HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000403_Self Audit_20221116Stormwater SMART MS4 Permit Audit Report by Piedmont Triad Regional Council Town of Eon, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000403 Public Education and Outreach Staff Interviewed: Danica Heflin (Name, Title, Role) Environmental Programs Coordinator for Stormwater SMART Piedmont Triad Regional Council (336) 904-0300 dheflin@ptrc.org 1398 Carrollton Crossing Drive; Kernersville, NC 27284 Permit Citation Program Requirement Status Supporting Doc No. 11.13.2.a The permittee defined goals and objectives of the Local Public Education and Choose Goals and --- Outreach Program based on community wide issues. an item. Objectives Stormwater SMART (SMART) invoiced the permittee in advance of FY20, FY19, FY18, FY17 (additional records available for previous years) with the shared goal of educating school -aged children and residents of Elon about stormwater pollution prevention. Our shared objectives include: 1) using curriculum -correlated stormwater education programs such as Project WET for all ages; 2) providing at least one such program each semester to a school, library, or camp and tracking number of students from Elon reached; 3) marketing educational citizen science and stewardship programs such as NC DEQ's "NC Stream Watch" program to seniors, families, and individuals of all ages and tracking number of participants; 4) manning a booth at a fair or festival during the year to distribute educational information tailored to the target pollutants in the community and tracking number of visitors; 5) posting water quality information to social media (Face book/lnstagram) at least once a week; 6) maintaining a website with educational information at www.stormwatersmart.org. Please note that these are shared goals and objectives between the permittee and Stormwater SMART which add to the efforts and actions of the permittee and any other shared agreements. II.13.2.1b The permittee maintained a description of the target pollutants and/or stressors and Choose Target Pollutants likely sources. an item. Residents and workers in the Town of Elon have an impact on several important tributaries of Haw River including Travis Creek and Little Alamance; both waterways are listed as impaired for degraded aquatic life. The Town identifies nonpoint source pollutants on their website at https://www.townofelon.com/town-government/departments/public- works/stormwater/ and places a special emphasis on pet waste; Stormwater SMART distributes information on pet waste in English (https://www.ptrc.org/home/showpublisheddocument/7008/636613770568830000) and Spanish (https://www.ptrc.org/home/showpublisheddocument/7026/636621524793270000) at annual events such as the Elon's Arbor Day Festival in Beth Schmidt Park (3/19/22), during Alamance Creek Week (typically in April), and through Alamance Public Libraries (branches and mobile unit). Additionally the Town relies on Stormwater SMART to supplement this information by maintaining descriptions of target pollutants and/or stressors at https://www.ptrc.org/services/regional-planning/stormwater-smart/target-pollutants (see Image 1.1 on Page 12), including 1) commercial cleaning supplies, grease, and "dumpster juice"); 2) household hazardous waste containing volatile or toxic ingredients such as harsh cleaners, oil -based paint, pesticides, etc.; 3) exposed soil and sediment, 4) vehicle fluids such as motor oil and other lubricants, car wash detergent and dirty wash water, etc.; 4) pet waste (bacteria, excess nutrients, viruses); 5) Fertilizers and yard waste such as leaves, grass clippings, sticks and limbs; 6) Litter from individuals and unsecured loads. 11Page Stormwater SMART MS4 Permit Audit Report by Piedmont Triad Regional Council Town of Eon, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000403 Public Education and Outreach II.1132c Target Audiences T-ie perm'ttee icentified, assessed annuaIly and updated .he Jescripticn of the target aidien€eslikel•�tohave si�5nifcant storm ,%laterir7pacnancwhytheywereselec-ed. s The degraded aquatic life in Travis Creek and Little Alamance are likely due to nonpoint source pollution from stormwater runoff coming from 1) Businesses that Serve Food (Cleaning supplies, grease, and "dumpsterjuice"); 2) Homeowners (household waste containing volatile or toxic ingredients: motor oil, oil -based paint, car batteries, gasoline and pesticides); 3) Businesses and Residents Near Creeks, Rivers, and Streams (erosion, litter, mowing within buffer); Car Owners and Commercial Car Washes (wash water containing oil, grease and heavy metals; detergents contain surfactants); Pet Owners (pet waste: bacteria, excess nutrients, viruses); Landscapers and Homeowners who Maintain Lawns (lawn chemicals such as pesticides, fertilizers, yard waste such as leaves, grass clippings, sticks and limbs); Developers and Homeowners (exposed soil and sediment, erosion from development/practices within buffer); Families (practices at school, work, and home related to use and disposal of waste materials such as plastics, cardboard, cigarette butts, HHW, fertilizer, etc.). Stormwater SMART maintains descriptions of the target audiences likely to have significant stormwater impacts and why they were selected at https://www.ptrc.org/services/regional- p l a n n i ng/sto rmwate r-s m a rt/ta rget-po I I uta nts. The annual analysis for FY22-23 (presented in November 2022) included Census information showing an increase in Spanish-speaking populations throughout Alamance County. Spanish-speaking residents are included in each of the target audience categories: workers including restaurant employees and landscapers, car owners, pet owners, homeowners and renters, students and parents/caregivers. Public Education and Outreach II.B.2.d Residential Tle permittee des€r"bed issues, su€h as po utants, the likely sources of tiose Choose and Industrial/ pollutants, potential impacts, and the o-iysical a.tributes c= stormwa.er runoff in --- Commer€ial Issues t-ieir edu€ationfcu.rea€h prograrr. an Item, SMART informs residents of nonpoint source pollutants (their sources, impacts, and physical properties) in a print materials, educational visits, social media and at stormwatersmart.org. SMART creates new materials every fiscal year to engage residents; in FY22 SMART provided new Nature Notebooks to schools and libraries in Alamance County. NEXT PAGE: Graphic in Nature Notebook with a QR code that links to animated videos about nonpoint source pollutants. More than 200 families with K-5 students received the notebook. View the 12-page FY21 Nature Notebook for elementary -aged students here: https://www.ptrc.org/home/showpublisheddocument/11750/637818284971530000 Additionally, these resources are available at for the permittee and the general public to view, download, and print at www.stormwatersmart.org. Educational videos about residential and commercial target pollutants: ttDs://www.r)trc.org/services/reRional-DlanninR/stormwater-smart/about-us/stormwater-educational-videos. Print materials about residential and commercial target pollutants in English: https://www.ptrc.org/services/regional- planning/stormwater-smart/about-us/documents-resources/-folder-517#docan2216 1592 1307. Print materials about residential and commercial target pollutants in Spanish: https://www.ptrc.org/services/regional- planning/stormwater-smart/about-us/documents-resources/-folder-518#docan2216 1592 1307. Print materials updated in FY20 and FY21 for the Back Creek/Haw River and Big Alamance watersheds describing soil and sediment pollution caused by construction: https://www.ptrc.org/home/showpublisheddocument/10790/637538360636670000 2 1 P a g e Stormwater SMART MS4 Permit Audit Report by Piedmont Triad Regional Council Town of Eon, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000403 qt 31Page How do things like plaStfc: bags, r-I9arett25 and StrawS end up 1n our creeKS and Streams? WHEN RAIN NITS HARD SURFACES LIKE PAVEMENT. IT BECOMES STORMW47ER RUNOFF.. :.-ANG CARRIES THIS NASTY STUFF STRAIGHT TO THE NEAREST CREEK, POLLUTING OUR PRINKING WATER XHR +1ARMING biILPLIFE- oft a INA 49 ■ prod of ..AND PICKS UP PET POO, SOAP, GRAs CLIPPINGS, PESTICIDES. €ERTILI2ERS LITTER. MOTOR OIL. i MORE_._ YOV CkN HELP ? AKI SURE ONLY RAIN GOES DOWN YOUR STORM DRAIN. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCEI AkWsW(ountr - parl4son (oumr - RaOalph (ou my - Rodin** M (1rwrl -ARbhh A*wkm - RvUngort I Ion - Greombum - Glbsonvllle- Graham Got Lewd • Ilan bw rimtsiawn Kempml Ile Lew I5vII IN - LeTijig tun - 6a� RW90 Mddi!•!Wdk�- lelds4@e unuo-erkld - Thu nasrllI@ - Tnn14 9Awmer9WRfPM#sakeAnr&ffm rrismyad$%Wm"wWJr 60 WM5WAN Aftr PIEDMONT TRIAD REGIONAL COUNCIL xi010NAL Pk AP1N1r14 5Tp9Mh°A-Lo �MAR1 It or Stormwater SMART MS4 Permit Audit Report by Piedmont Triad Regional Council Town of Eon, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000403 Public Education and Outreach I I. B.2.e The permittee promoted and maintained an internet web site designed to convey the Choose Informational --- program's message. an item. Web Site The main messages for Town of Elon residents are: "Save Our Water by Preventing Stormwater Pollution"; "Clean Water Begins with YOU and ME!"; "Only Rain Down the Storm Drain!"; "Six Things We Can All Do to Prevent Stormwater Pollution." The Town relies on Stormwater SMART to maintain a website to convey the messages through videos, printable brochures, and subpages: https://www.ptrc.org/services/regional-planning/stormwater-smart/about-us/stormwater- educational-videos: - -Iuw'fa CwIHLIP 4 1 P a g e CLEAN WATER STARTS WITH YOU AND ME! Yau might wonder if you con make a difference when it oornes to preventing pollution. One smart way of approaching global problems is to focus an your own comer of the wand when you walk down the street in your own neighborhood, what do- you see? cigarette butts? Dog poap? Clogged drains? Small things oon mrake a big difference, and starmwater SMART believes in starting small with SMART quails. 5MAk I goals ore LtpeciFic. mearevable, gchievohhp, relevant, and time-bo rd. what d❑ you wont to do? Haw will you track your progress'' C haosa sarnething you you hove the time and energy to acoomplisfX and ask yourself why it's important. choose a reasonable timeline far your goal or project. Need more help? Link here (COMINO 3130 f 20)!) to a form that will help you set a 5MAR I goal for your awn home, neighborhood, or community. Submit your farm for a chance to- win S100 for cleanup supplies! SMART Projects for Improving Water Quality in Your Neighborhood NO DUMPING! AM:Ml InRAINA Tn1 RTRFAM Organfxea Succeastgl Neighborhood Cleanup You know that feeling you get right after you Olean your roam?Oise that feeling to others by cleaning o creek or stream in your community! cet safety tips and recommended supplies here. Storm Drain Marking Mony people think that storm drains lead to wastewater treatment plonts where water is sonitaed, but storm droins lead directly to creeks, streams, riwers. and lokaa Help others leom the starrnw+ater retoin. -Only Roin Down Stormwater SMART MS4 Permit Audit Report by Piedmont Triad Regional Council Town of Eon, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000403 Public Education and Outreach II.B.2.f The permittee distributed stormwater educational material to appropriate target Choose Public Education --- Materials groups. an item. Stormwater SMART distributed print materials to Elon residents during educational programs and to residents, business owners, and other individuals at festivals (see Elon Arbor Day Festival at Beth Schmidt Park on 3/19/22) and the farmers market in April of 2022, as well as at various events related to Alamance Creek Week events in FY18, F19, FY20, and FY21. The Old North State Council of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts Peaks to Piedmont helped to distribute Nature Notebooks to packs and troops throughout the Piedmont in 2022 (numbers specific to Elon coming soon). In 2021 and 2022, more than 100 of Elon's K-5 students took home stormwater educational materials through the Alamance Public Library system, including the Mobile Unit. The libraries also reached homeowners by distributing Rainscaping Guides and native wildflower seed packets (new "Rain Garden" blend). Rainscaping Guides and Rain Garden Seed Packets for Elon residents (Arbor Day Festival, Alamance Public Libraries): filler Wkiliun from c+o—"i.r b'd plenNng native w7dflowas[ snn stormwater garden in aw Q simple . valuable . artistic C3 expressive . beneficial . easy a3 e,ad a, disconnect downspout rain barrel • � WYshrm�et.r taart,an 0 Q 0 L - �ly yuwater - ar m t>n wrrl conservation ' r planting rain garden Nature Notebooks for Elon residents (Arbor Day Festival, Alamance Public Libraries, Elon Elementary): f tis� ``'�� • 0*=W9 ho D.u.aDn9onpg NATURE s 'Wd NOTEBOOK "" m �,`' 4` -ti _ 5 1 P a g e Save Our Water By Preventing STORNIW&UR POLLUTION 01 MULCH OR 13AG 1 TI PROPS tL Thor --of I—kh iqi loin a rsr.19 ncllul.M..} It 1. e—I.a Ihroalq.l �•tLn rntl tlrun eul m mr r7rers, su-e.ins, .na laws mat now our dnnlunp rr.Err, .mtir can mak.lm— roslc iar pwplr ■nd mn.l. j li--11,4.rn I• lrFa1M__o-r WA _ SCOOP 0b poop! FOLLOW DIRECTION31 Salve Nues#ra Agua Previniendo LA CONTAMINACI6N DEL AQUA DE LA TORMENTA [.1■rwrlrllo•rruyr lin _ menr8n dr rMMInIn�r1M rryupnrniea, ya qI� ar X.ra ■ tnu8r do [unrtra y Gr4r7u.r a Ibr nuL, Nrpyct Fsry.c roaslanan I .p y q.r —Utro- aqua pDtwr, to qur Pordrhxr tonl[a Pam4s 4�1F prrrcnasY I— —i—I" Fitl r17w rw.ta n.In.a.br. i RECOIE EL — POPp; i PAJOTE i SIGA LAS BOLSA! INDICACIONESI P I LIMNE LOS I GE$ CHELflS ew RAMES GEFiAMENT l OFIFIECTAMENTE' AfllsEDAMEHTE! +ar Narolnlarma[.s5 +hmr[Ssumwm.poOruN saf�u p.un mir, �a�rsrq CH.77raF.''a�WIIfrM.rMi611.r}J*r}1.17M�rrra4ybgW u.l.tl pw.7a � Stormwater SMART MS4 Permit Audit Report by Piedmont Triad Regional Council Town of Eon, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000403 Public Education and Outreach Note: Distribution numbers for print materials are documented annually in SMART's reports to the permittee: in FY18 at https://www.ptrc.org/home/showpublisheddocument/8634/636777209200830000; FY19 at https://www.ptrc.org/home/showpublisheddocument/9428/637390779467930000; FY20 at https://www.ptrc.org/home/showpublisheddocument/10425/637394004643370000. Reports prior to FY18 at https://www.ptrc.org/services/regional-planning/stormwater-smart/about-us/documents-resources/-folder- 460#docan2216 1592 1307. II.B.2.g The permittee promoted and maintained a stormwater hotline/helpline for the Choose Hotline/Help Line purpose of public education and outreach. an item. The Town of Elon's Stormwater Page states: Polluted stormwater runofF is a leading cause of impairment to the nearly 40 percent of surveyed U.S. water bodies which do not meet water duality standards. Over land or via storm sewer systems, polluted runofF is discharged, often untreated, directly into local water bodies. When left uncontrolled, this water pollution can result in the destruction of fish, wildlife, and aquatic life habitats; a loss in aesthetic value; and threats to public health due to contaminated food, drinking water supplies, and recreational waterways. To learn more about stormwater runoiT pollution and solutions, visit the Piedmont Triad Regional Council's site at www.stormwatersmart.org. The Town's Stormwater Page is housed under Public Works and links directly to phone numbers for Public Works staff at 336-584-9600: https://www.townofelon.com/town-government/departments/public-works/directory/. Residents can also link from the top/main menu under "Contact Us" at https://www.townofelon.com/town- government/departments/planning-and-zoning/code-enforcement/: CONTACT US Public Works Department 336.584.9600 — Contact them to request pick up of yard waste, if there is a water leak on your street, if there is a large pothole on your street, to request an additional trash container, or emergency maintenance requests. Additionally, Stormwater SMART provides several ways for members of the Elon community to request outreach and education materials: 1) Request -A -Program web forms are located at https://www.ptrc.org/services/regional- planning/stormwater-smart/your-school; 2) Public education and outreach email (stormwatersmart@ptrc.org) is provided at https://www.ptrc.org/services/regional-planning/stormwater-smart/about-us. Phone number 336.904.0300 is included on print materials, in email communication, and on the website at https://www.ptrc.org/services/regional-planning/stormwater-smart/about-us. 7 1 P a g e Stormwater SMART MS4 Permit Audit Report by Piedmont Triad Regional Council Town of Eon, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000403 Public Education and Outreach II.B.2.h The permittee`s outreach program, including those elements implemented locally or Choose Public Education through a cooperative agreement, included a combination of approaches designed to and Outreach reach the target audiences. an item. Program For each media, event or activity, including those elements implemented locally or Choose through a cooperative agreement the pern ittee estimated and recorded the extent of exposure. an item.--- The Town of Elon relies on Stormwater SMART to utilize a combination of approaches to reach the target audiences and record the extent of exposure. SMART reports this information to representatives for the Town at quarterly meetings and in the annual report available after fiscal year end (June 30). An excerpt below from the 2019-2020 report: CONNECTION EVENTS & PROGRAMS 21 � SMART staff provided outreach and - education to this year's target groups (K-12ts,p OKo� ts total postsrnfYlOStormwater studenhome & auto owners, service workers, and the general public) thanks to the abundant 702 2.9K parks, camps, and other public facilities 1n and sndscritrers impressions around the Town of Elon. Attendance numbers at J bottom left include participants who live, work, or Q o 2-5 235 attend school in Eton, ZIP Code 27244. O O 0 pastsperweek total postsinfY2P Water Quality Educational Programming °62.3K EnviroScape and Project WEf: impressuns Haw River Assembly Learning Celebration, Sept 30-Oct 3 • Thataways Youth Center, Burlington, Jan 2 • Boy Scouts Merit Badge College, Dec 14 l + 7 Summer Reading,Ala rnance County Libraries o May Memorial, Jul 2; North Park, Jul 10-11 o Gibsonville, Jul ll Summer Camp, Lake Macintosh, Jul30 ATTENDEES AT FAIRS, Public Participation Assemblies FESTIVALS, MARKETS • Cape Fear RiverAs%mbly, Elon University, K-12 STUDENTS AT PROGRAMS Sept 24 IN SCHOOLS & LIBRARIES Public Participation (Onlinefor Covid-19) ONLINE WEB FORM SUBMIS- ■ Seeds for Surveys, March l-April 30 SIONS (PUBLIC PARTICIPATION) . iNaturalist.org BioThon,April-June SCOUTS EARNED ENVIRON- Fairs and Festivals: MENTAL SCIENCE BADGES e Carousel Festival, Burlington, Sept21 OBSERVATIONS ON • Gibsonville Fall Festival, Oct12 [NATURALIST BIOTHON I VOLUNTEERS IDENTIFYING BIO- INDICATORS OF STREAM HEALTH 54 1 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 STORA WATER SMART BROCHURES, FLYERS, AND OTHER OUTREACH MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED 8 1 P a g e Stormwater SMART MS4 Permit Audit Report by Piedmont Triad Regional Council Town of Eon, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000403 Excerpts from the 2020-2021 report: Fishing Clinic, Graham - Mebane Lake k IPA W Alamance Creek Week Litter Cleanup 9 2021 'iIA'Ad1 r«M^.A NC Stream Watch an the Haw, March 2021 37 # OF ELON RESIDENTS GIVEN EDUCATIONAL NATURE NOTEBOOKS BY ALAMANCE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES IN FY21 45 # OF NC NATIVE WILDFLOWER SEED PACKETS GIVEN TO RESIDENTS OF ELON ALONG WITH RAIN GARDEN INSTRUCTION CARDS 24 �] /��lc VIRTUAL WEBINAR ATTENDEES FROM ALAMANCE REGION IN RAINSCAPING TRAININGS ON 8f 12/21 & 8/19/21 p NC STREAM WATCHERS TRAINED ON TRAILS ALONG THE v HAW RIVER IN ALAMANCE COUNTY PARKS 84 p/��[t EDUCATIONAL GEOCACHING CHECK -INS FOR ALAMANCE CREEK WEEK (MAY 2021) « 62o[c COMMUNITY CLEANUP ATTENDEES DURING - ALAMANCE CREEK WEEK 104* VIRTUAL SUMMER READING ATTENDEES, ALAMANCE VHF PUBLIC LIBRARIES (JULY & AUGUST, 2020) A5 RESIDENTS OF ELON WHO PICKED UP OR DOWNLOADED A BUFFER �F BASICS BROCHURE FOR LITTLE ALAMANCE CREEK 42* ATTENDEES AT FISHING CLINICS DURING ALAMANCE CREEK WEEK (LAKE MACKINTOSH MARINA, GRAHAM-MEBANE LAKE, & LAKE MICHAEL) 71** ATTENDEES AT STATEWIDE AND NATIONAL CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS BY STORMWATER SMART: • ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATORS OF NC • 9/19/21; WILDERNESS EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, 2f 12/21 Alft Ce EEC * SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS ON FACEBOOK AND 1D0 INSTAGRAM (REGIONAL) IMPRESSIONS & ENGAGEMENT (FACEBOOK + VMEK] 491 INSTAGRAM) ATTRIBUTED TO ELON VISITS TO WWW.STORMWATERSMART.ORG WEB CREEK WEEK: MAY 1- MAY S, ZQZI 439 PAGES ATTRIBUTED TO ELON 621 PARTICIPANTS Since 2018, Stormwater SMART has provided free educational videos for librarians, media specialists, and other educators to use, and we provide the number of hits to each webpage 9 1 P a g e 'a '* �' SOCIAL MEDIA I .. n Stormwater SMART MS4 Permit Audit Report by Piedmont Triad Regional Council Town of Eon, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000403 Public Education and Outreach For the upcoming report on activity through June 30, Stormwater SMART will report on a variety of activities including 1) in -person programming in schools, libraries, and camps; 2) information booths at fairs, festivals, and farmer's markets; 3) virtual programming, 4) video and print materials in English and Spanish. To ensure that instruction and other communication such as print materials are the appropriate for the target audiences, SMART takes into account several factors before each program: literacy levels, curriculum correlations (for K-12), motivation for learning (i.e. homeowner protecting property value, self -enrichment program at the library, etc.), and biggest environmental stressors in the community (pet waste, fertilizer, etc.) These materials are revised and updated annually based on SMART's research and observations made in the community. Additionally, these resources are available at for the permittee and the general public to view, download, and print at www.stormwatersmart.or. Educational videos about residential and commercial target pollutants: https://www.ptrc.org/services/regional-planning/stormwater-smart/about-us/stormwater-educational-videos. Print materials about residential and commercial target pollutants in English: https://www.ptrc.org/services/regional- planning/stormwater-smart/about-us/documents-resources/-folder-517#docan2216 1592 1307. Print materials about residential and commercial target pollutants in Spanish: https://www.ptrc.org/services/regional- planning/stormwater-smart/about-us/documents-resources/-folder-518#docan2216 1592 1307. Print materials updated in FY20 and FY21 for the Back Creek/Haw River watershed and Cane Creek -Haw River watershed describing soil and sediment pollution caused by construction: https://www.ptrc.org/home/showpublisheddocument/10790/637538360636670000. Distribution, participation, online reach and online engagement numbers are documented annually in SMART's reports to the permittee: in FY18 at https://www.ptrc.org/home/showpublisheddocument/8634/636777209200830000; FY19 at https://www.ptrc.org/home/showpublisheddocument/9428/637390779467930000; FY20 at https://www.ptrc.org/home/showpublisheddocument/10425/637394004643370000. Reports prior to FY18 at https://www.ptrc.org/services/regional-planning/stormwater-smart/about-us/documents-resources/-folder- 460#docan2216 1592 1307. Summer Reading 2022 s1_E gtiv eK fei . i fiance t►bra ��� dow I x �fd 101Page Stormwater SMART MS4 Permit Audit Report by Piedmont Triad Regional Council Town of Eon, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000403 Public Education and Outreach Additional I The Town of Elon relies on Stormwater Comments: SMART to educate the general public about illegal discharges and to inform businesses about the improper discharge of waste. This is done in person, online, and with print materials. Print materials include Water Pollution Detection and Elimination Brochure (image right), which are handed out in print during the Elon Arbor Day festival and are available year-round online: httDs://www.Dtrc.oria/home/showDublish eddocument/7002/636613770556930000 When visiting schools, camps, and businesses, SMART displays a model of a storm drain with a "NO DUMPING" sign affixed to the model drain. For businesses, SMART offers an online video training in Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination at: httDs://www.Dtrc.orR/services/reeional- planning/stormwater-smart/your-local- government/idde-training-illicit-discharge- detection-elimination-for-ms4s The training includes an employee glove box guide with blank observation reports, available year-round to print at httr)s://www.otrc.orL/home/showr)ublishedd ocument/11433 111 Page FRONT Water Pollution Detection and Elimination la�rHHY f5 RN :G.fLIY D.SLHRF6E? ' w L4c. lir ivau�� x.xr. Icaluyl Jir.. Jr exx il. x .'llx�..� �xs u.ill'fi.mr sin.�i.. µi Avir 1.x..x.3 mJi.iln .xl .I.xilil .xJr .i.x:iiii ii;�.r. If rui �a ]�ilr il� I�x IulilA�.. Ili�.ii. iwiniaL, uKa.r..�4. ilur'u ilJ,i.li..�lurn�. ]➢x. ii Sr6u� is x.u�r I..�Ilui�is ilr�i .a, swap, d.is.:n.m lu.u.ia pr.,,..,I.x.rJ.e� n.�u ...xx3.n.IL 0i.dl hall. J J fa ilx��x.u�u..r aJiuuusuaur �x uaar p.il.x.r.11 a.� iufure -:.• wu 6ux a6au iic n.i.i I•�Alixwu.w am. BACK Water Pollution Detection and Elimination WVe?r kRf f'f.NS RFYE.4 YNE PU 079N & R6PORYF➢? • i rcronu �li.xlwe�� a.. iu.virni. aua fud x1.r� il>=,.AlurLiu u..x�tii[ foul. II ii a u s.-x ..x�nU.�i., a�-, ur .x •nxu xiLL i�i�.,Er.ir vNi i�lx.]Fuiw�. • III i� xw�� i. Isxms a Lo�d�i•xr �x- Gvi .lw.� u..Ln� il.� F.�Iliuiexr and f Jxe I�r.LL.iu • '1'I.�['I.a.�N'.�u�r .Lriro3.. illiri JrWrq� CaRiAbN ILLlEfF WSCFIRR6E5 • lu�gae�u.lw � ISi��na�ur ul>,xl sulrcuixn pxuul iu�. ur uear mrei T ,n.in.n.r 1 q.. an .uiur.iul u rirunav r 6 • leirorcr L.eti HV' or .Idr uax w� . l�'diyr ..iL'b. u1xn cixif dni. � uurilx srlr ac p�ux�Ixsii.elis,aLL &niecu See snapshots of the Illicit Discharge Reporting Pamphlet on the next page. Stormwater SMART MS4 Permit Audit Report by Piedmont Triad Regional Council Town of Eon, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000403 Public Education and Outreach int ..... =n elnee ane si to en ons on to ese pegle'r� are examples oI II II [li els[Aorges a[ the so [In or neat s[Arm Or klAs j. NOTICE 5 DISCLAIMER 1111 IL - aenwe.~..b .. d tl wr d paaf,IR raxddw ..p= ILLICIT a �,.w .e:.."�..� a a. ,e,.emuaKttna npeslwb d_ .,. .'e AnkNe m Wy. Arty. an� Symms rm DISCHARGE . . p.�. �m " �...' a�=r m�m d� a.,kene t k e `DETECTION ItY a .ex.A a e.A x A . ap axaolx. ELIMINATION 1 „x� _�a'�::. Gleytt Sex Reetrcn[e Mrey Areaaeben canq, s..�ar.le tnenuaew rt°'r•r .wts era[fAr Empbyee CulnE "d xwa.aa~ny.IMt ��.._. •tea° a� r wpyyeka pl= and in r� IbRal. r at, ITS OUR JOB TD. n Iswwv[ al bt . ssd,a rex .,. �aa.a,��.a... acrvRnALsdrthYs laa�adweb�.�i �n .��:�,�:lm vo, arm sppt.Ndk.c.dwalll�rtdacrarpc STORAIWATER SMART DISPOSE OF Stt MWATFR su awasoo " . ,.xpsxax SMART Yllee you ¢tt amid — or Illleit elsrh—A e[ IIII[H uistrtary an also he eemttmg ouQalls, e0[uRlnllnE report it flgAleNIJ! etfals.ereteMs,<mp,l[„,ea,tr[am a SAFETY FIRST! ox s.oxxwa.ce at°xe op vwpaaa Mm,oatneevnples sl,mmrin tic e.nuu yule ilkmeteeaids,oe ofpx� dgb�. I[ u eaaaoel for munilpel ex na.exexr emplv�ea to deter[ document sal report [ne en3noe. IFyva wme open elnpmpe• ertl tnewurtcoFMe d"eclrrye iv prexn[ AE WARNED - DNIINOWN LlQDID MATERIALS CAN RE DANGEROUS' Fedvel lax conks you aafe wvkplac � Lanlea,ou �n veaitMq u..,tnr tnedixler�ed a,oexwatee s Iquidb anmAualloua keep Y�r d in Z-V m.keyo„� report immediately. lookout fv� tM1e xasx ix wa s,aur safety pfIXM1erswno ter Mea t' tyo., cannotreacM1awpP. to �cport tM1e pvemSlem arrtl ttM1M puhlk safety is el rek emtxt tk Frc f<patmcrrt. :; .«om endedacsourccx t Otcupeti—1 Sxhry artl Neahh , an .... ae.•,.c-.� w:nrde�a W..�ceapashw' Madmal5efeq (_carol: RY_mG IOOE OBSERVATION REPORT MOMENT AND REPORT AV SIGHT INCS OR EVIDIENICIE pRmeJVle.e T.— Yta Ne IISEHAKE INTO STORM MUNIKIPAL BEGINS WITH MIJ Er MP -en psAll. aanaannu, en.r.ean.ue:i:�e o=xael..ae MWATER AGEMENT PIV IRIfIN CepertM cola .n rersaelen ee pay e.e k qe. k 121 Page Stormwater SMART MS4 Permit Audit Report by Piedmont Triad Regional Council Town of Eon, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000403 Public Education and Outreach Public Involvement and Participation Staff Interviewed: Danica Heflin (Name, Title, Role) Environmental Programs Coordinator for Stormwater SMART Piedmont Triad Regional Council (336) 904-0300 dhefling ptrc.org 1398 Carrollton Crossing Drive; Kernersville, NC 27284 Permit Citation I Program Requirement Status Supporting Doc No. II.C.2.a Volunteer Community The permittee included and promoted volunteer opportunities designed to promote Choose Involvement ongoing citizen participation. an item. Program I I I The Town of Elon relies on Stormwater SMART to promote volunteer opportunities for the citizens of Elon during Alamance Creek Week, which takes place in the spring and/or fall of each year. The event is promoted through social media posts on Facebook targeted to residents in each ZIP Code to help with accurate outreach tracking. These posts link to the alamancecreekweek.org website where Elon residents can register for cleanups. SMART distributes Creek Week flyers to all Alamance County public libraries and the Mobile Unit, which serves Elon and the other areas without a dedicated branch within Town limits. SMART promotes independent stewardship activities at Beth Schmidt Park (2150 Elon Park Dr, Elon, NC 27244) such as NC Stream Watch (trash inventories, trash collection); and guided stewardship activities like bioindicator monitoring, stream buffer monitoring, nutrient monitoring — also through NC DEQ's Stream Watch framework. (The printed materials themselves are unique to SMART members in the Piedmont and geared specifically for Piedmont stream habitats.) NC Stream Watch GROUP LEADER FORM de W�Me� ,�db �ih�m�more i..Adi.9 J:e bo:J:. m bd ld.a:w:d ho:.i gip• k, O c ry ❑ wmrn< hEu..od., o::d kayak, Idaao^4��9 wk.sW�•aa�� �ra.axvma�k.. � a[a�x R..a,,,:�.k:..a.,, �-1 —jv"/ RT i—l.o -- —...-.re:e.-v 131 Page .an�..1Mr +rod�+ma.e kd,�e:..q •.�k.mm..-. :.p:�kr ri:..+.. - Li NC NC Stream Watch p, THINK LIKE A HYDROLOGIST! p ..,.. uek aonr�wwr vw.,u�k.::.ieoe�. www aml.wwerorl NOTES', B.wn.�k':m or b:.erlae rs(n.,�,:tl•1 erlvm.= SMART Stormwater SMART MS4 Permit Audit Report by Piedmont Triad Regional Council Town of Eon, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000403 Public Education and Outreach NEW PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR FY23: In June of 2022, Stormwater SMART met with faculty at Elon University to develop Capstone projects for Engineering graduate students to install stormwater devices — swales, rain gardens, etc. — with educational signage, and to be built with community participation and involvement. Elon faculty expressed a commitment to involving K-12 students in the design, installation, maintenance, and monitoring of these educational stormwater sites. This partnership is in development and we expect to announce a Capstone Project in 2023! These activities are documented annually in SMART's reports to the permittee: in FY18 at https://www.ptrc.org/home/showpublisheddocument/8634/636777209200830000; FY19 at https://www.ptrc.org/home/showpublisheddocument/9428/637390779467930000; FY20 at https://www.ptrc.org/home/showpublisheddocument/10425/637394004643370000. Reports prior to FY18 at https://www.ptrc.org/services/regional-planning/stormwater-smart/about-us/documents-resources/-folder- 460#docan2216 1592 1307. 141 Page Stormwater SMART MS4 Permit Audit Report by Piedmont Triad Regional Council Town of Eon, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000403 Public Education and Outreach II.C.2.b Mechanism for The permittee provided and promoted a mechanism for public involvement that Choose Public provides for input on stormwater issues and the stormwater program. an item. Involvement The Town relies on Stormwater SMART to solicit feedback on educational programs. This is done through feedback forms in classrooms, and during the pandemic in FY 2020, through an online survey marketed on Facebook. Please share your thoughts! Why did you join the UoThon? Did you have any challenges? What was your favorite thing about participating? 21 responses It was great help for identifying the cool things we found on trails in Alamance Ccunty...and recording the items! Very easy to use! This event inspired my wife and I to get out and explore the areas around us, we will continue to use iNaturlist. I love nature and wanted to learn about the plants and animals around me. I found several new plants and insects that I had never seen before. To add some interest and learning into getting outdoors more, especially during COVID. My daughter and I had fun snapping pictures on our nature walk in the woods near. our house. It made us pay attention to the little things we often don't notice. ee credit was offered and it was fun to complete with my family. We were all on the hunt all the time Just a fun way to learn about different species around me and share with others who appreciate nature as much as I do II.C.2.c The permittee promoted and maintained a hotline/helpline for the purpose of public Choose Hotline/Help Line involvement and participation. an item. In additional to the City's hotline, Stormwater SMART includes the Coordinator's name (Danica Heflin), phone number (336-904-0300) and email address (dheflin@ptrc.org and stormwatersmart@ptrc.org) to the public on all printed materials distributed at Elon Library, farmers markets, schools, at alamancecreekweek.org and at stormwatersmart.org. On the next page is example taken from the Buffer Basics Guide (for homeowners) for Big Alamance Creek Watershed. On the Back page, the brochure directs residents to Elon Public Works for stormwater concerns. 151Page Stormwater SMART MS4 Permit Audit Report by Piedmont Triad Regional Council Town of Eon, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000403 Public Education and Outreach BIG ALAMANCE CREEK • ' -` WATER QUALITY R STORMWATFR SMART The water qudlty of Big Alam¢nce Creek 1, @ be calegadxed overdl as good. r There only ¢ few sections of both Big ISEDIMENT Al —an —Creek and Little AI--ce I I Creek listed as Category 5 impaired k A ` waters by the North Cardin. Department LAND ARE THE 11 of Envi—entol Qe¢lity (NCIDEQ). I tfowever, there ore no —Ithat1&POILUTIUM require a Tot.] Maximum Daily Load (TME4. TMDL's are monaget-I plans created to limit the discharge of specific pollutants into waterloodies that already Big Narnonce Creek Is a vital water sovrca Area (sq miles) 262 have excessive pallutlan. While no TMI)h that flows through numerous communmes In Q Cj the Pledrswut Trod Ion North Miles of Streams- - - - - - 373 are r aired, there are still water udi e4 q � - 7 res of - s to k Ina Stewards of the wat-fi d need Z ff of Impaired Steams________ 3 o How Blg Ala,, Creak connects 1. Dominant Lard khe_______ Forest monerwayc indicators fo 6e c..ti-s of within the tershed. Including, PCB Cantominatian : and stream ha6aat degradation. _ - �. oth. tdownstmam U Counties: Alaman e, Gui lford, ¢ 7~ I +Ichapolutanh affect Its water quill r 1Nfiad a healthy npanon kwlfer I� R�^&I RIPARIAN BUFFER BENEFIT (�'� Ilke, and how —tNlt- In these hnlhr `� nr.� �x.wa,a.aswd.r}xr d,ec arPning I : a es ie ragulWedond pmmlBed v 'c`•'''•'•+•m'•'"'s A riparian stream buffer is an area Tanning you_-, parallel alongside both ides of ¢ The Bi Alomonce creek watershed protected beam, F-o, lake. ' Stream buffers not oni filter pollutants, WHERE IS IT? 0 i5 Io ated the heart of the pre ol—i¢n,andred-flooding,t1n Is piedmont Triad, occupying land 'n also provide habitats for a variety of - Greensboro and Burlington. The imd cpeciec, many d whom use stream watershed is noharad 6y uttla buffers like highways to t-el within their . _ . Ad —Creek and Big Alomance " - creek, hich join together in - - - _ Mackintosh lake. Big Al.mance range in search of food, water and shelter. _ Health vegetation provides ¢ safe, _ p-g_ sh.dejplace to rest and reproduce. - . - creak flaw: ant of Mackfnt-h L.ka ,,,,,,,, _, • and on into the How in'.1 The How River later jai ns with the Deep River _ •. s " to become the Cape Fear River, the sake wat-lo.dy of the 6osin. 1 Hadehy 6rff=r. unhealthy buffer w•• _ One particularly favorable trait of m.tnmh mature. stream 6-kss the Big Alamamae Creek watershed .^£9 vegetation a� _. . ndad otspas is that it ly has 3 - fired -. c stream:, which i ere sva far F i ed developed and r asted I me. The t Leh _- , - a, ep ehaa _ Tlustrot s th watersh d a d the oommumitias it imposts. 1 • • HELPFULI llre�e orn.wnety of l�ryorte,ld Is [nl d,rNe In .non budler M6rt.e w * deep root systemsto help Eller polWunts oral staMlixe streo,u honks, peuails,g ilre lossof sediment llaeoreyna lewm 1 bokbrord pncraee n a nponon 6,3fer nesyu BI¢ck Red Maple � • ' _ Gree Swampit k—ad (a fouonto will, Ash d Mon rch 6ukerHins) ,� V" Southern Wax Myrtle River Blmh 1 1 1 1 ••1 ,' n a5weatspve • •••• ZONE 1 •••• ZONE 2 The •leh support he.khy Zone 1 extends from the to of Zone 2 c.ntinnes landward wmeaheds ihro,gh membealip in Stxmwoter SM K I I MART —des free handzan to school:, the bank landward for 3R feet or.ther. 2R feet, —.11.9 . 50- pmgranming re rsn Iran,•" be:fine::e:,sail aeMr erg'na.nan.. Sn all sides of the stream. Zone I foot buffer m total. Grading 5 has the stronger protections o1 IF: en — and stewardship pragmne like NC St.. the two zones, and should have re vegetation are allowed t ah(fromd,e NC Bepartment of Fmrironmemd asality) • lety of native grasses, IF no impervious surfaces a a fun way m gain scienitfsc skills, enjoy local parts, shrubs, and ree, re added (i.e. paved rap- II- heath oFenr waterway.€ with NC S-.m NO clearin din walkways or slabs] W. h, peopi 4oll ages.nd n6i€niera.oIsomh.- developpm sshonld take place IFnotreesare renoved. here. No mowing, tree removal, Some stormwater unoff Is kl.-.-and pH lI Observe.go.tic specie: or pesticide and fertilizer use. • allowed to enter Zones, It�ig,o,ol�,d 7�m Q' • NO direct deyosn o{ bntthe{low most be [E T._I,AmPdansty�s serrated water runoff flow, diffused and traveling at Lo=ate storm drame,dcwnspom, • • sch as downspouts from slower speeds. Amck pile k and otl�er=onrewn=es hops and paved areas. or rain garden can help! } NffiEt7 online at o."=.gseE.mdm�D Q HOW 001 KNOW IF A WATERWAY IS REGULATE07 . . nn,,eleat warn. Resonsces. what m.y look like. dry dimh during part.(the your m.y h.. prateoted C.ntml Stonnwater Sk%RT Far more mfarmotion above stream th.t requires a permit hr any kind d development. Before doing free stormwater the triad: 1 anything within the 59' 6uffer that .f6e strewn health (clearing trees STORMWATE Email stormwo anepnc�org, Tynane (336) 909-11300 1 wd shrubs, .dding v 11I .rid trvcteres, .,plying fertili ear and 9iedr orrt Triad RegianalCwncil pestiodes, redirecting vm er Now, etc_) check with your local garerement 1398 Carrollton Crossing grire Kern—AIIe, NC 27P 1 • for .zzistwce in delennining it you ore denting with a protected stre.m, en i{ wamr.arely Ilow:_ Sae the nert page Icrlocd conmm info.motien. 161 Page Stormwater SMART MS4 Permit Audit Report by Piedmont Triad Regional Council Town of Eon, NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000403 Thank you! Please contact me with any concerns or questions about the information in this report: PIEDMONT TRIAD REGIONAL COUNCIL 17I Page Danioa Heflin Environmental Programs Coordinator t : 336.904.0300 e: dheflin@ptrc.org I : www.ptrc.org a: 1398 Carrollton Crossing Drive. I ernersville, NC 27284