HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-09983_Well Construction - GW1_20221104 51 WELL JONSTRUCTION REC01tD(GEM-1). For • •• rittelnalUse Only , 1.Well Contractor Information: _ f Js�f1 :11MATER?.ONEV wwt'"3I`INTSINfil M4 IP'SRXI��ifa1-�V ��^�f �•.L' 1.....•y''�6?•.tir.`t"'�r�•:l.�,f�.r•':�i'tY.�. —"r1• ?T FRObITO t DESCRiPfIMi - WeILContractorName r NC WellContraetorCeKit'icatioaNumber . ;q$fpurmQASDIG fosmalficas`edfreli9 ZII�iER fs"'limble .LriC:rr";'pit ?O DIAMETER TrnCBHFSS• iVIATERiAL 1�/ ,�i4�r �,� r O 5 , Y�7.G � . � •i•ik, " �it: .;In. Z CompaayName. r16.�IIOIER'CASIIYG OR.r17iBIIQG'euttieimal eimeid=lo'o'?yYG?.;s7.i: P„��prt�,eco:�`: . 2.Well Construction PermitM z d O I''3 �C) a �o}z TO. Dv►n�rER TznclaMss nmTERr v. Ustall appGc bla ird l consducdan permits(Le.Ula Coanty,Stat4 lrarlance;eto.) ft: I,to: 3.Well Use(checkwell use):,: fa tn. WaterSupply WeIIe 317.•SCREEDI3tc.AS S+ ?'fui+-AmAgi;h".!?+nlimey FROM To I DIA11WM, SLOMME TMCIMMMN MATERIAL. Agdculturai nMunicipaMblic 0 to fa is Geothemtal(Heating(Cooling Supply) OResidentiol Water Supply(single) f lndustrial/Commercial Residential WaterSupply(shated) ��{GRour.rlt!!!',>% d • 33{'"� � o rr i ?,F.,23u�' a r.t'� � v �fi� ,+�i"ir3'n;�.,.t`..•i atiGA� M O 1 MATERIAL• &AMOwn Non-wa Supply well: Monitoring Mftcoveiy Igleetioa ell:, AquiferItecherge 13GroundwaterRemediation. arfei to eandReCOve Irt9aSANDlGRAVEiJPAl;1t?Ira`"]Imble Tex tst .;,a,I���;n: /Xa1g.ia- TKu�;} Aq $�`` rag ry OSaiwayBamer FROM• TO MATERIAL EMFLACEa@ITMEMOD AqulferTest' 13StomtwaterDminage ft ft ExpedmentaMebuology r3SubsidenceControl fffi ft Geptheffn4(Closed Loop) OTlacer `320.'DRILLING LOG attachsddt6Snn13beets"t[iieewa .re:L4 3 3a1t�aarli : Geothemaal(Heating/CoolingRetum) Other( Wmundor621Rematks) mom To DESeR>ertOH eomtinnnta :owmrx - ei� fa l 1 4.Date Well(s)Completed:_S,-Iei'Z7—WeIIID# f` & I. P6 5a.Wzltlpcation: XName _ FacW'tyID#(ifappl[eable) ,. :.fa rS:d'.2:!/iF/I l'.:��17r�' l.',��l r,1.4�Jl•L/ t� C'�z v t! j p6ysteatAddnss ft andzip 2 Fw 3 1 e, •-�?7f. _�;.5 t � r, z N Comfy Y=clIdeatifieationNo.(P� ' `- a V 6b.Latituac and lougitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifwel[field,ose}at/long issuffieient) 2L Certittcation: MCI 0 ' � c f - 5iv`�5frs.`:5'3 ` �S, f'G�S' w rj i� /' I ,�r^c ' �3 .In4o;nZ�tiie Z.i 6 are eweD s ehnanent• or em ra SignatmeofC eUCodtractor Date ' , I By s(girbtg tbts.fornq I hereb}e certify thae rbd Ivell(s)•Ivor(rvere,�eonsducfdd G,aeegrdartce 7.istbfss n*pofrtoanexbfingivali. MYes or 13No Ivllhi$A? .fCO2CAlgga;-MdNCRC,O2CA10 WellCow&&WonSfmdgrdsandlbato ljthlefsarepafrfrftonelarmvnweUeonsoucttonfirformoNonaad.orplolnthenalrrnojthe aalYofthtsrrdoxllratbeenpAovtdedtothervellmarrer. repaG•trrtde{#2l remarlfaseetion oronthebaekofth[sform. •• ',,' • ; I 23.Site,diagramor additioaaiwell details: 8.For Gebpra'hdDPT er Closed-Loop Geothemud Wells having the same You-may use the back of".page to provide additional well•site details or welt construcdpa,oalylGW-lisueeded.lndicateTOTALNUMBBRofwells ���ctioadetaiLa.YoumayalsoattachaddMonalpagesifnccessary. drilled: � $UBMITTALINSTRIIG'CIONS ' 9.Totalwelldepthbelowlandsurface. (,C C• (ft•) 24a.For All Welts:' Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well Foramlt/plewe(lsJlstalldepthstJ'd{Bennt(rxampld3QT00•aad1Q10a0 eplbIctlontothefollowing: I• • 10.Stati�water level below top of easing•. (fw) •Dlvisfon of WateitResl uices,Informatiou PraceWmg Unit, tjwaterrevlllfsobovaearra&aim �. � • "•'i617MailSecvIce,Ceafer,Ralefp�yNC2T6991617. 11:Borehole diameter. 24L For Infectidn.Weliai In addition to sending fife form to the address in 24a 12.we11'oonstructionmetliad: i-e A I. abov%Also submit one:copk of this fad within-30 days,of cozo lUtion•of well construction to the following: i rEc.auger mtary cable,dhdpusb,etc.) i Division of WaterRQsources;Underground Infection ControlProgcai% FOR V IMR SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636MaUSenice Cmter,Ralelgb,NE 27699=1636: 13a.Yield(gpm) {y 'Method of test:, J.7"4 ?Aa For Water.Supply&Infection Well Ia addition to sending the form to the address(es) above,also submit.one*copy bf this fd m within 30,days of 13b.DIs' fection type: ' i ' Amount: `� e7 'z S. completion of weU construction to Om county health department of the county whomccnstructed. FarmGW-1 nodhCamlinaDepaltmentofEavim mmtalQoaltV-DIvisionoEWaWRescisce ltevlsec��22-Z1116