HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6220301_Long Point Narrative_20221116.0 YZ R.Y[Z W
This report contains the storm water management overview for the residenfia# development
Long Point Subdivision on Long Paint Rcad in Moore County. The majorify of the project
site is currently undeveloped. The proposed site consists of 34.14 acres and approximately
816 6 acres will be disturbed as part of this project for the construction of the site
The proposed site is located in Flood Zone 'X- as shown on FEMA FIRM Panel 3710951400J
with an effective date of 10/17/06. Flood zones are subject to change by FEMA.
There are existing stream or wetland features or the proposed property,
There cre three proposed storm water management facilities (two wet ponds and One
infilfration basin) outlined in this report that have been designed for post —development pear
attenuation to treat the impervious areas of the development. Wet Pond #1 is designed to
capture a drainage area of 8,83 cc with an impervious area of 3.21 cc, Wet Pond #2 is
designed to capture a drainage area of 2.62 ac with on impervious area of 1,41 ac. This
drainage area consists of 9,318sf of existing impervious area to be removed. There is 1,999
sf of impervious rocdway area that will bypass Wet Pond #2. Infiltration Basin #3 is
designed to capture a drainage area of 9.74 cc with an impervious area of 4.41 ac, The
balance of the site is open space and will by—pass the proposed SCM. The SCM are
designed to treat a 1,0" storm event,
$MO`t'!!1216 Area -SwMau — W+iet Ond # I
35 536
104 000
Total IA to Pond
139 536
ImpeNiow , k
12 137
Lots Y . -�
,401000 ...
Pool Buildin
7 354
. Total IA to Pond
ImmmigmE Am summary- — >F l r
Roadway.35,943 0.83
Lots_ 156,000 _ .. _. 3.58
Total IA to Pond _191{943 _ —4.41 _._,