HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031625 Ver 4_Year 4 Monitoring Report_20141231CLearWaLer ClearWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. December 31, 2014 www.ewenv.com Mr. William Elliot US Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801 -2638 Ms. Karen Higgins NC Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street, 9`h Floor Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 RE: Bright's Creek Year 7 Monitoring Report – Culvert Removal Year 4 Monitoring Report – Barn Tributary Polk County, North Carolina Corps Action ID 200430264; DWQ Project # 03 -1625 Dear Mr. Elliot and Ms. Higgins, The attached 2014 Year 7 Monitoring Report for culvert removal and 2014 Year 4 Monitoring Report for the Barn Tributary are being submitted on behalf of Bright's Creek represented by Mr. David Gillespie. Bright's Creek is currently developing a residential subdivision near Columbus in Polk County, North Carolina and has completed the required mitigation at the site. Monitoring reports will be submitted annually until the completion of the 5 -year monitoring period for the Barn Tributary. A monitoring report will be submitted for culvert removal sites 3 and 4 in 2015. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 828 -698 -9800 if you have any questions or comments. Respectfully, —� Cam` Kevin Mitchell Biologist 224 South Grove Street, Suite F Hendersonville, NC 28792 828- 698 -9800 Tel 828- 698 -9003 Fax R. Clement Riddle, P.W.S Principal MY -4 Report for Bright's Creep Golf Club (Barn Tributary) LF Cb�• December 2014 Prepared By: CLearWater C1earWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. 224 South Grove Street, Suite F Hendersonville, North Carolina 28792 JAN 0 7 2015 DENR - WATER RESOURCES 401 & BUFFER PERMITTING Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................»................... ...........:..................1 2.0 BACKGROUND ............................. 2.1. Location .................. ............................... . ..................................... :....... .........1 2.2. Goals and Objectives .............................................................. ...........'................... 2 2.3. Restoration Approach .................. : ...... ................. : ................... . .... .... ........ ......... 2 2.3.1. Existing Conditions .................................................... ............................... 2 2.3.2. Design .................................................. : ...... .-..:...:. ................................ : ....... 2 2.4'. History and Projected Schedule . . ....................... . . ................ ' ................. 3 3.0 MONITORING' ......................................................................... .....................4........3 3.1. Vegetation Monitoring .................. : ............................ :...:.:.:....... .................. ._..... :. 3 3.1.1. Vegetation Monitoring, Results ... ... .................... :.................................... .4 3.2. Stream Monitoring ................................................................ ............ .................... 4 3.2.1. Cross - sections .....................................................:...:... ...................:..........4 3.2.2. Cross - section results ......... .:............................................... .............. ...:...... 4 3.2.3. Longitudinal Profile ................................................... ............................... 5 3.2.4. Longitudinal Profile Results ....................................... ............................... 5 3.2.5. Photo Reference Sites ....:......................................:.:. ..............................5 3:2.6. Photo Reference Site, Results ....................................... ..........:...................5 4.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................. I ..........:....... 6 List of Tables Table 1: Project History and Projected, Schedule Table 2: Planted Trees and Live Stakes Table 3: Vegetation Counts List of Figures Figure 1: Site Vicinity Map Figure 2: 'USGS Topographic Map Appendices Appendix A: Cross Sections and,Longitudinal Profile Appendix B: Representative Photographs, ff 1.0 INTRODUCTION An after -the -fact (ATF) permit was issued for a 214 - linear foot culvert; including the placement of approximately 71 cubic yards of CMP and clean fill material in an unnamed tributary to Harm Creek. The purpose of the culvert is to provide road (Deep Gap Road West) access to portions of the Bright's Creek residential community. � The activities were authorized by the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) on October 7; 2008 (Action ID 2007 - 2492 -375) and the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on July 15; 2008 (Project # 20031625, Version 4). Special Conditions 10, 11, and 12 of the Corps' 404 Permit and conditions of the DWQ 401 Certification require 428 linear feet of stream restoration as compensatory mitigation to offset the authorized impacts. , 2.0 BACKGROUND As compensatory mitigation for impacts to 214 linear feet of an unnamed tributary of Harm Creek, Bright's Creek Golf Club has restored 428 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to Bright's Creek. The restoration of the tributary is Priority 2 'restoration and involved the construction of ,a new channel and floodplain bench. Upland buffers were planted on,either side of the new channel after °earthwork was complete. The downstream end of the project reach is, the confluence of -the tributary with Bright's Creek. This report details the monitoring results from the 2014 monitoring year four effort. There were no stream monitoring activities during the 2012 calendar year. Due to the economic recession the project has changed ownership twice since 2011. Monitoring activities have resumed per the permit requirements. A supplemental planting of 120 bare root stems and 100 live stakes occurred on March, 19, 2014 focusing on areas that had been mowed during the growing season of 2013. 23. Location The project site is an unnamed tributary to Bright's Creek within the Bright's, Creek residential development in,Polk County, North Carolina. The project site is located in the Broad River Basin, the US Geological Survey (USGS) 03050105 hydrologic unit, and the DWQ sub -basin 03- 08 -03. It is approximately 7.6 miles northwest of Columbus, North Carolina. The latitude and longitude for the project area are 35.3329730°N and 82.2667469 °W: A site location map is included as Figure 1. i To access the site from Asheville, take Interstate 26 east. Turn east onto Highway 74. Turn left onto Highway 108 to the north. Turn left onto Highway 9 to the west. Turn left onto Silver Creek Road. After crossing Lake Adger, turn left onto Palmer Road. Palmer Road will end at the entrance to Bright's Creek Golf Club. The project site is located on the right of Palmer Road approximately 0.75 miles from the entrance. 'A site vicinity map and USGS topographic°map are included as Figures 1 and 2. Project #324 Brights Creek I Clearwater EnwInmentall Consultants, Inc i I I i 2.2. Goals dnd `Objectives The objectives of the project are to: 1. Provide compensatory mitigation for authorized impacts; 2. Construct,a stable channel with, associated floodplain bench; 3. Create and/or improve aquatic habitats; 4. Establish native vegetation through a forested riparian buffer; and 5. Improve the natural aesthetics of the stream corridor. The stream restoration involved the following steps: 1. Excavate new channel and floodplain bench; 2. Slope remaining banks; 3. Construct grade control,- structures; 4. Apply temporary seed and erosion control matting to the banks; and, 5. Plant native herbaceous and woody vegetation on the banks and at the top of both banks to establish a vegetative buffer. 2.3. Restoration Approach Personnel from Clearwater, Environmental Consultants, Inc. (CEC) conducted existing conditions surveys of `the project reach. in March and June„ 2008. 2.3. 1. Existing Conditions The existing conditions survey indicated that the project reach was moving toward a more unstable state. The stream prior to restoration was classified as a B4 within the Rosgen classification system. The average water surface slope was high with very little sinuosity. The�stream was not entrenched. The D50 of 'the bed material in the riffles was 17mm. Based on dimension and slope, the, threshold grain, size is 45mm and well above the D50 of the surface bed material. This suggested that the stream was a candidate for incision as excessive bed material would be washed away during sediment transport processes. The W/d ratio measured in the existing stream indicated that the stream may have been actively incising. At 12.8, the existing stream was close to the "threshold value of becoming a G -type channel. Moderate to severe bank erosion was evident throughout the reach. There were very few stable riffles and' ,pools, to provide aquatic habitat. The downstream end of the reach, where the tributary merges with Bright's Creek, has a steeper slope than the rest of the reach. 2.3.2. Design The proposed restoration design was based on data obtained during the existing conditions surveys and regional curve data. A new channel was constructed with an associated floodplain bench. The primary design goal' was to increase the W/d ratio to prevent incision of the channel through excessive sediment transpori, and to, construct a Project #324 Brights Creek 2 Clearwater Environmental Consultants, Inc floodplain bench for energy dissipatton'during higher flows. Slope was also decreased by adding sinuosity'to the channel. 2.4. History and Projected Schedule Table 1: Protect History and Prnieeted SChededP Activity Planned or Actual Date, hn acts authorized by DWQ July 2008 'Impacts authorized byCorps October, 2008 Construction December 2009 -Jams 2010 As -built Survey Aril 2010 Year 1 Monitoring and Report Submittal October/December 2010 Year 2 Monitormg•and ReportSubmittal _ November/December 2011 Year 3 Monitoring and Report Submittal l October/December'2013 Year 4 Monitorin ,and Report Submittal October/December 2014 Year 5'Monitorin Yand_Report Submittal December 2015* m�ectca 3.0 MONITORING Environmental components monitored in this project are those that allow an evaluation of channel stability and riparian survivability., The .success of channel modification, seeding, and woody vegetation plantings will be evaluated for five years. 3.1. Vegetation Monitoring Survival of planted vegetation will be evaluated using two, 5 -meter by 20 -meter (17 feet x 65 feet) survival plots. All rooted vegetation will be flagged and evaluated for at, least five years to determine survival. The following frees and live stakes were planted at the.site: Table 2. Planted Trees and Live Stakes Planted Trees Live Stakes Cornus amomum Physocarpus o uli olias Nyssa,sylvatica Salixmi a' Prunus serrulata Sambucus canadensis Betula nigra Viburnum plicalum tomentosum_ Ilex glabra Platanus occidentalis uercus rubra- Diospyros vi " 'ivana Success Criteria: Vegetation monitoring will be considered successful if at least 320 woody stems /acre are surviving at the end of five years. Pr4lecti #324 Brights Creek 3 Clearwater Environmental Consultants, Inc 3. Ll, Vegetation Monitoring Results Table 3. Vegetation Counts Plot 1 Trees Total Ilex gidbra, 1 Vibtir»um plicatum to_mentosum 2 Betula nigra 23 Liriodendron tuli i era 5 Corpus amomum 1 Salix ni a 1 Pinus vir 'niana 1 Acer rubrum 4 Platanus occide_ntahs 2 N ssa sylyatica 1 uercus,rubra 1 Physocarpus o uli olias 5 Grand Total 42 Plot 2 Trees Total Ilex glqbra 1 Betula,nigra 28 Corpus amomum 3 Diospyros vir 'niana 3 N ssa sylvatica 1 Acer rubrum 6 Alnus serrulata 4 Platanus occidenialis 4 Saiiktnkra 1 ;Viburnum licatum tomentosum 1 Fraxinus pennsyyanica 1 Physocarpus o uli olias 5 Grand Total 58 The counts above yield 1,680 stems per acre for Plot 1 and 2,320 stems per acre for Plot 2. Both plots are on -track to meet the final success criteria of 320 stems per acre at the end the five year monitoring effort. Despite exceeding the success criteria in the vegetation plots, mowing continues to occur in a 400 square foot area zt ,the downstream end of the�reach (right bank descending). 3.2. Stream Monitoring 3.2.4. Cross - sections Two permanent cross- sections were established, one on a representative riffle and one on a representative, pool. The cross - sections were marked on both banks with permanent pins to establish the exact° transects used: The annual cross- section surveys will ,includ'e points,measured at breaks in slope and any identifiable features. Success Criteria: There should be little or no change in the as -built cross - sections. If change's in the cross - sections occur,, then they should be evaluated to determine if they represent a movement toward a more unstable condition, (down - cutting, erosion) or are minor changes that represent an increase in stability (settling, vegetative, changes, deposition along, the banks, decrease in width/depth ratio). 3.2.2. Cross- section results Comparisons of cross sections between monitoring years are included for review in Appendix A. Cross section one. indicates continued aggradation attributed to dense vegetation in the stream bed and on the banks; however there has been very little change between, monitoring years 3 and 4. Cross section two is showing the continued development of a point bar on the inside of the bend (right bank descending). This is also Project #324 Brights Creek 4 Clearwater Environmental Consultants, Inc a positive indicator of stability showing the narrowing of the channel due to mature vegetation. Both cross sections show continued bank stability. 3.2.3. Longitudinal Profile A longitudinal profile will be completed annually for a total of five years. Survey points will include thalweg and water surface. Each of these points will be taken at the head of each feature, e.g. riffle, run, pool, and glide where possible, and the, max pool depth. Water surface will be used to calculate slope for the project reach. Success Criteria: The longitudinal profile should show that the bedform features are remaining stable, e.g. they are not aggrading or degrading. The pools should remain deep with flat water surface slopes and the steps /riffles should remain steeper and shallower. 3.2.4. Longitudinal Profile Results A longitudinal profile `is included for review in Appendix A. The average slope for the longitudinal, profile surveyed is 4:3 %. The longitudinal profile shows little change throughout the entire length. Bed features appear to have remained consistent during the monitoring years and water surface slopes remain unchanged. 3.2.5. Photo Reference Sites Photographs used to evaluate the restored site will be made with a digital camera. There are 6 photo reference ,sites showing each bank and the stream channel. Reference sites will be photographed' once per year for at least 5 years following construction. The stream will be photographed longitudinally at the upstream end of'the restoration site looking downstream and at the downstream end of the site looking upstream. Photographs will be taken of both banks at the cross - sections. The water's edge or channel's edge will be 'located in the lower edge of the frame and as, much of the bank as possible included in each photo. Additional photo points may be added. Success Criteria: Photographs will be used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation and effectiveness of erosion control measures. Longitudinal photos should indicate the absence of developing bars within the channel or an, excessive increase in channel depth. Lateral photos should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the, bank over "time. A series of photos over time should indicate successional maturation of riparian vegetation. Vegetative succession should include initial herbaceous growth, followed by increasing densities of woody vegetation and then ultimately a mature overstory with herbaceous understory. 3.2.6. Photo Reference Site Results Reference photographs are included for review as Appendix �B. Representative photographs indicate stable vegetated stream banks,and the absence.of mid channel bars. The photograph of cross- section 2 indicates the continued development of the point bar on the inside of the meander bend. Project #324 Brights Creek 5 Clearwater Environmental Consultants, Inc , 4.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The cross sections and longitudinal profile indicate a stable channel with little to no change from the previous years. Cross sections one and two are showing slight aggradation in the riffle and the formation of a point bar in the pool. Both can be attributed to the thickening of vegetation and further stability of the bed and banks. The stream banks appear'to be�stabl'e from the cross- section data. Vegetation plot data for Year 4 indicates stem densities were between 1,680 and 2,320 stems per acre. Both plots are on track to meet the final success criteria of'320 stems per acre. Mowing continues to occur in a 400 square foot area at the downstream end of the teach (right 'bank. descending). C1earWater Environmental ,Consultants, Inc. recommend that this activity be discontinued. With the exception of this area, the herbaceous vegetation and stems from the supplemental planting are becoming well established. Project #324 Brights Creek 6 Clearwater Environmental Consultants, Inc Bright's Creek Golf Club �Ib ds err m Project Site v 5R 1319 ( -• r; ^ •i -Wng SR Ar T i 'r 4 y P• ,v � a•� .f -.. .Kf •:-.rte -- �i�_�� � - ,{,� 5R 150 SR t42 1 � R r• �� s yn, r . SR $R R, �ISt3 f � 9 , -- ....� -- SR 1121 9 J`p w 1 515_ 3 SR 1tW w `� sjl 5R'SpG 1S`x' N Urrr 1. 3. Vr 0 _ 1� P SR ir 5a 1116 F X501 0 0.5 1 2 3 IR Miles Drawn by: Rt,N 05.6.'10 ClearWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. Polk County, Site Vicinity Map North Carolina 224 South Grove Street, Suite F Figure 1 Hendersonville, North Carolina _8792 828- 698 -9800 Bright's Creek Golf Club N OT ,,•� .,����,.., .� : ;,ems. �. `�,��� 1.�,.� •� i _„ PEI 1 — Uff (fill, AT _ _ ?��_ �' . � �J 'r ""' `� Y � � ��` it /.� ■U�\ ��-� ' 1 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 USGS Topographic Map Mountain Polk County, 224 South Grove Street, Suite F Cliffield .. North Carolina Hendersonville, North Carolina 28792 Figure 2 828-698-9800 APPENIDIX A Cross Sections and Longitudinal Profile Bright's Creek (Bam Tributary) Cross - Section 2 - Pool 100 98 99 97 m 96 LL \ 0 95 / .'7 m 94 W 93 - - -- - -- i -- 92 - - 91 90 0+00 0+05 6+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 Distance (Feet) -- As -Built +MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 --•-• W Project #324 Brights Creek ClearWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. Bright's Creek (Bam Tributary) Cross - Section 1 - Riffle 102 101 100 -- - - - -- - -�- - — m 98 LL - - _ C 97 9 m W j 95 94 93 — 92 0 +00 0 +10 0 +20 0+30 0+40 0+50 0+60 Distance (Feet) — MY1 ^— MY2 MY3 MY4 ..... BKF Bright's Creek (Bam Tributary) Cross - Section 2 - Pool 100 98 99 97 m 96 LL \ 0 95 / .'7 m 94 W 93 - - -- - -- i -- 92 - - 91 90 0+00 0+05 6+10 0+15 0+20 0+25 0+30 0+35 0+40 0+45 Distance (Feet) -- As -Built +MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 --•-• W Project #324 Brights Creek ClearWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. U C v C n N C 4 C U E 0 c W XFv m 3 U .]L V U v. L 'C m V N u u �o c 1 I � Q: 0 O L z � CL i c .r i I C ti s L J + N C n R O C w °00 + � O O R - I m N Y � m U L� S I m` s (1eej) u011eA813 U C v C n N C 4 C U E 0 c W XFv m 3 U .]L V U v. L 'C m V N u u �o c 1 I � i i i � i I U C v C n N C 4 C U E 0 c W XFv m 3 U .]L V U v. L 'C m V N u u �o c Appendix B Representative Photographs i � � a N 1'/.20,1.4\-1�12 31 1 fit. ,� I •' •,1• .!; bvC/ -. � � a 14 i 12 / 1112014- 11 5' "i �i � t _�• _ � . /. - � L I �. I ._ `1; i ��� � .ri i L `._ ,� i i... 1, ;+ 03- Oct -2019 815 De•>p Gap Farm &o-a6 Ea----, i Vegetation Plot Culvert Removal Year i Monitoring Report for Compensatory Mitigation Performed at Z I'" December 2014 Prepared By: CLearWater C1earWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. 224 South Grove Street, Suite F Hendersonville, NC 28792 Table of Contentg 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................ .............:................1 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND ............................... ..............................1 2.1. Project Location ................................................................... ............................... 1 2.2. Project Goals and Objectives ............................................... ............................... 1 2.2.1. Design ............ .................... . ............... .................... :..... ..:.:.:.:.- .:...:.............. 2 2:2.2. Implementation ............................................................ ...... .:.......::.............. 2 2.3. Project History and Background ........... ...................... .......................... ......... 3 3.0 VEGETATION MONITORING ......................... .:............................4 3.1. Vegeta$on Monitoring Protocol .......................................... ............................... 4 3.2,. Vegetation Success Criteria ................................................. ............................... 4 4.0, STREAM MONITORING ................................... ..............................5 4.1. Stream Monitoring Protocol ................................................ ............................... 5 4.1.1. Cross - Sections ............................................................... ..............................5 4.1.2. Longitudinal Profile ...................................................... ............................... 5 4.13. Reference Photos ........................................ :. ... ............................................. 5 4.2: Stream Success Criteria ....................................................... ............................... 5 4.2.1. Cross - Sections ............................................................... ..............................5 4.2.2. Longitudinal Profile ..................................................... .............:................. 6 4.2.3_. Reference Photos .... ............................... .............. ... .......:.............. 6 4.3. Stream Monitoring Results ......................:..:..:....................... ..............................6 4.3.1. Cross - Sections ................................... -.....:..................................... . ............... 6 4.3.2. Longitudinal Profiles ................................................... ............................... 6 4.3.3. Visual Inspection Crossing 4 .................................................... :................... 6 4.3.4. Reference Photos .................... :.: .............. :..... ..................... .- ........................ 6 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .:..:.:.:..:...:...........7 5.1. Vegetation Monitoring ................... : ............ . ... ..................... . ................................ 7 5.2. ,Stream Monitoring... ........................................................... . .............................. 7 List of Fables Table 1. Project Activity and History Table 2. Project Contacts Table 3. Tree and Shrub Species Composition Table 4. Vegetation Monitoring Results Table 5. Summary of Profile Data List of Figures Figure 1. Site Location Map Figure 2. USGS Topographic Map Figures S1 -S2. Locations of Culvert Removal Areas (from mitigation plan) Figures C1 -C7. Details of Culvert Removal Areas (from mitigation plan) Appendices Appendix A. NC Division of Water Quality Letter Appendix B. Morphological Data and Representative Photos ff 1.0 INTROIDUCTION Bright's Creek Golf Club is a residential golf course community located in Polk County, North Carolina (Figure 1). Bright's Creek received a US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Permit (Action ID No. 200436264) on June 13, 2005 and a NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) 401 Water Quality Certification (Project No. 03 -1625) on May 26, 2005 authorizing permanent impacts to 110 linear feet of unnamed tributaries to Harm's Creek and relocation of 180 linear feet of an ,unnamed tributary, to Bright's Creek. 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND Bright's Creek removed six (6) existing culverts on site in, 2006 and 2007 and restored stream beds and banks within these areas. This mitigation activity restored approximately 200 linear feet of stream. Restoration of the culvert sites involved the removal of the culvert structures and adjacent,road embankments; and excavation of new channels that connected the .upstream and downstream reaches. This report details the monitoring results from, 2014 monitoring year 7 for crossings 3 and 4. Crossing 3 and 4 will be monitored in 2015. Crossings 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 met the performance standards in 2011/2013 and are no longer being evaluated. Please reference the letter dated November 5, 2012 (Appendix A) sent by the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) in response to Year 5/4 Monitoring Report (DWQ'#03 -1625 v4). There, were no monitoring activities -during the 2012 calendar year. Due to the economic recession the project has, changed ownership twice since 2011. Monitoring, activities haveresumed per'the permit requirements. 2.1. Project Location The project site is in Polk County, North Carolina and is located in the Broad River Basin (HUC 03050105) and DWQ sub -basin 03- 08 -03. The site is approximately 7.6 miles northwest of Columbus, North Carolina. 'The, latitude and longitude for the project ,area are 35.3392667°N and 82.2699474°W, respectively. From Asheville, take Interstate 26' east. Turn east onto Highway 74. Turn left onto Highway 108 to the north. Turn left onto Highway 9 to the west. Turn left onto Silver Creek Road. Ater, crossing Lake Adger, turn left onto Palmer Road. Palmer Road will end at the entrance to Bright's Creek Golf Club. A USGS topographic map is included for review (Figure 2). 2.2. Project Goals and Objectives The objectives of the project were4o: 1: Remove existing culverts; 2. Re- connect aquatic habitats; 3. Establish native vegetation through a forested riparian buffer; and 4. Improve the natural aesthetics of the stream corridors. The culvert removals and stream restorations involved the following steps! Project #324 Bright's Creek I Clearwater Environmental Consultants, Inc 1. Remove culverts and excavate new channels through the road embankments with disposal of roadbed gravel (if any) outside the limits ,of the restoration areas; 2. Construct grade control structures; 3. Apply temporary seed and erosion control matting to the-banks; and, 4. Plant native herbaceous and woody vegetation on the banks and at the top of both banks to establish a vegetative buffer. 5. Restoration Approach 2.2.1. Design The restoration approach' was similar for all of the culverts. The culvert and road embankment were to be removed, a new channel section excavated, and the new `banks seeded, matted and planted with native vegetation. The cross - sectional area for the new channel section was matched to the cross - sectional area of a stable adjacent section. Slope Was to be controlled by constructing step -pool structures to, establish grade control and protect new, banks within the,culvert removal ,areas. Step -pool structure designs were based upon data gathered in the existing conditions survey. During the existing conditions survey, the exact length and slope of the restored channel was determined. The number of structures required at each location was calculated so that the fall across each structure was as close to 1 foot as possible. Due to the small, size of `the stream channeisl and the existing topography and vegetative conditions, the most appropriate bank stabilization and planting methods were chosen. Erosion control matting, seeding, live staking, and containerized tree =shrub planting were all designed for both rapid and long -term bank stabilization and vegetation survival. 2.2.2. Implementation Bright% Creek removed five -(5) existing culverts on site in 2006 and restored stream 'beds and banks within these areas. The original mitigation plan 'included seven (7) culvert removal and \or restoration sites. Repairs were made to Crossings 1 - 5 in June 2008. Additionally, a total of 65 trees were planted at Crossings 1 - 5 in June 2008. Culvert 6 is not included in this mitigation report because Crossing 6 site involved the removal of twin 12" CMP and replacement with a bottomless culvert to maintain 'lower impact quantities on the project. This crossing was included in the, mitigation plan under planned bank stabilization following installation of the bottomless culverts. At present; the bottomless culvert has been installed. Mitigation work on Crossing 7 was performed in December 2007. The stream was reconstructed with step -pools and the banks stabilized with coir matting. Trees /shrub plantings and live stakes were installed in,March 2008. It should benoted that the,work performed at Crossing 7 'i's in the vicinity of but is not the exact same location_ as indicated in the original mitigation plan. The stream location originally proposed, has been utilized as a utility line right -of -way and cannot be manipulated with heavy equipment. The current location involved the removal of a 30 -foot 12 -inch CMP. A total Project N324 Bright's Creek 2 ClearWater Environmental Consultants, Inc of 42 linear feet of stream was restored (30 linear feet were proposed in the original mitigation plan). The locations of restored crossings are attached in Figures S1 -S2 and C1 -C7. Erosion control matting was placed to the top of bank. Outside of the erosion control matting, riparian trees and shrubs were planted on 10 to 12 -foot centers in agreement with the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program's "Guidelines for' Riparian Buffer Restoration" in order to obtain a 320 tree /acre density at maturity. Existing vegetation limited somewhat the number of woody plantings necessary as the riparian corridor had not been eliminated along the whole; restoration length. 2.3. ProjectKistory and Background Table 1: Proiect Activity and laistory Activity Planned or Actual Date USACE,404/DWQ 401 approval May/June 2005 Construction ofCrossings 1 -5 Jul ,2006 As -built Survey of Crossings 1 -5 August2006 Year 1 Monitoring =1 of Crossings 1 -5 Au 12007 Construction on Crossing 7 December 2007 As -built Survey on Crossing 7 December,20.07 MY -1 /As -built Report Submittal MY -1 on Crossings 1 -5 ,As -built on Crossing 7 December 2007 'Planting on Crossing 7 Mar&2008, Repairs/Plantings on Crossings 1 -5 June 2008 Year 2/1 Monitoring (MY -2 /1) and Report Submittal MY -2 on Crossings 1 -5 MY -1 on Crossing 7 September /October 2008 Year 3%2 (MY- 3 /2yMonitoriag and Report Submittal MY -3 on,Crossing 1 -5 MY -2 on Crossing 7' October/December 2009 Year 4/3 4/3 Monitoring and Report Submittal S tember'/December 2010 Year 5/4 (MY -5/4) Monitoring-and Report Submittal Novembe-r/December 2011 Year 6/5 (MY -6/5 ) Monitoring and Report Submittal October/December 2013 Year 7 (MY -7) Monitonng and Report-Submittal October/December 2014 Table 2: Proieet,Contacts Project #324 Bright's Creek 3 Clearwater Environmental Consultants, Inc. ClearWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. 224 South;Grove Street, Suite F Designer Hendersonville, NC 28792 (828) 698 -9800 Attn. Clement Riddle Southern Excavation Construction and Planting,Contractor 165, Chestnut Cove Rd Brevard, NC 28712 Crossings 1 -5 (828)884 -6485 Attn: John Rogers Construction and Planting Contractor Streamline Restoration, Inc. 250 Thompson Rd Crossing 7 Saluda, NC28773 828)674 -7816, Project #324 Bright's Creek 3 Clearwater Environmental Consultants, Inc. 3.0 VEGETATION ,MONITORING The success of woody vegetation plantings will be evaluated for 5 years. Table 3 contains a list of species planted at the mitigation sites. Table 3: Tree and Shrub S' ecies Composition Scientific Name Attn: Grant Fulbright Planted Stems in 2007 C1earWater Environmental Consultants, Inc uercus alcata 224 South Grove Street, Suite,F Monitoring Hendersonville, NC'287,92 flex glabra i (828) 698 -9800 2 Aun: Clement Riddle 3.0 VEGETATION ,MONITORING The success of woody vegetation plantings will be evaluated for 5 years. Table 3 contains a list of species planted at the mitigation sites. Table 3: Tree and Shrub S' ecies Composition Scientific Name Common Name Planted Stems in 2007 Planted Stems in 2008 uercus alcata Southern red oak 7 _ flex glabra i Inkberry 2 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 8 20 Cornus amomum Silky dogwood 16 18 Betula ni ra River birch 11 Euon miwamericanus Strawberrybush 2 Vaccinum corymbosum Hi hbush blueb 1 Acer rubrum Red maple 9 Diospyros vir iniana Persimmon 4 Liriodendron tuli i era Tulip tree 5 Oxydendrum arboreum Sourwood 2 6 Fraxinus enn lvanica Green ash, l Hamaniefisvirginiana American witch hazel 6 Viburnum,nudum Possumhaw 6 Amelanchier arborea Common serviceberry 6 ercus,alba White'oak 21 3.1. Vegetation Monitoring Protocol Survival of planted vegetation will be evaluated using survival counts. All rooted vegetation will be, flagged and evaluated for at least 5 years to determine survival. The complete planted buffer at each crossing was assessed due,to the small areas planted. In 2011, crossings 1 -6 met the performance standards for vegetation survival and monitoring was discontinued. In 2013, Crossing 7 met the performance standard for vegetation survival. Vegetation monitoring in the form of visual inspections will be continued at crossings 3 and 4 through 2015 as recommended in the DWQ comment letter. 3.2. Vegetation Success Criteria A visual inspection of crossing four revealed a thick herbaceous layer and healthy stem density dominated by American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis). Herbaceous vegetation consists of primarily Chinese lespedeza ( Lespedeza cuneata): Much of Bright's Creek Golf Club was stabilized with Lespedeza cuneata during earth - moving activities. The combination of an extensive seed bank and recently disturbed soils has Project #324 Bright's Creek 4 ClearWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. soils has allowed the Lespedeza cuneata to become dominant in the vicinity of the stream crossings. Removal of Lespedeza cuneata without damaging planted vegetation would be difficult and ismot planned at this ,time. 4.0 STREAM MONITORING Environmental components monitored in this project are those,that allow an evaluation of channel and bank stability. Specifically, the success of channel modification and bank stabilization will be evaluated for 5 years. Morphological monitoring in the form of cross-sections and a longitudinal profile will be conducted `at crossing 3. A visual inspection is required for crossing 4. 4.1. Stream Monitoring Protocol 4.1.1. Cross - Sections Permanent cross- sections were established at every crossing. The cross- sections were marked on both banks with permanent pins to establish the exact transects used. The annual cross - section surveys include points measured at breaks in slope and any identifiable ,features. 4.1.2. Longitudinal Profile A longitudinal profile will be completed annually at each crossing for a total of five years: Survey points include thalweg and water surface. Each of these points will be taken at the head of each feature, e.g. riffle, run, pool, and glide where possible, and the max pool depth. Average water surface will be used to calculate slope for the project reach. 4.1.3. Reference Photos Photographs used to evaluate restored sites will be made with a digital camera. Reference sites will be photographed once per year for at least five years following construction. The stream was, photographed longitudinally at the upstream end of the restoration site looking downstream and at the downstream end of the site looking upstream. Photographs will be taken of both banks at the cross - sections. The water's edge or channel's edge will be located in the lower edge of the frame and as much of the bank as possible included' in each photo. Photographs are included in Appendix B. 4.2. Stream Success Criteria 4:2.1. Cross - Sections There should be little or no change from the as -built cross = sections. If changes in the cross- sections occur, then they should be evaluated to determine if they represent a movement toward a more unstable condition (down - cutting, erosion) or are minor changes that represent ail increase in stability (settling, vegetative 'changes, deposition along the banks, decrease in width/depth ratio). Protect #324 Bnght's Creek 5 Clearwater Environmental Consultants, Inc. 4.2.2. Longitudinal Profile The longitudinal profile should show that the bedform features, are remaining stable, e.g. they are not aggrading or degrading. The pools should remain deep with flat water surface slopes and the steps /riffles should remain steeper and shallower. The overall slope of the reach, based on average water surfacerslope, should remain stable 4:2.3. Reference Photos Photographs will be used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation and effectiveness of erosion control measures. Longitudinal photos should indicate the absence of developing bars within the channel or an excessive. increase in channel depth. Lateral photos should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the bank over tune: A series of photos over time should indicate successional maturation of riparian vegetation. Vegetative succession should include initial herbaceous growth, followed by :increasing densities of woody vegetation and then ultimately a mature,overstory with herbaceous understory. 4.3. Stream Monitoring Results 4.3.1. Cross - Sections MY 7 cross - sections are provided in Appendix B. Crossing 3 The recommended stream fixes from 2011 were conducted during the fall of 2014. The migrating head cut was repaired and the left bank descending was matted and seeded: Photographs are included in Appendix B. 4.3.2. Longitudinal Profiles Table 5 presents a summary of profile data gathered at crossing 3. Table 4: Summary of Profile Data Culvert No. Slope(As- Built) Slope _MYl Slope MY2 Slope MY3 Slope MY4 Slope MY5 °Slope MY6 Slope MY7 3 1 0.035 1 0 .'045 1 0.038 0.059 0.066 0.053 JENIMMM 0.056 `Data was not,collected for MY6 due to repairs not being,complete. The profile at crossing 3 has changed due to the stream fixes performed in 2014. Crossing 3 will continue to be monitored through 2015 to ensure stability. The slope at crossing 3 has remained relatively unchanged since monitoring year three. 4.3.3. Visual Inspection Crossing 4 The herbaceous cover has stablilized the erosional rills on crossing_ 4. Photos are attached in,Appendix B. 4.3.4. Reference Photos Photos from each of the crossings are contained in Appendix B. Project tl324 Bright's.Creek 6 ClearWater Environmental Consultants „Inc 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Bright's Creek removed six (6) existing culverts on site in 2006 and 2007 and restored stream beds and banks within these areas. This mitigation activity restored approximately 200 linear feet of stream. Restoration of the culvert sites involved the removal of the culvert structures and adjacent road embankments and excavation of new channels that connected the upstream and downstream reaches. 5:1. vegetation,Monitoring Visual inspections at crossings 3 and 4 show healthy stems, some of which were 20 feet in height. The herbaceous cover has stablilized the ,erosional rills on crossing, 4. CEC recommends that monitoring at crossing 4 be, discontinued. 5.2. Stream Monitoring Work on crossing 3 was completed during the fall of 2014. The beadcut was repaired and the left bank descending was matted and seeded. CEC recommends another year of monitoring to ensure the bed and banks remain stable. Sediment and erosion control measures were recommended during the 2013 monitoring efforts to reduce sediment input from the existing gravel roads. Silt fence was installed during 2014; however, it was not properly trenched in. CEC staff recommends that the silt fence be °properly installed. This would' require that'the upstream side of the silt fence be buried at least six inches. Crossing 4 meets the vegetation and stream success criteria. The erosional rill caused by the ,upslope� stormwater basin has stabilized due to vegetation. CEC' staff recommends visual inspection be discontinued. Project #324 Bnght's`Creek 7 Clearwater Environmental Consultants, Inc Bright's Creek Golf Club ea n * . "I dpow 1 F ! ►_ ow Project Site 49 0� �•<� SR 1151 SR 1318 WA fi W II �ryryq SR Sping a 4L rn 9 re' 141 l% SR 1531 r.- r✓ kP .dui #ice *�►. �{ S 1514 R x+29 Lynn y3 n 3 rL� -� SR N�21 toP, a'd 151$ pQj 1r 1 SR 1tOTa ry SR 1506 N . too 1 tf% _ ASP r 59 11 el'4R 1� N ,��^ SR �` d m ,501 0 0.5 1 2 3 "�--�" \,5o Drawn by. RL M Kbi.. I'a —�•d_ Miles `1 ClearWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. Polk County, Site Vicinity Map North Carolina 224 South Grove Street, Suite F Figure 1 Hendersonville, North Carolina 28792 S 828 - 698 -9800 Bright's Creek Golf Club 1 0 0 . Project Site all, :r,i,' i},) ' ` ,� �'� ,� �•' -! �� 1 11 1 11 1 1 111 � � ,� • = -_.ice >r ClCarwater Environmental Consultants, Inc. 11 Topographic 224 South Grove Street, Suite F Cliffield Mountain • .d endersonville, North Carolina 28792 Figure 2 828-698-9800 CLJLV13ZT #6 / two Z!4 41 BRIGHT'S CREEK CLJI-VE32T W3 3OLF OF IT CMP REMOVE EXISTING GRAVEL TO MATCH ADJACENT GROUND ELEVATION. REPLANT X20 AS PER BARE ROOT V �� DETAIL-. SEE SHEET D2 REMOVE / EXISTING 12" IRON CULVER�,\ EXCAVATE CHANNEL THROUGH / ROAD EMBANKMENT 1 CONSTRUCT -S JEP POOLS PtFPbMIL D1 REMOVE--E-MTING GRAVEL TO MATCH ------ - ADJACENT GROUND --r / EtEvrF—n0N. REPLANT AS PER BARE ROOT DET ,f �S SHEET D2 �� • BRIGHT'S CREEK 6003050 CULVERT 1 DATE: 3/1 /5 REMOVE EXISTING 1'2" CMP CU ' VERT REMOVE' EXISTINQ GRAVEL TO MATCH ADJACENT GROU D ELEVATION. REPL NT AS PER BARE ROOT ETAIL., SEE SHEET D2 , 0 o� o� 02 v Q M mLUW 110LI1M I1 \ Y 11 �I II \I � I II I\ ,I BRIGHT'S CREEK C'lll VFRT 7 REMOVE EXISTING GRAVEL TO MATCH ADJACENT GROUND tLEVAT1W. REPLANT AS PER BARE ROOT DETAIL. SE SHEET D2 EXCAVATE NEW CHANNEL THROUGH ROAD EMBANKMENT ONSTRUCT STEP OOLS PER DETAIL D1 6003050 DATE: 3/1/5 crni c r^•) REMOVE EXISTI�' 12" CMP CUL RT REMOVE , GRAVEL 70 M TCH "',DJACENT GROUND ' E``L�EVATION. REPLANT \ AS PER BARE RO0 DETAIL. -SEA \SHEET 2 \ EX VATE hW CHA NEL OUGH ROA EMBAN NT —CONST CT STEP' �- POOLS R DETAIL 11 \RE QVE EXISTING \ GRAVEL TO TCH ADJA ENT GR , ND ~\ ELEV T10N. RE ANT AS PE BARE R OT DETAIL. EE SHEET 1'2 ` o ?Z 00 � Q EMdDesign • B R I GH T' S CREEK 6003050 CULVERT 3 rAlF:3 -=g 7• C«W r.a W C Iwi K 7aDJ wmaury mm�u «r SCAI F: 1 nr rl \` EXCAVATE NEW CHANNEL THROUGH ROAD EMBANKMENT CT ST REMOVE TWO CONSTRUEP EXISTING 18" POOLS PER DETAIL 1 CMP CULVERTS �- EXIST G DRIVEWAY TO OLD HOUSE TO BE ABANDONED. \ a R OVE EXISTING \ \ GRA EL TO MATCH ADJACENT GROUND ELEVA ON. REPLA T REM VE EXIS NG AS PE BARE RO T GRAVEL TO M CH DETAIL. E SHE D2 ADJ CENT GRO � D ' ELEV ON. REPL NT AS P R BARE ROOT ` DETAI. SEE SHEET D2 1 • BRIGHT'S CREEK 6003050 e mwa n mmHw CULVERT 4 DATE: 3/1/5 EMOVE EXI ING GRAVEL TO TCH ADJACENT R UND ELEVATION. RE LANT AS PER BARE OOT 1 DETAIL, SEE SHEET i REMOVE TW,. E AVATE NEW EXISTING CHANN THROUGH CMP CULVERTS ROAD ES,MWKMENT CONSTRUCT STEP --RQQLS PER DETA D1 qX-Q �O O Z 0 REMOVE EXISTING x r ,GRAVEL TO MATCH o o ADJACENT GROUND ELEVATION. REPLANT ��2 "0 AS PER BARE ROOT Zv DETAIL. SEE SHEET D2 q T'�'�' • BRI GH T' S CREEK 6003056 AG.yr.µW«ti.rK Y9 CULVERTS DATE: 3/1/5 I R MOVE TWO — E ISTING 12" CMP CULVERTS AND REPLACE WITH A BOTTOMLESS C�LVERT. \1 1'g° • B R,I G H T' S CREEK 6003050 CULVERT 6 DATE: 3/1/5 c AmmJW RomlrR+ rei c i ° — ,2n• ra l REMOVE EXISTING GRAVEL TO MATCH ADJACENT GROUND ELEVATION. REPLANT AS PER BARE ROOT DETAIL. SEE SHEET D r rte, ,KEMOVE EXISTING 8'� FiDPE CUL RTS i i �•� f �r r REMOVE EXISTING GRAVE TO MATCH ADJACE T GROUND ELEVATI N': REPLANT A PER B E ROOT DETAI SEE SHEET D2 n arrs.. rc .rrc m M Cin410 CIiWM � -E CAVA"EW ,EfTfiNNEL THROUGH AD �J�dBANIthfENT /CONSTRUCT STEP / POOLS PER DETAIL D1 1 �F tic 09 \ o i B R I G H'T' S �C R E�E K 6003050, DATE 3/1/5 CULVERT 7 SCALE: 1• =20' C7 Appendix A NV- Division of Water" Qu4tity LAW A�� MC® NR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Dinisiorrof Water Quakily Beverly Eaves'Perdue Charles Wakild, P. E. Dee Freeman Govemor Director Secretary November,5„ 2012 Mr. Clement Riddle Clearwater Environmental Consultants, Inc. 224 South Grove Street, Suite F 2 Hendersonville, NC 28792 Re: Brights Creek Golf Club Year 5/4 Monitoring Report Comments Polk County DWQ #03 -1625 v4 The Division of Water,Quality (DWQ) has reviewed the monitoring report, dated December 2011, for the above - referenced site/project. Based on this,review, our comments are as follows: © The proposed stream restoration associated with the removal'of culverts ,at Crossings 1, 2, and 6 has been completed and the restored reach has met'the performance standards related to stream channel stability and vegetation survival. Bright's Creek has met the conditions for mitigation success under the 401 Water Quality Certification, and no further action is required. o The proposed' stream restoration associated with the removal of the culvert at Crossing 7 has been completed and the restored reach has met the performance'standards for the past four' years. The last monitoring event is to occur this winter. Upon receipt and review of year 5 monitoring data demonstrating success for this stream,reach, no further action will be- required. e As per the Year 5/4 monitoring report, Crossing 3 has a large headcut that is migrating upstream and causing instability in,the channel. In,addition, unstable Toad shoulders are contributing stormwater runoff, and sedimentation to the restored reach. DWQ recommends repair of the headcut and roadside areas to prevent further deterioration of the channel. Following repair, this stream reach shall be monitored for two (2) additional years, or as needed, to ensure a stable channel, and attainment of ,performance standards. Monitoring shall'be in- accordance with the stream monitoring protocols outlined in the mitigation plan andvonducled for the last five. years. Vegetation 1617 Map smb,cenier, Raleigh, Nadh csmrina 27694 -1617 Lacargn,, 512 N. seltshury$S Relao., Wdh aiollna _21-604 P1i= 4194D7430D 1 FAX 9194107.6442 Interrmtwwwj uatemudfy=- An Equal oppaU* 1 ASona A*0 EmpbW On No ehCarolina Mr.'Clement Riddle 11/5/12 Page 2 of 2 monitoring can be discontinued, but a visual inspection of vegetation condition should be included during monitoring activities and briefly reported in future monitoring reports. As per the Year 5/4 monitoring report, Crossing 4 has met performance standards during the five -year monitoring period, but erosional rills from an upslope stormwater basin have returned. As per the Year 5/4 monitoring report; repairs should be conducted, to include _fillingwd seeding ofthe rilled areas. Stability and vegetation monitoring can be discoMinued; but a visual inspection of this area shall be performed for two (2) years, or as needed, to ensure that the erosion does not occur'again and threaten the restored reach. Thank you for the,opportunity to continent on this project. Please feel free�to contact Eric Kulz at (919) 807 -6476 if you have any questions,regarding this project or our comments. Sincerely, Karen Higgins, Supervisor Wetlands, Buffers, Stonnwater - Compliance & Permitting Unit cc: Steve'Kichefski — USACE Asheville, Regulatory Field Office File Copy (Eric Kulz) Kevin Barnett+- WOW Appendix B Morphological Data and Representative Photographs Crossing 3 0 U a c v E e Q 'S [LI V d w 3 8 U U N s e� C� v N rn x U V O 6. b m Q E d W C C �q a _j c M y ♦ . y 00 Y m V t � L m i E 09:1) — FWA913 0 U a c v E e Q 'S [LI V d w 3 8 U U N s e� C� v N rn x U V O 6. Crossing 3. Longitudinal Profile. Downstream. Crossing 3. Longitudinal Profile. Upstream. Project #324 Bright's Creek ClearWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. U C N C CJ U c v E 0 c W ej `v a 3 a E U v. eo �1 qtr N e+l U V O C.. t0 r i O N +r C O — O M r tm p d C 0 0 a .r c U� ;M V1 0 _ + Co m f0 N O + O O O t g n a a � o (109 UOPPA 13 U C N C CJ U c v E 0 c W ej `v a 3 a E U v. eo �1 qtr N e+l U V O C.. ' a Z`' ��.�.%"i: :Jia.r1�11L a�� iy%•.l�^ �✓1� �7[ C Crossing • • Pool. Right Bank Descending. i •e,Pf Ilk 1 12111•!2014 14 11 u F H C n N C U 7i c E c 0 c W d n 3 a AN Y v U H r 00 m a N M �i a m r 0 v t 0 N r t O O O M m a+ N! 0: U, ... o d ON d i" V m m m m + ,c U tD C. N O t O O O O dI OI O O r O" j) UOROAMB u F H C n N C U 7i c E c 0 c W d n 3 a AN Y v U H r 00 m a N M �i a .l 'r•;�;.� T• � •4� Z `�' mac.. .. t 12111/2r .1 12111/2014 14 26 - .• b , e. Right Bank Descending. .1 12111/2014 14 26 - .• b , Crossing 4 . � 1 • ' � �• -a � 1. �' ' {� w J :� �: '. %.. • ' �� �' �•. dry' � � -�� ��',. i- •< - .. .s ^� } .,e■t I � � • i ,tom ��.�J' +'�%.. �• • _ . r� or `.. . '.��:'. .I, 1` t. ' ,gyp ,; %1'..• _ =. 7^ . 1 7.T 1����. f