near by turned to
360 degrees to water this bank.
3. Same pond as above needs to have spillway completely cleaned out.
4. At the end of the alleyway that services Lots 11-15, at the Lower comer of the
blacktop a 12" Catch Basin needs to be installed. A pipe from the Catch
Basin to the pond also needs to be installed.
5. The pond to the right of Lot 16 the end of the spillway discharge pipe needs to
be located and cleaned out.
Mark once the above list has been completed; I will then contact Linda Lewis (Division
of Water Quality) and set up a meeting/inspection. Should you have any questions or
concerns please contact me at 910-256-7651.
Thanks a lot,
A - i n
Step en D. Hughes
Director of Maintenance Operations
Cc: .Jake Austin, Fred Smith Company
Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineering 1.1(Division of Water Quality)
1749 Drysdale Drive • Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 • Phone: (910) 256-7651 • Fax: (910) 256-7662
August 8, 2005
Mr. Steve Hughes
Landfall Property Owner's Association
1749 Drysdale Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
Woodbridge & Parkstone @Landfall
Stormwater Project No. SW8 950701
New Hanover County
Dear Mr. Hughes:
Michael F. Easley, Governor
William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director
Division of Water Quality
It was a pleasure to meet with you on Friday regarding the resolution of the maintenance
issues for this project, so that turnover to the owner's can be implemented. Attached please
find a copy of the completed form entitled "Stormwater Compliance Inspection Report". The
report summarizes the findings of our joint inspection of the project's stormwater controls
conducted on August 5, 2005 to determine the status of compliance with Stormwater Permit
Number SW8 950701 issued on April 28, 1998.
The required actions that are necessary to bring this site into compliance are noted under
Section 4 of the report. As we discussed, please copy me on any correspondence between
yourself and Mr. Johnson regarding this project. The Division is hoping that all of the
deficiencies noted in the attached report can be resolved before September 8, 2005. If you
have any questions please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number
n 1'
Linda Lewis
Environmental Engineer II
ENB/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\INSPECT\950701.agu05
cc: Cape Fear Engineering
Wilmington Regional Office
Linda Lewis
North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Phone (910) 796-7215 Customer Servicet-877-623-6748 One
Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 FAX (910) 350-2004 Internet h2o.encstate.nc.us NorthCarolina
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper �%V(lturtlll (ff
Mr. Hughes
August 8, 2005
Stormwater Permit No. SW8 950701
Project Name: Parkstone @Landfall
Project Number: 950701 Control Measure: 2 wet detention ponds -
Pond #1 is the northern -most pond, and Pond #2 is the southern -most pond.
Water Body: LT Wrightsville Beach Recreational Area
Classification: SB#
Directions to site, address: From Eastwood Road entrance to Land Fall, turn right
on Verrazzano Drive, right on Oddyssey Drive, and right on Hallmark Lane into
the project. Ponds are located in the left and right back corners.
Inspection Date: Friday, August 5, 2005, 2:30 pm- 4:30 pm
Weather Conditions: Sunny, very hot and humid
3. Compliance Issues:
a. ®
The drainage area (including offsite) and built -upon area to the
permitted system are per the approved plan.
b. ❑
All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that
the runoff drains to the system.
c. ❑
The outlet structure relative elevations are per the approved plan.
(Must be verified via as -built survey if in question).
d. ®
The inlets and outlet structure are located per the approved plans
and do not cause short-circuiting.
e. ®
A trash rack is provided over the outlet weir and orifice.
f. ❑
All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation and are not
g. ❑
Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3:1.
h. ❑
The approximate amount of permitted surface area has been
provided. (Must be verified via as -built survey or designer's
I. ❑
Required drawdown devices are correctly sized per the approved
j. ❑
All required design depths are provided.
k. ®
All required parts of the system are provided, such as a vegetated
shelf, and a forebay.
I. ❑
The designer's certification has been submitted.
m. ❑
The required deed restrictions are correctly recorded and submitted.
n. ®
The number of lots or outparcels is per the permitted amount.
o. ®
The built -upon area on the lots or outparcels does not exceed the
maximum amount (must be verified via as -built survey if in question)
p. ®
The built -upon area dimensions are per the approved plan.
q. ❑
Required maintenance is being performed.
Page 2 of 5
Mr. Hughes
August 8, 2005
Stormwater Permit No. SW8 950701
4. Required Actions: Each deficiency is explained below and what needs to be done
to bring the system back into compliance.
b. The grading of the rear 10' access road is allowing runoff to bypass Pond #2
via a breach in the bermed area. This area needs to be provided with a
means to get the runoff into the pond.
c.; h. i. & j. can only be verified by an as -built survey, which should be done in
order to provide the information for the consultant to determine if the
systems have been constructed in substantial compliance with the permit.
f.&g. The near slope of Pond #2 was steeper than 3:1, eroding, sloughing, and
in need of permanent stabilization, all the way from the northern rear
access road to the southern rear access road. The rear slopes on both
ponds are currently steeper than 3:1 in some areas, and are made up of
woody natural plantings, however, it is understood that should these
slopes exhibit any erosion, they will need to be regraded to 3:1 and
vegetated with grass.
I. The required Designer's Certification for the ponds has not been submitted.
m. A copy of the recorded deed restrictions for this project has not been
After our meeting, I walked the Summer Rest Trail and found where the outlet structure
for Pond #2 leaves the property. It drains into a pipe under the Summer Rest Nature
Trail, but this pipe appears to be slightly clogged. Some water was running out the other
end, but based on the high water.level in Pond #2 after 5 days without rain, the pipe
may be somewhat clogged. I will contact New Hanover County to see who is
responsible for maintaining the drainage pipes under the Trail.
Additionally, as I was walking the Trail, I may have found the outlet pipe for Pond #1.
The approved plans show it angling off the outlet structure and going under the Trail,
ending approximately 20' beyond the edge of the Trail. I followed the Trail up to the
bridge where it crosses a stream. Off to the left, there was an 18"-24" concrete pipe
coming from the direction of the pond. You may want the surveyors to identify this pipe
and trace it back to its origin. If this is not the pond outlet pipe, it is most probable that it
is on the other side of the trail, where we did not look. You will want the surveyors to
verify_the_location_of.this pipe as well._—__.
Inspector: Linda Lewis
Water Quality/Wilmington Regional Office/(910}395-3900
ENB/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\INSPECT\950701.aug05
Page 3 of 5
Michael F. Easley, Governor
William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Y Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director
Division of Water Quality
July 22, 2005
Landfall Property Owner's Association
1749 Drysdale Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
Woodbridge & Parkstone at Landfall
Stormwater Project No. SW8 950701
New Hanover County
To Whom It May Concern:
Please find attached a copy of the completed form entitled "Stormwater Compliance Inspection
Report". The report summarizes the findings of a recent inspection of the project's stormwater
controls conducted on July 22, 2005 to determine compliance with Stormwater Permit Number
SW8 950701 issued on September 22, 1998.
The required actions that are necessary to bring this site into compliance are noted under
Section 4 of the report. Please inform this Office in writing before August 22, 2005, of the
specific actions that will be undertaken and the time frame that will be required to correct the
deficiencies. Failure to provide the requested information, when required, may initiate
enforcement action. If you have any questions please contact me at the Wilmington Regional
Office, telephone number (910) 796-7404.
Linda Lewis
Environmental Engineer II
ENBlarl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\INSPECT\950701.ju105
cc: Cape Fear Engineering _
Wilmington Regional Office
Linda Lewis
North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Phone (910) 7964215 Customer Servicel-877.623-6748
Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 FAX (910)350-2004 Internet: h2o.encstate.nc.us One
An Equal OpportunitylAffirmative Action Employer —50%Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper Nat((r!' i///
Project Name: Parkstone @Landfall
Project Number: 950701 Control Measure: 2 wet detention ponds
Water Body: Motts Channel Classification: SB #
Directions to site, address: Enter Landfall through the Eastwood Road Gate and
follow Pembroke Jones Drive. Turn right onto Verrazzano Drive, then turn right
onto Odyssey Drive, then turn right onto Hallmark.
2. Inspection Date: July 22, 2005
Weather Conditions: Hot & sunny, following several days of intermittant
heavy thundershowers.
3. Compliance Issues:
®❑ The drainage area (including offsite) and built -upon area to the permitted
system are per the approved plan.
(a)❑ ® All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that the
runoff drains to the system.
The outlet structure relative elevations are per the approved plan.
The inlets and outlet structure are located per the approved plans and do
not cause short-circuiting.
(b) A trash rack is provided over the outlet weir and orifice.
(c) All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation and are not eroding.
(d Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3:1.
O The approximate amount of permitted surface area has been provided.
O Required drawdown devices are correctly sized per the approved plans.
,O All required design depths are provided..
,O All required parts of the system are provided, such as a vegetated shelf,
and a forebay.
(e) The designer's certification has been submitted.
(f) The required deed restrictions are correctly recorded and submitted.
The number of lots or outparcels is per the permitted amount.
The built -upon area on the lots or outparcels does not exceed the
maximum amount (must be verified via as -built survey if in question)
® ® The built -upon area dimensions are per the approved plan.
(g)❑ Required maintenance is being performed.
OO These items must be verified via an as -built survey and the designer's
4Required Actions:-(Each-deficiency_is_. explained below and_what_needs_to_be
done to bring the systemac bk into compliance)
a. The grading of the 10' wide access road behind lots 14-16 allows runoff from
the backs of those lots to bypass the detention pond. This runoff may be
entering private property on the other side of the Summer Rest Nature Trail.
Please provide some type of barrier or curbing or regrade this area to provide
a means for this runoff to get into the pond, as required by the permit.
Page 2 of 5
b. The existence of a trash rack and orifice in Pond #1 could not be verified
because the outlet structure could not be located. It was either missing or
submerged. The orifice in the outlet structure for Pond #2 could not be
confirmed. It could not be seen due to the large amount of debris in and
around the structure. Please unclog both outlet structures and orifices to
restore proper function of the wet detention ponds.
c. The front slope of Pond #2 that backs up to Lots 12 and 13 off Hallmark Lane,
has been torn up and an attempt at stabilizing it with riprap and pinestraw was
made. All slopes above the permanent pool elevation (8.9 fmsl for Pond 2)
must be stabilized with permanent vegetation.
d. The front slope of Pond #2 is much steeper than the required 3:1. Please
regrade this slope to 3:1 and stabilize it with permanent vegetation.
e. The designer's certification is required by the permit, and certifies to the State
that the ponds contain the required surface areas, elevations, and orifice
sizes, and that the drainage area and built -upon areas are as allowed by the
permit. Please submit the required certification.
f. In order to function correctly, the design for each pond is based on a
maximum amount of built -upon area that can be handled. The permit requires
that deed restrictions be recorded which limit the built -upon area on a per lot
basis. Please submit a copy of the recorded deed restrictions.
g. Due to the debris -filled condition of the outlet structure for Pond #2, it does
not appear that these ponds are being maintained in accordance with the
permit, copy enclosed. The permit outlines the required maintenance items
and their frequency. Since the original developer, Ken Gebert, cannot be
located, maintenance responsibility must be borne by the ones who benefit
from this system, Woodbridge and Parkstone. Unless the Landfall POA takes
over this system, the Division will issue a Notice of Violation to Landfall for the
operation of a stormwater treatment system without a permit.
Inspector: Linda Lewis
Water Quality/Wilmington Regional Office/(910) 796-7404
ENB/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\INSPECT\950701.ju105
Page 3 of 5
Karl W. Miller
243 Beech Street
Wilmington, NC 28405
July 11, 2005
Ms. Linda Lewis
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, North Carolina 28405
Re: Woodbridge Subdivision, Landfall -Retention Pond and Drainage Violations
Dear Linda,
I have attempted to reach you via telephone on multiple occasions regarding the retention
pond and storm -water runoff flowing from the Woodbridge Subdivision of Landfall and
across the Summerest trail and onto my property located at 243 Beech Street, behind the:
Summerset Trail.
Woodbridge is not capturing all of their water in the mandated retention pond and has
installed an illegal culvert underneath the Summerest trail and dumping water onto my
property, located at 243 Beech Street.
Additionally, Woodbridge has not installed curbing and drainage to capture the water
runoff, which causes flash flooding across the Summerest Trail and onto my property as
I am requesting immediate relief from the substantial and storm water being dumped onto
my property. I request that the illegal culvert, which Woodbridge is utilizing to dump
storm water and other non -captured runoff onto my property, be immediately removed
and the water contained within the Woodbridge Retention Pond system.
Please contact me to discuss the resolution to this serious problem. If I do not hear from
you within the next 10 business days, my legal counsel will pursue all actions necessary
to protect my property and interest from these violations by Woodbridge and Landfall.
Sincere) ,
Karl W. Miller
cc: JC Hearne, Esq.
Rick Shiver, Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Beth Easley Wetherill, CPESC
Soil Erosion Specialist
Project Grading Permit
Project: B i7P
Person(s)Financially Re
Sw B q�olol-`"t-�E 1 New Hanover County ✓qN 2
Engineering Department 4PW
32004230 Market Place Drive - Su
Wilmington, North Carolina 28403
Email: bwetherill@nhcgov.com
Project Location:-.4c.
I. Pictures: Yes 6 #_ Weather & Soil Conditions: S(tin wty I'll
2..' Is site currently under Notice of Violation: Yes f
3. Is the site in compliance with NHC Soil Erosion & Sedithentation Control Ordinance? Yes ® Circle violations below:
4. Violations: (Circle letter)
(A) No approved plan. (B) Failure to follow approved plan. (C) Failure to submit revised plan.
(D) Failure to provide adequate ground cover. !' (E) Insufficient measures to retain sediment on site.
(F) Failure to take all reasonable measures. (G) Inadequate buffer zone. (Haded slopes & fills too steep.
(I) Unprotected exposed slopes Failure to maintain erosion control measures. (K) NPDES Problems
(L) Other (describe)
5. Has off -site sedimentation occurred since last inspection? Yes Degree: Slight Moderate Severe
6. Contact made with
Inspection report given/sent
7. Inspection Report sent to person(s) responsible: Date sent I ZI p
8. Corrective Actions Needed:
Report By:44A t tK A,�� -kr Date: Others present:_ MIA IAJP/r�(M
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:,pater Quality Section. m
327 Cardinal Drive Extension f'/}
Wilmington, NC 28405
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Mr. Ken Gebert, President le
Colony Coast Constractors, G.P. C
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Stale of North Carolina
Department of Environment
and Natural Resources
Wilmington Regional Office
James B. 11unt, Jr., Governor
Bill Holman, Secretary
Division of Waller Quality
September 26, 2000
Mr. Ken Gcbert, President
Colony Coast Constractors, G.P.
610 Gunston Lane
Wilmington, NC 28405
Parkstone a Landfall
Stormwater Project No. SW8 950701 Mod
New Hanover County
Dear Mr. Gebert:
Please find attached a copy of the completed form entitled "Stormwater Compliance Inspection Report".
The report summarizes the findings of a recent inspection of the project's stormwater controls conducted on
September 25, 2000 to determine compliance with the modification to Stormwater Permit Number SW8 950701
issued on September 22, 1998.
A summary of the findings and comments are noted under Section 6 of the report. Please inform this
Office in writing before October 26, 2000 of the specific actions that will be undertaken and the time frame
required to correct the deficiencies. Failure to provide the requested information, when required, may initiate
enforcement action. I f you have any questions please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone
number (910) 395-3900.
Linda Lewis
Environmental Engineer
cc: Perry Davis, P.E.
Central Files
Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Ih,. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 'telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper
I . Project Name: Parkstone @Landfall
Project Number: SW8 950701 Mod Control Measure: 2 wet detention ponds
Water Body: Wrightsville Beach Recreational Area Classification: SB4
Directions to site, address: Off Odyssey Drive at Hallmark Lane in Landfall
2. Inspection Date: September 25, 2000
Weather Conditions: Sunny and warm
3. Compliance Issues:
a. The Division's computer records indicate that a copy of the recorded deed restrictions was
submitted on October 18, 1998, but I am unable to locate them in the file.
b. Both ponds were overgrown with weedy vegetation and brush.
C. The layout of lots and streets does not appear to be in compliance with the permitted plans.
4. Required Actions:
a. Please submit another copy of the recorded deed restrictions.
b. Please perform the routine maintenance as provided in the permit and per the approved, signed
maintenance agreement.
C. Please submit a modification to the permit if the layout of the proposed streets and lots has
changed from what was permitted in 1998.
Inspector: Linda Lewis o--�
Water Quality/Wilmington Regional Office/(910) 395-3900
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment, Health, and Natural
Wilmington Regional Office
Ms. Margaret Gray
Landmark Developers, Inc.
Post Office Box 4127
Wilmington, North Carolina
Dear Ms. Gray:
October 15, 1996
Jonathan B. Howes
Woodbridge @Landfall
Stormwater Project No. SW8 950701
New Hanover County
Please find attached a copy of the completed form entitled "Stormwater Compliance Inspection
Report". The report summarizes the findings of a recent inspection of the project's stormwater controls
conducted on October 15, 1996 to determine compliance with Stormwater Certification Number SW8
950701 issued on November 28, 1995.
A summary of the findings and comments are noted under Section 6 of the report. Please inform
this Office in writing before November 15, 1996 of the specific actions that will be undertaken and the
time frame required to correct the deficiencies. Failure to provide the requested information, when
required, may initiate enforcement action. If you have any questions please contact me at the Wilmington
Regional Office, telephone number (910) 395-3900.
Linda Lewis
Environmental Engineer
cc: Phil Norris, P.E.
Central Files
Linda Lewis
127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
1. Project Name: Woodbridge aLandfall
Project Number: SW8 950701 Control Measure
Water Body: Motts Creek Classification:
Directions to site, address: In Landfall, off Oddyssey Drive.
2. Inspection Date: October 15, 1996
Weather Conditions: Cool, sunny
3. Comparison of Approved plans vs. As -Built: See comments below
4. Maintenance Problems:
Detention Pond
a. The pond has still not drawn down to the permanent pool level and it has been 6 days
without rainfall. It appears that more groundwater may be entering the pond than is leaving
and it is causing the pond to not draw down.
b. Some of the side slopes are eroded, and do not appear to be graded at 3:1..
5. PE Certification Received? NO Recorded Deed Restrictions Received? NO
Please have your engineer evaluate the draw down problem and recommend a solution to
this Office. If plan revisions are required, a fee of $385.00 will be required.
Repair/regrade slopes per the approved plans.
Provide the engineer's certification upon completion of pond construction, with any
conditions noted.
Provide a copy of the recorded deed restrictions, per the approved Exhibit A, copy attached.
The copy must include the date, deed book number and page.
Inspector: Linda Lewis
Water Quality/Wilmington Regional Office/(910) 395-3900
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources
Wilmington Regional Office
James B. Hunt, Jr. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Jonathan B. Howes
Governor WATER QUALM SECTION Secretary
October 10, 1996
Ms. Margaret Gray
Landmark Developers, Inc.
Post Office Box 4127
Wilmington, North Carolina 28406-4127
Woodbridge @Landfall
Stormwater Project No. SW8 950701
New Hanover County
Dear Ms. Gray:
Please fmd attached a copy of the completed form entitled "Stormwater Compliance Inspection
Report". The report summarizes the fmdings of a recent inspection of the project's stormwater controls
conducted on October 10, 1996 in response to a complaint and to determine compliance with Stormwater
Permit Number SW8 950701 issued on November 28, 1995.
A summary of the findings and comments are noted under Section 6 of the report.. Please inform
this Office in writing before November 12, 1996 of the specific actions that will be undertaken and the
time frame required to correct the deficiencies. Failure to provide the requested information, when
required, may initiate enforcement action. If you have any questions please contact me at. the Wibnington
Regional Office, telephone number (910) 395-3900.
/�� X .
Linda Lewis
Environmental Engineer
cc: Phil Norris, P.E:
Beth Easley
Central Files
Linda Lewis
127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004
Art Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
I. Project Name: Woodbridge @Landfall
Project Number: SW8 950701 Control Measure: Detention Pond
Water Body: Molts Creek Classification: SC
Directions to site, address: In Landfall, off Oddyssey drive.
2. Inspection Date: October 10, 1996
Weather Conditions: Cool, sunny
Comparison of Approved plans vs. As -Built:
Maintenance Problems:
See comments below
a. Complaints were received from 2 adjacent property owners, one concerning the
"continuous" outflow from Pond 2 across his property, and the other concerning some
flooding on his property that he links to uncontrolled runoff from the Pond 1 disturbed area.
b. The orifice for Pond 2 is not in place. The pond must have the storage volume available
above the permanent pool, and the pond must draw down within 5 days. By Monday, the
pond should cease discharging and be down to the permanent pool elevation of 8.9. Unless
additional Lain falls over the weekend, I will check the pond again on Monday.
C. The 24" pipe into the pond from the street is closed off, therefore, runoff from the disturbed
areas of Pond 2 is bypassing the pond and sediment laden runoff is entering the; stream and
leaving the site at the point where the outlet structure piping is located. By copy of this
letter to Beth Easley, I am requesting that the County inspect the site for possible erosion
control problems.
d. The approved plans have not been followed in the construction of the inlet piping to Pond
2. Both the inlet piping from the pond near Oddyssey Drive and the 24" pipe from the street
were supposed to be redirected away from the outlet so that short-circuiting would not
occur. This has not been done -the inlet enters the pond directly across from it.
PE Certification Received? NO Recorded Deed Restrictions Received? NO
Ms. Gray
Stormwater Permit No. 950701
October 10, 1996
a. To alleviate the nuisance condition created by the increased runoff from the site, please
consider rerouting Pond 2's discharge structure outlet piping toward the same discharge
point as the Executive Park pond next door and totally bypassing the neighbor's ,yard. The
invert of the outlet pipe is 5.0, which means that there is plenty of fall. In the case of the
other neighbor, simply constructing Pond 1 will probably alleviate the problem there, and
based on the stage of constriction, the digging of Pond 1 won't be long.
b. Put in the 1.5" orifice for Pond 2.
C. Open up the 24" pipe into the pond, (rerouted according to the approved plans) and provide
inlet protection at the last catch basin, silt fence and possibly a berm at the bottom of the
disturbed slope to direct runoff into the pond that doesn't get into the catch basin.
d. Redirect the inlet piping according to the approved plans.
Inspector: Linda Lewis
Water Quality/Wilmington Regional Office/(910) 395-3900