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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0002927_Monitoring - 10-2022_20221107Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number #* Name of Facility:* Month: * October Report Information WQ0002927 Domtar Paper Company, LLC- Bonsai Chip Mill Year:* 2022 Type* Upload Document* NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR 10.22 BCM NDMR.pdf 1.45MB PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). Confirmation Email Address:* Name of Submitter: * John T Cecil Signature: 97-nAzK Date of submittal: 11/7/2022 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review Reviewer: Gerald, Wanda Is the project number correct?* WQ0002927 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Raleigh Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 11/10/2022 NON DISCHARGE PERMIT NUMBER: W Q,0002 -'­­ — --- - - - ------- - FACILITY NAME: rP Domta.9 fl2!Il4�enjtqqaaP¢intEffluent: L"', Parameter Monitoring Poirw Eff luent: Was Eff IiWfit 1,3� �Thls'i;io —thGiTn;i7atd--'-­­' ------there---- iFK -F� 50050 00400 ' 9 2 ' 7 InfluenC I At 50060 WASTEWATER LL.C. nI . his Facilit 00310 1 -1 . ..... . ... ... 60610 MONITORING Surface 7=53a REPORT MO,NTH� October . ..... Water (SW): F� 0: -767 5 -, COUNTY: SW CodelName: -0062-0 YEAR�: 665 .......... page, _L__ 20,22 Wake of -5 Operator D Arrivap IDaily Rate A 'Mime aperatm ORC.", (Flovvirto Fecal T 2400 TIM0 On 0111 TrPaftnont E Clock ResiduaN F300-5 Phosph Site S489 System pH chloghle . ..... 20ilc NH3- TKN NO3 orous HR!S YIN GALLONS UNIT —48 UG1 MAL MGiL MGIL 1100�MIL. ...... 'L . ..... MGA.. 7- . ... . ...... 40 - ----- . . . ........ 27 . . ....... - . . ....... . . 6 27 . ....... — — - - ------ . . . ......... 7 27 8 27 27 . ......... . ... . ......... . .......... . .. . . ..... 10 1310 033 Y 27 6,64 . ........ . 0 5 1 11 34 . . . ...... . ... . . .... . ...... . . . -1?-- 34 — - ---- 13 34 14 --.34 16 34 . . . . .... ....... . ......... ... . ............. . 17 11,45 0 33 Y 34 6.67 &56 ......... . . . . . . . ........ . . ..... ........ ... . . . ........ 19 3,1 ... . . ..... . _L — --"rr ...... . ....... - 01 31 21 3 1 .......... . . 22 31 . . . . . ............ . ....... . . ............. . . 23 31 . ..... 24 1215 05 y -- 1� 3 1 661 047 25 1 27 26 27 . ....... 27 27 . . . . . ..... . . .... . .......... .... . . ....... 28 27 1 27 . .... 30 27 31 11:05 . . . ........... Average .-70-74194 0 478 ##### -)FN—UM1 -W#—### -�—DIWOI -FiR#—# C)aMly MaXiM Um 40 &67 056 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Daily MEinimilm 27 6�39 's) 0.39 0 Q 0 0 0 I y an NA NA NA NA NA NA . -"R N 1 Composite (C) I Grab (GD G G --, G — . - G G Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC): Randall JarreH Grade: W /,Sl Phone: 9119rr2'10-2500 Check Box if ORC Has Changed: 111] ORC Certificatlon Number: - - ------- - 79 " 37/'23925 Certified Laboratories (1): Wastater ew ment, L L C . E Perso,n(s) Collecting Samplim Randall Jarrell . ...... . -NCO . --... . . ...... Mail ORIGINAL and TWO CO 1PIES to� A7TM,. M*A-1s-chr2rge Q*,ffqjja6ce yh-It DENR Division of Water QUality 1617 Mail Service center XALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 DENR FORM NDMR--1 �512003) Page_, of —1. all rit* it*;;ring_Ad-? Compillant (Y,N) F y If the facility is ra r cam giar t, please exptaln in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance with its permit, Provide in your explanation the date(s,) of the non-colmpdiance and describe the correcfive action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. 1 certify, Under penalty of taw, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qUalifted personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. B: ased on nay inqUiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information Submitted is, to the best of illy knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. i am aware that there are significant penalties for Submitting false informatlon, including the possibility of fines and irnprisonment for knowing violations."" John Cecil . . . ....... . ... . . e 'C� (Si attire f ermiftee)* Date f signing of print or type) 4a 6r!lz Dorritar Pap "( i:— .44....M gR!Lipanyj�LC mitf _t� ease print or type) 7634 Old US . .......... . New Hill, NC 2756 FP2 _"­_"___""""""_"­' . ......... e rmiittee Address) Parameter Codes: District Forester (Position or Title), ..... ....... . . 7/31/2028 (Plhione Number) (Permit Exp. Date) Parairnele, Gode assistance rnay be cbtaBried bey cafling thie Water QUakty Gotr)pli,��tice/Ei-uforce�,rroent Unit t (919) 733.r5083 ext. 529. The monthly average for Fecal Colllform is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean. Use!2rijy g�,Lin tto re jrt fl(Ir faciky'��_pegpit for orti * If signed by other thain the permittee, delegati�oin of signatory authoritv must h, n* 1. . I VLLn;= DENR FORM NE)MIR- 11 (5t20013) NON -DISC HAR GEAPPLIC,DTI ON REPORT Page of SPRAY IRRIGATION &TE(S) THERE ARE TWO APPLICATION FIELDS PER PAGE USE ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NEEDED, PERMIT NUMBER: W00002'927 MONTH� Octobei YEAR: 2022 FACILITY NAME Dornite�,r P.i�±!, Cci,21�° _.L L...0 COUNTY: VVake Fcirmufas� . . ..... Daly Loading Onches)k7icrerlr�,�r�(I,,)m�7CUriPrewr'awrr / Ama SprQyej (acieo x 43,560 square :ee[/ai,,i(,,)) OR Volume Appli,ea Lrea!,,ipraye,,i (acle s) x 27 152 igallon s/acr­noi)) Max:ilmum Hourl'V Loading (III Daly Loa"Pric (jIIVma)/[[jj,ne Ii riilaleiI 0ninute%/ 60 ImiiII,aw;/fni1r)] Mcm Oily Load iilg (I nc hesq 12! Mmilli Floating rotai Iifg,aresl SIM) Of V115 1110f)[11 5 WillIfly k ondin imvirn aP 4 - 13 `,`I a' I n I1FOWIQ,A 1 l `7710MI'l & fA oil I I lIy Linadii 1p ([I iuMies,� Average, Weekly Load I nig (i nchas) P4011thy Loaclirg (inches/uwlthJ / Idurnosr of days ur Q,Q4 pjcr,Iqh IrMgral-101"Iff')l 17 (dayslwweek) 7 A 0 n 0 " F I' his Facility", c r A, I'his F ac "y Did Did Irrigation occur On This FielcL Did In,igation Occ:ur On This FiOdr Nw ym 7m7 1 No: i Ym No: tYes: FIELC NUMBER FELDNUMBER AREA SPRAYLC _Iarrt!), AREA, SPRAYE 2 4 2 pi-acr" COVER CROP� G rass, R-e, Ff-,Scue COVER CROP - WEATHER PERMITTED HOUR .. ��UV��IE (Iinches)� ­ ­-­ . .... ...... ­ ­ . . .. 025 PERiFTEIS OURLY RATE (inches)Ll ! �O I r CoINDI riONS 19 Storage ERMITTIED YEARLY . ......... . ...... ... . . ..... 25 PERMITTED, YEARLY A T Lad"'" Was the remper. Lagoon Code" atur"'al Pireripita. Free- Voltuu Volume Tione 7z ..... Maximum I Maximurn Houdy Volume Time E aplyfication fion board b J�.d A A _ppI_ I Irrd ated Daily Hourly es feet se gailous ua galloris mlirli0es imhos I I Cr, h o'S 40 U 00 007 2 3 000 0.07--- . ..... 3 54 S 40 3 ____ ..... ..... 0010 __ 01- 4 27 2 .... . . ...... . - - ­­ - - . ........ . . 27 C.0. CV0017 6 2'7 000 _­_ . ..... . 0 Jf7 7 7 2- 7 2' 000 0,07 ---- .. ......... 2' 0010 0107 . ..... ...... ..... . ...... PC 6 8 2 7 27 2 ....... .... 0T_ __0 . . .... . . ....... -i-O . ......... . . ........ . .. . ....... 2 0 00 0. C) 7 . . . . . . ........ . ......... 34 2 000 0 09 13 . . . .... . . ...... 34 14 34 0010 . ....... . ..... 0,09 15 34 2 0001 . .... . . �-T)T- 16 . . . . ........ 2 .. . . 0.00, ......... ___ . .... . ...... . . . . . ........ . . 009 C- - ­­­ . . ..... . - 1 2 0 00 . ..... . .. 0019 — . .... .. 19 . ................. ­­-�--„,Irr­­ 'ay2' 0,00 0�08 20 ......L1.P 0� 08 21 31 2 . ..... 0 00, . ..... OrO8 _L2 31'08 ... ............ . . . ..... .... ........... 311 2CSC . .. ....... - — — - ------ - 0 018 24 C L 6 7 3 0010 . . ..... . . Cl o p, 25 7 2' 01010 26 —.7 2 7 . 0,00 . ...... . . . .... ............. 0.07 27 - -- - ------- 1 2 2 0,00 007 28 . ...... 27 5­� . ......... . . - ........... 01 00 ... . . ....... 007 29� 27 . _­...__,_­­ 2 _ . ..... . . . ......... 000 . . 0 07 30 27 2' _00(T - - ­­- -- -0 07 311 7 000 . . . ....... if 007 Total GallonslMonthly Loading (inches) ­_.______._ . ...... 953 0.08 01 12 Month Floating Total (hiches) . ...... 1 15, 0.00, 1 Average Weekly Loading (Iinches) 0.0188573 Weather Grades: C-clear, PC -partly sliokpaY, CI-CIOUdy, R-Taiin, gn-snow, S1-sleet Spray Irrigation Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC):­ Randail Jarred Phone: 9119-2101-2500 ORC Certification Nulrnber:! 7937 123925 ---.--...Check Box if ORC Has Chanigedo Mail ORIGINAL. and TWO COPIES to: ATTN. Non-Diischarge Compliance DENR Unit Divisionof Water Quality (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR I ESP,ONSIBLE CHARGE) 1617 Mail Service Center BY THUS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT 18 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE RALEIGH, NC 27699.1617 TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, DENR FORIA NDAR- 1 (512003) NON-DlSCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT PagL of SPRAY IRRIGATION SITE(S) FjoLtya�.tatU: Please indicate C by inserting Y(es) or N(o) iin the appropriate box ) whether the fackity has been LqmplLant with the fcHowing permit reqLJrier-nents: (Note. ofa requirenwrit does not apipty to yr)�rjr, ficqity pi��f (NA) in, the cornphaw box, I 1. The application rate(s) did not exceed the limit(s) speckfied in the permit, Corn hant(y,N) 2. Adequiate measures were taken tcs prevent wastewater runoff from the sitei I A suitable vegetative cover was maintained on the site(s) in accordance with the perrhjt. 4. All buffer zones as, specified in the permit were maintained during each application, 5. The freeboard in the treatment andlor storage lagoon(s) was not Ness' than the firnit(s) specified in the permit. If the facility is man Sornpfikrj!, please explarn irni the space bii the reason(s) the facility was not In cornfolkance wiith its pernut Provide In YOUr expWiation the date(s) of the non-cornpiliance and describe the corrective actions) taken Attach additional sheets if necessary, "'I certify, Under penalty of taw, that thus dOCUnient and 01I attachff'rents were jareparpd Under my direction or supervision 'ln accordance with a system designed to assure that ali quaRied personnel properly gathered and evaWated the infornialJon submitted Based on my inqUiry O�f the person w persons whin manage the system, or those persons duectly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted Is, to the best of my knowUedge and beBief, true aCCLirate, and coniiptlete I arn aware that there are significant penalties for Submitting false Information, including the pcissuUity of fines and imprisonment far knowing violations." TPe e-Please print or type) 7634 Old U S, t�qfiwa -6�� m�LJIL�,_.NC 27562 erhrhft�ii . . ...... . . �Le Address) (Narne of SigniIng Oficial-Pleas,e print or type) ()isrrict Foresirpir (Position or Title) ZL?'efi 7 (Phione Number) (Permit Exp, Date) * If siigned by other than the permittee, dMegation of Sitillatory authority (Mst be On Me with the state per 15A NCAC 2B4O506, (b)(�2)(D), DENR FORM NDAR-11 (5120013y 21 -Aug 01 1 09 21 -Sep 013 1,15 21 -Oct 0,09 1.15 2 1 -Nov 008 112 21 -Dec 006 1,09 22-Jan 008 1 08 22-Feb 0.06 1,0 22-Mar 007 1,03 22-Apr- 0.1 1.33 22-May 0,26, 1.1 22-Jun O.08 1.18 22-JW 008 1,19 22-Aug 007 1.16 22-Sep 0A 3 116 22-Oct 008 1 15