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NCG021007_Application _20221118
FOR AGENCY USE ONLY NCG02 1 a g)_I- Assigned to: COOK ARO FRO MRO RRO (4,ARO WIRO WSRO Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land Quality SectRrECEIVED National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NOV 18 1011 NCGO20000 Notice of Intent DEMLR-Stormwater Program This General Permit covers STORMWATER AND/OR WASTEWATER DISCHARGES associated with activities under SIC (Standard industrial Classification) Code 14 [Mineral Mining Industry] except for: peat mining, coal mining, metal mining, oil and gas extraction, tourist gem mines, NCDOT borrow pits, in -stream sand mining, and discharges from mining operations which are intermixed on site with stormwater from concrete operations. You can find information on the DEMLR Stormwater Program at deq.nc.gov/SW. Directions: Print or type all entries on this application. Send the original, signed application with all required items listed in Item (9) below to: NCDEMLR Stormwater Program, 1612 MSC, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612. The submission of this application does not guarantee coverage under the General Permit. Prior to coverage under this General Permit a site inspection will be conducted. 1. Owner/Operator (to whom all permit correspondence will be mailed): Name of legal organizational entity: Legally responsible person as signed in Item (10) below: Terri Lynn Meads Terri Lvnn Street address: City: State: Zip Code: 1409 Nixonton Road Elizabeth City NC 27909 Telephone number: Email address: 252-339-6854 meadstl3@students.ecu.edu Type of Ownership: Government ❑ County ❑ Federal ❑ Municipal ❑ State Non -government ❑ Business (If ownership is business, a copy of NCSOS report must be included with this application) 91 Individual 2. Industrial Facility (facility being permitted): Facility name: Facility environmental contact: Meads Pond Kenneth Elliott,Ili n I i Street address: City: State: Zip Code: 00000 Halls Creek Road Elizabeth City NC 27909 Parcel Identification Number (PIN) County: 8901-227-282 Pasquotank Telephone number: Email address: 252-339=6854 meadstl3@students.ecu.edu Latitude of entrance: Longitude of entrance: 36.223453 N -76.281392 W 4-digit SIC code: Facility is: Date operation is to begin or began: []New 133 Proposed 1442 ❑ Existing January 2023 Types of minerals mined at this facility: ❑ Clay ❑ Feldspar Ore ❑ Lithium Ore ❑ Phosphate ®Soil ® Construction Sand ❑ Industrial Sand ❑ Other: Page 1 of 11 Is this a processing -only facility for materials mined elsewhere? an inactive mine site? ❑ Yes TIsis es ® No o Does total area of this mine site include ready -mixed concrete plant and/or asphalt plant areas? ❑ Yes, and has separate NPDES stormwater permits (provide permit numbers): ❑ Yes, and does not have separate NPDES stormwater permits IN No Does this facility already have a valid Mining Permit from DEMLR's Land Quality Section? ❑ Yes (please provide the Mining Permit Number) I9 No (please indicate the status of the Mining Permit application) New mining permit application in process now. Are you applying for a discharge permit in the same location as a previously permitted mine? ❑ Yes (please provide permit number and mine name) El NO If the stormwater discharges to a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4), name the operator of the M54: ® N/A 3. Consultant (if applicable): Name of consultant: Consulting firm: Kenneth Elliott Elliott Consultin Street address: City: State Zip Code 202 Elliott Road, PO Box 112 A dlett NC 27916 Telephone number: Email address: 252-339-9021 ken@kenobx.com 4. Development Activities and Buffers S. Mining operation will precede development activities at this site: ❑ Yes ® No Mine is located within one of the 20 Coastal Counties, and will it add more than 10,000 ft' of impervious surface: ❑ Yes (to both) ® No, this mine is within one of the 20 Coastal Counties, but will not at more than 10,000 ft2 of impervious surface ❑ No, this mine is not within one of the 20 Coastal Counties Mine is in the Neuse, Tar -Pamlico, or Catawba River Basins, OR in the Randleman or Jordan Water supply Watersheds? ❑ Yes (specify size of stream buffers) KI No Mine site will include wastewater discharges from a ready -mix concrete batch plant? ❑ Yes (please seek additional coverage under General Permit NCGI40000: Ready -Mix Concrete) 19 No mine Mine dewatering will occur at this site: ® Yes ❑ No (mark N/A for the rest of this section) Mine dewatering from this facility will be discharged to: ®Surface Waters and/or Wetlands ❑Other (specify) ❑Mine will not discharge dewatering to Surface Waters and/or Wetlands; specify how dewatering will occur and where water will be directed: ❑N/A Page 2 of 11 Wetlands and/or Surface Waters are within 4W of the mine pit perimeter: 404/401 Certification permits required: ❑ Yes (specify distance) ❑ Yes (briefly describe) ® No 1128 feet from mine pit perimeter IN No ❑ N/A ❑ N/A Have you been required to obtain a wetland delineation certified by the US Army Corps of Engineers? ❑ Yes (please attach to this application) (3 No 6. Wastewater Treatment Will this facility wash mined materials? ❑ Yes 1!1 No Will discharges of process wastewater treatment systems occur (including possible recycle system overflows) ❑ Yes (please describe) ® No Will this facility employ chemical additives to flocculate suspended solids? ❑ Yes (specify name/manufacturer/quantity of daily use) IN No Note: pleasevisit: https://files.nc.gov/ncdeg/Water+Quality/Environmental+Sciences/ATU/PAM8 30 18.pdf for list of approved PAMS Will any of the wastewater treatment facilities at this mine overflow only during rainfall events that exceed the 10-yr, 24-hr rainfall event? ❑ Yes (specify which systems) 29 No Wastewater treatment facility will discharge more frequently (i.e. during smaller rain events). Are wastewater treatment facilities (including recycle systems) planned in the 100-year flood plain? ❑ Yes IN No Wastewater Treatment Alternative Review as required by 15A NCAC 2H.0105(c)(2) Types of wastewater this mine site will discharge: ® Mine Dewatering ❑ Process Wastewater Types of wastewater considered for this alternative review: ® Mine Dewatering ❑ Process Wastewater Are there existing sewer lines within a one -mile radius? ❑ Yes ❑ Wastewater treatment plant will accept wastewater ❑ Is feasible to connect (explain) ❑ Is not feasible to connect (explain) ❑ Wastewater treatment plant will not accept wastewater (please attach letter documenting this) ® No Page 3 of 11 Are you already proposing a closed -loop recycle system (CLRS) that meets design requirements of 15A NCAC 2T .10000? ❑ Yes, for dewatering ❑ Yes, for process wastewater ❑ Yes, for both ❑ No, this option is technologically feasible (explain) IN No, this option is not technologically feasible (explain) Inadequate space for system. ❑ No, this option is otherwise feasible (explain) ❑No, this option is otherwise not feasible (explain) What is the feasibility of building a CLRS compared to direct surface water discharge? Building and maintaining a treatments stem prior to discharge is more feasible than a CLRS. Surface or Subsurface Disposal System ❑ A surface or subsurface disposal system is technologically feasible (explain) E A surface or subsurface disposal system is not technologically feasible (explain) Inadequate space and power source. ❑ A surface or subsurface disposal system is otherwise feasible to implement (explain) ❑ A surface of subsurface disposal system is not otherwise feasible to implement (explain) What is the feasibility of employing a subsurface of surface discharge as compared to a direct discharge to surface waters? Building and maintaining a treatment system prior to discharge is more feasible than a subsurface or surface discharge system. Direct Discharge to surface waters is the most environmentally sound alternative to all reasonably cost-effective options for the wastewaters being considered? ® Yes ❑ No If this review included all wastewater discharge types, would excluding some types make any of the above non -discharge options feasible for some the wastewaters? ❑ Yes ® No 7. Outfalls(s) At least one outfall is required to be eligible for coverage. 3-4 digit identifier: Name of receiving water: I Classification: ❑ This water is impaired. SDO-1 Halls Creek/Little River/Albemarle Sd. C; Sw / SC / SB ❑ This watershed has a TMDL. Discharge from this outfall is from: ❑ Stormwater ® Mine Dewatering ❑ Process Wastewater 7Q10 Flow of receiving waterbody (if discharging Mine Dewatering or Process Wastewater to waters classified as HOW, ORW, Tr, WS-I, WS-ll, WS-III, SA, or PNA ): Discharge occurs from this outfall: El Only during a rainfall event ® Intermittently (indicate how often) ❑ Continuously (indicate flow in CFS) Avg 12 hrs/day (daily upon need, 3-4 tim per year) Latitude of outfall: Longitude of outfall: 36.224842 N -76.278418 W Brief description of the industrial activities that drain to this outfall: Dewatering 2.85-acre pond excavation to 0.1 &acre sediment pond to treat wastewater. Outfall is sediment pond overflow Do Vehicle Maintenance Activities occur in the drainage area of this outfall? ❑ Yes ❑x No If yes, how many gallons of new motor oil are used each month when averaged over the calendar year? 3-4 digit identifier: Name of receiving water: Classification: ❑ This water is impaired. ❑ This watershed has a TMDL. Page 4 of 11 ❑ Only during a rainfall event ❑ Intermittently (indicate how often) ❑ Continuously (indicate flow in CFS) Latitude of outfall: longitude of outfall: Brief description of the industrial activities that drain to this outfall: Do Vehicle Maintenance Activities occur in the drainage area of this outfall? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, how many gallons of new motor oil are used each month when averaged over the calendar year? All outfalls must be listed and at least one outfall is required. Additional outfalls maybe added in the section "Additional Outfalls" found on the last page of this NOL 8. Other Facility Conditions (check all that apply and explain accordingly): ❑ This facility has other NPDES permits. If checked, list the permit numbers for all current NPDES permits: n/a ❑ This facility has Non -Discharge permits (e.g. recycle permit). If checked, list the permit numbers for all current Non - Discharge permits: n/a IN This facility uses best management practices or structural stormwater control measures. If checked, briefly describe the practices/measures and show on site diagram: Gravel construction entrance, sediment pond riprap outfall protection, berm around active areas of mine, direct stormwater into ® This facility has a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). If checked, please list the date the SWPPP was implemented: SWPPP in development now. ❑ This facility stores hazardous waste in the 100-year floodplain. n/a If checked, describe how the area is protected from flooding: ❑ This facility is a (mark all that apply) n/a ❑ Hazardous Waste Generation Facility ❑ Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility ❑ Hazardous Waste Storage Facility ❑ Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility If checked, indicate: Kilograms of waste generated each month: Type(s) of waste: How material is stored: Where material is stored: Number of waste shipments per year: Name of transport/disposal vendor: Transport/disposal vendor EPA ID: Vendor address: ❑ This facility is located on a Brownfield or Superfund site n/a If checked, briefly describe the site conditions: ❑ Facility provides appropriate secondary containment for bulk storage of liquid materials If checked, briefly describe these measures: n/a ❑ Site has an active landfill within the mining permit boundary If checked, please indicate type: Na a) ElLCID (Land clearing and Inert Debris) b) ❑ other (specify) Page 6 of 11 A. 9. Required Items (Application will be returned unless all of the following items have been included): R) Check for $100 made payable to NCDEQ ❑ Copy of most recent Annual Report to the NC Secretary of State (if applicable) ® This completed application and any supporting documentation © Copy of the approved mining permit or indication of mining permit application status included ❑ Copy of US Army Corps —approved wetland delineation (if applicable) ® Line drawing of the water flow through the facility or block flow diagram ❑ Pictorial description of the nature of any sources of water and any collection and treatment measures IR A site diagram showing, at a minimum, existing and proposed: a) outline of drainage areas b) surface waters c) stormwater management structures d) location of stormwater outfalis corresponding to the drainage areas e) runoff conveyance features f) areas where process materials are stored g) impervious areas h) site property lines 912 copies of large scale (24"x36" minimum) site plan showing: a) topographical lines b) all outfall locations c) applicable buffers and delineated wetlands d) receiving waters e) 100-year flood plain (if applicable) ® Copy of county map or USGS quad sheet with the location of the facility clearly marked If mines site is in one of the 20 Coastal Counties (if applicable) IN Applicant has check with the appropriate regional office to verify the need for a Coastal State Stormwater permit. a) Indicate the Regional Office Contact: Bill Moore, WaRO ❑ Detailed list of: a) impervious surface areas and percentages b) sub -drainage areas c) total drainage area If mine is dewatering and near wetlands, or may otherwise impact surface waters or groundwater R1 2 copies of large scale (24"x36" minimum) plans delineating areas on the listing acreage including: a) wetlands b) ditches c) well -placements d) pits e) borrow areas f) overburden storage g) stormwater controls/BMPs h) vehicle maintenance areas i) settling basins j) product process (such as screening, stockpiles, and waste piles) k) total drainage area 1) impervious surface percentages (if state Stormwater programs apply) m) applicable buffers n) access and/or haul roads ® Pump dewatering size and information on its specifications Page 7 of 11 ❑ Well information (design, depths, maintenance) ❑ Physical monitoring for the wetland areas IN Settling pond size information, if applicable ❑ Level spreader design, if applicable ® Details about dewatering method ❑ Cone of influence calculations ® Description of measures to prevent erosion and flooding ❑ Description and information about 401/404 permits that have been obtained ❑ Copy of US Army Corps of Engineers wetlands delineations or approved wetland delineation (if applicable) ® I have contacted my local regional office about a Pumping Operation and Monitoring (POM) plan a) Regional Office Contact: Bill Moore, WaRO b) Date Contacted: November 9, 2022 10. Applicant Certification: North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6B (i) provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained under this Article or a rule implementing this Article ... shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000). Under penalty of law, I certify that: IN I am the person responsible for the permitted industrial activity, for satisfying the requirements of this permit, and for any civil or criminal penalties incurred due to violations of this permit. ® The information submitted in this NO1 is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information. M I will abide by all conditions of the NCG020000 permit. I understand that coverage under this permit will constitute the permit requirements for the discharge(s) and is enforceable in the same manner as an individual permit. 2 1 hereby request coverage under the NCG020000 General Permit. Printed Name of Applicant: Tern Lynn Meads Title: Owner Q Yl m i jodal November 10, 2022 (Signature of Applicant) (Date Signed) Mail the entire package to: DEMLR —Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Page 8 of 11 PUMPING OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN SAND MINE DEWATERING WITH SEDIMENTATION POND Operator: Terri Lynn Meads, 1409 Nixonton Road, Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Job Location: Meads Pond, 00000 Halls Creek Road, Elizabeth City, NC 27909 County: Pasquotank County Prepared by: Ken Elliott, consulting Date: November 6, 2022 This plan defines responsibilities for operating, inspecting, and maintaining equipment and structures used for dewatering the proposed Meads Pond safely, and that dewatering will not degrade or negatively impact any wetlands or waters of the state. Description and Current State of the Meads Pond Mine Site and Mining Permit Application: Meads Pond is a proposed 2.85-acre sand mine excavation owned by Ms. Terri Lynn Meads, applicant, in a 7.35-acre permit area, of which 6.46 acres will be affected, located 4.6 miles south of Elizabeth city, NC on Halls Creek Road in Pasquotank County. Stevenson Sand, Inc., 1924 Peartree Road, Elizabeth City, NC 27909, will be the contracted operator of the mine. The permit area is on cleared and wooded sandy land at 8-ft elevation, owned by the applicant, located 1500 feet west of Halls Creek, to which the mine site is connected by groundwater -levelling field ditches. Currently Ms. Meads is applying for a mining permit with the NCDEQ Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources to construct the sand mine and begin operation in January 2023. An NPDES General Permit application for dewatering is being submitted to NCDEQ, and registration for water usage has been submitted to the Division of Water Resources. AStormwater Pollution Prevention Plan is under development and will be implemented upon approval of the discharge permit application. Sand Mine Dewatering: It will be necessary to dewater the pond as it is being excavated to allow excavating equipment to enter the area safely and efficiently remove the sand from the pond bottom. This will allow for full permitted depth of excavation of the pond and proper reclamation of the edges of the pond. It is the intention of the operator to only dewater the excavation as needed, which will not entail full-time dewatering. For excavation purposes, dewatering will occur intermittently three to four times per year. The operator plans to excavate approximately 25,000 cubic yards of sand at a time while dewatering and stockpile it for later usage. Once the stockpiled sand is depleted, the operator will dewater the excavation again and remove another quantity of sand. Mine dewatering wastewater will be treated before release to the Waters of the State. Use of a sedimentation pond separate from the excavated mine is a traditional and effective means to remove sediment from wastewater generated during mine dewatering operations. Sedimentation Pond Construction and Overflow Discharge: The operator plans to construct a 0.18-acre (90' x 75' x 95' x 105') above -ground sedimentation pond located 30 feet southwest of the main excavation area. The aboveground pond will have 5-ft tall berms around the pond with 3:1 exterior slope and full groundcover, and interior 2:1 slope. The pond berms will have a minimum 1.5 feet of freeboard between the water surface and the top of the sediment pond bank. The sediment pond will be located between the proposed mine site field and a 6-ft wide groundwater leveling ditch into which the sediment pond will overflow during dewatering activity. This ditch and others is connected to Halls Creek located 1500 feet east. Sediment pond water level will be controlled by a half -pipe flash -board water height control device installed in the southeast corner of the sediment pond berm. This control structure will allow water to flow across the flash boards into a 25ft long x 15" wide buried PVC discharge pipe running southward through the berm 20 feet to a discharge outlet on the bank of the groundwater levelling ditch draining 1500 feet to Halls Creek (C;Sw). From there, discharge water will flow 9.8 miles through the Little River (SC) to Albemarle Sound (SB). Dewatering Procedure: The operator will install a 6-inch dewatering pump between the main excavation and sediment pond at the southwest end of the excavation. Discharge from the dewatering pump will enter the sediment pond at its northeast corner. A constructed half -pipe flash board water height control device (see attached diagram) discharge point will be located on the southeast corner of the sediment pond. The discharge point will release clear water through the water -height control device into the existing foliated field ditch draining to Halls Creek. Water will be pumped from the excavated pond to the sediment pond by the 6-in gasoline -powered transfer pump operating at idle speed, approximately 1100 rpm. Estimated maximum flow from the pump will be 15,000 gallons/hour, operating 12 hours per day, 0.180-mgd. It is the intention of the operator to drop the water level in the excavation approximately 20 - 25 feet below normal ground level as needed. Time and distance will allow all sedimentation to occur to acceptable levels before the overflow water reaches outfall and then the waters of the State. Water will have to travel a minimum of 125 feet to reach the overflow point which will give enough surface area to allow sufficient sedimentation to occur. There will be a minimum 1.5 feet of freeboard between the water surface in the sediment pond and the top of the sediment pond bank. Stormwater drainage will be unable to enter the sediment area and damage the sediment pond rates, due to the height of a surrounding 5-ft tall sediment pond berm. Wetlands Protection: Removing water from the excavation using an aboveground sedimentation pond with overflow is a valid dewatering method for this size pond. The excavation can be dewatered quickly, and water removed from the excavation will be used to uniformly hydrate adjacent wetlands. Once dewatered, excavation activity will be focused on removing sand as quickly as possible to shorten the periods of dewatering. This will allow groundwater level in the pond to return to normal as soon as possible to lessen possible impacts to adjacent wetlands, once dewatering ceases. Groundwater Control: Groundwater levels are not expected to impact areas outside of the immediate excavated dewatering area. Groundwater levels are expected to remain stable despite intermittent dewatering of the 2.85- acre excavation. Groundwater level depletion is not expected to affect any neighboring groundwater wells. The closest residence to excavation is located 1250 feet from the proposed excavation. The area is served by the Pasquotank County Water System. Sedimentation and Erosion Control: The operator will maintain a 25-ft wide unexcavated buffer on the north, south, and west sides of excavation activity. The operator will maintain a 15-ft wide unexcavated buffer and a 50-ft wide undisturbed buffer on the east side of excavation activity. All erosion and sedimentation will remain inside the permit area. The operator will construct and maintain an 8-ft wide x 2-ft tall grass -covered sand berm around the perimeter of the current affected area of the excavation during all phases of operation, inside the unexcavated buffer. Stormwater falling inside the active mining area will be directed to drain into the excavation. Maintaining the Dewatering Equipment and Erosion Control Measures: Inspections and maintenance are required to obtain the intended function of safely dewatering the sand mine, and to maintain the life of any nearby wetlands or waters of the State. Items to inspect and maintain during the anticipated 8-year life of the mine dewatering permit are: • Inspect embankments, berms and appurtenant structures, and repair as needed. • Monitor overflow ditches for damage or stoppage from beaver activity, repair as needed. • Repair any damage to vegetated areas or berms with compacted earth fill, reshaping, sodding, reseeding, and mulching as needed. • Promptly repair all leaks in delivery facilities by replacing valves, fittings, gaskets, and worn or damaged parts. • Maintain all screens, filters, valves, timers, and other electrical and mechanical equipment in good operating condition, following manufacturer's recommendations Monitoring the Dewatering Process and Effects of Dewatering: Analytical and qualitative monitoring of mine dewatering wastewater will be in accordance with the NCG020000 permit, as follows: • Meads Pond will discharge mine dewatering wastewater into Halls Creek, classified as C;Sw, Little River, classified as SC, and Albemarle Sound, classified as SB. Discharge water will be analyzed quarterly per requirements of the NPDES permit. • Discharge water will be sampled and analyzed for pH, Total Suspended solids (TSS), turbidity, salinity, and Enterococcus bacteria. Samples with benchmark exceedances will require the operator to increase sampling, per NPDES permit, until sample results are cleared. • All excavated ponds in the Meads Pond permit area will be inspected daily by the operator to identify any abnormal conditions. • All berms and erosion control structures will be inspected for damages monthly and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.5 inches, and all structures will be repaired immediately. • Special inspections will be conducted immediately following severe storms, vandalism, and other significant events. • Dewatering process will be inspected daily during periods of dewatering the excavation. • Rain gauge data will be collected by monitoring local rain gauge data monthly and after each. rain event. Wetlands Monitoring: Wetlands are located 1138 feet east of the proposed Meads Pond mine site. Level 1 wetlands landscape assessment by US Fish & Wildlife Service indicate no wetlands on the Meads parcel: Operator will monitor drainage ditches leading away from Meads Pond weekly to ensure uninterrupted flow of water in the ditch. Records Data will be collected as follows: • Visual monitoring of adjacent wetlands and farmland for potential dehydration during mining or dewatering activities will take place weekly. Solutions to any degradation caused by any mining activity will include alteration of dewatering process. DWQ will be consulted as needed; alterations to process will be recorded. • Elliott Consulting will maintain the following records in a permanent file at the Elliott Consulting office at PO Box 112, 202 Elliott Road, Aydlett, NC 27916: a record of all significant actions taken; as-built.drawings; permits; analytical results from sampling; and related material. Copies of all inspections, monitoring reports and lab analyses shall be provided to NCDWQ on a regular basis and as requested. • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and other pertinent documents and records will be available online at www.meads-sp3.com. BMP Conditions • The permittee will utilize best management practices to ensure that dewatering the Meads Pond will not degrade or negatively impact any wetlands or waters of the State. BMP's will include: o All berms and erosion control and sedimentation control structures will be inspected for damages monthly and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.5 inches, and all structures will be repaired immediately. o Temporary gravel construction entrance will be maintained at foot of mine access road at intersection with Woodley Road. o Operator will maintain riprap outfall protection on the overflow drainage ditch downstream of sediment pond. o Groundcover will be established on all sections of the permit area when not in use by mining activities. Signed, Ken Elliott for Terri Lynn Meads, owner Meads Pond, Elizabeth City, NC November 15, 2022 Water Height Control: Construction Details Half -pipe Water Level Control with Flash Board Risers NRCS Code 587 Meads Pond Elizabeth City, NC Pasquotank County em 4 x b L � �► emergency spillway C riser water detention level riprap embankment — — — — — — — — — grass rip rap barrel— j sediment forebay concrete base DESCRIPTION A structure in a water management system that conveys water, controls the direction or rate of flow, maintains a desired water surface elevation or measures water. Water height control structure is standard structure used by agricultural and horticultural farms in North Carolina to raise or lower water height in ditches and ponds per need (NRCS). Waterheight control structure to be installed in the south berm of the sedimentation pond at Meads Pond. Overflow to be directed down stabilized ditch to nearby field ditch, eventual outflow to Halls Creek. PURPOSE To convey water from one elevation to a lower elevation within, to, or from a water conveyance system, such as a ditch, channel, canal, or pipeline designed to operate under open channel conditions. Typical structures: drops, chutes, turnouts, surface water inlets, head gates, pump boxes, and stilling basins (NRCS). This water management system will be used to maintain a maximum water surface elevation in the sedimentation pond at Meads Pond, Halls Creek Road, Elizabeth City, NC. Sedimentation pond is a part of the dewatering management system of Meads Pond, used to remove settleable matter and turbidity from mine dewatering wastewater. CONSTRUCTION Structure consists of 26' x 3' horizontal galvanized steel culvert running under the sedimentation pond berm. A vertical 6' half pipe 52" x 30" is attached on the north end of the culvert with stacked flash boards allowing adjustable height of the water level in the sedimentation pond. Water flows over the flash boards and into the discharge pipe and down the rip -rap stabilized ditch. Overflow ditch is lined with riprap for 20 feet down its length. Existing slopes adjacent to the culvert are heavily grassed with natural grass and weeds with no erosion present. MAINTENANCE Structures will be checked and necessary maintenance, including removal of debris, shall be performed after major storms and at least semi-annually. Ken Elliott, consulting November 5, 2022 Discharge Outfall Outlet Protection: Construction Details Practice Standards and Specifications 6.41, 6.31, 6.15 Meads Pond Elizabeth City, NC Pasquotank County 6.41 Outlet Stabilization Structure 6.31 Riprap and Paved Channels 6.15 Riprap Pipe Outlet to Well-defined Channel `L::• A Trapezoidal • .r Channel , Section AA Fit bl t)oskjn lop wchn —=� Desgn depth -.11f-7 4 m qi V_ F her layer. gravel nr fabr,c Riprap lined apron located at end of mine dewatering overflow pipe to prevent scour and undermining in discharge ditch, and to absorb the impact of the water flow and reduce the velocity to non -erosive levels before flow reaches wetlands. Riprap Apron Size: Overflow pipe discharges directly into well-defined channel. The apron will extend across the channel bottom and up the channel banks to the top of the bank. Length of apron will be 20- feet downstream to maintain velocity control of maximum 2.0 feet per second. Grade: Apron will have zero grade and no overfill at end of apron. Alignment: Apron will be straight throughout entire length if possible. If curve is necessary to align the apron with the receiving channel, the curve will be located in the upstream section of the riprap. Materials: Riprap will consist of a well graded mixture of NCDOT Class A (2" to 6") stone or slag. Thickness: Minimum thickness of riprap will be 1.5 times the maximum stone diameter. Riprap lined apron located at end of mine dewatering overflow pipe to prevent scour and undermining in discharge ditch, and to absorb the impact of the water flow and reduce the velocity to non -erosive levels before flow reaches wetlands. Riprap Apron Size: Overflow pipe discharges directly into well-defined channel. The apron will extend across the channel bottom and up the channel banks to the top of the bank. Length of apron will be 20- feet downstream to maintain velocity control of maximum 2.0 feet per second. Grade: Apron will have zero grade and no overfill at end of apron. Alignment: Apron will be straight throughout entire length if possible. If curve is necessary to align the apron with the receiving channel, the curve will be located in the upstream section of the riprap. Materials: Riprap will consist of a well graded mixture of NCDOT Class A (2" to 6") stone or slag. Thickness: Minimum thickness of riprap will be 1.5 times the maximum stone diameter. Filter: Operator plans to install a layer of heavy duty silt fence filter cloth between the riprap and the underlying soil to prevent soil movement into or through the riprap. Filter cloth will extend to the top of both channel banks, and edges will overlap 12 inches. Upstream end will be buried 12 inches and downstream end will be buried if necessary. Maintenance: inspect riprap outlet structures weekly and after significant rainfall events to see if any erosion around or below the riprap has taken place, or if stones have become dislodged. Repair all damage immediately. Maintain all vegetation adjacent to the channel in healthy condition to prevent scour or erosion during out -of -bank flow. Control weeds and brush growing in the riprap by cutting. Ken Elliott, consulting November 5, 2022 Berm Construction Details Meads Pond Elizabeth City, NC Pasquotank County Narrow -based berm The narrow -based berm is the most common berm having a top of 2 feet (0.6 m) and side slopes of two horizontal: 1 vertical. This berm is the most economical to build as it requires the least material. The steep side slopes of this type of berm eliminate the possibility of working on it with farm machinery. PI�.� NEW BERM ExiST{NG GRADE Berm Construction The berm construction comprises of the scraping back of the topsoil from the area where the berm and storage basin is to be built. A subsoil material, free of stones, rubble, stumps etc. and with at least 10% clay should be used to construct the berm. The material for the berm may be obtained from the area behind or in front of the berm location or moved from a borrow pit located elsewhere on the farm. An earth mover will be required to move material from a pit located a distance away while a bulldozer would be used if material is in the berm area. The berm material is to be placed in layers and compacted as each layer is added. After the berm has a final shape the sides of the berm should also be compacted. Emergency Overflow To provide for larger -than designed peak flows, an overflow system is used, namely: "The level -top vegetated berm crest" which provides for very flat berm top so that the water will overflow along the berm length in a thin layer so as not to create erosion problems. C t . Ken Elliott, consulting November s, 2022 vex: ABOVEGROUND SEDIMENT POND CONSTRUCTION DETAIL MEADSPOND ELIZABETH CITY, NC PASQUOTANK COUNTY H WAF M 804EWSFA W�T9l NFIGHf CONIROt DEVICE I� NORY4. W�TEH LEVEL �E'DEPiN, _ `�,— L P?ENOR POND ONENSWNS 60'xwxwxlm- DIAGRAM BY ELLIOTT COVSULMG OCTOBER d, 2022 Sediment Fence (Silt Fence) Construction Details: Practice Standards and Specifications 6.62 Meads Pond Elizabeth City, NC Pasquotank County A temporary permeable barrier erected on small, disturbed areas to capture sediment from sheet flow. It is made of filter fabric buried at the bottom, stretched, and supported by steel posts. Planning: Silt fence will be installed along the perimeter of a 20-ft wide access road when crossing an existing field ditch. Narrow width of fenced area will allow only shallow pools to form behind fence while promoting deposition of sediment and preventing sedimentation into adjacent wetlands. Ends of fence will be curled uphill in "J" pattern to prevent end flow. Stabilized outlets will be provided to protect the fence system and release storm flow that exceeds the design. Design considerations: Silt fence will be constructed of extra -strength synthetic filter fabric. Height of fence will not exceed 2 feet above natural ground level and will be constructed from a continuous roll to minimize joints. All joints will be fastened at a support post with 4 feet minimum of overlap. Extra -strength filter fabric will be fastened to road side of steel posts (installed 2 feet deep) every 6 feet (every 8 feet if using standard strength filter fabric with wire mesh backing) and fastened with wire ties. Trench will be excavated along inside of fence approximately 4 inches wide by 8 inches deep, into which 12 inches of fabric will be placed along the bottom and side of the trench. Trench will be backfilied and compacted. Maintenance: Inspect sediment fence every week and after each rainfall. Make any required repairs immediately. Replace any collapsed, damaged, or decomposed fence promptly. Remove all fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been properly stabilized. Ken Elliott, consulting November 5, 2022 Temporary Gravel Construction Entrance / Exit Details Practice Standards and Specifications 6.06 Meads Pond Elizabeth City, NC Pasquotank County Figure b.bba Gra.c Mtrarcelllkil ksabs saOrneM hom bav�nq Ce ronslNClpn sib (maMiea hon Va SWCG). Graveled pad located at access road entrance at Meads Pond, where traffic moves directly onto Halls Creek Road. Thickness: 6 inches minimum Width: 25 feet Length: 40 feet minimum Aggregate Size: 2-in to 3-in coarse slag Maintenance: Maintain the gravel pad to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site. Periodic top dressing with 2-inch stone will occur as needed during the life of the permit. After rainfalls, immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled, washed, or tracked onto public roadways. Ken Elliott, consulting November 5, 2022 Elliott Consulting 202 Elliott Road PO Box 112 Aydlett, North Carolina 27916 NC Department of Environmental Quality Phone: 252-339-9021 Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Program 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 Subject: Meads Pond - NPDES NCG020000 NOI - Permit Application To Whom It May Concern: On behalf of Ms. Terri Lynn Meads, Elliott Consulting is requesting review of this NCG020000 Notice of Intent for an NPDES General Permit for Mine Dewatering, slated for development in Nixonton Township, Pasquotank County, North Carolina. The operation is referred to as the Meads Pond based on family ownership of the property and includes a total permit area of 7.35 acres. The following documents are enclosed to support the Application (2 copies of each): • Application for NCG020000 coverage for proposed dewatering activities • $100 permit Processing Fee • Copy of submitted NCDEQ DEMLR Mining Permit Application • Copy of submitted NCDEQ DWR Registration Application for Water Usage • Mine and Reclamation Maps • Adjoinder Notification Map • USGS Quad Site Map • GPS Coordinate Site Map We respectfully ask for your review of the above -listed enclosures as they support the requested mining permit application and NPDES General Permit application for the proposed Meads Pond excavation. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. We thank you for your time and review of this request. Regards, Ktc��c (2 72�7' Ken Elliott Elliott Consulting 11/14/2022 DEh1LR-S!ormuater Program TERRILYNN MEADS 189 1625 ND(ONTON RD 15a/ ELIZABETH CITY, NC 27W9-7141 904 �v Zoz _ ° ate to th Order of e N C L/ Ea n� 3�50. o0 1II., PCL4�IocA1a0d 3G��j11,,�1LCd f1 ffU It 0)bo a-- Dollars PNCBANK Mr r For111.q��%t�f�-f-t--� Df �✓1 .. I:051.0000301: 5338540066110 0189 TERRILYNN MEADS 190 1825 NIXONTON RD 15 3,540 ELIZABETH CITY, NC 27909-7141 r r I I �L 904 Dwe oderthe NCDE� $ 100,00 Dollars (DPNCBANK Fork{ A J(7l VI 11 f 2C.YW1 t f 1:0540000301: 53385140066115 0190 TERRI LYNN MEAD 1825 NIXONTON BD ELIZABETH CITY. NC 27WO-7141 191 154540 904 Pato Order of el\IC�CS,y 1 $ SO, 00 Tr F,_ 4 c(d i f GA r s fi O W o Dollars Is Q PNCBANK PVC Itud. N_4 bn •, Fot1/SLL11[,� J QUY� rL S r 1 c C1 h U ✓1----��L--- ' . 1:051.0000301: 533851,006611' 0191 MINE MAP MEADS POND 00000 HALLS CREEK ROAD ELIZABETH CITY, NC 27909 PASOUOTANK COUNTY MOUNT HERMON TOWNSHIP OWNER: TERRI LYNN MEADS 1409 NIXONTON ROAD ELIZABETH CITY, NC 27909 FORESTED AREAS IN GREEN MAP SCALE: 1 IN =100 FT MAP BY ELUOTCONSULTING NOVEMBER 15. 2022 ACREAGES EXCAVATION - 2.85 AC SEDIMENT POND - 0.18 AC STOCKPILES & BERMS - 0.98 AC ROADS & PROCESSING -1.59 AC UNEXCAVATED BUFFERS - 0.86 AC TOTAL AFFECTED - 6.46 AC UNDISTURBED BUFFERS - 0.89AC TOTAL PERMITTED ACREAGE -735AC 100 0 80 100 200 (IN FEET) 1/n<A = 100 R. N/F LOUIS B & MARGARET TWIFORD CULTIVATED FIELD N/F TERRI LYNN MEADS PID 8901 227282 DB 1415. DP 599 CULTIVATED FIELD N/F TERRI LYNN MEADS PID 8901 227282 DB 1415, OP 599 0J� OP 3J EXISTING EXCAVATION 0.43 AC 9 ENTRANCE& PROCESSING AREA SILT ENCE POND 6 m 0 8 AC 20' LONG-S RIP RAP - DISCHARGE PROTECTION EXCAVATED POND 2.85 ACRES 20 - 28 FT DEPTH SED POND INTAKE DEWATERING - PUMP OVER FLOW OVERFLOW DISCHARGE —' y DITCH TO WF HALLS CRK MARTHA HASKETT iS W UNE. BUF n EXCAVATION POND BERM 42 1 SLOPE N/F TERRI LYNN MEADS PID 8901 227282 DB 1415. DP 599 WOODLAND N/F FINHEADS, LLC SANDRA H EVANS, MGR WOODLAND THIS MAP IS NOTA CERTIFIED SURVEYAND HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED BY A LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ANY APPLICABLE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. RECLAMATION MAP MEADS POND 00000 HALLS CREEK ROAD ELIZABETH CITY, INC 27909 PASQUOTANK COUNTY MOUNT HERMON TOWNSHIP OWNER: TERRI LYNN MEADS 1409 NIXONTON ROAD ELIZABETH CITY, INC 279D9 FORESTED AREAS IN GREEN MAP SCALE: 1 IN = 100 FT MAP BY ELUOTi CONSULTNG NOVEMBER 15. 2022 ACREAGES EXCAVATION -2.85AC ✓ o SEDIMENT POND-0.18AC STOCKPILES& BERMS -0.98AC ROADS & PROCESSING - 1.59AC j UNEXCAVATED BUFFERS -O.86AC` TOTAL AFFECTED -6A6AC UNDISTURBED BUFFERS - 0.89AC TOTAL PERMITTED ACREAGE - 7.35 AC / ♦ 8'WIDE z 1'TALL ♦ ♦♦ PONDSURROUNDBERM 100 0 60 100 200 (IN FEET) finch = 100 iG N/F LOUIS 8 & MARGARET TWIFORD CULTIVATED FIELD �% �� O e �y 5� �O �O y` N/F O(G4TERRI LYNN MEADS P PID 8901 227282 IDS 1415, DP 599 CULTIVATED FIELD N/F TERRI LYNN MEADS RID 8901 227282 IDS 1415, DP 599 J / / / P / / O / / EXCAVATED POND 2.86 ACRES 20 - 25 FT DEPTH FORMER PROCESSING AREA s♦ / FORMER SEDIMENT POND AREA N/F MARTHA HASKETT ♦ \ 3:1 POND EDGE SLOPE ABOVE WATER LEVEL 2:1 POND EDGE SLOPE BELOW WATER LEVEL N/F FINHEADS, LLC SANDRA H EVANS, MGR WOODLAND N/F TERRI LYNN MEADS RID 8901 227282 DB 1415, DP 599 WOODLAND THIS MAP IS NOTA CERTIFIED SURVEY AND HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED BYA LOCAL GOVERNMENTAGENCY FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ANY APPLICABLE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. PARCEL MAP N MEADS POND E HALLS CREEK ROAD ELIZABETH CITY, NC 27909 s PASQUOTANK COUNTY OWNER: TERRI LYNN MEADS 1409 NIXONTON ROAD j ELIZABETH CITY, NC 279M j 252-339-6854 j MAP SCALE: 1 IN = 300 FT MAP BY ELLIOTT CONSULTING/ NOVEMBER 15, 2022 % NIF LOUTS B TVJIFORD MARGARET TWIFORD NIF TERRI LYNN MEADS NIF MICHAEL THIGPEN )y EI • e \ NIF \•-,O MARK A GRANT DWAYNIA K GRANT STOCK PILE SEDIMENT POND OVERFLOW DISCHARGE — PATH TO HALLS CREEK NIF LM TNIFORD, JR LOYCE W TNIFORD NIF _ ROGER C FERRELL LAURIN FERRELL EXCAVATED POND 2MAC NIF MARTHA HASKETT 300 0 150 300 600 (IN FEET) finch = 300 R. l NF AVA ANN COPPERSMITH ANNETTE COPPERSMITHDIXON NIF TERRI LYNN MEADS NIF / FINHEADS, LLC MARY 5 PRITCHAI NANCY P LANE ii 0� USFWS DESIGNATED WETLANDS �J ?e! i THIS MAP IS N CERTIFIED SURVEYAND HAS OTB REVIEWED BY A LOCAL GOVERNMENTAkNCY FOR COMPLIANCE WI HANY APPLIBABLE LAND DEVELOP 1 NT REGULATIONS.