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SW8080937_APPROVED PLANS_20081013
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 U80q 3� DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ® APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE Z oo S 1013 YYYYMMDD UTILITY COMPANIES BRUNSWICK ELECTRIC (ELECTRIC) ATLANTIC TELEPHONE (TELEPHONE * CABLE) (ON SITE WATER * SEWER) SHEET INDEX SITE, 5TORMWATER, AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS FOR 13ENTON READY -MIX OF E3RUN5WICK, INC. LOCKWOOD FOLLYTOWN5111P COUNTY OF t3RUN5WICK 91 t; 754-4391 NORTH CAROLINA (910) 754-43 1 1 CS PROJECT COVER SHEET C I EXISTING CONDITIONS C2 SITE PLAN C3 STORMWATER AND GRADING PLAN C4 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C5 STORMWATER POND DETAILS CG EROSION CONTROL * STORMWATER NOTES AND DETAILS C7 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS H I HERITAGE TREE SURVEY L I LANDSCAPE PLAN 5EFTFIVIBER 2008 51TF Nc /�O SHALLOTTE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE OWNER AND DEVELOPER BENTON READY -MIX OF [3RUNSWICK, INC. P.O. BOX 757 CONWAY, 5C 29528 SURVEYOR TOMPKINS LAND SURVEYING P.A. 21 C I AS11 LIT] LE KIVEK ROAD NW ASti, NOKTH CAKOLINA 20420 (010) 579-9505 FOUNTAIN HEAD LANDING G934 SUITE G BEACH DRIVE SW OCEAN ISLE BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA 284G9 PHONE (910) 575-5672 CAR rr�✓i SEAL ' 025858 <,Jrllltttt° APPROVED NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY `�ttttllrrr� CAR `I E:AL r 9499 ID ti NGI NE lnl M. FINAL DRAWINGS NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: I • = GO' DRAWN BY: TMM CHECKED BY: DMC LEGEND 0 NIR NEW ftESAR GET FIELD SURVEY RT CT ETC ISSUED DATE: I O/7/08 • EIR EXISTING IRON FOUND DRAWN PT S OMPKINS CONCRETE MONUMENT CHECKED FT LAN D w E EPHONE pA CCM CONCRETE CONTROL MONUMENT SET TRAVERSE POINT FIELD BOOK SURVEYING COMPUTER FIE MACE. SCRD 7j ELECTRICAL PAD MAP FILE �� UTILITY POLE P.A. s W —A— FENCE (type noted) MAC 6.5 TOPO.DWG Alo =ro 2161 ASH LITTLE RIVER ROAD NW , cc) 0 0 ASH, NORTH CAROLINA 28420 ct _� m Do U (9I0)579-9505 ♦) > F- — a , Om"00,9e.t'o S U �oC z 0 065g6"E 5+ o o N + a + W + + N m w + m\ m Q + N Z v z N + Q } + O + + + N p Zh APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING m W v + '^ + N 5EPLIC TANK AND DISPOSAL FIELD BASED +. + ON BCHD PERMIT DATED 1 I/21/0 I. + Y + O + N aaaaaa m + N + y 7ya o + D- + + + G a o 7 + + + �} r N Q + �p S1 + + + + V Q + a > v U + 0 u ry + m r u-� U 11n _ N Q _ z z LO + O Q T" a + + om + o �m N- O m QNQ ILA 'n a } Z M Z m —� + t0 + eL ? + Uj Q a ut a Ul _ s D_ + llV n N IS O+ N + + Z Od oN > o r 4 m o a + H Q (li O m o - ro N +N o m m " 0+ai O/V/jsy"d'�j + Z �/ + 1— + 1° m ° o + } + `T yin NN rN�_Wvaj- r 11 Jm m Q + + + LL- } m CLI OO6 m cn �O O+o + E lD + cLjI O cf)+ m x z �N ` - + + 7v V + m + + + + + ++ UN + } } + + + Q 0 Q el ++ + N + } ,l Lu SURVEY FOR °' vW\ + + + + o + m + r o z (n BILL BENTON RENTALS, L-LC + v a m + + ++ n + OF _ + a m+ + Q Q z WM 8.47 AC °' + + + + + m a LeW a / + r + + + ry Q + a REF DB 979-363,1362-529 r v m + + MC Y-269 SMC 22-3 12 + ^ + n + a v Q + + + Q c vo m m LOCKWOOD FOLLY TWP BRUNSWICKCOUNTY. N,C. m Q r m a 1 SCALE I "= GO' JUNE 5, 2008 d + + + + + + + �Q m I ul n Q I N L r � a l0 + N Q m Q o Q CL � Q Le+ + m r In m + Q O - _ G m N U Q V a Q vi O a m m a + S o + m Z J U� r r 0 + U 0� W m CDLn � /� + ry I,H U 1- Q) !( `o/. `fib ....€'..".. ".7......... a:s' "Q r m o Lc) _ t a m 4 4° U :::`.i a + LV (Y) t Q+ Q Q K 4] W :c5 y CP z + + 0 p + m P O G ou IL z J a a 1p- tD Lu ui Y } .:::.::Y:: + UI E Qi O m � O + + a U Q m } + N O a Q ++ Q + �p a m f WETLAND A 0.3G AC a+ Q Q m + + + e + QQ O + V + + } w N o z 0 w m z O p V w w N G y m N O a >� i o n ����\�N?Rp Q Yw�z o > . QnZ ru m0_ �av0 zEj � r g p Q �Q�� O " �N O -----t6--------------------------------------------------- �a O O ---- --.--- - ------- ---- + Q 58 6 do 6E'9S+ + o �z d z z n�z o z t.,/� 1 14r0r� zm0 zz 0 o O N 0z20 i C':!Ti IA 31IbZ,L I °SON Q ° m } o o w > N z // o�z z Q a N ¢ 0 BARNFIILL RD �rtyz�0 gm < �a u �� a \�� �N •�/•/ii wGz�o ¢ G z o�° w 11111/// zw�mQoG �� �o�0 2 r� �pzU u' wt�- z u OFw2 \� C / z O a4 o z o�N,NN� ° �- bNoo wa o US I7 568-009 9O m w�� w �w ¢ N ° m a } '( `9 9 511 > w o ° 1 o h N< o w N SEAL r p NOSWyIIIIM 11340 9 o�a Ow�°°0 � sa ��`�° a�<°z uy 9A99 ^ o����d w rp onio -��5 OWN ROYAL OAK RD z _cal m 7 n z ¢ u V 4 O r,/o �� ( G ,`\e•. LOCATION MAP (No Scale) FINAL D RAWI N G NOT ISSUED FOR C— CONSTRUCTION PROJECT #060505 Course Bearin) Distance L I N 44°54'�4" E 189.97' L2 N 69°42"8" E 69.72' L3 N 57°40' 4" E 48.52' L4 N 38°55'�8" E 42.44' L5 N 50°40'02" E 53.00' L6 N 45°34' 10" E 48.04' L7 N 70° 13'=6" E 36.48' L8 N 47°37J2" E 56.70' L9 N 25°4236" E 42.45' LIO N 21°39'21" W 22.80' L I I N 08°2312 " W 30.95' L 1 2 5 44°54'34" W 410.87' GENERAL CONTRACTOR NOTES I .The Contractor 15 re5p011511Pie for Iocating ew5tin6j underground Utilltle5 prior to bequming work whether or not 5a1d utllltle5 are shown on the plans. Locatlon5 shown on the plans should be considered approximate and field verification should be performed. Any damage to exi5tmg utdltIC5 or project features Shall be corrected by the Contractor at 1115 expense. 2. Should the Contractor determine that ex15tin6j conditions or other factors present or may present a conflict to performing the work set out on the plans and/or other con5truction documents, he shall Immediately contact the Engineer for direction. 3. The Contractor shall not perform any work on any properlae5 0Ut51de the boundarle5 of th15 project except a5 may be allowed by property owners in writing. 38.5' 40.0' 47. P 182.G' \ "E N 8800035t 185.44, S 89043'4 147.70 EXISTING EXISTING WELL SEPTIC TIC TANK 50' BUFFER ��• HOUSE � � EXISTING SHED TO BE REMOVED REAR 5ETBACK -----� i� 11 241 _ EXISTING OBILE HOME � TO BE RE VED 1 PROP 5ELy¢ROCE55 10 I VATER WELL _ CONCRETE EEL STOP 1 1 - � / � MI ER FAF KIN � (ft'P.- SEED AIL) rn OFFICE PARKING PROPO ED HANDICAP I �i O PARKIN SIGN 1 (fYP.-5E DETAIL.) 11 N N 68 i - x 1 oJt � OFFICE � 1 1 MAINTENANCE 1 1 74 "- =Y" 50' - GRAVEL ' I (SHAD D AREA) I PROPOSED PROCESS CONTROU WATER WELL PERATOR I • -" 9.500 I s - BUILDING 50' � � as ADDITIV 133 PROCESS 1 HOUS !( T m O' WATERTANKS HOUSE 40' FLYA911 SILO 40' v4T Y" R I m' CONVEYOR 172 1 �� ➢ AGGREGATE HOPPER FROM ROPERTY LIN TO ENTER CEMENT OF CEMENT ILO ➢ CONCRETE BATCH PLANT vim.. (zf rn I (V PARCEL#: 18200085 _ QI OWNER: BRUNSWICK TIMBER LLC Lul ADDRESS: SUITE 1250 NI O 15 PIEDMONT CENTER _ GGgTBy 00 ATLANTA, GA 30305 ZZG� 8 AN08/NS �j ZONING: CO -RR O� O Z/���P USE: VACANT � RECLAIFACIL TMHDOWN _ RECYCLfb I iph A5PHA(.T/5A5E (SHADED AREA) DRY FIRE MYDRANT5 / (SEE DETAtL5.) j m N N Lr) /� i O Q 03 z----------------------- _ ------------ --------------------------- 50' FRONT SETBACK --------- ------------- ________ ------� 5TOWWATER POND---------------------- -T---- ------ -- 0 LL H=LICOPTER PAD m °0 `r \ \ m J Q O O v 0 m o 0 \ O O In z 235.2' 30.0' N 89034'09"W 872.28' \ PARCEL #: 1820005501 #: 1820009206 OWNER: ODELL WILLIAM50N O: SOUTHPORT CONCRETE CORPORATION OWNER: CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: 2 CAUSEWAY OCEAN ISLE BEACH, NC 28469 4DDRE55: 3710 SKY VIEW LANE SE 0 20 40 e0 160 ENTRANCE ZONING: SH-HB SOUTHPORT, NC 28461mmsi USE: COMMERCIAL (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) ZONING: CO USE: COMMMM ERCIAL (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) 5.1e: I--40 I 24'+/- THI5 DRAWING 15 THE PROPERTY OF COMPA55 POINTE ENGINEERING, PA MATCH LINE 15 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT WRITTEN _AND PFRM155ION FROM COMPA55 POINTE ENGINEERING, PA. © COPYRIGHT 2005 ALL RIGHTS RE5ERVED STRUCTURE HEIGHTS STRUCTURE I.D. HEIGHT PROCESS WATER STORAGE TANKS HOUSE 22' ADDITIVE CONTROL BUILDING 10, FLYASH SILO GO, CEMENT SILO 85' CONTROL / OPERATOR BUILDING 22' OFFICE / MAINTENANCE BUILDING 20' GENERAL PROJECT DATA I .Th15 project 15 within the Brunswick County Zonmg Jur15dlct1on. 2. Parcel number 15 16200092. Parcel 91 1 address 15 197 Barnhill Road NW 5hallotte, NC. 3.Tract area = 8.5 acres. 4.Ex15tmg land use 15 Re5ldential. Proposed land Use 15 IG-concrete batch plant. 5.Zomng designation 15 IG (IndU5trlal General). 6.5etback5 are 50' front and rear; 10' 510e5. 7.A 50'landscape buffer around the project perimeter shall be e5tab115hed except along southern property line where adjacent zoning 15 IG. 8.Wetland5 area 15 approximately 0.36 acres. 9.The project 15 not within a de5lgnated FEMA flood zone. 10. Roll -out containers will be used for 5011d waste and refuse removal. I I .Sewer Service gall be by a private on -Site Septic tank system permitted by the Brunswick County Health Department. 12. Water Service will be a private well permitted by the Brunswick County Health Department. 13.All ublitle5 will be under ground. Developer will coordinate electric line placement with BEMC and telephone/cable line placements with AMTC. 14. Erosion control during construction will be in compliance with the State of North Carolina regulatlon5. 15.5tormwater treatment will be in compliance with the Brunswick County and State of North Carolina re6julatlon5. 16. All external hg`I ; g Shall be in accordance with approved hghtmg plan. 17. Telephone 6 el::�irlc plans shall be developed and implemented by ATMC 6 BEMC prior to and durmg construction in accordance with approved standards. PARCEL #: 16200001 OWNER: VIOLA H. HEJJFIT ADDRESS: 21 2 5HERRILL STREET OAK ISLAND, NC 28465 ZONING: CO -RR USE: VACANT INV 1 21N CMP /"37.95 P151EP 41.11 \\ TOP BOX i 42.03 - I INV 121N CM 38.01 PARCEL#: 15200091 OWNER: VIOLA H. HEWET ADDRESS: 212 5HERRILL iTP.EET OAK ISLAND, N: 28465 ZONING: CO-IG USE: RESIDENTIAL MATCH LINE I I � ' I (\ INV 1 21N BOX 37.64 v, I vim\° 0) I ( '0 �° V TIN4 _V EgT IEXISTING ' 60'EA5EMENT MC 34-257 FINAL DRAWINGS NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION >~ - 5TORMWATER NARRATIVE The proposed Benton Ready -Mix of Brunswick, Inc. facility will be located within the planning Jurisdiction of Brunswick County on tax parcel number 18200092. The site 15 Just northeast of the Town of 5hallotte, approximately 1 /3 miles north of U5 17. The address is 197 Barnhill Road, NW. The tract area 15 5.55 acres, approximately 0.3G acres of which are wetlands. No wetlands are proposed to be disturbed during the construction of this project. Approximately 39.9% of the site will be covered by "built -upon area" (BUA). The large portion of the BUA will be recycled asphalt or base material for the movement and parking of concrete mixer trucks. A smaller portion of the BUA will consist of an office/maintenance budding, control house, well tank house, plant hopper/loadmg/conveyor system, a mixer fueling area, a helicopter pad, and miscellaneous concrete surfaces associated with the mixer washdown and concrete reclaim area. 5tormwater runoff from all of the BUA will be collected and directed to a wet detention pond for treatment with the exception of a small portion of the entrance drive and the helicopter pad (30 if 30'). The helicopter pad will be surrounded by grass surfaces graded to provide overland flow. 5tormwater collection will be by yard inlets, catch basin, storm drainage piping, and vegetated swales. The 5tormwater pond 15 designed to treat the runoff from the first 1 I/2" of rainfall and to remove 30%, of suspended solids in accordance with State regulations. The orifice in the pond outlet structure 15 sized to draw down the "treatment volume" in approximately 2 i/2 days. In addition, the pond 15 designed to be in compliance with the Brunswick County 5tormwater ordinance. In addition to the State 5tormwater permit, application shall also be made for an AIPDE5 Discharge Permit for Ready -Ma Concrete 51te5. Process wastewater will result from washdown of the surface of the mixer trucks before they leave the site to deliver concrete and from the dumping of excess concrete from mixer trucks when they return from deliveries. A reclalm/settling facility will be used to treat the process wastewater. A large portion of the water used In this operation will be recycled; however, there will be some overflow into a vegetated Swale that is part of the 5tormwater collection system that directs runoff to the wet detention pond. The overflow is at the end of the settling basin where a large percent of the solids have been settled out. The settling facility will be routinely cleaned out by front-end loaders which access the compartments of the settling basin by ramps. Temporary Cover During Permanent Design During g I.D. Shape Bank Slope Cover Slope (X) Construction permanent(@ tnr�inConstruction Costuction Permanent (� 02j 010) I@ C12) (@ 010) A1A Triangular 3.1 (H:V) or Jute Net grass 0.91 03 1.1 2.9 14 Flatter A18 Tnangular ',. 3.1 IH V) or (special liner not required -'. grass 0.38 L1 : 1.2 2.0 0.7 Flatter apply seed fertilizedmulch) A2A Triangular 3.1 (H V) or (special liner not required - rasa grass 9 0.53 07 1 1 2.0 05 ! apply seed/fertilizeremulch)'.. -U A213 Triangular''.. 3:1 IN V) or '' Jute Net grass 1.45 S 1 09 2.9 1.2 i Flatter _. BI Tnangular , 3-.1 (H.V) or .. Fiberglass Roving grass 0,91 0.9 1.4 2.2 1.9 Flatter - D2A Triangular 3.1 (H V) or Jute Net grass 091 0.6 1 1 29 1.2 Flatter _. B28 Triangular 3.1 (H:V) or Double Fiberglass Roving grass 3.33 04 0.6 2.7 1-2 Flatter MOTE: ;there jute net a Ctirsd Out fitergless or double fbergles . rovin- may be used. Where fosrgless roving is Callao out, double fsergf lss roving may be used. 5 8J043'44"E 147.76' N 88°OG'35"E ,,> )8S•44' 1 5�� Further, application will be made to the C Division of Air Quality for the required air quality permit for this project. 5z��53 NI - / 52 This project drams to a tributary of Williams Branch within the Lumber River Basin. Williams Branch is classified as C; 5w, HOW and has the stream mdex # 1 5-25-2-9-3. ) I I\ - " " " "' "-' ' _oa,csr„ s - \ / / 5TORMWATER FACILITIES MAINTENANCE / o / 1 . After every significant runoff producing event and at least monthly: • Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulations, vegetated cover, and general condition. \ \ \ \ \ / • Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 \ days. Replace orifice nipples that become damaged. I Re-e d as Necessa to maintain good vegetative cover. Mow vegetative / LEGEND WETLANDS PROPOSED GRADE 49 EX15TING GRADE ---'49---- 5W POND DA BOUNDARY 5D-B2 STORM DRAIN WITH ID NOTED JB-A5 JUNCTION BOX WITH ID NOTED YI-B I YARD INLET WITH ID NOTED'- CATCH BA51N WITH ID NOTED --�^� CB-A3 PROP05ED SPOT ELEVATION 48.5 Rim Invert Elevation ft. I. D. Type Elevation In In Out YI-Al Yard Inlet 44.0 38.0 4Q0_..._ f _....-. 38.0 YI-A2 Yard Inlet 455 41.0 (nfa) CB-A3 ;Catch Basin 46.0 41.8 (nla) _ 41.8 YI-A4 i Yard Inlet 452 (n/a) (ilia) 42.2 _ JB-A5 Junction Box 49-6 46.8 ? (nla) _ _ 46_6 YI-A6 Yard Inlet 48.8 (n/a} (n!al _ _ 1 I _ 47 0 _ Yard Inlet 432 39 3 (nla) _ 1 39.3 - YI-B2 i Yard Inlet 432 400 I (n/a) , I 400 _ YI-B3 Yard Inlet 43.5 (nla) (nla) 40-5 JB-C1 i Junction Box 43 0 38.5 (n!a 38.5 2. Repair eroded areas immediate Y. sery cover to maintain a maximum height of 51x Inches. Remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (I.e. yard inlets, storm drams, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper \ ' A ` a°J l P \\YI-AG ' Q ' / / N / STORM DRAIN DATA TABLE functioning. ', L RIM 45.5 I \ - / / - Diameter Invert Elevationh. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin main pond and forebay immediately after completion \ r\ \ \ \ / 111 I. D. Type (in) Length (ft.) In Out of construction and after all denuded areas have been stabilized with a vigorous vegetative cover. Thereafter, I 1 \ wD A6 remove accumulated sediment each part of the pond semi-annually or when water depth is reduced to 4 feet in in r 1 % / / ' \ '/ / I RCP 36 32 38 0 37.5 the forebay and/or the main pond. Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be ba5m, 1 1 \ I , / ), ) _ - D Al - ___ --- handled m a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. do not stockpile near the wet detention � SD-A2 RCP 18 64 41 0 40 0 a stream, or any other water body). n ,> I 18 112 418 410 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants from the we detention pond when they cover 50% of the \J j JB>A� \ / / A3 RC I basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. / --------- �-- `\ 1 / i _ ! RCP 15 64 42 2 41 $ _ _. _.___ G. Use a pump to draw down the basin m an emergency or as needed for maintenance. The discharge of the pump '468 / SD-A5 RCP 12 72 should be directed into a sum to settle out sediment poor to overflowing into a natural drainage feature. P f / I ,y SD-A6 5 RC P 12 40 47.0 46 8 / / �� // 7. Perform other maintenance activities as may be required to keep the wet detention pond and collection system \ SD-B1 RC P 30 288 393 i 380 m good working order. SWALE Ali / ( SWALE A/LB / ! / _ \ / � / / // j 39 5 / � I \I Iu N p � � o (n (n o m z SWALE 52B SD-B2 RCP 18 56 40 0-- / L-__ ��\ i' / • ( ( (5TEEPER5LOPE) SD-B3 RCP 15 80 40.5 } 40.0 RIM 45.2 / fro _ 49 / I I SD-Cl CARP 18 160 38.3 I 37 6 ._ YI-A4 j i '--- _ - - - J \\ \ j /' ' / I SD-C2 i CAAP 18 152 39.0 I 38.5 CAAP = CORRUGATED MATCH LINE ALUMINUM A �iD-A4 ���_ / //� A �' �� / 1g II� EX15TINGALIGNMENT/ NEW ALIGNMENT 1b V,/ / < I -_SO - -----� / I 5D-C I RIM 4G.0 \ - \ _-- REALIGN FX15TING ACCE55 ROAD. REMOVE \ 4G.5 \ /I �/ �� \ II GRAVEL FROM PORTION OF EXISTING ROAD III � BEING ABANDONED AND PLACE RECYCLED I I 0 A5PHALT/BA5E ON NEW ROAD ALIGNMENT. /'J,� ///' / /�" \ �-� /' �\ II1� I ((/�� -(� INV 121N13OX \ i' __43 Ilp SD-A3 INV 121N CMP 121 X I II II / N 37.9 i .88 \ IIjI II 1 4G.3 \ / / RISIER, 4G.5 4G.5 41.11 / ' l 4G.5 4G.3 ) \ II p `I cD TOP BOX h � � c' / / 1II I I II 1 RIM 45.5 ' / I 42.03 // ' II I li I IS / I SWALE B2A I - wv 21N CM IIII LEI / �' I III \� . 4G I I(MILDER SLOPE) p 38 YI-A2 5D-A2 �\ SWALEAI{k' ' \ I II \ Q 4G.5 4G.2 / /' // f v \ - l/ YI-A I _ ,' SD B I SWALE B I I YI-B3 v m J 11 ii 4G.5 �Z / , / YI-BI ILeQ X II 0 / / 7 I O ✓/� \ __ (/ // / �� q5 A6 / RIM 43.2 I Vjy II Ilr �J 45 RIM 44.0 ( '1 1 A� 4E - / s SD-B2 5 I RIM @ 43.5 I I I I I 5D-B3 48.5 5WALE Al B z.z SD -AI os \ \ RIM43.z i EXI TIN4 < VE T\`- /.q t I l i -C2 \ \ � A in SD to � _--- COVER 43.5' I N 89034'09"W / 872.28' POND POND OUTLET JB-C I 5TORMWATER WET DETENTION POND (SEE DETAIL5) THI5 DRAWING 15 THE PROPERTY OF COMPA55 POINTE ENGINEERING, PA AND 15 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT WRITTEN PEPIA15510N FROM COMPA55 POINTE ENGINEERING, PA. C) COPYRIGHT 2008 RISER PIPE ) I (� EXISTING ALIGNMENT 0 20 40 60 IGO V - 40 sale: MATCH LINE I I/I I I REALIGN EXISTING ACCE55 ROAD. REMOVE GRAVEL FROM PORTION OF EXISTING ROAD 4 0 BEING ABANDONED AND PLACE RECYCLED A5PHALT/13A5E ON NEW ROAD ALIGNMENT. �4 I - 5D-C I I II EXISTING GO'EASEMENT MC 34-257 FINAL DRAWINGS NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWN BY: TMM CHECKED BY: DMC ISSUED DATE: 911 1,05 Q Z J 1z C'J U Q z Z Z O Q x0 5 lid LLJ Q no U JQ DL = Z 0 0 lu ID IIL I` GO �_ Ln Ln O � 3m 9 m N W VD E- r rp O In t! I���z m � � m m E c O U 0 U `\�oQit\ CARo'' , 499 Q /DI M. C-3 PROJECT # 080508 ALL rV V I I J RL✓Lnvl-r/ EROSION CONTROL PLAN NARRATIVE Protect Description Mr. Keith A. Benton, 5r., owner, plans to build this concrete batch plant under the name of Benton Ready -Mix of Brunswick, Inc. The site 15 just northeast of the Town of Shallotte, approximately 1/3 miles north of US 17. The address 15 197 Barnhill Road, NW. The project site consists of 8.55 acres of which 0.3G acres are wetlands. No wetlands are proposed to be disturbed during the construction of this project. Approximately 39.5% of the site will be covered by "built -upon area" (BUA). The large portion of the BUA will be gravel for the movement and parking of concrete mixer trucks. A smaller portion of the BUA will consist of an office/maintenance building, control house, well tank house, plant hopper/loading/conveyor system, a mixer fueling area, a helicopter pad, and miscellaneous concrete surfaces associated with the mixer washdown and concrete reclaim area. 5tormwater runoff from all of the BUA will be collected and directed to a wet detention pond for treatment with the exception of a portion of the entrance drive and the helicopter pad (30' x 30'). The helicopter pad will be surrounded by grass surfaces graded to provide overland flow. 5tormwater collection will be by yard inlets, catch basin, storm drainage piping, and vegetated swales. Site Description The project area is currently wooded except for a mobile home site (unoccupied) in the northeast corner of the site and access road to the mobile home site. The mobile home will be removed from the site prior to the completion of construction. The project drams to a tributary of Williams Branch. Williams Branch 15 classified as C; 5w; HOW. Relief ranges from a maximum elevation of approximately 53' at the northeast corner of the site and to a minimum elevation of approximately 42' at the southeast corner of the site. The primary sod types based on the Brunswick County Sod 5ur✓eyare Baymeade and Goldsboro. Adjacent Propertv Woodlands surround the project to the north, east, and west. The tract to the south of the project is cleared and is currently being developed by Southport Concrete Company. Planned Erosion and Sedimentation Control Practices The 5tormwater wet detention pond will serve as the primary erosion control feature during and construction of this project. This pond Will serve as a sediment basin. Following construction and the 5tab1hzat1on of all disturbed surfaces, the pond will be cleaned of collected sediment. Other erosion control features will include sediment fencing, a gravel construction entrance/exit, inlet protection at yard inlets and catch basm, and temporary check dams within grassed -lined vegetative swales. Protective lining of swales during construction shall be jute net, fiberglass roving, or double fiberglass roving as specified in the "Swale Data Table." All disturbed areas shall be stabilized by vegetative ground cover within 2 1 days following any completion of grading unless the final gravel surface can be placed by that time. Within 2 1 days following completion of construction, permanent ground cover over all disturbed areas not covered by BUA shall be established. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. The Contractor shall notify the NCDENR Land Quality Section, Wilmington Regional Office at (910) 79G-721 5 at least 48 hours prior to begmnmg construction. 2. Install construction entrance. 3. Clear alignments for all sediment fencing and install sediment fence. 4. Clear and grub the area for the 5tormwater detention pond. Construct the 5tormwater pond with outlet structure and storm drain. Apply seed and mulch to disturbed areas and stabilize all slopes. 5. Clear and grub alignments/locations for swales, storm drains, and inlet5/junction box. G. Construct swales, Inlets/junction box, and storm drains. Seed, fertilize, and mulch swales, apply protective liner, and install check dams. Install inlet protection at yard inlets and catch basin. 7. Clear and grub areas for the drives, parkmcj, and structures. 8. Grade areas for the drives, parking, and structures. 9. Place gravel and construct structures. 10 Apply seed and mulch to all disturbed areas that are not covered with BUA. r ir•T� ��, I I . Clean out all storm dramage piping. 12. Maintain all temporary measures until permanent and uniform vegetation is established or permanent ground cover 15� provided. rat, 71. z, THI5 DRAWING 15 THE PROPERTY OF COMPA55 POINTE ENGINEERING, PA AND 15 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT WRITTEN PERM155ION FROM COMPA55 POINTE ENGINEERING, PA. (C) COPYRIGHT 2008 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED EROSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE PLAN I . Check all erosion and sediment control practices for stability and operation following every runoff -producmg rainfall event but in no case less than once every week. Any needed repairs shall be made immediately to maintain all practices as designed. 2. The 5tormwater detention pond shall be cleaned out before the sediment reaches a level 3 feet below the orifice elevation. Immediately after completion of construction and after all denuded areas have been stabilized with a vigorous vegetative cover, remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention pond and restore the basin to the design elevations. 3. Check the 5tormwater pond orifice at least once a week and clear it of any obstructions. Replace orifice nipples that become damaged. 4.5ediment shall be removed from behind sediment fences before it reaches a level one-half foot deep at the fence. Fences shall be repaired as necessary to maintain a barner. 5. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, reseeded, and mulched as necessary to maintain a vigorous, dense vegetative cover'. G. Leave temporary check dams in -place until all areas upstream are stabilized. �— " y ' t JI t r , LEGEND LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE WETLANDS GPA55-LINED CHANNEL SD-B2 STORM DRAIN WITH ID NOTED JUNCTION BOX WITH ID NOTED JB-A5 YARD INLET WITH ID NOTED YI-B I SEDIMENT FENCE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE STONE CHECK DAM OUTLET PROTECTION BLOCK d GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION EXISTING ALIGNMENT 1 REALIGN EXISTING AGCE55 ROAD. REMOVE I GRAVEL FROM PORTION OF EX15TING ROAD j BEING ABANDONED AND PLACE RECYCLED j ASPHALT/BASE ON NEW ROAD ALIGNMENT. I i I l�1i ILI i I IJ I O 20 40 BO 160 5.1�: r - 4a \ \ - ��. B-2 - EXISTING ALIGNMENT c-L i REALIGN EXISTING ACCESS ROAD. RENOVE GRAVEL FROM PORTION OF EXISTING ROAD BEING ABANDONED AND PLACE RECYCLED A5PHALT/BA5E ON NEW ROAD ALIGNMENT. jl I — NEW ALIGNMENT 5D-(, I I f 1 � t a I I A) t 1,'it it a FINAL DRAWING NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: I- - 4a DRAWN BY: TMM CHECKED BY: DMC 155UEO DATE: 1 D/7= 0 T a 0 T Z Z � UQ g Q_ J _l Z (V/ W/ U CD _ Z lL II--. 0O U xZ Z 2 lu O }r- 0 O^, ()Z_ LU _ W Z N O Z U-1 n :.. L Q� O 113 c (,D m N LU v _ 4Lp o —N S y U Z I�— LL m m N fn ca � EA Q0:)l 2 A1 SEAL r rj E F 9499 D %O NGINE� O��l�l C-4 PROJECT # 080508 R15ER \ 2 1/2" 5CH 80 PVC MALI SLIP X FEMALE SLIP 90 BEND (EA. SIDE) 2 1 /2" 5CH 80 PVC (EA. SIDE) ORIFICE PIPE (SEE DETAIL) 48" x 48" CONCRETE PAD 8" THICK GO" x GO" STONE BED IIII21 IIII= - IIII _3�I IIII IIII SEAL WITH NON-5HRINK GROUT =LEV. ,CH 80 PVC MIPT X FEMALE SLIP (EA. SIDE) GH 40 GALV. FIPT X FIPT COUPLING5(5) H 80 GALV. NIPPLE A5 REQ'D. ORINGE PIPE DETAIL NT5 W-19-4 (3/4 x 115) GALVANIZED BAR GRATING FASTENED WITH J-CLIPS TO A I 1/4' x I 1/4" x 1/4" GALVANIZED ANGLE FRAME. EMBED AND MORTAR ANGLE FRAME INTO TOP OF CONCRETE BOX. TOP OF R15ER @ 41.2' 441' IIII- Kl� AL MIINNUM ALLORRUGATED PIPE 1� \ INV IN = 39.0' INV OUT @ JD -CI = 38.3' 3G" x 3G" REINFORCED 12" MIN. CONCRETE BOX POND OUTLET STRUCTURE SECTION NT5 MINIMUM TOP OF BANK ELEV. = 45.5' TOP OF FOREBAY DAM @ 40.0' BOTTOM @ 37' STORMWATER FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 1. After every significant runoff producing event and at least monthly: • Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulations, vegetated cover, and general condition. " Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days. Replace orifice nipples that become damaged. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately. Re -seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover. Mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches. Remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. curb inlets, storm drains, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin main pond and forebay immediately after completion of construction and after all denuded areas have been stabillzed with a vigorous vegetative cover. Thereafter, remove accumulated sediment in each part of the pond semi-annually or when water depth is reduced to values presented in the Stormrvater Permit. Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. do not stockpile near the wet detention basin, a stream, or any other water body). 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants from the wet detention ponds wher they cover 50%" of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. 6. Use a pump and/or siphon to draw down the basin in an emergency ores needed for maintenance. If a pump is used its discharge should be directed into a sump to settle out sediment prior to overflowing into a natural drainage feature. 7. Perform other maintenance activities as may be required to keep the wet detention pond and collection system in good working order. PROVIDE ALUMINUM ALLOY OR APPROVED EQUAL ANTI -SEEP COLLAR AT POINT OF DEEPEST COVER OVER PIPES. R 5.00' ARC LENGTH = 3. 1 G' 2.G5' N 53° 20' 2 1 " W 5TORMWATER POND PLAN SCALE: 1 " = 20' NORMAL POOL 100 YR FLOOD POOL @ 42.8' @41.0' ELL VA I IUN = 54' rUK 5I UKM WA I EK 5I UKAGE GALGULA I IUN PUKYUSLS BOTTOM @ 33' 5TORMWATER POND SECTION B-B HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 " = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " = 4' TEMPORARY POOL (d 42.2' III'. _ QI 3 VEGETATIVE 5HELF 3 -IIII I NORMAL POOL 1 IIII III @4).0' O I I I u -2 2 ELEVATION = 34'POR 5TORMWATER - 5TORAGE CALCULATION PURP05E5 SEDIMENT STORAGE I - BOTTOM - 15.0 10.0 @ 33' 2.G5' 5 53" 20' 21" E 5TORMWATER POND SECTION A -A HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 " = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 4' 30.00' " �\ 5 890 34' R 25.5' ARC LENGTH = 80. 1 P 30.00' S 890 34' 09' E AMC- LCNU i In = 3. 1 G' 1 94. 14' 5 890 34' 09" E 238.87' N 890 34' 09" W MINIMUM TOP OF BANK ELEV. = 45.5' TOP OF VEG. 5HELF @ 41.51 BOTTOM OF JEG. SHELF @ 40.5' SEDIMENT 5TORAGE - PERMANENT POOL DIMENSIONAL PLAN SCALE: 1 " = 20' -inl=1 -IIII= 3 IIIIII IIII-IIII- I _ -10=IIII .IIII_=I� IIII III I. _. IIII IIII IIII POND DRAINAGE NOTE A PUMP SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE POND AND OUTLET STRUCTURE AND FOR DRAWING DOWN THE POND IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY. POND VEGETATION NOTES Vegetative Shelf - Plant Arrowhead / Duck potato or Pickerelweed. Do Not plant Cattail or Weeping Lovegra55. 5 44° 34' 09" E 13.230' R GO.O' ARC LENGTH= 47. 1 24' R 10.01 ARC LENGTH= 23.5G2' FINAL DRAWING NOT 155UED FOR aw�o3-2 CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 5EE DRAWING DRAWN BY: TMM CHECKED BY: DMC 155UED DATE: I Q7/08 0- QO OOQ A N _J Q 17- LU 0 0 O W DZ V 1 3 ►u O 177 LU UU z= O� Uo z Ow w J N to to L O S' (3) R C\l W ct m CO c ^ \ M 4° U ^ 4 IL_ (0 (0 Z 10 Q V, m a E � m O U o0' !y F °;-9 EAL 9499 Y C-5 PROJECT 111050508 CONSTRUCTION NOTES SCALE: 5EE PLAN I . Survey proposed centerline of channel. - DRAWN BY: TMM 2. Determine the existing grade along the centerline and plan final grades to approximate the CHECKED BY: DMC value presented in the "Swale Data Table'. Inform Engmeer if final grades will differ signrfigantly from that shown in the table. G' MAX EXTRA STRENGTH FABRIC NOTES ISSUED DATE: 10/7/06 3. Remove all trees, brush, stumps, and other ojecdonable material from the foundation area WITHOUT WIRE PENCE and dispose of properly. 8' MAX STANDARD STRENGTH FABRIC I . Install Sediment fence at Iocatlon5 shown on the plan5 and at location5 WIRE 4. Excavate channel. Grade banks at 3: 1 (H:V) or flatter. "Grassing WITH WIRE FENCE necessary to retain sediment on the construction Site. FENCE 5. Seed, mulch, and fertilize the channel surface as directed in the Notes." G. Apply protective liner as indicated on the "Swale Data Table." 2. Fabric shall be at lea5t 95% by weight of polyolefin or polyester certified 7. Once Established, keep the grass in a healthy vigorous condition at all times. by the manufacturer or 5Upplier to conform to the requirement5 of A5TM D BACKFILL TRENCH STEEL 6460. Particular character15tlC5 of fabric Shall Include: a) a minimum grab AND COMPACT IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING GRADING OF CHANNEL, SEEDING, 4 FERTILIZING, POST STEEL FILTER THOROUGHLY PLASTIC OR strength of 90 Ibs in both the machine and x-machne dlrection5; b) a NATURAL POST FABRIC GROUND WIRE TIES permittivity of 0.05 sec- I ; c) an apparent opening 51ZC of 0.60 mm; and, PLACE PROTECTIVE LINER TO PROTECT "SWALE a ultraviolet 5tabihty of 70% after 500 hours of exposure. -?�- ---�- CHANNEL BANKS. (SEE DATA TABLE.") 3. Filter fabric shall be from a contmguou5 role cut to the len th of the _ ____---%--�-- y.-�. WIRE ¢� -, FENCE - barrier to avoid jomt5. When joint5 are necessary, securely fasten the filter r r a7 UP5LOPE fabric at a support post with 4' minimum overlap to the next post. ' MIN _.. _— ---- NATURAL 4. P05t5 shall be of the self fastener, steel -angle type with a minimum length i GROUND of 5' and a weight of 1.33 Ib/LF. 1 j N 5. Wire fence shall be used where o5t 5paang exceeds G' and/or where . 6�d1 Pd p _pill 18" MIN `� ,••,' extra strength fabric 15 not used. Wire fence shall be minimum 14 gauge and have a maximum mesh spaang of 6". It shall extend to the bottom of the N FABRIC trench. G. Wire or plastic ties used to fasten wire fence and/or filter fabric to the p posts shall have a minimum tensile strength of 50 lb,. 7. Do not attach filter fabric to ex15tmg trees. ELEVATION 0 0 ELEVATION DETAIL �aaaaa� GRASS — LINED CHANNEL SEDIMENT FENCE DETAIL 0NT5 NT5 0 Q lu D= DIAMETER OF LARGEST CONNECTING PIPE + 12". SEEDING NOTE5 Q SEEDING MIXTURE 1. ALL AREA5 DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, A5 WELL A5 SEVERELY ERODED ARE A5, z MANHOLE FRAME E COVER (NC DOT STD. 840.54) Z J SHALL BE STABILIZED BY ESTABLISHING A PERMANENT GRA55 COVER. SEEDING MIXTURES SHALL BE / LU O SELECTED BASED ON THE 501L TYPE PRESENT, SEASONAL CONDITIONS, AND OTHER FACTORS AFFECTING PRECAST CONC SLAB if LU IV LLJ GROWTH. THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION METHODS MAY BE U5ED, ALTHOUGH IT 15 RECOMMENDED A - U PERMANENT SPECIES RATE (Ib/acre) SPECIALIST BE CONSULTED TO ENSURE DESIRED RESULTS BA5ED ON PARTICULAR SITE CONDITIONS. U PENSACOLA BAHIAGRA55 50 A. CULTIVATE AREA TO A 5-INCH DEPTH MIN 4'X4' CONC. 5UPP0RY5 AT EACH O Z Z 5ERICEA LE5PEDEZA 30 CORNER PRECAST CONCRETE O jL/ PEN5ACOLA BAHIAGRA55 50 B. APPLY 3,000 LWACRE GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE (OR IN ACCORDANCE WITH SOIL TE5T5) D SUITABLE FOR H-20 J U O TALL FESCUE 80 C. APPLY 10-10-1 O COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AT 500 UWACRE (OR IN ACCORDANCE TRAFFIC LOADING z WITH SOIL TE5T5) O Z TEMPORARY SPECIES (AS REQ'D) RATE (Ib/acre) D. MULCH WITH GRAIN STRAW AT 3,250 LB/ACRE TO 4,350 LB/ACRE CL/ Q W WIA(TfR (5fP7-fM3ER - APRIL) E. ANCHOR BY TACKING WITH WITH A5PHALT EMULSION, ROVING, NETTING, OR BY CRIMPING WITH OUTLET PIPE �" r- A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL SEE TABLE FOR SIZE Z Z O LU TALL FESCUE 50 6' MIN C?U51-IED -iAND INV. ELEV. - STONE O J 5UMMfR (MA Y-AUGU5T) 2. WHEN IT 15 NOT POSSIBLE TO ESTABLISH A PERMANENT GRA55 COVER IN A REASONABLY SHORT 1 SEAL WATER -TIGHT I I I I I I U = GERMAN MILLET 40 PERIOD OF TIM' DUE TO CONDITIONS, A TEMPORARY GRA55 COVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED. THIS -III—III-I I BETWEEN PIPE e TEMPORARY COVER SHALL INCLUDE ANNUAL GRASSES OR SMALL GRAINS, SUCH A5 RYE GRASS. COMPACTEDBA51N WALL z � PERMANENT VEGETATION MUST STILL BE ESTABLISHED. MULCH MUST BE APPLIED WHEN SEASONAL O CONDITIONS DO NOT ALLOW PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY GRA55 ESTABLISHMENT, BUT MUST BE USED FOR THE 5HORTE5T PRACTICAL DURATION, AND NOT WHEN PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY VEGETATION METHODS i^ MAY BE USED. TOP501L SHALL BE USED WHEN NECESSARY TO ESTABLISH VEGETATIVE COVER. V 1 3. IRRIGATE A5 NECE55ARYT0 OPTIMIZE GROWTH. YARD INLET DETAIL IL/ W NTS GRASSING NOTES 1 2" MIN. OF NCDOT #5 OR # 57 WASHED STONE 1.5 RIM ELEV. 46.0' T^ L0 i IT —►�—�� 6" PRECAST V I CLASS B CONCRETE TOP RIPRAP IJOQ O��Op i 2' MAX r----�— IC —� �I WHEN REQ'D 30" MIN. PRECAST CONCRETE 30' MIN. JAt`` O O�OW�Ooo AT CENTER I� �� �I ppW� O- #57 CLEAN WASHED SUITABLE FOR H-20 FLOW INV= 18' TRAFFIC LOADING —► W 4 TO 6 FT STONE L--�—J — 15' 41 8' s: FILTER FABRIC CROSS SECTION _•' . C 3 N G' MIN. CRUSHED STONE II G' MIN. CRUSH STONE LU m fn PLAN 5ECTION B-B COMPACTED SUBGRADE _ 6 SECTION A -A VIEW SEAL WATER -TIGHT BETWEEN B -�-'� 4� C) 9" MIN 1.5 MIN PIPE AND CATCH BASIN M In V-- PLACE CONCRETE BLOCKS TWO 1/2"ME5H _ _ _ - _ _ ; _ - � 0 ' -_ COURSES HIGH AROUND INLET WIRE r—�-- �� r----------Ipa CAST IRON HOOD, FRAME, i O lL Z LL �x00UU j p0� Q_ ()O T—L-FJ--r AND GRATE MIN. PERIMETER= 8.0 FT. 0� � � c(]�' 6 -- MIN. AREA OPEN = 1 .5 5F A oo i i A i Oo i i �(/�� R V J (� FILTER - FABRIC PLACE BLOCKS OPEN ON EACH SIDE OF INLET ' PLAN VIEW SECTION u B VIEW PLAN V O STONE CHECK DAM BLOCK GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION CATCH BASIN CB—A3 DETAIL NT5 NT5 NT5 NOTES: 1. b = DIAMETER OF LARGEST CONNECTING PIPE + 1 2". 2. TOP OF BOX 2' TO 4" ABOVE GRADE IN GRASSED AREA. O F-OP \\{11117lJ/ 66JG z \ J Q SO n,�H �O �A? MANHOLE FRAME S COVER PRECAST CONC SLAB (NC DOT 5TD. 840.54) 4I, ���`\Q�N • CW 0 pF .S` SUITABLEFOR H-20 EAL r 66 .- 02585�,p TRAFFIC LOADING t �'c,•.�l�v4 N� ti�,ti 6' MIN. �� A PRECAST CONCRETE�� D SUITABLE FOR H-20 TRAFFIC LOADING 2'- 3' COARSE AGGREGATE \ti\\111I11!/J' l'�� r"'••SS •' INLET/OUTLET PIPES) `�\`Oe 'L ? t q � Q 1 2' MIN CRUSHED SEE TABLE FOR SIZES) AND INV. ELEV(5). 949917�ia >:F <� STONE _ _•_ _� _________.'. I III III SEAL WATER-TIGHTN�i -III-I I I -I I BETWEEN PIPE COMPACTED ow -III —III' BASIN WALL 774440• M. GO\`�� 5UBGRADE /Jillllll -6 TEMPORARY GRAVEL FINAL DRAWING CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE JUNCTION BOX DETAIL NOT 155UED FOR NT5 NT5 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT # 080103 C/L 0 SURFACE ELEV. @ 4G.5' C/L- O C/L- N C/L- N C/L- N C/L- D15CHARGE PIPE TO RECLAIM MACHINE N C/L TOP OF WEIR WALL @ 44.5' RECLAIM MACHINE FLOOR ELEV. @ 4G.5'\ TOP OF WALL @ 4G.5' RECYCLE SAND BIN 4G.5' 4G.5' f46.5' EOC EOC EOC 12' 4' 12' 12' M O IL_ IL z n O 3 v 3 v O O G > > J > J z 3 w 3 u 0 O u S Q 1 52.0' r !f 2 O NOTE: "EOC" = EDGE OF CONCRETE J z 3 O z w 0 O 3 WOODEN STEPS (1YP.) 1 5' I I 4' I - 1 Op �40.5' START RAMP @ I �RAMPDOWN I ro EDGE OF CONCRETE -� I I I 40.5' �-- RAMP DOWN I I I I I U--F- - 14' WEIR WALL @ 44.5' O I/40.5' BOTTOM ELEV. @ 40.5" p f --o- AMP DOWN A 2' O 1 m I 4' WEIR WALL @ 44.5' I 1 40.5' BOTTOM ELEV. @ 40.5' f f- RAMP DOWN I B I G 4' WEi ; WALL @ 44.5' WEIR WALL @ 44.5' 1 40.5 BOTTOM ELEV. @ 40.5'-RAMP DOWN PUMP 1 CHAMBER TOP OF WALL @ 4G.5' I C B-.0 \ C - G' OVERFLOW WEIR WALL @ 45.5' 74' SLURRY RECLAIM OUTLET EOC @ 4G.5' RECYCLE STONE BIN SURFACE ELEV. @ 4G.5' 4' WEIR WALL @ 44.5' BOTTOM ELEV. @ 40.5' TOP OF WALL @ 4G.5' BOTTOM (a? 40.5' PLAN VIEW SCALE: I" = 10' SECTION A -A NT5 TOP OF WALL @ 4G.5' TOP OF WEIR WALL @ 44.5' 3P SECTION C-C SECTION B-B NT5 NT5 WA5HDOWN / RECLAIM FACILITY DETAILS NOTE: SEE 5EPARATE DOCUMENT FOR 5TRUCTURAL GETAIL5. OF WALL @ 4G.5' TOP OF WALL @ 4G.5' -APRON FLAT @ ELEV.=4G.5' A TOP OF WALL @ 4G.5' OF WALL @ 4G.5' OF WALL @ 4G.5' APRON @ 4G.5' 4G.5' OP OF OVERFLOW WEIR VALL @ 45.5' (!Ywk101 _ __ __.COMPACTED SUBGRAD -' � )III )III )III )III )III II ROADWAYTARKING SURFACE DETAIL NT5 6' V-O' x .080 5TD ALUM. SIGN TO.'VAN ACCE551BLE'. BOLT TO WD. POST WITH 3/8' CANDIUM PLATED NUTS, BOLTS t WASHERS I'-6x V-O' x .050 STD. ALUM. HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN TO READ 'RESERVED PARKING'WITH IDENTIFICATION SYMBOL. BOLT TO WD. P05T W/ 3/8' CANDIUM PLATED NUTS, BOLTS AND WASHERS. 9' x I'-O' x .050 STD ALUM. SIGN TO READ 'MAXIMUM PENALTY $250,- GS 20-37.6'. BOLT TO WD. POST WITH 3.8' CANDIUM PLATED NUTS, BOLTS AND WASHERS. u:�Larm_.�.zsc�)ru�f kfSfkVED � xFSERsCCD PARRNG PA,F6L_' ® LJ M4YMUM I- � -4 re"un $250 SIGN F,7 -6 L 1 J SIGN R7-8E TH15 SIGN MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF SIGNS R7-8 / R7-8D VAN N /�51GN 0 0 r- O O L J 0 o R7 E - z z ss R7-8 °a FINISHED GRADE SIGN MOUNTING HEIGHTS MNT5 CONDITION 1: PEDE5TRIAL PATH DOES NOT PA55 UNDER OR AROUND SIGN: CONDMON 2: PEDE5TRIAL PATH GOES BY, II UNDER OR AROUND SIGN: I- I/2'RJTYP) I - U2'R(TYP) TVAN °i 3/8'(LYP)ED 2' SIGN R7-8D VAN ACCESSIBLE SIGN STANDARD COLORS (ALL SIGNS): BACKGROUND - WHITE LETTERING / BORDER - GREEN ARROW - GREEN FIGURE - WHITE ON BLUE BACKGROUND CORNER RADIUS - 1 1/2' (ALL SIGNS): TYPICAL HANDICAP SIGN DETAIL NT5 2" 3" 12" SECTION CONCKETE WHEEL STOP DETAIL NT5 \ OFA \ ONE STONE SUPPORT f- ANCHOR EAMER H05E CONNECTION G" SCH 40 PVC 90 BEND G" 5CH 40 PVC P15ER PIPE )UND_ HEAD A55EMBLY DETAIL G" PVC STRAINER WITH BUILT IN CHECK VALVE 4 BACK FLUSH END CAP. INTAKE RATIO SHALL EQUAL OR EXCEED 4:1 . HOLE PATTERN SHALL BE SUCH TO PROVIDE 100% FULL DOWN TO LINE OF HOLES WITH NO CAVITATION @ 1,000 GPM. ELEV. = 3G.5' BOTTOM @ 34.0' STRAINER DETAIL NT5 55 I 1 50 -ca o I I I 5EE "HEADA55EMBLY DETAIL." I 45 - = I - ,f f - zGAROA MIN. COVER - 24" O \O �OF \b j PERMANENT POOL j 41.0' 1�r w 40 6- SC h \ "STRAINER 900 B4O END + SEE DETAIL." PVC 11 1/40BEND I I I -36.5' 35 I BOTTOM @I - I I I/40I BEND 34.0' i STONE SUPPORT ANCHOR) I 30 0 10 20 30 40 50 GO DISTANCE FROM EDGE OF GRAVEL DRIVE (FT.) PIPING PROFILE SCALE: HORIZONTAL: I " = 10' VERTICAL: 1" = 5' DRY HYDRANT DETAILS FINAL DRAWING NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: SEE DRAWING DRAWN BY: TMM CHECKED BY: DMC ISSUED DATE: 10/7/05 a 0 0 J Q z LLl O W � � U to U = 0 O 0I V/ W U O g z 0w H z O U( m L , _ L ^ , T� V ' U7) � Ln S✓ O to W R c N U �t j U) 'e z u- co u) m CQ v `ttttunrJJ� CA �i `I 6ee25856 1 1 14%tl �tti11111tJ�� � CA EAL r 9499 If C-7 PROJECT # 080506