HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141229 Ver 1_Shellfish Survey from 2013_Provided by Shellfish Sanitation_20140105REPORT OF SANITARY SURVEY AREAS G -1 and G -2 GOOSE CREEK AND PAMLICO SOUND AREA SEPTEMBER 2008 THROUGH JULY 2013 Prepared 9/13 Approved By: Date: CONTENTS Executive Summary 1 1.0 Sanitary Survey 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Shoreline Survey of Sources of Pollution 2 1.3 Hydrographic Factors Responsible for the Spread of Pollution 8 1.4 Bacteriological Survey of Shellfish Growing Waters 8 1.5 Summary of Bacteriological Data Analysis 9 1.6 Overall Evaluation and Recommendation 9 FIGURES 1. Acreage 10 2. Area Map & Station Locations 11 3. All Pollution Sources 13 4. Marinas 14 5. Stormwater 16 6. Subdivisions 17 7. Wastewater 19 8. Animals 21 9. Areas of Concern 23 TABLES 1. Sampling Station Descriptions 12 2. Marinas 15 3. Subdivisions 18 4. Wastewater 20 5. Animals 22 6. Areas of Concern 24 7. Area G -1 Tides and Salinities 25 8. Area G -2 Tides and Salinities 26 9. Temporary Closures 27 10. Post - Rainfall Sampling Results 28 11. Area G -1 Bacteriological Results 29 12. Area G -2 Bacteriological Results 39 13. Area G -1 Summary of Bacteriological Results 46 14. Area G -2 Summary of Bacteriological Results 47 Areas G -1 and G -2 are located in the central region of coastal North Carolina, and include portions of the Pamlico River, Goose Creek, Pungo River, and numerous smaller creeks. The surrounding population is sparse, and in fact, population may have declined since the 2010 Sanitary Survey report primarily due to the impacts of Hurricane Irene. Area G -1 has little significance as a shellfishing area, producing a few oysters and Rangia clams, while Area G -2 has fair oyster production. Overall, the area has seen widespread improvement in bacteriological water quality since 2010, allowing for two small openings in Bailey and Wright Creek totaling approximately 51 acres. 1.0 SANITARY SURVEY 1.1 INTRODUCTION Areas G -1 and G -2 are made up of a portion of the Pamlico River bounded in the west by a line extending from Cousin Point in the north to Hickory and Fulford Points in the south. In the east, these areas are bounded by a line extending from Roos Point in the north to Little Porpoise Point in the south. Also included in these growing areas are the waters of Goose Creek, North Creek, the Lower Pungo River, Oyster Creek, James Creek, Middle Prong, Mouse Harbor, Abel Bay, Box Creek, Bell Creek, Crooked Creek, Wright Creek, Satterthwaite Creek, and a number of small tributaries. Overall, these areas encompass around 47,004 acres of water (Figure 1) and around 80 square miles of land. See Figure 2 for a map of the growing areas and sampling stations. Table 1 contains sampling station descriptions. In August of 2011, Hurricane Irene came ashore in North Carolina, causing extensive flooding and wind damage within the G -1 and G -2 growing areas. Every house within the southern section of G -2 was flooded in some way, and most of the homes within the southern section of G -1 were impacted as well. The town of Lowland was particularly hard hit, with up to six feet of water flooding homes and businesses throughout the area. The northern portions of these growing areas were heavily impacted as well. The waterfront areas of Pamlico Beach and Wright Creek were particularly hard hit, with several homes being completely destroyed and many others sustaining significant damage. It is likely that these growing areas experienced significant contamination as a result of the flooding, as chemicals and debris from flooded homes and damaged marinas, as well as sewage from inundated septic systems, leeched into the surrounding waters. All waters surrounding these areas were closed immediately following the storm, and remained closed until water sampling indicated a return to safe bacteria levels. 1.2 SHORELINE SURVEY OF SOURCES OF POLLUTION Survey Methods A comprehensive shoreline survey of Areas G -1 and G -2 was completed on May 24th, 2013. Evaluations of properties in the area were conducted by NC Shellfish Sanitation staff to determine potential sources of pollution entering shellfish growing waters (Figure 3). Actual and potential pollution sources for this survey were mapped using GPS, and pollution source data were collected using Trimble's sub -meter GeoXT GPS receiver with EVEREST multipath rejection technology. Data were collected in the SSF format using real -time corrections from the integrated Wide Area Augmentation System receiver. The data were post - processed using GPS Pathfinder Tools applications in order to get the most precise data. Additionally, a Geographic Information System (GIS) was developed, including pertinent information and digital pictures for each source. Area G- 11G -2: North Side Shoreline Survey A comprehensive shoreline survey of the northern portion of Areas G -1 and G -2 was completed on May 24th, 2013. The Beaufort County Health Department was notified prior to the survey, and they agreed to provide corrective action and follow -up for any malfunctioning septic systems or illegal onsite wastewater discharges discovered. The northern portion of Areas G -1 and G -2 includes the waters of North Creek, Ross Creek, Bailey Creek, Satterthwaite Creek, Wright Creek, and a portion of the Pungo and Pamlico Rivers. Development surrounding this portion of the growing area is sparse, and most of the land is covered with forests or agricultural fields. According to US Census Data from 2010, the permanent population of this area is around 700, which is a decline from an estimate of 800 during the 2000 census. Non -Point Source Pollution Marinas - Marina facilities are evaluated during the shoreline survey because of their potential to affect the suitability of shellfish in adjacent waters for harvest through inputs of both biological and chemical contaminants. A marina is defined as "any water area with a structure (dock, basin, floating dock, etc.) which is utilized for docking or otherwise mooring vessels and constructed to provide temporary or permanent docking space for more than 10 boats" (15A NCAC 18A .0901). The waters enclosed by a marina are classified as Prohibited for the harvest of shellfish, and an additional area beyond the marina can also be classified as Prohibited depending on the number of boat slips present. See Figure 4 for a map of marina locations, and for a summary of marina information. Endless Days Seafood, on the northern shore of Wright Creek, was severely damaged during Hurricane Irene, and they have only just begun to rebuild. Most of the work currently focuses on the buildings rather than the docks, so it is unclear how this facility will be laid out once construction is complete. A few boats continue to use the facility for docking despite the damage. The old Hopkins Seafood Dockage, located near the head of Wright Creek, appears to have been abandoned. Two boats have sunk along the docks, and the buildings and grounds are no longer being maintained. Foster's Seafood is planning to expand its dockage along the east side of the property beginning sometime in early 2014. The project will include the replacement of a few old docks as well as the addition of new bulkheads and slips. Potter's Marine, in North Creek, is still hoping to expand in the future. The owner intends to add additional slips and a sewage pumpout service. Stormwater — Stormwater can adversely impact shellfish growing areas by rapidly transporting fecal coliform bacteria and other contaminants from the land to the water. There is extensive ditching throughout the area, especially within the many agricultural fields lining the creeks and tributaries ( Figure 5). In some fields, farmers plant right up to the edge of the ditches and /or small creeks, so it is likely that sediments and agricultural chemicals have an impact on water quality in the area. Subdivisions - Subdivisions are noted in the survey as an indicator of population growth, as well as for their tendency to concentrate potential sources of pollution such as septic systems, pet wastes, and stormwater. There has been very little growth within these areas, and there may actually be fewer homes than were noted during the 2010 survey due to the impacts of Hurricane Irene. No new developments have been built, and only three new homes were constructed within the existing subdivisions ( figure 6, Table ). Onsite Wastewater — All of the homes and businesses within this portion of the growing area are served by onsite wastewater systems. The majority of these systems were visited and inspected, and most were found to be functioning properly. Several issues were located, however, and were reported to the Beaufort County Health Department for corrective action ( -igure 7, Table 4). Overall, there were five onsite wastewater violations noted during the 2010 triennial survey, and each of these sites was revisited in 2013. Since that time, 3 three of these systems have been repaired and are functioning well. One of the others was repaired, but has since begun failing again. At the final site, a graywater discharge pipe is still present, although the home is vacant. Both of these issues will be referred back to the Beaufort County Health Department for further corrective action. There were no new violations noted within this portion of the growing area during this survey. It should be noted that several of the areas hardest hit by the storm were also some of the areas where we most frequently noted onsite wastewater problems. At the same time that many of these homes are being repaired or rebuilt, the onsite wastewater systems are also being replaced, so it is hopeful that many of the issues we have seen in the past will be resolved during this reconstruction. Wildlife and Domestic Animals — The majority of the land within this portion of the watershed consists of either forest, agriculture, or marsh, and wildlife is prevalent throughout. Waterfowl inhabit the river and its tributaries in large numbers during the winter months, and several large flocks were seen during the survey. Deer, bears, foxes, coyotes, and smaller mammals such as raccoons and opossums are common as well. Three small horse pastures and a larger pasture (containing 3 horses) were visited during the survey, and were determined to have little impact on growing area waters (Figure 8, Table 5). The McGowan catfish farm continues to operate and discharge near the head of Little Ease Creek. Please see the "Wildlife and Domestic Animals" section of the South Side Shoreline Survey for a discussion on how the management of these fish farms will be changing in the coming years. Poisonous or Deleterious Substances — Boat maintenance at several of the old commercial seafood facilities within these areas is frequently performed while boats remain in the water. Paints, oils, greases, and other byproducts of this type of maintenance could have some impact on surrounding water quality. There is a private residence along Wright Creek that has been noted in the past as having high volumes of accumulated trash and junk scattered along the driveway. There was less trash and junk noted during this survey, so it is hopeful that some of the potential impacts might be reduced (Figure 9, Table 6). Area G- 11G -2: South Side Shoreline Survey A comprehensive shoreline survey of the southern portion of Areas G -1 and G -2 was completed on May 24th, 2013. The Pamlico and Beaufort County Health Departments were notified prior to the survey, and they agreed to provide corrective action and follow -up for any malfunctioning septic systems or illegal onsite wastewater discharges discovered. The southern portion of Areas G -1 and G -2 includes the waters of Goose Creek, Eastham Creek, Campbell Creek, Spring Creek, Oyster Creek, and portions of the Pamlico River and the Intracoastal Waterway. Development surrounding this portion of the growing area is sparse, and most of the land is covered with forests or agricultural fields. According to US Census Data from 2010, the permanent population of this area is around 450, which is a decline from an estimate of 600 during the 2000 census. Non -Point Source Pollution Marinas — Most of the marinas and dockages within the southern portion of these growing areas have not undergone much change since 2010, aside from repairs related to storm damage. See Figure 4 for a map of marina locations, and Table 2 for a summary of marina information. Lowland Seafood was severely damaged during Hurricane Irene, and the rebuilding process is still ongoing. Six slips were destroyed and have not been rebuilt, so the total slip count has been reduced to 11. The business has yet to reopen, and no boats were seen using this facility during the survey. Harbor Packing, in Oyster Creek, has renovated a portion of the old seafood business as well as the dockage basin, adding one new slip. Oyster Creek Seafood, which is adjacent to Harbor Packing, also continues the repair process following the storm. A few boats continue to use some of the docks, although most are still in a state of disrepair. Aurora Packing, located on Goose Creek, has not rebuilt any of its storm damaged slips. Two boats were using the facility during the time of the visit. Stormwater — Stormwater can adversely impact shellfish growing areas by rapidly transporting fecal coliform bacteria and other contaminants from the land to the water. Runoff from roadways, residential areas, and agricultural fields is the primary contributor to fecal coliform levels throughout the area (Figure 5). Much of this area is very low - lying, especially along the eastern shore of Goose Creek around the Lowland community. Extensive ditching is necessary to keep water levels down, and many of these ditches remain full year round. Some of these drainages are still littered with storm debris, and it is likely that runoff from these areas contributes bacteria and other pollutants to the surrounding shellfishing waters. Subdivisions - Subdivisions are noted in the survey as an indicator of population growth, as well as for their tendency to concentrate potential sources of pollution such as septic systems, pet wastes, and stormwater. All of the subdivisions within this portion of the area are located on the western side of Goose Creek in G -1 (Figure 6, Table ). Canady Landing and Jarvis Landing were particularly hard hit by Hurricane Irene, as most of the homes within both of these developments were completely destroyed. New homes are gradually being rebuilt, and the remaining surviving homes are being elevated. Canady Landing now has 16 homes (22 before the storm), while Jarvis Landing has 17 (42 before the storm). Richlands Landing and Strawhorne Point are both severely overgrown, and the roads are still littered with storm debris. It is likely that both of these developments have been abandoned. Onsite Wastewater — All of the homes and businesses within this portion of the growing area are served by onsite wastewater systems. The majority of these systems were visited and inspected, and most were found to be functioning properly. Several issues were located, however, and were reported to the Pamlico and Beaufort County Health Departments for corrective action (Figure 7, Table 4). Among the eight wastewater violations noted during the 2010 survey, only two remain active. The homes associated with several of the old violations were destroyed in the storms, and the lots remain vacant. The home associated with a graywater discharge that was originally identified during the 2008 survey was found to be vacant in 2010. During this survey, it was noted that the house was again occupied, and the discharge was active. The property at Lowland Marina now includes three mobile homes and three campers, only one of which is lived in on a permanent basis. As noted during previous surveys, there are three to five separate onsite wastewater systems throughout the property. All of these residences with the exception of one are believed to be connected to one of these systems. The camper that is being lived in permanently does not appear to be connected to any wastewater system, so the likelihood of an illicit discharge is high. There continues to be a number of issues associated with the homes along Ponderosa Road in Lowland. Though the Pamlico County Health Department has tried to work with residents to educate them on the importance of proper wastewater disposal, many of the homes still include illicit discharges to the canals that line the properties. One new violation was noted along the south side of the Harbor Packing basin. Two campers that serve as part time residences were found without any connection to onsite wastewater systems. Both of these campers are located just a few feet from the water, and discharge pipes were seen lying disconnected next to the sewage outlets, so the likelihood of illicit discharges is high. Both of these campers would drain well within a Prohibited area, however, so no changes in classification are necessary. These new violations, as well as all of the repeat issues discussed above, were referred to the Health Department for corrective action. Wildlife and Domestic Animals — Wild animals including bears, deer, raccoons, foxes, wading birds, and waterfowl are common throughout the area (Figure 8, Table 5). There are also several large waterfowl impoundments scattered throughout this portion of the growing area. The four hybrid striped bass fish farms that have been discussed in previous surveys continue to operate and discharge to area creeks. These include Island Fisheries (discharges to G -1 and G -2), Cypress Aqua Fisheries (G -1), Spring Creek Fisheries (G -1), and Carolina Fisheries (located in G -1 watershed; discharges to G -12). In 2008, the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) entered into a Special Order by Consent (SOC) with these farms. Under the SOC, DWQ agreed not to assess water quality violation penalties on the farms for five years. In exchange, the farms agreed to a progressive evaluation process through which the discharges would either be eliminated or permitted with limits by August 2015. The SOC is set to end in 2014, and at that time, each of these farms will be inspected and will apply to be regulated under a general NPDES permit. DWQ officials have stated that at this point, it appears that all of the farms have developed better operations practices, including less frequent discharges, reuse of discharge water, and more efficient feeding strategies, which should allow them to meet any limits associated with a new permit. Aside from the fish farms, domestic animals are not a significant source of pollution within this portion of the growing area. Two small horse pastures and one larger horse farm were noted within the watershed, although it is unlikely that any of these has a significant impact on the surrounding waters. Poisonous or Deleterious Substances — Paints, oils, greases, and other byproducts of boat maintenance could have some impact on water quality, especially near the commercial seafood facilities scattered throughout the area. Large quantities of trash and junk were noted on previous surveys around the old marine facility just south of the Merritt Watson Crabhouse. Since that time, the area has been cleaned up and the road has been gated, so hopefully future dumping will be prevented (Figure 9, Table 6). 1.3 HYDROGRAPHIC FACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SPREAD OF POLLUTION Water movement in the G -1 and G -2 areas is primarily influenced by prevailing winds, so pollution dispersion is determined mainly by wind direction. Salinities are generally low, ranging from 5 to 26 parts per thousand during the time frame covered within this report (fable 7, Table ). Although rainfall and stormwater runoff have not been shown to significantly influence bacteria levels within the Approved shellfishing waters of Areas G -1 and G -2, emergency closures can occur following excessive rainfall associated with extreme events such as hurricanes or tropical storms. During the time period covered within this report, the Approved waters of G -1 and G -2 have been closed temporarily twice for a total of 26 days due to Tropical Storm Ida and Hurricane Irene ( ). Following each closure, the areas were sampled regularly until testing indicated a return to bacteria levels meeting Approved standards ( able 10). 1.4 BACTERIOLOGICAL SURVEY OF SHELLFISH GROWING WATERS The monitoring of the G -1 and G -2 Areas adheres to the systematic random sampling strategy outlined by the National Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP), and consists of thirty samples from each of the 33 sampling stations located throughout the growing areas, as well as 25 samples from one station that was added in 2009 (Figure � ). The bacteriological survey covered in this report includes water samples taken between 9/29/2008 and 7/24/2013. During that time period, 1015 water samples were collected as part of the routine sampling regime, and all were analyzed for fecal coliform bacteria in compliance with the systematic random sampling regime. Fable 11 and Table 12 list, for each individual sampling station, the date the sample was obtained, the tidal cycle upon which the sample was taken, and the ambient salinity. Fecal Coliform Most Probable Number (MPN) and summary statistics are listed as well. All stations within the G -1 and G -2 Areas currently meet the standards for Approved status, and many have exhibited improvements in water quality since the 2010 report was completed. In G -1, stations 16 and 17, located in the Prohibited waters of North and Bailey Creeks, respectively, have improved from estimated 90th percentiles of 25 and 32 in 2010 to 14 and 15 currently. Station 17A, located in Approved waters just downstream of station 17, has also improved, going from an estimated 90th percentile of 29 in 2010 to a current value of 11. In Growing Area G -2, station 8, located in the Prohibited waters of Wright Creek, has improved from an estimated 90th percentile of 30 in 2010 to a value of 15 currently. In nearby Satterthwaite Creek, station 7A, which is located in Prohibited waters, has improved from 37 to 33, while station 7, just downstream in Approved waters, has improved from 19 to 6. Bacteriological water quality at station 1A in Oyster Creek has also improved in recent years. In 2010, this station exhibited an estimated 90th percentile of 30, while it now has an estimated 90th percentile of 15. The only station to exhibit a large decline in water quality over the past few years is station 1 in G -1. This station, located in the Approved waters of the Intracoastal Waterway along the border with Area F -6, has declined from an estimated 90th percentile of 21 in 2010 to a value of 33 currently. 1.5 SUMMARY OF BACTERIOLOGICAL DATA ANALYSIS A review of the bacteriological data for Areas G -1 and G -2 indicates a general improvement in bacteriological water quality throughout the area, and all sampling stations currently meet the standards for Approved classification. See I able 1j and able 14 for a summary of all bacteriological data, while sampling station locations and current growing area classifications can be seen in 1.6 OVERALL EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS A review of the last five years of data gathered from sampling stations throughout the G -1 and G -2 Growing Areas indicates a widespread improvement in bacteriological water quality since the last triennial review in 2010. At a few stations, this will allow for reclassifications from Prohibited to Approved, while at others only continued monitoring is recommended. In Growing Area G -1, improvements in water quality at station 17 will allow for about 35 acres of Prohibited waters to be reclassified as Approved. Station 17A will be dropped from the sampling regime, and station 17 will now be used to monitor the adequacy of the new closure line. Meanwhile, the declines in water quality seen at station 1 in the Intracoastal Waterway do not yet necessitate a reclassification. This area will be closely monitored in the coming years, and should a continued decline be evident, a closure may be necessary. In Growing Area G -2, improvements in bacteriological water quality around station 8 will allow for the reclassification of about 16 acres from Prohibited to Approved. Just north in Satterthwaite Creek, station 7A will continue to be monitored for further improvements, and should water quality in the area continue its positive trend, an opening may be possible. 0 Although water quality at station 1A in Oyster Creek has been improving steadily since 2010, no reclassifications will be recommended at this time. The most recent shoreline survey of this area indicated the presence of several failing septic systems or graywater discharges within the Prohibited waters of the creek, so the current classifications appear proper. Otherwise, classifications within these areas appear adequate at this time, and no further changes are recommended. 10 Figure 1: Acreage Classification Acres Shellfishing Water Classification Acreages Approved (46,468.27 acres) OConditionally Approved - Open (0.00 acres) DConditionally Approved - Closed (0.00 acres) ■CSHA - Prohibited (536.08 acres) Percent of Total Approved 46,468.27 98.9% Conditionally Approved - Open 0.00 Conditionally Approved - Closed 0.00 CSHA - Prohibited 536.08 1.1% Total 47,004.36 Status Acres 100.0% Shellfishing Water Closure Acreages OOpen (46,468.27 acres) ■Closed (536.08 acres) Percent of Total Open 46,468.27 98.9% Closed 536.08 1.1% Total 47,004.36 100.0% M G -1 & G -2 Growing Areas: Shellfishing Water Sampling Stations Legend 0 Sampling Stations • Shellfish Growing Area Boundaries _ 14 -digit Hydrologic Units Shellfish Growing Area Classifications Approved G -. � Conditionally Approved -Open Conditionally Approved - Closed r _ 4'"* ')' Po,nr 1 Prohibited F, G -2 Fonk N mop z 1 1Ga w� C., ., 0 1 2 -- Miles - Virginia ' r- ;,Creel¢ J - • - � � - , - _ North Carolina G - - G SCR Gcsa G 1 & G -2 Growing Areas Fl t a n t i c = Ocean South" Carolina - Poor �_. a, y r I na Department of L7 North Ca - of F P r. 1 Environment and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Health Shellfish Sanitation and Recreational Water Quality Section s September 16, 2013 - _- - I71 6'�' - �o -�-_� - Copyright:© 201 Nataonal Geographic Sdeiety, I -cubed l Sampling Stations 12 Area G -1/G -2 Sampling Station Descriptions Table 1 Growing Area Station # Station Description County G -1 1 At Inland Waterway Bridge at Hobucken Pamlico G -1 3 Flashing Beacon 419, Head of Goose Creek Pamlico G -1 4 Flashing Beacon #15, Goose Creek Pamlico G -1 5 Opposite Campbell Creek, Between Two Creeks Beaufort G -1 6 Mouth of Eastman Creek Pamlico G -1 7 Mouth of Smode Creek Beaufort G -1 7A Mouth of Dixon Creek, In Goose Creek Pamlico G -1 8 Mouth of Lower Spring Creek Beaufort G -1 9 Day Marker #3, Mouth of Goose Creek Pamlico G -1 10 Red Day Marker #2, Pamlico River Beaufort G -1 11 Red Day Marker #4, Pamlico River Beaufort G -1 14 Center of Pamlico River, Between Cousins and Hickory Points Beaufort G -1 15 Beacon #1, Off Cousins Point Beaufort G -1 16 Mouth of North Creek Beaufort G -1 17 Junction of Ross and Bailey Creeks Beaufort G -1 17A Downstream of Station 17, In Open Area Beaufort G -1 18 200 Yards Off Moores Beach, Pamlico River Beaufort G -1 18B 1000 Yards West of Station #18 off Pamlico Beach Beaufort G -1 19 100 Yards Off Wades Point Beaufort G -1 20 1/2 Off Wades Creek and Fulford Point Pamlico G -2 1 100 Feet East of Flashing Beacon #4 At Cedar Island Pamlico G -2 1A 500 Yards Northeast of Harbor Packing Company, Oyster Creek Pamlico G -2 113 Mouth of Middle Prong Creek Pamlico G -2 2 Mouse Harbor at the Mouth of the Ditch Pamlico G -2 3 Pamlico River at Willow Point Light Hyde G -2 4 Mouth of Abel Bay Hyde G -2 4A Mouth of South Tributary in Abel Bay Hyde G -2 4B Mouth of North Tributary in Abel Bay Hyde G -2 5 Mouth of Crooked Creek at Currituck Point Hyde G -2 6 Luptons Point At Mouth of Fortesque Creek Hyde G -2 7 Mouth of Satterthwaite Creek, Pungo River Beaufort G -2 7A 1000 Yards Up Satterthwaite Creek At Fork Beaufort G -2 8 Mouth of Wright Creek Beaufort G -2 9 Wades Point, Flashing Beacon, Pamlico River Beaufort 13 G -1 & G -2 00 ° _ Growing Areas: 0 0 $ Actual and m e� °° Potential `� ° ° o Pollution _ o o 0 Sources �° o� g ° O° " & Legend o ° 00 9,�pO0 O Animals O br O Areas of Concern • Dockage • Golf Courses ° ° ° r O Stormwater O Subdivisions 0 Wastewater 0 Sampling Stations Shellfish Growing Area Boundaries 14 -digit Hydrologic Units Shellfish Growing Area Classifications %��r — Approved o nt ` Conditionally Approved -Open Conditionally Approved - Closed Prohibited N W E S 0 1 2 r� Miles t• I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Health Shellfish Sanitation and Recreational Water Quality Section September 16, 2013 oaO O - 0 G -1 G -2 •b 114 O CZ) • CD • • Q• %i i •��� • 1 • • • •• • 0 CD • `•J • • •/ • • • •• •1 • • ••• • • • !• • • • • • • • • •• •• • •• • ••• • • • • • '• • All • H wo National Geographic Society, i -cubed 14 G -1 & G -2 Growing Areas: Dockage Legend 0 Dockage Shellfish Growing Area Boundaries 14 -digit Hydrologic Units Shellfish Growing Area Classifications Approved Conditionally Approved -Open Conditionally Approved - Closed Prohibited 0 0 0.5 1 Miles North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Health Shellfish Sanitation and Recreational Water Quality Section September 16, 2013 G -1 WV Point 7 Pert /PRt, " +� IN J / 364 u4 ft —� C f � GCSE- F . ^370 r I l 399 398 355 / Pamlico G -2 367 r ,365 366 378 0,369 _ aviared 368, Mr - .A i � w r Copyright:© 2013 Nationa Pollution: Dockage 15 R;m Lft-. r,- � L I Table 2: Dockage SGA Index Marina Name Total Slips Comments 355 Ralphs Road Dockage 24 Not Completely Repaired 356 North Creek Landing Community Marina 22 - 364 Goose Creek Landing Dockage 10 - 365 Oyster Creek Seafood 12 Repairs Ongoing 366 Harbor Packing 11 Repairs Ongoing 367 Aurora Packing Company 9 Not Completely Repaired 368 Lowland Seafood 11 Still Severely Damaged 369 Merritt Watson Seafood 16 Business Closed 370 Windsong Community Dockage 10 - 378 Lowland Marina /Oyster Creek Yacht Club 18 - 379 Potters Marine 14 - 380 North Creek Marina 15 - 396 Endless Days Seafood 28 Just Beginning To Rebuild 397 Fosters Seafood 25 Plan To Add New Slips in 2014 398 Old Guthrie Seafood 18 - 399 Old Hopkins Seafood 18 Appears Abandoned 592 North Creek Private Dockage 10 - 16 G -1 & G -2 Growing Areas: Stormwater Legend O Stormwater Shellfish Growing Area Boundaries 14 -digit Hydrologic Units Shellfish Growing Area Classifications Approved Conditionally Approved -Open Conditionally Approved - Closed Prohibited `vyi i 0 1 2 Miles • • • . •�� � •� •ri •bpi • • WO :•• :�• • • 000 • • • • • • •,��i• • • • • • • • • •i CDO O oQD qq �`N{T10 I y lL-- �6 !O G North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Health Shellfish Sanitation and Recreational Water Quality Section September 16, 2013 w 00 O O O O O (D 8 QZDo O O 00 O i G -2 0 Pollution: Stormwater 17 Pollution: Subdivisions 18 Table 3: Subdivisions SGA Index Subdivision Name # Lots # Homes 2009 # Homes 2013 Comments 639 North Creek Landing 46 6 9 - 656 Windsong 59 20 21 - 678 Canady Landing Mobile Home Park 28 22 16 Severe Hurricane Damage 679 Spring Creek 34 14 14 - 680 Richland Landing 12 0 0 Overgrown /Abandoned 681 Bailey Pointe 106 3 6 - 682 Jarvis Landing 65 35 17 Severe Hurricane Damage 683 Strawhorn Point 12 0 0 Overgrown /Abandoned 684 Summerise 10 3 5 - 685 Goose Creek Landing 22 2 2 - 692 Carolina Shores 96 4 7 - 693 Ashton Landing 21 1 2 - 696 Pamlico Shores 19 0 0 - 697 Muse Landing 6 0 1 - 698 Smugglers Cove 71 11 13 - 708 Crosswinds 19 0 4 - 709 Treasure Cay 16 0 1 - IN Pollution: Wastewater 20 Table 4: Wastewater SGA Index Comments 520 Graywater Discharge 522 Several Homes Detroyed in Hurricane; Issues Still Exist 539 Graywater Discharge Removed 540 Graywater Discharge 945 Graywater Discharge 946 Home Removed 947 Camper Not Connected To Onsite Wastewater Systems 978 Septic Failure Fixed 979 Septic Failure Active 980 Graywater Discharge 981 Septic Failure Fixed 1057 Two Campers Not Connected To Onsite Wastewater Systems 21 Pollution: Animals 22 Table 5: Animals SGA Index Comments 264 Drainage From Carolina Fisheries Fish Farm 265 Drainage From Carolina Fisheries Fish Farm 266 Drainage From Cypress Aqua Fish Farm 267 Drainage From Cypress Aqua Fish Farm 268 10 Horses 269 1 Horse 270 Drainage From Island Fisheries Fish Farm 271 Drainage From McGowan Catfish Farm 272 Horses No Longer Present 472 1 Horse 476 3 Horses In A Large Pasture 525 2 Horses 526 2 Horses 527 1 Horse, 10 Chickens 23 G -1 & G -2 Growing Areas: Areas of Concern Legend Areas of Concern O SOLID WASTE 0 TRASH 0 OTHER -SEE COMMENTS Shellfish Growing Area Boundaries 14 -digit Hydrologic Units Shellfish Growing Area Classifications Approved Conditionally Approved -Open Conditionally Approved - Closed Prohibited M 0 0.5 1 Miles North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Health Shellfish Sanitation and Recreational Water Quality Section September 16, 2013 AC9 Sr - ,. ti► - .5 Moares ,138 eh ech G -1 r� � Az Poor PIF, -1 L — A G -2 �!► I, w A. . 136 137? Copyright':© .013 Nfational Geoglr Pollution: Areas of Concern 24 Table 6: Areas of Concern SGA Index Comments 136 Junk Including Tires, Construction Debris, Household Trash 137 Junk Being Cleaned Up; Road Gated To Prevent Further Dumping 138 Building Materials and Loose Debris From Destroyed Home 141 Junk Cars, Parts, Household Trash, and Other Junk 25 G -1 Tides and Salinities Data Table 7 Station ID Date Tidal Stage 1 3 4 5 6 7 7A 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 17A 18 188 19 20 9/29/2008 HIGH 21 20 20 20 20 21 20 20 20 18 20 20 22 20 20 20 22 24 21 11/12/2008 HIGH 24 24 23 21 24 23 24 23 24 23 23 23 24 24 23 24 24 25 25 12/3/2008 HIGH 24 21 21 21 21 25 21 24 21 23 23 22 21 21 21 21 23 24 24 2/11/2009 LOW 21 21 20 20 21 21 20 21 20 20 20 20 16 20 20 20 20 20 20 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 13 12 12 12 15 15 15 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 20 20 17 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 17 20 17 15 15 20 20 20 20 10/5/2009 HIGH 15 18 15 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 11/24/2009 HIGH 14 12 12 11 14 15 15 15 12 12 15 17 16 16 18 17 16 17 15 14 12/21/2009 HIGH 6 8 8 8 7 10 7 10 9 10 10 11 11 10 8 8 12 10 11 11 3/8/2010 HIGH 9 9 8 8 8 9 8 9 8 7 7 10 9 10 10 10 9 9 10 8 4/29/2010 HIGH 8 9 7 9 8 7 7 6 7 6 5 6 7 5 5 5 9 7 8 7 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 7 7 10 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 15 15 14 15 15 15 14 15 14 14 13 14 12 12 12 15 15 15 15 9/14/2010 LOW 15 15 15 15 15 13 15 12 12 10 10 12 13 12 11 11 15 15 15 15 10/20/2010 HIGH 13 13 12 10 10 15 13 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 3/28/2011 HIGH 12 12 12 12 12 15 12 15 15 16 16 16 16 12 13 13 15 15 15 15 6/6/2011 LOW 15 15 15 15 15 10 15 10 15 11 11 14 10 10 10 10 14 14 14 15 8/1/2011 HIGH 12 12 11 10 12 13 12 14 12 12 12 10 11 10 11 10 12 12 11 13 8/15/2011 LOW 13 12 13 13 13 15 13 15 15 15 15 16 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 12/6/2011 HIGH 18 18 16 15 18 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 15 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 3/7/2012 HIGH 12 12 12 12 12 13 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 5/16/2012 LOW 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 19 17 15 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 8/27/2012 HIGH 15 15 15 15 13 14 14 14 15 13 13 13 14 13 12 12 13 14 14 14 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 20 21 20 20 12/4/2012 LOW 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 20 21 20 21 20 20 1/28/2013 LOW 20 20 19 17 20 19 20 18 17 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 17 5/8/2013 LOW 11 12 12 12 12 13 12 13 14 12 12 14 13 13 12 13 14 14 14 14 6/5/2013 LOW 16 15 15 15 16 17 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 7/24/2013 HIGH 13 Ll 3 13 13 12 10 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 26 G -2 Tides and Salinities Data Table 8 It Station ID It Date Tidal Stage 1 1A IB 2 3 4 4A 48 5 6 7 7A 8 9 9/29/2008 HIGH 20 21 21 22 24 25 26 25 25 25 25 25 23 26 11/12/2008 HIGH 24 24 23 24 26 26 26 26 26 25 24 25 25 25 12/3/2008 HIGH 25 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 25 25 24 2/11/2009 LOW 20 20 21 22 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 20 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 15 15 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 20 20 20 20 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 11/24/2009 HIGH 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 17 15 15 12/21/2009 HIGH 12 9 9 6 12 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 11 3/8/2010 HIGH 9 9 9 9 10 12 12 12 10 11 7 6 8 9 4/29/2010 HIGH 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 7 7 7 10 10 9 7 7 7 7 8 7 10 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 15 15 16 15 15 14 14 15 14 14 14 15 15 9/14/2010 LOW 13 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 15 10 10/20/2010 HIGH 12 12 12 12 13 15 15 15 15 15 15 17 17 15 3/28/2011 HIGH 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 19 18 15 15 15 15 6/6/2011 LOW 13 11 11 10 15 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 15 8/1/2011 HIGH 15 14 15 15 15 15 15 14 12 12 11 11 11 11 8/16/2011 HIGH 17 15 15 17 17 17 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 12/6/2011 HIGH 16 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 3/14/2012 LOW 22 22 22 20 22 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 5/16/2012 LOW 17 15 17 19 17 17 17 19 18 17 17 17 17 15 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 15 15 15 15 16 15 15 15 15 16 20 17 16 8/29/2012 HIGH 18 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 17 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 20 20 20 25 25 23 25 25 25 23 20 20 20 12/4/2012 LOW 20 20 20 20 25 23 23 24 24 24 20 20 20 20 1/28/2013 LOW 17 17 17 18 20 21 21 21 21 21 20 21 20 20 4/16/2013 LOW 10 10 10 7 14 13 14 14 14 14 12 12 12 14 6/5/2013 LOW 17 17 18 r12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 13 12 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 27 Areas G -1/G -2 - Temporary Closures Table 9 Date Closure Description Date Closed Date Opened Reason 11/12/2009 G -1 and G -2: All Waters 11/12/2009 Tropical Storm Ida 11/17/2009 A Portion of the Pamlico River South and East of a Line From Willow Point to Wades Point to Pamlico Point Returns to Normal Boundaries 11/18/2009 Sampling 11/24/2009 Mouse Harbor Reopens 11/25/2009 Sampling 11/25/2009 G -1 and G -2 Return to Normal Boundaries 11/26/2009 Sampling 08/29/11 All Coastal waters close. 29 -Aug Hurricane Irene 09/09/11 G -1 and G -2 Return to Normal Boundaries 10 -Sep Sampling 28 POST - RAINFALL SAMPLING DATA G -1 �= No. . ee• • IIIIIIIIIE11111111 3 1.7 4 1.7 1.7 9 G -2 Station No. 1j45 6/09 09/08/11 11/21/12 3 1.7 4 1.7 1.7 9 TABLE 10 29 G -1 Formatted Data Table 11 Station ID: 1 Samples: 30 # > 43 MPN: 2 # > 260 MPN: 1 (Median: 2 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.6929 0.6548 Geomean: 4.9306 jEstimated 90th: 33 0.6362 # > 260 MPN: (Median: 1 `` Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 21 4.5 0.6532 11/12/2008 HIGH 24 4.5 0.6532 12/3/2008 HIGH 24 13.0 1.1139 2/11/2009 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 2.0 0.301 10/5/2009 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 11/24/2009 HIGH 14 13.0 1.1139 12/21/2009 HIGH 6 2.0 0.301 3/8/2010 HIGH 9 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 8 7.8 0.8921 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 15 4.5 0.6532 10/20/2010 HIGH 13 4.5 0.6532 3/28/2011 HIGH 12 1,600.0 3.2041 6/6/2011 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 12 46.0 1.6628 8/15/2011 LOW 13 7.8 0.8921 12/6/2011 HIGH 18 1.7 0.2304 3/7/2012 HIGH 12 33.0 1.5185 5/16/2012 LOW 17 27.0 1.4314 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 8/27/2012 HIGH 15 7.8 0.8921 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 20 2.0 0.301 5/8/2013 LOW 11 22.0 1.3424 6/5/2013 LOW 16 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 Station ID: 3 # Samples: # > 43 MPN: 30 3 Log Avg: Log Std Dev: 0.7446 0.6362 # > 260 MPN: (Median: 1 `` Geomean: Estimated 90th: 5.5541 36 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 20 7.8 4.0 0.8921 11/12/2008 HIGH 24 0.6021 12/3/2008 HIGH 21 17.0 1.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 18 4.0 0.6021 11/24/2009 HIGH 12 13.0 1.1139 12/21/2009 HIGH 8 4.5 0.6532 3/8/2010 HIGH 9 2.0 0.301 4/29/2010 HIGH 9 2.0 0.301 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 7.8 0.8921 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 15 4.5 0.6532 10/20/2010 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 3/28/2011 HIGH 12 540.0 2.7324 6/6/2011 LOW 15 2.0 0.301 8/1/2011 HIGH 12 49.0 1.6902 8/15/2011 LOW 12 4.5 0.6532 12/6/2011 HIGH 18 1.7 0.2304 3/7/2012 HIGH 12 140.0 2.1461 5/16/2012 LOW 17 17.0 1.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 14.0 1.1461 8/27/2012 HIGH 15 23.0 1.3617 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 2.0 0.301 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 5/8/2013 LOW 12 17.0 1.2304 6/5/2013 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 30 G -1 Formatted Data Table Station ID: 4 Samples: 30 # > 43 MPN: 1 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.5609 0.5110 # > 260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.9 Geomean: jEstimated 90th:-F 3.6379 16 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 3.4002 12 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 20 4.5 0.6532 11/12/2008 HIGH 23 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 21 2.0 0.301 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 2.0 0.301 10/5/2009 HIGH 15 1.8 0.2553 11/24/2009 HIGH 12 4.5 0.6532 12/21/2009 HIGH 8 7.8 0.8921 3/8/2010 HIGH 8 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 7 1.7 0.2304 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 9/14/2010 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 12 4.5 0.6532 3/28/2011 HIGH 12 17.0 1.2304 6/6/2011 LOW 15 14.0 1.1461 8/1/2011 HIGH 11 6.8 0.8325 8/15/2011 LOW 13 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 16 1.7 0.2304 3/7/2012 HIGH 12 240.0 2.3802 5/16/2012 LOW 17 21.0 1.3222 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 17.0 1.2304 8/27/2012 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 19 1.7 0.2304 5/8/2013 LOW 12 5/8/2013 1.1461 6/5/2013 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 Station ID: 5 # Samples: # > 43 MPN: 30 1 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.5315 0.4360 F#>-260 MPN: (Median: 0 2 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 3.4002 12 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 20 7.8 1.7 0.8921 11/12/2008 HIGH 21 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 21 2.0 0.301 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 17 2.0 0.301 10/5/2009 HIGH 18 2.0 0.301 11/24/2009 HIGH 11 7.8 0.8921 12/21/2009 HIGH 8 4.5 0.6532 3/8/2010 HIGH 8 2.0 0.301 4/29/2010 HIGH 9 1.7 0.2304 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 14 1.8 0.2553 9/14/2010 LOW 15 1.8 0.2553 10/20/2010 HIGH 10 4.5 0.6532 3/28/2011 HIGH 12 4.5 0.6532 6/6/2011 LOW 15 49.0 1.6902 8/1/2011 HIGH 10 33.0 1.5185 8/15/2011 LOW 13 2.0 0.301 12/6/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/7/2012 HIGH 12 33.0 1.5185 5/16/2012 LOW 17 7.8 0.8921 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 6.8 0.8325 8/27/2012 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 5/8/2013 LOW 12 9.3 0.9685 6/5/2013 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 31 G -1 Formatted Data Table Station ID: 6 Samples: 30 # > 43 MPN: 1 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.5265 0.5037 # > 260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 Geomean: jEstimated 90th:-F 3.3610 14 Geomean: 90th: 2.7870 9 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/12/2008 HIGH 24 2.0 0.301 12/3/2008 HIGH 21 33.0 1.5185 2/11/2009 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 14 4.5 0.6532 12/21/2009 HIGH 7 4.5 0.6532 3/8/2010 HIGH 8 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 8 2.0 0.301 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 15 4.5 0.6532 10/20/2010 HIGH 10 2.0 0.301 3/28/2011 HIGH 12 7.8 0.8921 6/6/2011 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 12 33.0 1.5185 8/15/2011 LOW 13 1.8 0.2553 12/6/2011 HIGH 18 1.7 0.2304 3/7/2012 HIGH 12 79.0 1.8976 5/16/2012 LOW 17 33.0 1.5185 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/27/2012 HIGH 13 2.0 0.301 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 5/8/2013 LOW 12 22.0 1.3424 6/5/2013 LOW 16 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 12 1.7 0.2304 Station ID: 7 # Samples: # > 43 MPN: 30 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.4451 0.3992 F#>-260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 I�Estimated Geomean: 90th: 2.7870 9 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 11/12/2008 HIGH 23 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 25 2.0 0.301 2/11/2009 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 1.8 0.2553 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 15 7.8 0.8921 12/21/2009 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 9 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 7 11.0 1.0414 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 2.0 0.301 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 13 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/28/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 6/6/2011 LOW 10 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 13 23.0 1.3617 8/15/2011 LOW 15 2.0 0.301 12/6/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/7/2012 HIGH 13 26.0 4.5 1.415 5/16/2012 LOW 17 0.6532 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 31.0 1.4914 8/27/2012 HIGH 14 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 19 1.7 0.2304 5/8/2013 LOW 13 7.8 0.8921 6/5/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 2.0 0.301 32 G -1 Formatted Data Table Station ID: 7A Samples: 30 # > 43 MPN: 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.5073 0.3672 # > 260 MPN: (Median: 0 2 L_jEstimated90th: Geomean: 3.2162 9 0 1.7 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 2.1307 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 20 7.8 0.8921 11/12/2008 HIGH 24 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 21 6.8 0.8325 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 2.0 0.301 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 15 7.8 0.8921 12/21/2009 HIGH 7 2.0 0.301 3/8/2010 HIGH 8 2.0 0.301 4/29/2010 HIGH 7 2.0 0.301 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 13.0 1.1139 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 15 2.0 0.301 10/20/2010 HIGH 13 17.0 1.2304 3/28/2011 HIGH 12 1.7 0.2304 6/6/2011 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 12 7.8 0.8921 8/15/2011 LOW 13 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/7/2012 HIGH 12 11.0 1.0414 5/16/2012 LOW 17 7.8 0.8921 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 13.0 1.1139 8/27/2012 HIGH 14 2.0 0.301 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 2.0 0.301 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 5/8/2013 LOW 12 1.7 1.1461 6/5/2013 LOW 16 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 11 2.0 0.301 Station ID: 8 # Samples: # > 43 MPN: 30 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.3285 0.2244 F#>-260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 2.1307 4 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 20 2.0 0.301 11/12/2008 HIGH 23 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 24 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 15 7.8 0.8921 12/21/2009 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 9 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 6 2.0 0.301 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 14 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 12 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 3/28/2011 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 6/6/2011 LOW 10 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 14 1.7 0.2304 8/15/2011 LOW 15 4.0 0.6021 12/6/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/7/2012 HIGH 13 6.8 0.8325 5/16/2012 LOW 17 2.0 0.301 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 8/27/2012 HIGH 14 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 18 1.7 0.2304 5/8/2013 LOW 13 13.0 1.1139 6/5/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 33 G -1 Formatted Data Table Station ID: 9 Samples: 30 # > 43 MPN: 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.2693 0.1321 # > 260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 Geomean: 1.8592 jEstimated 90th: 2 l Geomean: Estimated 90th: 1.8337 2 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/12/2008 HIGH 24 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 12 2.0 0.301 12/21/2009 HIGH 9 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 8 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 7 1.7 0.2304 6/9/2010 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 12 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/28/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 6/6/2011 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 12 1.7 0.2304 8/15/2011 LOW 15 4.5 0.6532 12/6/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/7/2012 HIGH 13 2.0 0.301 5/16/2012 LOW 19 1.7 0.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/27/2012 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 5/8/2013 LOW 14 6.8 0.8325 6/5/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 Station ID: 10 # Samples: # > 43 MPN: 30 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.2633 0.1075 F#>-260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 1.8337 2 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 18 1.7 0.2304 11/12/2008 HIGH 23 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 23 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 12 4.5 0.6532 12/21/2009 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 7 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 6 1.7 0.2304 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 14 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 10 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/28/2011 HIGH 16 2.0 0.301 6/6/2011 LOW 11 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 12 1.7 0.2304 8/15/2011 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/7/2012 HIGH 13 2.0 0.301 5/16/2012 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/27/2012 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 18 1.7 0.2304 5/8/2013 LOW 12 4.5 0.6532 6/5/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 34 G -1 Formatted Data Table Station ID: 11 I# Samples: 30 # > 43 MPN: 0 iLog Avg: Log Std Dew 0.3379 0.2332 # > 260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 Geomean: 2.1772 jEstimated 90th: 4 l Geomean: Estimated 90th: 1.9567 3 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 20 2.0 0.301 11/12/2008 HIGH 23 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 23 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 15 4.5 0.6532 12/21/2009 HIGH 10 2.0 0.301 3/8/2010 HIGH 7 4.5 0.6532 4/29/2010 HIGH 5 4.5 0.6532 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 14 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 10 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/28/2011 HIGH 16 1.7 0.2304 6/6/2011 LOW 11 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 12 17.0 1.2304 8/15/2011 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/7/2012 HIGH 13 2.0 0.301 5/16/2012 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/27/2012 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 18 2.0 0.301 5/8/2013 LOW 12 6.8 0.8325 6/5/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 Station ID: 14 # Samples: # > 43 MPN: 30 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.2915 0.1454 F#>-260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 1.9567 3 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/12/2008 HIGH 23 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 22 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 17 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 17 4.5 0.6532 12/21/2009 HIGH 11 4.5 0.6532 3/8/2010 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 6 1.7 0.2304 6/9/2010 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 12 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/28/2011 HIGH 16 4.5 0.6532 6/6/2011 LOW 14 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 8/15/2011 LOW 16 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 14 4.5 0.6532 3/7/2012 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 5/16/2012 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/27/2012 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 18 1.7 0.2304 5/8/2013 LOW 14 2.0 0.301 6/5/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 2.0 0.301 35 G -1 Formatted Data Table Station ID: 15 I# Samples: 30 # > 43 MPN: 0 iLog Avg: Log Std Dew 0.3102 0.2065 # > 260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 Geomean: 2.0425 jEstimated 90th: 3 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 3.8624 14 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 22 1.7 0.2304 11/12/2008 HIGH 24 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 21 2.0 0.301 2/11/2009 LOW 16 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 16 1.7 0.2304 12/21/2009 HIGH 11 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 9 2.0 0.301 4/29/2010 HIGH 7 2.0 0.301 6/9/2010 HIGH 8 2.0 0.301 8/17/2010 HIGH 14 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 13 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/28/2011 HIGH 16 2.0 0.301 6/6/2011 LOW 10 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 11 4.5 0.6532 8/15/2011 LOW 14 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/7/2012 HIGH 13 13.0 1.1139 5/16/2012 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/27/2012 HIGH 14 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 21 2.0 0.301 12/4/2012 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 5/8/2013 LOW 13 7.8 0.8921 6/5/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 Station ID: 16 # Samples: # > 43 MPN: 30 1 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.5869 0.4496 F#>-260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.85 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 3.8624 14 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 20 4.5 0.6532 11/12/2008 HIGH 24 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 12 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 17 7.8 0.8921 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 16 6.8 0.8325 12/21/2009 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 10 2.0 0.301 4/29/2010 HIGH 5 4.5 0.6532 6/9/2010 HIGH 8 7.8 0.8921 8/17/2010 HIGH 12 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 12 4.5 0.6532 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 4.5 0.6532 3/28/2011 HIGH 12 13.0 1.1139 6/6/2011 LOW 10 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 10 23.0 1.3617 8/15/2011 LOW 14 17.0 1.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 14 1.7 0.2304 3/7/2012 HIGH 12 79.0 1.7 1.8976 5/16/2012 LOW 17 0.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 7.8 0.8921 8/27/2012 HIGH 13 7.8 0.8921 11/29/2012 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 5/8/2013 LOW 13 17.0 1.2304 6/5/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 36 G -1 Formatted Data Table Station ID: 17 Samples: 30 # > 43 MPN: 2 # > 260 MPN: 0 (Median: 1.85 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.5740 0.4773 Geomean: Estimated 90th:-F 3.7500 15 F#>-260 MPN: (Median: Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/12/2008 HIGH 23 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 20 2.0 0.301 4/28/2009 HIGH 12 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 15 7.8 0.8921 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 18 33.0 1.5185 12/21/2009 HIGH 8 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 10 4.5 0.6532 4/29/2010 HIGH 5 17.0 1.2304 6/9/2010 HIGH 8 13.0 1.1139 8/17/2010 HIGH 12 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 11 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 4.5 0.6532 3/28/2011 HIGH 13 7.8 0.8921 6/6/2011 LOW 10 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 11 4.5 0.6532 8/15/2011 LOW 14 2.0 0.301 12/6/2011 HIGH 15 11.0 1.0414 3/7/2012 HIGH 12 49.0 1.6902 5/16/2012 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/27/2012 HIGH 12 6.8 0.8325 11/29/2012 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 5/8/2013 LOW 12 LOW 1.6902 6/5/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 2.0 0.301 Station ID: 17A # Samples: # > 43 MPN: 30 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.5518 0.3976 F#>-260 MPN: (Median: 0 2 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 3.5630 11 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 20 2.0 4.0 0.301 11/12/2008 HIGH 24 0.6021 12/3/2008 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 12 7.8 0.8921 8/5/2009 HIGH 15 7.8 0.8921 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 17 6.8 0.8325 12/21/2009 HIGH 8 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 10 2.0 0.301 4/29/2010 HIGH 5 23.0 1.3617 6/9/2010 HIGH 8 2.0 0.301 8/17/2010 HIGH 12 2.0 0.301 9/14/2010 LOW 11 11.0 1.0414 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 6.8 0.8325 3/28/2011 HIGH 13 13.0 1.1139 6/6/2011 LOW 10 2.0 0.301 8/1/2011 HIGH 10 7.8 0.8921 8/15/2011 LOW 14 2.0 0.301 12/6/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/7/2012 HIGH 12 33.0 1.5185 5/16/2012 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 8/27/2012 HIGH 12 7.8 0.8921 11/29/2012 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 5/8/2013 LOW 13 11.0 1.0414 6/5/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 37 G -1 Formatted Data Table Station ID: 18 Samples: 30 # > 43 MPN: 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.2634 0.0801 # > 260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 Geomean: 1.8338 jEstimated 90th: 2 l Geomean: 90th: 1.8908 2 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 22 2.0 0.301 11/12/2008 HIGH 24 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 23 2.0 0.301 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 16 2.0 0.301 12/21/2009 HIGH 12 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 9 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 9 1.7 0.2304 6/9/2010 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 4.5 0.6532 3/28/2011 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 6/6/2011 LOW 14 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 12 2.0 0.301 8/15/2011 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 3/7/2012 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 5/16/2012 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/27/2012 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 5/8/2013 LOW 14 2.0 0.301 6/5/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 2.0 0.301 Station ID: 18B # Samples: # > 43 MPN: 25 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.2766 0.1539 F#>-260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 I�Estimated Geomean: 90th: 1.8908 2 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 17 1.7 0.2304 12/21/2009 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 9 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 7 1.7 0.2304 6/9/2010 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/28/2011 HIGH 15 7.8 0.8921 6/6/2011 LOW 14 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 12 1.7 0.2304 8/15/2011 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/7/2012 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 5/16/2012 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/27/2012 HIGH 14 4.5 0.6532 11/29/2012 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 5/8/2013 LOW 14 2.0 0.301 6/5/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 38 G -1 Formatted Data Table Station ID: 19 Samples: 30 # > 43 MPN: 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.2375 0.0215 # > 260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 Geomean: 1.7279 jEstimated 90th: 1 l Geomean: 90th: 1.8814 2 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 24 1.7 0.2304 11/12/2008 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 24 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 12/21/2009 HIGH 11 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 8 1.7 0.2304 6/9/2010 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/28/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 6/6/2011 LOW 14 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 11 2.0 0.301 8/15/2011 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/7/2012 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 5/16/2012 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/27/2012 HIGH 14 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 20 2.0 0.301 5/8/2013 LOW 14 2.0 0.301 6/5/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 Station ID: 20 # Samples: # > 43 MPN: 30 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.2745 0.1407 F#>-260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 I�Estimated Geomean: 90th: 1.8814 2 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 11/12/2008 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 24 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 14 4.5 0.6532 12/21/2009 HIGH 11 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 8 7.8 0.8921 4/29/2010 HIGH 7 1.7 0.2304 6/9/2010 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/28/2011 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 6/6/2011 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 8/15/2011 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 3/7/2012 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 5/16/2012 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 8/27/2012 HIGH 14 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 5/8/2013 LOW 14 1.8 0.2553 6/5/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 39 G -2 Formatted Data Table 12 Station ID: 1 I# Samples: 30 # > 43 MPN: 1 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.4050 0.3720 # > 260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 Geomean: 2.5410 jEstimated 90th: 7 0 1.75 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 3.6898 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/12/2008 HIGH 24 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 25 4.5 0.6532 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 12/21/2009 HIGH 12 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 9 2.0 0.301 4/29/2010 HIGH 9 1.7 0.2304 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 13.0 1.1139 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 13 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 12 4.5 0.6532 3/28/2011 HIGH 15 7.8 0.8921 6/6/2011 LOW 13 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 15 46.0 1.6628 8/16/2011 HIGH 17 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 16 1.7 0.2304 3/14/2012 LOW 22 1.7 0.2304 5/16/2012 LOW 17 23.0 1.3617 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 8/29/2012 HIGH 18 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 4/16/2013 LOW 10 1.7 0.2304 6/5/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 Station ID: 1A # Samples: # > 43 MPN: 30 2 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.5670 0.4789 F#>-260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.75 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 3.6898 15 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 21 14.0 1.7 1.1461 11/12/2008 HIGH 24 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 24 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 2.0 0.301 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 15 17.0 1.2304 12/21/2009 HIGH 9 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 9 2.0 0.301 4/29/2010 HIGH 9 13.0 1.1139 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 17.0 1.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 15 2.0 0.301 10/20/2010 HIGH 12 7.8 0.8921 3/28/2011 HIGH 15 4.5 0.6532 6/6/2011 LOW 11 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 14 49.0 1.6902 8/16/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 17 1.7 0.2304 3/14/2012 LOW 22 1.7 0.2304 5/16/2012 LOW 15 17.0 1.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 46.0 1.6628 8/29/2012 HIGH 18 7.8 0.8921 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 17 4.5 0.6532 4/16/2013 LOW 10 1.8 0.2553 6/5/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 40 G -2 Formatted Data Table Station ID: 1B Samples: 30 # > 43 MPN: 1 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.4760 0.4608 # > 260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 Geomean: jEstimated 90th:-F 2.9924 11 14 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 21 7.8 0.8921 11/12/2008 HIGH 23 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 24 13.0 1.1139 2/11/2009 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 2.0 0.301 11/24/2009 HIGH 15 33.0 1.5185 12/21/2009 HIGH 9 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 9 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 9 2.0 0.301 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 2.0 0.301 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 12 2.0 0.301 3/28/2011 HIGH 15 4.5 0.6532 6/6/2011 LOW 11 2.0 0.301 8/1/2011 HIGH 15 79.0 1.8976 8/16/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 17 1.7 0.2304 3/14/2012 LOW 22 1.7 0.2304 5/16/2012 LOW 17 33.0 1.5185 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 7.8 0.8921 8/29/2012 HIGH 18 2.0 0.301 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 4/16/2013 LOW 10 2.0 0.301 6/5/2013 LOW 18 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 12 1.7 0.2304 Station ID: 2 # Samples: # > 43 MPN: 30 2 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.5688 0.4511 F#>-260 MPN: (Median: 0 2 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 3.7050 14 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 22 2.0 0.301 11/12/2008 HIGH 24 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 25 2.0 0.301 2/11/2009 LOW 22 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 17 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 4.5 0.6532 10/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 15 7.8 0.8921 12/21/2009 HIGH 6 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 9 2.0 0.301 4/29/2010 HIGH 10 46.0 1.6628 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 2.0 0.301 8/17/2010 HIGH 16 17.0 1.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 15 2.0 0.301 10/20/2010 HIGH 12 7.8 0.8921 3/28/2011 HIGH 15 17.0 1.2304 6/6/2011 LOW 10 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 15 49.0 1.6902 8/16/2011 HIGH 17 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 18 1.7 0.2304 3/14/2012 LOW 20 4.5 0.6532 5/16/2012 LOW 19 7.8 0.8921 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 11.0 1.0414 8/29/2012 HIGH 18 7.8 0.8921 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 18 1.7 0.2304 4/16/2013 LOW 7 6.8 0.8325 6/5/2013 LOW 18 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 12 1.7 0.2304 41 G -2 Formatted Data Table Station ID: 3 Samples: 30 # > 43 MPN: 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.2328 0.0129 # > 260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 Geomean: 1.7092 jEstimated 90th: 1 0 1.7 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 2.1801 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 24 1.7 0.2304 11/12/2008 HIGH 26 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 17 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 12/21/2009 HIGH 12 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 6/9/2010 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 13 1.7 0.2304 3/28/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 6/6/2011 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/16/2011 HIGH 17 2.0 0.301 12/6/2011 HIGH 18 1.7 0.2304 3/14/2012 LOW 22 1.7 0.2304 5/16/2012 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 25 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/16/2013 LOW 14 1.7 0.2304 6/5/2013 LOW 18 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 11 1.7 0.2304 Station ID: 4 # Samples: # > 43 MPN: 30 1 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.3385 0.3645 F#>-260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 2.1801 6 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 11/12/2008 HIGH 26 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 17 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 17 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/21/2009 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 12 2.0 0.301 4/29/2010 HIGH 10 4.0 0.6021 6/9/2010 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 23.0 1.3617 3/28/2011 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 6/6/2011 LOW 14 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/16/2011 HIGH 17 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 18 1.7 0.2304 3/14/2012 LOW 25 1.7 0.2304 5/16/2012 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 16 79.0 1.8976 8/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 23 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 4/16/2013 LOW 13 1.7 0.2304 6/5/2013 LOW 18 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 11 1.7 0.2304 42 G -2 Formatted Data Table Station ID: 4A Samples: 30 # > 43 MPN: 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.3243 0.2151 # > 260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 Geomean: 2.1099 jEstimated 90th: 3 l Geomean: 90th: 2.9182 10 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 26 1.7 0.2304 11/12/2008 HIGH 26 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 25 2.0 0.301 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 17 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 17 2.0 0.301 10/5/2009 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 20 13.0 1.1139 12/21/2009 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 12 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 10 4.5 0.6532 6/9/2010 HIGH 9 7.8 0.8921 8/17/2010 HIGH 14 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/28/2011 HIGH 20 2.0 0.301 6/6/2011 LOW 14 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/16/2011 HIGH 16 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 18 2.0 0.301 3/14/2012 LOW 25 1.7 0.2304 5/16/2012 LOW 17 2.0 0.301 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/29/2012 HIGH 20 4.5 0.6532 11/29/2012 HIGH 23 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 23 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 21 2.0 0.301 4/16/2013 LOW 14 1.7 0.2304 6/5/2013 LOW 18 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 Station ID: 4B # Samples: # > 43 MPN: 30 1 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.4651 0.4304 F#>-260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 I�Estimated Geomean: 90th: 2.9182 10 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 25 4.0 0.6021 11/12/2008 HIGH 26 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 16 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 17 4.5 0.6532 10/5/2009 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 20 23.0 1.3617 12/21/2009 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 12 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 10 2.0 0.301 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 7.8 0.8921 8/17/2010 HIGH 14 2.0 0.301 9/14/2010 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/28/2011 HIGH 20 33.0 1.5185 6/6/2011 LOW 14 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 14 17.0 1.2304 8/16/2011 HIGH 16 2.0 0.301 12/6/2011 HIGH 18 4.5 0.6532 3/14/2012 LOW 25 1.7 0.2304 5/16/2012 LOW 19 4910 1.6902 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 8/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 24 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 4/16/2013 LOW 14 1.7 0.2304 6/5/2013 LOW 18 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 43 G -2 Formatted Data Table Station ID: 5 I# Samples: 30 # > 43 MPN: 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.2879 0.1915 # > 260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 Geomean: 1.9406 jEstimated 90th: 3 0 1.7 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 1.7656 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 25 2.0 0.301 11/12/2008 HIGH 26 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 16 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 17 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/21/2009 HIGH 9 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 4.0 0.6021 3/28/2011 HIGH 19 17.0 1.2304 6/6/2011 LOW 14 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 12 2.0 0.301 8/16/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 18 1.7 0.2304 3/14/2012 LOW 25 1.7 0.2304 5/16/2012 LOW 18 2.0 0.301 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 25 2.0 0.301 12/4/2012 LOW 24 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 4/16/2013 LOW 14 1.7 0.2304 6/5/2013 LOW 18 2.0 0.301 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 Station ID: 6 # Samples: # > 43 MPN: 30 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.2469 0.0778 F#>-260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 1.7656 2 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 11/12/2008 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 16 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 17 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/21/2009 HIGH 9 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 11 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 8 1.7 0.2304 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 14 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 15 2.0 0.301 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/28/2011 HIGH 18 1.7 0.2304 6/6/2011 LOW 13 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 12 4.5 0.6532 8/16/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 18 1.7 0.2304 3/14/2012 LOW 25 1.7 0.2304 5/16/2012 LOW 17 1.7 0.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 8/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 24 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 4/16/2013 LOW 14 1.7 0.2304 6/5/2013 LOW 18 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 44 G -2 Formatted Data Table Station ID: 7 I# Samples: 30 # > 43 MPN: 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.4382 0.3023 # > 260 MPN: (Median: 0 2 L_jEstimated90th: Geomean: 2.7431 6 1 2 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 4.8855 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 11/12/2008 HIGH 24 2.0 0.301 12/3/2008 HIGH 26 2.0 0.301 2/11/2009 LOW 21 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 16 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 17 4.5 0.6532 10/5/2009 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 20 11.0 1.0414 12/21/2009 HIGH 9 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 7 4.5 0.6532 4/29/2010 HIGH 8 4.5 0.6532 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 4.5 0.6532 8/17/2010 HIGH 14 2.0 0.301 9/14/2010 LOW 14 7.8 0.8921 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 2.0 0.301 3/28/2011 HIGH 15 13.0 1.1139 6/6/2011 LOW 13 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 11 2.0 0.301 8/16/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 20 2.0 0.301 3/14/2012 LOW 25 2.0 0.301 5/16/2012 LOW 17 11.0 1.0414 7/11/2012 HIGH 16 1.7 0.2304 8/29/2012 HIGH 20 2.0 0.301 11/29/2012 HIGH 23 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/16/2013 LOW 12 1.7 0.2304 6/5/2013 LOW 18 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 11.0 1.0414 Station ID: 7A # Samples: # > 43 MPN: 30 2 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.6889 0.6576 F#>-260 MPN: (Median: 1 2 Geomean: Estimated 90th: 4.8855 33 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 25 2.0 0.301 11/12/2008 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 25 2.0 0.301 2/11/2009 LOW 21 2.0 0.301 4/28/2009 HIGH 16 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 17 4.5 0.6532 10/5/2009 HIGH 21 2.0 0.301 11/24/2009 HIGH 17 49.0 1.6902 12/21/2009 HIGH 8 1.7 0.2304 3/8/2010 HIGH 6 2.0 0.301 4/29/2010 HIGH 8 6.8 0.8325 6/9/2010 HIGH 8 11.0 1.0414 8/17/2010 HIGH 14 17.0 1.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 14 23.0 1.3617 10/20/2010 HIGH 17 11.0 1.0414 3/28/2011 HIGH 15 1600.0 3.2041 6/6/2011 LOW 13 2.0 0.301 8/1/2011 HIGH 11 33.0 1.5185 8/16/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 20 4.5 0.6532 3/14/2012 LOW 25 1.7 0.2304 5/16/2012 LOW 17 22.0 1.3424 7/11/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 8/29/2012 HIGH 20 7.8 0.8921 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 2.0 0.301 1/28/2013 LOW 21 2.0 0.301 4/16/2013 LOW 12 1.7 0.2304 6/5/2013 LOW 18 4.5 0.6532 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 2.0 0.301 45 G -2 Formatted Data Table Station ID: 8 Samples: 30 # > 43 MPN: 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.6178 0.4450 # > 260 MPN: (Median: 0 2 Geomean: 4.1475 jEstimated 90th: 15 Geomean: 90th: 2.0168 4 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 23 2.0 0.301 11/12/2008 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 22 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 16 4.5 0.6532 8/5/2009 HIGH 17 13.0 1.1139 10/5/2009 HIGH 21 4.5 0.6532 11/24/2009 HIGH 15 23.0 1.3617 12/21/2009 HIGH 8 2.0 0.301 3/8/2010 HIGH 8 4.5 0.6532 4/29/2010 HIGH 8 7.8 0.8921 6/9/2010 HIGH 7 2.0 0.301 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 7.8 0.8921 9/14/2010 LOW 15 33:0 1.5185 10/20/2010 HIGH 17 2.0 0.301 3/28/2011 HIGH 15 13.0 1.1139 6/6/2011 LOW 12 4.0 0.6021 8/1/2011 HIGH 11 6.8 0.8325 8/16/2011 HIGH 15 22.0 1.3424 12/6/2011 HIGH 20 2.0 0.301 3/14/2012 LOW 25 1.7 0.2304 5/16/2012 LOW 17 23.0 1.3617 7/11/2012 HIGH 17 23.0 1.3617 8/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 2.0 0.301 1/28/2013 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/16/2013 LOW 12 1.7 0.2304 6/5/2013 LOW 18 2.0 0.301 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 Station ID: 9 # Samples: # > 43 MPN: 30 0 Log Avg: Log Std Dew 0.3047 0.2393 F#>-260 MPN: (Median: 0 1.7 I�Estimated Geomean: 90th: 2.0168 4 Date Tidal Stage Salinity FC Log FC 9/29/2008 HIGH 26 2.0 0.301 11/12/2008 HIGH 25 1.7 0.2304 12/3/2008 HIGH 24 1.7 0.2304 2/11/2009 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/28/2009 HIGH 16 1.7 0.2304 8/5/2009 HIGH 17 1.7 0.2304 10/5/2009 HIGH 21 1.7 0.2304 11/24/2009 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 12/21/2009 HIGH 11 4.5 0.6532 3/8/2010 HIGH 9 1.7 0.2304 4/29/2010 HIGH 8 1.7 0.2304 6/9/2010 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 8/17/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 9/14/2010 LOW 10 1.7 0.2304 10/20/2010 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 3/28/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 6/6/2011 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 8/1/2011 HIGH 11 6.8 0.8325 8/16/2011 HIGH 15 1.7 0.2304 12/6/2011 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 3/14/2012 LOW 25 1.7 0.2304 5/16/2012 LOW 15 1.7 0.2304 7/11/2012 HIGH 16 1.7 0.2304 8/29/2012 HIGH 17 23.0 1.3617 11/29/2012 HIGH 20 1.7 0.2304 12/4/2012 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 1/28/2013 LOW 20 1.7 0.2304 4/16/2013 LOW 14 1.7 0.2304 6/5/2013 LOW 18 1.7 0.2304 7/24/2013 HIGH 10 1.7 0.2304 46 G -1 Summary Data Table 12 Summary of sampling data through 7/24/2013. Shaded cells indicate stations in waters closed to shellfish harvest. Station ID: # Samples: Median: Geomean: Estimated 90th: 1 30 2 4.9306 33 3 30 4 5.5541 36 4 30 1.9 3.6379 16 5 30 2 3.4002 12 6 30 1.7 3.3610 14 7 30 1.7 2.7870 9 7A 30 2 3.2162 9 8 30 1.7 2.1307 4 9 30 1.7 1.8592 2 10 30 1.7 1.8337 2 11 30 1.7 2.1772 4 14 30 1.7 1.9567 3 15 30 1.7 2.0425 3 16 30 1.85 3.8624 14 17 30 1.85 3.7500 15 17A 30 2 3.5630 11 18 30 1.7 1.8338 2 18B 25 1.7 1.8908 2 19 30 1.7 1.7279 1 20 30 1.7 1.8814 2 47 G -2 Summary Data Table 13 Summary of sampling data through 7/24/2013. Shaded cells indicate stations in waters closed to shellfish harvest. Station ID: # Samples: Median: Geomean: Estimated 90th: 1 30 1.7 2.5410 7 1A 30 1.75 3.6898 15 1B 30 1.7 2.9924 11 2 30 2 3.7050 14 3 30 1.7 1.7092 1 4 30 1.7 2.1801 6 4A 30 1.7 2.1099 3 4B 30 1.7 2.9182 10 5 30 1.7 1.9406 3 6 30 1.7 1.7656 2 7 30 2 2.7431 6 7A 30 2 4.8855 33 8 30 2 4.1475 15 9 30 1.7 2.0168 4 48