HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150035 Ver 1_Application_20150113PAT L. MCCRORY GOVERNOR M P mr, "Num') STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION January 13, 2015 Mr. John Thomas U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Ware Forest, NC 27587 ANTHONY J. TATA SECRETARY SUBJECT: Application for Section 404 Nationwide Permit 14 and Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the relocation of SR 1221 (Old Beatty Ford Road) from SR 1210 /SR 1221 to SR 1337 (Lentz Road) Rowan County, North Carolina.. Division 9. Federal Aid Project No. HISP -1221 (18), TIP No. W- 5516. Debit $570.00 from WBS 44105.I.FDI. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Division 9 Office proposes the relocation of Old Beatty Ford Road (SR 1221) from its intersection with SR 1210 /Bostian Road (SR 1221) to Lentz Road (SRI 337) near Kannapolis, Landis, and China Grove (TIP W -5516) in Rowan County, a distance of approximately 3.1 miles. The study area crosses the study area for the Interstate 85 widening project (TIP 1- 3802). The project will construct a two -lane road on new location with a new grade separation over 1 -85. The existing Old Beatty Ford Road will be closed on both sides of I -85. The bridge carrying existing Old Beatty Ford Road over I -85 and the adjacent 3 barrel culvert over Coldwater Creek will not be removed as part of this project; rather they will be removed as part of I -3802 as they will be utilized for construction activities associated with I -3802. There will be 0.01 acre of permanent fill in wetlands. There will be 1,087 linear feet (If) of permanent stream impacts (880 If fill and 207 if bank stabilization), and 189 If of temporary stream impacts. See table 1.1 for how the Permit Site Numbers correspond to stream and wetland identification numbers from the Environmental Assessment and Jurisdictional Determination. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DIVISION NINE DIVISION OFFICE 375 SILAS CREEK PARKWAY, WINSTOWSALGM, NC 27927 PHONE (336) 747 -7800 FAX (336) 703 -6693 Permit Site No Lnv ronmental Assessment and Jurisdictional Determination ID Station (Fromffo) Structure Size /Type 1 Sc -L- 22 +58 TO 24 +35 30" RCP -III 2 SA -L- 31 +00 TO 32 +16 2 Q 11'x8' RCBC 2 HUB -L 31 +00 TO 32 +16 2 Q 11' x 8' RC BC 3 SB -L- 37 +08 TO 37 +50 48" RCP -N 4 SG -L- 58 +66 TO 58 +86 LATERAL T BASE DITCH 5 HUF - L -89 +70 TO 90 +66 LATERAL V DITCH 6 SJ -L- 99 +26 TO 99 +30 35 " RCP -III 7A SE -L- 107 +80 TO 108 +17 1 1 Q 8' x 7' RCBC, 7B SF -L- 108 +30 TO 109 +21 1 FLOODPLAIN PIPE 72" RCP -III Table 1.1: Permit site nos and jurisidictionaf identifiers Mitigation will be provided by NCEEP. A copy of the Mitigation Acceptance Letter dated December 3, 2014 is attached. See table 1.2 for mitigation ratios. During the planning stage, NCDOT committed to investigate on -site mitigation opportunities at the existing crossing of Cold. Water Creek. After reviewing the files and visiting the Old Beatty Ford Road site on May 28th, 2014, NCDOT has determined that the site is not feasible for wetland restoration. The existing wetland is maintained as a hay pasture and does not represent a high quality system. The existing causeway that will need to be removed is approximately 50 feet wide, 25 feet deep and 300 feet long. There will need to be an extra 75 feet of partial causeway removal at a 3:1 slope to stabilize the bank. These dimensions equal approximately 14,000 cubic yards. According to the 2013 NCDOT bid averages for Division 9, fill excavation averages $6.95 per cubic yard. Using this estimate, it will cost NCDOT approximately $97,300 to reconnect the wetlands along both sides of the causeway. The removal of the causeway will restore approximately 5,000 square feet of wetlands or 0.11 acre. These figures do not include the cost of purchasing any extra right of way, planting, monitoring or further construction cost that may be needed to connect the wetlands. W -5516 Nationwide Permit Application Page 2 Table LL• Impact and mitigation totals for W -5516 in Rowan County `Unimportant streams don't require mitigation from the USACE °Temporary impacts require mitigation from either USACE or DWR Total linear feet of stream mitigation required by USACE with ratio 1076 Total I €near feet of stream mitigation required by DWR 828 During the permit application site review with the resource agencies on November 14, 2014, additional information was requested regarding the ditches and length of the stream work at permit Site 6. The following was provided by the design engineer: The only way to eliminate the ditch would be to revise the roadway grade. The current grade is undercutting the natural ravine, requiring the use of special cut ditches to prevent the drainage area from being diverted to the culvert at permit Site 7a. The special cut ditches requires the invert end of the 36" pipe to be placed 4' below existing ground, thus requiring the 130' long tail ditch to allow the pipe /ditch system to daylight to natural ground. Eliminating these special cut ditches would require a sag and crest to be added to the vertical grade from approximately 99 +00 to 102 +00. In order to add the sag and crest to the vertical grade and maintain design speed, the grade over the culvert at Sites 6 to be increased, and the grade over culverts 7a and 7b would have to be doubled. This would result in substantially longer culverts and more jurisdictional stream impacts than the current design with the tail ditch. W -5516 Nationwide Permit. Application Page 3 impacts Requiring Stream USACE USACE DWR Permit Site Name /11) Permanent mitigation Mitigation Impacts requiring mitigation Temporary No. PacketlD I/P Impacttype Impacts(ft) ft) Ratio DWR mitigation ratio impacts Ur to Town 1 Branch /SC I pipe 158 158 1:1 158 1:1 61 UT to Town bank 1 Branch /SC I stabilization 11 0 11 i1 Town Branch/ 2 SA P pipe 140 140 2!1 140 1:1 31 Town Branch/ bank 2 SA P stabilization 88 0 88 1 :1 LIT to Town 3 Branch /SB P Pie 182 182 21 182 1:1 39 UT to Town bank 3 Branch/ SB P stabilization IA 0 14 1:1 Coldwater 4 Creek/ SG P ditch 18 18 2:1 0 UT to Cold Water Creek/ pipe and 6 Si l (unimportant*) ditch 223 0 223 1:1 23 UT to Cold Water Creek/ bank 6 S! I (unimportant" ) stabilization 12 0 12 1:1 UT to Cold Water Creek/ 7a SE P pipe 79 79 2:1 0 32 UTta Cold Water Creek/ bank 7a SE P stabilization 44 0 0 UT to Cold Water Creek/ 7b 5 pipe 80 SD 1:1 0 23 UT to Cold Water Creek/ bank 7b SF I stabilization 38 0 0 Totals 1 1087 fi57 87.8 0° Table LL• Impact and mitigation totals for W -5516 in Rowan County `Unimportant streams don't require mitigation from the USACE °Temporary impacts require mitigation from either USACE or DWR Total linear feet of stream mitigation required by USACE with ratio 1076 Total I €near feet of stream mitigation required by DWR 828 During the permit application site review with the resource agencies on November 14, 2014, additional information was requested regarding the ditches and length of the stream work at permit Site 6. The following was provided by the design engineer: The only way to eliminate the ditch would be to revise the roadway grade. The current grade is undercutting the natural ravine, requiring the use of special cut ditches to prevent the drainage area from being diverted to the culvert at permit Site 7a. The special cut ditches requires the invert end of the 36" pipe to be placed 4' below existing ground, thus requiring the 130' long tail ditch to allow the pipe /ditch system to daylight to natural ground. Eliminating these special cut ditches would require a sag and crest to be added to the vertical grade from approximately 99 +00 to 102 +00. In order to add the sag and crest to the vertical grade and maintain design speed, the grade over the culvert at Sites 6 to be increased, and the grade over culverts 7a and 7b would have to be doubled. This would result in substantially longer culverts and more jurisdictional stream impacts than the current design with the tail ditch. W -5516 Nationwide Permit. Application Page 3 During the site review, the resource agencies also noted the presence of bedrock at Site 2. As the design calls for two l l' by 8' reinforced concrete box (four - sided) culverts, the agencies wanted confirmation that the presence and location of the bedrock had been considered. The design engineers confirmed they were aware of the bedrock, but based on the typical exploratory geotechnical information; do not believe that there is enough to warrant a bottomless culvert or an at -grade crossing. As is typical, additional geotechnical investigations will be performed prior to construction to establish depth to bedrock throughout the impact site, which are anticipated will reveal the vast majority of the bedrock is at least one foot from the surface. Also at Site 2, while it is recognized that low flow would be directed to only one of the 1 I' by 8' culverts, it was recommended that sills and baffles be installed that would provide a 5 -foot low flow channel, which was the width of the low -flow channel estimated during the site review. However, based upon design files generated by NCDOT, the average low flow channel was 10 -11 feet. As such, the RCBC were designed such that a 2 -foot sill was placed over one of the culverts to restrict the low - flow to one, I l -foot wide culvert. It should also be noted that I -foot sills were placed at the inlet and outlet of the Iow flow culvert, as well as two additional sills within the culvert, in order to allow natural material fill in throughout the bottom. This NCDOT approved design and associated model has been approved by FEMA, and any alterations will require a significant delay. During the site visits of Sites 7a and 7b, it was agreed that some of the bank stabilization impacts at the outlet ditch on the upstream 7b culvert needed to be considered permanent impacts, which is reflected in this application and permit drawings. Also, a detail was added to show the material proposed for lining of the ditches. Threatened and Endangered Species As of November 4, 2014, Schweinitz's sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii) is the only federally protected species currently listed for Rowan County. The Bald and Golden eagles are protected in every county of North Carolina under the Bald and Golden Eave Protection Act. A 2014 Natural Resources Technical Report (NRTR) included a survey for Schweinitz's sunflower and no specimens were found. It was therefore concluded that Schweinitz's sunflower will not be impacted by the subject project. There is also one Candidate species for Rowan County, the Georgia aster (Symphyotrichum georgianum). Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act As part of the 2014 NRTR, the study area was surveyed for suitable nesting habitat and no bald eagles or nests were observed. A review of the NCNHP database revealed no known occurrences within one mile of the study area. Additionally there are no known occurrences of bald eagles at Lake Fisher. Due to the lack of habitat, known occurrences, and minimal impact anticipated for this project, it has been determined that this project will not affect this species. W-5516 Nationwide Permit Application Page 4 Northern Long -eared Bat A US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) proposal for listing the Northern Long -eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) as an Endangered species was published in the Federal Register in October 2013, The listing may become effective as soon as April 2015. Furthermore, this species is included in USFWS's current list of protected species for Rowan County. NCDOT is working with the USFWS to understand how this proposed listing may impact NCDOT projects. NCDOT will continue to coordinate appropriately with USFWS to determine if this project will incur potential effects to the Northern long - eared bat, and how to address these potential effects, if necessary. No tree removal (not including grubbing) or structure demolition for this project shall be completed between April 15 and October 15, of any year, so that habitat for the Northern long -eared bat is not disturbed during the roosting season. Based on the results of surveys conducted in 2014, proximity to known occurrences of NLEB, potential foraging and roosting habitat within the study area, and using currently available guidance from USFWS, if the NLEB becomes listed as an protected species under the Endangered Species Act, the proposed project will have a biological conclusion of May Affect -Not Likely to Adversely Affect for NLEB. Prior to being afforded protection under the Endangered Species Act, we conclude that the proposed project is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the NLEB. NCDOT requested concurrence with the USFWS in a letter dated January 12, 2015. Environmental Documentation An Environmental Assessment (EA) for W -5516 was completed in May 2014. A Finding on No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the project was completed in August 2014. Both documents were distributed shortly after completion. Additional copies are available upon request. The ICE Screening Report (February 14, 2014) examined the potential for indirect and cumulative effects; there are no notable indirect effects expected from the subject project. Cumulative effects resulting from the subject project, from other actions such as a potential future I -85 /Old Beatty Ford Road interchange, and any accompanying private development actions will have the potential to minimally impact water quality in the study area. As such, one of the FONSI Project Commitments is that the eastern section of the project draining to the Dutch Buffalo Creek water supply watershed (WS -II, HQW) will be designed according to the Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds (DSSW). Cultural Resources Cultural resources were reviewed during the NEPA process. A November 5, 2013 letter from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) recommended surveys for historical architecture and archaeological resources. Surveys were conducted in which several historical buildings and archaeological sites were found. A May 13, 2014 letter from SHPO, however, stated that none of these resources were eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Therefore, the subject project has been determined to have no effect on historic architectural or archaeological resources. W -5516 Nationwide Permit Application Page 5 Construction of this project is projected to commence in Fall of 2015 with a proposed let date of September 16, 2015. Please find enclosed the Pre - Construction Notification (PCN), US Corps of Engineers' Notification of Jurisdictional Determination, NCDWR stream call letter, N.C. Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) mitigation acceptance letter, Indirect and Cumulative Effects (ICE) Screening Report, SHPO concurrence letters, USFWS concurrence request letter, Stormwater Management Plan, and permit drawings, for the above - referenced project. Thank you for your assistance with this project. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Ms. Amy Euliss at either.aeuliss@ncdot.gov or (336) 747 -7802. Sincer Py, ",visio Ain ulis , vi ronmental Officer NCDOT Division 9 cc. Alan Johnson, NCDWR, e -copy Amy Chapman, NCDWR, e -copy Marla Chambers, NCWRC, e -copy Jason Mays, USFWS, e -copy Beth Harmon, NCEEP, e -copy Brett Abernathy, NCDOT Division 9 Michael Wood, The Catena Group Mark Reep, ICA Engineering W -5516 Nationwide Permit Application Page 6 NlAT�9 Office Use Only: i o y Corps action ID no. IX DWQ project no. ° Form Version 1.4 January 2009 Pre - Construction Notification (PCN) Form A. Applicant Information 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: ®Section 404 Permit El Section 10 Permit 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 or General Permit (GP) number: 1 c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? ® Yes ❑ No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): ® 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non -404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification -- Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWQ 401 Certification: ❑ Yes ® No For the record only for Corps Permit: ❑ Yes ® No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program. ® Yes ❑ No 1g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer lh below. ❑ Yes ® No 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes ® No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Relocation of SR 1221 (Ofd Beatty Ford Rd) 2b. County: Rowan 2c. Nearest municipality 1 town: China Grove 2d. Subdivision name: not applicable 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state project no: T.I.P. W -5516 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: North Carolina Department of Transportation 3b. Deed Book and Page No. not applicable 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if applicable). not applicable 3d. Street address: 375 Silas Creek Parkway 3e. City, state, zip: Winston - Salem, NC 27127 3f. Telephone no.: (336) 747 -7802 3g. Fax no.: (336) 703 -6693 3h. Email address: pivey @ncdot.gov 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Other, specify: 4b. Name: not applicable 4c. Business name (if applicable): 4d. Street address: 4e. City, state, zip: 4f. Telephone no.: 4g. Fax no.: 4h. Email address: 5. AgentlConsultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: not applicable 5b. Business name (if applicable): 5c. Street address: 5d. City, state, zip: 5e. Telephone no.: 5f. Fax no.: 5g. Email address: B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1 a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): not applicable 1 b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Latitude: 35.534757 Longitude: - 80.568921 (DD.DDDDDD) (- DD.DDDDDD) 1 c. Property size: 477.9 acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to Cold Water Creek,Town Branch, and Dutch Buffalo Creek proposed project: 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: WS -IV (Cold Water Creek and Town Branch); WSII;HQW Dutch Buffalo Creek 2c. River basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Existing Old Beatty Ford Lane is a two lane road. The land use in the project vicinity is residential areas, agriculture, fallow fields, mixed hardwoods, mixed pine forests, cutover forests, and commercial property. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 3.15 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: 6,777 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: To improve vehicular safety on Old Beatty Ford Road and to improve the deficient bridge over I -85. 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: The project involves improving or relocating Otd Beatty Ford Rd (SR 1221) from its intersection with Bostian Road (SR 121011221) to Lentz Road (SR 1337). The project will construct a two -lane (26 -foot paved) road on new location with a new grade separation over 1 -85. The bridge carrying existing Old Beatty Ford Road over 1 -85 will be removed with construction of 1 -3802. A new five -span bridge with concrete girders will be constructed on the new location. The proposed project is approximately 3.1 miles long. Standard road building equipment, such as trucks, dozers, and cranes will be used. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property ®Yes El No El Unknown project (including all prior phases) in the past? Comments: 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type ❑ Preliminary ® Final of determination was made? 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? AgencylConsultant Company: The Catena Group, Inc. Name (if known): Chris Sheats Other: 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. September 11, 2014 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Unknown this project (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions. 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes ® No 6b. If yes, explain. C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ® Wetlands ® Streams - tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact number — Type of Type of wetland Forested Type of jurisdiction Area of impact Permanent (P) impact (if known) (acres) or Temporary T Site 2 ® P ❑ Culvert Bottomland Hardwood Forest ® Yes ® Corps 0.01 T El No El DWQ Site 2 ❑ P ® Culvert Bottomland Hardwood Forest ® Yes ® Corps <0.01 T ❑ No ❑ DWQ Site 2 ❑ P ® Culvert Bottomland Hardwood Forest ® Yes ® Corps 0.02 T ❑ No ❑ DWQ Site 5 ❑ P ® ® Yes ® Corps T Excavation Headwater Wetland ❑ No ❑ DWQ 0.02 Site 5 ❑ P ❑ El Yes El Corps T Choose One Choose One ❑ No ❑ DWQ Site 6 ❑ P ❑ ❑ Yes ❑ Corps T Choose One Choose One ❑ No ❑ DWQ O.01 2g. Total wetland impacts Permanent 0.05 Temporary 2h. Comments: no wetland mitigation required 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact Type of Stream name Perennial Type of Average Impact number - impact (PER) or jurisdiction stream length Permanent (P) intermittent (Corps - 404, 10 width (linear or Temporary (INT)? DWQ — non -404, (feet) feet) (T) other) Site 1 ® P ❑ T Culvert UT Town Branch (SC) ❑ PER ® ENT ® Corps ❑ DWQ 1 -2 158 Site 1 ❑ P ® T Culvert UT Town Branch (SC) ❑ PER ® INT ® Corps ❑ DWQ 1 -2 61 Site 1 ® P ❑ T Stabilization UT Town Branch (SC) ❑ PER ® INT ® Corps ❑ DWQ 1 -2 11 Site 2 ®P ❑ T Culvert Town Branch (SA) ®PER ❑ INT ®Corps ❑ DWQ 12 -16 140 Site 2 ❑ P ® ® PER ® Corps T Culvert Town Branch (SA) ❑ INT ❑ DWQ 12 -16 31 Site 2 ® P ❑ T Stabilization Town Branch (SA) ® PER ❑ INT ® Corps ❑ DWQ 12 -16 88 Site 3 ® P ❑ Culvert UT Town Branch (SB) 0 PER ® Corps 5 -8 182 T ❑ INT ❑ DWQ Site 3 ❑ P ® T Culvert UT Town Branch (SB) ® PER ❑ INT ® Corps ❑ DWQ 5 -8 19 Site 3 ® P ❑ T Stabilization LIT Town Branch (SB) ® PER ❑ INT ® Corps ❑ DWQ 5 -8 14 Site 4 ® P ❑ T Excavation Cold Water Creek (SG) ® PER ❑ INT ® Corps ❑ DWQ 20 18 Site 6 ® P ❑ T Culvert UT Cold Water Creek (SJ) ❑ PER ® INT ® Corps ❑ DWQ 2 -3 223 Site 6 ❑ P ® T Culvert UT Cold Water Creek (SJ) ❑ PER ® INT ® Corps ❑ DWQ 2 -3 23 Site 6 ® P ❑ T Stabilization UT Cold Water Creek (SJ) ❑ PER ® INT ® Corps ❑ DWQ 2-3 12 Site 7A ® P ❑ T Culvert LIT Cold Water Creek (SE) ® PER ❑ INT ® Corps ❑ DWQ 6 -8 79 Site 7A ❑ P ® T Culvert UT Cold Water Creek (SE) ® PER ❑ INT ® Corps ❑ DWQ 6 -8 32 Site 7A ® P ❑ T Stabilization LIT Cold Water Creek (SE) ® PER ❑ INT ® Corps ❑ DWQ 6 -8 44 Site 7B ® P ❑ T Culvert UT Cold Water Creek (SF) ❑ PER ® INT ® Corps ❑ DWQ 6 -8 80 Site 7B ❑ P ® T Culvert UT Cold Water Creek (SF) ❑ PER ® INT ® Corps ❑ DWQ 6 -8 23 Site 7B ® P ❑ T Stabilization UT Cold Water Creek (SF) ❑ PER ® INT ® Corps ❑ DWQ 6 -8 38 1087 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts Perm 189 Temp 3i. Comments: see table 1.2 for mititagtion ratios 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then in ividually list all o en water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of impact number waterbody Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) — Permanent (if applicable) (P) or Temporary T 01 ❑ P ❑ T Choose One Choose One 02 ❑ P ❑ T Choose One Choose One 03 ❑ P ❑ T Choose One Choose One 04 ❑ P ❑ T Choose One Choose One M. Total open water impacts X Permanent X Temporary 4g. Comments: 5. Pont! or Lake Construction If pond or lake construction proposed, then complete the chart below. 5a. Pond ID number 5b. Proposed use or purpose of pond 5c. Wetland Impacts (acres) 5d. Stream Impacts (feet) 5e. Upland (acres) Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 P2 5f. Total 5g. Comments: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit I no: 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method of construction: S. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigation, then you MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. ❑ Neuse El Tar-Pamlico El Other: Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d, 6e. 6f. 6g. Buffer impact number— Reason for impact Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) or Stream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Temporary T required? B1 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ No B2 ❑P ❑T El Yes ❑ No B3 ❑P ❑T El Yes ❑ No 6h. Total buffer impacts 6i. Comments: D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. Impacts were minimized in the project design by proposing a longer bridge over 1 -85 that will also span Cold Water Creek. The alignment also avoids wetlands and parallel streams where possible. Stream crossing footprints were reduced by adjusting roadway grade. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. Will follow NCDOT construction guidelines and BMPs, including no staging of construction equipment or storage of construction supplies in jurisdictional areas; Installation of temporary sediment control fences, earth berms, and temporary ground cover during construction; 2A fill slopes utilized in wetland and stream areas where possible. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? ® Yes ❑ No If no, explain: 2b. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): ® DWQ ® Corps 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this project? ❑ Mitigation bank ® Payment to in -lieu fee program ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: not applicable 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type Quantity 3c. Comments: 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In -lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in -lieu fee program is attached. ® Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: 828 linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: ® warm ❑ cool ❑cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4f. Non - riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: acres 4h. Comments: see table 1.2 for mitigation ratios 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires buffer mitigation? ❑ Yes ❑ No fib. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required. Zone 6c. Reason for impact 6d. Total impact (square feet) Multiplier 6e. Required mitigation (square feet) Zone 1 3 (2 for Catawba) Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: fig. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in -lieu fee fund). 6h. Comments: 10 E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified ❑ Yes ® No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If not, explain why. Yes No ❑ Comments: NIA 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? NIA 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? ® Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: Narrative and plan are attached. ❑ Certified Local Government 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ DWQ Stormwater Program ® DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiction is this project? not applicable ❑ Phase lI 3b. Which of the following locally- implemented stormwater management programs ❑ NSW ❑ USMP apply (check all that apply): ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other: 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Program Review ❑ Coastal counties 4a. Which of the following state - implemented Stormwater management programs apply ❑ HQW (check all that apply): ❑ ORW ❑ Session Law 2006 -246 ❑ Other: 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been attached? ❑ Yes ❑ No nla 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? ® Yes ❑ No NIA 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ® Yes ❑ No NIA 11 F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal /state /local) funds or the ® Yes ❑ No use of public (federal /state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ® Yes ❑ No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPAISEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval ® Yes ❑ No letter.) Comments: Documentation will be provided upon request. 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H.1 300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes ® No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is this an after - the -fact permit application? ❑ Yes ® No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in ❑ Yes additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? ® No 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. ICE Report included 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non- discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. not applicable 12 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or ® Yes ❑ No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act ® Yes ❑ No impacts? 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. ❑ Raleigh ® Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? NCNHP, USFWS, NCDOT, Field Surveys 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes ® No fib. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? NMFS County Index 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation ❑ Yes ® No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? NEPA Documentation 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA- designated 100 -year floodplain? ®Yes ❑ No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: NCDOT Hydraulics Unit coordination with FEMA 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? FEMA Maps Pat Ivey, P.E. Applicant/Agent's Printed Name 4te Applicant/Ag 's Signature (Agent's signature is valid only if antafithorization letter from the applicant is provided.) 13 t.ad-Winal&o�e 0 W 1E U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS D fm WILMINGTOhN DISTRICT 0 Action Id. 201301905 County: Rowan U.S. ' ' NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINAT ��10E OF NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Property Owner /Agent: Mr. Richard W. Hancock, PR / Deanna-Riff Address: NC DOT 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1598 Telephone No.: 919 707 -6148 Property description: Size (acres) Nearest Town Landis Nearest Waterway Cold Water Creek River Basin Rocky USGS HUC 03040105 Coordinates N 35.526355 W - 80.573354 Location description SR 12211 Old Betty Ford Road from SR 1210 to SR 1337 Lentz Road in Rowan Count adjacent to Cold Water Creek Landis forth Carolina. TIP W -5516 Indicate 'Which of the Following Apply: A. Preliminary Determination _ Based on preliminary information, there may be wetlands on the above described property. We strongly suggest you have this property inspected to determine the extent of Department of the Army (DA) jurisdiction. To be considered final, a jurisdictional determination must be verified by the Corps. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process ( Reference 33 CFR Part 331). B. Approved Determination There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. X There are waters of the U.S. including wetlands on the above described project area subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. _ We strongly suggest you have the wetlands on your property delineated. Due to the size of your property and/or our present workload, the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner. For a more timely delineation, you may wish to obtain a consultant. To be considered final, any delineation must be verified by the Corps. X The waters of the U.S. including wetland on your project area have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. We strongly suggest you have this delineation surveyed. Upon completion, this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps. Once verified, this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA jurisdiction on your property which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. _ The wetlands have been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below on . Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described property which are subject to the _ permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under- the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Washington, NC, at (252) 946 -6481 to determine their requirements. Page 1 of 2 Action ID: Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US and/or wetlands without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). If you have any questions regarding this determination and /or the Corps regulatory program, please contact John Thomas at 919 554 -4854 ext. 25. C. Basis For Determination There are stream channels within your proiect site which are tributaries of Cold Water Creek which flows into the Pee Dec River and the Atlantic Ocean. D. Remarks E. Appeals Information (This information applies only to approved jurisdictional determinations as indicated in S. above) This correspondence constitutes an approved jurisdictional determination for the above described site. If you object to this determination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and request for appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division Attn :Jean Gibby, Project Manager, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by the District Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by November 11, 2414. * *It is m not necessary to subit an RFAt form to the Dis ict Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence.** Corps Regulatory Official: S Date 09/11/2014 f Expirgiion Date 09111/2019 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at our website at http : / /regulatory.ttsacesurvev com/ to complete the survey online. Copy furnished: Chris Sheats, The Catena Group, 410 -b Millstone Drive, Hillsborough, NC 27278 Page 2 of 2 NOTIFICATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL OPTIONS AND PROCESS AND = REQUEST FOR APPEAL Applicant: NCDOT SR 12211 Old Betty Ford Road from SR 12I0 to SR 1.221 (Lentz Roadt in File Number: SAW 2013 01905 Date: September- 11, 2014 Rowan County TIP W -5516 / Deanna Riffe Attached is: See Section below -9 INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard. Permit or Letter of permission) A PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter of permission) B PERMIT DENIAL C APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION D PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION E SECTION I - The following identifies your rights and options regarding an administrative appeal of the above decision. Additional information may be found at http : / /www.usace.army. rail /inet /functions /ew /cecwo /reg or Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. A: INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or object to the permit. • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the pert-nit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • OBJECT: If you object to the permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may request that the permit be modified accordingly. You must complete Section II of this form and return the form to the district engineer. Your objections must be received by the district engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the permit in the future. Upon receipt of your letter, the district engineer will evaluate your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) modify the permit to address some of your objections, or (c) not modify the permit having determined that the permit should be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objections, the district engineer will send you a proffered permit for your reconsideration, as indicated in Section B below. B: PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or appeal the permit • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • APPEAL: If you choose to decline the proffered pen-nit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may appeal the declined permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C: PERMIT DENIAL: You may appeal the denial of permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. D: APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide new information. ACCEPT: You do not need to notify the Corps to accept an approved JD. Failure to notify the Corps within GO days of the date of this notice, means that you accept the approved JD in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the approves{ JD. APPEAL: If you disagree with the approved JD, you may appeal the approved JD under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section 11 of this form and sending the form to the district engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within GD days of the date of this notice. E: PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You do not need to respond to the Corps regarding the preliminary JD. The Preliminary JD is not appealable. If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be appealed), by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Also you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. SECTION II - REQUEST FOR APPEAL or OBJECTIONS TO AN INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT REASONS FOR APPEAL OR OBJECTIONS: (Describe your reasons for appealing the decision or your objections to an initial proffered permit in clear concise statements. You may attach additional information to this form to clarify where your reasons or objections are addressed in the administrative record.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The appeal is limited to a review of the administrative record, the Corps memorandum for the record of the appeal conference or meeting, and any supplemental information that the review officer has determined is needed to clarify the administrative record. Neither the appellant nor the Corps may add new information or analyses to the record. However, you may provide additional information to clarify the location of information that is already in the administrative record. POINT OF CONTACT FOR QUESTIONS OR INFORMATION: If you have questions regarding this decision If you only have questions regarding the appeal process you and /or the appeal process you may contact: may also contact: John Thomas @ 919 554 -4884 ext. 25 Administrative ,Appeal Revicw Officer CESAD- ET -CO -R U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division 60 Forsyth Street, Room 9M15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 -88471 RIGHT OF ENTRY: Your signature below grants the right of entry to Corps of Engineers personnel, and any government consultants, to conduct investigations of the project site during the course of the appeal process. You will be provided a 15 day notice of any site investigation, and will have the opportunity to participate in all site investigations. _ Date: Telephone number: Signature of 22pellant or agent. For appeals on Initial Proffered Permits and approved Jurisdictional Determinations send this form to: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division, Attn :dean Gibby, Project Manager, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, 3331 Heritage Trade Drive , Suite 105, Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 For Permit denials and Proffered Permits send this form to: Division Engineer, Commander, U.S. Army Engineer Division, South Atlantic, Attn: Mr. Mike Bell, Administrative Appeal Officer, iCESAD- ET -CO -R, 60 Forsyth Street, Room 9M15, Atlanta, Georgia 3+0303 -8801 _ i+ �.A,�w1'..- NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor September 29, 2014 Chris Sheats, PWS THE CATENA GROUP 410 -B Millstone Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 Subject: NCDOT TIP # W -5516, Rowan County Yadkin -Pee Dee Basin Dear Sheats: John E. Skvarla, III Secretary On January 14, 2014, NC Division of Water Resource (Alan Johnson) staff, conducted an on -site determination to review drainage features located for the subject project for applicability to the mitigation rules (15A NCAC 2H .0506(h)). During review of one of the sites "SJ" an additional drainage feature locate upstream of wetland WG was noted. Given the recent weather events it was decided to return at a later date for consideration. On January 21, 2014, a follow -up site visit was conducted. In conjunction with Ms. Aimee Euliss, the feature was determined to be intermittent. Based on the site visit conducted on January 14th and 21St, the attached map properly indicates the streams reviewed and investigated. Also, this letter only addresses the sites specifically marked on the attached map and does not apply to reaches of the channel [or drainage feature] outside the boundary of the NCDOT project area, or to any other drainage features in the vicinity. This letter. only addresses the applicability to the mitigation and does not approve any activity in the Waters of the United States, or Waters of the State. Any impacts to wetlands, streams and buffers must comply with the 4041401 regulations, water supply regulations (15A NCAC 2B .0216), and any other required federal, state and local regulations. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by NCDWR or Delegated Local Authority that a surface water exists and that it is subject to the mitigation rules may request a determination by the Director. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director in writing c/o Amy Chapman, NCDWR Wetlands /401 Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 -1650. Individuals that dispute a determination by NCDWR or Delegated Local Authority that "exempts" a surface water from the mitigation rules may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You may obtain the petition form from the office of Administrative hearings. You must file the petition with the office of Administrative Hearings within sixty (60) days of receipt of this notice and the date the affected party (including downstream and adjacent landowners) is notified of this decision. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours. The Office of Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm, except for official state holidays. The original and one (1) copy of the petition must be filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings. The petition may be. faxed-provided the original and one copy of the document is received by the Office of Administrative Hearings within five (5) business days following the faxed transmission. The mailing address for the Office of Administrative Hearings is: Transportation and Permitting Unit One 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699.1617 NorthCarofina Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919 -807 -6300 L FAX: 919- 733- 1290`�� Internet: www.ncwateroualiiy.org An Equal Opparlurity 1 Affirmative Action Employer Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -6714 Telephone: (919)- 431 -3000, Facsimile: (919)- 431 -3100 A copy of the petition must also be served on DENR as follows: Mr. John Evans, General Counsel Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center 'Phis determination is final and binding unless you ask for a hearing within 60 days. If you have any additional questions or require additional information please call me at 704- 663 -1699 or AIan,Johnson @ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, eSr. an so ecialist Attachments cc: Sonia Carrillo, Wetland Transportation Unit 0. NDENI North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Michael Ellison, Director John E. Skvarla, III Governor Ecosystem Enhancement Program Secretary December 3, 2014 Ms. Amy Euliss NCDOT Division 9 Environmental Officer North Carolina Department of Transportation 375 Silas Creek Parkway Winston- Salem, North Carolina 27127 Dear Ms. Euliss: Subject: EEP Mitigation Acceptance Letter: Division 9 Project, TIP W -5516, Relocation of SR 1221 (Old Beatty Ford Road) from SR 1210 / 1221 (Bostian Road) to SR 1337 (Lentz Road), Rowan County; WBS Number 44105.1.FD1 The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) will provide the compensatory stream mitigation for the subject project. Based on the information supplied by you on December 2, 2014, the impacts are located in CU 03040103 of the Yadkin River basin in the Central Piedmont (CP) Eco- Region, and are as follows: Yadkin Stream Wetlands Buffer (Sq. Ft.) 03040103 Non- Coastal Cp Cold Cool Warm Riparian Riparian Marsh Zone 1 Zone 2 Impacts (feet/acres) 0 0 828.0 0 0 0 0 0 *Some of the stream and wetland impacts may be proposed to be mitigated at a 1:1 mitigation ratio. See permit application for details. USACE requires mitigation for 657 feet of stream impact and NCDWR requires mitigation for 828 feet of stream impact. This impact and associated mitigation need were under projected by the NCDOT in the 2014 impact data. EEP will commit to implement sufficient compensatory stream mitigation credits to offset the impacts associated with this project as determined by the regulatory agencies using the delivery timeline listed in Section F.3.c.iii of the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources' Ecosystem Enhancement Program In -Lieu Fee Instrument dated July 28, 2010. If the above referenced impact amounts are revised, then this mitigation acceptance letter will no longer be valid and a new mitigation acceptance letter will be required from EEP. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Beth Harmon at 919 - 707 -8420. Sin ly, �j d . Jame B Stanfill EEP Asset Management Supervisor cc: Mr. John Thomas, USACE — Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Mr. Dave Wanucha, NCDWR — Winston -Salem Office Ms. Amy Chapman, NCDWR Ms. Linda Fitzpatrick, NCDOT — PDEA File: SR 1221 Relocation (W -5516) — Division 9 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 -1652 Phone: 919 - 707 -89761 Internet: www.ncdenr.gov An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmafive Acton Employer — Made in part by recycled paper FTo-- Brett Abernathy, PE Division 9 Project Manager NCDOT Division 9 Office 375 Silas Creek Parkway Winston Salem, NC 27127 Drew Joyner, PE, Section Head NCDOT PD &EA Unit 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1598 We are forwarding the following items I ca Engineering Transmittal Date: February 19, 2014 Subject: State TIP Project W -5516 Rowan County Relocation of Old Beatty Ford Road (X) Enclosed ( ) Under Separate Cover Quantity Description 1 W -5516 Final Indirect and Cumulative Effects Screening Report 1 Responses to comments on the W -5516 Draft Indirect and Cumulative Effects Screening Report 1 Copy in track changes mode to indicate changes from the draft version. These are transmitted as checked below: () Approved (X) For Your Approval () Approved as Noted () As Requested () Not Approved () For Your Use () Revise and Resubmit () For Your Files Remarks: Attached for your approval is an electronic copy of the final Indirect and Cumulative Effects Screening Report for the W -5516 Relocation of Old Beatty Ford Road project. Also included are responses to comments from the draft report and a copy of the text showing the tracked changes that were made. If you have questions or need other information, please contact me. Sincerely, ICA Engineering, Inc. 4' Mark L. Reep, PE Cc: Harrison Marshall, HEU Section; Tris Ford, HEU Section Leza Mundt, AICP, PDEA Unit; David Waller, PE, ICA Engineering, Inc. Indirect and Cumulative Effects Screening Report North Carolina Department of Transportation Relocation of Old Beatty Ford Road (SR 122 1) From SR 1210 /SR 1221 to Lentz Road (SR 1337) Rowan County TIP No. W -5516, WBS No. 44105.1.FD1, Division 9 OF N ©RrH eq� v z a �O NT OF TRANS Prepared by: I Engineering February 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Executive Summary ............................................................................................ ............................... 1 II. Project Overview ................................................................................................ ............................... 3 III. Future Land Use Study Area .......................................................................... ............................... 4 IV. Time Horizon .................................................................................................... ............................... 5 V. Other Transportation and Infrastructure Projects ........................................ ............................... 5 VI. Transportation Impact Causing Activities ..................................................... ............................... 5 VII. Population Trends and Projections ............................................................... ............................... 8 VIII. Job Trends and Projections .......................................................................... ............................... 8 VIX. Municipal Utilities ......................................................................................... ............................... 9 X. Notable Features ................................................................................................ ............................... 9 XI. Development Regulations ................................................................................ ............................... 10 XII. Available Land ................................................................................................ ............................... 12 XIII. Market for Development ............................................................................... ............................... 13 XIV. Indirect Screening Matrix Methodology and Matrix ................................. ............................... 13 XV. Screening Matrix Results ............................................................................... ............................... 14 XVI. Indirect Effects Summary ............................................................................. ............................... 15 XVII. Cumulative Effects Summary ..................................................................... ............................... 16 XVIII. Sources ......................................................................................................... ............................... 18 INDIRECT AND CUMULATIVE EFFECTS SCREENING REPORT North Carolina Department of Transportation Relocation of Old Beatty Ford Road (SR 1221) From SR 1210 /SR 1221 to Lentz Road (SR 1337) Rowan County STIP No. W -5516, WBS No. 44105.LFD1, Division 9 February, 2014 L Executive Summary The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to improve or relocate Old Beatty Ford Road (SR 1221 /SR 1210) from its intersection with Bostian Road (SR 1221) to Lentz Road (SR 1337) in Rowan County. This project is approximately 3.1 miles long. It is included in the 2012 -2020 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as W -5516 and is scheduled for right of way acquisition in fiscal year (FY) 2014 and construction in FY 2015. Two build alternatives are being considered — Alternative 1 improves the existing alignment and Alternative 2 is on new alignment. This project is needed to reduce lane departure and frontal impact crashes along Old Beatty Ford Road between Bostian Road and Lentz Road. The purpose of this project is to improve vehicular safety on Old Beatty Ford Road by reducing the frequency of lane departure and frontal impact crashes that have resulted in fatal and non -fatal injuries. A secondary purpose is to improve the deficient bridge. The time horizon for this analysis is through the year 2030. This time frame is consistent with locally adopted transportation and land use plans and population projections from the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management. It is also within the design year (2035) for the proposed project. Local officials and developers are anticipating a future I -85 interchange with Old Beatty Ford Road will be constructed near the project study area as a separate project. Although there are no specific development plans on file or under review at this time, local officials expect commercial and industrial development to occur adjacent to a new interchange. W -5516 does not include an interchange with I -85, but it does not preclude the construction of one in the future. Since one is not included in this project, the indirect effects of a new interchange will not be analyzed. However, it is considered a foreseeable future project and will be included in the cumulative effects discussion of this document. The location of an interchange has not been determined at this time. The proposed project is not expected to interfere with any development plans. Based on County projections from the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management, the population of Rowan County is expected to decrease between 2010 and 2030 with a net loss of about 630 people over 20 years (less than 0.1% per year). Population growth trends within the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA) can be expected to be similar to those projected for Rowan County. It is estimated that the FLUSA will experience an annual job increase of 2% between 2010 and 2020. Job projections past the year 2020 were not available at the time of this assessment. Notable human environmental features include: residential subdivisions, an elementary school, places of worship, a community center, baseball stadium, rock quarry, and other various businesses. Notable natural environmental features include: two water supply watersheds, streams, and Lake Fisher. In addition to federal and state development regulations, the FLUSA falls under the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin -wide Water Quality Plan are water supply watershed regulations. Zoning ordinances from Rowan County and the local municipalities include development regulations. The screening results indicate further analysis in the form of a Land Use Scenario Assessment (LUSA) is not necessary due to moderate or low concern regarding the scope of the project, accessibility, public policy, and notable features. No notable indirect effects are expected from the proposed project alone. The major factors contributing to this result are a lack of travel time savings, a lack of existing water and sewer infrastructure, stagnant development growth, and a population that is projected to decrease over the next 20 years. The need for this project is to provide a safer roadway that will help reduce the amount of fatal and serious injury crashes along this portion of Old Beatty Ford Road. Other transportation projects are planned for this area, including widening I -85 and a potential I -85/ Old Beatty Ford Road interchange. The combination of the subject project and a future interchange will have an effect on the rate and type of development, but this project alone should not result in considerable indirect effects. There have not been any notable past actions. No development actions are presently underway; therefore, it is reasonable to assume there has been very little cumulative effect on environmental resources. Past actions, such as the construction of I -85 and a trucking facility and automobile salvage yard in the northwest corner of the FLUSA, have not resulted in considerable cumulative effects on environmental resources. The ongoing construction of homes along Lentz Road includes relatively few homes on large lots and is not likely contributing to cumulative effects on environmental resources. Based on the findings and conclusions of this report, cumulative effects resulting from the proposed project and primarily from other actions such as a potential future I -85/ Old Beatty Ford Road interchange and any accompanying private development actions will have the potential to minimally impact water quality in the FLUSA. Oil II. Proiect Overview The North Carolina Department of Transportation ( NCDOT) proposes to improve or relocate Old Beatty Ford Road (SR 1221 /SR 1210) from its intersection with Bostian Road (SR 1221) to Lentz Road (SR 1337) in Rowan County (see Figure 1). This project is approximately 3.1 miles long. It is included in the 2012 -2020 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as W -5516 and is scheduled for right of way acquisition in fiscal year (FY) 2014 and construction in FY 2015. The proposed project is located in an unincorporated area of Rowan County, just outside the town limits of Landis and the city limits of Kannapolis (Cabarrus County). Rowan County is located in the heart of the Piedmont region of North Carolina, halfway between the Triad (Greensboro- Winston Salem -High Point) and Charlotte. Greensboro is approximately 50 miles northeast, and Charlotte is about 40 miles southwest. This project is needed to reduce lane departure and frontal impact crashes along Old Beatty Ford Road between Bostian Road and Lentz Road. A 2007 NCDOT Road Safety Review for an approximate 16 -mile portion of the road identified higher than average fatal and non -fatal injury crash rates when compared to similar roadways statewide. The purpose of this project is to improve vehicular safety on Old Beatty Ford Road by reducing the frequency of lane departure and frontal impact crashes that have resulted in fatal and non -fatal injuries. A secondary purpose is to improve the deficient bridge. Proposed safety countermeasures include: • improving horizontal and vertical curves to increase sight distance • increasing the roadway width • widening and paving shoulders These countermeasures have been shown to reduce crashes by more than 70% according to NCDOT's Regional Crash Reduction Factors released in 2010. The project proposes to provide a 22 -foot roadway width (two 11 -foot wide lanes) on 60 feet of right of way, two -foot wide paved shoulders (for a total paved width of 26 feet), a straighter horizontal alignment, improved vertical alignment, improved intersections, and a new bridge over I -85. It will have no control of access, and the proposed design speed is 50 miles per hour (mph). According to the traffic forecast for the adjacent STIP project, W -5313, the current (2010) Annual Average Daily Traffic (ADDT) estimates for existing Old Beatty Ford Road is 2,400 vehicles per day (vpd). For the design year 2035, the highest AADT volume on any segment of this project is approximately 3,600 vpd. Two build alternatives are being considered (see Figure 1). Alternative 1 generally follows existing Old Beatty Ford Road from Bostian Road to Lentz Road, straightening curves to improve the roadway alignment. Alternative 2 begins near the Old Beatty Ford Road/ Bostian Road intersection, extends east on new location to Lentz Road, and follows Lentz Road for approximately 0.7 mile to its intersection with Old Beatty Ford Road. With Alternative 2, the existing Old Beatty Ford Road 3 bridge over I -85 will be removed and cul -de -sacs will be constructed on both sides of the interstate. Both alternatives are approximately 3.1 miles long. The proposed project is not expected to affect economic development in the area or serve a specific development. Local officials and developers are anticipating a future I -85 interchange with Old Beatty Ford Road will be constructed within the project study area as a separate project. Although there are no specific development plans on file or under review at this time, local officials expect commercial and industrial development to occur adjacent to a new interchange. This project does not include an interchange with I -85, but it does not preclude the construction of one in the future. It is not expected to interfere with any development plans. At the time of this document, it is expected the proposed project will require an Environmental Assessment (EA). III. Future Land Use Study Area The Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA) is the area surrounding a project that could be indirectly affected as a result of the proposed project and other actions. This study area encompasses all of the areas examined for potential increases in development pressure as a result of project construction. Although it is the focus for data collection and analysis contained within this report, it is not meant to infer that land use effects will be felt throughout the FLUSA. The area outlined in orange and black on Figure 1 is the FLUSA for the proposed project. The FLUSA is generally bounded by the border of Census Tract 514/ Block Group 1 from the 2010 US Census on the east, west, and south sides. The north side of the FLUSA follows Daugherty Road (SR 1243) and Pine Ridge Road (SR 1232/ SR 1339). Based on 2010 US Census data, the FLUSA includes four jurisdictions — Landis, China Grove, Kannapolis, and Rowan County.I The FLUSA has been defined based on the following reasons: The project is a short 3.1 -mile safety improvement project, and it does not include an interchange with I -85. The FLUSA boundary was defined so that potential land use nodes at major intersections could be included in the analysis. It also accounts for a large amount of undeveloped land to the east and north of the proposed alternatives. Part of the block group border was conservatively chosen as the FLUSA boundary because indirect development pressure from the proposed project is not expected to extend past, or even to these limits. 1 Unincorporated parts of Rowan County make up the majority of the FLUSA followed by China Grove and Landis. The portion of the Kannapolis extra territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) is only a very small fraction of the FLUSA. IV. Time Horizon The time horizon for this analysis is through the year 2030. This time frame is consistent with locally adopted transportation and land use plans and population projections from the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management. It is also within the design year (2035) for the proposed project. V. Other Transportation and Infrastructure Projects The following are lists of other notable projects underway or foreseeable in the area (see Figure 2). NCDOT's 2012 -2020 State Transportation Improvement Program Projects • I -3802B proposes to add additional lanes to I -85 from north of Lane Street (SR 2180) (Exit 63) in Cabarrus County to the US 29/ US 601 Connector (Exit 68) in Rowan County. Right of way acquisition is to begin in FY 2018 with construction in FY 2020. • I -3610 proposes to revise the I -85/ US 29/ NC 152 interchange area (Exit 68). This project is included in I- 3802B. Right of way acquisition is to begin in FY 2018 with construction in FY 2020. • W -5313 proposes to widen existing two -lane Old Beatty Ford Road to a multi -lane facility from Lower Stone Church Road (SR 2335) to Lentz Road. Right of way acquisition is to begin in FY 2014 with construction in FY 2015. • P -5206 proposes to restore a second railroad track from north of Kannapolis to south of Salisbury. Right of way acquisition is to begin in FY 2013 with construction in FY 2014. I -3804, a new interchange at Old Beatty Ford Road, had been in a previous version of the STIP as part of I -3802 but was removed because land use and traffic projections did not support the need for a new interchange. It is included in the Cabarrus -Rowan Metropolitan Planning Organization's (CRMPO) current 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and the draft 2040 LRTP (as a 2016 -2025 horizon year project) and is scheduled to be reevaluated in NCDOT's upcoming Prioritization 3.0. Since an interchange with I -85 is not included in W -5516, the indirect effects in the form of change in land use resulting from an interchange will not be analyzed. However, it is considered a foreseeable future project and will be included in the cumulative effects discussion of this document. The location of an interchange has not been determined at this time. Infrastructure Projects According to local officials, there are no infrastructure projects planned in the FLUSA. VI. Transportation Impact Causing Activities Travel Time Savings Travel time is unlikely to change considerably. Since Alternative 1 proposes to improve the existing alignment, it should not affect travel time much, if at all. 5 Depending on the origin and destination, Alternative 2 could decrease travel times slightly or increase them. As discussed earlier, both alternatives are approximately 3.1 miles long. Alternative 2 includes 2.4 miles on new location and 0.7 mile on existing location (Lentz Road). Given this, the time to travel from Bostian Road to the Old Beatty Ford Road/ Lentz Road intersection should be equal regardless of the alternative. However, motorists approaching Alternative 2 on Lentz Road from the north would travel 0.7 mile less than they do today. Assuming the existing speed limit of 45 mph, the travel time savings would be less than one minute. Very few motorists would benefit from this travel time savings because it is reasonable to assume most approaching Alternative 2 from the north would likely choose to turn on Daugherty Road to reach US 29 instead of a relocated Old Beatty Ford Road. As a worst case scenario with regards to increased travel time, residents living on the east side of I -85 would have farther to drive to destinations on the west side of I -85. For example, residents along Ivory Lane (off of Old Beatty Ford Road and adjacent to I -85 on the east side) would have to drive approximately 3.4 miles farther than they currently do to reach US 29 west of I -85. They would get to US 29 by driving east on existing Old Beatty Ford Road, north on Lentz Road, and west on Alternative 2. Using a 45 mph speed limit, 3.4 miles adds nearly five minutes to their trip. Conversely, residents living on the west side of and adjacent to I -85 wanting to go to Bostian Elementary School would experience similar travel time increases. Property Access With the exception of the construction period, there should be minimal, if any, impacts to property access associated with Alternative 1. Since Alternative 1 is mostly on existing alignment, it should not result in new access to properties that currently do not have access. Access already exists for properties along the new location portions of Alternative 1. If Alternative 2 is selected as the preferred alternative, access to some Old Beatty Ford Road properties will change. With Alternative 2, the existing Old Beatty Ford Road bridge over I -85 will be removed and cul -de -sacs will be constructed on both sides of the interstate. In this scenario, I -85 will essentially act as a barrier and will cause some property owners to take a more circuitous route to their property. The new location portion of Alternative 2 will likely provide access to two parcels fronting I -85 on the east side that currently do not have direct access to any road. However, these two parcels currently belong to the same owner as adjacent parcels that do have access. Other than these two exceptions, the new location route will likely modify or potentially increase access to some properties. Travel Patterns The proposed project is unlikely to change travel patterns considerably. Alternative 1 is mostly on existing alignment and should not affect travel patterns. Alternative 2 will have a minimal effect on travel patterns for residents living along and off of existing Old Beatty Ford Road since it will dead end on either side of I -85. Once construction is complete, travel patterns for most users should return to the current state. G The local routes people use to travel to their homes, work, or to go shopping could be minimally affected if Alternative 2 is selected as the preferred. With this alternative, the existing Old Beatty Ford Road bridge over I -85 will be removed and cul -de -sacs will be constructed on both sides of the interstate. Residents living on the east side of I -85 would have farther to drive to destinations on the west side of I -85. For example, residents along Ivory Lane adjacent to I -85 would have to drive approximately 3.4 miles farther than they currently do to reach US 29 west of I -85. Under this scenario, they would get to US 29 by driving east on existing Old Beatty Ford Road, north on Lentz Road, and west on Alternative 2. Conversely, residents living on the west side of I -85 wanting to go to Bostian Elementary School would drive approximately 1.3 miles farther than their current trip [west on existing Old Beatty Ford Road, north on China Grove Road (SR 1238), east on Alternative 2, and south on Lentz Road]. Travel patterns for people living along and off of Old Beatty Ford Road will change, and they may feel inconvenienced by the longer trips, but there is no indication this alternative will alter overall travel patterns. Commuters and other users of the road would use Alternative 2 instead of Old Beatty Ford Road. For both alternatives, some routes may be temporarily impacted during construction. In these cases, traffic will be maintained by providing alternative access. During construction, Daugherty Road and Moose Road could serve as alternate routes between Lentz Road and Bostian Road to points further west along US 29. Property Exposure The amount of property exposure will depend on which alternative is selected as the preferred. Alternative 1 proposes to improve the existing alignment and is not expected to increase or decrease exposure to properties along its alignment. All but one property affected by this alternative already front Old Beatty Ford Road. The exception is a property that is likely to be acquired for new right of way. Alternative 2 will increase exposure for currently undeveloped properties along its new alignment location — making them more attractive for development. In the absence of an interchange with I -85, the development would most likely be low- density residential. For both alternatives, if an interchange with Old Beatty Ford Road is built as a separate project in the future, properties immediately adjacent to the interchange may become more attractive for highway commercial development that would benefit from passing traffic (gas stations, fast food restaurants, etc.). Properties further removed would be more likely to experience residential development since I -85 would become more easily accessible. Land Use and Transportation Nodes W -5516 is a proposed safety project and is unlikely to alone alter land use patterns or create transportation nodes (a transportation related destination such as a transit station). Rowan County's land use plan, Land Use Plan Areas East of I -85 (January 2012), indicates a future "regional node" at Old Beatty Ford Road and I -85. However, this is predicated on an interchange being built in this location in the future. According to the land use plan, examples of land uses in a regional node include: shopping complexes, grocery stores, convenience goods, gas stations, office complexes, restaurants and health care services. If one is built, an interchange in this area could become a 7 transportation node. A land use or transportation node is unlikely to occur without the construction of an I -85/ Old Beatty Ford Road interchange. In addition to the regional node, a "community node" is proposed in the land use plan at the intersection of Old Beatty Ford Road and Old Concord Road. Examples of land uses in a community node include: convenience stores, gas stations, office space, restaurants, and retail/ service businesses. There is currently a convenience store/ gas station and church (Ebenezer Lutheran Church) at this location. Due to its scope, the proposed project is unlikely to facilitate the development of this intersection into a community node. No other FLUSA intersections are expected to become land use or transportation nodes. VII. Population Trends and Proiections According to the US Census Bureau, Rowan County's population increased by slightly more than six percent between 2000 and 2010, or less than one percent annually. Based on county projections from the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management, the population of Rowan County is expected to decrease between 2010 and 2030 with a net loss of about 630 people over 20 years (less than 0.1 % per year). Population growth trends within the FLUSA can be expected to be similar to those projected for Rowan County up to the time horizon of this study. VIII. Job Trends and Proiections According to data from the North Carolina Department of Commerce — Division of Employment Security (DES), the number of Rowan County jobs decreased by 2,210 between 2002 and 2012, a -0.5% annual reduction rate. The FLUSA is part of the Centralina Workforce Development Board (WDB). The DES's projections for this WDB between 2010 and 2020 show the number of jobs increasing by 50,860, or 1.6 % annually. Annual job growth rates for the FLUSA were estimated using the WDB employment projections and population percentages from the 2010 US Census data. The WDB total projected employment growth (50,860 jobs) was distributed to Landis, China Grove, and Rowan County (minus Landis and China Grove) based upon their percentage share of the total Centralina WDB population in 2010. Landis and China Grove comprised approximately 0.4% and 0.5 %, respectively, of the total 2010 population in the Centralina WDB. Rowan County accounted for about 16 %. The projected employment for Landis, China Grove, and Rowan County was then distributed within the FLUSA based on the percentage of area of each in the FLUSA and professional judgment. This distribution assumed that the FLUSA contained approximately nine percent, four percent, and two percent of the employment bases for Landis, China Grove, and Rowan County, respectively. Based on the methodology described above, it is estimated that the FLUSA will experience an annual job increase of 2% between 2010 and 2020. Job projections past the year 2020 were not available at the time of this assessment. ri VIX. Municipal Utilities There are no water or sewer services within the FLUSA. Areas west of US 29 and just outside the FLUSA boundary are provided with water and sewer services by Salisbury -Rowan Utilities (SRU). The northeast corner of the FLUSA is included in SRU's "Long Range Service Area" for water services, and about half of the FLUSA (roughly from west of Lentz Road and north of Old Beatty Ford Road) is within the Long Range Service Area for sewer services. These future service areas represent areas where water and sewer services could be extended. However, according to a SRU official, there are currently no plans to extend services anywhere inside the FLUSA in the foreseeable future. The City of Kannapolis provides water and sewer services to most citizens and businesses within its city limits. Kannapolis water and sewer services do not extend into the FLUSA and there are no plans for extension. Current SRU and Kannapolis policies are development driven — meaning developers would have to pay for services to be extended to their sites. An exception to those policies would occur if an I -85/ Old Beatty Ford Road interchange is built in the future as a separate project. According to a SRU official, multiple utility providers (including SRU and Kannapolis) would be interested in extending their services to the potential interchange location. SRU's water supply comes from its water intake facility at the confluence of the South Yadkin and Yadkin Rivers. The plant produces an average of 8.5 million gallons of water per day (MGD) and peaks at nearly 12 MGD during summer months. The water plant is permitted to treat up to 24 MGD. SRU has two wastewater treatment facilities which are permitted to process a combined total of approximately 12.5 MGD. On average, they treat a combined six MGD. Kannapolis' water supply mainly comes from Kannapolis Lake, which has a 1.35- billion - gallon maximum capacity and is filled from a 10.6 square -mile drainage area. The average daily demand for water in Kannapolis is four MGD. Lake Don T. Howell in Cabarrus County and Second Creek in Rowan County are two supplemental water sources. Kannapolis averages approximately 4.5 MGD of discharge at its wastewater treatment plant. The plant is permitted to process 26.5 MGD. X. Notable Features Human Environmental Features Notable human environmental features include (see Figure 3): • Various residential subdivisions throughout the FLUSA. • Bostian Elementary School located along Lentz Road. • Places of worship including: Highest Praise Family Worship Center along Bostian Road; Oak Grove Freewill Baptist Church along Chastity Lane; and Pine Ridge Baptist Church along Old Linn Road (SR 1232). • The Kannapolis Moose Family Center along Old Beatty Ford Road. 9 • Fieldcrest Cannon Stadium (home to a Class A minor league baseball team) located north of the I -85/ Lane Street interchange. • Martin Marietta Aggregates Kannapolis Quarry along China Grove Road. • Various businesses along US 29. Natural Environmental Features Notable natural environmental features include (see Figure 3): • The FLUSA contains parts of two water supply watersheds — Cold Water Creek (WS -IV) and Dutch Buffalo Creek (WS -II). Lentz Road is the approximate boundary between the two water supply watersheds. Part of a critical area of the Cold Water Creek (WS -IV) is inside the FLUSA. The FLUSA contains no streams that are within the Dutch Buffalo Creek (WS -II) water supply watershed. • All streams in the FLUSA are in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin. Streams in the FLUSA include Cold Water Creek, Town Branch, unnamed tributaries to Cold Water Creek, and Lake Fisher. All have been assigned a best use classification of WS -IV by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). The classification WS -IV indicates freshwaters used as sources of water supply for drinking, culinary, or food processing purposes where a WS -I, II or III classification is not feasible. These waters are also protected for Class C uses. WS -IV waters are generally in moderately to highly developed watersheds or protected areas. Part of Cold Water Creek and also has the classification of CA. Waters carrying the CA classification are within a "critical area" adjacent to a water supply intake or reservoir where the risk associated with pollution is greater than from the other portions of the watershed. • Lake Fisher, a recreational lake used for boating and fishing and a source of water for Concord, is located downstream. No features within the FLUSA have been designated as Outstanding Resource Water (ORW) or as trout waters. There are no designated anadromous fish waters, Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), or designated High Quality Waters (HQW). There are no impaired waters identified on the North Carolina 2012 Final 303(d) list. According to the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), there is no essential fish habitat within the study area. XI. Development Regulations State and Federal Regulations According to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), as a result of storm water rules enacted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1999, construction or land development activities that disturb one acre or more are required to obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm water permit and site plan. An erosion and sediment control plan must also be developed for these sites under the state's Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (SPCA) administered by the NC Division of Land Resources. Local governments may review and enforce the erosion and sediment control plan within their jurisdiction, but the program has to be as strict as the Division of Land Resources program. Site disturbances of less than one acre require the use of NCDOT's Best Management Practices (BMPs), but a site plan is not required. 10 According to the March 1997 NCDOT Best Management Practices for Protection of Surface Waters report, BMPs include activities, practices, and procedures undertaken to prevent or reduce water pollution, such as: on -site detention areas, vegetative buffers, culverts, inspections and enforcement, and erosion control. Site disturbances greater than one acre require both the application of BMPs as well as a site plan. In 1972, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ( NPDES) program was established under the authority of the Clean Water Act. Phase I of the NPDES stormwater program was established in 1990. It requires NPDES permit coverage for large or medium municipalities with populations of 100,000 or more. The Phase II program extends permit coverage to smaller (< 100,000 population) communities and public entities that own or operate a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) by requiring them to apply for and obtain an NPDES permit for storm water discharges. The FLUSA is almost entirely in an area that has been automatically designated by the EPA as a Phase II permittee. Consequently, as required by the Federal regulations, local governments must, at a minimum, develop, implement, and enforce a storm water program designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the MS4 to the maximum extent practicable using the six minimum control measures of the Phase II program. Each of the six minimum controls requires the use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) and measurable goals (i.e., narrative or numeric standards used to gauge program effectiveness). Among other things, the developed storm water program will provide regulatory controls for future developments using post construction storm water management techniques such as planning and growth controls, site -based local controls (e.g., impervious surface limits), as well as miscellaneous storage, vegetative, and infiltration practices. The County, City of Kannapolis, and the Towns of China Grove and Landis do implement Watershed Protection and Storm Water Management Plans. Potential impacts to water quality throughout the project area should be minimized due to the presence of state and local water supply watershed protection regulations, the creation and implementation of the various governments' Phase II storm water plans, and land use plans /zoning regulations enforced by the various municipalities throughout the FLUSA (including riparian buffers and the preservation of open space /natural land). Basins and Water Supply Watershed Regulations The FLUSA falls within the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin. The NCDWQ prepared the most recent Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin -wide Water Quality Plan in 2008 in an effort to create long -term water quality management strategies for local and state officials. The plan recommends that all agencies and groups interested in development and water quality in the area work together to plan growth in such a way that water quality and quantity are protected. As mentioned previously in this report, the FLUSA is within the Cold Water Creek water supply watershed (WS -IV) and the Dutch Buffalo Creek water supply watershed (WS -II). Development in the protected area of WS -IV water supply watersheds has density limits. For projects without curb and gutter street systems under the low- density option, development is limited to two dwelling units per acre (or 24% built -upon area) or three dwelling units per acre 11 (or 36% built -upon area). Under the high- density option, 24 -70% built -upon area is allowed if developers control runoff from the first inch of rainfall. Development in the critical area of WS -IV water supply watersheds is limited to two dwelling units per acre (or 24% built -upon area) under the low- density option. Under the high- density option, 24 -50% built -upon area is permitted. Development in the protected area of WS -II water supply watersheds is limited to one dwelling unit per acre (or 12% built -upon area) under the low- density option. Under the high- density option, 12 -30% built -upon area is permitted. The 10/70 provision is allowed in the protected area of WS -II, WS -III, and WS -IV water supply watersheds. This provision allows local governments to use 10% of the non - critical area of each watershed within its jurisdiction for new development or expansion up to 70% built -upon area (without storm water control), provided that the low- density option is used in the remainder of the watershed. Local Development Regulations Rowan County's zoning ordinance includes development regulations based on the state and federal requirements discussed previously. Similar environmental regulations are included in the ordinances for China Grove, Landis and Kannapolis. According to the most recent Rowan County zoning map (August 27, 2013), the FLUSA is primarily zoned as rural agricultural. Exceptions to this are: commercial zones along I -85 (from south of Daugherty Road to Pine Ridge Road and from Moose Road south to the County line) and US 29; industrial zones south of Old Beatty Ford Road between Ebenezer Road and China Grove Road; and an area zoned for a mobile home park south of the Old Beatty Ford Road/ Lentz Road intersection adjacent to Bostian Elementary School. XIL Available Land To determine the potential market for future development, land within the FLUSA was identified as "developed," "undeveloped/constrained," or "undeveloped/unconstrained." Available land was categorized using tax data, GIS data, and aerial photography. Small parcels with a structure, subdivided lots that have been platted but not built on, industrial sites, and road right of way were considered developed. Next, constraints on development were overlaid on the map, including water bodies, streams identified by NCDWQ, and National Wetland Inventory (NWI) wetlands. Finally, the undeveloped land was identified as either undeveloped/constrained (if it was covered by one or more of these overlays) or undeveloped/unconstrained. According to Rowan County tax record data, there are approximately 6,250 acres of land in the FLUSA (not including road right of ways). Of this, approximately 3,340 acres (53 %) are currently developed (see Figure 4). Of the 2,910 acres of undeveloped area, approximately 2,160 acres (35% of the total) are considered constrained — protected by streams, wetlands, ponds, and WS -IV Critical/ WS -II development restrictions. The remaining 750 acres (12% of the total) of land are 12 classified as undeveloped/ unconstrained, which includes active farmland, forested areas, open space, and large parcels with single structures. Undeveloped/unconstrained areas generally represent land within the FLUSA that could be developed in the future. XIII. Market for Development Current Development Pressures Based on information obtained from local officials and local land use plans, there is very little development pressure in the FLUSA. In the past 10 years development has been mostly scattered single - family homes. The various subdivisions are primarily well - established neighborhoods that have been there for 20 or more years. Development in the newest residential subdivision along Lentz Road, Castlebrooke Farms, has been relatively stagnant since it was first subdivided until recently. According to historical aerial photography, two houses were built in 2008 and just four more were built between then and the Spring of 2013. Recent field observations revealed four to five more houses are under construction. If built out, there will be fewer than 50 homes in the development. Development Market Assumptions There are two likely scenarios for future development in the FLUSA that depend upon whether an I -85/ Old Beatty Ford Road interchange is built. If an interchange is not constructed, the current development trends are expected to continue through the horizon year. Future development will mostly include scattered homes on larger lots (an acre or more). However, if an I -85 interchange at Old Beatty Ford Road is constructed, land uses surrounding the interchange area are likely to change. There will be interest from developers to develop the area into a regional node as described previously in Section VII, Transportation Impact Causing Activities. Local officials have indicated they would support and help facilitate the development of the interchange area by making zoning changes and relaxing certain development restrictions. Without municipal or county provided water and sewer services, new development under either scenario will be hindered. Soil types not suitable for septic systems or wells and the presence of two water supply watersheds are factors that are likely to prevent dense residential and/ or large commercial developments. XIV. Indirect Screening Matrix Methodology and Matrix The categories listed on the Indirect Screening Matrix (see Table 1) have been shown to influence land development decisions in numerous areas statewide and nationally.2 The measures used to rate the impacts from a high concern for indirect effects potential to less concern for indirect effects potential are supported by documentation sections. Each characteristic is assessed individually and the results of the table are looked at comprehensively to determine the indirect effects potential of 2 Separate matrices for each alternative were considered. However, the only category that would change would be "Scope of Project." The scope for Alternative 1 would have the lowest ranking, and Alternative 2 would be moderate as is shown in Table 1. Changing the ranking from moderate to low does not affect the result of "Indirect Scenario Assessment Not Warranted." Therefore, only one table representing both alternatives is shown. 13 the proposed project. The scope of the project, change in accessibility, public policy, and notable environmental features categories are given extra weight to determine if future growth in the area is related to the project modifications. Table 1— Indirect Land Use Effects Screening Tool . '1'o be conservative, the ranking Tor "Scope of Project" shown is for Alternative Z. Alternative 1 would have the lowest ranking. 'l here is no ditterence in the result, and an Indirect Scenario Assessment is not warranted for either alternative. XV. Screening Matrix Results The indirect land use effects screening tool indicates the proposed project is not likely to cause notable indirect effects. Therefore, further analysis in the form of a Land Use Scenario Assessment is not necessary. • Scope of Project — the scope of Alternative 1 is very limited while the scope of Alternative 2 is more of a concern since it is a new location alternative. Changing it to a lower rating for Alternative 1 would not affect the result of the screening tool. Therefore, the rating for this category shown in Table 1 is moderate and reflects that of Alternative 2. • Change in Accessibility — as discussed in Section VII. Transportation Impact Causing Activities, the travel time savings will be less than one minute and will apply to very few users (those approaching Alternative 2 on Lentz Road from the north who do not take a different route such as Daugherty Road). Travel times should not change if Alternative 1 is the preferred. For the majority of motorists, travel times will increase for Alternative 2. Therefore, the rating for this category is low. • Forecasted Population Growth — according to the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management, the forecasted population growth is expected to decrease slightly at less than 0.1 % per year through 2030. Therefore, the rating for this category is low. • Forecasted Employment Growth — the forecasted employment growth in the FLUSA is expected to be comparable to that predicted for the Centralina WDB. As described in Section VIX, Job Trends and Projections, the FLUSA is expected to experience an annual job 14 Forecasted Forecasted Water/ Notable Rating Scope of Change in Population Employment Available Sewer Market for Public Environmental Result Project Accessibility Growth Growth Land Availability Development Policy Features Major > 10 Minute >3% Substantial 5,000+ All Services Development Less Targeted or More Concern New Travel Time Annual Number of Acres of Existing/ Activity Stringent, Threatened Location Savings Population New Jobs Land Available Abundant No Growth Resources Growth Management t X X Indirect Scenario X X X X Assessment Not Warranted X X X Very No Travel No Limited No Service Development More Features Less Concern Limited Time Population No New Jobs Land Available Activity Stringent Incorporated in Scope Savings Growth or or Job Losses Available Now or In Lacking Growth Local Decline the Future Management Protection . '1'o be conservative, the ranking Tor "Scope of Project" shown is for Alternative Z. Alternative 1 would have the lowest ranking. 'l here is no ditterence in the result, and an Indirect Scenario Assessment is not warranted for either alternative. XV. Screening Matrix Results The indirect land use effects screening tool indicates the proposed project is not likely to cause notable indirect effects. Therefore, further analysis in the form of a Land Use Scenario Assessment is not necessary. • Scope of Project — the scope of Alternative 1 is very limited while the scope of Alternative 2 is more of a concern since it is a new location alternative. Changing it to a lower rating for Alternative 1 would not affect the result of the screening tool. Therefore, the rating for this category shown in Table 1 is moderate and reflects that of Alternative 2. • Change in Accessibility — as discussed in Section VII. Transportation Impact Causing Activities, the travel time savings will be less than one minute and will apply to very few users (those approaching Alternative 2 on Lentz Road from the north who do not take a different route such as Daugherty Road). Travel times should not change if Alternative 1 is the preferred. For the majority of motorists, travel times will increase for Alternative 2. Therefore, the rating for this category is low. • Forecasted Population Growth — according to the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management, the forecasted population growth is expected to decrease slightly at less than 0.1 % per year through 2030. Therefore, the rating for this category is low. • Forecasted Employment Growth — the forecasted employment growth in the FLUSA is expected to be comparable to that predicted for the Centralina WDB. As described in Section VIX, Job Trends and Projections, the FLUSA is expected to experience an annual job 14 increase of about 2.0% between 2010 and 2020 compared to the ESCNC's prediction of 1.7% annually for the Centralina WDB. Therefore, the rating for this category is moderate. • Available Land — there are approximately 2,910 acres of undeveloped land in the FLUSA. However, 2,100 acres of it (72 %) are constrained by streams, wetlands, open water, and water supply watershed development restrictions. Only 750 acres are considered undeveloped and unconstrained. For these reasons, the amount of developable land in the FLUSA was rated low. • Water/ Sewer Availability — there currently are no water or sewer services in the FLUSA. This category was not rated the lowest because parts of the FLUSA fall within Salisbury - Rowan Utilities' long range service areas for water and sewer. There are no specific plans at this time to extend these services into the FLUSA. For these reasons, this category was rated as moderate -low. • Market for Development — this category was rated moderate -low because there has been very little development in the FLUSA in the past 10 years. Local officials expect a similar trend in the future but do not think this project will have an influence on future development. • Public Policy — Jurisdictions in the FLUSA follow state and federal development regulations to protect water quality. In addition to these regulations, local governments have implemented policies to limit impacts to water quality by encouraging smart growth through land use plans and zoning ordinances. For these reasons, this category was rated as moderate -low. • Notable Environmental Features — there are notable environmental features in the FLUSA. These will be protected by best management practices and state and federal regulations. Therefore, the rating for this category is moderate -low. XVI. Indirect Effects Summary No notable indirect effects are expected from the proposed project alone. The major factors contributing to this result are a lack of travel time savings, a lack of existing water and sewer infrastructure, stagnant development growth, and a population that is projected to decrease over the next 20 years. The proposed project intends to improve the safety of a 3.1 -mile stretch of Old Beatty Ford Road by either improving the existing alignment or relocating it to a new alignment. Although the new location alternative will increase exposure to some properties, this project should not cause the affected properties to become more attractive for non - residential development. Any residential development will be limited in size due to a lack of water and sewer services, soil unsuitable for septic systems, and growth management policies such as water supply watershed development restrictions. This project has been taken into account in local land use plans. Other transportation projects are planned for this area, including widening I -85 and a potential I -85/ Old Beatty Ford Road interchange. The combination of the subject project and a future interchange will have an effect on the rate and type of development in the FLUSA, but this project alone should not result in notable indirect effects. 15 XVII. Cumulative Effects Summary Past Projects There have not been any notable past actions. Past actions, such as the construction of I -85 and a trucking facility and automobile salvage yard in the northwest corner of the FLUSA, have not resulted in considerable cumulative effects on environmental resources. Current Projects There are no notable development actions that are currently underway. The ongoing construction of homes in Castlebrooke Farms (located along Lentz Road) includes relatively few homes on large lots and is not likely contributing to cumulative effects on environmental resources. Future Projects Projects planned for the future include: • Widening I -85; • Revising the I -85/ US 29/ NC 152 interchange area (Exit 68); • Widening Old Beatty Ford Road to a multi -lane facility from Lower Stone Church Road to Lentz Road; • Adding a second railroad track to the North Carolina Railroad corridor; • A new I -85 interchange at Old Beatty Ford Road. Since there have not been any notable past or present actions, it is reasonable to assume there has been very little cumulative effect on environmental resources. Future transportation projects, especially a new interchange at Old Beatty Ford Road, could spur non - residential development in the interchange area, which would most likely prompt utility providers to extend water and sewer services to accommodate the new development. These potential development and infrastructure projects could have a cumulative effect on environmental resources (see Section XIII, Market for Development for a more detailed discussion of future development). Notable Environmental Resources Notable features include two protected water supply watershed areas [Cold Water Creek (WS -IV) and Dutch Buffalo Creek (WS -II)], a critical area of the Cold Water Creek Water Supply Watershed, and Lake Fisher. There are no outstanding resource waters, trout waters, anadromous fish waters, primary nursery areas, high quality waters, or essential fish habitats. Impacts on Environmental Resources Direct environmental impacts from NCDOT projects are addressed by avoidance, minimization, and/or mitigation. These are consistent with programmatic discussions with the natural resource agencies occurring during the project development and permitting processes. 16 Based on the findings and conclusions of this report, cumulative effects resulting from the proposed project and primarily from other actions such as a potential future I -85/ Old Beatty Ford Road interchange will have the potential to minimally impact water quality in the FLUSA. State, local, and water supply watershed development regulations are in place to help protect sensitive environmental resources, which include: NPDES Phase II regulations, local growth management strategies and stormwater management plans, and development restrictions within the two water supply watersheds. 17 XVIII. Sources City of Kannapolis, 2015 Land Use Plan, July 2004 City of Kannapolis, Zoning Map, January 2012 City of Kannapolis, Unified Development Ordinance, adopted November 2000, most recently amended June 2004 City of Kannapolis web site, www.cityofkannapolis.com City of Salisbury web site, www.salisburync. og_v CRMPO, 2035 LRTP Report, April 2009 CRMPO, Comprehensive Transportation Plan, August 2011 CRMPO, Draft 2040 LRTP Project List, date unknown CRMPO web site, www.crmpoorg North Carolina Department of Commerce — Division of Employment Security web site, www.ncescl.com NC One Map web site, www.nconemap.com North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Water Supply Watersheds, available from www.enr.state.nc.us North Carolina Department of Commerce web site, www.nccommerce.com North Carolina Department of Transportation, 2012 -2020 State Transportation Improvement Program, November 2013, available from www.ncdot.org /plannin /dg evelopment /TIP /TIP /Trans/ North Carolina Department of Transportation, Best Management Practices for Protection of Surface Waters, March 1997 North Carolina Department of Transportation, W -5516 Draft Natural Resources Technical Report, November 2013 North Carolina Department of Transportation web site, www.ncdot.gov North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Final 2012 303(d) List of Impaired Waters North Carolina Division of Water Quality web site, www.ncdenr.org 18 North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management web site, www.osbm.state.nc.us Rowan County GIS data, available from www.rowancountync.gov Rowan County, Land Use Plan Areas East of I -85, January 2012 Rowan County, Unified Development Ordinance, adopted September 1991, most recently amended March 2013 Rowan County website, www.rowancounlync.gov Rowan County, Zoning Map, August 2013 Town of China Grove, Unified Development Ordinance, adopted August 2006, most recently amended October 2010 Town of China Grove, Zoning Map, September 2010 Town of China Grove web site, www.chinagrovenc.gov Town of Landis web site, www.townoflandis.com US Census Bureau, 2000 and 2010 Census 19 FIGURES r* � STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1 gf" DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS \?araenK DIVISION 9 29 Karma dis �a :Y �v a Lane 0 V V;I Daugherty Road Alternative 2 Project Corridor Ivory Lane J Alternative 1 Project Corridor �Yaw2 40 d:BeatrJ goad rl � �~b4 i i i i .�L o: •. Rowan County N ICabarrus•County ,Lake Fisher Exit 63 0 0.5 1 Miles TIP Project No. W -5516 Rowan County Figure 1 - Project Location & Future Land Use Study Area Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA) Alternative 1 Project Corridor - Alternative 2 Project Corridor Municipal Boundary County Boundary Water Body ^^— Stream or Creek Interstate Major Road Road Map Sources: North Carolina Department of Transportation Rowan County US Census Bureau NC One Map ICA Engineering North Carolina Counties 0 Rowan County ' Chini% ove Exit 168 f ti `- I -3610 \ 152 I -3802B s P -5206 •� , 153 L I v l �dge .I CJ ��'•� oat/ Landis .•� 'a a V DaughertyiRo�`a Alternative 2 1 o ' Project Corridor min 29 O Alternative 1 Project Corridor' W -5313 ford S- OldBeat� J�� �•• q low Road i eeCb Load —� Miles TIP Project No. W -5516 Rowan County Figure 2 - Other Projects L...: Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA) + Alternative 1 Project Corridor r✓ Alternative 2 Project Corridor Municipal Boundary ED County Boundary Water Body ��- Stream or Creek Interstate Major Road Road C TIP Project TIP Interchange Improvement Project Map Sources: North Carolina Department of Transportation Rowan County US Census Bureau NC One Map ICA Engineering 0 North Carolina Counties 0 Rowan County r* STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA � a DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1 gf, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS '0 DIVISION 9 aenK ' Chini% ove Exit 168 f ti `- I -3610 \ 152 I -3802B s P -5206 •� , 153 L I v l �dge .I CJ ��'•� oat/ Landis .•� 'a a V DaughertyiRo�`a Alternative 2 1 o ' Project Corridor min 29 O Alternative 1 Project Corridor' W -5313 ford S- OldBeat� J�� �•• q low Road i eeCb Load —� Miles TIP Project No. W -5516 Rowan County Figure 2 - Other Projects L...: Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA) + Alternative 1 Project Corridor r✓ Alternative 2 Project Corridor Municipal Boundary ED County Boundary Water Body ��- Stream or Creek Interstate Major Road Road C TIP Project TIP Interchange Improvement Project Map Sources: North Carolina Department of Transportation Rowan County US Census Bureau NC One Map ICA Engineering 0 North Carolina Counties 0 Rowan County �y STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS bor,enw ° -Y DIVISION 9 ilis �— Town Branch p Da Highest Praise 'Family s: Worship Center 29 Kannapolis Moose Family. � Ivor Lane Y Y Martin Mar-- t a Aggreg Kannapolis Quarry I \ i Kiiu apolis e�jdge Ro. a� — Pine Ridge Baptist Church- t erty Road i r- R` ■ E Oak Grove-Freewill Baptist Church Chastity---'-A,+ Lanes d Road oY Castlebrooke s Farms Deal Estates .♦ r 1 Bostian Elementary School Road Fieldcrest Cannon Stadium Ft I Lane Street < Rowan County t..._.._.._.._.._.�.. _.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.•� ,Lake Fisher 63 Cabarrus-County 0 0.5 1 Miles N A TIP Project No. W -5516 Rowan County Figure 3 - Notable Features Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA) Alternative 1 Project Corridor - Alternative 2 Project Corridor Cold Water Creek (WS -IV) Protected ® Cold Water Creek (WS -IV) Critical Dutch Buffalo Creek (WS -II) Protected Residential Subdivision Bostian Elementary School t Place of Worship Kannapolis Moose Family Center Fieldcrest Cannon Stadium Martin Marrieta Kannapolis Quarry Map Sources: North Carolina Department of Transportation Rowan County US Census Bureau NC One Map ICA Engineering 0 North Carolina Counties 0 Rowan County `�b�Tar•xh1�� Karma STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DIVISION 9 29 ais 7�1d e� 0 a 0 M �I a v � Iu c V; ,'•�•'.. °ad Ivory Lane f �FOYd•R °ad 10=80MISM10104 $0 : i L ♦ 1 e �—� �Old•SeatriJ � oG o goad i i �. ,Lake Fisher Exit 63 OF I) Rowan Cou Cabarrus,-CCount 0 0.5 Miles N A TIP Project No. W -5516 Rowan County Figure 4 - Available Land Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA) F-lAlternative 1 Project Corridor = Alternative 2 Project Corridor Developed Land Undeveloped/ Constrained Land Undeveloped/ Unconstrained Land Water Body Stream or Creek Interstate Major Road Road Map Sources: North Carolina Department of Transportation Rowan County US Census Bureau NC One Map ICA Engineering North Carolina Counties 0 Rowan County a�srnrpp � AM ti CuN, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAT MCCRORY GOVERNOR January 12, 2015 Mr. Jason Mays U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Asheville Field Office 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, NC 28801 ANTHONY J. TATA SECRETARY Subject: Section 7 Concurrence Request on the Northern -long eared bat for the proposed relocation of SR 1221 (Old Beatty Ford Road) from SR 1210 /SR 1221 to SR 1337 (Lentz Road Rowan County, North Carolina. Division 9. Federal Aid Project No. HISP -1221 (18), TIP No. W -5516. Dear Sir: The North Carolina Department of Transportation ( NCDOT) proposes the relocation of Old Beatty Ford Road (SR 1221) from its intersection with SR 1210Bostian Road (SR 1221 to SR 1337 (Lentz Road) Rowan County. The purpose is to improve vehicular safety on Old Beatty Ford Road and to improve the deficient bridge over 1 -85. The project will construct a two -lane (26- foot paved) road on new location with a new grade separation over 1 -85. The bridge carrying existing Old Beatty Ford Road over 1 -85 will be removed with the construction of 1- 3802. A new five -span bridge with concrete girders will be constructed on the new location. The proposed project will be approximately 3.1 miles long, and is proposed to be let in September 2015. The project has been reviewed for effects on the Northern long -eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis; NLEB). A US Fish and Wildlife Service proposal for listing NLEB as an Endangered species was published in the Federal Register in October 2013. The listing may become effective as soon as April 2015. Furthermore, this species is included in USFWS °s current list of protected species for Rowan County. NCDOT is working closely with the USFWS to understand how this proposed listing may impact NCDOT projects. Per the USFWS Northern Long -eared Bat Interim Conference and Planning Guidance (2014), NCDOT assessed the project footprint for potential NLEB habitat. NCDOT Division 9 conducted a plan review of man -made structures (i.e. old building, barns, etc.) with field verification on December 9, 2014 to determine if there were suitable structures that qualified as habitat that would be removed during construction of the project. It was determined that there were none. Additionally, the project was reviewed for bridges and culverts that were to be removed. Original project plans called for the removal of an existing bridge over 1 -85 and a three - barrel culvert over Cold Water Creek. The bridge and the culvert will no longer be removed as part of W -5516, but will instead be removed as park of the I -85 Widening project (1- 3802). Therefore, these structures will not be surveyed as part of the W-5516 project. There are DIvisioN OF HIGHWAYS DiVisiON DINE DIVISION OFFICE 376 SiLAS CREEK PARKWAY, WINSTON- SALEM, NC 27127 PHONE (336) 747 -7000 FAX (336) 743 -6693 no other structures that are proposed to be removed with W -5516 that qualify as suitable habitat for NLEB. The proximity of subsurface mines within 0.5 miles and within 3 miles was examined using the Mineral Resources Data System hosted by the USES. One subsurface mine was found on the USGS database within 0.5 miles of the project study area; however, upon field verification on November 14, 2014, the mine was not located. The area is now in residential housing. In addition, there are no subsurface mines between 0.5 miles and 3 miles of the project vicinity. Potential summer roosting and foraging habitat in the form of forested areas interspersed with fields, and water sources does exist within the project area. In order to avoid potential impacts to roosting bats, NCDOT has committed to winter tree clearing (between October 15 and April 15 of any year). The closest known occurrence of NLEB is in Wilkes County (NI-IP 2001 mist net record), more than 50 miles northwest of the project site. The next closest known occurrence is in Watauga County (USFWS 2006 mine survey record), more than 60 miles northwest of the project site. Based on the results of structure surveys conducted in 2014, proximity to known occurrences of NLEB, potential foraging and roosting habitat within the study area, and using currently available guidance from USFWS, if the NLEB becomes listed as an protected species under the Endangered Species Act, the proposed project will have a biological conclusion of May Affect - Not Likely to Adversely Affect for NLEB. Prior to tieing afforded protection under the Endangered Species Act, we conclude that the proposed project is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the NLEB. NCDOT believes that the requirements of Section 7 (a)(2) of the ESA have been satisfied and hereby request your concurrence. Thank you for your assistance with this project. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Amy Euliss at (336) 747 -7802 or at aculiss@ncdot.gov. Sine rely, E{i t s Division Environmental Officer, NCDOT Division 9 Cc: Mr. John Thomas, USACE (e -copy) Neil Medlin, NCDOT Biological Surveys Group (e -copy) Brett Abernathy, NCDOT Division 9 Program Manager (e -copy) Michael Wood, The Catena Group (e -copy) Mark Reep, ICA Engineering (e -copy) Federal Aid #HSIP- 1221(18) TIP # W -5516 County: Rowan CONCURRENCE FORM FOR ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS Project Descriplion: Relocate Old Beatty Ford Road (SR 122 1) from Bostian Road (SR 12 10) to Lentz Road (SR 1337) On May 13, 2014, representatives of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (HPO) Other Reviewed the subject project and agreed on the effects findings listed within the table an the reverse of this signature page. Signed: 5 'Zo� Date FHWA, for the Division Administrator, or other Federal Agency Date Representative, HPO Date �.i i 'oG v; i s 00 N .N. C, GI7 .L `C m 0 O Q N E O E Z � 42 Rf U 'C @1 U G O U R. V'l En U En O rn C a� �o �s a O � d ems.. C] O C] Q— Q Q 7 p Q C L-L L u CZ1 LU � _ J y u7 'C3 w Q �- 0 r--, Q. Q� c�a U L IS d L n J s � b � ay+ W y u V7 - rr ;; � V m 0 O Q N E O E Z � 42 Rf U 'C @1 U G O U R. V'l En U En O rn C a� �o �s § l:G ;f /} ;* \ / 22 }/ 22£;§ §2q / 2 \} mw UVN ., (4) / \ w 2 / % / \f � e 7BQ ®�§ /] \E. \ \ \ / \;A — §� � 2\, ] ®� . ƒ §« ƒ a r oz ) \ 0.0 3 -( \ - 2 ! �f Ei`u / '50 \}\ \ \2 /} \ Federal Aid #HSIP- 1221(18) TIP ## W -5516 County: Rowan CONCURRENCE FORM FOR PROPERTIES NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Projeci Description: Relocate Old Beatty Ford Road (SR 1221) from Bostian Rd (SR 1210) to Lentz Road (SR 1337) On JJaanuary 7, 2014, representatives of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (NC -HPO) ❑ Federal Agency FHWA [] Other Reviewed the subject project at historic architectural resources photograph review session/consultation and All parties present agreed 1 There are no properties over fitly years old within the project's Area of Potential Effects (APE). 1 There are no properties less than fifty years old which are considered to meet Criteria Consideration G within the project's APE. There are properties over fifty years old within the project's APE, but Qasel on the Vol; !�' tdorm tiot�� vai le and the photographs ofeach property, the properties identified as H'Z5 Z8 re c8ns}crerred t o CeTtg bl�f r' the National Register and no further evaluation of them is necessary. tographs of these properties are attached. R/ There are no National Register- listed or Study Listed properties within the project's APE. ❑ All properties greater than 50 years of age located in the APE have been considered at this consultation, and based upon the above concurrence, all compliance for historic architecture with Section lob of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121 -12(a) has been completed for this project. More information is requested on properties i �-P� P ,mil 2 �' _ � � i � � 1 � �� �q Signed: lcleJt,—� I---T-201 Representative D T Date 1 'I Representative, NC -HPO Date Representative, Federal Agency Dale If a survey report is prepared, a final copy of this Form and Ole attached list will be included. �w STAtr u R� North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Pat McCrory Secretary Susan Motu November 5, 2013 MEMORANDUM TO: J. Brett Abernathy, PE, Project Manager Division of Highway, Division 9 NC Department of Transportation �� FROM: Ramona Bartos Uso. V, Office of Archives and History Deputy Secretary Kevin Cherry SUBJECT: Relocate Old Beatty Ford Road from its Intersection with Bostian Road to Lentz Road, W -5516, Rowan County, ER 13 -2317 Thank you for your letter of September 25, 2013, concerning the above referenced information. We apologize for the delay in our response. After reviewing the information provided, and based on the physical location, we have determined that there is a high probability that prehistoric and historic archaeological features associated with past residents may exist within the project area. We therefore recommend that if any earth moving activities are scheduled to take place, that a comprehensive archaeological survey be conducted by an experienced archaeologist to identify and evaluate the significance of any archaeological remains that may be damaged or destroyed by the proposed project. Please note that our office now requests consultation with the Office of State Archaeology to discuss appropriate field methodology prior to the archaeological field investigation. If an archaeological field investigation is conducted, two copies of the resulting archaeological survey report, as well as one copy of the appropriate site forms should be forwarded to us for review and comment as soon as they are available and well in advance of any earth moving activities. We have conducted a review of our maps and files and located the following structures of historic or architectural importance within the general project area: • Samuel Deal House (RW 0317); • Yost Post Office (RW 0773); • Ketner-Funderburke House (RW 1402); • Correll- Albright House (RW 1365); and, • Moses Ketner House and Farm (RW 1411). We recommend that a qualified architectural historian identify and evaluate the National Register eligibility — individually and as part of a potential historic district(s) —of the above properties and any other structures over fifty (50) years of age within the project's area of potential effect (APE) and report the findings to us. The last comprehensive architectural survey of Rowan County was completed in 1977. Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699 -4617 Telephone /Fax: (919) 807 - 6570/807 -6599 An architectural survey for improvements to Old Beatty Ford Road (W- 5313), between Lentz Road and Lower Stone Church Road, was completed in 2012. Any properties that were evaluated during W -5313 that were determined not eligible for listing do not need to be reevaluated as part of this project. Please note, the survey for W -5313 determined that the Bostian School (RW 1772), at the intersection of Old Beatty Ford Road and Morrow Road, was eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill- Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919- 807 -6579 or renee.gledhill- earley ,ncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. cc: Matt Wilkerson, NCDOT Mary Pope Furr, NCDOT State Clearinghouse �w STAtr u R� North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Pat McCrory Secretary Susan Kluttz May 13, 2014 MEMORANDUM TO: Matt Wilkerson Office of Human Environment NCDOT Division of Highways�(��w FROM: Ramona M. Barton F-�r-'4'U4x w40& Office of Archives and History Deputy Secretary Kevin Cherry SUBJECT: Archaeological Survey and Evaluation, Proposed Relocation of Old Beatty Ford Road (SR 1221) from its Intersection with Bostian Road (SR1210/1221) to Lentz Road (SR1337), W -5516, Rowan County, ER 13 -2317 Thank you for your letter of April 28, 2014, transmitting the above referenced document. The report authors state that 11 archaeological sites, (31 RW250-31 RW260), were identified and determined not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. We concur with these assessments. Please note that for purposes of discussion our office classifies isolated finds as archaeological sites. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill- Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919- 807 -6579 or renee.gledhill- earle ncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699 -4617 Telephone /Fax: (919) 807- 6570/807 -6599 tilr li i 11Mr , tIt'I (Version 1.2; Released September 2011) North Carolina Department of Transportation ( l Highway Stormwater Program / STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR LINEAR ROADWAY PROJECTS Project /TIP No.: W -5516 County(ies): Rowan Page 1 of 4 General Project Information Project No.: W -5516 Project Type: New Location Date: 10/24/2014 NCDOT Contact: Brett Abernathy, PE Contractor / Designer: Istacey Bailey, PE Address: NCDOT Division 9 375 Silas Creek Parkway Winston Salem, 27127 Address: ICA Engineering, Inc. 5121 Kingdom WaySuite 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 336-747-7800 Phone: 919-900-1602 Email: jbabernathy@ncdot.gov Email: sbaile icaen .com City/Town: Kannapolis County ies : Rowan River Basin(s): Yadkin -Pee Dee CAMA County? 1 No Primary Receiving Water: Cold Water Creek, Town Branch NCDWQ Stream Index No.: 13-17-9-4(0.5), 12- 84 -1 -2 NCDWQ Surface Water Classification for Primary Receiving Water Primary: Water Su I IV WS -IV Water Su I IV WS -IV Supplemental: Other Stream Classification: None 303(d) Impairments: None Buffer Rules in Effect N/A Project Description Project Length (lin. Miles or feet): 2.39 Miles Surrounding Land Use: Low density residential and agricultural. Proposed Project Existing Site Project Built -Upon Area ac. 10.60 ac. 2.60 ac. Typical Cross Section Description: Two 11' wide lanes with 2' paved shoulders. Total shoulder width of 6'. Average Daily Traffic (veh /hr /day): Design /Future: 5100 Existing: 2200 General Project Narrative: The North Carolina Department of Transportation Division 9 Offices proposes to relocate Old Betty Ford Road (SR 1221) from its intersection with Bostian Road (SR 1210/1221) to Lentz Road (SR 1337) in Rowan County. The project will construct a two -lane road on new location with a new grade seperation over I -85 near Kannapolis, Landis, and China Grove. The bridge carrying existing Old Betty Ford Road over 1 -85, which is deficient, will be removed as part of this project. The proposed project will have a straighter alignment that reduces horizontal and vertical curves to improve saftey. References l- ligi'tway North Carolina Department of Transportation 7+i1�+1 -., .. Highway Stormwater Program STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN` "'° (Version 1.2; Released September 2011) FOR LINEAR ROADWAY PROJECTS Project/TIP No.: W -5516 County (ies): Rowan Page 2 of 4 Project Environmental Summary Surface Water Impacts Sheet No. Station From / To Feature Impacted Water/Wetland/ Buffer Type Receiving Surface Water Name NRTR Map ID NCDWQ Stream Index NCDWQ Surface Water Classification 303(d) Impairments Type of Impact Existing SCM Proposed SCM 4 22 +58 -L- RT Stream Intermittent UT to Town Branch SC 12- 84 -1 -2 WS -Iv None Culvert N/A Swale 24 +35 -L- LT 5 30 +92 -L- LT Wetland Bottomland I Hardwood Town Branch WE 12- 84 -1 -2 WS -Iv None Fill N/A 31 +70 -L- LT 5 31 +66 -L- LT Stream Perennial Town Branch SA 12- 84 -1 -2 WS -Iv None Culvert N/A Swale 32 +16 -L- RT 5 30 +97 -L- RT Wetland Bottomland Hardwood Town Branch WB 12- 84 -1 -2 WS -Iv None Excavation N/A Swale 31 +19 -L- RT 5 37 +06 -L- RT Stream Perennial UT to Town Branch SB 12- 84 -1 -2 WS -Iv None Culvert N/A 37 +50 -L- LT 7 58 +66 -L- RT Stream Perennial Cold Water Creek SG 13- 17- 9- 4 -(0.5) WS -Iv None Stabilization N/A PFSH 58 +86 -L- RT 9/10 89 +70 -L- LT Wetland Headwater Wetland WF 13- 17- 9- 4 -(0.5) WS -Iv None Clearing N/A 90 +66 -L- LT 10 99 +08 -L- RT Stream Intermittent UT to Cold Water Creek Si 13- 17- 9- 4 -(0.5) WS -Iv None Culvert N/A 99 +33 -L- LT 11 107+80-L- LT Stream Perennial UT to Cold Water Creek SE 13- 17- 9- 4 -(0.5) WS -Iv None Culvert N/A 108 +17 -L- RT 11 108 +30 -L- RT Stream Intermittent UT to Cold Water Creek SF 13- 17- 9- 4 -(0.5) WS -Iv None Culvert N/A 109 +21 -L- LT List all stream and surface water impact locations regardless of jurisdiction or size. Equalizer Pipes to be noted as a minimization of impacts. All proposed SCMs listed must also be listed under Swales, Preformed Sour Holes and other Energy Dissipators, or Other Stormwater Control Measures. Description of Minimization of Impacts or Mitigation Concentration of flow in gutter sections with storm drainage systems was minimized on this project. The majority of the project has open shoulders where the runoff can be treated through the shoulders, fill slopes, and roadside cut ditches. In the areas of shoulder berm gutter a grass swale or preformed scour hole was used for treatment and velocity control of the runoff. References Elio, rwav, North Carolina Department of Transportation Stornlwktr Highway Stormwater Program STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (Version 1.2; Released September 2011) FOR LINEAR ROADWAY PROJECTS Project/TIP No.: W -5516 Count ies : Rowan Page 3 of 4 Swales Sheet No. Station (From / To) Stream Crossing Station Base Width (ft) Front Slope (H:V) Back Slope (H:V) Drainage Area (ac) Recommended Treatment Length (ft) Actual Length (ft) Longitudinal Slope %) Q2 cfs V2 (fps) Q10 (cfs ) V10 ((fps) Rock Checks Used 4 25 +00 -L- LT 32 +00 -L- 0.0 4 3 0.17 17 50 2.00% 0.7 0.9 0.9 1.0 No 25 +50 -L- LT 5 31 +00 -L- RT 32 +00 -L- 2.0 3 3 4.00 400 1.00% 8.6 1.6 11.2 1.7 No 31 +80 -L- RT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yes 0 No Have minimum design criteria, as presented in the NCDOT Best Management Practices Toolbox, Version 1 (March 2008), been met and verified? If No, provide further explanantion of why design criteria was not met. Additional Comments The terrain did not allow for a longer treatment swale from Sta. 31 +00 -L- to Sta. 31 +80 -L- LT. Concentration of flow in curb and storm drainage systems was minimized on this project. In the areas where there are shoulder berm gutter a grass swale or preformed scour hole was used. Through out the rest of the project treatment of the runoff is through the open shoulders, fill slopes and roadside cut ditches. WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Site No. Permanent Fill In Wetlands (ac) Temp. Fill In Wetlands (ac) Excavation in Wetlands (ac) Mechanized Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Hand Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Permanent SW impacts (ac) Temp. SW impacts (ac) Existing Channel Impacts Permanent (ft) Existing Channel Impacts Temp. (ft) Natural Stream Design (ft) Station Structure (From/To) Size /Type 1 -L- 22 +58 TO 24 +35 30" RCP -III 0.01 < 0.01 158 61 BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 11 2 -L- 31 +00 TO 32 +16 2 @ 11' x 8' RCBC 0.01 < 0.01 0.02 0.03 < 0.01 140 31 BANK STABILIZATION 0.02 88 3 -L- 37 +06 TO 37 +50 48" RCP -IV 0.01 < 0.01 182 19 BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 14 4 -L- 58 +66 TO 58 +86 LATERAL T BASE DITCH < 0.01 18 5 -L- 89 +70 TO 90 +66 LATERAL V DITCH 0.02 6 -L- 99 +26 TO 99 +30 36" RCP -III 0.02 < 0.01 223 23 BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 12 7A -L- 107 +80 TO 108 +17 1 @ 8'x 7' RCBC, < 0.01 < 0.01 79 32 BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 44 7B -L- 108 +30 TO 109 +21 FLOODPLAIN PIPE 72" RCP -III 0.01 < 0.01 80 23 BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 38 L j TOTALS': 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.17 0.06 1087 189 0 'Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS W -5516, ROWAN COUNTY OLD BEATTY FORD ROAD FROM WEST OF BOSTIAN ROAD INTERSECTION TO LENTZ ROAD 9/29/2014 ATN Revised 3/12/13 SHEET OF v Z c' z E; 46 �a u rr N U See Sheet 9 -A For Index of Sheets See Sheet I -B For Conventlonal Symbols TO_ 0 =29 D r� N Z N 0 y CO I.- �y O 00 � F4 / SITE 1 SITE 2 BEGIN TIP PROJE( POT STA 15+50.00 W -5516 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ROWAN.COUNTY LOCATION. OLD BEATTY FORD ROAD FROM WEST OF BOSTIAN ROAD INTERSECTION TO LENTZ ROAD TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, PAVING, DRAINAGE, TRAFFIC CONTROL, SIGNING PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND STRUCTURES WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT N BEGIN BRIDGE L- STA. 57 +10.0 N N,zM }'—SW CC V� y O C7 SITE 3 SITE 4 SITE 5 —\ SITE 6 7 8 -L- RELOCATtD OLD BEATTY V0 D RD. -L- STA. 63 +30.00 NCDOT CONTACT: BRETT ABERNATHY, PE DIVISION 9 PROJECT MANAGER m 3 V a 0 c d 0 5 n Y u L Oa Y V GRAPHIC SCALES 50 25 0 o i 0 PLANS 50 25 0 50 100 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 10 5 0 10 20 PROFILE (VERTICAL) Wj DESIGN DATA PROJECT LENGTH ADT = PROJECT ENGINEER HENRY BARE LETTING DATE: SEPTEMBER 16, 2015 ADT = W -5516 DHV = % LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT W -5516 = 2.27 MILE D = % 44105.1.FD T = % LENGTH STRUCTURE TIP PROJECT W -5516 = 0.12 MILE V = 50 MPH * TTST = DUAL TOTAL LENGTH TIP PROJECT W -5516 = 2.39 MILE FUNC CLASS = COLLECTOR REGIONAL TIER SITE 7 11 END TIP PRO POC STA 141 + f N Z � L N W w O � J _ W -5516 CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD Prepared for the North Carolina Department of Transportatlon l� In the offloe of: Engineering 2012 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS DAVID C. WALLER PE RIGHT OF WAY DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 PROJECT ENGINEER HENRY BARE LETTING DATE: SEPTEMBER 16, 2015 PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER W -5516 a < STATE STATE PROJECT REFERENCE NO. MEE MEETS N. W -5516 STATE PROI.NO, P. A PR.. NO. ESCRIPTION 44105.1.FD HSIP - 122118 PE N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ROWAN COUNTY PROJECT: W-5516 OLD ]BEATTY FORD ROAD FROM WEST OF ]BOSTIAN ROAD INTERSECTION TO LENTZ ROAD SHEET OF NPERMIT DRAWING �z SHEET _1_ OF j iGN �a INCOMPLETE PLANS D NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISFTION PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION HYDRAULICS ENGINEER P.E. SIGNATURE: ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER P.E. Z �w - U I WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT O CN Ln cle Ln °I ^ Z I I'a-A�s'caN� 1^ 1 I yl I6 0'I mW O. A CAROL A. LPE A I IF EI I LIP I I RICKY a.& CAROL A. u E FA" DEAL In JOYCE D. DEAL I I� O 52? I cp 9 - - - -- -�� zzasr TO US — ------ ° _ _ Ir I 29 ETAI E01 -tea I F TO LAND.-Ts -- I — _ - N GRADE TO -- -� EIPp RETAIN \\ DRAI _ - - - - -- _ OEIP 12" CMP Al o - o I I _ ° II FAIL DEAL LPE � � _ � I I 4 PIP JAI D. MILI.PB HTR DA# M** Q DP , 0 EiP 100 0 50 100 SCALE: III= 100' HORIZ. TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH: 2.39 MILES PROPOSED 30" RCP -III I /0 cs WAY4E F. 9AMM M)o Jt X --- - 4 --------------------------- E-- 4`? C M I 2 ow p BANK STABILIZATION INCOMI]PL E lE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR ! W ACQUISITION ]PR E]LIM[IIN RY ]P]LANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION EN BG ST 24 +90 -L- T r._ m c I 0.5' � to GI 0 -- o -. - - - -- Ln ---- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- �� m _ aNC /�� E BEGINNING OF \0 - 0 DRAIN JURISIDICTIONAL STREAM E BURY INVERT 0.5' O F % rs - - - - -1 __ _ -- \ \\ D -- __ - - SEE ENLARGED AREA \_--- - ......................... --------------------- - - - - -- --------------- ON SHEET 4A DI � F - - - -- -- .. DI ETA / q I 65T KAWAPOLAS LODGE NO. rrn ; RE T IN PLAN VIEW a c SITE 1 N\ LEGEND % \ \ \\ N ® IMPACTS OSE IN SURFACE WATER ESTH*ALT \o 4 DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER -- Z tj z Z sw WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT co0 0 N VI co Q Z 0 ANNIE R. MORGAN /0 BANK STABILIZATION \E BEGIN SBG � STA. 22 +25 -L- 50 0 F 25 50 SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZ. BK GAR BEGINNING OF JURISDICTIONAL STREAM F E / BURY INVERT 0.5' ENLARGED AREA PLAN VIEW SITE 1 EN •SBG ST 24 +90 -L- m E w C i B U RY I T 0.5' 2G1 MEMO INC®M PL E E P1LANS DO NOT USE FOR ! W ACQUISITION PRE]LIM[IIN RY PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION LEGEND ®DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER ®DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER v z Z v� �w �v 1 Wy WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT p -L i ' r 1 / 151111'al X > N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION r CV �I r , r i 1 , /0 DIVISION OF )E][][IC]HWA�9 1 1 ROWAN COUNTY L , 1 , -�� #A* SU m LAI Jt - ; RPROJECT: W-5516 OLD BEATTY FORD ROAD i `--- - - - - -_ Z _ i -' - _ - ` FRONT WEST OF BOSTIAN i X115 oNC %' ROAD INTERSECTION , i _ - -- TO ]L]ENTZ ROAD 1 , SHEET OF - - -- `__ BIM, R 4 CAROL♦ LPE a I� i PERMIT DRAWING l I SHEET OF "GL I i - ;— ` `♦ II r N -DTI i i` — I Itlw L& LPE � ,- v - � � �� v JOYCE 0. DEAI. _I -- 158128 ` _ `` << i I �/' ♦`• `\` ,`� ' `� ` \ \' 1 �`` �.` `` ♦v U.YV 1$&(D i / �!� `♦ '� v '� r I i EN B oy ` `, ; r r ', ;I �7 5 4%90x' L -'• ',p AMY •♦ _ � ` ) , I I ` V ' 1 �♦ _ L fit+ !/��{q� � - --' -- I'� `' Kam__ -- 7�{1 `♦ '. E _ `'per ` , v�. '` a ,_ - -r v - _ _ -_ - - _''r-_---t��---- - - -_�� Sol/ L _ 1 BAI�,ICYABI,L�ZfATIt�Nr is 1 TO-— - ` 0�4 _ - NI To---- — — - - -vcif' •r —� •- --__ -_ = — - , GRADE ANDi$� -E ea 775• _RETAIN 1 - \ DRAIN ' exfsrinc w '`` _ TAI _ ' -- - -�- - -- _ / I C� �•r� i Cif '0 I G -- -- - ii- , ,- - ___ -1Jp` �� - __I _ •f � � ���`.SfC• -` I \III i i ,' I I I 1 ii ��!''� �,' /, �_ -- i r _ � � 1 I Q 70a� N �� BEGINNIIY�'' O W lMv i %� - `♦ _ o :RAIN _ - JURISIDICTIO NI4L'TRE " -- - - -- -- - -- ♦ ♦ ��_ S� `♦ ` 1 ♦♦ .i - - -_ ---- -r �___ _ - _ _______ -- _ _ o----- - - - - -- =------- - - - - -- - - ; - - - - -- - - ©1�- — ---- _d�____--- _-- - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - _ ` - -- - - -- ------ - - - - -- �i " -------------- - --- - - - - -- -- - - -- Q _ -------- - - - - -- -:off - - - -- -- -- ' - -- -- -- o <t -- - - - - --- -- - -- - _.�6 L - -- - -- _ - -------------------------- ----- - - - -- _ -_ - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - i 1 ``♦ ETA / %\ ; `\` - -__- , I j 1 \ , \ 4, 851 _____— i - - -- . i ♦ `�. '. _ o�r i -- KA IS LODGE 4m !m i - - - -- - - - - - -- � , i I ' , ' ^ i 955•- - -,�� `♦ \-- ``�'• ---�' w \ \\ \ `' \ -- -- -'' // ,', c PLAN VIfW,, "'= • �� A , 'A r -oar LEGEND - -- - ��;,A , _ = " ; ; ® DENOTES TEMPORARY 100 �i" �`` IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER - 6Q M DENOTES PERMANENT 50 ��� 6p - _ vIv �;` /� ® IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH. 2.39 MILES SCALE: III= 100' HORIZ. - - PROPOSED 30" RCP -III - ----- - - - - -' - INC ®NIP L E E PLANS DO NOT USE ACQUISITION PR E LINIIN RY PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION Z tj z z 13 sw -U WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT 0 0 N VI co co Q Z - wra S 2, I I , -- - ------- 60 wL-q wpm wpm �\ ANNIE R. M6�6AN DO NOT USE FOR 1 PRE]LIM[IIN RY PLANS , CONSTRUCTION O BEGINNING OF I It -_ ����� /Q - -BURY INVERT- -0.5' %- - F. I , BANK,, S` ,,- ,t ,A$0ZATI0N p I BE dIN SBGy� I ; - wra S 2, I I , -- - ------- 60 wL-q wpm wpm E P1LANS DO NOT USE FOR ! W ACQUISITION PRE]LIM[IIN RY PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER BEGINNING OF -_ ����� - -BURY INVERT- -0.5' %- - F. - wra S 2, I I , -- - ------- 60 wL-q wpm wpm 50 0 25 50 SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZ. 9 ----- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- - - - - -- _ - - - - -- - - ENLARGED AREA PLAN VIEW SITE 1 INC®M PL E E P1LANS DO NOT USE FOR ! W ACQUISITION PRE]LIM[IIN RY PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER BEGINNING OF JURISDICTIONAL STRgAM - -BURY INVERT- -0.5' %- - 50 0 25 50 SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZ. 9 ----- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- - - - - -- _ - - - - -- - - ENLARGED AREA PLAN VIEW SITE 1 INC®M PL E E P1LANS DO NOT USE FOR ! W ACQUISITION PRE]LIM[IIN RY PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION LEGEND ®DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER ®DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER N O w z i Z O it N M Q 0 0 a z v N N O zH zw z= s= �v WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT IO ^ 0 N �N \H M 0 Z 2 @ 11' x 8' RCBC 5121 Kingdom Way, 2 @ 11' x 8' RCBC EXCAVATION BURIED 1' ' Suite 100 BURIED 1' Raleigh,NC27607 NG EXCAVATION Engineering NO License No: F-0258 1.5' THICK 1.5' THICK ti (Typ ) (TYP.) ? CLASS 'I' RIP RAP CLASS 'I' RIP RAP w/GEOTE) TILE - GEOTEXTILE 1' SILL 2' SILL 1' SILL 2' SILL ® EXCAVATION -55 CY ® EXCAVATION -35 CY OUTLET CHANNEL INLET CHANNEL (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (NOT TO SCALE) (NOT TO SCALE( 100 0 50 100 SCALE: III= 100' HORIZe SEE ENLARGED AREA ON SHEET 5B W O m PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. —5516 5 RW SHEET NO. RY PLANS SEE ENLARGED AREA O HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ON SHEET 5A LMm mm or ow ENGINEER / l L 1 \_1 /Li1, V SILLS SPACED @ LEFT A. 22' CENTERS IN LEFT BARREL OF CULVERT /S Y BANK STABILIZATION .L� ^'� R' AND 2' SILLS SPACED @ m APPROX, 22' CENTERS IN RIGHT BARREL OF CULVERT 40 LF OF INLET .� %Q� CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT EST P RAP EST. 85 SY GEOTE)MLE � � o m O BEGIN SBG Z STA. 29 +50 -L- ..� LL / Lu FS-II Ln 2GI 2 Lu W E (j 2 E E 2GI 5 —� —� - - - -- —__ = 2 @ 11' 8' RCBC BURIED 1' SKEW = —j 99 = =_ -- -- 0 2GI\� O _ f— _ - - - Q 2GI IF '- - - -- p -- � - ,,_ -- - -- ---- -_�_ -- - R BANK e E ro m STABILIZATION 3 PSRZ lz' i . `c TDE l0 j, F m LAlpis OF OW Q Q Z 3: 40 LF OF OUTL \ CHANNEL MI LO JE ENT I� EST. 50 TONS CL. '1' RIP RAP AN* L EST. 75 SY GEOTEXTILE LIJ Z J V eP r PLAN VIEW \s s SITE 2 \ TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH: 2.39 MILES �\ PROPOSED CULVERT: 11' x 8' RCBC KAWAPOLJS LODGE 4m R22 100 0 50 100 SCALE: III= 100' HORIZe SEE ENLARGED AREA ON SHEET 5B W O m PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. —5516 5 RW SHEET NO. RY PLANS ROADWAY DESIGN CONSTRUCTION HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOI®'I]P]LE E 1PLANS DO NOT USE FOR /W ACQUISITION ]PR E]LIMIIN RY PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION IDIVISION OF H[IG]HWAYS ROWAN COUNTY PROJECT: W -5516 OLD BEAT TY FORD ROAD FROM WEST OF EOSTIAN ROAD INTERSECTION TO 1LENTZ ROAD SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWING SHEET _ OF _ ;19GLISfl H �o \ Z p � � O M BANK STABILIZATION -' EQ END SBG STA. 37 +22 BURY INVERT Z CLAS J RIP RAP BA 5 ONLY E 26 TONS 49 SY GT ' E�P 4 PAN VIEW SITE 3 TOTAL PROJEC /LENGTH: 2.39 MILES PROPOSED 4/7 RCP -IV CC LEGEND DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND * * * * DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * *r ** CLEARING DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND ✓p\�S \\ ® DENOTES TEMPORARY \ \\ IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER I ® DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER Z V uC Q d a N d V Z z Z vL5 �w aV IN SBG K. 29 +50 -L- FS -11 WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT V SILLS SPACED @-' APPROX. 22' CENTERS IN LEFT BARREL OF CULVERT AND 2' SILLS SPACED @ APPROX. 22' CENTERS IN RIGHT BARREL OF CULVERT F 50 0 25 50 SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZ. �A-- i ✓S -A Ull v � * at J 1� r c 2 F, h E BANK STABILIZATION 40 LF OF INLET CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT EST. 55 TONS CL. '1' RIP RAP EST. 85 SY GEOTEXTILE 2 @ 11' x 8' RCBC BURIED 1' SKEW = 90° BANK STABILIZATION F In 0 O N C/) coH co Z PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. s1zTx;D�aQnway, —5516 5A 'sD;ce i oo NC 27607 RNJ SHEET NO, Engineering NC License N,: F -0258 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER E— PTDE \ ml - m C3) LANDIS CHURCH OF GOD \ 40 LF OF OUTLET CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT I EST. 50 TONS CL. '1' RIP RAP ���� ��EST. 75 SY GEOTEXTILE75 SY GEOTEXTILE ENLARGED PLAN VIEW SITE 2 INCOM PLE E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR /W ACQUISITION PRELIMIIN R Y" PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ROWAN COUNTY ]PROJECT: W -5516 OLID BEATTY FORD ROAD FROM WEST OF ROSTIAN ROAD INTERSECTION TO ]LENTZ ROAD SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWING SHEET _ OF _ I(;I IC 2 @ 11' x 8' RCBC BURIED 1' EXCAVATION 1.5' THICK - (TYP.) CLASS 'I' RIP RAP w/GEOTEXTILE 1' SILL -- \-2' SILL EXCAVATION-35 CY INLET CHANNEL (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (NOT TO SCALE) 2 @ 11' x 8' RCBC EXCAVATION BURIED 1' 1-5' THICK (TYP.) -? N CLASS 'I' RIP RAP l W/GEOTEXTILE V SILL 2' SILL EXCAVATION = 55 CY OUTLET CHANNEL (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (NOT TO SCALE) LEGEND DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND • * * * DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING ® DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND ®DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER ®DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER z 0 _N M U Q Z O 0 0 M Q 0 w a Z f N N O v Z Z �w �U WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT E 50 0 25 50 SCALE: III= 100' HORIZ. E BANK STABILIZATION END SBG I 1� STA.37 +22 -L- BURY INVERT CLAS , RIP RAP BAN S ONLY E 26 TONS O O N y J co \H M a Z ELI w TD Uj 0 4 HW ~ i G 4= I� 1 EIE ,r \ \ FF� G� ENLARGED PLAN VIEW SITE 3 F4 aRy -S BARBQUE 'NC. R Fw I PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. sJZJ K;IIgdDm way, —55/6 5B sDu� ion Raleigh, NC 27607 RAN SHEET NO. Engineering NCL -.- Nu F02SS ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS .7 .7 ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOMP1LE E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR ! W ACQUISITION ]PR EI,IMIN RY PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION N. C. DEPT. OF TRANS]PO1RTATION IIDIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ROWAN COUNTY ]PROJECT: W -5516 OLdD BEATTY FORD ROAD FROM WEST OF ROSTIAN ROAD INTERSECTION TO ]LENTZ ROAD SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWING SHEET _ OF LEGEND ®DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER ® DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER N O w u i Z 0 0 N M Q 0 0 a w v i N N O zH zw z ° � o °wo WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT 2 @ „'x 6'RCBG ICAr I6gh,N °m Way, 2 @ 11'', 8' RCBC EXCAVATION BURIED 1' Suite IOf) BURIED 1' Raleigh, NC 27607 NG EXCAVATION Engineering NC Li—II, Nu: F02.55 1.5'T HICK 1.5' THICK ^; (TYR ) O TYR.) ? Q CLASS TRIP RAP `V N CLASS 'I' RIP RAP WGEOTEXTILE H .EOTEXTILE H 1' SILL 2' SILL 1' SILL 2' SILL ® EXCAVATION -55 CY ® EXCAVATION -35 CY co OUTLET CHANNEL INLET CHANNEL Q (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) Z(NOT TO SCALE) (NOT TO SCALE( PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. —5516 5 RW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER N. C. DEPT. OF TRANS]POII$TATION IIDIIVISION OF HIGHWAYS to ROWAN COUNTY �• . -may ( l J.' i i� 1 I ` 1'` �` �v �' �' � '� 1 1 1 I 1 ' 1 . � , , it ', Av � � - -" %� ,% r' � /�' � i % PlEB ®JEC'JC: W-55II6 �,— o SEE ENLARGED AREA OLD PEA II Il V FORD ROAD 'O o IW,I, '� v v `,v, `,1 ` M 11,1,1 ',01 , �;" 1v ` _ ' J ri ' r / r ON SHEET A. , 1 , , , ', , 1 `� , v ` ' , ' , r , , / ; FROM wE5°II° OF B®S°II°IAN v/ I 18OAID INTERSECTION $-- �� 1 v ` / "� , i� _� - -_ 1 IAPPROR. 22' C NTERS`I IN ` / ` v ` `� 1 ` ` �'�` v ♦ � v ` ` ` �`` ' IO LENIIZ ROAD /, �� �•O ♦ ,v / , /I r/r BAtyJK;' SHEET ®F BARSILLSOSPA EDE@ �S\. � A,1'PPROX X22' CENTERS IN. �, H ` \ (�{ ' / i i ' PERMIT DRAWING ___ �\ 'IryGHT BARREL O� .. �` _ `I i 1 �0 LF'Od \INLEF � %" `. � 'I jll I'I Ii'�� `5 \` _ -S E NLHRG � �Ai 'J `. (� 1 - -_ ` 1 \ 1 `WLVERTI .( �� ITQ 1 ` 1 ' o H NEl kNLET, �M tJ[`111 1, I `\ ``, � / A� SHEET OF - £`S - - -- \ � " ` SY GEppTE ILE 1 I , , - - - _-- - - �O " --- ' � - ` \ ' `. E , ` \\ - 'S " o 11-- �------------ ----• -9 L - -- _------ \ ` - -- - - - -- ------------ -- -- - � __ - -_- r r ' __ _ _ ___ _ ___ __� \ `� ,' - - \`\ `\"`1 `�1� /' —' _.. I `�` \ \` 1\ 1 '1 \ � �\ O `E ----- t O£ � EGIN SBG - ' _ Z 0 _- �,'_ -'- --- - - - - -- _ -_ � �. 1 � l i i r \ ��`� AA �s1 • -���1� , � fl�h� ����I , � 1 _ - v VV1 .� n O w -- -------- \ �`� Li I sa _ . 11`1`11 ,� ;'� f \ ` W - _ I , W ``__ --- _' v �'y.' v1 v,v11 > k � to - - ` / J E /r l i �\ BURJD 1x8 R� SKEW`,- 00° v�' �` 1 1;1 ,1 \`� \`� \�1i ��!r `I \I �i O ` + I ' 0 % ' 00 Vo � 1 ' ,. 7 Ua. -` � \` � '� � �; 11 F \ _I TI____ �.. `��• ���1\1` \1 X111 `� \`\�� 11\ -�i '\� / � 1\`,1`1 I ` + �-- '� - =� :,�- I' ' ;�I,I �;?1; _,BAN N E- 111 –Q– o BANK" �; T 1 Ty _ - SIAB141Z f1,90N'" TABILIZATION: - F—�1 1` `1111 �V 1I0,�(`T�'\ i j��``v11 � 111 TOE „ -------- - -- -- 1 %14RM4 W "ByRY%NVE ' ` ` CHMENT " - CLA5 1 W RAp .EST1' RIP RAP ``1 _ BA 3' ONEST; 75 GEOTEXTILE ` _ _ E 2'6 TO Z 'iJ' 1. 111 \ 1__ \ � I /I4 14 VIEW S -- - - - - -- .1 I '\ I V '�y�j , Si `�� 2 — S ITS i ^ 1� `\\ \� \\ ``69\ _ - -- i TOT4L PRQJECT NGTH: 239 MILES `TaTTCL- PRtSJEC ; L' NGT�iI'2i3�1 MILE' 1 \ \` 1 1 ` 1 � i PRO�SED \CULVERT: 11' x 8'`RCBC -PROPOSED d RAP -1V f 1 ' 01 \ '/ ' �. �/ / i1 �\ K j�PO�,IS LIDM *,R22 `\ 1\ `, 01 1 1 ', \ 1 \ `1 \ I I 1 I 1 ; ;' 1 1 I 'i 1 0 I �i ' � + '1 I , 1 ^ ````` ✓S S �_ ' I ' ' l i ' i ' i �i I �i 1 \`�� % 1 I / II 11 1 \ - `1` \'1 111 11'11111 ,\ \ 1 \1 1 li + 11 'I IIIr/ � 1 III ,11 111 1� \ r / \ 1 1 1I 1 \ 1 1 \ `I ' \ 1 ' 1 11 1 LEGEND 1' 111'1 `'' � 11 `�` \' � \ � `` ; 111 1,1 1 \ 1 11 I 1 1 _ II i \ I \ 1 111 1 - \ 1 - DENOTES FILL IN ``: \ `\I 11` O S ````` ' 1 1 1 1 \ - WETLAND -- -- ' `1 -- - 1\1 11 1 1 1 1 1 ` 1 1 , 1 ' \ 1 1 1 1 ' I ' 1 , ------ _- _-- - - -_ -- `. _----------- - -__ , \ I \ _ \` �, 1 ` li S 1 \1 ___ —_— -------- -` \. \` 1 1 ; s `1 ` 1�1` \ 1 �`, 1 \ 1 \ • • DENOTES MECHANIZED 11 s 11 i 1 '1 i +' \1 `Jo �` `1 ; 1, \ �\` 1; �p.\111��11 \ * • r * CLEARING i - `- _-- --------- - - - --- _ 1 `� _ ________ _ __ 1, 1!•' I 1 "` ,` V 1` A l 1 A\ 1 100 0 ', 1 1 r `, ', 1', i �i i - _ - ----------' SLL -- -� v `I i '1 11 1 1 '�v'1, DENOTES EXCAVATION --------------------------- -- ----------- - -- - --- 1 a 1 1�\1`�1`�` ® IN WETLAND '0 -- - -- - -___ 1 A 1 `1 A \1\0 1 1 2 —--------------- - - - - -- 6�Z- - \ \\ 1, !.-------------------------- - - - - -- - - `. ```\ `1 \`1``\II\ `\` \ .`v 1 I I I i i ` \ ` ® DENOTES TEMPORARY 50 100 -----------•SZ'`,_'- \ \11 `1 \\ 1 i IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER SCALE: III= 100' HORIZe I i i'` .y1� '8- - - \ \`` \\r \`` \1 \\\ DENOTES PERMANENT 1 I I / 'I'v 11\ IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER INCOI®'I]P]LE E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION ]PR E]LIMIIN RY PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION N. C. DEPT. OF TRANS]POII$TATION IIDIIVISION OF HIGHWAYS to ROWAN COUNTY �• . -may ( l J.' i i� 1 I ` 1'` �` �v �' �' � '� 1 1 1 I 1 ' 1 . � , , it ', Av � � - -" %� ,% r' � /�' � i % PlEB ®JEC'JC: W-55II6 �,— o SEE ENLARGED AREA OLD PEA II Il V FORD ROAD 'O o IW,I, '� v v `,v, `,1 ` M 11,1,1 ',01 , �;" 1v ` _ ' J ri ' r / r ON SHEET A. , 1 , , , ', , 1 `� , v ` ' , ' , r , , / ; FROM wE5°II° OF B®S°II°IAN v/ I 18OAID INTERSECTION $-- �� 1 v ` / "� , i� _� - -_ 1 IAPPROR. 22' C NTERS`I IN ` / ` v ` `� 1 ` ` �'�` v ♦ � v ` ` ` �`` ' IO LENIIZ ROAD /, �� �•O ♦ ,v / , /I r/r BAtyJK;' SHEET ®F BARSILLSOSPA EDE@ �S\. � A,1'PPROX X22' CENTERS IN. �, H ` \ (�{ ' / i i ' PERMIT DRAWING ___ �\ 'IryGHT BARREL O� .. �` _ `I i 1 �0 LF'Od \INLEF � %" `. � 'I jll I'I Ii'�� `5 \` _ -S E NLHRG � �Ai 'J `. (� 1 - -_ ` 1 \ 1 `WLVERTI .( �� ITQ 1 ` 1 ' o H NEl kNLET, �M tJ[`111 1, I `\ ``, � / A� SHEET OF - £`S - - -- \ � " ` SY GEppTE ILE 1 I , , - - - _-- - - �O " --- ' � - ` \ ' `. E , ` \\ - 'S " o 11-- �------------ ----• -9 L - -- _------ \ ` - -- - - - -- ------------ -- -- - � __ - -_- r r ' __ _ _ ___ _ ___ __� \ `� ,' - - \`\ `\"`1 `�1� /' —' _.. I `�` \ \` 1\ 1 '1 \ � �\ O `E ----- t O£ � EGIN SBG - ' _ Z 0 _- �,'_ -'- --- - - - - -- _ -_ � �. 1 � l i i r \ ��`� AA �s1 • -���1� , � fl�h� ����I , � 1 _ - v VV1 .� n O w -- -------- \ �`� Li I sa _ . 11`1`11 ,� ;'� f \ ` W - _ I , W ``__ --- _' v �'y.' v1 v,v11 > k � to - - ` / J E /r l i �\ BURJD 1x8 R� SKEW`,- 00° v�' �` 1 1;1 ,1 \`� \`� \�1i ��!r `I \I �i O ` + I ' 0 % ' 00 Vo � 1 ' ,. 7 Ua. -` � \` � '� � �; 11 F \ _I TI____ �.. `��• ���1\1` \1 X111 `� \`\�� 11\ -�i '\� / � 1\`,1`1 I ` + �-- '� - =� :,�- I' ' ;�I,I �;?1; _,BAN N E- 111 –Q– o BANK" �; T 1 Ty _ - SIAB141Z f1,90N'" TABILIZATION: - F—�1 1` `1111 �V 1I0,�(`T�'\ i j��``v11 � 111 TOE „ -------- - -- -- 1 %14RM4 W "ByRY%NVE ' ` ` CHMENT " - CLA5 1 W RAp .EST1' RIP RAP ``1 _ BA 3' ONEST; 75 GEOTEXTILE ` _ _ E 2'6 TO Z 'iJ' 1. 111 \ 1__ \ � I /I4 14 VIEW S -- - - - - -- .1 I '\ I V '�y�j , Si `�� 2 — S ITS i ^ 1� `\\ \� \\ ``69\ _ - -- i TOT4L PRQJECT NGTH: 239 MILES `TaTTCL- PRtSJEC ; L' NGT�iI'2i3�1 MILE' 1 \ \` 1 1 ` 1 � i PRO�SED \CULVERT: 11' x 8'`RCBC -PROPOSED d RAP -1V f 1 ' 01 \ '/ ' �. �/ / i1 �\ K j�PO�,IS LIDM *,R22 `\ 1\ `, 01 1 1 ', \ 1 \ `1 \ I I 1 I 1 ; ;' 1 1 I 'i 1 0 I �i ' � + '1 I , 1 ^ ````` ✓S S �_ ' I ' ' l i ' i ' i �i I �i 1 \`�� % 1 I / II 11 1 \ - `1` \'1 111 11'11111 ,\ \ 1 \1 1 li + 11 'I IIIr/ � 1 III ,11 111 1� \ r / \ 1 1 1I 1 \ 1 1 \ `I ' \ 1 ' 1 11 1 LEGEND 1' 111'1 `'' � 11 `�` \' � \ � `` ; 111 1,1 1 \ 1 11 I 1 1 _ II i \ I \ 1 111 1 - \ 1 - DENOTES FILL IN ``: \ `\I 11` O S ````` ' 1 1 1 1 \ - WETLAND -- -- ' `1 -- - 1\1 11 1 1 1 1 1 ` 1 1 , 1 ' \ 1 1 1 1 ' I ' 1 , ------ _- _-- - - -_ -- `. _----------- - -__ , \ I \ _ \` �, 1 ` li S 1 \1 ___ —_— -------- -` \. \` 1 1 ; s `1 ` 1�1` \ 1 �`, 1 \ 1 \ • • DENOTES MECHANIZED 11 s 11 i 1 '1 i +' \1 `Jo �` `1 ; 1, \ �\` 1; �p.\111��11 \ * • r * CLEARING i - `- _-- --------- - - - --- _ 1 `� _ ________ _ __ 1, 1!•' I 1 "` ,` V 1` A l 1 A\ 1 100 0 ', 1 1 r `, ', 1', i �i i - _ - ----------' SLL -- -� v `I i '1 11 1 1 '�v'1, DENOTES EXCAVATION --------------------------- -- ----------- - -- - --- 1 a 1 1�\1`�1`�` ® IN WETLAND '0 -- - -- - -___ 1 A 1 `1 A \1\0 1 1 2 —--------------- - - - - -- 6�Z- - \ \\ 1, !.-------------------------- - - - - -- - - `. ```\ `1 \`1``\II\ `\` \ .`v 1 I I I i i ` \ ` ® DENOTES TEMPORARY 50 100 -----------•SZ'`,_'- \ \11 `1 \\ 1 i IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER SCALE: III= 100' HORIZe I i i'` .y1� '8- - - \ \`` \\r \`` \1 \\\ DENOTES PERMANENT 1 I I / 'I'v 11\ IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER z d v NI O 0 Z v� O�w aV WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT ANDS ' 2 ILLS PA(G €D`, (a 41 \ ° APPR -CENT fv I`N RIGHT- BARREL --QF I � ��y, ' � --------- - - - - -- -oil „ - - -,; - �— - ---- S`�; -- - -- < - -- - -- ; ` �' -- ----------- -- - -• S --- ,,\ - � `�� ��♦�.` VrA In 0 O N C/) coH co Z ' NCO27 07 Engineering NC Li —, No: F-0258 a,`,`,,r,, , 0. n�G i Y Li T -5 0 . `♦ �0`\,;' \' \, i E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR /W ACQUISITION PRELIMIIN R Y" PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION UN ® DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND ®DENOTES TEMPORARY I r IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER ®DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER L'l � ♦ M _ __ �', ♦` F^�� �p� it i a,`,`,,r,, , 0. n�G i Y Li T -5 0 . `♦ �0`\,;' \' \, i 3 gi , p' 00 ` v , ♦ y v� ' �`'v `, i '� li V 0 \ r, 2 Iry y < / OS , 1 1 ' BANK I 1 O �. STAB L - J � I \'\ ' �\ \, `�\ \�,\ \ ,i /�'1p //I/ , � ; \' RRR \ ` ♦.` \S0i - - - -_- -- ---- to `, \\ , , °� `< \ \ i i ' i � l � � ' 7l” 'i \ i 'i i ♦ ♦` `�``J ' i � I i v i i1 ' ° I �( I' ' - LA NM, ;` ;'' ;\ ;1'',` ;'I ii ; M ; i�; 1lr i ; ;�!;' \ ------ - - - - -- 40\ IF OF, OUTLET ) f \ \ 1 - CNANN`,EL', IMPROVEMENT \' 0 DONS CL. '1' RIP RAP \ II GE 5 S�( OTEXTILE \, \ ` , 50 0 25 50 SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZ. ENLARGED PLAN VIEW SITE 2 SHEET NO. R1W SHEET NO, ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOM PLE E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR /W ACQUISITION PRELIMIIN R Y" PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION UN ® DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND ®DENOTES TEMPORARY I r IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER ®DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER I�AIr Tl i 3 gi , p' 00 ` v , ♦ y v� ' �`'v `, i '� li V 0 \ r, 2 Iry y < / OS , 1 1 ' BANK I 1 O �. STAB L - J � I \'\ ' �\ \, `�\ \�,\ \ ,i /�'1p //I/ , � ; \' RRR \ ` ♦.` \S0i - - - -_- -- ---- to `, \\ , , °� `< \ \ i i ' i � l � � ' 7l” 'i \ i 'i i ♦ ♦` `�``J ' i � I i v i i1 ' ° I �( I' ' - LA NM, ;` ;'' ;\ ;1'',` ;'I ii ; M ; i�; 1lr i ; ;�!;' \ ------ - - - - -- 40\ IF OF, OUTLET ) f \ \ 1 - CNANN`,EL', IMPROVEMENT \' 0 DONS CL. '1' RIP RAP \ II GE 5 S�( OTEXTILE \, \ ` , 50 0 25 50 SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZ. ENLARGED PLAN VIEW SITE 2 SHEET NO. R1W SHEET NO, ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOM PLE E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR /W ACQUISITION PRELIMIIN R Y" PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION IDIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ROWAN COUNTY ]PROJECT: W -5516 OLD BEATTY ]FORD ROAD FROM WEST OF BOSTIAN ROAD INTERSECTION TO ]LENTZ ROAD SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWING SHEET _ OF 2 @ 11'x 8' RCBC BURIED V EXCAVATION i 1.5' THICK (TYP.) CLASS 'I' RIP RAP- w/GEOTEXTILE 2 CW I U x E BURIED 1' Nc 1.5' THICK (TYP.) CLASS 'I' RIP RAP W/GEOTEXTILE 1' SILL ---' �-2' SILL EXCAVATION-35 CY INLET CHANNEL (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (NOT TO SCALE) EXCAVATION = 55 CY OUTLET CHANNEL (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (NOT TO SCALE) EXCAVATION LEGEND DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND • * * * DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING ® DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND ®DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER ®DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER Z O w rr J U i O + O O N M Q 0 0 a w v i N N 0 v Z Z �w aU WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT h O O N I`y \H M co Q Z 1 k )eight NC 27607 Engineering NCL -.- Nu: F °l. "S I 1 I � (� I `,'� I , 1 I ', � , ', � I I' 11 'I 1 I � 'i 'I ; i I -- I \♦ \ `♦ � `\ ♦ � , ii [1�7__' 'I cl a'' II ,, ; ', ', i '�I I 'I ; ',I II ; 'I�'II ' 1 ; i 1 � i ♦ 1 \ \ \ �`, ', I i � it I'I I ; ', III it III II ; Ili � ', � II 'I 'I 'I it �' I'i I i i ' i i � f I �I � � ` \•��` \�\ `` - -' � ' - i I i' 'I � �' 'I i II ' i ', ,1 I' i { i I li i ; � ' i � ' � � `� '�r ```♦ -- _'` `.S 111 ' 1, 1' 11, 11' 1 ♦ 1 I \ O� ♦ 11 1 1 1 d\ „I \ I, ; �'I li i I' ', � 'i II 'ii I � , I 'I 'i i I i 1 'I ', � ' -_ ` � \ ` ,` :\• ``Sr ``� ```O `•� `•� •� ````• - i i ii it I � it i ; li , I I � li ', ; �� \, � \\ i / ' i I' 1� � `♦\ �` `\``, �`�\; `� �` 2� ` ' 1 I to � � ♦�� ♦ � \ \ i , j / ' 1 I I I i 1 � li I 'i I' J 'i � ' ' 1 'i ' I ' I 1 �� �� ', i 1 `II `\♦ sd `, ♦` ` ` ♦` '� ` \\ \\ ` ♦` � \ \ �� �S `♦ Y� �1J,V.� ♦\ � \ �, `` �♦ ` � ., ; ` `I 11, ; 1 it � I ' ' I ; I' � � ` ; ` ♦\\ \ \ \ `` S`♦`I I \ W \ I,' I 1\ I I , 11' 1 1' \ \ I,I , �,,J __ "� ♦ ` \ o n' _ i ♦�� - i1` i � `� 1 , �, 1 � 1 1 A : ' I 1 _ �� � � � i ` ♦ `. A `, \ v 111 ` 1 , I I ILA ; I 1 ' , ; ,t ` fy��I' ' / � \\\ -.' ; I ♦1`` \ \, \ , 0� 1 \ / Mr --------------- ` 1 , `\ l N 1 ' / l; i � i i i , ' �'/ r I � 1 \` ��% /, � - Icy i ' / i I. -- - `�•L , / , I I -750 4 w /ylx'J1 i \ 1 � li ill --- C 7X0 i `v 110 Jt 1 i ,i 1 1 � � � �; ,' I' � ' /i � I I �1 - -' ,In ", �\\' "' "" - ' "" , -' ,, ,. % I,i I �I �•\f�'���' �r� � _�._���� 1 \\\ I 740 -- -- --. .,7, I ' ' 1 � I,I I BANK $TABILIZATIQN -- - - - --- ' ' '� ♦ - °1 `E'ND SBG I'4� _- �,' -Z�\ ♦ \` -'LLJ- - -- - - - c 4HIS f�IP aAP' / �' ,' /v �' _' /y�� � ' 4 ; ; ' ; - - -� - - -- - - - -- - � ON ; , - - - -- -- 50 0 25 50 SCALE: III= 100' HORIZ. ENLARGED PLAN VIEW SITE 3 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. -55/6 5B RAN SHEET NO. RY PLANS ROADWAY DESIGN CONSTRUCTION HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOI®' PLE E PILANS DO NOT USE FOR ! W ACQUISITION PRELIMIN RY PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION N. C. IDEF°IC.OF °d'iBANS][�01�8°Il°ATION IIDIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ROWAN COUNTY PROJECT: W -5516 OLD BEA'Il TY FORD ROAD FROM WEST OF BOSTIAN ROAD INTERSECTION TO ]LENTZ ROAD SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWING SHEET _ OF LEGEND ®DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER ® DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT i H W W N W W N O O O O Q E- N d I W z J V Q I DECK DRAINS RI In 6' DIAMETER SCUPPERS I FROM STA. 57 +20 TO ST, FROM STA. 59 +61 TO STI FROM STA_ 60 +67 TO ST, 100 0 50 100 SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZ. HIGH BRDGE,L PLAN SIT[ TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH: PROPOSED BRIDGE: FIVE. 3 @ 117', 1 @ 118'; 72" NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ]E �II ANS W ACQUISITION RY PLANS CONSTRUCTION $ANSPOIBTATION H[IG]HWAYS �OUNTY C: W -5516 ]FORD ROAD OF ]BOSTIAN ;]EBSECTION Z ROAD G GLI z W W N W W V) O O O O %O H N I f ■i BE r 5 n O 0 N N tY In 00 00 Q Z S PERMANENT IN SURFACE WATER a 0 2 WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT n 0 0 N N \N Go Q Z 'CAW 5121 Kingdom Way Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 Engineering NC License Na F-0258 TIDE I m BNC ®IeJ1�II E lE �1L ANN DO NOT USE FOR ra C l� E$E LIIM[IIN RY PLANS DO NOT VSE FO CONSTRUCTION W PSH c9 . O I —" LO m I I 3 Y I I _ 2G1 15" 271 J' Y 2G1 I j I m I o END SBG —_ STA. 57+21 —L— LT & RT I i 45 --- -- - - - -_ ____ CLASS I RIP RAP @ EMBANKMENT m SEE DETAIL K ; nl W C E Y m N 50 0 25 50 SCALE: IR= 100' HORIZ. ENLARGED PLAN VIEW SITE 4 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. I SHEET NO. PW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER N. C. DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION DIVIISIION OF HIGHWAYS ROWAN COUNTY PROJECT: W -5516 O1LD 1BEATTY FORD ROAD FROM WEST OF ]BOSTIIAN ROAD INTERSECTION TO ]LENTZ ROAD SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWING SHEET _ OF _ (;I IC LEGEND S, DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER BNC ®IeJ1�II E lE �1L ANN DO NOT USE FOR d W ACQUISITION l� E$E LIIM[IIN RY PLANS DO NOT VSE FO CONSTRUCTION N. C. DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION DIVIISIION OF HIGHWAYS ROWAN COUNTY PROJECT: W -5516 O1LD 1BEATTY FORD ROAD FROM WEST OF ]BOSTIIAN ROAD INTERSECTION TO ]LENTZ ROAD SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWING SHEET _ OF _ (;I IC LEGEND S, DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER v PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. ' ' 5121 Kin dom Way -556 7 a II 'li l e Y Suite 100 WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT 4�' ;N;! �lelgh,NC276o7 RES SHEET NO. CD EX' Engineering NC License Ne Fozse ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS �' ��' �" �', ENGINEER ENGINEER ACV i i i' � I' eLe �R•PI N ,Ili „° ,' z II' I iI i r' 1, I DD ” ✓l� I I I OC L*A sue TAI Z ��ao �iI' I iI ii II gill 069 ----------------- - '--- - -- --- -- - - -- � ♦` `I `r � ` � b„ `- �•��:� - -., 1,;; 1 � � i� I II/�� - . ___ -- -- - - N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION \ I' ``_ ;I II "III DIVISION OF H[IG]HWAYS - - - --- 6y \ \ \ �' r ' " -_ - ---o= - --c - -_ ___ =_�4 I I Ii i,''�I _ _ Ili;1, ROWAN COUNTY - - - -- _ ♦ 1 _����= - DECKI DRAINS REQUIRED , \ , 1 "--___ i1'I I I I I ill 'illl Ll -- -------- _ `\ \ \ \ 6" DIAMETER SCUPPERS ON 72'CENTERS _ I 1 1 - -- ---��_ - _ Ii I;;,i, ,I,i„ ___-- _569 -_ - \ 1 1 ��'� 1 FROM STA.57 +20 TO STA. 58 +16 RT. LT. ; ', j' 'iQ� -`' I,I PROJECT: W'S6IGn FROM STA. 59 +b1 TO STA. 60 +57 RT. & LT. 1 "'i ✓ V: -- - - -- - -- 'I'i' III I I 1 \ \ -� - 111111 ` \\ i B9- 1 \ _ 1 _ _ __ � IIII ]LID ]BEATTY FORD ®AID _ � FR M TA. + 7 T TA. RT. LT. i - - I' ® IS R ` � I - - - -- -__ �\,�I i;illi I II I I III' ii;i - - - - -- - -------- FROM WEST OF ]BOSTIAN -- - -- '- ` 1 1 \ ' ' \', \ \,'1 IIII Ili , / ✓ -"_- ; __ ,.. nryi, iqp - - -- - -- -------- ROAD INTERSECTION - - - -- - -- TO LENT2 ROAD l'j--------------- _ SI \ •D r 1 ',1, 'i IPA!, -- Q. \ S •O I 1, l- I'1 I',I ,' / - ,`Ill 11I'w iI I!Iliillli'14i I SHEET 'OF __ ___ - , 'I ";IIII' II;Iljl'� PERMIT DRAWING -- ♦ ♦ ` 1 1 , I , , 1♦ i''i'1' I'nii' 11, 'i'I' ♦ A 1 I 1 '1 1 i'''''I li 1 II''ll linil;'gi ;I li I ♦ 1 ' 1', ',;, li, li,,', I�, iii I - - -- ♦�0. . ♦ A 1 , 1 I'll li' 1' I,Ihnlj'�Il II; il''i''I SHEET OF - - -_ \ `\\ \ \ 1 , 1 'Pi'�,1 „',;I'�, „1,',1' li 'ii'11,I,li, I iI 'illll I;j I' I . STA 44 +Q0 (EL 1Y =A69 70) 1 1 ' 1 - _ IV IIII 1 � Z 3 +� I �w , I i 111 y0`, I 1'111 t 1\ I I \,� T _ J / CLASS IJtIP RAP SE EMBANKMENT „ --SEE QETAIL K -. s I / _ 1 � INC ®IiIIl�]L]E ]E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR /w ACQUISITION 1�Ig1E]LINIIN I8Y PLANS DO NOT USE PO CONSTRUCTION -;i,,luli,l 111 I Id Ihl.. ,UIJWI j' I I ,I I,Ip uluullui li�i,ll ” ' I ,liilil IIII iii 1 I Ilp I „�`` '1 I I,I,Iry I I 'I I Illp ,,.`� Z ,�,` ♦♦ iliiii, 1 N 1 I II,p'Ili 1 111'1 I I ummu�l� lillllii;;iw1 -T... ,\ �♦ Ililil'I "'Iii N N lill'li I,1', iiiliiiiliiii w \� r liiiilllllllliiii j o , 1 -1 II ;iilili I; "i "Ili iilli ii illii,l W O 1 IIII V N l,il)� I I iI N,ili Ili, lulu IIII `�♦ � ��''' , v /i pp liwll -�' � I bd'n� ' ",�',un�I�uu�V N V`�' •A` iLU i � I 1 1 °I FI 11 A N w ,1, �♦ '\ ,11;1,11,,, II I ' 1'li'I "II i'lll, 'I "ill liilli ill,` L0 ,\ \�`� � ♦1,`' '1` I I III I ; � 1,�1,II;li'i'I, IIj i,11111i1ii1i1, ✓ W 1Ei ,`,♦ , `,1 ,' iii'i'nn 1 1 I I � I nI IIIry11 "III' li'I'iliFnlluiil, N •``V`; ;;'; ;I'� 1'IJ'ilu � ICI' i� i � 1 li'i;ii'I;Ilili 111 ql'i li l,;;'ullll lliViiil' � C OD i I iy I pp.. 'il ' I1IyI� O Q I ,1 I II I i 1 1( o f , li ,i 1 III i I i ill: 1 1 1 1 '\ r 1 I I 1 I - , A 1 1 I I II I 1 1 1 d Im I \V'61�`�` \�`;�� �`���` ♦\' j 1 II �n 1 1� I I I I II �'il I II `' `��;� \� \�` ,`♦``✓` `._ , I ,110, i m ' ,III ; I i i ;'; i 1 ; ii;' ' i '': `; �\``,.20.\.�♦� �\��`'�` ', i Io' III. i �i ' i i � i '�i 1 i 1 1'1 ii \`,` —, �I,i ''''i Iti I I'll l;lil I;i'illl; °ulA'IOiI ���` \`°s��`�� ,``♦,`,,�o;�jlll li;i; i 1 0l i � �'I IIIIi,�I�, il'llll ' ' n ' nn, � ♦ � ` - 'i' 1 ' i' I i� , ' II ry '11' I lls 1 1 ,'q l'pin'iilgry ` ♦ �`� � „�..1 _ _- i. i,l it 1 Iii', , 1 � ,♦�. - - % /'n i I 1 1 , VVIppI 11 Ih ;11Ili "1; 4,;1'q n,y "',,,nhii, `\ ``\� `♦% III I ' ' 'iI IIII, ,111i1,ll IINliil,iii'lii „'I'I 1 it I 1 ` \ ^`\ ".\ ,II I I'i III 1 I , 1 I I Ills I;li1,111; 11 Iliiiili li l,; �;� - -_ \ �l;i 1 W' I �O {IIII Ilil,l,ii,l iilii irr,u,/ ♦ ` i 1 ' ' T I I f'i'll ,. 1 i li'i i,„ri•,rril l 1 I I ' ' I I I ' ' N 'i 0 , 1 }} � 1 � .1i � A ; , 1 �', ` 1➢ �I `I `; ,, 1 III I I F ' 11', �I, II T 1 1 1 1 1 I \ I'i V 1 * 1 11141 I1h,� ;o 1 ♦ I II I I I I 'I 1 - 1 1 \ ♦ \ 1 1 ♦ � 1 1.11, 1 11 1 ♦ ` - _- 1 I LI i I I Q 1 I 1 - I 1 111 1 il'1 I _ \'1 1 1 \\ 1 1 ` 1 I II' 1 1' �I i 1 1 1 I '11 1 _ I I I 3 1 1 EI 1 1 I �` Ir / I I I ❑li 1 1 1 1 I I I / 1 1 i �O _ �'S ♦ ..5''` 0� .\ .D ,.D� \ rD \� ♦,��,,LO. ,•O) � o - Q}[ �n ,i� 1 I I' m III ♦ 1a / _ ♦ \` ` 1`J , II i s h " /' \ 1 \ R I .P 1 ♦ 1 �I I I' _ 1p I ` 1; 'IN IIII Ilillilll; 3 it , i ♦♦ `♦ ♦ �'� ,' ' ` \\� ��`♦ `, �'' \ \` ' �'$'i 1, A 1 1 ;�� ; 4u 1 `� ``S `, '✓ 7VP i, i ' i II f,P� i RETA N iii'I 1 E PLAN VIEW z �I 100 0 SITE 4 5 , 1 L T1, II II I i 50 100 TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH: 2.39 MILES o PROPOSED BRIDGE: FIVE SPAN: 1 @ 83', r SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZe 3 @ 117', 1 @ 118'; 72" CONCRETE GIRDERS I„ O I ”, �i, / /' � �1 A, 1, I 1 i 1 I ll � ... O Z �O N / I LU Z V H LEGEND ®DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER 'o - ' D \` 1 1 ♦s 1 1 1 _ _ .� V' � B W ; 1 i � BEGIN SBG' \ 1 ♦ T W LU0. O / / / / O--1 - -- - \` ` O - -- v v 1 2 1 ' 1 , Ll _ 1 1 \ j t_ 1 1 � 1 / 1 I ♦ \ ♦\ I _ i ; / I ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 \ Z ` 1 ♦ DETAIL O % \ ♦ ,�� ` MEDIAN V DITCH ; ; \\ ` ♦ ♦ V N No o > ♦`� ♦ >dd - - DITCH GRADE = 0.3% I a 1 \ FROM STA. 39 +73 ELEV. = 668.39) TO ; I a 1 1 ' 1 - _ IV IIII 1 � Z 3 +� I �w , I i 111 y0`, I 1'111 t 1\ I I \,� T _ J / CLASS IJtIP RAP SE EMBANKMENT „ --SEE QETAIL K -. s I / _ 1 � INC ®IiIIl�]L]E ]E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR /w ACQUISITION 1�Ig1E]LINIIN I8Y PLANS DO NOT USE PO CONSTRUCTION -;i,,luli,l 111 I Id Ihl.. ,UIJWI j' I I ,I I,Ip uluullui li�i,ll ” ' I ,liilil IIII iii 1 I Ilp I „�`` '1 I I,I,Iry I I 'I I Illp ,,.`� Z ,�,` ♦♦ iliiii, 1 N 1 I II,p'Ili 1 111'1 I I ummu�l� lillllii;;iw1 -T... ,\ �♦ Ililil'I "'Iii N N lill'li I,1', iiiliiiiliiii w \� r liiiilllllllliiii j o , 1 -1 II ;iilili I; "i "Ili iilli ii illii,l W O 1 IIII V N l,il)� I I iI N,ili Ili, lulu IIII `�♦ � ��''' , v /i pp liwll -�' � I bd'n� ' ",�',un�I�uu�V N V`�' •A` iLU i � I 1 1 °I FI 11 A N w ,1, �♦ '\ ,11;1,11,,, II I ' 1'li'I "II i'lll, 'I "ill liilli ill,` L0 ,\ \�`� � ♦1,`' '1` I I III I ; � 1,�1,II;li'i'I, IIj i,11111i1ii1i1, ✓ W 1Ei ,`,♦ , `,1 ,' iii'i'nn 1 1 I I � I nI IIIry11 "III' li'I'iliFnlluiil, N •``V`; ;;'; ;I'� 1'IJ'ilu � ICI' i� i � 1 li'i;ii'I;Ilili 111 ql'i li l,;;'ullll lliViiil' � C OD i I iy I pp.. 'il ' I1IyI� O Q I ,1 I II I i 1 1( o f , li ,i 1 III i I i ill: 1 1 1 1 '\ r 1 I I 1 I - , A 1 1 I I II I 1 1 1 d Im I \V'61�`�` \�`;�� �`���` ♦\' j 1 II �n 1 1� I I I I II �'il I II `' `��;� \� \�` ,`♦``✓` `._ , I ,110, i m ' ,III ; I i i ;'; i 1 ; ii;' ' i '': `; �\``,.20.\.�♦� �\��`'�` ', i Io' III. i �i ' i i � i '�i 1 i 1 1'1 ii \`,` —, �I,i ''''i Iti I I'll l;lil I;i'illl; °ulA'IOiI ���` \`°s��`�� ,``♦,`,,�o;�jlll li;i; i 1 0l i � �'I IIIIi,�I�, il'llll ' ' n ' nn, � ♦ � ` - 'i' 1 ' i' I i� , ' II ry '11' I lls 1 1 ,'q l'pin'iilgry ` ♦ �`� � „�..1 _ _- i. i,l it 1 Iii', , 1 � ,♦�. - - % /'n i I 1 1 , VVIppI 11 Ih ;11Ili "1; 4,;1'q n,y "',,,nhii, `\ ``\� `♦% III I ' ' 'iI IIII, ,111i1,ll IINliil,iii'lii „'I'I 1 it I 1 ` \ ^`\ ".\ ,II I I'i III 1 I , 1 I I Ills I;li1,111; 11 Iliiiili li l,; �;� - -_ \ �l;i 1 W' I �O {IIII Ilil,l,ii,l iilii irr,u,/ ♦ ` i 1 ' ' T I I f'i'll ,. 1 i li'i i,„ri•,rril l 1 I I ' ' I I I ' ' N 'i 0 , 1 }} � 1 � .1i � A ; , 1 �', ` 1➢ �I `I `; ,, 1 III I I F ' 11', �I, II T 1 1 1 1 1 I \ I'i V 1 * 1 11141 I1h,� ;o 1 ♦ I II I I I I 'I 1 - 1 1 \ ♦ \ 1 1 ♦ � 1 1.11, 1 11 1 ♦ ` - _- 1 I LI i I I Q 1 I 1 - I 1 111 1 il'1 I _ \'1 1 1 \\ 1 1 ` 1 I II' 1 1' �I i 1 1 1 I '11 1 _ I I I 3 1 1 EI 1 1 I �` Ir / I I I ❑li 1 1 1 1 I I I / 1 1 i �O _ �'S ♦ ..5''` 0� .\ .D ,.D� \ rD \� ♦,��,,LO. ,•O) � o - Q}[ �n ,i� 1 I I' m III ♦ 1a / _ ♦ \` ` 1`J , II i s h " /' \ 1 \ R I .P 1 ♦ 1 �I I I' _ 1p I ` 1; 'IN IIII Ilillilll; 3 it , i ♦♦ `♦ ♦ �'� ,' ' ` \\� ��`♦ `, �'' \ \` ' �'$'i 1, A 1 1 ;�� ; 4u 1 `� ``S `, '✓ 7VP i, i ' i II f,P� i RETA N iii'I 1 E PLAN VIEW z �I 100 0 SITE 4 5 , 1 L T1, II II I i 50 100 TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH: 2.39 MILES o PROPOSED BRIDGE: FIVE SPAN: 1 @ 83', r SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZe 3 @ 117', 1 @ 118'; 72" CONCRETE GIRDERS I„ O I ”, �i, / /' � �1 A, 1, I 1 i 1 I ll � ... O Z �O N / I LU Z V H LEGEND ®DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER INC ®IiIIl�]L]E ]E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR /w ACQUISITION 1�Ig1E]LINIIN I8Y PLANS DO NOT USE PO CONSTRUCTION -;i,,luli,l 111 I Id Ihl.. ,UIJWI j' I I ,I I,Ip uluullui li�i,ll ” ' I ,liilil IIII iii 1 I Ilp I „�`` '1 I I,I,Iry I I 'I I Illp ,,.`� Z ,�,` ♦♦ iliiii, 1 N 1 I II,p'Ili 1 111'1 I I ummu�l� lillllii;;iw1 -T... ,\ �♦ Ililil'I "'Iii N N lill'li I,1', iiiliiiiliiii w \� r liiiilllllllliiii j o , 1 -1 II ;iilili I; "i "Ili iilli ii illii,l W O 1 IIII V N l,il)� I I iI N,ili Ili, lulu IIII `�♦ � ��''' , v /i pp liwll -�' � I bd'n� ' ",�',un�I�uu�V N V`�' •A` iLU i � I 1 1 °I FI 11 A N w ,1, �♦ '\ ,11;1,11,,, II I ' 1'li'I "II i'lll, 'I "ill liilli ill,` L0 ,\ \�`� � ♦1,`' '1` I I III I ; � 1,�1,II;li'i'I, IIj i,11111i1ii1i1, ✓ W 1Ei ,`,♦ , `,1 ,' iii'i'nn 1 1 I I � I nI IIIry11 "III' li'I'iliFnlluiil, N •``V`; ;;'; ;I'� 1'IJ'ilu � ICI' i� i � 1 li'i;ii'I;Ilili 111 ql'i li l,;;'ullll lliViiil' � C OD i I iy I pp.. 'il ' I1IyI� O Q I ,1 I II I i 1 1( o f , li ,i 1 III i I i ill: 1 1 1 1 '\ r 1 I I 1 I - , A 1 1 I I II I 1 1 1 d Im I \V'61�`�` \�`;�� �`���` ♦\' j 1 II �n 1 1� I I I I II �'il I II `' `��;� \� \�` ,`♦``✓` `._ , I ,110, i m ' ,III ; I i i ;'; i 1 ; ii;' ' i '': `; �\``,.20.\.�♦� �\��`'�` ', i Io' III. i �i ' i i � i '�i 1 i 1 1'1 ii \`,` —, �I,i ''''i Iti I I'll l;lil I;i'illl; °ulA'IOiI ���` \`°s��`�� ,``♦,`,,�o;�jlll li;i; i 1 0l i � �'I IIIIi,�I�, il'llll ' ' n ' nn, � ♦ � ` - 'i' 1 ' i' I i� , ' II ry '11' I lls 1 1 ,'q l'pin'iilgry ` ♦ �`� � „�..1 _ _- i. i,l it 1 Iii', , 1 � ,♦�. - - % /'n i I 1 1 , VVIppI 11 Ih ;11Ili "1; 4,;1'q n,y "',,,nhii, `\ ``\� `♦% III I ' ' 'iI IIII, ,111i1,ll IINliil,iii'lii „'I'I 1 it I 1 ` \ ^`\ ".\ ,II I I'i III 1 I , 1 I I Ills I;li1,111; 11 Iliiiili li l,; �;� - -_ \ �l;i 1 W' I �O {IIII Ilil,l,ii,l iilii irr,u,/ ♦ ` i 1 ' ' T I I f'i'll ,. 1 i li'i i,„ri•,rril l 1 I I ' ' I I I ' ' N 'i 0 , 1 }} � 1 � .1i � A ; , 1 �', ` 1➢ �I `I `; ,, 1 III I I F ' 11', �I, II T 1 1 1 1 1 I \ I'i V 1 * 1 11141 I1h,� ;o 1 ♦ I II I I I I 'I 1 - 1 1 \ ♦ \ 1 1 ♦ � 1 1.11, 1 11 1 ♦ ` - _- 1 I LI i I I Q 1 I 1 - I 1 111 1 il'1 I _ \'1 1 1 \\ 1 1 ` 1 I II' 1 1' �I i 1 1 1 I '11 1 _ I I I 3 1 1 EI 1 1 I �` Ir / I I I ❑li 1 1 1 1 I I I / 1 1 i �O _ �'S ♦ ..5''` 0� .\ .D ,.D� \ rD \� ♦,��,,LO. ,•O) � o - Q}[ �n ,i� 1 I I' m III ♦ 1a / _ ♦ \` ` 1`J , II i s h " /' \ 1 \ R I .P 1 ♦ 1 �I I I' _ 1p I ` 1; 'IN IIII Ilillilll; 3 it , i ♦♦ `♦ ♦ �'� ,' ' ` \\� ��`♦ `, �'' \ \` ' �'$'i 1, A 1 1 ;�� ; 4u 1 `� ``S `, '✓ 7VP i, i ' i II f,P� i RETA N iii'I 1 E PLAN VIEW z �I 100 0 SITE 4 5 , 1 L T1, II II I i 50 100 TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH: 2.39 MILES o PROPOSED BRIDGE: FIVE SPAN: 1 @ 83', r SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZe 3 @ 117', 1 @ 118'; 72" CONCRETE GIRDERS I„ O I ”, �i, / /' � �1 A, 1, I 1 i 1 I ll � ... O Z �O N / I LU Z V H LEGEND ®DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER -;i,,luli,l 111 I Id Ihl.. ,UIJWI j' I I ,I I,Ip uluullui li�i,ll ” ' I ,liilil IIII iii 1 I Ilp I „�`` '1 I I,I,Iry I I 'I I Illp ,,.`� Z ,�,` ♦♦ iliiii, 1 N 1 I II,p'Ili 1 111'1 I I ummu�l� lillllii;;iw1 -T... ,\ �♦ Ililil'I "'Iii N N lill'li I,1', iiiliiiiliiii w \� r liiiilllllllliiii j o , 1 -1 II ;iilili I; "i "Ili iilli ii illii,l W O 1 IIII V N l,il)� I I iI N,ili Ili, lulu IIII `�♦ � ��''' , v /i pp liwll -�' � I bd'n� ' ",�',un�I�uu�V N V`�' •A` iLU i � I 1 1 °I FI 11 A N w ,1, �♦ '\ ,11;1,11,,, II I ' 1'li'I "II i'lll, 'I "ill liilli ill,` L0 ,\ \�`� � ♦1,`' '1` I I III I ; � 1,�1,II;li'i'I, IIj i,11111i1ii1i1, ✓ W 1Ei ,`,♦ , `,1 ,' iii'i'nn 1 1 I I � I nI IIIry11 "III' li'I'iliFnlluiil, N •``V`; ;;'; ;I'� 1'IJ'ilu � ICI' i� i � 1 li'i;ii'I;Ilili 111 ql'i li l,;;'ullll lliViiil' � C OD i I iy I pp.. 'il ' I1IyI� O Q I ,1 I II I i 1 1( o f , li ,i 1 III i I i ill: 1 1 1 1 '\ r 1 I I 1 I - , A 1 1 I I II I 1 1 1 d Im I \V'61�`�` \�`;�� �`���` ♦\' j 1 II �n 1 1� I I I I II �'il I II `' `��;� \� \�` ,`♦``✓` `._ , I ,110, i m ' ,III ; I i i ;'; i 1 ; ii;' ' i '': `; �\``,.20.\.�♦� �\��`'�` ', i Io' III. i �i ' i i � i '�i 1 i 1 1'1 ii \`,` —, �I,i ''''i Iti I I'll l;lil I;i'illl; °ulA'IOiI ���` \`°s��`�� ,``♦,`,,�o;�jlll li;i; i 1 0l i � �'I IIIIi,�I�, il'llll ' ' n ' nn, � ♦ � ` - 'i' 1 ' i' I i� , ' II ry '11' I lls 1 1 ,'q l'pin'iilgry ` ♦ �`� � „�..1 _ _- i. i,l it 1 Iii', , 1 � ,♦�. - - % /'n i I 1 1 , VVIppI 11 Ih ;11Ili "1; 4,;1'q n,y "',,,nhii, `\ ``\� `♦% III I ' ' 'iI IIII, ,111i1,ll IINliil,iii'lii „'I'I 1 it I 1 ` \ ^`\ ".\ ,II I I'i III 1 I , 1 I I Ills I;li1,111; 11 Iliiiili li l,; �;� - -_ \ �l;i 1 W' I �O {IIII Ilil,l,ii,l iilii irr,u,/ ♦ ` i 1 ' ' T I I f'i'll ,. 1 i li'i i,„ri•,rril l 1 I I ' ' I I I ' ' N 'i 0 , 1 }} � 1 � .1i � A ; , 1 �', ` 1➢ �I `I `; ,, 1 III I I F ' 11', �I, II T 1 1 1 1 1 I \ I'i V 1 * 1 11141 I1h,� ;o 1 ♦ I II I I I I 'I 1 - 1 1 \ ♦ \ 1 1 ♦ � 1 1.11, 1 11 1 ♦ ` - _- 1 I LI i I I Q 1 I 1 - I 1 111 1 il'1 I _ \'1 1 1 \\ 1 1 ` 1 I II' 1 1' �I i 1 1 1 I '11 1 _ I I I 3 1 1 EI 1 1 I �` Ir / I I I ❑li 1 1 1 1 I I I / 1 1 i �O _ �'S ♦ ..5''` 0� .\ .D ,.D� \ rD \� ♦,��,,LO. ,•O) � o - Q}[ �n ,i� 1 I I' m III ♦ 1a / _ ♦ \` ` 1`J , II i s h " /' \ 1 \ R I .P 1 ♦ 1 �I I I' _ 1p I ` 1; 'IN IIII Ilillilll; 3 it , i ♦♦ `♦ ♦ �'� ,' ' ` \\� ��`♦ `, �'' \ \` ' �'$'i 1, A 1 1 ;�� ; 4u 1 `� ``S `, '✓ 7VP i, i ' i II f,P� i RETA N iii'I 1 E PLAN VIEW z �I 100 0 SITE 4 5 , 1 L T1, II II I i 50 100 TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH: 2.39 MILES o PROPOSED BRIDGE: FIVE SPAN: 1 @ 83', r SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZe 3 @ 117', 1 @ 118'; 72" CONCRETE GIRDERS I„ O I ”, �i, / /' � �1 A, 1, I 1 i 1 I ll � ... O Z �O N / I LU Z V H LEGEND ®DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER I ,1 I II I i 1 1( o f , li ,i 1 III i I i ill: 1 1 1 1 '\ r 1 I I 1 I - , A 1 1 I I II I 1 1 1 d Im I \V'61�`�` \�`;�� �`���` ♦\' j 1 II �n 1 1� I I I I II �'il I II `' `��;� \� \�` ,`♦``✓` `._ , I ,110, i m ' ,III ; I i i ;'; i 1 ; ii;' ' i '': `; �\``,.20.\.�♦� �\��`'�` ', i Io' III. i �i ' i i � i '�i 1 i 1 1'1 ii \`,` —, �I,i ''''i Iti I I'll l;lil I;i'illl; °ulA'IOiI ���` \`°s��`�� ,``♦,`,,�o;�jlll li;i; i 1 0l i � �'I IIIIi,�I�, il'llll ' ' n ' nn, � ♦ � ` - 'i' 1 ' i' I i� , ' II ry '11' I lls 1 1 ,'q l'pin'iilgry ` ♦ �`� � „�..1 _ _- i. i,l it 1 Iii', , 1 � ,♦�. - - % /'n i I 1 1 , VVIppI 11 Ih ;11Ili "1; 4,;1'q n,y "',,,nhii, `\ ``\� `♦% III I ' ' 'iI IIII, ,111i1,ll IINliil,iii'lii „'I'I 1 it I 1 ` \ ^`\ ".\ ,II I I'i III 1 I , 1 I I Ills I;li1,111; 11 Iliiiili li l,; �;� - -_ \ �l;i 1 W' I �O {IIII Ilil,l,ii,l iilii irr,u,/ ♦ ` i 1 ' ' T I I f'i'll ,. 1 i li'i i,„ri•,rril l 1 I I ' ' I I I ' ' N 'i 0 , 1 }} � 1 � .1i � A ; , 1 �', ` 1➢ �I `I `; ,, 1 III I I F ' 11', �I, II T 1 1 1 1 1 I \ I'i V 1 * 1 11141 I1h,� ;o 1 ♦ I II I I I I 'I 1 - 1 1 \ ♦ \ 1 1 ♦ � 1 1.11, 1 11 1 ♦ ` - _- 1 I LI i I I Q 1 I 1 - I 1 111 1 il'1 I _ \'1 1 1 \\ 1 1 ` 1 I II' 1 1' �I i 1 1 1 I '11 1 _ I I I 3 1 1 EI 1 1 I �` Ir / I I I ❑li 1 1 1 1 I I I / 1 1 i �O _ �'S ♦ ..5''` 0� .\ .D ,.D� \ rD \� ♦,��,,LO. ,•O) � o - Q}[ �n ,i� 1 I I' m III ♦ 1a / _ ♦ \` ` 1`J , II i s h " /' \ 1 \ R I .P 1 ♦ 1 �I I I' _ 1p I ` 1; 'IN IIII Ilillilll; 3 it , i ♦♦ `♦ ♦ �'� ,' ' ` \\� ��`♦ `, �'' \ \` ' �'$'i 1, A 1 1 ;�� ; 4u 1 `� ``S `, '✓ 7VP i, i ' i II f,P� i RETA N iii'I 1 E PLAN VIEW z �I 100 0 SITE 4 5 , 1 L T1, II II I i 50 100 TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH: 2.39 MILES o PROPOSED BRIDGE: FIVE SPAN: 1 @ 83', r SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZe 3 @ 117', 1 @ 118'; 72" CONCRETE GIRDERS I„ O I ”, �i, / /' � �1 A, 1, I 1 i 1 I ll � ... O Z �O N / I LU Z V H LEGEND ®DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER 1 I I ' ' I I I ' ' N 'i 0 , 1 }} � 1 � .1i � A ; , 1 �', ` 1➢ �I `I `; ,, 1 III I I F ' 11', �I, II T 1 1 1 1 1 I \ I'i V 1 * 1 11141 I1h,� ;o 1 ♦ I II I I I I 'I 1 - 1 1 \ ♦ \ 1 1 ♦ � 1 1.11, 1 11 1 ♦ ` - _- 1 I LI i I I Q 1 I 1 - I 1 111 1 il'1 I _ \'1 1 1 \\ 1 1 ` 1 I II' 1 1' �I i 1 1 1 I '11 1 _ I I I 3 1 1 EI 1 1 I �` Ir / I I I ❑li 1 1 1 1 I I I / 1 1 i �O _ �'S ♦ ..5''` 0� .\ .D ,.D� \ rD \� ♦,��,,LO. ,•O) � o - Q}[ �n ,i� 1 I I' m III ♦ 1a / _ ♦ \` ` 1`J , II i s h " /' \ 1 \ R I .P 1 ♦ 1 �I I I' _ 1p I ` 1; 'IN IIII Ilillilll; 3 it , i ♦♦ `♦ ♦ �'� ,' ' ` \\� ��`♦ `, �'' \ \` ' �'$'i 1, A 1 1 ;�� ; 4u 1 `� ``S `, '✓ 7VP i, i ' i II f,P� i RETA N iii'I 1 E PLAN VIEW z �I 100 0 SITE 4 5 , 1 L T1, II II I i 50 100 TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH: 2.39 MILES o PROPOSED BRIDGE: FIVE SPAN: 1 @ 83', r SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZe 3 @ 117', 1 @ 118'; 72" CONCRETE GIRDERS I„ O I ”, �i, / /' � �1 A, 1, I 1 i 1 I ll � ... O Z �O N / I LU Z V H LEGEND ®DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER LEGEND ®DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER v Z Z �LD �w -u WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT 0 0 N co co Q Z 069 lE 1PII ANS DO NOT USE FOR -- ]PR E]LIMIIN DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION \ � 711 `,'„ n'-11� ,'11'11 II 11i'nlrlr' / '11g11h'1 11� �J Pso1 ♦\ ` \ \ 1 � x1 ,' j111',1:1'lll l 1 1 '1 .0 � ', 1 1 1, 1111 1 , !6!0(�11111111 ,7111in11 111;11111 1 (),1 1 x11111 1 „',1 ,II,I, \ �TII I 1 66W ��'1111'li'11111 ,lii , `, `,\` ; Ir „I,yli1u1l1,uy \ \ \ ` -r, -Ul 1 �� ,\` 11 11(�� ;I 1111111 r1 \\ \ ��, 1111'11 x'I�x:l,.x i'�p11i 1'ImKlu _ \ \ \ ` ` 1� x , 1 1 ` \ 11' x11 1 1,, 1 \ `� \� I I, -� C'x', `, `, \ - 1'11111111'1111r�Ili1�J \\ �� \ x�1�T I 1 1 u,lunl 1 111 1111 \ I ;�1 1 _ ,{K' , 1'1'','11', 1',1,x1'1 11',x \ \, ♦ \ a ^� \ 1 1 1 , �. 1 �- ___ `x �`,', \,II 1 ' 1 x``, i�i1111iililillii "IIji11, l� 1 - \ ♦ `� j�T \ ` 1 1 �'1 1 1'�`'x`' ` \' ` \ \,O" x11111 , I `\ \\\\ xa' �11111i1i1111111111'11; II 111 1iNi111 11111W 1111 ;1111.111111 \ 0 11111111,11 I'\ � '\ n 1 x b 1111 1'i 1111 1111111,11111 1111111,1, I �� ♦ \ \ ` 1 1 x \ ' \ -- ,r ` \'`,,,xx \ '11n111 111 '� i ' '1� , 'x111111, 1 1 I 111111111111 , 1 , I '' \, i \„`, \1 x`\ xx ,\ , 111111111 ,1 ,, 1 1111111 1 1 `` \ 1 \ "' \ \,,,\ ,` \`,,`, \` \; �` ',111111111111 , 1 1` ', ' 1 ' ' % - __�'_ ` �r , \�, ;\,1\ , \, . ` ```\ i 111111; i1111111''jii , 1 ``\ `\ �\` \ `� ,`, \, x'xlx`,\, \'`�`�,\ Oi 1 1 1 ; 1 1 I 111111111 1 it 11 1 11 I 1ii111i'i lit 111111111 C �\ r 11111;111111 111'1 1 1 rI ;.� \x \ \`` '\ 1111111 `�� M I 1 IIO \ \\ ``�`` \�� ',1 1 1 1 \ 1 'x``\. 1 �.y, \`I 1 11 ..} 'x 1\ \ 'I : ",� Ixx`,x \x', x`,1 ,♦ , \`�;' 1 I u p11'1111 p111;1 '� ,, \, III W111111I��11111 \ I l I _- II ', 1 1 ; 1 \ ') r r` ���\�• �` \�. 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ENLARGED PLAN VIEW SITE 4 INC®I®'I]PL E lE 1PII ANS DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION ]PR E]LIMIIN RY PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION LEGEND DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER z ]z z w Z oZ �w PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 'C Raleigh, NC 27607 RW SHEET NO. s1zJ Kingdom 10 way, Suite 100 0 WETLANDAND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT Engineering NC License Nn: F-0258 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS O ENGINEER ENGINEER CN N N K N 00 Q a iz N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF H[IG]HWAYS HIGH oLb 9 \m ♦ ROWAN COUNTY NONE. LLC \� \\ PROJECT: W -5516 \ \ OLD BEAT TY FORD ROAD \ \\ FROM WEST OF BOSTIAN \\ ROAD INTERSECTION �\ TO 1LENTZ ROAD te� SHEET OF \ PERMIT DRAWING SHEET _ OF _ GLI TDE �' "� \\ 1/ CLASS B RIP RAP EST 3 TONS EST 10 SY GT Or j i \ ° O E��E E E -�F i i/ JOE \ �+ N I R __F W LU Lu W /� W ����� F �� N LU W - N O _ - - -- -- ° ° W - - - - -- - -- + / R ' _� R 'C'/ /ESE E -E R �F _ E I / � °s �E E E� W SEE tLARGED AREA Z J O SHEET 9A = _ V V Q I I m 9 P O LI a O 9 E NO BRDQE� L W T O 9 HM LwoaE.Luc N 3 PLAN VIEW SITE 5 E 100 0 LEGEND f 50 100 * * * * DENOTES MECHANIZED SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZ. * * * * * ** CLEARING INC ®IdIIy]LE E PLANS DO NOT USE POR ! W ACQUISITION Il�I8ICI,IM[IN I8�' Il�]LANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION Z z w z oz �w �Y 0 0 N N K N 00 0 a z 50 0 25 50 SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZ. WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT ENLARGED PLAN VIEW SITE 5 INCOM PL E L9 DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION ]PR E]LIMIIN RY PLANS HIGH BRIDGE, LLC / fill ; I � ; it �. < � TDE�T�F R -ODE TDE ToF R W W < , ' F � R W ENLARGED PLAN VIEW SITE 5 INCOM PL E E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION ]PR E]LIMIIN RY PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION LEGEND * * * * DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING Z w z oZ �w �L) WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT Raleigh, NC 27607 R4N SHEET NO. Engineering NC Liiease Nun Ea2sa ROADWAY DESIGN O G .7 .7 ENGINEER O N N K N 00 Q a z N. C. DEPT. OF °dTRAN ,- -- ' _ ' _ \ s DIVISION OF H P ♦ I I .r `_- - - -__- __ _ _ ' , I I I III 1 I / i i i i / � ` / r 1 r , I ' ' / ' � �` / � -_, _, � __ _ - -�S9 \ \\ �. to ]E8 ®WAN C ®U� ' : ro (I <I , r / - -- �!!. - \ , PROJECT: W �`_ 'ir Iii "' ii ,'i '� - - ♦♦\ \, �'' ', �`, ``', \` l �i'' --- o. ,SS \ \\`� \ ` \•, i II 1, i,rV,i ,'� - \ \, `\O,', ,1;,,\'\♦`�` iir r/r iii i I FROM WEST OF ` � r r I ` i' \ / (1 1 ry I 1 r r � r .or �'; �; / , `, \', ',\-, , , �`, \� `� ` r / 1 ' i l / - - -- - -- - -- ��S! � ` `�`� `� ` ` ` ♦ `` `. \ ROAD 1<N°Il°E]E8S]E r .. -- -- _ % / ' ' / r ! 1 r r 111; ' / , � ' o , ♦ � ♦ r / ; / , / _ _ \ ` \ � ` ♦ , '�� \ °I°O 1LEN°lf°Z IF `.---55L- i l ; i r i l {' ', V, •♦ `, ` \\ \ `, \ `, `, \`, ; ✓',, i / r l .08 ----- - - - - - -- - . \ ` \` �`\ �` ```` `` \.`ik,, �e ` SHEET OF „ ` \" ` - ```: ; ' r arll II 1 III' ,, i ' ``♦``\` ,\♦ \�\, ,\ \`, �`\`� ,'i'' ' i ' , /i----------------- \ --- ` `` \` �\` \` ♦`\` - \� - - -. - - PERMIT DRAWING `� S9 - -- , - -- - -'; % ,;�`' %% ;';' `.a' �`, ; ♦\ � ',` ♦, �; ♦`:`;`,�``,\ \� ;� SHEET _ OF 8 I , 2n , B,RIP RAP- mi ', .`♦` \`♦`�`�„♦,\`,\�♦`_! 77 ST,3`TOAis / +�l,��r,,,♦i /!„` Iun .;lr rr/, u'. - ♦ ♦ \ �_cn... r /., I ` i ♦` r`. q,\ \ ♦�, 111 1 ♦ ,\♦`` \�� \ \� ������`_ 'il! r'ii / - -- l I I rfl /i, ",l "4' _ _ _ _ `J O `ST q9 -SY GI` ` ♦\.H, \A\"" ` ,\ - /, ,/, rl / -- - ' -- - -- _ i', �1 rl r/, 1, �, _ _F.I \% \ `;. - - -- ", I, /'r,/ rrI' I, `1 `�`�`, \`♦``, ,`. rIi , ' ' - 1 11 , r/ r� ,1 - ^_ 6� \ - -- i \` �... qL_ "' `.` ,,'„i'," ,I iniii 'n1 /r -_- :' ♦`` ,\ \`, , /ri ,r1�', /, iii --- - -_ - -_ I 111 iir l' 'i/ ',1 -��i _ /i \ \ ,�, \ , \♦,`,`�```�a5 /nl�i'r ` ♦`.,\`` `p`�:.,' I, 'O \ lI Iln''„ _ ./ \`,`„� \`, ",` , \,x`,1,11,, "jiii'll,', 1, Ir „/r r'r ,/, `` ♦\, `�` ♦, `, 6� / iji11 I/N i'ii,ii �[� _ "� `�.�! _ \_ _ O ` `, , . ---. ` , , /,rr;/,r, i;' „ /r,' ♦� `� ♦..,r„ 1 r,�r; ,I '/' _ h; Ir ,n, ', /' G'�� /,. �1�E- :'IE i 0 ` Im I ' \ ;, , , `, r, 06`,` \ �♦ ♦, �� ` \' rivi i � ^' i i i i ' „ l _ _ H y \, `,\, � E.- i', ',l1 r ri,,, /,. f /il; l / %'; ,r� 74 " �` ``SA` '�� ' rE�� ,�': ,'i�' /'i: _ ::X - - -- W mot__ ` \ \,`, �� �♦ `�,`, \,` l'r'E ��� -' W ♦ _ IWy ��v�``-- `, +i�tn'C �. , ,` ', �/, i /,, ,♦,`� I' Im u— -� - i�'�� _ -_ y ;�/ \ A^ N ` ` `�_ `�. .`♦„`,\ / / /r�'r/ r /ui /ii, rl r _ _ ♦`� ` `;.\\ 1 1 "T� / F:�' •59 �'' -,� - - _'SG/i.,�... \\ <. i r `mss ± �� - L��' -- ;,< ,b`!l ( ♦� �. �r ,�,, ;'�; /r ' /11 - •0 - /. �'. �` \� i N Lu r' W `-`- `.. �♦' -_ � �� \`.`♦�,, Sy yrr/`,rrr/,i:, /r'rr O. , ` w '� I + r C a - - -- - -- . - -', •;;;;;;i ��' _ °a vii i - ' , , ° - - W � v \ � _ "_- ---- -- SEE LARG f1, AREA` Z Lu - --------------------- - _ - - - - - -- , O SHE.f 9A . I I V 1 I ' , , •S6L v ------ - - - --- - 1 , o° -- ------------------------------ `��a , , ♦ - 1 -- \ yb -008.___ -- I _ I r j♦ - _ 1 -- _ - 785- - - - --• ` EIP HO Mom LL.6 , , , , , ,ry`I ♦` `\ `\ \ , , J , , , \ 0 \ P VIEW SITE 5 INC ®I®'IE]LE E 1PILANS DO NOT USE POR ! W ACQUISITION Il�I8ICI,IA9[IN I8�' Il�]LANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRVCTiON 100 0 50 100 SCALE: 111= 100' HORIZ. LEGEND * * * * DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * ** *s CLEARING Nvdz Lz w � W � 0 9 Lv0 �f O 3 �a 30 0 0 I 1 l I I N N 0 Q I i I �♦ � I II II`\ i ,I , II I I I I III ,� i eI I � I , \`/ • I , �� ; I I � I ♦ �� � 1 jI / I , I I _ � - - - - ! I I I I 1 �I � -_ * * * ** • * . ** . Il I�DNTO SD IC O N3_ OI®NLT O IIT iUN ISIUE Il� TSE ]FN L O R FE _ O / E AaAN S N 8Y PLANS CONSTRUTON 00 Z N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS \ ROWAN COUNTY P ROJECT: W -5516 OLD BEATTY FORD ROAD FROM WEST OF BOSTIAN ROAD INTERSECTION TO LENTZ ROAD OF IEE PERMIT DRAWING SHEET OF G j 75 0 _760 ____ ___ ____ TDE E L ENLARGED PLAN VIEW SITE 5 E 50 0 LEGEND DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING 25 50 SCALE: I"= 100' HORIZe �-6 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 5121 Kingdom Way, -55/6 9 WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS P PERMIT suit o 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 RW SHEET NO. Engineering N I, s O ENGINEER ENGINEER O a \\ E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION Il�I8ICI,IM[IN BEGINNING OF DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. \\ STREAM E —E ' � 512] Way, — JCJC�6 /0 WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT Suite I00 cite 10m Raleigh,NC27607 PW SHEET NO. E Ems— E -- CLASS I RIP RAP Eng�neer�ng G .7 .7 NCLii. - Nu: F0258 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER EST 15 TONS W EST 29 SY GT � O T. 1 J fV N c� Q Z N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 9 ROWAN COUNTY No BRDOE.LLC PROJECT: W -5516 OLD BEA'Il TY FORD ROAD FROM WEST OF BOSTIAN ROAD INTERSECTION TO ]LENTZ ROAD SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWING \\ SHEET _ OF �DE�ro F�TDE O O E Z Z R OF R E E E E— ------ E E ------------- E _- _•_ - - - -- h - - - - -- LU _ -- - - - - -- _ - - --- - - — — — — c -- - -- W W —' `— LLJ W W - -� �� Pq W N N O O O _ -F • - - -- -- — - -- -- R O + R ,c - o O___� - - - - - - ------- Q` R --- -- ------ - - - - -- =E E E�- -- - - -- --- Q E E E N f^\ N J ` J I /f F` �E V I Z SEE ENLARGED AREA W Z ON SHEET 9A J I SEE ENLARGED AREA ON SHEET 10A 0 ^I / E O �� a v' FIOB BRDOE. LLC s N 3 PLAN VIEW a SITE 6 LEGEND E 0 DENOTES TEMPORARY � w I00 0 ® IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER z� DENOTES PERMANENT Z. F. T W 5O 100 TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH: 2.39 MILES ® IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER z= PROPOSED 36" RCP -III Z� SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZ. * + : . *� *s'. DENOTES MECHANIZED • CLEARING ¢_ V� \\ E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION Il�I8ICI,IM[IN BEGINNING OF DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION JURISDICTIONAL \\ STREAM E —E E Ems— E -- CLASS I RIP RAP BANK STABILIZATION EST 15 TONS W EST 29 SY GT � T. 1 J INC ®IdIU]LE E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION Il�I8ICI,IM[IN I8�' PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION O O N N V) o0 Q Z WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT ,5121 Kingdorn Way, k l6ght 1 NC276O7 Engineering NCL" .-M.' F02'8 REFERENCE NO. I SHEET NO. RAN SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOMP]LE BEGINNING OF O / W ACQUISITION JURISDICTIONAL RY PLANS DO NOT USE FO STREAM E E E E E E.--------------------------------- C - ----------------------------- --- -- - - -- R < vpl t -- - - - - -- - -- t w ~ BANK STABILIZATION CLASS I RIP RAP EST 15 TONS w EST 29 SY GT W 0 YI r REFERENCE NO. I SHEET NO. RAN SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION IIDIIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ROWAN COUNTY ]PROJECT: W -5516 OLD BEA'II TY FORD ROAD FROM WEST OF BOSTIAN ROAD INTERSECTION TO ]LENTZ ROAD SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWING SHEET _ OF ENLARGED PLAN VIEW SITE 6 LEGEND 50 O ®DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER 25 50 ® DENOTES PERMANENT SCALE: III= 100' HORIZ. IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER a s INCOMP]LE rE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION ]PR E]LIMIIN RY PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION IIDIIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ROWAN COUNTY ]PROJECT: W -5516 OLD BEA'II TY FORD ROAD FROM WEST OF BOSTIAN ROAD INTERSECTION TO ]LENTZ ROAD SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWING SHEET _ OF ENLARGED PLAN VIEW SITE 6 LEGEND 50 O ®DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER 25 50 ® DENOTES PERMANENT SCALE: III= 100' HORIZ. IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER a s PROJECT REFERENCE NO. ---------- 5121 Kingd— Way, W-5516 Suite 10 It Raleigh, NC 27607 RW SHEET NO. WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT N,.: F 02,58 ROADWAY DESIGN Engineering NC L—. C, ENGINEER SHEET NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ----------- ------------- ----------- ----- ------- --------------- -------- 1, IN OF '90 -- / , I i � 1, 1, 1 I'l � , i ,/ A NAL -- ---------- -------- -- ISIYACTIO 1, ---------- 0 Ir, I I I , , , EAW,,-- --- - ---- z 0 F z -E ------- �-7 �7 LU - c LU LU LU �80 V) -77 i LU ----------- --------- -- LU 7 LL LU ------ OLL k ------ --- - IgO ---- ------------------------- -- ---------------- --- -------- ------ ------------------------- 0 + + w 0 �4- ... E- - ♦ - - - - - - - - - - - - E; --- E --------- E E 0 ...... 7ATION 15 Tq4t, �ANK �T� ---- ------ -------- LU b ------------- z ----------- z -SEE-Ek LARl ARE -- -- ------- ---------------- -j ON SHEET 9A,,--' -------------------- . ........ U F- J1 --------------- ---- 770--, --- - - - -- _-__--- ---'770 ---- ----------- "6 ------ ------ 0 ------ -------------- 'o, ------------- ------ Rl AREA' 6.5 ---------- - SEE ENIA ---------- ON 'SHEET It ------ 5 0- )A -------- x- ----- v 7"161 PLAN VIEW SITE 6 LEGEND DENOTES TEMPORARY 100 0 FFMA IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES PERMANENT TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH: 2.39 MILES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER 50 100 PROPOSED 36" RCP-111 DENOTES MECHANIZED SCALE: I'l 100' HORIZ. CLEARING -- rE PLANS 9 790, ACQUISITION k/� �cw R Y PLANSI . . . --------- CONSTRUCTIoN ♦Go 80 901, ---- ------------ ----------------- 0 9 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION "o --------- - -------------- DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ♦ 795 -------- 11, 1A 10,11, ROWAN COUNTY 1,9 PROJECT: W-5516 0. m mom OLD BEATTY FORD ROAD FROM WEST OF BOSTIAN ------------ ROAD INTERSECTION TOLENTZ ROAD A, SHEET OF 1po 0 PERMIT DRAW ING jq ------ -------------- o ------------ Ilk SHEET OF GPI ----------- ------------- ----------- ----- ------- --------------- -------- 1, IN OF '90 -- / , I i � 1, 1, 1 I'l � , i ,/ A NAL -- ---------- -------- -- ISIYACTIO 1, ---------- 0 Ir, I I I , , , EAW,,-- --- - ---- z 0 F z -E ------- �-7 �7 LU - c LU LU LU �80 V) -77 i LU ----------- --------- -- LU 7 LL LU ------ OLL k ------ --- - IgO ---- ------------------------- -- ---------------- --- -------- ------ ------------------------- 0 + + w 0 �4- ... E- - ♦ - - - - - - - - - - - - E; --- E --------- E E 0 ...... 7ATION 15 Tq4t, �ANK �T� ---- ------ -------- LU b ------------- z ----------- z -SEE-Ek LARl ARE -- -- ------- ---------------- -j ON SHEET 9A,,--' -------------------- . ........ U F- J1 --------------- ---- 770--, --- - - - -- _-__--- ---'770 ---- ----------- "6 ------ ------ 0 ------ -------------- 'o, ------------- ------ Rl AREA' 6.5 ---------- - SEE ENIA ---------- ON 'SHEET It ------ 5 0- )A -------- x- ----- v 7"161 PLAN VIEW SITE 6 LEGEND DENOTES TEMPORARY 100 0 FFMA IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES PERMANENT TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH: 2.39 MILES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER 50 100 PROPOSED 36" RCP-111 DENOTES MECHANIZED SCALE: I'l 100' HORIZ. CLEARING DO NOT USE FOR DO NOT USE FO ----------- ------------- ----------- ----- ------- --------------- -------- 1, IN OF '90 -- / , I i � 1, 1, 1 I'l � , i ,/ A NAL -- ---------- -------- -- ISIYACTIO 1, ---------- 0 Ir, I I I , , , EAW,,-- --- - ---- z 0 F z -E ------- �-7 �7 LU - c LU LU LU �80 V) -77 i LU ----------- --------- -- LU 7 LL LU ------ OLL k ------ --- - IgO ---- ------------------------- -- ---------------- --- -------- ------ ------------------------- 0 + + w 0 �4- ... E- - ♦ - - - - - - - - - - - - E; --- E --------- E E 0 ...... 7ATION 15 Tq4t, �ANK �T� ---- ------ -------- LU b ------------- z ----------- z -SEE-Ek LARl ARE -- -- ------- ---------------- -j ON SHEET 9A,,--' -------------------- . ........ U F- J1 --------------- ---- 770--, --- - - - -- _-__--- ---'770 ---- ----------- "6 ------ ------ 0 ------ -------------- 'o, ------------- ------ Rl AREA' 6.5 ---------- - SEE ENIA ---------- ON 'SHEET It ------ 5 0- )A -------- x- ----- v 7"161 PLAN VIEW SITE 6 LEGEND DENOTES TEMPORARY 100 0 FFMA IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES PERMANENT TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH: 2.39 MILES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER 50 100 PROPOSED 36" RCP-111 DENOTES MECHANIZED SCALE: I'l 100' HORIZ. CLEARING C' O O N V) V) ri Q z WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT 1 Ralr'zgi, NC 227 07 Engineering NCLcense No: F-0258 NO. RW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOMP]LE i DO NOT USE FOR /w ACQUISITION ------- - - - - -- co BEOII`+I i Q CONSTRUCTION ---------- -'� STkEAIV1'� . - - - -- i - -- I I 1 \ �%�--- - - - - -- - - - - -- - --- - - - - -- ND ►I Lp ----- 0 1 - - - ----------- - -- -- - - - - -- -- - -- -- - - -- - I rT- , -- — r-� - - +_�_� - - - - -- t \1 -- - - - - -- -- ' i/ % ,Ty� -i 1> `-- - - � -' - - -- - -- - - - - -- / ; i 1 T'� �� I _E E 1 - - - - _ - _- C ' ' I, RIP' PAP BANK`,ST413111ZATION -- 1 I _ _ - EST' 15 TO'NiS - - - - -- EST }29 $Y ;CST; -- - - -- - -- ' - -- 760 _ -- - NO. RW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOMP]LE E PII,ANS DO NOT USE FOR /w ACQUISITION PRE]LIMIN RY PLANS DO NOT USE PO CONSTRUCTION N. C. IDEPT.OF TRANSPOIRTATION IIDIVISION OF H[IG]HWAYS ]ROWAN COUNTY PROJECT: W -5516 OLD BEATTY FORD ROAD FROM WEST OF BOSTIAN ROAD INTERSECTION TO ]LENTZ ROAD SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWING SHEET _ OF ENLARGED PLAN VIEW SITE 6 LEGEND 50 O ®DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER 25 50 ® DENOTES PERMANENT SCALE: 11'= 100' HORIZe IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER a E; -o Q m WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT 0 O N N DETAIL A DETAIL E Q. LATERAL 'V' DITCH SPECIAL CUT DITCH PLAN N \,I E \A/ N IN.�,p xaiel IN re. xpiel LA Y YY N.t.r.l �otrol z.e SITE 7A & Site 7B Graend :) D 1 "F�. Slope Ground! D F a d Q Geoeextile Min. D– 1 Ft. Q Min. D= 1 Ft. f Lner i= PSRM M— d= 1 Ft. Z Max. d= 1 R. YPe o Type of Liner= Cl— B Rip –R.p b =5 R. FROM STA. 109 +50 TO STA. 110 -h 50 –L– RT FROM STA, 110 +00 TO STA. 111 +50 -L- LT FROM STA. 106 +50 TO STA. 108+04 -L- LT FROM STA. 106 +50 TO STA. 108 +20 -L- RT FROM STA. 108 +32 TO STA. 109 +50 -L- RT FROM STA. 109 +00 TO STA. 110 +00 -L- LT O E ELF W c LU N LU LU Ln l �E �E LU Z J 2 U 7 HIGH BRIDGE, LLC 15 LF OF INLET CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT EST. 10 TONS CL. 'l' RIP RAP EST. 15 SY GEOTEXTILE LATERAL V DITCH � SITE 7A W /CLASS B RIP RAP SEE DETAIL A LATERAL V DITCH—/ —TDE W /CLASS B RIP RAP SEE DETAIL A BANK STABILIZATION —/ SEE ENLARGED AREA ON SHEET 11A ICAW5 121 Kingdom Way, R Icgh�NC27 07 Engineering NC License No F-0258 TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH: 2.39 MILES PROPOSED CULVERT: 8'x 7' RCBC PROJECT REFERENCE NO. I SHEET NO. —55/6 I /l RW SHEET NO. :OADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER 16 LARRY W.& BARBARA B. BASINGER \ 1 @ 8'. 7' RCBC FLOODPLAIN PIPE BURIED 1' \ 72" RCP BURIED V EIP EXCAVATION 1.5' THICK (TYP.) 1' SILL CLASS 'I' RIP RAP USE SILLS THROUGHOUT LEGEND /GEOTEXTILE CULVERT LENGTH; BACKFILL W /NATIVE MATERIAL ® EXCAVATION =70 Cy ® DENOTES TEMPORARY OUTLET CHANNEL IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) ® DENOTES PERMANENT (NOT TO SCALE) IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER rE PLANS / W ACQUISITION kYBT PLIAN$ INCOMPLE DO NOT USE FOR PRELo MIN FOR Ni C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION 16 LARRY W.& BARBARA B. BASINGER \ 1 @ 8'. 7' RCBC FLOODPLAIN PIPE BURIED 1' \ 72" RCP BURIED V EIP EXCAVATION 1.5' THICK (TYP.) 1' SILL CLASS 'I' RIP RAP USE SILLS THROUGHOUT LEGEND /GEOTEXTILE CULVERT LENGTH; BACKFILL W /NATIVE MATERIAL ® EXCAVATION =70 Cy ® DENOTES TEMPORARY OUTLET CHANNEL IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) ® DENOTES PERMANENT (NOT TO SCALE) IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER Ni C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HWHWAY$ FLOODPLAIN PIPE ROWAN COUNTY 72" RCP BURIED F 1 C 8' x 7' RCBC \G BURIED PPCOJEOM W-$$16 �K /* EXCAVATION OLD BEATTY FORD ROAD o_ FROM WEST OF BOSTIAN ROAD INTEPOECTION 0 TO LENTZ ROAD HIGH BRIDGE, LLC $HEFT OF T s s ED 1.5' THICK 1 ry USE SILLS THROUGHOUT PERMIT DRAWING O APPROX. 20'CENTERF1 (TYPO 'I' CULVERT LENGTH; BACKFILL SHEET — OF — GLI 20 OF INLET CLASS RIP RAP r /GEOTEXTILE W /NATIVE MATERIAL EXCAVATION CH NEL IMPROVEMENT ES 10 TONS CL. '1' RIP RAP _ E5 .15 SY GEOTEXTILE \ INLET CHANNEL BANK LATERAL V DITCH B RIP RAP (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) SEE DETAIL A J ,STABILIZATION SEE DES (NOT TO SCALE) 1 SIT 7B CN SPECIAL CUT DIT H O WiPSRM o E SEE DETAIL E E� —E E E Z % c E E h- E — � � � I LLI W _ N 86'37'01'W N 85 °37'01' W R 4.34' 390.30' N LL N i R p E E E �rE E E E ,O E 10 r OE SPECIAL CUT DITCH W/PSRM MARK A.& JOY L.ROBERTS Q SEE DEFAIL E — _ N I FLOODPLAIN PIPE LATERAL V DITCH ID STATION 108 +54.0 W /CLASS B RIP RAP I J 72" RCP -III BURIED 1' SEE DETAIL A LENGTH 83.9' SKEW = 114 s I LL Z 20 LF OF OUTLET _ CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT - 14 EST. 15 TONS CL.'1' RIP RAP U EST. 25 SY GEOTEXTILE TERRY 0. BASINGER F- EI E E � I 16 LARRY W.& BARBARA B. BASINGER \ 1 @ 8'. 7' RCBC FLOODPLAIN PIPE BURIED 1' \ 72" RCP BURIED V EIP EXCAVATION 1.5' THICK (TYP.) 1' SILL CLASS 'I' RIP RAP USE SILLS THROUGHOUT LEGEND /GEOTEXTILE CULVERT LENGTH; BACKFILL W /NATIVE MATERIAL ® EXCAVATION =70 Cy ® DENOTES TEMPORARY OUTLET CHANNEL IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) ® DENOTES PERMANENT (NOT TO SCALE) IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER O HIGH BRIDGE, LLC FLOODPLAIN PIPE 72" RCP BURIED F 1 C 8' x 7' RCBC \G BURIED EXCAVATION 1' SILL 1.5' THICK 1 ry USE SILLS THROUGHOUT 00 O (TYPO 'I' CULVERT LENGTH; BACKFILL CLASS RIP RAP r /GEOTEXTILE W /NATIVE MATERIAL EXCAVATION ® EXCAVATION -50 CY 50 100 INLET CHANNEL SCALE: 1 "— 100' HORIZ. (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (NOT TO SCALE) 16 LARRY W.& BARBARA B. BASINGER \ 1 @ 8'. 7' RCBC FLOODPLAIN PIPE BURIED 1' \ 72" RCP BURIED V EIP EXCAVATION 1.5' THICK (TYP.) 1' SILL CLASS 'I' RIP RAP USE SILLS THROUGHOUT LEGEND /GEOTEXTILE CULVERT LENGTH; BACKFILL W /NATIVE MATERIAL ® EXCAVATION =70 Cy ® DENOTES TEMPORARY OUTLET CHANNEL IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) ® DENOTES PERMANENT (NOT TO SCALE) IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER aN� www 0 0 N to cn \N 00 ao Q Q Z WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT FLOODPLAIN PIPE 72" RCP BURIED 1' \tiG 1.5' TH (TYP.) CLASS 'I' RIP .GEOTEXTILE INC®MPLE DO NOT USE FOR E PLANS / W ACQUISITION T T T 15 LF OF INLET 20 F OF INLET CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT CH� NEL IMPROVEMENT EST. 10 TONS CL. '1' RIP RAP ESTJ. 10 TONS CL. '1' RIP RAP EST. 15 SY GEOTEXTILE ES7. 15 SY GEOTEXTILE SITE 7A J x SITE 713 1 @ R BANK STABILIZATION BURIED IBC ( SKEW = 81 R E E l IN c E BANK STABILIZATION - - - -_ C- - - - -- - -- HW F I F - - - - / -- E L TOE `��'TDE T BANK STABILIZATION A.Z Ab FLOODPLAIN PIPE y ID STATION 108 +54.0 72" RCP -III BURIED V LENGTH 83.9' SKEW = 114 m ' I 20 LF OF OUTLET CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT EST. 15 TONS CL. '1' RIP RAP EST. 25 SY GEOTEXTILE FLOODPLAIN PIPE 72" RCP BURIED 1' \tiG 1.5' TH (TYP.) CLASS 'I' RIP .GEOTEXTILE INC®MPLE DO NOT USE FOR E PLANS / W ACQUISITION PRELIMIN DO NOT USE FO RY PLANS CONSTRUCTION 1 @ 8'. 7' RCBC BURIED 1' /?O EXCAVATION SILL USE USE SILLS THROUGHOUT CULVERT LENGTH; BACKFILL W /NATIVE MATERIAL ® EXCAVATION -50 CY INLET CHANNEL (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (NOT TO SCALE) \ 1 C- 8' x T RCBC FLOODPLAIN PIPE BURIED 1' \ 72" RCP BURIED 1' \ EXCAVATION 1.5' THICK (TYP.) 1' SILL CLASS 'I' RIP RAP USE SILLS THROUGHOUT /GEOTEXTILE CULVERT LENGTH; BACKFILL W /NATIVE MATERIAL ® EXCAVATION-70 CY OUTLET CHANNEL (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (NOT TO SCALE( 50 0 ENLARGED LEGEND PLAN VIEW ® DENOTES TEMPORARY 25 50 SITE 7A & 713 IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZ° DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER c m -o a a 0 w WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT 0 O N lop% � 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite Raleigh, NC 27607 Engineering NC License No F-0258 N DETAIL A DETAIL E ce LATERAL 'V' DITCH SPECIAL CUT DITCH PLAN VIEW N 11No,, fo Smle) (NOf fo Soo.) Front TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH: 2.39 MILES N N°Nr °l z, A''�o(a� OIOW SITE 7A & Site 7B PROPOSED CULVERT: 8'x 7' RCBC OD Groun D 1 "ifl. Slope Groen / D d d PROJECT REFERENCE NO. I SHEET NO. RW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOMPLE PRELIMIBNQ EPLAN$ $ 0 Geofeafae Min. D= 1 Ft. Q Min. D= 1 FE Type of Liner= PSRM Mo. d= I Ff. Z Mox. d= 1 Ff. Type ofti -- Class B Rip-R p b =5 H. FROM STA. 109 +50 TO STA. 110 +50 -L- PT FROM STA. 110 +00 TO STA. 111 +50 -L- LT FROM STA. 106 +50 TO STA. 108 +20 -L- RT /' / / // // / / / / / / / ,' /— - - -- 1 \ \ \ \ ` FROM STA. 108 +32 TO STA. 109 +50 -L -RT y5 l / /' /' / /' /' /' /' / / j� j'' ' /'' - -- -- N, �L DEPT, OF TRAN$POR-TATION FROM STA109 +00 TO STA. 110 +00 -L- LT /1 /' / / / 1� / / J/ I l / / / / - - -__- I DIVISION OF HIGHWAY$ CO '_ - -- --------- _ ROWAN IINTY — — - - -- - - JTW414 PRO y � � /* OLD BEATTY FO" ROAD I I lilt / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I[1 I 1 I I I I I J / / / / / / / / / �✓ / / / I / I / l l / // // / l / / / / / / / / / / / / / / // ,/ / /',' �g1 - - - - - -� f J \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ co o I I l / l l // J / l ! l l I l l j FF1GH�RIDGF U—e /' / / I 1 I //f l I I I 1 1 1 / / ' / / !' / /' // /// / / FROM TERSECTION N �r \ \ \ \I \ \ \ \I / / / / /J / / L I" I IIII I 1 — /+'I TO LENTZ ROAD ' I 1\ \ \\ \\ �n \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\ \\ 1 \l 1 1 III I l l I\ 1 1 1 1] l I I l I j/ i / / I / t/ ( I/ I I I 111 1 I N I I I` 9 l l l I\ I\ I\ 1 1 1 1 1 1 j I /' ,/ ,' / /// // /' HEET OF \ \ \\\ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ 11 \ 01 II I I I 1 \ \I \ 1 1 I I I I I I I/ /' // I y t�l' l EDI * I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I\ l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 11 11 1 \ 1 I / I !/ / // // // / / / / ,/ )nsl+-BPoD CLC o \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 1- 1 \ Q / I l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I / / / / / / / PERMIT DRAWING a \ \ \ \ r l I 0,l I / / I / I \ \ l \ 1 1 1 / / / / / / / / / SHEET OF / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 I \ I o / 0 APPRO %. o' CE rER I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1\ 1 1 1 1 I I I I / \0 \ 1 I J I I I I I1 FIIOFIIr{LEI77 I / / / I 1 ( / "\ I 2 o 11JIETr \ r 1 \ l \ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \I I \ \ 11 ) I I I I IC ANNElII PRO4AE / —s\ I I / /''I\ l C NEL �R�EA\ENi \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ }11\�JlIL�sF{I10TpstLl'U torp{M1M� \cL \rggIPkAA` \\` —;\ �� \ 1 I\ 1 \ \ 1 1 J 1 J /�1 1 0 1 ) T. % / 7 1 EST-115 : Y GE IL l _ \ J\ E 5 SYJ GE ILE\ — \ 1 I I Ir I I /I/ I (I I I 1 1 / I q J// 1 "sI \ uIT�R%L \\ 1 11 I r 1 11 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I// / / // ��\ ` �- - � \ � —' � � \ / I I I / • / l I 1 I I I / / / / / � � tlA`N,IF > / / yu1cL�IsS�B,�cI� J. I I I I I I 1 1 I p� /�� TA LI T4 1 5 pEYAI / Q 1 1 I 1 \\ I r— / /, / / '. // / 0 \ 90 —_ / 1 \ I I I I 1 /I / �RAI 4nk I� Igl1 � I —, � " -- / 1 I I I I : I I IIII c sYB RIB / / ' y 'i \ Jo I / / N Z \ J I JI /1•y J/ /ll I I / / / ! \_� _\ I I I /( ,/ / I \ \\ / l / 1 1 I �/l / 8LI ( I II F- /RCec ( — % ' / // ' / ' ' / \ — L!J \� /I ( :/ §I lj 11 I I J II I 1 1 11 I lj I l/ / /sl�%DBi' / — /'� \\ \g�RsII��MM \/ \\ \ \\ 1 171 / / �>� / /E /_�/ E PEALE/ `/1I�/ I \�\' R � /, � /��/ N \ \ \ _ — / / / / / / l l / 111 I I I 16 I I I I l l l ' \ ' \ 1 I J ' / — i I ( r i' ' 1 / / /� �— L! /-ri 1 -' — F- \ �' E / / //. 1 1 1 IEIP / // , ` \ \ \ \.. W LyI \ \ —•..( h l / 'r l III I q I lJ // I / - / / / / / l ( / I ( f N $e °s�'ora \ W H\ \\ \ j / i ' j 'l J I IIII of / / I 1 I . I _y / / / \ N es °sr•QI. \ _ \ \ \ \_/ // / / 1! Ij 11 I ICI\ 1 111111 ^II 1jo / / ( I / / / /lo ,• /Jlr / // // / / l l / l I \ \ �\ \ \ \ \ \ —\ \ LW p 1 I 1 I ( I I n I I / / \ I / II I .• / / / / / / / / / / I I \ \ \\ �— N /J / / I n/ / / III I I l ll ll l l l ll/ � ,_ / I) l/. // / // l /—' � / � f •i / �. /// / / ' l • �,\ \ \ `\ \'\ �\ \��\ \� ` O co \ '♦ Tel \�� \l — ^` \' `� �\ E �\ T111110-L / E�_�E \� �E _ 1O l / ER�r /�ilvl P �76E / DE / W�1/ // / III / / 1 \ I sPECI cbT DITCH \ ' / t \ \ 1 \� \` - -- 7 \ \ o / I /l III II I I / R� H I I I v $� \ Q _ MARL( A. & JOY L.. BO tTS // / / /l / //I 111 /rlJ�j§4 g/ /Rll ) / / f� J I 111111 1111 1 \ 1 I \ \ \EE�DIA 1 \ \\ \\ E /1� 14 \ VT IL ION J l I / 1 I c I I \ 1 1 I I \ 0 - -'\ .— / / ' / / I /h1/1• �y I \ /J /1111 11 \ \ I � �_�__'_��' �� / / :// J! o // I•IIII / /// a / 1 J / II / /(( 11 I \\ \1 \\ \ \ � —:\ / III/ / / kLQ NIPjPg \\ LkTe\eAlaDl H\ \ ��`� \ \\ l 1 ` \ �\ / 190 \\ _ \ \I I\ \\ \ J / / /^II`,�II / / I I Wn p\ \WYC 59.B IP P\ \ O \ \ —\ \ � \ \ — __ __ \ \ J \ /// 7Y°AQ�I pL�Rl�d V l sFhAte�� �`\ \— - - - - -- 775_ / / /' / / / /// , // /III IIILLI���/ / / / // / // / /Js/C k43�194 ` \ \` \ \\ \ \ \s� \� \�\ \ \ ` \\ \\ \\ �� - - - - -- 1 - - - - -- - \ \` \ 1 \ 1 1 I I �i /i JItI ! 1 / / / / I 1 I \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ �\ _— �\ �0 \l 1 I 1 1 I 1 W V - - -- /// // / ,' / / / / /'/ l / /ri' /i� / /J / / / /ll /dI ` I I 1 J \ 1 \\ 1\ Z zi ~ ''__ '' /' /' / J // / /// // // / ) \\ / / caA ELI POE EMf 1I \ \ \ \ `\ \ \\ \� _ _ _ — \\ 7�(O , / /// /E$j1T.IISTOs�Ll�'7�RIPIRAd \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ 11� 1 I I _ E8T 2 sYIGE 1gX11LE I 1 \ \ \ \ \ _ 1 I U // / / / / /l // `\ I I 'll l 1 1 I PII I I I °o \ \ \\ \ — \) \�R �� I >p / I ( I l l \ \ \ \\ I I�I I�M�LJI !AREA —_� 1 I I I I \ \ \\ \ `\ \ \ \\ \ \\ `\ \ `\ `\ `\ `\ `\ \�\`\ \mss \• `\ \` '\ EI �T/-- lam— ITS --� —e II p�I / \ I I I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ s \ \ / / / —I�h Illllnlllf `1' Ili L /—�—r 5' / , / 1 1 \\ I I I I I I I \ \ \`so \\ `\ \\ \\ // / , �76 ' \\ \1 \\ ` \\ \` I I I I /I i I /' // // ' // II I I I I III IIII \,v 1 I I 19 I I I I I I I 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 \\ ' I I IFF� B n�{LLCI / ,/ / ; / / /' // // yvv /' ' / '/ l // / ,/ / /',/ / ,/ / 'i /./ /' LAARY/ *. * BARBARAI B. BA LER — 760 �/ / / / / / / / _ 72ORCPAIN PIPE I' 7@ 8'x 7'RCBC // — — 1 @ 8' x 7' RCBC O/ FLOODPLAIN PIPE BURIED 1' BURIED 1' 2 72" RCP BURIED 1' EXCAVATION EXCAVATION 1' SILL —" — 1.5' THICK 1.5' THICK USE SILLS THROUGHOUT 100 0 CLASS InP.I CULVERT LENGTH; BACKFILL (NP.) � ti 1' SILL 'I' RIP RAP W /NATIVE MATERIAL CLASS 11' RIP RAP USE SILLS THROUGHOUT LEGEND 4GEOTEXTILE EXCAVATION .1GEOTEXTILE CULVERT LENGTH; BACKFILL ® EXCAVATION =50 CY W /NATIVE MATERIAL ® EXCAVATION =70 CY ® DENOTES TEMPORARY 50 100 INLET CHANNEL OUTLET CHANNEL IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER SCALE: I "- 100' HORIZ. (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) ® DENOTES PERMANENT (NOT TO SCALE) (NOT TO SCALE) IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �Z_ Q H r 0 0 N N LY V) 0 Q Z WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT 1 I I \\ \1 1 1 I I II ( I I l() 1 I \ I I \ \ 1 I I 1 I \\ \ \ \ 1 I II 1 I I I 115�F IOFI II�LEf i ' / / I I I \ / �� I I 20 F O I LEU► \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_��, C ANINEL IMPRO�IEIy' EN i - - _ - - ='\ I I r ^ -" \ I NNE MPR�/E ENfi -- ` 10 TJ S 1 RIP RAPS El 10 T}�JI�S ,CLJ 1� RIP RAP �i \CI-I - \ •� \ I € \CL.\ \\ l \ 1 E$Til$ 9Y(C3 €r3rEXTIL i EST-) 15 Sr, GEn�If1IL -\ - -� -�_, \ �l _ \ / SIT �A / \` C p/ r 1 \\\ -��� \\ , IT¢' 7R/ / I I I I J / / I 1 I / I /'$o X 7' R�BC / \ Ilil -- - =_ ,'� /BANK S`�AQ111fA]YOI�\ L;kIED /j /SKE)�1`481 BXN/K S'TABOZAtTION Hw I\ \ I I I 101 \L-4- -7 I I I ( `011 I I I I I OI_ / /� ,/ / = / / / / / ll�l /• / J I /' // /' // /' / / I I I I ' I I I I I I ,' / / I 1' /I I \ / / \II i�� / b I I l / TUEI /` QE / / I I / l / I I I I ` I �( I J I 14tASILI'ATIbI \ ,l ��� \ f I 11 l l rii'i/ i ilillllr�� \ (FLQ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ ! 6QODPILAIW I PIP / W$T�r,I( I� ',1081+$4\\0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ JP R PF-IVI $lk1RIEQ\ ]' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ ' L N'G,IT� $3F9� \ \\ \ \ `\ \\ `\ 6�• \\ `• �\ \•\ `\ \\ \ \ \ SKGW, r 1 lqq� \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 12a LF OF II -'__-- �� 7�0 ' tILItiLEi1 i i r / CHANNEL Il/MMPIdO'1/EIMENT 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ E T.115 TOWS L.I 1 RIPI RAP1i 1 \ \ \ \ \ ETJ2� SY, GETEX�ILE I I I I FLOODPLAIN PIPE 72" RCP BURIED 1' 1.5' TH (TYP.) CLASS 'I' RIP - GEOTEXTILE INCOMPLE E PLAN$ DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION PIiELIMIN �tY PLANS DO NOT USE FO CONSTRUCTION 1 @ 8'x 7' RCBC BURIED 1' /20 EXCAVATION /�/ SILL USE SILLS THROUGHOUT CULVERT LENGTH; BACKFILL W /NATIVE MATERIAL ® EXCAVATION -50 CY INLET CHANNEL (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (NOT TO SCALE) \ 1 8' B' x 7' RCBC FLOODPLAIN PIPE BURIED 1' \ 72" RCP BURIED 1' \ EXCAVATION ?% / 1.5' THICK (nP.) 1' SILL CLASS 'I' RIP RAP USE SILLS THROUGHOUT - GEOTEXTILE CULVERT LENGTH; BACKFILL W /NATIVE MATERIAL ® EXCAVATION -70 Cy OUTLET CHANNEL (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) (NOT TO SCALE) 50 0 ENLARGED A� LEGEND PLAN VIEW ® DENOTES TEMPORARY 25 50 SITE 7A & 7B IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER SCALE: I "= 100' HORIZ. ® IM AO CTS IN SURFACE WATER