HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140566 Ver 1_Denial Letter_20141223Burdette, Jennifer a From: Shaw, Denise <Mshaw @ncdoj.gov> Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 1:35 PM To: benne.hutson @gmail.com; stevewtedder @gmail.com; Reeder, Tom; Burdette, Jennifer a; Thomas, Lois; Higgins, Karen Cc: Hauser, Jennie; Shaw, Denise Subject: Petition for Variance Request by Ernest Floyd Foster d /b /a Foster's Seafood Attachments: 2014- 12- 23_1-tr from JH_EMC Major Variance for Foster Seafood.pdf; 2014 -12 -23 _EMC Major Variance Decision for Ernest Floyd Foster dba Foster Seafood.pdf Attached is an electronic copy of the Cover Letter and Decision Denying Major Variance which our office forwarded by US Mail today. Please let Jennie Hauser know if you have any difficulty opening the attachments. Thank you Emest Floyd Foster d/b/a Foster's Seafood 220 Loop Road Belhaven, NC 27810 ST 71 P.O. Box 629 RAix-.icii, NC 27602 December 23, 2014 Re: Final Decision Denying Variance Dear Mr. Foster: REPLYTO: JrNNIE Wmimm HAUSER FINVIRONMENTAL Dixisi ON TEL: (919) 716-6962 rAx: (919) 716-6767 jbauser @nMoj,gov Certified Maill Return Receipt Requested At its November 12, 2014 meeting, the Water Quality Committee of the Environmental Management Commission denied your request for a variance. Attached is a copy of the Final Agency Decision. If you do not agree with the terms of the variance as issued, you have the right to appeal the Commission's decision by filing a petition for judicial review in the appropriate Superior Court within thirty days after receiving the order pursuant to the procedure set forth in the North Carolina General Statutes § 15013-45, A copy of the judicial review petition must be served on the Commission's agent for service of process at the following address: John C. Evans, General Counsel Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 If you choose to file a petition for judicial review, I request that you also serve a copy of the petition for judicial review on me at the address listed in the letterhead. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Jennie Wilhelm Hauser Special Deputy Attorney General and Counsel for the Environmental Management Commission Ernest Floyd Foster M-M cc: w/ encl.: Benne C. Hudson, Chair of the Commission, electronically Steve Tedder, Chair of the WQC, electronically Tom Reeder, Director, DWR electronically Jennifer Burdette, Senior Environmental Specialist electronically Lois Thomas, recording secretary for Commission, electronically mfl�* ��# �10 IN THE MATTER OF: PETITION FOR VARIANCE FROM 15A NCAC 213.0259 TAR-PAMLICO RIVER RIPARIAN AREA PROTECTION RULES BY ERNEST FLOYD FOSTER, d/b/a FOSTER'S SEAFOOD BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION mugiziulmi - I k1r.11 I$) 11UL7.111,14 VVICLO 32 On May 11, 2000, the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission (Commission) delegated to the Commission's Water Quality Committee all decisions relating to requests for variances from the riparian buffer. This matter came before the Water Quality Committee at its meeting on November 12, 2014, in Raleigh, North Carolina upon Ernest Floyd Foster's d/b/a Foster's Seafood (the Applicant's) request, pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0259, for approval of a major variance from the Tar-Pamlico River Riparian Area Protection Rules to allow to be located within the riparian buffer two refrigerated tractor trailers for a commercial blue crab operation at 70 Captain Tom's Road in Washington, NC. The proposed development will impact 566 square feet of Zone I and 241 square feet of Zone 2 of the buffer. Based on the information provided by the Applicant, and despite acknowledging to the Committee that the Applicant did not meet the criterion of 15A NCAC 0214 .0259(9)(a)(i)(E), the Division of Water Resources (DWR) supported the request for a major variance. Jennifer Burdette, Senior Environmental Specialist, Buffer Permitting Unit of the Division of Water Resources, presented the request for a major variance to the Water Quality Committee. Mr. Foster did not appear. N Upon consideration of the record documents, the request and the staff recommendation, and based upon the Water Quality Committee's decision to deny the variance request, the Commission hereby makes the following: FINDING OF FACTS 1. The Applicant owns the property at 70 Captain Tom's Road between Washington and Belhaven, North Carolina which is located along Duck Creek, a tributary to Tar-Pamlico River (the Site). The Site is also located adjacent to a man-made canal. 1 The property was purchased June 1, 2012, which is after the effective date of the Tar-Pamlico Riparian Area Protection Rules. November 16, 0 Applicant obtained approval to construct a dockirs facility, bulkhead, and boardwalk at the property and to repair a boat ramp for a crab business. 4. On August 26, 2013, the Applicant requested a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) minor permit modification to extend the boardwalk, build a 7' x 42' loading deck perpendicular to the boardwalk, and locate two semi-trailers and loading deck in the buffer. DWR objected to issuance of the permit unless the trailers and loading deck were removed from the request. 5. The CAMA permit modification was approved on November 12, 2013, with the condition that the trailers and loading deck were not permitted with the modification. 6. The Division of Water Resources issued a Notice of Violation on May 9, 2014, when one semi-trailer and a 7x 36' loading deck were found within the buffer. 7. The Applicant has requested approval of a major variance from the Tar-Pamlico River Riparian Area Protection Rules pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0259 to allow the proposed Q structures on the Site. The request indicates that the Applicant will not be able to complete the expansion of his business without the variance. 8. In support of his variance request, the Applicant agreed to provide mitigation for the proposed impact by purchasing 2,060 Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) buffer credits, to maintain diffuse flow of storrawater from the trailers and a house proposed to be constructed on an existing footprint and, to increase stormwater infiltration, the Applicant has brought in topsoil and planted grass to enhance areas of the riparian buffer that were denuded by truck and trailer movement. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Environmental Management Commission makes the following, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I. The Site owned by Ernest Floyd Foster is subject to the Tar-Pamlico River Riparian Area Protection Rule, 15A NCAC 2B .0259. 2. The purpose of Rule 15A NCAC 2B .0259 is to protect and preserve existing riparian buffers and to maintain their nutrient removal functions in the entire Tar-Pamlico River Basin. 3, The Environmental Management Commission is authorized to issue a final decision granting the variance including riparian buffer mitigation conditions pursuant to a request under 15A NCAC 2B .0259 upon a finding that: (1) There are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships; (2) The variance is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the buffer protection and preserves its spirit; and (3) In granting the variance, the public safety and welfare have been assured, water quality has been protected and substantial justice has been done, 4 15A NCAC 2B .0259(9)(a). 4, The Commission determines the following: First Factor: There are not practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships that prevent compliance with the riparian buffer protection requirements. In its assessment of whether the Applicant made a showing of "practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships," the Commission considered the following factors. A. If the applicant complies with the provisions of this Rule, helshe can secure no reasonable return from, nor make reasonable use of, hislher property. Merely proving that the variance would permit a greater profit from the property shall not be considered adequate justification for a variance. Moreover, the Division or delegated local authority shall consider whether the variance is the minimum possible deviation from the terms of this Rule that shall make reasonable use qf the property possible. B. The hardship results from application of this Rule to the property rather than from other factors such as deed restrictions or other hardship, C. The hardship is due to the physical nature of the applicant's property, such as its size, shape, or topography, which is different from that of neighboring property, D. The applicant did not cause the hardship by knowingly or unknowingly violating this Rule. E The applicant did not purchase the property after the effective date of this Rule, and then request an appeal. F. The hardship is unique to the applicant's property, rather than the result of conditions that are widespread. rother properties are equally subject to the hardship created in the restriction, then granting a variance would be a special privilege denied to others, and would not promote equal justice. I SA NCAC 02B .0259(9)(a)(i), The Commission determines that the Applicant has not made the required showing that there are "Practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships" preventing compliance with the riparian buffer protection requirements, Specifically, A. The applicant can make reasonable use of the property without an expansion of structures that would impact the protected riparian buffer. Mr. Foster's request contends operation of a blue crab business on the property requires refrigerated trailers and decking located adjacent to the existing docks and boardwalk to grade and store crabs and to roll pallets of crab baskets to refrigerated trucks for shipping. Accepting this as true, Mr. Foster's request does not establish that the structures could not be located elsewhere on the property. B. The hardship results from the application of this rule rather than from other factors. Application of the buffer rule does not prevent Mr. Foster from locating the refrigerated trailers elsewhere on the property to allow operation of the seafood business. C. The hardship is not due to the physical nature of the applicant's property. Although a portion of the property is located within the buffer, there is a large area of the property located outside of the buffer that could be used for the structures. D. The applicant violated the Tar-Pamlico River Buffer Rule by locating the trailers in the riparian buffer prior to obtaining a major variance. E. The applicant purchased the property on June 1, 2012, which is after the effective date of this Rule. F. The hardship regarding location of structures is not unique to the applicant's property, even though use of these structures is proposed to be part of the operation of this blue crab seafood business. Second Factor: The variance is not in harmony with the general purpose and intent Of the State's riparian buffer protection requirements and preserves its spirit. The Commission determines that the Applicant has not demonstrated he meets the second factor required under 15A NCAC 02B .0259(9)(a)(ii). Specifically, the purpose of the riparian buffer rules is to protect existing riparian buffer areas. Allowing the proposed development by granting the request for a major variance would not be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the riparian buffer protection rules and does not preserve their spirit. Third Factor: The variance would not assure the public welfare, protect water quality, and ensure substantial justice has been done. The Commission determines that the Applicant has not demonstrated he meets the third factor required under 15A NCAC 02B .0259. Specifically, the Applicant purchased his property along Duck Creek, a tributary to Tar-Pamlico River, approximately twelve years after the effective date of the "liar- Pamlico River Riparian Area Protection Rules, and the Applicant should M have been aware of the limitations those rules placed on activities within the riparian buffer of the Site at the time of his purchase of the property and certainly through the CAMA permitting process, in which his request to locate the trailers and loading dock were objected to by DWR and were not allowed under the modified CAMA permit. Moreover, the Applicant located these structures within the riparian buffer despite being denied a CAMA permit for the construction and without seeking a variance to the Tar-Pamlico River Riparian Area Protection Rules prior to constructing the structures. The Applicant only requested a variance after being issued a Notice of Violation by DWR for violation of these rules, Under these circumstances, the Applicant has failed to establish that a variance for his construction would assure the public welfare and protect water quality as it is protected by strict application of the Tar-Pamlico River Riparian Area Protection Rules, and the Applicant has failed to establish that allowing placement of these trailers within the riparian buffer would provide substantial justice when other property owners have been required to comply with these rules, including participating in the administrative process to obtain a variance from this Commission prior to undertaking an activity that would violate the buffer rules. Based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth above, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the request for the variance is DENIED, This is the 23rd day of December 2014. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Benne C. Hutson, Chairman This is to certify that I have this day served the foregoing Decision Denying Major Variance upon the Applicant and the Division of Water Resources in the manner described Ernest Floyd Foster d/b/a Foster's Seafood 220 Loop Road Belhaven, NC 27810 Jennifer A. Burdette 401 /Buffer Coordinator 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Karen Higgins, Supervisor Division of Water Resources 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1650 This is the 23'd day of December 2014. Certified Maill Return Receipt Requested E-mail: Jennifer.Burdette ac ,ncdenr.gov E-mail: Karen.Hi "insrZ)ncdenr-Lov ROY COOPER Attorney General Wilhelm 14211, .e i -. n ��'i 'r Jennie Wilhelm Hauser Special Deputy Attorney General P. O. Box 629 Raleigh, N. C. 27602