HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0065358_instream assessment_19960513Memorandum North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section, Instream Assessment Unit To: Dianne Williams Wilburn From: Andrew McDaniel 4 ` 1( Thru: Carla Sanderson Ruth Swanek Date: May 13, 1996 Subject: Hidden Forest MHP SOC assessment NC0065358 The Rapid Assessment Group has reviewed the request for an instream assessment of the Hidden Forest MHP discharge while under a SOC. The facility discharges to a stream, UT to Deep River, which has an estimated S7Q10, W7Q10, and 30Q2 flow equal to zero cfs. The Rapid Assessment Group typically does not model discharges to zero flow streams because doing so would violate one of the steady state assumptions required by the Level B model. Modeling discharges to zero flow streams often yields inaccurate predictions of the magnitude and location of the dissolved oxygen sag in the receiving stream. The flow estimates mentioned above suggests that the receiving stream has little, if any, assimilative capacity under critical low flow conditions. Therefore, effluent discharged at the proposed SOC limits of BODS monthly average equal to 20 mg/L (S)/35 mg/L (W) and NH3-N monthly average equal to 20 mg/L is likely to have a negative impact on instream dissolved oxygen concentrations under low flow conditions. Accurately quantifying the impact though is not possible with the modeling tools currently available to the Rapid Assessment Group. If you would like to discuss this SOC assessment further please do not hesitate to call me at 733-5083 ext. 513. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT May 7, 1996 MEMORANDUM: To: Ruth Swanek From: Dianne Williams Wilburn Subject: Hidden Forest MHP Cape Fear Basin Draft SOC 96-06 NPDES Permit Number NC0065358 Randolph County b-h\ctuiL tip P5‘(:31— 0-° • �c Please find attached a request for an assessment for the above subject facility. If you have any questions, please let me know. cc: Corey Basinger t,u'i ;c1( 1/1&061/41 .-(/ 4/74 h-� (U vd. •- --I � .c,c e w bu" ls) a u t Request Form for In -stream Assessment for 67(b) Analysis NAME OF FACILITY Hidden Forest MHP PERMIT # NC0065358 COUNTY Randolph REGION WSO PERMITTED DESIGN FLOW 0.027 MGD RECEIVING STREAM UT to Deep River SUBBASIN CPF REGIONAL CONTACT Corey Basinger BACKGROUND DATA: A. Why is SOC needed? The facility cannot consistently meet their NPDES limits with their existing treatment system. If out of compliance with Flow limit, is it due to inflow/infiltration? N/A If I/I is a problem, then how much of the additional flow requested is the I/I? N/A B. SOC Request: 1. Monthly Average Wasteflow in the last year 0.0203 MGD (Pre-SOC Flow) Time period Averaged 2/95 through 1/96 2. Current SOC Flow request Flow: MGD (Flow added on during the Order) N/A for this facility 3. Total plant flow (Post-SOC Flow) Flow: MGD (total of 1. and 2. above) N/A for this facility 4. Is this an accurate flow balance for plant? Why/why not? N/A Are there any facilities that have recently gone off line?N/A NOTE: The SOC may not include an addition of wasteflow; therefore B. above may not apply and the region should fill out all other parts of this form. In cases where the SOC involves violations of oxygen consuming or toxic limits, an evaluation may be necessary to predict the water quality standard violations instream. C. Please attach DMR summary for past year for all permitted parameters. If possible, include reports from previous years if facility has been under SOC for more than a year. Attachment L D. Briefly explain measures taken during the Order which will enable the facility to be in compliance with permit limits at the end of the Order. CURRENT SOC REQUEST: A. Is request for domestic or industrial waste? If a combination, please specify percentages. This is domestic flow only. B. If industrial flow, then what type of industry? Please attach pertinent data. C. The region proposes the following SOC limits (all limits NOT listed here will remain as in the current permit): Conventional Parameters Toxics/Toxicity BOD S/W Monthly Avg 20/35 mg/L NONE NH3-N Monthly Avg 20 mg/L D. What is the basis for these limits? During construction, the facility will have parts of their treatment works offline. Therefore, we expect exceedances of these parameters. Hidden Forest MHP and Surroundi ng Dischargers Vicinity Map HIGH POINT; CITY -EAST SIDE WWT NC0024210 16.00000 .4A RTMMER MOBILE IIOIVIE COURT IfC0069451r 002040 I UT to Deep R. HIDDEN FOREST ESTATES Mar NC0065358 0.02700 411, RAYCO UTILITIES -MELBILLE HGHTS NC0050792 0.03150 Randleman • RANDLEMAN WWIT; CITY NC0025445 1.74500 Legend • NPDES Discharger A/ River/Stream ,V County Bndry City/Town Fi River Basin Bndry 0 1 2 3 4 Miles N +VA May 1996 DRAFT MAP