SW8 10 07 _(4
ZQZ2, 06 2$
Compliance Inspection Report
Permit: SW8100714 Effective:07126/21 Expiration: 12/31/29
Project: Great Neck Section II Regal Hill and Tinley Estates at Carolina Plantations
Owner: Carolina Plantation Development Corporation
County: Onslow Adress: Ramsey Rd
Region: Wilmington
City/State/Zip: Jacksonville NC 28540
Contact Person: Anthony W Sydes Title: President Phone: 910-455-6956
Directions to Project:
From US17 north, turn left onto Western Blvd, right onto Carolina Forest, proceed across Carolina Plantations Blvd., right onto
Sonoma Rd. Site begins at stream crossing.
Type of Project: State Stormwater - HD - Wetlands State Stormwater - HD - Detention Pond
Drain Areas: 1 - (Half Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( C,NSW)
2 - (Half Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( C,NSW)
3 - (Half Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) (C;NSW)
On -Site Representative(s):
Related Permits:
SW8100510 Carolina Plantation Development Corporation - Great Neck Section I Crc
Inspection Date: 06/28/2022 Entry Time 02:30PM Exit Time: 03:OOPM
Primary Inspector: Kelly Johnson
Secondary Inspector(s):
Reason for Inspection: Follow-up
Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater
Facility Status: 0 Compliant ❑ Not Compliant
Question Areas:
0 State Stormwater
(See attachment summary)
Phone: 910-796-7331
Inspection Type: Transfer Renewal
page 1
Permit: SVV8100714 Owner - Project: Carolina Plantation Development Corporation
Inspection Date: 06/28/2022 Inspection Type Transfer Renewal
Reason for Visit:
Inspection Summary:
File review inspection.
File Review
Is the permit active?
❑ ❑ ❑
Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file?
❑ ❑ ❑
Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file?
❑ ❑ ❑
Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file?
❑ ❑ ❑
Comment: The engineer has confirmed that the certifications are final certifications
Built Upon Area Yes No NA NE
Is the site BUA constructed as per the permit and approval plans? E ❑ ❑ ❑
Is the drainage area as per the permit and approved plans? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
Is the BUA (as permitted) graded such that the runoff drains to the system? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
Comment: Impervious area per lot data has been submitted.
SW Measures Yes No NA NE
Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans? N ❑ ❑ ❑
Are the inlets located per the approved plans? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans? E ❑ ❑ ❑
Operation and Maintenance Yes No NA NE
Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or ❑ ❑ ❑
provided to DWQ upon request?
page 2
t , L
Compliance Inspection Report
Permit: SW8100714 Effective:07/26/21 Expiration: 12/31/29
Project: Great Neck Section II Regal Hill and Tinley Estates at Carolina Plantations
Owner: Carolina Plantation Development Corporation
County: Onslow Adress: Ramsey Rd
Region: Wilmington
City/State/Zip: Jacksonville NC 28540
Contact Person: Anthony W Sydes Title: President Phone: 910-455-6956
Directions to Project:
From US17 north, turn left onto Western Blvd, right onto Carolina Forest, proceed across Carolina Plantations Blvd., right onto
Sonoma Rd. Site begins at stream crossing.
Type of Project: State Slormwater - HD - Wetlands State Stormwaler - HD - Detention Pond
Drain Areas: 1 - (Half Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( C;NSW)
2 - (Half Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( C,NSW)
3 - (Half Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( C;NSW)
On -Site Representative(s):
Related Permits:
SW8100510 Carolina Plantation Development Corporation - Great Neck Section I Crc
Inspection Date: 02/25/2022 Entry Time 10:45AM Exit Time: 11:30AM
Primary Inspector: Connor Musial
Secondary Inspector(s):
Kelly Johnson
Reason for Inspection: Follow-up
Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwaler
Facility Status: ❑ Compliant 0 Not Compliant
Question Areas:
State Slormwater
(See attachment summary)
Inspection Type: Transfer Renewal
page 1
Permit: SW8100714 Owner - Project: Carolina Plantation Development Corporation
Inspection Date: 02/25/2022 Inspection Type Transfer Renewal Reason for Visit: Follow-up
Inspection Summary:
The field inspection is compliant. Administrative items are needed.
File Review
Is the permit active?
Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file?
Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file?
Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file?
Comment: The final certification is needed.
Built Upon Area
Is the site BUA constructed as per the permit and approval plans?
Is the drainage area as per the permit and approved plans?
Is the BUA (as permitted) graded such that the runoff drains to the system?
Comment: Impervious area per lot is needed.
SW Measures
Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans?
Are the inlets located per the approved plans?
Yes No NA NE
❑ ■❑❑
• ❑❑❑
• ❑ ❑ ❑
Yes No NA NE
❑ ❑ ❑
Yes No NA NE
Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■
Comment: Pond 1 and the wetland are constructed appropriately. Pond 2 is pending the final certification
Operation and Maintenance Yes No NA NE
Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements? N ❑ ❑ ❑
Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or ❑ ❑ ❑
provided to DWQ upon request?
Comment: The stormwater wetland has been maintained since the previous inspection. Both ponds are in
page 2
Post -Construction State Stormwater Inspection Request
To: l oNN
On: ala31 �a
Return to:
Project Name: �\\ ,
Permit No: S W % J OCnkl
Expiration Date:
Contact Person:
Phone H/email:
n Type:
Frans erl 'ont lia,n
Inspection Date: re%ruGr Z5 ZOZZ
Time In lt� y5a
Time ut //j 300,
Current Weather:
Recent Rain (Date)?
Rain — in
Permit Type: (circle one) High (HD) Low (LD) offsite
Stormwater Control Measure(s) (SCMs) (insert number of each):
_Wet Ponds Infiltration Basins _Infiltration Trenches LD Swales _Stormwater Wetlands
_Dry Ponds Bioretention _Permeable Pavement Sand filters (circle one) Open Closed
_Cistern _Level Spreader/Filter Strip Other (specify):
Notes or any areas to focus on:
t - w ek\UMa
File Review
Yes No NIA N/E
I. Is the permit active?
2. Signed Engineer's Certification on file? O tw, 4E
3. Signed Operation and Maintenance agreement on file?
4. Recorded Deed Restrictions on file?
Site Visit: Built Upon Area (BUAI
Yes No N/A N/E
5. 13UA is constructed and consistent with the permit requirements?
6. BUA as 'noitted is graded such that the runoff drains to the system? (high densityonl
7. Draina �e area is consistent withpermit? i.e. no un ermitted drainage to the SW BMPs
S. Drainaee area is stabilized? (to reduce risk of sedimentation to the SW BMPs)
Site Visit: Stormwater BMPs
9. Stormwater BMPs are located per 0
10. Stormwater BMPs have dimensions
Site Visit: Operation and Maintenance
Yes No N/A N/E
Yes No N/A N/E
r 12. Access points to life site are clear and well maintained?
13. Trash has been removed as needed?
14. Excessive landscape debris(grass clippings, leaves etc is controlled?
15. Stormwater BMPs being operated and maintained as per the permit requirements?
16. Inspection and Maintenance records are available for inspection? (high density only, 1995 — present only)
Yes No N/A N/E
Yes No N/A N/E
State Stormwater Inspection Repon, Version 3.2_2022 02 Page 1 of 2
Post -Construction State Stormwater Inspection Request
Inspection Pictures (some of the pictures taken during the site visit)
Compliance Status dcompliant ❑ Non -Compliant
Letter Sent (circle one): Yes No Letter type: CEI NOV NOVRE Other
Date Sent: Reference Number:
Inspector: Date: — 2 8(ZGZ7-
(note for Inspector: If a transfer inspection, is follow-up needed for the ESC approval or the NCG010000 COC as well?)
State Stormwater Inspection Report, Version 3.2_2022 02 Page 2 of 2
Compliance Inspection Report
Permit: SW8100714 Effective: 07/26/21 Expiration: 12/31/29
Project: Great Neck Section II Regal Hill and Tinley Estates at Carolina Plantations
Owner: Carolina Plantation Development Corporation
County: Onslow Adress: Ramsey Rd
Region: Wilmington
City/State/Zip: Jacksonville NC 28540
Contact Person: Anthony W Sydes Title: President Phone:910-455-6956
Directions to Project:
From US17 north, turn left onto Western Blvd, right onto Carolina Forest, proceed across Carolina Plantations Blvd., right onto
Sonoma Rd. Site begins at stream crossing.
Type of Project: State Stormwater - HD - Wetlands State Stormwater - HD - Detention Pond
Drain Areas: 1 - (Half Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) (C;NSW)
2 - (Half Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( C;NSW)
3 - (Flalf Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( C;NSW)
On -Site Represeritetive(s)
Related Permits:
SW8100510 Carolina Plantation Development Corporation - Great Neck Section I Crc
Inspection Date: 09/21/2021 Entry Time 12:OOPM Exit Time: 02:15PM
Primary Inspector: Connor Musial
Secondary Inspector(s):
Kelly Johnson
Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Transfer Renewal
Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater
Facility Status: ❑ Compliant N Not Compliant
Question Areas:
N State Stormwater
(See attachment summary)
page 1
Permit: SW8100714 Owner - Project: Carolina Plantation Development Corporation A
Inspection Date: 09/21/2021 Inspection Type Transfer Renewal Reason for Visit: Routine
File Review Yes No NA NE
Is the permit active? E ❑ ❑ ❑
Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file? ❑ IN ❑ ❑
Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑
Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑
Comment: The final Pond 2 certification is needed.
Tinley Estates Deed Restrictions are needed.
Built Upon Area Yes No NA NE
Is the site BUA constructed as per the permit and approval plans? ❑ ❑ ❑ 0
Is the drainage area as per the permit and approved plans? ❑ ❑ ❑
Is the BUA (as permitted) graded such that the runoff drains to the system? ❑ ❑ ❑ E
Comment: Impervious data per lot is needed.
SW Measures Yes No NA NE
Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans? ❑ ❑ ❑
Are the inlets located per the approved plans? ❑ ❑ ❑
Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans? ❑ ❑ ❑ IN
Comment: Pond 1 and the wetland are constructed appropriately. Pond 2 is pending the final certification.
Operation and Maintenance Yes No NA NE
Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑
Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or ❑ ❑ ❑
provided to DWQ upon request?
Comment: The stormwater wetland needs to be maintained. There is trash and debris in the swale and
wetland. The outlet structure has failed. There are pipes (downspouts) to the wetland and a
fence in the ROW is limiting access to the wetland.
page 2
State Stormwater Inspection Request on
ranaral Please Return to
Project Name: Ce
Permit No: SW8 l0ol
Expiration Date:
Contact Person:
Phone Number:
Inspection Type:
Inspection Date: tam r 2 G.Z
Time In: I'Z • ^ P
Time Out: 2 • (rj F
Current Weather:
Recent Rain (Date)?
Rain — in
I Facility Address / Location: I City: I County:
Permit Information
Density (circle on(,,): High (HD) Low (LD)
Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) (in. erl number of each):
_Wet Ponds _Infiltration Basins Infiltration Trenches LD Swales _Stormwater Wetlands
_Dry Ponds Bioretention _Permeable Pavement _Sand filters (circle one) Open Closed
_Cistern _Level Spreader/Filter Strip Other (spec):
Notes or any areas to focus on:
Files Reviaw
I[--1•zG7L, i! h4
I. Is the permit active?
2. Signed Engineer's Certification on file?
3. Signed Operation and Maintenance agreement on file?
4. Recorded Deed Restrictions on file?
c:a.. v:.. a. n..:u t twww n..,., iot tnt
5. 177 is constructed and consistent with the Permit requirements?
6. 13UA aspermitted) is graded such that the runoff drains to the system? high density onl
7. Drainage area is consistent withpermit? i.e. no un ermitted drainage to the SW BMPs
8. Drainage a
i ✓
4ifa Vicif• Sfnrmwafar RMPc Yee kin N/A NIF
9. Stormwater 13MPs are located per the approvedplans?
10. Stormwater BMPs have dimensions e . length, width, area matching the approvedplans?
11. Stormwater BMPs are constructed per the approvedplans?
Site Vicif• nnornfinn and Mainfennnea Yes Nn NIA N/F
12. Access oints to the site are clear and well maintained?
13. Trash has been removed as needed?
14. Excessive landscape debris(grass clippings, leaves etc is controlled?
15. Stormwater BMPs being operated and maintained as per the permit requirements?
16. Inspection and Maintenance records are available for inspection? hi =h density only,1995 —present only)
Yes No
State Stormm aer Inspection Report. Version 3.1_2021 02 Page I of 2
State Stormwater Inspection Request
TWo po•nnk refci,'rs ar- Cr,�'ck�. Sfor" wc'Jeti- wr-�'�a.rr.� renn,:ns ori,of ce"Pk', C—
Add, 6. 1 I pej)e5 Frc,%i V�c...e owners arc PrcSe�� Tr4sM a....( CS C�or�sw;}�.i.. (- $CNS.
�rCC rfj 1`p ft" :9-p" .`s It....'k.,{ d.UC +c-F...ib.'� 1'.. �L. 26rn>, OJtcl-
of the oictures taken during the site
CA'\`1-R�LCa�Con.wr� .riCloQ Pi'c�rs\Cr.rol:ny �I.wMi'g1'+Ln SW�cI.ZI�ZI
Compliance Status ❑ Compliant LK Non -Compliant
Letter Sent (circle one): Yes No Letter type: CEI NOV NOVRE Other
Date Sent: Reference Number:
Inspector Name and Signature: Date: Oe }er• , Z�Z I
State Stormwater Inspection Report. Version 3.1_2021 02 Page 2 of 2
September 12, 2019
Environmental Quality
Carolina Plantation Development Corporation
ATTN: Anthony Sydes, President
PO Box 7122
Jacksonville, NC 28540
Subject: Notice of Inspection
Bristol Heights of Carolina Plantations
SW8 120710
Ryker Trace Section 11 at Carolina Plantations
ISW8-100714D Great Neck 11, Regal Hill, Tinley Estates at Carolina Plantations
SW8 111212
Ryker Trace Section I at Carolina Plantations
SW8 100510
Great Neck 1, Crown Park, The Burroughs at Carolina Plantations
SW8 101 1 10
Monarch Meadow at Carolina Plantation
Dear Mr. Sydes:
On September 11, 2019, the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land
Resources (DEMLR) was contacted by the HOA to check on the status of the maintenance items that
were due on September 6, 2019. The DEMLR has not received notification that this has been
addressed. Please find enclosed:
1. The May 6, 2019 letter containing the inspection detailing what needs to be done,
2. The July 16, 2019 email discussing the September 6, 2019 due date, and
3. The August 28, 2019 return letter also discussing the September 6, 2019 due date.
Please inform this Office in writing before October 14, 2019 of the specific actions that will be
undertaken and the time frame that will be required to correct the deficiencies, including an
anticipated completion date. This due date corresponds with the recommended planting season
Please act now so that you do not miss the window to adequately grow vegetation. If this is not
addressed, a Notice of Deficiency will be issued on Tuesday, October 15, 2019, which will begin the
permit violation enforcement process.
Failure to provide the requested information, or to respond to this letter with a plan of action,
including a timeline to resolve the identified deficiencies, by October 14, 2019, are considered
violations of the permit. If the requested information is not submitted to this office by the due date,
then DEMLR staff will re -inspect the site and may issue a Notice of Violation. Please also note that
any individual or entity found to be in noncompliance with the provisions of a stormwater
management permit or the stormwater rules is subject to enforcement action as set forth in NCGS
143 Article 21, including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day.
D_E Q5 Nurth Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Wilmington Regional Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington. North Carolina 28405
moor rx o
If you have any questions, please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number '
(910)-796-7331 or via email at kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov.
Kelly Johnson
Environmental Engineer
Enclosure: 5/6/19 Letter
7/16/19 Email
8/28/19 Letter
GDS\kpj: \\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\20I I\110615 HD\2019 09 CEI
deficient 110615
\\\StormwaterAPermits & Projects\2012\120710 HD\2019 09 CEI deficient 120710
\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2010\100714 HD\2019 09 CEI
deficient 100714
\\\StormwaterAPermits & Projects\201 1\1 11212 HD\2019 09 CEI
deficient 111212
\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2010\100510 HD\2019 09 CEI
deficient 100510
\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\20 10\101 110 HD\2019 09 CEI
deficient 101110
Cameron VanOrsdel (via email only, cameron@pre miermanagementnc.com)
Leah Quinn, (via email only, leahquinn@sydescommunities.com)
Richard Muni, PLS, Parker & Associates (via email only, office@parkerjacksonville.com)
WiRO Stormwater Permit File, SW8 110615
WiRO Stormwater Permit File, SW8 120710
WiRO Stormwater Permit File, SW8 100714
WiRO Stormwater Permit File, SW8 111212
WiRO Stormwater Permit File, SW8 100510
WiRO Stormwater Permit File, SW8 101110
Interim Director
EnN WurMr al Quality
-Ct-i�-KU57 Rom
I�Rcv�s �Ev��,J
May 6, 2019
Carolina Plantation Development Corporation
ATTN: Anthony Sydes, President
PO Box 7122
Jacksonville, NC 28540
Subject: Notice of Inspection — Request for Additional Information
SW8 110615 Bristol Heights of Carolina Plantations
SW8 120710 Ryker Trace Section 11 at Carolina Plantations
(SW8 100714D Great Neck Q, Regal Hill, Tinley Estates at Carolina Plantations
SW871-1212 Ryker Trace Section I at Carolina Plantations
SW8 100510 Great Neck 1, Crown Park, The Burroughs at Carolina Plantations
SW8 101110 Monarch Meadow at Carolina Plantation
Onslow County
Dear Mr. Sydes:
After receiving State Stormwater Permit Transfer Applications for the subject projects on February 25,
2019, the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR)
inspected the subject projects on April 9, 2019. They are located in Carolina Plantation in Onslow
1. FICA Information Needed: The latest data for the HOA online with the NC Secretary of State is
from 2011. Please submit the meeting minutes showing current HOA President's name and
contact information. (The transfer applications were not signed by the incoming permittee,
Carolina Plantations Owners Association. They are all signed by the current permittee, Anthony
Sydes, the President of Carolina Plantation Development Corporation.)
2. Impervious Area per Lot: Each permit contains the following language, "The permittee is
responsible for the routine monitoring of the project for compliance with the built -upon area
limits, grading, and the storm drainage system established by this permit, the permit documents,
the approved plans, and the recorded deed restrictions. " I understand that there was some
confusion about the necessity of monitoring/tracking the impervious area that has been
constructed on each lot. Since there is not a spreadsheet tracking impervious area that has been
constructed, we will have to identify an alternate path forward. Please determine the impervious
area constructed on 10% of the homes (the larger homes) in each permit per county records or
other means in order to demonstrate that the homes have been constructed within the appropriate
allocations. Please submit a summary with your resubmittal.
q Lots 10%
SW8 100714
SW8 111212
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Wilmington Regional Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington. North Carolina 28405
^�+ 910.796,7215
State Stormwater Permit No.
SW8 110615, SW8 120710, SW8 100714, SW8 111212, SW8 100510, and SW8 1011104
Page 2 of 10
Inspection Findings per Permit: Each attachment contains three components; a summary, a
Compliance Inspection Report, and associated pictures.
a. Attachment A: SW8 110615, Bristol Heights of Carolina Plantations
b. Attachment B: SW8 120710, Ryker Trace Section II at Carolina Plantations
c. Attachment C: SW8 100714, Great Neck 11, Regal Hill, Tinley Estates at Carolina
d. Attachment D: SW8 111212, Ryker Trace Section I at Carolina Plantations
e. Attachment E: SW8 100510, Great Neck I, Crown Park, The Burroughs at Carolina
f. Attachment F: SW8 101110, Monarch Meadow at Carolina Plantations
4. Modifications: There are some items which may require permit modification(s) before the
transfer can be issued. If this comes up, please contact me so that we can discuss the path
Please be advised that as the permittee, you are required to comply with the terms, conditions and
limitations of the Stormwater Management Permit under Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code
2H .1003 and North Carolina General Statute 143-214.7, including the operation and maintenance of the
permitted stormwater system.
Please respond by June 6, 2019. Please also note that any individual or entity found to be in
noncompliance with the provisions of a stormwater management permit or the stormwater rules is subject
to enforcement action as set forth in NCGS 143 Article 21, including the assessment of civil penalties of
up to $25,000 per day.
If you have any questions, please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910)-
796-7331 or via email at kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov.
Kelly Johnson
Environmental Engineer
enclosures: Attachments A-F summarizing each permit
Attachments A-F, pictures and diagrams
Compliance Inspection Reports
Excel File (emailed to your engineer)
GDS\kpj: \\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2011\1 10615 HD\2019 04 addinfo 110615
\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2012\120710 HD\2019 04 addinfo 120710
\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2010\100714 HD\2019 04 addinfo 100714
\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2011\1 11212 HD\2019 04 addinfo 1 l 1212
\\\Storm water\Permits & Projects\2010\100510 HD\2019 04 addinfo 100510
\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2010\101110 HD\2019 04—addinfo 101110
cc: Richard Muni, PLS, Parker & Associates
PO Box 976, Jacksonville, NC 28541-0976
WiRO Stormwater Permit File, SW8 110615
WiRO Stormwater Permit File, SW8 120710
WiRO Stormwater Permit File, SW8 100714
WiRO Stormwater Permit File, SW8 1 t 1212
WiRO Stormwater Permit File, SW8 100510
WiRO Stormwater Permit File, SW8 t01 l 10
State Stormwater Permit No.
SW8 110615, SW8 120710, SW8 100714, SW8 111212, SW8 100510, and SW8 101110
Page 5 of 10
Attachment C • Permit Transfer, SW8100714
1. Most Recent Issue Date: 215115
2. Expiration Date: 12/31/21 (Extension Previously Granted)
3. Session Law 2011-256: Transfer to HOAs
a. 50% lots are sold to individuals? Yes
b. Common area transferred to HOA?
i. Please submit the common area deeds showing that the HOA owns them.
ii. What are the book/page numbers of the following common area deeds for this permit?
1. Common area, Great Neck Sec2A:
2. Common area, Great Neck Sec2B (Deed #1):
3. Common area, Great Neck Sec2B (Deed #2):
4. Common area, Regal Hill:
5. Common area, Tinley (Deed #1):
6. Common area, Tinley (Deed #2):
c. Permit is in compliance?
i. File Review:
1. Deed Restrictions: The permit lists "Great Neck Section II", but it appears that it should
have been "Great Neck Section IIB". Please confirm. If this is the case, I will issue a
correction with the transfer.
a. Permit:
i. Great Neck Section II (Lots 142-231): 4,500 sf; (90 lots)
ii. Regal Hill (Lots 247-274): 3,500 sf; (28lots)
iii. Tinley Estates (Lots 1-23): 4,500 sf (23 lots)
b. Recorded: Great Neck Section II was included in the summary, but it does not
appear to have been included in the permit. Please clarify which permit
Section IIA is permitted under.
i. Great Neck Section II
1. Section IIA (Lots 166.199): 4,500sf (34 lots)
2. Section IIB (Lots 142-231): 4,500sf (90lots)
ii. Regal Hill (Lots 247.274): 3,500 sf; (28lots)
iii. Tinley Estates (Lots 1-23): Please submit these restrictions.
2. 0&M on file: Yes
3. PE Certifications: Both certifications were completed in 2014. But, the permit was
modified in 2015. That modification does not appear to have changed the design of the
systems. However, both certifications have the item, "The drainage area to the system
contains no more than the permitted amount of built -upon area." This element of the
certification was changed in 2015. Please submit the updated certifications.
a. Two Wet Pond
i. On File? Yes
ii. Deviations? No
iii. Date: 9/17/14
iv. After Most Recent Permit? No
b. One Stormwater Wetland
i. On File? Yes
ii. Deviations? No
iii. Date: 11/14/14
iv. After Most Recent Permit? No
ii. BUA/Lot Summary
1. Number of Lots in Permit: 141
2. Number of Lots in Summary: 141 (plus six common areas)
State Stonnwater Pennit No.
SW8 110615, SW8 120710, SW8 100714, SW8 111212, SW8 100510, and SW8 101110
Page 6 of 10
4. Field Inspection, 4/9/19:
a. BUA:
i. Great Neck Section II: The built upon area appears to be consistent with the approved plan.
ii. Regal Hill: The built upon area appears to be consistent with the approved plan.
iii. Tinley Estates: The built upon area appears to be consistent with the approved plan.
b. SW Measures:
i. Great Neck Section II: Additional catch basins and pipes have been installed not shown on the
approved plan. (Digital flies emailed by the Engineer on 4/15/2019 show the additional catch
basins and pipes). Please address this discrepancy.
ii. Regal Hill: The stormwater measures appear to be constructed in accordance with the approved
iii. Tinley Estates: The stormwater measures appear to be constructed in accordance with the
approved plans.
C. 0&M:
i. Great Neck Section ll: A large hole has formed next to the manhole over near the stormwater
wetlands. The outlet structures of wet detention basin #1 and #2 lack riprap aprons and require
repairs. The orifice of the stormwater wetlands appear to be clogged and the wetland vegetation is
absent in some areas. Please maintain these items.
ii. Regal Hill: Measures appear to be maintained.
iii. Tinley Estates: Measures appear to be maintained.
Compliance Inspection Report
Permit: SW8100714 Effective: 02/05/15 Expiration: 12131121
Project: Great Neck Section II Regal Hill and Tinley Estates at Carolina Plantations
Owner: Carolina Plantation Development Corporation
County: Onslow Across: Ramsey Rd
Region: Wilmington
CitylStatelZip: Jacksonville NC 28540
Contact Person: Anthony W Sydes Title: President Phone: 910-455-6956
Directions to Project:
From US17 north, turn left onto Western Blvd, born onto Carolina Forest, proceed across Carolina Plantations Blvd., right onto
Sonoma Rd. Site begins at stream crossing.
Type of Project: State Slormwater- HD -Wetlands State Slormwaler - HD - Detention Pond
Drain Areas: 1 - (Half Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( C;NS1M
2 - (Half Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( C,NSW)
3 - (Half Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( C;NSW)
On -Site Represer ive(s):
Related Permits:
SW8100510 Carolina Plantation Development Corporation - Great Neck Section I Crown Part/
Inspection Date: 04/10/2019 Entry Time: 10:25AM Exit Time: 02:40PM
Primary Inspector: Holley A Snider � Phone: 919-796-7315
Secondary Inspectogs):
Reason for Inspection: Other Inspection Type: Transfer Renewal
Permit Inspection Type: State Slormwater
Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant
Question Areas:
Slate Slormwater
(See attachment summary)
page. 1
Permit: SV/8100714 Owner - Project: Carolina Plantation Development Corporation
Inspection Dale: 04/10/2019 Inspection Type Transfer Renewal Reason for Visit: Other
File Review
Is the permit active?
Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file?
Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Aoreement is in the file?
Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file?
Built Upon Area
Is the site BUA constructed as per the permit and approval plans?
Is the drainage area as per the permit and approved plans?
Is the BUA (as permitted) graded such that the runoff drains to the system?
Comment Great Neck Section II The built upon area appears to be consistent with the approved plan
Regal Hill The built upon area appears to be consistent with the approved plan
Tinley Estates: The built upon area appears to be consistent with the approved plan
SW Measures
Are the StV measures constructed as per the approved plans?
Are the inlets located per the approved plans?
Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans?
Comment: Great Neck Section II : additional catch basins and pipes have been installed not shown on the
Yes No NA NE
❑ ❑❑■
Yes No NA NE
Yes No NA NE
❑ 11 ❑ ❑
approved plan. (digital files emailed by the Enoineer on 4/15/2019 show the additional catch basins and
Regal Hill . the stormwater measures appear to be constructed in accordance with the approved plans
Tinley Estates: the stormwater measures appear to be constructed in accordance with the aproved
Operation and Maintenance Yes No NA NE
Are the SkV measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑
Are the SW Btv1P inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or provided to ❑ ❑ ❑
DWO upon request? -
Comment: Great Neck Section II : a large hole has formed next to the manhole over near the stormwater wetlands
The outlet structures of wet detention basin #1 and #2 lack riprap aprons and require repairs The orifice
of the stormwater wetlands appear to be clogged and the wetland vegetation is absent in some areas
Regal Hill : measures appear to be maintained
Tinley Estates : measures appear to be maintained
Other Permit Conditions Yes No NA NE
Is the site compliant with other conditions of the permit? ❑ ❑ ❑
page 2
Permit: SW8100714 Owner - Project: Carolina Plantation Development Corporation
Inspection Dale: 04MO12010 Inspection Type Transfer Renewal Reason for Visit: Other
Other WQ Issues
Is the site compliant with other water quality issues as noted during the inspection?
Yes No NA NE
pace: 3
State Stormwater Inspection Report
Project Name:
Permit No: SWS
Contact Person:
Phone Number:
Inspection Type:
Inspection Date: ��
Time 1n:
Time Out:
Current Weather:
Recent Rain (Date)?
Rain — in
LFacility Address / Location:
City: li Zip: County: I Lat ° "ti Long: - " W
Permit Information
Rule Subject to (circle one):
1988 Coastal Rule '
1995 Coastal Rule
2008 Coastal Rule Session Law 2006-246
Goose Creek
High Quality Waters
Outstanding Resource Waters
Density (circle one):
High (IID) Low (LD)
Stormwater Best Management
Practices (BMPs) (insert
number of each).
Infiltration Basins
Infiltration Trenches
_LD Swales _Stormwater Wetlands
Permeable Pavement
_Sand filters (circle one) Open Closed
Level Spreader/Filter Strip
Other (specify):
Yes No N/A N/E
r IIC'NvG.
1. is the petimit active?
2 Signed Engineer's Certification on file? —'j YD
3. Signed Operation and Maintenance agreement on file? r
I d RPrnrrlPA T)PPd RP..ctrictinns nn file?__-
n,nA P a A 11 6 Y.. Nn NIA N/E,
JRU Vlblr- Dunn UPU11 r. ca 1 i ptp_�.n• - • v - -
5. 13UA is constructed and consistent with the permit requirements?
6. 13UA as permitted is giaded such that the runoff drains to the system? (high density only)
7. Drainage area is consistent withpermit? i.e. no un ermitted drainage to the SW BMPs)
S. Draina e area is stabilized? to reduce risk of sedimentation to the SW BMPs
I l
oano.. _. Yes No NIA NIE -,
J.Le VISIL: J G'll ..a 0 u -
9. Stormwater BMPs are located per the approvedplans?
10 Stormwater BMPs have dimensions (eg length width area) matching the approved plans?
11 Stormwater BMPs are constructed per the approved plans?
12. Access oints to the site are clear and well maintained?
13. Trash has been removed as needed?
14, Excessive landscape debris (grass clippings, leaves, etc) is controlled?
15, Stormwater BMPs being operated and maintained as pez the permit requirements?
16. Inspection and Maintenance records are available for ins ection? (high density only, 1995 — resent only).
Site Visit: Other Permit Conditions Yes No N/A N/E
17. is the site compliant with other conditions of the permit? —
Site Visit: Other Water Quality Issues Yes No N/A NIE,
13 1s the site compliant with other water quality issues as noted during the inspection? J
State Stormwater Inspection Report, Version 3.0_3-09 Page 1 of 2
State Stormwater Inspection Report
Inspection Pictures (some of the pictures taken during the site visit)
Compliance Status ❑ Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant
Letter Sent (circle one): Yes No Letter type: CEI NOV NOVRE Other
Date Sent: Reference Number
Inspector Name and Signature
State StOTTEWater Inspection Report, Version 3,03-09 Page 2 of 2
Permit Transfer, SW8100714
K. Johnson Notes Date: 3/20/19
1. Most Recent Issue Date:
2. Expiration Date:
3. Current Permittee:
a. SoS, Active?:
b. SoS, Current Person:
c. Original Signature w/Signature Authority?
4. Proposed Permittee:
a. SoS, Active?:
b. SoS, Current Person:
c. Original Signature w/Signature Authority?
5. Transfers:
a. Session Law 2011-256: Transfer to HOAs
i. 50% lots are sold to individuals?:
ii. Common area transferred to HOA?
iii. Permit is in compliance?
1. File Review:
a. Deed Restrictions:
b. 0&M:
2/5/15 (BUA data written in sentences..???!!!)
12/31/21 (extension already granted)
Carolina Plantation Development Corporation
Anthony Sydes, President
Carolina Plantations Owners Association
Latest online is from 2011. Need:
Meeting Minutes showing Current President
Name & Contact Information for Current President
Not signed by current permittee
Summary Needed
Common Area Deeds Needed
KJ to Check
KJ to Check
c. PE Cert KJ to Check
2. BUA/Lot Summary Summary Needed
3. Field Inspection: TBD
b. 2/27/19 Email to Engineer: I noticed that there is only one list of owners for all six permits. I also don't see lists of constructed
impervious area per lot? I just wanted to give you a heads up that I will be asking for a list of lot numbers, owners, impervious
area constructed, maximum BUA per lot, and the exact Book/Page where the deed restrictions are recorded for each of the six
permits. For instance, since SW8110615 has 207 lots, I need to have just those 207 lots on the list for that permit transfer so
that I can verify that that permit has sold at least 50% of the lots per the regulations for transferring to HOAs. This is a
suggested format. (If there are lot numbers that repeat in different sections of the same permit you may also want to add the
phase or other identifying name.)
6. Field Inspection:
a. Inspector:
b. Date:
c. Issues/Actions Needed:
Compliance Inspection Report
Permit: SW8100714 Effective: 02/05/15 Expiration: 12/31/21
Project: Great Neck Section II Regal Hill and Tinley Estates at Carolina Plantations
Owner: Carolina Plantation Development Corporation
County: Onslow Adress: Ramsey Rd
Region: Wilmington
City/State/Zip: Jacksonville NC 28540
Contact Person: Anthony W Sydes Title: President Phone: 910-455-6956
Directions to Project:
From US17 north, turn left onto Western Blvd, right onto Carolina Forest, proceed across Carolina Plantations Blvd., right onto
Sonoma Rd. Site begins at stream crossing.
Type of Project: State Slormwater- HD - Wetlands State Stormwater - HD - Detention Pond
Drain Areas: 1 - (Half Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( C;NSV✓)
2 - (Half Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( C;NSW)
3 - (Half Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( C;NSW)
On -Site Representative(s):
Related Permits:
SW8100510 Carolina Plantation Development Corporation - Great Neck Section I Crown Part/
Inspection Date: 09/11/2019 Entry Time: 03:OOPM Exit Time: 04:30PM
Primary Inspector: Kelly Johnson Phone: 910-796-7331
Secondary Inspector(s):
Kelly Johnson
Reason for Inspection: Follow-up Inspection Type: Transfer Renewal
Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater
Facility Status: ❑ Compliant Not Compliant
Question Areas:
■ Stale Slormwater
(See attachment summary)
page: 1
Permit: Sw8100714 Owner - Project: Carolina Plantation Development Corporation
Inspection Dale: 09/11/2019 Inspection Type Transfer Renewal Reason for Visit: Fallow -up
File Review
Is the permit active?
Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file?
Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file?
Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file?
Comment: File review only. See letter. Inspection to document that they didn't respond
Yes No NA NE
❑ ❑ ❑
❑ 110
❑ ❑ ❑
page: 2
F �
Compliance Inspection Report
Permit: SW8100714 Effective: 10/13/10 Expiration: 10/13/20 Owner: Carolina Plantation Development Corporation
Project: Great Neck Section II Regal Hill and Future
County: Onslow Multi Family Section at Carolina Plantations
Ramsey Rd
Region: Wilmington
Jacksonville NC 28540
Contact Person: Anthony W Sydes Title: President
Directions to Project:
From US17 north, turn left onto Western Blvd, right onto Carolina Forest, proceed across Carolina Plantations Blvd., right onto Sonoma
Rd. Site begins at stream crossing.
Type of Project: State Stormwater - HD - Detention Pond State Stormwater - HD - Wetlands
Drain Areas: 1 - (Half Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( C;NSW)
2 - (Half Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( C;NSW)
3 - (Half Moon Creek) (03-05-02 ) ( C;NSW)
On -Site Representative(s):
Related Permits:
Inspection Date: 11/22/2010
Primary Inspector: David W Cox
Secondary Inspector(s):
Reason for inspection: Other
Entry Time: 12:15 PM
Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater
Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant
Question Areas:
■ Other
(See attachment summary)
Exit Time: 12:40 PM
Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Page: 1
Permit: SW8100714 Owner - Protect: Carolina Plantation Development Corporation
Inspection Date: 11/22/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Other
Inspection Summary:
The majority of the project is under construction and at the time of the inspections they were starting the process for
bringing the collection system on line.
Yes No NA NE